February 2019 Charolais Banner

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Charolais Banner • February 2019


February 2019 VOL. 53, NO. 1 124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Ph. (306) 584-7937 • Fax (306) 546-3942 Home Page: http://www.charolaisbanner.com email: charolaisbanner@gmail.com ISSN 0824-1767 Helge By, Manager/Publisher

Features Sales in Brief ............................................................................10 Alberta Select ..........................................................................18 Steppler Farms A Piece of the Program Female Sale ............20 Char Maine Ranching Bull Sale ..............................................22 No Borders Select Sale ............................................................25 B.O.S.S. Report ........................................................................36 Alberta Charolais Association AGM ......................................40 CCYA 2018 Essay Winners ......................................................41 Female Sale Summary ............................................................44

Departments From the Field............................................................................6 Dans nos champs ......................................................................8 Canadian Beef Breeds Council Report ..................................10 Canadian Charolais Association..............................................12 De l’Association de Charolais Canadien ................................14 Herd Health ............................................................................24 Charolais Life ..........................................................................26

Candace By, Managing Editor charolaisbanner@gmail.com Cell 306-536-3374 @ByCandace Susan Penner, Production/Design charolais.susan@sasktel.net Dalyse Robertson, Web Design Box 2458, Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0 Ph/Fax (204) 476-8856 pdmrobertson@gmail.com FIELDMEN: Alberta & British Columbia Craig Scott 14 Keown Close, Olds, AB T4H 0E7 Res. (403) 507-2258 • Fax (403) 507-2268 Cell (403) 651-9441 sbanner@telusplanet.net @craigscott222 Saskatchewan, Manitoba, USA & Eastern Canada Helge By 124 Shannon Rd., Regina, SK S4S 5B1 (306) 584-7937 • Fax (306) 546-3942 Cell (306) 536-4261 charolaisbanner@gmail.com @CharolaisBanner Jon Wright Cell (306) 807-8424 charoaisbanner2@gmail.com

Profile – Balamore Farms ........................................................29


Canadian Charolais Youth Association News ........................41

All Rates Are Listed In Canadian Funds

Magazine Rates and Deadlines ..............................................54

Canada (Canadian prices include 5% GST) 1 yr. - $52.50 3 yrs. - $136.50

Calendar of Events ..................................................................55 Index of Advertisers ................................................................58

Payable by credit card at www.charolaisbanner.com

USA 1 yr. - $80, 1st class (2 week delivery) - $140 3 yrs. - $215, 1st class (2 week deliver) - $395 Overseas 1 yr. - $85, 1st class (2 week delivery)- $150 3 yrs. - $225, 1st class (2 week delivery)- $420 Animals in the photographs in the Banner have not been altered by computer enhancement or mechanical methods according to the knowledge of the publisher.

On the cover… are B.O.S.S. Show Bull and Female of the Year. See the BOSS report on page 36.

The material produced in this publication is done so with the highest integrity, however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. We are responsible for only the value of the advertisement. Charolais Banner (ISSN 0824-1767) is published 5 times per year (February, May, Aug, Oct and December) by Charolais Banner Inc., Regina, SK. Postage paid at Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Printed by: Western Litho Printers Ltd. Publication No. 40047726 Registration No. 9810

Photos: Show Champions Design: Susan Penner


Return undeliverable addresses (covers only) to: Charolais Banner 124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Canada charolaisbanner@gmail.com

Charolais Banner • February 2019

Charolais Banner • February 2019



From the Field Helge By

As I write this, I am sitting in a motel room in southern Manitoba. It is -27 degrees with a 20 km/hr wind, making it feel like -38. I hope the wind will continue to drop so it will be nicer picturing bulls today. It is January and it is Canada, so you have to expect days like this. The facilities that are required to calve, keep them alive and keep the ears on them can be strained when there is a prolonged cold snap. The barns can’t get cleaned out of newborns fast enough to make room for the next ones calving. I sat in some sessions last week at the Saskatchewan Beef Industry Conference and there was some great information. Dr. Matt Spangler, University of Nebraska, spoke on Using Genomics to Improve Cattle: Now and in the Future. With a large contingent of commercial producers at this event, it was a very easy to understand, but thought-provoking lesson using Genomics in the cattle industry. One question from the audience was ‘could genomics be used to make an EPD for foot structure?’ Like any other genomic information, you need the phenotypical data to go along with the genotypic data. If everyone had a similar scoring system and input consistent data, then yes, markers could be found for this. Very hypothetical at this point, but none the less, has producers thinking. Following him was Nathan Spickler, Spickler Ranch South, Glenfield, North Dakota. He is a purebred Angus breeder and his topic was Genomics at Work on the Ranch. He has been using genomics along with his EPDs for a number of years. He gave some great examples of how incorporating the genomic data, which shows the animals EPD as if there is are number of progeny on the ground has helped. One young bull he thought was great with great 6

numbers came back with a higher than expected BW EPD after the genomic testing. This took the bull out of the purebred breeder category and he kept and used the bull. What he found was the actual BW EPD of the bull was even higher than the GEPD showed. It proved to him that with high accuracy genomic EPD, they can really be a useful tool in your operation. He does all his heifers as well and does some culling with it, but more so uses the information to know how he should mate those females to the best advantage in their offspring. He still stressed that you need to select your replacement heifers using cow family information, structure and all the other tools, not just the GEPD. Dr. Sylvain Charlebois from Dalhousie University; “The rise of the conscious carnivore? The good, the bad and the awfully ugly.” His talk focused on the new food guide that was recently released and how animal protein producers need to find ways to work with other food groups to promote the consumption and overcome the negative tone towards meat. For example team up with pulse producers and push recipes that include both pulse and meat for a more nutritional meal such as chili or burritos, etc. He was a very knowledgeable speaker on the food trends in Canada and around the world. I was visiting with a beef producer friend in Norway who sits on the national all breeds board and they are in the same struggle to overcome the negative thoughts about meat and how it hurts the environment and the push to vegetarianism by so many. We really live in a global community now and there are many pushing that direction. The final speaker was Timothy Caulfied, author, professor and realist: When Celebrity Culture and Science Collide. If you have Netflix you can find some of his talks there or on YouTube. Well worth the viewing of Charolais Banner • February 2019

how celebrities are beating out science in the food debate. In this issue you will find the Female sale chart from last fall ,which ended up stronger than expected in many people’s eyes with the feed shortage in areas. It shows the strength of the breed’s bull sales as the interest for the spring is definitely strong. There were some new breeders buying last fall and many expanding their herd size or just adding quality to the top of their existing program. In any case, the market was very buoyant. On the cover and at the back of this issue, you will also find the Banner of Show Sires (B0SS) tabulations and which animals and sires ranked at the top of the BOSS shows. As there is no EPD for eye appeal or structural soundness, the show ring still has a place as one more tool in the selection process. As the old saying goes “I like performance cattle, but I still want to be able to look at them with pleasure when I feed them every day.” You will also read that Mel Reekie, General Manager of the Canadian Charolais Association is leaving and moving back to Ontario to pursue new opportunities. Her last day will be February 8th and we wish her all the best in her future endeavors. In June, the CCA AGM will be held in the Maritimes. See the ad in this issue, registration information will also be posted on our website. This August the Irish Charolais Society is hosting the Charolais-Charbray Technical Conference and it looks like a great program. There is an ad in this issue or go to the Charolais International website to get full details. If you have ever thought about going to Ireland, this may be a great opportunity, and all are welcome. Until next time, Helge

Charolais Banner • February 2019



Dans nos champs Helge By

J’écris ces quelques lignes de ma chambre d’hôtel au sud du Manitoba. Dehors, le thermomètre indique -27 degrés celsius avec un facteur vent de 20 km/h qui refroidi le tout pour une température ressentie de -38 degrés celsius. J’espère que le vent se calmera car ce serait plus plaisant pour moi qui photographie les taureaux pour les catalogues de ventes. Nous sommes en janvier et au Canada, donc ce n’est pas une surprise. Les installations nécessaires pour s’assurer que les vêlages se portent bien et que les veaux gardent leurs oreilles sont mises à l’épreuve lors d’une vague de grand froid. La plupart des étables n’ont pas le temps de se faire nettoyer que le prochain lot de veaux arrive. J’ai participé à séance d’information, la semaine passée, lors de la conférence de l’industrie du boeuf en Saskatchewan. Le Dr. Matt Spangler nous a fait part de l’évolution des profils génomiques et l’utilisation future de ceux-ci pour améliorer nos troupeaux. Avec un contingent de plusieurs producteurs commerciaux, la conférence fut très facile à comprendre et a su susciter une réflexion sur la manière que ces données pourraient être utilisées dans notre industrie. Une des questions d’un participant était: ‘Peux-t’on se servir des EPD génomiques pour améliorer la conformation des pieds?” Comme toute autre information génomique, nous avons besoins des données phénotypiques pour accompagner les données génotypiques. Nous souhaitons que toutes les données soient rassemblées de la même façon, créant une feuille de pointage consistante et ainsi, les marqueurs génétiques pourraient être décodés. C’est un scénario hypothétique qui a su faire réfléchir les producteurs. Le conférencier suivant était Nathan Spickler du ranch Spickler sud, de Glenfield au Dakota du Nord. Nathan

est un éleveur d’Angus pur-sang et le nom de sa conférence s’intitulait: ‘La génomique au travail sur notre ranch’. Il se sert des données génomiques accompagné des ses indices EPD depuis plusieurs années et il nous a fait part de la manière dont il les utilisent. Les choses sont beaucoup plus facile quand on a beaucoup de progénitures autour pour comparer. Parmi son troupeau, il a avait un jeune taureau qui promettait lorsqu’on regardait son EPD régulier. Après l’analyse des données génomiques, son indice de poids à la naissance était plus haut que celui son son EPD régulier. Il a quand même garder ce taureau mais pas dans le champs avec les vaches pur-sang. Si on avance de plusieurs mois pour enfin se rendre compte que les données de ce taureau étaient encore plus élevées que le GEPD (EPD avec indice génomique) l’avait prédit. Pour Nathan, ceci l’a convaincu de l’exactitude des GEPD et comment ces données peuvent vraiment aider vos entreprises. Il se sert aussi des ces données pour trier ses génisses et aussi maximiser la possibilité des progénitures en choisissant le bon taureau pour chacune d’elles. Il souligne aussi l’importance de porter attention au lignées familiales, la conformation et tout autre outil disponible, pas seulement les données GEPD. Le Dr. Sylvain Charlebois de l’université Dalhousie nous a présenté sa conférence: ‘La hausse des carnivore sensibles? Le bon, moins bon et le vachement laid’. Cette présentation ciblait le tout nouveau guide alimentaire et comment les producteurs de protéines animales et les autres groupes doivent promouvoir la consommation de protéines animales et surmonter les idéologies négatives envers la viande. Par example, développer des recettes avec des producteurs légumineuses qui incluent les deux éléments pour un repas encore plus nutritif comme du chili ou des burritos. M. Charlebois

était très bien informés sur les tendances alimentaires au Canada et dans le reste du monde. Lors d’une visite avec un ami qui est producteur en Norvège, aussi membre d’un comité bovin national regroupant toutes les races, il m’a fait part de la nouvelle négativité entourant la consommation de viande et comment cette tendance endommage l’environnement si le végétarisme continu d’être poussé dans cette direction. Notre dernier conférencier était l’auteur, professeur et réaliste Timothy Caulfied avec sa présentation intitulée: ‘Collision parmi les célébrités, la culture et la science’. Certaines de ses présentations de retrouve même sur Netflix et Youtube. Ce visionnement nous montre comment les célébrités corrigent la science dans le grand débat alimentaire. À voir! Dans cette publication, vous retrouverez les statistiques des ventes de femelles de l’an passé. Les résultats attendus ont été beaucoup plus haut que prévu surtout si on considère la pénurie de foin et grains dans certains endroits. La force des taureaux Charolais est démontrée par l’intérêt aux ventes du printemps qui approchent. Plusieurs acheteurs aux ventes d’automne prévoyait agrandir leur troupeau ou encore améliorer la qualité de leur programme. Quelque soit la raison, le marché est prospère. Sur la couverture et l’endos du magazine, vous y trouverez le compte rendu des taureaux qui ont participé aux expositions BOSS (bannière des taureaux exposants). Aucun EPD ou test de solidité structurelle nécessaire, les expositions sont encore un bon outil de comparaison lorsqu’on choisit un animal. Comme le dicton: ‘J’aime les animaux de performance mais je veux aussi être capable de les admirer quand je les nourris à tous les jours.’ Nous parlons aussi du départ de Mel Reekie, directrice générale de l’association Canadienne Charolais. Mel retournera en Ontario pour suite à la page 10


Charolais Banner • February 2019

Charolais Banner • February 2019



Canadian Beef Breeds Council Report Michael Latimer, CBBC Executive Director

The year ahead is sure to be full of change and new opportunities for everyone. The cattle industry is always full of surprises and this year will be no exception, fortunately we have lot to look forward to in 2019. On behalf of CBBC, I want to wish everyone a successful bull sale and calving season. In 2014 the national and provincial beef organizations implemented Canada’s National Beef Strategy. This was a monumental shift in how industry organizations interacted and worked with each other. It was one of the first time that industry organizations worked collectively toward common goals and set measurable targets with defined outcomes. The results reports are available for viewing at www.beefstrategy.com, where successes and accomplishments over the past four years are highlighted. A few of my personal favorites are the establishment of the Canadian Beef Industry Conference as the meeting place for the Canadian beef industry. This conference has exceeded expectations and will continue to become increasingly important in the coming years. The creation of the Canadian Beef Advisors which is comprised of leaders from the national beef organizations has

provided a forum for strategic collaboration that benefits the industry and not any single organization. Also, the increase in the Beef Check-Off was critical to provide funding for activities in the strategy. This resulted in the ability to implement the Public Trust and Stakeholder Engagement team. As we move forward, they will proactively address issues from animal welfare activists, weak misleading science and more. This is critical to our ability to continue producing the best beef in the world. These are only a select few of the many highlights. There are multiple other activities and outcomes from the strategy that have had a positive impact on the beef industry and will continue to do so well into the future. The process for renewing Canada’s National Beef Strategy is underway with a projected fall 2019 release date. This is a continued collaborative effort of the national and provincial beef organizations intended to build on the successes of the previous strategy and position the industry for a profitable and sustainable future. A number of activities from the 2014 strategy are ongoing and will remain priorities. One of the biggest shifts will be the integration of a of a Total Quality Management (TQM) system into the industry. Essentially this is a process that facilitates the system wide

collection, evaluation and dissemination of information along the beef value chain. New technologies are now available which create an opportunity to streamline the flow of information and can be utilized in ways we previously never thought possible. This will be of particular importance to purebred producers especially in how we utilize these new technologies and information to reshape how we make progress in genetic improvement. There is an opportunity to rethink how we approach our system of genetic improvement that will provide seedstock, commercial, feedlots, and packers with enhanced tools to identify cattle that are more profitable and meet preferences of modern global consumers.

Sales in Brief Angle H Stock Farm Complete Charolais Dispersal December 15, 2018 • Saskatoon, SK Gross Average 30 Cow/Calf Pairs $216,250 $7,208 37 Bred Cows 130,850 3,536 18 Bred Heifers 55,650 3,092 3 Bull Calves $12,800 4,267


88 Lots

poursuivre de nouvelles opportunités. Son dernier jour au bureau sera le 8 février prochain. Nous lui souhaitons le meilleur dans tout ce qu’elle entreprendra. En juin prochain, notre réunion annuelle de l’association Canadienne Charolais aura lieu dans les maritimes. Vous trouverez tout les détails pour les inscriptions dans la revue de ce mois ou sur notre site web. L’association Irlandaise Charolais

Transcon’s 3rd Annual Working Girls Charolais Female Sale December 8, 2018 • Innisfail, AB Gross Average 4 Bred Cows $21,450 $5,362 21 Bred Heifers 105,250 5,011 44 Heifer Calves 183,250 4,165


sera notre hôte pour la conférence Charolais-Charbray qui se déroulera au mois d’août. Le programme promet. Tous les détails se retrouvent sur le site web de Charolais International. Si l’Irlande est une destination qui vous intéresse, voici votre opportunité. Comme tous les autres programmes, vous êtes tous les bienvenus! À la prochaine, Helge Charolais Banner • February 2019


69 Lots 1 Flush 18 Embryos 1 Semen Lot

$310,250 $3,100 $6,075 $200




$4,496 $3,100 $506 $200

Charolais Banner • February 2019



REFLECTION CANADIAN CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION 2320, 41st Avenue NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6W8 403.250.9242 F 403.291.9324 www.charolais.com @canCharolais www.facebook.com/cdncharolais

PROVINCIAL REPRESENTATIVES: ALBERTA President: Stephen Cholak, Lamont Secretary: Jocelyn O’Neill, Innisfail SASKATCHEWAN President: Kelly Howe, Moose Jaw Secretary: Saskatchewan Livestock Assoc., Regina MANITOBA President: Hans Myrhe, Dauphin Secretary: Rae Trimble, Portage la Prairie ONTARIO President: Ryan Nesbitt, Nestleton Secretary: Doris Aitken, Mount Forest QUEBEC President: Mathieu Palerme, Gatineau Secretary: Chantal Raymond, Sainte-Eulalie MARITIMES President: Jason Ringuette, Bridgetown, NS Secretary: Nancy Milton, Nine Mile Creek, PEI STAFF: General Manager: Mel Reekie Registry: Sally Storch, Lori Connolly French Membership: Bernard Dore 514-910-4935 • bernarddore@videotron.ca EXECUTIVE: PRESIDENT: DARWIN ROSSO 78 325 4th Ave SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2 • 306.693.2384 rosso.c@sasktel.net 1st VICE-PRESIDENT: MIKE ELDER Box 216, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0 306.267.5655 C 306.267.7730 mjelder@sasktel.net 2nd VICE-PRES: KASEY PHILLIPS Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0 780.358.2360 C 780.656.6400 kphillips@mcsnet.ca PAST PRESIDENT: BRIAN COUGHLIN RR3 1012 Snake River Line, Cobden, ON K0J 1K0 • 613.646.9741 C 613.312.0270 bh.cornerview@gmail.com DIRECTORS: MATHIEU PALERME 814 Pink Rd., Gatineau, QC J9J 3N2 819.682.2723 C 819.213.3143 matpalerme@yahoo.ca ROGER MALONEY 2420 Jermyn Line Indian River, ON K0L 2B0 705.295.6439 C 705.761.7316 roger@mlcattleco.com SHAWN AIREY Box 639, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 204.328.7704 C 204.724.8823 htacharolais@hotmail.com JIM OLSON Box 882, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C3 204.252.3115 C 204.856.6357 lejcharolais@gmail.com ALLAN MARSHALL 65266 RG RD 33 Red Deer County, AB T4G 0N3 403.227.2594 C 403.588.5282 allan@futurefarms.ca LORNE LAKUSTA Box 37, Andrew, AB T0B 0C0 780.365.2079 C780.719.0264 spruceviewcharolais@gmail.com


Mel Reekie, General Manager

As I made the move to Calgary, Alberta in April 2012, I was an excited CCYA Alumni looking forward to working with the Canadian Charolais Association as part of my next adventure in life. Little did I know just what opportunities laid ahead for me. Over the past few years I’m happy to have been involved and witness to the momentum that the Charolais breed has enjoyed. This momentum is a true testament to the value and product that our breed has to offer both the seedstock sector and the commercial cattleman. Those Charolais calves are IDENTIFIABLE and they yield profit, plain and simple. There’s high demand for Charolais bulls and this can be seen through the Whole Herd Enrollment trends over the last number of years; we’ve been on the incline and in 2017 hit a ten year high of 24,000+ females. As leaders in the industry, a number of years ago the Charolais Association moved to a Whole Herd Enrollment format. Since my time at the CCA, we too have continued to push onward for the betterment of the breed. Among many things, we’ve transitioned to SNP technology for DNA, upgraded our Registry system to an online format with a user-friendly approach, updated our Calving Ease EPD to a better reflection of what’s happening in the field, and in keeping to industry standard, taken the long path of developing genomically enhanced EPDs for improved progression of our genetics. One of the greatest strengths in our breed is the people. Our breeders care, our breeders are passionate, and our breeders lead the industry. From day one, I was welcomed into the Charolais family in my new capacity. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed serving you, the members in the best manner that I could and to have helped in anyway to keep moving the breed forward.

Representing the Canadian Charolais Association at industry events was always a pleasure as the question was never Why a Charolais, but always, Why not a Charolais? It was easy in that I could always be proud to be representing our group and our genetics both domestically and abroad. The comradery of Charolais breeders reaches international borders and my first taste of international Charolais events was at the 2014 World Charolais Congress in France. I was gobsmacked at a variety of things – the adaptation of the cattle, the innovation of the breeders and the different cultural practices, but the one thing that stands out everywhere you go is that Charolais ties us altogether as one. Cultures mesh, you break bread with your neighbour, and you share the passion for the Charolais breed. How cool was it that I could learn these things in the French countryside, the birthplace of Charolais? I was fortunate to have taken this further over the years and travelled through countless airports both in Canada and beyond, to represent you, the Charolais breeders at various industry activities. Charolais adapt to any climate and condition as seen throughout the weather extremes in Australia and Mexico, you can find Charolais cattle thriving along the fjords of Norway, and I’ve shared your breed successes on educating trade missions to Turkey and China. I encourage you as a Charolais breeder to participate in National and International Charolais events, you might not only find outcross genetics for your program, but also a lifelong friend with those you meet. Now, in pursuit of new opportunities, my next chapter is taking me back to Ontario. As reflection fills my heart, I know that it’s been a true delight to serve the Canadian Charolais Association, a time I will cherish for many years to come. See you down the road.

@canCharolais Charolais Banner • February 2019

Charolais Banner • February 2019



RÉFLEXION CANADIAN CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION 2320, 41st Avenue NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6W8 403.250.9242 F 403.291.9324 www.charolais.com @canCharolais www.facebook.com/cdncharolais

PROVINCIAUX REPRÉSENTANTS: ALBERTA Président: Stephen Cholak, Lamont Secrétaire: Jocelyn O’Neill, Innisfail SASKATCHEWAN Président: Kelly Howe, Moose Jaw Secrétaire: Sask. Livestock Assoc., Regina MANITOBA Président: Hans Myrhe, Dauphin Secrétaire: Rae Trimble, Portage la Prairie ONTARIO Président: Ryan Nesbitt, Nestleton Secrétaire: Doris Aitken, Mount Forest QUEBEC Président: Mathieu Palerme, Gatineau Secrétaire: Chantal Raymond, Sainte-Eulalie MARITIMES Président: Jason Ringuette, Bridgetown, NS Secrétaire: Nancy Milton, Nine Mile Creek, PEI PERSONNEL: Directeur général: Mel Reekie Registry: Sally Storch, Lori Connolly Composition française: Bernard Dore 514.910.4935 • bernarddore@videotron.ca EXÉCUTIF: PRÉSIDENT: DARWIN ROSSO 78 325 4th Ave SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2 • 306.693.2384 rosso.c@sasktel.net 1er VICE- PRÉSIDENT: MIKE ELDER Box 216, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0 306.267.5655 C 306.267.7730 mjelder@sasktel.net 2e VICE- PRÉSIDENT: KASEY PHILLIPS Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0 780.358.2360 C 780.656.6400 kphillips@mcsnet.ca ANCIEN PRÉSIDENT: BRIAN COUGHLIN RR3 1012 Snake River Line, Cobden, ON K0J 1K0 • 613.646.9741 C613.312.0270 bh.cornerview@gmail.com ADMINISTRATION: MATHIEU PALERME 814 Pink Rd., Gatineau, QC J9J 3N2 819.682.2723 C 819.213.3143 matpalerme@yahoo.ca ROGER MALONEY 2420 Jermyn Line Indian River, ON K0L 2B0 705.295.6439 C 705.761.7316 roger@mlcattleco.com SHAWN AIREY Box 639, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 204.328.7704 C 204.724.8823 htacharolais@hotmail.com JIM OLSON Box 882, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C3 204.252.3115 C 204.856.6357 lejcharolais@gmail.com ALLAN MARSHALL 65266 RG RD 33 Red Deer County, AB T4G 0N3 403.227.2594 C 403.588.5282 allan@futurefarms.ca LORNE LAKUSTA Box 37, Andrew, AB T0B 0C0 780.365.2079 C780.719.0264 spruceviewcharolais@gmail.com


Mel Reekie, directeur général

Lors de mon déménagement à Calgary, en Alberta, en avril 2012, je n’étais qu’une ancienne junior qui avait hâte de travailler pour l’Association canadienne Charolais, sans savoir que mes nouvelles aventures deviendraient des opportunités extraordinaires. Au cours des dernières années, je suis heureuse d'avoir été impliquée dans l'élan que la race Charolais connait. Cet élan est un véritable témoignage de la valeur et du produit que notre race a à offrir à la fois au secteur pur-sang qu’au secteur commercial. Les veaux Charolais sont identifiables et ils rapportent des profits, simples et clairs. Il y a une forte demande pour les taureaux Charolais et ceci est confirmé par l’entremise des tendances à la hausse des enrôlements de troupeau au cours des dernières années, qui ont frappé leur sommet de 10 ans en 2017 avec 24,000 femelles en inscriptions. En tant que leader de l'industrie, il y a un certain nombre d'années, l'Association Charolais a changé pour un format d’enrôlement complet du troupeau. Pendant mon mandat à l’association, nous avons aussi continué à pousser vers l'avant pour l'amélioration de la race avec des projets de grande envergure. Nous avons passé à la technologie SNP pour l'ADN, nous avons mis à niveau notre système d’enregistrement avec accès en ligne avec une approche conviviale, nous avons ajusté le EPD pour la facilité de vêlage pour mieux représenter qu’est-ce-qui se passe vraiment dans les troupeaux canadiens, et nous avons suivi les tendances de l'industrie, en entreprenant le long chemin du développement des EPD génomiquement rehaussés pour améliorer la progression de notre génétique. Malgré qu’il y ait eu plusieurs autres accomplissements, je me souviendrais le plus de ceux-ci. L'une des plus grandes forces de notre race est son monde. Nos éleveurs sont passionnés, et nos éleveurs sont des leaders dans l'industrie. Dès le premier jour, j'ai été très bien accueilli dans la famille Charolais. J'ai vraiment aimé servir les membres, et en poussant toujours la Charolais Banner • February 2019

race vers l’avant, j’ai démontré mon engagement sincère. Ce fut un plaisir de représenter l'Association canadienne Charolais aux événements de l'industrie et pour moi la question n’a jamais été « pourquoi le Charolais? », mais toujours, « pourquoi pas? ». C’est avec facilité et fierté que je vous ai représenté et que j’ai promu votre génétique à la fois au Canada qu’à l'étranger. La camaraderie des éleveurs Charolais défonce toutes frontières et mon initiation aux événements internationaux Charolais, a été au Congrès mondial de Charolais 2014 en France. J'ai été engloutie à une variété de choses comme l'adaptation du bétail, l'innovation des éleveurs et les différentes pratiques culturelles, mais la seule chose qui se distingue partout où vous allez, c'est que les animaux Charolais nous tiennent étroitement ensemble. Quelle expérience magnifique que de se sensibiliser aux différences culturelles pour en partagent un repas avec votre voisin et notre passion commune pour la race Charolais, tout en jouissant du paysage de la campagne française, le berceau de Charolais! Les années qui suivent, m’ont mené à voyager pour l’association à travers de nombreux pays et d'innombrables aéroports au Canada et au-delà. Le Charolais s’adapte à tout climat et condition comme on le voit tout au long des extrêmes météorologiques en Australie et au Mexique, vous pouvez trouver des bovins Charolais prospères le long des fjords de la Norvège, et j'ai partagé vos réussites lors de missions commerciales en Turquie et en Chine. Je vous encourage à participer à des événements nationaux et internationaux Charolais, vous pourriez non seulement trouver de la nouvelle génétique pour votre programme, mais aussi y faire des amitiés à vie. Maintenant, mon destin me mène à la recherche de nouvelles possibilités, et je retourne en Ontario. Mes réflexions sur mes années au sein de l'Association canadienne Charolais confirment que ce fut un privilège et un honneur de vous avoir servi. Un chapitre de ma vie que je n’oublierai jamais. Au plaisir de vous revoir un jour.

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Charolais Banner • February 2019

Charolais Banner • February 2019



Alberta Select Charolais Sale Alberta Select Charolais Sale December 7, 2018 • Red Deer, AB

High Selling Pick Lot 2, Pick of any Female in the Turnbull Charolais herd, Pincher Creek. Sold for $31,000 to Prairie Cove Charolais, Bashaw. High Selling Heifer Calf Lot 3A, MISS PRAIRIE COVE 806F (Homo Polled, 0.6 BW EPD, 69 YW EPD) sired by TR PZC MR Turton

0794 ET, out of an HTA Whitehot 105A daughter. Sold for $27,000 to Wintering Springs Ranch, Amarillo, TX. Consigned by Prairie Cove Charolais Lot 3B, MISS PRAIRIE COVE 810F (Homo Polled, 0.6 BW EPD, 69 YW EPD) sired by TR PZC MR Turton 0794 ET, out of an HTA Whitehot 105A daughter. Sold for $21,000 to Jaun Carlos Barajas Plascencia, Guadalajara, Mexico. Consigned by Prairie Cove Charolais Lot 5, MISS PRAIRIE COVE 805F (Polled, -0.8 BW EPD, 48 YW EPD) sired by M&M Outsider 4003 PLD, out of a CML Diablo 2X daughter. Sold for $18,000 to Wintering Springs Ranch, Amarillo, TX. Consigned by Prairie Cove Charolais High Selling Bred Heifer Lot 4, MISS PRAIRIE COVE 704E (Polled, 0.3 BW EPD, 82 YW EPD) sired by TR PZC MR Turton 0794 ET, out of an HTA Vegas 134Y daughter. Bred to M&M Outsider 4003 PLD. Sold for $18,500 to W2 Farms, Leroy, SK. Consigned by Prairie Cove Charolais. Lot 28, FVC JESSIE’S GIRL 6E

(Polled, 3 BW EPD, 79 YW EPD) sired by HBSF Specialist 108U, out of an SOS Up in Smoke 37R daughter. Bred to Circle CEE Legend 307A. Sold for $9,500 to Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek. Consigned by Flat Valley Cattle Co. Hilda. Lot 15, JIL BOMBSHELL 48E (Polled, 3.2 BW EPD, 75 YW EPD) sired by HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C, out of a JDFJ Playboy 85U daughter. Bred to Dubuc Zenith 202Z. Sold for $9,000 to Johnson Charolais, Barrhead. Consigned by Future Farms, Red Deer County. High Selling Bull Calf Lot 1, SOS APEX PLD 139F (Polled, -4.7 BW EPD, 87 YW EPD) sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Players Cub Champion Bull. Sold ¾ Interest and Full Possession for $20,000 to Springside Farms, Airdrie. Consigned by The Alberta Charolais Association. High Selling Flush Lot 8 The Right to Flush HF Tyra 1327 P ET. Sold for $5,100 to Sugarloaf Charolais, Minburn. Consigned by Circle CEE Charolais, Lamont.

Tim, Justine and Tyler Bullick bought the high selling pick of the Turnbull females

Curtis & Nanette Turnbull both consigned and bought

Johnson Charolais took the 3rd high selling bred heifer home

The Sugarloaf crew selected the high selling flush

Kailey and Lexi Wirsta purchased for their KCow herd

Jackie and Jeff Cavers took a high selling heifer back to Manitoba

1 Pick of any Female 1 Cow/Calf Pair 13 Bred Heifers 15 Heifer Calves ¾ Bull Calf 1 Flush 31 ¾ Lots 2 Club Calf Heifers

Gross Average $31,000 $31000 10,500 10,500 105,100 8,084 154,000 10,266 20,000 20,000 5,100 5,100 $325,700




Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co. Auctioneer: Chris Poley 13 Breeders from across Alberta consigned to this annual sale. Cattle were sold right across North America. This sale continues to be one of the strongest of the fall with the average up by $2,686 over last year’s sale.


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Steppler Farms Female Sale Steppler Farms 3rd Annual A Piece of the Program Female Sale December 12, 2018 • Miami, MB 7 Cow/Calf Pairs 25 Bred Heifers 4 Heifer Calves

Gross Average $122, 900 $17,557 151,850 6,074 24,100 6,025

36 Lots





1 Embryo Lot Total Gross


Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock A good crowd came to select from the Piece of the Steppler Program in their third annual sale. Cattle sold to four provinces with the average moving up from last year. A great offering from top to bottom, including two high selling cow/calf pairs of the fall. High Selling Cow/Calf Pairs Lot 1, STEPPLER WHITEARROW 6237D, (Polled, -.5 BW EPD, 1,672 lb), sired by Sparrows Seminole 927W, out of a Sparrows Oakridge 66R daughter, bred to High Bluff El Paso 15E. Sold for $21,000 to Circle 7 Charolais, Shaunavon, SK. Lot 1A, STEPPLER WHITE ARROW 25F, (Double Polled, -1.4 BW EPD, 887 lb), sired by Pro-Char Winchester 6D. Sold for $4,900 to Pro-Char Charolais, Glenevis, AB. Lot 2, STEPPLER MISS 190C, (3rd Gen. Polled, -4.3 BW EPD, 1,813 lb), sired by Steppler Jacksonville 335Z, out of a Sparrows Seminole 927W daughter, bred to Sparrows Hacienda 407B. Sold for $17,000 to Hicks Charolais, Arthur, ON. Lot 2A, STEPPLER MISS 252F, (-2.5 BW EPD, 914 lb), sired by Sparrows Versace 408B. Sold for $8,000 to Phillips Farms Charolais, Estevan, SK. Lot 3, STEPPLER MISS 23C, (3rd Gen. Polled, .7 BW EPD, 78 YW EPD), sired by LT Blue Value 7903 ET, out of a Sparrows Seminole 927W daughter, bred to Sparrows Braxton 519C. Sold for $11,000 to CK Sparrow Farms Ltd., Vanscoy, SK. Lot 3A, STEPPLER MISS 100F, (4 th 20

Gen. Polled, 2.2 BW EPD, 915 lb), sired by HTA Contender 605D. Sold for $4,600 to Spruce View Charolais, Andrew, AB. Lot 5, STEPPLER KATRINA 21A, (3rd Gen. Polled, 1.8 BW EPD, 2184 lb), sired by Stepplers Distinction 38T, out of a Sparrows Santiago 333N daughter, bred to Sparrows Legendary 743E. Sold for $10,500 to Prouse Ranch, Invermay, SK. Lot 5A, STEPPLER MISS 297F, (3rd Gen. Polled, 2.5 BW EPD, 104 WW EPD, 1041 lb), sired by JWX Burnin It Down 613B. Sold For $5,100 to Kirlene Cattle, Brighton, ON. High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 25, STEPPLER MISS 132E, (3rd Gen. Polled, .9 BW EPD, 91 YW EPD), sired by JWX Burnin’ It Down 613B, bred to Pro-Char Winchester 6D. Sold for $12,500 to Dale McKay, Brandon. Lot 37, STEPPLER MISS 331E, (3rd Gen. Polled, -2.2 BW EPD, 26 Milk EPD), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, bred to Cedardale Zeal 125Z. Sold for $9,250 to Harcourt Charolais, Quill Lake, SK. Lot 20, STEPPLER MISS 79E, (Double Polled, .7 BW EPD, 73 YW EPD), sired by Sparrows Jacksonville 335Z, out of a Steppler Quinn 136Y daughter, bred to Pro-Char Winchester 6D. Sold for $8,750 to Circle Cee Charolais, Lamont, AB. High Selling Heifer Calves Lot 9, STEPPLER BRAXTON 119F, (3rd Gen Polled, -.8 BW EPD, 1050 lb), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of an LAE Titanium 797T. Sold for $8,200 to High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis. Lot 10, STEPPLER MISS 202F, (3rd Gen Polled, 82 YW EPD, 1022 lb), sired by HJR Crowd Favorite 515C, out of an HC Zip Lock 212Z daughter. Sold for $7,300 to Phillips Farms. Kelly Oberle selected Lot 4A, the high selling cow STEPPLER for their Circle 7 Charolais operation BRAXTON 71F, Charolais Banner • February 2019

(3rd Gen Polled, -1.2 BW EPD, 27 Milk EPD), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of a Sparrows Sanchez 715T daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Red Rock Charolais, Jasper, ON.

Kale and Dale McKay bought the high selling bred heifer

Kurtis and Kristy Phillips purchased two head to add to their herd

Carman and Donna Jackson bought the high selling heifer calf

Doug, Tammy and Justin Harcourt bought the second-high selling bred heifer to add to their operation

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Char-Maine Ranching Bull Sale Char-Maine Ranching 14th Annual Bull Sale December 21, 2018 • Fort MacLeod, AB Gross Average 25 Two-Year Old Bulls $189,000 $7,560 43 White Yearling Bulls 341,250 7,936 6 Black Yearling Bulls 30,500 5,083 74 Lots



Sale Manager: By Livestock Auctioneer: Frank Jenkins

It was a great way to start the bull selling season. A very strong set of bulls were on offer with many repeat customers buying in volume. High Selling Two-Year Old Bull Lot 53, MAIN LEDGER UP 105E (4th Gen Polled, -.7 BW EPD, 110 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by MAIN Ledger Up 4C, out of an LT Lanza 1427 PLD daughter. Sold for $26,000 to Soderglen Ranches, Airdrie. Lot 57, MAIN LEDGER UP 128E (4th Gen Polled, -2 BW EPD, 88 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by MAIN Ledger Up 4C, out of a JS Payload 36A daughter. Sold for $9,250 to Logan Porter, Barnwell.

Lot 59, MAIN LEDGER UP 136E (3rd Gen Polled, -1.4 BW EPD, 105 YW EPD, 38.5 cm), sired by MAIN Ledger Up 4C, out of an LT Lanza 1427 PLD daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Logan Porter, Barnwell. Lot 60, MAIN BUD 102E (3rd Gen. Polled, -.7 BW EPD, 102 YW EPD, 35.5 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Clever 214C, out of an LT Lanza 1427 Pld daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Cody Cockwill, Arrowwood. High Selling Yearling Bull Lot 35, MAIN GRANADA 191E (3rd Gen. Polled, 81 lb BW, 1340 lb, -.2 BW EPD, 86 YW EPD, 36 cm), sired by LT Lanza 1427 Pld, out of an ABC Cobb’s EL Magico Poll daughter. Sold for $42,000 to Rocky Creek Charolais, Strathmore. Lot 42, MAIN DENVER 30F (3rd Gen. Polled, 858 lb 205 DW, 1335 lb, .4 BW EPD, 105 YW EPD, 37.5 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A, out of a Pleasant Dawn Rio 26P daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek. Lot 1, MAIN HONDO 193E (3rd Gen. Polled, 84 lb BW, .5 BW EPD, 102 YW EPD, 37.5 cm), sired by Pleasant

Dawn Clever 214C, out of a Merit Rhapsody 8876U daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Donahue Ranch, Fort Macleod. Lot 25, MAIN ODESSA 20F (Homo Polled, 88 lb BW, 820 lb 205 DW, -1.2 BW EPD, 36 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of Vikse Overtime 104A daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Steppler Farms, Miami, MB.

Darcy & Michelle Welsh selected the high selling bull for their Rocky Creek herd

Curtis & Nanette Turnbull bought a Chisum son

Jared Sherman & Jeff DeMarni bought the high selling two year old for Soderglen Ranching

Donahue Ranch, a repeat buyer, bought a high selling yearling

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Charolais Banner • February 2019

Andre Steppler bought a Ledger son

Logan Porter was a volume buyer taking 6 bulls

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Treating Individual Beef Cows to Increase the Reproductive Rate Roy Lewis DVM

As herds get bigger and electronic ID tags get used more for record keeping, more attention can also be given to individual cow medicine. We can learn lots from our colleagues in dairy production about looking after individual cows. Health and fertility go hand in hand. If by paying attention and potentially treating cows with everything from inappetance to mild uterine infection, you increase the chances of them conceiving when they are supposed to in the breeding season. As we all know lots of things need to be in order to get cows through calving to breeding again within 60-90 days. By utilizing good observational skills, record keeping and a plan to examine and potentially treat or supplement these cows, the results could be higher conception rates overall. A list of cows to closely examine after calving and at least a couple weeks before breeding needs to be made and the time set aside to work on these cows. The list of cows should include, but not limited to, cows which twinned, had an assisted calving, prolapsed uterus, fetotomy, retained placenta or have a uterine discharge. Any which are low in body condition score, were treated for metabolic diseases such as milk fever, have bloody urine, a swollen udder or generally appear off, should be looked at. If their calf is doing poorly from possibly not enough milk again an examination is in order. Lameness is caused by pain so any painful condition needs to be treated, as body condition will be run down. Pain leads to high cortisol levels that have a negative effect on fertility. As you can see this may contain a large list but if a clinical examination leads to a more specific diagnosis, the treatment your veterinarian prescribes may be the answer. Not only could 24

milk production go up and the calf do better, a cow on a rising plane of nutrition is much more likely to conceive when bred. For calving related issues and retained placentas, your veterinarian may palpate the cow to determine whether an endometritis or endometriosis is present. From there treatment could run from intrautuerine infusion to antibiotics systemically to short cycling the cow and bringing her into heat to cleanse the uterus. These variables depend on the veterinarian’s choice and the severity of the infection. I once followed a herd that experienced a high twinning rate. The conception rate was good in the herd overall but only 50% in the cows which had twins conceived. In today’s beef herds with good nutrition twinning (because the calves are born early or a bit premature) often a retained placenta is the result. It is a fact of life but managing these highly fertile cows will hopefully keep more in your herd. Hard dystocias or premature births also increase the retained placenta rate. These cows should ALL be recorded and examined at a later date. The first sign of many conditions that is most obvious to many people is weight loss. If a large number of cows are experiencing this then nutrition or parasites may be the culprit. Individual cows may have individual ailments. Ones such as kidney infection, peritonitis or wooden tongue may have treatments that can be curative. If the cow recovers in body condition in time they may conceive. This is where early intervention and the correct diagnosis and treatment result in the lost weight being gained back. Others such as severe mastitis, Johne’s disease or chronic pneumonia can best be solved by early diagnosis and shipping for salvage value if possible. This is where your veterinarian with experience will Charolais Banner • February 2019

know the expected prognosis, recovery rate and whether reoccurrence may be a possibility. Keep in mind older cows start loosing teeth and dentition could be the cause of the weight loss. These are better not rebred as even if conceive the condition could significantly worsen by the following year. With later calving cows, retained placenta or hard pulls the possibility of palpation before breeding season and potentially bringing them into heat with prostaglandins may be a wise decision. With palpation your veterinarian can determine if cycling is starting to occur and if there is any rudimentary infection present in the uterus. From there the cow may be infused with appropriate approved antibiotics directly into the uterus. There may be a need for systemic antibiotics in some cases and the prostaglandin should bring the cow into heat. Cycling is a cleansing process so we are simply upping the odds this cow/heifer will conceive. As raising replacements is costlier and many want to increase their herds the one way is driving the pregnancy rate up by attending to the health of the uterus. We all know twins if both sucking the mother pull down body condition so extra effort put into cross adopting these cows may also lead to higher pregnancy rates. Lots of things to consider but some attention paid to this group of cows after calving and a couple weeks before breeding may yield benefits. Some uterine infusions can even be given hours after breeding so that by the time the fertilized egg gets back to the uterus at day seven the infection is cleared up. If some attention is paid to examining and treating problems or weight loss conditions before breeding, the effort could be rewarded by more pregnancies. Cases not worth continued on page 25


No Borders Select Sale No Borders Select Sale December 4, 2018 • Virden, MB 3 Cow/Calf Pairs 2 Bred Cows 20 Bred Heifers 15 Heifer Calves 40 Lots 1 Semen Lot

Gross Average $49,500 $16,500 23,250 11,625 107,250 5,363 76,550 5,103 $256,550




A good crowd came to select from the No Borders sale. Cattle sold to four provinces with the average jumping higher from last year. The sale was highlighted with cattle right from show strings to a very strong full French offering. High Selling Cow/Calf Pairs Lot 1, PLEASANTDAWN LADY 975A (4 th Gen. Polled, -3.9 BW EPD, 103 YW EPD), sired by Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y, out of a Pleasantdawn Razor 14W daughter, bred to Rawes Duke 401B. Sold for $18,750 to Saddleridge Farming Co. Ltd., Rosemary, AB. Consigned by Pleasant Dawn Charolais, Oak Lake. Lot 1A, PLEASANTDAWN VENUS 675F (4th Gen. Polled, .7 BW EPD, 120 YW EPD, 940 lb), sired by Rawes Duke 401B. Sold for $12,000 to DanG Charolais, Colborne, ON. Lot 3, PLEASANTDAWN PRADA 930B (Polled, -.3 BW EPD, 28 Milk EPD), sired by Pleasant Dawn Radar 25Y, out of a Bar J Norman 57N daughter, bred to Pleasant Dawn

Ralph Retzlaff purchased the high selling female

Mike Elder purchased two lots including the high selling bred cow

Chisum 216A. Sold for $8,750 to Meadows Charolais, Reston. Consigned by Pleasant Dawn Charolais. Lot 3A, PLEASANTDAWN CHIA 720F (Double Polled, 1 BW EPD, 915 lb), sired by PCC Rome 437B. Sold for $4,000 to Sun Dance Charolais, Amaranth. High Selling Bred Cow Lot 8, Pick of the McTavish Charolais herd. Sold for $14,000 to Elder Charolais Farm, Coronach, SK. Consigned by McTavish Charolais, Moosomin, SK. High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 41, SCF EVE 395E (Full French, 3.1 BW EPD, 87 YW EPD), sired by Valdevie, out of a Russ daughter, bred to Hamel. Sold for $11,000 to M & L Cattle Co., Indian River, ON. Consigned by Stephen Charolais, Moosomin, SK. Lot 13, CEDARLEA NELLY 21E (Double Polled, .3 BW EPD, 27 Milk EPD), sired by PCC Rome 437B, out of a Robinlea Terminator 5A daughter, bred to LT Affinity. Sold for $9,250 to Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB. Consigned by Cedarlea Farms, Hodgeville, SK. Lot 6, PLEASANTDAWN RED873E (Red Factor, 3rd Gen. Polled, 2.1 BW EPD, 84 YW EPD), sired by HRJ Bulletproof 411B, out of a Pleasant Dawn Max 70S daughter, bred to Pleasantdawn Reload 19E. Sold for $7,750 to Border Ridge Farms, Hilda,

AB. Consigned by Pleasant Dawn Charolais. High Selling Heifer Calves Lot 38, SCF FEDORA 438F (Full French, 76 YW EPD, 950 lb.), sired by Voilier, out of a SCF Winston 50W daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Lonesome Eagle Farms, Ste. Anne. Consigned by Stephen Charolais. Lot 9A, MCTAVISH PURECREAM 7F (4th Gen. Polled, .7 BW EPD, 88 YW EPD), sired by Elder’s Cracker Jack 13D, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $8,750 to Elder Charolais. Consigned by McTavish Charolais. Lot 37, KERR MISS TRICKAGER 832F (Full French, 2.4 BW EPD, 73 YW EPD 905 lb.), sired by Maple Leaf Hat Trick 165Y, out of an Echosprings Yeagerbomb 11Y daughter. Sold for $8,000 to M & L Cattle Co. High Selling Semen Lot Lot 20A, 5 doses of LHD CIGAR E46 sold for $1,500 to High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis. Consigned by White Meadow Charolais, Pipestone. Lot 20B, 5 doses of LHD CIGAR E46 sold for $1,500 to Cedarlea Farms. Consigned by White Meadow Charolais.

Derek and Tami Dekeyser purchased the high selling heifer calf

Brian Digby and Robyn Benson purchased three lots including the high selling Full French heifer calf

Roger Maloney purchased four lots including the high selling bred heifer

HERD HEALTH, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 24 pursuing will also be identified. In purebred cattle it is even more critical to pursue these cases because of their

high value. Please consider doing something about these select cases after calving season this year but first Charolais Banner • February 2019

off here’s to another successful calving season. 25


Charolais Life This column will be dedicated to keeping Charolais members in touch with the people of the business. It will contain births, weddings, convocations and momentous anniversaries and events of note, but not high school graduations. If you have news and/or photos you’d like to submit, please email charolaisbanner@gmail.com for print in upcoming issues.

It’s a Girl! Zoey Marie was born November 18, 2018, weighing 7 lb 2 oz and measuring 19.75 inches, to Kristi and Steven Michaleski, of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Kristi is a CCYA Alumni and daughter of Doug and Marianne Hunter, Hunter Charolais, Roblin, Manitoba. It’s A Boy! Windyview Farms, Omemee, Ont. is happy to announce the addition of a new farm helper. Marshall Douglas was born on December 28, 2018, weighing in at 8 lbs. Son of Matthew and Jennie Ormiston, grandson of Michael and Christine Ormiston, nephew to Paul and Christa Ormiston and little brother to Amelia, Cameron, Emerson and Esmae.

Agriculture. Helge farmed with his brother for 15 years while working off the farm. While he was working for Universal Semen Services, he started dating Candace and they were married in the fall of 1981, the same time he started with the Charolais Banner. They have three children, Natassja, Bartley (wife Emily and children Fynn and Coen) and John. Early in their marriage, Candace taught Music for Young Children for over 10 years, lead two children’s choirs at church, sang in a choir, served on church committees and was very active in Campbell Area Music Parents Association. Helge served on church committees and sang in the choir. In 1999, they became majority shareholders of the Charolais Banner and moved the office to Regina. At that time, Candace started working full time with Helge, they took a business that had struggled at times to become a very professional publication that is well regarded around the globe. Helge and Candace are huge supporters of youth through 4-H and especially the Canadian Charolais Youth Association (CCYA). They champion the program and are always major sponsors, giving their time to organizing, judging and this year bringing a group of international youth to experience CCYA in Brandon, MB. They were CCYA Honouree Recipients in 2005. Helge was recognized by the Canadian Blood Services for over 100 blood donations in 2008. Helge and Candace are heavily involved in Agribition. continued on page 27

By Awarded Saskatchewan Livestock Association Scroll of Honour The Saskatchewan Livestock Association is pleased to acknowledge Helge and Candace By for their contribution to their community and to the livestock industry in Saskatchewan with this Scroll of Honour. Helge was born September 18, 1960, in Kelvington, SK. He grew up on a mixed farm; primarily Charolais cattle and grain and was active in 4-H, showing a great interest in pedigrees from an early age. Helge was active in high school band, many sports including basketball and track and field and played in a country band in high school and university. He graduated from Kelvington High in 1978. Candace Yorga was born November 15, 1960, in Assiniboia, SK. She grew up in Flintoft, SK on a mixed farm with Limousin cattle, J Yorga Farms. Candace studied piano and participated in drama, basketball and softball. She played piano in church and was a camp councillor many summers, graduating from Assiniboia Composite in 1978. They met in the University of Saskatchewan College of 26

Ed Bothner, Saskatchewan Livestock Association President; Hon. Dave Marit, Saskatchewan Minister of Agriculture; Candace & Helge By; Wade Beck, presenter

Charolais Banner • February 2019

CHAROLAIS LIFE, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 26 Candace is a part of the International Committee where she helped change the tour options available to international travelers, making Agribition more of a destination for international buyers and guests. She has also represented the Charolais breed in the press room for many years. Helge was part of an Agribition beef focus group where he proposed the Beef Supreme Challenge idea and has served on the Supreme Committee since. Previously, he served on Sale of Champions and Steer committees and has a CWA 30year volunteer pin, while Candace has a 20-year pin. In 2009, they were presented the Saskatchewan Charolais Association Honour Scroll for outstanding dedication to the breed and province. In 2010, they were recipients of the Jim Lewthwaite Memorial Award for outstanding contribution to the international

development of Agribition. Helge and Candace co-managed Regina Bull Sale for many years with D Bar L Livestock. In 2011, they started By Livestock, their own management company, and manage many sales across the country. Even before this, Helge traveled across North America ringing sales and they attended many livestock events. In 2006, they served on the World Charolais Congress organizing committee and have attended many world events. Helge has served as the Charolais International president, and Candace is currently serving as the secretary. Helge and Candace are the face of Canadian Charolais in many countries as they travel the globe promoting the Canadian livestock industry and facilitate numerous international delegations each year, for not only the Charolais breed, but Charolais Banner • February 2019

all breeds, setting up tours and schedules for their time in Canada. They helped market semen and embryos of many breeds to many countries. They organized two Charolais Breeder’s Schools to educate and support Canadian Charolais breeders. Helge and Candace have forged lifelong friendships that extend beyond the industry and their home is always open to travelers. They are selfless in their passion and dedication to the Charolais breed and the Canadian livestock industry. In recognition of their contribution to the community and the livestock industry, this Honour Scroll is presented to Helge and Candace By, at the 2019 Saskatchewan Beef Industry Conference in Regina. Ed Bothner, President Saskatchewan Livestock Association 27


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Charolais Banner • February 2019



Charolais Banner • February 2019

continued on page 32

Charolais Banner • February 2019



Charolais Banner • February 2019

Charolais Banner • February 2019



Charolais Banner • February 2019

Charolais Banner • February 2019


2018 B.O.S.S. SHOW BULL HONOURS We would like to commend all the Charolais Exhibitors in 2018 for a job well done. A great amount of effort and expense goes into exhibiting cattle. We often wonder how many of us realize the spin offs and the free promotion the breed receives from these few breeders who carry the torch for the Charolais industry. Congratulations on a great year and thank you! The Banner Of Show Sires, or B.O.S.S., was developed in 1984 and is administered by the Charolais Banner. It is the only purebred publication that sponsors such a program. The B.O.S.S. program was set up as a method of keeping track of the winnings of the Charolais animals in the show ring. The shows that receive B.O.S.S. designation are decided by the Charolais Banner and spread out evenly across Canada. B.O.S.S. Points are awarded accordingly: BY CATEGORY 20 pts. Grand Champion 15 pts. Res. Grand Champion 10 pts. Sr. & Jr Champions 5 pts. Res Sr & Jr. Champion

BY CLASS 10 pts. – 1st 8 pts. – 2nd 6 pts. – 3rd 4 pts. – 4th 2 pts. – 5th

Shows with 80 plus entries received double points; 40 plus entries received full points; 30 – 39 entries received ¾ points and less than 30 entries receive ½ points. The B.O.S.S. program has become an effective method of recognizing the most popular bull and female on the show road each year. The B.O.S.S. Chart is very detailed and takes hours for our administration to ensure accuracy. We do believe the chart provides a number of great results in which we can base decisions. After all, popularity of type is a very important marketing tool. The B.O.S.S. chart breaks down points given to animals from all the B.O.S.S. designated shows and tabulates bulls gaining 10 points or more. The chart also illustrates all bulls from 1984 to present that have gained 250 points or more.

2018 B.O.S.S. PROGRAM RESULTS ARE AS FOLLOWS: (90 bulls received points) The top 5 B.O.S.S. Bulls gaining points were: 5. MCF Bohannon 305A ............................................................206 4. SOS Chuckwagon 54C ..........................................................239 3. Cedardale Zeal 125Z..............................................................295 2. HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C..................................................327 1. TR PZC Mr Turton 079..........................................................420 The B.O.S.S. Show Sire of the year is awarded to: TR PZC Mr Turton 079. The top 5 Females that competed for the honour of B.O.S.S. Show Female in 2018 were: 5. SOS Autumn Day 56E ........................................................78.25 4. BRCHE Berkly Ann 8507 ET ..................................................80 3. SVY Starstruck 712E ................................................................96 2. ONL Miss Allie 6D ................................................................126 1. CRG Princess Valentine 42D ................................................130 The B.O.S.S. Female of the year was awarded to: CRG Princess Valentine 42D. The top 5 Bulls that competed for the honour of the B.O.S.S. Show bull in 2018 were: 5. Moyer’s Ferdinand 2F ............................................................70 4. SVY Taurus 711E ......................................................................82 3 MVY Caous 64D......................................................................106 2. Elder’s Honcho 72E ..............................................................120 1. Sharodon Double Vision 1D ................................................122 The B.O.S.S. Show Bull of the year was awarded to: Sharodon Double Vision 1D. 2018 had 4 bulls reaching the 500-point mark or the honour of B.O.S.S. Status: D R Revelation 467 Cedardale Zeal 125Z HRJ Crowd Favorite 515C Gerrard Pastor 35Z In the 35 years the B.O.S.S. Program has been running 212,321 points have been awarded.

TOP BOSS FEMALES OF 2018 CRG PRINCESS VALENTINE 42D ........130 ONL MISS ALLIE 6D ..................................126 SVY STARSTRUCK 712E ..............................96 BRCHE BERKLY ANN 8507 ET ................80 SOS AUTUMN DAY 56E ........................78.25 BF CINDERELLA Z 14C ..............................75 KAYR FARYN 814F ........................................70 MXS MEGAN 820F ........................................52 MCCAW PANDORA 4E ..............................48 WSS FERRIS WHEEL 855F ........................47 MVY STELLA 20E ..........................................69 CML AWR WILMA 5512C ..........................40 LAE FRENCH VANILLA 893F ..................40 MEDONTE STARSTRUCK 6E ..................40 MISS PRAIRIE COVE 810F ........................40 KAYR DANA 632D ........................................38 ELDER’S PRINCESS 8013F ........................36 SOS BRIDGET 133E ......................................36


TWN FARMGIRL 6F ....................................35 CML DESIRAE 800F ......................................34 ELDER’S REVEALING 8066F ....................32 ELDER’S REVEALING 92E ........................32 BAKER FARMS FENDI 4F ..........................30 CML JEWEL 894F ET ....................................30 SHARODON CHARLIZE 16C ..................30 WHITE ROSE SWEETHEART 803............30 HRJ FOXY ROXY 815F ..............................29.5 HC EMERALD 808F ......................................28 HRJ FEELING CRAZY 821F ......................28 JWX ENVIOUS 297E ....................................28 HIGH BLUFF FENDI 1F ............................26 LAE SUMMER SOLSTICE 891F ................26 MCTAVISH SILVER SAGE 125F ..............26 MISS PRAIRIE COVE 806F ........................26 CML DESIRAE 801F ................................25.75 JWX CAROLINA 5747F ................................24

Charolais Banner • February 2019

MCCAW ROBYN 1F ET ..............................24 SOS KHALASAR PLD 87F ........................24 ECHO SPRINGS ORIANA 6B ................22.5 CRG MISS MONTIE 8F ..............................22 MISS PRAIRIE COVE 748E ..................21.75 MMM LADY DI 60D ................................21.75 SOS ANGELICA 43F ..................................20.5 CAYS ICE CAP 22F ........................................20 CAYS SILVER SLIPPER 24F ......................20 CML DESIRAE 813F ......................................20 HC VIVIAN 865F ............................................20 MVY PRECIOUS 12F ....................................20 SOS GRL PWR 142F ......................................20 SOS MOANA PLD 132E ..............................20 SVY EVETTA 819F ........................................20 WDG LACE 35F ..............................................20

TOP BOSS SHOW BULLS OF 2018 SHARODON DOUBLE VISION 1D ........122 ELDER’S HONCHO 72E ............................120 MVY CAOUS 64D ......................................106 SVY TAURUS 711E ......................................82 MOYER’S FERDINAND 2F ........................70 SOS FUSION PLD 51F ..................................66 MCTAVISH NEW ERA 79E ........................64 HIGH BLUFF FLEETWOOD 80F ..............51 CORNERVIEW EXPRESS 2E ..................50.5 ELDER’S CHANCELLOR 8019F ................48 HRJ FAN FAVOURITE 804F ......................47 CML STEALTH 80F ......................................40 HIGH BLUFF DIESEL 25D ..........................40

PCC KENTUCKY RAIN 836D ....................40 SOS UNIVERSAL PLD 102F ........................40 JWX FLIGHT ZONE 619F ..........................34 ELDER’S DAUNTE 36D ..............................33 ELDER’S FERRARI 8020F ..........................32 HC FREESTYLE 8174F ................................32 HIGH BLUFF FAIRMONT 118F..................30 HRJ FORTUNE 500 820F ............................30 SHARODON EMPIRE 1E ............................30 HIGH BLUFF ELDORADO 74E ................29 HRJ FRANK THE TANK 871F ..................26 K-COW BLUE JEANS 3D ............................26 K-COW HARLEM 3E ..................................26

Final BOSS Points, 1984 to 2018 Roxy's Jack Dempsey 63R* 6942 Chardel Reebok* 4398 SVY Freedom Pld 307N* 3240 JSC Chairman 103U* 2907 SLY Eastwood Pld 32F* 2601 CCC Elevations Knockout* 2592 LT Wyoming Wind 4020 Pld* 2529 BR MF Krugerrand* 2482 HTA Northern Light 357C* 2386 MSW Kapone* 2307 Sparrows Sheriff* 2142 TR PZC Mr Turton 079* 1893 KC Stolichnaya H016* 1732 Keys Polled Compass* 1693 FVC Tango 907Y* 1481 V A L&T Big Discovery 27U* 1404 Sparrows Alliance* 1389 Silver Creek High Rise H099* 1360 Brampton Fourstar* 1342 Wildor Raven 6M* 1333 MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G* 1262 Poker King Jr. GV18G* 1249 TR Mr Fire Water 5792 * 1243 Hickory Lane Professor* 1235 BXB Dateline Son 65R* 1116 HTA Whitehot 105A* 1076 Pembina Powerplay 81P* 1058 E-Cee Katmandu 200B* 1051 Tall Cool One* 1049 JWK Impressive D040ET* 1046 MNE Exclusive 17E* 1036 Pembina Ultravox 3U* 1014 Donnyweir Prophet 1K* 1013 A-Jay's Fast Track 71B* 1007 Wat-Cha Streamline 114N* 1001 Great Houdini E.T.* 968 HHP Monte Carlo* 947 Nashville Goldstar 12U* 936 RPJ Eveready 403D* 897 Sparrows Cossack 11L* 896 SVC Futurist 809X* 865 HTA Tundra* 822 D R Revelation 467 813 Sparrows Sanchez 715T* 799 KJP Sky Fire 51T* 795 Spains Show Me Polled* 789 DC Bea Cool* 784

MVY CHUKKA 30F ......................................26 K-COW KING BOB 509E ............................24 WGD HEAVY RANCHING 19F ..............23.5 CEDARDALE FERNANDO 107F ..............23 VIKSE QUICK START 107E ........................23 SOS FREIGHTLINER PLD 3F ................21.75 CORNERVIEW HEMI 42E ..........................21 GH VISION 1D BENEFIT 54F ..................20.5 CAYS LUXOR 29F ........................................20 HICKS EXTRA 46E ......................................20 HIGH BLUFF FRONT LINE 82F ................20 MR. SOUTHVIEW ZEAL 60E ....................20 ROLLIN ACRES EMMETT 37E ..................20

(bulls with 250 points or more)

Willowvale Projector 90C* 783 2UP Peugeot ET* 777 CS Mango 256M* 771 LHD Cigar E46* 761 LT Rio Blanco 1234P* 760 Dbar Survivor 220M* 749 Cedardale Zeal 125Z 741 HFCC Pld Bond 19L* 715 Sparrows Coach 467S* 699 WESC Hicks Revolver 14R* 698 NZL Polled Raven* 679 MNE Golden Eagle 25W* 672 SVY Guardian Pld 969J* 667 Gerrard Montezuma 6T* 667 LT Unlimited Chaps* 648 MVX Cougarhill Jake 767G* 646 ABC Iceman 811* 622 Double H Showman's Dynamo* 622 HFCC Evolution 5L* 616 Sharphills Hurricane 154D* 609 JBJ AJ 787G* 608 Sparrows Kingston 139Y* 603 RA Big Cat 9017 Pld* 602 Merit Roundup 9508W* 595 JSC Alladin 101P* 594 EC No Doubt 2022P* 577 HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C* 575 ACF Apocalypse 40M* 572 Crystal D Pierce 40P* 567 WH Rambo* 567 WDW Specialist 421S* 557 WDW Prestige 65U* 548 Gerrard Pastor 35Z* 547 WKM Polled Enticer* 542 VMN Habanero Pld 137L* 540 LT Bluegrass 4017* 537 Wat-Cha N'th Degree 50N* 532 Hicks Kasino 11K* 522 BKJ Buckaroo 836H* 515 SVY Bedrock* 514 Shelco Made Easy 512R 495 Keys Polled Fusion 163E 488 Bar EW Pld Casino 637F 484 SVY Monument Pld 159Y 482 RCC Royal Masterpiece 480 KRF What-A-Boy 104Y 480

CS Pld Junction 4J 465 Carlson's Ice 301C 459 Chardel Intrepid 455 Silverstream Geddes G102 451 Elder's Blackjack 788B 437 CF Polled Classic 436 DYV Clearcut 14H 430 M6 Gridmaker 104 Pld ET 422 LHD Mr Perfect 417 Sparrows Seminole 927W 412 BCR Polled Unlimited 407 E-Cee New Direction 6Z 407 JIL Thunder Roll 69Z 407 JSC Superstuff 24M 403 PCFL Ultimate 14R 402 Sparrows Landmark 963W 401 HTA Skyliter 397 ASC Eliminator 032 393 BR Cujo RCH7 392 Winn Man's Chavez 826Y 387 HSF Polled Creation 46M 386 KCM Ultimate 144Y 381 WCR Prime Cut 764 381 Sir QCR High Gear 2P 379 HTA Desert Storm 377 A-Jay's Mercury 70D 376 MSW Y2K 372 JSC Express 102L 371 Baldridge Fasttrack 366 Sparrows Eldorado 361L 366 CJH Turning Point 3X 364 Harvie Jager 65J 362 MCF Bohannon 305A 359 KayR Velocity 812Z 353 Soderglen Grandorr 4111U 351 Granada's Red Ace 17B 349 Lazy Jr. Zing 32Z 347 LT Ledger 0332P 346 Curtis Wallace 141H 345 SCC Millenium J002P 345 Merit Vintage 4065P 342 Wat-Cha Amalgamated 340 LT Ramrod 4148 335 RCC Royal Chip I 4192 328 Green Acres Butler 902Y 323 CML Diablo 2X 323 Double Hooks Cashmere 524P 320

Sir EC 20\20 Pld. EVC Hot King 24D JSR Equity 17M Silverstream Evolution E168 MLU Congress Sparrows Advantage SVC Classical Coke Silver Creek Thunderbolt Charco Monte 41H The Colonel MM 250770 DYV Dynamo 14D NZL Top Gun HEJ Ripper 66P CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W SVS Preserve 7B RCC Royal Express 3269 (P) LANC Visitation 3S Target Derrick 11D ABC Latoro 263G VET Dr Spock 1S Bridor Haldrey 5H Sparrows Alcatraz 18N PCC Balistik 441P JDJ Smokester J1377P ET WDZ Mongo RKG Thriller Pld 45D Bar J Silverado 14S Jezebel Belmont's Sonar 3N GV Raven 2S Keys Front Page 189H MXS Vermillion 527R SVS Mastercard 2M FH-RRR Sequoia SVS Nobleman 25N SOS Chuckwagon 54C Keys Handyman Pld 255H Steppler Ultimate 75X LT Western Spur 2061 MNE Banjo 70B CJC Symbol B1067P Skymont Ease 2078

318 313 310 309 307 307 306 305 303 303 301 301 301 300 299 298 293 293 291 289 286 285 283 280 280 277 276 274 271 271 268 266 263 259 259 259 258 258 255 255 255 251

* indicates BOSS Bull (500 points or more). The Banner of Show Sires (BOSS) program was developed and is administered by the Charolais Banner. Points are awarded to sires based upon their progeny’s placings at recognized BOSS shows across Canada.

Charolais Banner • February 2019



158 194 92 72 12 82 12

61 13 21 10 40 4


70 43

36 30 70 4 13 6

20 8 20 12

5 21

Toronto Royal


7 48

81 2 65 43 72 35


15 6



30 15

53 38 12 44 80 52 48 8 70 52 40 26

20 8 30 10


116 64 82 32 12 48 32 68 12



Expo Boeuf (Quebec)

100 110 44 36 42 56 80 60 26 92

MB Livestock Expo

420 327 295 239 206 182 153 139 138 138 131 128 110 106 102 102 100 84 82 82 66 60 53 48 47 44 42 42 41 40 40 40 40 38 37 37 37 36 34 32 32 32 32 30 30 30 29 28 28 28 28 26 26 26 26 26 24 24 24 23 23 22 22

Edmonton Farm Fair


TR PZC Mr Turton 079* HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C* Cedardale Zeal 125Z* SOS Chuckwagon 54C MCF Bohannon 305A SOS Hooey Pld 127D Elder's Blackjack 788B SVY Monument Pld 159Y JIL Thunder Roll 69Z CJC Symbol B1067P Winn Man's Chavez 826Y D R Revelation 467* Sharodon Double Vision 1D Palgrove Justice 535C SOS Home Grown 15C M&M Outsider 4003 HVA BARON 483D JWX Downtown 7C Circle Cee Legend 307A WCR Commissioner 593P LT Ledger 0332P SVY Grizzly Pld 521C MVY Xplorer 21X Grants Anchor 311A Sparrows Estevez 471B KCM Prowler 2X CML Gusto 662D BCA Monti Montana Sparrows Escobar 429B SHSH HD 14Y XAL Custom Made 1C PZC Bottoms Up 5011 ET TR Aces El Padrino ET Sharodon Tulo 14C Hicks Indiana Jones 7Y Gerrard new York 41A HRJ déjà vu 654D McTavish Hallelujah 79B KayR Velocity 812Z KAYR Extender 804C Rosso Double Down 8Z DCR Mr Dual-Threat D112 MVY Direct Deposit 22D KRF What-A-Boy 104Y SCR Triumph 2135 TR DSUL 100 Proof B24 ET SCX Triumph 50B Sparrows Aquarius 439B Sparrows Lyndhurst 546C JWX Downhome 6D SOS Gaucho 139D Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A Winn Mans Cuervo 4A LT Blue Blood 1131 Pld MVY Caous 64D TR PZC Mr Turton 5792RET LHD Mr Perfect WCR Prime Cut 764 Michelson Jailbreak 6400 Keys All State 149X Mr Louber Mike 813B Dubuc Zenith 302Z CML Diablo 2X

2018 Totals

Points Awarded in 2018

40 8

12 26 10 4 6 14 3



40 12 26 28 42

16 40

15 6 14 25 40


28 40

4 30 15




8 10 10





37 36 4 16 16 32

12 20

5 8 3

16 30

30 30 16

13 28 28 28

28 12 16


6 10

26 26 26 16

8 20



16 13 8 16 12

Charolais Banner • February 2019

10 15 6 10


22 20 20 20 20 18 18 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 14 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 10 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 5316

12 20

Toronto Royal




Expo Boeuf (Quebec)

MB Livestock Expo

Edmonton Farm Fair


2018 Totals

ZKCC Game On 266Z Gerrard Pastor 35Z* SCF You Betcha 94Y JMB Fisher 604D Elder's Daunte 36D Sparrows Braxton 519C RBM TR Rhinestone Z38 SRK Canyon 2Y Steppler Ultimate 75X CML Distinction 318A CML Gunslinger 310B KayR Patent 748B JWX Diplomat 254D Gerrard Montezuma 6T* Pleasant Dawn Marshall 25U MXD Fool's Gold 5A TR Mr Fire Water 5792 * HAMM Mogo U23 XAL Firestruck 3Z Mr Louber Tracker 615A CJC Trademark H45 Circle Cee Lucifer 608D HTA Contender 605D RPJ Pistol 129Y Cedardale Yellowstone 25Y HTA Asteroid 603D PCC Rome 437B PCC Yukon 405B RUSS Champion 7C Jones Disco 9C Elder’s Cracker Jack 13D Elder’s Cracker Jack 30F MXS Justice 535C PH Callahan 192C PCFL Chieftan 25X KayR Upswing 507Y WSS Budweiser 480B JS Navajo Red 15X TR Red Smoke PALE Mr. Prefix 43B HEJ Chester 1C HRJ Maverick 556C PH General Lee 5C Hicks Remington 31U Marquis CR Tri-N Prefix Pld ET 54Y Snoopy SVY Pilgrim Pld 655S WR Wrangler W601 Steppler Attain 160A Keys Jaxon 151B FERN Olaf 16C HTA Tandem 535C KSM Spectacular Bid 240Z MVY Dr Pepper 63D S.S.S. Demon Within 3D Silverstream Geddes G102 Pleasant Dawn Barracuda 413D WC Milestone 5223P EC No Doubt 2022P* HEJ Ripper 66P MRF Road Runner 1W LT Bridger 9191 Pld

10 20 20


8 18 10


17 8 6


8 6

16 16 16 10 15


14 4


3 13

8 4

4 8

12 12 12 11 8


10 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1458




Charolais Banner • February 2019







ACA AGM and Alberta Select Show Cholak Re-elected President of ACA Stephen Cholak, Lamont, was reelected president of the ACA at their annual meeting held December 6 in Red Deer. Stephen Johnson, Barrhead, was elected 1st Vice with Luke Marshall, Red Deer County, elected as 2nd Vice. The AGM is held in

conjunction with the Alberta Select weekend. The banquet was well attended. After a great meal the Annual awarders were handed out. The Purebred Breeder of the Year was awarded to Sugarloaf Charolais, the Anderson family from Minburn. The Commercial Breeder of the Year went

to Norway Valley Farms, the Barstad, Family, from Heinsburg. This year the Booster of the Year was awarded to Deb Cholak, Lamont. The Pioneer Award went to the family of Duane Parsonage, Red Deer County.

Stephen Cholak presents the Andersons of Sugarloaf Charolais Purebred Breeder of the Year Award

Stephen Cholak and Lorne Lakusta present the Barstads of Norway Valley Farm the Commercial Breeder of the Year Award

2018/19 ACA Board: Back Row: Rod McLeod, Cochrane; Ken Hinsburg, Oliver, BC; Marina Rasmussen, Red Deer County; Tyler Bullick, Bashaw; Scott Anderson, Minburn and Bob Burla, Stettler. Front Row: Tracee Vikse (Treasurer) Donalda; Luke Marshall (2nd Vice) Red Deer County; Stephen Cholak (President) Lamont; Stephen Johnson (1st Vice), Barrhead; Dianna Walgenbach, Botha.

Booster of the Year Award was presented to Deb Cholak by Tracee Vikse

Chad Bouchard and David Prokuda received thanks as retiring directors

The Pioneer Award was presented to Corinne and Cathy Parsonage by Jocelyn O’Neill and Stephen Cholak

SLC Right Time 884F

Legacys Fits the Bill 51F

Sugarloaf Wins the ACA Single Bull Show SLC Right Time 884F, a March 19 son of Sparrows Aquarius 493B, from Sugarloaf Charolais, Minburn was chosen as this year’s People’s Champion at the Alberta Select single bull show. The Reserve Champion of this 10-entry show was Legacys Fits the Bill 51F, a January 19th son of Sparrows Landmark 963W, shown by Legacy Charolais, Botha.


Charolais Banner • February 2019

continued on page 41

Legacy Charolais Win the ACA Pen of 3 Bull Show The Champion Pen of 3 Bulls were 3 sons of Sparrows Landmark 963W, exhibited by Legacy Charolais, Botha. The Reserve Champion Pen of 3 chosen by judges Jeff Cavers, Chris, Peuster, Kristian Rennert, Arden and Duane Barstad and Dale Weinbender was the pen from Springside Farms, Airdrie, with a son of SOS Hooey PLD 127D a son of SOS Chuck Wagon 54C and a son of CJC Symbol B1067P. There were 6 pens shown.

Champion Pen of 3 Bulls

Reserve Champion Pen of 3


National Board Hosts Online Auction Bret Marshall, Alberta Director

The CCYA National Board held their Annual Winter Meeting from January 11-13, 2019 in Saskatoon. This was another productive weekend, complete with several updates and improvements made for the upcoming conferences. One of the major changes this year is the funding we receive from the Canadian Charolais Association and how this will be distributed each year. The CCA has always supported the youth association through funding each conference and various scholarship opportunities. This year CCYA NATIONAL BOARD charolaisyouth@gmail.com President: Shelby Evans sle379@mail.usask.ca Vice-President: Keegan Blehm keegb34@yahoo.ca Treasurer: Tyson Black blackbern@hotmail.com

the CCA will be giving $5000 directly to the National Board to use towards running the conference each year. This is instead of the funds going to the hosting province’s planning committee, and in exchange, the hosting province will keep 100% of the profits made instead of returning 50% of profits to the CCYA National Board. This will create a more consistent income for the CCYA National Board, as well as encourage sponsorship in each hosting province as the funds will stay within the province for future years. An exciting upcoming event to

Secretary: Raelynne Rosso littlerosso@hotmail.ca Director: Bret Marshall blm5012@cesd73.ca Director: Lindsay Verwey Lindsay.verwey16@gmail.com Director: Reegan McLeod Reeganmc11@gmail.com

Director: Bradley Fergus bradleyfergus3@gmail.com Ex-Officio: Shae-Lynn Evans evans32s@uregina.ca 2019 CCYA Conf & Show Exec. President: Dale Weinbender Vice-President: Shelby Evans Treasurer: Raelynne Rosso Secretary: Kylie Beck

watch for this year is the CCYA National Board Online Fundraising Auction. This will be a Facebook Auction where a variety of donated items, events, and services will be available for purchase. This auction will begin on February 24 and be open until March 2. If you do not have a Facebook account, contact one of the National Board members to do your bidding for you. This is an exciting opportunity you don’t want to miss, so stay tuned! Hope you all have a great calving season and we hope to see everyone in July in Weyburn! CCYA Provincial Advisors SK: Jill Debenham | kidsandcows@sasktel.net ON: Karen Black | blackbern@hotmail.com MB: Jeff & Jackie Cavers | tobbagirl@yahoo.ca AB: Kasey Phillips | kphillips@mcsnet.ca Youth Coordinator: Shae-Lynn Evans shaelynnevans@gmail.com


CCYA Essay Winners Mason Beck, Milestone, SK Intermediate – 1st place, $200

Misleading with misinformation, hormone free and non gmo campaigns have had a huge effect on the cattle industry. With

very little positives coming from these biased ad campaigns, markets can and will suffer. Consumers have been misinformed and this has had a serious impact on how farmers raise their cattle today. A&W is leading the pack in the “No Added Hormones” campaign, also known as “better beef”, which claims they don’t buy cattle that have added hormones or Charolais Banner • February 2019

were treated with antibiotics; however, in an interview, they stated they will buy beef that was given antibiotics for therapeutic purposes, which is not included in ads. Regularly raised beef has around 2 nanograms of estrogen in a burger, while the bun has around 45,000 nanograms of estrogen in it. As Beef Cattle Research Council science 41

director, Dr. Reynold Bergen said, “A person would need to eat 3,000,000 hamburgers made with beef from implanted cattle to get as much estrogen as the average adult woman produces every day, or 50,000 hamburgers to get as much estrogen as the average adult man produces every day.” A&W has also been called out on the political side of things by none other than Past Premier Brad Wall, who expressed his opinion on the subject in an interview by saying “For me, that whole effort, that marketing campaign, it’s not based on science, it’s a gimmick, and it’s meant to scare people.” Hormones have a very positive impact for the producers who use them. Cattle require less water, less feed, and they produce less manure. All of these things are good for the environment. Hormone use is also monitored by Health Canada and standards are high because Canada exports a lot of beef to other countries. As Doug Gillespie, president of the Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association, put it “the perception isn’t fair. There are more hormones in cabbage than in beef” Now the markets are beginning to change due to the controversy over beef raised with added hormones and beef that wasn’t. The European Union has decided they will no longer accept hormone-treated beef. This will force more farmers to stop using hormones as there will be less demand for it. These ad campaigns have had a very large impact on the beef industry. One positive from these campaigns is that it has brought cattlemen together for the common goal of getting rid of these campaigns. It has also spurred other major fast food franchises to launch campaigns like McDonalds’ Canadian Beef campaign. It has also made it more possible for consumers to learn more about how their beef is raised as other companies have put out campaigns like that. In conclusion, although these campaigns do have some small positives to the beef industry, statistics and facts show these positives are unimportant to producers for the most part. The negatives have outweighed the 42

positives. With A&W’s biased partial information, the only people who gain from these campaigns are A&W, not the producers. Some producers are being forced to change the way they raise their cattle in order to meet demands for the consumers who are fed false information with their teen burger. There really is no difference between beef raised with no hormones added and beef that was. So there is no better beef... Tyson Black, Foresters Falls, ON Intermediate – 2nd place, $100

People make choices everyday on hundreds of small things. The food we buy and the places we eat are just one of the major decisions we make. When it comes to what people choose to eat there are a lot of different factors, one of which is Non Genetically Modified (GMO) versus Genetically Modified food. Our decisions as consumers are influenced by price, cultural preferences and by advertising. Advertising campaigns such as A&W’s “Better Beef” campaign have sparked debate over the past few years and has caused the beef industry in Canada to split between hormone free and non hormone free beef production. For producers in the cattle industry in Canada all influential factors must be considered and weighed for their pros and cons. There are both positive and negative effects in the promoting Non GMO beef. Hormone free campaigns do have a positive effect on the beef industry. With some restaurants advertising all the good things about the hormone free beef more people have been buying burgers. Studies show that after the A&W advertising campaign their sales have gone up 8% at their restaurants. This means that more beef is needed to be processed and made into meat. This really helps the organic or hormone free beef producers with all the promoting that has been done, but this also helps other beef producers by making consumers think more about beef, and not as much about chicken as a Charolais Banner • February 2019

supper choice. Another positive effect of hormone free advertising is the knowledge gained by consumers regarding antibiotics. Media sources of all types have commented on hormone free food and informed us that the use of antibiotics can lead to drug resistant bacteria to form in humans that consume the meat. This means that if you get sick some drugs won’t be able to help fix what’s wrong with you. Hormone free beef producers should find that the demand for their high quality product should result in a premium price. Larger profits are always a positive factor! On the other hand hormone free campaigns also have negative effects on the beef industry. For example these advertisements for Non GMO beef are not all based on science, so it may not be the whole truth, but instead a marketing gimmick. The uninformed public may think that restaurants not serving Non GMO beef are giving you meat that is “bad” for you and they won’t go back to those restaurants. Serving “Better Beef” as the A&W campaign says is misleading as hormones are naturally occurring and any additional hormones given to beef are miniscule in amount and found to be safe for human consumption by Health Canada. Another negative effect on Canadian beef producers is that restaurants such as A&W using only Non GMO beef will source their beef from other countries and not use Canadian beef due to lack of supply. If more people eat Non GMO beef it will take a lot more land and time to get the cattle up to the weight required for slaughter. Hormones given to cattle assist them to put muscle on quicker and with less food. More production costs equal higher prices to the consumer in the end. Let’s not forget the environment. When you remove technology and hormones it means you need more cattle, eating more food, on more land, producing more methane. This definitely has a negative impact on all consumers. The choice is up to you the consumer about what you eat. This

will ultimately determine how it is produced. It is up to us, the producer, to weigh in on all the facts and determine how best to raise our cattle in this “new” marketplace. The Non GMO consumer may not be the niche market in the future, they may be the norm. Jorja Beck, Milestone, SK Junior – 1st place, $125

What would I tell my friends about hormone free beef? I would tell them the truth. Hormone free beef is the biggest lie in the cattle industry, making it believed by most people. Hormone free beef has mostly cons since the lies have consumers engaged by the idea of thinking hormone free beef is healthier. Hormone free beef is the most believed lie in the cattle industry, needing more people to tell the truth about it. First of all what are hormones? Hormones help cattle grow, reproduce, and help maintain the body’s daily functions such as digesting. There are many different types of hormones including steroids, and growth hormones. Hormones are vital for the healthy growth and development of any animal. Hormones are needed to stop diseases such as mad cow disease. Hormones are also needed at castration or branding for a pain killer. Cattle need hormones, just like people do. It is important that farmers do not give hormones to animals who are about to be butchered. Without hormones, cattle have diseases. Beef has naturally occurring hormones, just like people, so there really is no such thing as hormone free beef, even though restaurants and producers advertise that. If people heard advertising saying that people

are hormone free, no one would believe it, so why are people so quick to believe there are hormone free cattle? “Hormone free beef” really just means there are no added hormones, but the average person does not get that. Many restaurants such as A&W advertise hormone free beef, when really the beef has hormones in it, or may be full of diseases. When you search on the internet about why cattle need hormones, it shows the harms of hormones, farmers overdosing on hormones and all the problems. People on the internet usually share lies and the negative about things. That is why it is so important for producers to tell the truth and educate people. In reality, cattle need hormones to live a healthy and happy life and be free from diseases, just like people. In conclusion, cattle require hormones to live a healthy life and need them in certain situations, such as when they are sick or being castrated. Hormone free beef is a lie since all animals have birth hormones. I would tell my friends that hormone free beef is not true and to not eat at restaurants that advise it. Next time you hear the term “hormone free beef” think back to eating cattle full of diseases. Educating people on the truth about hormone free beef is very important, for people’s health and cattle’s health. Tiffany Frost, Kingsey-Falls, QC Junior – 2nd place, $75

Many people have different views about hormone free beef. In my opinion adding extra hormones is not very good for you. Hormones help the cows grow easier and faster. Hormone free beef is healthier but costs more than beef

with hormones. There is not actually “hormone free” beef because the cows naturally produce hormones. If my friends asked me about hormone free beef I would tell them that in my opinion it is better to not put extra hormones in the cows. It is healthier but also cost more to have hormone free beef. It cost more because it is healthier and people want to eat healthy. Hormone free beef is healthier because the hormones have stuff in it that is not good for you. Hormone free beef is a good marketing tool to sell beef to those who want to eat natural healthy foods. I think that people would rather buy hormone free beef. Hormones help the cow’s muscles grow more easily and quickly. The hormones are put in with a small pelleted implant that is placed under the skin behind the ear. The implants are made to release the hormones slowly overtime into the bloodstream. Hormone implicated beef has never been implicated with adverse health effects in human. I would tell my friends that personally I like beef better without extra hormones. All they do is make the cow bigger but that doesn’t really make a difference. We feed our cows food to make them bigger and only put antibiotics in them if we have to. Example: they are sick. There are six hormones approved for beef production. Three are natural hormones, (Testosterone, Estrogen, and progesterone). There are three chemically similar synethetic hormones, (Melengestrol Acetate, Trenbolone Acetate, and Zeranol). These are the reasons why I would rather hormone free beef. There are also facts. Like I said I would rather hormone free beef. What do you think? Would you rather hormone free beef?

PLAN TO ATTEND Canadian Charolais Youth Association 2019 Conference & Show July 24–27, Weyburn, Saskatchewan

Charolais Banner • February 2019



2018 Charolais Female Sales Summary 2018 CHAROLAIS FEMALE SALES SUMMARY CHART Notes: (Applicable to the following chart)

• Statistics were compiled from Canadian Charolais Female Sales which were reported to the Charolais Banner in 2018. • There were 16 sales reporting in 2018, 2 less than 2017. • In total there were 194 less lots selling in 2018 with the overall average falling $273. • Total gross sales were down $1,337,475 from 2017. • In 2017 there were 4 dispersal sales as opposed to 3 in 2018. • Sales which included more than 10 bulls selling will be included in the 2018 Spring Bull Sale Summary Report. • Total sales, gross & average do not include the flush, embryo or semen lots. General Summary Number of 2018 Sales ........................................................16 Total Lots Offered...................................................... 657 1/4 Average Sale Size ........................................................ 41 lots Total Gross Dollars .............................................. $3,734,825

Overall Average per Lot .............................................. $5683

Overall Sale Averages More Than $6,000: Genetic Edge Charolais Sale ....................................$10,439 Alberta Select Sale ......................................................$10,425 Canadian Western Agribition Sale..............................$9465 Steppler Farms “A Piece of the Program” ................$8301 Sterling Collection Sale ................................................$6648 No Borders Select ..........................................................$6414 Sales With 45+ Lots: Angle H Stock Farm Dispersal..........................................88 Transcon Working Girls Sale ............................................69 Land O’Lakes Dispersal ....................................................56 Genetic Edge Charolais Sale ..............................................50 Autumn Prestige ................................................................50 Top 5 Gross Dollar Sales: Genetic Edge Charolais Sale ..................................$521,950 Angle H Stock Farm Dispersal ..............................$415,550 Alberta Select Sale ....................................................$320,600 Transcon Working Girls Sale..................................$310,250 Steppler Farms “A Piece of the Program” ............$298,850

Top 20 Selling Females of 2018 Name

CML Desirae 751E



Pick of PZC TR Desirae 012 ET calves


Wilgenbusch Charolais


Turnbull Charolais Pick of Female

$35,000 $27,500

Canadian Donors

Turnbull Charolais

SOS Autumn Day 56E


Prairie Cove Charolais

McLeod Livestock

Miss Prairie Cove 806F


Elders Charolais & Wilgenbusch Charolais Wintering Springs Ranch

McLeod Livestock Springside Farms

Prairie Cove Charolais

HRJ Foxy Roxy 851F


Wild Indian Acres

Johnson Charolais

CML Wilma 788E


Elder Charolais

McLeod Livestock

SOS Savory 99E

SOS Bridget 133E

Steppler Whitearrow 6237D

Miss Prairie Cove 810F

Pick of Elder Charolais Heifer Calves



Springside Farms

Circle 7 Charolais

Steppler Farms


Wrangler Charolais

Elder Charolais


W2 Farms

Prairie Cove Charolais



Miss Prairie Cove 805F


KAYR Fallyn 828F

Alton Century Farm

Springside Farms


Pleasantdawn Lady 975A Miss Prairie Cove 704E

McKeary Charolais


Jaun Carlos Barajas Plascencia

Saddleridge Charolais Wintering Springs Ranch

Agricola & Ganadera LA Altena

Prairie Cove Charolais

Pleasant Dawn Farms

Prairie Cove Charolais

Kay-R Charolais

Steppler Miss 190C


Hicks Charolais

Steppler Farms

EMB Queen B 47F


Cockburn Farms & M & L Cattle Co.

EMB Charolais

WSS Ferris Wheel 855F Pick of Beck Farms Bred Heifers


$16,000 $15,500

BZBT Livestock

Creek's Edge Land & Cattle Co.

Charolais Banner • February 2019

Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle Beck Farms

25 Year (1994 2018) Charolais Female Sale Trends Year


# of Sales

1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

42 32 30 35 27 19 19 20 16 15 17 21 16 23 15 12 13 13 14 16 14 10 17 18 16

341 300 256 440 276 149 290 179 32 141 193 158 169 402 135 81 189 265 336 261 121 57 284 199 92


$4,688 $3,379 $3,104 $3,480 $3,443 $4,518 $5,116 $5,394 $5,784 $4,978 $4,149 $3,184 $4,241 $2,992 $3,594 $3,496 $3,634 $4,860 $5,201 $4,876 $10,880 $9,904 $6,508 $8,003 $7,810

345 279 241 363 287 119 122 262 49 167 132 153 168 1/2 325 172 131 141 152 93 234 83 24 101 162 110


$2,733 $1,674 $1,721 $1,882 $1,868 $2,429 $2,338 $2,609 $2,836 $2,192 $2,129 $2,010 $1,960 $1,596 $2,136 $2,492 $2,501 $2,666 $2,714 $1,918 $5,116 $5,998 $5,322 $4,597 $4,299

469 445 1/2 406 431 1/2 339 280 313 337 254 204 252 240 215 1/2 257 166 179 189 174 277 307 248 199 340 281 252 1/2

$2,336 $2,004 $1,645 $1,914 $2,020 $2,483 $2,543 $2,937 $2,778 $2,534 $2,010 $2,139 $2,709 $2,120 $2,353 $2,225 $2,472 $2,866 $3,419 $2,982 $5,736 $6,874 $4,631 $5,652 $5,577

HEIFER CALVES No. Average 283 229 229 259 1/2 180 150 189 163 160 90 110 111 132 1/2 115 102 93 86 95 107 132 86½ 91 155 142 156

$2,247 $1,836 $1,721 $1,646 $1,868 $2,110 $2,301 $2,255 $2,310 $2,290 $1,938 $2,204 $2,237 $2,072 $2,725 $2,256 $2,431 $2,693 $3,194 $3,151 $5,147 $6,482 $4,624 $4,974 $5,659

2018 Charolais Female Sale Statistics 2018 Sale Name Alberta Select Sale Angle H Stock Farm Dispersal Atlantic Elite Sale Autumn Prestige Sale Canadian Western Agribition Sale Genetic Edge Charolais Sale Land O’ Lakes Charolais Dispersal M & L Cattle Co. Purebred Charolais Dispersal Nelson Hirsche Purebreds 1st Production Sale No Borders Select Sale

Cow/Calf PR No. Ave. 1 $10,500 30 $7,208 1 $4,900 2 $6,400

22 $4,274 7 $5,057



Steppler Farms “A Piece of the Program” Sterling Collection Sale Sunrise Dispersal Sale Transcon Working Girls Sale Uppin’ The Ante Sale Wood River Charolais

7 $17,557 4 $11,725 14 $7,239


92 $7,810



Bred Females No. Ave. 1 $31,000 37 $3,536 4 4 8 6


11 4 1 32

$3,675 $12,125 $2,394 $3,333


$3,236 $5,362 $4,500 $3,870

110 $4,299

Bred Heifers No. Ave. 13 $8,084 18 $3,092 8 $3,031 32 $3,597 4 $10,062 28 $11,033 26 $2,498 3 $1,900

Heifer Calves Flush/Recip Embryo No. Ave. No. Ave. No. Ave. 15 $10,266 1 $5,100 8 10 14 15

$2,550 $3,540 $9,507 $8,080






$5,363 15 $5,103

25 33 5 21 16 1/2

$6,074 $6,247 $4,450 $5,011 $5,785

4 4


Semen No. Ave.

Bulls No. Ave. 3/4 $20,000 3 $4,267 2






$6,500 6 1 4

$1,050 $500 $450

210 $59 5 $158

10 $300

$6,025 $4,975


$950 1

44 $4,165 21 $4,731

252 1/2 $5,577 156 $5,659

1 1

$3,100 $4,250

18 $506

4 $4,738 32 $610


226 $73

Charolais Banner • February 2019



42 3/4 $5,177

TOTALS No. 30 3/4 88 17 50 19 50 56 19

Ave. $10,426 $4,722 $2,915 $3,633 $9,466 $10,439 $3,181 $3,555

GROSS $320,600 $415,550 $49,550 $181,650 $179,850 $521,950 $178,125 $67,550







36 41 31 69 40 1/2 32

$8,301 $6,648 $5,281 $4,496 $5,619 $3,870

$298,850 $272,550 $163,700 $310,250 $227,550 $123,850

657 1/4




25 Year (1994 2018) Charolais Female Sale Trends OPEN FEMALES No. Average 42 59 2 2 0 2 4 11 0 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

$2,680 $1,805 $1,400 $925 $0 $1,425 $1,763 $1,686 $0 $0 $0 $1,475 $0 $1,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

FLUSH/RECIPS No. Average 31 4 9 8 8 5 9 9 16 4 4 8 10 5 4 5 12 6 6 12 4 3 1 4 4

$2,031 $2,975 $2,555 $2,919 $2,628 $2,185 $4,717 $2,817 $1,792 $2,275 $3,488 $3,681 $2,895 $3,380 $4,440 $3,840 $3,817 $5,042 $6,192 $4,283 $5,150 $7,233 $8,000 $8,125 $4,738

BULLS/SEMEN No. Average 150 2/3 143 1/4 107 1/2 128 1/4 86 75 1/2 104 96 79 70 56 1/6 77 3/5 78 1/2 72 25 1/2 31 1/2 25 3/8 44 1/2 74 3/4 100 23/25 6 15 1/2 9 1/4 48 1/10 42 3/4

$8,998 $3,970 $3,418 $3,749 $3,980 $5,260 $4,263 $5,657 $4,451 $5,404 $5,711 $3,837 $3,378 $3,410 $3,972 $6,458 $5,383 $5,074 $4,029 $3,734 $4,792 $12,977 $11,627 $7,961 $5,177

TOTAL LOTS SALE GROSS No. Average 1690 1459 3/4 1250 1/2 1,651 1176 1/12 774 1/4 1031 1054 590 676 3/5 746 755 3/5 770 11/12 1177 603 1/2 519 3/4 641 5/8 736 1/2 891 1/2 1053 11/12 555½ 473 1/2 901 851 3/5 657 1/4

$3,211 $2,304 $2,138 $2,424 $2,426 $3,112 $3,403 $3,406 $3,022 $3,141 $2,879 $2,534 $2,881 $2,352 $2,732 $2,769 $2,975 $3,671 $4,065 $3,381 $6,786 $6,716 $5,414 $5,956 $5,678





306.584.7937 • charolaisbanner@gmail.com

www.charolaisbanner.com 46

Charolais Banner • February 2019

$5,427,661 $3,363,250 $2,674,080 $4,002,485 $2,853,133 $2,409,676 $3,492,265 $3,590,470 $1,782,960 $2,125,075 $2,147,125 $1,914,985 $2,221,225 $2,768,275 $1,648,520 $1,439,025 $1,909,000 $2,703,825 $3,623,750 $3,563,105 $3,769,850 $3,179,845 $4,879,025 $5,072,300 $3,731,975

Charolais Banner • February 2019



Advertise Your Services! Call today 306.584.7937


Charolais Banner • February 2019

Alberta Breeders

Barry & Lee-Ann Kaiser & family 403.787.2489 Box 209, Hussar, AB T0J 1S0 Barry 403.334.2489 Lee-Ann 403.334.2155 kaiserbarry@gmail.com

Kasey, Arlana, Kord & Peri Phillips Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0

T 780.358.2360 • C 780.656.6400 • kphillips@mcsnet.ca KREATING KONFIDENCE

Be Wise — Advertise. Your ad should be here. 306.584.7937

GOOD ANCHOR CHAROLAIS HOME OF “GOOD” CATTLE! Don Good and Marion Smyth Box 3261, Vermilion, AB T9X 2B2 780.853.2220 • Don.marion.good@gmail.com

Charolais Banner • February 2019


caught you looking! Your ad should be here. 306.584.7937


Ralph Retzlaff 403.793.0794 Leonard Retzlaff 403.501.9333 Rosemary, AB • www.saddleridgecharolais.com

British Columbia Breeders

Your ad should be here Call today! 306.584.7937 50

Charolais Banner • February 2019

Manitoba Breeders

Ontario Breeders

Kevin, Crystal, Kory & Shaylin Stebeleski P/F 204.234.5425 Cell 204.365.6010 Box 266, Oakburn, MB R0J 1L0 | happyhavencharolais@gmail.com

Charolais Banner • February 2019


Quebec Breeders

Rollin’ Acres Charolais Full French Charolais 598516 2nd Line, Mulmur, ON L9V 0B6 chester.tupling@premierequipment.ca Chester Tupling 519.925.2938 C 705.627.0672

“Breeding the Cattle that Work in Both Rings.” 52

Charolais Banner • February 2019

Saskatchewan Breeders

Wendall & Leanne Weston Box 206, Maidstone, SK S0M 1M0 • wlweston@sasktel.net

Tel 306.893.4510 • Cell 306.893.7801

Be Wise. Advertise. Your ad should be here. 306.584.7937 Charolais Banner • February 2019


USA Breeders

Advertise your program here. Call today! 306.584.7937 AD RATES Charolais Banner

Charolais Connection

Ads Black & White Full Colour Full Page $725 $1050 2/3 Page 610 840 1/2 Page 490 685 1/3 Page 345 505 1/4 Page 285 410 1/6 Page 190 n/a 1/8 Page 145 n/a 1" Business Card 350/Year n/a Classified 1"x1 column 45 n/a Classified 2"x1 column 80 n/a (add $10.00 to put classified ads on web for 1 month)

Ads Black & White Full Colour Full Page $1100 $1450 2/3 Page 825 1125 1/2 Page 690 945 1/3 Page 525 725 1/4 Page 440 615 1/6 Page 330 n/a 1/8 Page 220 n/a 1" Business Card 350/Year n/a Classified 1" x 1 column 80 n/a Classified 2" x 1 column 140 n/a (add $10 to put classified ads on web for 1 month)

Charolais Banner: • Pictures – $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen – $25 • Overruns are $1 each • Catalogue prices available on request • 4 ad contracts offer a 15% discount (card ad exempt) • Position pages will be given to yearly contracts • Sale Budget includes Banner fieldman to attend the sale, take pictures, work the ring and report the sale. Female sale budget is $400 sale attendance fee plus 2 colour pages in Charolais

Banner or equivalent in Charolais Connection. Bull sale budget is $400 sale attendance fee plus 1 colour page in Charolais Connection. Charolais Connection • Pictures – $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen – $25 • Yearly contract – buy 2 ads and get the third at half price (card ad exempt) • Position pages will be given to yearly contracts • Catalogue prices available on request







Feb 6

Feb 13

Feb 28


April 17

April 24

May 8

The Banner cannot be responsible for errors in advertisements received after the ad deadline. The Charolais Banner reserves the right to refuse any advertisement. On any advertisement, the Charolais Banner is not liable for any charges over and above the cost of that advertisement. No agency commission allowed on livestock advertising rates. The Charolais Banner assumes no responsibility for distribution.


Charolais Banner • February 2019


Calendar of Events February 14 Wilkie Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Stettler (AB) Auction Mart February 15 “Muscle Up” at Stephen Charolais and Guests 2nd Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Whitewood (SK) Auction Mart February 16 P & H Ranching 9th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart February 16 Saint Martin Test Station Sale, Saint Martin, QC February 16 Crossroads Beef Expo, Oyen, AB February 18 Tip the Scale Angus & Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Vikse Family Farm, Donalda, AB February 19 Rawes Ranches 36th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the ranch, Strome, AB February 20 McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Land & Livestock Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Olds (AB) Cow Palace February 21 Prairie Cove Charolais Bull and Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the ranch, Bashaw, AB February 22 Maple Leaf Charolais & Guests 15th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Calnash Ag Events Centre, Ponoka, AB

February 27 Saddleridge Charolais with Kaiser Cattle Co. Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Bow Slope Shipping, Brooks, AB February 27 Beck Farms & McCoy Cattle Co. 10th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Milestone, SK March 1 M & L Cattle Company Bull Sale, 7:00 p.m., at the farm, Indian River, ON March 1 38th Annual Select Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart March 2 Ferme Louber 15th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Ste-Marie de Beauce, QC March 2 High Country 45th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Pincher Creek (AB) Ag Grounds March 2 Wrangler Made 7th Annual Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the farm, Westlock, AB March 2 Chomiak Charolais 15th Annual Bull & Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., Viking (AB) Auction Market March 3 ”The Legacy Bull Sale” LEGACY Charolais with BOB Charolais 2nd Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Botha, AB

March 8 15th Annual Northern Classic Bull Sale, Grand Prairie, AB March 8 CK Sparrow Farms Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Vanscoy, SK March 9 Horseshoe E Charolais Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Kenaston, SK March 9 Blackbern, WhiteWater & Kirlene Charolais Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., Renfrew Pontiac Livestock Facility, Cobden, ON March 9 Source for Success Bull Sale, at Elmlodge Herefords, Indian River, ON March 10 Steppler Farms 8th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m. DST, Steppler Sale Barn, Miami, MB March 11 Palmer Charolais with Nielson Land & Cattle Co. 8th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Bladworth, SK March 12 Harvie Ranching Bull Sale, at the ranch, Olds, AB March 14 Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle Co. 2nd Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Yellow Creek, SK March 14 Lazy S Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., VJV Auction Mart, Beaverlodge, AB

February 22 HEJ Charolais 14th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart

March 3-4 100th Pride of the Prairies Bull Show & Sale, Lloydminster (SK) Exhibition Grounds

February 23 Myhre Land & Cattle Co./Bar J Charolais Bull Sale (Denbie Ranch & Guests) Ste. Rose du Lac, MB

March 5 Built Right 6th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Provost (AB) Livestock Exchange

March 15 High Bluff Stock Farm Charolais & Simmental Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., at the farm, Inglis, MB

February 23 SanDan Charolais/Springside Farms 22nd Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Erskine, AB

March 5 RRTS Charolais Bull Sale, 12:30 p.m., BC Livestock Co-op, Kamloops, BC

March 15 Reese Cattle Co. 10th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart

March 7 Buffalo Lake Charolais 13th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Stettler (AB) Auction Mart

March 15-17 Cody Sibbald Legacy Classic Junior Show, Medicine Hat, AB

February 23 Quebec Select Bull Sale, Danville, QC February 24 Pro-Char and Guests 8th Annual Bull Sale, at the farm, Glenevis, AB

Charolais Banner • February 2019

March 14 McKeary Charolais Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Bow Slope Shipping , Brooks, AB


March 16 Northern Impact VI, North Central Livestock Exchange, Clyde, AB March 16 Pleasant Dawn Charolais 17th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Heartland Livestock, Virden, MB March 16 Rollin’ Acres/Whiskey Hollow & Guests 9th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Maple Hill Auctions, Hanover, ON March 16 Ferme Palerme Charolais Bull Sale, Vinoy Test Station, 1:00 p.m., at Ferme Gagnon, Cheneville, QC March 16 Select Genetics Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at Forsyth Angus, Herbert, SK March 16 Canada’s Red, White & Black Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK March 18 North West Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Kramer’s Big Bid Barn, North Battleford, SK March 18 Neilson Cattle Co. 29th Annual Bull Sale, at the farm, Willowbrook, SK March 18 Grassroots Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Dryland Trading Corp, Veteran, AB March 19 Diamond W Charolais, Red & Black Angus 17th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Minitonas, MB March 20 HTA Charolais & Guest Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., Beautiful Plains Ag Complex, Neepawa, MB March 21 Elder Charolais 9th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Coronach, SK March 21 Footprint Farms Bull Sale, 3:30 p.m, at the ranch, Esther, AB March 22 McTavish Farms and Guest 8th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Moosomin, SK March 22 Thistle Ridge Ranch Bull Sale, Taber (AB) Agriplex 56

March 23 Impact Angus & Charolais 11th Annual Bull & Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., Saskatoon (SK) Livestock Sales

March 30 Transcon’s 23rd Annual Advantage Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Saskatoon (SK) Livestock Sales

March 23 Cornerview Charolais Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the farm, Cobden, ON

March 30 Alameda Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Alameda (SK) Auction Mart

March 23 7th Annual “Thickness Sells” Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Atlantic Stockyards, Truro, NS

March 30 Borderland Cattle Company Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the ranch, Rockglen, SK

March 23 Lazy S Cattle Co. Limousin & Charolais Bull Sale, 6:00 p.m., VJV Auction Mart, Rimbey, AB March 23 K-Cow Ranch Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the ranch, Elk Point, AB March 24 Best of the Breeds 15th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Heartland Livestock, Yorkton, SK March 25 Allanville Farms Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Tisdale, SK March 26 Prairie Distinction Charolais 5th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Beautiful Plains Ag Complex, Neepawa, MB March 26 Poplar Bluff Stock Farm & Twin Anchor Charolais 3rd Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Dryland Trading Corp, Veteran, AB March 28 Coyote Flats Charolais 4th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Coaldale, AB March 28 RanAMan Ranch 4th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Olds (AB) Auction Mart March 28 C2 Charolais Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Killarney (MB) Auction Mart March 30 Tri-N Charolais Farms 4th Annual Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the farm, Lenore, MB March 30 High Point Charolais Bull Sale, 6:00 p.m., at Sunrise Charolais, Stayner, ON

Charolais Banner • February 2019

March 30 Candiac Choice Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Candiac (SK) Auction Mart April 1 North of the 49th 16th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK April 2 Cedarlea Farms “Git ‘R Done” Bull Sale, at Windy Willows Angus, Hodgeville, SK April 2 Gilliland Bros. Charolais 7th Annual Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at Chopper K Auction Mart, Alameda, SK April 2 White Lake Colony Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Balog Auction, Lethbridge, AB April 3 White Cap/Rosso Charolais & Howe Red Angus 29th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the Howe Family Farm, Moose Jaw, SK April 4 Hunter Charolais 7th Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Roblin, MB April 4 Ringuette Charolais Annual Bull Sale, 12:00 noon, Atlantic Stock Yards, Truro, NS April 6 Vermilion Charolais Group 33rd Annual Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., North Central Livestock, Vermilion, AB April 6 Maritime Bull Test Station Sale, at the test station, Nappan, NS April 6 Saunders Charolais 14th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Keady (ON) Livestock Market

April 6 JTA Diamond Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Courval, SK April 8 Cattle Capital Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Ste. Rose (MB) Auction Mart April 9 Top Cut 29th Annual Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Stockman’s Weigh Co., Mankota, SK April 11 Sliding Hills Charolais 13th Annual Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., at the farm, Canora, SK April 11 Daines Cattle Co. Bull Sale, 1:00 p.m., Innisfail (AB) Auction Mart

April 20 Cedardale Charolais 16th Annual Bull & Select Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., at the farm, Nestleton, ON April 20 Lindskov-Thiel Bull Sale, at the ranch, Isabel, SD June 5-9 Canadian Charolais Association Annual General Meeting and Tour, NB, PE, NS June 6 Canadian Charolais Association Annual General Meeting, Moncton, NB June 29 ACA Tour, Vermilion, AB

April 13 Eastern Select Bull & Female Sale, 1:00 p.m., Hoards Station Sale Barn, Campbellford, ON

July 24-27 Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show, Weyburn, SK

April 13 Acadia Ranching Charolais & Angus Bull Sale, 2:00 p.m., Bow Slope Shipping Association, Brooks, AB

August 4-12 World Charolais Technical Conference, Republic of Ireland

April 20 Brimner Cattle Co., Cornerstone Bull Sale, 1:30 p.m., Whitewood (SK) Auction Mart

Charolais Banner • February 2019



Advertisers Index Alta Custom Programs .....................................48 Amabec Charolais ............................................51 Annuroc Charolais............................................51 B Bar D Charolais .............................................51 Baker Farms .....................................................51 Bar H Charolais ................................................53 Beck Farms..................................................11,53 Be Rich Farms...................................................49 Blackbern Charolais..........................................52 Bob Charolais...................................................49 Bo Jan Enterprises ............................................53 Borderland Cattle Co........................................53 Bow Valley Genetics Ltd. ..................................48 Bricney Stock Farms..........................................53 Bridor Charolais................................................52 Brimner Cattle Company ..................................53 Buffalo Lake Charolais .....................................49 By Livestock......................................................28 Carey, Brent .....................................................48 Cedardale Charolais .........................................52 Cedarlea Farms ................................................53 Charla Moore Farms.........................................53 Char Lew Ranch...............................................49 Char Maine Ranching..................................23,49 Charolais Journal..............................................48 Chartop Charolais ............................................53 Charworth Charolais Farms ..............................49 Chomiak Charolais ..........................................49 CIAQ................................................................21 Circle 7 Charolais ...............................................7 Circle Cee Charolais Farms ...............................49 Cline Cattle Co.................................................51 Cockburn Farms ...............................................52 Cougar Hill Ranch ............................................51 Coyote Flats Charolais ......................................49 Creek's Edge Land & Cattle Co.........................53 C2 Charolais ....................................................51 Davis Rairdan ...................................................48 Defoort Stock Farm ..........................................51 Demarah Farms ................................................53 Diamond W Charolais ......................................53 Dorran, Ryan ....................................................48 Double P Stock Farms.......................................51 Dowell Charolais ..............................................49 DRD Charolais ..................................................27 Dubuc Charolais...............................................52 Dudgeon Snobelen Land & Cattle ....................52 EastGen ...........................................................21 Eaton Charolais ................................................54 Echo Spring Charolais.......................................52 Edge, Dean ......................................................48 Elder Charolais Farms .......................................53 Fergus Family Charolais ....................................52 Fischer Charolais ..............................................49 Flat Valley Cattle Co. ........................................49


Fleury, Michael .................................................48 Flewelling, Craig...............................................48 Footprint Farms ............................................9,49 Future Farms ....................................................49 Gilliland Bros. Charolais....................................53 Good Anchor Charolais ....................................49 H.S. Knill Company Ltd.....................................48 Happy Haven Charolais ....................................51 Harcourt Charolais ...........................................53 Hard Rock Land & Cattle Co.............................51 Harvie Ranching ..............................................49 HEJ Charolais ..................................................49 Hicks Charolais.................................................52 High Bluff Stock Farm.......................................51 Holk Charolais..................................................49 Hopewell Charolais ..........................................53 Horseshoe E Charolais ......................................53 Howe Family Farm............................................53 HTA Charolais Farm .........................................51 Hunter Charolais .......................................51,IBC JMB Charolais .................................................51 Johnson Charolais ............................................49 Johnstone Auction ...........................................48 June Rose Charolais..........................................53 Kaiser Cattle Co. ..............................................49 Kay R Land & Cattle Ltd. ..................................49 KCH Charolais..................................................50 Kirlene Cattle ...................................................52 La Ferme Patry de Weedon..........................13,52 Land O' Lakes Charolais ...................................52 Langstaff Charolais...........................................52 Leemar Charolais..............................................49 Legacy Charolais ..............................................49 LEJ Charolais ....................................................51 Lindskov Thiel Charolais Ranch.........................54 M & L Cattle Co. ..............................................52 Mack's Charolais ..............................................52 Maple Leaf Charolais........................................49 Martens Cattle Co............................................53 Martens Charolais ............................................51 McAvoy Charolais Farm....................................53 McKay Charolais ..............................................51 McKeary Charolais ...........................................50 McLeod Livestock ..........................................7,48 McTavish Farms................................................53 Medonte Charolais...........................................52 Miller Land & Livestock.....................................52 Murphy Livestock .............................................50 Mutrie Farms....................................................53 Myhre Land and Cattle.....................................51 Nahachewsky Charolais....................................53 Norheim Ranching............................................48 P & H Ranching Co...........................................50 Packer Charolais...............................................52 Palmer Charolais ..............................................53

Charolais Banner • February 2019

Parklane Charolais............................................50 Phillips Farms....................................................54 Pleasant Dawn Charolais ...............................5,51 Potter Charolais................................................52 Prairie Cove Charolais.............................16,17,50 Prairie Gold Charolais .......................................54 Pro Char Charolais ...........................................50 Qualman Charolais ..........................................54 Raffan, Don......................................................48 Rawes Ranches.................................................50 Rebuild with Steel ............................................48 Reeleder, Andrew.............................................48 Rollin' Acres Charolais ......................................52 Ross Lake Charolais ..........................................50 Rosso Charolais ................................................54 Royale Charolais...............................................52 RRTS Charolais .................................................50 Saddleridge Farming Co. ..................................50 SanDan Charolais Farms ...................................50 Saunders Charolais...........................................52 Scarth Cattle Co...............................................51 Serhienko/Voegeli Cattle Co.............................54 Sharodon Farms ...............................................52 Skeels, Danny...................................................48 Sliding Hills Charolais .......................................54 Southside Charolais..........................................50 Southview Farms ..............................................52 CK Sparrow Farms...........................................IFC Springside Farms ..............................................50 Spruce View Charolais......................................50 Stach Farms Charolais ......................................50 Stephen Charolais Farm....................................54 Steppler Farms Ltd. .......................................3,51 Stock, Mark......................................................48 Stockmen's Insurance.......................................48 Sugarloaf Charolais ..........................................50 Sunshine Oak Charolais....................................51 T Bar C Cattle Co. .......................................48,57 Temple Farms...................................................54 Thistle Ridge Ranch ..........................................50 Transcon Livestock Corp..............................15,48 Tri N Charolais .................................................51 Turnbull Charolais .......................................19,50 Twin Anchor Charolais .....................................50 Wendt & Murray Farms Ltd. .............................50 Western Litho...................................................49 WestGen..........................................................21 White Lake Colony ...........................................50 White Meadow Charolais Ltd. ..........................51 WhiteWater Livestock.......................................52 Wilgenbusch Charolais ............................54, OBC Wilkie Ranch ....................................................50 Wood River Charolais ......................................54 Wrangler Charolais...........................................50

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