May 2019 Charolais Banner

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Charolais Banner • May 2019


May 2019 VOL. 53, NO. 2 124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Ph. (306) 584-7937 • Fax (306) 546-3942 Home Page: email:


ISSN 0824-1767

Scott Named CCA GM ..........................10 Social Media Marketing ........................20 Ontario Charolais Asso. AGM ................24 Wilkie Charolais ....................................26 P&H Ranching ......................................26 Rawes Ranches ....................................27 Stephen Charolais ................................28 Tip the Scale ..........................................28 McLeod & Kay-R....................................30 Prairie Cove ..........................................30 SanDan & Springside ............................31 Maple Leaf & Guests ............................32 Obituary – Claire Meier ........................32 Pro-Char & Guest ..................................33 Beck Farms ..........................................33 High Country ........................................34 HEJ Charolais ........................................35 Legacy / BOB ........................................35 M & L Cattle Co. ..................................36 CK Sparrow Farms ................................37 Louber Farms ........................................37 Built Right ............................................38 Obituary – Dale Moulton ......................38 Steppler Farms ......................................39 Palmer Charolais ..................................40 Horseshoe E Charolais ..........................42 Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle ..................43 Blackbern-WhiteWater-Kirlene ..............43 High Bluff Stock Farm............................44 Buffalo Lake Charolais ..........................44 Harvie Ranching ..................................45 Pleasant Dawn Charolais ......................46

Departments From the Field ........................................6 Dans nos champs ..................................8 Canadian Charolais Asso......................12 De l’Asso de Charolais Canadien ........14 Herd Health..........................................18 Profile: CCYA – Building the Breed ......21

Helge By, Manager/Publisher

Reese Cattle Co. ....................................46 Candace By, Managing Editor Diamond W Charolais............................48 Footprint Farms ....................................50 Cell 306-536-3374 McTavish & Guest..................................51 @ByCandace HTA & Guest..........................................52 Susan Penner, Production/Design Cornerview ..........................................52 Best of the Breeds ................................54 Dalyse Robertson, Web Design High Point ............................................54 Box 2458, Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0 Prairie Distinction ..................................56 Ph/Fax (204) 476-8856 Impact ..................................................56 Elder Charolais ......................................57 FIELDMEN: Coyote Flats ..........................................58 Borderland Cattle Co. ............................58 Alberta & British Columbia C2 Charolais..........................................59 Craig Scott 14 Keown Close, Olds, AB T4H 0E7 White Lake ............................................60 Res. (403) 507-2258 • Fax (403) 507-2268 Gilliland Bros. ........................................60 Cell (403) 651-9441 Git ‘R Done............................................61 TRI-N & Guest ......................................62 @craigscott222 Top Cut..................................................62 Saskatchewan, Manitoba, USA & Eastern Canada North of the 49th ..................................63 Helge By Howe/Rosso ..........................................64 124 Shannon Rd., Regina, SK S4S 5B1 Vermilion ..............................................65 (306) 584-7937 • Fax (306) 546-3942 BOSS Correction ....................................65 Cell (306) 536-4261 Hunter Charolais ..................................66 Saunders ..............................................66 @CharolaisBanner Sliding Hills............................................67 Jon Wright Cornerstone ..........................................68 Cell (306) 807-8424 Cedardale ..............................................68 Sales in Brief..........................................69 CBBC AGM ............................................70 SUBSCRIPTIONS: Payable by credit card at Bull Sale Summary ................................71 CCYA Conference & Show ....................76 All Rates Are Listed In Canadian Funds Canada (Canadian prices include 5% GST) 1 yr. - $52.50 3 yrs. - $136.50 Canadian Charolais Youth Asso. News 24 Charolais Life ......................................49 Canadian Beef Breeds Council Report..75 Calendar of Events ..............................75 Magazine Rates & Deadlines ..............85 Index of Advertisers ............................86

USA 1 yr. - $80, 1st class (2 week delivery) - $140 3 yrs. - $215, 1st class (2 week deliver) - $395 Overseas 1 yr. - $85, 1st class (2 week delivery)- $150 3 yrs. - $225, 1st class (2 week delivery)- $420 Animals in the photographs in the Banner have not been altered by computer enhancement or mechanical methods according to the knowledge of the publisher.

On the cover… photo was taken at Legacy Charolais

The material produced in this publication is done so with the highest integrity, however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. We are responsible for only the value of the advertisement. Charolais Banner (ISSN 0824-1767) is published 5 times per year (February, May, Aug, Oct and December) by Charolais Banner Inc., Regina, SK. Postage paid at Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Printed by: Western Litho Printers Ltd. Publication No. 40047726 Registration No. 9810

Photo: Helge By Design: Susan Penner


Return undeliverable addresses (covers only) to: Charolais Banner 124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Canada

Charolais Banner • May 2019

Charolais Banner • May 2019



From the Field Helge By

Is the propensity for a bull not to pass a semen test at an early age hereditary? This bull sale season saw more bulls fail their semen test or be decision deferred (DD) than ever before. The tremendously long stretch of cold weather in January to early March did play a role in this without question. Some of the fails or defers where because of cold shock, but there were also a higher number with proximal droplets than normal. Was some of this because the bulls were in survival mode of get up, go eat and go lay down again in the straw pack to stay warm and not ride or express themselves as they do when the weather is warmer? I am not sure of all the factors, but could one be hereditary that showed up more because of this stressful winter? Driving down the road Candace started analyzing some sales and seeing if there was a pattern. First off, I will say that we don’t have great enough numbers to make this scientifically accurate but have a look at your own program and see if you find some patterns. In one sale 8 out of 12 (66%) of one sire were out or DD, while another sire had 3 out of 6 (50%) and a third sire had 7 out of 21 (33%). Further examination into this sale showed that 3 cows had sons out or deferred in the last two years. In another sale with a high number of fails and DDs one sire group had 8 out of 12 (66%) another sire had 8 of 14 sons (57%) and a third sire had 6 out of 27 (22%) Coincidence? Possibly, but again look at your own herd and see if you see some patterns in sires and dams and let me know. One thing I noticed this spring is a tendency for some breeders to compare their sale results with other breeders, sometimes even within their own sales. This is a dangerous waste of energy and has no value. 6

For one thing, you are never comparing apples to apples. No two programs are exactly the same, no two feeding programs are exactly the same, no two marketing programs are exactly the same, no two customer service programs are exactly the same. Secondly, there is no benefit to this line of thinking. A more positive approach to analyze at the end of your sale would be: What was the atmosphere at the sale this year? Did my customers come? Did I sell as many bulls as last year? Were my bulls as good as last year? Did the bulls that did not sell have a reason for not selling? What can I do differently next year to improve my event? Try to be objective. If you think about this and are still having a hard time pin-pointing things you can improve, ask someone you respect for an objective opinion. When they give it to you, be gracious not defensive. You don’t have to believe them, but it will give you something to think about over time. One thing that I can’t stress enough, about preparing cattle for sales, is that picture day is as important as sale day for having the cattle looking their best. Try to have your animals at 12 o’clock on picture day and then coast them to sale day. Quality photos with the cattle looking their best in the advertisements and catalogue will be a deciding factor for many, as to whether they will inquire about the offering, read the catalogue and attend the sale, as anything. Creep feeding your bull calves is a great way to get them started on feed and get a head start on getting them to the point you need them for picturing. Years ago, I had a very interesting visit with an eighty something producer/educator at the Denver Stock Show. I asked his opinion of creep feeding and he was all for it. I asked what he felt was a good ration for doing this. He thought 1/3 oats, 1/3 barley and 1/3 wheat was balanced enough and to feed it Charolais Banner • May 2019

whole. I questioned the not cracking it and he said that if you ever milked cows and saw the milk eat a hole in the cement from dripping from the cream separator, you would understand. If the lactic acid can eat through cement do you not think it can get through a hull of grain? He felt until a couple of weeks after weaning there was still enough in their stomachs to accomplish this. I am not saying this is what you should be creeping, but I found it interesting. Weaning early will also benefit the process with the animals gaining better on quality feed rather than grass and probably not enough milk at this stage of their lives. Starting early and feeding a lighter ration longer is way better than trying to play catch up because you are behind. That is when damage starts happening to livers, feet, etc. As you read this many of you will be well into breeding for next year and I hope that you have listened to your customers’ wants in producing your next calf crop. Calving ease has been the trend in many programs and the most accepted bulls in a lot of the sales. I just hope we don’t go too far down the rabbit hole and give up too much performance. Back when there were association sponsored bull sales, there were minimum weight requirements that really weren’t that high. With today’s improved feeding and management in breeder’s programs, these are easily attained unless you make them too small genetically. Canadian genetics are finding their way around the world too. In a group sale in Victoria, Australia, the high selling bull was a son of Kay-R Velocity that sold to Thailand. We see it every year that the promoted animals are valued higher in the sales. The next issue is the Herd Reference issue and a great place to showcase your program. Get the good pictures of your herdsires and great continued on page 10

Charolais Banner • May 2019



Dans nos champs Helge By

Est-ce que la probabilité d’un taureau à échouer son test de semence est héréditaire? Pendant cette saison de vente de taureaux, jamais nous avons enregistré un si haut taux d’échec de test de semence ou bien, une décision reportée. Un hiver qui a apporté un climat froid, étendu de janvier à mars a joué un rôle sur les résultats sans aucun doute. Certains test échoués sont le résultat d’un coup de froid mais une hausse du compte de gouttelettes dans les tubules proximal a aussi été remarqué. Est-ce que ces résultats s’expliquent par un taureau qui a combattu le froid en se levant seulement pour aller manger et se coucher dans la paille au lieu de se promener et s’exprimer comme il le fait à l’habitude lors des journées plus chaudes? Je ne suis pas certain comment expliquer ces résultats mais pourrait-il y avoir un lien génétique à ce phénomène qui aurait refait surface à cause du climat glacial de cet hiver? Sur la route, Candace a analysé les données de certaines ventes pour essayer d’établir une tendance. Premièrement, j’avoue que nous avons pas assez de statistiques pour émettre des données accrues mais je vous invite à consulter votre programme et de voir si vous trouver un schéma. Lors d’une vente, huit sur douze taureaux provenant du même géniteur (ou 66%)ont eu une décision reportés sur le test de semence, un autre géniteur dans la même vente avait 3 de ses 6 taureaux (ou 50%) et un autre avait 7 de ses 21 progénitures (ou 33%) avec le même sort. En approfondissant mes recherches, j’ai découvert que 3 femelles ont eu des taureaux avec des résultats échoués ou reportés dans les deux dernières années. Lors d’une autre vente contenant beaucoup d’échec ou des décisions reportées, nous avons compté 8 de 12 progénitures provenant du même 8

taureau (ou 66%), un autre géniteur comptait 8 de ses 14 fils (57%) et un troisième dont 6 de ses 27 taureaux (ou 66%) qui ont reçu le même sort. Coïncidence? C’est probable. Jetez un coup d’oeil sur votre troupeau et essayer de reconnaitre une tendance entre les géniteur et les femelles et faite-moi signe si vous en reconnaissez. J’ai remarqué une tendance entre les producteurs. Certains d’entre eux aiment comparer les résultats de leur vente avec d’autres éleveurs, même durant la même vente. Laissezmoi vous dire que c’est une perte de votre temps et de votre énergie sans aucun gain. Nous ne pouvons jamais comparer des pommes avec des pommes. Aucun élevage est identique, aucune alimentation est la même, aucun programme de marketing se compare, chaque service à la clientèle est unique et nous ne pouvons pas tirer aucun bénéfice à cette mentalité. Une approche plus positive serait d’analyser certaine questions après votre vente: Quel était l’atmosphère lors de la vente? Est-ce que mes clients sont venus? Ais-je vendu autant de taureaux que l’an passé? Est-ce que ma progéniture était de la même qualité que l’an dernier? Y avait-il une raison pour laquelle certains taureaux ne se sont pas vendus? Qu’est-ce que je peux faire de différent l’an prochain pour améliorer mes résultats? Essayez d’être objectif. Si vous pondérez sur ces questions et vous continuer de vous efforcer sans trouver exactement ce qu’il s’est passé, demander l’avis de quelqu’un dont vous faite confiance qui saura vous donner une réponse objective. Lors de la réponse, rester calme et non défensif. Vous n’avez pas à croire cette personne mais cela vous fera songer. L’une des choses dont je crois qu’il faut toujours mettre beaucoup d’emphase est la préparation des animaux avant la vente. Lors de la journée des photos, les sujets doivent être à leur meilleur. Une photo prise à Charolais Banner • May 2019

la lumière du midi pour le catalogue et l’entretien de ceux-ci jusqu’au jour de la vente. Des photos de qualité avec des sujets bien préparés seront des facteurs influençables sur la clientèle, ceux qui le feuilletteront votre catalogue et ceux qui demanderons des renseignements. Une mangeoire sélective est une bonne façon d’habituer les jeunes taureaux aux grains afin de les préparer pour les photos. Il y a de cela plusieurs années, j’ai fait une rencontre intéressante avec un producteur d’une quatre-vingtaine d’années à l’exposition de Denver. Je lui ai demandé ce qu’il pensait de ce type de mangeoire et de quelle genre de mélange selon lui serait bénéfique à introduire avant le sevrage. Selon lui, une ration de grains entier d’un tier d’avoine, de blé et d’orge respectivement serait la bonne concentration. Suite à cette réponse, j’ai questionné son raisonnement pour son choix de grain entier. Il m’a demandé si j’avais déjà remarqué l’usure du ciment sous un séparateur de crème et que si je l’avais fait, je comprendrais son raisonnement. Si l’acide lactique peut endommager le ciment, on ne doit pas s’inquiéter pour le veau qui mangera du grain en entier. Il disait que même deux semaine après le sevrage que la concentration d’acide lactique présente dans l’intestin suffisait. Je ne dit pas que vous devriez tous faire la même chose mais j’ai trouvé son raisonnement très intéressant. Un sevrage hâtif facilitera une croissance et un gain de qualité rapide comparé à une alimentation exclusive au fourrage ou un manque possible de lait à un certain stade de croissance. Commencer les grains tôt avec des petites portions et plus avantageux qu’essayer de compenser plus tard lorsque vous remarquer une lacune. C’est dans cette période que les dommages à certains organes ou membres se produisent. continued on page 10

Charolais Banner • May 2019



Scott Named CCA GM The Canadian Charolais Association is pleased to announce Craig Scott has been named the new General Manager of the Canadian Charolais Association. Starting May 15th, Craig will oversee the day-to-day operations of the Association. Craig brings over 20 years of experience in the Charolais industry to the CCA, after having been a Fieldman and partner in the Charolais Banner for the past 20 years,working with Charolais breeders and marketing the breed. Craig was also a livestock photographer and partner with GRP Ltd. for the past 12 years. He has served on numerous industry committees, including the CCA Ad and Promo Committee, and actively volunteers in many community events and organizations.

FROM THE FIELD, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 females done on grass, when they are shed out and looking their best. Give Jon or I a call if you would like a visit

this summer to help with pictures and advice on promoting the herd and the program.

DANS NOS CHAMPS, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 En lisant ces quelques lignes, votre saison de reproduction est entamée et j’espère que vous avez écouter ce que vos clients veulent. La facilité de vêlage est un critère qui continu de faire priorité dans tout les élevages et continu d’être un facteur décisif lors des ventes de taureaux. J’espère que vos efforts ne seront pas tous misés seulement sur la performance. Dans la passé, certaines ventes de races demandaient un poids minimal qui n’était pas trop élevé. Avec toutes les améliorations génétiques, cet objectif n’est pas difficile à atteindre. La génétique Canadienne commence à faire ses marques autour du monde. Lors d’une vente de groupe à Victoria en Australie, le taureau avec le meilleur prix de vente fut atteint par un fils de Kay-R Velocity, revendu en Thaïlande. Ce phénomène sait faire parler aux prochaines ventes avec des sujets des ces progénitures qui se vendent au dessus de la moyenne. Dans notre prochain numéro, nous mettrons en valeur différents troupeaux. C’est le temps de faire des photos lorsque l’herbe est verte et que les animaux ont perdu leurs pelage hivernale et sont à leur meilleur. Donnez-moi, ou Jon, un coup de fil si vous aimeriez de l’aide avec des photos, du marketing ou notre expertise pour promouvoir votre troupeau et votre élevage. À la prochaine, Helge 10

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Until next time, Helge

Charolais Banner • May 2019



CANADIAN CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION 2320, 41st Avenue NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6W8 403.250.9242 F 403.291.9324 @canCharolais

Evaluation Update – Don’t Jump the Gun Sean McGrath

PROVINCIAL REPRESENTATIVES: ALBERTA President: Stephen Cholak, Lamont Secretary: Jocelyn O’Neill, Innisfail SASKATCHEWAN President: Kelly Howe, Moose Jaw Secretary: Saskatchewan Livestock Assoc., Regina MANITOBA President: Hans Myrhe, Dauphin Secretary: Rae Trimble, Portage la Prairie ONTARIO President: Ryan Nesbitt, Nestleton Secretary: Doris Aitken, Mount Forest QUEBEC President: Mathieu Palerme, Gatineau Secretary: Chantal Raymond, Sainte-Eulalie MARITIMES President: Jason Ringuette, Bridgetown, NS Secretary: Nancy Milton, Nine Mile Creek, PEI STAFF: General Manager: Registry: Sally Storch, Lori Connolly French Membership: Bernard Dore 514-910-4935 • EXECUTIVE: PRESIDENT: DARWIN ROSSO 78 325 4th Ave SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2 • 306.693.2384 1st VICE-PRESIDENT: MIKE ELDER Box 216, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0 306.267.5655 C 306.267.7730 2nd VICE-PRES: KASEY PHILLIPS Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0 780.358.2360 C 780.656.6400 PAST PRESIDENT: BRIAN COUGHLIN RR3 1012 Snake River Line, Cobden, ON K0J 1K0 • 613.646.9741 C 613.312.0270 DIRECTORS: MATHIEU PALERME 814 Pink Rd., Gatineau, QC J9J 3N2 819.682.2723 C 819.213.3143 ROGER MALONEY 2420 Jermyn Line Indian River, ON K0L 2B0 705.295.6439 C 705.761.7316 SHAWN AIREY Box 639, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 204.328.7704 C 204.724.8823 JIM OLSON Box 882, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C3 204.252.3115 C 204.856.6357 ALLAN MARSHALL 65266 RG RD 33 Red Deer County, AB T4G 0N3 403.227.2594 C 403.588.5282 LORNE LAKUSTA Box 37, Andrew, AB T0B 0C0 780.365.2079 C780.719.0264


There have been a lot of questions around the Canadian Charolais genetic evaluation in the last few weeks. Many members have called with questions around the rumour that we are moving to a North American evaluation. This article will hopefully shed some light on the current state of affairs with the genetic evaluation for CCA. Currently, the CCA conducts its’ genetic evaluation with Angus Genetics Inc. (AGI) using a multiple trait model. The genetic evaluation is single step and includes Canadian Charolais pedigree, performance, carcass/ultrasound and DNA information. Currently these evaluations are done every 6 months and include evaluations for calving ease, growth and carcass traits. There are no official plans to discontinue or change this production run. The next CCA evaluation will run in July and results will be provided to the membership and posted in the same manner as the last evaluation. These results will only be directly comparable within the Canadian Charolais population. What you may have heard is that the CCA is working on a joint project with AICA to investigate a North American Evaluation. This evaluation is in the prototype/development stage. First steps that are underway include matching the pedigree and data files from both the CCA and AICA to ensure that animals that are used across countries are properly accounted for. The joint data then has to be reviewed and the genetic evaluation models determined. These comparisons include such things are looking at genetic parameters and ranges and reasonability of the data on a regional basis. After this step a trial evaluation will be conducted. Once a set of “Test EPD” are received, the results will be adjusted so that they can be compared to the EPD already produced by each association. In this way it is possible to determine the effects of adding additional data, making model improvements and other potential impacts on the EPD from combining both the AICA and CCA datasets. While we do this Charolais Banner • May 2019

comparison in Canada, the same will also occur in the USA, so that they can determine what impacts or improvements the addition of our Canadian data makes to their evaluation. This stage is still a few steps off and there is a lot of work between today and the comparison stage. At the point of making these comparisons, if both associations like the improvements to the evaluation then discussion may ensue between associations about a production run. This would in effect mean that the EPD going forward would be calculated from a joint data set of AICA and CCA. Further to this discussion, would be a discussion as the appropriate “look and feel” of the EPD, what a joint base or scaling of EPD might look like and what traits are published. These are more political and marketing questions than technical ones, however they will likely occur once the first technical steps are completed and the results are determined. Why Would CCA be Interested in a Joint Evaluation? There are several reasons that the CCA is participating in a joint evaluation project with AICA. First, there may be some potential marketing benefits to being able to directly compare/include data from US genetics that breeders are interested in using in Canadian herds and conversely for US breeders interested in accessing Canadian genetics. A second reason is that the ability to build a larger data pool is particularly useful in the current era of genomics. Our ability to find informative gene markers more quickly provides a potentially valuable tool for Charolais breeders that want to improve the accuracy of evaluation and even assess novel traits such as feed efficiency. Combining US and Canadian data may provide a big advantage when we look at traits that are important but historically have a lot less data available. Carcass and ultrasound traits are a good example of this type of synergy, or even DNA test records. Another reason to consider a joint continued on page 16

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Mise à jour sur les évaluations génétiques – ne tirez pas aux conclusions trop vite Sean McGrath

CANADIAN CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION 2320, 41st Avenue NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6W8 403.250.9242 F 403.291.9324 @canCharolais

PROVINCIAUX REPRÉSENTANTS: ALBERTA Président: Stephen Cholak, Lamont Secrétaire: Jocelyn O’Neill, Innisfail SASKATCHEWAN Président: Kelly Howe, Moose Jaw Secrétaire: Sask. Livestock Assoc., Regina MANITOBA Président: Hans Myrhe, Dauphin Secrétaire: Rae Trimble, Portage la Prairie ONTARIO Président: Ryan Nesbitt, Nestleton Secrétaire: Doris Aitken, Mount Forest QUEBEC Président: Mathieu Palerme, Gatineau Secrétaire: Chantal Raymond, Sainte-Eulalie MARITIMES Président: Jason Ringuette, Bridgetown, NS Secrétaire: Nancy Milton, Nine Mile Creek, PEI PERSONNEL: Directeur général: Registry: Lori Connelly, Lois Chivilo Composition française: Bernard Dore 514.910.4935 • EXÉCUTIF: PRÉSIDENT: DARWIN ROSSO 78 325 4th Ave SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2 • 306.693.2384 1er VICE- PRÉSIDENT: MIKE ELDER Box 216, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0 306.267.5655 C 306.267.7730 2e VICE- PRÉSIDENT: KASEY PHILLIPS Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0 780.358.2360 C 780.656.6400 ANCIEN PRÉSIDENT: BRIAN COUGHLIN RR3 1012 Snake River Line, Cobden, ON K0J 1K0 • 613.646.9741 C613.312.0270 ADMINISTRATION: MATHIEU PALERME 814 Pink Rd., Gatineau, QC J9J 3N2 819.682.2723 C 819.213.3143 ROGER MALONEY 2420 Jermyn Line Indian River, ON K0L 2B0 705.295.6439 C 705.761.7316 SHAWN AIREY Box 639, Rivers, MB R0K 1X0 204.328.7704 C 204.724.8823 JIM OLSON Box 882, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 3C3 204.252.3115 C 204.856.6357 ALLAN MARSHALL 65266 RG RD 33 Red Deer County, AB T4G 0N3 403.227.2594 C 403.588.5282 LORNE LAKUSTA Box 37, Andrew, AB T0B 0C0 780.365.2079 C780.719.0264


Au cours des dernières semaines, nous avons reçu de nombreuses questions au sujet des évaluations génétiques Charolais canadienne. Plusieurs membres ont demandé des explications suivant la rumeur que les évaluations deviendront nordaméricaines. Cet article a le but d’éclairer l’état actuel des choses pour ce qui regarde les évaluations génétiques de l’Association canadienne Charolais (ACC). Actuellement, l’association effectue ses évaluations génétiques avec Angus Genetics Inc. (AGI) en utilisant un modèle à caractères multiples. L’évaluation génétique est en une étape unique et comprend les informations provenant des généalogies, la performance, les données de carcasse/échographie et l’ADN des bovins Charolais canadiens. A ce moment-ci, ces évaluations sont effectuées tous les 6 mois et comprennent des évaluations pour la facilité de vêlage, la croissance et les caractères de carcasse. On ne planifie pas d’interrompre ou modifier cette série de productions. La prochaine ronde d’évaluations de l’ACC sera exécutée en juillet et les résultats seront fournis aux membres et affichés de la même manière que la dernière évaluation. Ces résultats ne seront que directement comparables au sein de la population canadienne de bovins Charolais. Ce que vous avez peut-être entendu, c’est que l’ACC travaille à un projet conjoint avec l’association américaine pour enquêter une possibilité d’évaluation nord-américaine. Cette évaluation est au stade prototype/développement. Les premières étapes en cours comprennent la correspondance des pedigrees et des fichiers de données de l’ACC et de l’AICA afin de s’assurer que les animaux qui sont utilisés dans les deux pays sont correctement comptabilisés. Les données conjointes sont ensuite examinées et les modèles d’évaluation génétique sont déterminés. Ces comparaisons comprennent notamment des paramètres génétiques et la raisonnabilité des données sur une base régionale. Après cette étape, une évaluation d’essai sera effectuée. Une fois qu’un ensemble de "EPD Charolais Banner • May 2019

en testage" est reçu, les résultats seront ajustés afin qu’ils puissent être comparés aux EPD déjà produits par chaque association. De cette façon, il est possible de déterminer les effets de l’ajout de données supplémentaires, ce qui permet d’améliorer les modèles et d’autres impacts potentiels sur les EPD en combinant à la fois les recueils de données de l’association américaine et de la canadienne. Pendant que nous faisons cette comparaison au Canada, il en sera de même aux États-Unis, afin qu’ils puissent déterminer quels impacts ou améliorations l’ajout de nos données canadiennes auront à leurs évaluations. Nous ne sommes pas encore rendus là et il reste beaucoup de travail avant d’y arriver. Lorsque nous serons au point de faire ces comparaisons, si les deux associations sont ravies des améliorations, des discussions au sujet d’une évaluation conjointe suivront. Une ronde d’évaluations conjointe signifierait en effet que les futurs EPD seraient calculés à partir d’un ensemble commun de données de l’AICA et de l’ACC. À la suite on devra discuter comment les EPD seront présentés, à quoi une base conjointe pourrait ressembler ou l’échelle des EPD et quels caractères sont publiés. Ce sont des questions à titre plus politiques et marketing que techniques, mais elles remonteront à la surface une fois que les premières étapes techniques seront terminées et que les résultats sont déterminés. Pourquoi l’ACC est-elle intéressée par une évaluation conjointe? Il y a plusieurs raisons pour lesquelles l’ACC participe à un projet d’évaluation conjointe avec l’AICA. Premièrement, il peut y avoir des avantages commerciaux potentiels une fois en mesure de comparer directement les données de la génétique américaine que les éleveurs canadiens sont intéressés à utiliser dans leurs troupeaux et inversement pour les éleveurs américains intéressés à accéder à la génétique canadienne. Une deuxième raison est que la capacité de construire un plus grand recueil suite à la page 16

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EVALUATION UPDATE, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 evaluation is the ability to make improvements to the genetic evaluation models for both associations. A simple example could be that CCA includes gestation length in the evaluation of calving ease. This improvement would likely benefit AICA. Conversely, AICA has an evaluation for scrotal size. Adding this evaluation to the CCA suite of traits may benefit some Canadian breeders. A further reason to potentially consider a joint evaluation includes the potential to cost share to increase service levels at the same or even a reduced cost. For example, the potential may exist to conduct more evaluations per year, which could be very helpful to all of those herds that may have missed the weaning data deadline due to inclement weather, delayed harvests or non traditional

production schedules. As well, the potential resources available to improve the evaluation may improve as a larger critical mass is built. While CCA currently has a very professional and reputable genetic evaluation, it is important to note that costs are rising; and research and development is increasing in speed. Developing partnerships to help deploy new developments and technology into the genetic evaluation is likely to be vital moving forward. Most other breeds already are working in some form of collaboration for genetic evaluation development and deployment. Currently, the CCA and AICA have started a joint evaluation project but are several steps away from a public joint EPD. In these early stages, we are looking at technical aspects of

connecting data sets, genetic evaluation models and comparison with the EPD we already produce. If at that stage, it is felt that it is worth moving forward, then the discussions regarding what that evaluation looks like from a marketing perspective can occur. There will be time for member feedback and input into the process. CCA is committed to providing a scientifically valid and accurate genetic evaluation to members and their customers. The joint evaluation project is really about examining options and ensuring that the Charolais breed continues to remain in a position to provide world class selection tools moving forward. We all want the “right” Charolais bull to get into the “right” situation where they can add real value to our customer and our customer’s customer.

DE LA CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE, SUITE DE LA PAGE 14 de données est particulièrement utile dans l’ère actuelle de la génomique. Notre capacité à trouver des marqueurs de gènes informatifs plus rapidement fournit un outil potentiellement précieux pour les éleveurs Charolais qui veulent améliorer la précision de l’évaluation et même d’évaluer des nouveaux traits tels que l’efficacité alimentaire. La combinaison des données américaines et canadiennes peut fournir un grand avantage lorsque nous examinons les caractères qui sont importants, mais qui ont historiquement beaucoup moins de données de disponibles. Les caractères de carcasse et données provenant d’ultrason sont un bon exemple de ce type de synergie, ou même les résultats de test ADN. Une autre raison de considérer une évaluation conjointe est la capacité d’apporter des améliorations aux modèles d’évaluation génétique pour les deux associations. Un exemple simple pourrait être que l’ACC inclut la durée de gestation dans l’évaluation de la facilité de vêlage. Cette amélioration profiterait vraisemblablement à l’AICA. Inversement, l’AICA a une évaluation de circonférence scrotale. L’ajout de 16

cette évaluation à la gamme des EPD de l’ACC peut être bénéfique pour certains éleveurs canadiens. Une autre raison de considérer potentiellement une évaluation conjointe inclut le partage des coûts, tout en augmentant les niveaux de service ou peut-être même des coûts réduits. Par exemple, on pourrait effectuer plusieurs évaluations par an, ce qui pourrait être très utile pour ceux qui ne sont pas en mesure de rencontrer les dates de tombées actuelles pour soumettre leurs données de poids pour quelques raisons que ce soit. En outre, en bâtissant une masse critique, les chances d’amélioration augmentent au même rythme que les ressources. Bien que l’ACC réalise actuellement une évaluation génétique très professionnelle et réputée, il est important de noter que les coûts pour celle-ci sont à la hausse ainsi que pour la recherche et le développement. L'établissement de partenariats pour aider à intégrer de nouveaux développements et de nouvelles technologies dans l'évaluation génétique sera probablement essentiel pour l'avenir. La plupart des autres races travaillent déjà en collaboration Charolais Banner • May 2019

pour le développement et le déploiement de leurs évaluations. À l’heure actuelle, les associations canadienne et américaines ont lancé un projet d’évaluation conjointe, mais sont loin de lancer des EPD communs. Nous sommes qu’au début de l’examen des aspects techniques pour la connexion de l’ensemble des données, des modèles d’évaluation génétique et de la comparaison des EPD déjà produits. Si, à ce stade, on estime que cela vaut la peine d'aller de l'avant, alors les discussions avanceront vers la mise en œuvre. Ceci dit, les membres seront invités à partager leurs commentaires et à contribution au processus. L’Association canadienne Charolais s’engage à fournir une évaluation génétique scientifiquement valide et précise à ses membres et à leurs clients. Le projet d'évaluation conjointe consiste réellement à examiner les options et à veiller à ce que la race Charolais continue à rester en mesure de fournir des outils de sélection de classe mondiale à l'avenir. Nous voulons tous que le «bon» taureau charolais se retrouve dans la «bonne» situation et qu’il puisse apporter une valeur ajoutée réelle à nos clients et aux leurs.

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Common Poisonous Plants Roy Lewis DVM

This article will deal with a few common poisonous plants in Western Canada (In Alberta up to 200 species of plants have been implicated in poisonings). It always pays to be alert when checking pastures, new weeds or plants should always be identified. Spring, when you first turn cattle out and fall when feed is short are the two common times for poisonings. Some weeds have nutritional value others are strict competitors to existing pasture and others yet are poisonous. Fortunately, most poisonous plants would not be the first choice for cattle, if adequate grass were available. If baled or silaged though, the percentage could get too high and deleterious signs might result. Different areas of Western Canada have poisonous plants common to a geographic region. It is very important to familiarize yourself with the poisonous plants specific to your area and especially check new pastures. As with anything in animal health, prevention is far better than the cure. Overgrazing, droughts and moving or trailing cattle when hungry all contribute to increasing the likelihood of poisonings if toxic plants or weeds are present. Cattle lacking minerals or salt may crave strange things. If you know you have poisonous weeds present, try to graze the area when their growth stage is less toxic. With plants like tall larkspur monkshood or water hemlock physically removing the plants can be practised if they are not too widespread. The effort will be well worth it to prevent future cattle deaths. The issue with most plant poisonings is they are either fatal or cause irreparable damage to internal body organs. Treatment for most poisonings does not lead to much success partially because sudden death is the presenting complaint. Most attack the 18

central nervous system and other than controlling the convulsions and other CNS signs, cattle must detoxify the poison on their own. Many other common weeds such as tansy can cause liver damage over time. Since there is insidious damage by the time clinical signs of liver failure are seen, the disease has progressed too far to be reversed. The most dreaded plant is Water Hemlock because so very little of the poison (primarily contained in the root bulb) is needed for death. Consumption of one root will kill a cow. It is found near a water source such as around dugouts or on-stream banks. In our area, it is often confused with either the cow parsnip or water parsnip. The much more common cow parsnip actually has fairly good grazing value. In drought conditions, when cattle graze more low land where less palatable grasses exist, is when poisonings occur. Likewise, in real wet conditions cattle are more apt to pull the plant right out and consume the bulb. Fortunately, I have never had a case of water hemlock poisoning. Water hemlock may be established for several years before it is noticed. This is why when pasturing cattle great distances from home,you need to find out if there are any local poisonous plants. You may be surprised what you will find out from talking to the locals. This applies to all animal diseases. Certain areas throughout Western Canada have their own unique disease, or

poisonous plant prevalences. Another common poisoning occurs from Tall Larkspur especially in the south in Alberta towards the foothills and over into the BC interior. This plant grows tall and has a distinct bluish to purple flower. The consumption of as little as 0.7% of young plants is toxic. A lot of people use larkspur, also called Delphinium, in ornamental flower gardens. The tame varieties are supposedly not as toxic, but I personally can’t tell the difference by looking at them. Watch for any carryover from nearby acreages or cattle getting loose in flower gardens. Not only will the acreage owner be mad at you, poisoned cattle could result. Another common ornamental, which is poisonous, is monkshood. For identification of these poisonous plants and other noxious weeds, there are several good publications put out by the federal or provincial governments. Also, several good websites both in Canada and the US by the departments of agriculture outline signs and geographic distribution as well as pictorial representations. Try the Alberta site the publication “Poisonous Plants of Western Canada” an Agriculture Canada publication. A lot of the more common weeds can cause problems if grazed or fed to excess. This may be with baled hay on a newly seeded field where volunteer weeds have come up. Intensive rotational grazing has many good continued on page 20

Spotted Water Hemlock plant and root

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Social Media Marketing Chris Lane, Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Western Agribition

What if you sent out birthday invitations but didn’t have a place to host the party? I see a lot of social media marketing that’s doing exactly that. We can be forgiven for launching full-fledged into social media marketing on the big platforms of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram; that’s what we keep hearing we need to do to stay relevant and profitable. It’s a great invitation, but we still need somewhere to go. Social media is certainly unmatched when it comes to connecting and reaching a very specific group of people – or customers. We’re getting better at it all the time. A few years ago, we were just learning how to read analytics and metrics around “reach,” “impressions,” “views” and “engagements.” Now, we’re learning the techniques to increase and manipulate each one of those measures. Problem is, most of us still don’t really know what all those numbers really mean or if they’re driving business as well as they could. Why? Well, just BEING on social media isn’t the whole picture. It’s a great tool for building your brand and advertising the benefits of your program but it’s rarely where any actual business takes place. It can do an excellent job of reaching your potential customers, but it’s actually pretty bad at getting the deal done.

Here’s why: 1) Social media is too brief and fleeting to fully inform anyone who’s really doing their homework. If you can reduce your entire program to a tweet, are you inspiring confidence that you’re managing the complexities of a top-shelf breeding program? 2) Your posts are competing with everyone else’s. The average Facebook video view is less than 5 seconds before they start scrolling, looking for the next thing. Social media is built to generate and turn over a lot of content, hoping something sticks with an audience. Most doesn’t. Need proof? Count how many tweets you scroll past before you engage with one. 3) Social media has trust issues. For better or worse, people are suspect of the claims they see on social media and there’s a lot of suspicion about how much we see in our feeds is factually true. Your marketing campaign may not be “fake news,” but there’s a lot of cynicism out there to get past. Another big factor is that unless a social media post actually clicks through to somewhere more private, secure and without all the cacophony of the platform, it’s simply not a good place to make a deal. In other words, a lot of invitations to come to the party but we still need somewhere to go. That’s why it’s still important – even in 2019 - to spend as much time on your website as it is on your social

media. Digital marketing is a holistic operation: a website without any reach is just as bad as a social media campaign with no website to anchor it. The website is where you build a bigger brand experience and a more credible customer touchpoint. It’s the delivery of the promise your social media posts are making. If your social posts aren’t telling people where to go once you’ve got their attention, you’ve just given them an invitation with no address! One of the best examples out there is the airline industry. They drive a significant amount of their sales traffic via social media but they still need a top-quality website to handle the booking, sell the ad-ons and build the brand. What’s more; customers still want the option to talk to someone, so airlines are still one of the biggest users of person-to-person interactions. Imagine that: a business strategy that relies on old fashioned human contact in 2019! And in agriculture, it’s even more important. We’re still lucky enough to be in an industry that values a deal done with words and a handshake. We don’t always get the chance to do business like that, but spending as much time managing your website as your social media will ensure that next time you send out the invitations, your guests will know where they’re going.

HERD HEALTH, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 18 points, however, one bad point can be really sick from any condition aborting leaving cattle in an area too long is a self defense mechanism. In order forcing them to graze less palatable to survive, the fetus may be the first to plants which have toxic effects. There go, another loss as producers we want have been reported poisonings with to avoid stinkweed, lambs’ quarter and tansy Other poisonous plants in Western ragwort. These plants are less Canada that may be in your area are palatable fortunately, but in confined arrow-grass, death camus, timber grazing situations, or in prepared milk vetch, narrow-leaved milk vetch, feeds, high levels can lead to death. silky lupine, bracken fern, horsetail, Tansy has also been incriminated as and chokecherries. an abortifacient, but I have not seen Always be cognisant of the possibility any strong evidence to this effect. of plant poisonings especially when However, if pregnant cattle get turning your cattle out this spring to

new pastures, or in drought conditions where cattle are forced to eat less palatable plants and report any sudden deaths or nervous conditions to your veterinarian. Autopsies should be done on all sudden deaths and it never hurts to drive the perimeter of pastures cattle are tuned out into. Avoid the grazing pitfalls described which can lead to these poisonings and hopefully you will never experience them on your farm. Let’s have a trouble-free grazing season everybody.


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Candace By

CCYA – Building the Breed

Andre Steppler Steppler Farms Ltd. Miami, MB

How has CCYA evolved since you were a member?

How is it different from 4-H?

I think I am able to see the benefits better now than when I was a participant. There is so much mentorship in the program. When I participated, I was a senior and never realized how big of a role came with that position. That is a huge thing that has changed. I saw how much the older kids hung out and worked with the younger kids to help and to teach them while having fun.

There is a different degree of professionalism. I think in CCYA, the kids are more focused and interested in the industry instead of just being there because their parents sent them. I also feel 4-H has a component of people there to sell a steer for a premium. 4-H is oriented around your animal, where CCYA is oriented around the development of the youth in various skills. There is a broader spectrum of educational challenges offered in CCYA, with marketing as an example. They are focused on working as a team at CCYA instead of as individuals or families. Depending on the 4-H club leader, of course, but there is more of a community feel in the barn at CCYA than in 4-H.

I am happy to say it hasn’t changed much, it is still very much organized by the kids. I see in other breeds it has ended up being adult run with a lot of emphasis on advertising for certain farms. It ends up being just another show. In CCYA, they work as a group and promote their group while they are there.

In 4-H, you work as an individual and compete against others. In CCYA, a lot of the event is based on working with others and within your group.

The program has evolved into building not only skills, but relationships. There are kids forming friendships for life. They are learning skills that are different from grooming, clipping and showmanship, which is a broader expansion that has happened over time. We saw in Brandon the number of young kids involved in the program and the more we can do for them, the stronger this breed will be in the long run. If through having fun and learning in the breed, we can solidify them to this breed, it will strengthen us long-term. It was fantastic to see the young kids there.

I don’t think you see the level of community in 4-H as at CCYA. I think 4-H is very good at teaching basic skills, but CCYA prepares the kids more for the world where we market our animals. As a breeder, I can see my kids learning what they need in this industry more in one week of CCYA, than they can in a couple of years in 4-H. I am a big supporter of 4-H and it is an amazing program, but seeing our kids’ growth in that one week was incredible. I think it was the close quarters of working together as groups, and mixing in different groups within the week. Whereas with 4-H, they are always with the same kids all the time, within their own age group. We are lucky with the seniors we have in CCYA, as they go over and above to help and bring the younger kids along.

The first CCYA I attended was at Olds College, there were 17 participants. No one brought cattle and it was more educational and less competitive than they are now. We had multi species judging, carcass evaluation, the grading system, structural soundness, the basics of EPDs and how to use and compare them. It was a great event where we got to know all the participants really well.

CCYA is different because you don’t need to bring cattle to attend and there are different competitions than in 4-H, such as team selling and team marketing. The herdsman groups encourage participants to work with people they typically wouldn’t and the atmosphere at CCYA encourages even more teamwork and mentorship.

CCYA Alumni whose children participated as 2nd Generation CCYA members for the first time this year.

Keith Black Blackbern Farm Forester’s Falls, ON

I have attended twelve Conferences and have been involved in many before my children’s involvement through our nephew Kurtis Black.

Kelly Howe Howe Family Farm Moose Jaw, SK

CCYA Alumni whose children participated as 2nd Generation CCYA members for the first time this year.

Allan Marshall Future Farms Innisfail, AB

CCYA Alumni whose four children have participated in CCYA as long as they were elegible.

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CCYA – Building the Breed What do you value most about CCYA?

What are the benefits of traveling outside your home province to attend a CCYA Conference & Show?

Does the youth member have to have an interest or experience in showing to benefit from CCYA?

I really value getting my kids out of their comfort zones in a safe environment. Getting them to interact with kids of varying ages without parental prompting and being confident in various situations. As they grow in these social skills, I hope to see them growing industry skills and knowledge so they can become strong seniors and mentors for juniors in the future. Once they excel to that level, I hope to see our children giving back to the kids coming up behind them. Being able to teach those skills is just as important as learning them, giving back to the program.

It gives the kids exposure to different environments, and in turn different ways that people select cattle to go with that environment. They hear different viewpoints and marketing ideas. It takes them out of their comfort zone of people they already know and forces them to develop social skills again. We are going to make a family trip out of the event and take advantage of being some place new by taking some family down-time together.

No, the showing part does not have a strong importance in the event. There is so much more to get out of it – the networking, the marketing, how to market yourself and how to promote yourself. These are all way more important than showing. Once they are there, and they learn some showing skills, it just becomes another skill-set to market. The CCYA program is definitely focused on the individual development of the youth, not on the animal.

We have enjoyed watching our kids evolve from shy kids to taking an active role in participating and organizing the event.

It gets the kids introduced to a completely different group of youth every single time. It gets you away from some of the biases you may have in your home province shows. It also gives them an exposure to the layout of Canada and what different parts of the provinces are like.

I think they should have an interest, but they don’t have to have any experience. There are a lot of kids that have an interest and have fun throughout their CCYA years learning and there are kids that come out of the program as professional showmen. It doesn’t matter where you start, or where you end up, the experience gained while having fun is worth it.

In the years we were involved in CCYA, I learned a lot and met a lot of people that we do business with today. Even the ones that aren’t in Charolais are still in the industry. That is huge because we are building the Charolais business through this program. At home we focus more on primary production and CCYA gives them an opportunity to focus on broader skills. They learn from other kids and see what they are doing. This is the first year our kids attended and they are already talking about what they will do different next year or within their 4-H group because of their exposure to new ideas. When you gather kids from across the country, the kids get exposed to different things from art, photography and marketing, to the ways they are working with their animals. They learn so much. You bring such a cross-section of kids together that it provides many different perspectives.

Often we think it is too far to go to CCYA out of province, but the experience is always different. You are going to meet new people. When you visit farms, you are going to see how different operations work. Every province has things they like to focus on and try, and their organizing committee is going to handle things differently. Every province wants outside provinces to support their programs, so it is important for us to support other provinces as well. It is part of being part of the Charolais community and helping it grow.

Showing is the smallest portion of CCYA. You can learn various skills about presenting animals in the ring, but it is the smallest reason to attend CCYA. We can work on handling and showmanship at home, but we can’t work on commaradery and friendships. Even if they come with absolutely no show skills, it doesn’t matter. They will learn some to gain confidence, but it is the smallest part of CCYA.

As a member I valued developing long-term friendships. As a parent attending CCYA I value watching the children develop new skills and grow. I have noticed many kids evolve from shy and recluse into leaders.

Travel outside of your home province allows you to learn about different agricultural practices and see different country. It also allows you to develop national connections. The highlight of my CCYA adventures was when three of us drove to Stillwater, Oklahoma, for the American Charolais Junior Heifer show and leadership conference.

If the member has a slight interest in the cattle business, attending the CCYA conference will have them addicted to the industry and have them coming back for more at the next CCYA.


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CCYA – Building the Breed Do you have to have cattle at the show to attend?

How do parents benefit from CCYA?

What one thing would you tell parents that have never attended CCYA?

No you definitely don’t need to have cattle there. It is nice to have an animal there to allow the kids to learn or feel responsible for skills in caring for the animal, but their team should involve all of the youth whether they have cattle there or not.

I think the parents can equally benefit by attending CCYA. One, parents can learn just as much as the youth by listening to the educational seminars. Two, it’s great to see your kids learn and achieve at the event. Three, the networking you can do throughout the week is huge. It’s a nice atmosphere to get to know each other. No pressure of selling or purchasing an animal, you get to just relax and have fun.

I would tell parents that have never attended CCYA they will be blown away by the interaction and the knowledge their kids will gain. The confidence level in my kids just after one CCYA was incredible.

No you don’t have to have cattle as there are usually enough cattle there from the core group and home province group so all kids can participate in showmanship. It may be better if the younger kids don’t have their own cattle, it is less pressure and they can work with the older kids to learn. As they get older, it is definitely beneficial to have their own cattle and the responsibility that goes with it. There are only 5 points awarded for having your own cattle and no extra points are awarded for placings, so kids can compete through participation and the show results are not the totality of the event.

We benefit from being able to watch our kids grow in the industry. We see how they meet and work with others and it is a beneficial experience for them to grow and prepare for leaving home in the future.

We look at this as a family vacation and we would say we vacation with some of the nicest people you could ever meet.

No, we brought two heifers this year because I sort of thought we had to bring them, but it wasn’t necessary. As long as enough people bring cattle to share, it isn’t necessary. We will always try to bring one just to be sure there are enough for the participants and I think there has to be a core group of people prepared to do that so kids from a long distance don’t feel they can’t come without one. When it is in our home province, we really need to do that so when we travel a greater distance, others are willing to make sure there are cattle for our kids. It is a favour we can give back.

Networking is a big one. At CCYA, you have the opportunity to meet and visit with people that you don’t normally see. As well, I believe you learn to let your kids go and realize their potential. You see what they can accomplish without your help and see opportunities afterwards to help them grow.

Don't wait or hesitate. I attended CCYA when I was much older and after taking my 7 and 9 year olds to their first in Brandon, I realized I missed out on a lot of opportunity. This includes the skills learned, the lifelong friendships being built and the growth in confidence in what they can accomplish.

No, the herdsman groups allow you to work on other people’s cattle while at the show and you can borrow/share cattle for the competitions. You can still gain just as many valuable skills and friendships if you don’t bring your own cattle.

Parents benefit from CCYA by developing friendships and networking with fellow Charolais breeders.

Don’t deprive your children of this exciting opportunity to meet like minded people and gain a skill set and connections that will benefit them throughout their career and lifetime.

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CCYA 2019 Welcomes You! Raelynne Rosso, Secretary

Who’s ready to plan your next show-cation? Well I hope you are planning to come to the “White Out in Weyburn”, the 2019 CCYA Conference in Weyburn, Saskatchewan, July 24-27. Weyburn is the 9th largest city in Saskatchewan. It is along the Souris River, and is just over 100 km southeast of Regina. This year our host hotel is the CCYA NATIONAL BOARD President: Shelby Evans Vice-President: Keegan Blehm Treasurer: Tyson Black

Ramada. We also have a block of rooms booked at the Canalta, also located in Weyburn. We would love for you to bring your parents to join us for the week, and encourage all parents planning to attend the conference to register ahead of time so we have enough food for everyone! We are super excited to once again be welcoming several international youth members for this year’s conference. Last year was such a success and everyone was thrilled to

Secretary: Raelynne Rosso Director: Bret Marshall Director: Lindsay Verwey Director: Reegan McLeod

Director: Bradley Fergus Ex-Officio: Shae-Lynn Evans 2019 CCYA Conf & Show Exec. President: Dale Weinbender Vice-President: Shelby Evans Treasurer: Raelynne Rosso Secretary: Kylie Beck

meet and become friends with Charolais youth from across the globe. One major change to the schedule of events this year is that Individual Judging will take place on the very first day of the conference – Wednesday, July 24th. It will begin at 1:00 p.m. and is a mandatory competition, so make sure to arrive on time! We have a really exciting conference planned this year, and can’t wait to see you all in Weyburn this summer! CCYA Provincial Advisors SK: Jill Debenham | ON: Karen Black | MB: Jeff & Jackie Cavers | AB: Kasey Phillips | Youth Coordinator: Shae-Lynn Evans


Ontario Charolais Association AGM The Ontario Charolais Association AGM was held in Cobourg, March 2nd.

2019 Board of Directors: Front Row (L-R) Doris Aitken, Mount Forest (Sec/Treasurer); Sherry Baker, Madoc (1st Vice-President); Josh Taylor, Dunsford (President); Ryan Briggs, Ora-Medonte (2nd Vice-President) Back Row (L-R) Dave Cockburn, Iroquois Falls; Brad Fergus, Amaranth; Evan Moyer, Arthur; Kurtis Black, Haley Station; Scott Colton, Consecon; Ryan Nesbitt, Nestleton. Absent: Frank Degurse, Komoko.


The OCA Recognition Award was presented to the 2018 CCA AGM organizing committee. There to accept it were Jim Baker, Stayner; Doris Aitken, Mount Forest & Ryan Briggs, Ora-Medonte.

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Wilkie Charolais Bull Sale Wilkie Charolais Bull Sale February 14, 2019 • Stettler, AB Gross Average 37 ¾ Two-Year Old Bulls $224,000 $5,934

Auctioneer: Dean Edge Sale Manager: By Livestock This sale offered a great set of Full French and French influenced twoyear old bulls. The faith that is shown in the Wilkie program is very evident by most of the bulls being sold to many time repeat customers. High Selling Bulls

Lot 25, WILKIE END ZONE 339E (Horned, Full French, 107 lb BW, 83 YW EPD, 38 cm), sired by Echo Springs Bounty 123B, out of a Casoar daughter. Sold for $10,000 to SH Ranching, Delia. Lot 24, WILKIE EVANDER 338E (Horned, Full French, 102 lb BW, 83 YW EPD, 36.5 cm), sired by Echo Springs Bounty 123B, out of a Cave

Maureen and Jim Wasdel took a bull back to Endiang

Alex’s Rubicon 709T daughter. Sold for $10,000 to SH Ranching. Lot 1, WILKIES ELDORADO 7E (Horned, Full French, 103 lb BW, 85 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by M&L Rainbow 110C, out of a Stutheits Reno 529R daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Perry Tanaschyk, Veteran. Lot 20, WILKIES EXCITER 332E (Horned, Full French, 99 lb BW, 84 YW EPD, 35 cm), sired by Echo Springs Bounty 123B, out of a Cave Augustus 64R. Sold for $9,000 to Allen Norlie, Craigmyle. Lot 2, WILKIE ELTON DON 3E (Horned, Full French, 102 lb BW, 78 YW EPD, 37 cm), sired by M&L Toulon 311A, out of a Bar 7 Easy Pinay Lad 40T daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Jim Norlie, Craigmyle. Lot 22, WILKIES ELVIS 335E (Horned, Full French, 100 lb BW, 77 YW EPD, 37 cm), sired by Echo Springs Bounty 123B, out of a Cave

Armstrong Farms bought 2 bulls

Nelson’s Brigade 701T daughter. Sold for $7,750 to Jim Norlie. Lot 40, CEWW ERNIE 9E (Horned, 104 lb BW, 78 YW EPD, 37 cm), sired by Echo Springs Bravo 76B, out of a Jezabel daughter. Sold for $7,700 to Allan Norlie. Lot 26, WILKIES EXCALIBUR 343E (Horned, Full French, 100 lb BW, 78 YW EPD, 36 cm), sired by Echo Springs Bounty 123B, out of a PCFL Vegas 85S daughter. Sold for $7,500 to SH Ranching.

Dave Shand was a volume buyer selecting 4 bulls

Terry Rowledge bought for his Erskine operation

Repeat buyers Shawna Brunner and Lowell Johnson bought


P&H Ranching Bull Sale P&H Ranching Bull Sale February 16, 2019 • Innisfail, AB Gross Average 53 Two Year Old Bulls $430,750 $8,127

PH Cigar 194B, out of a PH Wyoming Wind 33P daughter. Sold for $25,000 to Soderglen Ranches, Airdrie Lot 13, PH GENERAL LEE 51E

(Horned, 87 lb BW, 80 YW EPD, 44 cm), sired by Eatons General Lee 20015P, out of a JSR Trophy 88T

Ray Creek Ranching took 6 bulls back to BC

Nester Ranching bought 2 bulls

continued on page 27

Auctioneer: Don Raffan This sale offers one of the largest selections of two-year old bulls. Many repeat costumers come to buy in volume. Bulls are sold right across the three western provinces. High Selling Bulls Lot 2, PH CIGAR 143E (Polled, 89 lb BW, 104 YW EPD, 47 cm), sired by 26

Charolais Banner • May 2019

P&H RANCHING BULL SALE, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 26 daughter. Sold for $16,500 to Church Ranching, Balzac. Lot 1, PH GENERAL LEE 89E (Polled, 93 lb BW, 84 YW EPD, 44 cm), sired by Eatons General Lee 20015P, out of a LKPR Challenger 208M daughter. Sold for $15,000 to High River Farming, High River. Lot 3, PH NOTORIOUS 15E (Polled, 97lb BW, 95 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by KAYR Notorious 111B, out of a Keys Wishbone 40Y daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Nester Ranching, Cessford. Lot 6, PH ADVANCER 56E (Horned, 96 lb BW, 86 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by KAYR Sanction 102A, out of a PH Wyoming Wind PLD 50P daughter.

Sold for $10,500 to Church Ranching. Lot 9, PH CIGAR 135E (Polled, 92 lb BW, 76 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by PH Cigar 194B, out of a LKPR Challenger Reg Howe bought 5 208M daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Matt & Shauna Elines, Big Valley. Lot 7, PH NOTORIOUS 24E (Polled, 95 lb BW, 78 YW EPD, 46 cm), sired by KAYR Notorious 111B, out of a Cedarlea Mankota 26W daughter. Sold for $9,500 to M&R Damien Farms, Strathmore.

Jared Sherman selected the high selling bull for Soderglen Ranching

Gordon Church, many time repeat buyer, selected two high selling bulls

Lot 10, PH CIGAR 27E (Polled, 93 lb BW, 72 YW EPD, 43 cm), sired by PH Cigar 194B, out of an LT Original 8310 daughter. Soldfor $9,500 to M&R Damien Farms.


Rawes Ranches Bull Sale

This sale features the largest selection of two-year old Charolais bulls in our country. The 36th annual sale was the largest offering to date and many repeat customers came to buy in volume. High Selling Bulls Lot 404, RAWES DUKE 404E (Polled, 106 lb BW, 119 YW EPD, 38 cm), sired by Rawes Sir T 123Y, out of an HTA Scorpio 874U daughter. Sold for $17,000 to Duncan Thompson, Manville. Lot 420, RAWES BISMARCK 420E (Polled, 105 lb BW, 106 YW EPD, 42 cm), sired by Rawes Titan 110B, out of a Rawes Ultimo 267L daughter. Sold for $12,500 to Duncan Thompson. Lot 440, RAWES CENTRAL 440E

(Polled, 96 lb BW, 108 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by Rawes Central 377B, out of a WCR Sir Impressive 7162 P daughter. Sold for $11,250 to Trevor Van Slyke, Daysland. Lot 269, RAWES DUKE 269E (Polled, 102 lb BW, 118 YW EPD, 40.5 cm), sired by Rawes Sir T 123Y, out of an HTA Scorpio 874U daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Matt & Shauna Elines, Big Valley. Lot 446, RAWES GUINNESS 446E (Polled, 95 lb BW, 113 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by Rawes Dallas 269A, out of an HTA Mojo 866U daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Clearwater Farms, Fort Assiniboine. Lot 276, RAWES TITAN 276E (Polled, 94 lb BW, 102 YW EPD, 39 cm), sired by Kyle Primrose bought Rawes Titan 150B, in volume

Morris and Greg Thalen, Morsan Farms, were a volume buyer

Matt and Shauna Elines, many time repeat buyers

36th Annual Rawes Ranches Bull Sale February 19, 2019 • Strome, AB Gross Average 166 Two-Year Old Bulls $1,050,400 $6,328

Auctioneers: Brent Carey and Dean Edge

Charolais Banner • May 2019

out of a Rawes Aden 54U daughter. Sold for $10,250 to Copperfield Farms, Vauxhall. Lot 397, RAWES DUKE 397E (Polled, 107 lb BW, 133 YW EPD, 42 cm), sired by Rawes Sir T 123Y, out of an HTA Scorpio 874U daughter. Sold for $10,100 to Morsan Farms, Ponoka. Lot 186, RAWES MARTI 186E (Polled, 100 lb BW, 100 YW EPD, 42 cm), sired by Rawes Dallas 269B, out of an HTA Scorpio 874U daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Nester Ranching, Cessford.

Duncan Thompson, buyer of the two high selling bulls, visiting with Marie Harty

Nester Ranching bought again



Stephen Charolais Bull Sale Stephen Charolais & Guests Bull Sale February 15th, 2019 • Whitewood, SK Gross Average 3 Mature Bulls $12,600 $4,200 4 ¾ Two-Year Old Bulls 33,000 6,947 23 ¾ Yearling Bulls 136,550 5,749 31½ Lots



Auctioneer: Danny Skeels Sale Manager: By Livestock The second annual Stephen Charolais Bull Sale, with guests DRD Charolais and Bar H Charolais, saw bulls going to four provinces. The combination of Full French, red factor, polled, yearling and two-year olds there were bulls for everyone and every budget. High Selling Two-Year Old Lot 19, SCF EATON 401E, (Full French, 105 lb BW, 3.4 BW, 47 WW, 22 M, 1590 lb, 35 cm), sired by Sir

International 27H, out of a Mapleleaf Major Jag 620S daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Dale Tucker, Endiang, AB. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 1, SCF FERNANDO 435F, (Full French, 104 lb BW, 3.9 BW, 48 WW, 86 YW, 1250 lb), sired by SCF Decimus 360D out of an Icare daughter. Sold for $11,000 to M&L Cattle Co., Indian River, ON. Lot 8, SCF FLINT 467F, (Full French, 106 lb BW, 3.8 BW, 47 WW, 84 YW, 1280 lb), sired by High Bluff Dimitri 148C, out of a Sidney daughter. Sold for $10,000 to D & L Plewis Charolais, Swift Current. Lot 4, SCF FLEETWOOD 445F, (Full French, 105 lb BW, 4.3 BW, 57 WW, 94 YW, 1290 lb), sired by Jumper, out of a Russ daughter. Sold for $9,700 to Keith Olson, Loon Lake. Lot 7, SCF FRODO 451F, (Full

French, 102 lb BW, 3.8 BW, 37 WW, 65 YW, 14 M, 1170 lb), sired by Montagnard, out of a G4 Acres Stimo 156S daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Lowell & Shawna Johnsnton, Hanna, AB.

Dale Tucker took two back to Alberta including the high selling two-year old

Shawna and Lowell Johnston were the volume buyers taking 3 back to Alberta


Vikse Bull Sale Vikse Family “Tip The Scale” Bull Sale February 18, 2019 • Donalda, AB 30 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $192,500 $6,416

Auctioneer: Ron Pederson This sale features a great selection of Charolais, Red and Black Angus as well as Simmental bulls, allowing a lot of commercial producers to do all their bull shopping at one sale. Bulls were sold right across the west. High Selling Bulls Lot 27, VIKSE TRUE GRIT 125F (Polled, 79 lb BW, 95 YW EPD, 42 cm), sired by Mr Louber Mike 813B, out of a VFF Vikse Ice 189Z daughter. Sold for $10,000 to XXX Farms, Kitscoty. Lot 1, VIKSE CONTENDER 70F (Polled, 87 lb BW, 76 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by Elder’s Daunte 36D, out of a Tri-N Prefix PLD ET 54Y daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Bellshill Angus, Lougheed. 28

Lot 21, VIKSE FOCUS 204F (Polled, 103 lb BW, 108 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by Mr Louber Mike 813B, out of a Winn Mans Chavez 826Y daughter. Sold for Loesch bought $8,000 to Ed Parke, Brad bulls on order and for Donalda. his own operation Lot 31, VIKSE FAHRENHEIT 42F (Polled, 95 lb BW, 77 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by Vikse Playboy 67B, out of a Tri-N Prefix PLD ET 54Y daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Kasa Farms, Edburg. Lot 14, VIKSE ROCK STAR 284F (Polled, 83 lb BW, 70 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by CML Encore 4Y, out of an HTA Ice 19X daughter. Sold for $8,000 to CJS Farms, Hanna. Lot 35, VIKSE DODGER 167F (Horned, 83 lb BW, 67 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by Vikse Playboy 67B, Charolais Banner • May 2019

Cody Scott bought in volume

Dean Davidson took the high selling bull back to Kitscoty

out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $7,500 to CJS Farms, Hanna. Lot 34, VIKSE INVICTUS 24F (Polled, 80 lb BW, 71 YW EPD, 39 cm), sired by Vikse Playboy 67B, out of a Vikse Air Time 114A daughter. Sold for $7,250 to Neil Orr, Kelsey. Lot 20, VIKSE ACCENT 263F (Polled, 92 lb BW, 97 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by Mr Louber Mike 813B, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104 ET daughter. Sold for $7,000 to CJS Farms, Hanna.

Charolais Banner • May 2019



McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Charolais Bull Sale McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Charolais Bull Sale February 20, 2019 • Olds, AB 39 ½ Bulls

Gross Average $415,100 $10,508

Auctioneer: Brent Carey A great mix of performance and calving ease bulls helped drive up the average over last year. Most of the bulls were sold to repeat customers both commercial and purebred. This sale features one of the best pre-sale meals you will ever have. High Selling Bulls Lot 31, KAYR CHAIN REACTION 309F (Polled, 95 lb BW, 92 YW EPD, 42 cm), sired by WCR Commissioner 593 P, out of a Rolling D Classic 878U daughter. Sold for $47,500 to White Lake Colony. Consigned by Kay-R Charolais, Waskatenau. Lot 33, KAYR RICO 26F (Polled, 104 lb BW, 97 YW EPD, 42 cm), sired by WCR Commissioner 593 P, out of a Rolling D Classic 878U daughter. Sold for $30,000 to Big Johnson Charolais, Amisk. Consigned by Kay-R Charolais. Lot 28, CML EXECUTIVES 15F

Byron Johnson, Big Johnson Charolais and Terry White, Alta Genetics, both bought high selling bulls

(Polled, 72 lb BW, 88 YW EPD, 44 cm), sired by WCR Commissioner 593 P, out of a KCM Ultimate 144Y daughter. Sold ½ interest for $25,000 to Alta Genetics, Rocky View County. Consigned by McLeod Livestock, Cochrane. LOT 8, CML RAWHIDE 883F (Polled, 92 lb BW, 89 YW EPD, 38 cm), sired by CML Gusto 662D, out of a CML Distinction 318A daughter. Sold ½ interest for $13,500 to White Lake Colony. Consigned by McLeod Livestock. Lot 35, KAYR DEPUTY 428F (Polled, 94 lb BW, 86 YW EPD, 38 cm), sired by WCR Commissioner 593 P, out of an SVY Liberty 128Y daughter. Sold for $13,500 to Nish Charolais, Aetna. Consigned by Kay-R Charolais.

Jerry Hofer selected three high selling bulls for White Lake

Burke Nish purchased two high selling bulls

Lot 4, CML BROKER 803F (Polled, 98 lb BW, 87 YW EPD, 39 cm), sired by CML Gusto 662D, out of a CML Diablo 2X daughter. Sold ½ interest for $13,000 to White Lake Colony. Consigned by McLeod Livestock. Lot 32, KAYR PROCTOR 910F (Polled, 102 lb BW, 95 YW EPD, 43 cm). sired by WCR Commissioner 593 P, out of an RGP Real Estate 129R daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Nish Charolais, Aetna. Consigned by Kay-R Charolais. Lot 3, CML MOONSHINE 799F (Polled 90 lb BW, 83 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by CML Exacta 514C, out of a CML Diablo 2X daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Stallville Farming, Rockyford. Consigned by McLeod Livestock.


Prairie Cove Bull Sale Prairie Cove Charolais Bull and Select Female Sale February 21, 2019 • Bashaw, AB 25 1/2 Bulls 7 Heifer Calves

32½ Lots 20 Straws of Semen 17 Embryos

Gross Average $280,700 $11,007 47,400 6,771



$10,750 $29,600

$537 $1,741

Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co. Not a large number of lots in this annual sale but the quality was deep through out the offering. This sale produced the high selling bull of the spring. Cattle were sold right across

North America. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 12, PCC BRCHE WHITE BEAR 8505 PLD (Polled, 92 lb BW, 92 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by M&M Outsider 4003 PLD, out of a TR PZC MR Turton 0794 ET daughter. Sold 1/2 interest for $75,000 to Caprock Cattle Co. Muleshoe, Texas. Lot 4, PCC KENTUCKY RAIN 836F (Polled, 91 lb BW, 74 YW EPD, 37 cm), sired by TR PZC Turton 0794 ET, out of an HTA Whitehot 105A daughter. Sold for $22,000 to Flat Valley Cattle Co., Hilda. Lot 29, PCC WARD 408F (Polled, 85 lb BW, 68 YW EPD, 35 cm), sired by

Jamie Ehret bought a high selling bull

Greg Kruger took a new herd sire back to Sundre

LT Landmark 5052 PLD, out of a TR Mr Fire Water 5792 RET daughter. Sold ½ interest for $20,000 to Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek. Lot 14, PCC OUTRAGE 825F (Polled, 97 lb BW, 72 YW EPD, 41 cm), continued on page 31


Charolais Banner • May 2019


SanDan & Springside Bull Sale SanDan Charolais and Springside Farms Bull Sale February 23, 2019 • Erskine, AB Gross Average 18 Two-Year-Old Bulls $93,250 $5,181 54 ¼ Yearling Bulls 450,200 8,298 72 ¼ Bulls



Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co. This year’s sale was dedicated to the memory of Don Pochylko, past founder and owner of SanDan Charolais who passed away last summer. Don would be proud of the quality these two breeders are continuing to offer through the “Barn That Don Built.” High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 9, SDC EASY COME EASY GO 38E (Polled, Red Factor, 102 lb BW, 97 YW EPD, 42 cm), sired by HTA Bradack 137Y, out of a Wrangler Doubleshot 11S daughter. Sold for $7,250 to Two Bit Ranch, Fenn. Consigned by SanDan Charolais, Erskine. Lot 15, SDC EXCEL 702E (Scurred, 101 lb BW, 108 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by HTA Bradack 137Y, out of an HTA Bradack 137Y daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Downie Lake Colony, Maple Creek, SK. Consigned by SanDan Charolais. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 21, SOS Fusion PLD 51F (Polled, 92 lb BW, 79 YW EPD, 43 cm), sired by SOS Hooey Pld 127D, out of an Elder’s Stinger 115S daughter. Sold ¾ interest for $37,000 to Elder Charolais, Coronach, SK, Kay-R Land and Cattle, Waskatenau

Wendall Weston bought a high seller

Wade Meakin took the third high seller

McKeary Charolais took the second high seller back to Compeer.

and Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK. Consigned by Springside Farms, Airdrie. Lot 44, Bridor Fortune Maker 6F (Polled, 85 lb BW, Mike Elder, Craig Wilgenbusch and Kasey Phillips teamed up on the 70 YW EPD, 40 high selling bull cm), sired by 42 cm), sired by WINN MANS Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of an SVY Chavez 826Y, out of an SVY Pilgrim Freedom Pld 307N. Sold ¾ for $30,000 Pld 655S daughter. Sold for $13,500 to to McKeary Charolais, Compeer. Koehli Farms, Strome. Consigned by Consigned by Springside Farms. Springside Farms. Lot 38, SOS OCTAIN PLD 6F (Polled, Lot 82, MXS MAXIMUM 94 lb BW, 81 YW EPD, 38 cm), sired by OVERDRIVE 865F (Polled, 95 lb BW, CML Gusto 662D, out of a CML 86 YW EPD, 39 cm), sired by JWX Diablo 2X daughter. Sold for $21,000 Cracker Jack 197C, out of an SOS to Wrangler Charolais, Westlock. Polled Detonator 8M daughter. Sold Consigned by Springside Farms. for $12,500 to Brickney Stock Farms, Lot 20, SOS GOLDMINE PLD 153F Maidstone, SK. Consigned by (Polled, 96 lb BW, 72 YW EPD, 40 cm), Springside Farms. sired by SOS Hooey Pld 127D, out of a Lot 49, SOS CROSSFIRE 125F CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W daughter. Sold (Polled, Red Factor, 93 lb BW, 87 YW for $17,000 to Allan Landaker EPD, 44 cm), sired by Erixson’s Charolais, Braunvale. Consigned by Spitfire 127T, out of a Merit Springside Farms. Crossroads 9747W daughter. Sold for Lot 58, SOS BOUNDARY 81F $12,000 to Eric Gibeault, Elgin, QC. (Horned, 105 lb BW, 103 YW EPD, Consigned by Springside Farms.

PRAIRIE COVE BULL SALE, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 30 sired by M&M Outsider 4003 PLD, out of a JSR Trophy 88T daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Eagle Valley Farms, Sundre. Lot 5, PCC HOUSTON 813F (Polled, 105 lb BW, 91 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by Gerrard Pastor 35Z, out of an HTA Whitehot 105A daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Cluny Colony, Cluny. Lot 1, PCC HEAVY DUTY 817F (Polled, 103 lb BW, 71 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by ZKCC Game On 266Z, out of a Willowvale Projector

90C daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Cluny Colony. Lot 2, PCC STEEL 822F (Polled, 104 lb BW, 71 YW EPD, 41.5 cm), sired by ZKCC Game On 266Z, out of a Willowvale Projector 90C daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Cluny Colony. High Selling Heifer Calf Lot 43, MISS PRAIRIE COVE 548F (Horned, 72 lb BW, 72 YW EPD), sired by M&M Outsider 4003 PLD, out of a JSR Trophy 88T. Sold for $11,000 to Charolais Banner • May 2019

Wells Charolais, Conde, SD and Wilson Cattle Co., Cloverdale, IN.

Cluny Colony bought in volume again



Maple Leaf & Guests Bull Sale Maple Leaf & Guests 15th Annual Bull Sale February 22, 2019 • Ponoka, AB Gross Average 30 Two-Year Old Bulls $156,050 $5,202 15 Yearling Bulls 80,150 5,343 45 Lots



Auctioneer: Danny Skeels Sale Manager: By Livestock A big crowd was again on hand for the largest Full French and French influence bull sale in Canada. The quality remained high for this offering with Maple Leaf Charolais, Ross Lake Charolais, Southside Charolais and new consigners, Norway Valley Farms offering quality bulls. Many repeat customers were on hand to support the sale. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 61, SOUTHSIDE MUSCAT 18E, (Full French, Homo Polled, 95 lb BW, 3.1 BW, 64 YW, 13 Milk, 37.5 cm) sired by Southside Muscat 15A, out of a Virgil SC daughter. Sold for $12,500 to Broken Box Ranch, Williams, CA & Bar J Charolais, Liverpool, TX. Lot 63, SOUTHSIDE MUSCAT 24E, (Full French, Homo Polled, 90 lb BW, 2.5 BW, WW 30, YW 59, 38 cm), sired by Southside Muscat 15A, out of a JR

Double Paladin 28X daughter. Sold for $9,000 to May-On Charolais Ranch, Virden, MB. Lot 50, JHCF BRONCO 21E, (Full French, 3.5 BW, 80 YW, 1655 lb, 40 cm), sired by JHCF Alex 36B, out of a JHCF Justice 9Y daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Dave Shand, Delia. Lot 51, JHCF FIREWORKS 29E, (Full French, .2 BW, 60 YW, 24 MILK, 1670 lb), sired by JHCF Alex 36B, out of a Pinay daughter. Sold for $6,900 to Dave Shand. High Selling Yearling Bull Lot 27, ROSS LAKE FRANKIE 4F, (Full French, 2.2 BW, 61 YW, 20 MILK, 1365 lb, 34 cm), sired by Maple Leaf Sisteron 3190A, out of a PCFL Amiral 116U daughter. Sold for $10,750 to Echo Spring Charolais, Oro-Medonte, ON. Lot 29, ROSS LAKE FARMER 12F, (Full French, 2.6 BW, 42 WW, 74 YW,

100 lb BW, 1430 lb, 35 cm), sired by Maple Leaf Sisteron 3109A, out of a SCF You Betcha 94Y daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Allan Norlie, Craigmyle. Lot 33, ROSS LAKE FRED 13F, (98 lb BW, .2 BW, 57 YW, 1380 lb, 34 cm), sired by Maple Leaf Sisteron 3109A, out of a Maple Leaf Reward 11X daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Double S Land & Cattle Ltd., Mirror. Lot 35, ROSS LAKE FIREMAN 17F, (Polled, 82 lb BW, -1.6 BW, 40 WW, 75 YW, 1370 lb, 39 cm), sired by SVCH Bar Code 8C, out of a Maple Leaf Sisteron 3109A daughter. Sold for $6,700 to Darrel Doug Duncan took Nattestad, Stettler. three bulls home

Jerry & Sherry Maltby and Beth & Larry Ludeke teamed up to buy the high selling bull

Chuck & Jenn Williams, Kelsey & Allan Norlie bought high sellers for their operations

Dave Shand took two high sellers home

Ryan, Erin & Cory Briggs took 2 bulls including the high selling yearling


Claire Meier 1936 – 2019

Claire Meier passed away February 26th at the age of 83. Claire along with 32

her late husband Andrew Meier started Hopewell Charolais at Tramping Lake, Saskatchewan in 1974. Claire is survived by her two sons Tim (Sherlin) and Pat (Val) along Charolais Banner • May 2019

with her 5 grandchildren Harrison, Kody, Crysta, Shawna and Danielle. Kody Meier still operates under Hopewell Charolais at Kerrobert, SK.


Pro-Char & Guest Bull Sale Pro-Char Charolais with guest Johnson Charolais Bull Sale February 24, 2019 • Glenevis, AB Gross Average 3 ¾ Two-Year Old Bulls $45,100 $12,026 46 Yearling Bulls 317,900 6,910 Pick of Heifer Calves 12,000 12,000 50 ¾ Lots



Auctioneer: Brent Carey A large crowd was on hand to select from a very strong offering of Charolais bulls. Pro-Char offered the pick of their heifer calves in this year’s sale, and it was very well received. Bulls were sold into 4 provinces and one state. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 9, PRO-CHAR RICHMOND 140E (Polled, 82 lb BW, 91 YW EPD, 45 cm), sired by Sparrows Casino 511C, out of a Winn Mans Esperenza 835U daughter. Sold ¾ interest for $26,000 to Wright Charolais, Richmond, MO. Consigned by ProChar Charolais, Glenevis. Lot 46, PRO-CHAR BEEFMASTER 138E (Polled, Red factor, 110 lb BW, 103 YW EPD, 45 cm), sired by Lakeview Big Ticket 18B, out of a Impair daughter. Sold for $8,750 to Panylyk Farms, Rochester. Consigned by Pro-Char Charolais. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 4, PRO-CHAR JAMIESON 68F (Polled, 100 lb BW, 80 YW EPD, 38

cm), sired by Sparrows Casino 511C, out of a Sparrows Kingston 139Y daughter. Sold for $35,000 to CK Sparrow Farms, Vanscoy, SK. Consigned by Pro-Char Charolais. Lot 13, PRO-CHAR ACE 61F (Polled, 81 lb BW, 77 YW EPD, 37 cm), sired by Sparrows Allie 646D, out of a Pro-Char Blizzard 36A daughter. Sold for $11,500 to CKO Farms, Calmar. Consigned by Pro-Char Charolais. Lot 49, HRJ FAN FAVOURITE 804F (Polled, Red Factor, 112 lb BW, 111 YW EPD, 41.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Estevez 471B, out of a HRJ Mr Red Taz 23P daughter. Sold ½ interest for $10,000 to Wrangler Charolais, Westlock. Consigned by Johnson Charolais, Barrhead. Lot 7, PRO-CHAR BRUNO 92F (Horned, 89 lb BW, 81 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Allie 646D, out of a Sparrows Kingston 139Y daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Czwill Farms, Athabasca. Consigned by Pro-Char Charolais. Lot 1, PRO-CHAR RIGGS 58F (Polled, 91 lb BW, 81 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by Sparrows Casino 511C, out of a KCH Sandstone 45S daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Twin Anchor Charolais, Castor. Consigned by Pro-Char Charolais. High Selling Pick Lot 48, Pick of the Pro-Char Heifer Calves. Sold for $12,000 to Wright

Cam Sparrow bought the high selling bull


Wade Meakin bought a high selling Red Factor bull

Tracy & Doug Haduk selected a high seller with CKO Farms

Twin Anchor took a new herd sire back to Castor

Dwane Panylyk bought a high selling two-year old bull

Richmond, MO. Consigned by Pro-Char Charolais.


Beck Farms Bull Sale Beck/McCoy 10th Annual Bull Sale February 27, 2019 • Milestone, SK 6 Two-Year Old Bulls 46 Yearling Bull 52 Lots

Gross Average $30,250 $5,041 254,900 5,542 $285,150


Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co. A good crowd came out for this Charolais and Hereford sale and saw all 97 bulls of both breeds sell. It was very steady, with some breeder bulls

and many repeat customers, these programs have a solid customer base. The first sons of their 2017 high seller Citation out of first calf heifers found good demand as did the 30 plus sons of Sparrows Braxton. High Selling Yearling Bulls

Lot 3, BECK’S SOURCE 815F (Polled, 79 lb BW, -2 BW, 1,400 lb, 38 cm), sired by Beck’s Citation 615D, out of a Cedardale Brilliance 119B daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Brimner Cattle Co., Manor.

Kelly Brimner purchased the high selling bull

Andre Steppler bought a couple top sellers

Lot 41, BECK’S BARON 880F (Polled, 104 lb BW, 834 205 DW, 109 continued on page 34

Charolais Banner • May 2019



High Country Bull Sale High Country Bull Sale March 2, 2019 • Pincher Creek, AB Gross Average 16 Two-Year Old Bulls $77,750 $4,859

53 Yearling Bulls 69 Bulls





Auctioneer: Frack Jenkins The weather played a big part in this year’s High Country sale. At sale time it was -35, which made it very hard for local producers to make it to the sale. The buyers, that were able to make it, were treated to a great set of bulls. High Selling Two-Year Old Bull Lot 39, TURNBULLS ECLECTIC 560C (Polled, 105 lb BW, 92 YW EPD, 39 cm), sired by Cedarlea Shoeless Joe 83C, out of a Pleasant Dawn Capture 14Z daughter. Sold for $6,250 to Lee Nelson, Stavely. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 79, TURNBULL’S FULL MOON 655F (Polled, 99 lb BW, 112 YW EPD, 39 cm), sired by Cedarlea Shoeless Joe 83C, out of a Pleasant Dawn Tracker 15A daughter. Sold for $10,250 to Char-Maine Ranching, Cardston. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais. Lot 41, TURNBULL’S FULL

THROTTLE 216F (Polled, 107 lb BW, 119 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y, out of a CJC Ulysses Gold 1U daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Dan Pegan, Cranbrook, BC. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais. Lot 40, TURNBULL’S FRONT AND CENTER 250F (Polled, 100 lb BW, 115 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y, out of a JWX Silver Buckle 524U daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Char-Lew Ranch, Pincher Creek. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais. Lot 46, TURNBULL’S FOUNDATION 427F (Polled, 96 lb BW, 77 YW EPD, 39 cm), sired by JWX Daytime 1047D, out of an LAE Blue Sky 860U. Sold for $9,000 to Dan Pegan, Cranbrook, BC. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais. Lot 71, TURNBULL’S FULL HAND 703F (Polled, 89 lb BW, 97 YW EPD, 38 cm), sired by Cedarlea Shoeless Joe 83C, out of a Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Doll Charolais Ranch, New Salem, ND. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais. Lot 42, TURNBULL’S FLEURY 342F (Polled, Red Factor, 92 lb BW, 91 YW EPD, 37 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y, out of a LAE Blue Sky 806U daughter. Sold for $7,250 to Jim

Steve Quinton bought the high selling bull

Brant Lewis selected the second high selling bull

Dan Pegan took two bulls back to Cranbrook

David Doll took a bull back to North Dakota

Rice, Conn, ON. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais. Lot 86, Turnbull’s FENDER BENDER 563 (Polled, 101 lb BW, 96 YW EPD, 37 cm), sired by HVA Versailles 871D, out of a Pleasant Dawn MVP 816U daughter. Sold for $7,250 to Lippa Farms, Coutts. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais.

BECK BULL SALE, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 33 YW, 1,550, 38.5 cm), sired by High Bluff Craftsman 112C, out of a Steppler Orch 103A daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Steppler Farms, Miami, MB. Lot 10, BECK’S OAKLEY 820F (Polled, 84 lb BW, -1.4 BW, 1,400 lb, 37 cm), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of an SM Anchor Y123 P daughter. Sold for $7,750 to Emile Carles, Radville. Lot 6, BECK’S FLASH 813F (Polled/s, 95 lb BW, 837 205 DW, 1,610 lb, 40 cm), sired by Beck’s Citation 615D, out of a Sparrows Kingston 139Y daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Salty Lake Farms, Watrous. Lot 7, BECK’S VISA 876F (Polled, -.5 BW EPD, 1,400 lb, 37 cm), sired by Beck’s Citation 615D, out of an 34

LT Blue Value 7903 ET daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Lohse Farm & Ranch, Beaubier. Lot 4, BECK’S CHARM 867F (Polled, 864 lb 205 DW, 1,603 lb 365 DW, 40 cm), sired by Beck’s Bounty 206Z, out of a Sparrows Kingston 139Y daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Steppler Farms. Lot 11, BECK’S RUSE 833F (Polled, 67 lb BW, -3.1 BW, 1,450 lb, 38 cm), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of a Steppler Orch 103A daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Caldwell Farms, Weyburn. Lot 18, BECK’S VALUE 828F (Polled, 89 lb BW, -.1 BW, 1,605 lb, 41 cm), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of a Beck’s Ricky Bobby 10S daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Ken & Charolais Banner • May 2019

Craig Stevens, Bengough. Lot 28, BECK’S PLATINUM 852F (98 lb BW, -.3 BW, 1,500 lb, 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of a Sparrows Panama 826U daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Darren Shindle, Dysart. Lot 33, BECK’S COMET 858F (Polled, 96 lb BW, 1,425 lb, 39 cm), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of a Sparrows Panama 826U daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Travis Martin, Carievale. Lot 38, BECK’S YUKON 866F (Polled, 94 lb BW, 830 lb 205 DW, 1,470 lb, 39 cm), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of a Steppler Orch 103A daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Emile Carles.


HEJ Charolais Bull Sale HEJ Charolais Bull Sale February 22, 2019 • Innisfail, AB 50 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $265,250 $5,305

Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co. HEJ Charolais continues to be one of the leading suppliers of red genetics in our nation. Producers come from across the west to select herd sires. Most of the bulls are sold to many time repeat buyers. High Selling Bulls Lot 16, HEJ FLY WITH ME 149F (Polled, 115 lb BW, 105 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by LT Rushmore 4024 Pld, out of a Willow Brook Red Rocket 532R daughter. Sold for $11,000 to David Royer, Coon Rapids, Iowa. Lot 1, NINA FIRE ‘N ICE 17F (Polled, 88 lb BW, 105 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Sparrows Landmark 963W daughter. Sold for $10,250 to Kattle

Kountry, Mortlach, SK. Lot 22, NINA FRANCO 50F (Polled, Red Factor, 115 lb BW, 110 YW EPD, 37 cm), sired by HEJ Data Bank 41D, out of an HEJ Oasis 59Y. Sold for $10,000 to David Royer. Lot 5, HEJ FREEDOM FIGHTER 27F (Polled, 82 lb BW, 73 YW EPD, 36 cm), sired by LT Rushmore 4024 Pld, out of an HEJ Vanilla Ice 57T daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Be-Rich Farms, Kitscoty. Lot 19, NINA FORBIDDEN LOVE 6F (Polled, Red Factor, 80 lb BW, 97 YW EPD, 46 cm), sired by HEJ Data Bank 41D, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Ryan and Jessica Eliuk, Olds. Lot 2, HEJ FEDERER 19F (Polled, 96 lb BW, 89 YW EPD, 45 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a NINA HEJ Bezinga 1X. Sold for $7,500 to Ernie Lee, Hanna. Lot 23, HEJ FOUNDATION 51F (Polled, 116 lb BW, 91 YW EPD,

37 cm), sired by HEJ Datta Bank 41D, out of an Elder’s Silver Walker 913W daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Jack Phillips, Red Deer County. Lot 10, NINA FRAIT TRAIN 121F (Polled, 98 lb BW, 96 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by LT Rushmore 4024 Pld, out of a ProChar Aftershock 1S daughter. Sold for $6,750 to Brian David Royer took 2 Johnson, Calgary. bulls to Iowa

Bev & Richard Smith bought a new herdsire for their Be-Rich herd


Legacy Bull Sale The 2nd Annual Legacy Bull Sale, Legacy Charolais and BOB Charolais March 3, 2019 • Botha, AB 64 ½ Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $395,250 $6,125

Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock This is year two for this sale, and both consignors offered a very strong set of bulls. A very good mix of performance and calving ease bulls were sold to repeat customers. Bulls were sold into three provinces. High Selling Bulls Lot 13, LEGACYS GET A COPY 6F (Polled, 83 lb BW, 82 YW EPD, 40.5 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a TR PZC MR Turton 0794 daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Twin Anchor Charolais, Castor. Consigned by Legacy Charolais, Botha. Lot 25, LEGACYS FONZIE 56F

(Polled, 100 lb BW, 106 YW EPD, 41.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Amaro 652D, out of a CML Encore 4Y daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Kevin Anderson, Athabasca. Consigned by Legacy Charolais. Lot 1, LEGACYS FITS THE BILL 51F (Polled, 102 lb BW, 95 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Landmark 963W, out of a CSS SIR Gridmaker 2W daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Little Valley View Ranch, Forestburg. Consigned by Legacy Charolais. Lot 12, LEGACYS NEW ERA 3F (Polled, 87 lb BW, 93 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Buffalo Lake Charolais, Stettler. Consigned by Legacy Charolais. Lot 33, LEGACYS FREE SPIRIT 91F (Polled, 108 lb BW, 96 YW EPD, 39 cm), sired by Elder’s Donaldson 73D, Charolais Banner • May 2019

Brian Weeks selected Lyle Bignell, Buffalo a new herd sire for Lake Charolais, took Twin Anchor Charolais a new bull back to Stettler

out of an SVY Freedom PLD 307N. Sold for $8,500 to David and Theresa Wakefield, Coronation. Consigned by Legacy Charolais. Lot 15, LEGACYS FURY 5F (Polled, 77 lb BW, 86 YW EPD, 41.5 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of an MXS Vermillion 527R daughter. Sold for $8,400 to Russell White, Rocky Mountain House. Consigned by continued on page 36



M & L Cattle Co. Bull Sale M & L Cattle Company 2nd Annual Bull Sale March 1, 2019 • Indian River, ON Gross Average 15 Two-Year Old Bulls $81,300 $5,420 4 Yearling Bulls 15,300 3,825 19 Lots



Auctioneer: Carl Wright Sale Manager: By Livestock Roger and Helen Maloney welcomed the crowd with some great hospitality and an open house ahead of their 2nd Annual Bull Sale on the farm. This offering of Full French and French influence bulls sold steady, with bulls going to three provinces. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 5, M&L WITCHITA 176E (Full French, 98 lb BW, 38 cm), sired by M&L Trezegoal 268C, out of a WR Witchita 176W daughter. Sold for $8,750 to K-C McAlpine Farms Ltd., Ailsa Craig.

Lot 4, M&L TOULON 48E (Full French, 100 lb BW, 717 lb 205 DW, 38 cm), sired by M&L Trezegoal 268C, out of a PCFL Calais 145X daughter. Sold for $6,250 to Harolyn Farms, Shawville, QC. Lot 13, M&L VALDEVIE 62E (Full French, 85 lb BW, 35.5 cm), sired by M&L Watcher 681W, out of a Valdevie daughter. Sold for $6,100 to Russett Farms, Stirling. Lot 1, M&L WHITE BEAR 30E (Full French, 94 lb BW, 750 lb 205 DW, 41 cm), sired by M&L Trezegoal 268C, out of a PCFL Amiral 116U daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Ross Lake Charolais. Stettler, AB. Lot 16, M&L PERFORMER 68E (Full French, 98 lb BW, 39 cm), sired by M&L Performer 68E, out of a PCFL Cotano 4X daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Russett Farms. Lot 7, M&L ROUKY 262E (Full French, 98 lb BW, 42 cm), sired by M&L Trezegoal 268C, out of a Rouky

Ken McAlpine purchased the high selling bull

Darrell Russett selected two high selling bulls

Carolyn Closs bought a top bull

Byron Wilkie added a herdsire to his Alberta herd

daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Mike Sullivan, Douro-Dummer.

LEGACY BULL SALE, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 35 Legacy Charolais. Lot 41, BOB’S FLEX FIT 56F (Polled, 95 lb BW, 73 YW EPD, 39.5 cm), sired by SOS Hooey Pld 127D, out of an LT Bluegrass 4017 P daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Valanjou Charolais, Clyde. Consigned by BOB Charolais, Stettler. Lot 61, BOB’S OFF THE TRACKS 93F (Polled, 98 lb BW, 116 YW EPD, 45 cm), sired by SOS Home Grown 15C, out of a JWX Silver Bullet 65A daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Cross Bar Ranch, Consort. Consigned by BOB Charolais, Stettler.

Scott Anderson bought 3 bulls for his Bowden operation

Stan Visty took 3 bulls home to Hanna

Suivez, moi sur Twitter! @CharolaisBanner

Follow us on Twitter! @CharolaisBanner 36

Charolais Banner • May 2019

Little Valley View Ranch bought 2 bulls


CK Sparrow Farms Bull Sale CK Sparrow Farms Bull Sale March 8, 2019 • Vanscoy, SK 4 Two-Year Old Bulls 53 Yearling Bulls 57 Lots

Gross Average $26,500 $6,625 437,750 9,259 $464,250


Auctioneer: Mike Fleury A full house of active bidding, enthusiastic buyers were at this annual bull sale. Purebred and commercial producers from the three western provinces selected from this offering led by sons of Sparrows Aquarius 493B, Winn Mans Lanza 610S, and Sparrows Liriano 660D. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 9, SPARROWS PARKER 806F, (Polled, 85 lb BW, 1425 lb, -2.8 BW, 40 WW, 88 YW, 28 M, 38 cm), sired by Sparrows Aquarius 493B, out of a Winn Mans Lanza 610S daughter. Sold for $25,000 to Sliding Hills Charolais, Canora & Johnston Charolais, Rathwell, MB. Lot 28, SPARROWS RIGG 851F, (Polled, 97 lb BW, 1500 lb, -1 BW, 44 WW, 97 YW, 24 M, 40 cm), sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of a Winn Mans Riata 514R daughter. Sold for $24,000 to Snake Valley Charolais, Champion, AB. Lot 50, SPARROWS MAXWELL 879F, (Polled, 108 lb BW, 1340 lb, 2 BW, 47 WW, 93 YW, 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Liriano 660D, out of a Sparrows Alliance 513G daughter. Sold for $17,500 to Diamond W Charolais, Hudson Bay. Lot 7, SPARROWS HARLEY 812F, (93 lb BW, 1460 lb, -.4 BW, 45 WW, 102

YW, 37.5 cm), sired by Winn Mans Skaggs 663X, out of a Winn Mans Lanza 610S daughter. Sold for $13,500 to Colborn Farms, Delisle. Lot 45, SPARROWS CAMDIEN 858F, (Polled, 1535 lb, 1.7 BW 51 WW, 105 YW, 38 cm), sired by Sparrows Nairobi 615D, out of a Winn Mans Skaggs 663X daughter. Sold for $12,500 to Corey Haubrich, Hodgeville. Lot 47, SPARROWS MARCUS 870F, (Polled, 100 lb BW, 1445 lb, .3 BW, 50 WW, 99 YW, 27 M), sired by Winn Mans Skaggs 663X, out of an ABC Nuevo daughter. Sold for $12,500 to Snake Valley, Champion. Lot 1, SPARROWS WESTON 801F, (90 lb BW, 1570 lb, -2.6 BW, 49 WW, 102 YW, 40 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Winn Mans Skaggs 663X daughter. Sold for $12,000 to High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis, MB. Lot 16, SPARROWS RYKER 820F, (Polled, 90 lb BW, 1490 lb, -.8 BW, 50 WW, 100 YW, 38 cm), sired by BHD Stout X41, out of a Winn Mans Lanza 610S daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Allanville Farms, Tisdale. Lot 22, SPARROWS ROBERT 842F, (Polled, ADJ WW 822, 1530 lb, 2.1 WW, 112 YW, 28 MILK, 38 cm), sired by Winn Mans Skaggs 663X, out of a Winn Mans Lanza 610S daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Johnston Charolais. Lot 43, SPARROWS GRAYSON 869F, (99 lb BW, 1485 lb, 1 BW, 52 WW, 102 YW, 24 M, 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Liriano 660D, out of an MXS Irish Cream 973W daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Steppler Charolais, Miami, MB.

Carey Weinbender teamed up with Scott Johnston to buy the high seller

Justin & Marvin Vaage bought two including the second-high seller

Orland Walker took a new herd sire home

Corey Haubrich bought a herd bull for his Hodgeville operation

Jacksons purchased a new herd bull


Louber Farms Bull Sale Louber Farms 15th Annual Bull Sale March 2, 2019 • Ste-Marie de Beauce, QC 29 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $136,150 $4,695

Auctioneer: Charles Menard High Selling Bulls Lot 1, MR LOUBER GRIZZLY 430E

(Double Polled, 99 lb BW, 25 Milk, 113 Gain Index, Frame 6.5, 1,562 lb), sired by SVY Grizzly Pld 521C, out of a Sparrows Sanchez 715T daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Rod MacDowell & Dybdal Charolais, Newcastle, NE. Lot 15, MR LOUBER FORMAN 468F (Polled, 84 lb BW, 115 Gain Index, Frame 6, 1,376 lb), sired by HC Charolais Banner • May 2019

Crossfire 504C, out of a Rancard daughter. Sold for $7,300 to Ferme Vincent Gagnon. Lot 24, MR LOUBER DOWNTOWN 488F (Polled, 86 lb BW, 783 lb 200 DW, 1,410 lb), sired by JWX Downtown 7C, out of an HTA Senator 8130U daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Ian Tuttle, NS. 37


Built Right Bull Sale Big Johnson Charolais “Built Right” Bull Sale March 5, 2019 • Provost, AB 23 ¾ Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $182,950 $7,703

Auctioneer: Jerry Hewson A very large crowd was on hand at this year’s sale. Two progressive breeders offered three breeds for sale. Bulls were sold to both purebred and commercial producers. High Selling Bulls Lot 2, WJS FIST FULL OF DOLLARS 41F (Polled, 101 lb BW, 93 YW EPD, 39.5 cm), sired by SOS Chuck Wagon 54C, out of a Gerrard Pastor 35Z daughter. Sold ¾ interest for $18,000 to Skurdalen Farms, Cadogan. Lot 3, WJS FLASH 27F (Polled, 78 lb BW, 90 YW EPD, 35 cm), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of an HTA Urban Legend 290Z daughter. Sold

¾ interest for $16,250 to Lumley Farms, Vermillion. Lot 6, WJS FULLY FUNDED 33F (Polled, 107 lb BW, 78 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by SOS Chuck Wagon 54C, out of a HC X-Periment 34X daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Kelly and Nathen Cook, Coronation. Lot 8, WJS BATTLEWAGON 1F (Horned, 98 lb BW, 81 YW EPD, 36 cm), sired by SOS Chuck Wagon 54C, out of a Silver Shadow Jim-Dandy 7T daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Lakevold Marketing, Provost. Lot 15, WJS MR ENCORE 42F (Polled, 114 lb BW, 65 YW EPD, 36 cm), sired by CML Encore 4Y, out of an HC X-Periment 34X daughter. Sold for $7,750 to Buchholz Farms, Galahad. Lot 4, WJS WAGONMAN 10F (Polled, 104 lb BW, 86 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by SOS Chuck Wagon 54C, out of an SDC Xerox 8X daughter.

Lumley Farms bought Darcy Lakevold the second-high seller bought a new herdsire

Kelly and Nathen Cook bought in volume

Sold for $7,750 to Coulee Ridge Cattle Co., Provost.


Dale Moulton 1942 – 2019

It is with great sadness that our family announces the passing of Dale Albert Moulton of Alix, Alberta, on Friday, 22 February 2019, at the Lacombe Continuing Care Centre. Dale was born in Kirkland Lake, Ontario on 26 November 1942. Dale’s parents moved back to Hoosier, Saskatchewan, in 1944 to take over the Thompson (Dale’s grandparents) family farm. Dale took over the family farm at age 19 after his father’s passing. After acquiring his private pilot’s licence in 1966, Dale purchased a Luscombe plane for crop spraying, and also flew for pleasure as flying was one of his passions. Dale married Rena (Slater) in 1967 and they had 3 children – Audra, Garry and Greg. Dale and Rena had a mixed farming operation at Hoosier. The family moved to Alix, Alberta in 1979 to pursue Dale’s life-long dream of being at the heart of the cattle 38

industry where he would focus on the growth and development of his Charolais herd. Dale and his family were actively involved with the farm and breed promotion; including annual bull sales at the farm, production sales and cattle shows throughout western Canada. Dale was active on the board of directors of the Alberta Charolais Association for several years and was honored with the Alberta Charolais Association Breeder of the Year Award in 1987 and the Pioneer Award in 2013. Dale and Rena met, and did business with, many people from around the world throughout their involvement in the cattle industry. Dale was always an entrepreneur. He and his brothers, Don and Vern, established Bar Diamond Farm & Ranch Supplies, a local farm and feed supply store, in Alix, Alberta in 1984, which remained in the family until 2014. Dale suffered a traumatic brain injury on 1 April 2008 in a farming accident. He spent several months in Charolais Banner • May 2019

rehabilitation therapy at the Halvar Jonson Centre for Brain Injury, then was able to spend three years at home before requiring further assistance. Dale’s inner drive and strength of character served him well during the many health struggles of his last ten years. He remained strong through many trials and is now at peace. Dale is survived by his wife Rena; daughter Audra and grandsons Dustin and Wyatt Horvey; son-in-law Wes Horvey; son Greg (Renee) and grandson Lucas; brother Don (Elaine); brother Vern (Setsuko); mother-in-law Vera Slater; brother-in-law Barrie (Delphine) Slater; as well as nieces, cousins, great nieces and great nephews. Dale is predeceased by his parents, Ross (1961) and Dora (1995) Moulton, son Garry Moulton (1994), father-in-law Alec Slater (1997); sister Joan Armstrong (2008), and grandson Blake Moulton (2014). Dale will be greatly missed by the many friends and family whose lives he touched.


Steppler Farms Bull Sale Steppler Farms Ltd. 8th Annual Bull Sale March 10, 2019 • Miami, MB Gross Average 20 Two-Year Old Bulls $132,850 $6,643 75 Yearling Bulls 475,150 6,335 95 Lots



Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sales Management: By Livestock This year’s sale saw Steppler Farms increase the number of bulls sold over last, up to 95 lots from last year’s 83. There was also an increase in the sale average to go along with the increase in number of bulls offered. Bulls sold to five provinces and one state. Strong prices and demand for quality Charolais bulls took this sale to the next level. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 101, STEPPLER FORCE 362E, (Double Polled, -1.3 BW EPD, 35 WW EPD, 74 YW EPD, 30 M EPD, 1,877 lb, 43.5 cm), sired by Steppler Back Roads 61C, out of a Steppler Blue Bomber 74Y daughter. Sold for $8,300 to Jeremy Gillis, Morden. Lot 94, STEPPLER CUJAN 218E, (3rd Gen. Polled, .3 BW EPD, 33 WW EPD, 80 YW EPD, 26 M EPD, 1,812 lb, 37 cm), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of an HC Zip Lock 212Z daughter. Sold for $8,250 to Allan Teeple, Emo, ON. Lot 87, STEPPLER FAME 96E, (3rd Gen. Polled, -2 BW EPD, 36 WW EPD, 81 YW EPD, 22 M EPD, 2,004 lb, 44 cm), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Dusty Lane Charolais, Winkler. Lot 86, STEPPLER HARVEY 359E, (Polled, 1.4 BW EPD, 35 WW EPD, 85

YW EPD, 34 M EPD, 1,942 lb, 43.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Copenhagen 210Z, out of a Sparrows Seminole 927W daughter. Sold for $8,000 to T &M Olmstead Farms, Carberry. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 1, STEPPLER JENSON 233F, (Polled, -.5 BW EPD, 43 WW EPD, 88 YW EPD, 25 M EPD, 1,544 lb, 39.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of a Sparrows Seminole 927W daughter. Sold for $21,500 to Fischer Charolais, Irma, AB. Lot 6, STEPPLER SONIC BOOM 168F, (3rd Gen. Polled, -.9 BW EPD, 41 WW EPD, 89 YW EPD, 28 M EPD, 1,559 lb, 39 cm), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of a Sparrows Seminole 927W daughter. Sold for $15,000 to Bina Charolais, Lawton, ND. Lot 74, STEPPLER BY DESIGN 275F, (3rd Gen. Polled, .3 BW EPD, 44 WW EPD, 95 YW EPD, 29 M EPD, 1,411 lb, 39.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Hacienda 407B, out of a Sparrows Thailand 253Z daughter. Sold for $10,200 to Beck Farms, Milestone, SK. Lot 79, STEPPLER SIMON 45F, (Double Polled, -1.2 BW EPD, 33 WW EPD, 72 YW EPD, 23 Milk EPD, 1,490 lb, 46 cm), sired by Sparrows Versace 408B, out of a Steppler Seth 151Y daughter. Sold for $9,750 to P & H Ranching Co. Ltd., Red Deer County, AB. Lot 81, STEPPLER MILESTONE 179F, (Double Polled, 1.8 BW EPD, 63 WW EPD, 105 YW EPD, 23 M EPD, 1,582 lb, 40 cm), sired by WC Milestone 5223P, out of a Sparrows Talon 343A daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Red Rock Charolais, Jasper, ON. Lot 58, STEPPLER JETT 102F, (4th Gen. Polled, -2.7 BW EPD, 45 WW

Kyle, Colter, Kelby & Clayton Sprung and Lia Whiteside were the volume buyers taking 10 bulls

EPD, 88 YW EPD, 28 M EPD, 1,417 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by Pro-Char Winchester 6D, out of a Sparrows Hacienda 407B daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Ritzco Farms, Grunthal. Lot 42, STEPPLER MAGNUM 56F, (Double Polled, 1.1 BW EPD, 49 WW EPD, 91 YW EPD, 25 M EPD, 1,523 lb, 41.5 cm), sired by HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C, out of a Sparrows Sanchez 715T daughter. Sold for $9,000 to R & G McDonald Livestock, Sidney. Lot 75, STEPPLER OZARK 313F, (3rd Gen. Polled, 2.1 BW EPD, 60 WW EPD, 110 YW EPD, 21 M EPD, 1,588 lb, 37 cm), sired by JWX Downtown 7C, out of a Sparrows Seminole 927W daughter. Sold for $8,750 to Silver Lake Farms, Cartwright. Lot 10, STEPPLER PREMIUM 223F (Double Polled, .1 BW EPD, 41 WW EPD, 93 YW EPD, 29 M EPD, 1,522 lb, 37.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Braxton 519C, out of a Sparrows Copenhagen 210Z daughter. Sold for $8,250 to LEJ Parsonage Charolais, Portage Corrine purchased a high continued on page 40 selling yearling

Allan & Tracey Teeple took bulls to their operation in Emo

Lane & Vicki Bina took a high seller to North Dakota

Charolais Banner • May 2019

Ron McDonald bought a high seller



Palmer Charolais Bull Sale Farms, Milk River, AB. Lot 13, HVA BIG DOG 176F, (Double Polled, .5 BW EPD, 59 WW EPD, 114 YW EPD, 22 M EPD, 1,535 lb, 38.5 cm), sired by Turnbulls DutyFree 358D, out of a High Bluff Bismark 82B daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Coyote Flats Charolais, Coaldale. Lot 11, HVA FELIX 614F, (Homo Polled, .2 BW EPD, 61 WW EPD, 120 YW EPD, 21 M EPD, 1,575 lb, 38 cm), sired by Turnbulls DutyFree 358D, out of an HTA Michigan 306A daughter. Sold for $10,750 to Cas Bar Farms, Mark Lohues bought Blaine Lake.

Palmer Charolais offered a consistent, top quality offering of bulls which resulted in a hot and exciting sale. Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D sons were in high demand, and many purebred Charolais breeders did not miss out on their opportunity to purchase sons of this hot new sire. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 18, HVA FALCON 250F, (Homo Polled, 1 BW EPD, 64 WW EPD, 125 YW EPD, 1,530 lb, 38 cm), sired by Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D, out of a Merit 8789U daughter. Sold for $40,000 to Elder Charolais, Coronach. Lot 7, HVA FORTUNE 5F, (Homo Polled, .5 BW EPD, 61 WW EPD, 121 YW EPD, 20 M EPD, 1,585 lb, 38 cm), sired by Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D, out of an HTA Vegas 134Y daughter. Sold for $36,000 to Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB. Lot 1, HVA HIGH TIDE 83F, (Homo Polled, .1 BW EPD, 64 WW EPD, 126

YW EPD, Leptin TT, 1,630 lb, 38 cm), sired by Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D, out of an HTA Michigan 306A daughter. Sold for $20,000 to Coyote Flats Charolais, Coaldale, AB. Lot 12, HVA FIREBALL 662F, (Homo Polled, .2 BW EPD, 57 WW EPD, 117 YW EPD, 22 M EPD, 1,620 lb, 37 cm), sired by Turnbulls DutyFree 358D, out of an RGP Remington 101Y daughter. Sold for $20,000 to Prairie Cove Charolais, Bashaw, AB and DanG Charolais, Colborne, ON. Lot 22, HVA THREETHIEVES 66F, (Homo Polled, -.1 BW EPD, 42 WW EPD, 82 YW EPD, 30 M EPD, 1,490 lb, 38 cm), sired by High Bluff Bodacious 78B, out of a Whitecap Plus 179Y daughter. Sold for $20,000 to High Bluff Stock Farm, Inglis, MB. Lot 2, HVA FORREST 223F, (Homo Polled, -1.1 BW EPD, 57 WW EPD, 116 YW EPD, 19 M EPD, 1,475 lb, 39 cm), sired by Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D, out of a Merit 8789U daughter. Sold for $13,500 to XXX Farms, Kitscoty, AB. Lot 19, RGP PERFECT STORM 6F, (Red Factor, Double Polled, Scurs, -.9 BW EPD, 65 WW EPD, 125 YW EPD, 21 M EPD, Leptin TT, 1,565 lb, 36.5 cm), sired by Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D, out of an HTA Michigan 306A daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Miller

Donna & Ron Elder took the high selling bull home

Curtis & Nanette Turnbull took the 2nd high seller back to Alberta

Tyler and Justine Bullick partnered up with Derek Dekeyser to buy Hinton’s Bull

Carman & Donna Jackson purchased the high selling Bodacious son

Palmer Charolais with Nielson Land & Cattle Co. 8th Annual Bull Sale March 11, 2019 • Bladworth, SK 5 Two-Year Old Bulls 50 Yearling Bulls 55 Lots

Gross Average $35,000 $7,000 421,700 8,434 $456,700


Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock

two Duty-Free sons for his operation

STEPPLER BULL SALE, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 39 La Prairie. Lot 76, STEPPLER SWAT 195F, (3rd Gen. Polled, 3 BW EPD, 66 WW EPD, 40

123 YW EPD, 22 M EPD, 1,589 lb, 37.5 cm), sired by JWX Downtown 7C, out of an HC Zip Lock 212Z daughter. Charolais Banner • May 2019

Sold for $8,000 to Clayton Teeple, Emo, ON.

Charolais Banner • May 2019



Horseshoe E Charolais Bull Sale Horseshoe E Charolais 21st Annual Bull Sale March 9, 2019 • Kenaston, SK Gross Average 15 Two-Year Old Bulls $75,050 $5,003 57 Yearling Bulls 302,700 5,311 72 Lots



Auctioneer: Ryan Hurlburt Sale Manager: By Livestock The Horseshoe E Charolais Bull Sale moved its sale venue to the ranch this year. Bulls were sold into 4 provinces. Repeat customers and volume buyers contributed to steady prices all day and good buying opportunities. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 75, LAE EXPERT 7217E, (4th Gen Polled, .3 BW EPD, 39 WW EPD, 76 YW EPD, 18 M EPD, 2,070 lb, 41 cm), sired by McTavish High Voltage 51A, out of a Sparrows Sanchez 715T daughter. Sold for $6,750 to McCraney Grazing Corp., Davidson. Lot 63, LAE ENDURO 7131E, (Horned, -3.5 BW EPD, 40 WW EPD, 81 YW EPD, 22 M EPD, 2,000 lb, 42 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Winn Mans Saginaw 538X daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Bluestone Stock Farm, Mortlach. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 3, LAE FRESNO 809F, (Double Polled, -3.3 BW EPD, 45 WW EPD, 88 YW EPD, 1,540 lb, 42 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Sparrows Landmark 963W daughter. Sold for $23,000 to Lakeview Ranch, Marwayne, AB & Misty Hills Charolais, Vermilion, AB. Lot 23, LAE FEATURE 846F, (4th Gen. Polled, -2 BW EPD, 40 WW EPD,

Darcy Patzer took two home to his Swift Current Ranch


Gary Shaver continued his support buying 4 bulls

76 YW EPD, 21 M EPD, 1485 lb, 39 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Stepplers Distinction 38T daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Kaiser Cattle Co., Hussar, AB. Lot 10, LAE FLAPJACK 821F, (Double Polled, -2.2 BW EPD, 50 WW EPD, 99 YW EPD, 26 M EPD, 1540 lb, 39 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Sparrows Landmark 963W daughter. Sold for $10,500 to McNeil Charolais, Figuery, QC. Lot 61, LAE FIERCE 8145F, (Double Polled, .7 BW EPD, 35 WW EPD, 71 YW EPD, 24 M EPD, 1,410 lb, 38.5 cm), sired by SVY Grizzly Pld 521C, out of a Stauffers Stimulus Pld37X daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Wirstuk Farming & Ranching Ltd, Cut Knife. Lot 4, LAE FORT WORTH 813F, (3rd Gen. Polled, -2.2 BW EPD, 49 WW EPD, 102 YW EPD, 25 M EPD, 1518 lb, 38 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Cederlea Winslow 89B daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Spring Valley Holdings Ltd., Hill Spring, AB. Lot 27, LAE FRONT PAGE 853F, (3rd Gen. Polled, -1.8 BW EPD, 48 WW EPD, 100 YW EPD, 25 M EPD, 1,350 lb, 37.5 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Sparrows Escobar 429B daughter. Sold for $7,500 to L&N Miller & Sons Farms, Avonlea. Lot 6, BNE FORUM 1F, (3rd Gen. Polled, -3.3 BW EPD, 51 WW EPD, 102 YW EPD, 23 M EPD, 1,350 lb, 39 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Huron Farming Company, Brownlee. Consigned by Brock Evans, Saskatoon.

Jerome, Owen & Dennis Kress bought a front-end herdbull

Charolais Banner • May 2019

Lot 8, LAE FREEMONT 818F, (3rd Gen. Polled, -3.8 BW EPD, 44 WW EPD, 86 YW EPD, 25 M EPD, 1,520 lb, 40 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of an LAE Aggregate 372A daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Jerome Kress, Kendal. Lot 56, LAE FEDERATION 8115F, (Polled, 1.3 BW EPD, 50 WW EPD, 103 YW EPD, 21 Milk EPD, 1,610 lb, 39.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Landmark 963W, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $6,250 to BCS Farm Ltd., Davidson.

Rob & Heather Murray teamed up with Misty Hills Charolais to buy the high selling yearling

Lee Ann & Barry Kaiser purchased the second high selling yearling bull for their purebred operation

Shantel & Trent Wirstuk took a high selling yearling home to their ranch at Cutknife


Creek’s Edge Bull Sale Creek’s Edge 2nd Annual Bull Sale March 14, 2019 • Yellow Creek, SK 5 Two-Year Old Bulls 40 Yearling Bulls 45 Lots

Gross Average $26,450 $5,290 211,700 5,293 $238,150


Auctioneer: Mike Fleury Sale Manager: By Livestock Good bull buying was the theme of the day for Stephen’s and Kristen’s second annual bull sale. Bulls went to three prairie provinces, and some went to first time Charolais bull customers. High Selling Two-Year Old Lot 52, SKW HUNTLEY 132E, (3rd Gen. Polled, 98 YW, 2260 lb, 40.5 cm) sired by Steppler 83U, out of a Sparrows Durango 585P daughter. Sold for $6,250 to Star City Farming Ltd., Andy Tschetter, Star City. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 4, SKW WINGMAN 47F (Polled, 98 lb BW, .7 BW, 61 WW, 111 YW, 1600 lb, 40 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of a Winn Mans 780A daughter. Sold for $8,750 to Lumley Farm Ltd., Vermilion, AB. Lot 43, SKW BUCANEER 143F (3rd Gen. Polled, 58 WW, 106 YW, 1655 lb., 41.5 cm), sired by Steppler 83U out of an LT Easy Blend 5125 PLD daughter.

Sold for $8,200 to Vimy Ridge Ranch Ltd., St. Walburg. Lot 11, SKW BIG IRON 61F (Double Polled, 90 lb BW, -1.6 BW, 45 WW, 1450 lb, 38.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Cascade 608D, out of a Steppler 83U daughter. Sold for $7,750 to Carl Stochmanski, Shellbrook. Lot 37, SKW DISCO 4F (3rd Gen. Polled, 80 lb BW, -3 BW, 56 WW, 109 YW, 1520 lb), sired by Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A, out of an LT Ledger 0332 P daughter. Sold for $7,100 to Daniel Thibault, Tway. Lot 1, SKW ROCK SOLID 9F (3rd Gen. Polled, 90 lb BW, -.5 BW, 52 WW, 96YW, 1515 lb, 38.5 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of a KAYR Velocity 812Z daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Frank Hudec, Fox Valley. Lot 25, SKW BRINKS 88F (3rd Gen. Polled, 59 WW, 106 YW, 1610 lb, 39.5 cm), sired by LT Sundance 2251 PLD, out of a Steppler 83U daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Craig Stochmanski, Shellbrook. Lot 35, SKW ADAM 40F (3rd Gen. Polled, -1.5 BW, 55 WW, 110 YW, 1430 lb), sired by Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A, out of an LT Ledger 0332 P daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Hemsing Farms, Rolling Hills, AB.

Carl Stochmanski Daniel Thibault bought the third high purchased his first selling yearling bull Charolais bull

Brian Laboucane purchased the second high selling bull

Andy Tschetter, repeat buyer, purchased a high selling two-year old

Joel & Adrian Tschetter were new customers


Blackbern-WhiteWater-Kirlene Blackbern-WhiteWaterKirlene 8th Annual Bull Sale March 9, 2019 • Cobden, ON 28 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $131,950 $4,712

Auctioneer: Stewart James A great weather day saw a packed sale barn and an active bidding crowd. Over 50% of the bulls sold to repeat customers with the average moving up $600 on the same number of bulls sold. High Selling Bulls Lot 19, WHITEWATER FRANCHISE 1F (Homo Polled, 86 lb BW, 806 lb 205 DW, 1,526 lb, 39 cm),

sired by SOS Chuck Wagon 54C, out of an LAE Juice Box 190Y. Sold for $9,200 to Kelvin Egan, Low, QC. Consigned by WhiteWater Livestock, Haley Station. Lot 7, BLACKBERN FRANK 1F (Homo Polled, 89 lb BW, 51 WW, 1,470 lb, 35.5 cm), sired by LT Bridger 9191 Pld, out of an Amabec Y’s Guy 2Y daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Art Matheson, Perth. Consigned by Blackbern Farm, Foresters Falls. Lot 3, BLACKBERN ERIK 49E (Homo Polled, 100 lb BW, 98 YW, 1,720 lb, 39.5 cm), sired by Rosso Double Down 8Z, out of a Sparrows Fargo 811U daughter. Sold for $6,300 Charolais Banner • May 2019

to Glen Tubman, Shawville, QC. Consigned by Blackbern Farm. Lot 13, BLACKBERN FARLEY 16F (Homo Polled, 102 lb BW, 102 Glen Tubman took a YW, 1,444 lb, top bull to Quebec 36 cm), sired by Rosso Double Down 8Z, out of Pleasant Dawn Presto 141L daughter. Sold for $6,100 to Barry Mantil, Almonte. Consigned by Blackbern Farm. 43


High Bluff Bull Sale

The Jackson family put forth a quality offering with many repeat customers from around the country finding bulls. More bulls offered and sold than last year with sons of Triump, HD, and Escobar leading the charge. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 3, HIGH BULFF FAIRMONT 118F (Polled, Agribition Res. Jr. Champion, 95 lb BW, 109 YW, 1695 lb, 42 cm), sired by SCR Triump 2135, out of a SHSH HD 14Y daughter. Sold for $25,500 to Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle, Yellow Creek, SK. Lot 23, HIGH BLUFF FORTUNE

125F (Polled, 100 lb BW, 61 WW, 110 YW, 1660 lb, 43 cm), sired by SHSH HD 14Y, out of an HTA Durmax 642S daughter. Sold for $10,500 to John and Denise Van Eaton, Maryfield, SK. Lot 4, HIGH BLUFF FORT WORTH 131F (Polled, 2.3 BW, 104 YW, 1585 lb, 40 cm), sired by SCR Triumph 2135, out of a Winn Mans Esperenza 142A daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Leonard Zdan, Alonsa. Lot 15, HIGH BLUFF FAMOSO 14F (Polled, 1640 lb, 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Escobar 429B, out of a Winn Mans Original 548R daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Soura-Horan Farms Ltd., Bowsman. Lot 22, HIGH BLUFF FRANKO 61F (Polled, 56 WW, 93 YW, 1600 lb, 44 cm), sired by SHSH HD 14Y, out of a HBSF Specialist 108U daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Charles Bertram, Birtle. Lot 20, HIGH BLUFF FURRY 86F (Polled, 1.6 BW, 97 YW, 1600 lb, 39 cm), sired by KAYR Flurry 405D, out

Soura-Horan Farms were repeat buyers once again

Carolyn and Craig Miller, Bar 7M Farms took two bulls

High Bluff Stock Farm Bull Sale March 15, 2019 • Inglis, MB 5 Two-Year Old Bulls 32 Yearling Bulls 37 Lots

Gross Average $30,500 $6,100 213,700 6,678 $233,200


Auctioneer: Ward Cutler Sale Manager: Transcon Livestock Corp.

of a High Bluff Bodacious 78B daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Bar 7M Farms, Eriksdale.

Leonard & Blair Zdan bought a new herd bull

Kristin and Stephen Wielgosz purchased the high selling yearling

John & Denise Van Eaton purchased the second high selling yearling bull


Buffalo Lake Bull Sale Buffalo Lake Charolais Bull Sale March 7, 2019 • Stettler, AB 35 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $173,350 $4,952

Auctioneer: Brent Carey Once again Buffalo Lake offered a great set of bulls for sale. The large crowd that was on hand bought some great bulls at a discounted rate. High Selling Bulls Lot 21, BLC FARLEY 18F (Polled, 86 lb BW, 75 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of an FFBB 44

Emille PLD 1102Y daughter. Sold for $10,000 to SanDan Charolais, Erskine. Lot 22, BLC FIRST CALL 77F (Polled, 96 lb BW, 123 YW EPD, 42 cm), sired by Green selected Sparrows Camelot Dale a new herdsire 666D, out of an HC Augustus 369A daughter. Sold For $8,600 to Kevin and Dennis Curley. Charolais Banner • May 2019

Merv Teows, many time repeat customer, bought in volume

Eric Haustine bought the third high seller

Lot 6, BLC FRANK 44F (Polled, 100 lb BW, 105 YW EPD, 42.5 cm), sired by continued on page 45


Harvie Ranching Bull Sale Harvie Ranching Bull Sale March 12, 2019 • Olds, AB 21 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $155,250 $7,393

Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran Harvie Ranching along with Harvie Crest Cattle Co. and KC Ranches put forth a very strong set of bulls in three breeds. Most of the bulls were sold to repeat customers who bought in volume. High Selling Bulls Lot 8, HARVIE CONONAIL 209F (Polled, 98 lb BW, 89 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by DCR Mr Cononail C94 ET, out of a Harvie Express 21X daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Longson Farms, Cayley. Lot 2, HARVIE CAPTAIN 14F (Polled, 100 lb BW, 94 YW EPD, 42 cm), sired by DCR Mr Cononail C94 ET, out of a Winn Mans Vinaza 815U daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Stahlville Farming Co, Rockyford. Lot 21, HARVIE DARK HORSE

111F (Polled, 83 lb BW, 90 YW EPD, 38 cm), sired by SOS Dark Horse 152D, out of a Vikse Over Time 104A daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Chris Simpson, Bentley. Lot 17, HARVIE CAPITAL 286F (Polled, 88 lb BW, 80 YW EPD, 36 cm), sired by High Bluff Casanova 13C, out of an LT Ledger 0332 P daughter. Sold for $8,250 to Longson Farms. Lot 19, HARVIE DARK HORSE 53F (Polled, 77 lb BW, 94 YW EPD, 36 cm), sired by SOS Dark Horse 152D, out of a KCH Trademark 21A daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Sunset Feeders, Taber. Lot 7, HARVIE HARPER 173F (Polled, 102 lb BW, 107 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by DCR MR Cononail C94 ET, out of a CJC Caesar Z1000 daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Longson Farms. Lot 18, HARVIE CASANOVA 289F (Polled, 91 lb BW, 86 YW EPD, 37.5 cm), sired by High Bluff Casanova 13C, out of a Vikse Over Time 104A daughter. Sold for $7,250 to Sunset Feeders.

Lot 10, HARVIE CASANOVA 52F (Polled, 94 lb BW, 76 YW EPD, 37 cm), sired by High Bluff Casanova 13C, out of a White Cap Laredo 232T daughter. Sold for $7,250 to Longson Farms.

Chris Simpson took the third high seller back to Bentley

Repeat buyers Rocky Mountain Grazing bought in volume

Longson Farms bought in volume

BUFFALO LAKE BULL SALE, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 44 HC Amigo 389A, out of an FFBB Emille PLD 1102Y daughter. Sold for $8,250 to Eric Haustien, Erskine. Lot 41, BLC FREE 106F (Polled, 94 lb BW, 124 YW EPD, 42 cm) sired by Sparrows Camelot 666D, out of an FFBB Emille PLD 1102Y daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Rowledge Farms, Erskine. Lot 3, BLC FORMAN 6F (Polled, 91 lb BW, 81 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by High Bluff Bootleger 73B, out of an RGP Senator 761S daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Steve and Betty Saruga, Alliance. Lot 30, BLC FERGUSON 1F (Polled, 90 lb BW, 90 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by

Rod and Steve Armstrong bought 2 bulls

Murry and Terry Rowledge bought again

LT Ledger 0332 P, out of a Curtis Wallace 141C daughter. Sold for $5,800 to Armstrong Farms, Erskine. Lot 4, BLC FLINT 25F (Polled, 103 lb BW, 104 YW EPD, 44.5 cm), sired by Rawes Duke 401B, out of a Sparrows Caracas 230S daughter. Sold for $5,800

to Merv Teows, Stettler. Lot 20, BLC FITZ 24F (Polled, 96 lb BW, 105 YW EPD, 42 cm), sired by Rawes Duke 401B, out of an HC Zodiac 202Z daughter. Sold for $5800 to Merv Teows.

Charolais Banner • May 2019



Pleasant Dawn Bull Sale Pleasant Dawn Charolais 17th Annual Bull Sale March 16, 2019 • Virden, MB 39 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $240,100 $6,156

Auctioneer: Danny Skeels Sale Manager: By Livestock A nice change in weather was welcomed for Trent’s and Ashley’s Pleasant Dawn Charolais 17th Annual Bull Sale. With bulls going into four provinces and one state, it was a solid event. Many long-time, repeat customers took bulls back to their operations showing great support of the Hatch family’s breeding program. High Selling Bulls Lot 1, PLEASANTDAWN MOBILE 103F, (Homo Polled, -2 BW, 57 WW, 108 YW, 25 M, 1657 lb, 43 cm), sired by MAIN Magico Lanzo 36D, out of an Eatons Big Bud 10402 P daughter. Sold for $20,000 for ¾ interest to Valleys End Charolais, Central Butte, SK. Lot 37, PLEASANTDAWN SHADOW 508F (Homo Polled, .6 BW, 109 YW, 25 M, Leptin TT, 1486 lb, 38 cm), sired by CTP Mr Arrow 156A, out of an Eatons Big Bud 10402 P daughter. Sold for $11,000 to P&H Ranching Co. Ltd, Red Deer County, AB. Lot 36, PLEASANTDAWN MAIN 122F (Homo Polled, -.2 BW, 116 YW, 25 M, 1584 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by MAIN Magico Lanzo 36D, out of a

Deb & Mark Oram bought the high selling bull

Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A daughter. Sold for $9,750 to Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB. Lot 5, PLEASANTDAWN TALON 327F (Homo Polled, Red Factor, -2.2 BW, 56 WW, 114YW, 1680 lb, 42.5 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y, out of an SRW Aerosmith 7A daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Destiny Cattle Company, Moosehorn. Lot 2, PLEASANTDAWN CHROME 205F (Homo Polled, -.9 BW, 92 YW, 28 M, 1502 lb, 40 cm), sired by MAIN Magico Lanzo 36D, out of a Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A daughter. Sold for $8,500 for ¾ interest to Van-Allimar Cattle Ranch, Toutes Aides. Lot 12, PLEASANTDAWN OLYMPIC321F (4th Gen. Polled, Red Factor, -.7 BW, 109 YW, 1630 lb, 41 cm), sired by Pleasantdawn Redzone852Z, out of a Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y daughter. Sold for $7,750 to Galen Keller, Karlsruhe, ND. Lot 9, PLEASANTDAWN SEAL81F (3rd Gen. Polled, 84 lb BW, -2.8 BW, 96 YW, 1438 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by

Curtis & Nanette Turnbull, a repeat customer, took a quality bull

Mitchel & Marc Van De Kerckove purchased a herd bull

Corinne Parsonage purchased two herd sires including the 2nd high selling bull

Brad Kaytor took home a high selling calving ease bull

Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A, out of a Pleasant Dawn Fire 176S daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Brad Kaytor, Southey, SK.


Reese Bull Sale Reese Cattle Co. Bull Sale March 15, 2019 • Innisfail, AB 27 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $135,750 $5,064

Auctioneer: Mark Daines More bulls were offered and sold at this year’s sale. Bulls were sold to repeat buyers right across the province. High Selling Bulls Lot 10, REESE FREY 129F (Polled, 98 lb BW, 72 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by 46

BHD Duplicitous A144, out of a Silver Shadow Oscar 14A daughter. Sold for $8,750 to Neil Glover, Lacombe. Lot 5, REESE FLINT 112F (Polled, 81 lb BW, 71 YW EPD, 35 cm), sired by BHD Duplicitous A144, out of an HTA Quantum Pld 26R daughter. Sold for $7,250 to Harvie Larson, Standard. Lot 24, REESE FRIESEN 219F (Polled, 95 lb BW, 86 YW EPD, 38.5 cm), sired by BHD Duplicitous A144, out of an LLW Grand Slam PLD 120J Charolais Banner • May 2019

Gerald Willsie bought two bulls

Neil Glover selected the high selling bull continued on page 48

Charolais Banner • May 2019



Diamond W Bull Sale Diamond W Charolais, Red & Black Angus 17th Annual Bull Sale March 19, 2019 • Minitonas, MB 5 Two-Year Old Bulls 31 Yearling Bull 36 Lots

Gross Average $21,500 $4,300 141,800 4,574 $163,300


Auctioneer: Randy Hart Sale Manager: By Livestock A smaller crowd attended the sale, but the buying was steady. Quality bulls were purchased for decent dollars, and bulls were sold to buyers across the three prairie provinces. Sale averages were down slightly from last year, but the support from repeat buyers has always been tremendous at this sale. 16 Angus yearling bulls were also sold, with the average slightly lower then their Charolais counterparts. High Selling Two-Year Old Bull Lot 43, DIAMOND W HIGHPPOINT 19E, (3rd Gen. Polled, 1.6 BW EPD, 44 WW EPD, 82 YW EPD, 15 M EPD, 1,900 lb, 43 cm), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of an HC Yoda 105Y daughter. Sold for $5,750 to Kruk-Lylyk Livestock, Benito. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 34, DIAMOND W WYATT 14F, (3rd Gen. Polled, -1.1 BW EPD, 45 WW EPD, 93 YW EPD, 17 M EPD, 1,400 lb, 39.5 cm), sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of an Eatons Royal Dynasty 6164 daughter. Sold for

$6,250 to Clayton Woodley, Minitonas. Lot 4, DIAMOND W SYMBOL 27F, (Double Polled, -1 BW EPD, 42 WW EPD, Jerry Kostenuik 91 YW EPD, bought two bulls 26 M EPD, 1,395 lb., 35.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Barbato 643D, out of an Eatons Royal Dynasty 6164 daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Soura-Horan Farms Ltd., Bowsman. Lot 2, DIAMOND W BARBER 3F, (2.9 BW EPD, 46 WW EPD, 101 YW EPD, 24 M EPD, 1,480 lb, 37 cm), sired by Sparrows Barbato 643D, out of an HC Yoda 105Y daughter. Sold for $5,750 to John Dubyk, Minitonas. Lot 33, DIAMOND W REVOLVER 40F, (3rd Gen. Polled, 1.3 BW EPD, 49 WW EPD, 96 YW EPD, 16 M EPD, 1,390 lb, 36 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Sparrows Bolivar 121S daughter. Sold for $5,750 to Jerry Kostenuik, Danbury, SK. Lot 36, DIAMOND W LEGENDARY 36F, (3rd Gen. Polled, -.8 BW EPD, 51 WW EPD, 98 YW EPD, 24 M EPD, 1,390 lb, 40 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Sparrows Chitek 930W daughter. Sold for $5,750 to Foster’s Rocky Top Ranch, Birch Hills, SK.

John Dubyk added a new herd bull to his program

Clayton Woodley bought two including the high selling yearling bull

Martin, Amy & Deona Horan added the second high selling yearling bull

Cory & Carrie Lylyk took the advice of Andrew and Katie and added the high selling two-year old

REESE BULL SALE, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 46 daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Gerald Wilsie, Caroline. Lot 27, REESE FINN 231F (Polled, 85 lb BW, 98 YW EPD, 38.5 cm), sired by JDJ Northern Star A 109, out of a BHD Duplicitous A 144 daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Josh Thompson, Pine Lake. Lot 9, REESE FLEMMING 128F (Polled, 88 lb BW, 40 cm), sired by BHD Duplicitous A 144, out of a JDJ Dutton A545 daughter. Sold for $6,250 to Josh Thompson. Lot 13, REESE FILIP 142F (Polled, 48

95 lb BW, 78 YW EPD, 37.5 cm), sired by BHD Duplicitous A 144, out of a JDJ Dutton A545 daughter. Sold for $6,100 to Josh Thompson. Lot 28, REESE FITZPATRICK 303F (Polled, 102 lb BW, 107 YW EPD, 37 cm), sired by JDJ Northern Star A 109, out of an HTA Quantum PLD 26R daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Gene Mullich, Edson. Lot 7, REESE FERRELL 124F (Polled, 88 lb BW, 76 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by a BHD Duplicitous A 144, out of an HTA Quantum Pld 26R Charolais Banner • May 2019

Gene Mullich took three bulls home to Edson

Josh Thompson was the volume buyer taking four bulls

daughter. Sold for $5,900 to Gerald Willsie, Caroline.


Charolais Life This column will be dedicated to keeping Charolais members in touch with the people of the business. It will contain births, weddings, convocations and momentous anniversaries and events of note, but not high school graduations. If you have news and/or photos you’d like to submit, please email for print in upcoming issues.

Serhienko Convocates Katie Serhienko, daughter of Dennis & Lissa Serhienko, Serhienko Cattle Co., Maymont, Saskatchewan, recently convocated from the University of Saskatchewan with a degree in Agriculture/Agribusiness. Katie will be pursuing a career in Agriculture Finance as well as staying involved in the family Charolais operation. Verwey Receives Award On February 1, Portage la Prairie and District Chamber of Commerce celebrated the agriculture community in Portage and surrounding areas. An event called ‘Evening of Excellence in Agriculture’ highlighted the farming community and businesses in Portage, and acknowledged a CCYA Alumni. Rachael Verwey received the inaugural ‘Youth Agriculture Advocate of the Year’ award. This award was created to highlight a young individual that speaks out for agriculture and education awareness, as well as outstanding involvement within the industry. Rachael was nominated for her volunteering with 4-H and community clubs, Ag in the Classroom Manitoba and opening her family farm to tours for the local high school and the University of Manitoba. Her involvement within the agriculture industry was also recognized as she

has been a part of many different organizations such as CCYA, Manitoba Young Farmers, Cattlemen’s Young Leaders, and Dairy Farmers of Manitoba. Rachael is currently finishing her first full time year as an agronomist at the Pembina Co-op in Notre Dame de Lourdes, and continues to be involved with the family farm. By Receives Service Award

It's a boy! Jamie, Amy and Luella Ehret, Flat Valley Cattle Co., Hilda, AB, are excited to announce the arrival of Grayson John born on January 26, 2019. He weighed 8 lb., 6 oz. and measured 21 inches long. Evans Convocates

Candace By received her 25 Year Volunteer Pin at the annual Canadian Western Agribition Volunteer Appreciation night held following their AGM in Regina, Saskatchewan on April 10th. Candace started volunteering for the event as a media rep for the Beef Committee. She still serves as the media rep for the Charolais breed as well as being a member of the International Committee. Sparrow Convocates Jill Sparrow convocated from the University of Saskatchewan with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture majoring in Agronomy. After school, she will be working as a Crop Scouting Agronomist in the northeast region of Saskatchewan. Jill is a CCYA alumni and daughter of Cam and Kerrie Sparrow, CK Sparrow Farms, Vanscoy, SK. Charolais Banner • May 2019

Shelby Evans, daughter of Layne and Paula Evans, Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston, Saskatchewan, convocated from the University of Saskatchewan College of Agriculture and Bioresources with a Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness. Shelby has been accepted into the Saskatchewan Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing program for this fall. She is currently the President of the Canadian Charolais Youth Association National Board. HTA Receives BMO Farm Family Award at RMWF HTA Charolais is a fourth-generation family farm owned and managed by the Airey family. The Airey family has been in the purebred Charolais business for over forty-six years, since Harry and Joan Airey purchased their first Charolais heifers in 1972. Currently, the operation consists of 150 purebred females with an annual bull sale in March. The farm is located west of Rivers, Manitoba. HTA Charolais is currently owned by Shawn and Tanya Airey, who bought the herd from Harry and Joan (Shawn’s parents) in 2013. Shawn, 49

breed forward within the cattle industry today. Tanya was part of the organizing committee that hosted the National Charolais Junior Show known as CCYA in Brandon, MB in July 2018. This event brings youth together from all over Manitoba and across the country and includes a variety of individual and team activities that develop valuable skills for future endeavors in the agricultural industry. HTA Charolais welcomed the participants and their families to their farm as they hosted one of the educational components of the conference.

Tanya, Harry, and Joan are all involved in the day-to-day operations of the farm. Tanya and Shawn are also raising their two children (who will be the fifth generation) on the farm to help them understand how agriculture takes care of nature. Both children have participated in 4-H since preschool. Shawn and Tanya are involved in the local 4H club to support their children and to teach them about the importance of caring for the land and the community. Tanya and Shawn are actively contributing to the agriculture sector

in Manitoba by continuing to develop the husbandry and management practices of HTA Charolais to produce better cattle. Moreover, both Harry and Shawn have been active members of the Manitoba Charolais Association to improve the Charolais breed in Manitoba. Shawn is currently PastPresident of the Manitoba Charolais Association and serves as the Manitoba Charolais Association’s representative on the Canadian Charolais Association. He sits as Chair of the Breed Improvement Committee which is responsible for moving the

HTA Charolais is located on land that includes various soil types and has creeks running through it. To ensure responsible land stewardship, the Aireys closely monitor pastures and forage ground to ensure best grazing and growing practices are followed and to avoid creating areas where a lack of moisture leads to erosion or runoff, which would negatively impact fields and waterways. In January 2016, HTA Charolais was named Manitoba Charolais Purebred Breeder of the Year. In 2017, HTA Charolais raised and sold the highest selling Charolais bull in Manitoba HTA Contender 605D.


Footprint Bull Sale Footprint Farms Bull Sale March 21, 2019 • Esther, AB Gross Average 32 Two-Year Old Bulls $208,200 $6,506 33 Yearling Bulls 198,850 6,025 65 Bulls



Auctioneer: Cliff Pahl There were a lot of changes at this year’s Charolais Power Sale. The Foots moved the sale home to the farm, they moved the sale back two weeks in March and they went to a video sale. All of which were well received by the many repeat buyers. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 50, FOOTPRINTS SIR 7102E (Polled, 97 lb BW, 89 YW EPD, 46 cm), sired by SVY Marksman 436B, out of a 50

BLC Bonanza 8Y daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Glen Quast, Hanna. Lot 58, FOOTPRINTS SIR 7145E (Polled, 101 lb BW, 111 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by SVY Blitz 125Y, out of an Elder’s Special Edition 835U daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Hawkes Haven Cattle Co., Compeer. Lot 48, FOOTPRINTS SIR 7144E

(Polled, 105 lb BW, 92 YW EPD, 42.5 cm), sired by SVY Marksman 436B, out of an SVY Rushmore Pld 145Y daughter. Sold for $9,250 to Hopewell Charolais, Kerrobert, SK. Lot 64, FOOTPRINTS SIR 7146E (Polled, 99 lb BW, 101 YW EPD, 42 cm), sired by Elder’s Crusier 7C, out of a JS Riggins 6R daughter. Sold for continued on page 51

Kelly and Nathen Cook bought again

Charolais Banner • May 2019

Trever and Brad Fawcett bought in volume


McTavish & Guest Bull Sale McTavish Farms & Guest 8th Annual Bull Sale March 22, 2019 • Moosomin, SK 1 Two-Year Old Bull 35 Yearling Bulls 36 Lots

Gross Average $4,700 $4,700 155,200 4,434 $159,900


Auctioneer: Brent Carey Many repeat and volume buyers came to select from the solid offering put forth by the McTavish family in their 8th annual bull sale. Some good buying was made throughout with two bulls going into purebred herds. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 9, MCTAVISH CHACHING 30F, (Homo Polled, 96 lb BW, .4 BW, 49 WW, 91 YW, 30 M, 1560 lb, 38 cm), sired by Elder’s Cracker Jack 13D, out of an Eatons Big Bud 10402 P daughter. Sold for $9,100 to Rammer

Matthew & Sarah Ramsey bought the high seller

Charolais, Strathclair, MB. Consigned by McTavish Charolais, Moosomin. Lot 8, MCTAVISH SMOKING GUN 13F, (Homo Polled, 93 lb BW, -1.5 BW, 45 WW, 18 M, 1525 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by Brimner Bull 36D, out of an MSW Craven Red 29M daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Doll Charolais, New Salem, ND. Consigned by McTavish Charolais. Lot 36, CHARLA MOORE ROUND UP 38F, (4th Gen. Polled, 96 lb BW, 1.2 BW, 47 WW, 92 YW, 20 M, 1500 lb, 42 cm), sired by Charla Moore Roundup 1A, out of a Pleasant Dawn Magnum 49Y daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Bar M 7 Farms, Eriksdale, MB. Consigned by Charla Moore Farms. Lot 22, MCTAVISH COMMANDER 27F, (3rd Gen. Polled, 1.9 BW, 47 WW, 82 YW, 1370 lb, 41.5 cm) sired by Winn Mans Cuervo 4A, out of a BXB

Dateline 65R daughter. Sold for $5,800 to Bar M 7 Farms, Eriksdale, MB. Lot 35, CHARLA MOORE CUSTOM MADE 9F, (Leptin TT, Double Polled, 2.5 BW, 43 WW, 80 YW, 1575 lb, 41 cm), sired by XAL Custom Made 1C, out of a Rolling D Sagebrush 74X daughter. Sold for $5,700 to Steenburggen Farms, Carievale. Lot 17, MCTAVISH RANCH HAND 107F, (Homo Polled, 102 lb BW, .8 BW, 45 WW, 92 YW, 1470 lb, 37.5 cm), sired by Winn Mans Big Rig 639Y, out of an EC No Doubt daughter. Sold for $5,400 to Steenbruggen Farms.

Berrnie & Claudia Steenburggen bought two

Carolyn & Craig Miller bought two high sellers

David Doll bought a red factor herd bull

FOOTPRINT BULL SALE, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 50 $8,750 to Greg Norris. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 9, FOOTPRINTS SIR 7F (Polled, 90 lb BW, 86 YW EPD, 38 cm), sired by HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Snelgrove Farms, Vermillion. Lot 12, FOOTPRINTS SIR 14F (Polled, 92 lb BW, 75 YW EPD, 42 cm), sired by HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C, out of a CSS SIR Gridmaker 2W daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Snelgrove Farms. Lot 14, FOOTPRINTS SIR 808F

(Polled, 81 lb BW, 72 YW EPD, 39 cm), sired by Footprints King 201Z, out of an SVY Marksman 436B daughter. Sold for $9,750 to Osadczuk Cattle Brad Osadczuk took a Co. Jenner. high selling bull back Lot 27, to Jenner FOOTPRINTS SIR 842F (Polled, 95 lb BW, 98 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by SVY Marksman 436B, out of a Fawcett’s Pld Hank 24P Charolais Banner • May 2019

Kody Meier added a high selling two-year old to his Hopewell herd

Doug Noble, many time repeat buyer, selected the 2nd high selling two-year old

daughter. Sold for $9,600 to Marvin Berg, Gem. 51


HTA Charolais & Guest Bull Sale HTA Charolais & Guest Bull Sale March 20, 2019 • Neepawa, MB 46 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $335,300 $7,289

Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock Another powerful set of bulls were sold at this sale. Sale average was up $1,624 over last year, which is a testament to the quality of bulls offered. Purebred and commercial breeders from across the prairie provinces and into North Dakota took advantage and bought some topquality bulls. High Selling Bulls Lot 40, HTA UNDEFEATED 8115F, (3rd Gen. Polled, 106 lb BW, 1.1 BW EPD, 54 WW EPD, 102 YW EPD, 22 M EPD, 1,665 lb, 43 cm), sired by HTA Astroid 603D, out of a C2 Zeplin daughter. Sold for $27,000 to R Lazy B Charolais, Nome, ND. Consigned by HTA Charolais. Lot 19, HTA DEFENDER 846F, (4th Gen. Polled, 105 lb BW, BW % of dam 5.7, 19 M EPD, 1,650 lb, 40 cm), sired by RGP Remington 101Y, out of an HTA Challenge 161Y daughter. Sold for $23,000 to BOB Charolais, Stettler, AB & Spruce View Charolais, Andrew, AB. Consigned by HTA Charolais. Lot 14, HTA BATMAN 836F, (Homo Polled, 92 lb BW, -.2 BW EPD, 50 WW EPD, 95 YW EPD, 16 M EPD, 1,585 lb, 38 cm), sired by HTA Astroid 603D, out of a C2 Zeplin 45Z daughter. Sold

Andre and Brayden Steppler chose a new herd sire

for $18,500 to Brimner Cattle Co., Manor, SK. Consigned by HTA Charolais. Lot 7, HTA TOP SHELF 822F, (Homo Polled, 105 lb BW, 1.2 BW EPD, 54 WW EPD, 103 YW EPD, 19 M EPD, 1,625 lb, 39 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332P, out of a Silverstream Evolution E daughter. Sold to Steppler Farms, Miami. Consigned by HTA Charolais. Lot 34, HTA ROCKET 894F, (Homo Polled, .4 BW EPD, 46 WW EPD, 97 YW EPD, 32 M EPD, 1,632 lb, 38 cm), sired by SHSH High Class 43D, out of an M4 Grid Maker 104 PET daughter. Sold for $15,000 to Hunter Charolais, Roblin. Consigned by HTA Charolais. Lot 31, HTA SCHEIFELE 877F, (4th Gen. Polled, 92 lb BW, .4 BW EPD, 55 WW EPD, 105 YW EPD, 1,685 lb, 40 cm), sired by HTA Astroid 603D, out of an RGP Remington 101Y daughter. Sold for $9,250 to Angle H Stock Farm, Debden, SK. Consigned by HTA Charolais. Lot 4, HTA BYFUGLIEN 815F, (1.8

Bob Burla teamed up with Lorne Lakusta on the second high seller

Mike & Doug Hunter took a power bull

Paul & Dalyse Robertson took a top selling bull to their operation

BW EPD, 42 WW EPD, 78 YW EPD, 13 M EPD, 1,620 lb, 41 cm), sired by SOS Hooey Pld 127D, out of an HTA Trekker 169Y daughter. Sold for $8,600 to Hard Rock Land & Cattle Co., Neepawa. Consigned by HTA Charolais.


Cornerview Bull Sale Cornerview Charolais 4th Annual Bull & Heifer Sale March 23, 2019 • Cobden, ON 22 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $92,600 $4,209

Auctioneer: Stewart James

High Selling Bulls Lot 57, CORNERVIEW FLETCHER 57F (Polled, 101 lb BW, 60 WW, 122 YW, 1,490 lb, 40 cm), sired by 52

McTavish Halleluja 79B, out of a Sparrows Barlow 254Z daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Jim Zadow, Pembroke. Lot 39, CORNERVIEW FORBES 39F (Polled, 101 lb BW, 52 WW, 105 YW, 1,615 lb, 36 cm), sired by McTavish Halleluja 79B, out of a Sparrows Coach 467S daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Jamie Campbell, Renfrew. Lot 19, CORNERVIEW FORTY CREEK 19F (Polled, 86 lb BW, -1.7 BW, Charolais Banner • May 2019

1,465 lb, 41.5 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of a Vikse Time Out 172Y daughter. Sold for $5,100 to Brian Urbshot, Ilderton. Lot 29, CORNERVIEW FUSION 39F (Polled, 97 lb BW, 49 WW, 104 YW, 1,585 lb, 38.5 cm), sired by McTavish Halleluja 79B, out of a Sparrows Coach 467S daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Jim Wren, Cobden.

Charolais Banner • May 2019



Best of the Breeds Bull Sale Best of the Breeds Bull Sale March 24, 2019 • Yorkton, SK Gross Average 31 2/3 Yearling Bulls $176,650 $5,582

Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co A big crowd filled the auction mart for this multi-breed sale which saw 95 2/3 lots of five breeds average $5,188.17. The quality offering from Dogpatch Acres, Leroy, and Harcourt Charolais, Quill Lake sold across Alberta, Saskatchewan and into Manitoba. High Selling Bulls Lot 98, DOGPATCH FIESTA 296F, (Homo Polled, 104 lb BW, 2.6 BW, 52 WW, 97 YW, 21 M, 1580 lb, 39 cm), sired by JWX Downtown 7C, out of a Whitecap Laredo 232T daughter. Sold for $18,000 to Oak Stone Land & Cattle, Bawlf, AB. Consigned by Dogpatch Acres, Leroy. Lot 96, DOGPATCH MILESTONE 7F, (Homo Polled, 103 lb BW, 2.7 BW, 52 WW, 92 YW, 1710 lb, 38 cm), sired by WC Milestone 5223 P, out of a Rolling D Summit 21S daughter. Sold for $11,000 to K-Cow Ranch,

Elk Point, AB. Consigned by Dogpatch Acres. Lot 86, HBC LINCOLN 813F, (Double Polled, 98 lb BW, 2.8 BW, 55 WW, 103 YW, 1650 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by JWX Downtown 7C, out of an HBC Everest 914W daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Ron McLean, Foam Lake. Consigned by Harcourt Charolais, Quill Lake. Lot 80, HBC FLAGSTAFF 817F, (Double Polled, 90 lb BW, 1.6 BW, 40 WW, 73 YW, 1540 lb, 38 cm), sired by JWX Downhome 6D, out of a Sparrows Alcatraz 18N daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Steppler Farms, Miami, MB. Consigned by Harcourt Charolais. Lot 100, DOGPATCH FIREBIRD 38F, (Homo Polled, 92 lb BW, 2 BW, 47 WW, 93 YW, 1535 lb, 36 cm), sired by JWX Downtown 7C, out of an SVS Nobleman 25N daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Paul Valstar, Springside. Consigned by Dogpatch Acres. Lot 102, DOGPATCH FLAIR 8F, (Homo Polled, 91 lb, BW, 2.9 BW, 46 WW, 90 YW, 1545 lb, 38 cm), sired by JWX Downtown 7C, out of a Dogpatch Triple X 36S daughter. Sold for $6,250 to South 24 Farms, Mankota.

Rod McLean took a high seller

Andre Steppler bought a heifer bull

Paul Valstar took home a high seller

Dwayne Gebhart bought a herd bull

Consigned by Dogpatch Acres. Lot 115, DOGPATCH 73F, (Homo Polled, 82 lb. BW, -2.1 BW, 77 YW, 19 M, 1430 lb, 39 cm), sired by WC Big Ben 9036, out of an HBC Showdown 932W daughter. Sold for $6,250 to Lazy J Ranch, Fox Valley. Consigned by Dogpatch Acres.


High Point Bull Sale 8th Annual High Point Bull Sale March 30, 2019 • Stayner, ON 21 1/2 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $94,225 $4,383

Auctioneer: Carl Wright Blockman: Jim Baker A bad weather day hampered the crowd size and the sale results in this four-consigner sale. High Selling Bull Lot 25, ECHO SPRINGS FRANSICO 174F (Full French, 108 lb BW, 846 lb 205 DW, 1,510 lb, 35 cm), sired by PCFL General Lee 15B, out of a PCFL Whiskey Jack 21T daughter. Sold for $7,000 to One Acre Charolais, Coboconk. Consigned by Echo Spring 54

Charolais, Oro-Medonte. Lot 9, MOYER’S FERDINAND 2F (Polled, Toronto Royal Res. Grand Champion Bull, 96 lb BW, 809 lb 205 DW, 1,438 lb, 44 cm), sired by MCF Bohannon 305A, out of a D R Revelation 467 daughter. Sold for $6,000 for ½ interest to Fergus Family Charolais, Amaranth. Consigned by Moyer Cattle Co., Arthur. Lot 7, BRIDOR FARLEY 25F (Polled, 95 lb BW, 86 YW EPD, 1,478 lb, 40 cm), sired by Moyer’s Danny Boy 2D, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Danny Graham, Feversham. Consigned by Bridor Charolais, Mount Forest. Charolais Banner • May 2019

Bradley, Sheryl, Bryce & Harry Fergus bought the Toronto Royal Res. Grand Champion Bull

Lot 17, ECHO SPRINGS CORPORATE LEE 45F (Full French, 96 lb BW, 721 lb 205 DW, 23 M, 1,370 lb, 37 cm), sired by PCFL General Lee 15B, out of a PCFL Admiral 116U daughter. Sold for $5,700 to Mike Deweerd, Alma. Consigned by Echo Spring Charolais.

Charolais Banner • May 2019



Prairie Distinction Bull Sale Prairie Distinction Bull Sale March 26, 2019 • Neepawa, MB Gross Average 17 Two-Year Old Bulls $77,000 $4,529 18 Yearling Bulls 88,400 4,911 35 Lots



Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Manager: By Livestock Nice change in weather led to a good crowd on hand for the 5th Annual Prairie Distinction Bull sale. Six Manitoba consigners offered a wide range of bulls including yearlings and two-year olds, red factor, and some calving ease, to performance white bulls. High Selling Two-Year Old Bull Lot 12, RAMM ENGINE 61E, (Homo Red, Homo Polled, 105 lb BW, 57 WW, 107 YW, 2210 lb, 43 cm), sired by Tri-N Yangster 64B, out of a KBK Rally 24T daughter. Sold for $7,200 to LEJ Charolais, Portage la Prairie. Consigned by R & G McDonald Livestock, Sidney. Lot 24, JAPR ENZO 3E, (3rd Gen Polled, 98 lb BW, .2 BW, 51 WW, 98 YW, 2080 lb, 41 cm), sired by Tri-N Xplorer 476B, out of a Merit 8676U daughter. Sold for $5,750 to J & S Ferguson Ltd., Neepawa. Consigned by Double P

Stock Farm, Ste Rose du Lac. Lot 31, JFC EDDIE THE EAGLE 729E, (Dbl. Polled, 86 lb BW, .7 BW, 69 YW, 28 M, 1885 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Kingston 139Y, out of Moore’s Kokanee 36K daughter. Sold for $5,600 to Erixon Charolais, Lyleton. Consigned by Johnston Charolais, Rathwell. High Selling Yearling Bull Lot 7, RAMM FABLOUS 21F, (Homo Polled, 85 lb. BW, -2.8 BW, 40 WW, 77 YW, 1540 lb, 43 cm), sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of a Bar J Steel 32S daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Sun Dance Charolais, Amaranth. Consigned by R & G McDonald Livestock. Lot 8, RAMM FLIP 24F, (3rd Gen Polled, 86 lb BW, -1.6 BW, 48 WW, 92 YW, 1425 lb, 39 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of a Steppler Elite 166A daughter. Sold to Darcy Kozack, Rossburn. Consigned by R & G McDonald Livestock. Lot 2, RAMM FORSTY 3F, (3rd Gen Polled, 78 lb BW, -2.3 BW, 49 WW, 98 YW, 1355 lb, 40 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of an SRK Canyon 2Y daughter. Sold for $5,900 to Greg Black, Oak River. Consigned by R & G McDonald Livestock.

Barb Kozack bought a Greg Black selected a high selling yearling high seller

Donald Toms purchased the high selling yearling

Jim Olson purchased the high selling two-year old

Left: Brian Ellis bought a top selling yearling. Right: Melissa McRae with the charity auction goat donated by the Olson family. The fundraiser totalled over $700 for the MJCA.

TOP OF $16,000

Impact Bull Sale 11th Annual Impact Angus & Charolais Bull Sale March 23, 2019 • Saskatoon, SK Gross Average 31 2/3 Yearling Bulls $137,100 $4,329

Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co. Purebred and commercial producers were treated to a quality offering with some great buying opportunities throughout. High Selling Bulls Lot 54, MVY TANQUERAY 25F (Homo Polled, 90 lb BW, 826 lb 205 DW, -2.3 BW EPD, 1,620 lb, 36.5 cm), sired by MVY Direct Deposit 22D, out 56

of an LT Ledger 0332 P daughter. Sold 2/3 interest for $16,000 to Char-Lew Ranch, Pincher Creek, AB. Consigned by McAvoy Charolais, Arelee. Lot 58, MVY FOLEY 32F (Homo Polled, 86 lb BW, 25 M EPD, 1,505 lb,

42 cm), sired by Mr Louber Mantracker 830B, out of a Gerrard Pastor 35Z daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Quist Charolais, Shell Lake. Consigned by McAvoy Charolais.

Kennedi, Priscilla, Shane & Levi Quist purchased the second high seller

Burt & Tom Forbes selected the third high seller

Charolais Banner • May 2019

continued on page 57


Elder Charolais Bull Sale Elder Charolais Farms 9th Annual Bull Sale March 21, 2019 • Coronach, SK 37 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $306,000 $8,270

Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock Another quality offering put forth from Elder Charolais. The six sons of WCR Commissioner 593P and the Elder’s Blackjack 788B sons were the high selling and sought after bulls. Demand from purebred and commercial producers alike contributed to the sales average increasing nearly $700 over last year. High Selling Bulls Lot 18, ELDER’S VEXOUR 8042F, (Homo Polled, 90 lb BW, -1.3 BW EPD, 49 WW EPD, 95 YW EPD, 22 M EPD, 1,555 lb., 39 cm), sired by WCR Commissioner 593 P, out of an Elder’s Blackjack 788B daughter. Sold for $50,000 to Palmer Charolais, Bladworth. Lot 1, ELDER’S EMPEROR 8021F, (Homo Polled, 4.8 CE EPD, 2.5 BW EPD, 51 WW EPD, 97 YW EPD, 26 M EPD, 1,755 lb, 42.5 cm), sired by Elder’s Blackjack 788B, out of a

Grant’s Playboy 3X daughter. Sold for $30,000 to Palmer Charolais, Bladworth. Lot 19, ELDER’S CHANCELLOR 8019F, (Homo Polled, 86 lb BW, -2.6 BW EPD, 44 WW EPD, 85 YW EPD, 24 M EPD, 1,613 lb, 41cm), sired by WCR Commissioner 593 P, out of an Elder’s Blackjack 788B daughter. Sold for $23,000 to Springside Farms, Airdrie, AB. Lot 10, ELDER’S FERRARI 8020F, (.5 BW EPD, 46 WW EPD, 93 YW EPD, 29 M EPD, 1,650 lb, 41 cm), sired by HVA BARON 483D, out of an LAE Land of Plenty 243Z daughter. Sold for $13,500 to Lakeview Ranch, Marwayne, AB. Lot 20, ELDER’S AMBASSADOR 8038F, (Homo Polled, 82 lb BW, -3.8 BW EPD, 47 WW EPD, 89 YW EPD, 22 M EPD, 1,470 lb, 37 cm), sired by WCR Commissioner 593P, out of an Velon Herback Elder’s Blackjack bought two herd 788B daughter. bulls including the Sold for $12,500 to high seller

Domek Charolais, Wibaux, MT. Lot 2, ELDER’S FARMER 8064F, (Double Polled, -.4 BW EPD, 43 WW EPD, 85 YW EPD, 25 M EPD, 1,645 lb, 41.5 cm), sired by Elder’s Blackjack 788B, out of a Grant’s Playboy 3X daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Peno Valley Charolais, Waldeck, SK.

Mike Craig & Mike Panasiuk took the third high seller to their Springside Farms operation

Rob Murray purchased Duane Domek took a a powerful Baron son new herd bull to his Montana purebred herd

IMPACT BULL SALE, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 56 Lot 53, MVY FORTUNE 16F (Polled/s, 95 lb BW, 816 lb 205 DW, 49 WW, 1,720 lb, 36.5), sired by Whitecap Mr Blade 5B, out of a VFF Time Out 172Y daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Forbes Bros., Senlac. Consigned by McAvoy Charolais. Lot 70, MVY FABIO 68F (Polled,108 lb BW, 51

WW, 93 YW, 28 M, 1,465 lb, 40 cm), sired by MVY Big News 47B, out of an SVY Epic Pld 127Y daughter. Sold for $6,100 to Les Gusikoski, Viscount. Consigned by McAvoy Charolais.

Charolais Banner • May 2019

Brant Lewis bought the high selling bull



Coyote Flats Charolais Bull Sale Coyote Flats Charolais Bull Sale March 28, 2019 • Coaldale, AB Gross Average 41 Two-Year Old Bulls $282,900 $6,900 27 Yearling Bulls 138,250 5,120 68 Lots



Auctioneer: Don Raffan Sale Manager: By Livestock Coyote Flats moved their sale back three weeks to try to accommodate their customers and it worked. Many repeat buyers were on hand which helped to drive the average up by over $500. High Selling Two- Year Old Bulls Lot 56, CFC 52Z RAZOR 167E (Polled, 101 lb BW, 87 YW EPD, 42 cm), sired by CFC Pound Maker 52Z, out of an M6 Gridmaker 104 PET daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Nester Ranching, Cessford. Lot 42, CFC 125Z ULTIMATE 188E (Polled, 100 lb BW, 85 YW EPD, 38 cm), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of a JOR Red Ripper 15S daughter. Sold for $9,250 to Nester Ranching. Lot 58, CFC 52Z MIDAS 177E (Polled, 101 lb BW, 107 YW EPD, 39 cm), sired by CFC Pound Maker 52Z, out of a Moore’s Legacy 117L daughter. Sold for $9,000 to H & K Ranch, Hilda.

Lot 53, CFC 52Z HOT STUFF 118E (Polled, 104 lb BW, 111 YW EPD, 45 cm), sired by CFC Pound Maker 52Z, out of a CFC Sudden Impact 48W daughter. Repeat customer Sold for $8,500 to Colter Ellefson took Agroscope Inc., a new bull home Bow Island. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 23, CFC 125Z THUNDERSTRUCK 11F (Polled, 96 lb BW, 96 YW EPD, 37 cm), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of a CFC Pound Maker 9Z daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Martin Hillmer, Del Bonita. Lot 13, CFC 31B OPTIMUS PRIME 8F (Polled, 90 lb BW 103 YW EPD, 36 cm), sired by McTavish Ironhide 31B, out of an Elder’s Raptor 43Y daughter. Sold for $7,250 to Wallace Fraser, Gem. Lot 1, CFC 38A STRETCH 10F (Polled, 116 lb BW, 104 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by Cedarlea The Keg 38A, out of an Elder’s Raptor 43Y daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Driland Feeders, Warner. Lot 2, CFC 38A BIG TIME 50F (Polled, 112 lb BW, 96 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by Cedarlea The Keg 38A,

Lyndon Haughon bought two bulls for his Agroscope Inc.

Lonnie Thorson bought two bulls for Hays Grazing

K-Belt Farms selected four bulls for their Nobleford operation

Nester Ranching took the two high selling two-year old bulls back to Cessford

out of an Elder’s Raptor 43Y daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Driland Feeders.


Borderland Bull Sale Borderland Cattle Co. 21st Annual Bull Sale March 30, 2019 • Rockglen, SK 2 Two-Year Old Bulls 19 Yearling Bulls 21 Lots

Gross Average $6,900 3,450 81,500 4,289 $88,400


Auctioneer: Mike Fleury The Chings’ 21st bull sale saw more bulls selling and the average moving higher from last year. This is a powerpoint sale at the farm with good genetics at affordable prices. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 48, BORDERLANDS FALCON 58

96F (Polled, 96 lb BW, 748 lb 205 DW, 1,269 lb, 36 cm), sired by KCM Prowler 2X, out of a Winn Mans 9116A daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Loy Charolais, Rockglen. Lot 40, BORDERLANDS FROST 131F (Polled, -1.1 BW, 744 lb 205 DW, 1,425 lb, 42 cm), sired by Winn Mans 9116A, out of a LT Bluegrass 4017 P daughter. Sold for $5,600 to Twin X Ranches, Rockglen. Lot 54, BORDERLANDS WHITE HOUSE 565F (Polled, 92 lb BW, -3.1 BW, 1,195 lb, 34.5 cm), sired by Eastons White House 50148, out of an Eatons Iron Bull 40395 daughter. Sold Charolais Banner • May 2019

to Belmar Farms, Rockglen. Lot 57, BORDERLANDS FRASER 36F (Polled, 104 lb BW, 739 lb 205 DW, 82 YW, 1,212 lb, 37 cm), Repeat customer sired by Winn Marc Spagrud bought Mans Kracken a high selling yearling for his Belmar Farm 635Z, out of a Borderlands Mack 138R daughter. Sold to Twin X Ranches, Rockglen.


C2 Bull Sale C2 Charolais Bull Sale March 28, 2019 • Killarney, MB 36 ½ Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $207,350 $5,681

Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co. High Selling Bulls Lot 27, C2 PHAROAH 79F (Homo Polled, 86 lb BW, -1,8 BW, 1,440 lb, 39 cm), sired by C2 Carlos 33C, out of an Elder’s Armagedon 148A daughter. Sold for $13,750 for ¾ interest to Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB. Lot 4, C2 FITZGERALD 15F (Homo Polled, 100 lb BW, 94 YW, 1,565 lb, 38 cm), sired by C2 Capone 2C, out of a JWX Silver Bullet 524W. Sold for $9,100 to White Farms, McDonald. Lot 3, C2 STOUT 2F (Homo Polled, 92 lb BW, -2.4 BW, 92 YW, 1,415 lb, 36.5 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of a Winn Mans 780A daughter. Sold for $8,500 for ¾ interest to Caul Charolais, Devlin, ON.

Lot 1, C2 FABIO 22F (Polled/s, 100 lb BW, 1,610 lb, 39.5 cm), sired by JMB Fisher 604D, out of a C2 Zuduko 49Z daughter. Sold for $8,500 for ¾ interest to Soura-Horan Farms, Bowsman. Lot 11, C2 FERGAL 39F (Homo Polled, 104 lb BW, .6 BW, 1,410 lb, 39 cm), sired by HTA Tandem 535C, out of a KCH Winchester 26X daughter. Sold for $7,250 for ¾ interest to BOB Charolais, Stettler, AB. Lot 20, C2 FLETCHER 5F (Polled, 96 lb BW, -.7 BW, 1,460 lb, 37 cm), sired by C2 Capone 2C, out a High

Bluff Hank 41R daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Todd Clayton, Gladstone. Lot 38, JMB MICKEY 825F (Homo Polled, 108 lb BW, 826 lb 205 DW, 1,550 lb, 39.5 cm), sired by KRF What-A-Boy 104Y, out of a Sparrows Oakridge 66R daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Harolyn Farms, Bob Burla bought a Shawville, QC. high seller

Curtis & Nanette Turnbull purchased the high seller

Jodi & Keith Caul bought the third high seller

Charolais Banner • May 2019



White Lake Bull Sale White Lake Charolais Bull Sale April 2, 2019 • Lethbridge, AB Gross Average 32 Two-Year Old Bulls $189,200 $5,912

Auctioneer: Bob Balog This sale is built on repeat buyers that buy in volume. There were 32 bulls on offer and they were sold to a total of 10 buyers. High Selling Bulls Lot 13, KWR EXACTA 76E (Polled, 85 lb BW, 94 YW EPD, 46 cm), sired by CML Exacta 514C, out of a CML Aces Wild 1Z daughter. Sold for $10,750 to Cameron Farms, Turin. Lot 1, KWR COMMANDER 24E (Horned, 75 lb BW, 39 cm), sired by LT Commander 4038 P, out of a Grant’s Impressive 129C daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Diamond K Cattle Co., Maple Creek, SK. Lot 10, KRW EXACTA 61E (Polled, 98 lb BW, 85 YW EPD, 39 cm), sired by CML Exacta 514C, out of a Grant’s

Impressive 129C daughter. Sold for $9,100 to Lakeside Colony, Gem. Lot 2, KRW COMMANDER 25E (Polled, 70 lb BW, 69 YW EPD, 37 cm), sired by LT Commander 4038 P, out of a CML Superstition 13Z daughter. Sold for $8,250 to Diamond K Cattle Co. Lot 23, KRW TOUCHDOWN 19E (Polled, 90 lb BW, 84 YW EPD, 47 cm), sired by CML Touchdown 414B, out of a Sparrows Midland 37X daughter. Sold for $7,750 to Elk Water Colony, Maple Creek. Lot 24, KRW TOUCHDOWN 62E (Polled, 85 lb BW, 75 YW EPD, 45 cm), sired by CML Touchdown 414B, out of a Stauffer Makin It Right 3W daughter. Jim Pulyk bought a Sold for $7,750 to new bull Cameron Farms.

Lot 30, KRW TOUCHDOWN 128E (Polled, 98 lb BW, 98 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by CML Touchdown 414B, out of a Sparrows Midland 37X daughter. Sold for $7,750 to Hicken Ranches, Raymond. Lot 25, KRW TOUCHDOWN 101E (Polled, 92 lb BW, 92 YW EPD, 44 cm), sired by CML Touchdown 414B, out of a CML Aces Wild 1Z daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Carmangay Colony, Carmangay.

Bryce Weiss added two bulls to his Diamond K Cattle Co. operation

Brian Hicken bought six bulls


Gilliland Bull & Female Sale Gilliland Bros. Bull & Female Sale April 2, 2019 • Alameda, SK Gross Average 33 Yearling Bulls $147,000 $4,455 27 Cow/Calf Pairs $111,450 $4,128

Auctioneer: Ward Cutler Sale Manager: Transcon Livestock The 2019 sale saw the average move up from last year and the addition of their entire two-year old females with calves at side sold as well. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 41, G.BROS REVOLUTION RGCG 894F (98 lb BW, 844 lb WW, 90 YW, 1,560 lb, 38 cm), sired by Sparrows Escobar 429B, out of an SOS MB Syndicated 138P daughter. Sold for $8,750 to Rocking S Ranch, Moosomin. Lot 22, G.BROS BULL’S EYE RGCG 919F (82 lb BW, 24 M, 1,425, 41 cm), sired by PCC Pastor 409B, out of a Bar J Savior 16S daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Cathy Gonos, Frobisher. 60

Lot 33, G.BROS CASH 612F (99 lb BW, 800 lb WW, 51 WW, 103 YW, 1,570 lb, 41.5 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A, out of a Sunrise Sunburst 21Y daughter. Sold for Lloyd Harmon selected a top selling $6,250 to Murray bull Jones, Napinka, MB. Lot 26, G.BROS MISFIRE 587F (103 lb BW, 820 lb WW, 50 WW, 96 YW, 1,585 lb, 43 cm), sired by LAE Clyde 527C, out of an SOS MB Syndicated 138P daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Lloyd Harmon, Melita, MB. Lot 1, G.BROS THUMPER 624F (98 lb BW, 815 lb WW, 54 WW, 98 YW, 1,545 lb, 41.5 cm), sired by Winn Mans 988A, out of a G.Bros Hawg Wild 861A daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Darrell Thompson, Carnduff. Charolais Banner • May 2019

Shawn Szafron bought the high selling bull

Repeat customer Murray Jones took the third high seller

Layne Evans bought the high selling cow/calf pair

Mike Panasiuk took a couple of high selling females

continued on page 61


Git ‘R Done Bull Sale

Cedarlea Farms joined with Windy Willows Angus for their “Git ‘R Done” joint bull sale. A consistent group of quality Charolais bulls was put forth on offer. Support for the program was strong from both purebred and commercial breeders from across the prairie provinces. 40 Charolais bulls were sold with the average increasing over last year’s sale. High Selling Bulls Lot 105F, CEADARLEA LOW RIDER 105F, (Homo Polled, 85 lb BW, -5.1 BW, 43 WW, 81 YW, 24 M, 1,395 lb, 41 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W daughter. Sold for $18,000 to Alta Genetics, Rocky View County, AB. Lot 171F, CEDARLEA MARCO POLO 171F, (3rd Gen. Polled, 91 lb

BW, -3.6 BW, 45 WW, 88 YW, 24 M, 1,490 lb, 39 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of an SOS Polled Detonator 8M daughter. Sold for $13,500 to Triple C Charolais, Steep Rock, MB. Lot 175F, CEDARLEA THE COUNT 175F, (Homo Polled, 88 lb. BW, -3.8 BW, 52 WW, 94 YW, 23 M, 1,515 lb, 40 cm), sired by Pleasantdawn Counter 19C, out of a Circle Cee Legend 307A daughter. Sold for $10,000 to David Ives, Mulvihill, MB. Lot 93F, CEDARLEA FENWAY 93F, (3rd Gen. Polled, 84 lb. BW, -4.5 BW, 41 WW, 79 YW, 28 M, 1,470 lb, 39 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a PCC Rome 437B daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Double P Stock Farms, Ste. Rose du Lac, MB. Lot 72F, CEDARLEA FARLEY 72F, (Polled, 1.3 BW, 47 WW, 87 YW, 26 M, 1,395 lb, 41 cm), sired by JWX Diplomat 254D, out of a SHSH Rolex 22A daughter. Sold for $9,750 to David Ives, Mulvihill, MB. Lot 153F, CEDARLEA FEDERALE 153F, (4th Gen. Polled, 95 lb. BW, -2 BW, 44 WW, 88 YW, 21 M, 1,420 lb, 37

Darren, Grace & William Cook took the second high seller for their Triple C Charolais operation

Stan and Margie Perrin selected four bulls for their herd at Maple Creek

Cedarlea Farms “Git ‘R Done” Bull Sale April 2, 2019 • Hodgeville, SK 40 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $283,500 $7,088

Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sales Management: By Livestock

cm), sired by JWX Diplomat 254D, out of a CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Goodbrand Land & Cattle, Veteran, AB. Lot 159F, CEDARLEA FRENSO 159F, (Double Polled, -1.6 BW, 59 WW, 106 YW, 27 M, 1,665 lb, 42.5 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Gerrard Pastor 35Z daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Downie Lake Colony, Maple Creek. Lot 31F, CEDARLEA CHEYANNE 31F, (4th Gen. Polled, 92 lb BW, Twin, -2.7 BW, 46 WW, 91 YW, 24 M, 1,565 lb, 40 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Goodbrand Land & Cattle, Veteran.

Terry White took the high seller for Alta Genetics

David Ives selected two high sellers

Neil & Jared Preston purchased a top seller

GILLILAND BULL SALE, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 60 High Selling Cow/Calf Pairs Lot 64, G.BROS EMMARIE 440E (80 lb BW, -2.8 BW), sired by LAE Clyde 527C, out of an ACC I Am Legend 914W daughter. Bull calf at side by

Sunrise Sunburst 21Y. Sold for $8,500 to Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston. Lot 81, G.BROS OLIVIA 483E (91 YW, 24 M), sired by HRJ Crowd Favourite 515C, out of a JMB Dateline

754T daughter. Heifer calf at side by HRJ Maverick 556C. Sold for $5,000 to Springside Farms, Airdrie, AB.

Suivez, moi sur Twitter! @CharolaisBanner Charolais Banner • May 2019



TRI-N Charolais Bull Sale TRI-N Charolais & Guest 4th Annual Bull Sale March 30, 2019 • Lenore, MB Gross Average 36 1/3 Yearling Bulls $250,000 $6,881

Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran Sale Manager: By Livestock Buyers from the U.S. were once again supporting the Nykoliations and their red factor and white genetics. Bulls from TRI-N are heading to 8 different states throughout the U.S., and to 5 of the Canadian provinces. 13 bulls, including many of the high sellers, sold to the U.S.A. High Selling Bulls Lot 39, TRI-N DEFENDER 8149F, (Homo Red, Homo Polled, 94 lb BW, -3 BW EPD, 52 WW EPD, 98 YW EPD, 21 M EPD, 1,540 lb, 41 cm), sired by TRI-N Rockefeller Pld 607D, out of a TRI-N Captain Morgan 340A daughter. Sold for $21,000 to Cliff Lee Enterprise, Milan, MO. Lot 13, TRI-N JACKSON 834F, (Homo Polled, 90 lb BW, -1.6 BW EPD, 52 WW EPD, 96 YW EPD, 24 M EPD, 1,578 lb, 43 cm), sired by SCX Thriller 89B, out of a Grant’s Synergy 41X daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Sandmeier Charolais, Bowdle, SD.

Lot 45, TRI-N Invader 8107F (Homo Polled, 80 lb BW, .6 BW EPD, 40 WW EPD, 67 YW EPD, 18 M EPD, 1,502 lb, 40 cm), sired by OC Mr Free Time D279 ET, out of a Wood River Country Boy 54W daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Ron Beery, Richey, MT. Lot 1, TRI-N THE KEG 869F, (Red Factor, Homo Polled, 90 lb BW, -5.9 BW EPD, 59 WW EPD, 101 YW EPD, 26 M EPD, 1,602 lb, 39 cm), sired by TRI-N Captain Morgan 340A, out of a TWN Yangster 27Y daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Jeff Romans, Harper, OR. Lot 43, TRI-N TONTO 835F, (Polled, Homo Red, 75 lb BW, -2.3 BW EPD, 40 WW EPD, 81 YW EPD, 27 M EPD, 1,465 lb, 39 cm), sired by TRI-N Rockefeller Pld 607D, out of a TRI-N Payday 419P daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Brevig Charolais, Lewiston, MT. Lot 10, TRI-N McCOY 902F, (Homo Red, Homo Polled, 90 lb BW, -2.2 BW EPD, 50 WW EPD, 94 YW EPD, 26 M EPD, 1,510 lb, 37 cm), sired by TRI-N Captain Morgan 340A, out of an SOS Crimson Tide 97X daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Doyle Turner, Moville, IA. Lot 2, TRI-N CANADIANNA 836F, (Homo Red, Homo Polled, 93 lb BW, 2.3 BW EPD, 48 WW EPD, 92 YW EPD, 19 M EPD, 1,520 lb, 42 cm), sired by TRI-N Captain Morgan 340A, out

Doug Kerr bought a high seller

Doyle Turner took a bull home to Iowa

Brad & Kendra Cline took a new herd bull

Darcy & Parker Watson took a high selling bull

of a Sparrows Coach 467S daughter. Sold for $9,000 to P Bar N Cattle Co., Edinburg, TX.


Top Cut Bull Sale 29th Annual Top Cut Bull Sale April 9, 2019 • Mankota, SK 2 Two-Year Old Bulls 21 Yearling Bulls 23 Lots

Gross Average $9,750 $4,875 92,500 4,405 $102,250


Auctioneer: Bruce Switzer Wood River Charolais & Blake’s Red Angus of McCord put forward another quality offering that saw the average move almost $300 higher from last year. Affordable quality in both breeds. 62

High Selling Two-Year Old Bull Lot 263E, WOOD RIVER ON TIME 263E (Polled, 80 lb BW, -2.1 BW, 1,740 lb, 44 cm), sired by Vikse Air Time 166A, out of a Wood River Country Boy 54W daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Bluff Creek Ranch, Glentworth. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 91F, WOOD RIVER BLACK INK 91F (Polled, 82 lb BW, -4 BW, 80 YW, 1,350 lb), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of a Winn Mans Lanzandero 840U daughter. Sold for $7,750 to Zerr Trails Inc., Mankota. Charolais Banner • May 2019

Lot 20F, WOOD RIVER LEXION 20F (Polled, 91 lb BW, 740 lb WW, 1,435 lb, 37 cm), sired by SOS Harvester Pld 61C, out of a CSS Sir Grid Iron 912Y daughter. Sold for $7,000 to TD Collins Farms Ltd., McCord.

Repeat customer Tom Collins selected the second high selling bull


North of the 49th Bull Sale Wilgenbusch Charolais North of the 49th Bull Sale April 1, 2019 • Halbrite, SK 79 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $561,150 $7,103

Auctioneer: Brent Carey A big, active bidding crowd made for a snappy sale at the Wilgenbusch sale barn. This large offering of high quality, yearling Charolais bulls were sold nationwide. Hays Grazing was the volume buyer taking five top end bulls. High Selling Bulls Lot 29, JWX FINALE 371F, (Homo Polled, 93 lb BW, 1.1 BW, 47 WW, 95 YW, 26 MILK, 64.76% LMY, 1600 lb, 40 cm), sired by HVA Baron 483D, out of a HBSF Express 77X daughter. Sold for $23,000 to Phillips Farms Charolais, Estevan. Lot 11, JWX FIRST CLASS 917F, (Polled/s, 90 lb BW, .2 BW, 42 WW, 15.91 REA in2, 65.84 %LMY, 1485 lb, 42 cm), sired by DCR Mr. Commissioner C49, out of a PCC Navigator daughter. Sold for $17,000 to Ferme Louber, Ste-Marie de Beauce, QC. Lot 58, JWX FORENSIC 691F, (Homo Polled, 71 lb BW, -3.5 BW, 40 WW, 68 YW, 1485 lb, 40 cm) sired by MVY Class Act 3C, out of a WC Benelli 2134 P ET daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Danes Cattle/O’Neill Livestock, Innisfail, AB. Lot 1, JWX FREESTYLE 811F, (Homo Polled, 97 lb BW, 2.3 BW, 46 WW, 87 YW, 1720 lb, 17.07 in2 REA), sired by JWX Downhome 6D, out of a KMAC Serio 32S daughter. Sold for $12,500 to Gilliland Bros. Charolais, Carievale. Lot 41, JWX FRANCHISE 942F, (Red Factor, Polled, .7 BW, 40 WW,

Plan to Attend

71 YW, 24 M, 1480 lb, 39 cm), sired by Pro-Char Slugger 49D, out of a KAYR Grid Iron 400S daughter. Sold for $12,500 to Cedarlea Farms, BJ Hawkins purchased Ty & Lonny Thorson took five good bulls for Hodgeville. a high seller for the Hays Stock Grazing Co-op Lot 59, JWX Cedarlea operation FARM FRESH 101F, (Red Factor, Homo Polled, .6 BW, 76 YW, 65.21 %LMY, 1490 lb, 41 cm), sired by JWX Cactus Cut 1187C, out of a JWX Silver Buckle 524U daughter. Sold for $12,500 to Lazy S Charolais, Beaverlodge, AB. Lot 61, JWX FIGHT CLUB 1140F, (Homo Polled, 94 lb BW, 2.4 BW, 46 WW, 82 YW, 16.88 in2 REA 1610 lb, 41 Kristy & Kurtis Phillips bought the high seller cm), sired by JWX Cactus Cut 1187C, out of a PCC Navigator 403P daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Martens Ranch, Swift Current. Lot 2, JWX FIRST DOWN 25F, (Polled, -.6 BW, 41 WW, 70 YW, 1580 lb, 38 cm) sired by JWX Downhome 6D, out of a CSS Sir Navigator 37T daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Terry Iluk, Glenavon. Lot 42, JWX FLAGSHIP 418F, (Red Kyle and Jocelyn O’Niell bought a high seller Factor, Homo Polled, 92 lb BW, 43 WW, 85 YW, 65.96 %LMY, 1460 lb, 39 1047F, (Polled, -.8 BW, 38 WW, 70 YW, cm), sired by Pro-Char Slugger 49D, 25 M, 1590 lb, 41 cm), sired by KAYR out of an MSW Craven Red 29M Velocity 812Z, out of a Bar J Silverado daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Loon 14S daughter. Sold for $10,000 to River Ranch, Lloydminister. Vermeulen Grain & Cattle, Ceylon. Lot 45, JWX FAMILY GUY 5173F, Lot 50, JWX FARM RAISED 27F, (Red Factor, Polled, 2.7 BW, 46 WW, (Polled, 91 lb BW, .1 BW, 45 WW, 91 83 YW, 1390 lb, 37 cm), sired by ProYW, 1310 lb, 37 cm), sired by Elder’s Char Slugger 49D, out of a Circle Cee Blackjack 788B, out of a Merit Fired Up 104Y daughter. Sold for Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Loon River Ranch. $9,750 to Buffalo Lake Charolais, Lot 69, JWX FRONT RUNNER Stettler, AB.

Canadian Charolais Youth Association 2019 Conference & Show • July 24-27, Weyburn, SK

‘WHITE OUT IN WEYBURN’ Charolais Banner • May 2019



Howe / Rosso Bull Sale Howe Family Farm/Rosso Bull Sale April 3, 2019 • Moose Jaw, SK Gross Average 60 Two-Year Old Bulls $317,300 $5,288 16 Yearling Bulls 67,200 4,200 76 Lots



Auctioneer: Brent Carey The 29th Howe Family Farm/Rosso Charolais Bull sale was stellar, with 30% more high-quality bulls sold. Many repeat customers supported the offering in both the Red Angus Division and the Charolais portion of the sale. The 41 Angus Bulls averaged $5,267. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 92, ROSSO EDISON 36E, (Polled, .6 BW, 47 WW, 83 YW, 2060 lb, 41 cm), sired by Rammer Kristoff 515C, out of a LAE X-Ceptional 46X daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Elder Charolais, Coronach. Consigned by Rosso Charolais, Moose Jaw. Lot 125, ROSSO CATALYST 7E, (Second in class Canadian Western Agribition, Polled, .9 BW, 78 YW, 23 M, 2010 lb, 41 cm), sired by Rosso Double Down 8Z, out of a Sparrows Sanchez 715T daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Hawk View Charolais, Foothills, AB. Consigned by Rosso Charolais. Lot 94, ROSSO ELEMENT 38E, (Homo Polled, 50 WW, 95 YW, 1950 lb, 41 cm), sired by Rosso Double Down 8Z, out of a Rosso New Horizon 8L daughter. Sold for $ 9,000 to Stuart Family Farm, Cabri. Consigned by Rosso Charolais. Lot 112, ROSSO HUSTLE 113E, (Polled, .3 BW, 40 WW, 84 YW, 2100 lb, 45 cm), sired by Rosso Double Down 8Z, out of a Rosso Rival 5L daughter. Sold for $8,100 to Tyson Thul, Moose Jaw. Consigned by Rosso Charolais. Lot 88, ROSSO ROYAL 14E, (Polled, -1.4 BW, 41 WW, 73 YW, 2100 lb, 38.5 cm), sired by Jones Disco 9C, out of an

MXS Irresistibull 357A daughter. Sold for $7,300 to Flying B Ranch Co., Kennedy. Consigned by Rosso Charolais. Lot 85, ROSSO INTENSITA 20E, (Homo Polled, -.1 BW, 41 WW, 75 YW, 2020 lb, 42 cm), sired by Jones Disco 9C, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $7,100 to Lloyd Daniel, Avonlea. Consigned by Rosso Charolais. Lot 90, ROSSO EXPRESS 33E, (Horned, 2.5 BW, 45 WW, 79 YW, 2010 lb, 42.5 cm), sired by SCF You Betcha 94Y, out of a Cornerview Xcalibre 27X daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Stuart Family Farm, Cabri. Consigned by Rosso Charolais. Lot 99, ROSSO HUDSON 63E, (Homo Polled, .9 BW, 42 WW, 81 YW, 2010 lb, 46 cm), sired by Rosso Cougar 36C, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $6,800 to Edward Misuga, Parkburg. Consigned by Rosso Charolais. Lot 101, ROSSO EUGENE 78E, (Homo Polled, 1.1 BW, 50 WW, 93 YW, 1885 lb, 45 cm) sired by WMM Arthur 328A, out of an LT Western Spur 2061 Pld daughter. Sold for $6,750 to Valiant Farms, Beechy. Consigned by Rosso Charolais. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 62, WHITECAP FREEDOM 179F, (Smooth Polled, -.9 BW, 47 WW, 91 YW, 1350 l., 37 cm), sired by HBC Divergent 517C, out of an HC Wells Fargo 943W daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Roy Smith, Parkbeg. Consigned by Howe Family Farm, Moose Jaw. Lot 53, WHITECAP FRANKIE 24F, (Smooth Polled, -1.7 BW, 48 WW, 89 YW, 1425 lb, 41 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332, out of a Whitecap Revolver 69Y daughter. Sold for $4,700 to Calvin Knoss, Rockglen. Consigned by Howe Family Farm, Moose Jaw. Lot 59, WHITECAP FERNANDO

Follow us on Twitter! @CharolaisBanner 64

Charolais Banner • May 2019

Tyson Thul took home two high selling bulls

Doug Pittman selected a high selling yearling and a two-year-old bull for the Matador Pasture

Robbie Stuart, repeat customer, took a high seller

Lloyd Daniel took home a calving ease two-year old

Donna & Ron Elder took the high selling two-year-old bull

105F, (Homo Polled, 102 lb BW, 47 WW, 87 YW, 1430 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by SOS Hooey Pld 127D, out of a Merit 9778W daughter. Sold for $4,600 to McTavish Charolais, Moosomin. Consigned by Howe Family Farm, Moose Jaw. Lot 63, WHITECAP FALCO 187F, (Homo Polled, 90 lb BW, .3 BW, 80 YW, 1310 lb, 35.5 cm), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of a Merit 5293R daughter. Sold for $4,600 to Dennis Kress, Kendal.


Vermilion Charolais Group Bull Sale Vermilion Charolais Group 33rd Annual Bull Sale April 6, 2019 • Vermilion, AB Gross Average 64 Two-Year Old Bulls $431,750 $6,746 17 Yearling Bulls 92,100 5,418 81 Lots



Auctioneer: Ryan Konynebelt Once again, this group of breeders assembled a very good set of bulls. At this year’s sale there were a few more yearling bulls on offer, which was well received from the buyers with a strong average. High Selling Two-Year Old Bulls Lot 97, LAKEVIEW SMOOTH DEAL 82E (Polled, 96 lb BW, 75 YW EPD, 44 cm), sired by LAE Smooth Deal 253Z, out of an MXS The Big Ticket 228Z daughter. Sold for $16,500 to Leskow Ranching, Edgerton. Consigned by Lakeview Charolais, Marwayne. Lot 59, XXX MR GPOUND 31E

Duncan Thompson Richard Lorenson bought the third high bought in volume selling two-year old

(Polled, 103 lb BW, 55 YW EPD, 41 cm), sired by FMX Poundmaker 604X, out of a Veralta Rose-B 34P daughter. Sold for $15,250 to Sherwood Farms, Vermilion. Consigned by XXX Farms, Kitscoty. Lot 89, LAKEVIEW KYSER 27E (Polled, 108 lb BW, 74 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by MXS Kyser 528C, out of a Hopewell Wildcard 805U daughter. Sold for $14,250 to Duncan Thompson, Manville. Consigned by Lakeview Charolais. Lot 36, MHCL ZEAL 139E (Polled, 95 lb BW, 67 YW EPD, 39.5 cm), sired by MXS Kyser 528C, out of an MHCL Robin Hood 50X. Sold for $11,000 to Bristow Ranching, Heinsburg. Consigned by Misty Hills Charolais, Vermilion. Lot 18, MHCL SMOOTH DEAL 91E (Polled, 105 lb BW, 72 YW EPD, 38 cm), sired by LAE Smooth Deal 253Z, out of an MHCL Robin Hood 50X daughter. Sold for $10,000 to

Rasmussen Ranching, Wainwright. Consigned by Misty Hills Charolais. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 83, LAKEVIEW KYSER 41F (Polled, 103 lb BW, 73 YW EPD, 40 cm), sired by MXS Kyser 528C, out of an MXS Canyon 136Y daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Bristow Ranching, Heinsburg. Consigned by Lakeview Charolais. Lot 85, LAKEVIEW EXOTIC 52F (Polled, 92 lb BW, 70 YW EPD, 34.5 cm), sired by Pro-Char Exotic 94D, out of an SDC Million 171U daughter. Sold for $7,750 to Bristow Ranching, Heinsburg. Consigned by Lakeview Charolais. Lot 51, GOOD ANCHOR 843F (Polled, 106 lb BW, 69 YW EPD, 39 cm), sired by Wrangler Eagle 23B, out of a WINN MANS Vistazo 740X daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Brad Hawkins, Heinsburg. Consigned by Good Anchor Charolais, Vermilion.

Rasmussen Ranching took a high selling bull back to Wainwright

Ron Leskow and Rob Murray visit after the sale


B.O.S.S. Correction In the BOSS report in the February issue, the Expo Boeuf show was incorrectly reported, which should have added some animals in the Top Rankings.

Show bulls: Sharodon Empire 1E - 30 points Blackbern Frank 1F - 30 points Show females: Sharodon Fallon 16F - 38 points Sharodon Charlize 6C - 30 points Charolais Banner • May 2019

It also moved Shelco Made Easy 512R to a BOSS Sire with the 15 points he recieved there. We apologize to the breeders of these animals for missing them in the February issue. 65


Hunter Charolais Bull Sale Hunter Charolais 8th Annual Bull Sale April 4, 2019 • Roblin, MB 34 ¾ Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $214,300 $6,167

Auctioneer: Danny Skeels Sale Manager: By Livestock The sale average was up at the Hunter’s 8th Annual Bull Sale by $851 over last year’s average. There was a great showing of support from the local cattlemen, with many bulls staying close to the Roblin area. Bulls were also sold throughout the three prairie provinces to purebred and commercial operations alike. Along with the Charolais, there were 4 yearling Hereford bulls and 1 yearling Shorthorn bull sold. The Hereford average was $3,625, and the Shorthorn brought $8,250. High Selling Bulls Lot 38, HC FUSION 850F, (Double Polled, 80 lb BW, -3.9 BW EPD, 52 WW EPD, 94 YW EPD, 26 M EPD, 1,700 lb, 39 cm), sired by WCR Commissioner 593 P, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104 PET daughter. Sold for $17,000 to XXX Farms Ltd., Kitscoty, AB Lot 1, HC FORTRESS 832F, (3rd Gen. Polled, 86 lb BW, 1.3 BW EPD, 52 WW EPD, 98 YW EPD, 16 M EPD, 1,465 lb, 39 cm), sired by JWX Downtown 7C, out of a Silverstream Geddes G102 daughter. Sold for $12,000 to D Double J Ranch,

Darrell Mischuk purchased a bull for his Harper Creek Charolais operation

Deegan James selected a high seller

Grandview. Lot 31, HC FLIPPER 829F, (Double Polled, 84 lb BW, -3 BW EPD, 50 WW EPD, 89 YW EPD, 10 M Dean Davidson bought EPD, 1,630 lb, 39 the high selling bull cm), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of an Elder’s Zeus 22Z daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Soderglen Ranches Ltd., Rockyview County, AB. Lot 12, HC FUZZY 8128F, (3rd Gen. Polled, 1.8 BW EPD, 41 WW EPD, 91 YW EPD, 29 M EPD, 1,440 lb, 39 cm), sired by Elder’s Blackjack 788B, out of an HTA Crown Prince 152L daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Greg Els, Stornoway, SK. Lot 14, HC FLOW 819F, (3rd Gen. Polled, 80 lb BW, -3.3 BW EPD, 44 WW EPD, 85 YW EPD, 23 M EPD, 1,480 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332P, out of an SVY Kaboom PLD

Don Saquet selected a new herd bull

Greg Els selected a high seller

Ingrid & Anton Kreutner, repeat local supporters

7113T daughter. Sold for $8,250 to Harper Creek Charolais, Grandview. Lot 16, HC FRESHMAN 833F, (3rd Gen. Polled, 78 lb BW, -4.1 BW EPD, 41 WW EPD, 86 YW EPD, 20 M EPD, 1,425 lb, 39 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332P, out of an HC Zone Point 203Z daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Nahachewsky Charolais, Norquay, SK. Lot 27, HC FREESTYLE 8147F, (Double Polled, 1.5 BW EPD, 53 WW EPD, 91 YW EPD, 21 M EPD, 1,515 lb., 34 cm), sired by DCR Mr Dual-Treat D112, out of an SVY Freedom PLD 307N daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Don & Joanne Saquet, Ste. Rose du Lac.


Saunders Bull Sale Saunders Charolais 14th Annual Bull Sale April 6, 2019 • Keady, ON 2 Two-Year Old Bulls 23 Yearling Bulls 25 Lots

Gross Average $6,700 $3,350 118,200 5,139 $124,900


Auctioneer: Scott Kuhl Another quality offering of bulls from the Saunders operation saw a steady sale with many repeat customers selecting new herd sires. 66

High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 10, JSR FAIRFIELD 46F (Polled, 84 lb BW, -2.7 BW, 738 lb WW, 1,675 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of a JSR Augustus 26A daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Joe Morris, Bristol, QC. Lot 3, JSR FRISCO 5F (Homo Polled, 97 lb BW, 790 lb 205 DW, 52 WW, 1,700 lb, 38.5 cm), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of a Winn Mans Pistol 615S daughter. Sold for Charolais Banner • May 2019

$6,900 to Onias Weber, Holyrood. Lot 12, JSR FLINT 57F (Polled/s, 92 lb BW, -1.2 BW, 53 WW, 103 YW, 1,665 lb, 43.5 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $6,750 to Carl Spencer, Tara. Lot 9, JSR FERRARI 41F (Homo Polled, 98 lb BW, 1,545 lb, 39.5 cm), sired by WC Milestone 5223 P, out of a PCFL Ultimate14R daughter. Sold for $6,700 to Joanne Wines, Stayner. continued on page 67


Sliding Hills Bull Sale Sliding Hills Charolais Bull Sale April 11, 2019 • Canora, SK 19 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $104,300 $5,489

Auctioneer: Mike Fleury A big crowd filled the stands at the 13th annual bull sale. New this year was the addition of Mission Ridge Herefords. James and Sarah Hordos sold 7 high quality bulls to average $5,278. Bulls were sold into three prairie provinces with six bulls going to purebred herds. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 10F, SHSH BONAFIDE 10F, (Homo Polled, 87 lb BW, -4.7 BW, 23 M, 15.96 in2 REA, 273-day Gestation,

1405 lb, 38 cm), sired by WC Milestone 5223 P, out of a Shelco Made Easy 512R daughter. Sold for $23,000 to Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston. Lot 68F, SHSH FORTUNE 68F, (Polled, -.6 BW, 37 WW, 86 YW, 31 M, 67.28 % LMY, 1395 lb, 38 cm), sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of a Merit 1058L daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Collet Thurston, Erma, AB. Lot 29F, SHSH MILE HIGH 29F, (Homo Polled, 3.9 BW, 56 WW, 94 YW, 278-day Gestation, 1490 lb, 41 cm), sired by WC Milestone 5233 P, out of a Sparrows Serengeti 521N daughter. Sold to Lazy S Charolais, Beaver Lodge, AB.

Lane Evans purchased the high seller

Roy Schweitzer took three bulls to his operation

Lot 70F, SHSH RANGELAND 70F, (Polled, 87 lb BW, 2.1 BW, 51 WW, 106 YW, 16.62 in2 REA, 1515 lb, 35.5 cm), sired by HVA Realtor 1010B, out of an Eatons Royal Dynasty 6164 daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Lazy S Charolais, Beaver Lodge.

SAUNDERS BULL SALE, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 66 Lot 1, JSR FRANCHISE 3F (Polled, 96 lb BW, 709 lb 205 DW, 50 WW, 1,655 lb, 38 cm), sired by WC Milestone 5223 P, out of a PCFL

Ultimate 14R daughter. Sold for $6,700 to Al Drennan, Lucknow. Lot 6, JSR FORT WORTH 15F (Polled, 103 lb BW, 49 WW, 1,580 lb, Charolais Banner • May 2019

40 cm), sired by MXS Constellation 464B, out of a Shelco Made Easy 512R daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Garred Frey, Fordwich. 67


Cornerstone Bull Sale Cornerstone “More Bang for your Buck” Bull & Female Sale April 20, 2019 • Whitewood, SK 26 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $118,100 $4,542

Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock A big crowd filled the Whitewood auction barn for the annual Cornerstone bull sale. The Brimner family, of Manor, put forth a very high-quality offering of Charolais bulls. Six bulls went to purebred operations in three provinces. Buying was steady with repeat and new customers showing support. The 28 5/6 Angus bulls averaged $5,036, and the 35 open commercial heifers averaged $1,413. High Selling Bull Lot 50, BRIMNER BULL 34F, (3rd Gen Polled, 99 lb BW, 1.2 BW, 24 M, 862 lb 205 DW, 1340 lb, 37 cm), sired by SOS Game of Thrones 98D, out of a Bar J Trojan 68X daughter. Sold For $9,300 to HTA Charolais, Rivers, MB.

Lot 52, BRIMNER BULL 20F, (3rd Gen Polled, 85 lb BW, -1.4 BW, 26 M, 786 lb 205 DW, 1425 lb, 40 cm), sired by SOS Game of Thrones 98D, out of a Pleasantdawn Infusion 113A daughter. Sold for $ 7,500 to Dogpatch Acres, Leroy. Lot 67, BRIMMNER BULL 117F, (3rd Gen Polled, 91 lb BW, 1.7 BW, 25 M, 872 lb 205 DW, 1480 lb, 37 cm), sired by McTavish Excel 20B, out of a Pleasantdawn Infusion 413A daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Richard Van Sprundel, Manor. Lot 57, BRIMNER BULL 9F, (3rd Gen Polled, 89 lb BW, .8 BW, 751 lb

205 DW, 1385 lb, 42 cm), sired by XAL Custom Made 1C, out of an HBC Encore 834U daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Steppler Farms, Miami, MB. Lot 76, BRIMNER BULL 110F, (4th Gen Polled, 93 lb BW, -.9 BW, 45 WW, 84 YW, 821 lb 205 DW, 1400 lb, 38 cm), sired by Pleasantdawn Infusion 413A, out of a Bar J Trojan 68X daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Andre Steppler took two, including a high Jerry Anderson, seller Oyen, AB.

Tanya & Shawn Airey bought two, including the high seller

Mic Zentner bought a Richard Van Sprundel high seller took a new herdbull


Cedardale Bull Sale Cedardale Charolais 16th Annual Bull Sale April 20, 2019 • Nestleton, ON 26 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $160,300 $6,165

Auctioneer: Carl Phoenix More bulls sold and the average moved higher in this longest running Ontario breeder sale. Bulls sold to three provinces and one state. High Selling Bulls Lot 25, CEDARDALE FILBERT 109F, (Homo Polled, 82 lb BW, -1.2 BW EPD, 828 lb 205 DW, 1,520 lb, 40 cm), 68

sired by Cedardale Abracadabra 123A, out of a Cedardale Zeal 125Z daughter. Sold for $9,200 to Taylor Farms, Dunsford. Lot 5, CEDARDALE FLEETWOOD 42F (Homo Polled, 95 lb BW, 831 205 DW, 1,700 lb, 45 cm), sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of a Sparrows Alcatraz 18N daughter. Sold for $7,600 to Lee Timbers, Manila. Lot 3, CEDARDALE FANGO 10F (Polled, 80 lb BW, 860 lb 205 DW, 1,545 lb, 43 cm), sired by MCF Bohannon 305A, out of an LT Charolais Banner • May 2019

Bluegrass 4017 daughter. Sold for $7,400 to Andy McDougal, Kirkfield. Lot 16, CEDARDALE FALCON 80F (Polled, 89 lb BW, Taylor purchased -1.4 BW, 1,625 lb, Josh the high selling bull 41 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of a Cedardale Winchester 70W daughter. Sold for $7,400 to Joe Nelson, Dorchester.

Bull Sales in Brief M.C. Quantock Bull Sale January 26, 2019 • Lloydminster, SK Gross Average 38 Two-Year Old Bulls $279,600 $7,359 Moose Creek Bull Sale January 30, 2019 • Kisbey, SK Gross Average 15 Two-Year Old Bulls $85,700 $5,713 Hill 70 Quantock Bull Sale February 2, 2019 • Lloydminster, AB Gross Average 34 Two-Year Old Bulls $248,750 $7,316 31 Yearling Bulls 164, 750 5,314 65 Lots $413,500 $6,362 Denbie Ranch & Guests Myhre Land & Cattle & Bar J Charolais February 23, 2019 • Ste. Rose, MB Gross Average 1 Mature Bull $9,100 $9,100 17 Two-Year Old Bulls 70,650 4,156 8 Yearling Bulls 34,600 4,325 26 Lots $114,350 $4,398 Saddleridge Charolais, Kaiser Cattle Co. & Cypress County Bull Sale February 27, 2019 • Brooks, AB Gross Average 2 Two-Year Old Bulls $11,500 $5,750 26 Yearling Bulls 134,100 5,158 28 Lots $145,600 $5,200 The Select Charolais Bull Sale March 1, 2019 • Innisfail, AB Gross Average 22 Two-Year Old Bulls $124,250 $5,648 85 YearlingBulls 434,250 5,109 107 Lots $558,500 $5,220 Wrangler Made Bull Sale March 2, 2019 • Westlock, AB Gross Average 6 Two- Year Old Bulls $31,000 $5,167 23 Yearling Bulls 129,350 5,624 29 Lots $160,350 $5,529

Pride of the Prairies Bull Sale March 4, 2019 • Lloydminster, SK 6 Two-Year Old Bulls 8 Yearling Bulls 14 Lots

Gross Average $30,150 $5,026 37,400 4,675 $67,550 $4,825

RRTS Bull Sale March 5, 2019 • Kamloops, BC 24 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $81,150 $3,382

Northern Classic Charolais Bull Sale March 8, 2019 • Grand Prairie, AB 14 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $74,750 $5,339

Neilson Cattle Company Bull Sale March 18, 2019 • Willowbrook, SK Gross Average 33 Two-Year Old Bulls $169,750 $5,150 Northwest’s Bull Sale March 18, 2019 • North Battleford, SK 10 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $56,600 $5,660

Lazy S Charolais Bull Sale March 21, 2019 • Beaverlodge, AB 37 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $224,300 $6,062

McKeary Charolais Bull Sale March 14, 2019 • Brooks, AB

Thickness Sells Bull Sale March 23, 2019 • Truro, NS

Gross Average 27 Two-Year Old Bulls $159,350 $5,902 2 Yearling Bulls 11,750 5,875 29 Lots $171,100 $5,900

4 Two-Year Old Bulls 9 Yearling Bulls 13 Lots

Rollin’ Acres/Whiskey Hollow Bull Sale March 16, 2019 • Hanover, ON 28 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $164,750 $5,884

Select Genetics Bull Sale March 16, 2019 • Herbert, SK 12 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $61,450 $5,121

Northern Impact VI Bull Sale March 16, 2019 • Clyde,AB Gross Average 22 ¾ Two-Year Old Bulls$148,500 $6,527 15 Yearling Bulls 69,550 4,636 37 ¾ Bulls $218,050 $5,776 Grassroots Bull Sale March 18, 2019 • Veteran, AB Gross Average 5 Two-Year Old Bulls $32,250 $6,450 28 Yearling Bulls 150,000 5,522 33 Bulls $182,250 $5,522

Gross Average $21,500 $5,375 43,900 4,878 $65,400 $5,038

Thistle Ridge Ranch Bull Sale March 23, 2019 • Taber, AB 36 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $201,100 $5,586

Lazy S Cattle Co. Bull Sale March 23, 2019 • Rimbey, AB Gross Average 11 Two-Year Old Bulls $81,350 $7,395 Tee M Jay Charolais Bull Sale March 23, 2019 • Ashern, MB 3 Two-Year Old Bulls 17 Yearling Bulls 20 Lots

Gross Average $11,200 $3,700 81,700 4,806 $92,900 $4,645

K-Cow Ranch Bull Sale March 23, 2019 • Elk Point, AB 7 Two-Year Old Bulls 10 1/2 Yearling Bulls 17 1/2 Lots

Gross Average $37,200 $5,314 51,600 4,914 $88,800 $5,074

Alanville Bull Sale March 25, 2019 • Tisdale, SK Gross Average 21 Two-Year Old Bulls $90,200 $4,295

continued on page 70

Charolais Banner • May 2019


Poplar Bluff/Twin Anchor Bull Sale March 26, 2019 • Veteran, AB Gross Average 30 Two-Year Old Bulls $182,050 $6,068 15 Yearling Bulls 67,800 4,520 45 Lots $249,850 $5,552 Candiac Bull Sale March 30, 2019 • Candiac, SK 5 Two-Year Old Bulls 11 Yearling Bulls 16 Lots

Gross Average $21,900 $4,380 44,000 4,000 $65,900 $4,119

Alameda Bull Sale March 30, 2019 • Alameda, SK 1 Two-Year Old Bull 8 Yearling Bulls 9 Lots

Gross Average $3,000 $3,000 30,300 3,788 $33,300 $3,700

Transcon’s Advantage Bull Sale March 30, 2019 • Saskatoon, SK

Maritime Beef Test Station Bull Sale April 6, 2019 • Nappan, NS 12 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $50,600 $4,217

Spirit of the North Bull Sale April 7, 2019 • Spiritwood, SK 9 Two-Year Old Bulls 3 Yearling Bulls 12 Lots

Gross Average $49,550 $5,505 14,750 4,916 $64,300 $5,358

Cattle Capital Bull & Female Sale April 8, 2019 • Ste. Rose du Lac, MB 8 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $42,850 $5,356

Daines Cattle/O’Neil Livestock Bull Sale April 11, 2019 • Innisfail, AB 18 Yearling Bulls

Gross Average $85,750 $4,763

Acadia Ranching Bull Sale April 13, 2019 • Brooks, AB Gross Average 27 Two-Year Old Bulls $139,750 $5,176 Vanderhoof Bull Sale April 13, 2019 • Vanderhoof, BC 1 Two-Year Old Bull 4 Yearling Bulls 5 Lots

Eastern Select Bull & Female Sale April 13, 2019 • Campbellford, ON 3 Two-Year Old Bulls 12 Yearling Bulls 15 Lots

Gross Average $13,700 $4,567 45,400 3,783 $59,100 $3,940

Williams Lake Bull Sale April 18, 2019 • Williams Lake, BC 2 Two-Year Old Bulls 1 Yearling Bull 3 Lots

Gross Average 12 Two-Year Old Bulls $59,700 $4,975

Gross Average $5,800 $5,800 15,500 3,875 $21,300 $4,260

Gross Average $10,100 $5,050 4,500 4,500 $14,600 $4,867


CBBC AGM The Canadian Beef Breeds Council’s 25th Annual General Meeting was held in Calgary, Alberta, and was attended by a cross section of cattle producers, livestock exporters, genetic companies and industry organization representatives. CBBC is pleased to announce the 2019 Board of Directors: Roger Peters (President), Jay Cross (Vice President), Garner Deobald, David Sibbald, Bruce Holmquist, Stephen Scott, Reed Rigney, Myles Immerkar, Ken Friesen, Kasey Phillips, Terry White and Dennis Serhienko. President Roger Peters indicated “CBBC is entering a new phase in the further development of the seedstock sector in advancing our goals of producing the world’s best purebred cattle and increasing market share in sales of purebred cattle, semen and embryos, both domestically and internationally.” The vision of CBBC is to be the world leader in developing profitable and sustainable beef cattle genetics. Its mission is to be the catalyst advancing the Canadian beef cattle seedstock sector through unified representation, strategic alliances and implementation of innovative technology. The mandate of CBBC is to support the Canadian seedstock sector by developing partnerships that advance genetic improvement, research, extension services, information dissemination and our role in Canada’s 70

2019 CBBC Board of Directors: Back Row L to R: Stephen Scott, Ken Friesen, Dave Sibbald, Dennis Serhenko, Bruce Holmquist, Myles Immerkar. Front Row L to R: Reed Rigney, Doris Rempel (Project Manager), Roger Peters (President), Jay Cross (Vice President), Michael Latimer (Executive Director). Missing: Garner Deobald, Terry White, Kasey Phillips.

National Beef Strategy; promote Canadian beef genetics both domestically and internationally by identifying market opportunities and facilitating market development; and represent the Canadian seedstock sector to government by advocating effective policy, and ensuring market access and enhanced competitiveness.

Charolais Banner • May 2019

TOP SELLING BULLS OVER $20,000 IN CANADA • FALL 2018  SPRING 2019 BULL SPCC BRCHE White Bear 8505 Pld Elder’s Vexour 8042F KAYR Chain Reaction 309F MAIN Granada 191E HVA Falcon 250F SOS Fusion Pld 51F HVA Fortune 5F Pro-Char Jamieson 68F Bridor Fortune Maker 6F Elder’s Emperor 8021F KAYR Rico 26F HTA Undefeated 8115F MAIN Ledger Up 105E Pro-Char Richmond 140E High Bluff Fairmont 118F CML Executives 15F PH Cigar 143E Sparrows Parker 806F Sparrows Rigg 851F Elder’s Chancellor 8019F HTA Defender 846F JWX Finale 371F LAE Fresno 809F SHSH Bonafide 10F PCC Kentucky Rain 836F Steppler Jenson 233F SOS Octain Pld 6F Tri-N Defender 9149F HVA Fireball 662F HVA High Tide 83F HVA Threethieves 66F PCC Ward 408F Pleasantdawn Mobile 103F

SIRE M & M Outsider 4003 Pld WCR Commissioner 593 P WCR Commissioner 593 P LT Lanza 1427 Pld Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D SOS Hooey Pld 127D Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D Sparrows Casino 511C Cedardale Zeal 125Z Elder’s Blackjack 788B WCR Commissioner 593 P HTA Asteroid 603D MAIN Ledger Up 4C Sparrows Casino 511C SCR Triumph 2135 WCR Commissioner 593 P PH Cigar 194B Sparrows Aquarius 493B Winn Mans Lanza 610S WCR Commissioner 593 P RGP Remington 101Y HVA Baron 483D Circle Cee Legend 307A WC Milestone 5223 P TR PZC Turton 0794ET Sparrows Braxton 519C CML Gusto 662D Tri-N Rockefeller Pld 607D Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D Turnbulls Duty-Free 358D High Bluff Bodacious 78B LT Landmark 5052 Pld MAIN Magico Lanzo 36D

SOLD FOR $75,000 $50,000 $47,500 $42,000 $40,000 $37,000 $36,000 $35,000 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $27,000 $26,000 $26,000 $25,500 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $24,000 $23,000 $23,000 $23,000 $23,000 $23,000 $22,000 $21,500 $21,000 $21,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000

PURCHASER Caprock Cattle Co. Palmer Charolais White Lake Colony Rocky Creek Charolais Elder Charolais Elders, Kay-R, Wilgenbusch Turnbull Charolais CK Sparrow Farms McKeary Charolais Palmer Charolais Big Johnson Charolais R Lazy B Ranch Soderglen Ranches Wright Charolais Creek’s Edge Land & Cattle Alta Genetics Soderglen Ranches Sliding Hills & Johnston Snake Valley Charolais Springside Farms BOB & Spruce View Phillips Farm Charolais Lakeview Ranch & Misty Hills Horseshoe E Charolais Flat Valley Cattle Co. Fischer Charolais Wrangler Charolais Cliff Lee Enterprise Prairie Cove & DanG Charolais Coyote Flats Charolais High Bluff Stock Farm Turnbull Charolais Valley’s End Ranch

SOLD BY Prairie Cove Charolais Elder Charolais Kay-R Charolais Char-Maine Ranching Palmer Charolais Springside Farms Palmer Charolais Pro-Char Charolais Springside Farms Elder Charolais Kay-R Charolais HTA Charolais Char-Maine Ranching Pro-Char Charolais High Bluff Stock Farm Kay-R Charolais P&H Ranching CK Sparrow Farms CK Sparrow Farms Elder Charolais HTA Charolais Wilgenbusch Charolais Horseshoe E Charolais Sliding Hills Charolais Prairie Cove Charolais Steppler Charolais Springside Farms TRI-N Charolais Palmer Charolais Palmer Charolais Palmer Charolais Prairie Cove Charolais Pleasant Dawn Charolais

2019 Spring Bull Sale Summary According to statistics, the 2019 Spring Bull Sales sold the second most bulls, had the second highest overall total gross dollars, third most sales reporting and fifth highest overall average in the 38 years the Charolais Banner has been compiling bull sale results. There were 93 sales reporting in 2019, 2 less than 2018, however the overall average was only down by a mere 2.7%. 33 bulls sold for $20,000 or more compared to 22 last year. A quick overview shows that of the 90 sales

reporting in both 2018 and 2019, 40% of those sales had an increase in overall average. There were 38 sales grossing more than $200,000 and one sale grossing over $1,000,000. There were 19 sales selling more than 50 lots. Mature bulls were down $2975 in average, with 1 ¾ less selling in 2019. There were 52 ¾ more two-year-old bull lots selling in 2019 with a decrease in average of $432. 73% of the sales with two-year olds selling had a two-year old average above $5000.

There were 80 1/12 less yearling lots selling in 2019 and the average down $45. 59% of all sales with yearlings selling had a yearling average above $5000.

Bull Sale Chart Notes: • Statistics are from fall 2018 sales with more than 5 bulls and spring 2019 bull sales. • No U.S. bull sales are included in the chart. • The sales with fall long-yearlings were treated as two-year-old bulls.

It is the breeders’ responsibility to submit a sale summary to the Charolais Banner office (by fax, email or phone) to ensure that their sale is included in the chart and further statistics. Unless the Charolais Banner office receives a report, no information will be shown for that sale.

Sales Grossing $350,000 plus Rawes Ranches $1,050,400 Steppler Farms $608,000 Wilgenbusch Charolais (North of 49th) $561,150 The Select Charolais Bull Sale $558,500 Sandan Charolais & Springside Farms $543,450 Char-Maine Ranching $530,250 Vermilion Charolais Group $523,850

CK Sparrow Farms Palmer - Nielson P & H Ranching Co. Ltd. Coyote Flats McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Charolais Hill 70 Quantock Footprint Farms “Charolais Power”

$464,250 $456,700 $430,750 $421,150 $415,100 $413,500 $407,050

Charolais Banner • May 2019

Legacy Charolais w/BOB Charolais Howe Family Farm (White Cap)/Rosso Horseshoe E Charolais High Country Pro-Char & Johnson

$395,250 $384,500 $377,750 $365,750 $363,000


2019 Charolais Spring Bull Sale Statistics MATURE BULLS (no. – average $) 2018 2019

Sales Acadia Colony Acadia Ranching Ltd. Alameda Bull Sale Alanville Farms Balamore Farm Beck Farms Best of the Breeds Blackbern/Whitewater/ Kirlene (Benchmark) Borderland Cattle Co. Buffalo Lake Charolais Built Right (Big Johnson) C2 Charolais Candiac Bull Sale Cattle Capital Cedardale Charolais Cedarlea Farms (Git’R Done) Char-Maine Ranching CK Sparrow Farms Cornerstone (Brimner) Cornerview Charolais Coyote Flats Creek’s Edge Daines/O’Neill Livestock Denbie Ranch & Guests (Myhre & Bar J) Diamond W Charolais Eastern Select Elder Charolais Ferme Palerme Footprint Farms “Charolais Power” Gerrard Cattle Co. Dispersal Gilliland Bros. Grassroots Harvie Ranching HEJ Charolais High Bluff (Family Tradition) High Country High Point Hill 70 Quantock Horseshoe E Charolais Howe Family Farm (White Cap)/Rosso HTA Charolais & Rammer Hunt Dispersal Hunter Charolais Impact (McAvoy) K-Cow Ranch (Family) Lazy S Cattle Co. Lazy S Charolais Legacy Charolais w/BOB Charolais Louber Farms M & L Cattle Co. Maple Leaf & Guests Maritime Test Station MC Quantock McKeary Charolais McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Charolais McTavish Farms & Charla Moore Moose Creek Neilson Cattle Co. Nelson Hirsche Northern Classic Northern Impact VI NorthWest’s








1 -

$3,300 -



1 -

$9,100 -

TWO-YEAR-OLDS (no. – average $) 2018 2019

YEARLINGS (no. – average $) 2018 2019

41 34 13 3 6 1

$6,945 $5,500 $4,600 $8,833 $6,000 $7,000

27 1 21 4 6 -

$5,176 $3,000 $4,295 $5,375 $5,041 -

5 6 42 29 1/3

4 -

$4,325 -

3 21 37 10 16 2 3 31 13 1 8 8 16 33 15 40 3 2 9 10 28 23 23 1 3

$3,650 $9,107 $6,450 $7,615 $4,047 $4,500 $4,733 $6,308 $5,461 $3,500 $6,456 $6,594 $6,250 $7,645 $5,093 $6,004 $3,067 $5,000 $5,011 $6,805 $6,727 $9,108 $7,180 $6,300 $4,467 $4,842 $6,339 -

$3,450 $4,380 $7,560 $6,625 $6,900 $5,290 $4,156 $4,300 $4,567 $6,506 $6,450 $6,100 $4,859 $7,316 $5,003 $5,288 $5,314 $7,395 $5,420 $5,202 $7,359 $5,902 $4,700 $5,713 $5,150 $4,410 $6,527 -

29 $4,120 13 $3,788 35 $6,350 27 $5,733 16 $3,621 12 $4,400 23 $5,450 53 3/4 $6,991 25 $7,850 49 $10,400 22 $4,414 21 $5,080 29 $4,705 42 $6,643 11 $6,431 6 $4,150 36 $5,028 11 $3,881 36 1/6 $7,576 9 $4,433 31 $6,585 3 $5,166 33 $4,374 17 $5,241 22 $6,630 60 $5,588 23 1/2 $9,096 41 $6,621 31 $4,932 28 $5,760 51 1/2 $5,881 15 1/6 $5,468 50 1/4 $5,612 36 1/2 $5,316 31 2/3 $4,966 9 1/2 $4,853 43 $4,887 60 3/4 $6,845 32 $4,800 18 $5,619 21 $5,005 16 $3,640 9 $5,187 39 $8,202 30 $4,503

25 29 3/4 -

2 5 25 4 41 5 17 5 3 32 5 5 16 34 15 60 7 11 15 30 38 27 1 15 33 14 22 3/4 -

11 11 21 9

$3,320 $4,783 $7,232 $5,796

$6,886 $6,909 $4,609 $4,322

19 8 9 46 31 2/3

$4,703 $3,788 $4,878 $5,542 $5,582

28 $4,712 19 $4,289 35 $4,952 23 3/4 $7,703 36 1/2 $5,681 11 $4,000 8 $5,356 26 $6,165 40 $7,088 43 $7,936 53 $9,259 26 $4,542 22 $4,209 27 $5,120 40 $5,293 18 $4,763 8 $4,325 31 $4,574 12 $3,783 37 $8,270 33 $6,028 33 $4,455 28 $5,522 21 $7,393 50 $5,305 32 $6,678 53 $5,434 21 1/2 $4,383 31 $5,314 57 $5,311 16 $4,200 46 $7,289 34 3/4 $6,167 31 2/3 $4,329 10 1/2 $4,914 37 $6,062 64 1/2 $6,125 29 $4,695 4 $3,825 15 $5,343 12 $4,217 2 $5,875 39 1/2 $10,508 35 $4,434 21 $4,602 14 $5,339 15 $4,636 10 $5,660

Charolais Banner • May 2019

TOTAL (no. – average $) 2018 2019

SALE GROSS (Bulls Only) 2018 2019

41 34 5 13 9 48 30 1/3

$6,945 $5,500 $3,320 $4,600 $6,133 $7,078 $5,835

19 27 9 21 13 52 31 2/3

$4,703 $5,176 $3,700 $4,295 $5,038 $5,484 $5,582

$284,750 $187,000 $16,600 $59,000 $55,200 $339,750 $177,000

$89,350 $139,750 $33,300 $90,200 $65,400 $285,150 $176,650

29 17 35 27 19 12 23 53 3/4 46 49 22 21 66 52 11 22 38 14 36 1/6 9 62 16 34 25 22 60 31 1/2 57 31 61 66 1/2 55 1/6 50 1/4 4 36 1/2 35 2/3 18 1/2 43 60 3/4 32 28 49 16 23 32 40 33 25 11 11 49 3/4 9

$4,120 $3,915 $6,350 $5,733 $3,626 $4,400 $5,450 $6,991 $8,424 $10,400 $4,414 $5,080 $5,683 $6,830 $6,431 $4,075 $5,001 $4,064 $7,576 $4,433 $6,445 $5,406 $4,349 $5,630 $6,630 $5,588 $8,460 $6,517 $4,932 $6,780 $5,703 $5,856 $5,612 $2,956 $5,316 $4,968 $4,930 $4,887 $6,845 $4,800 $6,043 $5,989 $3,640 $9,108 $6,619 $8,155 $4,500 $4,842 $6,886 $6,909 $5,736 $4,322

28 21 35 23 3/4 36 1/2 16 8 26 40 68 57 26 22 68 45 18 26 36 15 37 65 33 33 21 50 37 69 21 1/2 65 72 76 46 34 3/4 31 2/3 17 1/2 11 37 64 1/2 29 19 45 12 38 29 39 1/2 36 15 33 35 14 37 3/4 10

$4,712 $4,210 $4,952 $7,703 $5,681 $4,119 $5,356 $6,165 $7,088 $7,798 $8,145 $4,542 $4,209 $6,193 $5,292 $4,763 $4,398 $4,536 $3,940 $8,270 $6,262 $4,455 $5,522 $7,393 $5,305 $6,600 $5,300 $4,383 $6,362 $5,247 $5,059 $7,289 $6,167 $4,329 $5,074 $7,395 $6,062 $6,125 $4,695 $5,084 $5,249 $4,217 $7,359 $5,900 $10,508 $4,442 $5,713 $5,150 $4,410 $5,339 $5,776 $5,660

$119,500 $66,550 $222,250 $154,800 $68,900 $52,800 $125,400 $375,750 $387,500 $509,600 $97,100 $106,700 $375,100 $355,150 $70,750 $89,650 $190,050 $56,900 $274,000 $39,900 $399,700 $86,500 $147,850 $140,750 $146,100 $335,250 $266,500 $371,500 $152,900 $413,600 $379,250 $323,100 $282,000 $12,500 $194,050 $167,250 $91,200 $210,150 $415,850 $153,600 $169,200 $293,450 $58,250 $209,500 $211,800 $326,200 $148,500 $121,050 $75,750 $70,500 $285,400 $38,900

$131,950 $88,400 $173,350 $182,950 $207,350 $65,900 $42,850 $160,300 $283,500 $530,250 $464,250 $118,100 $92,600 $421,150 $238,150 $85,750 $114,350 $163,300 $59,100 $306,000 $407,050 $147,000 $182,250 $155,250 $265,250 $244,200 $365,750 $94,225 $413,500 $377,750 $384,500 $335,300 $214,300 $137,100 $88,800 $81,350 $224,300 $395,250 $136,150 $96,600 $236,200 $50,600 $279,600 $171,100 $415,100 $159,900 $85,700 $169,750 $154,350 $74,750 $218,050 $56,600

2019 Charolais Spring Bull Sale Statistics Sales

MATURE BULLS (no. – average $) 2018 2019

P & H Ranching Co. Ltd. Palmer - Nielson Pleasant Dawn (T & A Hatch) Dispersal Pleasant Dawn Charolais Poplar Bluff/Twin Anchor Prairie Cove Charolais Prairie Distinction Pride of the Prairies Pro-Char & Johnson Ranaman Ranch Rawes Ranches Reese Cattle Co. Rollin Acres/Whiskey Hollow RRTS (Valley ) Saddleridge Charolais/Kaiser Cattle Sandan Charolais & Springside Farms Saunders Select Genetics Sliding Hills (Size Matters) Spirit of the North Stephen Charolais & Guests Steppler Farms St-Martin Bull Test Tee M Jay The Select Charolais Bull Sale Thistle Ridge Top Cut Transcon’s Advantage TRI-N & Guests Vanderhoof Vermilion Charolais Group Vikse’s Tip The Scale White Lake Colony Wilgenbusch Charolais (North of 49th) Wilkie Charolais Williams Lake Wrangler Charolais

3 $7,250 3/4 $16,000 1 $7,250 -

3 -

# Lots - Average $

5 3/4 $8,400


Gross Dollars


TWO-YEAR-OLDS (no. – average $) 2018 2019

$4,200 -

46 12 35 1/2 15 5 163 2 2 3 24 15 12 27 8 63 21 11 30 2

$8,228 $6,217 $6,253 $21,000 $5,477 $3,750 $7,148 $5,250 $5,100 $5,500 $6,148 $5,443 $6,800 $5,888 $3,844 $6,613 $6,225 $5,550 $6,066 $4,875


1012 1/4 $6,507



YEARLINGS (no. – average $) 2018 2019

TOTAL (no. – average $) 2018 2019

53 $8,127 5 $7,000 30 $6,068 17 $4,529 6 $5,026 3 3/4 $12,026 166 $6,328 2 $5,750 18 $5,181 2 $3,350 9 $5,505 4 3/4 $6,947 20 $6,643 3 $3,700 22 $5,648 2 $4,875 12 $4,975 1 $5,800 64 $6,746 32 $5,912 37 3/4 $5,934 2 $5,050 6 $5,167

47 $6,166 31 $5,169 44 3/4 $6,613 12 $4,879 22 3/4 $10,857 36 $4,868 13 $6,153 56 $6,044 20 $3,417 22 $4,925 29 $5,640 16 $4,419 19 2/3 $5,084 53 1/4 $8,615 27 1/2 $7,070 11 $5,261 21 3/4 $5,444 12 $4,596 21 $5,848 71 $6,251 27 $4,375 49 $4,735 84 $5,983 32 $4,500 24 $4,156 27 3/4 $8,105 2 $4,800 10 $5,650 30 1/2 $7,319 8 $5,863 72 1/4 $7,496 1 $8,500 2 $3,600 50 $6,750

50 39 15 25 1/2 18 8 46 27 28 24 26 54 1/4 23 12 19 3 23 3/4 75 17 85 36 21 36 1/3 4 17 30 79 1 23

$8,434 $6,156 $4,520 $11,007 $4,911 $4,675 $6,910 $5,100 $5,884 $3,382 $5,158 $8,298 $5,139 $5,121 $5,489 $4,916 $5,749 $6,335 $4,806 $5,109 $5,586 $4,405 $6,881 $3,875 $5,418 $6,416 $7,103 $4,500 $5,624



2400 1/4 $6,015

2320 1/6 $5,970




46 $8,228 53 59 $6,176 55 34 $5,353 45 1/2 $6,856 39 47 $5,902 45 23 1/4 $11,527 25 1/2 51 $5,047 35 19 $5,573 14 56 $6,044 49 3/4 20 $3,417 163 $7,148 166 24 $4,952 27 29 $5,640 28 18 $4,606 24 22 2/3 $5,140 28 77 1/4 $7,849 72 1/4 27 1/2 $7,070 25 11 $5,261 12 21 3/4 $5,444 19 12 $4,596 12 36 $5,679 31 1/2 83 $6,331 95 27 $4,375 49 $4,735 20 111 $5,960 107 32 $4,500 36 24 $4,156 23 8 $3,844 12 27 3/4 $8,105 36 1/3 2 $4,800 5 73 $6,481 81 30 1/2 $7,319 30 29 $6,125 32 83 1/4 $7,238 79 31 $6,125 37 3/4 2 $3,600 3 52 $6,668 29

SALE GROSS (Bulls Only) 2018 2019

$8,127 $378,500 $8,304 $364,400 $182,000 $6,156 $311,950 $5,552 $277,400 $11,007 $268,000 $4,726 $257,400 $4,825 $105,900 $7,296 $338,500 $68,350 $6,328 $1,165,050 $5,100 $118,850 $5,884 $163,550 $3,382 $82,900 $5,200 $116,500 $7,521 $606,300 $4,996 $199,150 $5,121 $57,875 $5,489 $118,400 $5,358 $55,150 $5,783 $204,450 $6,400 $525,450 $118,125 $4,645 $232,000 $5,220 $661,650 $5,586 $144,000 $4,446 $99,750 $4,975 $30,750 $6,881 $224,250 $4,260 $9,600 $6,467 $473,100 $6,416 $223,250 $5,912 $177,625 $7,103 $602,600 $5,934 $190,500 $4,867 $7,200 $5,529 $346,750

$430,750 $456,700 $240,100 $249,850 $280,700 $165,400 $67,550 $363,000 $1,050,400 $135,750 $164,750 $81,150 $145,600 $543,450 $124,900 $61,450 $104,300 $64,300 $182,150 $608,000 $92,900 $558,500 $201,100 $102,250 $59,700 $250,000 $21,300 $523,850 $192,500 $189,200 $561,150 $224,000 $14,600 $160,350

3419 1/4 $6,160 3389 1/6 $5,989 $21,062,925 $20,298,575

Sales Selling 50 plus lots Rawes Ranches The Select Charolais Bull Sale Steppler Farms Vermilion Charolais Group Wilgenbusch Charolais (North of 49th) Howe Family Farm (White Cap)/Rosso Sandan Charolais & Springside Farms

166 107 95 81 79 76 72 ¼

Horseshoe E Charolais High Country Char-Maine Ranching Coyote Flats Hill 70 Quantock Footprint Farms “Charolais Power” Legacy Charolais w/BOB Charolais

72 69 68 68 65 65 64 ½

CK Sparrow Farms Palmer - Nielson P & H Ranching Co. Ltd. Beck Farms HEJ Charolais

57 55 53 52 50

Yearling Sales Averaging $6000 plus with more than 5 Prairie Cove Charolais $11,007 McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Charolais $10,508 Palmer - Nielson $8,304 Elder Charolais $8,270 CK Sparrow Farms $8,145 Char-Maine Ranching $7,798 Built Right (Big Johnson) $7,703 Sandan Charolais & Springside Farms $7,521

Harvie Ranching Pro-Char & Johnson HTA Charolais & Rammer Wilgenbusch Charolais (North of 49th) Cedarlea Farms (Git’R Done) TRI-N & Guests High Bluff (Family Tradition) Vikse’s Tip The Scale

$7,393 $7,296 $7,289 $7,103 $7,088 $6,881 $6,600 $6,416

Charolais Banner • May 2019

Steppler Farms Footprint Farms “Charolais Power” Hunter Charolais Cedardale Charolais Pleasant Dawn Charolais Legacy Charolais w/BOB Charolais Lazy S Charolais

$6,400 $6,262 $6,167 $6,165 $6,156 $6,125 $6,062


38 Year (1982-2019) Charolais Bull Sale Trends Year

# of Sales




TOTAL LOTS No. Average








2320 1/6


3389 1/6

$5,989 $20,298,575



5 3/4


1012 1/4


2400 1/4


3,419 1/4

$6,160 $21,062,925










$6,103 $19,713,525





932 3/4


2119 23/30


3058 1/6

$6,631 $20,279,909





854 1/2


2082 5/12


2940 11/12

$6,617 $19,459,300



2 3/4


827 1/2


1854 1/4


2684 1/2

$4,730 $12,698,800



8 1/6


765 1/2


1813 1/12


2586 1/2

$4,095 $10,591,900





667 1/2


1876 5/6


2537 1/3

$4,435 $11,252,175







1652 1/2


2300 1/2







546 5/12


1597 1/4


2151 2/3








$3,288 1552 13/60


2158 13/60







565 1/2


1495 7/12


2072 4/5





4 1/2


544 3/4


1433 7/10


1983 19/20









1277 11/12


1838 11/12







644 1/2


1088 5/12


1735 11/12









1159 1/2


1751 1/2







799 3/4




2202 5/6









1667 5/6


2637 5/6











2896 1/12









1521 1/4


2495 1/4









1325 1/2


2262 1/2









1545 1/4


2467 1/4





13 1/4


1038 3/4


1383 1/2


2434 1/2





11 1/4




1587 2/3


2682 11/12









2019 1/3


3169 1/3









1487 1/4


3084 1/4


















1382 1/4




3151 1/4







1325 1/4


1482 1/4


2936 1/4







1315 3/4


1407 1/2


2745 1/4





12 1/2


1335 1/8


1167 7/8


2574 1/2












































2399 3/4







1112 1/2


671 1/4


1829 1/2





20 1/2






1122 1/3







714 1/4




1,391 3/4



Two Year Old Sales Averaging $6000 plus with more than 5 Pro-Char & Johnson P & H Ranching Co. Ltd. Char-Maine Ranching Lazy S Cattle Co. MC Quantock Hill 70 Quantock


$12,026 $8,127 $7,560 $7,395 $7,359 $7,316

Palmer - Nielson Stephen Charolais & Guests Coyote Flats Vermilion Charolais Group Steppler Farms CK Sparrow Farms

$7,000 $6,947 $6,900 $6,746 $6,643 $6,625

Charolais Banner • May 2019

Northern Impact VI Footprint Farms “Charolais Power” Grassroots Rawes Ranches High Bluff (Family Tradition) Poplar Bluff/Twin Anchor

$6,527 $6,506 $6,450 $6,328 $6,100 $6,068


Canadian Beef Breeds Council Report Michael Latimer, CBBC Executive Director

A core mandate of CBBC is to coordinate the international market development activities for the purebred beef cattle industry. A question that is regularly asked is how we determine our priority markets. It isn’t a simple response, but our priorities are a collaborative effort of CBBC and international activities of our members. We determine our key markets based on what is reported to us by our members, which is a reflection of their priority markets. We also take into account export statistics provided by CFIA, AAFC, Statistics Canada and other sources to determine market potential. We also factor whether we have an export health certificate with meaningful access either in place or being negotiated for either semen, embryos or live breeding cattle. International markets are always in a constant state of fluctuation dependent on multiple factors including but not limited to the weather, economics and government programs. CBBC

assembles the information provided by our members and then submits an application to the AAFC CAPAgriMarketing program, which helps offset the cost of international market development and promotion for our members for approved activities. In general, activities that members submit for funding must promote Canadian genetics and not be at the detriment of another breed while demonstrating a positive return on investment for the industry. This can be a challenge as a priority market for one breed may not be important for other breeds, so there needs to be a balance of market potential and value. Similarly, a country may be an important market for exporting semen but not suitable for live cattle or embryos. Once a priority market is determined, it is then a joint effort by breed associations, export companies and our government to establish key contacts within a market to generate sales. These can be government officials, industry organizations, cattle producers and other influencers. We regularly see increases in sales in

markets following activities from our members. The promotion of our Canadian genetics internationally benefits our industry and those involved and will continue to play an important part of our activities and those of our members. The Canadian Beef Industry Conference “Securing our Future” will be held August 13-15, 2019, in Calgary at the BMO Center on Stampede Grounds. This year will feature two keynote speakers: Timothy Caufield and Karl Subban. CBBC will be hosting the 3rd annual Technical Forum the afternoon of August 13 to discuss advancements in science and technology with a focus on genetic improvement and it is open to anyone interested in attending. Conference registration is now open and available at I encourage you to register early and save a few dollars with the early bird rate. I look forward to seeing you throughout the summer and at the conference.


Calendar of Events June 5-9 Canadian Charolais Association Annual General Meeting and Tour, NB, PE, NS June 6 Canadian Charolais Association Annual General Meeting, Moncton, NB June 29 ACA Tour, Vermilion, AB July 13 Saskatchewan Charolais Association Annual General Meeting and Pen Show, Creek’s Edge Charolais, Yellow Creek, SK July 24-27 Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show, Weyburn, SK

August 3 Manitoba Charolais Association Annual General Meeting and Pen Show, Birtle (MB) Agricultural Fair August 4-12 World Charolais Technical Conference, Republic of Ireland August 13 – 15 Canadian Beef Industry Conference, BMO Centre on Stampede Park, Calgary, AB September 7 Renfrew (ON) Fair Charolais Show (A BOSS Show)

Charolais Banner • May 2019

September 21 Lindsay (ON) Fair Charolais Show (A BOSS Show) September 28 Mack Charolais & DanG Charolais Production Sale, 7:00 p.m., Hoard’s Station, Campbellford, ON October 19 Autumn Prestige Sale, 6:30 p.m., Hoard’s Station, Campbellford, ON October 25 Ag-Ex Charolais Show, Brandon, MB (A BOSS Show) October 26 Uppin’ the Ante Charolais Sale, 2:00 p.m., Maple Hill Auction, Hanover, ON 75

Canadian Charolais Youth Association 2019 Conference & Show • July 24-27, Weyburn, SK

‘WHITE OUT IN WEYBURN’ Accommodations

Agenda TUESDAY, JULY 23 12:00 - 8:00 ..........................................Cattle begin to arrive WEDNESDAY, JULY 24 8:00 - 1:00 ..........Cattle Arrive/Weigh Steers/Registration *Please arrive before 1:00 p.m. as Individual Judging is mandatory 12:00 - 1:00 ....................................................................Lunch 1:00 - 4:00 ........................ Individual Judging/Little Chars

Ramada Weyburn ............................................306.842.4994 Queen Room $129 plus taxes/night Queen suite (2 queens and sofa bed) $149 plus taxes/night Canalta Hotel ....................................................306.842.8000 Queen Room $129 plus taxes/night Queen suite (2 queens and sofa bed) $149 plus taxes/night Block of rooms under ‘Canadian Charolais Youth Association’. Book by June 23rd.

4:00 - 5:00 ......................................................................Chores


5:00 - 6:00......................................................................Supper 6:00 ..........................................................Barnyard Olympics THURSDAY, JULY 25 8:00 - 9:00 ................Breakfast/Morning Announcements

Weyburn does not have an airport, however transportation to and from Regina airport can be arranged (Tuesday pickup only). Contact Cynthia Beck at 306.436.7354.

9:00 - 12:00 ........................Team Judging/Team Marketing 12:00 - 1:00 ....................................................................Lunch 1:00 - 3:00 ............Team Grooming/ Individual Marketing 3:00 - 4:00 ......International Showmanship and Grooming

Donations for our silent auction are greatly appreciated

4:00 - 5:00 ......................................................................Chores 5:00 - 6:00......................................................................Supper 6:00-8:00 ..........................................................Keep and Cull FRIDAY, JULY 26 8:00 - 9:00 ..................Breakfast/Morning Announcements 9:00 - 9:15............................................................Group Photo 9:30 - 12:30 ......................................................Showmanship 12:30 - 1:30 ....................................................................Lunch 1:30 - 5:00 ................................................Education Seminar 5:00 - 6:00 ......................................................................Chores 6:00 - 7:00......................................................................Supper 7:00..........................................................Provincial Meetings SATURDAY, JULY 27 8:30 - 9:30 ..................Breakfast/Morning Announcements 9:30 - 10:00 ..........................................................CCYA AGM 11:00 - 11:30 ..........................................Closing Ceremonies 11:30 - 2:30 ........................Conformation Show and Lunch 2:30 - 4:00 ................................Clean up Barns/Tear Down 4:00 - 5:00 ........................................Chores/Cattle Released 6:30 ................................................Banquet/Awards/Dance • Schedule is subject to change


Charolais Banner • May 2019



____________________________________________________________________________ Birthdate: ________________________


__________________________________________________________________ Town:


Postal Code: ____________ Email: ________________________________________________________ Tel: __________________________ # of Conferences Attended: _____ Allergies (asthma, dietary restrictions, etc.) __________________________________________________ Individual Marketing Competition – Juniors only have a choice between: (Choose One) Magazine Ad or Radio Ad (time and materials will be provided) or Individual Selling Team Event (choose one) Team Selling or Team Judging CLOTHING: T-Shirt: Youth (Circle one) S, M, L Adult (Circle one) S, M, L, XL, 2XL Collared Shirt: Youth (Circle one) S, M, L, XL Men’s (Circle one) XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL Ladies (Circle one) XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL Jacket: Youth (Circle one) S, M, L, XL Adult (Circle one) XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL Mail entries by June 1st to: CCYA 2019, Box 39, Kennedy, SK S0G 2R0, make cheques payable to SCYA or email forms to and send etransfer payment to – PASSWORD: Charolais

Livestock Registration Do you want your family as one herdsman group or in mixed groups? One Group Mixed Groups Class


Registration #

CANADIAN CHAROLAIS YOUTH ASSOCIATION CODE OF CONDUCT The Canadian Charolais Youth Association strives to promote respectful behavior in all areas of its Conference and Show by youth participants and parents.Both the participant and their parents/guardian must sign this form prior to the youth participating in any Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show. As a participating youth in the Canadian Charolais Youth Association I agree to abide by the following Code of Conduct: 1. Offer constructive support of my fellow participants. 2. Show appreciation of good work by competitors. 3. As a visitor to conference/show facilities and motel/hotel, respect the property and regulations of the host facility/motel. 4. Recognize the integrity of the judges and officials and respect the difficulty of their decisions and accept their decisions with good sportsmanship. 5. Respect the feelings of all participants and the efforts made by all. 6. Learn at least one new skill during the course of the conference/show. 7. Express thanks to organizing members, sponsors, and officials for helping to present the Conference and Show. 8. By word and deed, offer leadership to new conference/show members. 9. Refrain from using alcohol or drugs during the entire time of the Conference and Show. I UNDERSTAND THAT IF I DO NOT COMPLY IN ANY WAY WITH THE ABOVE CODE OF CONDUCT, THAT I WILL FORFEIT ANY PRIZES/AWARDS I MAY HAVE EARNED, AND I WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE REMAINDER OF THE CONFERENCE AND SHOW.I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I MAY BE SUSPENDED FROM ATTENDING THE FOLLOWING YEAR’S SHOW AND CONFERENCE. MY REINSTATEMENT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE SHOW/CONFERENCE WILL BE REVIEWED BY THE CANADIAN CHAROLAIS YOUTH ASSOCIATION NATIONAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS/THE CANADIAN CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE.

YOUTH PARTICIPANT Date ______________________________________________________________ Signature __________________________________________________________ Print Name of Participant ____________________________________________ AS PARENT(S)/GUARDIAN(S) OF THE YOUTH PARTICIPANT, I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE ABOVE RULES AND BY MY SIGNATURE, AM IN AGREEMENT WITH THIS CODE OF CONDUCT. PARENT/GUARDIAN 1 Date ______________________________________________________________ Signature __________________________________________________________ Print name ________________________________________________________ PARENT/GUARDIAN 2 Date ______________________________________________________________ Signature __________________________________________________________ Print name Parent/Guardian __________________________________________



$ $ $150.00 $ $ $ $

Adult Registration $150 – Children under 5 FREE Name: __________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________ Adults & Guests will have the opportunity to sign up for various activities or volunteer positions at the youth registration booth.

INSTRUCTIONS • All youth members attending the conference are required to pay their annual CCYA membership of $40.00, which funds the semi-annual newsletter, Purchase Incentive program, Genetics program, Buy & Show program and essay competition. Please enclose a separate cheque for this amount payable to the Canadian Charolais Youth Association (CCYA). • Animals can be borrowed from a family who does not have a participating youth member, but ONLY ONE (1) animal can be registered per participating member. • Members showing animals owned by them, their family, or a family with a participating youth member can enter multiple animals. • List each entry separately. • Additional livestock entries can be submitted on a separate sheet of paper. • Photocopies of livestock registration papers must accompany entry form. • Please note the changes to this year's rules and regulations and make sure that you have met all of the requirements. • A signed Code of Conduct must accompany all youth member registrations, absence of the signed form will render youth member ineligible to partake in the Conference & Show. • Registration fee is $150 per youth. This includes merchandise, meals for Wednesday lunch through Saturday night Banquet and all competitions except the conformation show. Registration fee for Adults includes all meals and banquet ticket. • First time conference participants will have their CCYA membership fees waived for the following year.

Charolais Banner • May 2019


The Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show • COMPETITION AND SHOW RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Entry The Canadian Charolais Youth Association (CCYA) show and Conference is open to all youth members in Canada or foreign countries who are registered members of their respective associations. Canadian members must have paid their $20.00 active membership fee to the CCYA by January 1 ($40.00 after January 1) or their $25 active membership fee to the CCA to be able to participate in the conference (see for more information). CCYA members may include their $40.00 membership fee with their application form for the Conference and Show. Registration for the Conference enters the youth members in all competitions. All first time conference participants will have their next year CCYA membership waived. 2. Ages The age division for the competitions will be: Junior: 12 and under; Intermediates: 13-16 years; Seniors; 17-21 years, as of January 1 of the current year. 3. Photography Competition The photography competition is open to all participants. The photograph must be taken by the youth member exhibiting it. Photos should depict the purebred or commercial Charolais industry. Points will be awarded on clarity, quality, originality and relationship to the Charolais industry. Presentation and/or framing is not permitted. Photos must not be larger than 8” X 10”. Bring your photo entry to the conference and enter when you register. Only one photo per exhibitor will be accepted. Pictures entered in past competitions will not be accepted. 4. Art Competition The art competition is open to all participants. All artwork must be done by the youth submitting it. The artwork must depict something directly related to the Charolais industry. It cannot contain photographs. Any medium may be used: pencil, crayon, pastel, paint, fabric, wood, clay, etc. Originality is the key. Presentation and/or framing are encouraged but no points are awarded on this basis. Artwork must be brought to the conference and entered when you register. Only one entry per exhibitor will be accepted. The highest placing between photography and artwork competitions will be used in aggregate and scholarship points. Artwork entered in past competitions will not be accepted. 5. Showmanship Competition The showmanship competition will be divided into the three age categories. Animals will be made available for participants not exhibiting in conformation. If the youth have their own animal, it must be used for the competition. Showmanship will be a nonfit/ dry-brush competition; animals that have been fitted will not be allowed to be used for the competition. The assigned ring marshal’s decision will be final. Split up members in a random fashion so that ages are mixed. Top ten will be selected from each age group no matter on which split they are in. 6. Team Grooming Competition The team grooming competition will be twenty minutes in length. Teams of two or three members from the same age group will be arbitrarily made prior to the show. Yearling heifers will be used exclusively for the competition. Junior members will be allowed to use calves. Heifers are to be washed and clipped prior to the competition but dressing prior to commencement will result in disqualification. Teams will be evaluated on the use of equipment, knowledge, skill, involvement, final appearance and presentation of the heifer. The use of unethical or artificial fitting practices will result in immediate disqualification and under no circumstances will be tolerated. Details can be decided at the discretion of the organizing committee. 7. Team Marketing/Judging Competition All participants will choose between team marketing and team judging. This will be chosen at the time of registration. Teams will be made up of two members who are in the same age category. Teams will be made prior to the conference, but the committee reserves the right to modify teams based on actual attendance. a. Team Marketing. Each team will have approximately 5-7 minutes to sell a product or service to a prospective buyer. Teams will be judged on knowledge, enthusiasm, group cooperation/involvement, and overall ability to convince and sell. b. Team Judging The hosting province has the authority to choose if one or two classes will be judged. If expected to judge two classes, in the first class one team member will be responsible for the ring-person duties and the other will place the class and give a set of oral reasons to the audience. If there is time for a second class, the team members will alternate positions. This is encouraged. 8. Individual Marketing Individual marketing evaluates participant’s ability to promote a product (or service). Time is given at the conference; participants are not permitted to use/submit materials in advance. c. Junior: Individuals are given a choice of individual selling, or developing promotional item - one of: a radio ad, or a magazine ad. Tape recorders and art supplies will be provided for the ads. Forty-five (45) minutes will be given for individuals to prepare their marketing campaign. d. Intermediate: Participants will be required to compare and critique two advertisements of the same medium, and will be judged on logic and effectiveness. Participants will be judged in originality, and content. Forty-five (45) minutes will be given for individuals to complete their questionnaire. e. Senior: Individuals will be required to develop a marketing plan for a specific scenario. The product/service will be selected by the organising committee prior to the conference. A set of questions will be provided as a template for the plan, as well as necessary background information. Forty-five (45) minutes will be given for individuals to prepare their marketing plan. Plans will be submitted in writing and will be judged on logic, clarity, creativity and originality, and effectiveness. For Intermediates and Seniors the top 5 participants, based on their written marketing piece, may be asked to return and given a face-to-face sales pitch to the judge. 9. Keep and Cull Competition Participants will compete individually and learn the basics of keeping females in the herd on the criteria of past performance and appearance. Members will be given EPD’s and a farm based scenario according to the competitors age category, as developed by the judge prior to competition, and will be expected to select three females from a pen of five. A class will be held by the judge prior to the competition to explain the fundamentals of EPD’s and what the industry is looking for in today’s producing animals. Members will have one hour to complete the class and seniors are expected to help juniors complete their card. Judge and conference committee are expected to clarify expectations of keep and cull card before the competition. 10. Judging Competition Members will compete individually and will judge classes of steers, females, and bull calves, or other class as determined by the organizing committee. Junior participants will be expected to complete written reasons on three classes and oral reasons on one class, as determined by the organizing committee. The time limit for each class will be 20 minutes. The Intermediate and Senior participants will complete the same classes and be required to submit placing cards as well as complete oral reasons on all three classes. For the 2019 Conference, members will follow the expectations of Summer Synergy. 11. Oral Reasons Members will compete individually by presenting their oral reasons on previously judged steers, yearling heifers or calves. Junior members will only complete one set of reasons on a chosen class. Only junior members will be allowed to refer to their judging cards while giving their oral presentation. There will be a time limit of two minutes. 12. Herdsmanship Competition The organising committee will group youth exhibiting with those youth without cattle at the Conference and Show. This allows for juniors without cattle to help those with cattle and to meet new people. All members are encouraged to help keep their alley swept and clean and to help one another out. Teams will be limited to a maximum of six members and will be made by organisers according to the youth members’ experience/age and the number of animals to be cared for by the team. A select group of unknown judges will be monitoring the activities of the participants and will compare notes to pick the winners. All families with cattle will be in the same herdsman group unless notified by the


families that this is unwanted. Farm signs will not be permitted. 13. The Grant Moffat Memorial Ambassador Award Members will be evaluated on the helpfulness, willingness, encouragement, spirit, and general attitude towards the conference and fellow participants. A select group of unknown judges will be monitoring the activities of the participants and will compare notes to pick the winners. Members will be evaluated in their respective age categories. A ballot will be filled out by CCYA members attending the Conference and Show and will also be used in the judging process. 14. Education Awards Education award monies will be awarded on an overall point basis at the conference and show. Eligibility requirements are listed in the CCYA Policies and Procedures, section 21. The amount of education award monies will be $1800, with $1000 for 1st, $500 for 2nd and $300 for 3rd place, based on the breakdown of the following competitions: Judging & Oral reasons 35%, Ambassador 20%, Showmanship 10%, Photography or Art (best of) 5%, Keep & Cull 10%, Individual Marketing 15%, Essay Competition 5%. 15. Aggregate Competition: Juniors: Points will be awarded as follows: photography/art – best 5%, judging 25%, showmanship10%, herdsmanship 5%, individual marketing 10%, team marketing or team judging 10%, keep/cull 5%, ambassador 10%, team grooming 10%, oral reasons 5% and 5% for bringing cattle. Intermediates & Seniors: Points will be awarded as follows: photography/art – best 5%, judging 30%, showmanship 10%, herdsmanship 5%, individual marketing 10%, team marketing or team judging 10%, keep/cull 5%, ambassador 10%, team grooming 10%, and 5% for bringing cattle. The first and second place winners in each division will be awarded belt buckles to recognise their accomplishments. Additional monies may be awarded at the discretion of the Conference and Show organising committee. 16. Conformation Classes Offered I. PUREBRED a. Bull Calf born in 2019 b. Heifer Calf born in 2019 c. Yearling Heifer born in 2018 d. Female born in 2017 with natural 2019 calf e. Female born in 2016 or previous with natural 2019 calf f. Champion & Reserve Purebred Female (top 2 animals from classes I (b-e)) II. COMMERCIAL (50% Charolais or visible Charolais cross) a. Male Calf born in 2019 b. Heifer Calf born in 2019 c. Yearling Heifer born in 2018 d. Female born in 2017 with natural 2019 calf e. Female born in 2016 or previous with natural 2019 calf f. Champion & Reserve Commercial Female (top 2 animals from classes II(b-e)) III. SPECIAL CLASSES A. Market steer (50% Charolais or visible Charolais cross) Entry deadline is June 1, 2019 and no entries postmarked after this date will be accepted. 17. Prizes All prizes and placings will be announced only at the banquet on the final night, with the exception of conformation. CONFERENCE AND SHOW REGULATIONS 1. Absolutely NO parent/adult participation will be allowed. Barn bosses and ambassador volunteers will be monitoring the barn, wash rack, and tie-out areas at all times. Any parent/adult participation may result in a deduction of aggregate and scholarship points from the youth member in question. Senior members are encouraged to help the junior members. This includes the set-up and takedown of the stall. 2. All purebred animals entered must be registered with the CCA. Crossbred heifers do not need to be registered. Calves should be registered and must be tattooed by show day. No tattooing will be permitted on the grounds. Original registration certificates must accompany purebred cattle to the show, including all calves. Tattoos will be checked upon arrival. 3. Members showing animals that are owned by them or their family can enter as many head as they choose, keeping in mind that they are responsible for showing their entries. Members who cannot bring their own cattle but wish to enter the conformation show may enter an animal belonging to another Charolais breeder. However, members entering cattle not owned by them or their family are limited to only one entry. 4. Animals must be shown by the youth member entering them unless more than one entry is in the class. 5. There is no limit placed on the number of entries per class, however, the youth will be responsible for finding other youth to help them show. 6. The entry fee is $15 per class. Calves may be split off cows, but in the case of a pair that goes on to the finale, the heifer calves will be ineligible to be shown in the heifer calf division. 7. Classes will be determined after the entry deadline and will contain approximately eight to ten animals. 8. All animals are expected to be broke to lead. If in a case where the animal in question poses a threat to the safety of the other participants, the owner will be asked to remove the animal from the show barn. The Barn Boss will have final say. 9. A bedding base will be provided to all participants. Exhibitors will be responsible for their own feed for the duration of the conference. Night tie-outs will be available, as well as pens for nurse cows. 10. For all CCYA members the consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited on show grounds or during any show activities. Failure to comply with this rule will result in immediate disqualification and removal from the remainder of the Conference and Show. 11. Unethical fitting practices are not allowed in any of the competitions. This includes the use of artificial tail heads, and artificial fillers such as stomach filling; unless deemed necessary by a veterinarian. 12. Surgical alterations are not permitted on any animal being exhibited, unless a valid veterinarian certificate is produced that explains the reason for them. 13. All participants are expected to participate in all events, unless illness forces them out of competition. Youth not participating in all events will lose aggregate and scholarship points. Any youth that chooses not to participate in all events may be disqualified from all competitions and show, and forfeit any prizes or awards that they may have otherwise earned. 14. The show shirt is expected to be worn for conformation, showmanship and team grooming. Name tags are to be worn at all times. 15. The hosting CCYA Conference and Show Organizing Committee, Agricultural Society, or any of the show advisors or volunteers is not responsible for loss, injury or accident to animals, property or humans for the duration of the Conference and Show. 16. First time participants will have their CCYA membership fees waived for the following year. 17. By submitting the attached entry form and signing the Code of Conduct, the youth member agrees to abide by all the above rules and regulations for the competitions and the cattle show. A group of adult advisors, including the Youth Coordinator have been appointed by the hosting Conference and Show Organizing Committee to enforce the rules and regulations. The hosting CCYA Conference and Show Organizing Committee has the power to, at any time, intervene to settle disputes or clarify the rules.

Charolais Banner • May 2019


Advertise Your Services! Call today 306.584.7937

Charolais Banner • May 2019


Alberta Breeders

Barry & Lee-Ann Kaiser & family 403.787.2489 Box 209, Hussar, AB T0J 1S0 Barry 403.334.2489 Lee-Ann 403.334.2155

Kasey, Arlana, Kord & Peri Phillips Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0

T 780.358.2360 • C 780.656.6400 • KREATING KONFIDENCE

Be Wise — Advertise. Your ad should be here. 306.584.7937


GOOD ANCHOR CHAROLAIS HOME OF “GOOD” CATTLE! Don Good and Marion Smyth Box 3261, Vermilion, AB T9X 2B2 780.853.2220 •

Charolais Banner • May 2019

caught you looking! Your ad should be here. 306.584.7937

British Columbia Breeders


Ralph Retzlaff 403.793.0794 Leonard Retzlaff 403.501.9333 Rosemary, AB •

Charolais Banner • May 2019


Ontario Breeders

Kevin, Crystal, Kory & Shaylin Stebeleski P/F 204.234.5425 Cell 204.365.6010 Box 266, Oakburn, MB R0J 1L0 |


Charolais Banner • May 2019

Quebec Breeders

Rollin’ Acres Charolais Full French Charolais 598516 2nd Line, Mulmur, ON L9V 0B6 Chester Tupling 519.925.2938 C 705.627.0672

“Breeding the Cattle that Work in Both Rings.”

Saskatchewan Breeders

Charolais Banner • May 2019


Wendall & Leanne Weston Box 206, Maidstone, SK S0M 1M0 •

Tel 306.893.4510 • Cell 306.893.7801

Be Wise. Advertise. Your ad should be here. 306.584.7937 84

Charolais Banner • May 2019

USA Breeders

Advertise your program here. Call today! 306.584.7937 AD RATES Charolais Banner

Charolais Connection

Ads Black & White Full Colour Full Page $725 $1050 2/3 Page 610 840 1/2 Page 490 685 1/3 Page 345 505 1/4 Page 285 410 1/6 Page 190 n/a 1/8 Page 145 n/a 1" Business Card 350/Year n/a Classified 1"x1 column 45 n/a Classified 2"x1 column 80 n/a (add $10.00 to put classified ads on web for 1 month)

Ads Black & White Full Page $1100 2/3 Page 825 1/2 Page 690 1/3 Page 525 1/4 Page 440 1/6 Page 330 1/8 Page 220 1" Business Card 350/Year Classified 1" x 1 column 80 Classified 2" x 1 column 140 (add $10 to put classified ads on web for 1 month)

• • • • •

Pictures – $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen – $25 Overruns are $1 each • Catalogue prices available on request 4 ad contracts offer a 15% discount (card ad exempt) Position pages will be given to yearly contracts Sale Budget includes Banner fieldman to attend the sale, take pictures, work the ring and report the sale. Female sale budget is $400 sale attendance fee plus 2 colour pages in Charolais Banner or equivalent in Charolais Connection. Bull sale budget is $400 sale attendance fee plus 1 colour page in Charolais Connection.


Full Colour $1450 1125 945 725 615 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

• Pictures – $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen – $25 • Yearly contract – buy 2 ads and get the third at half price (card ad exempt) • Position pages will be given to yearly contracts • Catalogue prices available on request





AUGUST Banner FALL Connection

July 17 August 21

July 24 August 28

August 13 September 12


September 25

October 5

October 16

The Banner cannot be responsible for errors in advertisements received after the ad deadline. The Charolais Banner reserves the right to refuse any advertisement. On any advertisement, the Charolais Banner is not liable for any charges over and above the cost of that advertisement. No agency commission allowed on livestock advertising rates. The Charolais Banner assumes no responsibility for distribution.

Charolais Banner • May 2019



Advertisers Index Alberta Charolais Association .......................9 Alta Custom Programs .................................79 Amabec Charolais ........................................82 Annuroc Charolais........................................82 B Bar D Charolais..........................................82 Baker Farms ..................................................82 Bar H Charolais .............................................83 Beck Farms....................................................83 Be Rich Farms ...............................................80 Blackbern Charolais .....................................82 Bob Charolais ...............................................80 Bo Jan Enterprises ........................................83 Borderland Cattle Co. ..................................84 Bovine Elite, LLC ...........................................19 Bow Valley Genetics Ltd. .............................79 Bricney Stock Farms .....................................84 Bridor Charolais............................................82 Brimner Cattle Company .............................84 Buffalo Lake Charolais ................................80 Campbells Charolais .....................................84 Canadian Beef Industry Conference ...........25 Carey, Brent ..................................................79 Cedardale Charolais .....................................82 Cedarlea Farms.............................................84 Charla Moore Farms.....................................84 Char Lew Ranch ...........................................80 Char Maine Ranching ..................................80 Charolais Charbray Mexico ..........................15 Charolais Journal..........................................79 Chartop Charolais ........................................84 Charworth Charolais Farms .........................80 Chomiak Charolais ......................................80 Circle Cee Charolais Farms ...........................80 Cline Cattle Co..............................................81 Cockburn Farms............................................82 Cougar Hill Ranch ........................................82 Coyote Flats Charolais..................................80 Creek's Edge Land & Cattle Co. ...................84 C2 Charolais.............................................59,82 Davis Rairdan ...............................................79 Demarah Farms ............................................84 Diamond W Charolais ..................................84 Dog Patch Acres ...........................................55 Dorran, Ryan ................................................79 Double P Stock Farms ..................................82 Dowell Charolais ..........................................80 Dubuc Charolais ...........................................83 Dudgeon Snobelen Land & Cattle ..............83 Eaton Charolais ............................................85 Echo Spring Charolais ..................................83 Edge, Dean ...................................................79 Elder Charolais Farms................................5,84 Fergus Family Charolais ...............................83 Fischer Charolais...........................................80 Flat Valley Cattle Co.....................................80


Fleury, Michael .............................................79 Flewelling, Craig ..........................................79 Footprint Farms ...........................................80 Future Farms.................................................80 Gilliland Bros. Charolais ...............................84 Good Anchor Charolais................................80 H.S. Knill Company Ltd. ...............................79 Happy Haven Charolais................................82 Harcourt Charolais .......................................84 Hard Rock Land & Cattle Co. .......................82 Harvie Ranching ..........................................80 HEJ Charolais ...............................................80 Hicks Charolais .............................................83 High Bluff Stock Farm ..................................82 Holk Charolais ..............................................80 Hopewell Charolais ......................................84 Horseshoe E Charolais..................................84 Howe Family Farm .......................................84 HTA Charolais Farm ................................53,82 Hunter Charolais ...................................82,IBC JMB Charolais ..............................................82 Johnson Charolais ........................................80 Johnstone Auction .......................................79 June Rose Charolais .....................................84 Kaiser Cattle Co............................................80 Kay R Land & Cattle Ltd...............................80 KCH Charolais ...............................................81 Kirlene Cattle ...............................................83 La Ferme Patry de Weedon .........................83 Land O' Lakes Charolais ...............................83 Langstaff Charolais ......................................83 Leemar Charolais..........................................80 Legacy Charolais...........................................80 LEJ Charolais.................................................82 Lindskov Thiel Charolais Ranch ...................85 M & L Cattle Co. ...........................................83 Mack's Charolais...........................................83 Maple Leaf Charolais ...................................80 Martens Cattle Co. .......................................84 Martens Charolais ........................................82 McAvoy Charolais Farm ...............................84 McKay Charolais ...........................................82 McKeary Charolais .......................................80 McLeod Livestock .........................................79 McTavish Farms.............................................84 Medonte Charolais.......................................83 Miller Land & Livestock................................83 Murphy Livestock .........................................81 Mutrie Farms ................................................84 Myhre Land and Cattle ................................82 Nahachewsky Charolais ...............................84 Norheim Ranching .......................................79 P & H Ranching Co. ......................................81 Packer Charolais ...........................................83 Palmer Charolais .....................................41,84

Charolais Banner • May 2019

Parklane Charolais .......................................81 Phillips Farms................................................84 Pleasant Dawn Charolais ........................47,82 Potter Charolais............................................83 Prairie Cove Charolais ..................................81 Prairie Gold Charolais ..................................84 Pro Char Charolais .......................................81 Qualman Charolais ......................................84 Raffan, Don ..................................................79 Rawes Ranches .............................................81 Rebuild with Steel ........................................79 Reeleder, Andrew.........................................79 Rollin' Acres Charolais .................................83 Ross Lake Charolais ......................................81 Rosso Charolais.............................................85 Royale Charolais ...........................................83 RRTS Charolais ..............................................81 Saddleridge Farming Co. .............................81 SanDan Charolais Farms ..............................81 Saskatchewan Charolais Association ..........11 Saunders Charolais .......................................83 Serhienko/Voegeli Cattle Co........................85 Sharodon Farms ...........................................83 Skeels, Danny ...............................................79 Sliding Hills Charolais..............................67,85 Snake Valley Farm ..........................................7 Southside Charolais......................................81 Southview Farms ..........................................83 CK Sparrow Farms .......................................IFC Springside Farms ..........................................81 Spruce View Charolais..................................81 Stach Farms Charolais ..................................81 Stephen Charolais Farm ...............................85 Steppler Farms Ltd. ..................................3,82 Stock, Mark...................................................79 Sugarloaf Charolais ......................................81 Sunshine Oak Charolais ...............................82 T Bar C Cattle Co. ....................................13,79 Temple Farms................................................85 Thistle Ridge Ranch......................................81 Transcon Livestock Corp...............................79 TRI N Charolais .............................................82 Turnbull Charolais ........................................81 Twin Anchor Charolais .................................81 Wendt & Murray Farms Ltd. ........................81 Western Litho ...............................................79 White Lake Colony .......................................81 White Meadow Charolais Ltd......................82 WhiteWater Livestock..................................83 Wilgenbusch Charolais ........................85,OBC Wilkie Ranch.................................................81 Wood River Charolais ..................................85 Wrangler Charolais ......................................81

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