Patio & Hearth Products Report January/February 2019

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42 J A N UA R Y/ F E B R UA R Y 2 0 1 9 • VO L U M E 1 4 , N U M B E R 1






By Sharon Sanders

Industry expert reveals some of the latest products and designs that transform ordinary backyards into fabulous outdoor retreats.

Consumers respond positively to POLYWOOD’s wide range of stylish recycled outdoor furniture.



An innovative marketing strategy helps Dansons grow profits in the highly competitive grill market.

Contemporary designs are the stars among this season’s fireplace offerings.

34 38


By Greg Thompson






By Kimberly Rodgers

By Cheryl Dangel Bartolini

Shoppers receive the royal carpet treatment at this Pittsburgh-area hearth store.

Valor Fireplaces is a trailblazer in hearth product design, manufacturing, lab testing, marketing, supply chain logistics, and more.




By Cheryl Dangel Bartolini

By Sharon Sanders

Maryland pitmasters are huge fans of The Grill Center for its large inventory of grills, smokers, and barbecue accessories.

Kurt Rumens’ Washington-based company celebrates 40 years of innovation and leadership in the hearth industry.


58 62


The highly anticipated Inside Out highperformance fabric line from Valdese Weavers lives up to its hype.



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RETENTION Publisher’s Viewpoint


By Cherise Forno

Coyote Outdoor Living offers a variety of grills with different price points, appealing to a broad consumer base.

By Sharon Sanders

With eye-popping displays of exquisite merchandise, Bon Air Hearth, Porch and Patio is a destination spot for shoppers throughout Virginia.



70 94 94


LAST WORD — LIGHT IT UP By Kimberly Rodgers

Customers brighten up their outdoor areas with innovative products from Les Jardins Solar.

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M O D ER N | O U TD O O R | LIV IN G Apricity’s bold, exciting, elegant collections give retailers the latest trending designs in outdoor entertaining. The Apricity brand delivers the highest quality and elevated looks to the industry. Prepare to take your product mix to the next level.


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Retention Toward the end of the 2019 College Football Playoff National Championship, Kirk Herbstreit, one of the TV announcers, pointed out a statistic that was startling. And no, what he pointed out wasn’t that Alabama was losing badly to Clemson. Instead, Herbstreit mentioned that over the past few years, the Alabama football program had lost 20 of their assistant coaches, while Clemson had lost only three. The reason for so many assistant coaches leaving the Alabama program was not because they couldn’t handle winning or that they didn’t like working for head coach Nick Saban, but rather they had received coaching job offers from other college or National Football League programs. It says a lot about the respect and admiration other football programs have for the Crimson Tide when the assistant coaches, under the direction of Saban, are being targeted for job offers elsewhere. While the situation with the Alabama football program is rather unique in that it’s losing talent at the assistant coaching level based on a con-


sistent ability to deliver championship-quality teams year


after year, Herbstreit correctly pointed out that with this

“Pair your employees with the proper mentors. This

type of retention loss, it’s even more difficult for the

process begins with hiring an optimal leadership

“The more an employee knows, the better.”

Crimson Tide to remain a top contender.

team. If you have a good VP, pair a director with him or

Consider cross training. “This will provide them with

With every business, regardless of industry type or size of the organization, retaining top talent and

her. Follow this down the chain until every employee

more knowledge about customer needs and wants

has a suitable mentor.”

as well as company expectations for its staff. An


increase efficiency and improve the progress of their

valuable employees needs to be at the top of the “To Do List.” A December 2017 article from the Forbes Technology Council, written by Scott Stiner, CEO of

overall understanding of company operations will development as employees.”

Cloudshadow and GM of Taylor Consulting and

“Education and training should not focus exclu-

Contracting, offers some really good tips on how

sively on your employees’ particular positions.


best to improve employee retention rates. As Stiner

Companies that not only provide education on the

“The best talent is not cheap. If you have stars on the

says at the beginning of his article, “Finding talent is

tasks at hand but in regard to personal develop-

team and want to retain them, then pay them well.

hard work, but sustaining it is even harder.” Here is a

ment will have more satisfied employees. It’s not

Base salary should be on par with your top competi-

brief overview of “Six Tips For Retaining Talented

only about the work—a fulfilling personal life

tors, and always sweeten the deal with performance

Employees” as presented by Stiner in his article:

means a more satisfying work life.”

and holiday bonuses.”



Since excellent customer service and a positive

“Many businesses perform annual employee perform-

“The best companies have open communication

shopping experience is paramount to why consumers

ance reports, but much goes on throughout the year.

among everyone, from the CEO down to the

decide to shop with specialty retailers/dealers, the

Instead of letting an entire year lapse without feedback,

employee who does the most basic functions.

better your staff and the longer they remain part of

create quarterly progress reports. This shows that you

Create software that allows for complaints/recom-

your team is essential to growing your business.

are interested in your employees’ performance and are

mendations, and make it clear that no disciplinary

willing to provide assistance where needed or give

action will be taken regardless of how intense the

recognition where deserved.”

conversation gets.”

Tony Ramos

4 FAST FACTS IN THIS ISSUE: ∂ A major challenge for the hearth industry is attracting more qualified young people in the industry.

∑ Living Coral has been named Pantone’s Color of the Year.


∏ Recycled outdoor furniture has become the fastest-growing category in the outdoor-living industry.

π Competitive professional grillers helped grow sales for The Grill Center at Chesapeake Spas.


HE A D Q UA R T E R S – 9 4 4 9 8 t h St re e t | Ranc ho Cuc amonga, CA 91730 P h o n e : 9 0 9 . 9 8 9 . 9 9 7 7 | F ax : 9 0 9 . 9 8 9 . 9970 | Toll Free: 866. 964. 4468 CHI CA G O SHO W R O O M – M e rc h an d i se Mart Suite 1667 | Chic ago, IL 60654 G E N S UNCA S UA L .C O M Circle Reader Service No. 7



By Michelle Lamb

OUTDOOR TRENDS worries about tripping on cords are gone. Just as significantly, lights can be

ART DIRECTOR Cassandra Estes

and it still represents big volume. Maison

are big pluses. Add app-controlled light-

& Objet showed two evolutions that will

ing and you never have to leave your

keep it fresh into 2020. The first takes


high-contrast veining to the next level.

John Nalley

Wireless, smart and app-control fea-

No matter where in the U.S. they call

has been trending for over two years,

placed almost anywhere. Both features

chair to maximize relaxation.

Michelle Lamb

Marble also merits attention. Marble

EDITOR Carol Daus

Featuring lots of fossilized matter within

tures satisfy ballooning consumer expec-

the stone makes the veins larger and


tations that outdoor rooms should pro-

more colorful, while providing more

Cheryl Dangel Bartolini Cherise Forno

vide the same electronic conveniences as

movement and pattern. Top versions

your living room. These conveniences,

team black and white, reds and rusts with

Maura Keller

just like decorating trends, are no longer

brown, or black and gold, duos that have

Kimberly Rodgers

allowed to stop at the patio door.

recently showed up for outdoor living in

While this movement is still in its rela-

ceramic-top tables.

home, consumers want to spend more

tive early days for outdoor rooms, prod-

time outdoors. New research reveals that

uct introductions at recent trade shows

which is emerging fast for décor. When

68 percent of people use their outdoor

demonstrated how the décor piece is

terrazzo isn’t practical due to price,

spaces at least several times each week

well on its way.

weight or application, surface designs

The second stone factor is terrazzo,

Sharon Sanders Greg Thompson SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR Greg Thompson

in seasonal weather. And why not? With

Start with the penchant for mixed-

casual living so embedded in our psyche

media that’s already prevalent in décor.

in. Items like candle holders, which can


that it has become a lifestyle, and not a

At the Maison & Objet trade fair in Paris,

easily move from indoors to outdoors,

Whitney Carrier

trend, backyard barbecues, sitting down

it made a statement outside the home in

will do so for 2019. Tables and lanterns

for a quiet conversation, and lounging by

combinations like polished stainless steel

will join them in outdoor spaces within

the pool are being viewed as essential

plus nautical rope, metal and plastic, and

12 months.

ways to relax.

metal plus wood and rope. Silicone

Today, outdoor spaces are getting more attention than ever—and that has

teamed with plastic, too. Of course, synthetics hold up to the

alluding to it (think splatters) will stand

color preferences is also blurring. One of the biggest incoming stories comes from

weather so much better than many natu-

the red family via Burgundy or Bordeaux.

status of patios and decks has risen to

ral materials. Still, those natural materials

This color story is in its second season of

that of outdoor rooms. More importantly,

remain important drivers of outdoor

exposure for interiors and is hinting at a

consumers are approaching these open-

styling, and that makes it smart to track

role for patios, especially cushions, by

air spaces with the same eye toward

the latest natural-materials preferences.

the time 2020 begins.

trend that they apply when decorating

Starting now and continuing into 2021,

their interiors. This is a paradigm shift, in

rattan and cane are on-trend. Woven looks have outpaced pole rat-

Next door on the color wheel, oranges are starting to trend. It may come as a surprise that oranges will advance sooner

home into products for outdoor living

tan for some time, but priorities look

and faster than reds and will become far

satisfies a broader goal of unifying the

poised to change. That’s because there

more important. Expect sophisticated

entire home.

were more rattan products—natural, not

hues: cinnamon, persimmon, or rust.

Technology gives consumers an assist

synthetic—shown for the first time at

Susan Razetto

The line between indoor and outdoor

consequences. The first one is that the

which translating trends from inside the


Green’s impact has been visible for

in reaching that goal. Case in point:

Maison & Objet than the market has seen

the past year. During that time, the best-

sound systems. They’ve been installed

since the 1970s. At the High Point furni-

seller has been a complex, slightly blued

outdoors for years. But now wireless

ture market, rattan gained a foothold,

mid-tone. However, there is evidence

speakers, like Apple HomePod and

too. Most rattan pieces were meant for

that green will redirect its emphasis. At

Amazon Echo, are extending the smart-

interiors, but some, like the best-selling

Maison & Objet and in High Point, olive


CORPORATE OFFICE Peninsula Media 21250 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 700 Torrance, CA 90503 (310) 792-7448 (310) 792-7449/Fax

Tony Ramos Peninsula Media 21250 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 700 Torrance, CA 90503 (310) 792-7448

home concept to outdoor living. Of

Charlottenborg group from Sika-Design,

upholstery, cushions, dinnerware, and

(310) 792-7449/Fax

course, these speakers let users do much

had been newly translated into outdoor

laminate tabletops were catching on.

(310) 968-3962/Cell

more than listen to music. Yet, having the

products. Once a critical mass has been

Olive is just beginning to show up in out-

ability to sync multiple speakers means

reached for inside the home, rattan will

door seating, cushions, and lighting.

music can flow seamlessly from inside to

spread to outdoors quickly.

Other interior trends to watch for outside

outside, enhancing the experience of lis-

The same will be true for cane, anoth-

include: warmed-up dark blues, Gen-Z

tening and making outdoor spaces feel

er natural material that is on a tear. Cane

yellow accents, sectionals, daybeds, fully

like an extension of indoors.

has been off the trend radar since the

upholstered seating, and home bars.

Now that outdoor spaces are being

80s. Now this small-scale woven is ready

utilized more often, outdoor lighting is

for a return that will focus not only on nat-

seeing significant gains—nobody is

ural colors, but also on white, which

willing to go inside just because the sun

exhibitors at Casual Market Chicago

went down. Cordless lamps mean

called essential for outdoor living.


Michelle Lamb is co-founder and chairman of Minneapolis-based Marketing Directions (which specializes in home furnishings trend forecasting) and is editorial director of The Trend Curve.

Subscription Inquiries: Patio & Hearth Products Report PO Box 2190 Skokie, IL 60076-7890 Subscribe online: Email: Phone: (847) 763-9261

Circle Reader Service No. 9

INDUSTRY NEWS Mont Alpi Gains Momentum in Outdoor Kitchen Industry Grill manufacturer Mont Alpi (Lake Forest, California) has grown substantially in recent years as consumers discover the company’s full range of highquality products and superior customer service. To learn more about the company’s outdoor kitchens, Patio & Hearth Products Report recently sat down with John Hartwig, founder and CEO. What are some of your latest product launches this year and in recent years? Hartwig: Mont Alpi’s latest launches are the two new outdoor kitchen islands: MAi805D and the MAi805BSS. These are the stainless steel deluxe island and the black stainless steel island. What grills are your biggest sellers? Why do you think they have done so well? Hartwig: The islands are, without a doubt, our bestsellers. I think the main reason for this is that the quality-to-price ratio is perfect. Every single component of our grills is 304 stainless steel. I believe that a lot of

Mont Alpi 805i outdoor kitchen with refrigerator

companies are really overcharging for islands. The 805 series offers a real “bang for your buck” and many unique selling features. The granite surfaces and side panels introduce a new outdoor kitchen look. The fact that the islands are on wheels is another huge feature. The 805 is a combination of an expensive static island and a large barbecue carted model, which is the ultimate for any backyard or outdoor kitchen! What are some of the best-selling components, appliances, finishes, and accessories that consumers are attracted to these days? Hartwig: The new outdoor components we offer further enhance the 805 island experience. We have a granite-surfaced beverage center with a sink and outdoor-rated refrigerator that blend perfectly with the islands; however, this product also sells very well as a free-standing unit. We also offer add-on refrigerator cabinets, and 45-degree and 90-degree corners. What are some of the biggest advancements in

NORTHSTAR APPLIANCE LINE AVAILABLE IN PANTONE’S COLOR OF THE YEAR The complete line of Elmira Stove Works’ retro-styled Northstar appliances, including refrigerators, ranges, range hoods, splashbacks, microwaves and dishwashers, can be ordered in Living Coral as a custom option. Each December, the Pantone Color Institute predicts which color will Northstar appliances in Living Coral be front and center in home décor and fashion during the coming (Pantone’s Color of the Year) year. According to Pantone, Living Coral is a vibrant, yet mellow, hue that embraces us with warmth and nourishment to provide comfort and buoyancy in our continually shifting environment. This nurturing hue appears in our natural surroundings while also representing the fusion of modern life and embodying our desire for playful expression. In addition to Living Coral, the Northstar line is offered in nine standard colors, including Candy Red, Tropical Blue, Buttercup Yellow and Mint Green, along with hundreds of custom hues.


outdoor kitchens over the past couple of years? Hartwig: The big advancements in our islands are the granite finishes, the ability to be powered by natural gas or propane, lights, and black stainless steel (a nice change from the same old everyday stainless steel). Mobility, stylish designs, and an advanced modular system appeal to consumers. What are a few of your strongest selling points relevant to product, service, warranty, dealer support programs, etc.? Hartwig: We offer a limited lifetime warranty and carry spare parts of every single component of the grill, so we undertake to give the consumer 100% product support and back-up. We have some very exciting deals for the dealers when they buy for the first time, like huge discounts on display models and point of sale materials. It is our biggest ambition to make sure our dealers are looked after at all times and we make sure that selling our islands is an enjoyable experience. The margins we are able to offer the dealers are also very attractive. Mont Alpi is all about enjoyment, both in business and with our consumers. What are some of the best store promotions and special events that specialty retailers/dealers can participate in with outdoor kitchens? Hartwig: Mont Alpi is offering some very generous and exciting deals for dealers who order islands for the first time at HPBExpo in Dallas in March. Showroom display discounts and effective point of sale materials. Dealers can visit us at booth 413. How best can manufacturers and specialty retailers/dealers help spur continued growth with outdoor kitchens? Hartwig: Outdoor kitchens like the Mont Alpi Islands will continue to allow the outdoor island area of grilling to grow. As they say, Mont Alpi “ticks all the boxes” a dealer and consumer would be looking for when purchasing an island.

WILLIE ROBERTSON PARTNERS WITH PIT BOSS GRILLS Dansons, USA has partnered with Willie Robertson, best known from the A&E hit television series, “Duck Dynasty.” Robertson is CEO of both Duck Commander and Buck Commander, a New York Times bestselling author, father of five, a traveling speaker, and an active outdoorsman. In his partnership with Pit Boss, Robertson will be leading the ever-growing Pit Boss social movement, providing recipes, and tips and tricks. He draws on years of cooking experience and his passion for barbecue, to share with the community. “I love to grill and smoke. Whether I harvest the food myself, or get it at the store, there’s nothing quite like fire, and a rich smoke. Now that I have my Pit Boss grill and smokers, I have all the tools I need to prepare the best smoked foods,” says Robertson, when asked about joining team Pit Boss. “Willie is a great addition to the team,” says Jeff

Thiessen, president of Dansons. “His outgoing personality, passion, and faith have led him down an amazing path. We are excited to have him join Pit Boss Nation,” Thiessen says. Teaming up with Robertson is the most recent effort in Dansons’ ongoing commitment to provide best-in-class products and community to its valued customer Jordan, Dan, and Jeff Thiessen (left to right) meet with Willie base. Recently, the company also announced its partnership with grilling Robertson (far right) industry veteran and founder, Joe Traeger. Pit Boss Grills is a subsidiary of Dansons, which like the Pit Boss Tailgater, to massive grills like the Pit Boss 1000 Traditions, Pit Boss Grills takes pride in crewas founded in 1999 by Dan Thiessen and his two ating whatever the customers (and employees) dream sons, Jeff and Jordan. Pit Boss Grills is known for its up. Dansons was awarded EY Entrepreneur of the durability and craftsmanship, as well as for its family Year in 2017. style and approach to business. From portable grills


Skope electric fireplace from Regency

FPI Fireplace Products International Ltd. (Regency Fireplace Products) has added an electric fireplace line to its product offerings to give customers even greater options for fireplace installations and fuel types. The Skope electric fireplace product line allows Regency to expand into the electric market with premium, high-quality fireplace products for users who traditionally wouldn’t be able to install a gas, wood, or pellet fireplace. “The Skope electric fireplace represents an opportunity for Regency to tap into the electric fireplace market with a product that adheres to our core product tenets: high quality, good value, and beautiful aesthetics,” says Glen Spinelli, president and COO. Skope electric fireplaces are premium, built-in fireplace products utilizing Chromalight LED technology to create a dramatic and vivid threedimensional, multi-flame effect. Customers are able to mix and match from several inspiring base fuel effects and 13 customizable fuel bed colors to create an immersive, layered, and awe-inspiring display. The Skope line is available in a single-side

Circle Reader Service No. 11



NEWS flush fireplace, 2-sided corner fireplace, and 3sided bay fireplace. Electric fireplaces offer an alternative option for many urban areas where more strict environmental regulations regarding gas and wood fireplace usage are being implemented or where customers live within strata units that do not allow for venting to be installed. With the new Skope series of electric fireplaces, Regency brings high-quality craftsmanship and the comfort of fireplaces to customers who previously would not have been able to own a traditional fireplace. With electric fireplaces, there is no need for ventilation and they are installed to provide a minimalist aesthetic that integrates seamlessly with interiors.

C.R. PLASTIC PRODUCTS OPENS DISTRIBUTION CENTER IN NORTH CAROLINA C.R. Plastic Products will be opening a new U.S. Distribution Center in Rural Hall, North Carolina on April 1. This facility will be shipping orders to dealers who have participated in the company’s 2019 early buy program. The company is investing in the U.S. market and will be able to offer faster shipping times at no additional cost to early buy dealers. “We are excited to be adding a muchneeded distribution center in the United States,” says Mark Cliffe, director of sales. “Continuing to find ways to invest back into our dealers is of the utmost importance. Best-in-class products, best-in-class service, best-in-class delivery and best-in-class quality is the mission.” When fully operational, the distribution center will carry 105 of C.R. Plastic Products’ bestselling products and colors. For more information about the early buy program and distribution center, contact

HEARTH PRODUCTS CONTROLS PARTNERS WITH INVESTMENT GROUP Hearth Products Controls Company, a Dayton, Ohio-based manufacturer of indoor and outdoor residential hearth products, announced that it has partnered with a Dayton investment group, which will hold majority interest in the company and bring the company professional management services and access to financial capital. Sean Steimle, an operating partner in this investment group, will join HPC as Chief Operating Officer. “We are excited about the resources and expertise that Sean and this Sean Steimle investment team bring to HPC,” says Greg Steck, president of HPC. “They will help position HPC for strong growth in the future.” Steimle adds, “HPC, under the leadership of Greg Steck, has built a strong reputation as a quality employer in the Dayton area, and as an innovative manufacturer and market leader in several product categories. We see significant growth opportunities for HPC’s employees and customers.” HPC is a leading manufacturer of indoor and outdoor residential hearth products and distributes to a variety of markets throughout the world. The company manufactures in Ohio and has been in business since 1975.

WOODARD’S ACQUISITION OF MALLIN CASUAL MOVES FORWARD As Woodard completes its recent acquisition of Mallin Casual, Patio & Hearth Products Report spent time with Belinda Lavender, vice president of sales and marketing at Woodard, to find out more about the transaction and how retail- Albany deep seating collection from Mallin Casual ers and customers will Lavender: Yes. benefit from this new development. Why was Mallin a good strategic fit for Woodard? Lavender: Mallin’s main business is in direct containers, Woodard’s is domestic. We felt this purchase would round out our product line. How was the acquisition handled in terms of the integration of Mallin? Lavender: Our goal was and is to keep Mallin product the same as much as possible. Same frame, same cushions, same design type, which tend to lean traditional to transitional. The process, of course, must change as we have different systems, terms and shipping points, etc. Will Mallin operate as a separate division of Woodard? Lavender: Yes, Mallin will operate as a separate division. Mallin and Woodard are two different product lines…from price points to designs. Will you retain the Mallin name for their products?


Will Mallin pieces be manufactured in their plants or yours? (Mallin utilized overseas production—will this continue, or will all products be made in Michigan?) Lavender: While we have access to other factories, we continue to use the same overseas factories that Mallin used. Mallin’s business majority is direct; however, they did have domestic production— Owosso will take that production over. Mallin was known for oversized collections. Will you be making any changes to their designs? Lavender: No. Our intention is for Mallin to be whole and keep their identity. Pre-purchase, Mallin did come out with a couple of contemporary designs (Dakota, Oslo and Sarasota). We may carry on with those designs but, largely, we will continue with Mallin’s success in oversized collections. Will you be eliminating any Mallin collections? Lavender: As with every company, collections

Circle Reader Service No. 13




and SKUs are looked at annually to determine if sales merit keeping/dropping. Mallin did this as do we; this is a business practice that will continue— review of product. We are not immediately considering anything to be dropped. We are still getting our arms around all things Mallin. Since the purchase in July, items, catalogs, collections (drops and adds), and pricing were already laid out and decided upon pre-purchase. Adding any to the Mallin brand? Lavender: We have looked at some older Mallin collections that very well could make a comeback as well

as new designs to keep the line fresh, but nothing has been decided yet. How will specialty retailers benefit from this acquisition? Lavender: Woodard is financially fit. The retailers that carry Mallin on their floor will be able to continue to do so. Mallin was strong on the West Coast, but not so much in other parts of the country. This acquisition allows a whole coast of retailers to have access to Mallin. Also, being able to ship from Owosso both Woodard and Mallin product together will save on freight costs. The two-week lead time we offer out of Owosso will ensure retailers can promise faster turnaround on custom product. I believe just the sheer volume of knowledge that Owosso has will (in time) show Mallin retailers the true dedication of what a 150-plus-year-old company has to offer. The employees are amazing and dedicated—many families are multi-generation tradesman/craftsman of Woodard. Mallin is now a part of that; thereby, the retailers will have that same dedication and that is always a benefit. What has their reaction been to the acquisition? Lavender: At first, honestly, it was fear…no one can know what will happen when a company acquires another. We got that. The hand-off was not the

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smoothest (I blame the purchase time, right at premarket!) and trucking all the product from California to Michigan took longer than expected. Add to that the tariffs that hit! We took some grumbling… But in the end, almost all retailers were understanding. Retailers realized we were trying to keep Mallin going and growing in the future. It was back to business as usual. How will consumers benefit from this acquisition? Lavender: Woodard/Mallin is financially strong. We have tremendous experience in domestic production, overseas productions and dedicated employees—always a consumer benefit. Also, where Mallin, of old, only offered a quick ship on select items, due to the efficiencies at the Owosso facility, we can now offer a two-week ship time for all Mallin domestic products. This should really open the doors to the designer business. Mallin now has a Mallin representative in each area of the United States and parts of Canada. Our reps are the best in the business and understand what works in each geographic location because they live and work locally. It’s been six months since the acquisition; have you been satisfied with this purchase? Lavender: Yes, we are.

july 28 - august 1, 2019 Save the Date at JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2019 | PATIO & HEARTH PRODUCTS REPORT • 15 Circle Reader Service No. 15



Warren Juliano

What are your long-term goals for the integration of the Mallin brand? Lavender: As Mallin will be kept separate (only the processes to be integrated), long term we plan to grow Mallin products by opening up to other markets and use our financial strength for material purchase…we are excited that Mallin is part of our family now.

LLOYD FLANDERS HIRES ONE, PROMOTES TWO AMONG EXECUTIVE RANKS Lloyd Flanders, manufacturer of premium outdoor furniture, has promoted Warren

Jess Flanders

Juliano to senior vice president of sales and marketing, and has promoted Jess Flanders to vice president of marketing. In his new role, Juliano will be responsible for growing sales and brand recognition, while driving the product development process and the development and implementation of company strategy. “Warren’s passion for the industry and drive to strengthen the brand have made him a crucial part of our team,” says Dudley Flanders, president. Juliano has been in a management role at Lloyd Flanders since 2005, first as national sales manager and most recently as vice president of sales. He previously worked as a sales representative for eight years. In addition to his new position, Juliano will serve as chair-

Bryan Echols

man of the ICFA for 2019. Flanders has been named vice president of marketing. She joined Lloyd Flanders in 2015 as marketing manager after working as a lawyer. Reporting to Juliano, her responsibilities include oversight of all marketing initiatives, showroom design, and assisting with product development, in addition to an expanded role in overall business strategy. She is the third generation of the Flanders family to take an executive management role within the company. In other news, the company has hired Bryan Echols as vice president of sales. Reporting to Juliano, Echols will be responsible for company-wide sales, including management of the independent sales force, direction and

Circle Reader Service No. 16


execution of strategy, and development of the dealer base. He will also assist in product development and overall management. Echols started in the casual furniture industry in 1992 with Samsonite Furniture Company. In 1997, he started Echols Enterprises Inc., and began working as an independent sales representative for Lloyd Flanders, Treasure Garden, O.W. Lee, and Outdoor by Design. He received the inaugural ICFA Sales Rep of the Year award in 2010 and won the award again in 2016. Echols has been a member of the ICFA Board since 2013 and has served as chairman of the Sales Representative Council since 2016. He won Lloyd Flanders Sales Rep of the Year, also known as the Don Flanders Award, in 2004 and 2018. “I couldn’t be more excited to have Bryan join our management team,” Juliano says. “His passion and experience in the industry will be a huge boost to Lloyd Flanders and our dealer base.” Also, Lou Rosebrock, the former senior vice president of sales and marketing, will assume a new position as international procurement officer.

Circle Reader Service No. 17




Fresh fireplace designs offer aesthetics and functional benefits. By GREG THOMPSON


HEARTOF THEHEARTH Fireplaces are not going out of style. Instead, manufacturers are stoking consumer demand with modern and familiar designs. As a fundamental design element, fireplaces are far from an afterthought, with remodelers and homebuilders prioritizing flames in the overall layout. Nicole Cartica, marketing manager at Isokern Fireplaces by Ear thcore, observes that the phenomenon is real and sparking new thinking throughout the industry. “Fireplaces are becoming a more

thought-out feature in homes all across the country,” she says. “Builders are choosing to spend more time on custom features, such as a nice fireplace, knowing that it will help sell the home, while buyers are excited to see those touches when shopping in today’s housing market. W e also believe this shift has helped kick-start more innovative and creative fireplace designs.” Fireplace manufacturers in this issue’s spotlight truly understand the heart of the hearth. From the

ultra modern to the traditional, dealers will find a way to capture the attention of consumers and heat up their sales. ACADIA | BRECKWELL HEARTH PRODUCTS The first half of the Acadia | Breckwell Hearth Products (Wyoming and Tennessee) equation is relatively new to P&HPR readers. In fact, Acadia is set to make 2019 its first season on the market as a modern company specializing in hearth

specialty gas products. Kent Roeder, general manager and vice president, explains that Acadia and Breckwell will both target high-end hearth consumers, specializing in two different niches within the sector. In addition to Acadia’s specialty gas niche, Breckwell will continue as a legacy brand specializing in hearth specialty pellet and wood-burning products. “Together, the two brands combined offer hearth specialty retailers a robust product lineup,” Roeder says. Based on consumer demand for products with oversized flame view, Roeder anticipates the two hottest Acadia sellers will be the AH3024 (traditional gas fireplace) and the AH2818i (larger gas insert). “Another [Acadia] item we anticipate to be a

01 Amantii BI-72-DEEP-XT with Rustic Log Set



Mendota Model ML72 Décor with Wide Grace front, Birch Timberline fire base and Espresso Flat Panel interior lining

03 Indoor Magnum Isokern Fireplace with Red herringbone firebrick



Empire comfort's DVcT40cBP Fireplace with Traditional Stone Liner, Traditional charred Log Set, Decorative Front in Forged Iron with Arch Inset, and built-in Accent Lighting

05 Kozy Heat callaway 50 with new Komfort Kontrol Kit, Enamel Panels, and rock set

06 Acadia Hearth AH6113LFP with colorado Birch logs

03 07

07 Heat & Glo Foundation Series Luxury Gas Fireplace

08 European Home H Series See-Through fireplace featuring gold and marble designer surrounds

04 08 hot seller will be our very own patent-pending Old Hickory log set,” Roeder says. “It’s available for our new AH6113, 5’ Linear fireplace.” On the Breckwell side, products are going through a revamp to improve looks, function, and standing in the market. To achieve these improvements, Roeder believes gas customers are primarily looking for ease of operation and aesthetics. “The log and liners must impress,” he says. “Wood customers need to see heat efficiencies, price, fire box and log size related to longer burn times, and durability of finishes.”


MENDOTA HEARTH PRODUCTS Mendota Hearth Products (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) scored a hit with its FullView fireplace and fireplace insert line. “We stuck to our guns and kept the fire on the floor,” says Ron Schinnerer, sales and marketing lead – North America. “We are prou d that our

fireplaces and inserts offer a true hearth experience that customers have distinguished as a must-have.” Schinnerer sees customers looking for landscape, linear, arched, and squared shapes, particularly when matched with a depth of décor in the showroom. “By the end of the second quarter of 2019, we will be offering the largest off-the-shelf custom fireplace offering in the industry,” he says. “Customers truly get more with Mendota.” Part of that “true hearth experience” is attributed to Mendota’s focus on the silhouette and/or box size of the unit. “Mendota is leading the industry back to a more landscape view without louvers,” Schinnerer says. “By removing the louvers and keeping the fire on the floor, we are able to design a full-view fireplace that doesn’t have the ‘manufactured feel’ i nherent in the last generation of fireplaces. We are bringing back the full-view wood-burning fireplace feel.” Mendota launched the FullView 36 traditional


WE’RE JUST GETTING WARMED UP… • Celebrating 40 years of Quality, Craftmanship, and Innovation •

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• Regency’s Most Popular Wood Models Re-Engineered for 2020 • REGENCY CASCADESTM SERIES • Longer Burn Times and Increased Fuel Efficiency • Larger Viewing Area and Improved Flame Picture • Easy Maintenance • Modern Design Features • Industry’s Most Comprehensive Warranty ty ty




F1100 updated to


i1200 updated to


F2400 updated to


i2400 updated to


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• F3500 • F5100 • Ci2600 • Circle Reader Service No. 21

Look for More All-New 2020 Certified Fireplaces Coming Throughout 2019

Valor LX2 corner Fireplace with Rocks, Reflective liner, and HeatShift (not shown)




02 Ortal Island 130


02 landscape fireplace in August 2017, and introduced its bigger sister, the FullView 42 in June 2018. Both designs harken back to the traditional landscape of the wood-burning fireplaces of decades gone by. The team is now working to expand its linear offerings and launch innovations inside the box. “While everyone touts thinking ‘outside of the box,’ we’re doing the opposite,” Schinnerer says. “We will continue to lead the industry with refractories, log sets, and other components that are inside of the fire box.” ISOKERN FIREPLACES BY EARTHCORE A decade after its introduction, the Isokern Magnum continues to be the biggest seller from Isokern Fireplaces by Earthcore (Jacksonville, Florida). According to Nicole Cartica, marketing manager, the Magnum fireplace is the largest modular masonry traditional-style fireplace on the market, with opening sizes up to 72 inches. In 2018, Earthcore introduced numerous custom fireplace features, including the Arch kit for the 48inch Magnum Isokern, touted as a safe and easy-toinstall Fire-Lite kit for the 60- and 72-inch Magnum Isokern. Additional features include all-new sealed cast-iron dampers in 33- and 42-inch outside air kits. “Earthcore also now offers custom manufacturing

for customers who fill out their specifications on the Custom Fireplace Project form, bringing their most inspired designs to life,” Cartica says. With all the product introductions and available customizations, Earthcore plans to open a new testing facility in 2019, primarily to test larger opening sizes for the Magnum Isokern, linear fireplaces (up to 20 feet), and proprietary burner systems. Cartica notes that the testing investments are in line with a movement to prioritize fireplaces within homes. “Today’s fireplace consumer is conscious of their economic and environmental footprint," she says. "It leads us to believe that customization, coupled with efficiency, ranks as the top priorities among buyers. Customers want a fireplace that not only suits their space but is also easy to use and easy on the environment.” HEARTH & HOME TECHNOLOGIES Homeowners frequently must make a choice between the convenience of gas or the realism of an open masonry/manufactured wood-burning fireplace. Jeni Forman, senior vice president of US Sales & Marketing, Dealer & Wholesale at Hearth & Home Technologies (Lakeville, Minnesota), notes that her company offers a solution. “Buyers could compromise with a traditional


wood fireplace and generic gas log set, which doesn't have the same aesthetic appeal,” Forman says. “The new Phoenix fireplace [the TrueView] solves this problem by providing the look and feel of a large traditional fireplace, without the glass, for the best view of the ultra-realistic logs, flames, and glowing ember bed.” The Phoenix is also a win for builders who appreciate that the product offers the same clearance as a gas fireplace, plus horizontal venting, allowing for an easier and less expensive installation than wood fireplaces. “It also utilizes new WhisperTone Technology, an innovative three-part system, which creates airflow while minimizing sound,” Forman says. “Plus, an automatic damper, which stops air movement when the fireplace is off, prevents cold air from sneaking into the home .” Forman reveals that in the beginning of this year, Hearth & Home Technologies’ Heat & Glo brand will launch the Foundation Series. Inspired by modern architectural and interior design principles, the Foundation Series features “big, bold flames that elevate your senses and a clear view of the beautiful fire…the Foundation Series sets the standard in a luxury modern gas fireplace for today’s sophisticated residential or commercial interiors.” AMANTII ELECTRIC FIREPLACES The Panorama series from Amantii Electric Fireplaces (Vancouver, British Columbia, with operations and U.S. fulfillment in Iowa) continues to impress due to its huge glass-viewing areas and clean, modern aesthetics. Fireplaces in the series “look just like gas fireplaces and our Fire & Ice Flame presentation allows for traditional yellow/orange flames or contemporary blue/pink/purple flames,” says Brian Richards, director of marketing. Ambient canopy lighting in a rainbow of colors illuminates decorative media, adding additional dimension. Richards explains that the units have gained in popularity because they can be installed indoors and out, and are rated for bathrooms as well. Finishing materials can be installed to the edge of the glass for a customized appearance. Designers plan to bolster the Panorama Series

Circle Reader Service No. 23



01 Regency Skope E110 corner Electric Fireplace with ceramic log set

02 The Spartherm Varia 2R100 h-4s

03 Stûv America, Stûv 21


02 with the Panorama XT series. At 18 inches tall, it is 6 inches taller than a standard Panorama model. “It includes all of the same features that consumers love, like the Fire & Ice Flame presentation and the ambient canopy lighting,” Richards says, “but with an even bigger glass viewing area and an extra deep media tray to accommodate our incredible designer media kits featuring the same log sets we use in our gas fireplaces.” Another recent intro is the Cube within Amantii’s Tru-View series. With a three-sided glass viewing area, Fire & Ice Flame presentation, and ambient canopy lighting, the unit can be hung on a wall or with a pedestal. “It’s great for small spaces still wishing to add the warmth and aesthetics of a fireplace,” Richards says. Richards sees consumer interest leaning toward clean lines and larger glass viewing areas. As for those fancy logs, not so much. “We are seeing less interest in fire glass-style media,” he says. “Instead, consumers are looking for realistic traditional log sets and we have answered with three lifelike styles: driftwood, rustic and birch logs. These are the same log sets you would find in gas fireplaces.” STÛV AMERICA The S tûv 21 fireplace line from Stûv America (Bromont, Quebec) continues to do well, thanks to eight simple and double face fireplace models. Nadia Gilbert, director of marketing and customer service, attributes positive sales to the line’s minimalist frame with its “guillotine door void of fram-

ing at the bottom, and the large view of the fire that makes these fireplaces loved by consumers and very appreciated by architects.” Recent certification for Stûv 21 models outfitted in metal cladding is expected to bolster the line with new freestanding fireplaces called Stûv-21Clad. The models are easy to install, require no finishing work, and boast an entirely new design. Gilbert calls the cladded fireplace “an elegant centerpiece that enhances all types of décors.” While a strong economy is leading to incre asingly ambitious projects that include fireplaces, Gilbert sees environmental and utilitarian concerns colliding in many instances. “Consumers have always contemplated the comforting warmth, the crackling, and the typical odor of a wood fire,” she says. “For the last three years, we have witnessed more and more consumers acquiring units that fall within EPA environmental standards. In all honesty, it is not as much out of concern for the environment, but more in an effort to avoid having to reinvest in a new unit every five years.” Instead of keeping up with trends, Stûv relies on a refined formal style in hopes of transcending trends. Gilbert explains: 20 years ago, Stûv 21’s were being installed in a whole different setting than today. We sell as many Stûv 21’s in the so-called traditional (square) design as the linear models; it is the décors in the last 10 years that have become more modern.


03 ORTAL USA Dealers who carry fireplaces from Ortal USA (Canoga Park, California) have come to know the company’s quality and selection that includes more than 80 standard models. Tal Gross, owner and CEO for more than three decades, has cultivated a reputation for what he describes as “uncompromising quality of materials, finish, safety standards, ease of installation, selection, and end-to-end service.” Front-facing models tend to be bestsellers for Ortal’s made-in-Israel products, thanks primarily to “the classic charm of a front-facing fireplace with modern luxury.” Ortal also offers corner, threesided, space creator, tunnel, stand-alone, traditional, island, and curve models. “We like to offer a little something for everyone, since each project is unique,” Gross says. Since entering the U.S. market, responsiveness to the needs of architects and designers has increased Ortal’s brand recognition. Freestanding Island and Curve models have become popular for commercial installations, while Granite Panels, which extend fired porcelain panels from the interior of the fireplace through to the exterior walls, “create a seamless look that replicates the look and feel of natural granite.” Ortal’s team has also developed an Indoor/ Outdoor Tunnel fireplace, with what Gross

Circle Reader Service No. 25




The Woodbridge DV36cV

describes as a “perfectly sealed window to the outside, which allows for a view of the fire from both sides— this model is offered in 12 different sizes.” Gross promises new products in the pipeline, all scheduled to be on display at HPBExpo 2019. It’s all part of an intensely competitive landscape that Gross embraces. “We’ve seen a large growth in sales over the past four years,” he says. “And in the luxury fireplace market, w e’re seeing a lot of competition, which is great for this segment. What makes Ortal different is our flexibility in design. We provide a blank canvas for builders, designers, and architects to create their clients’ dream fireplace that integrates perfectly into their design.” KOZY HEAT FIREPLACES Kozy Heat Fireplaces (Lakefield, Minnesota) built considerable momentum over the last year with its best-selling Cha ska, Slayton, and Bayport series. Other fireplaces, such as the Callaway, are also showing early promise. Heather Hussong Reasoner, manager of marketing and corporate relations, says the lines have done well because “they are dependable fireplaces with a greatlooking flame and a realistic-looking log set.” Almost the entire fireplace is built in the factory, so quality control can be performed on virtually every facet. “The Callaway series, in particular, has really taken off due to its easy customization. It is a linear fireplace with a traditional-looking media set,” Hussong Reasoner says. “The Callaway can be customized to fit any décor in the consumer’s home – whether it be more modern and optimized with crushed glass, or more traditional with a traditional log set and stacked stone refractor y.” Additional sizes are being added to existing fireplaces, plus a brand-new offering for 2019 will join products such as the Komfort Zone Kit, which allows heat to be distributed without the need of a fan — while also allowing for better mantel clearances. “We are seeing big flame and fireplaces with options to match specific styles of customers’ homes,” Hussong Reasoner says. “We are giving customers the option to really customize their fireplace. These options include different screen fronts and different media options, which include birch, traditional logs, beach accent kits, glass, and other added accessories. We pay close attention to the different sizes of fireplaces, because there are important non-

01 fireplace accessories that bring a room together, like the size of a television. You don’t want your television to make your fireplace look small.” REGENCY FIREPLACE PRODUCTS If there are indeed millions of homes with openmasonry fireplaces that are no longer (or rarely) used, what can be done about it? Lauren Fabbi, product manager at Regency Fireplace Products (Delta, British Columbia), says she believes the number is accurate, and adds that it’s partially responsible for the strong sales of Regency’s fireplace inserts. “People do not want to complete major renovations, but want to add consistent heat to their home,” she explains. “With a fireplace insert, they are able to completely transform their room, seal their drafty fireplace, and create a source of consistent, comforting heat. We have worked closely with our dealers to educate them on all the benefits of inserts and how to translate that to consumers.” In the realm of electric offerings, Regency just launched its line of Skope Electric Fireplaces, which come in three sizes: the 43-inch Bay, 53-inch OneSided, and 77-inch One-Sided. Electric fireplaces meet an ever-increasing need in the industry, and Fabbi contends that “more and more people are being told that they cannot install gas fireplaces or wood-burning fireplaces in their apartments, townhomes, or homes.” These restrictions are also being placed on renovations, detached new builds, and townhome developments by local governments throughout North America. Since electric fireplaces do not require venting, they can be installed in these restricted homes. “We also recently launched the Contura RC500E modern freestanding gas stove,” Fabbi says. “With clean, elegant lines and three generously-sized glass viewing windows, the RC500E unites Regency engineering and the finest elements of Contura’s modern Scandinavian design. Thoughtfully designed, the RC500 is easy to operate and its compact size can even accommodate top or rear venting, making it simple to install. “The RC500 provides a sleek, modern freestanding stove product to Regency’s existing line of gas stoves,” she says. “We are working closely with our dealers to develop the next genera tion of products according to customer demand… so stay tuned.”


WOODBRIDGE FIREPLACE INC. Designers at Woodbridge Fireplace Inc. (Mississauga, Ontario) are keen to never overlook the most important aesthetic aspect of a fireplace; particularly, what does the fire look like? Tony James, president of Woodbridge for the past 15 years, calls it “flame presentation” and he attributes it to the stellar sales of the company’s Outdoor SS Series product line, and its See-Vue indoor/outdoor products. In addition to a “grand presentation” in the specialty shop, James counts remote operation features as important to consumers. “We support our dealers by providing showroom display discounts, advertising support, and marketing assistance along with a steady flow of new products coming to market,” James says. “We also maintain our product offering instead of discontinuing slower moving lines, thereby making showroom displays relevant for a long period.” For dealers overly concerned about adhering to an ultra-modern ethos, James says not so fast. “The trend toward contemporary gas fireplaces over the past decade appears to have been replaced by a somewhat even balance between traditional and modernlooking products.” In an effort to capture both categories, Woodbridge’s latest product releases include the 6-foot Montana linear fireplace, and the DVI750T/751T gas inserts. Woodbridge is experiencing sales growth in the indoor and outdoor gas fireplace categories, but whatever the venue, James urges dealers to “display products in a completely finished setting to generate a lot of interest that will translate into sales.” MONTIGO At Montigo (Langley, British Columbia), the calling card has long been linear fireplaces — ultra clean, minimalist, and with a lot of emphasis on the viewing area. That focus continues with the 36- and 48inch versions of Montigo’s Distinction Linear series, in single-side and see-through, and the DelRay 36inch basic builder linear fireplace. Roxane Leigh, national sales director, sees that consumers in general are keying in on clean finishes when it comes to fireplaces. “They don’t want to see gaps or anything that will take away from the overall wall they are finishing around the focal point, which is the fireplace,” she says. Spreading the linear message via social media, trade magazine publishing, and participation in regional dream homes has cemented the brand and built considerable momentum. “We also have a focus on the architect and design community, along with key webbased tools that this community frequents such as ARCAT,” Leigh says. “We fully participate in national industry trade shows, as well as national, one-on-one meeting events targeting architects and designers.” Creating visual impact in the showroom depends on effectively showing the clean finishes and frameless

Circle Reader Service No. 27


SPOTLIGHT 01 The Montigo Prodigy custom residential unit glass-viewing areas. Leigh advises: “The most important thing from Montigo’s perspective is for dealers to show the fireplaces finished in the cleanest and most complete fashion possible. The consumer, in most cases, needs to see the fireplaces installed completely as they would be in their home to get the full visual impact of their potential.” EUROPEAN HOME Direct-vent and vent-free lines are performing above expectations at European Home (Middleton, Massachusetts) with consumers citing design and quality as the primary reasons. Holly Markham, founder and president, observes that consumers are also responding to an unmistakable sense of luxury within the products. “We don’t skimp on metal thickness,” says Markham, who started the company two decades ago. “We weld where we need to, and we have thoughtful fire media. It all adds up to a high-end, luxury experience.” Vent-free products are made in New England, and direct vent is made in Europe by the Dutch company, Element4. Both sites have proven productive with several introductions this year. “We’ve recently added the peninsula-style H Series vent free which is a niche product and great for our dealers,” Markham says. “We also released the surround builder to help dealers provide a finishing solution while adding to their bottom line.” This year, Element4 debuted the world’s first quad-burner system which Markham describes as “best and most customizable gas fire in the world.” Featuring four flame settings and five independent burners, users can enjoy

01 low BTUs by igniting just one burner or turn on all five for more flames. “You can use an auto flame modulation feature on the remote or app and actually use 40% less gas,” Markham says. “I love this option for controlling gas consumption and heat. It is a better solution than running the burner full tilt and putting the heat outside, which contributes to the problem we have of climate change.” SPARTHERM GMBH As one of the largest privately owned manufacturers in Europe, Spartherm GmbH (Melle, Germany) has been developing and designing luxury fireplaces for more than 30 years. Best-sellers include the company’s angled fireplaces with patented lift door technology. However, Markus Aumann, international sales manager for North America, Australasia, and the Far East, points out that the venerable company carries a large range of designs, including: straight-face singlesided; double-sided see-through; twosided L-shaped corner ; three-sided peninsular — room dividers; and three-sided bay window. The two-sided and three-sided fireplaces are the most popular because the design allows the view of the flame/fire from different angles in a room. “In design and architectural projects, this has become very important,” Aumann says. “It is our goal that the design of the fireplace is durable, and that the fire or flame are an integral part of the creation of the atmosphere in a home.” Spartherm has a range of 14 units available in North America and is in the process of increasing that range with new products in the near future. Despite being a relatively new player, at least in North America, Aumann notes that some fundamental truths remain constant regardless of country, such as


quality, durability, and top-notch design. “It is important to incorporate the fire/living pattern into the design of the areas,” Aumann says. Customers are looking for a new option of fireplace products that links into the new architectural and designer trends. We work in close association with our importer and on-the-ground communication with retailers in North America. It is important to have contact with distribution as the concept is new and we offer training and support.” EMPIRE COMFORT SYSTEMS White Mountain Hearth and American Hearth are the two main brands under the Empire Comfort Systems (Belleville, Illinois) umbrella, and both have gained traction with successful product introductions. Of the many solid offerings, the TruFlame series of catalytic direct-vent fireplaces is generating the most buzz. “We introduced a 40-inch fireplace a few years ago, followed by a 36 fireplace and two inserts this year, and will be introducing a 50-inch fireplace and See-Thru fireplace model with an indoor/outdoor kit next year,” says Nick Bauer, president. “We are also testing a linear unit in our lab to complete the family. Most consumers do not care about all of the fancy features an engineer cares about and designs in a lab,” he adds. “We still sell standing pilots on most of our mo dels, because they are the easiest for consumers and people want them. We have our tech service employees read our own manuals and install our new products before we ever ship to make sure our customers aren’t catching our mistakes.” If retailers want to best convey the product in and out of the showroom, Bauer encourages them to burn, because “Live burns are the key to success for our products and for dealers to be able to promote and sell. We are willing to invest what it takes to set the dealer up for success. If they are burning it, they will sell it.” Steady growth over the past 10 years, plus an early cold snap in the fall, gives Bauer optimism that “one of the best seasons in recent memory” is in progress. Ultimately, Empire’s current success comes down to businessschool basics. “During the recession when everyone else was cutting expenses and R&D, we tripled our team and invested heavily into future growth,” Bauer says. “Once the econo-

my turned the corner, we had the right products at the right time to break into new markets and add new customers for us. We were also able to sell these new products to our core customers in our core markets. Roughly 15 percent to 20 percent of all our sales are new products and/or new customers. It is the blood of Empire.” VALOR FIREPLACES When homeowners need to replace their outdated wood-burning fireplaces, many are turning to insert options. Valor Fireplaces (Vancouver, British Columbia) has fed this demand with continued improvements, including its patented AutoFire technology. The commitment to innovation has paid off with Valor’s H5 and H6 line of midsize and large fireplaces, with solid sales due in part to the HeatShift system. According to Paul Miles, director of marketing and sales, gas remains a great, clean burning solution, especially combined with zone heating. “Our customers want a quality product, one that will last the test of time,” Miles says. “That means we offer AutoFire in our insert line, a Valor innovation that automatically fine tunes the fire for the ultimate i n warmth and efficiency. Our HeatShift system, a Valor first, is integral to more and more fireplaces we sell, particularly with the increased popularity of large format and linear fireplaces. HeatShift provides homeowners with the assurance that their fireplace’s heat won’t damage their sensitive surround sound, TV, or artwork.” To help dealers convey the message, Valor continually improves its online su pport. “Our Technical Support team continues to be a valuable resource,” Miles says. “It’s now also available ‘live’ on our website so we can directly answer easy questions for dealers or homeowners, freeing up our dealer’s time.” New fuel beds, such as driftwood and split wood, provide a viable alternative to the classic log set. Miles sees this trend continuing among homeowners who want to customize their fireplace to suit their particular style and design needs. “We see a real mix of traditional and contemporary,” he says. “Clean, minimalist design is always in demand, but our Victorian Windsor Arch also does well.”

Circle Reader Service No. 29


CUSTOMERSCOMEFIRST Exceptional service and product variety are the keys to success for this well-established Pittsburgh-area retailer. BY K I M B E R LY R O D G E R S P H OTO G R A P H Y BY C H R I S TO P H E R PA D G E T T

Hearth & Home Furnishing’s 9,000-square-foot showroom is one of the largest hearth retailers in the Pittsburgh region with over 20 fireplace models on display


earth & Home Furnishings (Zelienople, Pennsylvania) offers Pittsburgh-area residents an amazing assortment of products and services to fill all their hearth and patio-furnishings needs. The retailer’s product line includes electric, gas, and wood fireplaces, fireplace doors, gas inserts/logs, gas stoves, and wood inserts along with a wide selection of casual furniture. Certified technicians are also on staff to perform installation, repair, and service on all products Hearth & Home sells. However, over four decades ago, this familyowned business only sold one product — glass.

Megan Murphy, who runs the business today with her mom, Nancy Reader, says the company started in 1976 when her parents owned a glass company. Nancy was a secretary in a local steel mill and helped her husband, Jim, in the business. “My mom thought about what more they could do with the company,” Murphy says. At that time, the business repaired and replaced automotive glass and provided replacement windows on homes. “They also used to take in lots of broken glass fireplace doors and my mom thought it would be a good complement to the business to


sell and install glass fireplace door enclosures.” In the early 1980s, fate intervened in the future direction of the company. Through eminent domain, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation required the couple to tear down their existing building to make way for a bridge. “My parents decided then to go out on a limb and rebuild a new, bigger showroom and warehouse space,” Murphy says. At that time, glass fireplace enclosures were p opular and the couple’s business was exploding, so they decided to add gas logs. “Eventually, the hearth business took over the

whole building as they added more products in the fireplace category.” In the late 1980s, with the growing resurgence of people building patio enclosures, Reader added a few interior furniture lines, including rattan, to the company’s product mix. The store’s evolution then turned to selling outdoor lines as a complement to its full range of hearth products. Today, the company’s fireplace segment makes up approximately 70 percent of its product sales with patio accounting for 30 percent. Indoor rattan and wicker lines are also still available. Hearth & Home Furnishings fills a void in the Pittsburgh area by offering both outdoor categories in one convenient shop. There is another specialty dealer in Pittsburgh that sells both patio and hearth, but Murphy says, “They are good, healthy competition. We don’t sell the same lines and pursue a different clientele.” While the area does have its share of patio-only stores, Hearth & Home

Vignettes demonstrate to customers the overall effect a fireplace can have on a home’s environment

From left: Megan Murphy, Tim Murphy, and Nancy Reader

Furnishings is still able to stand apart from the competition. “Many of these stores are heavy in inventory and they bring in stock furniture, which is safe,” Murphy says. This approach

doesn’t always make for an exciting showroom, she adds, and it may make you miss out on a special sale by pushing sales of inventory on hand. The store’s merchandising aims

to provide a distinctive, one-of-akind approach to its patio segment. “We bring product to our floor which has a lot of unique color and interesting layers,” she says. “I might

have a pink chair in the showroom for a while, but it certainly brings in a lot of attention and prompts people to think outside the box and order something unique that fits their individual surrounding.” Since the patio season is relatively short in the Northeast, people want to get the most out of their outdoor spaces. Murphy comments, “It can be a hard sell to get people to place custom orders.” To encourage customers to order early enough for delivery by the start of the season, a lot of early patio marketing is done in February. Deep seati ng and big, comfortable furniture is surging in the store’s market with consumers shying away from dining tables and chairs. “We are also selling lots of firepits, which are very popular in the Northeast.” SERVICE FIRST Gas inserts are the store’s biggest seller in the fireplace category, and Hearth & Home Furnishings provides installation, service, and warranty service on every product it sells. This includes Level 1 and 2 chimney inspections by Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) certified technicians and general cleaning, maintenance, and repair of gas fireplaces, stoves and gas inserts by certified National Fireplace Institute (NFI) employees. “I can’t say enough about our installers and service technicians. You can have the greatest showroom in the world, but if you don’t have the service to back it up, then it doesn’t mean much,” Murphy says. It’s not uncommon for either Murphy or Reader to take several calls a week from satisfied customers singing the praises of the installation


HEARTH RETAILER and service crew. “Today, when everyone is so busy, we really appreciate that people take time out of their day to tell us what a fabulous job our technicians did in their homes,” Murphy says. Between its patio and hearth segments, there is never a downtime. “For the past five years, our installation lead times have been 2 1/2 months.” She says the store’s diversification is a blessing and she is grateful there is a talented team of technicians in place to handle all the work. One of the biggest challenges Murphy sees facing the hearth industry is the extremely specific and in-depth training required of technicians to install and service today’s technologically advanced products. It is not only difficult to find dedicated employees who have the necessary skill set for the job, but it is also costly for a store to provide the required training and certification. She predicts hearth as the largest growth segment in the casual industry. “Therefore, as a company, we have invested more in employee training to meet the demand and future growth.” The store’s business model is to offer an abundance of product options from multiple manufacturers. This approach, she says, ultimately best serves the consumer. “I understand our clients and our market. We branch out and carry a variety of product from many manufacturers, so we don’t put all our eggs in one basket.” She

adds this method has also given Hearth & Home Furnishings an edge on the competition in the Pittsburgh market. With over 20 direct vent fireplaces on display, the retailer’s 9,000-square-foot, two-story showroom is one of the largest fireplace shops in the region. There is a full range of price points from the top on down and all employees are cross-trained between the hearth and patio segments. “Our showroom is more of a fireplace boutique where we show each model in its own vignette, so we can display lots of different looks,” Murphy says. The goal, she adds, is not just to sell a fireplace, but to demonstrate the overall effect it can have on a home’s environment. Consumers today are savvy and educated. Many come into the showroom already knowing what product they want, so it’s important to give them choices. “Ultimately, it’s about educating the consumer and finding the right fireplace solution for them,” Murphy says. The store represents the best fireplace brands in the business from Lopi, Valor, and Fireplace Xtrordinair to Kozy Heat Fireplaces, DaVinci Custom Fireplaces, Mendota Hearth Products, and Jøtul. “All of our partners offer something for us to fill a niche. We can always find a product to match our customers’ needs — no matter what the home’s size or

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space requirements.” The main method of advertising is through regular television spots on a variety of network and cable channels including HDTV, DIY Network, and different sports channels. “Our advertising changes as our product mix evolves with the season,” Murphy says. This means targeting women during patio season and men during hearth. Print and social media marketing also play a role in the store’s overall marketing. Reader also attributes her success to getting out of the showroom and visiting different shops and owners in other states. She enjoys networking with other dealers on vendor trips and seeing relationships she has established with other like-minded retailers. Adds Murphy, “We both make it a point to travel and visit other stores to discuss vendors, as well as sales and business strategy on an annual basis.” Another significant part of getting its name out to the public is the store’s participation in the annual Pittsburgh Home & Garden Show held in March. The 10-day show is a big commitment and a long time to be away from the store; however, both Murphy and Reader believe their involvement is extremely beneficial. “Our attendance helps us get a pulse on the consumer and guides us to know what products we need to offer our customers,” Murphy says.

Circle Reader Service No. 33


THESECRET SAUCE Selling the right products is a strategic (and moneymaking) tool used by this Maryland retailer. BY CHERYL DANGEL BARTOLINI PHOTOGRAPHY BY JAN GRATZ

The Grill Center at Chesapeake Spas is known locally as the place to go for all things barbecue. Competitive pitmasters regularly visit the store because it carries everything they could possibly need and virtually everything they could dream of wanting. In fact, the store boasts an inventory that makes experienced pitmasters do a double take. It is that same inventory that is generating foot traffic and sales year-round. The “secret in the sauce,” so to speak, is knowing what products to offer that go above and beyond, and The Grill Center has a knack for choosing the right items. That wasn’t always the case. Chesapeake Spas opened in 1985 in Edgewater, Maryland, making a name for itself as a retailer of hot tubs and spas. About 12 years ago, store manager Brock Arter joined the company. That is when he remember s the store really making a push into more barbecues

Brock Arter

and accessories than what it had been carrying previously. In the last three years, the store pushed even further into the market and now is known as its region’s go-to retailer for high-quality grills and accessories that meet the demands of the most discriminating pitmaster. Today, Chesapeake Spas has built such a reputation for all-things-barbe cue inventory that the section of its showroom dedicated to grilling goes by the name The Grill Center at Chesapeake Spas. However, as a whole, the store

sells outdoor furniture, grills, smokers, hot tubs and everything that has to do with the outdoors. Four full-time employees work out of a twostory building with roughly 3,000 square feet, coupled with an additional outdoor lot dedicated to swing sets and outdoor furniture. “Our main bread and butter is and always has been hot tubs, but we started seeing that no real stores in our area were carrying grills or grilling supplies year-round,” Arter says. “We are surrounded with big-box stores and around this time of year,

Napoleon’s high-end Prestige grills are big sellers


About 12 years ago, the new owner of Chesapeake Spas added grills and barbecue accessories to the product mix

they sell off their inventory and have nothing.” Chesapeake Spas decided to toss out the notion that grilling was seasonal and opted to keep their stock levels in barbecues up year-round. Gradually, when people found out they could purchase supplies from The Grill Center at Chesapeake Spas any time, they checked out the store and kept returning. More importantly, they told their friends. Three years ago, the store made another move that propelled its growth beyond anything they envisioned. “We got into the competition barbecue scene and sponsored a team,” Arter says. “The team members started buying from us and other teams found us and started shopping with us, too. We added product that was geared toward them that a lot of the backyard cooks use as well.” As it turns out, competitive grillers provided invaluable product feedback that proved more lucrative than any expensive research or focus groups. In fact, you could say these experts literally told them the ingredients for a “secret sauce.” “They gave us plenty of ideas

about the rubs, sauces, and gadgets we needed to carry and that really helped grow our business,” he says. “We started carrying these produ cts and people heard about it. Before us, they were getting their products on the internet and some still do because, hey, I can only carry so much in here. But for the most part, in our direct area, we’re the only one doing it. There are other stores in Maryland that offer some of these products, but they are an hour or more away from us.” Among the store’s biggest sellers are the Big Green Egg, Yoder Smokers, and Napoleon and Weber grills. “Overall, we have definitely grown this year,” Arter says. “Napoleon, as a whole, spends a ton of money on marketing, including TV commercials, that draw people into the store. That’s money we don’t have to spend. We are the only Yoder dealer in this area, so we get people from hours away visiting our store just for that product. The Big Green Egg stands for itself and draws people in.” This season was good. While sales of some items trended down, other items more than made up for the dif-

The store sells the Big Green Egg line and hosts an annual Big Green Egg Fest as a community-service event

ference, proving that diversity pays off. “We have just about everything you can think of right here in the store,” Arter says. “Having that stuff gets them back in there and while they are here, they shop around for other stuff.” However, having it all doesn’t mean anything gets onto the showroom floor. “A lot of companies make aftermarket pieces that can

make people’s lives easier, so we pick and choose based on what they’ve asked for in the past. We look at warranties on certain products. How fast we can get products. We like when we can get them in a couple of days versus weeks, which is key for us, especially around holiday times.” As it turns out, their customers want the same things. They, too, like



Grills from Yoder Smokers are popular with barbecue customers

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ease of use and customer support. “Yoders are built like a tank and a lot of people like them because they know they won’t have any problems with them,” Arter says. “Napoleon’s warranty is among the best out there and the Big Green Egg’s limited lifetime warranty sells itself.” As for specific features, Arter likes that Napoleon grills offer the option of cooking with charcoal. “They can have gas and charcoal in the same grill and light the charcoal with the gas burner. People love having both features without having to buy a massive grill. They also like Napoleon’s infrared side burners because it takes half the time to cook a piece of meat.” In addition to carrying products that its competition does not, The Grill Center at Chesapeake Spas aims to deliver customer service that is beyond reproach. “Our product knowledge definitely sets us apart,” Arter says. “This is what we do every day. We build the grills ourselves. We don’t source that out. We know how they are built and put together, so we often fill warranties for products we don’t sell and that keeps the customer coming back to us and not going somewhere else.” They also provide plenty of hands-on demos. The store hosts an annual Big Green Egg Fest where fans cook on Eggs provid ed by the store. Tasters donate money to charity to eat the food prepared at the event. “It’s a fun event where they learn tips and tricks for cooking on an Egg. We will usually sell the pre-burned Eggs, which have only been used for a couple of hours, at a substantial discount. That draws people in, too.” Other events include annual customer appreciation days where the focus is on demonstrating all the grills in the store while offering big discounts. Cooking classes are also popular events. This fall, they had their firstever steak competition. Locals came in with their own charcoal grills, many of them PK Grills, which the store sells, to cook their steaks. Occasionally, Arter will travel to events such as Wing Fest and local barbecue competitions where the store will set up a booth with signage and information to get its name in front of prospective customers. All these events supplement the competitive barbecue sponsorships, which don’t require a huge investment of time but deliver name recognition through the banners and flags that are front and center at the competitions, directing many avid grilling enthusiasts back to the store. The bottom line is The Grilling Center at Chesapeake Spas strives to offer the unusual, the one thing that gives the barbecue pitmaster an edge and elevates the backyard griller to barbecue greatness. Arter attributes much of the store’s growth to the amateur griller. “We’ve expanded so much because people want an upgraded grill. They are tired of buying those $100 grills every year,” he says. “They like what we have here. Our goal is to be the main destination to buy yo ur grill or any accessory. I know [big-box stores] have the convenience factor, but we’re trying to take that over and become a buyer’s one-stop shop for everything they need.”

innovation outdoors Step into an aficionado’s outdoor kitchen. Admire the sleek, luxurious, meticulously engineered grills, as beautiful as they are high performance. Get up close and personal. You’ll appreciate the unique and innovative designs, precisely cut and shaped by our master craftspeople from the finest stainless steel. Enjoy grilling, eating and spending time together as much as we do – making memories that linger long after the grill cools down.

twin eagles. innovation and inspiration on fire.™ Call 800 789 2206 to learn how you can become an authorized dealer. Circle Reader Service No. 37



on Air Hearth, Porch and Patio (Richmond, Virginia) has a personality all its own. Located in the historic Bon Air district in downtown Virginia, it has raised the bar for specialty retail in its market. Customers who want and appreciate the best in products and service have made it their go-to spot for all things outdoor living and hearth. “Customers kn ow to expect the unexpected when they walk through our doors,” says Macon Richardson, general manager. “That is who we are.” In 2002, the business was founded by Joey and Mikki Hopcroft as Bon Air Better Living Products. The Hopcrofts were respected hearth contractors in the area for many years before they embarked on their dream of starting a retail store that specialized in gas fireplaces, outdoor kitch ens and specialty gas products. In

Design takes a front row seat at Bon Air Hearth, Porch and Patio

WOWFACTOR Bon Air Hearth, Porch and Patio finds success by creating in-store shopping experiences that lead to purchases. BY SHARON SANDERS | PHOTOGRAPHY BY DARYLL MORGAN

Macon Richardson


2009, they decided to diversify into patio, so they teamed up with Richardson, whose expertise in the patio industry made him the perfect fit. He brought in 20 years of experience, energy and passion that has propelled the store to a whole new level. “One of the first things we did was change the store’s name to Bon Air Hearth, Porch and Patio to reflect its new focus,” Richardson says. “Our business doubled the first year after the rebranding.” Bon Air’s 7,000-square-foot showroom has become its crowning jewel. As one of the finest showrooms on the East Coast, it is reminiscent of a designer showplace rather than a traditional patio store. “The most consistent comment that we get when someone visits for the first time is ‘oh my gosh, I didn’t know that this kind of store was in Richmond’,” Richardson explains, adding that he has worked tirelessly to fine tune the showroom and its product mix. The first thing customers see as they walk through the store’s electric blue front doors is a quirky, upside-down patio umbrella suspended from the ceiling that embodies the store’s personality. “People need a place to be inspired, not just a

An eclectic, modern exterior reflects the store's signature style

place to shop with rows of furniture and fireplaces. They don’t know what they want until they see it.” The ambience is sophisticated, yet cozy, with fully merchandised furniture vignettes—each has a firepit or burning fireplace as the focal point. “On a

sales of its electric fireplaces. “Electric fireplaces have changed so much that they are now just as much a piece of art as they are a heat producer. Many area restaurants and hotels are putting them in, which means some people are discovering them for the first time.” With over 14 different casual furniture brands featured on its floor, the store boasts the biggest selection patio furniture, umbrellas, rugs and accessories in the greater Richmond area. Richardson is adamant that quality is top priority. “We don’t sell anything, patio or hearth, that can’t be used or abused. If it can’t stand up to the rain, sleet or snow, we don’t bring it into the A balanced mix of hearth store.” The store’s and patio fastest-growing cateproducts gories include outdoor appeals to customers kitchens, firepits and commercial grade outdoor heating by Bromic. “We can cold winter day, there can be as many easily extend the outdoor season as 36 fire features glowing on our floor through January by adding outdoor at one time. It’s pretty impressive.” heaters, firepits and fireplaces, which The store offers fireplaces from is something that really appeals to Empire, Mendota, Montigo, Enviro, RH Peterson, Hargrove and Kozy our customers.” Heat. It has recently seen a bump in Bon Air’s large storefront show-

cases some of its most eye-catching furniture, including colorful Adirondack chairs and two large linear fireplaces by Montigo. “When they’re burning at night, they attract a lot of interest,” Richardson explains. In the spring and fall, the store hosts its popular grilling events on a large outdoor entertaining patio that gives people a chance to socialize, sample food and check out the season’s new products. The guest list includes current customers, custom homebuilders, and architects. “Many attendees have just finished up construction of a deck o r patio, so we want to hit them up before they’ve gone anywhere else to get their furniture,” Richardson says, adding that it’s also a chance for homeowners and builders to throw around ideas for future projects. “Some big jobs have started from casual conversations at our grilling events.” The addition of patio products has brought new life to the store in more ways than one. When it was a hearth-focuse d business, the owners searched for ways to stay busy during the summer months, but that has all changed. The store now enjoys steady sales all year, and the showroom is transformed each selling season to keep things fresh and interesting. “When the weather turns cool, foot traffic instantly increases for hearth products. I will back the showroom down and carry less patio to make room for people to stand around and look at fireplaces. During patio season, I want to show as much patio as is reasonable to get people in


SHOWROOM SHOWCASE the mood for outdoor entertaining.” The company’s showroom and product mix are matched only by its service. “People are impressed by what they see, but even more impressed by how we make them feel,” Richardson says. The store’s heartbeat is product knowledge and personal attention. “There are only four of us who work on the sales floor (the two owners; our salesperson, Sam Ferguson; and myself) and between us, even if it’s not our customer, one of us will greet them by name—it blows customers away.” According to Richardson, there are only a few patio stores in town, so people often make their rounds to all the stores before making a purchase. Many customers come back to Bon Air because they get an experience they can’t get anywhere else. “Our sales process is fun, persona l and educational. Each of us specialize in a product category (hearth, furniture/accessories, grills) so we are able to tag team customers during a sale,” he says. “For example, I may be helping a customer with patio furniture, but if the customer seems interested in an outdoor kitchen, I will pass them off to our grill expert, Sam. When they understand a product better, it makes them feel better about their purchase.” The store is happy to offer home visits to customers looking for extra advice and direction on a project. Richardson is always doing little things to make the cus-

Inspirational colors and textures abound on the showroom floor

tomers feel special throughout the sales process— whether it’s serving them snacks and a draft beer from the showroom’s beer tap or presenting them with a custom bottle of wine as a thank you at the end of a big job. There i s a sign on one of the showroom walls that perfectly encapsulates the store’s philosophy: Enter as a

stranger, leave as a friend. “We live that every day.” Bon Air Hearth, Porch and Patio is a retailer that will always think out of the box. Richardson adds: “We look at business a little bit differently than most other retailers, which is what has gotten us to where we are today and will sustain us into the future.”

Circle Reader Service No. 40


Circle Reader Service No. 41

AS I SEE IT POLYWOOD’s popularity increases as consumers seek products that are durable and eco-friendly. BY SHARON SANDERS

Classic Adirondack (Tangerine)


Megan Pierson

Recycled outdoor furniture has become the fastest-growing category in the outdoor living industry. POLYWOOD (Syracuse, Indiana), the category pioneer, not only started the momentum, but continues to take the category to new heights with its Vineyard 9-piece fresh ideas in style, Farmhouse dining set (Vintage Coffee) design, and technology. Patio & Hearth Products Report met with Megan Pierson, senior vice president of business development, to chat about the buzz surrounding recycled furniture and what makes this forward-thinking company an industry leader. How did POLYWOOD come on to the outdoor living scene? Pierson: POLYWOOD was established in 1990.

Our co-founder and current CEO, Doug Rassi, had been working for a PVC fencing company and wanted to find a way to bring new life to the overabundance of leftover PVC. The idea grew, and recycled outdoor furniture was born. POLYWOOD’s first product was the iconic Adirondack chair, which has become its signature. Today, the furniture is made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE), which can be derived from a variety of consumer plastics, including milk jugs and detergent bottles. As we’ve grown through the years, so has our product assortment. We now offer a variety of products, including rocking chairs, dining, deep seating, benches, and swings.

see plastic waste coming in one side of our campus and then just a short distance away, on the other side of the campus, beautiful furniture is being made. What is the appeal of POLYWOOD furniture? Pierson: It’s simple. People love our product because it’s durable in any weather condition (requiring no painting, staining or waterproofing), and it’s easy to maintain. All one has to do is wipe it down with basic soap and water, and it will look brand-new for years. They appreciate the recycled story behind our products, the fact that it’s made in the United States, and that we have a 20-year warranty—it’s all icing on the cake. Customers tell us all the time that POLYWOOD furniture stays in their families for decades because they hand it down to their kids. It’s rewarding to hear that kind of feedback. Is the category getting more competitive? Pierson: Consumer demand is fueling the tremendous spike in the category. As a result, a growing number of manufacturers are throwing their hats in the ring and creating their own take on recycled furniture. This is a good thing because the more frequently people see it in hotels, restaurants and in their neighbors’ yards, the more they want it in their own homes. There is plenty of room for all of us.

What process does POLYWOOD use to make its recycled furniture? Pierson: We receive post-consumer milk jugs and other plastics at our on-site recycling center in Syracuse. All the materials go through a proprietary cleaning and sorting process and are then condensed into small pellets. The pellets are run through an extruder (think child’s Play Doh Factory) that transforms them into lumber. I always find it amazing to


How does POLYWOOD set itself apart? Pierson: As the originator of the category, we have become a recognized and trusted name in the industry. Our products have a design and quality edge that no one else has been able to touch. One of our most important differentiators is that we understand what consumers want—from products to delivery. For example, today’s buyers don’t want to wait for their

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AS I SEE IT products; they want everything now. We have developed a build-to-order manufacturing process that allows us to offer thousands of available product options with short 3- to 10-day lead times. As the retail space is changing, short lead times have become a big deal to dealers and their customers. People choose POLYWOOD for reasons like this, which have (and will) help us remain the category leader. Why do specialty retailers choose to carry POLYWOOD? Pierson: I think it’s the fact that we are a good partner. We set retailers up to win with strong margins and sell-through. One of the ways we do this is by not asking them to hold a heavy inventory. As a retailer, it’s hard to anticipate what styles and colors will be trending and what customers will want ahead of time. We think it’s important that they’re able to experiment and figure out what their customers want and can react within the same season. POLYWOOD wants its product on

their showroom floors, not in their warehouses. We also have aggressive freight lock-ins that help retailers keep freight costs down and margins up. As consumers’ tastes become more sophisticated, how does the company plan to continue to meet their expectations? Pierson: We are always on top of trends, but at the same time, we stick to designs that our customers are still going to want on their patios in 20 years— because our furniture lasts that long. We have an excellent design team that thinks through all the details from the style and design to what’s going to be easy to manufacture in order to keep costs down. Bottom line, we focus on good design and longevity. What product introductions are you most excited about for 2019? Pierson: The company had a big 2018 with many exciting new initiatives, and the launch of our vintage finish. The new

finish brings a sophisticated look to our product line with its wire-brushed textures and exclusive colors (Sahara and Coffee). We have plans to expand the vintage finish as an option in more of our line this year. For 2019, we are thrilled to introduce, for the first time, motion deep seating and fire tables with 42” and 48” square or round tabletops. We debuted the new offerings in Chicago this past year and received an overwhelming response from dealers. We are confident that they are the right addition to round out our product mix this year. What do you think the future holds for the recycled furniture category? Pierson: I have no doubt that it will continue to grow with increasing exposure in social media and in the influencer market. We think it’s important for recycled furniture to be seen in specialty patio stores, so consumers can experience for themselves that it’s heavy, quality furniture. For POLYWOOD, in particular, the demand for our products has been so

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strong that we invested $35.3 million to open a full manufacturing and distribution center in Roxboro, North Carolina, at the end of last year. The new facility will play a key role in our commitment to deliver a growing line of products with shorter lead times. What does the future holdfor POLYWOOD? Pierson: POLYWOOD will continue to lead through design innovation, manufacturing technology, and brand recognition. As we grow the category, we will maintain our focus on our core competencies, retail partners, and end consumers. We know from experience that once someone purchases a piece of POLYWOOD furniture, chances are they will become a customer for life—we call them POLYWOOD loyalists. Our plan is to grow our lo yalist base, bring in new customers and make our retailers feel confident that they’re partnering with a company that is committed to their success.

Circle Reader Service No. 45



Pit Boss Memphis Ultimate Smoking Gril

Dansons celebrates sustained growth as it upholds long-standing vision. BY MAURA KELLER


hen you start a business from scratch, you are on your own. Your survival in the business world depends solely on you and your persistence, organization, and knowhow. Of course, you are much more likely to succeed in your business if you’re doing something you really enjoy and something your family can take part in. Enter Dansons Inc., an innovative, leading-edge developer of products and accessories throughout the grilling category, as well as industrial lubricants and horse bedding. Founded in 1999 by CEO Dan Thiessen, the Phoenix-based company reflects the strong business and familial relationship between Dan and his two sons, Jeff Thiessen, president, and Jordan Thiessen, COO, who are working hard to continue the company’s success. Midsized family companies are often kept intact by a sense of family legacy and a sense that the family heritage has an intrinsic worth of its own. Many of these companies are defined by the long-held practice of a founder naming a company after themselves; names that still mark the founders’ descendants generations later. Not only does Dansons reflect the first name of the CEO, but it also reflects the “sons” who played an integral role in the company’s inception and subsequent success. And while Dansons is forging ahead in a competitive market and embracing innovative marketing strategies and product development

for its growth, the company also embraces its significant history. “Our guiding principles are faith and family,” Jeff says. “We truly believe God has blessed us with the many opportunities we have. Staying firmly rooted in our faith and humble beginnings is of the greatest importance to our growing organization.” Thiessen and his sons started Dansons by initially working with wood fiber—specifically developing ways to transform unutilized wood byproducts from sawmills into valueadded products. As Jeff explains, the company’s first innovation was wood-pellet fuel, designed for heating appliances. “As this segment grew, we eventually started manufacturing wood-pellet stoves sold under the PelPro and Glow Boy brands,” Jeff says. “To reduce the seasonality of the heating business, we began manufacturing pellet grills under the Louisiana Grills brand and it took off.” With hard work and innovation, the Dansons team watched the Louisiana Grills brand grow exponentially, even through tough economic times and organizational changes. In 2012, the management team made the strategic decision to focus exclusively on grilling innovations—selling the pellet stove division of Dansons to Hearth & Home Technologies, which is still manufacturing the PelPro brand. “In 2012, we started sourcing in Asia, which allowed us to bring increased value and improved cost


Estate series

to customers and end consumers,” Jeff says. “During this transformation, we founded the Pit Boss brand to complement the growing pellet grill business.” Fast forward several years and the Dansons team celebrates the continued success of both brands. Although the company has experienced its share of successes and growth over the years, the company has never lost sight of the founders’ vision, namely being a family-run operation that prides itself in providing top-quality products to consumers at competitive prices. “That may not be a novel concept, but it’s important, because so many companies are geared toward slick ad campaigns and edgy product strategies, while we focus firmly on integrity, quality and value,” Jeff says. “We are relentlessly driven by product development, which keeps us on the edge of new trends in the marketplace.” The Thiessens recognize that today’s consumer is smarter and better educated than ever before, and as such, they can tell when a brand is not authentic. “We know we need to earn the confidence of our customers every day, and we wake up every morning

understanding this responsibility,” Jeff says. “We are part of our consumers’ family experience, and they are part of ours. We value the realness of everyday life and the fact that our products are at the center of it. It’s a special place to be, and we don’t take it for granted.” Jeff stresses that the company simply couldn’t experience its growth and successes without the phenomenal team of passionate professionals they work with. “Our team lives our products,” Jeff says. “As part of our new hire program, each member of our team is given a grill no matter the position. We have an authentic culture of grilling and it shows in the passion our team has with everything they do.” For many companies, generating new customers is the classic sticky wicket. If you do it right, you will thrive. If not, it can make you fail. You can try to control it or it can control you. One reason Dansons’ employees and executives connect so well with their customers is because they see them in the mirror. They recognize that to be successful in such an ever-changing industry as the grilling

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MY TURN industry, they need to clearly understand the changes in the marketplace and in consumer preferences. That’s why, since its inception, Dansons has been focused on innovation and continuous improvement, which means they’re always seeking new ways to develop exceptional products in the grilling and BBQ space. “Right now, we’re highly focused on technology and we have several exciting items in development, including Wi-Fi controls and voice activation features,” Jeff says. “We’re also looking at how we can innovate on grilling styles, which includes offering our consumers combo fuel grills and griddles. These innovations, along with the scheduled launch of an all-new Louisiana Grills Founders Series, designed in conjunction with the original pellet grill founder Joe Traeger, will make for an exciting year.” Dansons will also be introducing an array of accessories. And by partnering with a master spice and seasoning aficionado, the company will be introducing a series of spices that will provide the absolute best flavors, quality ingredients and exciting blends to consumers at an affordable price. “We’re always monitoring the consumer space for demands, keeping an eye on trends and technology and innovating along the way,” Jeff says. “We respond quickly and have succeeded in bringing first-to-market features

and technologies that improve the grilling experience this way. It’s also very core to our strategy to work closely with our retail partners to develop compelling product offerings that meet their respective consumer needs.” By thoroughly studying consumer and industry trends, Dansons sees that pellet grills and vertical smokers are far and away the biggest products in barbecue currently. “Consumers are not afraid to try grilling with pellets in variety of capacities, and Dansons Pit Boss vertical offers the perfect units for anyone ready to pellet smokers elevate their grilling game,” Jeff says. “It is easy, and fun, and it’s for everyone. We’re seewith their fans,” Jeff says. “Beyond just our brand ing lots of ‘newbies’ and we welcome them to the category with open arms.” ambassadors, we proudly also offer a general ambassaTo help the company further expand its reach, dor program that anyone can apply for. Everyone can Dansons has welcomed a series of new brand ambassajoin our Louisiana Grills family or Pit Boss Nation. dors who will help catapult Dansons brands and product We love nothing more than to hear from our concategories to the next level. The Dansons team recogsumers—we love seeing their photos and videos. For nizes that these brand ambassadors help the company us, it’s not just about high-paid celebrity spokespeople using our grills; it’s about how everyday people are share the excitement and opportunity of grilling with using our grills. We don’t want to lose that authenticipellets to the masses. ty and the importance of everyday grilling—it’s core to “These valued partners help us attain expanded reach by sharing their experiences using our products our brand strategies.”

Circle Reader Service No. 48


Circle Reader Service No. 49

PRODUCT INNOVATION The LX2 corner fireplace from Valor Fireplaces Valor’s new LX2 three-sided fireplace

AMARKETLEADER Amid fierce market competition, Valor Fireplaces takes the initiative. BY CHERYL DANGEL BARTOLINI


t may not come as a surprise to anyone, least of all those in the fireplace manufacturing industry, but the competition for sales in today’s business climate is tough. “The market continues to grow and is quite dynamic in terms of styles and trends,” says Paul Miles, president of Miles Industries (North Vancouver, British Columbia). “Price points have been push ed higher [and] at the same time competition is fierce.” While this statement is not surprising, somehow when spoken aloud or put into print, it seems that much more jarring. Like dominos falling, that jolt of surprise prompts the question: How does one compete in such a fierce market? There are many factors contributing to market competition, but Miles points to four key issues. “I believe the number on e challenge is getting more qualified young people in the industry,” Miles says. “Many dealers report shortages of skilled gas fitters, for example.” A second factor is regulatory issues regarding the use of clean-burning natural gas. Thirdly, tariffs are an issue. “We have seen significant tariffs imposed on venting, for example. We have imported cast iron, which will now be subject to U.S. tariffs, and this will increase those landed costs by 10 percent.” That, Miles notes, will result in a period of inflationary pressure. Finally, the last component is a lack of product education. “One factor in the market is, and con-

tinues to be, customer confusion and opportunities for education,” Miles says. “Homeowners are not well versed in the differences between inserts and zero-clearance fireplaces or dec orative versus heater rated, etc. This presents a challenge and opportunity for the industry.” Miles contends that most homeowners don’t know much about the industry Valor’s Madrona Modern gas stove and face a steep learning curve. Miles Industries is not idly manufacturing, product design, lab testing, distrisitting by as an observer as these factors upset the bution, supply chain logistics, marketing, and a marketplace. In fact, Miles Industries has already variety of other areas.” implemented new programs to help combat the As for the regulatory issues that seemingly are issues currently facing the company to alleviate, if not, eliminate any negative impact they can have always hovering over the natural gas industry, Miles is looking at his options. He points out that in a on sales and the company. few cities on the West Coast, there has been talk of For starters, the company is aggressively looking reducing gas emissions from the burning of fossil for young, talented people who want to make their fuels. “There is a misguided perception that moving mark in the hearth industry. Once they find the to electric options will always reduce greenhouse right people, Miles puts them through a program gases,” he says, adding that most electricity is prothat exposes them to a variety of disciplines within duced through the burning of coal, which generates the corporate structure. “They have a clearly more carbon emissions than clean-burning natural defined career p ath established at the outset, but if gas. “Natural gas is still the most abundant and the they find an area within the company that is more cleanest possible fuel choice. Efficient gas fireplaces appealing, we try and accommodate their interstill make a great story when it comes to zone heatests,” Miles explains. “We are applying this to


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continued from page 44

ing and clean burning. And let’s face it, nobody talks of relaxing for the evening by a baseboard heater or a heating duct.” As for the new tariffs, Miles Industries will continue to rely on its mainstay—a higher-grade aluminized steel for its Valor products—just as it always has. “This product is more specialized and has not been affected by tariffs to the same extent,” Miles says. “However, if the tariffs remain in place, we anticipate some cost increases in 2019.” Finally, Miles is pushing for more consumer education. He acknowledges that while the fireplace industry, in general, is not a heavily branded industry, he notes that the Valor brand of fireplaces has achieved a niche in the marketplace. Miles Industries promotes its role as an industry pioneer “and being aro und since 1890 helps,” Miles says. The company uses its digital marketing

platforms and its dealer network to get the message out to consumers on not just its suite of products, but the energy efficiency and aesthetic benefits of its fireplaces as well. “Gas fireplaces can be a great form of reliable zone heat and have done much to give homeowners an energy efficient, clean alternative to wood burning.” To that end, this past year, the Valor Linear LX program was expanded with two- and threesided models. “We are proud that these products are not just pretty, but we engineered new improvements in burner design and performance,” Miles says. Another hot seller this year has been Valor’s new Madrona Modern gas stove. The success of this product took almost everyone at Miles Industries by surprise. “It was a bit of sleeper that surpassed our expectations,” Miles says, adding that its success “shows a hunger for new non-traditional design from the buying public.”

The company is very proud that its Legend G series and Retrofire coaxial gas inserts are equipped with its AutoFire patented dynamic restriction system. “This boosted our efficiency numbers quite a few percentage points and automatically adjusts our fires for peak performance,” Miles says. “It makes real energy savings. We take pride that we haven’t ever put out ‘fake’ efficiency ratings and that we get our improvements through actual technological advancements.” Product development in recent years has also become more challenging. There’s the pressure of cost, efficiency, and new regulations. Combined, they create the perfect storm that product developers wrestle with daily. “Homes are getting more energy efficient,” he says. “They need less heat. Homeowners want more flame and effect while regulators want us to use less energy.” Miles points out

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that the company’s product development team is busy working on some options for 2019 that are exciting enough to answer consumer preferences and satisfy regulatory mandates at the same time. For now, details are under wraps. “Doing more with less is part of our company DNA and certainly in our wheelhouse. Good burner design is a key element.” Despite the competitive market climate, Valor is riding a wave of successes and yet, has not lost its pioneering spirit as it continues to research, innovate, and tailor products to the needs of its dealers and end users. Miles points to Valor being the first to market with direct venting and power venting products. “As a pioneering company in gas fireplaces, we continue to push for more innovative creative products.” Whatever the market conditions, that isn’t likely to change any time soon.

JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2019 | PATIO & HEARTH PRODUCTS REPORT • 53 Circle Reader Service No. 53


THE HEARTHMASTERS An innovative mindset that benefits its customers and employees gives Travis Industries an edge. BY SHARON SANDERS

Kurt Rumens


ravis Industries (Mukilteo, Washington) just built what is quite possibly the world’s largest linear fireplace. At 66 feet long, the custom DaVinci is a stunning piece of art that is typical of the conversation-starting products Travis Industries has become known for in the industry. This year marks the visionary company’s 40th anniversary of bringing the magic of fire to homes and businesses across the United States, Canada, Australia and Japan. After four decades of pioneering products, it’s hard to imagine the hearth world without Travis Industries and its colorful, spirited founder and president, Kurt Rumens. From the day he conceived the idea for his first stove, Rumens has always been passionate about taking hearth products and making them even more beautiful and technologically superior. In 1979, Rumens and two business partners started a little company that became known as Lopi. Prior to that, he was delivering and selling someone else’s stoves to supplement his income as a rock musician. At one point, Rumens started taking a closer look at the stoves he was selling and tried to figure out a way to make them better. After submitting his product sketch ideas to the company’s unimpressed owner, he decided to design a stove

DaVinci custom fireplace (60-inch by 50-inch see-through)

of his own. The first model was a wood stove he named Lopi. “It was a made-up word that I liked,” says Rumens of the name inspired by nature. He finished building the stove in his backyard. “Starting the stove company was my first venture into business, and that is what’s great about the United States. Anyone can start a company simply because they want to do or make something better — for the sheer joy of it.” In 1984, Lopi became the first U.S. hearth products manufacturer to develop an Oregon DEQ-certified, non-catalytic wood stove. “There wasn’t much aesthetic creativity in the hearth space in those days, so we really stood out as we started developing idea after idea.” A major turning point for the company happened in 1998 when Travis Garske purchased the Lopi brand and renamed the company Travis Industries. Shortly after, he purchased the Avalon and Fireplace Xtrordinair companies. “We always had a good vibe and made good products, but I think


his impact was enormous because he taught us how to run the company in a business-like manner that measured productivity and results.” As a creative person, that wasn’t something Rumens made a priority up to that point. “Travis instilled a business discipline that helped us turn the corner from just being a company with fabulous products to a fabulous company.” Today, Travis Industries employs more than 600 people and manufactures its products in the United States at an 11-acre stateof-the-art facility called the House of Fire, just 30 minutes north of Seattle. Rumens and his team have become a creative force in the industry, developing and building dozens of award-winning products over the years. Its brands — Lopi, Fireplace Xtrordinair, DaVinci Custom Fireplaces and Tempest Torch — are favorites of specialty retailers that are looking give their customers products that bring quality, value and style to the table. The company reached a crossroads a few years back and decided

to expand its premier product lineup in two directions: Ultra custom at the high end with DaVinci Custom Fireplaces and ProBuilder by Fireplace Xtrordinair at the lower price level. ProBuilder is the most cost-driven product line the company has offered. It consists of gas linear and traditional fireplaces that have elevated the profile of basic builder boxes. “ProBuilder brings a higher level of quality to the builder fireplace market. It’s well made, but without all the extra features. It is for that customer who wants something that is quality, but doesn’t require all the bells and whistles,” Rumens says. On the other end of the product spectrum, the ultra-custom units resonate with architects and designers who are looking for one-of-a-kind units for their clients. “This has caused a big shift in the customer base,” he says. “We have a very concise strategy for the ultra-custom program and many of our dealers have become experts at working with the design community. We channel all of our

Travis Industries’ President Kurt Rumens, standing with our very first Lopi wood burning insert, (c. 1979) and our latest big idea—a 66-foot DaVinci Custom Fireplace.TM






The key to our success is 40 years of pure determination to be the best at designing with fire. And since 1979, our world-class team has put our all into creating the most



19 - 20

1979 - B


extraordinary fireplace products—with a solution for every one of your customers.

We’re proud that four decades of blood, sweat and steel have changed how the he h e worl world orl sees fire. Heat up your 2019 sales with our innovative solutions, quality and renowned renowne enowned d service. s


Circle Reader Service No. 55

1979 Same guy, same stove.

Circle Reader Service No. 57


GrillsForAll Coyote Outdoor Living’s recipe for success is offering outdoor products for all budgets and tastes. BY CHERISE FORNO

Jim Ginocchi

Laguna collection

Coyote Outdoor Living (Dallas, Texas) continues to expand its collection of highperformance grills, cooking products, furniture, and accessories to provide customers with everything they need to create the outdoor oasis of their dreams. “Last year, we decided to expand our moniker for Coyote to a one-stop-shop for builders, contractors, and dealers to have an all-in-one shop under one roof,” says Jim Ginocchi, president. “We wanted to marry the longevity of our grills with the design of new products with the same level of quality.” This expansion of high-quality outdoor products beyond the kitchen includes three furniture collections that feature highly durable and fashion-forward Sunbrella fabric that Coyote released at the Hearth, Patio and Barbecue Expo in March 2018. “We have three furniture collections each highlighting a different aesthetic,” Ginocchi says. “Customers can feel confident that they are going to last under the toughest of conditions.” Whether a customer is drawn to the upscale Catalina furniture collection, the laid-back design of the Laguna pieces, or South Beach’s urban feel with clean lines, Coyote Outdoor Living has a furniture collection to fit every customer’s personal taste and décor. The high-quality furniture

30-inch S-Series Grill

has been well-received since its introduction. “Hopefully, we’ll be adding to them due to their success,” Ginocchi says. Coyot e continues to improve and expand its grilling options for consumers with the addition of features and sizes that people are searching for in today’s market. Ginocchi notes that the company’s S-Series 30-inch grill (in both the built-in or grill-on-cart models) is a consistent best-seller.


“We are finding people want premium features at this size,” he says. The pro-line S-Series, constructed with 304 s tainless steel, has been upgraded to add sear burners, rotisseries, rear burners, an upscale design, and decorative backsplash because of the growing trend of customers who want premium features no matter what size grill they purchase. “A lot of people are downsizing or trying to make the most of their smaller spaces,” he says. “We cater to the built-in market, but we want to accommodate all of these cust omers.” People are also seeking grills that use different fuel sources such as the company’s Asado cooker that uses charcoal, its 50-inch Hybrid grill that uses both gas and charcoal, and its new electric grill that is already in high demand. “Our most recent addition is the electric grill that is perfect for balcony cooking — for places you can’t have an open flame — and it’s made for indoor and outdoor use,” Ginocchi says. “The trend is that people want to maximize any

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INSIGHT COYOTE OUTDOOR LIVING outdoor space they have, whether it’s a sprawling backyard or a small patio.” The versatile electric grill is available in a portable, tabletop version and a 30-inch built-in model for any type of stand. The company’s electric grill island can include a refrigerator, grill, barstools, and an overhang to maximize the space to make even a small patio area an ideal place for cooking, dining, and entertaining yearround. “We have a lot of flexibility with the electric grill,” Ginocchi says. “Our electric grill is gaining popularity by leaps and bounds due to the versatility it offers.” Coyote Outdoor Living was founded nine years ago to fill a void in the marketplace, Ginocchi notes. The company has continued to expand its collection to meet customer needs. “There was definitely a need for a midlevel-priced grill to serve the regrowth of the housing boom and the landscape developers that were increasingly building outdoor kitchens,” he says. Many of Coyote’s new products were developed to meet a growing demand for high-quality cooking products. Ginocchi notes that the company expanded its brand by adding cutting-edge features, as well as accessories to enhance outdoor living and kitchen area s. The C-series, one of Coyote’s original collections, was recently given more high-quality features such as additional burners. “We’ve improved the series and upgraded the burn-

ers to our Infinity Burners that are in each of our grills to add more BTU power and heat for better cooking,” Ginocchi says. He adds that Coyote’s goal is to create products that complement its high-performance grills and add i ntelligent features while keeping its products at an affordable price level. “Overall, we have expanded our lineup of Blazing Beats fire table grills to encompass grilling in all types of spaces,” he says. “Coyote looks to keep fire table has been well received with early reviews and expanding on our excellence in the grill line.” Coyote’s outdoor refrigerators in both 21-inch and feedback being very positive. “We think we are going to do very well with it in 24-inch sizes boast fantastic features and functionality that are specifically designed to perform and las t in out2019,” he sa ys. In the new year, Coyote Outdoor Living door settings. Coyote sells its outdoor refrigerators at an will look for ways to continually improve its grills, as almost 1:1 ratio with grills because customers want to well as add more products to meet its customers’ needs. “Our primary goal is to improve and expand on our grill add the high-quality product when they install a grill. “They are very durable and outdoor-certified,” line,” Ginocchi says. “There are a few new exciting Ginocchi says. products that will be released starting in February.” Another product that greatly enhances any outdoor These will include the creation of highly functional gas grills that can be utilized in many different settings living space is Coyote’s Blazing Beats fire table with such as tailgating, camping, boating, and other recreDancing Fire Technology that it introduced in ational activities. New accessories such as a full pullout September 2018 . It can be mixed and matched with furniture or stand alone as a focal point. “It’s a unique spice rack in a slim cabinetry design is also on the horizon. Ginocchi adds: “We will continue to look upon fire table in that our gas burner is hooked with a valve different accessories and anything that complements to allow Bluetooth music to flow through,” Ginocchi says. “The flames dance with the beat.” He says the new and creates a complete outdoor experience.”

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FABULOUSFABRICS Valdese Weavers’ high-performance line features stylish patterns and textures that offer durability and versatility. BY CHERISE FORNO

Inside Out from Valdese Weavers

With the addition of its Inside Out brand, Valdese Weavers (Valdese, North Carolina) is successfully taking more than 100 years of weaving expertise to the outdoor performance fabric market. “We are constantly evolving and challenging ourselves because we want to delight our customers with something new while remaining true to the brand,” says Christy Almond, vice president of product development and marketing. “We’re looking to push the envelope.” Inside Out comes with the support of Valdese Weavers’ impeccable name and his tory dating back to 1915 when Italian immigrants founded Swiss Embroidery Company in Valdese, where the company first crafted its groundbreaking textiles. It became Valdese Weavers Inc. in 1935 after it was purchased by Harley Shuford and has since become an industry leader in decorative jacquard fabrics. It has gone on to develop fabric for the corporate, medical, commercial, and residential markets.

Valdese manages every aspect of its state-of-the-art manufacturing process, which enables the company to promise fast delivery times, unparalleled quality control, and superior design. Valdese brings excellent customer service, reputation for superior quality, and more than a century of experience to the new line. “We manufacture Inside Out in Valdese, North Carolina,” Almond says. “Customers can get the quality and consistency they expect from our residential side.” Something that continues to set Valdese apart from its competition is its commitment to creating and delivering the highestquality fabric to customers — from start to finish. “One of our most important points of differentiation is we are a vertical manufacturer,” Almond says. “We control the process from begin-


ning to end.” This inc ludes testing each material and utilizing its team of more than 40 highly experienced designers to craft the best product possible. “We dye our own yarns, so we have a huge toolbox of types of yarns and colors. We control every aspect of the development process.” Valdese produces more than 100 types of yarn, thousands of unique colors, and has more than 200,000 patterns that are used worldwide. “We are abl e to make a variety of products from a simple pattern to a multicolored, intricate jacquard,” Almond says. “We produce about 14 million yards of fabric every year, so we are weaving experts.” She notes that the company, which has historically specialized in residential fabrics, continues to explore new territory beyond its brands, which include Valdese Weavers, Circa 1801, Valdese International Products (V.I.P.), and Home Fabrics. The company’s Valdese Weavers Contract brand, started in 2004, specializes in offering sustainable, high-performance fabric for customers such as office equipment manufacturers in the hospitality industry. Valdese acquired the Dicey Fabrics brand in December 2014 primarily for its strong yarn manufacturing capabilities and found an outdoor performance brand to develop from that acquisition. “We were pleasantly surprised to discover Inside Out as part of their fabrics,” Almond says. The company then spent several years working on the collection to bring it to the

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INSIGHT VALDESE WEAVERS next level before releasing it to their clients. Almond notes that Valdese was committed to designing a cutting-edge, high-quality line of fabrics that appealed to customers. She adds that the company also wanted to assemble marketing information to accompany the brand to adequately educate its customers about performance fabrics, as well as the brand’s connection to Valdese ’s strong name and infrastructure. “We’re really bringing a lot to the outdoor line,” Almond says. “We spent three years perfecting it. We didn’t want to launch it before we felt like it was something truly unique.” Inside Out is designed to be mildew and moisture resistant, quick-dry, stain-resistant, and easy to clean. It is bleach-cleanable, but it can also be washed simply with soap and water for easy m aintenance. Although it is designed to endure outdoor use in any climate, these fabrics can be taken inside. “It’s truly an all-in-one fabric that can be used indoor and outdoor,” Almond says. The highly durable brand features

anti-pilling fabric, and its gorgeous textures and patterns enable it to transition from outside to inside with ease. Valdese also brings a reputation for breathtaking designs to i ts performance brand. “We have brought the residential aesthetic to the performance fabric,” she says. “You’re getting a very soft hand that multilevel jacquard pattern people haven’t seen before at this level.” The company’s website hosts a video on how to clean fabric, and it also includes a chart that Almond notes has been extremely helpful in educating customers about each aspect of its performance f abrics. The company gathered feedback to discover how they could deliver fabrics that worked better than others available in the marketplace. This included facilitating demonstrations of how Inside Out fabrics perform in reallife situations such as being faced with messy food and other materials that would need to be cleaned. “We did the ‘Cheetos test,’” Almond says. “It was great to show people how easy it is to

clean these products.” In December, the company introduced its “Performance by the Yard” collection that offers unique looks to select from, such as its Justify Friendly fabric that features a classic basket weave with Valdese’s exclusive multitone bouclé yarn in 20 color combinations. “It delivers six distinct looks and beautiful color palettes at approachable price points,” Almond says. The Garwood combines a classic tweed with a soft, cozy feel available in eight hues. A chenille yarn in a herringbone pattern offers timeless styling in 27 colors with the Justify fabric. Sundance showcases a luxury sophisticated aesthetic, while Rollo has a natu-

ral look obtained with slub yarn woven for a handcrafted feel. A transitional chenille texture is woven and available in 21 shades for the Gowan fabric. “People say the variety of looks available is really surprising,” Almond says. “We do some really complex layered jacquards. Customers also get the bonus of the company’s support.” Valdese Weavers has expanded into new territory within its company as well. “The family really felt it was important to invest in its employees and give back,” Almond says. “Two-and-a-half years ago, we became 100 percent employee owned, which is an exciting shift.” She notes that this cultural change within the company has had a positive effect. “We’ve seen more responsibility that each product is done right,” she says, “and it has built a sense of ownership and pride in employees.”


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Stocked Product, No Minimum Orders • • New Discount Program • Design-Forward, Fire-Focused MN Manufacturer •

Circle Reader Service No. 65


LIGHT ITUP Roam solar lantern in teak


xterior lighting is a critical component in the overall design of an outdoor space. Essential for not only providing illumination, lighting also enhances the safety and security of any residential or commercial outdoor setting. In addition, the right lighting can greatly add to the general aesthetic and appeal of an outdoor area, increasing its comfort, enjoyment, and usab ility. The lighting segment is also an impactful revenue source for businesses serving the outdoor industry, including casual retailers/distributors, landscapers, and architects/designers. According to a recent report by P&S Market Research, the global outdoor lighting market was valued at over $8.7 billion for 2017 and is expected to reach $14.2 billion by 2023. The report notes the increasing use of e nergy-saving and cost-efficient lighting products, along with a growing government focus on energy conservation, as the major factors driving the market increase in outdoor lighting. Les Jardins (Aix-en-Provence, France) is meeting this growing market demand by supplying the latest in outdoor solar bloc lighting technology and design. The company, already a well-noted manufac-

New brand, Les Jardins Solar Lighting, shines through design and innovative technology.


turer of high-end outdoor teak, resin-wicker, and aluminum furniture, introduced Les Jardins Solar Lighting (a separate brand from its furniture lines) at the May 2018 HD Expo in Las Vegas. “This was a great show for us, and we received a fantastic reception,” says Frederic Raffenne, CEO of Les Jardins USA (Pasadena, California). The positive feedback, no doubt, is due to the style, advanced technology, and amazing benefits of th e brand’s innovative light products. Design, innovation, and sustainability are always at the forefront whenever Les Jardins creates any new product, Raffenne notes. With this approach in mind, Les Jardins Solar Lighting’s renewable energy powered outdoor lighting products were thoughtfully and purposely designed. A solar panel is seamlessly integrated into the top of each outdoor light, which capture s and converts the sun’s energy into electricity. The electricity is stored in two powerful lithium batteries to deliver light when needed. Each independent solar LED light module snaps into place in a variety of visually stunning, architecturally designed portable frame styles, which create limitless applications and possibilities. “No other entity in the market


Torche solar path light in aluminum

k iinterchangeable h bl solar modmakes ules that snap into place into a light’s frame,” Raffenne says. “Because of this, there is a lot of flexibility in creating and customizing an exterior setting.” The portability of the products adds infinite flexibility and ways to use each light. Whether placed outside the home, indoors, at an outdoor concert, carried on a nightly stroll, or placed on a boat, Les Jardins Solar Lighting can be used wherever illumination is needed. The lights also feature motion sensors and dimming capabilities to personalize usage. Two modes (sensing and constant) allow the user to customize the light to fit their lifestyle and accommodate their needs. At 500 lumens of LED

light with up to 200 hours per charge, the Les Jardins Solar Lighting provides more illumination than typical outdoor solar lights, Raffenne adds. Italian electric race karts were the source of inspiration for Les Jardins’ team when they developed the company’s solar lights. “Our engineers reviewed these karts’ power management software systems, which vastly improved the vehicle’s efficiency. They then adapted this technology for use in Les Jardins Solar Lighting,” Raffenne says. Noted French designer Claude Robin, who has been crafting products for Les Jar dins for more than 20 years, designed the stunning light frames. To fit every need, several lamp types continued on page 92

Circle Reader Service No. 67


KOZY HEAT The all-new Callaway 72 and Callaway 40 (along with the Callaway 50) complete Kozy Heat’s linear hearth series. The optional “Komfort Zone Kit,” as well as multiple media and firebox options, have contributed to the success of the Callaway product line. The Callaway 72 boasts 49,500 BTU output with a power vent option and birch logs as a media choice. The Callaway 40 produces 29,500 BTU output with a power vent option and offers a new “heat out” feature. Contact: (800) 253-4904 or Circle Reader Service No. 96

VERANDA CLASSICS Lounge by the fire and feel the warmth with this spacious Hillcrest 38-inch square firepit. This firepit table top is crafted in proprietary TerraFab, refined with an antique woodgrain look, with the base finished in a black and heavy-duty powder-coated frame. Hillcrest is sure to provide great comfort, stability, and ultimate relaxation in any outdoor setting. Contact: (973) 428-0400 or Circle Reader Service No. 97

HEARTH & HOME TECHNOLOGIES Heat & Glo announces its new luxury gas fireplace line, the Foundation series. Inspired by modern architecture and interior design with big bold flames that elevate your senses and a clear view of the beautiful fire, the Foundation series sets the standard in luxury by design in a premium modern gas fireplace for today’s most sophisticated residential or commercial interiors. Contact: (888) 427-3973 or Circle Reader Service No. 99

RH PETERSON Fire Magic’s new Echelon Built-In Gourmet Griddle is perfect for outdoor cooking of everything from rice and fajitas to bacon and eggs. Crafted from heavy-duty stainless steel and featuring dual burners that provide up to 40,000 BTU, the griddle offers hot surface ignition, backlit control knobs and an expansive 30x18-inch two-zone cooking area that allows preparation of multiple dishes simultaneously. A handsome stainless-steel cover protects the griddle when not in use. Contact: (800) 332-3973 or

KAMADO JOE Kamado Joe’s new Classic III pairs the innovation of the Classic II (Kontrol Tower Top Vent, Air Lift Hinge, Slide-out Ash Drawer, Divide & Conquer System) with a new hyperbolic insert to increase smoke absorption and evenly disperse heat, making what the company considers the world’s most remarkable grill. Contact: (800) 489-1581 or Circle Reader Service No. 95

Circle Reader Service No. 98

GENSUN The new Morro Bay collection from Gensun blends modern simplicity with classical elegance. Inspired by neoclassical architecture, the collection complements traditional or transitional spaces alike. Its architectural, fluted legs meet with a sinuous, ribbon-like arm that starts and ends with a graceful volute, showcasing its neoclassical inspiration. Morro Bay honors the past with an eye to the future. Contact: (866) 964-4468 or Circle Reader Service No. 100


Circle Reader Service No. 69



bradlEy smoKEr

standard isoKErn sEriEs The modular construction of the Standard Isokern series allows you to design a unique and creative fireplace that is sure to suit your exact style. Take, for example, this 42-inch Standard Isokern with black firebrick. The firebrick was installed in a running bond pattern, which perfectly contrasts the white arabesque tile surround. Whether you choose between wood-burning or gas-burning, multisided or a custom firebrick interior, the Standard Fireplace series is guaranteed to raise your standard for housewarming. Contact: (800) 642-2920 or circle reader service no. 101

baron s490 pro ir Broil King has added an IR side burner to the powerful and versatile Broil King grilling system, and it is available on select Baron and Regal models. The IR side burner features solid 8 mm rod cooking grids. Contact: (800) 245-5138 or

The Bradley name is synonymous with great smoked flavor. The BS1019 pro grade smoker takes smoking food to the next level. Professional chefs will love the ability to download 50 recipes, ensuring the same quality results every time. With iSmoke technology, including Bluetooth monitoring and real-time cooking information available on your smartphone, as well as a built-in smoke generator for Bradley Bisquettes, weekend warriors can now smoke with professional results. Contact: (866) 508-7514 or circle reader service no. 104

outdoor KitchEn islands by GEnsun Gensun’s predesigned kitchen islands now come complete with PGS appliances. With 26 cabinetfinish options and 30 countertop-finish options, customers have a wide variety of colors to match or complement their home. Islands come with adjustable legs to address uneven surfaces and are ready to use in just hours. Contact: (866) 964-4468 or circle reader service no. 105

circle reader service no. 102

EGG GEnius intEractivE tEmpEraturE controllEr The EGG Genius effortlessly controls the temperature of your EGG through your smartphone, tablet or computer. Remotely manage and monitor cooking and food temperatures for worry-free cooking, view graphs of your cooks … and even receive alerts when your cook is finished or when the EGG temperature is too high or low. Contact: (770) 938-9394 or circle reader service no. 103

ortal stand alonE Gas FirEplacEs Ortal offers a varied line of Stand Alone gas fireplaces. The Stand Alone series offers beautifully detailed iron-made units that can be quickly installed into any location. The Stand Alone series is the ideal fireplace for virtually any space and requires minimal renovation. Want to become an Ortal dealer? Contact: (844) ORTAL-FIRE or circle reader service no. 106


ortal indoor outdoor Redefine flexibility with Ortal’s Indoor Outdoor line, emanating warmth and beauty from the interior and exterior of any space. Enjoy and make the most of the benefits of outdoor living with Ortal’s Cool Wall Technology: A television can be hung directly above the fireplace from indoors and out. Want to become an Ortal dealer? Contact: (844) ORTAL-FIRE or circle reader service no. 107

sunrisE mEtal shop

EcoFan mini

Sunrise Metal Shop (Topeka, Indiana), as of February 2018, has changed the name of its well-known grill, the Silver Bullet. Shooting for the sky, the company has renamed it the Silver Rocket. Sunrise Metal Shop is taking the outdoor-cooking world to new heights with its insulated, double-walled, 304 stainlesssteel grill and outdoor kitchens. Contact: (260) 463-4026.

The Ecofan Mini is an extension in the original Ecofan lineup of wood stove fans. Powered by the heat of the wood stove, the fan circulates warm air through the room quickly and efficiently. The Mini has been designed specifically for small spaces. Sitting at only 6.5 inches high, it can fit where other Ecofans can’t and is perfect for camp stoves, tiny homes, and other small spaces. Contact: (800) 567-3556 or circle reader service no. 109

circle reader service no. 108

circle reader service no. 71



496051 broil KinG pEllEt Grill A Wi-Fi and Bluetooth-enabled digital interface provides enhanced temperature control to smoke, roast or sear. This innovative pellet grill comes fully equipped with a powerful auger, 22-pound-capacity pellet hopper, two electronic meat probes, and stainless steel rotisserie kit. It is available in four model sizes. Contact: (800) 245-5138 or

now availablE: mEndota’s ml72 linEar FirEplacE Your customers have even more possibilities with Mendota’s newest and largest addition to its lineup of Décor Linear fireplaces. The ML72 goes above and beyond while striking the perfect balance of high style and high performance. This fireplace’s expansive width and eyecatching design ensure any room makes a statement. With a variety of decorative options, including several fronts, linings and fire bases, your customers can customize every inch of this impressive view. Contact: (800) 553-5422 or circle reader service no. 111

circle reader service no. 110

montiGo dElray Beautify your home at an entry level price point with Montigo’s newest linear fireplace specifically designed for affordability as well as beautiful flames inside a sleek and modern firebox. The DelRay was designed with ease of installation in mind with its slim 14 ¼” framing depth all within a stunning clean-face design. Adding features as well as converting to propane can all be performed in minutes with a simple conversion kit and easy access to the control board. Contact: (800) 378-3115, or circle reader service no. 112

biG GrEEn EGG EGGspandEr racK systEm When you are cooking several different foods at once, or when preparing meals for a crowd, the Big Green Egg EGGspander easily configures for multitier and multizone direct and indirect cooking. The rack also flips over for direct “Cowboy Style” steaks! Available now for the Large and XLarge EGGs. Contact: (770) 938-9394 or circle reader service no. 113

Xs40-mantElsurround Amantii’s newest line of birchwood mantel-surrounds made exclusively for the BI-40-XTRASLIM bring the beauty of genuine birchwood into any space. With four nature-inspired colors to choose from, you will find a mantel-surround that is perfect for any space in your home, business, or commercial setting. Contact: (877) 850-9458 or circle reader service no. 114


30-inch s-sEriEs Grill (modEl c2sl30 nG/lp -Fs) For added versatility, Coyote Outdoor Living has introduced a new compact luxury 30inch grill as part of the S-Series line. This grill features Coyote’s unique cooking system, including high performance Coyote Infinity Burners as well as ceramic briquette heat control grids for even heat distribution. There is a custom-shaped firebox to optimize heat flow and an independent spark ignition, along with 700 square inches of cooking area and up to 70,000 BTU of output. As with every S-Series grill, the 30-inch grill features complete 304 stainless steel construction, interior grill lighting and backlit control knobs. This model also comes with a rotisserie kit, smoker box and an integrated wind guard. Contact: (855) 520-1559 or circle reader service no. 115

bladE Modern sensibility meets ultramodern technology with the solar-powered Blade. Like its name implies, the Blade lantern is as edgy as it is beautiful. Made of a stunning mix of teak and steel, this contemporary light source has substantial blades that weather the elements brilliantly. At home both indoors and out, it blends clean lines and solid construction with soft, durable light. The Blade is available in three sizes and adds easy modern style to any space. The true definition of urban chic, it makes for a sleek fixture in any landscape design. Contact: (213) 745-8883 or circle reader service no.116

GlEnwood FirEpit dininG sunGlo psa265 The Sunglo model PSA265 is a permanently mounted gas infrared patio heater. It’s ideal for patios with limited space and access to natural gas. Its heat-coverage average is a 10-foot circle of quiet warmth. The Sunglo PSA265 heater can be manually operated, with no electrical connections needed; the PSA265E version offers a completely automated ignition system. Contact: (888) 317-5255 or circle reader service no. 117

Giving homeowners elevated, trending designs to create fabulous outdoor spaces is at the top of retailers’ priority lists. Apricity, by Agio, was created exclusively for specialty retailers to give them access to innovative new looks, flexibility and quality inspired by top industry designers. The Glenwood firepit dining group epitomizes Apricity’s offering with its show-stopping fire feature and a trending mix of traditional and bench seating. The unique combination creates a multifunctional space that’s sure to elevate sales. To get on board with new and exciting collections, discover the light and warmth that is Apricity. Contact: (888) 997-7623 or circle reader service no. 118

circle reader service no. 73


PRODUCT PROFILES clarity cl29 Gas FirEplacE insErt Blaze King introduces a new gas fireplace insert, the Clarity CL29. This 29,000 BTU insert features the unique Reflections burner and firebox system. The firebox is lined with a mix of black and mirrored glass to triple the visual effectiveness of the fire. Versatility allows you to use two different log sets, custom stainless steel firebox artwork, different firebox liners, etc. Performance is supplied by a 29,000 BTU burner, SIT standing pilot or IPI system, up to 64.5% FE efficiency, viewing area of 26 x 13 inches with a firebox that is 29 inches wide. Contact: (509) 522-2730 (USA); (250) 493-7444 (Canada) or


circle reader service no. 119

standard isoKErn sEriEs

EcoFan airmaX

Even the smallest model in the Standard Isokern series can make a huge impact. This 36-inch outdoor Standard Isokern with gray herringbone firebrick is a great example of just that, with its floor-toceiling natural stone and wood beam mantel. Whether you choose between wood-burning or gas-burning, indoor or outdoor, multisided or a custom firebrick interior, the Standard Fireplace series is guaranteed to raise your standard for housewarming. Contact: (800) 642-2920 or

This unique hearth accessory is designed to sit on top of your wood stove and circulate warm air through the room, quickly and efficiently – powered only by the heat of the wood stove. The Ecofan AirMax delivers unrivaled, proven performance with second-generation patented technology. Only original Caframo Ecofans offer 25 years of Canadian quality and innovation. Contact: (800) 567-3556 or circle reader service no. 121

circle reader service no. 120

vEnt-FrEE coal basKEt Hargrove’s new vent-free coal basket takes the beauty of the coal basket almost anywhere. It features hidden controls, a main-burner flame and glowing coals, and a 19-inch front width. It’s great for small fireplaces. Contact: (800) 725-4166 or circle reader service no. 122

portablE Gas Grill Coyote Outdoor Living is launching a new portable gas grill to fulfill a need in the industry for a highend compact product perfect for boaters, tailgaters, road trip enthusiasts and for those with small outdoor spaces. Made of superior quality 316 grade stainless steel, this portable gas grill also includes Coyote’s signature grate as an added enhancement. The product can be used with either a 20-pound propane tank or a small disposable propane tank and has up to 20,000 BTU of output. This model comes with an adapter for smaller tanks and a cover is also available. Contact: (855) 520-1559 or circle reader service no. 74


circle reader service no. 123

carmEl FirEpit chat Giving retailers trending, upscale outdoor options is at the heart the Apricity brand, Agio’s new specialty retailer lineup that includes elevated looks, on-trend styling and only the finest materials. The sleek and contemporary Carmel firepit chat group delivers a fresh new take on outdoor with its mid-century modern feel. Your customers will be drawn to its flair, geometric lines and elegant marble-topped firepit with lazy Susan cover for flexibility and added serving space. The look is undeniably on point and will draw new customers and new profits to your brand. Contact: (888) 997-7623 or circle reader service no. 124

linEar FirEplacEs by acadia hEarth Acadia Hearth’s linear fireplaces offer modern or traditional options. You decide. Do you love traditional wood logs? Are you ready to get contemporary with glass or rocks? Acadia has you covered. Pictured here is the AH6113LFP fireplace with a 5-inch Vintage Iron Sage front, Colorado Birch logs, and black liner. Visit Acadia at HPBExpo, booth #2311. Contact: (833) 222-3421 or circle reader service no. 125

bull slidE-in GriddlE platE Change the way you grill with the new Bull Slide-in Griddle. The rugged Chromium-plated stainless steel design comes complete with a large grease trough and enough room to cook up tacos, stir fry, or pancakes for the whole family. The Bull Griddle plate easily slides into any Bull grill by simply removing two sections of grill grates and dropping in the griddle. With the Bull Slide-in Griddle, you can make taco Tuesday, every day! Contact: (800) 521-2855 or circle reader service no. 126

EstatE sEriEs Welcome to the Estate series: stainless-steel elegance with the most natural fuel source available. The LG860C is fueled by 100% natural hardwood pellets, and it offers the most versatile cooking system on the market, the company says. With 860 square inches of cooking space, you can bake, grill, sear, char-grill, broil, smoke, barbecue, and roast to your heart’s content. The digital control center and meat probe work in tandem by regulating the internal cooking temperature of your food, and they automatically reduce the grill to a low smoke setting when the food is ready. You can also slide the plate and sear your food over an open flame: The standard flame broiler allows for either direct or indirect grilling. Enjoy pellet grilling at its finest with the LG Estate 860. Contact: (877) 303-3134 or circle reader service no. 127

circle reader service no. 75


PRODUCT PROFILES mai805-bss (blacK stainlEss stEEl island) Mont Alpi introduces the all-new, innovative black stainless steel island, constructed of 304 grade stainless steel. The unit features elegant granite-topped side cabinets, large roller ball drawers (soft shut), two cooking surface halogen lights and LED control knob lights, dual layer heatwave technology sear plates, 115,000 BTU heat output, and is natural gas and propane ready. It arrives fully assembled, providing customers with a stress-free installation of their beautiful outdoor kitchen. Contact: (949) 207-9595 or circle reader service no. 128

rushmorE FirEplacE Available in 36-inch and 40-inch models, the Rushmore Fireplace with TruFlame Technology features a dual burner that creates a lively fire, accented with your choice of two log set styles and large glowing ember bed. TruFlame Technology minimizes emissions while maximizing heat efficiency, resulting in the most realistic flames. The huge ceramic glass front allows heat to easily transfer into your living space and provides a clear view of the fire. Available through White Mountain Hearth dealers. Contact: (800) 851-3153 or circle reader service no. 129

absolutE blacK Absolute Black is a well-priced premium black granite fireplace facing from MLW Stone. Rich and luxurious, this durable material is available in the company’s three standard sizes. A strong and resilient surface makes it highly resistant to scratches. This ultra-polished granite lends itself to both contemporary and traditional styles. Contact: (800) 477-7665 or circle reader service no. 130

homE swEEt homE As Dagan, LLC settles into its new home in St. Louis, Missouri, it has published a new catalog featuring many new fireplace accessories. All of its beautiful offerings would make any home sweet home complete. This new log cabin design panel screen is constructed of black wrought iron and is 30.5 inches high by 39 inches long. With its adjustable back legs, this freestanding screen will sit flush up against your fireplace. Contact: (800) 654-5979 or circle reader service no. 131

circle reader service no. 76


nEw and improvEd bull prEmium Grill hEad covErs Keep your grill looking fabulous all year long with the new and improved Bull premium grill head covers. The new design is available in two sizes to fit most 30- and 38-inch grill heads. Made of super durable and weather resistant 300D black polyester with UV protection, these rugged grill covers come with a dual handle design for easy removal and an elastic control panel “Fit Zone.” The Bull premium grill head covers are built to resist water, stay in place in windy conditions, and protect your grill from harsh heat or freezing cold conditions. Contact: (800) 521-2855 or circle reader service no. 132

montiGo distinction sEriEs The Distinction offers both single-sided and see-through configurations and a full 36”, 48”, 63” or 72” of viewing space to perfectly suit your needs. The D Series also comes standard with a concealed burner, ceramic glass, circulating fans, multicolor LED uplighting and a convenient flame turndown. Now available with the Cool Wall Advantage, which delivers elegance and heat exactly where you want it by diverting heat away from the wall and keeping your television or artwork safe. Contact: (800) 3783115, or

canyon timbErs Hargrove’s Canyon Timbers is the newest addition to the Radiant Heat gas-log series. Canyon Timbers features a striking look, with deep bark texture and detailed char areas. Flames work through all areas of the log stack, making it resemble a roaring campfire. Canyon Timbers is available in 21- to 36-inch sizes. It offers a mature fire, with open viewing areas for its flames and ember bed. See-th rough models are available. Contact: (800) 725-4166 or circle reader service no. 135

now availablE: cool wall From mEndota Redistribute heat without sacrificing the quality you expect from Mendota. Cool Wall moves convection air up and away from surrounding walls—keeping the mantel and nearby areas cool. The vent duct can be placed above the fireplace on the front or side wall, dropping temperatures of surrounding areas while still delivering focused warmth. By keeping walls cooler, your customers have more flexibility to bring TVs and décor closer to their fireplace than ever before. Contact: (800) 553-5422 or circle reader service no. 136

circle reader service no. 133

cubE-2025wm Amantii presents the much-anticipated Cube-2025WM. The stylish Cube 3sided electric fireplace is truly innovative. The stunning flame presentation and unique media options can now be viewed from almost any angle through three sides of glass viewing area. Contact: (877) 850-9458 or circle reader service no. 134

circle reader service no. 77


PRODUCT PROFILES lGK24 cEramic Kamado charcoal Grill hEatilator: lEGacy The Legacy offers the first-ever gas fireplace without a glass front while enabling a horizontal termination. This design provides homebuyers what they are demanding: A large, traditional fireplace with robust flames, the convenience of remote start, and the flexibility to be installed anywhere. Additionally, it offers the ability to safely place a television just 12 inches above the fireplace without a mantel. Contact: (800) 927-6841 or

Perfect for large groups or entertaining, the LGK24 boasts 662 square inches of two-tiered stainless-steel cooking surface. The heavy-duty ceramic exterior is finished with a high-temperature glossy black coating and stainless-steel trim. The Louisiana Grills ceramic series comes complete with two fold-down bamboo shelves and heavy-duty swivel casters, as well as adjustable top and bottom dampers for superior temperature control. Fueled by premium hardwood lump charcoal, the LGK24 offers five-in-one cooking: Smoke, bake, sear, roast, or char-grill. Enjoy the freedom of choice—and the flavor of deliciousness—with your LG ceramic grill. Contact: (877) 303-3134 or circle reader service no. 139

circle reader service no. 137

princEss pi29 wood FirEplacE insErt Blaze King offers another new wood fireplace insert: The Princess PI29. This 2020-approved wood fireplace insert is the next generation Princess Insert. The new design keeps all the valued performance criteria of the Princess in a more refined form. Install versatility is achieved with a firebox that has a tapered flue and is only 25 ¾ inches wide x 23 3/8 inches high x 11 5/8 inches deep. The PI29 has a 2.54-cubic-foot firebox and average heating times of up to 16 hours. Thermostat controlled, no electricity required, 81.4% LHV efficiency (75.4 HHV). This unique burner system allows a consumer to save up to 33% on wood usage with controlled, even heat output. Contact: (509) 522-2730 (USA); (250) 493-7444 (Canada) or

bayport sEriEs The Bayport series by Kozy Heat offers new and upgraded screen fronts that allow for lower mantel clearances. Customers will love the contemporary glass design of the new Bayport 36-G—as well as the choice of birch or traditional logs. Contact: (800) 253-4904 or circle reader service no. 140

circle reader service no. 138

dirEctvEnt pro concEntric FlEX Concentric Flex can be used as a cost-effective alternative to 45-degree elbows when offsetting around an obstacle such as a stud, joist, or truss. It allows you to put the vent exactly where you need it, and in a hurry. Aside from speeding up installation, using this approach can also help to minimize the number of joints between pipe sections. Aside from a modest savings on parts, you will also save on installation time. Contact: (800) 835-4429 or circle reader service no. 141

hpc FirEpits oFFEr Full control throuGh smartphonE app With the touch of a smartphone, you can control On, Off, Flame Height and even set a Timer that will automatically turn the unit Off with the new Electronic Ignition Series. This gives the end-user the convenience of smartphone or tablet control with Bluetooth technology, as well as a diagnostics dashboard to maintain peak performance. Contact: (877) 433-7001 or circle reader service no. 142


circle reader service no. 79


ultimatE 5 Gas loGs The artistically created, ultradetailed Ultimate 5 gas logs from Eiklor Flames are made of high-heat (2,600-degree) ceramic refractory material and are heated by the company’s patented five-burner system, with unique stainless-steel components and heavy-duty iron grates, to give you an extraordinarily realistic, energy-efficient, toasty-warm fire. Sizes range from 18 to 36 inches. Contact: (888) 295-5647 or circle reader service no. 143

hpc coppEr bowl sEriEs This beautiful bowl comes fitted with a CSA-certified match lit (MLFPK) or remote electronic ignition (EI) firepit insert. Available in liquid propane or natural gas, these come in oil rubbed with either a hammered finish or a smooth finish, based on model. Pictured is the Tempe model with hammered finish. Contact: (877) 433-7001 or circle reader service no. 145

GoldEn blount vEntis dirEct vEnt Ventis Direct Vent is manufactured by Olympia Chimney Supply using Smooth-Weld Technology, which means you can hardly see the seams. Ventis Direct Vent can be powder coated in 10 different colors to aesthetically match a stove or home décor. Contact: (800) 569-1425 or circle reader service no. 144

Golden Blount has recently added two new models to its RLS-Rumsford log set series. These highly detailed sets come with 7 to 11 logs, in 24-, 30-, and 36-inch sizes. The RLS series is the perfect choice for tall masonry fireplaces or any fireplace that requires a big, impressive set of logs. Contact: (800) 833-1139 or circle reader service no. 146

sp2047 travErsE pEllEt stovE Now is the time to replace your old wood stove with the efficient SP2047 Traverse Pellet Stove. With a 35,000 BTU heat output, 47-pound hopper, 6-inch chimney, and patented combustion system, the Traverse Pellet Stove will keep you warm on the coldest days and nights. The non-electric stove features a gravity-fed pellet system. Contact: (833) 222-3421 or circle reader service no. 147

maKEovEr sEriEs Dramatically improve the appearance of older black wood fireplaces with unsightly louvers. Can also be used for masonry, electric, or gas fireplaces. Fast and easy to install with heavy duty magnets or bendable brackets. Available in a multitude of finishes. Contact: (866) 880-0900 or circle reader service no. 148


circle reader service no. 81


BeaCoN ColleCTioN By The ouTdoor GreaTroom CompaNy The Beacon gas firepit table collection is a beautiful new take on a classic style. With four different top options and three base options, this is a versatile collection for any outdoor space. Choose from chat height or dining height to perfectly suit your needs. The stunning 20-inch Crystal Fire Burner is UL Listed for safety. Contact: (866) 303-4028 or

Give your home the warmth and long-lasting beauty it deserves with the Firenado charred oak log set from the same people that brought you Blaze Grills. The product of a multistep handpainted process, the log set reflects the ultimate in detailing that truly sets it apart from the competition. Logs are cast from real wood and are made out of a refractory mix to withstand high heat. The logs come with a lifetime warranty. Contact: (866) 976-9510 or Circle reader Service No. 151

BroilmaSTer STaiNleSS Grill

Circle reader Service No. 149

Cararra This Twin Star Home Cararra wall mantel adds an elegant focal point to your home with real Carrara marble veneer surround and white finish. Featuring a 3D ClassicFlame infrared quartz electric fireplace that you can dress up with the magnetic metal fireplace screen, adding a beautiful geometric pattern. Contact: (866) 661-1218 or

The new Broilmaster stainless grill combines the distinctive features of an original Broilmaster with a sleek, contemporary design. Every Broilmaster stainless grill comes fully loaded with a variety of standard features, offering both convenience and versatility. Several optional accessories are offered to optimize your grilling experience. With the ability to roast, sear, smoke, grill, or bake, and numerous features for convenience, the Broilmaster stainless grill is a grill that meets all your needs. Contact: (800) 851-3153 or Circle reader Service No. 152

Circle reader Service No. 150

TradiTioN The classic lantern design, reinterpreted. Tradition balances a tall, slender silhouette with simple details such as a natural teak frame and rectangular windows. A stainless steel handle keeps it fresh and practical for everyday use. Crafted out of natural teak, this classic portable lantern comes in two sizes and features a smart solar module that’s interchangeable across the entire Les Jardins line. Producing 500 lumens of LED light and up to 200 hours of life per charge, it includes a motion sensor and dimming capabilities. Contact: (213) 745-8883 or Circle reader Service No. 153

maSTerBuilT ThermoTemp propaNe Smoker Bringing innovation to your backyard, patented technology makes Masterbuilt’s ThermoTemp Propane Smoker the only propane smoker on the market that maintains your desired temperature. Smoke your recipes with the convenience of a conventional oven— no more monitoring the temperature. Now you can focus on one thing—mastering the art of smoking. Contact: (800) 489-1581 or Circle reader Service No. 154


mombo Gas loG systEm

Faro Faro is one of MLW Stone’s most affordable stones. A strong and durable material, Faro has no natural fissures and features a classic polished finish. Consistent beige coloring makes it the perfect choice for any project. This stone is available in three standard sizes. Contact: (800) 477- 7665 or or

The Mombo gas log system by Eiklor Flames is an exclusive, patented, large two-burner technology for small and huge fully vented commercial and residential fireplaces or firepits—for indoor and outdoor use. Sizes range from 3 to 10 feet long. Contact: (888) 295-5647 or circle reader service no. 156

circle reader service no. 155

sunrisE mEtal shop Sunrise Metal Shop (Topeka, Indiana), as of February 2018, has changed the name of its well-known grill, the Silver Bullet. Shooting for the sky, the company has renamed it the Silver Rocket. Sunrise Metal Shop is taking the outdoor-cooking world to new heights with its insulated, double-walled, 304 stainless-steel grill and outdoor kitchens. Contact: (260) 463-4026. circle reader service no. 157

circle reader service no. 83



masF bEvEraGE cEntEr Finished with an elegant white granite counter surface, the Mont Alpi beverage center (either added to an island grill or used as a stand-alone unit) creates a beautiful focal point for your outdoor space. It comes standard with an outdoor-rated refrigerator with stylish lights and a sink. Impress your friends and offer them a beverage! Contact: (949) 207-9595 or

The Ventis Class-A All-Fuel Chimney System is manufactured by Olympia Chimney Supply and is constructed from stainless steel inner and outer wall pipe. Ventis Class-A is a UL Listed system and is the only Class-A system to feature a Forever Warranty. Contact: (800) 569-1425 or circle reader service no. 160

circle reader service no. 158

EssEntial sEriEs The Essential series is Ironhaus’ newest offering from Portland Willamette. The Essential series offers a modern and clean look that is pleasing to the eye. Laser cut and crafted out of 3/16-inch steel, these designs are simple, graceful, and affordable. Five design styles are available in cabinet, fullview, or bifold-door configuration. Contact: (406) 961-1800 or circle reader service no. 159

hiGhland Gas insErt by thE outdoor GrEatroom company This decorative direct vent gas fireplace insert will upgrade any living space and will fit a variety of existing fireplaces. Multiple flame, fan, and LED ember bed settings. Choose your look and finish with one of three decorative front surrounds. UL listed for ANSI Z21.50 Vented Gas Fireplaces. Contact: (866) 303-4028 or circle reader service no. 161

rEclaimEd wood mantEls These solid wood reclaimed beams are taken from barns in America’s heartland. No two are alike and each has its own unique character. They are available in two styles from Forshaw in 6-foot lengths, and they come prepared for easy installation. Why settle for factory-made mantels when you can have the real thing? Ships within five working days. Contact: (800) 367-7429 or circle reader service no. 162

summErsEt madEra sEriEs The all-new Madera series combines the modern elegance of high-end interior design with the rustic appeal of a natural, outdoor environment. Offering a chic new take on the traditional backyard aesthetic, the weather-resistant dry storage features 304 stainless steel and either teak, ipe, or a wood of your choice. Contact: (800) 966-8126 or circle reader service no. 163


san Francisco bay 72-inch powEr vEnt Gas FirEplacE The Regency City Series San Francisco Bay 72-inch Power Vent is the latest in the City Series line, providing even greater design flexibility for both residential and commercial users. Enjoy a clean, uninterrupted view of the fire throughout the room with this large multisided premium gas fireplace. With the ability for finishing materials to be placed to the edge of the fireplace, designers can create stunning fireplace features in homes and businesses. Contact: (800) 4427432 or

winston FurniturE

circle reader service no.164

New for 2019, Winston introduces Hampton, a transitional woven sectional designed with round legs and tapered arms configurable to fit any lifestyle. The Hampton offering is complete with accessory tables and a chat grouping that features its own firepit designed specifically for the collection. Hampton ships in 3-5 business days as part of Winston’s special-order cushion program. Contact: (205) 486-9211 or

sEE-vuE Gas FirEplacE The See-Vue gas fireplace is a dramatic new model designed by Woodbridge for indoor/outdoor applications. Being installed on an exterior wall, this contemporary gas fireplace seamlessly connects the outside and inside world and can be enjoyed from both sides. Available in 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-foot-wide versions. Contact: (844) 636-3473 or

circle reader service no. 166

circle reader service no. 165

circle reader service no. 85



rEGEncy contura ri50 wood FirEplacE Modern Scandinavian style comes to North America. The Regency Contura Ri50 offers clean, elegant lines and three generously sized glass viewing windows. Able to accommodate top or rear venting, the free-standing design makes it easy to add dynamic wood fire ambience to any room. Regency’s Contura Wood Fireplace was designed for modern tastes with a load-it-and-leave-it design that makes building and maintaining a wood fire easy. Contact: (800) 442-7432 or

bEllE islE cushion sEctional You asked, and Telescope Casual delivered. With the overwhelming success and growth of Belle Isle Cushion, creating this sectional was a no-brainer! The construction of the sectional will allow you to create any arrangement desired, while keeping the look clean and providing the same comfort and design everyone has grown accustomed to at a great price. Contact: (518) 642-1100, or circle reader service no. 170

circle reader service no. 167

summErsEt rEFriGEration Add professional gourmet versatility to your outdoor kitchen with one of Summerset’s full line of cold storage refrigeration. Bring indoor luxury and convenience to your outdoor space with any one of a wide variety of options to choose from. Contact: (800) 966-8126 or circle reader service no. 168

tEmpotEst Parà SpA introduces Bel Mondo, a new collection of its outdoor/indoor performance fabric, Tempotest. Italian for beautiful world, Bel Mondo is a collaboration from noted outdoor-fabric designers Karen Williams and Brenda SewellBost of the design company D2 and Filippo Uecher, creator of the Maria Flora line of performance fabrics. The collection, woven in Biella, Italy, has elements of Italian flair with a U.S. eye toward color. In this mix, stylish graphics and colorful, multilayered patterns coupled with bold, vibrant textures are featured in a color palette inspired by the beauty found in nature’s simple elements: sun-drenched hues, lush grasslands, cool waters, and rich earth tones provide perfect combinations of color—with no boundaries. Contact: (972) 512-3534 or .

nEw cEdar mantEls by FirEplacE Xtrordinair Cedar Mantels are the newest addition to Fireplace Xtrordinair’s Custom Shop Collection of non-combustible mantels. These cedar beams are constructed from fiber-reinforced cast concrete and each one is individually hand-painted to feature a unique, custom look. Cedar Mantels can be installed with any Fireplace Xtrordinair fireplace or insert. Available in 5’ and 6’ lengths. Contact: (800) 6541177 or circle reader service no. 171

circle reader service no. 169

campFirE Continuing the line of the outdoor round-burner systems, Woodbridge introduced a new 26-inch model, Campfire, featuring 100,000 BTU (liquid propane or natural gas), brushed 304 stainless steel construction, electronic ignition with on/off switch, and optional stainless enclosure. Contact: (844) 636-3473 or circle reader service no. 172


wood FirEd pEllEt smoKEr & Grill The new Twin Eagles Wood Fired Pellet Smoker & Grill combines the ultimate in performance and convenience, setting the standard for premium pellet grills with accurate and versatile temperatures from 140ºF to 725ºF. Smoke, bake, grill, sear and rotisserie cooking features deliver amazing results at the push of a button. Contact: (800) 789-2206 or circle reader service no. 173

lX2 cornEr Valor’s LX2 corner, part of Valor’s multisided LX2 series, offers radiant warmth, safety, aesthetics and performance. Standard with the LX2 series, Valor HeatShift provides the combination of radiant heat from the fireplace and HeatShift’s convective heat— all the while keeping your artwork, television and construction materials cooler. Contact: (800) 468-2567 or circle reader service no. 176

wEstlEy FrEEstandinG Gas stovE


The Westley is Enviro’s newest freestanding gas stove. Its European cast iron outer construction creates a traditional esthetic with modern accents. What really sets the Westley apart is its 180-degree viewing angle, giving plenty of exposure to the high definition log set and stainless steel burner. The Westley is available in both a painted black finish or antique bronze. Contact: (250) 652-6080 or circle reader service no. 174

As part of the 2019 Quick Ship Program, Winston introduces Soho, a contemporary, mixed media collection styled with tapered arms and legs. Soho deep seating includes accessory tables as well as square or rectangular firepits for use with chat groups. In addition, Soho offers dining and balcony sets in woven and sling. All Soho collections ship in three business days with the deep seating and chat shipping in five business days when ordered as part of the special-order cushion program. Contact: (205) 486-9211 or circle reader service no. 177

hamilton tv stand with ElEctric FirEplacE wEathErEd oaK vEnt-FrEE loG sEt The striking Weathered Oak vent-free log set from Golden Blount is the newest set to be added to the line of logs that use the company’s high-performance Omega burner system. The set features seven highly detailed weathered logs, and is available in 18-, 24-and 30-inch sizes. Contact: (800) 833-1139 or

Make friends and family feel like there’s nowhere they’d rather be than in front of this Hamilton TV stand with ClassicFlame PanoGlow electric fireplace. The three-sided glass display of this ClassicFlame electric fireplace offers a brilliant view of dancing 3D flame effects from anywhere in the room. Contact: (866) 661-1218 or circle reader service no. 178

circle reader service no. 175



tEmpotEst starscrEEn Tempotest USA has introduced a new screen fabric, StarScreen, that provides shade and privacy—and absorbs up to 97% of the heat caused by solar radiation— while allowing for the passage of light. The 11 designer colors add to the beauty of any structure and can be used indoors or outdoors. Made from recyclable PET solution-dyed yarns, the fabric is PVC free and fire retardant. It is fade resistant and is treated with Teflon for easy cleaning. Contact: (972) 512-3534 or

Expect the comfort of Valor’s unparalleled radiant gas warmth in this modern, Scandinavian-inspired design. The Madrona Modern’s clean lines easily replace an old wood stove offering up to 75% turndown, advanced sealed combustion and direct-vent technology—the best in efficiency and safety. Powder-coated cast iron and steel. Available with Black, Pewter and Almond White sides; and Traditional logs, Driftwood and Splitwood. Contact: (800) 468-2567 or circle reader service no. 181

circle reader service no. 179

EaGlE onE The new Twin Eagles Eagle One Super Premium gas grill builds on the company’s reputation of meticulous engineering, exceptional design, and unparalleled performance. Its striking appearance speaks to the most discerning designers. Bold, new illumination characteristics allow customers to manage and track temperature with accuracy and style. Available in 2019. Contact: (800) 789-2206 or circle reader service no. 180

tribEca slinG Tribeca sling is one of a kind. Simple yet full of unique features. The design showcases a new wrapped sling—creating the appearance of a floating effect while maintaining the clean modern lines of the frame. The armchairs stack densely for convenient storage. Tribeca is available in any of the powder-coated aluminum frame finishes and is available in 80-plus outdoor quality sling fabrics. Contact: (518) 642-1100, or circle reader service no. 182

864 trv 31K Gas FirEplacE by FirEplacE Xtrordinair The 864 TRV 31,000-BTU fireplace is perfect for anyone looking to display a big, beautiful fire that provides supplemental year-round heat to spaces up to 1,400 square feet. This top or rear vent (TRV) fireplace includes new features such as Ember-Glo ember bed lighting, adjustable overhead Accent Lights, the CoolSmart TV Wall option and your choice of stunning 10-piece Classic Oak or Birch log sets. Contact: (800) 654-1177 or circle reader service no. 183

aEi/GEnsun outdoor KitchEn AEI Corporation (Irvine, California) and Gensun (Rancho Cucamonga, California) are introducing the PGS Legacy/Gensun quick ship grill/island program. The PGS Legacy Newport (30-inch) and Pacifica (39-inch) grills are beautifully integrated into the all-aluminum Gensun designer islands with durable all cast aluminum tops. PGS grills feature the exclusive PGS Fuel Stop (patent pending) one-hour gas shut-off/timer. Contact: (949) 474-3070 or circle reader service no. 184


circle reader service no. 89


draGon FirE Grill With over 60 years of experience in the industry, Modern Home Products has designed their new 32- and 40-inch Dragon Fire Grills to outlast the rest. Each Dragon Fire Grill is constructed of commercial grade 304 stainless steel inside and out. Yes, inside and out! They are also backed by the most comprehensive lifetime warranty in the industry. Contact: (888) 647-4745 or

mEmphis wood FirE Grills Double-walled stainless-steel construction, ovengrade gaskets, and convection fans provide the ability to smoke, sear, roast, or bake with the superior flavor and moisture of wood-fire grilling. This award-winning grill makes any grilling novice into a gourmet chef at the touch of a button. Contact: (888) 883-2260 or circle reader service no. 187

circle reader service no. 185

c72 linEar Gas FirEplacE


The Enviro C72 Linear Gas Fireplace is the most visually impressive model in the C Series lineup. Its 72-inch visible width will be sure to turn heads. An assortment of burner media and liner choices allow the C72 to blend in with a wide variety of room designs. Contact: (250) 652-6080 or

Lovinflame’s tabletop fireplaces are an elegant accent to any décor and can be used both indoors and outdoors. The technology behind the flames is powered by a patented stainless steel wick and non-flammable, water-soluble, and non-toxic fuel, which minimizes emissions, flare-ups, and risks associated with fuel spills. Contact: (800) 474-5587 or

circle reader service no. 186

circle reader service no. 188

amErican FyrE dEsiGns’ FirEFall collEction American Fyre Designs’ Firefall collection features dancing flames against a cascading water backdrop highlighted with colorful LED lights. Available in both a large and small size, the large features an arched upper mantel and recessed side panels while the small has a flat top. Handcrafted from glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC), the firefalls come in a variety of heavy texture finishes and colors. Contact: (800) 332-3973 or circle reader service no. 189

sErEnE At the end of a busy day, cozy up to the new Serene by Marquis. With beautiful designer details and the highest quality craftsmanship, Serene combines pure comfort with a wow factor that comes from your choice of rocks and driftwood, decorative stones, cannonballs, or ember glass. Relax and unwind, the Serene way. Contact: (204) 632-1962 or circle reader service no. 190


circle reader service no. 91


lovinFlamE Lovinflame’s Ceramic Candles are powered by water-soluble fuel with patented stainless steel wicks to bring clean-burning and wind-resistant decorative flames that can be safely burned both indoors and outdoors. With a sleek design, these candles add elegance with a touch of innovation to redefine fire as ambience. Contact: (800) 474-5587 or

Transform your existing wood-burning fireplace into an updated focal point in any room with the new Capri from Marquis. With so many options to choose from, you’ll find the Capri is perfectly attuned to your décor vision. Available in two sizes and your choice of liner, driftwood or log sets, decorative stone, or five different colors of crushed glass media. Contact: (204) 632-1962 or

circle reader service no. 191

circle reader service no. 192


mEmphis Grills doors and drawErs Built with 304 stainless steel, this line of Memphis accessories provides beauty, durability, and convenience in your outdoor kitchen. The line includes two- to four-drawer stacks in 15- or 21-inch widths, as well as trash and built-in controller options. Lower drawers and access doors match the width of the Memphis built-in grill options. Contact: (888) 883-2260 or circle reader service no. 193

LAST WORD continued from page 66 are available, including lanterns, garden lights, planters, as well as torch and lamp posts. For example, the base in the Melo allows the lamp to extend up to 68 inches through three adjustable height settings. This enables it to be used along a path or as a floor lamp. One or more are also ideal for use on an outdoor table to provide a warm glow for an evening dinner. With its swinging handle and lightweight frame, the Bump solar lantern is perfect to provide light both indoors and out. It can transition from giving practical light for campers or outdoor adventurers to providing beautiful illumination for an elegant backyard gathering. The shell is made from the same durable plastic used in kayaks; it is the most affordable product in the company’s lineup. The Tinka, one of the first

introductions in the line, is a true utilitarian lantern that doesn’t forget style and substance. This portable light comes in a variety of teak finishes and features clean lines, a pivoting handle, and a slightly tapered base to ensure balance on a variety of outdoor surfaces. Consumers are also drawn to Les Jardins Solar Lighting because the system offers them a source of clean, renewable illumination. There is no increase in energy bills and because the units are portable, there is no hard wiring needed along with the expense of hiring an installer. A smart technology system memorizes user settings and adjusts energy usage on an as-needed basis. Since solar modules are interchangeable and replaceable, as new technology emerges, the modules can be replaced in the same frame, reducing waste sent to landfills.


In its furniture category, Les Jardins will be launching some new collections this year. Introduced in 2018, the Skaal collection is a big hit, offering a huge assortment of outdoor products including sofas, sunbeds, chaises, dining tables with extensions, and functional storage cabinets. “Skaal has been a best-seller, so we are creating several new teak collections that complement this Scandinavian-inspired design,” Raffenne says. T he new lines will have coordinating solar lighting collections. Les Jardins Solar Lighting is passionate about bringing its sustainable light options to the world. The company’s “Pass the Light” mission and social media campaign seeks to create opportunities for long- term global sustainability by distributing clean light to communities in need. Areas of focus include impoverished

and vulnerable places without electricity such as Asia and sub-Saharan Africa; women’s aid groups; medical humanitarian organizations; and wildlife conservation. In October 2018, Hurricane Michael, a Category 4 storm, devastated Mexico Beach, Florida. Its path ravaged the electrical infrastructure of the area. Partnering with Delivering Good, a humanitarian organization, Les Jardins Solar Lighting donated and delivered 114 portal solar modules and distributed them to affected families to provide much-needed light. The solar-powered lanterns were immediately useful during the power outage. “As a sustainable products company, we are committed to social responsibility every day,” Raffenne says. “Partnering with Delivering Good was an obvious choice for us.” For more information, visit

Big Products. Big Ideas. Only at North America’s Largest Indoor-Outdoor Lifestyle Event.

Everything’s Bigger in Texas... including the Opportunities at HPBExpo 2019 in Dallas. Get to HPBExpo 2019 to access the BIG developments in indoor-outdoor living. Exciting new brands and product launches on the show floor. A robust education program, including industry certifications, sponsored by Hearth & Home Technologies. Thousands of professionals eager to share insights and strike new deals. It will all be here waiting to be experienced. REGISTER TODAY at

EXHIBITION: March 14-16, 2019 • EDUCATION: March 13-15, 2019 Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center • Dallas, TX





2019 Expo xxpo po Education Education mS Sponsor ponsor Program




DIY DI Y Network Networ N etwor star, Mike Holmes will share his thoughts on housing housin and product trends, the importance of fireplaces in and how outdoor products enhance the in the the home, h homebuying homeebuying buying experience. Sponsored by Napoleon Products.

THURSDAY, MARCH 14 | 8:00AM – 9:15AM. THURSDAY Featured fireplace courtesy of Kozy Heat Fireplaces.

circle reader service no. 93

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Aei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(949) 474-3070 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Aei ..............................................................................................................88

Acadia Hearth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(833) 222-3421 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45

Acadia Hearth ........................................................................................75, 80

Agio, usA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(888) 997-7623 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Agio, usA ..............................................................................................73, 75

Amantii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(877) 850-9458 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25

Amantii ..................................................................................................72, 77

Big Green egg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(770) 938-9394 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56

American fyre designs (rH Peterson) ..............................................................90

Blaze King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(509) 522-2730 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49 Bradley smoker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(866) 508-7514 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79 Bull outdoor Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 521-2855 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 caframo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 567-3556 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 coyote outdoor living . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(855) 520-1559 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60

Big Green egg ........................................................................................70, 72 Blaze King ..............................................................................................74, 78 Bradley smoker ............................................................................................70 Broil King (onward Manufacturing) ............................................................70, 72 Broilmaster (empire comfort systems) ............................................................82 Bull outdoor Products..............................................................................75, 77

dansons, usA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(877) 303-3134 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47

coyote outdoor living ............................................................................72, 74

duravent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 835-4429 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48

dagan, llc (forshaw) ....................................................................................76

earthcore industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 642-2920 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36


eiklor flames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(888) 295-5647 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59

earthcore industries ................................................................................70, 74

empire comfort systems . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 851-3153 . . . . . . . . . . . .33

ecofan (caframo) ......................................................................................71, 74

enviro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(250) 652-6080 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

eiklor flames ..........................................................................................80, 83

foremost Groups/veranda classics . . .(973) 428-0400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91

enviro ....................................................................................................87, 90

forshaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 654-5979 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52

fire Magic (rH Peterson) ................................................................................68

Gensun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(866) 964-4468 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Golden Blount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 833-1139 . . . . . . . . . . . . .71, 73 HPBA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(703) 522-0086 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93 Hargrove Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 725-4166 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Hearth & Home technologies . . . . . . . .(888) 427-3973 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96

firenado ......................................................................................................82 foremost Groups/veranda classics ................................................................68 forshaw ......................................................................................................84 fireplace Xtrordinair (travis industries)........................................................86, 88 Gensun ..................................................................................................68, 70 Golden Blount ........................................................................................80, 87

Hearth Products controls . . . . . . . . . . . .(877) 433-7001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69

Hargrove Manufacturing ..........................................................................74, 77

ironhaus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(866) 880-0900 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63

Heatilator legacy (Hearth & Home technologies) ..............................................78

iMc/ las vegas Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(702) 599-3046 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

Heat & Glo (Hearth & Home technologies) ......................................................68

Kingsman fireplaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(204) 632-1962 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81

Hearth Products controls ........................................................................78, 80

Kozy Heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 253-4904 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

infrared dynamics (Aei) ..................................................................................73

les Jardins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(213) 745-8883 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67

ironhaus ......................................................................................................80

lovinflame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 474-5587 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Kingsman fireplaces ................................................................................90, 92

Masterbuilt/Kamado Joe . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 489-1581 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75, 77

Kozy Heat ..............................................................................................68, 78

Memphis Wood fire Grills . . . . . . . . . . .(888) 883-2260 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 Mendota Hearth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 553-5422 . . . . . . . . . . . . .3, 27 MlW stone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 477-7665 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 Modern Home Products . . . . . . . . . . . . .(888) 647-4745 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 Mont Alpi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(949) 207-9595 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

les Jardins ..............................................................................................73, 82 louisiana Grills (dansons) ........................................................................75, 78 lovinflame ..............................................................................................90, 92 Masterbuilt/Kamado Joe ..........................................................................68, 82 Memphis Wood fire Grills ........................................................................90, 92 Mendota Hearth......................................................................................72, 77

Montigo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 378-3115 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29

MlW stone ............................................................................................76, 83

olympia chimney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 569-1425 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65

Modern Home Products ................................................................................90

onward Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 245-5138 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 .

Mont Alpi ..............................................................................................76, 84

ortal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(844) ortAl-fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40

Montigo ................................................................................................72, 77

the outdoor Greatroom company . . .(866) 303-4028 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64

olympia chimney....................................................................................80, 84

regency fireplace Products . . . . . . . . . .(800) 442-7432 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20, 21

ortal ......................................................................................................70, 71

rH Peterson company . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 332-3973 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61

the outdoor Greatroom company ..........................................................82, 84

schott robax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(502) 657-4418 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89

Portland Willamette (ironhaus) ........................................................................84

summerset Professional Grills . . . . . . . .(800) 966-8126 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 sunrise Metal shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(260) 463-4026 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85 telescope casual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(518) 642-1100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 tempotest usA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(972) 512-3534 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 travis industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 654-1177 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55

regency fireplace Products ......................................................................85, 86 summerset Professional Grills ..................................................................84, 86 sunrise Metal shop ..................................................................................71, 83 telescope casual ....................................................................................86, 88 tempotest usA........................................................................................86, 88 twin eagles ............................................................................................87, 88

twin eagles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 789-2206 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37

twin star Home ...................................................................................... 82, 87 ..

twin star Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(866) 661-1218 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 .

valor fireplaces ......................................................................................87, 88

valor fireplaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 468-2567 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51

White Mountain Hearth (empire comfort systems) ............................................76

Winston furniture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(205) 486-9211 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53

Winston furniture ....................................................................................85, 87

Woodbridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(844) 636-3473 . . . . . . . . . . . . .95

Woodbridge ..........................................................................................85, 86

PAtio & HeArtH Products rePort (issN 1939-6929) is PuBlisHed BiMoNtHly By PeNiNsulA MediA, 21250 HAWtHorNe Blvd., suite 700, torrANce, cA 90503. us PostAGe PAid At leBANoN JuNctioN, Ky 40150. JANuAry/feBruAry, vol. 14, No. 1 © 2019 PeNiNsulA MediA. All riGHts reserved. No PArt of tHis PuBlicAtioN MAy Be reProduced iN ANy forM WitHout WritteN PerMissioN froM tHe PuBlisHer. PostMAster: seNd Address cHANGes to PeNiNsulA MediA, 21250 HAWtHorNe Blvd., suite 700, torrANce, cA 90503-5514, PAtioANdHeArtH@oMedA.coM, PHoNe: (847) 504-8466. WHile tHe PuBlisHers HAve MAde every effort to eNsure tHe AccurAcy of tHe MAteriAls PreseNted iN PAtio & HeArtH Products rePort, tHey Are Not resPoNsiBle for tHe correctNess of tHe iNforMAtioN ANd/or oPiNioNs eXPressed.


Circle Reader Service No. 95

Our passion is our people. Their passion is our product. I am blessed to work for a company that values education and continuous improvement. Selling, installing and servicing hearth products for homeowners and homebuilders is a constantly changing landscape that requires continuous learning. Whether it’s our

online classes on hearthED, or a live learning event, we offer our dealers and distributors the most opportunities to keep your team at the top of their game.

VP, Sales Enablement

96 • PATIO & HEARTH PRODUCTS REPORT | JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2019 ©2019 Hearth & Home Technologies | ADS-275

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