Basic Vocabulary 5

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Contents Around the world Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Exercise 5

......................................... 1 ......................................... 3 ......................................... 5 ......................................... 6 ......................................... 8

The past, the present, the future Exercise 6 Exercise 7 Exercise 8 Exercise 9 Exercise 10 Exercise 11

......................................... 10 ......................................... 12 ......................................... 14 ......................................... 16 ......................................... 18 ......................................... 20

A healthy lifestyle Exercise 12 Exercise 13 Exercise 14 Exercise 15 Exercise 16

......................................... 22 ......................................... 23 ......................................... 24 ......................................... 25 ......................................... 27

Contents In danger Exercise 17 Exercise 18 Exercise 19 Exercise 20 Exercise 21 Exercise 22

......................................... 28 ......................................... 29 ......................................... 31 ......................................... 32 ......................................... 34 ......................................... 36

The media Exercise 23 ......................................... 38 Exercise 24 ......................................... 40

The animal kingdom Exercise 25 Exercise 26 Exercise 27 Exercise 28

......................................... 41 ......................................... 43 ......................................... 44 ......................................... 46

Saving our world Exercise 29 Exercise 30 Exercise 31 Exercise 32

......................................... 48 ......................................... 50 ......................................... 52 ......................................... 54

Contents Phrasal verbs Exercise 33 Exercise 34 Exercise 35 Exercise 36 Exercise 37 Exercise 38 Exercise 39 Exercise 40 Exercise 41 Exercise 42 Exercise 43 Exercise 44 Exercise 45

......................................... 56 ......................................... 58 ......................................... 60 ......................................... 62 ......................................... 63 ......................................... 65 ......................................... 67 ......................................... 69 ......................................... 71 ......................................... 73 ......................................... 75 ......................................... 77 ......................................... 78

Idioms, proverbs and figures of speech Exercise 46 Exercise 47 Exercise 48 Exercise 49 Exercise 50

......................................... 79 ......................................... 80 ......................................... 81 ......................................... 83 ......................................... 85

Contents Occupations Exercise 51 ......................................... 87 Exercise 52 ......................................... 88 Exercise 53 ......................................... 90

People Exercise 54 ......................................... 92 Exercise 55 ......................................... 93 Exercise 56 ......................................... 95

Synonyms and word substitution Exercise 57 Exercise 58 Exercise 59 Exercise 60

......................................... 96 ......................................... 97 ......................................... 98 ......................................... 99

General revision Exercise 61 Exercise 62 Exercise 63 Exercise 64 Exercise 65

......................................... 100 ......................................... 102 ......................................... 104 ......................................... 106 ......................................... 107

Contents Exercise 66 Exercise 67 Exercise 68 Exercise 69 Exercise 70 Exercise 71 Exercise 72 Exercise 73 Exercise 74 Exercise 75 Exercise 76 Exercise 77 Exercise 78 Exercise 79 Exercise 80 Exercise 81 Exercise 82 Exercise 83 Exercise 84 Exercise 85 Exercise 86 Exercise 87 Exercise 88 Exercise 89 Exercise 90

......................................... 109 ......................................... 110 ......................................... 111 ......................................... 112 ......................................... 113 ......................................... 114 ......................................... 115 ......................................... 116 ......................................... 117 ......................................... 119 ......................................... 121 ......................................... 123 ......................................... 124 ......................................... 125 ......................................... 127 ......................................... 129 ......................................... 130 ......................................... 131 ......................................... 132 ......................................... 133 ......................................... 134 ......................................... 136 ......................................... 137 ......................................... 138 ......................................... 140

Contents Exercise 91 ......................................... 142 Exercise 92 ......................................... 143 Exercise 93 ......................................... 144 Exercise 94 ......................................... 145 Exercise 95 ......................................... 147 Exercise 96 ......................................... 148 Exercise 97 ......................................... 149 Exercise 98 ......................................... 151 Exercise 99 ......................................... 152 Exercise 100 ......................................... 153




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Choose the best answer. 1. Joe was kicking himself because he forgot to bring his for the trip to Paris. (1) tickets (2) itinerary (3) shoes (4) camera 2. The travel agent introduced several travel requirements. (1) capitals (2) arrivals (3) destinations (4) points


that met all our

for our 7-day trip to Korea,”

3. “My travel agent is faxing over the said Lucy. (1) flight numbers (2) tickets (3) itinerary (4) contacts

4. “I had to pay $50 for our check-in luggage as we had allowance limit,” complained Julie. (1) exceeded (2) toppled (3) outdone (4) outwitted 5. The booking agent at the water village resort asked for a $50 as a booking fee. (1) bond (2) deposit (3) credit (4) tax 1


6. “Did you make a/an were waiting to check in. (1) plan (2) reservation (3) arrangement (4) registration

?” the hotel manager asked the couple who

7. “I’m sorry. All the rooms are taken. However, the available,” said the receptionist. (1) penthouse (2) attic (3) basement (4) garret

is still

hotel room up on the 19th floor with

8. Uncle John put us up in a a beautiful view of the whole city. (1) calm (2) luxurious (3) comfy (4) cosy

about your room prices for the first week of May,” 9. “I’m calling to said Mrs. Tan to the hotel manager. (1) question (2) query (3) inquire (4) interrogate 10. To get a room in that popular hotel, you need to book three months in . (1) advance (2) planning (3) early (4) initial



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Choose the best answer. 1. The men asked around the hotels in the area to seek night. (1) room (2) sleep (3) lodging (4) space

for the

2. The children enjoyed the hotel we stayed in as there were plenty like a cybercafĂŠ and a game room. of (1) accommodation (2) conveniences (3) services (4) facilities 3. Sophia asked to change her room as the air-conditioner in her room was . not (1) switched on (2) moving (3) active (4) functioning 4. My father (1) thanks (2) tipped (3) scolded (4) was grateful

the taxi driver for helping him get to the airport on time.


5. In New York, the nice doorman at our hotel helped us we had a hard time getting one for ourselves. (1) engage (2) hail (3) flop (4) prohibit 6. After meeting at the lobby, we asked the town to have breakfast. (1) concierge (2) therapist (3) lobbyist (4) secretary

a taxi when

for the best place in

7. The writer called room service and ordered breakfast so that he could of his hotel room. finish writing his novel in the (1) privacy (2) protection (3) sanctity (4) vicinity programme where they 8. The city folks had a great time with the could experience three days’ worth of village life for themselves. (1) visiting (2) homestay (3) educational (4) local 9. While we were getting our keys at the front counter, the bags up to our floor. (1) cleaner (2) guard (3) porter (4) manager two months ago.

10. The new hotel was only opened (1) approximately (2) actually (3) truly (4) really


took our


ld the wor





Choose the best answer. 1. The Eiffel Tower has been an iconic for Paris, France, for over 100 years. (1) milestone (2) landmark (3) breakthrough (4) attraction sun just to see the Great

2. It was worth travelling under the Pyramids of Giza. (1) brilliant (2) tanning

(3) scorching

(4) sunny

3. The Great Wall of China was built in the third century BC to attacks from northern raiding tribes. (1) deter (2) fight (3) push (4) fend


the Running of the Bulls when I was in

4. I had the opportunity to Spain. (1) look (2) ride

(3) write

(4) witness built by a king for

5. The beautiful Taj Mahal in India is actually a his beloved wife. (1) tomb (2) cemetery (3) mortuary

(4) morgue

the Petronas Towers as the tallest structure in the 6. Taipei 101 world, but only held the title for six years. (1) overtook (3) oversaw (2) overlooked (4) overshadowed over. (4) fling

7. The Leaning Tower of Pisa looks like it is going to (1) flip (2) tumble (3) topple 8. Ayers Rock in Australia is listed as a World (1) Legacy (2) Heritage (3) Tradition

. (4) Culture

by two very strong cables. 9. San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge is (1) draped (2) floated (3) suspended (4) lifted backwards to kiss the Blarney Stone, which is 10. Visitors are believed to give the gift of gab. (1) stretched (2) bent (3) dropped (4) dangled 5


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Choose the best answer. 1. Although the Fugu or blowfish is poisonous, there are in Japan who can prepare them safely for tourists. (1) seasoned (2) artificial (3) licensed (4) popular


2. During his trip to the Phillipines, Joey’s friend took him to the market to try called balut, a duck embryo. out a (1) delicacy (2) dessert (3) appetiser (4) game 3. People in certain parts of Asia eat insects as they are a great of protein. (1) supplies (2) mine (3) pit (4) source 4. Shark’s fin soup is a common sight in Chinese weddings as they the prosperity of the families of the newlyweds. (1) scrutinize (2) showcase (3) intricate (4) represent


5. To Uncle Louie, the durian, the king of fruits, smells (1) foul (2) vulgar (3) lewd (4) bitter


6. Black caviar is a very nutritious food substance made from sturgeon . (1) eggs (2) roe (3) seed (4) babies 7. The store owner explained to us the on a regular basis. (1) profits (2) benefits (3) advantageous (4) redemption 8. Oysters are (1) raised (2) planted (3) cultivated (4) tilled

of taking bird’s nest soup

for their pearls and raw meat.

9. Janice declined her friend’s offer for a sushi lunch as she could not raw fish. (1) stomach (2) gut (3) digest (4) swallow 10. That restaurant serves a combination of Japanese and Vietnamese . (1) cuisine (2) meals (3) food (4) cookery



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Choose the words with the closest meaning to the underlined words and fill in the numbers in the brackets. 1. The spaghetti is closely associated with Italian cuisine. (1) allied (2) linked (3) known (4) accompanied

(   )

2. Lorraine expected her brother to write to her once he landed in Japan but he has not. (1) anticipated (2) predicted (3) projected (4) estimated (   ) 3. Bobby came down with a flu during his first week in Korea as he couldn’t get used to the weather there fast enough. (1) adjust (2) acclimatise (3) familiarise (4) adapt (   ) 4. Due to unforeseen state of affairs, May had to cancel her trip to China. (1) trouble (2) problems (3) circumstances (4) situations (   ) 5. Samantha’s sleep was disrupted when the air hostess accidentally spilled a drink all over her. (1) bothered (2) stopped (3) interrupted (4) suspended (   )


6. Margaret’s attempt to catch a cab on the street during peak hours was in vain. (1) futile (2) awful (3) fatal (4) frustrating (   ) 7. The men took off on an expedition to explore the deepest parts of the great ocean. (1) excursion (2) voyage (3) trip (4) mission (   ) 8. “Our trip to Hawaii was rather relaxing but dull as we both did not like surfing,” said the Johnsons. (1) ordinary (2) ideal (3) amazing (4) uneventful (   ) 9. When we went backpacking in Australia, we were very careful with our expenses. (1) cheap (2) soft (3) frugal (4) economical (   ) 10. Natalie ate something that did not agree with her stomach and she suffered through the whole flight. (1) agonized (2) burned (3) hurt (4) grieve (   )


nt, the future se e r p e th , st a The p Date:




Choose the best answer. 1. The dinosaurs were wiped out in a to be a meteorite hitting the earth. (1) catastrophe (2) cantankerous (3) cataclysmic (4) catabolic

event believed by many

2. By the 21st century, mobile phones are no longer a/an (1) treat (2) luxury (3) indulgence (4) extravagance


3. The first flight only lasted 12 seconds but it made history as the first plane. successful flight by a man-made, controlled, (1) powered (2) piloted (3) developed (4) experimented 4. Scientists forecast that every factory will have robots performing jobs by the year 2030. (1) redundant (2) household (3) recuperative (4) manual , was believed to have been 5. Tutankhamun, an Egyptian murdered in a bid to take over his throne. (1) spy (2) queen (3) pharaoh (4) minister


6. Before the postal service was invented, people used horses and carrier urgent messages. pigeons to (1) deliver (2) export (3) post (4) convey 7. Even though space is considered the last space than the oceans on Earth. (1) area (2) region (3) frontier (4) limit 8. Hybrid cars can their engines. (1) exploit (2) utilize (3) initiate (4) employ

, we know more about

fossil fuel, electricity or hydrogen to power

to speak up and to receive education.

9. Children are entitled to their (1) right (2) privilege (3) obligation (4) gift

the harsh surroundings of deserts to unearth 10. Archaeologists buried dinosaur skeletons. (1) defy (2) brave (3) tolerate (4) confront


nt, the future se e r p e th , st a The p





Choose the best answer. 1. If we waste the energy resources we have today, the future looks for the coming generations. (1) gloom (2) doom (3) depressing (4) bleak 2. People in China once believed that solar dragon swallowing the Sun. (1) sorcery (2) disappearances (3) eclipses (4) events

were caused by a

3. Julie was worried when she found out that the place she was staying in plumbing. did not have (1) internal (2) indoor (3) inside (4) interior strange occurrences to superstitious

4. Folks in that small town and supernatural beliefs. (1) blame (2) answer (3) subscribe (4) attribute


5. In the olden days, Egyptian kings were like gods as their people believed that they were descendants of the gods. (1) adored (2) cherished (3) worshipped (4) revered 6. Early humans used to took to agriculture. (1) brave (2) endanger (3) compromise (4) expose

their lives to hunt for food before they

7. The world has always been under some the size of a car. (1) threat (2) scrutiny (3) supervision (4) risk 8. Jane’s job is to (1) order (2) educate (3) control (4) tutor 9. This cave used to be (1) populated (2) stayed (3) lived (4) inhabited

by passing meteorites,

children about the benefits of healthy eating.

by mammoth hunters.

10. Humans have an appendix, which is now a/an (1) extra (2) misused (3) redundant (4) superfluous



nt, the future se e r p e th , st a The p Date:




Choose the best answer. 1. DDT was for being the cause of the near-extinction of the bald eagle, the national bird of the United States of America. (1) blamed (2) accused (3) liable (4) answerable 2. In 1893, New Zealand became the first country to right to vote at the federal level. (1) exclude (2) present (3) grant (4) exempt

women their

3. Mendel, a monk with a knack for science, spent ten years breeding pea experiment that formed the basis of genetic studies. plants in a (1) scandalous (2) celebrated (3) notorious (4) famous to electronic devices like 4. The children of today are smartphones and laptops very early in their lives. (1) shown (2) exposed (3) subjected (4) introduced


5. The monocle was a very popular gentlemen’s fashion 19th century. (1) accessory (2) fixture (3) decoration (4) ornament

in the

glasses as the preferred 6. Contact lenses may have taken over visual aid but some people are still comfortable with glasses. (1) conservative (2) predictable (3) unoriginal (4) conventional 7. Most UFO sightings were explained by authorities as weather balloons . and weather (1) shortcomings (2) happenings (3) accidents (4) anomalies to travel by air; everyone flies first class 8. It used to be a because it was the only available class. (1) possibility (2) choice (3) luxury (4) necessity 9. With the prices of oil breaking record prices, the search for alternative . fuel sources (1) enhances (2) intensifies (3) exaggerates (4) strengthens 10. If the current rate of extinction continues straight into the planet’s sixth mass extinction. (1) unabated (2) ceased (3) relentlessly (4) increasingly


, we will be heading

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