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SPIRIT RISING MAGAZINE is a bi-monthly publication designed to help readers live with strong and certain Biblical strategies as their guide. The magazine’s focus is to give very practical and applicable information on living in and through the Word of God. This is done through detailed per issue topic exploration. Topics relate to matters which directly affect a reader’s ability to live a fuller, more focused, more determined and purposed life. The subject matter discussed will be covered and explored through various angles: Journalistic, Forum, Preached Word, How To, Journaling and Discussion.

Publisher/Editor-in-Chief E. Claudette Freeman Marketing/Advertising Fujiko Jackson Contributing Writers Min. Veronica Bedford Vicki Antonio Cie Thomas Ajah Teyafarra Whitfield-Cobb Fujiko Jackson Graphic Design Angelica Velez Legal Counsel Vernita C. Williams, Esq. Administrative Support Brenda L. Jackson, Inc.

SPIRIT RISING MAGAZINE is published by Pecan Tree Publishing, www.pecantreepress.com, Hollywood, Fl 33020. Pecan Tree Publishing chose to present the publication in the online format to shatter the readership restrictions on some print publications. While there will be no subscription rate for the online edition, allowing free and continual access to issues; the publication may also be ordered in a print-on-demand basis for a nominal charge. For submission or editorial guidelines, as well as questions, comments or general feedback please email: spiritrisingmag@pecantreepress.com. For advertising inquiries, please email: solutions@pecantreepress.com. Our office hours are Monday – Friday, 10a2p. For inquiries not listed here, please call 877-207-2442. 4

Spirit Rising May/June 2010

Within These Pages Spirit Rising Magazine

Abiding in the Practical Word

Vol. 1 Issue 1 May/June. 2010

What Manner of Ministry is this? E. Claudette Freeman ~6~ Breaking Bonds: Understand the Strongholds that may be Controlling You Elder Veronica Bedford ~12~ Prayer Attacked By Strongholds Don't Block Your Communication Fujiko Jackson ~17~ Chicago’s Dan Johnson Talks about Recognizing Strongholds Ajah Teyafarra Whitfield-Cobb ~19~ When The Vice Got Too Tight, I Fought Back Dr. Deborah Allen ~26~ No Matter the Name Your Stronghold Can Be Broken Cie Thomas ~29~ Practical Life Journaling E. Claudette Freeman ~34~ Let’s Talk About This ~38~ Stronghold Breaks Thesaurus Synonyms ~9~ Dictionary Comprehension ~16~ Personal Experiences ~24~ Biblical Antonyms ~33~ 5  Spirit Rising  May/June 2010

What Manner of Ministry is This? Two words kept knocking on the door of my imagina-

tion. I would glance through the peep hole and move on. There were other things I had to focus my attention on. Then, those same two words started knocking on the door of my spirit. I wouldwrite them on pieces of paper, like a little girl with a school daycrush on the most popular boy. Yet, nothing was coming except the two words – SPIRIT RISING. So I sat still. I shared with a couple of friends that there was something in the making in my creative being again and it was called SPIRIT RISING. Well, what is it? - They would ask. My very intelligent and well thought out answer, “I don’t know.” Months later SPIRIT RISING took charge. It was to be a global publication that facilitates livingwith strong and certain Biblical strategies as a guide. The magazine’s focus is to give very practical and applicable information on living in and through the Word of God. This would be done through detailed per issue topic exploration. Well, having tried to do the Superwoman and I’m every woman thing on projects before and not succeeding as I shouldhave, I knew that I would need help. So I sent out a clarion call HELP WITH THIS VISION. Aremnant responded, one Monday evening on a conference call we laid it out, prophesied to each other and the manifestation is now before you. This inaugural issue takes a look at a taboo word in society and even in the Christian community -STRONGHOLDS. I became all too familiar with the significance and reality of strongholds, when they began to be revealed and magnified in my life over the lastyear and a half. I came to understand that they had to be uprooted because there was a new work for me in ministry and in the career area I was moving in. The upheaval was rough, it was hard and it was painful. I was so aligned with so many deep-rooted errant and negative attitudes, mindsets and behaviors that I was literally divorcing myself from self and divorcing myself from my divine spirit. The relationships were over but fighting to hold on. In this issue Minister Veronica Bedford explains with ease and clarity the Biblical meaning of strongholds. Prayer Warrior Ajah Cobb explores the topic further in an interview with Chicago Pastor Dan Johnson, Fujiko Jackson provides an introspective look at the effects of strongholds on individual prayers; while Cie Thomas gives some practical and applicable things that you can do to defeat the shackles that have you in bondage. The issue wraps with a journaling exercise and group discussion guide that you can use to do some self-examination or perhaps introduce the subject in your book club or ministry group. We welcome your feedback. It is our desire to grow into a powerful magazine ministry that will impact lives in every region of the world.Suggestions, comments and feedback may be emailed to:spiritrisingmag@pecantreepress.com. E. Claudette Freeman, Publisher/Editor

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Strong Holds

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., Strongholds (noun)

Thesaurus Synonyms Stranglehold Throttlehold Vice-like grip Iron grip Monopoly

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10  Spirit Rising  May/June 2010

Soul food dressed to the nines that best describes the recipes in this collection. Culinary Roots is flavored with stories that have raised families for generations. The recipes are delightful twists to favorite dishes of an Ohio born and Florida raised cook Brenda L. Jackson. Down home meets elegant. .

Life is a journey we must learn to live authentically. Author Carol Lynne Watson learned that after several life challenges forced her to take a serious look at everything around her, then she made a pivotal decision. She decided to live her life in peace. In this book, she invites you to take the journey with her.

Is it possible that opening effective doors of communicating with teenagers is as simple as appreciating them first? Author Greg Burton regularly works with teenagers in empowering life skills workshops. In this book, he gives 100 quick tips to break down walls with teenagers.

Love, broken hearts, racism, civil injustice – they all gather at the table in the poetic collection penned by Patricia LaFontant. This young woman ’s words introduce us to wisdom beyond her years. She holds no punches back as she takes on bad lovers, bad thoughts and bad church people. Raw yet delightful – that is FREEDOM WRITES.

COMING TITLES SPRING TO FALL 2010 From a Mess to a Messenger Cyteria Freeman Sent to a strange place –away from your family, you find yourself in the home of evil itself; then for a period of years your very life is threatened in car accident after car accident, only for that attack to be relieved by a devastating medial diagnosis. Such is the story of Rosie Pierre and her story is inspiring and encouraging.

The Adventures of Casey Formoonzago (children ’ s) Paula Bordenkecher Less Religion/More Spirituality Oscar Chestnut Principles of Abundance Vernita C. Williams I’m Still Standing Shaleem Olatunji 100 Ways to Succeed in College Greg Burton Wines and Collard Greens Gwenda Kenon

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Breaking Bonds: Understand the Strongholds that may be Controlling You by Elder Veronica Bedford


any people are confused about and unfortunately at times afraid to confront the topic of strongholds. It is a topic that has people vacillating between two extremes. There are those who label every hardship they face as a stronghold while others will completely ignore and/or deny the reality. The truth of the matter is strongholds do exist, but not every challenge we are faced with is a result of a stronghold. Those who profess Christianity, as well as those who do not, are subject to being under the influence of strongholds. It is not possible to discuss strongholds without discussing spiritual warfare. As we explore the topic, let us examine the Apostle Paul’s writings in Ephesians 6: 10-18. He has given us instructions on how to effectively counteract the strongholds

that try to possess and/or oppress us. “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto the whole armour of God that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;” (Eph 6:10-18)

Strongholds Defined Jesus tells us in John 10:10 that the thief (our enemy) comes to steal, kill and destroy, but He came that we may have an abundant life. A stronghold is something/someone 12

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that keeps one from living in the fullness of the liberty, peace, purpose and joy of Christ. The Greek phrase for stronghold is translated as a castle or anything one relies upon. If we take the word in the literal sense it means the thing or person has strong hold (influence or control) over the life of the one impacted. The grip of the person or thing keeps you from being free. Ironically, while being in the embrace of the person or thing it may actually provide a temporary feeling of fulfillment, but once it’s over you are left empty. According to the Ephesians 6 passage, these things/people that oppose and try to deny the very promises Continued on page 13 ➢

➢ Continued from page 12 and purpose that Christ has given us are principalities and spiritual powers. To fully comprehend the message in this passage, it is necessary to gain full understanding of these words. The Greek word for principalities means the person or thing that commences or the active cause. The word power means the rule of government or the power of authority or influence. Essentially, the person or thing is actively engaged in the attack and has some authority/influence to cause havoc. Paul further informs us that these principalities and powers rule and dwell in darkness. The powers of this darkness emanate from a place where there is either ignorance of divine things, ungodliness and/or immorality.

Strongholds Detected Since we now understand that strongholds originate where there is spiritual ignorance, immorality or ungodly behavior, we must also realize that these battles actually begin in the mind. It is the enemy’s job to keep us ignorant or blind to the word of God. He also tries to plant seeds of rebellion and disobedience in our minds. Whatever thoughts we dwell on are the ones we give the most power to. Whatever thoughts we dwell on will be the ones we eventually act upon. If our adversary can convince us of the reality that he presents, then he has won. If our enemy can convince us to act on the thoughts he presents to us, he has won. If he can convince us that we are unworthy of the love and grace of God, he has won. We are to guard our minds and our hearts. When we find ourselves entertaining and embracing things, people or habits that

are counter to the purpose and plan of God for our lives and cannot easily walk away, we are entangled in a stronghold. When Jesus was led into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan, it was Satan’s objective to make Jesus doubt what God had already spoken and what God had already planned. What seed is the enemy trying to plant in your mind? When someone or something tries to convince you of a destiny that is less than what God has intended you are dealing with a force that is attempting to hold you, to bind you to a position of inferiority. When someone or something keeps you from living freely it is attempting to bind you. However, there is a word of caution when deciphering if your battle is with a stronghold. We must be honest enough with ourselves to say whether or not we are being hindered by self (i.e. poor choices/poor planning) or if it is a force outside of us that has illegally occupied a place inside of us. While there is a certain amount of authority these spirits have, they do not have complete authority in the life of the child of God.

Strongholds Defeated While the enemy may win some battles in the life of the believer, the war is ours to win if we are equipped to fight. Because strongholds originate from an ignorance of divine things, we must know the word of God. Strongholds are also a result of ungodliness or immorality. Therefore we must be on guard by living a life pleasing to God. This does not mean that we will never fall; nor does it mean we will be perfect. But it is however a warning against deliberately engaging in ungodly behavior. When we do

so, we open ourselves up to the attack. The believer must also understand the authority given to us by God. Jesus talks about binding

“If our enemy can

convince us to act on the thoughts he presents to us, he has won.

the strong man in Mark 3. He has explained that we engage in spiritual warfare, we must first bind (fasten, put under obligation) the strong man. We have to confront the issue where it originates. As a child of God, we have the power to bind those spirits that rise up against the believer. Sometimes this is only done through prayer and fasting, two of the most powerful weapons in our arsenal for spiritual warfare. We have the responsibility, more importantly, the authority according to 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 to cast down (demolish) every thought that rises up against the plan of God and bring into captivity to the obedience of Christ. This authority is only operable when we are in right relationship with God. Paul gives us additional insight into how to fight this battle. He tells us to put on the whole armour of God. When Paul tells us to put this on, he is really telling us to sink into this armour. Essentially, we are to be so enveloped in the armour of God that we can’t be seen. The only visible part should be the armour. He says for us to put on (sink into) the armor of God that we may be able to stand (be establish/escape to a place of Continued on page 14 ➢

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➢ Continued from page 13 safety). This armour consists of truth. The truth, even when it hurts, is what makes us free. Jesus called Himself the way, the truth and the life. We are to be clothed in righteousness, maintaining a life pleasing to God. We are to walk in peace. We are to protect ourselves with our shield of faith. Faith is what keeps us encouraged during the difficult times and without faith it is impossible to please God. We are to protect our minds with the helmet of salvation. What is the thing that has saved us? It is our confession in Jesus Christ as our Lord and we need to have the mind of Christ. We need to fight back with the word of God. As Jesus was tempted by Satan, He responded by saying “It is written.” Paul closes this passage out by reminding us to pray and supplicate in the Spirit. This is not a simple, “now I lay me down to sleep” prayer, but rather it is an intense crying out from the inner most being. We have to establish a dwelling place for the Spirit of God. Praise and Worship accompanied with prayer are effective weapons in dealing with spiritual warfare. In our effort to be free to live the life God has planned, we must be diligent to guard our hearts and minds, walk worthy of our vocation and pursue peace and righteousness for light and darkness cannot dwell in the same place.

Veronica Bedford is an ordained minister with over 14 years of experience in preaching and teaching Biblical principles. She is the founder of Latter Glory Ministries, a ministry dedicated to providing practical Biblical instructions and holistic spiritual and personal growth. Elder Bedford has a Masters of Theological Studies Degree and certification in Religious Education from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University. She has also developed curricula for ministers-in-training, church leadership development and addressing the challenges experienced by women in ministry. For information on the curricula and Latter Glory Ministries, please contact Elder Bedford at: latterglory_ministries@yahoo.com.

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Strong Holds

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., Strongholds(noun) Dictionary Comprehension A powerful, forceful, solid, intense grasp on someone or some thing


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PRAYER ATTACKED BY STRONGHOLDS DON’T BLOCK YOUR COMMUNICATION By Fujiko Jackson A stronghold is a faulty thinking pattern based on lies and deception. The primary weapon of the enemy is to construct building blocks of deception for it is the foundation of strongholds. This demonic deception came to play in my life when long held emotional strongholds related to fear and death waged an intense battle, even while powerful prayer was being laid before the throne on my behalf. The strongholds had recognized the presence of prayer around me, thus, the power emanating from the prayer communication had to be stopped. Strongholds were rising to block divine communication concerning my life. After experiencing intense and excruciating abdominal pains for most of the day, several of my co-workers decide action needed to be taken and so they drove me to emergency room. They also immediately began praying for me. As they did, something in my psyche shifted. I became weakened in my thoughts. My mind raced with fear. Suddenly, emotional things that had clearly been simmering in my spirit began to speak to me. The strongholds that had lain dormant were now clamoring for attention. Every belief related to my fears, failures and bad choices mounted a campaign. The legion of strongholds had come, in the midst of physical pain, to finish me off. I heard them loud and clear, as if someone was in the room shouting them at me. “You’re going to die.” “You won’t make it out of here alive.” “This is all you, destruction, disease, death.” “I finally got you, worthless, inadequate.” My Supervisor at the time began praying for me. Sensing the clamping on my mind, he kept telling me, “Whatever you do don’t believe the report. Believe that you are healed.” He and the others began a vigil of prayer just beyond my emergency room post. Finally, I began to pray frantically; wrestling the chains and clamps away from their post. “God, help me! I don’t know what to do! Lord Jesus Help me I can’t fix this, I don’t want to die!” Yet the strongholds intensified. I pictured the surgeon operating on me – removing my womb and organs. I had these thoughts of not being able to give the man I love babies and being less than a woman. I could still hear Vincent (my supervisor), his wife Nobia and the others praying in the hallway and the praying struck a nerve. The prayers began to bring peace to my spirit, and I clung onto every word. With each second of prayer, I could literally begin to feel the clamps on my mind and in my spirit lessening. As I battled back and forth with thoughts of despair, I remembered a passage of scripture that the late Bishop Isaiah Williams would often speak over his congregation. “What things so ever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them.” I gathered the strength to say, “I want to live Jesus I want to live”. I began to say, “I am healed and well, I will live and not die.” I had to speak through locks, through clamps, through mighty fortresses literally trying to make my words void. I spoke. I proclaimed what God spoke to my spirit in that hour – Continued on page 18 ➢ 17

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➢ Continued from page 17 that He came that I might have life and have it more abundantly. For a moment, as the words pressed through my tears, the thoughts of death and anxiety tightened briefly; but just as quickly they fell away. A big burden was lifted. The apostle Paul writes, “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” (See 2 Corinthians 4:4.) The word translated “blinded” in this verse, tuphloo means “to dull the intellect,” and the simple form of the same verb, tupho, means “to make smoke.” That’s what strongholds serve as, methods of the god of this age. The smokescreen that clouds our spiritual vision and disables our ability to pray in faith is erected by the “god of this age” (See 2 Corinthians 4:4) a biblical reference to Satan. Paul also writes that: “The weapons we fight with . . . have divine power to demolish strongholds.” (See 2 Corinthians 10:4.) The King James Version reads that our weapons are not “carnal” but are “mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds.” (See verse 4.) The only weapon that can demolish deception is truth. And, as Jesus said to the Father in His Prayer of Intercession, “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.” (See John 17:17.) In Paul’s own description of the Armor of God, he only named one part of the armor that was a weapon. He said to take “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” (See Ephesians 6:17b.) That the word of God does indeed have “divine power to demolish strongholds” is confirmed by the writer of Hebrews who said, “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and 18  Spirit Rising  May/June 2010

spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” (See Hebrews 4:12.) By judging the thoughts and attitudes of the heart, God’s powerful Word distinguishes between those thoughts and attitudes that line up with divine truth and those that constitute human reasoning’s and demonic strongholds. Spiritual strongholds are human reasoning’s that exalt themselves over the revelation of God’s will for our lives as revealed in Scripture. They breed hopelessness that paralyze faith in God’s promises and cloud the mind from being able to see God’s purposes for our lives and the lives of those for whom we pray. When we make decisions as to how we will respond to life’s challenges without seeking God for wisdom and looking to His Word for guidance. We turn ourselves over to strongholds. Strongholds weaken our lives and make our prayers ineffective by causing us to become doubleminded. We overcome strongholds in our lives by allowing God’s Word to be final authority in our lives.


Chicago’s Dan Johnson Talks about Recognizing Strongholds By Ajah Teyafarra Whitfield-Cobb Can Chicago, the nation or even the world fathom what God is about to do through the person of Pastor Dan Johnson? The winds of empowerment are blowing, lives are changing and life is getting better as this 33 year old man-of-God changes the vibe of the contemporary church. Pastor Johnson is totally out of the box. Growing up on the south side of Chicago, he has seen a lot, heard a lot and experienced a lot. When it comes to the Kingdom of God he definitely brings all of that to the forefront and allows God to release His glory and anointing through his ministry. He operates in the 5-fold ministry as he takes up his authority declaring and decreeing the word of God over the lives of people. His goal is to help individuals reach their destiny in God. Dan Johnson’s gifts make room for him as he operates in the ministries of healing and deliverance while also equipping God’s people to become economically empowered. He is a well sought after author, speaker and radio host. As the elevator doors chime open I don’t even recognize the man that apPastor Dan Johnson with proaches in His Life Line ™gear. I greeted him warmly as he sat with me to Author John Maxwell discuss the one thing that we all struggle with: STRONGHOLDS! Talking to Pastor Johnson is like receiving a breath of fresh air. His demeanor is one of a playful brother; yet, you immediately meet the wise man that is so full of knowledge. When it comes to his craft of wielding God’s word, you can detect the hours of study and the dissecting of the word that has taken place.

When asked how you A stronghold comes about, he explained, when we try to define a stronghold, he shared, “it is anything “fulfill a legitimate need with an illegitimate resource.” that you have allowed your soul to come into agreement with, which is outside the will of God for your life.” He states that every stronghold “starts as a thought process.” It starts with what we see, hear, and experience. Pastor Johnson implores us to protect our eye and ear gates; explaining that we allow ourselves to hear and see – especially on a regular basis – plants itself in us as a thought and then a process.

A stronghold comes about, he explained, when we try to “fulfill a legitimate need with an illegitimate resource.” To drive his point home, he momentarily expounded on Genesis 3, where we read of Eve was in the Garden of Eden. “She was hungry - which a legitimate need was but, Satan tricked her into fulfilling the need with an illegitimate resource - which came from the very tree that God himself told her and Adam not to eat from. The resource was Continued on page 20 ➢ tainted.” 19  Spirit Rising  May/June 2010

➢ Continued from page 19 Pastor Johnson listed four things that create strongholds: 1) a thought, 2) a decision, 3) an act, 4) and a habit. Once a person determines that they are in a stronghold, there must be a paradigm shift in the mind, a change in thought patterns and in the process by which one thinks. A decision to do different and act differently is a must. He further discussed the patience that one must have when dealing with people that are being delivered out of strongholds and may go back or struggle to keep their freedom as temptation awaits them. He states that as individuals are changing their thought process and actions, “we have to have patience because we have to disciple until Christ is formed in them. It takes hearing the word for deliverance to take place. God sent His word and it healed and the word has to be hid in the heart of God’s people so that we won’t sin against Him! We have to allow patience to have her perfect work. Change must be practiced; it is a process that takes place over time not overnight. If one submits themselves to God, the devil will flee, because of submission.” Pas. Johnson reflects, after a moving service Pastor Dan Johnson has been in ministry for 17 years. His purpose is to change the face of Chicago’s Englewood Community as God uses him to change the mind of the people. He invites you to join him as he pursues his greatest passion which is prayer. Join him and his team on Life Line International Prayer Group by calling (712) 432-0075 access code 502676#. Call times are 12 AM, 1AM, 5AM, 6AM EST. Life Line goals are to have 1000 people praying by the end of 2009 and to have 24 hours of constant prayer going on by the end of 2010. When asked what he wants the people to know he stated that “Life gets better!” Visit Pastor Dan Johnson via the web at www.lifegetsbetternow.com or call 877-237-5736 for more information.

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Strong Holds

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., STRONGHOLDS (ever-present bondage) PERSONAL EXPERIENCES N. Archange I didn't understand the meaning of spiritual strongholds until it was explained in a practical sense. My experiences started as a child, when the people that were supposed to nurture me (talents and gifts) instead, were tearing me down. Now, I realize how these strongholds are holding me back. But I'm determined through the Word of God, not to let them. I am more than a Conqueror!! N. Donald Spiritual Strongholds are places the devil uses in the mind of a believer to exalt himself above God. We must develop the mind of Christ in every situation. I've recently experienced a season of sickness. Because of my sickness I haven't worked in months. Therefore, I had to downsize in every sense of the word. I initially felt like a failure, but, because the word of God has precedence over my mind, the devil couldn't build a stronghold of failure in me. I know I have the victory no matter what my current situation looks like. If I hadn't been saturating my mind with the word of God, the devil would have seemed bigger than God and I would have been giving glory to him by rehearsing my problems instead of praising my God.


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WHEN THE VICE GOT TOO TIGHT, I FOUGHT BACK Dr. Debra Jones-Allen is a Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor, National Christian Conservative Church Licensed Minister of Pastoral Counseling, Ordained Minister of Christian Counseling at New Generation Baptist Church, a member of the International Board of Christian Counselors and a Board Certified Christian Counselor. Dr. Allen received her Doctoral of Ministry Christian Counseling and Ph.D. in Clinical Pastoral Counseling-Advanced Certification from Jacksonville Theological Seminary, Jacksonville Fl.; a MS in School Counseling, Carlos Albizu University, Miami Campus and her BS from the Miami Institute of Psychology, Miami Fl. She has more than 20 years of Health Care Management with a heart for training and mentoring the emotionally and physically challenged. Her personal journey of overcoming a childhood of abuse, broken promises, low self-esteem and rejection and personal family struggles lead her to pursue her career in Christian psychology. Her passion for emotional healing is seen throughout her work in the ministry she founded called Daughters of Siyyon. In an effort to break the dangerous cycle of effects that strongholds can have in our lives, Dr. Allen shared her personal testimony with SPIRIT RISING MAGAZINE. It is our sincere prayer that her recount of her battle with strongholds will cause the falling away of shackles in your life.

How did you recognize that there was a problem with strongholds in your life?

What were the specific ramifications of the stronghold(s)?

I asked God to change me and threw fits when He started the process. Strongholds functioned as secured attachments in my life - instead of demonic influences. This made them more difficult to be recognized. I wanted change and yet resisted it.

My self-esteem was spiraling downward, leaving me with feelings of inferiority. The devil and his imps had the upper hand until I was able to revel my inner being to an all knowing God. I could not trust a human to keep my confessions. Of course some things are better left untold. And yet, some things should have been told to my mother – specifically in my case – abuse. Abuse - regardless of the form it takes - physical, verbal, emotional or sexual, on a child is devastating and heart wrenching.

When I think about it strongholds were infused into my personality resulting in emotional oppression. It took a family catastrophe to make me realize that strongholds were actually a very active part of my life. My behavior prior was strong-willed, prideful and secretive to protect my secret shame, which cultivated bitterness, resentment, over- dominant parenting and being a controlling wife. In fact, my mind was conditioned to believe that people were my enemy as I grew intolerant and hypersensitive to those seeking an intimate friendship. My motives were purely selfish, not desiring anyone to help untangle me from these mental strongholds that took so much of my life to build to protect me.

As a child I could not verbally explain what was happening and what had happened to me, but I knew it was not a good feeling. The shame made me feel unloved and unloving. As I matured, unanswered questions began to bombard me repeatedly. I wanted to know how my mother and God could know and yet not rescue me. I became dogmatic in my views as these strongholds Continued on page 26 ➢ 25  Spirit Rising  May/June 2010

➢ Continued from page 25 invited several of their friends along on the journey. My heart was overwhelmed with darkness, filled with fear, rejection, abandonment and betrayals. These dark emotions then extended into behaviors that only caused me to put myself into complex situations. Mental strongholds would not allow me to distinguish which era I was in or what I was doing in that particular place, situation or condition and so I suffered silently. It was obvious I was in emotional pain. That pain led to indulgence and it I was helpless when it came to fighting or wanting to fight what I saw. My pain loved the indulgence in spending and increasing debt; it was performance motivated. Were there any particular Bible passages or Bible teachings that helped you with the stronghold(s)? It was the teaching of Joyce Meyers in Emotions, when she said, “God does not change His mind about loving you.” She and Paula White shared their personal testimony of childhood sexual abuse. Their message broke through my dull understanding of repentance, forgiveness, mercy and grace. It was liken to an emotional upheaval removing heavy burdens that followed me for over 40 years. I felt that people of color (like me) must learn to recognize that disruptive behaviors and promiscuity in some girls are a direct result of childhood sexual abuse. Children do not have the vocabulary to explain their internal or physical pain - so they act out - which turns into more punishment and discipline on the child’s part leaving more confusion.

the acceptance that I longed for. Some specific verses that I embraced and poured into me in this removal period were: Jeremiah 29:11, Joshua 1:7, Galatians 6:9, 1 Corinthians 4:5, 2 Corinthians 4:2-9 and 1John 4:18.

“It was only through the consuming

fire of God and His unconditional love and acceptance that the strongholds of fear, anger, bitterness, shame, unforgiveness and pride slowly began to melt from me.

How did you stronghold(s)?




I had to learn to be transparent in my intimate relationship with my husband, which included a therapeutic process and learning effective communication. As I attempted to restore and reconcile my relationship with my husband and family, there came a sudden cry from one of my grandchildren. That cry felt like a scream to my ears and it forced me to break both my silence and emotional pain.

It was only through the consuming fire of God and His unconditional love and acceptance that the strongholds of fear, anger, bitterness, shame, unforgiveness and pride slowly began to melt from me. All of those strongholds were destroying me and my family. The end result, I could no longer pretend that my past was a part of my history. It was time to face it in order to get my release from those who intentionally were out to destroy my destiny.

I had to empty myself and the dunghill that followed me around; in order to help a child whose life was hanging in the trenches from very familiar emotions. The strongholds were generational and the realization was before me. The Bible verse Ezekiel 18 gave me a reason and the strength to stop allowing demonic strongholds to oppress me and my family. Refusing to live a life re-signed to torment and shame, I declared and affirmed that I am created in God’s image and worthy of His love and grace. I am His best creation an heir to the Kingdom of Heaven and the tree of life. Every thing around me had to change and I had to pull off those things that I was addicted to: people, places and things.

My Lord visited me in worship, reminding me of His love and sacrifice on the cross for me and that day changed my life, emotionally, psychologically, physically, and spiritually. God’s love is pure and through His son, Jesus I received

My goal was to manifest good, so I became acquainted with like minded people who were over-comers and who had conquered their strongholds. I got educated about the things Continued on page 27 ➢

One day in my meditation, the Biblical story of Tamar found in 2 Samuel 13:13 came to mind. Tamar faced a situation similar to mine or vice versa. She asked the one who forced himself on her, “Where will my shame go?”

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➢ Continued from page 26 of God and learned that one person can in fact change their whole family. I took a long look in the mirror and asked God did my new behavior please him. The Bible declares, help others and you will be helped. What word of encouragement would you give to someone in a similar situation or being affected by any stronghold? There are no ABC’s but the Bible tells us the strongman can not come in our heart unless we give him permission too. That means you know who he, she or it is. So make a decision to stop reacting emotionally to situations that are designed to ensnare and destroy your peace with God and your family. God has the power to destroy strongholds over your life; but you have to seriously and sincerely want them destroyed and change your mind and attitude to fit that desire. He has the master plan for your life. Forgive and you will be forgiven is the first step. Have confidence in the God who is able to keep you from falling. Embrace God’s plans for your future, because His WILL is perfect. Surround yourself with people who have the Master’s mind, heart and spirit and know that all things work together for the good of those who are called according to His purpose. Strongholds are real. They manifest differently and in many ways. The key is to know who and what you are fighting and be prepared to win. The thief comes to kill, steal and to destroy. Finally! Take charge of your life. The Father came to give life and life more abundantly. You are called to be a nation changer and that nation starts with you. You are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus. Daughters of Siyyon is an unique and different ministry, called to aid and empower individuals to achieve freedom, liberty and healing in their relationships with self, God and others, whether it is emotionally, physically or spiritually. The organization provides Christian -based counseling, marriage mentoring, emotional coaching and biblically based-support groups that allows for sharing and spiritual growth. Their goal is to reach and restore families and bring healing to relationships within communities. For additional information on Dr. Allen or Daughters of Siyyon, visit the website at www. daughtersofsiyyon.org

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Comfortable rates and international exposure - there is no better combination. Get the details today by calling: 877-207-2442 27  Spirit Rising  May/June 2010

28  Spirit Rising  May/June 2010

No Matter the Name Your Stronghold Can Be Broken Cie Thomas We may not call STRONGHOLDS by that exact name. We may know them by what they have presented and rooted themselves as in our lives. Therefore, we call them: alcoholism, addiction, gambling, lies, pride, struggle, fear, depression, promiscuity and other names. They take over in our existence like a two ton locomotive moving at unbelievable speeds with no brakes and surely to end in a major collision with numerous casualties. Yet, we can not seem to stop them, get out of their way nor can we prevent ourselves from buying a ticket to get on the next horrific ride. We understand that some of these things come from child hood experiences, some we assumed from being born into a family that has been bathed in one particular bondage or another, others we stroke and incite through our unconscious yet deliberate support of them and yet some come along for a ride when we take part in sinful and immoral behavior. They attach themselves like the friends that R & B artist Erykah Badu sings about in her popular song, “You Better Call Tyrone”. No matter how they showed up, they are there and every time you try to move forward in living they attach so that you detach. Some call them strongholds; you may call them: lust, robbing Peter to pay Paul, controlling, selfish, overeating, adultery. Strongholds and their influence in our lives are seen as we continue to suffer through unresolved conflicts, continuing painful cycles and revisiting questionable relationships and situations. Those that affect us most are typically the intrinsic or inner bondages; as opposed to the shackles that can be placed on us by our environment: family, friends, work places, houses of worship. Where there is a feeling of consistent bondage and heaviness – there may in fact be a stronghold that is continuing to strengthen its position. Here is a truth; others will see our strongholds before we do after all they are looking from the outside. Here is another truth; most of us will resent anyone who tries to loosen or challenge the demonic or self-generated inner clamps. Therefore we dance around the surface of our strongholds, breeding new levels of problems by not addressing the very root. Where do we begin to slay the stronghold dragon? At the source of his power and with full understanding of what he has brought to the table. Initially, study the dynamics of what strongholds are. Wonderfully, since you have made it to this section of SPIRIT RISING, you have done that. Now identify your stronghold and its roots. Some 17 or so years ago, I was in South Florida after Hurricane Andrew literally ripped the area apart. As we drove Continued on page 30 ➢ through the streets that were accessible after the storm I was shocked to see trees six to 29  Spirit Rising  May/June 2010

➢ Continued from page 29 seven houses long torn up from the ground their massive roots covering whole buildings. Understand that there are things/emotions/people attached to your trunk, limbs and leaves that have to be torn out from the root. You can not stop them or their effects from the surface. If we studied alcoholism from a counseling perspective we would gather that in some cases, alcoholics also battle with: self-esteem, feelings of helplessness, needing a crutch, hiding and emptiness. If we studied those who embezzle from themselves (robbing from Peter to pay Paul or I’ll use this money now and then put it back when) and from others, we might notice that there is a fear of lack, decisions made out of desperation or fear, greed, no or poor money management practices. Likewise, if we examined those that are caught in the vice of addiction, we might find the threads of: low to no self-esteem, anger, emptiness, severe and recurring emotional pain, abuse, loneliness, too willing to compromise. There are some root matters that have to be dealt with because the strongholds are in the root and they produce abundantly from there. So now: Study strongholds, identify your tree and its roots and apply acknowledgement and forgiveness. You have clearly admitted that the presence of strongholds is clear and active. You now have to acknowledge where they came from – were they something you were born into because of generational matters, were they something you noticed but instead you hid from. Were you too enthralled in demanding that what you would not acknowledge or face be acknowledged by God or others? Whatever the situation – face it and call it what it is and call out what it has done in your life. Now forgive others and forgive yourself. Where there is the least bit of unforgiveness there is an open invitation to return to the party of bondage and do your dance like never before. Whether or not others accept or give you forgiveness is not the significant thing, what matters is that you sought forgiveness, you acknowledge your role in any pain you may have caused and if God leads you to restore then you trust Him for that restoration. Then forgive yourself. Finally, align yourself with God. Perhaps one of the most powerful teachings on battling strongholds is Dr. Cindy Trimm’s book RULES OF ENGAGEMENT. While its subject matter is better aligned with spiritual warfare, she wonderfully describes how you must prepare yourself to battle for your own life. Strongholds are designed to take you to the electric chair and they will if you do not appeal your case on every level. Your weapons now become prayer and fasting. Not just general prayer but a specifically tailored prayer that calls out and calls down every stronghold and its root in your life. This prayer must call to mind every thought, action and word that has been attached to the strongholds. It must specifically say “Father, by the blood of Jesus, I come against the presence of every spirit, thought and action attached to alcoholism in my life. I pray Lord God that you move through the corridors of time and destroy the need and pleasure of alcohol attached to my bloodline and that you move forward through those same corridors and remove it from generations to come. I decree and declare Father God that every seed attached to this stronghold in my life: low or no self-esteem, hiding, helplessness, emptiness and unnatural crutches are destroyed and disintegrated.” You then must cover every stronghold you kill, with the Word of God specific to your situation. It will not be a one time prayer, it will be a prayer that you absorb and begin to speak daily in your life until there is a spiritual, intellectual and physical release of the products of your bondage. During this season of purposed prayer, fasting will become important – because clarity in your life will have to come from a new source. It can no longer come from the old mindsets, beliefs and attitudes. You will have to position your mind and your spirit to hear words of positive life untainted by strangleholds. Many of us will notice that there may be more than one stronghold at work in our life. As we gain clarity and understanding in the practical steps herein, we then must begin to employ and apply be- Continued on page 31 ➢ 30

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➢ Continued from page 30 haviors that are contradictory to our former captivity. If the stronghold is obesity – then a medically-directed nutrition and exercise plan is a practical step to defeating this stronghold. If the stronghold is embezzlement – then working with a debt counselor or financial planner is a must and if in fact you have embezzled from others a restitution plan is necessary in overcoming this vice. If fear has held you captive, pressing beyond the unreasonable stigma attached to seeing a counselor may be required, so the sources of your fear can be addressed and a plan developed to help you live without the dark handcuffs you have worn so long. Strongholds are not mythical notions, they are real. In professional counseling circles they may be known as repressed psychosis, defense mechanisms, irrational patterns and vices. We must understand that because they are real they can be overcome and their impact weakened along the way. “Be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble, for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” First Peter 1:10 – 11. *Sources www.blueletterbible.org www.ldolphin.org/strongholds3 Guide to Christian Counseling

Q 31  Spirit Rising  May/June 2010

Strong Holds

32  Spirit Rising  May/June 2010

., STRONGHOLDS (can be defeated) Biblical Antonyms Release Freedom Liberty Clarity Purged Deliverance

., Set free

33  Spirit Rising  May/June 2010

Practical Life Journaling For the past several days I have been encountering articles on the subject of STRONGHOLDS. While reading the articles, I was challenged to take a look at my life and the things that I have allowed; and those things that happen with our without my conscious or unconscious consent. I have some strongholds tightening my mind, my heart, my spirit, my life and those around me that I sincerely care for. I have realized that strongholds are real, but I am bigger than any vice with a grip on my life.

Today, I release the strongholds that I can give a specific name to. They are: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________

Today, I bring to the table the knowledge that these strongholds have root problems that I can identify as: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________ Continued on page 33 ➢ 34  Spirit Rising  May/June 2010

➢ Continued from page 34

Today, I become the opposite of every former stronghold in my life, therefore I am now: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

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Let’s Talk About This…

37  Spirit Rising  May/June 2010

In an effort to open lines of further and comprehensive discussion in personal and ministry groups, SPIRIT RISING compiled a list of questions/discussions points from each article in this issue. They may be pondered in your private devotion time, along with scriptures listed throughout the issue; or they may be used as a small group or Bible study/Sunday school class lesson. In all thy getting – do get understanding. ~1~

In her experience with strongholds, reader N. Donald shared that “Spiritual Strongholds are places the devil uses in the mind of a believer to exalt himself above God.” Do you agree with her understanding of strongholds? What would you add to someone seeking to understand this form of spiritual bondage?


In her article, Ajah Cobb noted that - Pastor Johnson listed four things that create strongholds: 1) a thought, 2) a decision, 3) an act, 4) and a habit. He also added that, “Once a person determines that they are in a stronghold, there must be a paradigm shift in the mind, a change in thought patterns and in the process by which one thinks. A decision to do different and act differently is a must.” What do you believe are some steps you can take in creating a paradigm shift in the mind when it comes to stopping strongholds in the areas Pastor Johnson listed?


In that same article, Pastor Johnson noted that one must have patience when dealing with people that are being delivered out of strongholds and may go back or struggle to keep their freedom as temptation awaits them. If we are honest we must admit that we are often not patient when it comes to dealing with other people and their problems. What can you do to practice patience with a friend or loved one that has identified a stronghold and has asked you to stand with them as they overcome it?


Min. Veronica Bedford, wrote, “Because strongholds originate from an ignorance of divine things, we must know the word of God. Strongholds are also a result of ungodliness or immorality. Therefore we must be on guard by living a life pleasing to God. This does not mean that we will never fall; nor does it mean we will be perfect. But it is however a warning against deliberately engaging in ungodly behavior. When we do so, we open ourselves up to the attack.” What are some of the ways that you have left yourself open to the attack? What can you do to begin living a life on guard so that your life is pleasing to God? Continued on page 39 ➢ 38

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Min. Bedford also very eloquently explained that, “Whatever thoughts we dwell on are the ones we give the most power to. Whatever thoughts we dwell on will be the ones we eventually act upon. If our adversary can convince us of the reality that he presents, then he has won. If our enemy can convince us to act on the thoughts he presents to us, he has won. If he can convince us that we are unworthy of the love and grace of God, he has won. We are to guard our minds and our hearts. When we find ourselves entertaining and embracing things, people or habits that are counter to the purpose and plan of God for our lives and cannot easily walk away, we are entangled in a stronghold.� What are some of the wrong things, people, habits or mindsets that you have entertained and/or embraced that have you negatively entangled? How can you begin to unravel from their grip today?


Cie Thomas listed the following as a possible strategy for overcoming strongholds: Study the dynamics of strongholds Acknowledge the stronghold, its roots and its effects Apply forgiveness Align yourself with God Pray a specifically tailored prayer Fast for clarity and new direction What are your thoughts on this strategy? What would you add or alter to minister to someone struggling with strongholds?

We would love to hear how your club, ministry or organization used this issue of Spirit Rising Magazine. So please, take a moment and tell us about it. Your email to: spiritrisingmag@pecantreepress.com 39

Spirit Rising May/June 2010

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