Patio & Hearth Product Report January/February 2016

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w w w. p a t i o a n d h e a r t h p r o d u c t s r e p o r t . c o m

Circle Reader Service No. 3


Vo l u m e 1 1 , N u m b e r 1

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Features 8



By Cheryl Dangel Bartolini

For Embers Grill & Fireplace Store, selling the whole outdoor-kitchen concept is more profitable than selling only stand-alone grills, fireplaces, and gas logs.


An internationally known designer and brand consultant tells us how to keep sales steady in a slow-growing economy.



By Sharon Sanders

Hill Company has grown markedly in 10 years due to its owner’s passion for selling beautiful products in an awe-inspiring atmosphere.


New, technologically advanced fireplaces are well suited for customers begging for warmth this winter.



Tupelo’s Keep It Casual resonates with customers who desire the comforts of home in their backyards.

AS I SEE IT – GRILL GEAR By Sharon Sanders

The Companion Group’s eclectic barbecuegadget array appeals to customers who want to take backyard cooking and dining to a whole new level.








By focusing on energy and heat efficiency, Empire Comfort Systems has developed hearth and grill products that mom-andpop shops favor.


Jensen Leisure Furniture’s outdoor furniture (constructed of ipê and roble woods) is popular with customers who consider environmental sustainability a selling point.




TylerNet software gives specialty retailers better control over their day-to-day business operations.

Follow us on Twitter: @patiohearth





The leader in the kamado niche continues to strengthen its market share by adding new products and culinary services.



By Cherise Forno

By Kimberly Rodgers

By Cheryl Dangel Bartolini

Visually appealing fireplace vignettes create brisk sales for Schwake Fireplaces & Outdoor.

INSIGHT – LOOKING ITS BEST Gold Eagle's 303 cleaners and protectants keep harsh conditions from harming both hard surfaces and fabrics.

MY TURN – ORGANIC MODERNISM European Home’s fireplace models incorporate a contemporary aesthetic that appeals to consumers of all ages.



InEveryIssue 6

MANNING Publisher’s Viewpoint





62 94 94


Edited by Kris Kyes



In the world of outdoor, there are many manufacturers that follow the industry trends and offer look-alike products. Then there’s Agio, with retailer support, tools and training, leading-edge design and uncompromising product quality. To see your sales soar, trust Agio with your next big adventure and leave the others behind.

To discover the benefits, and the profits, of becoming an Agio retailer, visit today.

Agio is the registered trademark of Agio International Company, Ltd.

Circle Reader Service No. 5

Life Begins Outdoors.™

Publisher’s Viewpoint

Manning doesn’t even know what the word pompous

I have observed manufacturers talking in one

means; and actually believes, with all of his inner

another’s booths and showrooms, and it is very

being, that there is no I in the word team.

common for competing manufacturers to attend

After the AFC championship game against

each other’s receptions there. Once again, if body

the Patriots, both Tom Brady, the team’s quarter-

language is any indication, genuine respect is

back, and Bill Belichick, its head coach, spent an

being exchanged by these competitors.

inordinate amount of time on the field, talking

Prior to publishing Patio & Hearth Products


with Manning. If body language was any indica-

Report, I spent 26 years publishing trade maga-

DENVER BRONCOS have just narrowly beaten

tion of what was said by these three future Hall

zines in the medical/healthcare field. For the

the New England Patriots in the American

of Fame inductees, only words of genuine respect

most part, the respectful attitude toward compe-

Football Conference (AFC) championship game,

and admiration were exchanged among

tition and competitors that is on display in the

and the Carolina Panthers have thoroughly

Manning, Brady, and Belichick. It was a made-

patio, hearth, barbecue, outdoor-furniture, out-

defeated the Arizona Cardinals in the National

for-television moment that should be shown to

door-kitchen, and outdoor-living industry was

Football Conference championship game. I have

young (as well as middle-aged and elderly) peo-

not present in the medical/healthcare field.

no idea who will win the Vince Lombardi Trophy

ple for years to come.

when the Broncos face the Panthers in Super

Clearly, we all want to gain market share,

Being highly competitive—but knowing how

outdo and outperform our competition, and

Bowl 50 on February 7 at Levi’s Stadium in Santa

to compete with grace and dignity—is a trait that

grow and expand our businesses. As Manning

Clara, California. That being said, there is already

I have observed, over the past 10 years, in the

has demonstrated over the years, however,

one winner, and his name is Peyton Manning.

patio, hearth, barbecue, outdoor-furniture, out-

those things can be done with style, grace,

door-kitchen, and outdoor-living industry. As the

and dignity—and with a genuine respect for

illustrious career in youth, high-school, college, or

publisher of Patio & Hearth Products Report, I get

the competition.

NFL football. Manning is not a winner based on

the opportunity to speak with all of the industry’s

just his numerous records and impressive statistics

manufacturers and many of its specialty retail-

would bet that after Super Bowl 50, Manning will

as a sure-bet, first-ballot Pro Football Hall of


hang up his cleats for the very last time. While I

Manning is not a winner based on just his

I am not a betting person, but if I were, I

Fame quarterback—nor is Manning a winner

At trade shows and industry events, I spend

will certainly miss seeing Number 18 barking out

based on just his number of playoff and Super

almost all of my time visiting manufacturers at

“Omaha” during the snap count, I will miss, even

Bowl appearances. Rather, Manning is a winner

their booths and in their showrooms, in addition

more, Manning reminding me (and millions of

based on who he is as a competitor.

to talking to specialty retailers/dealers on the

others) of how to be a true competitor. My hat’s

show floor and in the showroom hallways; I get

off to Number 18.

In the current day and age of chest-pounding, in-your-face, trash-talking professional athletes,

to be the proverbial fly on the wall. In almost all

Manning is a breath of fresh air—and a reminder

instances, I hear neither manufacturers nor spe-

of how to be highly competitive, yet to know how

cialty retailers/dealers badmouthing their com-

to compete with grace and dignity. From what I

petitors. Many times, I have heard a manufacturer

and many others have seen, heard, and read, over

compliment another manufacturer on a product

the years, Manning can’t spell the word arrogant;

design or collection.




Tony Ramos

Circle Reader Service No. 7

Guest Editorial


A Possible Breakthrough

EDITOR Carol Daus

ART DIRECTOR Cassandra Estes



s we begin the New Year, the big question on my mind is this: Will 2016 mark the tipping point in consumer spending on outdoor living? We’ve all heard that this is the fastest-growing category in the home-furnishings industry. Although that’s true, statistics show that sales in the multibillion-dollar outdoor-living market have increased incrementally (rather than skyrocketing) each year since 2010. So far, the quantum leap many of us have been expecting has yet to materialize. Still, all the indicators are there. For the past two years, forecasters have predicted that consumers will soon regard an outdoor space—whether it’s a patio, deck, terrace, courtyard, or screened porch—as an indispensable room of the home. Since these exterior spaces are often used to entertain, as well as to provide a place where the homeowners can relax and enjoy the outdoors, consumers want them not only to reflect their personality and style, but also to be practical and able to stand up to the elements. Home-decor and lifestyle magazines, style blogs, Pinterest, and other online sites provide a steady stream of inspirational style ideas that whet consumers’ appetites for unique, personalized outdoor spaces. Even men’s and sports magazines feature outdoor entertaining, with men playing pivotal roles as grill chefs and mixologists. Add to that new, easy-care, weatherproof products such as faux wicker (which doesn’t degrade) and waterproof performance fabrics so fashion-forward they blur the line between what’s intended for use indoors and outdoors. Also capturing homeowners’ attention are manufacturers such as Sub-Zero and its Wolf brand, creating top-of-the-line outdoor appliances. What’s more, since much of the country experiences months of cooler weather, consumers now see firepits, outdoor fireplaces, and heating elements that

Martin Roberts

extend the use of outdoor rooms as worthy investments that prolong enjoyment of their outdoor spaces. While we’re on the cusp of what might soon become a tsunami of demand, what can retailers do to keep sales steady now—and also fire the imaginations of prospective buyers? My answer: Tell stories on your showroom floor and in your window displays, and tell them well. You can currently see one of the most innovative, cutting-edge merchandising concepts at the new-generation stores that Restoration Hardware (RH) opened in 2015 in Chicago, Illinois; Denver, Colorado; and Tampa, Florida. The aspirational store chain has turned on its head the prevailing notion that online commerce is what sustains a brand. Architecturally stunning multifloor, mansionlike spaces turn the stores into destinations. The new stores, up to 10 times larger than smaller RH stores, also display about 50% of the company’s product assortment, instead of the 10% shown in an average RH store. RH’s traditional retail locations have 6,000 to 7,000 square feet of selling space, whereas the 70,000–squarefoot Chicago retail location has 54,000 square feet of selling space, spread over six floors of a historic, stand-alone building. Facilities include retail areas, but also a coffee/pastry shop, a rooftop park, a performance stage, a wine bar, and a new glass-andsteel–enclosed garden courtyard cafe that will be open year round. Food operations are a collaboration between RH and Brendan Sodikoff, the Chicago restaurateur behind The Doughnut Vault, Gilt Bar, and Au Cheval. The retailer is also debuting two of its newest brands—RH Modern (which sells contemporary art that suits the company’s furnishings and lighting) and RH Teen—in the concept stores. The company has stated that it



wants to blur the lines between retail, home, and hospitality sectors. The goal is for customers to have the experience of walking through a home, rather than a store. In fact, the Phoenix, Arizona, location has (in addition to beautiful outdoor spaces) a series of balconies and walled courtyards built into its showrooms and exterior architecture. Anthropologie is also testing a new merchandising approach with Terrain, an eco-friendly store (decorated in reclaimed wood and other natural materials) in Westport, Connecticut. An in-store cafe is an inviting part of the store, blending seamlessly with the merchandising areas—which are staged theatrically, like sets that tell a story. The retailer also holds a series of hands-on events where participants can learn, for example, to create a terrarium or to arrange a summertime centerpiece of natural materials. These in-store events, held every few days, create loyalty and traffic— and of course, sell products such as terrariums, plants, and supplies. They make shopping worth leaving your computer. With so many external factors affecting attitude/lifestyle changes among consumers, merchants are poised to capitalize on the momentum by introducing some of the recent concepts being adopted by innovative lifestyle brands like RH and Anthropologie. They can also gain an edge by presenting solutions that make it easy for customers to embrace styleconscious outdoor living and dining.


STAFF WRITERS Cheryl Dangel Bartolini Cherise Forno Kimberly Rodgers Sharon Sanders Greg Thompson SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR Greg Thompson CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Jeffrey Kehl BUSINESS MANAGER Susan Razetto CEO & PRESIDENT Tony Ramos

Corporate Office Peninsula Media 21250 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 700 Torrance, CA 90503 (310) 792-7448 Fax (310) 792-7449

Tony Ramos Peninsula Media 21250 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 700 Torrance, CA 90503 (310) 792-7448 (310) 792-7449/Fax (310) 968-3962/Cell

SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES: Patio & Hearth Products Report PO Box 2190

Martin Roberts is an internationally known designer and is president of Martin Roberts Design LLC (Stamford, Connecticut), a team of industrial, interior, and graphic designers, along with retail consultants and architects. Over the past 50 years, Roberts has worked for well-known brands worldwide, from Cartier to Walmart.


Skokie, IL 60076-7890 Subscribe online: Email: Phone: (847) 763-9261

Circle Reader Service No. 9




Pride Family Brands’ Luxury Contemporary Collections Perform Well PRIDE FAMILY BRANDS’ RECENTLY INTRODUCED

contemporary collections have exceeded sales expectations and are setting records. Pride, which manufactures outdoor furnishings and accessories that are distributed nationwide through specialtyretail operations, ended 2015 with positive growth—due, in part, to the response to the new luxury outdoor contemporary category. Rory Rehmert, senior vice president, sales and marketing, says, “The overall reaction to Pride’s five new contemporary collections has been nothing short of remarkable. A very high percentage of our customers added at least one slot of the new contemporary products. In markets with a fall selling season, the retail activity on the contemporary collections already has been outstanding.” Rehmert attributes the greater-than-expected growth within the contemporary segment to the popularity of contemporary looks shown in the indoor markets, with consumers seeking clean and simple lines. Pride’s award-winning product-devel-

opment team capitalized on the trend with design types and custom-engineered finishes. “Many of our accounts are flooring a new contemporary collection from Pride for the very first time,” Rehmert says. “The new collections will have a very positive effect on 2016 sales for our retailers and for Pride.” Tricia Ingram Gist, owner of Ingram’s Furniture (Florence, Alabama), says, “Nothing is as exciting as Pride’s contemporary. There is more to it, beyond the look; the seat depth is in the perfect proportion. I am excited to show the new contemporaries that are on the floor.” She is sure that they will be what customers want, she adds. The potential of the contemporary styles was also realized by Matthew Smisson of The Patio Shop (Chattanooga, Tennessee), who notes, “We liked the Live Edge table, and we’re adding con-

Elmira Stove Works Embraces the 2016 Pantone Colors of the Year ELMIRA STOVE WORKS,

manufacturer of premium, vintage-style kitchen appliances, now offers retroinspired products in Pantone’s 2016 colors of the year: rose quartz and serenity. For the first time ever, the international color authority Pantone LEADING

Northstar appliances in brilliant blue and light pink




temporary as a new category for us.” Two of the new contemporary collections are now in Pride’s top 10 collections. “One of the new contemporary collections, Park Place, is already within our top sellers, out of the eight new collections introduced in July and September,” Rehmert says.

announced two selections for the year. Respectively, the nude-pink and purple-blue hues symbolize balance and tranquility. Elmira Stove Works’ Northstar collection features 1950s-inspired appliances, with curves and chrome representing true-to-era design characteristics. In order to parallel the 2016 colors of the year, the company uses color-matching technology to provide matches

The Hammock Source Hires Russell Thornton As B2B Manager Thornton’s duties include sourcing new business opportunities involving representative-group presence, developing and maintaining tablet-based ordering, and staffing trade shows. Thornton has an extensive background in technology, customer service, and sales. In the short time that he’s been employed by the company, his expertise and attention to detail have already had a positive impact. Reid Roney, executive vice president, says, “We have high expectations that Russell will use his skills to contribute to the continued growth of The Hammock Source.”

Park Place dining

Russell Thornton


for rose quartz and serenity. According to Leatrice Eisenman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute™, the two colors reveal the natural harmony between warm, intimate rose and delicate, paradisiacal blue. Tony Dowling, Elmira Stove Works’ vice president of sales and marketing, says, “These colors will bring subtle, calming energy to kitchen spaces, whether incorporated into larger appliances, such as a range and refrigerator, or as an accent color in a microwave. The custom RAL colors of light pink (RAL 3015) and brilliant blue (RAL 5007) align with the Pantone colors and are complementary to each other, while also blending well with other varied palettes.” In addition to the colors tailored to match the colors of the year, the Northstar collection can be customized to suit the other eight hues selected for the Pantone Fashion Color Report Spring 2016, as well as more than 200 other custom-color options.

Sunbrella® is a registered trademark of Glen Raven, Inc.

EXCEPTIONALLY PROTECTIVE OF YOUR PATIO FURNITURE? US TOO. 303® products are scientifically formulated for a deeper level of protection. Like 303 Fabric Guard, which restores lost water and stain repellency to factory-new levels to resist even the toughest water and oil-based stains—keeping your furniture looking newer, longer. Obsessive to the core, just like you.



W E ’ V E

Circle Reader Service No. 11






N U M B E R™

IndustryNEWS Tropitone Unveils Redesigned Websites THE TROPITONE® FURNITURE COMPANY INC., an outdoor-furni-

ture manufacturer, recently launched

Tropitone’s new website design

redesigned websites for its Tropitone and Tropitone Valora™ brands. Both contract and residential versions of the websites now boast clean, modern designs, yet are still great sources of product information.

Working with longtime partner Schraff, Tropitone has updated the websites in response to design trends and demand for certain functions. Demetrius Linebarger, senior marketing manager, says, “End users utilize digital methods to make their purchase decisions, and our objective is to provide a comprehensive, efficient resource for them.” The Tropitone and Tropitone Valora websites respond to the user’s screen size and offer multiple navigational points. Additional features of the Tropitone website include a blog, instructions on how to render furniture pieces on a product page, and a virtual showroom. The Tropitone blog promotes an outdoor lifestyle and features short articles on patio design and how to care for outdoor furniture. The virtual showroom is a digital display of Tropitone’s Chicago showroom; viewers are transported to the sales floor. Visitors can view items from different angles and reveal additional product information by selecting the item. This launch marks the beginning of a mobile-friendly website. Tanya Stevens, vice president of marketing and service operations for Tropitone, says, “Our improved websites are

Poly-Wood Promotes Megan Pierson to Vice President of Sales and Marketing POLY-WOOD LLC HAS PROMOTED

Megan Pierson to the position of vice president of sales and marketing. Pierson has been a part of the company for three years and brings 12 years’ marketing and business experience to the team. She also represents Poly-Wood as a 2016 board member of the International Casual Furnishings Association while continuing to develop key relationships in the industry. Megan Pierson As Poly-Wood launches its new Select by POLYWOOD material, Pierson will focus on strategic product partnerships, as well as guiding her team to implement forward-thinking clicks-and-bricks marketing strategies. Doug Rassi, cofounder, president, and CEO, says, “Megan is an effective leader who embodies our core values here at Poly-Wood. The success of our company is due to revolutionary manufacturing processes, as well as imaginative approaches to marketing: Megan’s commitment and passion for what we’re doing are key assets.”



designed to meet the demand for a mobile-friendly, easy-to-use digital tool.” To see the new designs and virtual showroom, visit www.tropitone .com and

Gold Eagle’s Products Protect Customers’ Investments FOR MORE THAN 80 YEARS, the

trade and consumers have recognized Gold Eagle Company (Chicago, Illinois) as a leading manufacturer and marketer of premium automotive chemicals and fuel additives. In 2012, Gold Eagle expanded its product lineup by acquiring the 303® Products brand of protectants and cleaners for home, automotive, marine, and outdoor-living uses. The 303 brand fit perfectly within the Gold Eagle portfolio and the company’s mission of producing premium

products that preserve, protect, and perform. 303 Products offers a diverse line of five-star protectants and cleaners. Since 1980, they have been the premium choice of homeowners and those who refuse to settle for less than the best. No other brand works as hard to keep the things you love looking like new longer, the company says. The 303 brand has three main products that satisfy those who want to clean and protect their outdoor oases. 303 Protectant™ is the original product in the 303 lineup. It has a loyal following among consumers due to its wide range of uses to protect plastic, rubber, and vinyl surfaces from fading and cracking. It is also recommended by a variety of manufacturers, from spa-cover and outdoor-furniture manufacturers to water-trampoline, marine, and RV–awning companies.

Alfresco Home Hires Keith Crowe As Director of Global Supply Chain ALFRESCO HOME (PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA), manufacturer of outdoor

casual furniture, has hired Keith A. Crowe to head its global supply chain and direct its product-development initiatives. Crowe joins Alfresco Home after dedicating more than 25 years to Lane Venture. Crowe will support and work closely with Anthony F. Cilio, executive vice president, who current- Keith A. Crowe ly manages strategic-development initiatives for all three of Alfresco Home’s product categories. “Alfresco Home is very pleased to have Keith join our organization. Initially, he will guide the development of our casual-furniture product line, from design to development, quality, and delivery. Our company is growing. Keith’s expertise in the details of creating what is thought of as some of the best casual furniture in our industry will significantly contribute to Alfresco Home’s ability to develop products across a broad spectrum of materials, styles, and price points while we continue to focus on serving our retailers’ specific needs,” Cilio says. Alfresco Home’s extensive product assortment includes cast-aluminum, woven, mosaic, and woven-wood products. Crowe has broad domestic and international experience in supply-chain management. He plans to build on the product mix while introducing and expanding on the Alfresco Home casual-furniture range. Crowe states, “When I was introduced to the mix of products that Alfresco Home currently offers, I was very excited about how I could join the team and become an integral part of the organization and be a part of taking it to the next level.” Crowe’s extensive experience in manufacturing outdoor casual furniture (as well as complementary casual products) featuring the key characteristics of style, comfort, value, and lasting quality fits seamlessly into the Alfresco Home model.


Pride Family Brands Adds Contemporary Collection to 2016 Express-shipment Program

Libby Langdon Partners With NorthCape on Her Latest Licensed Collection LIBBY LANGDON, INTERIOR DESIGNER,

Park Place deep seating

PRIDE FAMILY BRANDS WILL ADD its newly introduced contemporary collec-

tion, Park Place, to its express-shipment program. Crafted in as few as 20 working days, custom-ordered inventory within the program—including the recent showstopping Park Place contemporary dining and deep seating options—can be selected by retailers. In its fifth year, the express-shipment program continues to incorporate a selection of the company’s most popular designs, finishes, and fabrics. Rory Rehmert, senior vice president, sales and marketing, says, “Our express-shipment program has been well received by our retail partners since its introduction. With the Park Place collection already proving to be a winner with retailers, it is a positive addition to this program and evidence of our commitment to working with our customers in creating sales success.” Six collections from the Castelle brand are offered in the express-shipment program: Park Place, Coco Isle, English Garden, Madrid, Monterey, and Veranda. Across the program are contemporary, traditional, transitional, resort, and vintage styles in cushioned and sling dining, deep seating, crescent deep seating, and sectional seating. Robust fabric selections are available in the program, including a total of 27 styles (17 cushion fabrics and 10 sling fabrics). Applicable tables, including firepits and the newly introduced Live Edge table series, are offered with the collections.

Pride Family Brands Names Norman Hamilton Vice President of Sales for Designer Category and Vice President of Corporate Marketing

author, and television personality, is designing her first line of outdoor furniture for NorthCape, a leading manufacturer of woven outdoor fur- Libby Langdon niture, set to launch at the July ICFA Preview Show™. Known for her easy, elegant, everyday style and her growing collections of branded home furnishings, Langdon focuses on offering beautifully made products that are sleek and chic, as well as affordable. Langdon says, “I wanted to design my own outdoor collection because it is such an important part to the majority of homes I design, and I want to show people how to take advantage and utilize all of their outdoor spaces. It’s amazing, when I place multiple sofas, chairs, tables, ottomans, rugs, outdoor lamps, and accessories, that people start to see how much square footage they would have wasted if they just added a couple of chairs and a table.” Langdon’s NorthCape introductions will feature three collections, including a chat group, a dining group, and a deep seating group. Langdon’s presentation at a conference was the initial step toward her partnership with NorthCape.

When Buzz Homsy, president of Casual Classics, heard Langdon’s ideas about outdoor living, he contacted her. They found they had the same vision of creating a dynamic collection of outdoor furniture. Homsy introduced Langdon to the NorthCape team in July 2015, forming a partnership to create Langdon’s designs in time for this July’s show. Casual Classics will be offering its North American dealers the Libby Langdon Outdoor collection. Tom Murray, president of NorthCape, says, “When Buzz mentioned that there might be an interesting opportunity for NorthCape to enhance our program, working with a high-energy, successful, experienced designer, I was immediately intrigued. When I met Libby, I knew we were onto something good; her style direction, ideas, and energy are infectious. We are eager to put her creative insights and designs into production, helping our dealers deliver stronger casual-furniture sales and margins.” Langdon’s designs will feature clean lines and beautiful fabrics and color combinations, as well as focusing on offering comfort, value, and a designer look.


Norman B. Hamilton as its new vice president of sales for designer category and vice president Norman Hamilton of corporate marketing. Hamilton, previously a consultant to the award-winning casual-furnishings company, will report to Rory Rehmert, senior vice president, sales and marketing. Hamilton held management and marketing positions in corporate training, as well as in publishing. Steve Lowsky, CEO, says, “Norman brings us a wealth of experience in marketing and communications and a thorough understanding of the casual industry. He has been a valued consultant since leaving publishing, and we welcome him as a full-time member of our company’s management team. I am confident that Norman will continue to play a critical role not only in enhancing the Pride brand globally, but also in leading our new designer sales division.” In the newly created vice president of sales designer category position, Hamilton will be in charge of developing and implementing Pride’s outreach, engagement, and sales to residential and corporate design professionals. His responsibilities as vice president of corporate marketing will include corporate branding and internal and lifestyle marketing and communications, aiming to strengthen the brand’s presence and representing the premium casual-furniture lines. Hamilton previously worked for Reed Travel Group, Murdoch Magazines, Ziff Davis, and Fairchild Publishing.



303 Fabric Guard™ is the only product recommended by Sunbrella® for water-repellency retreatment of its fabrics. Just spray it on, let it dry, and it will protect outdoor fabrics from moisture and stains throughout the season. 303 Multi-Surface Cleaner™ is an all-purpose cleaner that’s safe to use on any water-safe surface, including fabrics, rubber, vinyl, plastic, and even stainless steel. It’s an all-in-one cleaner to use around the house, both inside and outdoors. This product rinses residue free and is easy to use: Just spray it on and wipe or rinse. For more information about 303 Products, visit www., email, or call (800) 621-1251.


Congress Extends Wood- and Pellet-stove Tax Credit Through 2016 IN DECEMBER 2015, PRESIDENT

Obama signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2016. The bill reauthorizes the tax credit for nonbusiness energy property. Included is the $300 tax credit for residential biomass stoves that are at least 75% efficient. The bill did not change any aspects of the tax credit, only moving the expiration date of the credit from December 31, 2014, to December 31, 2016. This means that all qualifying purchases made in 2015 and 2016 are eligible for the tax credit. The Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association (HPBA) played a valuable continued on page 92

FIRESIDE SPLENDOR Home-integration technology, clean lines, and customizable designs are popular features of the latest fireplace offerings. BY SHARON SANDERS




or 2016, fireplace manufacturers have stepped up their game to keep pace with consumer demand for more sophisticated products. More than ever before, they are listening to consumers and developing products to fit their specific needs. When it comes to technology, home integration and remote operation are drivers for fireplace developments that will be hitting the market over the next few years. Design has become a major sales determinant because homeowners are seeking fireplaces that do more than just provide heat.

4 2 5 3 Consumers want products that they can customize to fit their personal tastes. This also means that manufacturers are getting creative. Over the past few years, the rise of the modern fireplace has been staggering. Modern

designs, once found in niche products that only the most forward-thinking dealers dared approach, have become showroom staples. Dealers everywhere are giving prime floor space to linear fireplaces. In response, manufacturers are revising their traditional units to incorporate a clean, simple aesthetic. DESIGN DRIVEN When it comes to modern design, no company knows it better than Ortal® USA




1. Dimplex’s Opti-myst® Pro 1000 fireplace 2. Heatilator’s Novus 36 fireplace 3. Monessen’s Symphony fireplace 4. The Palazzo fireplace from Heat & Glo 5. Town & Country’s HeliFire 360 6. The Jordan 34S fireplace from Kozy Heat 7. Napoleon’s Ascent™ linear 36 (BL36) fireplace

10 6 11



8. The Gramercy media mantel from Twin-Star, with Bluetooth sound by Bell’O Digital 9. The Superior DRC3000 fireplace from IHP 10. Mendota’s ML39 linear fireplace, with vintage iron Grace and Traditions fronts, the Panoramic mocha liner, and the Birch log set


11. The H5 fireplace from Valor 12. The Bellavista™ B36XTE fireplace from Regency


13. Ortal’s Clear 150 RS fireplace with double glass 14. Woodbridge’s Algonquin outdoor fireplace

(Canoga Park, California). In 2010, the company says, it was the first manufacturer to bring contemporary frameless fireplaces to the United States. Gil Ben-Zion, COO, says, “Many of my colleagues thought I was crazy because my fireplaces were so different from anything out there at the time, but this is my dream, so I went for it—




turing its signature glass-toglass connections, which make the safety glass virtually disappear. There is no metal frame to obstruct the view of the flames. According to Ben-Zion, Ortal’s fireplaces mirror the

and here I am now.” A favorite of designers and architects, Ortal’s entire line of direct-vent gas fireplaces is fashion oriented, fea-



current trend in modern home architecture, which is all about open spaces (without center walls or posts) with no interruption to the eye’s path. He says, “We maintain this idea in everything we are doing.” Last year, when the company added the required safety barrier, it created a screen solution using the same concept employed by its glass-to-glass connection. The brackets that hold the screen in place are made of glass (not metal), and the fine mesh is nearly transparent. “When homeowners buy a multisided fireplace, they want to


see a continuous-glass look on all sides, not glass held together by metal dividers or brackets. When they buy an Ortal fireplace, they will get that look,” Ben-Zion adds. The company currently offers more than 60 fireplace models, which it calls the largest selection of modern fireplaces in North America. “We are about beauty and simple solutions for our customers. The architects and designers we work with have very high expectations,” BenZion says. “Ortal gives them the blank canvas they desire to allow their ideas and dreams to come to life.” Ron Newman, director of marketing services for Innovative Hearth Products (IHP™), Nashville, Tennessee, reports that contemporary fireplaces have brought a whole new design aspect to the home. He says, “They tend to be more of a conversation piece in the home, rather than the traditional family gathering place of the past.” They are not just in family rooms and living rooms, either, but are being integrated into many other rooms. IHP’s Astria Rhapsody linear direct-vent gas fireplace has been a top seller in this category. It features innovative InfiniFlame™ burner technology and wirelessremote operation. While contemporary design is going strong, Newman feels that the traditional aesthetic will never lose its appeal, citing the fact that it is still

the core of IHP’s business. The company’s approach, going into 2016, is to appeal to both modern and traditional segments. “If you look at some of our recently introduced products, such as the Astria Gemini CD (which is a contemporary fireplace built on a traditional box), they are really a combination of both traditional and modern,” Newman says. The same design principles hold true for the Superior DRC3000 series. Napoleon Fireplaces (Barrie, Ontario) is excited to introduce its Vector™ series of linear gas fireplaces for custom-home builders and remodelers, which will offer four different sizes (38, 50, 62, and 74 inches) beginning this year. These units are available in single-sided or see-through models and will come to market with a handheld-device app that can be downloaded to a smartphone, so the homeowner can control the fireplace remotely (using a Wi-Fi connection). Napoleon is also launching its new High Country™ series of wood-burning fireplaces. The High Country 7000 (NZ7000) is a linear design, and the High Country 8000 (NZ8000) is a more traditional square model. John Czerwonka, vice president of sales, hearth division, says, “They are the most energy-efficient wood-burning fireplaces on the market right now.” The units feature a guillotine operating sys-

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tem, which is a glass door that telescopes up into the wall and back down to create a safety barrier. There is a spark screen that telescopes up and down as well. The door and the screen operate independently for more flexibility. For 2016, Napoleon also is introducing its first linear builder fireplace, the Ascent™ linear 36 (BL36), which is generating a lot of interest. “Home builders offer buyers many options when it comes to kitchen countertops, cabinets, and flooring, but fireplaces are an afterthought. We want to give builders more options, so they can give home buyers more options,” Czerwonka says. He explains that the linear design will perfectly complement today’s modern architecture and decor. The Ascent linear 36 provides builders with a nice price point as well. Napoleon is also giving builders more media options to offer to homeowners. The options for the Ascent series include river rock, driftwood, and crushed glass. Homeowners can choose the media up front—or after they move into their homes, they can go to their local fireplace dealers to make their selections. “There is a lot to look forward to from Napoleon this year,” Czerwonka says.

Hearth & Home Technologies® (HHT), Lakeville, Minnesota, is making

overarching changes to all of its fireplaces to reflect the clean, simple design trend that is dominating the fireplace industry. The changes

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will include updates to its two best-selling fireplace lines: the Novus series from Heatilator and the SlimLine collection from Heat & Glo. The company has also launched 16 new SKUs for its Monessen brand of vent-free fireplaces. Dealers should look for updates from the Majestic brand as well. “We have a number of product updates that we are really excited about that will unfold over the next 12 months,” Bob Ballard, senior vice president of marketing, explains. The company recently introduced its most robust outdoor fireplace: the Palazzo from Heat & Glo. Its marine-grade stainless-steel construction and durable outdoor components mean that this unit is tough, even in the harshest conditions. It comes with a power screen that prevents debris from entering the fireplace and that can be opened or closed with the press of a button. “We know this is going to be a big hit, as the outdoor fireplace continues to grab more market share,” Ballard says. HHT is looking at 2016 with an eye on technology in three areas, the first being the connected home (home integration). Its engineers have been developing technology that allows its fireplaces to be integrated into smart-home technology and operated through apps. This year, the company will introduce a new control called IntelliFire™ Touch. It will be an industry-leading control system that will allow

fireplaces to be a part of the whole integration of the connected home (through an app). It will be more than just an on-and-off system; it will include temperature settings, diagnostics, and other safety features as well. Initially, it will be available on selected models, but it will eventually be available on all HHT products. The second area of focus is power venting. “Gas fireplaces push out a lot of heat, but homeowners don’t necessarily want heat on all the time, or they may want to distribute heat differently throughout their homes. To address this issue, we’ve created the PowerFlow heat-management system,” Ballard explains. The PowerFlow system allows a homeowner to redirect heat easily to adjacent rooms (as needed) or outside the home—or eliminate heat from the house altogether. The system was introduced last year on the Heat & Glo PRIMO fireplace, and it is gaining momentum for 2016. The third focus is safety. HHT is a pioneer in the industry in safety and safety features. It has brought to market everything from sensors that shut off its appliances to safety-screen barriers for gas fireplaces. “We’ve had mesh safety screens on our products for more than 12 years, even though they just became the industry standard last year,” Ballard says. Going into 2016, HHT will continue to innovate in safety technologies, including more effective safety screens and extra lockout warning systems.

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Customization is a buzzword concerning fireplaces for the coming year. Many manufacturers are giving homeowners the ability to create units that reflect their personal styles. Mendota Hearth (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) is launching a new hybrid line, Decor, centered on design customization. “We created Decor in response to requests we’ve received from our dealers,” Kent Roeder, vice president, explains. He emphasizes that Decor is not a single fireplace, but rather, has many facets. It is one of the most versatile lines on the market today because homeowners can create custom fireplaces that are modern, traditional, or transitional, depending on the options that they choose. “It’s possible to have a roaring fire in a modern unit or a traditional fireplace with a modern copper lining and a driftwood log set—the possibilities are endless,” Roeder says. Homeowners can even change the look of their fireplaces years after installation, without having to purchase a new unit, by simply changing the front, the liner, or the log set. Customization options include a full spectrum of media (from glass beads to river rocks) and a large selection of traditional and modern log sets. Roeder has seen firsthand how people are drawn to the idea of personalizing their fireplaces. He says, “I’ve had conversations on the sales floor with people who weren’t interested

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when I mentioned that Mendota has a line of modern fireplaces, but when people see all the endless options that are available, it’s easy to keep them in the conversation.”


Dimplex® North America Ltd.

(Cambridge, Ontario) is also grabbing a piece of the customization market with its Prism series of electric fireplaces. Jane Bradley, director of marketing and communications, says, “Consumers crave the flexibility to customize and influence the design of their fireplaces. Customization is a reflection of a person’s individual taste and instantly creates an emotional attachment because it evokes a feeling of personal ownership and design control.” The Prism series, introduced last year, has as its most prominent feature the unique Prism mode. It allows users to cycle through a range of colors, easily freezing on a blend of colors to customize the fireplace’s interior lighting. Space-saving electric wall-mounted units remain in hot demand as housing is still trending toward smaller living spaces. “As the consumer-electronics industry saw with the evolution of televisions, tablets, and smartphones, today’s fireplace buyers are past the awe of the generic, bulky wall mounts and are seeking out large (yet slim and sleek) units as the next generation of electric wall mounts,” Bradley explains. Electric fireplaces are not just in living rooms, either: These space savers are appearing in master suites, home gyms, sun-

rooms, and guest rooms. For 2016, the IgniteXL by Dimplex promises to be a design favorite, with its Multi-Fire XD™ flame effect (which reproduces a natural flame) and the sophisticated, diamondlike acrylic ice embers that sparkle with reflected light. At a depth of a mere 5.5 inches, and with an edge-to-edge viewing area, the Ignite XL also offers a panoramic view of its flames. “People want to see the ambience of relaxing flame at every angle of their rooms, and the Ignite XL doesn’t disappoint,” Bradley says. TAKING ON TECHNOLOGY Technology has begun to take a front seat in many fireplaces, over the past few years. Manufacturers are developing fireplaces that are easy to use, efficient, and able to be integrated seamlessly into today’s modern homes.

Regency® Fireplace Products

(Delta, British Columbia) is a technology leader that prides itself on attention to detail in all of its products, from design to construction. According to Julian Mills, senior industrial-design manager, there are numerous opportunities that new technology is offering the fireplace industry, especially with respect to enhancing the customer’s experience. The company sees new technology having an impact “on everything, from how customers learn about new products online to how they interact with their dealers and, of

course, how they use fireplaces and integrate them into their homes,” Mills says. “As a manufacturer, we have made considerable investments in new technologies to make our products more efficient to manufacture, faster to develop, and easier to track. All of this contributes to improved products and an enhanced customer experience.” In 2016, Regency will launch a number of all-new product lines that will pick up on the latest trends in technology and design, in addition to expanding its existing successful lines with more sizes and styles. In the past 12 months, its development team has invested more time than ever in meeting with its customers to develop a thorough understanding of their needs. Mills says, “This approach has resulted in our development of some completely new approaches to fireplace design, which we are confident will attract an even wider demographic of loyal customers to the Regency brand.”

Pacific Energy Fireplace Products Ltd. (Duncan, British Columbia) is a trendsetter in the hearth industry in both design and technology. It is the originator of the first clean-faced fireplace, the company says, and its Town & Country Luxury Fireplaces were the first really to bite into smart-home technology, eight years ago, in high-end custom homes. “These homeowners had very expensive smart-home systems that they wanted us

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to tie into, so we were familiar with the technology early on,” Cory Iversen, North American sales manager, explains. As technology advances, Pacific Energy is moving forward with new phases of home integration, including phone apps, for its fireplaces. Iversen says, “We have our own programmers and app developers for integration—but ultimately, functionality is controlled by the valve manufacturers.” For 2016, the company is offering a downloadable smartphone app that will be available for its new Town & Country line. “Once you download the app, it will be possible to operate your fireplace remotely via your smartphone,” Iversen says. On the design front, Iversen adds, there is a growing focus in the industry on decorative fire features. One example is the company’s HeliFire 360, which features a flame 5 feet long that’s spun into a narrow tubular chassis. It can be installed and enjoyed indoors or outdoors. The company debuted the HeliFire 360 at the 2015 HPBExpo in Nashville, Tennessee, and it attracted a lot of attention. Representatives from The New American Home® were so impressed that they purchased four units to install in the company’s latest show home in Las Vegas, Nevada. Iversen reports that many fireplaces dealers are planning to feature the HeliFire 360 on their showroom floors as a way to get customers to think about fire differently. He says, “I see these types of products becoming a larger part of our

business, over the next few years, as the fire-feature trend continues to dominate modern decor.” Twin-Star® International (Delray Beach, Florida) is an award-winning manufacturer of home furnishings, fireplaces, stoves, heaters, and consumer electronics. The company is known for its ability to combine an electric fireplace with furniture to create a functional, beautiful focal point for any room. Greg Sherwood, sales manager, says, “The technology of electric fireplaces has come a long way over the past few years: They are not just decorative anymore.” The company’s Duraflame and PowerHeat brands offer infrared heating technology, which has been independently laboratory tested and proven to warm rooms of up to 1,000 square feet. “Infrared heat is a holistic heat because it doesn’t rob the moisture out of the air, so it’s ideal for climates with very low humidity and very cold conditions,” Sherwood adds. Twin-Star has thought of several innovative ways to allow its consumers to feel safe while using its products. The SaferPlug™, for example, is a patent-pending technology that’s built into its products’ plugs. It monitors the temperature of the plug and shuts off the appliance if it detects an unsafe rise in temperature. The company recently introduced its AIM— Assembles in Minutes line of fireplaces. “Ease of use is a major factor that attracts consumers to electric fireplaces. An AIM fireplace can be assem-

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bled right out of the box, by a homeowner, in just minutes,” Sherwood says. “Everything we design and every decision we make, we do with the end user in mind. Ease of assembly and keeping everything clean, with options, are our goals.” Miles Industries Ltd. (Vancouver, British Columbia), North America’s exclusive designer, manufacturer, and distributor of Valor® radiant gas fireplaces, is always looking for ways to build strong relationships with its dealers. Last year, it developed a number of installation accessories and applications that will make it possible for dealers to complete tricky or difficult jobs. Paul Miles, director of sales, says, “There are many instances when a homeowner will want a particular fireplace, but it won’t work in the house structurally, which means the dealer could lose a sale. We don’t want dealers to miss out on any sales opportunity, so we are creating problem-solving accessories the will make it possible for them to address venting problems, chimney issues, or any other situation that could arise. It’s about helping them get the job done.” Miles Industries is also working with dealers to maximize their showroom space. For 2016, the company is making additions to its fireplace lineup that will allow dealers to show one model on the showroom floor and sell all sizes from that single display. “It’s a way to turn more sales with less space investment,” Miles says. continued on page 93

The Leader in Fireplace SOLUTIONS & DESIGN

Ultimate Linear Gas Fireplace


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Dealer opportunities in select areas. Visit us online to learn more.

Marketing Maneuvers



pening a new retail store and getting married in the same month would be a huge undertaking for anyone. Doing both only three days apart seems almost impossible. That, however, is exactly what Meredith Deas Tollison did in 2002. “I opened Keep It Casual on May 1 and got married on May 4,” she says. “It was a fun (but busy) time. I did have a manager in place, so it’s not as bad as it sounds— but in retrospect, it was a little crazy.” Tollison, who grew up in Tupelo, Mississippi, attended Georgetown University, earning a bachelor’s degree in foreign service. After graduation, she moved to Boston, Massachusetts, and worked there for several years. On a visit to her hometown, Tollison ran into her high-school sweetheart and Top: Meredith Deas Tollison Bottom: Easy-to-maintain furniture (including products from Seaside Casual) is popular with Keep It Casual’s customers

decided to stay. She ventured into the casual industry with her father, Bill Deas. “My dad opened a patio shop in the 1980s and then went on to do some other things, including wholesaling outdoor furniture. When I moved back to Tupelo, he told me we really needed to open a retail shop here,” Tollison says. There were no other casual-specialty stores in Tupelo, so Tollison thought that her father had a great idea. She jokes, “What I didn’t know was that he intended for me to run it.” The team partnered to open Keep It Casual, and she has run the operation from the beginning. Deas, now semiretired, is still involved in the business today.




DAMN NEAR PERFECT. BUT A LITTLE MORE PEACH NECTAR WILL MAKE THAT GLAZE REALLY SING. Introducing Hestan Outdoor, for those who have an obsession with perfection. We tinkered, tested and tweaked until we came up with the most powerful and reliable grill available. 25,000 BTU burners deliver the perfect sear. Ceramic radiant briquettes minimize flare-ups. We laser cut our grates in-house for heavy-duty reliability. And the built-in rotisserie really works (really well). And since we’re perfectionists, we build each and every grill from scratch at Hestan Headquarters in Anaheim, California. We wouldn’t entrust our recipe to anyone else. Meet the team behind the perfect grill at HPBExpo, booth #2909.

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Marketing Maneuvers Keep It Casual’s name truly reflects the outdoorfurniture trends of its Northeastern Mississippi location. “Traditionally, the Deep South has been pretty solid in wrought iron, but I do see that changing. We now sell a lot of outdoor wicker and recycled plastic, along with some wooden pieces. Outdoor aluminum has become popular, with the advent of saltwater pools,” Tollison says. “Nowadays, people are busy, and they want maintenance-free items. A lot of those products offer that opportunity.” The store’s name also depicts Tollison’s approach to customer service. “We keep things casual with

Interiors has also become a big seller. Tollison says, “Eucalyptus has become very popular because it gives people the look of teak at a fraction of the cost.” SOCIAL-MEDIA SAVVY Tollison understands not only the relevance of social media, but how to use these sites best to promote her store. In fact, using social media is now at the center of her marketing strategy. “In the past, we have done cable-television and newspaper advertising, but we have not done as much of the traditional forms of advertising in recent years. We are now doing a lot of online advertising and focusing on social media,” she says. Tollison handles the majority of posts to the store’s various social-media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. She says, “Keeping up with social media has become a full-time job, and it can be difficult to keep up with it all.”

Tollison always posts fun (and often whimsical) images to engage her followers: for example, a daffodil on the first day of spring or a young Elvis Presley (born in Tupelo) on his birthday. In addition to providing support to the community through social media, Keep it Casual is a supporter of Art Rocks Tupelo, the city’s annual arts festival. AN EASYGOING FEELING Keep It Casual is located in a former drugstore building on Main Street in Tupelo, with approximately 9,000 square feet of showroom space. Since most of the store’s business involves special orders, Tollison does not need to carry a large inventory, thereby avoiding the need for a dedicated warehouse space. “When my father had his wholesale company, I used his building for back stock, but since he sold his business, I have cut down on warehousing,” she says. In addition to placing special orders, customers are also able to purchase any product from the floor. One would expect Keep It Casual’s showroom to have a casual vibe, and that is exactly how Tollison merchandises her store’s interior. Tupelo does have a number of traditional-style homes; Tollison says, “There is a still a demand for traditional furniture, but I see very few formal spaces anymore.” Vignettes are arranged to give customers an impression of how furniture and accessories can be used in their own

Artfully displayed accessories create a warm and cozy showroom atmosphere

our customers,” she says. “We have a lot of regular customers; we remember them, what they purchased, and stories about their families. We greet each person who comes through the door, but we are not a high-pressure store at all.” There is no laid-back approach, however, when it comes to providing product information. “We talk to our customers and try to help them wrap their brains around all that is available,” Tollison says. “We have very strong product knowledge and provide explanations to customers, and it means a lot to them.” From Lloyd Flanders and Woodard to Seaside Casual and Summer Classics, Keep It Casual offers an ample selection of products from highend manufacturers. Tollison explains that representing several lines enables her to offer a wide price spread. She says, “I have some very high-end lines, but I also offer my customers high-quality, affordable furnishings with a range of pricing.” She adds, “Summer Classics is especially popular with my customers because the company does a fantastic job of staying on top of design trends.” Eucalyptus furniture from Amazonia™ (a division of International Home Miami Corp.) and Outdoor

Her daily Facebook posts are fun and creative, often giving informative content (sales, new hours, and product information), and they are always accompanied by a colorful photo or product image. She also promotes goodwill in the Tupelo community by sharing information about local events, as well as by sending holiday greetings. Posts on Facebook are often replicated on Keep It Casual’s Instagram account and Twitter feed. Although they are still not as broad in their reach as Facebook, both forms of social media are used by Tollison in her marketing efforts. Instagram posts center on colorful photos— either promoting a particular product or extending a positive message to the community. Twitter is used to send information about products or sales in real time. On all forms of social media that she employs,




homes. “We display lots of decorative pillows, umbrellas, and outdoor rugs to give customers a warm, cozy feeling,” Tollison says. Tupelo generally has a temperate climate, which keeps Tollison busy most of the year. She says, “Our spring usually comes toward the end of February or the beginning of March. With outdoor heaters and firepits, along with screened-in porches and outdoor curtains, a lot of the spaces we furnish are really 3.5season rooms.” Now, 13 years after opening, Keep It Casual is still the only specialty retailer in Tupelo solely dedicated to selling outdoor/casual furniture and accessories. With a population of 35,000, Tupelo is a small city, but with commuters included, its size swells to 75,000 people daily. Tollison says, “We are not a big town, but we cover a large area. There is definitely a need for us here.”


Hearth Retailer

SHOW and TELL A roomy and visually inspiring retail space gives Schwake Fireplaces & Outdoor an edge over the competition. BY CHERYL DANGEL BARTOLINI PHOTOGRAPHY BY ROB BAKER


sk Christopher Talbot, fireplace manager for Schwake Fireplaces & Outdoor (Mundelein, Illinois), what sets the store apart from its competitors, and his response will be quick and to the point. “They don’t have a lot of space,” he states. “We do.” Competitors pile everything high and “try to maximize every nook and cranny they can. It is hard to walk around and see the displays,” Talbot says. “Sometimes, stores will line up things on both sides of a walkway that’s 4 feet wide, and you can’t see the displays on both sides. Customers can’t visualize what fireplaces will look like in their homes in that setting.” He adds, “Our showroom is wide open and big, so people can really visualize. That really makes us stand out—in my area, anyway.” Space being Schwake Fireplaces & Outdoor’s strength, the store has done all that it can to take advantage of it. A year ago, the store reworked its fireplace showroom. “We capitalized on space that wasn’t being used and took out some discontinued products,” Talbot says, noting that the store had some open spots. Those spots are not open any longer. The store tore out fireplace installations that didn’t perform well, and it changed out other products due to the 2015 regulations requiring bar-

riers for glass-fronted gas hearth products. “We weren’t using our space as well as we could. Changing it made a big difference. When you revamp your displays, it adds interest. When you see something in a shop that is outdated and dingy, it doesn’t show well,” Talbot explains. The store added Heat & Glo to its product lineup, and it took its place on the floor alongside products from manufacturers such as Astria Fireplaces, Valor Fireplaces, and Stellar Hearth Products. Schwake Fireplaces & Outdoor also carries products from White Mountain Hearth,

Top: From left, Sarah Heide, Chris Talbot, Carole Schwake-Hodgson, and Donna Schwake-McNulty Bottom: Although customers are interested in contemporary designs, most end up buying more traditional fireplaces with gas logs

Majestic, and Monessen, but don’t necessarily have them on display. The store offers log sets from White Mountain Hearth, RH Peterson Company, and Rasmussen. Also in the product lineup is a complete offering of



wood-burning products, as well as stoves and electric fireplaces. Currently, the live fireplace display consists of 15 direct-vent fireplaces, six direct-vent gas units, 12 vented gas log sets, and three ventfree gas log sets. When the store


brought in Heat & Glo products, it added nine new displays, and another one is in the works. Four new Stellar displays were installed as well. Competition to get a product into the store’s live display is fierce.

Endless possibilities begin with Mendota Décor

As Mendota’s most customizable offering, Décor fireplaces and inserts put hundreds of configurations at homeowners’ fingertips, including our exciting new Birch and Norway Spruce fire bases—all while building additional profit opportunities into every hearth.

Visit us at HPBA Booth #1536 Circle Reader Service No. 29

Hearth Retailer

Schwake Fireplaces & Outdoor’s 20,000–squarefoot showroom includes outdoor kitchens and stone displays, as well as hearths

“To add a line to the shop, the maker must have something that is different from the rest of the industry, in terms of style. There must be something unique to the line that we think we can sell,” Talbot explains. “It also helps for the manufacturer to have a strong reputation in the industry. We spend a lot of money to install a fireplace and put stone around it—so if the manufacturer has a good showroom credit, it is easier to add a line to the floor.” SET IN STONE When Talbot reports that the company goes to the time and trouble of putting stone around its live fireplace models, he isn’t kidding. The store’s roots are set in stone. Robert Schwake Stone, a familyowned business, has been a presence in the Chicago area for 70 years, providing stone and hearth materials. It entered the fireplace business 12 years ago. Competition was growing in the stone industry, and the company “wanted to get into another aspect of the business, to help weather the winter and boost sales,” Talbot says. The fireplace industry was a natural fit. The store already served fireplace customers who came in looking for stone facings. Now, the company could sell the fireplace, too. This also cross-pollinated the business because it gave it the

ability to sell stone year round. “It was really done of necessity,” Talbot says. He joined Schwake Fireplaces & Outdoor four years ago. Today, the store employs 17 people, and its showroom has 20,000 square feet (25% devoted to fireplaces). The balance of the showroom has stone displays, outdoor kitchens, and even a pool (with a waterfall) that spotlights the company’s landscaping capabilities. A small house also stands in the showroom, featuring a variety of stonework. Needless to say, the store is involved in show-and-tell marketing in a big way “because people want to visualize the stone. You can’t do always do that by looking at a little sample board,” Talbot says. The store has a large base of walk-in customers who are looking for replacement stone for their fireplace surrounds. “They don’t even know that we do fireplaces, so the stone salespeople will help them pick out the stone and then send them over to the fireplace side for mantels,” Talbot says. He adds that the business now has a separate website ( for the fireplace business, but does little with social media. Advertising is minimal; the store will advertise in community magazines mailed to subdivisions. It is, however, trying out some new events. It is host-



ing educational meetings for industry specifiers (such as architects and designers) seeking continuing-education credits. “It is a good opportunity for us to introduce them to our fireplaces and our stone,” he says. A BUSY YEAR Despite its relatively low profile, the fireplace business is booming. Talbot reports, “Of total revenue, 20% to 25% is now from the fireplace department. Every year, we are growing by adding new lines and more displays. This season is crazy. We are up over 25% from the previous year, so it has been really good.” He continues, “We’re almost to the point where it is too busy for our capacity. The market is back, as far as people putting money into their homes goes. Consumers are looking for another way to heat rooms that are colder, and I also feel that the addition of new lines to our offerings is driving people from those brands’ websites to our website to our showroom. Word of mouth from previous customers has also contributed to the sales increase.” To date, Talbot says, contemporary designs are trending, but not necessarily the linear fireplace designs so commonly associated with contemporary styling. “Customers like the idea, in the design aspect, but it just doesn’t work for them,” he explains. “They may


already have a fireplace, and switching to linear isn’t possible. They also like the glass, rocks, and stones that give a fireplace a more contemporary look—but the traditional shapes are what sell.” It’s surprising to Talbot that this year will be a record breaker for sales of gas log sets. He says, “We’ve sold more regular gas logs this year than in the past two years combined. I’m not sure whether people are sick of burning wood or have decided to replace old stuff. We thought sales of log sets would be dying down, but they are big this year.” Another surprise, Talbot notes, is that the fireplace feature customers are insisting on is an interior option for a prefabricated fireplace. He says, “They want the herringbone option in the brick liner, and how many people have this as their primary concern amazes me; they don’t necessarily care about the other features. Many have switched from one company to another just for the color and the herringbone design.” Talbot suggests that aside from the herringbone pattern, customers love the ability to use a remote control to manage their fireplaces and log sets. A ONE-STOP SHOP Customers have much to choose from at Schwake Fireplaces & Outdoor. “Our big selling point is our product selection,” Talbot says. “We have products

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Hearth Retailer Top: In 2014, Schwake Fireplaces & Outdoor remodeled its showroom, adding the Heat & Glo line to its offerings Bottom: The store’s roots are in the stone industry: More than 70 years ago, the owners’ ancestors started Robert Schwake Stone

from a lot more manufacturers than many shops do—and offering a lot more facade options (due to the stone business) gives us an edge that many showrooms don’t have. We are not limited to

one set of stone, either. We offer manufactured stone and real stone from all over the world.” Talbot also mentions the importance of the personalized education

that the store gives customers. He says, “We don’t just push one product. We work hard to find the products that work best for customers and their budgets. Because we are a familyowned business, we can connect well with our customers.” To that end, Schwake Fireplaces & Outdoor makes purchasing a fireplace easy by providing one-stop shopping. From the estimate to the design work to the installation, Schwake Fireplaces & Outdoor handles the job, outsourcing the actual installation to contractors who work exclusively for the store. Talbot says, “In the future, I hope to

bring that totally in-house.” Currently, the fireplaces in the showroom are accessorized with props, including photos and paintings sourced from local Marshalls Inc. and HomeGoods® stores. “In the future, I’d like to include products that we can sell,” Talbot says, planning ahead for another income stream. The outlook for the store is positive. Talbot says, “We are up a lot, and we’ve added some big lines that will help us grow. We’re just trying to get through the crazy season that is upon us and add another salesperson in fireplaces and another installer crew.” He adds, “We are really excited about the potential growth in the shop and in our market. There is a lot of room for us to grow, with the help of our partners.”


The Avalon Collection from Meadow Decor Circle Reader Service No. 32




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Outdoor Grilling

FULLYEquipped Embers Grill & Fireplace Store focuses on supplying the whole outdoor kitchen, not just the grill.

From left: Rex, Crystal, and Zach Watson



ho has just a stove in the kitchen? That is the question posed by Zach Watson, co-owner of Embers Grill & Fireplace Store (Brentwood, Tennessee), when customers enter his store, just south of Nashville. “They come in looking for just grills, and we have built-in models from $999 to $8,000—but that’s just one small part of the puzzle, because we’re trying to create a complete outdoor kitchen. Inside, you wouldn’t use just a range. You’d need great cabinets, a sink, a refrigerator, and so forth,” Watson says. “That’s what we want to show people. Having a complete kitchen outdoors makes it easy on you. You don’t have to run in and out of the house when you’re entertaining.” It’s a formula that is working. The store got into

the outdoor-kitchen market in 2006, and its entrance was so dramatic that its history could be divided into two phases: before, when it sold only stand-alone grills, gas logs, and fireplaces—and after, with outdoor kitchens doubling its annual sales. “We can attribute all of our growth to kitchens. Everything else has been pretty flat,” Watson says. “Outdoor kitchens are, by far, our biggest focus. Our market has a high demand,” Watson notes; the store carries Alfresco, Fire Magic, Blaze, Artisan, and Weber grills, in addition to Big Green Egg products. “We do carry stand-alone grills, but our focus is on the outdoor kitchen,” he says. The message is always the same: “It isn’t just a grill, but a fully functional kitchen,” Watson says. To that end, Embers sells refrigerators, ice makers,




ventilation hoods, and dishwashers—everything for the outdoor kitchen—and it is paying off, he reports. “Anything you can do inside, you can do outside, we tell our customers,” he says. Initially, not all customers accept the idea. “When they come in, at first, they say they want outdoor kitchens, but they never seem to realize fully what can be done outside,” Watson says. “Fortunately, we have a great showroom that shows them everything they can do. Many times, they come in and want built-in grills, but then they see the beverage dispensers, warming drawers, and pizza ovens, and they can get really excited. They see things they didn’t even know existed.” Today, Embers is fully immersed in the outdoorkitchen market, but it stops short of doing the actual building, preferring to work with trade partners.

THE GATHERER, THE GRILLER, THE CULINARY PROVIDER Building on a heritage of commercial-quality appliances, DCS Grills are engineered to deliver the power and performance demanded by a professional chef. Introducing the latest generation of DCS high-performance Grills; serious outdoor

kitchen equipment for people who are made to grill.

Circle Reader Service No. 35

Outdoor Grilling Being outside is where we can get the dream started,” Watson says. Embers now has a roster of 10 employees, including his sister, Crystal Watson, who is the store’s marketing guru.

With more than 4,300 square feet of showroom space, Embers Grill & Fireplace Store displays a wide assortment of highquality appliances

“We let them do what they are good at, which is the building. We help with the design and layout, figuring out how the kitchen should work,” Watson says. BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS If the store only offered outdoor kitchens and nothing to back them, it wouldn’t be as successful today. Watson acknowledges that the store’s boom in sales is also due to hard work, extensive knowledge, and product familiarity. “We also attribute it to relationships, and those start with our manufacturers and end with our customers. We’re in the relationship business, and ultimately, we’re all on the same team and want to create a great product for the customers. Understanding we’re all in this together really makes a difference,” he adds. When choosing products to carry, Watson demands more than just great quality. He explains, “We need support on the front end and the back end. We need support from the manufacturers. We want to know that if we have a problem, they’ll take care of it, and they won’t sell to the big-box stores or set up a retailer on every corner. We’re in this together; it is a relationship.” That relationship includes Watson’s family. Growing up on the periphery of the business, Watson learned to love grilling from his father, Rex Watson. “My dad had an old propane tank he’d converted to a gas grill that he used to cook hamburgers at sporting events, when we were kids. I was always around grilling and learned from him— and I like to eat good food,” Watson says. Rex had made that original grill from a propane tank that came from his father’s business. Big John Watson, as he was known, founded a propane business in Alabama, 50 years ago. Rex worked in the business and grew it to 13 locations. “As a kid, it was my job to paint the propane tanks,” Watson recalls, adding that a small part of the business was selling grills and gas logs, but that was by no means its focus. After college (and with a degree in international finance), Watson left Alabama and moved to Nashville in search of a job. While looking for a position, he noticed that selling backyard grills was an untapped niche in the Nashville market.

The sales team enjoys sitting down with customers to educate them about products that will make their outdoor kitchens as functional as their indoor kitchens

When he saw the lack of stores dedicated to outdoor cooking in the area, Watson, at 22, was just young enough to believe that failure wasn’t an option. Without much hesitation, he discarded his plans to pursue a job in international finance. Instead, with his father, he opened Embers in 2003. “When we opened this store, the focus was always to be in retail,” Watson says. “We just saw a need for it, here in Williamson County: There’s a lot of new construction. There are a lot of homes, and there really wasn’t anyone else focusing on this market. I saw a need and saw an opportunity, and being 22 and not knowing what to do, I said, ‘Let’s go for it’—and we did.” The business has continued to grow every year since it opened. “No year was down, and we’ve basically tripled our business in the past six years,” Watson notes. “Nashville has been a great market because we were able to grow even when business was not good. We find what people want and give them great products and service.” The company started small and has stayed that way, more or less. It opened with three people in a 2,500–square-foot retail showroom. Three years later, it acquired 1,300 square feet of space next door, which enabled it to branch into the outdoorkitchen business. Then, in 2015, it added a 500–square-foot outdoor showroom, bringing its total square feet to 4,300. “We like taking our customers outside.




HOUSE CALLS Watson does business as his father and grandfather before him did, he says. He is not afraid to do whatever it takes to maintain a customer relationship. In fact, Embers will go to customers’ homes to show them how to use their new grills and kitchens. Embers calls these Demo & Dine events. “Customers can invite their neighbors over, and we’ll help them cook a meal and show them how to use everything. Doing this shows them that we care,” he notes. He used to rely on traditional advertising, but does so no longer. Demo & Dine events are proving to be more popular. All the cooking demonstrations are done off-site because of strict regulation, in the area, of cooking classes. “We go out to businesses or people’s homes and do the demos there,” Watson says. He is usually the chef and instructor. While Embers does have social-media presences on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (all managed by Crystal, along with the store’s branding), it focuses on special events to attract customers. For example, Embers cooked for 100 people at a special event hosted by a luxury-car dealership located near the store. “It is that kind of creative advertising we try to do, where people can see you and see that personal touch,” Watson explains. The store has conducted similar cooking events at a local wine store and a bank. Those efforts are augmented by some directmail advertising. “I think we are always trying to stay ahead and always looking for products that our customers are wanting,” Watson says. “Now, more than ever, customers are coming to us more educated than we are, sometimes. They are on the Internet researching different brands, and we have to be proactive and do the same, so we are always looking forward and trying to stay ahead of the game.” The bottom line is that this is a family business, and Watson runs it using lessons learned from his father and his grandfather. “My grandfather, Big John, taught my dad, and my dad passed on to us that as long as you work hard and take care of people, in the end, you’ll be a successful businessperson,” he says. “Using those lessons he taught us, we try to do the same thing.”

Circle Reader Service No. 37

Showroom Showcase

TOP OF THE HILL Hill Company’s savvy merchandising strategy earned it the Apollo Award, along with lots of visibility. by SHARON SANDERS



t’s an exciting time for Hill Company (Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania). As the winner of the 2015 Apollo Award in the singlestore category, the specialty patio store is receiving recognition that its owner, Linda Moran, never dreamed was possible. The story behind Hill Company is one of a diamond in the rough that is just starting to shine. In only 10 years, the store’s showroom has tripled in size, its customer base has swollen, and it has gained a reputation for its service and style. “I get a natural high when I come to work because I love seeing people happy and their backyards beautiful,” Moran says. Moran saw the store’s potential from the beginning, when she was hired (in 1998) to work part-time as a salesper-




son. She had just retired from teaching, after 11 years, and wanted to do something that would incorporate her new interior-design certification. At the time, the store was just a tiny shop in the heart of the affluent Chestnut Hill area of Philadelphia. “It was run by the son of the original owner and his mother. The cash register was a cigar box under the counter, and all of the bookkeeping was done in longhand, on a ledger pad. It was a charming business that just needed a fresh vision,” Moran recalls, adding that there were many things that the owner wasn’t doing to take the store to the next level. “We sold beautiful outdoor furniture, but we weren’t in the right showroom. We had a base of wealthy customers, but we weren’t going out to their houses to help them coordinate their other outdoor spaces. There was a huge customer base that we hadn’t even tapped into,” Moran adds. In 2005, an opportunity arose for Moran to buy the company—so she did. “I never expected to own a retail store, but I found out that retailing was in my blood. There was so much I wanted to do,” she says. In moving forward as the new owner, she didn’t waste any time. Implementing her vision started with increasing the size of the showroom. In 2008, she opened a second store (with each store measuring 4,000 square feet), but it still wasn’t enough showroom space for the growing operation. “Our business was increasing dramatically because I was doing a huge push to get our name out beyond the town. A large building down the street became available, so we snatched it up,” Moran says. Hill Company moved into its new location in March 2015. It includes a 10,000–square-foot furniture showroom and a 2,000–squarefoot gift shop. “It was the beginning of a new generation. We now have room to spread out and inspire our customers with gorgeous vignettes. People walk into the store every day and comment that they love everything they see,” Moran says. Her secret to offering the right product mix is to buy what she personally loves. “If I love it, the customers will, too,” she explains. Hill Company’s underlying cur-

rent is design, partly because that is where Moran’s passion lies—in everything from the way that the showroom is merchandised to the way that a sale is made. It’s not uncommon for a salesperson to spend three hours with a customer; in fact, it’s encouraged. The store offers free at-home design consultations that have boosted sales substantially. “Our core customers are very affluent,” Moran says. “They are the kind of people who can afford to buy things such as teak benches and firepits as gifts—so when it comes to making purchases for their own homes, all they need is a little inspiration. We can either sell them one piece of furniture from Page 38, top: Hill Company is shining more brightly than ever today Page 38, bottom: The store’s showroom is filled with merchandise that Linda Moran personally selects Top: Eli Hymer and Linda Moran Middle and bottom: The store's seasonal merchandise is a big draw for new and regular customers

our showroom or go to their homes and outfit their entire backyards. Customers are actually relieved that we can help them pull together their outdoor rooms.” Being a design partner helps the store build long- term relationships with customers (because they know that they can get design advice when they’re ready to buy again). “We get a lot of repeat customers, friends of customers, and neighbors of customers,” Moran says. The store has also become known for its seasonal decor. People will stop by each season just to see what’s new. In the spring and summer, the space is all about home/garden accessories, firepits, fire tables, and outdoor cooking with Big Green Egg products and Alfresco pizza ovens. When the cold weather rolls in, the entire store is transformed into a winter wonderland. Dozens of




Showroom Showcase cial coupons for its customers. Santa even makes a visit. The seasonal events started small, but have grown every year. “Now, people make it an annual tradition to come with their families—even people from out of town,” Moran says. “It’s a lot of work, but it has done wonders for our visibility.” Before Moran bought the business, the store did little to no advertising. In contrast, she has made it a priority, and she credits the store’s steady growth to its newfound popularity. She Hill Company carries everything that anyone could need says, “People just needed to to furnish a complete outdoor room know that we were here, and the rest was easy.” Moran put Christmas trees, fireplaces, and accestogether a comprehensive media sories are merchandised in furniture strategy that includes everything from vignettes, along with twinkling lights, newspapers to social media. ornaments, and holiday gifts. “My feeling is that the more times The store puts on weekly holiday you can get your store’s name in front events, evenings with wine and of people, the better,” Moran says. cheese, raffles, and month-long spe-

Some of the ideas that have brought the best return include participation in community events such as the Chestnut Hill Community Association’s annual holiday house tour and the Philadelphia magazine design home (a custom home that is constructed by local builders, decorated, and visited by thousands of people each year for charity). Moran says, “We deck out the patios, pools, and outdoor spaces with furniture, accessories, and unique outdoor products. It’s fun to get creative. People touring the homes are looking for ideas, so it’s a great place to showcase our products and attract people to our store. For the time and effort that we put into it, it has brought us a good amount of business.” Moran has hired a person to handle all of the store’s social media, including its presence on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Houzz. Her specialist posts pictures of products daily. “You are putting yourself in front of people more

often with social media, so we have made a big push in this direction lately,” Moran says. The store still uses traditional newspaper and radio advertising because Moran feels that all media formats work together. She says, “We want people to see our name in the newspaper in the morning, to hear about us on the radio on their way to the airport, and to see a photo of a furniture collection on when they are searching the Internet for design ideas. It’s all about becoming a household name.” There is no doubt that Hill Company has hit its stride. Moran becomes a better retailer every day, she says. “I have put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into my business, over the years, but winning the Apollo Award made it all worthwhile. Every day that we do business, we want to make and keep our customers happy. People crave excellent service, and I know that’s what keeps our customers coming back,” Moran concludes.

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Circle Reader Service No. 40




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Sunbrella速 is a registered trademark of Glen Raven, Inc.

Circle Reader Service No. 41

As I See It

Grill Gear The Companion Group offers some of the most ingenious tools for achieving barbecue bliss. BY SHARON SANDERS

Top left: Niki Gross Top right: A Himalayan salt plate Bottom: The PizzaQue® pizza kit for kettle grills

The Companion Group® (Berkeley, California) has managed to make grilling and outdoor cooking more creative, delicious, and just plain fun. The company recently celebrated 30 years in business, and its first-to-market concepts (in a seemingly endless stream) have brought the barbecue industry products such as the award-winning Pizzeria Pronto® outdoor pizza oven. Headed by Chuck Adams, CEO, The Companion Group has a family of brands, including Charcoal Companion®, Steven Raichlen Best of Barbecue™, Planet Barbecue™, and Pizzacraft®. Patio & Hearth Products Report spent some time with Niki Gross, marketing manager, to find out what’s hot—and what’s next—in the world of grilling and outdoor cooking.

are constantly looking for ways to help people do things better or more easily. The company always has 10 to 15 product ideas in the pipeline, in various stages of development, and because all of our products are created in-house, it’s possible to develop and execute most product ideas fairly quickly. This ability is a huge part of our strength as a company. Being an innovator also means staying in touch with food trends. Smoking is a perfect example of a food trend that The Companion Group has tapped into successfully. Smoking is a huge subculture in many parts of the country, and we’ve created products that have taken smoking meat to a whole new level—and we’ve introduced accessories that make it easier as well.

The Companion Group is known to be an innovator. Why is that so important to its success and growth as a company?

How does The Companion Group create interest in its products?

Gross: We pour our heart and soul into product development because we know that for a company like ours, it’s essential to staying relevant in the industry. There is always a better or new way to do something, and we challenge ourselves to discover what that is. We see ourselves as problem solvers in that we

Gross: We are living in a time when people want to see products demonstrated before they use them—so they know what to expect. Demo videos are all over the Internet for everything imaginable. With that in mind, we offer an ongoing series of demo videos— which can been viewed on our company website (, YouTube, and other




places on the Internet—showcasing our products. The demos show, step by step, how to assemble, use, or cook with many of our items. They are also a way to give customers ideas on how they can use items in more than one way or how some products can be used both outdoors and indoors. The videos have proved to be a good sales/marketing tool to attract new customers and keep relationships strong with existing customers.

What are some of the company’s standout products for 2016? Gross: From our point of view, cooking pizza at home is one of the hottest trends because of its affordability. One can bake a pizza in an oven for just a few dollars, as opposed to ordering delivery or going out to dinner. A few years ago, we launched the portable Pizzeria Pronto outdoor pizza oven, which has changed the face of pizza making. In a matter of five minutes, one can cook a pizza, anywhere from tailgating at a football game to holding a child’s birthday party at a park. Using patented technology, the Pizzeria Pronto can cook pizza continuously, with no extra heating time. It is powered by standard 20-pound LP tank or by a 1-pound travel tank that yields more than 100 pies. For 2016, we are also offering our

Circle Reader Service No. 43

As I See It PizzaQue® pizza kit for kettle grills, which makes it easy to convert any charcoal kettle grill into a pizza oven in just minutes. When it comes to grilling, we are excited about our new grilled-cheese basket. The company likes to take classic foods and cook them a different way, and the grilled-cheese basket is a perfect example. It allows one to make a grilled-cheese sandwich on the grill, flipping it using the basket, while it takes on a subtle smoky flavor. We also offer accessories for smokers—including a smoker box and a wood-pellet tube that fits down inside a smoker, making it easy to fill and refill it with the fuel.

Which products have been consistent favorites? Gross: We have a number of long-time favorites, including our line of bug zappers; smoker boxes; and an extensive selection of grilling accessories (spatulas, flippers, and tongs). Our Himalayan salt plates and accessories have been top sellers since they were introduced in 2012. A salt plate is designed to enhance the flavor of foods naturally when heated on a grill, and when it’s chilled, it becomes the ideal plate on which to serve a

scoop of ice cream and caramel (to make a sweet, salty dessert). Its natural pink color makes for a beautiful presentation for guests as well. We also have had great success with our Stuff-ABurger™ press, which makes it simple to create the most decadent burgers. Each side of the press can be filled with meat, and the pocket in the middle can be stuffed with anything that one can dream up: cheese, bacon, onions, or any other topping. Classic items such as kebabs and grilling planks (to grill fish) are things that will always be on trend.

How can retailers get their customers excited about The Companion Group’s products? Gross: I think one of the most important things is knowing about—and knowing how to use—our products. Many of our items are accessories that make great gifts, so the power of suggestion is huge. If a salesperson is excited, it’s contagious to customers. One popular gift item is a cast-iron Brie baker that was designed to be used on a grill. One can take a chunk of Brie and heat it on the grill for a great appetizer. We also have a s’mores-grilling rack that offers a fun and easy way to make s’mores without a campfire, and

our glow-in-the-dark skewers are a novelty that keeps kids entertained after the sun goes down at a backyard party. Retailers often ask us for suggestions on the best product mix to carry, and we are more than happy to provide them with a top-10 list of best-selling items.

What do you predict for the category of outdoor-cooking accessories? Gross: Grilling is not a fad. I believe it will continue to grow in popularity as people realize how affordable it is to grill and cook outdoors. As prices rise for just about everything, it will become more and more appealing to have a group of friends over to enjoy the experience of cooking and eating a meal together outdoors.

What does the future hold for The Companion Group? Gross: We will continue our focus on innovation, as that is where our strength lies, along with our customer service. We know that there are still places in the market where we can create new categories with interesting, useful grilling products that will drive business to retailers. There is no limit, in my mind.

Circle Reader Service No. 44




Circle Reader Service No. 45


Organic Modernism European Home’s stylish fireplaces enhance contemporary interiors, pairing clean lines with rustic accents. BY KIMBERLY RODGERS “Offering a variety is one of the things that makes us unique. Every installation—indeed, every space—has its own design and aesthetic challenges.” European Home’s ample selection includes a variety of modern fireplace models in direct-vent, natural-vent, and vent-free systems. Sizes range from

cient and clean products available, as the flames are contained behind glass, allowing combustible air to be pulled in and exhausted from outside. Aesthetically, a glass front could be a hindrance; however, Element4 direct-vent fireplaces are so meticulously crafted that no frame or sealant is needed where glass corners meet. All you are left with are a tight join and incredibly clean lines.”

The three-sided H series fireplace

Holly Markham has always been drawn to Europe. She first enjoyed European travel; then, in the 1990s, she had an opportunity to live and work abroad as a sales manager in the software industry. She was in charge of business in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. “This position gave me insight into what I liked, including beautiful architectural details that were simply designed and of high quality,” she says. When it came time to return to the United States, Markham took her appreciation of European architecture and turned it into a business, founding European Home (Malden, Massachusetts) in 1999. Markham says, “I was interested in starting my own company and came back to the concept of European design because, at the time, I found it difficult to find very stylish home-building products and accessories.” From the beginning, Markham’s concept for the company was to offer sophisticated and thoroughly modern interior-design elements. “I tried a few different products, including a

Holly Markham The Lucius 140 fireplace by Element4

recycled solid-surface material from Finland and modern electric fireplaces that were used in the W hotel in South Korea,” she says. “Initially, I worked alone on his business. Once I added gas fireplaces, in 2003, the business gradually grew.” In 2005, Markham’s husband, John, left his corporate position to work with her in the growing family business. She hired her first employee in 2006. Today, the staff ’s size has increased to 11 full-time and two part-time employees as European Home has surged in growth (as both an importer and a manufacturer of modern indoor and outdoor fireplaces). The company provides a range of options to fit a customer’s individual needs and requirements. Markham says,



small to large, and fireplaces come in many configurations and styles, including single-sided and seethrough versions, as well as models with seamless glass on up to four sides. In 2011, European Home became the exclusive North American distributor of products from Element4 (Zwolle, Netherlands). Element4 is a highly respected designer and producer of gas fireplaces in Europe. Markham says, “Element4 produces gorgeous, trimless multisided fireplaces.” European Home was a 2015 Vesta Award finalist in the Art of Fire category for the Element4 Sky T fireplace. Most products that the company sells are direct-vent units. Markham says, “Direct-vent fireplaces are some of the most effi-


ADDING MANUFACTURING Necessity led European Home to begin manufacturing its own line of fireplaces in 2003. Markham says, “We were no longer able to import gas fireplaces from Europe, due to design modifications that needed to be made to meet North American requirements. At the time, I did not find a company willing to make these changes.” Consequently, this led European Home to license a fireplace model— the Vision—from Gavin Scott Design™ (Wirral, England) and have the product manufactured in the United States. Markham says, “In 2005, we shipped our first fireplace—a Vision open-front B vent model. Customers were thanking us because it was so unique, with its clean, simple lines.” She adds, “At the time, only logs

were available, and we offered the choice of stones in the fire. This was also unique, and customers were grateful to have the option.” In 2010, 100 European Home Vision fireplaces were installed in luxury condominiums in Bar Harbor, Florida. Markham says, “Only very high-end appliances were selected for this property, so we were honored that the Vision was chosen.” Since it began manufacturing fireplaces, European Home has increased its proprietary line to include products with different venting systems as market conditions changed and the demand for efficiency increased. Markham says, “Over the years, we have listened to what our designers, architects, and dealers have requested. If the request fits our aesthetic, then we will use that feedback to consider new products. When the request does not fit, we give a referral to other companies that focus more on one-off custom solutions.”

including lamps and rugs with contemporary geometric designs shown in earthy tones of green, subdued yellows, and neutrals. She says, “European Home’s products fit perfectly with this aesthetic, as our products combine trimless clean lines with orange–yellow flames. In addition, there are a multitude of fireplace-surround design options available, so customers are only limited by their imaginations.” The company’s dealers are located

throughout the United States and Canada. Markham says, “We have dealers in urban areas; however, we have many dealers who are successful with the line in smaller towns across North America.” Markham invites potential new dealers to explore the company’s website ( European Home also has a database of dealers (not displayed on its website). “Many times, a consumer will call us, and if we do not have a representative in the area, we reach

NEW MODERNISM Markham comments that modern fireplaces are gaining popularity in today’s market and notes that a Modernist design aesthetic has been around for almost a century. She points to two stunning examples: The first is the Villa Savoye (Poissy, France), completed in 1931 and designed by Le Corbusier (1887–1965). The second is a series of anodized-aluminum boxes, conceived in the early 1970s by artist Donald Judd (1928–1994). “People love the exacting simplicity of the Villa Savoye or the crisp corners of a Judd sculpture, and they want that feeling of unencumbered openness for their own living spaces,” Markham says. “Our hearth products stand on the shoulders of these giants. We rest easy, knowing that good design and clean lines never really go out of style.” Interior design, overall, is trending toward what has been called Organic Modernism, Markham says. This new Modernism counteracts the popular criticism of Minimalist design as being too sterile and cold. She says, “Now, people are free to pair warm cedar veneers and family heirlooms with the modern elements of concrete and glass, making this form of Modernism more personal and immediate. Consumers are learning that it is OK to mix styles, so the market for modern fireplaces is growing.” While attending a recent High Point Market, Markham noticed many examples of Organic Modernist trends,

out to a local dealer in our network. We have added many new dealers this way,” she explains. To increase efficiency further, the company is updating its computer system and moving to a new building this year. Markham says, “We offer our dealers great sales and technical support. When we go on the road to visit our dealers, we consistently hear that they are pleased with the nice people we have who take their calls and assist them.”

Circle Reader Service No. 47





Empire of Efficiency A company’s commitment to innovation leads it to make energy-saving hearth products in the United States. BY GREG THOMPSON Empire Comfort Systems (Belleville, Illinois) has never been timid in its mission to ward off the cold and keep people warm. Started by Henry Bauer in 1911 and formally incorporated in 1932, in the heart of the Great Depression, Empire has endured wars, economic upheavals, and even lobbyists who want to put it out of business. Nick Bauer, president of Empire and great-grandson of Henry Bauer, says, “I’ve been at hearings in Washington DC where a man shakes my hand and says his entire goal is to put my family business out of business. There are people out there with a lot of money behind them, and they believe that if you run on gas, you are contributing to climate change. It’s their job to get rid of all manufacturers making products that are fueled by natural gas.” Despite the reputation of natural gas as the cleanest fossil fuel—producing about 29% and 44% less carbon dioxide than oil and coal, respectively (according to the Natural Gas Supply Association)—more battles undoubtedly remain on the horizon. To Bauer, the ill will emanating

A Broilmaster gas grill

Nick Bauer is working to expand Empire’s grill sector in 2016

from the nation’s capital is misguided, especially considering Empire’s long-standing policy of making its products in the United States. For more than a century, Empire has maintained a consistent manufacturing presence in the United States, while other companies have fled abroad. Bauer understands the environmental concerns. His company has complied with extra regulations that have driven up production costs for the company’s many familiar products, including American Hearth and White Mountain Hearth, Empire’s two biggest fireplace brands. With energy/heat efficiency specifically in mind, Empire’s Mantis was designed as a highly innovative gas hearth. “We’re the only manufacturer in North America that sells a 90% efficient gas-hearth line (Mantis) that vents with PVC pipe,” Bauer says. “It is the only AFUE–certified gas unit on the market that is so efficient. Most fireplaces are 40% to 60% efficient, and inserts run about 60% to 70%. We’re certified at AFUE 92% to 93%.” Mantis is available as a fire-




place, insert, and freestanding stove, and it appeals to consumers who are particularly conscious of gas prices and want maximum efficiency. The Mantis, with an attractive visible flame, uses technology similar to that of an HVAC central furnace, but more than 90% of its Btu output goes into the room as heat. Bauer says, “You can use it as a stove, and we have contemporary and traditional models. It’s more of a niche product, and it’s a little more expensive to buy, but because it installs with PVC venting, the installed cost is comparable to that of other direct-vent fireplaces.” Catering to niches has kept Empire on the cutting edge, while a willingness to evolve has helped it to weather a shift in demand from wall furnaces (70% of its business, a decade ago) to fireplaces. The venerable Empire Heating Systems wall furnace now represents about a quarter of total business, and manufacturing has been retooled to accommodate the shift to fireplaces. On the culinary side of the business, Empire’s Broilmaster gas-grill line is the longest continuously made gas-grill line in the country. 2016 will mark 50 years for Broilmaster, one of only a handful of grills still made in the United States. Empire purchased the brand 15 years ago. Grills now represent about 7% of Empire’s total business, but Bauer has purchased design rights to a new stainless-steel line of grills taking shape for a

Circle Reader Service No. 49

A Mantis gas fireplace

2017 release. The new grill line is an expansion of the Broilmaster line, which has just one flaw: “The Broilmaster is a really great grill, but it looks like a grill that came out 50 years ago—and it lasts 50 years,” Bauer says. “It’s incredibly well made, but it does not look like the fancy, shiny stainless grills you see now, so we want to adjust with the market.”

HOT PRODUCTS From gas stoves to floor furnaces to wall furnaces (and now, to hearth products), Empire has found innovative and stylish ways to meet the basic human need for warmth. It’s a recipe for success that the Bauer family has nourished, while never taking it for granted. “My father and I are big

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believers that regardless of what happens in this world, people are going to need to heat their homes,” Bauer says, “and it’s a lot more efficient to heat the room you are currently in, not the whole house.” With a solid foundation, Bauer is able to run with his passion for product development, which began in earnest when he took over that side of the business in 2009. In traveling for 20 to 30 weeks to 13 of the company’s regions, he made it a point to call on accounts, talk to consumers, and determine what was selling (and what was gathering dust). Instead of simply poring over balance sheets, Bauer has worked with design engineers to crank out—consistently—about five new products per year. In a 1998 BusinessWeek interview, Steve Jobs (1955–2011) said, “A lot of times, people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.” Bauer explains, “We’re not like that. We fully realize that consumers and dealers talk about and understand this stuff, and we’re not afraid to talk with them.” Applying this formula has led to a doubling of Empire’s hearth sales over the past four years (a track record that also grew from aggressive product development during the industry downturn of 2009). While much of the overall market plummeted as much as 80%, Empire prepared for the inevitable turnaround by establishing new products during the depths of the recession. It might not have been 1932 all over again, but it’s not hard to imagine Bauer’s great-grandfather approving of the company’s current product-development strategy. As the market has recovered and grown, Bauer says, “We have grown substantially above the market because we have come out with new products. We’ve increased our research/development staff over the past four or five years. While competitors were laying people off, we were investing.” The investment continues today in the form of product development and human capital, primarily in the company’s dealings with specialty retailers. Bauer likes doing business with momand-pop shops, favoring long-term relationships that build loyalty. For enhanced marketing, Empire has an aggressive live-burn program that encourages dealers to “get the unit on the floor burning,” Bauer says, so consumers can see it and feel it. “If consumers can’t see the product burning,” he adds, “I can’t understand how they would ever buy it.” Ultimately, understanding customers’ whims is not easy, and predicting government action might be even more difficult. The Bauers, however, are confident that the market will be there—as long as regulators allow it. “Considering that natural gas is so inexpensive, it would be an absolute mistake if the government ever tried a mandate against gas products,” Bauer says. “As the market shifts, though, we’ll shift with it. We have proved that over the past 100 years, and my goal is to continue to grow this company.”


Take that, Mother Nature.

Our Blowout Box Protects from Wind and Rain. Innovation is our every day at HPC. That’s why we’ve created an ignition / sensing Blowout Box that keeps the fire burning, whatever the weather. Eliminating the nuisance of a blown-out fire, the box’s uniquely designed vents are engineered to provide better combustion. It’s available on our patented Penta Burner insert, which offers a taller, fuller, edge-to-edge center flame that uses less fuel. There’s more that’s new at HPC. See the latest at ®

Hearth Products Controls

Fire-inspired since 1975. Visit us at HPBExpo 2016 in New Orleans at Booth 2336. C


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Corporate Profile

A Green Focus Jensen Leisure Furniture’s commitment to sustainability is more than just marketing. by SHARON SANDERS

The Coral collection

Every company has a story, and Jensen Leisure Furniture LLC (Henrico, Virginia) has a story that is rooted in respect for the environment. The more one learns about the 23–year-old company, its philosophy, and its furniture, the more one admires all three. This year, Jensen Leisure is stepping out in new directions that include the introduction of several collections featuring a fresh take on its signature designs. Owned by the Roda family, the company has filled a niche in the casual-furniture industry with its ipê and roble woods, which are grown in the forests of Bolivia. The rich colors, interesting textures, and durability of these unique woods (ipê is one of the densest hardwoods available) make them the ideal materials for making beautiful outdoor furniture that will last—in any climate. The Roda family owns and operates a manufacturing plant in Santa Cruz, Bolivia (where all of its furniture is made), and prides itself on the fact that the company only uses timber that is 100% certified by the Forest Stewardship Council

(FSC). To maintain the prestigious certification, the company must undergo a lengthy audit every four years; it includes a review of every touchpoint, from forest management (when and how trees are harvested) to the operation of its manufacturing plant. The Roda family is also committed to supporting the indigenous people who make up nearly 70% of the company’s direct workforce—as well as thousands of indirect employees, including loggers and others working in permanent forest camps. Janet Wansor, vice president of sales and marketing, was impressed by what she saw, from day one. “I remember watching a film sponsored by the Rainforest Alliance that explained what it means to be FSC certified, and it made me very proud to be working for such an honorable company,” she remembers. “Its commitment to the environment and the local economy is not just lip service. There is a lot of passion here.”

North America have been doing business with (and growing up alongside) the company since its beginnings, in the 1990s. Wansor explains that its customer-service philosophy is based on listening and being available. “When a customer calls, it is our goal to have a voice at the other end of the line, not a recording, and we provide quick resolution for issues. For any concerns about a shipment, a component, or anything else, we respond as quickly as possible,” she says. “When it comes to orders, we The English collection

COMMITMENT TO SERVICE Jensen Leisure is equally committed to providing personal customer service. Many of its retailers across




want the staff at a retail store to have confidence, when making a sale, that the products will arrive when they are promised to arrive.” Jensen Leisure is known for its quick-ship program, which guarantees that most orders will be shipped in 48 to 72 hours from one of its two U.S. warehouses (on the East and West coasts). Wansor says, “Quick delivery is something many companies that manufacture products overseas are unable to offer, but we have the structure and strategy in place to make it the way we

operate.” The company is working to enhance its quick-ship program in ways that will make it even more profitable for its customers. The company is diligent in listening to its dealers and sales representatives to discover ways to strengthen all aspects of the business. “They are on the ground running every day, so they are our eyes and ears—seeing and hearing what people coming through their doors want. No matter how much a manufacturer researches or travels, it will never uncover as much as it can by listening to those closest to its customers,” Wansor says. Since 2010, Jensen Leisure has held annual meetings of its Rep Council. Over two full days, the management and council evaluate company performance, products, and programs for the future. COMMITMENT TO DESIGN Furniture design is a strength of Jensen Leisure, and the company is always reevaluating its products to stay in touch with trends. “We want to be able to offer retailers interesting products that will excite their customers. This is more

important now than it ever has been because we are selling to the HGTV generation, whose members won’t settle for something they don’t love,” Wansor says. The company recently brought in two award-winning designers who offer a fresh perspective. The first, Povl Eskildsen, is a Danish designer with years of experience in the industry, including time spent at Gloster. The second designer, Philip Behrens (from North Carolina), brings the company an eye for detail and function. Behrens and Eskildsen join the company’s longtime design team, the Ciani brothers from Italy and Dick Björk from Sweden, whose popular designs have made Jensen Leisure what it is today. “We recognize that having a variety of designers is key. We have a solid team because each individual has a perspective that is unique, which helps us offer our retailers a variety of styles. We never want to get so comfortable that we stop creating new designs. We always want to be moving forward,” Wansor explains. For 2016, Jensen Leisure is ramping up its line with some new styles and

offerings that are right on trend. The first is the Coral woven collection, created by Eskildsen. This transitional group perfectly marries the company’s signature ipê wood with a variegated gray-and-cream woven seat and back. The light-colored weave offers the perfect contrast to the rich brown hue of the ipê arms and platform leg base. “This is our first woven product, and it has been getting tons of attention,” Wansor says. The collection includes dining and deep seating, along with the company’s first-ever sectional sofa. The company is also launching a new category, bistro sets, in response to requests from its dealers. There are two offerings (both designed by Björk): Opal and Kaffee. Opal features a 28inch round ipê table with four stackable side chairs. The contemporary Kaffee bistro set artfully combines ipê wood with stainless steel (a first-time material for the company). The table folds for easy storage and the chairs are stackable. The bistro sets meet the needs of retail stores in areas with high concentrations of condominiums and apartments. The company hopes that

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these bistro lines will expand contract sales as well. A third new offering, designed by Eskildsen, is a traditional roble deep seating and dining group called the English collection. Roble is a beautiful cream-colored timber that has qualities (and a look) similar to those of teak. The English collection is the next generation of Björk’s contemporary roble Tivoli collection, designed to appeal to young professionals looking for the Pottery Barn or Crate & Barrel look. “There are still many markets appreciating traditional designs. We are confident that this new group will appeal to those customers,” Wansor says, adding that all of Jensen Leisure’s offerings are designed with its dealers’ profitability in mind. “Design doesn’t matter just for the sake of design; it’s about sales, in the end,” she says. Jensen Leisure will continue to nurture its relationships with its dealers and projects more growth for the future. Wansor says, “We haven’t even tapped into what we are able to do yet—so, as cliché as it may sound, the sky’s the limit.”


SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS TylerNet’s POS platform helps retailers grow and prosper. BY CHERISE FORNO

For more than 35 years, TylerNet (Clearwater, Florida) has been supplying companies with all-encompassing pointof-sale (POS) software that gives them better control over their day-to-day business operations. This helps lead to more reliable profits—to facilitate sustainable growth. The Tyler family business began in retailing, with consumerelectronics stores in Iowa (and eventually, in Florida). The family needed automation to improve inventory tracking and sales management. It developed software to assist itself, and it was soon selling the software to other businesses with which it was familiar. The product took off from there, expanding and improving as technology and business changed. Tim Kunish, vice president of marketing for TylerNet, says, “The system has evolved into a full-blown POS system.” TylerNet uses all the technology available in today’s business world to provide customers with superior software to manage inventory, customers’ purchase histories, accounts payable and receivable, payroll, sales, and many other key operations. About 10 years ago, the company began developing Smartwerks, which is designed for small and medium-sized businesses that don’t require the vast number of features that TylerNet offers larger operations. Smartwerks offers a convenient, cost-effective way to manage profits, accounting, and sales. Smartwerks is “more basic and less expensive, because it’s easier to learn,” Kunish says. Whereas TylerNet’s customers are large businesses that could have $1 billion in annual sales,

Left: TylerNet’s mobile point-of-sale system, displayed on a tablet

Smartwerks can be used by gift shops, hobby stores, and small patio/hearth retailers. The Smartwerks program, which hit the market about five years ago, delivers real-time POS capabilities while eliminating the need for backups and hardware upgrades. “We decided we needed to come up with a simpler way to get control of your business,” Kunish says. He explains that the company began developing this product as a solution for many businesses and as a way to use ever-evolving technology. For example, Smartwerks has mobile capabilities, so it can be used from a tablet or smartphone to complete sales, track orders, and retrieve customer information. The versatile program can also be used from a workstation in a brick-and-mortar store with ease. “We’re a complete system,” Kunish says. Smartwerks is designed to manage inventory, purchase orders, product tracking, accounts receivable, and (of course) sales. “We track the customer information, and we also do complete accounting,” Kunish says.



In addition to giving business owners a way to control their cash flow, orders, and merchandise, Smartwerks also keeps costs down by being easy to use and learn. Kunish understands that implementing a new program is definitely an adjustment for businesses, so TylerNet helps ease the transition by installing the system and making sure business owners and staff know how to use it properly. “We help get them through that process,” he says. Training typically takes six to eight hours, Kunish reports, and Smartwerks’ staff will walk customers through everyday operations—from opening and closing a store to entering orders, managing inventory, and viewing report summaries—so each person operating the program is confident in using it. The purchase of Smartwerks includes the full POS system, stepby-step instructions, online video tutorials, interactive instructional videos, and 24/7 customer support. “It’s pretty intuitive, as far as learning the system goes,” Kunish says. “It’s very easy to use, it’s inexpensive, and it gives people better control.”


Right: Pat Kunish, sales manager

Kunish explains that inventory management is important to the success of a company and its ability to expand. No matter how good sales figures are, he says, without organization and cash flow, a business can fail. “You do have to have control to grow your business,” Kunish adds. Smartwerks’ ability to provide a solid inventory and accounting system is a convenient way to put control in the hands of business owners. Smartwerks will continue to evolve and expand to meet the needs of its customers. The program offers enhancements that can be added, such as its referral program (already in place) and a rewards program that is in the works. “That’s something we are developing,” Kunish says. The rewards program is in high demand, and the company’s priority is to provide customers with features they request, so it will continue to continued on page 93

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LOOKING ITS BEST Gold Eagle’s 303 line helps protect your customers’ investments. BY CHERISE FORNO

After acquiring the 303® brand of protectants and cleaners in 2012, Gold Eagle (Chicago, Illinois) made improvements to the products, and it also plans to expand the line within a few years. Jennifer Robertson, senior brand manager for 303, says, “Since acquiring the brand in 2012, we’ve done a lot of revamping of the existing products—to make them even better and to make sure they met our rigorous product standards. We also

needed to make sure we took our time to get to know this market (and to understand the needs within this market fully) before coming up with any new products for this industry.” One improvement that Gold Eagle has made with the 303 brand is the creation of new labels for the different product lines within the brand. “We try to be pretty diligent, in terms of catering to each market we are in,” Robertson says. Beyond packaging improvements, she adds, there are a few products in the works, to be introduced in the next year or two, for the patio marketplace. “We are always innovating and looking for new products to introduce,” Robertson says. “When introducing

new products, we always take that extra step of doing our due diligence, in terms of research, to make sure the products we do introduce will be successful in the marketplace.” Gold Eagle sells 303 products in the marine, RV, and automotive markets, in addition to the casualfurniture industry. “We’ve just introduced a new line of 303 Automotive Appearance Care products that will hit the automotive retailers’ shelves in early 2016,” Robertson says. Gold Eagle, which is still family

owned after 83 years in business, continues to thrive and to provide superior products to the automotive, marine, patio, and other industries. Gold Eagle has been ranked as one of the top workplaces in Chicago by the Chicago Tribune for four years in a row, Robertson reports, partly because the sons of the original founder, Armin Hirsch, continue to uphold high workplace and industry standards for Gold Eagle and all of its brands. The company decided to acquire the 303 brand because its products and business operations were compatible with the high standards of Gold Eagle. “The 303 brand fit perfectly within the Gold Eagle portfolio and the company’s mission statement of producing premium prod-



ucts that protect the things consumers love,” Robertson says. She explains that the 303 brand has three flagship products—303 Protectant™, 303 Multi-Surface Cleaner™, and 303 Fabric Guard™—that continually perform well. As part of the original 303 lineup since 1980, 303 Protectant has gained a loyal consumer base that includes many manufacturers. From spa-cover manufacturers to slingshot companies to auto-cover makers, customers are satisfied with the durable protective qualities of 303 Protectant. Multi-Surface Cleaner lives up to its name as a cleaner that can be used on many different materials, as an all-in-one cleaner for both indoor and outdoor products. “Although it is recommended by leading outdoor-fabric manufacturer Sunbrella®, it is also safe to use on any water-safe surface, including rubber, vinyl, plastic, and even stainless steel,” Robertson says. The easy-to-use, residue-free product is a popular choice among patio/hearth retailers. Another well-received product, 303 Fabric Guard, protects outdoor fabrics from moisture and stains. “303 Fabric Guard is the only prod-


Left: Glen Raven recommends using 303 Multi-Surface Cleaner™ on its Sunbrella® fabrics Right: Gold Eagle’s 303 line keeps customers returning to outdoor-furniture stores to protect their investments

uct used and recommended by Sunbrella for water-repellency retreatment,” Robertson says. “Fabric Guard and Protectant are our best-selling products, to date, due to their great effectiveness and to the recommendations we receive from manufacturers and customers.” She adds that all Gold Eagle products are tested thoroughly to ensure that they go above and beyond their intended purpose. “We never claim anything our products can’t live up to,” Robertson says. “This is corroborated by the manufacturers across a wide variety of industries that recommend our products to protect their own products. In truth, once people use any of our 303 products and see the results for themselves, they become 303 users for life.”

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Circle Reader Service No. 57

LastWord ...

EGGhead Energy A new headquarters (featuring a museum and culinary center) is a big draw for Big Green Egg fans. BY GREG THOMPSON With another successful year in the books, Ardy Arani, CEO of Big Green Egg Inc. (BGE), Atlanta, Georgia, is increasingly finding comfort in the crosshairs. Call it a job hazard of heading an iconic brand, complete with would-be competitors always trying to take a shot at the powerhouse company. Having more hopefuls crowding into the kamado niche is a fact of life in 2016, and Arani continues to see offerings from companies that want to make a splash. “We are the most recognized brand in our category,” Arani says; he has been CEO for the past six years. “If you’re trying to make some noise, it’s natural to want to compare yourself to the number-one product,” he adds. With dedicated EGGheads scooping up EGGs, EGGcessories, and BGE natural lump charcoal, the brand’s momentum and appeal continue well after the initial BGE purchase. That legendary brand loyalty keeps customers coming back to authorized dealers, often leading to purchases of other products in their shops. The business model works well, bolstered by product development that focuses squarely on the unit’s culinary roots. It’s all about taste, and BGE’s content-heavy pointof-sale materials stress the food and spotlight the many chefs around the world who use the product. One of the most potent weapons in the marketing arsenal is the Big Green Egg LIFEStyle magazine, which grew out of a traditional product catalog and now includes profiles on international chefs, many of whom are known for their Michelin–starred restaurants. Recipes and testimonials from enthusiastic users show prospective buyers exactly how great food is tied directly to the core product. From a circulation standpoint, Arani notes, what started out as a fairly small magazine project has grown to include more than 40 countries. “Think of two popular titles, such as Wine Spectator and Garden & Gun,” he says. “Our Big

Top: The MiniMax EGG Bottom: The XXLarge EGG in a Nest

Green Egg LIFEStyle magazine’s circulation is more than those two have, combined.” While many view BGE as a marketing juggernaut, the venerable company actually does nothing “extraordinarily revolutionary or groundbreaking,” Arani reports. Instead, the company sticks with the basics and relies on the product’s stellar results to tell the story. “We provide our distributors and dealers with tools to enable them to showcase our products properly and to educate consumers about our prod-




ucts—and of course, we do that with consistent visuals and a consistent message,” Arani says. He adds, “You can walk into a culinary center, a garden center, or a hardware store and find our products. We provide all those different retail sites with consistent ways to communicate the brand.” Since February 2015, interested EGGheads have been able to go directly to the new BGE headquarters in Atlanta, where various consumer-friendly features have transformed the site into a destination. “We have a museum on-site that traces the history of the EGG all the way back to when Ed Fisher started selling rudimentary fired-clay cookers,” Arani says, “and the new BGE Culinary Center can accommodate an intimate gathering of a dozen all the way up to 75 people. It’s a beautiful presentation area for chefs, instructors, and the team that runs our Cooking Academy here. Course offerings include everything from “EGGology 101” and “Basic Barbecue 101” all the way up to handson gourmet menus and holiday dinners.”

Big Green Egg barbecue sauces

BGE enthusiasts also use the space for private events, and the new headquarters facility has succeeded in “moving the company forward and creating even more interest,” Arani says. Most popular of all might be the pizza classes, which capitalize on BGE’s best-selling array of pizza EGGcessories. Product developers at BGE are keen to build on the brand’s strengths while also branching out by keeping an eye on the retail (and foodie) landscape. Fortunately for BGE, the company’s natural carbonized-wood fuel (with no additives) was readymade for the organic-food movement, as well as for the farm-to-table ethos. An exhaustive process for developing new products funnels ideas into the prototype stage, and then to production and to quality testing. From there, restaurants and barbecue-competition teams will offer additional feedback. Moving from drawing board to retail display can take up to a year. As for what’s next, Arani declines to reveal items in the BGE pipeline; instead, he says, “We will see you at HPBExpo 2016” (to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, in March). Arani expects momentum to continue for bestselling EGGcessories from 2015, particularly the convEGGtor plate setter for indirect cooking; the BGE line of custom cooking islands; natural-teak tables; and numerous products for making pizza, such as genuine BGE ceramic pizza stones, along with tools for cutting and serving. This is because “as anyone who has one knows, the world’s best pizza oven is, in fact, an EGG,” Arani explains. Product developers also spiced up the 2015 EGGosphere with a line of four smokehouse-style barbecue sauces: Carolina style, Kansas City style, zesty mustard honey, and Vidalia® onion Sriracha. The sauces (and all EGGcessories) are designed to foster an experience that Arani hopes will fuel customers’ creativity far beyond the act of buying the EGG. The strategy has worked, with dealers reporting brisk sales and enthusiastic return business. New and returning customers are always curious about the latest EGG sizes, and there are now seven: mini, MiniMax, small, medium, large, XLarge, and XXLarge. Released in 2015, the MiniMax is the newest addition. Arani reports a good start for the unit, with customers loving the product’s portability and performance. Many restaurants have made it an immediate addition to their cooking lineups.

The large EGG continues to do well, and the XXLarge has also seen an uptick in sales. “With the XXLarge, you actually have the room to cook a suckling pig,” Arani says. “It’s large and robust, and if you’re the type with a big backyard entertainment center, you will want to own an XXLarge.” He continues, “I don’t know that there is a rhyme or reason as to why one size becomes more popular, but in the past couple of years, we have seen people gravitating toward the bigger ones, with more interest in the XLarge than the medium. If that tells us anything, it’s probably that as people get used to cooking on an EGG, they want to do more of it. The bigger the group, the bigger the EGG you will want—and as soon as you get an EGG, your circle of friends seems to expand magically.” For dealers who come across customers who might be hesitant to invest a little more money to get the quality and versatility of an EGG, Arani has some advice. Stress all the culinary benefits of the EGG, and when it comes to price, tell prospec-

tive customers, “The odds are you have already bought and paid for an EGG, because I’m willing to bet that you’ve owned quite a few grills that did not last,” he says. That statement underscores the EGG’s durability and emphasizes the long-term nature of the purchase. “Somewhere along the way, customers probably have spent more money on grills than if they had each just bought an EGG (with its lifetime warranty) and been done with it,” Arani explains. “A light bulb goes on when people hear that, because there is a difference between cost and value.” He adds, “We take very seriously every penny that people decide to invest in one of our products. That’s why we are so relentless in making sure the product is the very best it can be, and that’s why we stand behind it. At the end of the day, we are simply focused on offering the Ultimate Cooking Experience®—and that is the best way we know how to respond when someone asks how we react to the other cookers in the category.”

Circle Reader Service No. 59





6 Hot Products to Sell Now Dimplex | |

(800) 668-6663

With its new, patented flame and heat technology, IgniteXL™ stands apart as more lifelike than any other electric fireplace, the company says. Installation is simpler and more flexible than ever, making the possibilities almost endless. IgniteXL is available in 50-, 74-, and 100-inch sizes.

Circle Reader Service No. 90

Pride Family Brands | |

(855) 612-9800

The Live Edge table with the Altra base is the perfect complement to contemporary seating, with a tabletop design that has an intricately cast, natural-woodlike edge. Two-tone finishing further enhances the wood appeal. A modern tripod leg design, the Altra, is crafted to accent contemporary tabletops with sleek geometric styling in single and double base applications.

Hestan Outdoor | |

Circle Reader Service No. 91

(888) 905-7463

Grilling is a perfectionist’s pursuit. It is an obsession shared by Hestan’s engineers, designers, welders, and polishers. Hestan’s outdoor products are thoughtfully engineered to deliver the utmost in outdoor performance. For example, the Horizon™ hood opens easily with spring-assisted hinges. Laser-cut stainless-steel grates provide even heat distribution. Stadium™ under-hood lighting improves your cooking experience. Grilling is a perfectionist’s game—and Hestan just upped the ante.

Circle Reader Service No. 92

Looft Industries | |

(855) 90-LOOFT

The new rechargeable Looftlighter revolutionizes the grilling process. The original Looftlighter, launched in 2005, pioneered the air-lighter trend and is now the industry leader. The new rechargeable feature offers convenience, while the patented process (using a stream of hot air) eliminates the chemical taste that infuses food when lighter fluid or gas is used. Using a Looftlighter is the fastest and safest way to light a barbecue or hearth. See the rechargeable Looftlighter at booth 2344 at HPBExpo in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Kozy Heat | |

Circle Reader Service No. 93

(800) 253-4904

The Slayton 60 linear fireplace is Kozy Heat’s largest direct-vent gas fireplace yet. Its modern, sleek design (with a split-flow valve) keeps the flames dancing while keeping the temperature comfortable. It’s available with optional log, driftwood, and rock kits.

Circle Reader Service No. 94

NorthCape | |

(708) 563-2890

Check out Promenade, a new reclaimed-teak sectional collection. Beautifully grained reclaimed teak pairs with plush cushions to offer transitional modular seating that features the warmth of natural wood. Welted cushions are available in a choice of seven quick-ship fabrics. Promenade offers style, comfort, and value. Circle Reader Service No. 95




Circle Reader Service No. 61

ProductPROFILES t Cornwall Deep Seating Bring a piece of the countryside to your home with the Cornwall collection. Alfresco Home blends traditional wicker in a Degas finish with eucalyptus wood in a vintage finish. Cornwall is a complete collection—with dining, bar, and a full deep seating collection accented with Forest Stewardship Council–certified eucalyptus Malvern tables. Contact: (610) 705-8808 or Circle Reader Service No. 96

Bull Outdoor Products Unveils Design Changes

Davenport Bar-height Firepit Dining

Bull Outdoor Products’ best-selling grill designs—Brahma and Angus—will have big design changes this year. A low-profile hood design gives it an updated look and feel. A stronger and thicker 14-gauge 304 stainless hood sets these hoods apart from the competition. ReliaBull heat technology gives these grills 50% better distribution of the heat across the surface of the grill. At, see an animated video on how this system makes Bull better. Contact: (800) 521-2855 or

Just the right height for comfort and to take in the view, Davenport bar-height firepit dining is sure to be the next big seller on your customers’ wish lists. The unique rectangular slat-top table and woven-wicker paneled base house the other hot item: an easy-to-use propane fire feature. With six aluminum chairs (with matching weather-resistant cushions), the look is clean, casual, and elegant—and sure to be a hit on your retail floor. Contact: (888) 997-7623 or Circle Reader Service No. 99

Circle Reader Service No. 97

Big Green Egg Dual-probe Remote Wireless Thermometer

Nonstick Grilledcheese Basket (CC3132)

Introducing the new Big Green Egg dual-probe remote wireless thermometer with a unique EGG–shaped design: Precisely and conveniently monitor anything you are cooking and the internal EGG temperature—at the same time—from a distance of up to 300 feet (91 meters). The thermometer comes with preset temperatures for beef, veal, lamb, pork, poultry, and nine popular game meats, and all preset temperatures are customizable to suit your personal taste. Contact: (770) 938-9394 or

Take a family favorite and cook it on the grill or over an open fire. Now, you can have delicious grilled-cheese sandwiches even when you cook outdoors. This wide, nonstick grilled-cheese basket can hold two sandwiches at once. Its flat, perforated-steel panels adjust to your sandwiches’ height, while simultaneously pressing them for easier eating. Flipping your sandwiches is as foolproof as turning the basket over, and the nonstick coating makes for fast cleanup. Contact: (800) 521-0505,, or

Circle Reader Service No. 100

Circle Reader Service No. 98

Louisiana Grills: LG800 Elite Wood-pellet Smoker Dansons’ new Louisiana Grills Elite series offers the superior advantage of wood-pellet cooking wrapped in a contemporary look. With 838 square inches of cooking area, the Elite series features a high-temperature powder-coated finish with stainless-steel accents; a standard flame broiler to sear your favorite steaks; and ample cooking space, along with a side shelf, tool hooks, and a towel rack. With its digital control board, precise cooking control is as simple as the turn of a dial. The unit is complete with two fully enclosed bottom cabinets and has structural strength. Contact: (877) 303-3134 or Circle Reader Service No. 101




Circle Reader Service No. 63

ProductPROFILES Caliber Pro Kamado Grill and Smoker Caliber’s Pro kamado grill and smoker stands above other kamado-style grills because of its patent-pending design features, such as the integrated rotisserie and flueway design. These unique features (along with Caliber’s dual-walled, triple-insulated design) elevate the Caliber Pro kamado into a class of its own—where the heat stays inside the smoking/grilling cavity, rather than being wasted heating an entire kamado vessel. With its many industry and culinary awards, the Caliber Pro kamado is proof that elegant design and innovative engineering can also help the home chef provide restaurant-quality meals for family and friends. All Caliber products are crafted in California. Contact: (714) 848-1349 or Circle Reader Service No. 102

Allen Home OEM Electric Fireplace Inserts

Allen Home® OEM electric fireplace inserts are blazing up the market. Unlike other inserts that only use one infrared tube, the Allen Home line uses three, producing more efficient heat for large rooms. Each insert features five natural flame colors, four flame-brightness levels, three flame speeds, and the company’s exclusive ember-bed–only mode. Inserts are available in Classic and Modern styles, and both offer a curved option. Contact: (954) 205-5756 or Circle Reader Service No. 105

Handcrafted Aluminum Firepit Tabletop

Opti-myst Pro 1000 The revolutionary Opti-myst® Pro 1000 uses water-based ultrasonic technology to produce a compelling flame-and-smoke effect so authentic that it rivals the real thing. Connect units in series for dramatic linear installations—with the safety and simplicity of electric fireplaces. Contact: (800) 668-6663 or Circle Reader Service No. 103

When paired with the Carmel coffee-table firepit, this tabletop (with brass nail heads) gives a nod to the industrial revolution, which is currently a popular trend in furniture design. Metal arts are found in museum collections around the world. Imported from Mexican artisans, this tabletop offers the same look, whether in a round, square, or rectangular shape. Are you looking for a more rustic look for your outdoor oasis? Try joining this firepit tabletop with wrought-iron chairs, margaritas, and chips with guacamole. You will be singing, “South of the border, down Mexico way.” Contact: (877) 274-6773 or Circle Reader Service No. 106

Antique Model 1865-ST Range The Antique model 1865-ST range by Elmira Stove Works is a fully customizable six-burner range (with a detailed black with antique-copper finish). It has a combination of gas and electric burners. The stoves are made of steel, and customers can choose from seven colors: black, white, bisque, cayenne pepper red, liberty blue, and the two-toned black/bisque and black/white combinations. There are also three metal trims: nickel, antique copper, and antique brass. Contact: (800) 295-8498 or

Centaur Hybrid Grill: CH50 LP The Coyote Outdoor Living Centaur hybrid grill delivers the best of both worlds, featuring both a gas burner and a charcoal drawer. With a double-walled stainless-steel hood and grates, the Centaur hybrid is built to endure. Contact: (855) 520-1559 or Circle Reader Service No. 107

Circle Reader Service No. 104




FPTS301 People enjoy the relaxing and meditative properties of an open fire, whether it’s a campfire in the woods, a bonfire at the beach, or a firepit in the privacy of an outdoor home resort. Cal Flame captures that magic of fire in every firepit, which is constructed with 16-gauge galvanized steel and HardieBacker® tile-backer board for support and moisture resistance. Cal Flame firepits offer lasting and vibrant nighttime entertainment that can’t be beaten. Contact: (800) 225-7727 or Circle Reader Service No. 110

Modore 75 by Element4 Less is more. The Modore 75H from European Homes takes what is aesthetically beautiful about more traditional hearth products—stacked logs and tall flames—and ups the ante, with clean lines and a bold, sophisticated modern style. With an opening 28 inches wide, this fireplace can be a subtle and unexpected design element without overwhelming a space. Contact: (781) 324-8383 or Circle Reader Service No. 108

Chilled cocktails. Warm guests.

Mist Collection by Sunbrella Fabrics in the Mist collection by Sunbrella® are textural, natural-inspired neutrals that show just how beautiful going back to basics can be. Among the textured solids are Hybrid smoke, a light-gray bouclé design. This is contrasted with heathered-yarn fabrics Echo ash, Cast mist, and Cast slate. Stripes Gateway mist and Cove pebble showcase gray’s adaptability in pairing well with other colors, including blue, beige, and white. Fretwork pewter’s sophisticated, interlaced design is a pattern pop that makes gray just as playful as any other color. Whether you mix and match within the Mist collection for an all-over gray look or select a few grounding styles to pair with bolder, brighter colors, these fabrics are sure to be your new decorating staple. Contact: (336) 221-2211 or

Bring your indoor gatherings outside in any season with the comfort of an Infratech heating system. Climate-controlled, eco-friendly and energy efficient. Customize with a variety of mounting, finish and control options, including smart home integration, and enjoy convenience, style and warmth – even when it’s cold outside.


Circle Reader Service No. 109




To learn more about our capabilities or view our gallery, please visit

Circle Reader Service No. 65

ProductPROFILES Crossflame Pro Grill

Chateau Deep Seating Alfresco Home offers the versatile Chateau collection, now in a new vintage white finish. Chateau is available in dining, bar, and deep seating options that will fit handsomely poolside, as well as in the traditional backyard. The Chateau collection truly offers comfort, color, and compatibility to the outdoor-living space. Contact: (610) 705-8808 or Circle Reader Service No. 111

Caliber’s top-of-the-line flagship Crossflame Pro grills offer the most powerful and uniform grilling experience, with 30,000 Btu of ultra-even heat across the entire grilling area. The patent-pending Crossflame system (with uberpowerful brass burners and no-flare radiants) offers a variable three-position grilling surface to ensure that your next grilling event is a chef-worthy culinary experience. The beautiful Caliber Crossflame grill is available in 42- and 60-inch configurations, with integral dual Power Pro burners, and both models come fully equipped with a direct-sear section and a rear infrared rotisserie—plus an exclusive, design-inspired wooden-handle option. Contact: (714) 848-1349 or Circle Reader Service No. 113


Kingston by Country Lane Gazebos As the company’s biggest, beefiest pergola yet, this all-cedar Kingston pergola provides maximum shade, along with rock-solid construction—for a centerpiece that steals the show, every time. The Kingston stands on solid 8x8-inch posts, with heavy-duty 4x12-inch headers, and it includes large 4x10-inch braces for stability. The roof has 4x8-inch joists, with 2x3-inch purlins spaced 6 inches on center, creating the perfect amount of shade. Available in sizes starting at 10x10 feet, this pergola can be built in a massive 18x22-foot size with only four posts. Contact: (877) 429-3262 or

Inspired by rich Neoclassical New York interiors, the Manhattan collection is a delicate combination of classic and contemporary forms. Featuring a gracious interlocking-loop pattern, gently arching curves, and a fluently detailed extrusion, the collection sits well in traditional to modern settings. Crafted from cast and extruded aluminum, the Manhattan collection is an artful balance of tradition and progress. It’s shown here in onyx. Contact: (866) 964-4468 or Circle Reader Service No. 114

New to the Northstar Line Elmira Stove Works is revealing a new product for its retro Northstar collection, and it is available now for preorder. The model 1947 36-inch six-burner dual-fuel range features Northstar’s retro-inspired design in a professional-style range. The model 1947 range is available in the nine standard Northstar colors, in addition to more than 200 custom colors available through RAL color technology. Contact: (800) 295-8498 or

Circle Reader Service No. 112

Circle Reader Service No. 115

303 Fabric Guard 303® cleaners and protectants are scientifically formulated for a deeper level of protection. For example, 303 Fabric Guard™ restores lost water/stain repellency to factory-new levels to resist even the toughest water- and oil-based stains—keeping your outdoor furniture looking newer longer. As the company says, it’s particular to the core, just like you. Contact: (800) 367-3245 or Circle Reader Service No. 116




Circle Reader Service No. 67

ProductPROFILES Country Lane Gazebos

303 Protectant Originally engineered for aerospace and aviation applications, 303® Protectant™ is a premium surface treatment that instantly beautifies and provides superior protection against harmful UV rays (which can cause the discoloration/fading, embrittlement, cracking, and chalking of surfaces). 303 Protectant also repels dust, dirt, lint, and soiling/staining. It’s great for use on outdoor furniture, spa and pool covers, vinyl liners, and pool inflatables. Contact: (800) 367-3245 or

Are you looking for a backyard retreat for relaxing and enjoying the cool breeze, but also needing a place to shut out the hustle and bustle? Look no further than this pavilion line with a villa. Choose from one of the company’s many pavilion styles and add an enclosed room to fit your needs. Available in wood and vinyl options, these villas fit any backyard design or look. Choose to sit under the open pavilion area and take in the sights and sounds of your surroundings, or walk into the enclosed villa for a private outdoor room that’s perfect for a studio or office. Call today to start designing your backyard retreat. Contact: (877) 429-3262 or

Circle Reader Service No. 120

Circle Reader Service No. 117

Big Green Egg Sauces

Franklin Rectangular Dining Give your customers a mix of texture, fabric, and material to create a look that says pure design savvy. The Franklin rectangular dining group, with its trestle-style table, features an FRP-and-aluminum reinforced base, with a lovely porcelain top etched to resemble beautiful natural wood. Surrounded by three different seating options in woven all-weather wicker (with coordinating cushions), Franklin offers a custom look that’s put together beautifully. Give your customers the very best and the very latest, and watch your sales take off with the Franklin rectangular dining group. Contact: (888) 997-7623 or Circle Reader Service No. 118

Space Creator 150H Ortal’s Space Creator is an amazing way to separate living spaces, yet combine them visually. Without any compromise to aesthetics, all of Ortal’s stunning fireplaces ensure that the glass enclosure on your fireplace is comfortably warm to the touch and completely safe, using the company’s innovative new technology. Contact: (818) 238-7000 or

The new Big Green Egg authentic smokehouse-style barbecue sauces will enhance the flavor of any barbecue recipe. Kick up the flavor of baked beans and potatoes, mix them in your favorite meatloaf, or spice up your Bloody Mary mix. There are four delicious flavors: Vidalia® onion Sriracha, zesty mustard honey, Kansas City style sweet and smoky, and Carolina style bold and tangy. They are so good that your customers will want to try them all. Contact: (770) 938-9394 or Circle Reader Service No. 121

Exterus Outdoor Kitchens and Fireplaces Do you want to streamline the design process for outdoor kitchens and outdoor rooms? Forshaw’s Exterus express kits make this possible. Forshaw offers the appliances, modules, stone front, and granite top—all for one price. Choosing from several express layouts makes it easy to provide quotes for your customers. For custom kitchens, simply select your appliances and finishes from inventory, and the company will design your custom layout. Contact: (314) 874-4315,, or Circle Reader Service No. 122

Circle Reader Service No. 119





• Two new, dedicated casual/outdoor floors • Leading brands that complement Las Vegas Market’s home furnishings offering • Over 180 casual/outdoor brands across market • Affordable travel and world-class amenities


JULY 31-AUGUST 4, 2016

JULY 31-AUGUST 3, 2016





#LVMkt Circle Reader Service No. 69

ProductPROFILES Allen Home Log Sets

St. Bernardus

The Allen Home® Timberland and Woodland electric log sets are heating up the infrared market. Unlike other log sets that use one infrared element, Allen Home log sets use three, producing more efficient heat for large rooms. Both the Timberland (EL1534B) and Woodland (EL1534A) sets can be used without heat and feature realistic flame effects and resin logs (molded from real wood). Other features include a flame screen, a remote control, a digital thermostat display, a nine-hour timer, and overheat safety features. Contact: (954) 205-5756 or St. Bernardus is MLW Stone’s latest and most cost-effective natural-stone fireplace facing. Available in three standard sizes, St. Bernardus is a sound and durable honed-limestone fireplace surround that is consistent in color from piece to piece and set to set. Its warm, clean, and neutral color lends itself well to any traditional or contemporary decor. For samples, email Contact: (800) 477-7665 or

Circle Reader Service No. 123

DP42: 42-inch Dry Pantry The DCS dry pantry offers a consistent, professional design with ultrapremium indoor features that help create a truly cohesive and functional kitchen. It’s an ideal place to store all of your outdoor essentials, dry goods, cookware, counter finishes, and anything kept in your indoor pantry. Contact: (888) 936-7872 or

Circle Reader Service No. 125

Circle Reader Service No. 124

Hestan Outdoor Grilling is a perfectionist’s pursuit. Hestan Outdoor was born from this same passion. Its engineers experimented, innovated, tweaked, and tinkered until they created the most powerful, versatile, and reliable grill available, the company says. Every grill is built from scratch at Hestan headquarters in Anaheim, California. The company makes sure every detail is absolutely perfect before your grill leaves its floor. Contact: (888) 905-7463 or Circle Reader Service No. 126

Islands With Woodlike Finish Bull Outdoor Products has added a new woodlike finish to its island lineup, with four new color options. The finish (called the Coastal Distressed line) is a cement-based product that is nonflammable and UV resistant, with the look and feel of wood. Distressed wood is a very popular design element in home and restaurant construction, so this new look for outdoor kitchens is guaranteed to appeal to customers. It will be available for all island designs in 2016. Contact: (800) 521-2855 or Circle Reader Service No. 127




Circle Reader Service No. 71

ProductPROFILES Avalon FPTS302 Firepit

Meadow Decor’s Avalon collection depicts modern simplicity. Sectional pieces are interchangeable, so customers can create several configurations to fit their spaces. The collection includes a club chair, a corner sectional chair, an armless sectional chair, an ottoman, a side table, and a coffee table. It is made of aluminum (tube) and is available in the company’s country wood finish. Contact: (866) 838-8822 or Circle Reader Service No. 128

The comfort of illuminating light and warmth can be added to any yard, patio, or poolside area with the beautifully designed FPT-S302 firepit. Customize a Cal Flame firepit with your choice of five different Ameristone™ stucco colors and eight beautiful cultured-stone styles. LED lighting is available on select models; program them to display a multicolored light show or your favorite single color. LP and natural-gas options also are available. Contact: (800) 225-7727 or Circle Reader Service No. 131

Smartwerks System

Direct-Temp Direct-vent System

Get away from the counter with this mobile point-of-sale system. Process sales faster and more accurately while eliminating the long lines customers hate. Smartwerks is the best business partner you’ll ever have. Contact: (800) 237-5913 Ext. 100 or

Direct-Temp sets the standard in gas-appliance venting, with laser precision components that deliver reliable performance. The silicone fiberglass seal ensures joint integrity. Direct-Temp is accepted with most major brands of appliances. For a complete listing, visit the company’s website. Contact: (800) 992-8368 or

Circle Reader Service No. 132

Circle Reader Service No. 129

All-new Delsol Grills Delsol products are designed with passion and are engineered to perform. Perfected by a passionate group of experts in high-performance grills and outdoor-kitchen equipment, Delsol products are engineered with the lasting satisfaction of your customers in mind. Final assembly and a detailed quality inspection are conducted at the company’s factory in California. Every grill is fire tested and packaged in the United States. A wide range of built-in accessories will complement the 40-, 32-, and 25-inch built-in grill models. Built-in grills’ retail prices start at $1,199. Contact: (800) 422-0091 or Circle Reader Service No. 130

26MM6022-I614 Media Mantel Update any living space with this modern and multifunctional stand for televisions of up to 65 inches (90 pounds) and infrared quartz electric fireplace. This unit is finished in Spanish gray and features adjustable storage shelves behind the two glass-front side cabinets, for organization. The contemporary infrared quartz electric fireplace warms up to 1,000 square feet and offers Spectrafire Plus, which features 125 user-selectable, realistic flame-effect options. These flame effects dance over a modern metallic tray and fireglass display. The flame effects and other functions can be controlled with the included remote control. Contact: (866) 661-1218 or Circle Reader Service No. 133







HPBExpo BOOTH #1007














World recognized, the Allen Home® brand is know for its quality and hand craftsmanship. Our goal is to supply our customers with premium, first class products at factory direct pricing. Because we own and operate our own factories there is no need for a middle man, which means better cost for you and more value for your customers.


To view our full heater and fireplace selections contact our sales department at ALLEN HOME PRODUCTS ARE DESIGNED AND ENGINEERED IN SEAT TLE, ASSEMBLED IN CHINA Circle Reader Service No. 73

ProductPROFILES DCS by Fisher & Paykel Entertain guests with a professionally designed and culinary-created beverage chiller by DCS. The 25-inch beverage chiller is a fully insulated compartment that can hold up to 17 gallons of ice to chill refreshments. Its deep depth can comfortably hold sitting longneck-bottled beverages and wine bottles. It’s a perfect beverage solution for the well-appointed outdoor kitchen. Contact: (888) 936-7872 or Circle Reader Service No. 134

Seatables The Grand Terrace and Regal Seatables from Gensun Casual Living are both accessory tables and seats. Made using cast aluminum, the Seatable is durable and multifunctional. This patent-pending design captures the essence of Gensun Casual Living’s beautiful Grand Terrace and Regal collections. Seatables are available with 14 different finish options. Contact: (866) 964-4468 or

Calistoga Firepit Table California Outdoor Concepts introduced the Calistoga firepit table to its product line for 2015–16. Calistoga sits at the end of California’s Napa Valley and is called the cork in the end of a wine bottle—aptly, as the surrounding countryside is filled with vineyards and natural springs. The Calistoga firepit table offers the intimate, small-town ambience of its namesake. The contemporary all-aluminum base—topped with choice of travertine, slate, or aluminum—beckons family and friends together around glistening glass and deep fire. As you indulge in a relaxing alfresco gathering, with drinks and conversation, you find your cares drifting through the grapevines with the evening breeze. Add the Calistoga deep seating option, and you won’t ever want to get up, except to reach for another glass of wine. Contact: (877) 274-6773 or Circle Reader Service No. 137

H Series Vent Free From European Home

Circle Reader Service No. 135

Smartwerks With this point-of-sale and inventory system, you’ll be smarter about every aspect of your business—and that will lead to better decisions. Take your company where you want it to go with Smartwerks. Contact: (800) 237-5913 Ext. 100 or Circle Reader Service No. 136

Proportions are everything for this contemporary 42-inch linear gas fireplace. It offers sleek style and clean lines, and your design options are virtually unlimited because this see-through unit not only is ventless, but also features two open faces (for a more intimate experience with the flames). It’s also available in 72- and 60-inch models, as well as three-sided bay-style, corner, and single-sided versions. The European Home H series vent-free fireplace supports natural gas only. Contact: (781) 324-8383 or Circle Reader Service No. 138

Forshaw Mantels Forshaw offers the widest selection of styles and finishes, all available in custom sizes. Since 1871, the Forshaw name has stood for exceptional quality and value. Experienced craftspeople employ only the finest materials in producing a finished product that is not only beautiful, but durable as well. Forshaw guarantees your complete satisfaction with its products, from its rich oak and attractive poplar mantels to imported marble and slate surrounds and hearths. Products are shipped within seven to 10 working days. Contact: (314) 874-4315,, or Circle Reader Service No. 139




Circle Reader Service No. 75

ProductPROFILES Looftlighter The Looftlighter is highly successful all over the world, and especially in the United States, where sales are really booming. The Looftlighter lights your charcoal, briquettes, and wood in no time, without lighter fluid or other hazardous chemicals or gas. Using the Looftlighter is the fastest way to light a barbecue or hearth; it only takes 60 seconds. Having no direct flame makes it one of the safest fire starters. Contact: (855) 90-LOOFT or

HD4236 Outdoor Gas-log Fireplace

Circle Reader Service No. 140

Grilling Grilled Cheese The comfort-food classic ventures outdoors with “The Charcoal Companion Grilled Cheese Grilling Book.” More nontraditional foods are being cooked outside on the grill, and grilled-cheese sandwiches are no exception. With this book, you’ll learn tips and techniques for cooking your best grilled cheese, especially over the high heat of the grill. The book includes recipes for 21 delicious items, with gorgeous full-color photography to entice and inspire. Contact: (800) 521-0505,, or

Golden Blount (Dallas, Texas) is now offering a huge outdoor gas-log fireplace, 42 inches wide by 36 inches tall by 25 inches deep. It features realistic charcoal refractory panels, a high-dome design, and a powder-coated exterior for outdoor durability. It can be used with any vented or vent-free log set. It’s shown with the company’s RLS-30 Rumford log set. Contact: (800) 833-1139 or Circle Reader Service No. 142

Circle Reader Service No. 141

Hatteras Hammocks Quilted Hammock Hatteras Hammocks® quilted hammocks are two layers of industry-leading fabric lockstitched over an inch-thick center of plush, nonabsorbent polyester-fiberfill batting to create 18 individual cushions that run the entire length of the hammock bed. The fabric bed is framed by two spreader bars of richly hued, deeply grained South American cumaru—among the hardest, prettiest woods on earth. Often called Brazilian teak, cumaru naturally ages to a silver-gray color. Chains and hanging hardware are rust-resistant zinc-plated steel. Contact: (800) 334-1078 or Circle Reader Service No. 143

Monessen Solstice

HPBA Expo in New Orleans March 17-19 Booth # 2637

Circle Reader Service No. 76

Solstice, the newest vent-free gas fireplace insert from the leader in vent-free technology, features a clean, transitional style with multiple finishing options (including traditional logs and sleek fireglass media), making it suitable for any space. Its ventless, zero-clearance design makes installation easy and affordable. Contact: (800) 669-4328 or Circle Reader Service No. 144





New Flex Push-button/ Flame-sense Firepit Inserts

ROBAX® Magic glass-ceramic panels have thermal, physical, and chemical characteristics that make them suitable for use as highly resistant interior paneling for gas stoves and fireplaces. ROBAX Magic improves the appearance of room-heating devices that require low thermal expansion and high temperature stability. The additional reflections created by the dancing flames and the ease with which glass-ceramic panels can be cleaned make ROBAX Magic a real alternative to the conventional materials used inside combustion chambers. Contact: (502) 657-4417 or

A new take on HPC’s push-button/flame-sense insert incorporates a flexible stainless-steel gas line between the control box and burner, offering insert versatility and simpler installation. This UL-certified insert includes the popular Penta burner on round and square models. Linear and rectangular H–burner models are available. The unit includes the pan/burner, a control box with a pilot, and flex line—fully assembled. Contact: (877) 433-7001 or

Circle Reader Service No. 145

Circle Reader Service No. 146

Infratech Solid-state Controls The relay panel and zone analog controller (optional timer) work together to adjust heating intensity to achieve the ideal comfort for your space. Zone heating can control one or more heaters to heat specified target areas within a large-scale space. Contact: (800) 421-9455 or Circle Reader Service No. 147

Circle Reader Service No. 77




ProductPROFILES Cast by Sunbrella Art Deco: This eclectic architectural style of bold geometric shapes and lavish ornamentation translates well to today’s interior spaces for a cool, vintage style. An Art Deco color palette has a look that is perfect for layering and is one that top designers relish. This Art Deco–inspired palette is showcased in one of the newest Sunbrella® upholstery fabric offerings: Cast. The fabric features heathered yarns for a sense of texture and has a slight sheen, evoking drama and grandeur. An understated solid, Cast makes an excellent base for larger upholstered pieces with accents of bold, geometric patterns in decorative pillows and drapery. Shown (from left) are silver, ash, shale, slate, mist, oasis, tinsel, and petal. Contact: (336) 221-2211 or Circle Reader Service No. 148

Charleston Glow Vent Free H6 Series The latest member to the Horizon family is the H6. With a 60% larger viewing area than the midsized H5 series, the H6 is grand in presence. A powerful secondary heat exchanger promotes convective warmth—backed by Valor radiant-heat technology. Zone heat multiple spaces with the Valor remote blower kit accessory. Tapered sides and a shallow firebox depth allow for smooth installation, even in tight corners. Contact: (800) 468-2567 or

Charleston Glow from Hargrove is the newest addition to the company’s growing line of vent-free gas logs. This log set combines a beautiful glow on the front logs and embers with a large body of flame to achieve an attractive look. Charleston Glow is available in 22- and 26-inch sizes for natural gas or LP and is offered with manual, millivolt, or variable-flame options. Contact: (800) 725-4166 or Circle Reader Service No. 150

Circle Reader Service No. 149

Cabo The Cabo collection is Meadow Decor’s take on Midcentury Modern outdoor furniture. Featuring clean lines, geometric shapes, and mixed materials (aluminum and resin wicker), the collection includes a club chair, a sofa, a sectional, an ottoman, a coffee table, and a side table. It is available in two finishes: cedar and gray. Contact: (866) 838-8822 or

Suppliers of affordable natural stone fireplace facings to the industry for over 25 years.


Circle Reader Service No. 151


Ultimate U900E Gas Linear fireplace


The Regency Ultimate gas fireplace delivers an expansive linear view of the best-in-class flame and log package. It’s perfect for contemporary spaces and open-concept living areas, and clean-burning heat is distributed throughout the home. Colder climates will benefit from the combination of intense radiant heat and extensive convective heat delivered by the built-in blower. The black-enamel reflective panels further accentuate the fire to create the perfect ambience. When you need heat but demand style, the Regency U900E is your ultimate solution. Contact: (800) 442-7432 (United States), (866) 946-5155 (Canada), or


Est. 1969

3045 KINGSTON COURT NORCROSS, GA 30071 1.800.477.7665 F)770.409.0431

Circle Reader Service No. 78

Circle Reader Service No. 152




Monessen Symphony Convenient and efficient, the Symphony slimline vent-free gas fireplace offers a clean face and an expansive viewing area that’s suitable for almost any space. Easily customizable to match any decor, Symphony offers decorative and transitional faces, as well as the choice of traditional logs or fireglass media—allowing homeowners to bring simple beauty into their favorite spaces. Contact: (800) 669-4328 or Circle Reader Service No. 153

Slimline Shadow The Slimline Shadow™ heater incorporates Infratech’s popular Slimline SL-series heating body in a matte-black housing. With its sleek modern styling, narrow profile, and low clearance requirements, the Slimline Shadow can virtually disappear into the surrounding decor. Contact: (800) 421-9455 or Circle Reader Service No. 154

Louisiana Grills: 100% Natural Premium Hardwood Lump Charcoal Through the company’s unique process, Louisiana Grills’ premium lump charcoal is naturally made from pure hardwood oak and mesquite wood. No chemical additives or fillers are added to the product (unlike other common brands of lump charcoal). It burns hotter and gives longer burning performance, providing consistent flavor for all your outdoor-grilling experiences. A bag weighs 20 pounds. Contact: (877) 303-3134 or Circle Reader Service No. 155


DirectVent Pellet System A concentric direct vent pellet system maintains indoor air quality by reducing drafts, while only requiring one wall or ceiling penetration to install. The CVS system supplies fresh air for combustion through the outer pipe, while exhaust is vented through the inner pipe. It’s available in 3x5-inch concentric pipe with a Galvalume® or black exterior and is UL 641 and ULC S609 listed. Contact: (800) 835-4429 or

)LQG RXW DOO WKH EHQHÀ WV of being a Caliber dealer, contact us at

17812 Metzler Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92647-6255 714.848.1349

Circle Reader Service No. 79

Circle Reader Service No. 156




ProductPROFILES DirectVent Pro: DVA-H2 Horizontal Termination Introducing an innovative (and Vesta Award–winning) DirectVent Pro termination with a dramatically reduced wall footprint and enhanced aesthetic appeal: The termination will allow the use of interchangeable and customizable shrouds, letting customers tailor the look of the termination. Shrouds will be available in a variety of materials and colors. The heart of the termination is a patent-pending combustion-air control. This control reduces the need for internal appliance baffling and allows for improved combustion performance across a variety of gas-burning direct-vent appliances. The external footprint has been minimized to achieve an industry-leading 11x11 inches for both 4x6 and 5x8 sizes. The crowning achievement of the design is the unique combination of tailored combustion-air performance with an unlimited number of new aesthetic options. Contact: (800) 835-4429 or Circle Reader Service No. 157

Real Fyre G31 Log System The new Real Fyre G31 three-tiered gas log system closely replicates the look and feel of a real wood-burning fire. This multilevel burner system provides a higher and fuller flame effect with an efficient lower-Btu input. Offered in sizes ranging from 18 to 39 inches and at Btu levels from 55,000 to 85,000, the system features hand-detailed logs that look great in the fireplace, with the fire on or off; many control and log-style options are available. Contact: (800) 332-3973 or Circle Reader Service No. 158

FP40 Linear Wood Fireplace by Regency

wood-burning cookstove that is perfect

Designed for modern living, this large, contemporary linear wood fireplace will add ambience and enjoyment to any room. The large viewing area provides an exceptional view of the fire while complementing the decor of any home. The Regency FP40 is designed to fit into a custom-built wall without a brick fireplace or chimney, ensuring that it can be featured in any room. Designed not only to meet, but to exceed the very latest requirements for emissions and efficiency, this is the latest in heating technology. Contact: (800) 442-7432 (United States), (866) 946-5155 (Canada), or

for home, cottage or camp. It serves as

Circle Reader Service No. 159



Wood Cookstove The Fireview is a high-efficiency, airtight,

a high-output room heater, a cooking appliance and, with an optional water jacket, a source of hot water. For even more cooking versatility add the optional gas side burners. Models also available in all-gas, all-electric or dual fuel.

Let us build one for you. 1-800-295-8498 2 ! . ' % 3 ȩ s ȩ 7 ! , , ȩ / 6 % . 3 ȩ s ȩ 2 % & 2 ) ' % 2 !4 / 2 3 ȩ s ȩ - ) # 2 / 7 ! 6 % 3 ȩ s ȩ $ ) 3 ( 7 ! 3 ( % 2 3 Circle Reader Service No. 80




Ultimate Pellet Pipe by Selkirk Ultimate Pellet pipe is a premier venting system designed with the installer in mind. Fast, sealed, and secure assembly—coupled with laser-welded seams and smooth joint connections— creates a pipe system that is sleek and beautiful. Contact: (800) 992-VENT (-8368) or Circle Reader Service No. 160

Sizzler PRO The Sizzler PRO series from Summerset Professional Grills combines impressive features with quality construction and affordability. Upholding the same sleek design as the classic Sizzler with added exterior LED lights, this grill really sets itself apart. The interior has been revamped with 14,000-Btu cast burners, heat-zone separators, and powerful interior cooking lights that make for a premium grilling experience, from top to bottom. The Sizzler PRO’s price will please your customers. Contact: (800) 966-8126 or Circle Reader Service No. 161

26MM6020-M342 Media Mantel On-trend yet classic, this stand for televisions of up to 80 inches (155 pounds), with its infrared quartz electric fireplace, will be the centerpiece of any room’s decor. The espresso pine finish gives it a rustic feel. Store your media components and accessories in the open display shelf and the two glass-front side cabinets (with adjustable shelves). The contemporary infrared quartz electric fireplace warms up to 1,000 square feet and offers Spectrafire Plus, which features 125 user-selectable, realistic flame-effect options. These flame effects dance over a modern metallic tray and fireglass display. The flame effects, timer, and other functions can be controlled with the included remote control. Contact: (866) 661-1218 or Circle Reader Service No. 162

Park Place Traditional Deep Seating The Park Place collection of luxury patio furniture from Pride Family Brands is handcrafted with spectacular style and a modern aesthetic for any patio, terrace, or poolside deck. Each piece is expertly engineered, with clean angles and precision-tailored cushions, to tell a story of luxury, comfort, and outdoor chic. Contact: (855) 612-9800 or Circle Reader Service No. 163

Circle Reader Service No. 81





Birchwood 20 by Kozy Heat

S-Series: CSL36 The 36-inch S-series grill features three high-performance Coyote iBurners, an infrared rear burner, and one Coyote RapidSear burner. The 875–square-inch cooking area is illuminated by interior hood lights and includes premium stainless-steel grates, a warming rack, a rotisserie kit, and a smoker box. Contact: (855) 520-1559 or

Birchwood 20 is Kozy Heat’s hot-selling freestanding gas stove. Keep it traditional or add a modern touch with three different base options, along with three different screen fronts and refractories. Contact: (800) 253-4904 or Circle Reader Service No. 167

Circle Reader Service No. 164

Richmond Clean-faced Peninsula Fireplace American Hearth’s all-new, direct-vent clean-faced Peninsula fireplace projects its ambience and warm glow directly into your living space. The clean-faced design and neatly concealed controls will leave guests guessing whether it is a wood-burning or gas fireplace. Select one of two unique ceramic-fiber log sets: a country campfire look or a combination of logs and stones (pictured). Liner options include brick, black porcelain, and a unique fluted black panel. An assortment of doors and fronts can help tailor the look of the fireplace to the room. Homeowners can choose millivolt or intermittent-pilot models in LP or natural-gas versions. Contact: (800) 851-3153 or

The epitome of comfort, NorthCape’s Richmond collection features a high-back design in rich truffle HDPE resin over a sturdy, commercial-grade aluminum frame with removable suspension seating. Welted cushions feature a single back button and are available in four quick-ship fabric options. Richmond pairs beautifully with NorthCape’s fire tables and solid-marble surfaces. As the company says, when you’re looking for style, comfort, and value, take a fresh look at NorthCape. Contact: (708) 563-2890 or Circle Reader Service No. 168

Circle Reader Service No. 165

American Fyre Designs Fire Bowl Collection

La Reserve Deep Seating Handcrafted in vintage style, La Reserve from Pride Family Brands features waves of cast aluminum in an open design. Inspired by the luxury homes of Europe, La Reserve’s romantic features are crafted of cast and extruded aluminum, punctuated with decorative arm and foot elements—perfect for any patio or poolside spot. Contact: (855) 612-9800 or

The fire bowl collection by American Fyre Designs is handcrafted in the United States from durable, lightweight GFRC. Fire bowls are available in both deep and low-profile options and in several sizes (from 32 to 48 inches). Now also available with remote control are 140,000–Btu models using an all-weather electronic-ignition system. The fire bowls are available in both natural-gas and propane fuel options and come in a variety of colors to suit any outdoor decor. Contact: (800) 332-3973 or

Circle Reader Service No. 166

Circle Reader Service No. 169




Clear 170 Ortal’s linear direct-vent gas fireplaces create a unique ambience in any space. Many of Ortal’s models are available with your choice of two protective barrier solutions: double glass (fan assisted) or a screen. With Ortal’s impressive selection of sleek and modern contemporary fireplaces (along with more traditional styles), you’ll have the freedom and flexibility to select the model of your choice. Contact: (818) 238-7000 or Circle Reader Service No. 170

Original Pawleys Island Large DuraCord Rope Hammock Appearances can fool you. Looking for all the world like cotton rope and—even more important—feeling like cotton rope, oatmeal-colored DuraCordŽ is nonetheless something altogether more (more durable, that is). The hammock’s spreader bars are solid Southern white oak, hand dipped multiple times in marine-quality varnish to heighten the handsome hardwood’s natural honey-gold hue. Hanging hardware (including chains) is galvanized steel, for a further boost in strength and for heightened rust protection. Contact: (800) 334-1078 or Circle Reader Service No. 171

New Flex Match-lit Firepit Inserts This match-lit series incorporates a flexible stainless-steel gas line between valve and burner, offering insert versatility and simpler installation. This UL-certified insert includes the popular Penta burner on round and square models for maximum flame. Linear and rectangular H–burner models are available. The unit includes the pan/burner, a decorative key valve with an HPC mounting bracket, and flex line—fully assembled. Contact: (877) 433-7001 or Circle Reader Service No. 172



HPBEXPO 2016 BOOTH #1433




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Circle Reader Service No. 83






ProductPROFILES American Muscle Grill The all-new American Muscle grill (AMG) is a heavy-duty, no-nonsense grill that features true dual-fuel capability—which will allow you to smoke, sear, and cook directly or indirectly with charcoal, gas, or both simultaneously. Designed, built, and factory tested in the United States, the AMG is available in 100,000-Btu 36-inch and 160,000-Btu 54-inch models, giving it plenty of power to go around: Combining innovative design with high-quality construction, the AMG has all the features and flexibility required to be the last grill you will ever need. Contact: (800) 966-8126 or

Element Series Vent Free Hargrove introduces the contemporary Element series to its vent-free lineup. The Element series is available in 18-, 24-, and 30-inch sizes for natural gas or LP and is offered with a millivolt on/off option. The burner system comes standard with a stainless-steel reflective back panel that enhances the view of the flame. Multiple media options—including fireglass and firebeads, or a combination of these, along with an Aspen or Driftwood log kit or river stones—will complete the desired look. Contact: (800) 725-4166 or Circle Reader Service No. 173

Empire Fireplace Goes Green

Circle Reader Service No. 176

Empire’s all-new, 40-inch direct-vent clean-faced fireplaces (featuring TruFlame technology) reimagine the gas fireplace—in its aesthetics, technology, and environmental impact. The enormous ceramic-glass front frames the beautifully crafted 14-piece log set blazing atop a full-floor ember bed. Rich yellow flames roll over and around the logs and embers, mimicking the burn of a natural-wood fire. This visually stunning fireplace will take center stage in any home. Inside the fireplace, Empire’s TruFlame technology uses an integrated catalyst system to scrub the exhaust, removing potential pollutants from the flue’s output—making this the most eco-friendly vented fireplace on the market, the company says. Adjustable air shutters and dampers (accessible from the front) let the installer fine-tune the flames to the length of the vent run, eliminating callbacks. Contact: (800) 851-3153 or

Capital Maestro Barbecue Grill Capital refuses to follow the pack, choosing instead to improve on its own concepts and designs as it moves forward. Capital’s Maestro barbecue changes how you view grilling. A large SCHOTT NEXTREMA® glass-ceramic viewing window in the lid provides side-to-side visibility. The grill also features a unique glass front panel with blue LED indicator rings that let you know which burners are on—artfully. Contact: (502) 657-4417 or Circle Reader Service No. 177

Circle Reader Service No. 174

Cove Fire Bowl by The Outdoor GreatRoom Company The Cove fire bowl is the perfect addition to any contemporary outdoor space. The natural-gray SuperCast concrete bowl lets the focus stay on the 30-inch Crystal Fire™ burner. The organic, natural appearance of the concrete is unique to each fire bowl, and color variations, pitting, and wear are common attributes of the beauty of the fire bowl. Contact: (866) 303-4028 or

New Base Options for Mendota Linear Fireplaces Mendota’s FullView linear fireplace offers a great view of the new Norway Spruce fire base. Partially charred logs, accented with a hint of ash, have the feel of a campfire that has been burning well into the evening. Contact: (800) 553-5422 or

Circle Reader Service No. 175

Circle Reader Service No. 178




Broil King Porta-Chef 320 Propane Grill A portable grill that offers the performance and versatility of its full-sized siblings, the Porta-Chef™ 320 is a great option for those with space restrictions (or looking for portability). With the Porta-Chef 320’s 430 square inches of total cooking area and its three individually controlled stainless-steel burners, grilling enthusiasts have the option of grilling directly or indirectly. Whether at a campground, the big game, or the beach, on-the-go grillers will love being able use the Porta-Chef 320 as a tabletop grill or stand-alone unit—and with its drop-down shelves and detachable snap-in legs, the 320 is easily transported. An optional stationary cart is also available for those who want to use the grill on their patios or balconies. Contact: (800) 265-2150 or Circle Reader Service No. 179

LFP6018 Top-vent Linear Fireplace Golden Blount’s LFP6018 linear fireplace features a 60x18-inch opening, with an open-front design (no glass) that gives you the linear look without the hot glass. At $4,200 retail, this beautiful fireplace is a real winner. It can be naturally vented with a 10-inch B-vent pipe or power vented in a variety of ways. It features an output of 60,000 Btu and can be appointed with your choice of decorative glass. Contact: (800) 833-1139 or


DESIGN FLEXIBILITY OUTSIDE Innovative DirectVent Pro termination with a dramatically reduced wall footprint and enhanced aesthetic appeal. The termination will allow interchangeable and customizable shrouds, allowing customers to tailor the look of the termination. Shrouds will be available in a variety of materials. The heart of the termination is a patent pending combustion air control. This control reduces the need for internal appliance baffling, and allows for improved combustion performance across a variety of gas burning direct vent appliances. Check with appliance manufacturer for approval.

Circle Reader Service No. 180

Belle Epoque Crescent Deep Seating Belle Epoque crescent deep seating from Pride Family Brands captures a unique outdoor artistry of design. With Belle Epoque luxury outdoor furniture, the intricate graphic cast motif encircles each piece to deliver an open garden design. Comfortable crescent deep seating in this collection offers an elegant spot for relaxation and conversation. Contact: (855) 612-9800 or


Circle Reader Service No. 181

Legend G4 Insert Series The Valor Legend insert family spans over two decades of reliable home comfort for North America, showcasing a wide array of diverse products. Considered the big brother in this collection, the G4 series is designed to fit existing large fireplace openings without sacrificing presence and performance. The result is an impressive flame-viewing area highlighted by a proportional surround that complements (not overpowers). The Legend G4 increases your overall home efficiency, provides ease of use in heat control, and effectively distributes warmth. Ceramic and stainless-steel burner-kit options are engineered for performance and efficiency. Contact: (800) 468-2567 or

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Engineered Excellence. 800-835-4429 M&G DuraVent ©2016

Circle Reader Service No. 85

Circle Reader Service No. 182




ProductPROFILES Delta Heat Outdoorkitchen Products The grill is the cornerstone of any outdoor kitchen, but it is the complementary products that bring it to life. Delta Heat has thought through your customers’ cooking, storage, and entertaining needs. The company’s offering is complete, giving customers the products that they need to create a space that is unique to them: a space that suits their personal cooking and entertaining styles. The company invites you to explore the complete Delta Heat offering. Contact: (800) 422-0091 or Circle Reader Service No. 183

Small Fireplaces With Big Style From Mendota Mendota’s FullView 34 and FullView 34 Arch Decor fireplaces deliver big impact in a small space. Shown is the new Birch fire base, which has been painstakingly handcarved and handpainted for the utmost authenticity and a signature look. Contact: (800) 553-5422 or Circle Reader Service No. 186

The Wave by The Outdoor GreatRoom Company The Wave features three interwoven tube burners to create a wave effect on a bed of onyx fireglass. The durable polished midnight mist SuperCast top, stucco base, and textured-aluminum accent leg give the unit a modern touch. Each fire feature uses a black color-coated tube-burner system, is UL listed for safety, and is made of durable outdoor-rated materials. Contact: (866) 303-4028 or Circle Reader Service No. 184

Barbeques Galore Captain Cook Gas Grill With Warmer The popular Captain Cook line is back, and it features three- and five-burner models with high-efficiency Italian burners and a dedicated side burner included on each grill. The unique five-burner Captain Cook with the warmer option (pictured) features 60,000 Btu of cooking power and 742 square inches of cooking space, and it includes an 8,500-Btu warming oven built right in for added versatility and cooking options. Enjoy margins of 40 or more points on the Captain Cook line. Contact: (800) GRILL-UP or

Broil King Keg 5000 The Broil King® Keg 5000 features a high-performance design that builds on Broil King’s philosophy of engineering superior-performing grills that evoke passion for outdoor entertaining. Unlike many ceramic kamado-style grills, the Keg’s durable body is made of double-walled steel with high-grade insulation between the walls. This technologically advanced design holds temperatures at a narrow range for continuous, even heat. This allows low-and-slow cooking that lets consumers create moist, traditional U.S. barbecue in their own backyards. The steel body also offers outstanding durability through all weather conditions. A unique feature of the Keg is its portability. With the hitch-adapter kit, the Keg can be taken on the road, making it the ideal companion for tailgating, picnics, and camping. The Keg features a total cooking area of 480 square inches, including a main cast-iron cooking grid that is perfect for locking in the heat and a secondary chrome-coated rack that’s ideal for more delicate foods (such as seafood). The Keg’s standard features include a large precision temperature gauge, removable resin side shelves, and a durable stand (with large wheels for portability). Contact: (800) 265-2150 or Circle Reader Service No. 187

Circle Reader Service No. 185

senotherm UHT The NON-SMOKER® coating, with heat resistance of up to 1,200 degrees (600 degrees Celsius), is now available in the United States. There are good reasons to use senotherm® UHT: It’s easy to use, and the final hardening occurs at room temperature. Therefore, it’s a real NON-SMOKER coating. Contact: (404) 994-2292,, or Circle Reader Service No. 188




Paso Robles Firepit Warm up your backyard with Mallin’s Paso Robles firepit collection. Shown is the ADA–approved, powder-coated dining-height firepit, with a 66-inch octagonal top (LF153-F071F), paired with the 25-inch square windshield. Paso Robles firepits are available in two heights, two top styles, and multiple size options. Gather around the fire, dine with your companions, and relax with Mallin. Contact: (800) 251-6537 or Circle Reader Service No. 189

Beyond Blue From Phifer Phifer’s new Beyond Blue Designed Fabrics collection boasts a majestic color scheme, blending shades of blue with flashes of neutrals and cool metal tones. Evoking images of celestial skies and deep-ocean excursions, this timeless fabric collection has a soothing (yet seductive) presence. The Beyond Blue collection from Phifer’s Designed Fabrics features plush, 100% recyclable GeoBella® cushion fabrics and sleek sling Phifertex® outdoor fabrics. Made from recycled yarns, GeoBella indoor/outdoor performance fabrics offer the soft, touchable texture and comfort of indoor furniture, yet are built with the stability, strength, and durability needed for outdoor-cushion applications. Phifertex high-end performance fabrics are ideal for sling applications and can be used in awning, umbrella, pillow, and new fabric applications. Contact: (800) 221-5497 or Circle Reader Service No. 192

FP-16 Saint-Laurent

New Smoker Cabinet From Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet

This new extra-large linear fireplace has a guillotine door that disappears in the hearth, allowing you to load wood onto the fire easily—and to have an unrivaled view of the flames. With a 15x41-inch fire-viewing area and the legendary Valcourt fit and finish, the FP-16 Saint-Laurent will definitely impress you. Contact: (418) 878-3040 or

Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet’s innovative smoker cabinet offers a new approach to traditional barbecuing at home. The stainless-steel, under-counter smoker cabinet uses gravity-feed charcoal technology, with an insulated and sealed design (for impressive efficiency). It’s built with the same focus on innovation, convenience, and high-quality craftsmanship as the rest of the Kalamazoo outdoor-kitchen collection. The insulated smoking chamber allows for efficient temperature control for food on three adjustable shelves. Along the side is a vertical, sealed column of charcoal, which burns from the bottom and rests on a firegrate. Wood chunks are placed below the firegrate, and the falling embers cause them to smolder and smoke. As the charcoal is consumed, gravity feeds fresh charcoal into the fire. Smoke and heat from the fire are then routed into the food chamber, where carefully engineered baffles ensure that there are no hot spots. Top the smoker with your own countertop to match your outdoor-living space, or order the optional porcelain top from Kalamazoo. Contact: (800) 868-1699 or

Circle Reader Service No. 193

Circle Reader Service No. 190

Cabretta Tropitone has introduced Cabretta, its new collection of tabletops. Transitional in style, Cabretta tabletops look like leather and are available in dark chocolate or weathered gray finishes. Eight top sizes are compatible with Tropitone’s new Universal 5000 series bases. By pairing one of the tops with any of the matching bases, customers can create large or small dining tables, counter-height tables, or accessory tables. Cabretta tabletops feature rounded square or rectangular shapes. The arc of the sides of the tabletop and sculpted edges orient people toward one another, inviting conversation and creating an unrestricted, friendly setting. Larger Cabretta tabletops feature an island, a design element in the center of the top that creates visual interest. Contact: (949) 951-2010 or Circle Reader Service No. 87

Circle Reader Service No. 191




ProductPROFILES senotherm Classic The leading high-temperature coating in Europe, with heat resistance of up to 1,000 degrees (500 degrees Celsius), is now available in the United States. senotherm® Classic is available in a wide variety of colors and effects—including colorful shades and metallics—as well as being available in aerosol form, as a touch-up paint. Contact: (404) 994-2292,, or Circle Reader Service No. 194

Premium BBQ Grill Island

New Protective Firepit Covers by Treasure Garden Treasure Garden has expanded its successful line of protective firepit covers specifically to accommodate round, square, and rectangular designs. The new collection of durable chat/firepit covers was developed in response to the considerable growth occurring in the firepit category. Round protective covers in the collection are available in 42- and 54-inch sizes. A square 48-inch cover and two rectangular models round out the collection. Rectangular designs measure 50x30 inches and 58x38 inches. Contact: (888) 821-8868 or Circle Reader Service No. 197

Bonfire Outdoor has introduced its Premium BBQ grill island, which features industry-exclusive Easy Self Assembly™. Before Bonfire, barbecue grills were a major backyard project. Originally, if a consumer wanted an island, the only solution was to have it custom built by a contractor. Bonfire eliminates the hassle with Easy Self Assembly Premium BBQ grill islands. There’s no wait, and the unit arrives ready to be assembled—by two people, in just under one hour—with only a screwdriver and the included wrench. All grill models feature high-gauge, premium 304 stainless-steel grill heads; a one-piece granite countertop; all-weather, durable steel and stone stucco island construction; halogen lighting; LED-lit, heavy zinc-alloy knobs; and easy ignition. Contact: (323) 457-0105 or Circle Reader Service No. 195

Sol by OW Lee The bold lines of the Sol collection were inspired by the rising sun, emerging above the rugged, soaring mountains of the Southwestern United States. This collection’s use of bold tubing with hammered detail gives it a truly rustic quality while still maintaining distinctly modern lines. Sol deep seating features new Plush Comfort® cushioning, for the ultimate in comfort. Contact: (800) 776-9533 or

Caddy Alterna II Pellet Furnace The new Caddy Alterna II pellet furnace answers the needs of homeowners seeking the comfort of a wood-burning heating system without its inconveniences. Tested to the latest EPA and CSA B415.1-10 standards, the Caddy Alterna II pellet or pellet–electric combination furnace will please the most discerning consumers looking for an efficient and eco-friendly heating solution. The new Caddy Alterna II pellet furnace offers great heating autonomy due to its 240-pound hopper capacity. Its optional electrical system allows it to continue to operate when the furnace runs out of pellets. Other features include a self-cleaning bottom feed system that keeps the burn pot free from deposits, maintenance-free components, and a self-diagnostics electronic interface that prevents unnecessary service calls. Contact: (418) 878-3040 or Circle Reader Service No. 198

Circle Reader Service No. 196

William/Whirl Dining William is a chair designed to fit like a glove. Light, powder-coated frames carry the signature curved-teak slats that define the design language of William. Where your hands meet the frame, once again, soft teak provides the touch. Whirl is round and limitless, without a beginning or an end: the perfect template for creating a place where you can come together and communicate freely. Indeed, it’s the ideal shape for a table. Contact: (434) 575-1003 or Circle Reader Service No. 199 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2016



Circle Reader Service No. 89

ProductPROFILES Barbeques Galore Turbo Elite Gas Grill

Primo GO

The Turbo Elite gas grill from Barbeques Galore features three, four, or five main burners, plus an infrared rotisserie burner and rotisserie kit. The Elite is constructed of 304-grade stainless steel. The three-burner model features an output of 49,000 Btu and 610 square inches of cooking space. The four-burner grill features 61,000 Btu and 740 square inches, while the five-burner version has 73,000 Btu and 1,000 square inches. The Elite features interior halogen lights (on four- and five-burner models only) and exterior LED lighting. Enjoy margins of 40 or more points on all Turbo grills. Contact: (800) GRILL-UP or Circle Reader Service No. 200

The new Primo GO portable cradle and optional GO base for the Primo Oval JR 200 grill offer the advantages of portability and at-home use without the need for a grill table. The Primo GO can be used independently on a tailgate or in a stadium parking lot. The Primo GO with the Oval JR 200 grill surpasses all other portable ceramic grills, with 210 square inches of cooking area. The Primo GO and GO base are sold separately. Contact: (770) 492-3920 or Circle Reader Service No. 201

St. Barts Dining Armchair Kingsley-Bate’s St. Barts collection has a modern, livable style that is assimilated into countless settings. Pieces are crafted from all-weather rope that has the natural look of authentic hemp rope, yet the same durability as Kingsley-Bate’s other outdoor-wicker fiber. Frames are substantial and are made from rustproof aluminum with solid-teakwood feet. Stocked in natural rope, the collection includes a dining armchair (shown), a dining side chair, a sofa, a settee, a lounge chair, an ottoman, and a chaise. Contact: (703) 361-7000 or Circle Reader Service No. 202

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g h g coatin i ® h R s E t r the e -SMOK N p O x N l e a s g d a re n n a i t n o oa c soluti t s e e r b u e t a r ays th e w l p a s i tem herm® t o n e s see ... and


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Circle Reader Service No. 203




You and the Caddy Alterna II

THE HOTTEST DUO IN HEATING Give your customers the warmth of wood pellets AND the convenience of electric. The Caddy Alterna II Pellet-Electric Combo Furnace has it all: an alternative source of heat that’s ready when needed; durable construction for years of maintenance-free use; and most importantly, easy and economical heating that puts comfort and safety first. ADD THE CADDY ALTERNA II TO YOUR SHOWROOM AND WATCH SALES HEAT UP.

OPTIONS 15 kW / 20 kW electric element for Pellet-Electric Combo 2.5 T / 3.5 T A/C evaporator coil Hot water loop kit

FEATURES Meets EPA requirements with emissions below 0.45 lb/mmBTU Up to 65,000 BTU/h distributed heat output 82.4% optimum efficiency 240 lb hopper capacity Electronics can communicate with a heat pump or A/C unit Bottom-feed technology Starting at $5,399 (MSRP-USD)

CSA B415.1-10


Interested in retailing this product? Email Discover the entire Caddy Series at

COME SEE US AT THE HPBExpo, INDOOR BOOTH # 1049 Circle Reader Service No. 204


continued from page 13

role in ensuring the passage of this legislation. Beginning in April 2015, HPBA staff members met with more than 20 congressional offices, urging lawmakers to support extension of the tax credit. HPBA members also made a huge contribution by advising members of Congress to support the credit.

Brown Jordan and Richard Frinier Team Up to Win Design Award BROWN JORDAN’S CONNEXION

designed by Richard Frinier, received a Good Design™ award from the Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design in conjunction with the European Centre for Architecture, Art, Design and Urban Studies. This achievement marks the second time that Brown Jordan and Frinier have garnered a Good Design award together for their distinctive and innovative designs. Stephen F. Elton, senior vice president of sales and branding, says, “We are very proud to receive this distinguished award of design excellence for Connexion. The collection has been well received in the marketplace, since it was launched, because of its versatility and ability to be customized. It is an honor to have the design acknowledged by one of the oldest and most prestigious architecture and design award programs in the industry.” Connexion is designed for comfort and versatility in arrangement, allowing the effortless composition of compelling and functional indoor/outdoor gathering areas

Agio, USA Partners With Traveling Breeze to Bring Zero-gravity Chair and Other Cool Products to North American Markets


AGIO, USA AND TRAVELING BREEZE have entered into a

long-term partnership agreement that will help bring the Traveling Breeze line of unique outdoor products to the The Connexion collection

for residential, contract, and hospitality settings. The collection’s sectional, individual modular units, club chair, and tables can be used in endless configurations—to become the go-to place for extended hours of entertaining or for quiet enjoyment and relaxation. Frinier says, “Connexion seems to have arrived at the right time, when conversation areas for indoor/outdoor living are becoming the destination. The unique and infinite ways in which this collection may be stylized for spaces is limitless. You can build modest-to-impressive seating areas by simply connecting or disconnecting the individual modular pieces, which may be easily moved to accommodate changing needs from day to day.”

Richard Frinier’s Santa Barbara Collection of Sunbrella Fabrics Debuts RICHARD FRINIER, DESIGNER OF FURNITURE

and textiles, drew inspiration for his latest collection of Sunbrella® fabrics from the world-renowned resort destination of Santa Barbara, California, illustrating his innate ability to bring his passions to life through design. The Santa Barbara collection embraces the locale’s natural landscape and debuted during 2015’s December Showtime in High Point, North Carolina. “Santa Barbara is truly an international resort destination, rich with California history and the very best of coastal living,” Frinier, who is building a new residence and studio in Santa Barbara, explains. “I look forward to calling this sought-after haven home, where I can enjoy a California lifestyle in a more rural setting—closer to nature— and draw inspiration for my designs.” Santa Barbara’s setting is reminiscent of the early California plein-air paintings for

The Santa Barbara collection

which this area is best known. Frinier’s latest textile collection subtly captures the area’s amazingly varied landscape, from the majestic mountains, rolling hills, and winding roads to the pastoral ranches, historic estates, and vintage cottages to the many beaches, hiking trails, and shopping/marketplace areas lined with cobblestones. The Santa Barbara collection comprises three base cloths (Beach, duck, and expanded colorways of Sahara); two stripes (Coastline and Summer); and three patterns (Botanico, El Paseo, and Esplanade). The Santa Barbara collection is available to the manufacturing trade only.



The Traveling Breeze zero-gravity chair

casual marketplace. During Las Vegas Market™ in January, Agio featured five different zero-gravity chair styles and one sling chaise. The chairs are available with either steel or aluminum frames, and accessories range from cup holders to canopies to rolled pillows that use the same technology, with breezes generated by battery-powered fans. The Traveling Breeze line of lightweight, portable fancooled chairs, chaises, and pillows uses a patented design that incorporates two high-flow fans, which blow a gentle breeze across the user’s head, neck, shoulders, and back. Greg Squires, president of Traveling Breeze, says, “By having the right team at Agio, USA handling the sales and marketing for our line, our team is better able to concentrate on product development and ensure quality remains at a high level. Our strength is providing innovation to the marketplace.” Andy Sokol, Agio, USA’s vice president of sales, says, “It gives us a chance to bring to market something that’s unique. It has multiple uses for year-round activities: from the sidelines of Little League® or soccer matches in the spring to poolside, on the deck, or at the beach in the summer—and of course, tailgating in the fall.” Sokol anticipates that this will be a hot gift line for fourth-quarter 2016 promotions, both online and in stores. Dave Kasprzyk, vice president of Traveling Breeze, says, “We are excited to partner with Agio, USA in bringing our products to the outdoor-casual customer. This agreement puts in place a long-term strategy to bring innovative cooling products to development and implementation.” As an example, Kasprzyk points to the Aero Breeze pillow, a lightweight, decorative, and effective cooling device. Appropriate for either indoor or outdoor use, the accessory makes a terrific gift for any age group (at a low price). “In our opinion, this item is a game changer,” he says. “Just place the pillow behind your head, sit back, and feel the quiet, gentle breeze, right where you need it.” According to Sokol, at present, the Traveling Breeze chair line is a container-only program, but plans are being made to


offer the line soon in smaller quantities. For orders meeting a minimum quantity, there will be the option of changing fabrics according to customer specifications. “We prefer not to turn down any business and want to provide all customers the means to enjoy the success that this line has to offer,” Sokol says.

than 60 products were in the Product Showcase, with the pHin by Connected Yard earning the Best New Product Award and the FlowStar standard skimmer with ozone by AquaStar Pool Products winning the Best Green Product Award. Barbeques Galore and West Coast Customs officially revealed the Ride On Que truck, a customized, transforming truck with a custom-built island that holds all of the grills, doors, refrigerators, and burners that Barbeques Galore offers. Added lights and music made this a must-see display. The show floor also featured the debut of the Casual-furniture Marketplace. Its 13 exhibitors occupied 4,300 square feet, making it obvious that this is one of the fastest-growing segments of the outdoor market. Attendees had an unparalleled opportunity for learning through more than 40 new conference sessions. Industry partners also produced preconference education content that was well received and heavily attended. Additional floor education in the Hayward School of Business and Splash Talks drew the largest crowds to date. Exhibitors were so pleased with the turnout and engagement level of the attendees in Las Vegas that they reserved more than 51,000 square feet on-site for PSP Expo 2016 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

2015 International Pool/Spa/Patio Expo Wins Big in Las Vegas THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL POOL/SPA/PATIO (PSP) Expo (November

10 through 12) brought an impressive display of industry products, education, and networking opportunities to Las Vegas, Nevada. The show drew 11,556 attendees from across the country and around the world: a strong showing from the global pool, spa, and outdoor industries. Attendees experienced a 137,600–squarefoot exhibit hall packed with new industry product launches, innovative show-floor features, and an unmatched lineup of on-floor events. The PSP Expo conference program, prize giveaways, celebrity appearances, and many other new show features added to the success of the event. The exhibit hall featured an impressive display of water, technology, and equipment from 525 exhibiting companies, with 118 new companies participating. More



continued from page 54

offer enhancements for the Smartwerks and TylerNet programs. Other Smartwerks features enable customers to take before-andafter photos of a product—to show that repairs have been made to furniture, for example, or that a stove has been installed properly. The use of Smartwerks’ mobile POS software is especially appealing to users who go into customers’ homes or conduct business on the go. If they have portable devices, they can complete purchases, track orders, and manage accounting while out of the office. “That’s the attraction we have in the hearth industry,” Kunish says. Much of the company’s new business is the sale of Smartwerks, but the company also has many loyal customers who have used TylerNet for 30 years. “We don’t ignore our TylerNet customers,” Kunish says. He adds that the company is always enhancing that program, as well as working with new customers to provide them with the right solution for their business needs, whether that’s the simplicity of Smartwerks or the sophistication of TylerNet. “We’re offering them an option,” he explains. For the future, TylerNet is concerned with staying current with technological advances, online commerce, and the role of POS software in conducting business. “One of our goals is to stay abreast of technological changes,” Kunish says. The company wants to use those changes continually, both to optimize its programs to help customers run successful businesses. Kunish believes that a good POS system is paramount in helping businesses continue to be successful and to grow. TylerNet representatives will attend HPBExpo in March to match new customers with the proper programs for their business needs. At the same time, they will listen to customers’ requests for new software enhancements.

continued from page 22

One series that is part of the new concept is the company’s popular linear series, which features three sizes: the L1, L2, and L3 (the newest addition). Miles says, “If dealers choose to display the L2, they can easily sell our L1 and L3 from it, without having to carry all three models.” The H series of fireplaces is also part of the concept. Last fall, the company introduced its H6 traditionalstyle clean-faced unit, which is is a larger version of its popular H5.

Woodbridge Fireplace Inc. (Brampton, Ontario) is a relatively new hearth manufacturer that is all about ideas. Before co-owner Tony James started the company in 2003, he worked in the fireplace industry for more than 15 years, designing well over 400 models of gas appliances for a number of major manufacturers. “My passion is creating innovative products that fill a need and then bringing them to market and seeing them thrive,” James says. The company recently introduced

its DV1400, a shallow (10-inch) direct-vent fireplace. James designed the unit with highly specific applications in mind: He says, “Typically, fireplaces have been getting bigger and bigger, but I saw a need in the market for a shallow gas fireplace that would work in condos and smaller rooms and would allow for a large variety of venting options.” He adds that although the DV1400 is shallow, it appears much deeper because of its enameled, reflective back panel. The unit has the options of a hand-detailed log set with glowing embers or a burner kit with glass media. Woodbridge also is moving to the outside of the home. “I have been designing a lot more outdoor products, over the past few years, because outdoor-living spaces are becoming more the norm. There are tons of opportunities because there are so many different applications, whether it’s by a pool or in a covered-porch



area,” James says. The company offers several outdoor models, including a new stainless-steel modern seethrough fireplace. For 2016, the company is introducing its Algonquin outdoor fireplace— which, according to James, is massive. The traditional-style unit has an outsized stainless-steel grate, a large log set, and a big flame. It’s constructed of heavy-grade stainless steel. He says, “When it’s fired up, it’s like an inferno. It’s the perfect focal point for an outdoor setting.”

Kozy Heat Fireplaces (Lakefield, Minnesota) is committed to giving customers options (in both designs and heat levels) to create the perfect fireplaces for their homes. Heather Hussong Reasoner, marketing manager, says, “We have found that people want to be able to control the heat output of their fireplaces. Something we now offer in our larger gas units with high heat output is our split-flow burner, which makes it pos-


sible to turn down the heat without turning off the fireplace.” The company’s Carlton series offers the option of turning off the back flame (to reduce heat output) and leaving on the front flame. The new Slayton 60 offers the option of turning off the side flames while keeping the middle burner in use. The Slayton 60 is Kozy Heat’s largest linear fireplace; at 58 inches long, it is the biggest unit that the company has ever offered. “People love it because it makes a dramatic statement in today’s modern home, and it won’t get lost on a wall with a large flat-screen television,” Hussong Reasoner says. For 2016, the company is excited to introduce the SP34, a 34-inch slim-profile fireplace (with a lower Btu output) that’s ready to install right out of the box. She notes, “The fact that the unit is so slim means it can be put in more places,” adding that it is targeted toward the price-competitive market.

AdvertiserIndex Advertiser

ProductProfilesDirectory Phone





Agio, USA..............................................(888) 997-7623

Agio, USA ......................................................................................................62, 68

Alfresco Home ......................................(610) 705-8808 ................................40

Alfresco Home................................................................................................62, 66

Allen Home............................................(954) 205-5756

Allen Home ....................................................................................................64, 70

American Energy Systems ....................(800) 495-3196 ..............50 Barbeques Galore ................................(800) GRILL-UP ....................................89 Big Green Egg ......................................(770) 938-9394 ................................59

Barbeques Galore ..........................................................................................86, 90 Big Green Egg................................................................................................62, 68 Bonfire..................................................................................................................88 Bull Outdoor Products....................................................................................62, 70

Blaze King ............................................(509) 522-2730 ......................................75

Cal Flame ......................................................................................................65, 72

Bull Outdoor Products ..........................(800) 521-2855 ........................................37

Caliber Appliances..........................................................................................64, 66

Cal Flame ..............................................(800) 225-7727

California Outdoor Concepts ..........................................................................64, 74

Caliber Appliances ................................(714) 848-1349 ..........................79

The Companion Group ..................................................................................62, 76

California Outdoor Concepts ..................(877) 274-6773 ........45, 71

Country Lane Gazebos ..................................................................................66, 68

The Companion Group..........................(800) 521-0505 ........................43 Country Lane Gazebos ........................(877) 429-3262 ........................................44

Coyote Outdoor Living ..................................................................................64, 82 Dansons ........................................................................................................62, 79 DCS by Fisher & Paykel..................................................................................70, 74

Coyote Outdoor Living ..........................(855) 520-1559 ..............................76

Delta Heat/Twin Eagles ..................................................................................72, 86

Dansons ................................................(877) 303-3134 ..............................20

Dimplex ..........................................................................................................60, 64

DCS by Fisher & Paykel ........................(888) 936-7872 ..............................35

Elmira Stove Works ........................................................................................64, 66

Delta Heat/Twin Eagles..........................(800) 422-0091 ......................................33

Empire Comfort Systems................................................................................82, 84

Dimplex ................................................(800) 668-6663 ........................................16

European Home ............................................................................................65, 74

Elmira Stove Works ..............................(800) 295-8498 Empire Comfort Systems ......................(800) 851-3153 ..............................49 European Home ....................................(781) 324-8383 ............................47

Forshaw/Exterus ............................................................................................68, 74 Gensun Casual Living ....................................................................................66, 74 Glen Raven/Sunbrella ....................................................................................65, 78 Gold Eagle/303 Products ..............................................................................66, 68

Forshaw/Exterus....................................(314) 874-4315 ......................................87

Golden Blount ................................................................................................76, 85

Gensun Casual Living............................(866) 964-4468 ................................9


Glen Raven/Sunbrella ............................(336) 221-2211 ......................................41

The Hammock Source ..................................................................................76, 83

Gold Eagle/303 Products ......................(800) 367-3245 ................................11

Hargrove Manufacturing ................................................................................78, 84

Golden Blount ......................................(800) 833-1139 ............................83

Hearth & Home Technologies ........................................................................76, 79

The Hammock Source ..........................(800) 334-1078 Hargrove Manufacturing ........................(800) 725-4166 ..........................81

Hearth Products Controls ..............................................................................77, 83 Hestan Outdoor..............................................................................................60, 70 Infratech ........................................................................................................77, 79

Hearth & Home Technologies................(800) 669-4328 ..........................................96

Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet ..............................................................................87

Hearth Products Controls......................(877) 433-7001 ..........................................51

Kingsley-Bate ......................................................................................................90

Hestan Outdoor ....................................(888) 905-7463 ..............................25

Kozy Heat ......................................................................................................60, 82

Infratech ................................................(800) 421-9455 ................................65

Looft Industries ..............................................................................................60, 76

Kozy Heat..............................................(800) 253-4904 ......................................17

M&G DuraVent ..............................................................................................79, 80

Las Vegas Market/IMC ..........................(702) 599-3046 ............................69 Looft Industries......................................(855) ..............................55, 63 M&G DuraVent ......................................(800) 835-4429 ......................................85

Mallin Casual ........................................................................................................87 Meadow Decor ..............................................................................................72, 78 Mendota Hearth ............................................................................................84, 86 Miles Industries/Valor Fireplaces ....................................................................78, 85

Meadow Decor......................................(866) 838-8822 ..............................32

MLW Stone ..........................................................................................................70

Mendota Hearth ....................................(800) 553-5422 ............................29

NorthCape......................................................................................................60, 82

Miles Industries/Valor Fireplaces............(800) 468-2567 ..............................31

Onward Manufacturing ..................................................................................85, 86

MLW Stone ..........................................(800) 477-7665

Ortal USA ......................................................................................................68, 83

NorthCape ............................................(708) 563-2890 ..................27

The Outdoor GreatRoom Company................................................................84, 86

Onward Manufacturing..........................(800) 265-2150 Ortal USA ..............................................(818) 238-7000 ......................................19 The Outdoor GreatRoom Company ......(866) 303-4028 ..............................18

OW Lee ................................................................................................................88 Phifer....................................................................................................................87 Pride Family Brands ..........................................................................60, 81, 82, 85 Primo Ceramic Grills ............................................................................................90

Pride Family Brands ..............................(855) 612-9800 ......................2–3

Regency Fireplace Products ..........................................................................78, 80

Regency Fireplace Products..................(800) 442-7432 ..................................23

RH Peterson Company ..................................................................................80, 82

RH Peterson Company ........................(800) 332-3973 ....................................22

SCHOTT ROBAX............................................................................................77, 84

SCHOTT ROBAX ..................................(502) 657-4417

Selkirk Corp. ..................................................................................................72, 80

Selkirk Corp...........................................(800) 992-8368 ....................................95 Stove Builder International ....................(418) 878-3040 ............................91 Summerset Professional Grills ..............(800) 966-8126 ............................61

Stove Builder International ..............................................................................87, 88 Summerset Professional Grills ........................................................................81, 84 Treasure Garden ..................................................................................................88 Tropitone ..............................................................................................................87

Twin-Star International ..........................(866) 661-1218

Twin-Star International ....................................................................................72, 81

TylerNet ........................................................(800) 237-5913 Ext. 100 ..................................................77

TylerNet ..........................................................................................................72, 74

Weilburger Coatings ..............................(404) 994-2292

Weilburger Coatings ......................................................................................86, 88

Patio & Hearth Products Report (ISSN 1939-6929) is published bimonthly by Peninsula Media, 21250 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 700, Torrance, CA 90503. US Postage Paid at Lebanon Junction, KY 40150. January/February 2016, Vol. 11, No. 1 © 2016 Peninsula Media. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Peninsula Media, 21250 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 700, Torrance, CA 90503-5514,, phone: (847) 763-9261. While the publishers have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the materials presented in Patio & Hearth Products Report, they are not responsible for the correctness of the information and/or opinions expressed.




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The Artisan Vent Free Gas Fireplace

FOLLOW THE LEADER Monessen has been the leader in vent free hearth products for decades. No one does vent free better than we do. Join us. Contact your dealer business partner today to learn more about Monessen’s industry-leading products.


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