December 15, 2024

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8:30 | 9:45


Angels from the Realms of Glory

Welcome and Advent Liturgy

Angels We Have Heard on High Prayer of Confession (8:30am only)

O Little Town of Bethlehem (8:30am only)

The Sacrament of Baptism * Away in a Manger

Life of the Congregation *

Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer

He Was Despised | Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs





The First Nowell Invitation and Benediction


* For 9:45 service only


All Creation Sing | Joy to the World

Welcome and Advent Liturgy

The Sacrament of Baptism

Away in a Manger

Life of the Congregation

Pastoral Prayer

Holy Forever | Holy Holy Holy





Go Tell It On the Mountain

Invitation and Benediction


Congregational songs are listed in bold italic.



Son | Born: January 18, 2024

Parents: Mackenzie and Edward Bolt

Sibling: Edward Bolt (3)

Grandparents: Sage and Preston Bolt; Ruthanne Suttles

ISAIAH 43:1B, 4

But now, this is what the Lord says—he who created you, Jacob he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; I give Egypt for your ransom, Cush and Seba in your stead. Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life.


Son | Born: May 30, 2024

Parents: Abby and Will Green

Grandparents: Rebekah and Scott Calhoun; Angie and Brad Green


I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.


Daughter | Born: March 29, 2024

Parents: Sarah and Hall McKinley

Sibling: Hall McKinley (2)

Grandparents: Hall McKinley and the late Becky McKinley; Stephanie and Dick Stephenson


My daughter, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity. Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and Man.



Daughter | Born: February 15, 2024

Parents: Aubry and Cole Brown

Grandparents: Lisa and Terry Brown; Betsy and Alan Clayton

ROMANS 8:38-39

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Son | Born: April 29, 2024

Parents: Laurie and Brandon Cavendish

Sibling: Dawson Cavendish (3)

Grandparents: Tanya and Brad Cavendish; Dawn and William Copeland

PSALM 91:1-2

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust”.



Son | Born: March 23, 2024

Parents: Elizabeth and Robert Margeson

Sibling: Will Margeson (2)

Grandparents: Kim and Lee Gibson; Margaret and Jack Margeson


"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you all the days of your life.”


Daughter | Born: March 24, 2024

Parents: Mary and Ross Mullins

Sibling: Elliott Mullins (2)

Grandparents: Ray Chaudoin; Nontie Drez; Jim Mullins; Meredith and Fred Sutton


Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.


The end of the year is an incredibly important time at Peachtree Church. 25% of our annual giving is received during the month of December through your generous gifts.

We ask that you help us to finish strong this year by making a gift through the offering today or online at or by scanning the QR code below.


The Suffering King

Isaiah 53


The Shepherd King

Isaiah 40


The Servant King

Isaiah 42


The Spirit King

Isaiah 61


1. Humble: He became one of us

He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. Isaiah 53:2-3

2. Crushed: He took our place.

Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. Isaiah 53:4-5

3. Silent: He died our death.

He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. Isaiah 53:7


This is something of an entirely different order: the cost of freedom and duty all lovingly bound up in the wrapping of solemn military honors, and delivered on the night when angels sang to shepherds. Except tonight, the angels surrounding Bagram are silent. Or is it just that we are too dull of heart to hear them?

For if the hope of Christmas is not sufficient for this, it is sufficient for nothing. Surely it is those who mourn—the wounded and the downtrodden—for whom Christmas is especially intended. And for those for whom the holidays are a reminder of grief and poverty, for those who would just as soon do without it—if anything, we need more Christmas, not less. Not to drown our sorrows in contrived cheer, but to redeem and transform them…

Jesus did not come just to provide an occasion to sing carols, drink toasts, feast, and exchange gifts. But we are right to do these things, even as soldiers die and families grieve, because he came. And in his coming, he brought joy and peace—the joy that overcomes our sorrows, and the only kind of peace that ultimately matters… It’s the peace that means the long war between the heart and its Maker is over. It’s a peace treaty offered in Bethlehem and signed, in blood, on Calvary.

So, joy to the world, and to every celebrating or grieving or hurting soul in it. The Lord has come. Let heaven and nature—and even those who stand watch with lighted candles in the land of the shadow of death—sing.

Today | 5pm

The camel, donkey, angels, wise men, and shepherds are returning to the Sanctuary for the children’s Christmas pageant! Join us as we reenact the Christmas story and celebrate the true reason for the season.

December 22 | 5pm

December 23 | 7pm

December 24 | 1pm | 3pm | 5pm | 7pm

The majesty of the Advent season is captured in music, message, and the beauty of sharing the light of Christ with candles, as we are led by our choir and orchestra and sing our favorite Christmas hymns.

Nursery is available for children up to three years of age during our 5pm service on December 22, as well as, our 1pm, 3pm and 5pm services on December 24.


December 24 | 10am

Join us for this interactive service for families of toddlers and young preschoolers. This delightful telling of Christmas will capture hearts of children and parents alike. Sing your favorite carols and experience God’s story in a fresh way. Live animals will be on the Peachtree Green Space before and after the service.

Nursery is available for children up to three years of age for this service.

Registration is required for in-person services and is now open:

We will be livestreaming our 5pm service on December 24 at


Bruce Akbari

Thomas Edwards

Abernathy IV

Hiro Alejandro

Charles Allen

Mary Allen

Lori Hetzel Andersen

Mrs. Dessie Ansley

Mr. Wiley Ansley III

Richard & Mary Arnold

Roberta Arnold

Scott Arnold

Doris Baird

Robert Baird

Aggie Whiteside Bandy

Burl Jackson Bandy

Edward John Barrett, Jr.

Thomas Barry

Mrs. Ken Beacham

R. S. Beacham

John Beauchamp

Ann Chambers Belcher

W.H. Bell

James Meade Bicknell

Barry Earl Billington

The Birdsong


LTC Paul & Mrs.

Odette Blumensaadt

Gloria Bond

Martha Williamson


Spencer Watson Bowles

Nancy Bracken

Bill Brooks

Carolyn Brooks

Anne T. Brown

Jack L. Brown

Mr. & Mrs.

Richard F. Brown

Hardy Brumfield

Terry Buchanan

Louis & Rachel Bunte

William F. Burke

Mr. & Mrs. Ken Byers

Doris Caraher

Rev. James Caraher

Dorothy Card

C.J. Carmona

Leonor Castillo

Maria Chandler

Bates Chappell

Margaret Chappell

Lillian Clarke

Joe & Nell Clayton

Frank Conn

Reid Conyers

Carolyn Cooper

Charles D. Cope

Nell G. Cope

Mary Caroline Cowden

Elizabeth Cox

Charlie Cronmiller

Gwendolyn Diane Cross

Catherine C. Dalrymple

Dorrance F. Dalrymple

June Davidson

Harold A. Deal, Jr.

Martha H. Deal

Robert S. DeBorde

Drew Demaray

Patricia Demaray

William Demaray

Pego & Bob Dempster

Anita & Sterlyn Denney

Kenny Dickson

Florene Dickson

Roy Dickson, Sr.

Charles Edward Dilkes

Harry Pancoast Dilkes

Louis J. DiPietro

Sandra M. DiPietro

Viola J. DiPietro

Philip William Dodge

James J. Dougherty

Rev. Randy Driggers

Bryan Dunagan

John Dutton III

Betsy Dyer

Cynthia Newell Edwards

Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II

Dr. David O. Ellis

Coley L. Evans, Jr.

Cromwell Evans

Donald D. Evans

Katharine Cameron Evans

Wyatt Evans

Sue Faassen

Emily Francis Fallon

Iralee Calhoun Ferguson

Robert Calhoun


Robert Earl Ferguson

Glenn Fields

Mary Alicia Fields

Evelyn Figley

Valerie “Dolly” File

Karel Finch

Geoffrey Lewis Fitzpatrick

Edith Floyd

Jim & Betsy Fox

Dottie Freeland

Jessie Milne Freeman

Betty Kugel-Fregin

Sarah Patterson French

Patty Fryer

Mildred Garner

Randy Gleaves

Kathy Goepp

Katherine Gooding

Opal Goodrick

A.J. Gordon

Peggy Gordon

Katy Monette Granden

Rusty Gregory

Randolph J. Gregson, Sr.

Kathryn & Al Grundeis

Jean Guest

Betsy Wylie Guy

Paul Hackett

Martha James Hagood

Thomas W. Haish

George C. Harden, Jr.

Rev. Dr. Frank Harrington

Bonnie & Jesse Harris

Mr. & Mrs.

Hubert L. Harris, Sr.

James Harris

Bo Hayes

Mr. & Mrs.

George Head, Jr.

Barbara Hesselman

Carole Hesselman

Elmer Heuman

Naomi Heuman

Patrick Higgins

Ed Higgison

Linda Higgison

Rachel Hinton

Bob Hoffman

Betty Horton

James C. Horton

Steve Huntley

Jeannine Hurley

Arthur Johnston

Shelley Johnston

Dr. Iverson W. Joines II

Mrs. Mary M. Joines

Jessie Jonik

Mr. & Mrs. Coy Jordan

Teri Joyer

James Robert Kane

Leslie Nunn Kane

J.D. Keller

Mary Pamela Kellett

Christopher Kendrick

Jim Kincaid, Jr.

Donald Froehlich Kohler, Sr.

Mary Peabody

Mobley Kohler

Debbi Kvietkus

John Laubach

Scout Laubach

Eddie Laws

Albert Lewis

Louise Lewis

Norma Lewis

William Lewis

Mrs. May B. Linhart Tom Livengood

Robert W. Long

Sarah Monroe Lopes

Clarence Joseph MacDonald

Jacqueline Augustine MacDonald

Gordon M. MacGregor

Mary B. MacGregor

Louise Magill

James E. Martin

Andrew McCullough

Albert S. McGhee

Elizabeth A. McGhee

Joy McKnight

Adele Frances McKone

Peter J. McKone, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs.

Cooper Newton Mills

Jean Milne

John Milne

Jonathan Milne

Allan Monich

John Monroe

Norma Jean Moore

Sam Moore

John Rea Myer

Lebby R. Neal

Helen E. Nemesnyik

John C. Nemesnyik

Nick & Norma Niemer

Alexander Nix

Franklin Nix

Betty Pee Nord

Randell K. Nord

Gerald O’Connor

Martha Sugg Oliver

Margaret Olson

Judith Owens

Pat & John Ownby

Bill Oxford

Jeanette Oxford

Robert Palik

Shirley Palik

Clay Parramore

E. Earl Patton, Jr.

Mary Eleanor Paulk

George & Eleanor Paulos

George Pavloff

Jack Payne

Robert D. Pee

Cecilia Sloane Pelton

William Pickard

Darrell D. Pittard

Mary Pless

Willam Hayne Poole, Jr.

Philip Laval Porter

Walter Benjamin Prevost

Arlie O. Pritchard, Jr.

Fred & Louise Ratchford

Hope Nicole Ray

Peggy & John Roark

Mr. & Mrs.

Grattan Rowland, Sr.

Mr. Grattan Rowland, Jr.

Jacquelyn Ann Savchuk

John Charles Savchuk

Arthur G. Schoeck

Dolores Schubert

Gary M. Schubert

Dr. Melvin Schubert

Ruth Schubert

Edward G. Seikus

Bill & Helen Jean Shaw

Jerrold Shepherd

Olive Shepherd

Mr. & Mrs. Ben S. Shippen

Jack Sims

Lee Sims

Bob Slater

Dick Smith

Daisy Anderson Smith

Julius Bell Smith

Larry Smith

William Robert (Bob) Smith

William Robert (Bobby) Smith, Jr.

Doug & Dorothy Stahle

Angela Staley

Kim Sims Staley

Lawrence V. Starkey

Grace Stephens

Tom & Grace Stephens

Mary Gladys Kincaid Stephenson

Shelton Stevens

Frank G. Stevenson, Jr.

George Summerson

Gary Surratt

Barbara Tash

Keith P. Tash

Robert N. Tash

Dr. Frank E. Taylor

William W. Teegarden

Martha & Clarence Thompson

David Wood Thurmond, Sr.

Richard Titelman

Coach Calvin Triplett

Calvin Dusty Triplett

Joyce Triplett

Lynda Triplett

Carl Tschappat

James M. Tucker

Janet Y. Tucker

Patricia Vaughan

John Garnett

Waggener, Jr.

Anne Walker

Curtis Walker

Ronald D. Wallace


Richard D.V. Armstrong

Atlanta Lab Rescue

Linda & Ken Beckham

Gray & Margaret Bernhardt

Judy D. Bicknell

Mrs. Liz Brecher

Betsy James Brown

Bill & Laura Carruth

Kitty & Alston Correll

Bonnie Curtis

William Curtis

Lillian Dalton

Scott & Chris Dalton

Thomas Dalton

Dr. Henry F. Warden, Jr.

Mrs. Henry F. Warden, Jr. (Sally)

Brad Weathersby

Roy Weathersby

Shirley Weathersby

Ruth Weiblen

Edwin Wells

John B. White, Jr.

Tom & Norma White

Dale Kline Whiting

Dorothy Whitman

P. Whitman

Dr. & Mrs.

John H. Wigton

Anne Carden Wilbanks

Joe Davis

Lynn Dawson

Mary DeBorde

Irina Demidovich

Volodymyr Demidovich

Patsy Dickerson

Jack Duggan

Karen Duggan

Donald M. Durrett, MD

Kathleen E. J. Ellis

Britney Estremera

The Franch Family

Vicki Franch’s Bible Study

Malcom Gailey

Mary Fox Geny

Whitney Gerkin

Holman Gossett

Shannon Hagood

James L. Wilbanks, Jr.

Craig T. Williams

Hugh Williams

Karen Williams

Hayden Mugler Wood

Mr. Charles B. Woodall, Jr.

Mrs. Joan Woodall

Ann R. Wotton

Grigsby H. Wotton

George W. Wray, Jr.

Alexandra Yurchenko

Mr. & Mrs.

Charles Zazworsky

John & Liz Hanfelt

The Harrington Family

Paula & Lash Harrison

The Head Family

Heritage Sunday School Class

Mary Sue Hewlett

Elise Higgison

Grant Higgison, Jr.

The Hodnett Family

Mary Hoffman

Minta Horton

Scottie Jackson

Alison Womack Jowers

McKamie Jowers

Hyland Justice

The Kannwischer Family

Tom & Lee Kent

Liam & Alexander Lhommedieu

Julie Luker

The Madden Family

Mary Lorraine McDonald

The Milligan Family

Lauren Womack Milmine

Pat Milne

Michael Moore & Family

Linda G. Motley

The Nichols Family

Peachtree Children’s Ministry

Peachtree Choir


Communications Ministry

Peachtree Elders

Peachtree Facilities & Operations

Peachtree Facilities Specialists

Peachtree Finance Office

Peachtree First Responders

Peachtree Hospitality Ministry

Peachtree IT Department

Peachtree Missions Ministry

Peachtree Music Ministry

Peachtree Musicians

Peachtree Pastoral Care Ministry

Peachtree Staff

Peachtree Stephen Ministry

Peachtree Volunteers

Presbyterian Women

Collier Wood Ragone

Greer Patterson Ragone

Chrissy & Keene Reese (CC & PaPa)

Damaris Rivero

Raúl Rivero

The Roberts Family

Julie Sailers

The Sheehan Family

Annabella Shenoy

Marsha Sims

Brenda Smith

Virginia Smith

Carson Staples

Jack Staples

Miller Tabler

William Tabler

Elizabeth “Liz” Tash

Dr. Robert M. Titelman

The Townsend Family

Halling Tribble

Jacob Tribble

Jean Tribble

Lucas Tribble

Madeline Tribble

Sarah Beth Tribble

Tom Tribble

The Tucker Family

Jerry Turner

Mary Turner

Katie Wallace

Katherine & Brock


Ann W. White

Winn, George & Nell


Adelaide & Cole Wilhem

Gene Wilson’s Sunday School Class

Brandy Womack

Cheryl Womack

Anne Carson Wray

George Wray IV

Jennifer S. Wray

Kate Wray

Suzanne Zoller-Brinson

All 8th grade students are invited to participate in Peachtree’s Confirmation process. Alongside the Alpha Youth curriculum, students engage with the key aspects of our Christian faith in a table group setting. With high school and adult leaders, students ask questions about the life of Jesus, the beginning of creation, issues with doubt, and more.

Rooted is a seven-week journey for graduating high school seniors as they head off into their next season of life, centered around how to live out their faith in college. This milestone features conversations in small groups about the social scene, finding a church, dealing with doubt, and finding confidence in your identity.

Just as families keep in touch about joys and sorrows, our church family at Peachtree wants to do the same. During your prayers this week, we ask you to lift up these people to God.


Walter Buchanan | Piedmont

Richard Burge | Briarwood Rehab

Dick Kimball | Home Hospice Care

Yolanda Jones | North Fulton Hospital

Bob Marsh | Piedmont

Ben Rainwater | North Fulton Hospital


Kim Staley | 6/8


Kim Staley | 6/8 Mother of Kal and Quincy Staley

The beautiful flowers in the Sanctuary this morning are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of

Jo Shippen by her children and grandchildren

Advent candles help us keep watch for the coming of Jesus. Today, we relight the candles of hope and peace and light the candle of joy as we wait in anticipation for the celebration of Christ’s birth.

8:30 | Kathryn and Chris Fellows; Henry, Amelia, and Robert 9:45 | Emily and Andrew Simpson; Hagan, CeCe, and Elsie 11:15 | Zacchaeus Fellows: Tatyana Gonzalez, Jose Perez, Ella Walker, Abigail Duke, Libby Clardy, Mattie Burleigh

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