“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
// Matthew 11:28-30
The Process of Spiritual Formation
How are you?
□ “Weary and burdened” Whom do you follow?
□ “Come to me …”
□ “Gentle and humble”
What will you do?
□ Take the yoke (easy/light/simple) — Life with Jesus is shared.
□ Learn from him — Life with Jesus is learned (Manthano).
□ Tired
□ Anxious Disciplines
□ Prayer
□ Sabbath
□ Secrecy and Confession
□ Impatient
□ Lonely
□ Solitude and Silence
□ Listening and Discernment
□ Simplicity and Fasting
□ Self-absorbed
□ Image-conscious
□ Study of God’s Word
□ Worship and Celebration
□ Service and Generosity
“40% of our daily actions are not consciously decided but are, instead, driven by habit.” // Charles Duhigg
“The last frontier of discipleship is usually your habits.” // Dallas Willard
Join us on November 10 as we welcome lawyer, author, and speaker Justin Earley. Justin frequently speaks at businesses and legal events on habits, technology, and mental health; and at churches and conferences on habits, spiritual formation, and parenting. He is known in the Peachtree community as a recurring guest on our Overflow Podcast.
Beginning Sunday, January 26 11:15am-12:45pm | 12-Weeks
Are you the kind of person that people tell their troubles to? Would you like to give good care to others while not burning out yourself? Do you feel led to offer your gifts of compassion and discernment to others? Join us for Stephen Ministry Training, and learn to be a caring confidential listener to someone who is in crisis or transition.
December 22 | 5pm
December 23 | 7pm
December 24 | 3pm | 5pm | 7pm
The majesty of the Advent season is captured in music, message, and the beauty of sharing the light of Christ with candles, as we are led by our choir and orchestra and sing our favorite Christmas hymns.
Nursery is available for children up to three years of age during our 5pm service on December 22, as well as, our 3pm and 5pm services on December 24.
December 24 | 10am
Join us for this interactive service for families of toddlers and young preschoolers. This delightful telling of Christmas will capture hearts of children and parents alike. Sing your favorite carols and experience God’s story in a fresh way. Live animals will be on the Peachtree Greenspace before and after the service.
Nursery is available for children up to three years of age for this service.
Registration is required for in-person services and will open Monday, December 2 at 10am.
We will be livestreaming our 5pm service on December 24 at
December 1 | 4-6pm
Peachtree Greenspace by the Sanctuary
Enjoy festive crafts, holiday treats, commemorative photos, and a special Christmas special Christmas magnolia tree lighting at 5:40pm with Dr. Richard Kannwischer.
Visit PeachtreeChurch.com/Light to register.
December 1 | 6pm The Sanctuary
The Christmas Festival Concert (formerly the Christmas Pops Concert) is a holiday favorite! Invite your family and friends to enjoy this sparkling evening of music, featuring the choir, orchestra, handbells, soloists, and congregational participation.
Invitations in the Interruptions
December 5 | 7-8:30pm
Kellett Chapel
The Christmas season is filled with joy, anticipation, laughter, and candlelight. Yet, it can also bring distractions, endless to-do lists, interruptions, and anxiety. As we prepare our hearts for the Advent season, let’s take a moment to recognize God’s presence amid life’s chaos.
Join us for a special evening in his presence as we gather at his feet to welcome the greatest interruption the world has ever known: Jesus.
Visit PeachtreeChurch.com/Advent to register.
IRISH CHRISTMAS with Keith & Kristyn Getty
December 8 | 6:30pm
Peachtree Church is excited to present Grammy-nominated artists and hymn writers Keith and Kristyn Getty. We invite you to join us for an unforgettable Christmas celebration with music that has delighted and inspired generations of worshipers.
Sanctuary seating is sold out. Limited seating for the livestreaming of the concert is available in our Fellowship Hall at PeachtreeChurch.com/Getty
December 15 | 5pm
The camel, donkey, angels, wise men, and shepherds are returning to the Sanctuary for the children’s Christmas pageant! Join us as we reenact the Christmas story and celebrate the true reason for the season.
Open Date: Today | 8:00am
Close Date: December 8 | 11:59pm
Price: $15 per dedication
If you would like to take part in decorating the Sanctuary with beautiful Christmas poinsettias by honoring or remembering your loved ones, you may purchase poinsettias online at PeachtreeChurch.com/Christmas
Just as families keep in touch about joys and sorrows, our church family at Peachtree wants to do the same. During your prayers this week, we ask you to lift up these people to God.
Richard Burge | VA Hospital
Mary Jordan | East Cobb Nursing & Rehab
Martha Bowles | 9/27
Mother of Chris Bowles
The beautiful flowers in the sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Hope Nicole Ray by her parents, Wendy and Mark Ray, and her brothers and sisters, Charles, Caroline, William, and Miriam