Vol. 1 Issue 3

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Kingdom Principles: Our health, Our temples Controlling your own emotional destiny: Overcoming compulsive eating

Are You Ready To Stop Making Excuses And Finally

Look And Feel Your Best? Spirit Rising


Spirit Rising




FROM THE PUBLISHER E. Claudette Freeman


Veronica Bedford



Vernita C. Williams


Nina Archange


Ajah T. Cobb



Deborah L. Jones-Allen




Donna Richardson Joyner

2 Spirit Rising

Robert P. Wallman


Dorothy (Deloris) Dorsett


E. Claudette Freeman


Cheryl E. Knight

T: 7 in

want better health care? start asking more questions. to your doctor. to your pharmacist. to your nurse. what are the test results? what about side effects? don’t fully understand your prescriptions? don’t leave confused. because the most important question is the one you should have asked. go to www.ahrq.gov/questionsaretheanswer or call 1-800-931-AHRQ (2477) for the 10 questions every patient should ask. questions are the answer.

T: 10 in

the doctor will hear you now

FROM THE PUBLISHER For months now there has been a clear and direct message stirring in my spirit—healthier! This message also came with some clear directives, abundance of vegetables, less salt, less meat, no sugar and look towards wheat and bran. The purpose: longer life, healing, strength and energy. If I want to be here to see my grandchildren and perhaps even a first great grandchild and if I believe it is God’s will that I do so, then I need to apply some Kingdom principles to this temple. I need to take as much time restoring and refurbishing this temple as I have allowing it to corrode; therefore, making it increasingly difficult for me to do what I am called to do. I am called to be a single mother, a business owner, a minister and a healer. A healer? Wow, did that hit me like a ton of bricks. If you are called to heal, well then healer heal thyself first. I love the way God puts your junk in your face and forces you to examine you against His Word. That is what this issue of Spirit Rising Magazine has done for me. It has and is causing me to look at all of my health matters: current, generational, preventative and forcing me to ask this question: what kind of steward have you been over your temple? Do not look away, that question is as much for you as it is for me and this issue KINGDOM PRINCIPLES: OUR HEALTH/OUR TEMPLES is that look your doctor gives you when the numbers do not look right and he says, “have you been taking your medication?” Of course you have not, so you begin an insignificant conversation. Let that conversation die and allow the principles of the Kingdom of God to heal you. For me my healing is multi-dimensional—spirit, mind, and body— they all work together. I am utilizing nutrition, exercise (have mercy, I believe that is a profane practice) and some Eastern healing practices to restore my temple. God can heal through many channels and it is imperative that you pray and meditate to find the healing that is appropriate for what is needed in you. Spirit Rising Magazine above all else is a ministry, it a multi-page instructional guide for your spirit and this issue we challenge you to make your temple a healthier, whole, cleansed and restored place for your spirit—the Holy Spirit to dwell. This issue features Biblical instruction, recipes, exercise tips and guidance towards healing—use it as your friend as you begin this journey to a temple where health and holiness dwell. Amen and it is so!

E. Claudette Freeman Publisher

This issue features Biblical instruction, recipes, exercise tips and guidance towards healing—use it as your friend as you begin this journey to a temple where health and holiness dwell.

SPIRIT RISING MAGAZINE is a bi-monthly publication designed to help readers live with strong and certain Biblical strategies as their guide. The magazine’s focus is to give very practical and applicable information on living in and through the Word of God. This is done through detailed per issue topic exploration. Topics relate to matters which directly affect a reader’s ability to live a fuller, more focused, more determined and purposed life. The subject matter discussed will be covered and explored through various angles. Publisher/Editor-in-Chief E. Claudette Freeman Customer Service Brittney Smith Jean Washing Contributing Writers Veronica Bedford Vernita C. Williams Donna Richardson Nina Archange Ajah T. Cobb Deborah L. Jones-Allen Robert P. Wallman Dorothy (Deloris) Dorsett E. Claudette Freeman Cheryl E. Knight Creative Director E. Chantaye Watson Graphic Designers Jenette A. Sityar Arem E. Trimor Legal Counsel Vernita C. Williams, Esq. SPIRIT RISING MAGAZINE is published by Pecan Tree Publishing, www.pecantreepress.com, Hollywood, Fl 33020. Pecan Tree Publishing chose to present the publication in the online format to shatter the readership restrictions on some print publications. While there will be no subscription rate for the online edition, allowing free and continual access to issues; the publication may also be ordered in a print-on-demand basis for a nominal charge. For submission or editorial guidelines, as well as questions, comments or general feedback please email: spiritrisingmag@pecantreepress.com. For advertising inquiries, please email: solutions@pecantreepress. com. Our office hours are Monday—Friday, 10a-2p. For inquiries not listed here, please call 877-207-2442.



Sermonic Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. 1

—Hebrews 12:1


 Spirit Rising


Soldiers In The Army of the Lord:

Are We Fit to Fight? By Elder Veronica Bedford


here have been reports in the news recently about young people being ineligible to serve in the military because they are overweight and unable to meet the necessary physical requirements. According to the Mission Readiness ­report “Too Fat to Fight”, approximately 25 percent of young people are medically ineligible to serve, thereby creating a possible threat to national security. The increase in the percentages of people who are overweight and obese in the United States is alarming. The ­Centers for Disease Control states that “during the past 20 years there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in the United States” and Blacks and Hispanics have a 51% and 21% higher obesity prevalence respectively than whites. Our children are also adversely impacted by overweight and obesity. “Among pre-school age children 2-5 years of age, obesity increased from 5 to 10.4% between 1976-1980 and 2007-2008 and from 6.5 to 19.6% among 6-11 year olds. Among adolescents aged 12-19, obesity increased from 5 to 18.1% during the same period.” This increase in overweight and obesity

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in our population are also prime indicators as to why there are increases in diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer. The church has not been exempt from these statistics. Unfortunately, the percentages of overweight and obesity in the church are, in many instances, more alarming. A study conducted among United Methodist ­clergy in North Carolina found that the clergy between the ages 35 -64 had an obesity rate of 40%, a 10% increase when compared to other residents of North Carolina. Another study out of Purdue University found obesity rates higher in states with the strongest religious affiliations, Southern Baptist had the highest average body weight and Jews and Non-Christians had the lowest. Do these statistics portray the body of believers who espouse that we can do all things through Christ as undisciplined? I’m afraid that our physical bodies betray our spiritual beliefs. If we are indeed soldiers continued on page 7

continued from page 6 on the battlefield for our Lord, are we being determined ineligible to serve because of health issues? Consider for instance the number of church members (if not yourself) you know who battle with diabetes, heart disease or cancer? Consider the number of church members you know who are obviously overweight? For many of our churches food and fellowship often go hand in hand. I too, have indulged in more than my share of pound cake and fried chicken. However, after observing the health concerns of family and friends and seeing my pants size increase, I have become determined to be more diligent in exercise and diet. To use the old cliché’, we can’t afford to be so heavenly minded that we are no earthly good. We must remember that we are earthly representatives of our heavenly God. What do our health problems and/or our physical appearances say to the world? Oftentimes we categorize sin and place so much emphasis on the “big ones”, adultery, fornication, and murder. When was the last time we heard a sermon on stewardship that did not have anything to do with finances? When was the last time we heard a sermon on gluttony? Proverbs 23:20-21 states “be not among winebibbers; among riotous eaters of flesh. For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty…” In the natural world, a key indicator of a nation’s power and preeminence

is the strength, skills and expertise of its armed forces. As it is in the natural, so it is in the spirit realm. If we are sick, tired, overweight and basically unable to compete, how are we to protect, defend and serve the Kingdom of God? God requires us to be good stewards over everything we have been given and that includes our bodies. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 states “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” This verse is usually associated with issues of intimacy/sexuality. However, the basic premise of the message is to honor God with our bodies, which includes what we do with it, to it and how we take care of it. If we take the word seriously, we can conclude that we own nothing in this world, not even the bodies in which we dwell. It is God who has given them to us and consequently we are required to be good stewards, not abusing or misusing our bodies in any form. This is not to get into a debate over whether piercings to tattoos are sinful, but rather it is to help us focus on how we are caring for the temple in which the Holy Spirit of God resides. Are we grieving the Spirit because we are limited due to illness and physical conditions that can be resolved? How much more effective could we be if we were healthy and could actually walk the 3 miles with the evangelism continued on page 8

Spirit Rising


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team? Are we examples of a people out of control? Galatians 5:22-25 states, “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and SELF-CONTROL. Against such there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” We can indeed do all things through Christ, if we are led by the Spirit and crucify our passions. Being a good steward over our body (temple) means that we exercise, pun intended, diligence in guarding our health. For many of us this calls for a change of lifestyle. Romans 12:1-2 instructs us to present ourselves as a living sacrifice and tells us that this can only come through the renewing of our minds. In order for us to prove the good, acceptable and perfect will of our Lord, we must be healthy enough for the journey. Many of us need to consider the unhealthy habits we have adopted and become persuaded to reduce/ eliminate them from our lives. Guarding our health means being proactive. We need to learn to focus more on the practicality of our faith. Knowing family history and what

8 Spirit Rising

we may be genetically predisposed to, seeking health care before problems arise or worsen and considering consequences before acting are all ways to guard our health. While the bulk of this article deals with obesity, I am aware there are some health issues that are not a result of weight and are not in our control. When these challenges arise, we can employ the word of God and our faith. Guarding our health also means knowing what the word of God says when we are challenged in our bodies. Whether or not we have directly contributed to our health problems, we serve a God who is a healer. The woman with the issue of blood in Luke 8 sought out the advice of physicians and spent all she had trying to find a cure and be made whole. While God does give us physicians for our betterment, sometimes they have no remedy. Nonetheless, God is the GREAT PHYSICIAN. This woman managed to hold on to and access her faith. Just like her, we must hold on to our faith. Isaiah 53 reminds us that by his stripes we are healed. While we know he was crucified for our sins, God does not only care about our soul. God cares about the whole person, which includes the body. As Christians, we look forward to the day when we will receive the glorified body and will no longer have to deal with aches and pains we face. Nonetheless, until that time we must continue to fight the good fight of faith and that requires us to be good stewards with the bodies we currently possess. While we yet remain in these earthly bodies, let’s focus on taking better care of them. It is best to consult with your physician before you begin any exercise regimen. continued on page 9

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 Control portion size

These are some suggestions to get us moving toward a healthier, happier Christian walk (pun intended again):

 Reduce/eliminate empty calories (i.e. sodas and juices)  Incorporate more fruits, vegetables and whole grains into your diet

 Become more physically active (Incorporate 30 minutes of brisk activity into your daily routine; Instead of looking for the closest parking spaces, park farther away; Take the stairs instead of the elevator)

 Visualize (Create a collage of a picture of health and incorporate scriptures to keep you focused on your desired goal)

 Eat a healthy breakfast

 Get an accountability partner

 Get adequate rest  Increase your intake of water

 Get regular physical examinations  Pray (When it gets difficult, remember God is our strength in weakness)

Let’s believe God to put down the fork, pick up our feet and get moving. See you on the battlefield—Squadron Fall In!!! Attention!!!! Forward March!!!

Veronica Bedford is an ordained minister with over 14 years of experience in preaching and teaching Biblical principles. She is the founder of Latter Glory Ministries, a ministry dedicated to providing practical Biblical instructions and holistic spiritual and personal growth. Elder Bedford has a Masters of Theological Studies Degree and certification in Religious Education from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University. She has also developed curricula for ministers-in-training, church leadership development and addressing the challenges experienced by women in ministry. For information on the curricula and Latter Glory Ministries, please contact Elder Bedford at: latterglory_ministries@yahoo.com.

Spirit Rising




Living Application What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? —1 Corinthians 6: 19



10 Spirit Rising



THE BIBLE By Vernita C. Williams


am a firm and staunch believer in this vital truth—everything that is needed to govern and better our lives is found in the Word of God. Without hesitation, I can tell you that this is also the case when it comes to the care and management of our temples. Our bodies were designed to glorify and serve God, so thus it makes sense that He would provide His children with some instructions for the proper care of what you have been blessed with. Engage me, as we take a look at some of the God-ordained health mandates that we often overlook. The God-Ordained Diet For All Seasons Do you want to lose the unwanted pounds? Believe it or not, only the Lord’s diet is going to bring lasting results. So you might as well throw away the three cases of diet drink in your refrigerator and all of those pamphlets for the 100 sure-to-work diet programs. Do you know that the Lord prescribed a diet for healthy living? In Genesis 1:29 God established fruit as an appropriate part of a diet and in Genesis 9:3 God established meat and the green herb or vegetables. After God established His healing covenant with His children in the final verses

of Exodus Chapter 15, God fed them nutritiously in Exodus 16. Exodus 16:31 says God fed the children of Israel manna of coriander seed which is also known as the corn of heaven. God then supplemented their diet in the evening with quail or meat. As you can see, God’s diet is full of complex carbohydrates which include vegetables, fruit, and coriander seed or beans and peas. This is the diet eaten by people in regions of the world where cancer and heart disease are rare. God’s harshest words about nutrition concern fats. In Leviticus 3:17 God clearly said. It shall be a perpetual statute for you and all generations, do not eat fat. In spite of what God said about 42% of the average American’s diet is fat. It is no wonder that many of us are unhealthy. Are you suffering because of the way you eat? Ephesians 6:13-14 tell us that after we have done all to stand, stand therefore. Some of us are standing against hypertension, but we have not done all to stand because we are still eating too much salt. Are you standing against heart disease, but eating too much fat and cholesterol? Are you standing against continued on page 12 Spirit Rising


continued from page 11 liver disease, but drinking alcohol? In order to maintain our health, we have to work with God by eating properly. In the long run, only the Lord’s diet will enable us to remove heart disease, cancer, obesity and other nutrition related diseases from among His people. The God-Ordained Mandate—Don’t Work Yourself To Death Most people believe that their day starts in the morning. But the Bible teaches that a day starts in the evening. The earth actually began its first day as a dark place; that is an evening. Genesis 1:2 says “the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” And then, the first Chapter of Genesis repeated confirmed in verses 5, 8, 13 and 19 that the beginning of the day is in the evening by specifically stating “and the evening and the morning was the first day” Not only does the Bible teach that your day starts with the evening, you should be able to see that what you do in the evening (which is the beginning of your day) controls the rest of your day. Aah, it’s clicking now isn’t it? For instance, if you stay up to late in the evening, you will probably be tired the next morning which will, in turn, diminish your effectiveness. Or, if you meditate on the scriptures and go to bed in a timely manner, it is more likely that the next morning you can wake up on time, pray and meditate on the scriptures and face the battles of the day armed with the wisdom of God. There was a man in the Bible who almost worked himself to death. This man was Epaphraditus. He was the Apostle Paul’s

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friend. Philippians 2:27 says “For indeed he was sick nigh unto death, but God had mercy on Him.” Philippians 2:30 further states, “Because for the work of Christ he was nigh unto death, not regarding his life, to supply your lack of service toward me.” Paul was saying this man went beyond the call of duty to help him in ministry. The work of Epaphraditis was commendable. He loved the work of giving Christ to people. But, the man demonstrated no temperance. I Corinthians 9:25 reveals that “Every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things” In other words, optimal performance and the preservation of health is realized when you live a balanced life. God expects you to balance your life with the appropriate amount of work, rest and recreation. This is a bit tough for you to comprehend isn’t it? Yes, the Lord would have you to serve in the church, to minister to others, to offer Christ—that is Biblical. But how can the Lord—not the church—but the Lord use you, if your body, your spirit, your mind are worn out and dying from exhaustion. Does it not stand to reason that the Lord can use a rested, balanced and healthy ­vessel—better than one that barely has enough strength to cough? Exercise some balance, even in what you do for God and God will honor that. Psalms 127:2 says “it is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, and to eat the bread of sorrows, for so he giveth his beloved sleep.” When you get enough rest you will wake up naturally. You will not need an alarm clock to jolt your body into wakefulness. Take care of your body, the temple of the Lord. Get enough rest. continued on page 13

continued from page 12 The God-Ordained Health Rejuvenator—Fasting There were many reasons for fasting in the Bible. They included fasting to overcome, fasting to seek God’s will, fasting in repentance for sin, fasting concerning spiritual conditions in a city, fasting for deliverance or protection, fasting to humble oneself before God, fasting as a part of worship and fasting when in deep sorrow or distress. We are most familiar with fasting to receive God’s help and direction in a specific matter. But, have you thought about fasting to maintain your health. There is healing virtue in fasting. Isaiah 58:8 says when you fast your health shall spring forth speedily. Fasting releases the body to operate its own natural system of cleansing and healing. The Bible records an incident in which a three day fast healed a person who was very sick. I Samuel 30:11-15 tell of an Egyptian slave who became sick and his master abandoned him to die. After three days, he was discovered by David, was given assistance and ultimately led David to the enemies he sought. The three day fast may have played a part in his survival. Likewise, when we fast, we allow the body to rest and to cleanse itself through processes that God has already placed in the human body. Moreover, it is rare to find an overweight person who fasts one or two days per week. Before fasting, consult your doctor. If you have no medical impediments, incorporate fasting into your lifestyle. It is an exercise that will increase your spiritual discernment, revitalize your digestive system, allow you to gain control of the flesh and promote good

health. Consult Christian books on fasting. Then, couple your prayers with fasting and experience the release of greater power for victorious living. The God-Ordained Requirement And Call To Not Be Stressed Oft times, when people are stressed out, they are trying to do too much and their priorities are out of order. To regain control of your life, you may need to focus on the fundamentals and leave off the extracurricular things that are not vital to your well being. Matthew 11:28 Jesus said:

Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Bring your life to a state of rest by coming to the Lord, taking the responsibilities God gave you and learning God’s way. This is the best way because God is not a slave driver. Finally, realize that some of the things you struggle with can only be dealt with by faith. If you try to deal with life’s tough issues by human might, you will always be stressed out. The Bible declares that we, as believers, enter into his rest by faith. Hebrews 4:1-3, “Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it. For we which have believed do enter into rest.” Eat properly, balance and plan your schedule, rest, do not dwell in those things that cause stress and fast—what a wonderful continued on page 14 Spirit Rising


continued from page 13 prescription from Kingdom Principles to maintain and restore health. It is also important to note that the Bible calls Jesus a great healer. Many would travel miles to be healed by Him. There were times He simply laid hands and other times He would use elements at His disposal. This means that

your Heavenly Father has provided trained and qualified medical professionals who can competently address medical concerns. It also means that God has allowed the creation of medication to further address the concerns. Be wise—seek your doctor regularly and adhere to your prescription schedule. Give God a temple He can dwell in and use mightily.

Rev. Vernita C. Williams is the Pastor of Stewardship at New Birth Baptist Church Cathedral of Faith International. She is additionally the host of a radio program heard Wednesdays on www.wmbm.com, called Victorious Life Management. An attorney specializing in wills, trusts and estate planning, she is completing her first book PRINCIPLES OF ABUNDANCE. The information shared here is part of another work in progress, WISDOM FROM THE WORD. T: 7 in

want better health care? start asking more questions. to your doctor. to your pharmacist. to your nurse. what are the test results? what about side effects? don’t fully understand your prescriptions? don’t leave confused. because the most important question is the one you should have asked. go to www.ahrq.gov/questionsaretheanswer or call 1-800-931-AHRQ (2477) for the 10 questions every patient should ask. questions are the answer.

T: 4.875 in

open up and say anything


Are You Ready To Stop Making Excuses And Finally

Look And Feel Your Best? By Donna Richardson Joyner

Donna Richardson Joyner is a fitness expert, author and star of more than 25 fitness videos, including the Sweating in the Spirit series. Visit her online at www.sweatinginthespirit.com

16 Spirit Rising


or over 20 years, I have enjoyed working in the health and fitness field. I have seen some amazing before-and-after makeovers, and worked with people who were finally ready to make permanent changes in their lifestyle. There is one thing that every person who has transformed their health has in common—at some point, they let go of the excuses for why they couldn’t be healthier! Then they made a decision to change despite the fact that they’d rather stay in their comfort zone—sitting on the sofa, eating potato chips and rarely exercising.

Some people struggle more than others when it comes to making that pivotal decision to do better, but the ones who overcome know that changing your lifestyle begins with renewing your mind. But to do so means spiritual warfare. “For the weapons of our warfare are not physical, but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds. Inasmuch as we refute arguments and theories and reasoning and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the true knowledge of God; and we lead every thought captive into the obedience of Christ,” says 2 Corinthians 10:4-5. I want to encourage you to break free from habits that have become strongholds so that you can live freely and healthfully! The following are the Top 10 excuses I’ve observed for not living a healthier lifestyle. Do any of these resonate with you? Take note of the ones that mirror your thoughts and attitude—then make a decision, starting today, to take a step towards breaking through them.

Top 10 Excuses—and How to Break through Them


“I don’t have enough time.” The truth is that we make time for the things we deem a priority. I know you are busy, but taking care of the temple God has blessed you with honors Him and ensures that you can do the things He’s called you to do.


“I’m not that out of shape.” Sometimes we can fool ourselves into believing that the problem is not as big as it is. Be honest with yourself. Ask your doctor what his or her assessment is of your health, weight, cholesterol, blood pressure and so forth.


“I don’t like to exercise. I don’t like water. I don’t like vegetables. I just don’t like healthy stuff!” There are many things in life we don’t like, but if God calls us to do them, it is important that we do them anyway. Practice discipline by doing what you know is good for you. Eventually, you may even begin to like the things you don’t like.


“Sweating messes up my hair.” African-American women, in particular, often cite the styling of their hair as a big obstacle. Find a hair solution that allows you to look good during and after your workout. A ponytail, braids, a weave—whatever it takes, just don’t let your hair be an excuse for not getting good cardiovascular exercise!


“I eat pretty healthy, so it’s OK if I don’t exercise.” Good health is a combination of things— eating well, exercising, decreasing stress, continued on page 17 Spirit Rising


continued from page 17 prayer and meditation. All of these are ­essential—and an abundance of one does not make up for a lack of any of the others.

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“I’m not athletic.” Fitness is for everyone. The key is to find activities you enjoy. “I’m so overweight, my case is hopeless.” It can indeed be frustrating when your weight is excessive, but know that if you stick with it, you can shed those excess pounds! Make sure your expectations are reasonable so that you don’t set yourself up for disappointment! Remember, “Faith is the substance of things ‘hoped for,’ the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1).” Keep hoping for your goal and be faithful in moving toward your goal!


“In the past, I always end up falling off my exercise plan so there’s no need to try again.” Again, it is important to stick with it. Set your expectations so that you don’t ex-

18 Spirit Rising

pect that you will be perfect at your fitness routine. Sometimes you will have an “off ” week. Forgive yourself and try again! Becoming health is a process.


“I’m not overweight, so I don’t need to exercise.” One of the biggest myths is that small people are healthy. Exercise is not simply for those who are overweight—it is for everyone. Whether you are 100 pounds, 120 pound or 250 pounds, exercise gets your blood pumping, lowers stress and has many other good effects.


“Going to the gym is such a hassle.” You don’t have to go to a gym! Jump rope. Take a walk. Play a game of basketball or tennis. Go swimming. There is an endless array of activities that are great for your body. Find what’s fun for you and enjoy!

Stay Fit!



“off the hook”

You may not understand everything kids say. But that’s ok. You don’t have to be perfect to be a perfect parent. Because kids in foster care don’t need perfection. They need you. AdoptUsKids.org



re you planning a wedding, going through a divorce, having a baby, trying to keep up with an increasing workload or experiencing physical pain? Each situation sounds stressful and may take a toll on your mind, body, and spirit. According to the American Institute of Stress, “75 to 90 percent of doctor visits are for illness related to or made worse by stress. Various illnesses such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and/or heart disease are health issues on the rise.” Our bodies are created to handle stress during our daily activities, however to much stress will create havoc on every aspect of your life. In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 it states: “You should know that your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit who is in you. You have received the Holy Spirit from God. Therefore, you do not belong to yourselves, because you were brought by God for a price. So honor God with your bodies”. We all have a responsi-

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bility to acknowledge the spirit within in us (Proverbs 3:5-6), eat healthy food to ensure our body is functioning properly, and strive to keep negativity outside the gates of our minds. In the Bible, Jesus taught on the principle of relaxation; he used the birds in the sky as an example in Matthew 6:26. The scripture reads, “Look at the birds in the air. They do not plant or harvest or store food in barns, but Your Heavenly Father feeds them. And you know that you are worth more than the birds”. Let us take a moment to think about the life of a bird. Birds fly with the wind at ease, find ways to feed themselves bathe in available fountains or puddles, and enjoy momentary presences of other birds. There has not been any report of a bird that was sad or disturbed about a continued on page 21

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lack of provision in their lives. Yet we as human beings worry about money, food, shelter, health, family and anything within or out of our control. Jesus’ illustration was pointing out instead of worrying, which will increase your stress level, just relax! Take a deep breath, exhale, and be grateful for the life you have. As found in Psalms 23, “the Lord is my Shepherd”, he provides, guides, and restores. Forming a relationship with God, through faith, gives us the opportunity to experience a higher power regulating stressors in life that steals away the divinely given peace of mind. Assuredly, Philippians 4:6-7 states: Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with

thanksgiving, let your requests be made know to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. In our bodies, lies the true spirit of God and we often neglect to acknowledge the power that is within us. When stress threatens our ability to function, take the time in prayer to release these frustrations to God. Various ways to release the stress can be through writing in a journal, singing a song or even silence. Another powerful tool that is readily available is meditation; meditation is free and can be accomplished anywhere and at any time. The simplest form of meditation taking several deep breathes for 3-5 minutes. By doing so you become mentally focused on your breathing and begin to lose sight of the stressor instead. continued on page 22

Spirit Rising



1 2 3 4 5

ake a brisk walk around your T neighborhood or a park. augh: look at old pictures and/or L watch a funny show or movie. S mile! It tricks the body into helping you change your mood. Take a warm bath or enjoy a leisure swim.

Invest in at least a 15 to an hour spa massage. Try a hand or foot massage at your local nail salon.


Drink some herbal tea, sit in a comfortable chair, and enjoy the calmness to come. Take a look at this website for different types of teas and their benefits: http://www.learnabout-tea.com/herbal-tea-benefits. html

8  9

rite 3 to 5 things a day that W you are grateful for, by doing this exercise you will find a sense of peace with yourself. econnect with loved one and R make sure to hug the one you love.


Dance! Move your body and let go of any stress that was holding you back. Lastly, experiencing chronic stress keeps the body in high alert that rise in cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, damaged blood vessels, decreased mental skills, and a weakened immune system. Remember it is our responsibility to care for our temples and seek God for assistance in regaining peace in our lives. Try some of the de-stressing suggestions and create your own exercises maintain adequate rest in your life. ---------------      ---------------


Sleep! In Psalms 127:2, it states: “It is no use for you to get up early and stay up late, working for a living. The Lord gives sleep to those he loves”. Allow yourself 6-8 hours of sleep every day, use your personal time off at work, and make sure to use your vacation time as a time of rest.

22 Spirit Rising

By Nina Archange



Experiencing Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.


—3 John 1:2 KJV


 Spirit Rising


A Recipe for Change :

How Daniel Did It

Eating healthy does not have to be a hard process. When we change our mind, we change our life for the better. We do not have to live as the world eating processed food, always eating on the go (ouch), or be found gulping down every high fructose corn syrup drink on the market because everyone else is doing it. This type of eating will surely add on the pounds and keep them on unless we desire to change our bad habits. Healthy eating brings with it the ability to lose unwanted pounds and process our thoughts clearly because there is less gook in our system. It gives us a better outward appearance as well, flatter stomachs, clearer skin, eyes, hair and nails. After all that is how men make their decisions: by looking on the outward appearance! So, if in this season you want God to look at the sincerity of your heart when it come to eating healthier, losing weight, putting away bad habits, gluttony and the inability to have self-control began with prayer and then clear out the refrigerator and the shelves. This is certainly the place where you consider your ways and change them. Let’s take a look at the first chapter of the book of Daniel and consider how the children of Israel partook of food that was a lifestyle not necessarily a fast or a diet. By following this lifestyle, we can see results in as little as 10 days. Personally, I have done this as a fast several times and you

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do see physical results immediately. Yet, let’s get to the place where this is not just a fast or a fad but a way of life wherein we reap the benefits of good and healthy eating habits. Let’s look at the diet of the four Hebrew boys in the book of Daniel as a point of reference. 1. How They Were Chosen Lets face it we like to keep a polished look. I am not talking vanity just being decent and in order where appearances matter. King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon asked that certain children of Israel, the king’s seed and princes be prepared for three years to come into his service. Four of the young Hebrew men chosen had no blemishes, were well favored, skillful in wisdom, cunning in knowledge, understood science, could stand in the king’s palace and could learn foreign languages. You had to have a good looks and a brain that actually worked. 2. Come With A made Up Mind Daniel 1:6-9 tells of how food was portioned out to the chosen one’s as their lives were to become like that of the Chaldean’s; this was proven with a name change. Daniel was determined not to defile himself with the improperly prepared meats or wine. Because of favor he was granted his request for 10 days. continued on page 25

continued from page 24 3. See for Yourself; the Chosen Evaluated {Daniel 1:10-16} Daniel challenged the overseer to take a look at the difference that pulse and water would make between the four boys and the other candidates for himself. The evaluation took place after 10 days and Daniel gave him the option to do what he saw as necessary. “Pulse is seed which is sown. It consisted of vegetables and grains, wheat, barley, rye, peas, beans, lentils. This does not mean that the Jews were strict vegetarians, but they could not legally eat of meats not properly killed and dedicated.”1 At the end of the 10 days they looked better than the other youth that ate the meat and drank the wine. God gave these four youth knowledge, skill in all learning and wisdom. Daniel was able to interpret dreams and visions. Please note that Daniel did not do this alone put he had partners that could hold him accountable to his word! You may have to get a partner or two to hold you accountable to your new lifestyle yet you have to be true to yourself first. In fact remember that their commitment to not defile themselves carried over in all areas of their lives. Recall the fact that they would not worship an idol and were thrown in the fire and survived it without being touched. 4. The Mental Results {Daniel 1:17-20} At the end of their 3 years of training; while still being dedicated to their continued healthy lifestyle they were brought before the king. None were found greater than the four Hebrew youth that stayed committed to their lifestyle. The King sought them in all matters that he needed wisdom and understanding in. They were found to be better than all the magicians and astrologers that served the king.

Are You Willing To Make A Lifestyle Change? Just think of all of the sluggishness that you experience after eating heavy meals and meat prepared along with processed foods; verses the results of eating fresh foods that are full of life. We are what we eat. When we eat life, we produce life. When we eat junk, we produce junk. If you are serious about a lifestyle change that will benefit the total you, take time to study Daniel chapter 1. Evaluate where you need to make changes in your diet and also what you are willing to change that will make the difference. We did not become unhealthy overnight, like much of the food that we consume—it was a process. Eliminate sodas, concentrated juices, fried foods, chips and cheese puffs, and white bread—instead try whole wheat products. Limit your on the go takeout meals by preparing a weekly or monthly menu and cook enough food for 2-3 days. Use items that can go from a leftover to an entrée in minutes. For instance you can make black beans and rice; with the leftovers you can make black bean chili the next night by adding more tomatoes and broth. That also cuts down on spending. So I challenge you make a lifestyle change for the better. Let us know what you are willing to change and your results by emailing me at ajahtcobb@yahoo.com.

By Ajah T. Cobb Spirit Rising


For Your Eating Pleasure

Salad Bountiful 2 Pints of Strawberries 1 Cucumber 1 Can of Slice Peaches 1 Cup of Grapes Âź Cup of Sharp Cheddar Cheese

Submitted by Ajah Cobb

1 Can of Mandarin Oranges Âź of a Vidalia Onion Fresh Selections Baby Spring Mix 10 oz 2 Medium Tomatoes

3 Tbs of Trail Mix (consisting of raisins, peanuts, dates, soy nuts and sunflower seeds) Rinse and drain all the fruits, slice cucumbers and onions, take grapes off the stem and cut tomatoes into eighths. Mix all the fruits and vegetables together. Toss in the baby spring mix. Once salad is plated showing its beautiful array of colors, it should be topped off with 1-2 teaspoons of the trail mix and the shredded cheddar cheese is optional.

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Steamed Tilapia with Sundried Tomatoes and Spinach Submitted by Brenda Jackson, author of ­Culinary Roots: Food from the Soul of a People

8 tilapia filets 1 medium onion chopped 3 cloves garlic chopped 1/3 cup sundried tomatoes chopped 1 bag fresh spinach cayenne pepper, cilantro, garlic powder) 1/2 cup white wine 3 tbsp olive oil ½ can tomato sauce (seasoned with small pinches of pepper, cumin, kosher salt, Kosher salt, black pepper, garlic powder to taste Season fish with kosher salt, pepper and garlic set aside. Prepare tomato sauce mixture—set aside. Then sauté garlic and onion in olive oil until tender. Place seasoned filets on top and cover; cook on medium low until fish is steamed (flesh is white). Add spinach and sundried tomatoes. Add white wine and tomato sauce mixture. Simmer for 10 minutes or until spinach is wilted. Serve on a bed of rice or pasta. Spirit Rising


Vegan Options Some going vegan tips: Take animal flesh out of your diet by replacing all 足animal fats with vegan versions. Use dairy free margarine, coconut oil, olive oil and canola oil. Use baking soda, tofu Ener-C (an egg substitute for baking) when a recipe calls for eggs. (These are easy to find at all health food and natural grocery stores as well as most major supermarkets)

Strawberry Cobbler cups fresh organic strawberries 1 1/4 cup Sucanat, or other granulated sugar 1 teaspoon lemon juice 3/4 cup whole wheat flour, divided 1/2 cup unbleached flour 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 cup Sucanat, or other granulated sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 7 tablespoons non-dairy butter (preferably non-hydrogenated too) 2/3 cup non-dairy milk mixed with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice 1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F 2. For the filling: Mix 1/4 cup of the wheat flour with the berries, the 1 1/4 cup sugar, and the lemon juice directly into a baking dish (I use a 9x13). Let stand while making the topping. 3. For the topping: Combine 1/2 cup whole wheat flour and the 1/2 cup unbleached flour with the baking powder, baking soda, 1/4 cup sugar, and salt in a bowl. Mix in the butter, cutting it in with the dry ingredients. (It will be coarse and crumbly.) Add the milk with the lemon juice and stir until moist.

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4. Pour dough on top of the filling mixture to create a top crust. You will probably need to just spoon it out into several globs. Don’t worry; it all comes together in the baking process. Bake in your preheated oven for 20-30 minutes or so, until it’s lightly browned and bubbly. 5. Let stand for a few minutes before serving. Tastes wonderful served warm with vanilla non-dairy ice cream.

Strawberry Soda Serves 2 This is an easy and cool drink that gives you the taste of corner store soda without the processed sugar: 1 pint of strawberries Agave Syrup to taste 6 oz of sparkling water Wash, trim off the green tops and slice strawberries. Add strawberries to blender along with 3 to 4 oz of water and agave and blend until smooth Once blended, add sparkling water

Yummy Chocolate Chip Cookies 3/4 cup whole wheat flour 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup non-dairy margarine (Earth Balance Soy Free is best) 1/2 cup light brown sugar 1/2 cup granulated sugar (Vegan Sugar –non- bone char) 1/2 vanilla bean 1/4 cup plain unsweetened Soy yogurt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 cups chocolate chips

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Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. In a bowl, combine whole wheat flour, all-purpose flour, and salt. In another bowl, cream together non-dairy margarine, brown sugar, and white sugar with a fork. Scrape and add the contents of your vanilla bean. Mix in nondairy yogurt and vanilla extract until incorporated (save the leathery outside of the vanilla bean to make your own vanilla sugar!). Mix in the flour and chocolate chips. Roll the dough into ping-pong sized balls and bake for 18 to 20 minutes. Allow to cool on cookie sheet. This dough can also be rolled and frozen to cut later!

By Melissa Hunter

LAMB STEW (vegetarian) Contributed by Carmen Hope Thomas, www.7thdaygourment.com 7th Day Gourmet Veggie Lamb 1 Carrots 2 Potatoes 1 onion 1 Garlic clove 2 tbsp. Flour 2 tbsp. Curry 1 Cup water 1 Vegetable bouillon 1 red bell pepper Brown lamb in light oil, remove from pot. In same pot, Cook carrots, potatoes, onion, peppers and garlic until tender. Add curry bouillon and flour. Be sure to incorporate all seasoning throughout veggies. Add lamb. Cover with 1 cup water, Add lid to pot. Simmer 1/2 hour then serve. Spirit Rising


JUICING OPTIONS Courtesy of Heru, www.healingearthlifeproducts.com

Many people “juice” in an effort to easily infuse fruits and vegetables into their diets, others “juice” while fasting. These combinations should provide tasty and cleansing alternatives as you begin to focus on your temple. The recipes provide should be melded in a standard juicer, fresh or organic fruits and vegetables only (no canned options).

AAA Juice 6 carrots 1 apple 2 stalks of celery ½ handful of wheatgrass ½ handful of parsley ½ beet Dilute with 2 to 4 ounces of water according to taste

Rejuvenator handful of parsley 3 carrots 2 celery stalks 2 cloves of garlic Dilute with 2 to 4 ounces of water according to taste

Morning Sunshine Juice 4 granny smith apples or graven stein apples 2 inch fresh ginger, peeled 1 Meyer lemon, peeled 4 oz water to dilute

Lunchtime Juice 4 carrots 2 cucumber 2 stalks celery 1 beet For a sweeter juice: 2-4 oranges, skins off. For savory juice: onions, basil, ginger or garlic. Dilute with 2 to 4 ounces of water according to taste

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Controlling Your Own Emotional Destiny Overcoming Compulsive Eating By Dr. Deborah L. Jones-Allen


ost people spend so much of their time eating and drinking, that at one time or another has suffered from over indulgence. Researchers estimate that eight million American’s suffer from an eating disorder and that ninety percent of those who suffer from these disorders are women between the ages of twelve and twenty-five with the numbers increasing for older women and men yearly. Compulsive overeating can be considered a disorder if they produce unhealthy and obsessive behaviors that alter thoughts, moods or body images. Some experts believe that it takes a combination of things to develop an eating disorder including a person’s genes, emotions, and experiences. The way we eat and our relationship with food can be a mirror to the soul,

reflecting one’s core belief system. When compulsive eaters (binge eaters) feel out of control, they may recognize their unhealthy eating habits, but because of overwhelming feelings of stress or anxiety, food is used as a method to control these emotions. Emotionally hurting people come from all walks of life. Many delay treatment because they feel the problem will go away resulting in denial or minimizing the severity of consuming large amounts of food. Making it is very difficult for them to admit they have a problem or they are too embarrassed to ask for help. Thus, the majority of compulsive (binge) eaters struggle with feelings of guilt and disgust resulting in depression about the weight gain that follows eating episodes. Irrational eating has disrupted the lives of continued on page 34

Spirit Rising


continued from page 33 many people including Christians. The fact is eating disorders do not discriminate. Although there are groups who are more likely to experience an eating disorder, the bottom line is that anyone can become ensnared by an eating disorder. There are many physical and medical complications associated with compulsive (binge) eating. When food is used as a way to cope, the individual most likely never learned the godly way to handle, cope or deal with stressful situations at an early age. And yet, most people don’t seek help until much later in life, when weight gain from their binge eating is causing health, emotional and social problems. Medical professionals are required to rule out and treat possible medical issues that have resulted in years of improper eating. Nutrition education is used to teach new ways to eat that includes realistic and achievable goals, develop skills to maintain self control, along with

unconditional love and support from family and friends. A new behavior is promising when it is reinforced with a renewed mind and heart. The Authority of the Scriptures and the role of psychology are vital to provide guidance in times of provoked stress and anxiety. “For in this world you have trouble: but take heart! Jesus has overcome the world” (John 16:33). It is difficult to conquer self defeating behaviors alone. Instead, compulsive (binge) eaters must learn to develop a healthier relationship with food. A Christian Counselor can aid in changing how life is viewed, handled and help him or her with irrational thinking that has shaped their core beliefs. People need help to pay close attention to what they think about (Psalms 119:148). Many times a person’s problems are a result of unaddressed childhood issues. “You are what you eat”, but is also true “you are (and are becoming) what you think” (Proverbs 23:7). The Bible works with cognitive therapy to help correct and challenge destructive and unhealthy behaviors. Relationships are based on trust (Proverbs 3:5-6) and understanding what’s driving your emotional needs instead of feeding them. One of the main goals God has for us is that our lives are transformed and renewed (Romans 12:2). And this comes through feeding on the Word of Truth and being truthful with self. People with eating disorders are not willing to speak the truth and need to be assured they are safe, as they have difficulty accepting help. Restoration with people, self and God are crucial if healing and recovery is the objective. The Counselor’s office should be a place of safety to promote healing through the love continued on page 35

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continued from page 34 and grace of God. For some people food may have been used to block painful memories associated with abuse (physical, verbal, emotional and sexual). A Christian professional has the authority to uproot, pull down, plant and build, moving the person beyond hurt and pain to hope and healing. When people become preoccupied with food their relationship with God suffers. Although food is used as an attempt to fill emptiness, pain, rejection, fear and shame, people will often find themselves trapped within a cycle of compulsive eating. Put a knife to your throat if you are a man given to appetite, (Proverbs 23:2). Scriptures are used to confront and detangle thought process and behaviors, helping the person to process and understand underlying issues as they learn new methods to cope under stressful situations. As wise counselors’ seek to assess the persons’ need and situation, it is important that the person control their own destiny. Biblical insights, action steps, journaling,

prayer and recommended resources are significant to rewriting a future intensified with hope. “Forgetting those things which are behind pressing toward s the future in Christ Jesus.” If you or someone you know is struggling with compulsive (binge) eating, treatment and help is available. Sharing your ­experience with other compulsive eaters can go a long way towards reducing the stigma and loneliness you may feel. The support of others can really prove valuable. Allowing others to be a part of the support team in a group setting can be a constructive means for emotional support as well. Get to the root of the problem regardless of how difficult it may be and break the cycle as you gain new insight according to the knowledge of God. At the same time develop a Philippines 4:13 mind-set, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Stay alert to situations that trigger and produce stress, initiate or influence over eating. The journey to recovery is a healing process. The Believer can triumph, with God, “all things are possible.”

Daughters of Siyyon is an unique and different ministry, called to aid and empower individuals to achieve freedom, liberty and healing in their relationships with self, God and others, whether it is emotionally, physically or spiritually. The organization provides Christian -based counseling, marriage mentoring, emotional coaching and biblically basedsupport groups that allows for sharing and spiritual growth. Their goal is to reach and restore families and bring healing to relationships within communities. For additional information on Dr. Allen or Daughters of Siyyon, visit the website at www.daughtersofsiyyon.org

Spirit Rising




Forum Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. —Proverbs 3: 5-8


 Spirit Rising




n the evening of January 18th, 1977, the night before my twenty-second birthday, I developed massive pain through my groin area. I refused to go to the hospital. I even went to work the next day. However, the pain proved too great. I called home and a friend came and took me to Saint John’s hospital. I had a preoperative diagnosis of a ruptured meckel’s diverticulum. A ruptured meckel’s diverticulum is a perforation of the intestine. This was my twenty-second birthday. Subsequent to the operation, I developed gangrene, peritonitis, and a 108-degrees fever. I was packed in an ice bed. I developed surgical shock and my blood count went down to three. Doctor Christian worked furiously to try to get more IV’s into me. The Catholic priest, Father Newell, was called in for me to make my final confession. He asked me if I wanted to make an Act of Contrition or say something in my own words. Here I was being asked to make an Act of Contrition. I didn’t know who I was or what I was about. I had faith in God and I knew on the surface that He has a Divine purpose for us all. But I had no idea where I fit in—or what direction I was going. I only knew that God existed. I heard a Catholic priest say once, “you will only find God when you reach your absolute lowest point.” This is what happened to me. I always had the faith. This situation brought it to a conscious level. If this was going to be about the last thing I ever said, I wanted it to be in my own words. What I said was: “I don’t think God wants me to die, but if He does there must be a reason. But if He wants me to live, I would live for my family, my friends, and for all people everywhere. And if I do die, please bless my father, my mother, my two sisters, my friends, and my work. Because it would be harder on them than it would be on me.” I am not sure what happened after that. What I do know is—two weeks later, I woke up alive. The faith to put me in God’s hands was sufficient. By Robert P. Wallman

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THE UNINVITED VISITOR By Dorothy (Deloris) Dorsett

I am a wife, married to a loving husband, Bennie. I am a mother to two wonderful children, William and Monique and a grandmother and guardian of my two grandchildren, Eric and N’yanna. I love the Lord, my family and life itself. I’ve always considered myself a positive and strong person. One Sunday, after coming home from an awesome anointed church service, I changed my clothes to just get a little more comfortable. I noticed that my bra had a wet spot; at 52 years old with a baby who was then 27, I knew I wasn’t lactating. I was concerned enough to call my sister. She comforted me and said not to worry. Because I was still concerned, the following day I made an appointment with my primary doctor to address my concerns. I was scheduled for a mammogram and an ultrasound a week later. I kept praying and believing God that this too would pass. On my birthday, October 3, 2008 I was scheduled for a biopsy because the test results showed a mass in my right breast. Seven days later, I received the results that I had breast cancer. My life suddenly changed but my God never did. After further test and more exams, they discovered my left breast was infected and surgery would be required to remove it so the cancer would not spread. I could not pray long, but I prayed, “Lord, though I go through the valley be with me.” I kept the faith and I continued to pray and praise my way through. I recorded healing

scriptures and I listened to them daily to saturate my spirit. The surgery was successful and after a three day stay in the hospital I went back home and was ready to return to work in two weeks. I was advised I didn’t need chemotherapy and ­everything looked well. Nine months to the day that I had my surgery, I was laid off from my job of 29 years and discovered a different lump under my right breast. I knew the routine so I called my doctor and for a second time I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I lost my job, I was raising two grandchildren, but I told the devil I would not die but live to declare God’s goodness. This time things were much different. I had to go through chemotherapy, and radiation but to God be the glory, I didn’t get sick one day. I lost my hair, but I kept my humor. My family never lacked. I still served as an usher at my church and I stood strong. I volunteered at my grandchildren’s school in the kitchen. I reminded the devil that he was, is and will always be a liar. After my regiment of chemo and radiation doctors said that I was cancer free and I have a bright future. But before they gave me their report, I already believed the report of the Lord, that with His strips I am healed. I am standing victoriously by the blood of the lamb, the word of my testimony, the love of my family, church and friends. I never could have made it without Him. I never got bitter; I’m better and still kept by the power of His Word. Spirit Rising


Who would have thought? Dr. Charles Drew did in 1938. The Blood Bank, developed by Dr. Charles Drew,

is just one of the many life-changing innovations that came from the mind of an African American. We must do all we can to support minority education today, so we don’t miss out on the next big idea tomorrow. To find out more about African American innovators and to support the United Negro College Fund, visit us at uncf.org or call 1-800-332-UNCF. A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Š2008 UNCF

RED, HOT and

SCALY By E. Claudette Freeman


ommy I am going outside to play!” The door had slammed long before he finished the sentence. He played most of the day and then wandered back into my sister’s apartment very quietly. He climbed on the couch and lay his head on my lap, his thumb in his mouth. I knew immediately something was wrong. Isaiah does not just slow down. My hand on his forehead revealed he had a fever and a high one. When Isaiah was about 3 he had a febrile seizure and so I am always very aggressive when he is feverish. Fevers or sickness really does not slow him down; he shakes it off without saying anything. This time, he could not do it. Within hours, I knew something was wrong. My six year old was still burning up hours later and when he called out from the bathroom, I got scared—his urine was a bright orange. The worst thoughts went through my head and my mom’s imagination: did someone give him something poisonous, had he stuck

some kind of leaf in his mouth and this was an allergic reaction, did he stick a contaminated toy in his mouth. The next morning we were at his doctor’s office, it took me and two nurses to hold him down long enough to draw blood and poke and prod and poke some more. In a few quiet moments, waiting for the doctor, I rocked him and remembered that our pastor had spoken just last Sunday that there would be healing for those who are sick within 21 days. Days past, two more trips to the doctor, three trips to specialists, kidney exams that made him so uncomfortable, three trips to the emergency room and no one could diagnose what was wrong with him. In the meantime, the fever hung in there, he would not eat so he was losing weight, his skin stayed a warm red and was becoming scaly—I was scared. I asked everyone to pray for him, this continued on page 42 Spirit Rising


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was clearly an attack or a test, either way—I knew I had to fight for him and I was scared. I remembered that sermon again—21 days. I sat next to his bed in the emergency room, after a team of interns came into to look at the little boy with the orange urine, and the red and scaly skin and said these words to God, “I don’t believe you put this child in my life to take him so soon. He has already been through so much. If it is your will that he comes to you I have to tell you I won’t understand it, I will be mad and I will probably lose my mind briefly. But I would rather he be with you, then not to be that ever-busy little boy that he ­always is. This is what I am going to ­believe, that Isaiah is entitled to the blessing of healing in the 21 days. Now, you do it? I know my options, I’m believing 21.” I took him from the emergency room that day after they got his fever down to a comfortable level. That night, he slept soundly. The next morning he jumped from the bed and said “Mommy I want oatmeal, lots and bunches of all my oatmeal.” His skin was brown again. His urine was no longer orange. I called his doctor and we were in his office within hours. The nurses and I performed our hold down routine and the lab tests were repeated. Days later, the doctor said everything is as clear

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now as the first tests. He couldn’t figure it out and neither could the specialists. Whatever it was, it left as suddenly and quietly as it came. We went back to the specialists two additional times, just to be sure—there was nothing. I realized as we dressed for church, that it was 19 days after the pastor said—healing in 21 days. There was nothing I could do for him and clearly beyond saying give him fluids and rotate Tylenol and Motrin, there was nothing the doctors could do either. I am comforted in knowing though, that whatever God needed—my faith, my attention, my trust—He got it when I found myself yelling out the door, ­“Isaiah the street lights are on, you have to come in.”



Journaling/ Let’s Talk About It With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation. —Psalm 91:16



 Spirit Rising


Are you God’s Property? By Cheryl E. Knight


his day has finally arrived after years of diligently saving. We are beginning the search for our dream home in one of the premiere neighborhoods in our city. From what we are told, the first property on our journey was once owned by one of the wealthiest businessmen in Florida. You can imagine our shock when we drove up to find an overgrown yard filled with weeds and litter and a once beautiful structure with walls now worn with cracks and peeling paint. Realizing that these observations could have been a result of the home being uninhabited for the last year, we decided to look inside. Wow! This is even worse that we thought. There is mildew inside from erupted faulty plumbing, there are areas of the roof that have caved in and most of the fabulous fixtures that we’ve heard so much about have been stolen by vandals. This property has been neglected. It is amazing what can happen to a building without a faithful owner or resident to provide regular maintenance. Yes, we’re disappointed but our hope is still intact. After all, there are other homes. Right? Unlike the example given earlier where the couple had a choice of houses to consider, you have been given one body. When you become a Christian, God’s child, you were given rights, privileges and responsibilities. You are now protected, unconditionally loved and corrected when necessary. One aspect of your life, as a Christian, relates to the concept that your body does not belong to you but actually belongs to God. What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s. I Corinthians 6:19, 20 Yes, you are God’s property! Just like a tenant would take care of a landlord’s property, you are expected to take care of God’s property—your body. Decide today to provide consistent maintenance of the body that God has given you by getting the adequate amounts of rest and water, eating healthy meals, exercising regularly, thinking healthy and positive thoughts and overall, living within God’s guidelines regarding every area of your life. continued on page 45

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continued from page 44 How will you demonstrate you commitment to properly caring for your body? List at least three ways that you will maintain a healthy body daily. 1. _________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________ Additional scriptural references: Renew your mind—I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12: 1, 2 Remember your thoughts—Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8 Recall a remedy for depression (rest and nutrition) But he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree: and he requested for himself that he might die; and said, It is enough; now, O LORD, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers. And as he lay and slept under a juniper tree, behold, then an angel touched him, and said unto him, Arise and eat. And he looked, and, behold, there was a cake baked on the coals, and a cruse of water at his head. And he did eat and drink, and laid him down again. And the angel of the LORD came again the second time, and touched him, and said, Arise and eat; because the journey is too great for thee. 1 Kings 19:4-7 Cheryl E. Knight, President and CEO of A Royal People International is a native of Miami, Florida who obtained her B.A. in Accounting from Florida A&M University in 1994. Initially, her idea of success was defined by outward measures such as having a loving two parent home, sustaining an excellent academic record, maintaining a dress size that is acceptable by the world’s standard, participating heavily in ministry and obtaining a career in Corporate America. However, she still did not feel complete and experienced depression, low self esteem and self worth. It is a result of these struggles that the vision for A Royal People International, Inc. was birthed in February 2000 and came into fruition with its first product; I am Royalty—Your Identity in Christ, a 31 day daily devotional tool in 2006. It is her prayer that many others will recognize that real success comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ and embrace His unconditional love, grace and mercy. Visit www.aroyalpeople.com for more information and to order your copy for I am Royalty. Spirit Rising


EARTH VOLUNTEERS SEEKS YOUR SUPPORT The non-profit African community services group, based in Ghana, provides educational and environmental training across regions of Africa, serving underprivileged villages and children. Current programs include: Ghanian Tree Restoration Eight local volunteers and seven international volunteers organized one week awareness on tree planting at New Ningo suburb in Greater Accra of Ghana to educate the community on the adverse effect on deforestation. Economic hardship has led to rampant cutting of trees specifically for burning of charcoal as asource of fuel and fire wood for the local sellers. New Ningo is prone to such a problem, therefore tree growing need to be introduced to help the community have a better environment.

Computer literacy programme Introduction and development of computer literacy to over 200 deprived primary school children in Madina community in Accra –Ghana for a period of two weeks.

Funds are used to help offset the cost of educational materials and other resources.



Contact Peron: Joshua Grant

+233288234697 pee64gh@yahoo.com earthvolu@yahoo.com

This information was printed as a global public service, Pecan Tree Publishing in no promotes or endorses this organization. Before supporting any international organization please perform due diligence to assure its validity.

46 Spirit Rising

Let’s Talk About It Questions...


n Dorothy Dorsett’s testimony is the story of that dreaded diagnosis—cancer—if cancer runs in your family what are some things you can do spiritually and in the natural to cancel its assignment? Publisher E. Claudette Freeman tells the story of a sick child with an illness that was never diagnosed and how she believes it was an experience designed to grow her faith and trust in God. How do you believe God can use the power of healing in and around you to grow faith? Melissa Hunter and Carmen Hope-Thomas provide some wonderful vegan options to our diet and Ajah Cobb points to Daniel’s diet during a time of spiritual strengthening. What are your thoughts on designing an eating and nutrition plan, void of meat, according to the Bible? Vernita Williams provides some wonderful “straight from the Bible” life application points for being great stewards over our temples. List some areas where you have fallen short and then list two quick points you can undertake TODAY to correct them. Veronica Bedford challenged us—ARE YOU A SOLDIER UNFIT FOR THE BATTLE AND TO SERVE? Hard question, but necessary one. If the answer was yes, build your action plan from the information in this issue. This issue of SPIRIT RISING MAGAZINE stepped on the toes of so many of our editors and writers. We had to take a long hard look at ourselves. Some of us had to admit we need to push away from the table, we need to rest more, we need to run and not get weary. Each issue of SPIRIT RISING has challenged us and our readers in different ways—that is absolutely great! This one however, is about your very life and the quality thereof. Physician heal thyself! Let us know about your action plan and how it is going—your testimony could very well encourage someone else. Email us and we will share your HEALTHY TEMPLE PLAN in a future issue, here’s the address: spiritrisingmag@ pecantreepress.com  Spirit Rising


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