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Toddler (3) dies tragically in electrocution CARA-LEE DORFLING
“They immediately put machines on her, but there was nothing. I thought she was still breatAST week the Booysen family of Port Eli- hing, but she was gone.” zabeth celebrated two birthdays. This The police have opened an inquest docket, week they will be burying the youngest said Warrant Officer Alwin Labans, police member of the family after she was electrocuted spokesperson. on Friday. Riedewaan says the whole incident was still so unreal. Last Three-year old Twané Booysen week the family celebrated Twawas reportedly playing at a né’s third birthday and four days neighbouring house in Virgo Rolater, Riedewaan’s birthday. Lead, Gelvandale, when she touvona says she had five sons but ched an electricity pole and was Twané was her only daughter. shocked to death. “I am very disappointed that Levona Booysen (36), Twané’s the municipality did not look afmom, says she was on her way to ter this pole. This morning my call Twané to return home for child was still alive and was still her bath, when she heard scredancing. And now she is dead beams outside the house. cause of the pole.” “All I can recall is some-one Tisha Slater, owner of the shouting ‘Nay-Nay (Twané’s yard where the electricity pole is nickname) has been shocked’,” situated, said she reported on said Levona. two occasions to the municipali“I did not want to wait for an ty that the pole was loose. ambulance and thought it would Twané Booysen (3). “When the wind blows, the pobe quicker to ask a friend to rush PHOTO: SUPPLIED le moves from side to side. Every us to hospital.” time the wind blows, the pole beFosia Abrahams (53), Twané’s grandmother, comes looser. I was scared the pole would fall is a carer with first aid experience, and immedia- on my house and that’s why I reported it. But tely gave Twané mouth-to-mouth. now it is even worse – someone has died.” “Twané regained consciousness and vomited, She said a municipal worker visited her home but afterwards her head just hung down.” last year. According to her, he just had a look Riedewaan (38), Twané’s dad, said it looked li- at the pole and said he would have to talk to his ke she was not breathing any longer and he held manager. “Until today, no-one has come to look his ear against her chest. at the pole again.” “I heard a faint heartbeat and a few seconds According to Slater, her child said she was allater another faint one.” so shocked when she tried to pick Twané up. Levona in the meantime managed to get soLevona said she holds the municipality fully meone to take them to the hospital, responsible for Twané’s death and the family “In the car I could see my child was not looking were going to sue the municipality. well. Her lips were blue. But I kept on believing “It will be the first thing I do after my child’s that she was still alive.” funeral.” Close to the Gelvandale police station, the amMunicipal spokespersons could not be reabulance met up with them and Twané was taken ched via cellphone or e-mail for comment on the into the ambulance. incident.
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Twané Booysen’s father, Riedewaan, points out the electricity pole where his daughter was shocked to death last week. PHOTO: CARA-LEE DORFLING
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