Vol. 3 Iss. 3

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Deep Well Queen

A upon her Throne Kiss My Anointing: A Curse of Light

Parables Magazine is published by Pecan Tree Publishing, Hollywood, Florida. It is a bi-monthly online publication devoted to short Christian fiction, inspirational essays and devotionals. Volume 2 Issue 3 August/September 2010

Publisher E. Claudette Freeman

Editor-in-Chief Carol Lynne Watson

Creative Director E. Chantaye Watson

Media/Marketing Brandi Davis

Customer Service Brittney Smith Joy Lynskey Pecan Tree Publishing is a Emily C. Freeman Holdings, LLC company. For advertising, marketing or submission information, please feel free to contact our offices at: info@ pecantreepress.com, 877-207-2442, fax: 954-272-7041. COVER PHOTO: Benisa Forte, Students of Ethnotricity Cultural Arts Studio, Fort Lauderdale, Fl. For information, visit: www.ethnotricity1.com

Table of Contents 04

Letter from the Creative Director E. CHANTAYE WATSON




Devotional: Kiss My Anointing: Curse of Light CRAIG N. STAFFORD


Timing is Everything MELISSA GOING


Inspirational Essay: A Queen Upon Her Throne Emily Robinson




Devotional: The Power to Be CHERYL L. CARR


Inspirational Essay: The Very Pit Of Despair JUDY ANN EICHSTEDT


The Tranquil Radiance of Sunshine Before the Devastating Hurricane MONIQUE BERNIER-MCKENZIE


Before You Go: Sufficient for the Day E. CLAUDETTE FREEMAN

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PECAN TREE PUBLISHING Yourfrom Placethe to Publish Your Literary Vision Letter Director New Voices, New Style, New Vision


Summertime and the reading is easy. The summer heat is getting ready to move in anticipation of fall, as it does, we are thrilled that you have decided to include PARABLES MAGAZINE in your seasonal reading. The fall issue launches a new feature in the magazine – SCRIPTURES TO GLEAN FROM. These listings provide scriptural support for the theme or message discussed in the short fictional pieces and inspirational essays. We hope they will encourage your study of the Bible and help you to connect the experiences of our writers, their characters and their messages to the truth of God’s Word. In this issue, we feature authors from Africa, Texas, Georgia and other points. Each of these authors awakens our imagination with their style of fiction, encouraging devotionals and essays. From the moving A QUEEN UPON HER THRONE, to the engaging spiritual warfare selection KISS MY ANOINTING: CURSE OF LIGHT and the stirring faith piece A DEEP WELL; the relaying of Christian principles and the power they possess shine brightly from page to page. PARABLES MAGAZINE is for you, it is a ministry tool embedded in solid literature so that it fits your lifestyle. We are honored that you make us part of your regular reading habits and we ask that spread the news about PARABLES to other avid readers, writers and loves of the written word. This is our third issue and growth is evident – each inquiry excites the staff and each submission assures us that there is a word in your belly that wants to be birthed – PARABLES is your delivery room. Oh, while we have your attention, allow us to encourage utilizing PARABLES as a book-of-the-month selection in your book club or a resource tool in your ministry group. You can purchase copies print-on-demand for delivery directly to your door. Since scripture is provided throughout and attached to each element in the magazine, there is an automatic discussion guide. Thanks for experiencing PARABLES MAGAZINE again and thanks for your purchase of copies for your group. We appreciate you more than words can say. www.pecantreepress.com E. Chantaye Watson

submissions@pecantreepress.com 877.207.2442

DEEP Joanna rose before dawn, but she was too late. There had been no rain for months in that part of Africa and everything was so dry. A little water usually seeped overnight into the shallow well that Joanna and her sisters had dug, but women had already been dipping in their buckets, and only a muddy sludge was left. “We must have water,” she said to her sister Noma as they stood at the empty hole. The others came. “We need that well the government promised to dig for us.” “If we’re not all dried up and dead by the time they


come. “ “Let’s go to the river,” suggested Noma. “The children must drink something, and we can’t cook breakfast for the men without water.” The women picked up their buckets and set off to walk the two miles down to the river. When they reached it, they stood on the road bridge, staring at the ribbon of sand where the river should have been. A few people were washing their bodies and clothes in a dirty pool. Others dug in the sandy riverbed until they found water, sifting out a little with PA R A BLES


a cup and tossing the inch or so of water into a plastic bucket. The women knelt on the sand and dug their holes, producing hardly a cupful. Joanna shrugged. “Better share this to keep us going. We’ll try again at home. Maybe if we dig our well deeper…” They left with little hope. The women walked in single file, empty buckets on their heads. Joanna felt hot, dry and a little dizzy. She opened her mouth and imagined water flowing in and all over her body. They trudged on up the hill, looking anxiously at the hard, blue sky. No rain yet for at least two months, maybe longer. A truck came along the road behind them, so they stepped to one side. The truck labored up the hill, making a huge cloud of dust. It pulled a trailer, hardly visible through the cloud, but Joanna stared and grasped her sister. The trailer carried machinery. “The drilling machine; it’s the drilling machine! Hey mister!” she shouted, excited into effort and running alongside the cab, “Where’re you going to drill now? We’ve been waiting a long time for you people.” “Makwasa village,” the driver called out. “That’s where the next borehole is to be.” The women laughed, jumping up and down and shouting, “That’s our village! See you there!” The truck and its trailer trundled on and up the rough road: the women ran behind in the dusty trail, whooping and singing. The welcoming procedures took time. This is Africa and the Engineer and his men have to be properly received and fed. Cans of beer appeared from nowhere. Everyone was so pleased. Eventually the men looked around. They walked down a bit into a valley and did several test drills. The village stood at a respectful distance, and of course they did anything they could to help. At last the site was chosen. The big drill was set up and put to work. Drilling went on all day, and for several days following. “How far down is the water?” asked Joanna. “More than a mile,” the Engineer calculated. The people were amazed. “That’s a deep hole,” they said. “We could never dig so far!” Once, Joanna had seen a man dig a very deep well. It was so deep you couldn’t see the man’s head as he was digging – very dangerous. But this Engineer knew what he was doing, and they waited. Joanna dug around in the garden for a few sweet potatoes left there. The ground was like iron. 6


The children came running, “It’s coming!” they shouted. “The water’s coming!” People ran to see, then ran back again for buckets. It poured out of a pipe. Everyone came with their buckets, bowls, bottles, cans - and anything that could hold water. “Will it run out?” Noma asked. “Never. There’s a big underground river here, just for the taking. But,” the Engineer warned, “the pump must be kept in working order, or the water will stop coming up.” Joanna lay in bed that night listening to the comfortable sound of the pump: like a heart beating, bringing life into the village. The Engineer spent some time getting the pump in good working order. The village delegated two young men, and the Engineer trained them to look after it. “It’s a good pump,” said the Engineer, “and it will keep going just about forever, if you remember to do the things I have taught you.” The young men were proud to be chosen to look after the pump, and they listened carefully to everything the Engineer said. He showed them how to maintain the machinery, oil the parts and keep them clean. The water kept on coming, clean and fresh. When every container in the village had been filled, the little children danced naked under the flow, delightfully showering off weeks of dirt. Joanna wished she could do the same, but they all enjoyed a welcome ‘bath’ in their own mud brick washrooms, with plentiful buckets of water. Her old mother went out again, with half a bucket of water. “I’m going to fill it up again in case the flow stops,” she called, never quite believing these modern wonders. Someone brought a big plastic bath into the village and the children filled it with buckets of water and splashed to their heart’s content. The Engineer fixed

a tap onto the pipe, to stop water running all through the village, but the tap was seldom turned off. Well, there was a river below! The rains eventually arrived and stopped again, but the water from the deep well kept on flowing, regardless of the weather. Time went by. Joanna’s children grew and she set them to work watering a few vegetables near the house – well, there was plenty of water now to extend the growing season. The men sat around their own particular ‘watering hole’, getting a little drunk and putting the world to rights. Life in the village went along at its usual slow pace and they were comfortable with it. Until one day the regular sound of the pump faltered. Joanna watched anxiously as the women filled their buckets at the tap. The flow became irregular: the water spluttered on and off. “It’s alright,” the others said, “there’s a river below and it’s still coming out. There’s plenty for what we want.” Then one day the pump stopped. Nothing at all came out of the tap. “Didn’t I tell you?” Joanna’s mother carried her empty bucket back home. “Good thing I kept a pot full in the corner. And I’m not sharing with anyone,” she stated. It lasted her a week before it finished. The elders of the village were called. They twisted the tap on and off and poked up the spout. No water. They discussed the problem – at great length – but the buckets were empty still. The elders called for the two young men who had been trained to attend to the pump, and found that nothing had been done for a year, maybe two ... Too busy doing other things, they said, and anyway there had never been any problem before! The pump was covered in sandy dirt and, not being kept oiled and clean, the bearings had worn away. It was a bit late to save it now. The elders went back to talking, in depth this time. The two young men went back to their ‘busy’ lives. “So, what shall we do now!” asked one of the elders. “Go back to the government and ask for help,” said another. “We will be in fine trouble if we do that - we were responsible to keep the pump working.” “They’ll ask us to pay for a new one, and it’ll be very expensive.” “And where would we get the money?” So they deliberated for days, and some more days.

The fact was that they were just too ashamed to go back to the government, admit their fault and ask for help again, so nothing was done. The women went back to digging holes: they were all thirsty. One Sunday morning Joanna made food for the family as best she could, then set off to church. “Coming?” she called to her sister Noma. Noma shook her head. “It’s not like it used to be, at church,” she said. “They all keep arguing about nothing. Used to be good, full of life, but now – dry as old bones.” Joanna took the children and went anyway, but she had to agree with Noma. Once things were different in the churches, people loved God and each other, but today they all seemed so cold and empty. “It’s like the water situation,” she thought, as her mind wandered during yet another dry sermon. Once, life from God flowed through us, but something has happened and we are just digging around trying to find something to say. Joanna’s brother came back from the city where he worked, driving a car. “How can you drink this!” he said when he saw the water in his cup, and drove off to another village to find a shop with bottled water. That’s fine for him, thought Joanna. But her brother went to speak with the village elders. “All that good water down below! These people could be drinking from the borehole. You’ll have to pocket your pride and go back to the government.” “They won’t be pleased with us,” they answered. “No, but you might say sorry and plead with them – think of the children!” So the village decided to admit their failures to the government and to ask for another chance – and a new pump. “Maybe that’s what the church needs,” said Noma. “A new pump?” “Not exactly, but we’ve neglected God’s things, been too busy to pray and seek Him. So it’s our fault – we’ll have to go to Him.” “And tell Him we’re sorry, and ask for the Holy Spirit to come and flow through us again? Hmm.” The government official received the village elders. He was not pleased, of course, when they explained what had happened and they felt very uncomfortable when he put the blame on their shoulders. However, when he saw that the lesson had been learned, he made a few phone calls and promises. The Engineer PA R A BLES


graciously returned with a new pump, and water once more poured out of the tap, to the delight of everyone. The church met to pray and seek God again. They

repented of their neglect, and put things right in their own lives. God, in His grace, listened, and the Life began to flow again among His people.

Marion Turnbull was born, married and raised a family in Middlesbrough, UK. She then worked with her husband in overseas missions in PNG and Africa for 15 years. While doing missions work, she lived with primitive tribes for some of that time and much of her writing details those experiences and observations. She has had many short stories and articles published in magazines in Africa, the UK and the USA. Scriptures to glean from David's Song of Praise 1 David sang to the LORD the words of this song when the LORD delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul. 2 He said: "The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; 3 my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior—from violent men you save me. 4 I call to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies. 5 "The waves of death swirled about me; the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me. 6 The cords of the grave coiled around me; the snares of death confronted me. 7 In my distress I called to the LORD; I called out to my God. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came to his ears. 8 "The earth trembled and quaked, the foundations of the heavens shook; they trembled because he was angry. 9 Smoke rose from his nostrils; consuming fire came from his mouth, burning coals blazed out of it. 10 He parted the heavens and came down; dark clouds were under his feet. 11 He mounted the cherubim and flew; he soared on the wings of the wind. 12 He made darkness his canopy around him—the dark rain clouds of the sky. 13 Out of the brightness of his presence bolts of lightning blazed forth. 14 The LORD thundered from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounded. 50 51


He shot arrows and scattered the enemies, bolts of lightning and routed them. 16 The valleys of the sea were exposed and the foundations of the earth laid bare at the rebuke of the LORD, at the blast of breath from his nostrils. 17 "He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters. 18 He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me. 19 They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the LORD was my support. 20 He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me. 21 "The LORD has dealt with me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands he has rewarded me. 22 For I have kept the ways of the LORD; I have not done evil by turning from my God. 23 All his laws are before me; I have not turned away from his decrees. 24 I have been blameless before him and have kept myself from sin. 25 The LORD has rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to my cleanness in his sight. 26 "To the faithful you show yourself faithful, to the blameless you show yourself blameless, 27 to the pure you show yourself pure, but to the crooked you show yourself shrewd. 28 You save the humble, but your eyes are on the haughty to bring them low. 29 You are my lamp, O LORD; the LORD turns my darkness into light. —2 Samuel 22: 1-29 15

Therefore I will praise you, O LORD, among the nations; I will sing praises to your name. He gives his king great victories; he shows unfailing kindness to his anointed, to David and his descendants forever." —2 Samuel 22: 50-51



REFLECTION When was the last time you told Satan to kiss your anointing and go back to Hell? If you haven't maybe it's time. Maybe you never knew there was such a thing? Well, there is and as an heir of God not only can you command and demand the Devil to go back to Hell you can do it with assurance. Let’s see how by allowing the scriptures to define some things for us first, which will lead us to realizing all truth and the power within (John 16:13; Ephesians 3:20). So, what is Curse of Light? Curse of Light is a directive of Yahweh (God) emulated by the children of Israel (You) that eradicates the essential curse of darkness with ‘Word,’ the word of God (Hebrews 4:12). Take a look at the following scriptures as premises to this divine revelation Genesis 1:2 …and darkness was upon the face of the deep. Genesis 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

These two verses were meticulously and strategically grouped together so when spoken it would spawn a DNA (Divine National Assault) within the air, which is the region were Satan resides. Holy writ educates us in Ephesians 2:2 that Satan is “the prince of the power of the air.” Once the air has been divinely penetrated the power of evil is weakened and imprisoned and then the Spirit of the living God can move as outlined in Gen. 1:1, “and the Spirit of God moved…” As the Spirit of God moves, it seeks out not only darkness - but darkness that has taken on humanistic, animalistic and materialistic form. Remember, the scripture says, “face of the deep” - the operative word being “face.” God could have just said upon the deep, but he didn’t. He added face so those of us who have been adopted into his bosom could decipher the depths of darkness. The majestic thing about being an heir to the throne is the uncharted power we can wield in the earth realm that affects both heaven and Hades. The above scriptures and their accompanying structures are divine hieroglyphics that we can not only marvel at, read about, institutionalize, but rightfully operate in. The forge, fortitude and fervency to dispel the Curse of Darkness with the Curse of Light lies upon our tongue as the power of life and death PA R A BLES


lies therein, lies within our testimony as we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony and lies within our inner temple as we are the temple of God. I exhort you, my brothers and sisters to take on the armor of light and let that divine light anoint you transitioning you as a wrestler wrestling principalities and powers to their utter demise. Remember you are the light of the world. MEDITATION Genesis 1, Ephesians 2 and 3, John 16, Hebrews 2 ACTION/KNOWLEDGE Are you ready to tell Satan to kiss your anointing and go back to hell? I know you are! I have this confidence, in Christ, Jesus that you are now transformed in the renewing of your mind and now are ready to rampage Hell in order to remedy Earth and reprise Heaven. Craig Stafford is an ordained minister, Scientific Prayer Practitioner, Fashion Stylist and a Folklorist and love to be around family and friends.

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Timing is Everything By Melissa Going

She sat in the kitchen long after everyone else had gone to bed. It had been a long day and it was finally quiet. No more, “Mommy, Mommy,” “he did this…” and “she did that…” Don’t get her wrong, she loved being a mom but, it could certainly take its toll sometimes. “When does it end?” she murmured aloud. Work all day, pick the kids up from daycare, fix a meal from the meager groceries, play with the kids, get them a bath and ready for bed, read them a story, say their prayers, tuck them in and collapse for a few minutes. But, the dishes, the laundry and the housework are still calling your name and you have to get up and tend to them. It has been two years since she’s been on her own. She’d certainly never expected that “till death do you part” meant the death of affection rather than the death of the loved one. She was raised believing that the wife stayed home and took care of the house and kids and the husband worked and provided for the family. Jeff seemed to think that way too, which was a little unusual to find in this day and age. It was a whirlwind romance and they had been married in only a few short months after meeting each other. Everything was fine in the beginning, but then Jeff started working later and later, often coming home long after she had gone to bed. She tried talking to him about it a few times, but, he always got angry and told her that “he had to work hard for you and these brats!” Lisa and Brent were anything but brats. Compared to most children these days, they were angels. Yes, they could rowdy but, what five and seven year olds (they were only three and five when Jeff left) didn’t? One day she came home to find all of his things gone. No note, nothing. She called his job only find out that he had quit. Nobody seemed to know where he had 12


gone but, she was told that a female employee had done the same thing. She was able to last about a month. She sold everything she could and found this inexpensive apartment for her and the kids. Eventually she received divorce papers from him. He was living in another state and the papers were filed there. Through public assistance she was able to find a lawyer who made sure that the children were provided for. Without that assistance she may not have made it without holding a second job. She had to give Jeff a little bit of credit; he always paid the child support. He hadn’t spoken to any of them since he’d left, but, at least he paid the money on time. The children had stopped asking about him about a year ago. It certainly made it easier for her not to have to try answer the questions of, “Where did Daddy go?” and “When is Daddy coming home?” Now, here she sat in the dimly lit kitchen. The dishes were done, the laundry was in the dryer and the floors had been swept. This was the only time that she could find a few minutes to herself. The sound of the dryer humming was actually comforting. It added noise to the still house and was an indicator that the

day was almost over. “Lord, thank you for this day. Thank you for the strength to get through this day. Bless my children, Lord. Keep them strong and safe in your arms when I am not able to be with them. Thank you Lord, for the job you’ve given me and the people who you’ve placed over me. Bless them and continue to provide for them as they provide for me and my family. Lord, life is good but, sometimes I get lonely and overburdened. Please help me with the burdens of life and give me peace and the ability to deal with whatever comes my way. And, Lord, if it be your will, send me the husband that you would have for me. All these things I ask in Jesus name, Amen.” The laundry was finally done and she tumbled into bed. The alarm rang, six thirty came around way too soon and another day began. Get dressed, get the kids up, fix some cereal, get out the door, drop them off at daycare and head to work. Things usually ran smoothly but, this was not to be one of those mornings. Wadda, wadda, wadda. “What? Please, Lord, not a flat!” She pulled over. Sure enough the right rear tire was flat. The tires were getting a little thin. Thankfully she had a spare. She got out and started to pull out the jack, the lug wrench, and the spare. “Thanks to my Dad I know how to change a tire”, she said aloud to no one in particular. Her father had been a “back-yard” mechanic. She was “Daddy’s little girl” and didn’t mind getting a little greasy to be able to hang out with him. It had come in handy on more than one occasion since she’d been alone. Now was one of those times. She was trying not to get her dress dirty as she lifted out the spare tire. All of a sudden a strong arm reached around her and lifted the tire out with ease. She was startled! “Where did he come from,” she wondered? “Here, let me,” he said. His voice sounded as strong as his arms looked. She stepped back out of the way and looked around. She didn’t hear a car stop, where did he come from? Then

on the other side of the road she spotted a pick-up truck. “I guess that’s why I didn’t hear anything, he came from over there,” she thought to herself. He was quick and efficient and had her back on the road in no time. She tried to offer him the few dollars she had for his help, but, he refused. The last she saw of him was in her rear-view mirror standing at the side of the road watching her drive away. Later she would kick herself for not at least exchanging names. At work, she explained why she had been late. It was when she was asked who her hero was, that she realized she didn’t know. She worked for a realtor’s office. Her face was the first thing you saw when you walked through the door. It was her smiling voice that you first heard when you called. Today, since she was late, a man had called and made an appointment to come in later to see one of the realtors. The day was busy. Soon it was lunch time and she took the sandwich she’d brought from home and walked out into the sunshine to enjoy the day. Ted James, the client who had called, came while she was out to lunch. Sandy Jenkins, the realtor, took him out and showed him a number of homes. When she came back into the office, all Sandy could talk about was this tall, handsome man relocating here from Phoenix. Another day ended and it was back to the usual, pick up kids, get dinner, etc. Weeks had passed. Sandy had had several meetings with Ted James yet, he had not been into the office since the first day. Sandy kept talking about him and sharing the things she’d learned through their meetings. That he was from Phoenix we already knew. He was a computer guru looking to break free and start his own company. His employment was set up in a way that prevented him from starting a company in the area where he currently lived, he had a non-compete clause in his contract. He had grown up in El Paso and thought he would try to start over here. He was a widower. No children. He had asked about the local churches. “Why can’t I find somebody like him?” she pondered to herself. PA R A BLES


Finally, the day came when Sandy announced that she had sold Ted a house. She had also helped him locate an office space and got him connected with some local businessmen. And eventually Ted James became a distant memory. The anniversary of her divorce was coming up. Well-meaning friends kept trying to match her up with single men that they knew. She had been out a few times, but, none of them seemed to be what she was looking for. It was on one of these dates that her hero surfaced again. Her date was being a little to forward for her liking. She kept trying to politely end the date but he kept talking and downing drink after drink. The more he drank the louder and more forward he became. She finally had to stand up and leave him sitting at the table. He tried to grab her arm but, she pulled away. By now he was so intoxicated that he fell into the table and knocked it over. She used the commotion to escape outside. As she waited for a taxi, he followed her outside and tried to grab her again. It was at that opportune moment that a taxi pulled up. Her hero stepped out of the restaurant and took control of the situation. He gave her just enough space and time that she was able to slip into the cab and zoom off. “Darn,” she thought, “I did it again. I still don’t know who he is.” She was tempted to turn around, but, thought better of it. She certainly didn’t want to meet up with her “date” again. When Sunday morning arrived, she got up and fixed breakfast and readied the children for church. She sang in the choir and had to be there early. Today was a special day for her; she was going to get to sing a solo for their last song. She was excited and nervous all at the same time. “Lord, let me bring glory to your name through this song. Help me to remember the words and sing the right notes. Amen.”

The service started. The choir sang a few songs and the congregation joined in. Then it was time for the special song that she would sing. She stepped forward, the music began, she opened her mouth and her soprano voice was strong and sweet. The song was an old favorite and told the story of overcoming trials and tribulations. It was an emotional song for her. It seemed to reflect her life. The song was well received and the choir left the stage and joined the congregation to hear the sermon. After church she was weeding her way through the crowd toward children’s church to retrieve Lisa and Brent. Suddenly she felt a strong hand on her arm. She turned and came face to face with her hero. She couldn’t have been more surprised! “Hi. I really enjoyed your song today. I hope to hear you sing more often.” “Hi,” she managed to stammer. “I’ve seen you around before haven’t I? I just moved here about a month ago. I’ve been getting settled in and this is the first opportunity I’ve had to get to church. “Yes. Yes, you helped me with a flat tire one morning and then you rescued me from a drunken date.” “That was you? I thought you looked familiar. I’m Ted James by the way. “Brenda. Brenda Thomas. Nice to finally meet you Ted.” ‘Lord, I understand. It’s all about your timing. Thank you for watching out for me,’ she thought. She smiled at him and they walked – together - to pick up Lisa and Brent.

Melissa Going is a mother of four grown children and is currently raising her two grandsons. She has found through the years that the closer you draw to God the closer he draws to you. She considers herself a worshipper not just in song but, in lifestyle.



Scriptures to glean from 33

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

—Matthew 6:33

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? 28 "And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. —Matthew :25-28 25

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Emily Robinson

My mother is a tall mahogany “brick house.” She curves in the right places. My My mother is a tall mahogany “brick house.” She curves in the right places. Deep-set eyes shape her face along with high cheekbones contouring a defined jaw line creating a distinctive chin and a perfectly curved forehead. Her wrinkle free face is adorned with long eyelashes that frame her dark brown soul windows. Petite lips curve into the pockets of flesh, which are cheeks, and form dimples while revealing a heartwarming smile. A façade; she flashes a grin of contentment when she feels contempt for my life choices. She tries to pull the shades closed but I do not need her eyes to see her soul. “Mommy, I’m moving to Atlanta.” I said with as much excitement as I could hide in my pocket. I did not want her to know that I was happy to be leaving the nest and moving ten hours away. My queen looked into my windows, saw my soul jumping with excitement and the sum hidden in my pocket fell on to the floor, and did a jig. She exposed me. She made me smile. Her lips curled into a pout. She raised her left eyebrow, “Are you sure this is what you want to do?” My queen’s reluctance is understandable. She only has one and I am she. I am her fruit, her wealth, her investment. Naturally, she seeks to protect. She is a warrior queen. She is a queen regnant. She rules alone and with all power. Her word is final. I have been her one subject in a monarchy of love and consistency. There is never a surprise or a secret. I kneeled at her bedside with my head in her ample lap. I could hear her sigh but I refused to lift my eyes to meet hers. She placed her jeweled hand on the back of my head, as I remained quiet. She pushed my head to the left so I was facing her. My grin permeated the tension and I glared at the space between her eyes, where a small dot rests, it is my focus spot, “Yes. It is definitely what I want to do.” “When are you leaving?” she asked creating a furrow in her brow line. I shifted my eyes to the mirror closet doors revealing her reflection. I could not look royalty in the eyes when delivering such news but I still wanted to see her expression. “May,” I took a long pause, “right after graduation.” Her face was blank. I waited for her to say something. Silence is never good. Her eyes affixed to the electronic jester though barely amused. 16


“Mother, I am leaving—after graduation,” I repeated nervously although I knew she heard me the first time. Another silent moment cracked my excitement like Humpty Dumpty and swept it under the rug. I felt sorry for her. She came into the realization that the love of her life was opening a new chapter. “My heart is breaking,” she finally responded. I felt a heaviness rest on my shoulders. Her crown and scepter vanished and she became vulnerable. Her cloak of security disappeared and my mother revealed herself. However, regal, she held my chin and looked into my eyes and said, “Darling, do what makes you happy.” Only virtue allows a woman to reject her own desires for the sake of another. She would rather see me leave than keep me here and watch me die. Yes, die, not a physical death but an emotional and spiritual death. A queen could never stunt the growth of her kingdom. A true queen trusts that she has reared her child the best way she knew how: to be loyal, honest, trustworthy, responsible, and humble and to fear God. A true queen is confident enough to let that child go and see the world. A queen is kind enough to take the child back if they shall fail. A queen will not bombard the child with their mistakes. A queen is yet a woman. Women nurture, heal, forgive, soothe, accept, and help. I always tell my queen that she is peculiar. She laughs at things that should upset her, she forgives people that she should let go, she is kind to those who ridicule her and she loves those who try to hate her. She is a queen, indeed. Emily Robinson is an English Literature graduate of Florida Atlantic University and has additionally studied Journalism at Florida A & M University. The daughter of a pastor, she is an active member of Cathedral of Praise Worship Center in Hollywood, Fl and of the Order of Eastern Stars. Scriptures to glean from But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. 17 Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the LORD deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death separates you and me.” 18 When Naomi realized that Ruth was determined to go with her, she stopped urging her. —Ruth 1: 16-18 16

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. 27 She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. 28 Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 29 "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." 30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. 31 Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. 25 26

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. "Honor your father and mother" —which is the first commandment with a promise— 3 "that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth."

—Proverbs 31: 25-31

1 2

—Ephesians 6: 1-3






Pamela Bell English

Jasmine didn’t know what she was going to do. Lord, please help me. I don’t have anyone who will be able to help me if I have this surgery. She had one friend and no family. Her best friend, Sierra was dealing with her own family crisis. Her father was recovering from a stroke and her mother bedridden with a broken hip. “I can’t possibly ask her to try to be there for me for three months on a daily basis,” she thought to herself. She had been to many other doctors getting second, third, and even a fourth opinion. So, she knew she needed this surgery. She thought about the situation, “If I was happily married and had children by now, this wouldn’t be so hard.” Jasmine had broken up with her boyfriend, Thomas over a misunder18


standing. “You can’t turn back the hands of time,” she grimaced. Jasmine called her friend, Sierra and waited for the call to be picked up. Great; her voice mail. Jasmine hung up the phone dejected. “I need to inform my doctor by the beginning of next week of my decision,” she thought to herself. Jasmine got up and went to her computer to check her email. While scrolling she saw a name that she didn’t ever think she would see again. “Oh, my God! I can’t believe he is writing to me after all this time. He must want me to know he’s getting married or something.” Jasmine felt defeated. She had hoped and prayed that Thomas would come back and they would

begin their relationship again. She missed his smile, friendship, and his knowledge of so many things she didn’t know about in life. Jasmine took a deep breath and opened the email. It was short and to the point. Jas, I am sorry for leaving you and would like to get together with you to talk. Love, Thomas. Jasmine’s head was full of questions. He signed it with love. Did that mean something? Why was he writing her? What did he want to talk about? Was this a joke? Jasmine had loved Thomas with all of her might. She thought they were getting married and everything. She thought he had loved her too, until a vengeful coworker named Alyssa, had led Thomas to believe that Jasmine was cheating on him with one of their coworkers, Mark. Jasmine and Mark were only friends, but they had a lot in common, they went to the same church. Plus, Mark had been the first person Jasmine had met when she started at the bank two years ago. He was sort of like her mentor. He kept her informed about the latest updates and acquisitions at the bank. She had not had time to form any particular alliances, since it was mostly male workers at the bank. She did not have a girlfriend to talk to at work. The men talked to Jasmine, but she didn’t get a good feeling about the majority of them and she was too shy to talk to them about anything else besides banking business. That is not what they had wanted. Jasmine had known that Alyssa had not liked her and she couldn’t understand why. She chalked it up to Alyssa’s competitive nature. Jasmine was an easy going person, even shy, and made few women friends. When her coworker, Mark had invited her to lunch, Jasmine had not known that Alyssa was interested in Mark for herself. She never realized that since she was so beautiful that women didn’t like her, automatically. They took her shyness for haughtiness. Jasmine had a quiet beauty. She loved helping people and had a calming spirit. Jasmine wasn’t stuck on herself; she was just very private and quiet. While eating Mark had made Jasmine laugh and open up about herself. She had done so reluctantly. From there, the duo had made it a habit to eat lunch at least twice a week out of the building. On other occasions, they talked about the Bible and the many activities they were involved in at the church. One day when Jasmine and Mark were at

lunch, Thomas had come to her job to surprise her. Somehow, Alyssa had met Thomas and insinuated that there was more to Jasmine and Mark’s lunch outing than met the eye. Alyssa slyly suggested that there was inappropriate touching, whispering, and one-on-one closeness, between Mark and Jasmine. It put doubt in Thomas’ mind, since Alyssa was very convincing, acting like she had been concerned for Jasmine’s relationship with Mark. She and Thomas had argued about it for days, and one day when Jasmine called him, after weeks of silence from him, Thomas had told her that their relationship was over. He didn’t want a cheat and a liar for a wife. Not only was Jasmine amazed and shocked, but deeply hurt. She hadn’t known or believed that Thomas would take Alyssa’s words over her. No appealing to him for good reasoning would change his mind. Jasmine was devastated by their breakup. She hadn’t understood why Thomas wouldn’t believe her. She had cried and prayed for weeks, but to no avail. While dealing with the issue of Thomas leaving her and her aunt’s passing with time, Mark became her strength. He remained her friend and called her weekly to see if she was getting out and about. He worried that she stayed cooped up in her house too much since the breakup with Thomas. Sierra had tried to comfort Jasmine as best as she could. Nothing worked. “Everyone I love leaves me,” she had moaned into Sierra’s arms. “I am here for you Jas,” she had assured Jasmine. “The Lord loves you and so do I. We are here for you. You have to stay strong and faithful in the word. As soon as Daddy is well, we will take a trip and have some fun. Eventually you will meet someone else and fall in love again.” “No, I won’t,” Jasmine wailed. “I still love Thomas and always will”. Jasmine had never had a boyfriend before. Nor had she ever been kissed until she turned twenty-five. Thomas had kissed her on their fifth date outside of the movie theatre on her birthday. She was still a virgin. When she first met Thomas years ago, it had taken an entire year for her to agree to go out with him. Plus her aunt hadn’t approved. Thomas had won her and her aunt over by being a perfect gentleman, visiting them at their home, helping others in their neighbor, coming to church with them, and not actually dating Jasmine outside of their home. It was more PA R A BLES


like a courtship. They would sit in the front room and just talk. Her Aunt Minnie came to like Thomas and thought he was a well mannered young man, even if he didn’t attend their church. Jasmine had not only liked Thomas for his manners, but for his patience, and respect. He didn’t try to make her go against her aunt’s rules of her house, or pressure her into anything even though she was grown. Jasmine had been an orphan from birth and her elderly aunt had raised her. All they had done was go to church, three to four times a week. There were not a lot of displays of love and affection between them. Jasmine had wished for more from her aunt, but she was steadfast in rearing Jasmine with discipline and hard work. She was made to come home straight from school each day and was not allowed to participate in any extracurricular activities. The only hobby Jasmine was allowed to do was to read. At first her aunt would allow her to read only the Bible. Then she changed her mind since she didn’t let Jasmine watch any television. She went to the library three times a week and straight back home. So, books became her friend and Jasmine became more introverted. She dreamed of traveling and falling in love one day. When her aunt passed away two years ago, Jasmine was twenty-eight and on her own. Her aunt had left her the small house they lived in and a nice inheritance. Jasmine had thought her aunt was poor since they lived so simply or frugal. Jasmine used the money wisely. She invested the majority of it, gave some of it to their church, and then she enrolled in a junior college for two years. There she majored in business and accounting. She graduated with an Associate of Science degree. She was so happy when Sierra had told her about the job opening at the bank. She applied and had gotten the job. Later that year she had enrolled into a 20


four year university to receive her bachelor’s degree in business. She had met Thomas when his church choir had come to visit their small church. He had come back to visit in the hopes of getting to know Jasmine. Her aunt discouraged their relationship from the beginning. It was right before she passed away that she informed Jasmine that she had been afraid that Jasmine would leave her and she would be alone. Jasmine had cried for what could have been a better relationship with her aunt and how her aunt had never truly known her. Jasmine knew she would have never abandoned her aunt. She was thankful to God for her taking her in and allowing her to live with her all of these years, since she was her only living blood relative. Otherwise Jasmine would have been in the foster care system. Jasmine picked up her phone and dialed Sierra’s cell phone again. This time Sierra answered. “He wrote me an email, I can’t believe it!” Jasmine shouted into the phone. “Slow down, who wrote you what in an email?” questioned Sierra. “Thomas, Thomas!” shouted Jasmine. “I can’t believe it! My prayers have been answered and he is coming back to me.” “Whoa, slow down, Jas. Have you actually talked to Thomas?” “No,” Jasmine said. “But let me read you what he wrote in the email.” Jasmine walked over to her computer and reread the email to Sierra. “Well, it could be anything. Please wait until he tells you what he actually wants before you jump the gun,” her friend cautioned. “Ok, I know. But he may be my blessing in disguise,” she voiced. She needed someone to take care of her after her surgery. She would continue praying and wait for confirmation. Jasmine hung up the phone after talking to Sierra some more about her parents’ recovery. She said a quick prayer for them and asked the Lord to send someone to help Sierra with her parents. Sierra had brothers and sisters living in other states, but they couldn’t afford to take off work and come home to help her. Jasmine replied to Thomas’ email and let him know that he could call her. She typed in her phone number in case he had forgotten it, and sent the

email. The next day after eating dinner, Jasmine went to her computer and booted it up. She was not expecting a reply from Thomas, but there was one. He said he appreciated her giving him another opportunity to talk to her and he would call her that evening. Instead of being nervous and anxious, Jasmine tried to act casual and go about her daily routine of cleaning the kitchen, laying out her clothes for work and bathing. Just as she got out of the tub, the phone rang. She wasn’t going to answer it, until she remembered that it could be Thomas! She slid on her slippers and wrapped the towel tighter around her. No time to get her robe. She ran into the living room that held the only phone in the house and picked up the receiver. “Hello,” she said. “May I speak to Jas, I mean Jasmine”. “This is Thomas. How are you? “Fine and you?” How polite and hesitant they were with each other. She had known Thomas now for six years. “How may I help you?” she continued. “I would like to come visit you, so we may talk, if you don’t mind.” “When?” asked Jasmine. “At your earliest convenience, I don’t’ want to take up a lot of your time.” Jasmine thought, “Well this is Friday, how about Monday around six that evening?” “Oh, I was hoping for earlier,” replied Thomas. “I’m sorry, but I have to help out at church this weekend and I am going to sit with Sierra’s dad, while she takes her mother to visit her friend that is in the hospital.” Jasmine applauded herself for maintaining self-control and not crying and breaking down. Prayer does work, she thought to herself. “Okay, I will call you on Monday around five to see if you are home.” “Make that five-thirty,” she said. “Thanks so much Jasmine. It means a lot to me that you will even talk to me after the way I treated you.” Jasmine was silent for a moment. “The Lord says we have to forgive in order to be forgiven.” “You are right on that. Have a good night and sweet dreams Jas.” She smiled at the endearment he said so easily from his lips. Only he and Sierra called

her by that nickname. Her aunt always used her given name. “Thanks, take care.” Jasmine went to bed with a lot on her mind. She began her prayer, Dear Lord, so much is going on. I am confused about what Thomas wants. I am hurting and in pain, so I know I need to have this surgery, but I don’t want to have it alone. I ask for strength and guidance. Please send me someone who can help me. I will be so careful to be obedient to You and Your word. Bless Sierra and her family. Help our church to grow and become vital to our community. Bless everyone. In Jesus’ name, Amen. After praying Jasmine felt better and went to sleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. The weekend passed quickly with Jasmine helping at the church bake sale and then sitting with Sierra’s dad. By Monday, she was drained yet excited. She had received a call from her doctor, strongly encouraging her to make her decision. Jasmine didn’t want to have a hysterectomy at all, she was under thirty and wanted to one day get married and have children. But feeling uneasy about being still in love with Thomas, she knew she wouldn’t meet anyone new right now. She began to cry. The phone rang as Jasmine went over her options. She hurriedly wiped her eyes and tried to stop sniffling. “Hello,” she said softly, “Jasmine, are you all right?” asked Thomas. “Yes, I am fine. How are you Thomas?” “Ok. Did I call at a bad time?” “No, I am finishing up some chores.” “Well, I wanted to apologize again and let you know that I ran into Mark some months ago and he told me that Alyssa was a liar and that nothing had happened between you two. He has a girlfriend. He knew that Alyssa liked him and he had discouraged her advances in the past.” “Oh,” Jasmine said. “Thanks for sharing with me, but I have to get off the phone.” “Wait, I wanted to know if I could visit and if we could begin to see each other again.” “Now is not a good time for a visit. What will happen the next time you come to my job to surprise me and I am out to lunch with someone else, what will be different?” “Jas, please let me explain. I should have believed you. But I felt that I was not worthy of your PA R A BLES


love. You are so beautiful and I couldn’t believe you loved me. I fell into Alyssa’s trap to make trouble and break us up. She was so convincing and Mark goes to your church and you see him more than you see me. Plus, I have some family issues that needed to be resolved.” “That’s not fair. If you loved me you should have believed me and stayed to fight for our love,” cried Jasmine. “I know. Please forgive me. Once I settled down from being angry, I realized that you could never do what Alyssa had insinuated. I was going on from past experiences seeing my parents go through cheating on each other and fighting all of the time, before their divorce. It made me think I couldn’t find happiness and true love with a woman.” “So what happened for you to come back in my life three months later?” “I have a confession to make. I didn’t do it alone. I went to counseling at my church. My pastor helped me realize that I had to break the cycle of past experiences and move forward. He called them generational curses. God commanded us to love one another as He loves us. Also, I had to learn to forgive my parents for what they put me and my siblings through all those years ago. Then I went to my mother and father and shared with them how I viewed relationships, based on what I saw growing up. They are now in church and seeking counseling for their pains.” “Oh my, that is something. I didn’t know that was how you grew up. You never really talked about your family and your past.” “I know. I wanted to put those awful years behind me. Yes, it was hard, but my love for you and the hope of us renewing our friendship and getting back together kept me going.” “I don’t know what to say Thomas. This is a lot to digest.” “Please, I will beg if I have to…” “No, I don’t want you begging me for anything. I have to pray on this situation. It’s too many new developments to answer right now. Please give me some time.” “Jasmine, I want you to know that I never intentionally set out to hurt you. I knew you have lost all of your loved ones and I wanted to be there for you, but when I heard...” “Let’s not rehash that again please,” she in22


sisted. “Alright. I would like to pray with you right now if possible?” “I would like that. Do you want me to start or you?” “I would like to pray for us and our circumstances.” Thomas led with a strong prayer for forgiveness, rebuilding, new mercy and grace for their relationship, and the strength to move forward with a loving and forgiving heart. “Thank you Thomas. That was a very good prayer. I will call you in a couple of days and let you know my decision.” “I will accept whatever your answer is Jasmine, but I want you to know that I will always love you and regret that I walked away from you. Goodbye for now.” “Take care. Until I speak with you again. God bless you.” They hung up the phones, each lost in their own thoughts and decisions. Jasmine couldn’t wait to call Sierra and tell her what had transpired. She dialed eagerly and waited for her to pick up. On the fourth ring Jasmine was about to hang up when Sierra answered. “Hey girl. How are you?” “Good. Well I have some news and needed to share it with you.” “Let me guess. Thomas wants you back and now you don’t know if you want him back or not.” “How did you know?” “You are my best friend and I know you girl,” laughed Sierra. “Yeah, whatever. I am going to pray about it. He shared some very personal things that had gone on in his life when he was younger and how it affected him more than he knew. So I won’t pass any judgment and will go in prayer about everything, including me having to have the surgery.” “I am so proud of you Jas. You are not allowing your emotions to rule your decisions, but allowing prayer and God’s word to come forth and abide within you.” “Thanks. How are your parents?” “They are both up and about. The doctors said they couldn’t understand it. They both recovered faster than he anticipated.” Sierra was relieved that her parents were up and about, gaining strength and

mobility again. “He doesn’t know your parents. They don’t want to be a burden on anyone.” “Yes, but the doctors don’t understand prayer and our belief in God’s healing and restoration powers for His children.” “Then I need to be mindful and careful in my prayers for my own health.” “You mean you haven’t prayed for yourself?” “Yes, a little, but not specifically. I asked God for strength to go this alone if I had to.” “Oh Jasmine. You are never alone. You have me and my family, Mark, and now Thomas is back in your life if you let him in.” “Okay, don’t lay it on so thick. I get your drift”. They praised God for the speediness of miracles happening in their lives. “Goodnight.” “You too.” Jasmine went about her home straightening up and then showering quickly so she could read some scriptures before she went to bed. As she bowed her head and knelt, she prayed in earnest for God’s healing powers of restoration to her body, mind, and spirit. She asked for direction and discernment in her life concerning Thomas and opening herself to others for friendship and support. She wanted to speak boldly as He wanted her to speak in life on any subject and spread the word, while doing His work. Jasmine felt a sense of peace come over her and got into bed. She smiled and felt good. “That is what I should have been praying all along,” she thought to herself. The next day, Jasmine went to work with lightness in her steps and a smile on her face. She spoke to everyone she saw and had more than a few words to say to all of her coworkers. When she went for a lunch break in the cafeteria, she noticed Alyssa sitting alone. She went over and sat down. Alyssa looked up startled and shocked as Jasmine set her tray and purse on the empty seat. Spoke and inquired about her health. “What do you want?” asked Alyssa skeptically. “Nothing just to sit and eat my lunch in peace." “Then sit somewhere else,” Alyssa demanded. “No. girl, I am talking about us being at peace with one another. I don’t hate you, I never have. I was hurt that you spread rumors and lies about me. But now I am at peace with everything that has happened

and wanted you to know it too.” “Well, this is a sudden about face, don’t you think?” she remarked with a look of disbelief on her face. “I have been angry, hurt, and even a bit ashamed for losing my boyfriend. But I was showed that He still loves and cares for me and that is what matters most.” “Who did you lose and who cares for you? You have two boyfriends now? Darn, I can’t seem to get one now!” Alyssa exclaimed. “No, I don’t have anyone right now. I am talking about the love of Jesus Christ and how He loves us no matter what is going on in our lives. He died on the cross for our sins and was resurrected so the promise of the scriptures would be fulfilled. You know. That God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son for us, that we may live and live life free and abundantly.” “What has come over you? I have never heard you say more than two words to anyone since you starting working here except for Mark.” “Well, I have a new appreciation for people and friendships. I would like us to become friends,” she smiled as she held out her hand for confirmation. “Even though and I admit it now that I tried to sabotage your relationship with Thomas, you want to forgive me and become my friend? He was so fine that I wanted to get with him for myself.” “Yes, that is about the sum of it.” “Can you forgive me?” “I already have. And if you repent of your sins, then God forgives you and will allow blessings to come into your life. You only hurt yourself when you are mean and angry all of the time. Stop thinking about what is in it for you. Help others. Be kind. Then you will have a sense of peace in your life. God is not in the market for chaos and confusion. He likes order and peace” “Wow! I can’t believe I am having this conversation with you. But I would like to know more. Do you go to church?” Alyssa inquired eagerly. “Yes, I attend the same church that I was raised in since I came to live with my aunt.” “Yes, I am sorry about that. I did not know what to say to you when I heard you were an orphan and only had n elderly aunt, who passed.” “No problem. She was good to me and taught PA R A BLES


me a lot of valuable lesson about life. She prepared me for the world, even though I did not know it at the time. We loved one another in our own way.” “Would you talk to me some more about what’s in the bible? I don’t go to church or read any bible. I have never had a girlfriend or confidant. Alyssa sighed and shook her head. “This is different for me. But lately I have been depressed and wanting to talk to someone.” Alyssa looked down as she slumped in her chair. “God knows before you can utter a word how you feel. I will gladly share the good news of the gospel with you. You can come stay this Saturday at my house and go to church with me if you are still interested?” “Yes of course. I need something or someone in my life to help give me direction and a purpose.” “I know. I felt the same way until I prayed and was given inner peace about things in my life.” Jasmine smiled, stood, and then picked up her tray and purse. “I have enjoyed talking to you. I look forward to our new friendship.” “So do I, so do I,” repeated Alyssa. “Again I apologize and ask for your forgiveness. I feel so bad with you being nice to me.” She stood and came towards Jasmine. “Can I hug you? It seems as if some of the heaviness has already been lifted off of my shoulders.”

Jasmine obliged Alyssa’s request and said a silent prayer of thanks for the breakthrough that had taken place so quickly in her life. She squeezed Alyssa’s shoulders and walked away. She knew what she needed to do. She had to call Thomas and tell him she was willing to renew their friendship and eventually their relationship. She wanted to take things slow, finish her degree and hopefully get a promotion at work. She would call the doctor and request new tests and if the results were the same she would have the surgery. She would continue to help Sierra with her parents until her siblings stepped forward. But most of all, Jasmine knew she would continue the work her aunt had started in her for service to others; along with being faithful and obedient to the word. As Sierra stated that being more specific in prayer would lead to praying more earnestly to God. Jasmine knew she was not alone and being loved by God was the best thing to have happened to her. It was a bonus to have friends in her life that cared for her too.

Pamela Bell-English is an educator, avid reader, and an aspiring author. Originally from Chicago, IL, she now lives in Atlanta, GA, with her daughter, and grandbaby, Coco. She has been writing poetry and short fiction since high school. Bell-English is a member of The Faith Based and Fiction Writers of Atlanta. Scriptures to glean from When they arrived, he said to them: "You know how I lived the whole time I was with you, from the first day I came into the province of Asia. 19 I served the Lord with great humility and with tears, although I was severely tested by the plots of the Jews. 20 You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly and from house to house. 21 I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus. —Acts 20: 18-21 18


Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. —Philippians 4:6



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POWER TO BE! by Cheryl L. Carr

REFLECTION 2 Peter 1:3-His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. POWER! Beloved, does a habit or circumstance have you feeling weak instead of powerful? Do you desire a change to come and are you just waiting on God to do it? If you’re just waiting you’ll be waiting right there a long time. Time will indeed pass, that’s for sure but the passage of time does not ensure the real and lasting change that you desire. Change is as difficult as you make it and as obsessed as you are in your habit you have to flip the switch and get as desperate if not more— for change. To get to change you have to get after it hard and cooperate with God. How do I do that? Glad you asked. First, SURRENDER AND CHANGE YOUR FOCUS. What you’re focused on will amplify and if you’re focused on your habit or circumstance it’s got dominion in your mind. Stop giving it that. To stop means to cease all motion. Stop thinking like you’re thinking! You will win the battle for change first in your renewed mind. GET OBSESSED WITH CHANGE AND DO THE HARD THINGS. Your flesh will not want this and it may be agonizing and annoying all at the same time but isn’t your habit? Isn’t being in the situation you’re in? Aren’t you full of it, constantly thinking about it, talking about it, doing it? I say flip the switch on your obsession! Change it from the thing you’re doing that dis26


pleases God and has you living below your spiritual potential. Get obsessed with your change and healing. Go after it hard. Discipline yourself! Put the word of God above your situation both by memory and speaking your healing out of your mouth. Be diligent in this effort as it may take some time to get this down. Don’t give up. Fail, fall, get back up over and over again until you’re closer to the change than not. Statistics say it takes 21 days to form a new habit. Forming this habit is worth sacrificing your current situation for wouldn’t you say? MEDITATION ACT TODAY AS IF THE CHANGE HAS COME. What would you do if you’re changed as you seek? I say often God never tells us to "try" anything. Every instruction He gives tells us to BE. BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS: Joshua 1:9 BE HOLY, AS I AM HOLY: 1 Peter 1:6 BE OF GOOD CHEER: John 16:33

Get obsessed with change and do the hard things.

ACTION/KNOWLEDGE Never mind where you are, start right there. I don’t care how long you’ve been that way you can do all things in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:13) and that includes being the person He originally intended and created you to be before that habit or circumstance happened in your life. Doesn’t even matter how it got started or how long it’s been there GOD RECOGNIZES A HEART DESPERATE FOR CHANGE immediately and if the surrender, change of focus, desire to BE changed is there in your heart, God will meet you right there with ALL POWER AT HIS DISPOSAL to bring you over, under, through and around that thing! Beloved, the power to be is available to you if you would only reach for His reaching. You can’t do it alone, trust me. Something bigger, better, wiser and stronger than your self is exactly what you need to make the change you've been longing for.

CONFIDENCE. CHANGE. CALM PROGRAMS ™ Speaker, writer, trainer, coach— Cheryl Carr’s life focuses on all three as constants in life. A powerful and motivating expert in leadership, emerging media and networking through her ministry and company ARETE1 International, Cheryl works and spends her life being used of God as a thought leader, connecting others to successful LIVING not just theories, beliefs and great quotes! Cheryl has the strength of spirit to direct others to push, pull or rest depending on their situation and provides the directives needed to bring confidence, change and calm into the workplace or into individual lives. She works internationally and resides in Dallas, Texas.



Inspirational Essay

The Very Pit of Despair BY Judy Ann Eichstedt

My husband had been out of work for all most a year and his unemployment was about to run out. Fear grabbed hold of me as I wondered what we would do without any income. Questions filled my head that I could not find any answers to. How would we pay our rent? How in the world would I feed our six children without any money? It seemed like the end for my family of eight and that we would become homeless. Over many months I saw many people either standing with signs that read “will work for food” – fearing that would soon be us. I witnessed the elderly - both men and women - sleeping in the streets. I cried as I saw some families living in their cars parked along the side of the road. I trembled when I saw human beings eating out of the garbage cans as they searched for food to eat. I was frightened that soon that would be us. I told my husband we would have to sale our belongings in order to remain in our house. It hurt 28


deeply to sale everything we worked for over many years and to sale it for next to nothing. What else could we do? We ended up getting rid of everything we owned except our blankets and dishes and clothes. Our living room set was gone, our beds gone, washer and dryer - everything gone in a yard sale. That first night as my children slept on the floor, I wept for hours. I could not sleep. I looked around the house that was now so empty and wondered how this could be. We had nothing left and it shook me so badly that my whole body trembled. I knew I had to sale it for we needed to at least keep the rent paid yet the unfairness made me so angry. It was not the things as much as the years of hard work put in to getting them and in an instant it was all gone. I don’t remember when I finally fell asleep but I know I was praying to God. I yelled out, “WHY GOD HAVE WE ENDED IN THIS PIT OF DESPAIR?” The next few months were very hard on us all. The kids wanted to bring friends over after school but I could not let

them. How would I explain why we had no furniture? I did not want my children to be embarassed. Every morning I would meet other mothers who were walking their kids to school outside on the porch - I did not want them to see what had happened to us. One friend did ask why I sold my furniture and I lied and said I was getting all new things. The unemployment earnings soon ran out and the money from the yard sale was gone. We could not pay all the rent. The landlord was not happy at all. My husband pleaded, promising to make up the difference in the next month; yet we knew we could not do it without an income. We both looked for odd jobs - yard work, cutting grass and even collecting bottles and cans to return for deposit - trying anything to get money to survive. In spite of all our efforts we could not make enough to pay the rent or the money we owed from the month before. The landlord made it clear that he would evict us if we did not pay him. As if that was not enough to deal with my friends stopped walking with me in the morning when we took the kids to school. They walked on one side of the street and I the other. I would wave and they would give a nod and then quickly turn away. I learned later that my husband did yard work for one of our friend’s mothers and the story about us was out. The gossip was running wild about us through the neighborhood. My children were not invited over to play with their friends and nobody talked to us. My children suffered greatly because they could not understand why nobody wanted to play with them. I guess my friends thought poverty was a disease they could catch if they got too close. What we had to do next was unbelievable to say the least. We hid out in our house with blankets over the windows so nobody would know we were home. We knew the landlord would be coming back and we had to hide as long as we could. One would think we had just robbed a bank the way we had to act. If a knock came to the door, we quickly and as quietly as possible, went to the bedroom and sat on the floor. Nobody said a word until the coast was clear. We peeked through the windows to see if the landlord had left. I don’t remember how many times he came until he got mad and started yelling. “I know

you’re in there. You better answer the door. You deadbeats!” He yelled as loudly as he could. All I could do was cry. One night as I read the Bible, I came across Psalm 46 and verse 1. “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.” I read it over and over until I could take hold of what I was reading. Why did I wait so long - I wondered to turn to God who never forsakes any of us? However I tried to fix it without God’s help and to come up with my own plan. It had all failed. I began to realize that I thought God would not be able to help us, and maybe I let go of my faith in God as my circumstances became (in my mind) too big for God to handle. I quickly prayed and repented asking God to forgive me for not putting my trust in him. For the first time I remembered we were not alone and there was someone who cared and loved us. God wanted to help us. It is hard to explain but that night for the first time in many months I slept well. I needed to know that somebody cared and God does. It lifted me up and renewed my strength. A while later we were evicted and yes I was scared, we all were. My first thought to be honest was, “why God why?” I prayed and yet here we are being evicted. I questioned for a second that God was not able to help us. Then I said out loud in total faith God will make a way and my faith is in God and God alone. It was a battle for me because we were living in our car and had nothing. It all looked hopeless. My faith would be tested in the days that followed.



Life is not easy when you live in your car. Eight people piled up on top of one another. No bathroom or kitchen to cook a hot meal for your family, no living room to lay back and watch TV. It was no picnic at all. We parked where ever we could to sleep mostly at a rest area outside of town. I would read the Bible, by flashlight to my family. Joshua 1 and 9 reminded us to be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged for the Lord is with you wherever you go. In the months that followed I leaned on that scripture many times and was strengthened. Yet at times my faith was shaken and I just wanted to quit. I could not tell you what day it was without thinking about it hard. It really did not matter at all, not when you are homeless and all the days just seem to run together. Our day began by washing up in the public restrooms either at the rest area or at a gas station. We did the best we could under the circumstances and not being able to run a hot bath. I remember thinking how most people would take a hot bath for granted and I saw it as a luxury we could no longer afford. We then went to a park where I and my six children spent many hours; while my husband took the car and looked for work. As the children played my heart was lifted a bit just to hear their laughter. We walked around looking for bottles and cans to return for deposit. We never got very much but sometimes enough to buy bread and bologna. There were many times my husband would stand out with a sign that read will work for food and we sat in the car. I came to know hate as I never have before as I watched strangers who did not even know us react to us being homeless. Some yelled awful things at us and many thought it was funny to throw pop or food at us. They laughed once when a cup of Coke hit my husband in the face. I guess they thought being homeless was funny. It was in these times I battled hard not to just give up. Why would these people want to hurt us when we have done nothing wrong to them, I did not understand at all? At times we went to the back of markets and found our dinner from the garbage cans. We fought the flies for our dinner. I remember a few times as I dug in the garbage screaming, “Where are you God?!” I could not hold back my tears. When we went back 30


to the rest area we ate whatever we had. At night my husband and I took turns sleeping so one of us was on guard at all times. We worried that someone might cause us harm as we slept in the car and thought it best to protect our children. One night a group of teenagers who were clearly drinking began to watch us closely. I was on guard and watching them. I was so frightened; yet something moved me to pray. “Father your word says you will keep us in perfect peace whose mind is on you. I claim that now and know we are protected.” The boys got a bit closer and one bent down to look in the car. I was about to wake my husband when all of a sudden one yelled, "Hey let’s get out of here!" They all drove away. I began thanking God at once for in my heart I had no doubt that God had helped us, no doubt at all for such a feeling of peace came over me as I prayed. As if God was telling me we were not alone. I learned in those times when the burdens were heavy and you felt so alone that God’s presence is everywhere. In the moments when you find yourself at the end of your rope look beyond the circumstances and there is God with his arms reaching out to you. We were homeless for many months and went through many trials yet we were not alone. Even though many of our friends walked away from us; there were some strangers who saw us, had compassion and helped us to climb out of homelessness. Someone would bring food while another blankets, some knew about a job and one man even helped fix

our car when it broke down. Little by little, with the help of others, we were able to escape poverty and life on the streets. I could see God in every one of them. I received my answer to “why God why” and that was so I could understand the suffering of the poor in our world; and so that I would tell anyone and everyone what it is like being poor. It is something God wants me to do. I realized in this pit of despair that God was with me each and every day, never was I alone or without his love. I came to know a closer walk with

God as I looked to him in all my struggles. No matter what you face today God is with you if you just pray. There is no problem that is too big for God to handle. Trust that our heavenly father walks with us through the bad times and even through total darkness for he will bring the light.

Judy Ann Eichstedt lives in Tulsa Oklahoma. She is a proud mother and grandmother and a homeless activist. Judy Ann is the co-author of three books: WEARY SOULS SHATTERED BY LIFE, WHISPERS OF TRUTH, and a fiction book 2012 THE LAST ENTRIES.

Scriptures to glean from He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." 3 Surely he will save you from the fowler's snareand from the deadly pestilence. 4 He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. 5 You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, 6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. 7 A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. 8 You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked. 1


If you make the Most High your dwelling— even the LORD, who is my refuge10 then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent. 11 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; 12 they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. 13 You will tread upon the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. 14 "Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. 15 He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. 16 With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation." —Psalms 91 9

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." —Joshua 1:9

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.

—Psalms 46:1





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Tranquil Radiance

of Sunshine before the Devastating Hurricane By Monique Bernier-McKenzie

Nicole moved back to Connecticut nine months ago wagging her tail like a hurt little poodle. She was recovering from a toxic relationship. The gentleman providing the toxins was 12 and a half years her senior, a real estate tycoon. Bosworth, aka Bobby was just an average looking man, chocolate brown complexion, only 5 feet 10 inches, average body build, not really my type. But Nicole was attracted to his mind; he was interesting, comical, and very charming. He knew how to make her feel like she was a princess. They went to the finest restaurants, jazz and comedy clubs, Broadway theatre, even the ballet. You know these older worldly men. Oh so smooth just blew her mind. He made her feel like a little girl all over again. You know how it is for a woman in love - her heart is racing at over one million beats a minute. Boom

boom!!! You talk on the telephone for hours and hours! Whatever Nicole wanted, wherever she wanted to go; money was not an object. His house was in Barton Creek. It was an absolutely fabulous mansion with a Jacuzzi on the patio and courtyard off of his bedroom overlooking a lake. He specialized in setting the mood. Can you imagine Nicole’s joy at the site of rose petals, bubbles, champagne with cheese and chocolate covered strawberries? Nicole thought to herself, ‘does he know how to treat a lady or what?’ He had just separated from his fiancé. You know the beginning before the end - REBOUND sound familiar! Nicole was so naive to think she was going to be his new Mrs. Right. Wrong answer! The yield sign was bright neon yellow, but Nicole was so weak in her flesh yearning to get married. She was a profesPA R A BLES


sional 25 years old, had a great job at a Fortune 500 corporation. Nicole made good money; she drove a brand new sports car. Nicole could buy whatever she desired. She had traveled the world visiting cities like London, Paris, Rome, Madrid, Hong Kong, Thailand, Bombay St Thomas, St John’s, St Croix, the U. S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico the list goes on and on. As a child Nicole went to Martinique every summer and when she was little her mother had sent her to live down there for a year or so. Nicole went to the finest places. But she felt her biological clock was moving. Every woman’s dream to get married and be a housewife living in the suburbs, with the white picket fence. What an illusion! Princess Bling being rescued by her Prince Charming was just that – an illusion. Nicole relocated to Texas so it was easier access. Nicole tried to be his pretty poodle, licking her masters open wounds. Wrong idea, but God had the right idea. The hurricane hit category ten, or something off the charts. They were unable to graph it. The puppy fight started when Whitney started to visit Texas from Martinique. She heard that Nicole moved to Texas, she felt a little threatened. They played the tug of war game for approximately a year; each determined to see who would get the bone. Nicole's Grandpa died two weeks before Christmas in Martinique in 1992. The whole family was planning to leave for Martinique; Nicole was an account manager for an elite niche newspaper and her sales had dropped off substantially. So, the demon of depression had taken over her inner soul, her heart and soul was broken. Nicole put her car on the auto train and went home to Connecticut. She packed up the boxes and the moving service was on the job. Nicole arrived home safe and now she had to get ready to catch the flight with the family. The family left from JFK airport and there was a terribly snow storm delay after delay. They had a family reunion, you know how death and weddings are the only times when we get together. You know the young people all cried and wailed then finally decided as a group; “we need to have some enjoyment”. They went to an outdoor reggae bash on the beach. What a time they had all night partying!

Now three days until the viewing begins, funeral and burial services. Nicole was appointed to read the Bible scripture, she said to herself, 'reading of the Word?' When Grandpa retired and went back to the islands he had a revelation in a dream and God directions were for him to give his heart, and become born again and water baptized. He was not going to see his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ if he did not listen to the harkening of the Lord. Just a few years later he was diagnosed with cancer in his mouth and a portion of his tongue was removed. He did get baptized, left the Catholic Church and became a holy roller in the Baptist Church. Well the whole family was living in the states; they all attended the Catholic Church still living in hell. Nicole would party all night and go to Mass and take Holy Communion at 10 the next morning. But God let Nicole’s family ask her to read the Bible scripture from the pulpit. That was the day peace of God rained on Nicole, the peace of God rained. Even though she lost her Grandfather, a new journey was in session. The Holy Spirit started to convict Nicole little by little. The scripture spoke transformation into existence: But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. Later that week, the scripture fresh on her mind, Nicole wrote these words in her journal. Dear Diary, “My heart was held hostage, but Jesus paid the ransom! But God was getting me in position to set me free from the bondage. Every disappointment is an appointment to my destination which was quickly approaching to be a born again Christian. I left Martinique and returned to Connecticut as a changed woman. Something was stirred in my spirit. Lock down is over!!!!!! Jesus sequestered Lucifer to release me! I was Satan’s hostage in the prison cell of hell. Dressed to impress, in my designer outfit, matching shoes, bag and accessories, doused in my favorite sweet expensive fragrance, Eau de Sin just a bit too on the pulse points. Can you smell the top notes of this scent!

Brimstone and the fiery furnace was the foundation of my old home. Torment and damnation was my zone. I made my mind up I was not going to have premarital sex anymore until marriage!” Bobby came to New Jersey and drove up to Connecticut to see her just three days after she arrived from the funeral. She was by herself, the family stayed on for another two weeks and the flesh took over. But Nicole made her mind up for good after that night; she was able to commit to being celibate for over a year, no more creeping. Then one summer evening, Nicole’s best friend Desmond, an older man invited her to meet some of his acquaintances. She met Yasemin from Ghana; she was so nice they had excellent rapport, laughing and so forth. She told Nicole about this really nice friend, who she would like to set up an introduction - his name - Anton. He was a retired International Soccer player. He was her boyfriend Yves' business partner. They had an electrical contracting corporation together. She neglected to tell her the man was a whoremonger and womanizer - with another girlfriend. Did I mention he was still married to his wife? Anton and Yves were both from Martinique and had so much in common. About a month later, Rieva and Nicole were on the telephone when she said “I want you to say hello to someone.” Bam there it is his voice was nice. They spoke and the fire crackers started popping BAM BAM BAM. They communicated over the telephone for nearly two months. Nicole said in her mind could this be the one “cause” because she was not rolling in the sack any more. They finally met; as anticipated their hearts were thumping a million beats per minute. Anton was a perfect gentleman and great on the eyes. He was so interested in Nicole’s well being. She was not working steady and he asked her to help out at the office. He offered to pay her bills. They started spending a lot of time together. During that time he was such a gentleman, never pushing Nicole to become intimate. They were together most of the day, then in the evening. The separation over night became increasingly difficult. Nicole thought she was dreaming.

Then a year later they decided to get married.

One day they went to the court house and got married. Yves, Anton and Nicole. Three months later their joy would be interrupted. One of the job sites had a water leak which interfered with electrical wiring causing an explosion. Then they found out the plumber was not licensed or insured. You can only image the lawsuits and the mess. They had to close down the office. Anton decided to give up the office space. But Yasemin had turned on the newlyweds, she had taken all of the computers, typewriters, fax machines, desk, chairs, paper, coffee maker, refrigerator even the toilet paper. So when Anton went to the office and found out the place was spic and span cleaned out. He was fit to be tied, explosive he went to down around the corner to Yasemin’s house. He knocked on the door they had words. She called the police and he was arrested for malicious accusations and she told the officer he had threatened her with a gun. He was arraigned and the case went to court two months later. The case was dismissed. Thank God, Anton started praying more and more every day. They had started to visit Nicole's church, but Anton had all ready had a relationship with Lord, he went to Church of God Theology School to become a Minister of the Gospel but he fell to sin again. Nicole found out that she was pregnant, she was shocked and oh so ecstatic. Nicole met this sister named Mercy, in the parking lot of the Post office. She invited her to a non-denominational church. Nicole really loved the feeling and accepted Jesus into her heart. Over the next year she visited both churches. The couple had such a great friendship with the Father of our Church. Finally Nicole broke the tie and started going to a Church of God that was totally on fire, a Pentecostal and apostolic doctrine. Nicole was a part of the fixtures every time the door opened, on her post. Then she wanted to go to her roots, her home land and be baptized in the river, like Jesus. Her dear friend of the family Pastor Zion was preparing her members for baptism. Nicole made the preparation to go the islands. Her dearest hubby had started losing his mind; he had many speeding tickets and his license was suspended for six months. He said he wanted to go home and see if he could start some type of tourism services. The new millennium was on arrival and Nicole was a little uneasy, she felt she would soon see her Lord's face. Anton left after New Year’s week still PA R A BLES


Nicole went through with her plans to travel aboard to complete her commitment to Jesus Christ. Reaching the countryside shortly after six in the morning, Nicole was baptized. Little Nicola was in shock; she said “Mommy when you came up out of the water you looked just an angel.” Perhaps it was really an angel hovering over Nicole that Nicola saw; soon after that experience she would write her final journal entry. Dear Diary, “It is written in the Word of God that if I proclaim with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that Jesus has risen from the dead, I am saved. I have confessed that Jesus is Lord over my life.” “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of my faith; who for my joy endured the cross, despising

my shame, and set me down at the right hand of the throne of God.” When you thirst, go refill your spirit with faith “Out of his Heart shall flow rivers of living water” Take control of my pathways, don’t allow my footsteps to plummet, backslide to the old me. If I suffer any discomfort it is to glorify Jesus. “Though a host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.” I shall walk uprightly and undertake righteousness, and communicate the truth in my Heart. The Father gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even the youth grow weary and stumble and fall: but those who hope in you shall renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary. They will walk not faint. You are a Sovereign Savior who is the keeper of my soul.

Scriptures to glean from Therefore my people will know my name; therefore in that day they will know that it is I who foretold it. Yes, it is I." How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!" 8 Listen! Your watchmen lift up their voices; together they shout for joy. When the LORD returns to Zion, they will see it with their own eyes. —Isaiah 52: 6-8 6 7

For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy. 15 But if the unbeliever leaves, let him do so. A believing man or woman is not bound in such circumstances; God has called us to live in peace. 16How do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or, how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife? —I Corinthians 7: 14-16 14

On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. 38 Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him." 39 By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified. —John 7: 37-39, 37



Before You Go …. By E. Claudette Freeman

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