Rosie Oretti
Penarth science-geek and purveyor of Tropic Skincare
I have a background in pharmacology, psychiatry and addictions spanning over 30 years. I love to consider all things to do with health and wellbeing, of both the mind and the body. I believe good lifestyle decisions are made when we have the right information.
You may have already seen this image, which has been doing the rounds on the internet since 2012. Published in the New England Journal of Medicine, this photo of a truck driver shows what 28 years of sun damage looks like. The trucker has had his left side exposed to UVA rays transmitted through his window–whereas his right side was covered and relatively unharmed.
Picture: New England Journal of Medicine
Ultraviolet rays are a form of radiation from the sun. UVA penetrates to the deeper layers of the skin and causes ageing, whilst UVB causes burning. Both cause skin cancers. UV is invisible. It is not associated with heat or light, and is present all year round. Even on a cloudy day we are being exposed, and even through glass. UV from sun exposure is the number one cause of skin cancers, including melanoma and others. Sadly, UK melanoma rates are still increasing but are largely preventable.