Patio & Hearth Products Report Jul/Aug 2010

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Give the people what they want. More and more homeowners are asking about green fireplaces. Lennox gives you an easy answer.

Burn Smart™ is a select group of hearth products from Lennox that give your customers options for practicing eco-responsible burning. Each product that bears this logo offers cleaner-burning, highly efficient operation with less impact on air quality. When you offer Burn Smart products, you can help put more green into our world—and back into your bottom line. For more information, call 1-800-9-LENNOX or visit

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contents JULY/AUGUST

2010 • VOLUME 5, NUMBER 4



features 8


The president of SBI–Stove Builder International expresses his viewpoint on the EPA’s New Source Performance Standards review. 14




For this season’s outdoor fabrics, safe colors are passé and bold colors are in vogue. 18


Exteriors in Austin, Texas, is a different type of specialty store that caters specifically to interior designers. 20


FiberBuilt’s new line includes a unique fiberglass umbrella base with wheels. 22


Outdoor Lifestyle has been successful by offering a diverse range of styles and finishes at attractive prices.


TUUCI’s products appeal to specialty retailers who want to offer customers something unique and functional. MY TURN – A GOOD EGG by KIMBERLY RODGERS


Kamado cooking is the fastest-growing segment of the grill market, and Big Green Egg continues to be the leader in this category. 42


departments 6


DESIGN Publisher’s Viewpoint and Editor’s Message




As part of Lennox Hearth Products, Security Chimneys International is credited with introducing many industry firsts.













Glen Raven is highly respected for its high-performance, high-fashion Sunbrella® fabric.

Family-owned Victory Furniture in Southern California has experienced many changes since its first store opened in 1945. ON THE COVER




The sleek, modern lines of Fuego’s grills appeal to upscale, forward-thinking consumers. 32



A passion for outdoor cooking has helped the owners of Everything Barbeque grow their business, even in a weak economy. 28


WITTUS: CONTEMPORARY DESIGNS WIN CUSTOMERS Wittus–Fire by Design has brought excitement to the contemporary-stove market with its diverse range of products.




Alpine Stove & Fireplace has one of the most impressive showrooms in Colorado. 24




Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010




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Get 2011 sales headed in the right direction As a world leader in outdoor furniture design and sales, nobody knows the terrain better than Agio®. That’s why our Agio Reserve® dealers continue, year after year, to look to us for stunning collections, superb sales support and a positive sense of direction. Come see why becoming an Agio Reserve retailer can point you in the direction of increased customer traffic, sales, turns and profit.

Life Begins Outdoors.

To become an Agio Retailer, call 888.997.7623 or contact us at M E R C H A N D I S E


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design T

here are two schools of thought in business. One says,“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”The other says, “If it ain’t broke, fix it.” Embracing both schools of thought, depending upon the situation, is the best course of action. Sometimes, doing nothing is the best plan of action. At other times, circumstances and situations dictate that changes and/or improvements need to be made, even when all is going well. It is certainly true that no business can afford to be stagnant and simply tread water—since in business, you’re moving either forward or backward—and I have always leaned toward embracing the business philosophy, “If it ain’t broke, fix it.” With this July/August issue of Patio & Hearth Products Report marking our four-year anniversary, instead of celebrating with a company party, I asked Cass Estes, our very talented and creative art director, to give our readers and advertisers a new design. We consistently receive numerous compliments for the overall look, layout, and design of P&HPR, and we enjoy being told (and are always very grateful to the many readers and advertisers who tell us) that P&HPR is the best-looking publication in the industry, rivaling many consumer magazines in terms of layout and design. Nonetheless, at P&HPR, we push ourselves and one another constantly to seek new and different ways to improve on our product and on the service that we extend to our readers and advertisers. Starting with our redesigned logo and continuing with all of the features and departments, this issue of P&HPR brings you a fresh, new, and innovative approach to the visual component of our publication. The features and departments have been redesigned to offer an even more eye-catching and appealing layout and format. The enlarged and repositioned photos update our pages in the same way that our readers


spruce up and bring new life to their showrooms. Even the headlines, type treatments, and article headings have been given a new and contemporary makeover. In addition, our editor, Carol Daus, has worked closely with Cass to come up with headlines, subheadings, and quotes that not only draw the reader into the article based on the text, but also consider how the text will complement the layout and design of the article. When we launched P&HPR in 2006, we knew and respected the fact that ours is a very visual industry. From the products that appear on the showroom floors of specialty stores, retailers, and dealers to vignettes and showroom displays, the visual serve the interest of all the specialty stores, retailimpact of what our industry brings ers, dealers, and manufacturers in the patio, to the consumer is of paramount hearth, barbecue/grill, outdoor-furniture, outdoorimportance to its success. kitchen, and outdoor-living industry. Some may You’ll notice that we have made say that our keen sense of attention to detail with our logo bolder and more daring, our logo is obsessive. We prefer to refer to it as Cass Estes reflecting the business mentality professionalism, with the pursuit of excellence and entrepreneurial spirit of our readers and advertis- being our top priority. ers. We very much enjoy being part of an industry that Every year, I tell myself that when we hit an anniveris composed mainly of small to medium-sized business- sary date, I will refrain from making the standard and trite es, with many companies headed by entrepreneurs statement,“It seems like just yesterday . . .”That being said, who decided to forego corporate life and strike out on thank you—our readers and advertisers—not only for their own. making it seem like just yesterday, but for allowing us the Our newly redesigned logo also reflects our commit- opportunity to be part of a growing, innovative, fun, and ment to serving, in every issue, the patio, hearth, out- professional industry. It’s been a great four years, and we door-furniture, barbecue/grill, outdoor-kitchen, and out- look forward to serving our readers and advertisers for door-living industry. While the name of our magazine many, many years to come. We hope you like the leads with the word patio, our new logo includes a cap- redesigned P&HPR! ital H for the word hearth. TONY RAMOS From the start, our intent was to deliver a high-quality PUBLISHER TRAMOS@PENINSULA-MEDIA.COM publication with stellar editorial content that would

from the editor


here’s something in the air here at Peninsula Media—something new and exciting.What I’m talking about is something that you’ve undoubtedly noticed if you’ve already thumbed through this issue. Patio & Hearth Products Report has taken on a fresh new look. From its bold new logo to its redesigned, contemporary layouts, P&HPR has been tweaked graphically to reflect what’s going on within our industry, as well as in the entire


world of fashion and design. After two years of dreary economic times, people are searching for something brighter and cheerier, whether it’s for their homes or their wardrobes. If you pick up a fashion or shelter magazine, you’ll see what I mean. Designers are enticing consumers with everything from colorful fabrics to fun designs and bold accessories. Gone are dreary neutrals and conservative styles. Designers are now pushing the envelope by playing with everything from chunky jewelry to platform shoes, retro styles, and rainbow-hued fabrics. Just as the fashion world has introduced fun and excitement for consumers, we felt compelled to create a clean, cheerful design for you, our readers. Our goal was to use specific graphic elements to create a wow experience, just as smart specialty retailers are using creative displays and design tips to make shopping a fun experience in their stores. Cass Estes, Peninsula Media’s talented art director, has worked feverishly to create a fresh design reflective of the industries that we serve. We

Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

are confident that you will like how she has evolved the look of P&HPR. Our timing for the first major redesign of the magazine is perfect, since it coincides with the celebration of our fourth anniversary. From its beginning, Peninsula Media has been a place where creativity is nurtured. Here, thinking outside of the box is applauded, and trying something new is just the way things are done. For example, most industry trade publications are fairly conservative when it comes to design and editorial content. Instead of following the pack and publishing a conventional-sized publication with stodgy industry reports, we chose to create a larger, tabloid-sized format that embraces the visual nature of our industry. Our editorial content is upbeat, featuring the movers and shakers in the industry, as well as the best products in the casualfurniture, barbecue/grill, hearth, and outdoor-living categories. Because we’ve taken this approach, our publication actually has a shelf life. Some retailers have even told us that they keep our magazine on display so

customers can refer to products and information. One store owner complimented us by saying that it is the industry’s coffee-table book, and that it’s too attractive to file away somewhere. It’s a privilege to be part of this exciting magazine and to have the opportunity to connect with so many talented and business-savvy retailers, as well as such forward-thinking manufacturers. Under the strong leadership, sound judgment, and clear vision of publisher Tony Ramos, P&HPR is guaranteed a bright future. We will continue to face many economic challenges in the short term, but I’m optimistic that all of us in this field will see better days ahead as consumers continue to embrace outdoorliving and hearth products that improve the quality of their lives. In the meantime, the team at Peninsula Media will continue to work hard to bring you an attractive, stimulating publication that is filled with practical information and inspiration. CAROL DAUS EDITOR CAROL@PENINSULA-MEDIA.COM



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EDITORIAL PUBLISHER This guest editorial contains the opinions and viewpoints of the author , not those of the Hear th, Patio & Barbecue Association.


Tony Ramos EDITOR Carol Daus ART DIRECTOR Cass Estes

Mar c-Antoine Ca


In April 2010, I collaborated with United States Stove Company (South Pittsburg, Tennessee) in writing a position paper on the EPA’s New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) review. After circulating the paper within the hearth industry and gathering feedback, we feel that we are very close to consensus. What we wrote might appear obvious to some readers, but it does not seem to be obvious to our colleagues at the EPA. I find it difficult to understand the EPA’s objectives. Its position clearly illustrates a lack of understanding of our industry’s real-world dynamics.The coming months will, therefore, be extremely important for us.The EPA is fortunate to have a partner like the Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association (HPBA) to work with it in making this NSPS review a success.We hope that, in the end, the EPA will listen to our industry’s common-sense approach. Of course, the NSPS review is a complex process. In presenting some of the key ideas from the position paper, I am omitting many other important issues. It is our strong desire (and stated intention) to work with the EPA to achieve standards that address economic concerns, energy needs, climate change, and air pollution. These are tough issues demanding reasonable compromise between the EPA and our industry.The final form for the new standards presents a major challenge to our industry’s concerned stakeholders.We support an industry-wide effort to develop a consensus-based approach to this complex, demanding test.

TESTING METHODS Our extensive in-house testing (coupled with many years of testing with independent labs) has conclusively shown great variability in results.This leads us to believe that uncertainty is too great for comfort with a passing grade that is significantly lower than the current Washington State standard. 8

Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

Inability to reproduce consistent results under identical protocols can be due to minimal changes in moisture content, environmental considerations, and ambient weather—or even how fuel moves during testing, including the natural shifting of logs. It is highly doubtful, therefore, that a stove emitting 2.5 grams of particulates per hour is technologically superior to one emitting 4.5 grams per hour. Such distinctions cannot be drawn due to combustion processes and to the nature of the products and the venting methods.Testing can show us examples of good and bad stoves, but it cannot further segregate units into categories of better and best appliances. Until the EPA can prove that a tested emissions level of 2 or 3 grams per hour is a true measure of relative technological superiority—and can lead to a substantial improvement in air quality—the passing grade should be set to 4.5 grams per hour and should stay there. There is a need for larger appliances with larger glass viewing areas, and for stoves able to burn longer lengths of cordwood.A test protocol that works for large fireboxes is needed.The larger the firebox, the more problems arise. Manufacturers should have the choice of having the minimum burn rate expressed as a percentage of the appliance’s high burn rate, with the cutoff set at 35%. While setting the minimum burn rate at 1.15 kilograms per hour does resolve a well-recognized flaw in the current EPA testing method, it does not solve the problem inherent in large-volume fireboxes. The use of a percentage of the high burn rate for such larger appliances is not only logical, but an unbiased and practical method of bringing flexibility to the standard. This option is already included in the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) B415.1 standard and will soon be included in the new ASTM wood-heater test method.

LONGER TRANSITION For all manufacturers to have a chance to qualify their products at 4.5 grams per hour within a reasonable time—without putting undue pressure on staffs, budgets, consultants, and certified labs—the Washington State requirements should go into effect no sooner than 2013. Should emissions be set lower than that, we suggest a phase-in period of a minimum of seven years, beginning in 2011. The Washington State limit would be the interim requirement for 2013–2017.Why do we insist on a longer transition? We estimate that 14 to 18 months of intensive, extensive research/development effort will be needed for each new firebox.At least four new fireboxes will be required for most small to medium-sized manufacturers to bring a complete line to market. It will, therefore, take five to six years of effort (with no guarantee of success) just to have those four fireboxes ready for manufacture. Knowledge obtained during each firebox’s development will shorten the time necessary for developing the next, but not enough to affect the time estimate overall. The financial constraints faced by all manufacturers continued on page 80

ASSOCIATE EDITOR Kris Kyes STAFF WRITERS Kimberly Rodgers Sharon Sanders Cheryl Dangel Cullen CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Paul Piwowar BUSINESS MANAGER Susan Razetto CEO & PRESIDENT Tony Ramos

Corporate Office Peninsula Media 21250 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 700 Torrance, CA 90503 (310) 792-7448 Fax (310) 792-7449

Tony Ramos Peninsula Media 21250 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 700 Torrance, CA 90503 (310) 792-7448 (310) 792-7449/Fax (310) 968-3962/Cell

SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES: Patio & Hearth Products Report PO Box 2190 Skokie, IL 60076-7890 Subscribe online: Email: Phone: (847) 763-9261



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Net sales................................................$5,000,000 Gross profit (32% of sales)........................................$1,600,000 Selling, general, and administrative expenses (20% of sales)........................................$1,000,000 Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization ............................................$600,000 Interest expense ........................................$70,000 Depreciation and amortization ................$125,000 Earnings before income taxes (8.1% of sales)..........................................$405,000 Income taxes ............................................$141,750 Net earnings (5.3% of sales) ........................................$263,250

Figure 1: Financial statement for a typical hearth manufacturer

The sheer preponderance of categories under new NSPS scrutiny has manufacturers disturbed. Figures 1–3 state the financial realities of a typical hearth manufacturer, including a research/development budget for NSPS. Because our industry has limited sources of independent data, we turned to the HPBA for consultation. HPBA members are assessed dues based on specific annual sales ranges. Of hearth-only members, slightly more than 50% reported sales of $1 million to $5 million for 2009. Conservatively, we therefore propose $5 million as the representative sales figure for a typical hearth manufacturer. Figure 1 shows that a typical, healthy hearth manufacturer can generate a positive cash flow of $188,250 per year. Assuming that 100% of this discretionary cash is invested in research/development to lower the emissions levels of four new fireboxes to less than 4.5 grams per hour—and assuming that research/development expenses will top $1,360,000 (Figure 2)—a typical hearth manufacturer will require a phase-in time of 7.2 years just to have enough cash to survive the NSPS review for one appliance category.

THE TESTING LOGJAM Salaries ....................................................$850,000 Lab equipment ..........................................$50,000 Prototypes ..................................................$25,000 Test fuel ......................................................$30,000 Testing services ........................................$100,000 Consultants ..............................................$160,000 Retooling ..................................................$120,000 Marketing ..................................................$25,000 Total ......................................................$1,360,000

Figure 2: Typical research/development budget for compliance with New Source Performance Standards

Net earnings ............................................$263,250 Add: Depreciation and amortization ................$125,000 Deduct: Normal capital expenditures....................$100,000 Minimum long-term debt repayments ..............................................$100,000 Net cash available ....................................$188,250 Research/development costs (Figure 2)................................................$1,360,000 Years needed to absorb costs ............................7.2

Figure 3: Phase-in time required will also pose major impediments for most. Many manufacturers have multiple categories facing regulation; this will greatly exacerbate problems on all fronts, including how we address the market in the interim, financial wherewithal, adequate personnel, and profitability. Without reasonable expectations of an acceptable return on investment, some manufacturers literally face extinction. 80

Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

We anticipate a bottleneck at the accredited testing labs. A limited number of labs perform EPA emissions testing. Even if their number doubles or triples, it will take time for them to achieve accreditation. If there is a huge wave of certification requests within, for example, a two-year period, timely testing would be impossible. All of us (including labs, manufacturers and their agents, distributors, dealers, consumers, and taxpayers) would be adversely affected. Our conservative estimate is that new-certification requests will exceed 500 in a three-year period. Added lab time will be needed for safety testing, since all these new fireboxes must be certified. Even attention to new or revised owners’ manuals will require additional lab time. Can accredited labs accommodate this volume and still offer services of acceptable quality? We are dubious. Central systems present a totally different emissions challenge due to their larger fireboxes and other considerations, but vast emissions reduction has been shown to be possible.The current CSA-B415.1 limit (0.4 grams per megajoule of heat delivered) should be the standard for testing, reflecting the very early stage of regulation of these appliances (which, in many cases, use both wood and pelletized fuel). We contend that these appliances should be presented as indoor central systems.Testing should only be done with a readily available cordwood species. The minimum burn rate should be expressed as a percentage of the appliance’s nominal output, with a cutoff at 35%. Looking to Europe for the best demonstrated technology (BDT) is totally inappropriate, as the European Union uses a completely different testing protocol. For instance, Europe does not impose any requirement for minimum burn rate. Europe is not concerned with duct temperatures either, as European systems do not have ductwork. For domestic warm-air furnaces sold in North America, however, duct temperatures greatly affect product design by limiting the nominal heat output that an appliance might reach.

FOSTERING RESEARCH/DEVELOPMENT Pellet appliances offer other challenges.They

should be regulated, initially, at 4.5 grams per hour. Otherwise, a much longer phase-in period will be necessary—and should be allowed.Though it is accepted that pellet appliances generally burn more cleanly than wood-burning appliances do, our BDT has been attainable only using exceptionally clean, uniform sawdust pellets. Other pelletized fuels are, of course, being used. This is understandable, considering recent shortages of sawdust pellets. Should the housing and furniture markets not recover significantly, there might be future shortages of excellent sawdust, necessitating the use of other existing and future types of pellets. In fact, the pelletized-biomass segment of the market is evolving rapidly. At this critical juncture, do we really want to rule out such future fuels as pellets made from switchgrass, paper, algae, or peat moss? We think not; flexibility in the standard would (and should) allow experimentation with biomass products. A too-rigid regulatory structure, and the associated costs, will prevent manufacturers from thinking that these future fuels are worth a try. Biomass—whether from forests, industrial waste, agricultural products/waste, or future fuels—is a renewable energy resource and a reasonable alternative to fossil fuels (which contribute to climate change). Biomass is usually carbon neutral.The emissions standard should be flexible enough to allow research/development using all types of biomass to foster innovation and establish BDT. As with wood heaters, BDT must be set by considering many factors, including engineering feasibility, costs, the precision of the compliance method, and the effective date of the regulation (a major determinant of cost). We stress innovation; with overly rigorous regulations, it is repressed, but well-conceived regulations and appropriately timed implementation promote free innovation.

RETAIL SUPPORT Having a network of competent retailers is a key to maintaining a healthy, progressive industry, and it is essential to helping consumers replace noncertified units with improved products. If half or more of current manufacturers exit the industry due to overly aggressive regulations, so will dealers. Not only will jobs be lost, but the pace at which old stoves are replaced will be greatly slowed. The hearth industry must be given time to lower emissions slowly but surely, and it must be allowed to remain a source of diversification in energy resources. Our industry can play a key role in reducing dependence on fossil fuels. Oil prices are (perhaps temporarily) low, but it takes little imagination to envision the probable cost impact of the Deepwater Horizon disaster and the drilling regulations that are sure to follow. Adoption of reasonable regulations (such as the Washington State and CSA-B415.1 standards) and judicious phase-in schedules will enable our industry to clean up its act without abandoning the business. We can then expect a dramatically more pleasant scene in 10 to 15 years, at the next possible regulatory review. By that time, our technology will have developed to allow—as it cannot always today—appliances that are both cleaner burning and more efficient. Marc-Antoine Cantin is president of SBI–Stove Builder International (St-Augustin-de-Desmaures, Quebec) and is chair of the Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association.


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TUUCI CEO Named One of Top 50 Entrepreneurs in South Florida Dougan Clarke, founder and CEO of shade specialty company TUUCI (Miami, Florida), has been named one of the Top 50 Entrepreneurs for the South Florida region by Business Leader Media, publisher of Business Leader magazine’s South Florida edition. For the past two years, Business Leader Media has recognized outstanding entrepreneurs in South Florida. A team of research editors and judges reviewed more than 1,000 nominations to select, for the 2010 honors, 50 leaders who have made a significant impact on the regional community. This year’s nomination and recognition were the first for Clarke. Dougan Clarke

Napoleon Fireplaces Introduces New Fireplace Design Studio iPhone App In a hearth industry first, Napoleon Fireplaces has introduced an app for the iPhone and iPod touch that allows users to create the look of a fireplace, stove, or insert from their phones. This is a powerful, easy-to-use configuration app that features Napoleon hearth products, together with all of the designer accessories and options available. “We were determined to be the first hearth manufacturer with an app like this,” David Coulson, national advertising manager for Napoleon Fireplaces, explains. “Smart-phone apps are a social trend that cannot be ignored and one that reaches consumers in a nontraditional way.” The app is designed for use by homeowners, designers, builders, and architects—to give them mobility to share ideas and create custom looks easily. Homeowners can configure their own fireplace designs and share them on Facebook. Dealers can go to their customers’ homes or offices to design the fireplaces of their dreams. Designers can bring conceptual ideas to life for customers, right from their first meeting. Architects have CAD drawings, installation manuals, and line drawings right at their fingertips. Users can keep the default room set or use their own room image and build a fireplace for it. The app is conveniently integrated with the 10

Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

Napoleon Dealer Network, so the nearest fireplace expert is easy to find. “Our goal was simple—make it easier for consumers to see all the options they have and how those choices look together,” Coulson says. “This app has made creating the right look easy and fun, and has put it all in the palm of one’s hand— and best of all, it’s free.” The new Fireplace Design Studio iPhone app is available now for free download on iTunes, or visit for more information.

New Appointments Announced by Ebel Ebel Inc. is pleased to announce that Mark Bottemiller has joined the company as national sales manager. Bottemiller comes to Ebel with over 15 years of industry experience in retail, sales, and manufacturing, most notably with Homecrest Industries. Kristy Bickings has been promoted to the position of operations director and will be focus-

Hearth Industry Mourns the Loss of Pat Magnotti The Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association (HPBA) is saddened to report the death of William J. “Pat” Magnotti on July 5 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, at the age of 69. In 1980, Magnotti was the first Pat Magnotti president (along with Mick Maier) of the Wood Heating Alliance, the founding organization of the HPBA. Magnotti opened the first of four retail stores, The Fireplace & Patioplace, in 1968, in his hometown of Pittsburgh. Prior to his start in the fireplace business, he worked in Magnotti & Son, a marble and stone business founded by his father in 1950 and now run by Magnotti’s oldest son, Bill. With his wife, Marilyn, Magnotti built The Fireplace & Patioplace into one of the leading retail stores in the hearth industry. Today, their son, Stephen; their daughter, Marci Buckiso; and her husband, Mike Buckiso, run the operation. Pat Magnotti

retired from his retail business in 2000, but did not retire from the hearth industry. He served on many association committees after his presidency, including serving as chair of the Expo Committee in 1996. He was instrumental in setting up HearthMasters, a social organization to help those who have had long careers in the hearth, patio, and barbecue industries stay in touch. Until his death, Magnotti served on the steering committee of HearthMasters, and he organized the hearth wall at the 2010 HPBExpo in Orlando, Florida. He unselfishly gave time and counsel to HPBA and attended HPBExpo in March, along with his children and several grandchildren. Magnotti’s son Stephen has followed in his father’s footsteps; he was HPBA chair in 2007 and is currently the Expo Committee chair. Magnotti loved his business and his industry family, but his three children and eight grandchildren were his ultimate pride and joy. His face lit up and his eyes sparkled when he told you about a grandchild’s latest sports accomplishment. He will be missed tremendously by everyone who knew him.



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ing on the development and implementation of new procedures, with the goal of further improving the efficiencies of the company. In addition, Linda Aurandt has been promoted to the position of customer-service manager. Over the past three years with Ebel, Aurandt has proven herself to be a knowledgeable and dedicated professional. Anne Ebel, president of Ebel Inc., says, “I am very excited about all of the changes and am looking forward to a great 2011 season.”

Lennox Hearth Products Announces Newly Hired and Promoted Staff Members Lennox Hearth Products (LHP) is pleased to announce several hirings and promotions: Bill McCoy has joined the LHP leadership team as director of human resources. McCoy most recently served as senior human-resources director at American Commercial Lines. He is a certified Six Sigma™ yellow belt and has extensive experience in labor-contract negotiations, talent development, and Greg Burleson Bill McCoy change management. Greg Burleson has accepted the position of North American sales manager for residential new construction at LHP. Formerly vice president of product management at Masco Contractor Services, Burleson has spent his career in the residential-construction industry in various capacities and is a licensed builder in Florida. Bill Wetzel, the newly appointed product manager of fireplace systems, will be responsible for leading cross-functional teams to develop strategic direction for current and future products, while defining process leadership and execution of each product throughout its lifespan. Formerly marketing manager for DESA Power Tools, Wetzel has an extensive background in driving new-product development activities and launches. Bill Wetzel

Gloster Names Reps of the Year Eric Parsons, Charlie Hesson and Gloster president, Mathew Monserez were says, “These men honored as Gloster’s exemplify salesSales Reps of the Year manship.” More during the Gloster important, he adds, Advanced Learning particularly in a Academy (GALA), held fragile economy, is June 17–18, 2010, at the the fact that they company’s South have found ways to David Meeks (left), director of contract Boston, Virginia, headsales for Gloster, with Mathew Monserez have a positive quarters. The two impact on the busiwere recognized for ness “and develop their outstanding cuscustomers with tomer service and extraordinary servsalesmanship. ice and attention to “Gloster has an detail. While Gloster extremely talented is proud to say group of sales reps, these things about which makes getting our entire sales this award a huge force, these guys Charlie Hesson (left) with Eric Parsons, honor,” Hesson says. have really stood president of Gloster He has represented out from the rest.” Gloster in the retail secfor 10 years. “The GALA is an annual tor since 2003.“My dealGloster contract/hospiGloster event. Sales reper base and the people at tality offering remains resentatives from across Gloster I work with the standard for quality the United States and every day are the ones custom outdoor furnish- Canada visit the U.S. who make getting this ings,” Monserez says. “I’d headquarters to preaward possible,” he says. especially like to recogview new products for Mathew Monserez, nize my business partthe upcoming season Rep of the Year for the ner, Bart Stitzel, as he and discuss sales stratecontract sales division, was just as important to gies and goals for the has represented Gloster our Gloster sales.” next year.

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July/August 2010 Patio & Hearth Products Report





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Cathy Scott has accepted the position of marketing services manager for LHP. She will work in tandem with the marketing team and outside agencies to implement advertising, merchandising, and promotion- Cathy Scott al materials and activities for both the retail and residential new-construction channels. Scott’s professional background includes expertise in visual merchandising, event production, and trade-show marketing. Amy Grella has been promoted to the position of director of product development for LHP. In this role, she will work closely with customers, marketing, and engineering to define and execute a multiyear product roadmap from product concept to market Amy Grella launch. Grella’s Six Sigma black-belt certification, deep manufacturing experience, and customer focus will enhance process implementation and streamline product development. Joe Benedetti has been promoted to the position of manager of fireplace engineering. In his new role, he will be responsible for the design and development of new fireplaces in Nashville, Tennessee, as well as for sustaining and improving existing products currently manufactured in Union City. Benedetti has relocated to Nashville from LHP’s manufacturing facility in Joe Benedetti Auburn, Washington, where he held the position of research/development-team leader and, most recently, senior retail product-development manager. Michael Lewis has been promoted to the role of product manager for stoves and inserts. Lewis has been with LHP for two years, and he transitions from the research/development team in Auburn. Prior to joining LHP, Lewis served in a variety of retail-focused industries, including advertising and Michael Lewis apparel. This role will leverage his many strengths as the company works to develop the next generation of stove and insert products.

Gloster’s Axis Earns Red Dot Award The Axis collection by Gloster Furniture earned the respected Red Dot Award for innovative product design from the Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen at the annual awards presentation in Essen, Germany, in July 2010. This year, designers and companies from 57 nations, with a total of 4,252 products, took part in the Red Dot Awards for product design. Mark Gabbertas, a Londonbased design expert and one of the competition’s judges, says, “Axis represents a new design aesthetic for outdoor furniture, but also meets the specific and extreme constructional demands of this typology, including the ability to be flat packed. The design of the lead item, the dining chair, is based on a trapezoid, and this slender frame section is achievable as the result of the natural strength of this structure. This is balanced by the considered use of a generous solid-teak section for the back and seat, which conveys comfort, strength, solidarity, and quality.” According to design expert Peter Zec, initiator of the Red Dot Award, “All products that won a

Axis dining table

Red Dot Award had to convince an international expert jury of their quality. The products stand out from the masses with their excellent design and innovative approaches, and proved their quality in one of the toughest design competitions worldwide.” Gloster’s Axis, along with the other award-winning products, will be displayed in the Red Dot Design Museum’s permanent exhibition in Essen for at least one year. With approximately 1,500 products displayed in nearly 45,000 square feet of exhibition space, the museum houses the world’s largest permanent exhibition of contemporary design.



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California-based Retailer Adds Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet Products to Offerings

Vanity Fair Praises Big Green Egg and Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet

Homeowners and designers in Oakland, California, now have local access to Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet™ highend outdoorkitchen equipment at Jack London Kitchen and Bath Gallery (at 2500 Embarcadero St., Artisan Fire pizza oven Unit F). Jack London recently joined the company’s exclusive group of showrooms displaying Kalamazoo products. Don Sivesind, vice president of sales for Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet, says, “We are very excited to be working with Jack London Kitchen and Bath Gallery. It is a top resource for homeowners and design professionals in the Bay Area.” On display at the gallery is a complete Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet outdoor kitchen. It features some of Kalamazoo’s latest products, including the Hybrid Fire grill, which cooks with wood, charcoal, and gas, all at the same time; the Outdoor Artisan pizza oven; weathertight cabinetry with exclusive rain gutter engineering that actually channels water away from cabinet interiors; and under-counter forced-air refrigeration appliances. Jack London’s display exhibits all of the best practices found in exceptional outdoor kitchens and will serve as an inspiration to homeowners and designers alike.

The August issue of Vanity Fair singles out the Big Green Egg XL EGG and the Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet K900HS hybrid freestanding grill as exceptional barbecue products in an article entitled, “Where There’s Smoke, There’s Great BBQ.” The writer recommends a wide range of products (including barbecue sauces, wood chips, cookbooks, and grilling equipment) for outdoor chefs.

Finalists Selected for 2010 Apollo Awards The International Casual Furnishings Association (ICFA) has announced the finalists for the 2010 Apollo Awards. The program recognizes retail excellence in the sales and marketing of outdoor furnishings. Finalists must demonstrate outstanding accomplishments and commitment to customer service. ICFA members will vote (via online ballot) for a winner in each category later this summer. Finalists will be honored and winners will be announced at a gala awards banquet September 23, 2010, during the Chicago International Casual Furniture & Accessories Market™. ICFA and Merchandise Mart Properties, Inc., are cosponsors of the event, which will be held at Chicago’s Field Museum. Finalists in the 2010 competition, in the singlestore category, are Fruehauf’s Patio and Garden, Boulder, Colorado; Kolo Collection, Atlanta, Georgia; Leisure Living, Salt Lake City, Utah;

Outdoor Elegance, LaVerne, California; and Sunnyland Furniture, Dallas, Texas. In the multistore category, finalists are Carls Patio, Boca Raton, Florida; Greenhouse Mall, Austin, Texas; Patios Plus, Rancho Mirage, California; Seasons Leisure Inc. (dba Pool Patio & More), Atherton, California; and Yard Art Patio & Fireplace, Irving, Texas.

Lifetime Achievement Award Winners Announced The International Casual Furnishings Association has named Larry Shaw and Ron Ball recipients Larry Shaw of the 2010 Lifetime Achievement Awards. The two will be honored at the casual-furniture industry’s annual awards gala, to be held on Thursday, September 23, at the Field Museum, during the Chicago International Casual Ron Ball Furniture & Accessories Market™. The prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award is reserved for individuals who have made exemplary contributions to the casualfurniture industry and to their individual communities. Larry Shaw (1928–2009) was cofounder, with William Lyon, of the Lyon-Shaw wrought-iron Continued on page 81

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bold colors rule

This patio setting features Sunbrella salt sailcloth for the furnitur e cushions. Throw pillows are covered in Winstead sunset stripe, Jafar sorbet r eversible frame pattern, and luminous terracotta solid.

Customers are favoring

fabrics with strong colors and patterns to brighten

their outdoor-living areas. by CHERYL DANGEL CULLEN


Traditionally, a dismal economy translates into cautious color palettes in every consumer product. Outdoor fabrics usually mirror this trend, but this year, it appears that safe colors are passé; bold colors are in fashion. “Typically, people play it safe and go with neutrals,” Natalie Scott says. Scott, vice president of sales and marketing for Outdura® Casual Furniture, Shuford Mills (Hudson, North Carolina), is quick to add that today’s marketplace is different. “They are buying colors. People are not afraid of color,” she reports. Gina B. Wicker, design and creative director for Glen Raven, Inc. (Glen Raven, North Carolina), the maker of Sunbrella®, agrees. She says, “I don’t think people are totally playing it safe, although I do think they are using easy-to-live-with fabrics for their foundation pieces; they are definitely having fun with color on accent chairs, decorative pillows, and throws.” According to Luis Hernandez, director of sales and marketing for Richloom Fabrics Group/Solarium® Division (New York, New York), “There is still a safety factor with color when it comes to furniture seating; however, in the cushion and decorative-pillow areas, it is all about color: bright, fun, and playful—and transitional and contemporary, with respect to design.” That could be one indication that the economy is improving. Irwin Gasner says, “There is no question that we’re seeing the tide rise. It isn’t back to where it was, but it is better than it was six months ago.” Gasner, president of Wearbest Sil-Tex Mills Ltd. (New York, New York),

Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

Outdura Casual Furniture offers fabric through its distributors (as cut yar dage) or directly, by the piece, from Shuford Mills. This fabric card, featuring all 165 fabric options, is the first issued by the company .

says that while customers are still relying on neutral or plainer fabrics for awnings, they are turning to fancy fabrics for pillows and other accessories. “It is gratifying to note that with the improving economy, there are those brave ones who are using interesting jacquards for the body of the furniture. That is compelling for us because, as a jacquard mill, we love to do creative, inspirational design work,” he says. Scott agrees that patterns, particularly jacquards, are an emerging trend. She says, “A big focus for us (which has been popular) has been Cayenne, a new tonal jacquard warp. There has been a big trend toward ikat



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New fabrics offered by Richloom Fabrics Group/Solarium Division feature bright colors, playful patterns, and contemporary designs.

patterns, and we’ve taken the ikat trend and introduced it with our new colors.” WHITE-HOT COLORS One mainstay, regardless of the number of colors from which to choose, is white. “White, white, white: It seems that consumers are finally warming up to white and other light neutrals,” Wicker notes, suggesting that this trend has to do with consumers’ greater understanding of how stain resistant and cleanable Sunbrella fabrics are. “White presents the perfect canvas for fashion-conscious consumers to showcase their own personal decorating style. They can use punchy colors in the spring; use rich, saturated accents for summer; and tone down to earth tones as fall approaches,” she says. The colors that will be popular, going forward, are changing, many experts agree. Neutrals are moving from warm tones to the cooler tones of grays (in all shades) and cooler versions of midtone neutrals like taupe. Wicker says, “Pairing these cool colors with warm wheats and yellows, as well as oranges and rusts, has made them more livable.” Scott agrees. She says, “We’re seeing gray as coming on as a strong neutral color. Another color that is doing well for us is a pretty yellow that we’re calling canary.” Black is out of fashion,Wicker adds. It has been “pushed aside by charcoal gray, navy, and even very dark browns,” she says. “This trend started with women’s apparel and has now trickled into the home-furnishings arena.” In other hues, Gasner is seeing “bright, beautiful, sunny shades of green and orange, as well as the taupes and neutrals. People are definitely stepping out and looking for color and inspiration. We are continuing to do new and inspirational colors that the market will be seeing over the next six months. We’re pushing the envelope in design and color,” he says. DURABLY ATTRACTIVE With the emergence of white—and with other light colors gaining popularity—durability and cleanability have never been more important. Fortunately, the durability of outdoor fabrics improves almost daily, with “the fabric industry leaning more to performancebased fabrics with longer ultraviolet (UV) hours, sustainability, and mold- and mildew-resistant factors,” Hernandez says. Wicker advises, “Cleanability, UV resistance, and strength retention are all key attributes that dealers should look for; a fabric that stays true to color—but stains easily or tears easily due to strength lost from weathering—isn’t really what you want.” Gasner notes that Wearbest’s Bella-Dura™ fabric is a leader in durability and environmental friendliness. “We built these characteristics into the fiber. Once it is in the fiber, it is in the fabric. It is a truly green fabric; it is not just green because we say it is,” he reports, adding that it has been the only product to receive the EarthMinded Award from the American Society of Interior Designers. Bella-Dura fabrics, Gasner reports, boast a minimum of 1,500 lightfast hours, are bleach cleanable, withstand a minimum of 50,000 double rubs, are inherently 16

Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

antimicrobial (with mildew and stain resistance), and can be recycled at the ends of their lives. Outdura’s Trio® uses a patented microporous-membrane technology (along with solution-dyed acrylic, a UV-protected face, and a brushed-tricot polyester interliner) to make a 100% waterproof product that is also breathable. “Trio sells on the high end, and people are using it for patio and grill covers, which is an interesting higherend trend,” Scott explains. “People are spending $15,000 on high-end furniture, so they are willing to spend a little more to protect it—and it looks good on the patio, too.” INSIDE-OUT BUSINESS Finding new uses for outdoor fabrics is big business these days. “Outdoor fabrics are being used in nontraditional venues and being used in indoor/outdoor applications,” Hernandez says. “In fact, many of the looks and textures can be used throughout the home. We have some great solids that came from inspiration used in our upholstery division; they are now UV durable, and major retailers have found great salability in merchandising them as such.” Wicker adds, “People really seem to be using outdoor performance fabrics everyplace where cleanability is key. Table toppers, placemats, and outdoor drapery panels are all applications that are growing in popularity. They are wonderful in outdoor rooms, but many consumers now understand that these worry-free products are just as suitable for interior applications.” Gasner says, “Bella-Dura is a perfect example of how transitional a well-created outdoor fabric can be.” In addition to meeting market preferences for green, highperformance products, he adds, “Bella-Dura was created to have the performance and the aesthetics to cross over from residential to hospitality markets, and from outdoors to indoors. People love it in their dens. It takes the concerns out of thinking the fabric is not suitable because of kids or pets.” The key, Scott suggests, is making the outdoor applications look as good as those indoors by including all the details, such as the decorative trim. Outdura is working with its trim vendors to do just that. “Most outdoorliving areas are an extension of a den to the outside. The furniture and fabrics being used bring over that residential feeling from the inside of the house. We pride ourselves on the fact that we have a merchandised collection, with pieces that all work well with one another. It’s a total-room concept.” NEW IN THE SHADE Back outdoors, shade products are evolving. “Our umbrella business has exploded in the past year due to some great inexpensive solution-dyed product,” Hernandez says. Wicker notes, “We see the use of retractable awnings growing as a flexible option for creating shade, as well as for protecting interior furnishings from sun damage. With the focus on skin-cancer prevention, the Skin Cancer Foundation’s Seal of Recommendation for Sunbrella used in shade applications has gotten people really thinking about how to protect their families

Bella-Dura in popular orange shades

while they enjoy their outdoor rooms.” Scott says, “In shade products, the trim people are coming into the scene more than they have in the past. The rug people we work with are buying our fabrics to make borders (to go around the outside of the rug) that are UV resistant.” Innovation also continues in the available fabric choices. Scott notes that Outdura’s novelty yarns have done well this season. “Our special bouclé yarn is offered in 10 colors and has a soft hand, so it feels good and offers texture. It is quite unique, and I find it very useful in deep seating,” she says. Wicker adds, “A few years ago, we wouldn’t have dreamed that you could have a velvet that would live happily outdoors—or a wispy sheer that would be suitable for outdoor applications; I think we’ll continue to see that type of advancement in the coming years. Our research-and-development folks will continue to strive to make Sunbrella even more durable and even easier to live with, and our creative team will continue to push the envelope with color, design, and construction.” All of this innovation means finding new ways to bring products to market; some are tangible, while others are not. For example, Outdura Casual Furniture has a new fabric card, which is a first for Shuford Mills (and an additional sales vehicle). The card features 165 fabric options that are available directly from the mill—by the piece—or as cut yardage, through distributors. “We’ve found that our customers need more sampling tools, and we can offer more of our products in one buttoned-up card that speaks to a lot of different audiences and pulls everything together to tell a story,” Scott says. Some makers of outdoor fabrics are also embracing the social-networking trend in marketing. Scott reports having overhauled the Outdura website to extend the brand, which is also represented on popular sites like Facebook. She says, “We’re trying to embrace all of the social-networking concepts as well.” LIFTING THE VEIL Is the forecast for outdoor fabrics as bright and sunny as the fabrics themselves? “I can only tell you that over the past three or four months, we are seeing a tremendous return of interest in the marketplace, and a tremendous response to the past year of creativity,” Gasner says; his son Ari, who represents the fourth generation to join the family-owned business, has joined the company as brand manager for Bella-Dura fabrics. “We did not slow down one iota in designing and creating during the poor economy. That is when we went back to our studio and prepared to regain market share. We’ve seen people we’ve done business with before and those we have not done business with before, and they are thrilled with our story,” Gasner says. The fabrics keep evolving, and Hernandez predicts that the future will bring still more innovation. “The sky is the limit,” he says.



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Exteriors is a one-of-a-kind specialty store with customers who are interior designers in need of stylish outdoor-product lines. by KIMBERLY RODGERS photography by LEE TILFORD AGENCY


atering to the specialized requirements of interior designers is a whole other ball game, compared with meeting the needs of retail customers. The differences between the two sales channels are significant, which is why Karen Galindo decided to open Exteriors Designer Showroom (Austin, Texas) in March 2009, giving interior designers a one-of-a-kind resource in the world of outdoor casual furnishings and accessories. “Designers do a huge amount of business, but there is an inherent conflict between designers and retail,” Galindo says. “Designers don’t like retail stores; they find it difficult to work through retail.”The sales and special promotions that retailers run (along with a packed showroom of merchandise, with price tags on every item) are contrary to how designers want to work. While this atmosphere is just right to attract the retail customer, to the mind and eye of a designer, it is counterproductive. Designers need to bring their clients to a place where prices are not in front of the customer. Since designers work with a total budget, the price of a particular item is usually not an issue with clients—as long as the budget is met. “Pricing is taken out of the equation for the

Left: An eye-catching mural depicting outdoor scenes surrounds the entrance to Exteriors Designer Showroom. Right: The look of a designer showroom must be clean and uncluttered, since the main focus is on the furniture.


Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

designer’s customer,” Galindo says. Galindo, a past Apollo Award winner and 2010 nominee, had cultivated relationships with the design trade for years through her three outdoor casual Greenhouse Mall retail stores (two in Austin and one in San Antonio), and had reached the conclusion that there was a real need for a designer showroom devoted exclusively to highend outdoor lines. “We had a certain number of designers who came and worked with us, but the others preferred to use design showrooms, and we felt that Austin had grown large enough to support one,” Galindo says. Exteriors is located next to Austin’s established design center, which houses showrooms for interior furnishings, fine fabrics, kitchens, and flooring products. While some of the showrooms housed in the design center carried a few outdoor lines, none focused solely on outdoor living. “With over 20 brands under our roof, we feel that we are now able to bring to the design showroom what we bring to retail, which is total dedication to the outdoor sector. We really feel that we have a lot to offer,” Galindo says. Exteriors is not only the first of its kind in Austin, but is also one of the few design centers focused exclusively on outdoor lines in the state (apart from some casual manufacturers’ factory showrooms in Houston and Dallas). The 5,100–square-foot showroom focuses strictly on high-end lines, including Brown Jordan, Windham Castings, Laneventure, Gloster, Barlow Tyrie, OW Lee, Century Furniture, Winston Furniture, and TUUCI. Galindo created the concept of Exteriors with her long-term associate from Greenhouse

Mall, Tracy Wolfrom. When they first opened, Galindo says, they initially veered in the wrong direction. “We ripped out half of what we had done and redid it, making it more contemporary and clean. Coming from retail, you have a tendency to want to fill every space, and that is not what you do in a design center,” she says. “We had been retailers for 30 years, so it was ingrained in us. If something appeals to the masses, it probably doesn’t appeal that much to the design trade.” Exteriors now has the somewhat stark, uncluttered, and furniture-focused environment conducive to the needs of a designer. “In the showroom environment, we can show a higher-end product and merchandise it with a design eye, which has a totally different aesthetic than a retail showroom has,” Galindo says. For instance, showing coordinated pieces from a collection is an essential part of most retailing. These matching displays not only enable customers to visualize and replicate the same look in their homes, but also encourage them to purchase multiple pieces from a collection. In contrast, Galindo says, “We only carry a few pieces on the floor from each collection.” Designers already have a plan for how a client’s space will look. They also know scale, color, and how they will accessorize. The focus, in a trade showroom, must be on the furniture—to assist a designer in transforming a concept into a reality. Fabric also plays a vital role. “Fabric is so important to designers, so we have dedicated a wall to it,” Galindo says. There is also a rug rack; one wall showcases nothing but individual chairs.



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marketing M A N E U V E R S tered pieces, or only fabric. Designers, who usually lack the resources at hand to provide services such as delivery and setup to their clients, especially appreciate the number of options that Exteriors offers, including its own white-glove delivery service (which provides everything from receiving and warehousing to delivery and installation). “The designers love it because it’s onestop shopping, and if they have a problem, there is no question of who should be called. They just make one phone call to us, and we handle it,” Galindo says. Wolfrom, who is general manager of the three Greenhouse Mall retail stores, oversees the daily operations of Exteriors. Two employees are on-site to handle sales and day-to-day business. Exteriors is run as a separate entity from Greenhouse Mall; however, Karen Galindo (left) and Tracy Wolfrom created the concept for E xteriors it is able to rely on some of the retail chain’s Designer Showroom. established resources. “We are lucky because we have an administrative Exteriors is also enlightening designers on the viaand operations staff through our retail stores, so we bility and strength of the outdoor category in general. have a support staff in place,” Galindo says. “For us, it’s As Galindo explains, many designers still don’t focus an ideal situation.” Galindo devotes most of her time to the same kind of effort (or dollars) on outdoor spaces Greenhouse Mall and is involved with sales efforts at that they do on interior rooms. Most designers first come into Exteriors by themselves, to preview pieces, both ventures. As most professionals in the home-furnishings indusand then bring in clients on subsequent visits. They try were in 2009, designers were deeply affected by the may purchase items for multiple outdoor spaces, scat-

Shade Solutions by FiberBuilt

poor economy. “Their business definitely took a big hit, but now we are seeing them come up with more projects,” Galindo says. “There were still a number of people doing bigger jobs, which didn’t suffer as much as the smaller projects. Everything was scaled back.” To spread the word to designers, Exteriors places ads in trade magazines such as Austin–San Antonio Design Guide, as well as in regional home magazines. Email and word-of-mouth marketing have also been effective promotion tools for the business. Historically, trends in the design trade are usually ahead of those seen in the retail segment. Galindo is noticing a neutralizing of the palette in terms of color. “There are pops of color, but creams, pale gold, white, and soft beiges are king,” she says. “We are also seeing an emphasis on high-end umbrellas, with shade products being not just an afterthought, but part of a high-end design. TUUCI has done a very good job with this,” Galindo says. Sectionals are still very strong, and the desired focus is on clean, contemporary design. In a little over a year, Exteriors has been very well received by the local design community. “Designers are very excited to have a showroom that caters to outdoor-furniture needs,” Galindo says. “We are growing, developing a following, and establishing relationships with designers (a very important part of a design showroom). As with any new business, it takes some time to get established. We feel that, after a year, we definitely have a following.”




ome new and exciting product offerings for outdoor/casual retailers are now available from FiberBuilt Umbrellas, Inc., (Fort Lauderdale, Florida), a company well known for manufacturing high-quality shade products and related accessories for the retail and contract markets. Paul Knapp, founder, president, and CEO, is particularly enthusiastic about the introduction of the company’s patent-pending fiberglass umbrella base with wheels. “Last y ear, in the off season, I completely r evamped the fiber glass base,” he says. The new base collection now featur es heavy-duty , nonmarking polyur ethane wheels, which allo w the base and umbr ella to be r olled easily from place to place. Knapp improved the o verall strength and dur ability of the entir e fiber glass base lineup (with and without wheels) by rounding the corners; increasing the size of the concrete anchors that hold the stem; and using noncr acking, heavy-duty concrete. “I made the base so nothing on it will rust,” he says. As he does throughout the construction of his umbrellas, for the redesigned bases, Knapp took advantage of the sturdy, durable characteristics of fiberglass for the axle; he made the wheels from polyurethane (which, Knapp says, has been used for wheeled equipment on boat decks for y ears). Support has also been added on both sides of the wheels, so the r ollers ar e v ery solid. “ The extr a suppor t means there will be no play in the wheels. It’ s just a gr eat design, and everyone loves what we have done,” he says. Sales have been high for the wheeled bases and umbrellas, Knapp says, because r etailers ar e no w able to or der both products from the same manufactur er. “It makes it a lot easier for them,” he adds.


Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

The bases, available in a variety of designs and in six finish colors, come in 90-, 125- and 175-pound weights. Each base also comes with a matching, powder-coated, heavy-duty aluminum sleev e that is 18 inches tall. “Whether it’ s r esidential or commer cial, the key is to be able to hav e an umbr ella y ou can move,” Knapp says. New for both the residential and contract markets is FiberBuilt’s Riva umbr ella, which featur es a two-inch, heavy-duty, one-piece aluminum pole that can be powder coated in seven colors. Amy Forseth, national sales manager, says, “It comes in a new siz e w e hav e not offered before, which is a 10-foot–square canopy.” This larger size is significant because, she adds, “It brings us to a point where we can now meet requests for a bigger umbr ella, and the fiberglass ribs are 0.75 inches thick—so the ribs ar e big, strong, and durable.” Fiberglass Additional siz es av ailbase with wheels able include 6- and 7.5-foot square umbr ellas, as w ell as round umbrellas 9 and 11 feet in diameter . In developing the Riv a, FiberBuilt has also solved the pr oblem of wind knocking down a larger umbrella (which is especially common when an umbr ella is used near the ocean). “ Through our design, w e hav e done some wind exhausting to help the wind blo w through the canopy, rather than underneath it,” Knapp says. In addition to pr oviding co verage fr om the sun, lar ger

shade products are now making more of a design statement in the casual market than ever before, Forseth comments. Furthermore, in a do wn economy (and especially for hotels), changing umbr ellas and cushions is a costeffective way to fr eshen the look of outdoor patios and eating areas. “It’s easier than changing all the furniture on the pool decks and restaurants,” she says. In June 2009, FiberBuilt par tnered with Guy Har vey, Inc., to create a signature line of pr oducts; these are now available for the r etail and commer cial markets. Guy Harvey—artist, scientist, div er, angler , and explor er—is celebrated for his art, which captures marine wildlife in its natural environment, with amazing detail and radiant color. In addition to umbr ellas, the licensing agr eement (for products sold under the name Guy Har vey Outdoors) includes patio furnitur e, r eplacement cushions, pillo ws, golf umbrellas, and 10x10-foot tents. The licensing agreement includes a provision specifying that a percentage of each sale will be donated to the Guy Har vey Ocean Foundation, a nonprofit marine-conservation organization. FiberBuilt’s P alm umbr ella, intr oduced last y ear, has been receiving much attention ar ound the countr y. “It’s a great product, and a lot of magazines and newspapers have contacted us for images of the Palm to use with articles they are writing about new shade products,” Forseth says. The umbrella innovatively simulates the tr opical look of a palm tree because Knapp based the pr ototype design on the real thing. He molded the stem fr om an actual cluster palm and the hub from a coconut, and he used the inside of a coconut for the finial. The canopy is designed to look like the fr onds of a palm tr ee (with additional fiber glass ribs underneath the canopy). “It’s definitely an attention getter,” Knapp says.





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D E S I G N M A R K G A B B E R TA S ( LO N D O N )

S U P E R B LY C R A F T E D T E A K , W O V E N A N D S TA I N L E S S S T E E L O U T D O O R F U R N I T U R E C ATA LO G R E Q U E S T S . 8 6 6 4 2 3 8 3 2 5 G LO S T E R , P O B O X 7 3 8 , S O U T H B O S T O N , VA 2 4 5 9 2 E M A I L . I N F O @ G LO S T E R . C O M



TEL. 434 575 1003

W W W. G LO S T E R . C O M

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At right: The store's elegant showroom is a favorite of designers and architects who want to offer their clients something unique. Middle right: Business partners Dana Clarkson and John Pladson of Alpine Stove & Fireplace in Montrose, Colorado

mountain high

Business partners live out their vision by focusing on creative design and innovation. by SHARON SANDERS

photography by CHUCK COOPER


n the snowy mountain community of Montrose, Colorado, John Pladson, the owner of Alpine Stove & Fireplace, L.L.C., is always planning his next move. He is the first person to offer advice and share ideas with his counterparts in the hearth industry when asked, and he never stops looking for ways to collaborate with people around him. Pladson and his business partner of 11 years, Dana Clarkson, have created one of the most respected hearth stores in the Montrose area, in addition to coming up with some inventive ways to keep the business going strong in tough times. When Pladson started selling stoves (from his old Ford van) 15 years ago, he was doing it because it was something that he loved to do. Before long, word spread about his venture, and he had to build a 2,000–square-foot shop in the back of his small farm to keep up with the demand. “My business has been focused on service from day one, and it’s what it stands for to this day,” Pladson says. In 1999, designer Dana Clarkson teamed up with Pladson to help him with all the behind-the-scenes aspects of the business. In 2002, they relocated the growing operation to a shop in downtown Montrose, and six years later, they opened an impressive new 10,000–square-foot showroom and warehouse just down the street.

FROM BACKYARD TO SHOWROOM Alpine Stove & Fireplace has built its business, over the years, by catering primarily to builders of custom and tract homes, as well as 22

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One SKU, Two Stoves. Introducing another industry first from Vermont Castings: the 2N1 Defiant and 2N1 Encore Wood Stoves. In the heart of Vermont, the covered bridges and graceful buildings reflect a time of tradition. A time where the warmth of family and friends was kindled by the hearth, and a time where the future was often decided around the fire as well. Today the future of wood stove technology has taken a step forward. The new 2N1 Defiant and Encore wood stoves from Vermont Castings not only offer the traditional beauty and warmth of handcrafted cast iron, but also boast an industry exclusive: the efficient heating of a convertible catalytic / non-catalytic 2N1 combustion system. Offer your customers the very latest wood stove technology and show them the future of fire.

A Brand of Monessen Hearth Systems Co. 149 Cleveland Drive, Paris, Kentucky 40361 Circle Reader Service No. 23




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those with commercial and remodeling projects. When the bottom dropped out of the housing market, Pladson was able to focus more on his specialty: creative fire-feature projects and unique flame applications. The concept of Alpine Stove & Fireplace’s new showroom was created with its client base—architects and designers—in mind. “Almost every weekend, for a year, we visited any fireplace shop we could find to gather ideas for our new showroom. We knew it needed to have a wow factor to appeal to architects and designers,” Pladson explains. In the end, the duo decided to focus on displaying the right products in the right way. Clarkson designed the entire showroom, including 73 different burning displays in vignette settings. Each one has a different look and feel, ranging from warm cherrywood cabinetry to sophisticated limestone and granite mantels. “The vignettes really sell themselves. I joke with all my fireplace reps that they’d better help me make their products look nice, because the display that looks the best is the one that will sell,” Pladson says. The store carries products from some of the best manufacturers and brands, including Heat & Glo, Travis Industries, SPARK Modern Fires, Lopi, Napoleon, and Town & Country. Pladson says that it’s not uncommon for designers to spend hours in the showroom making sketches to accompany their submissions to homeowners. He adds that he sees many blueprints from architects that indicate Alpine Stove & Fireplace as the supplier and contractor.



Alpine Stove & Fireplace quickly gained a reputa-

Contemporary Designs in



When one walks into a r oom warmed by a Wittus–Fire by Design stove, the last thing that one is likely to notice is the warmth. What will stand out are the sto ve’s dr amatic open flame, its inter esting design, and its contemporary style. The Pound Ridge, New Yorkbased company actually prides itself on the fact that many of its customers hav e nev er aspired to o wning a wood stove (and don ’t car e whether it can burn for 12 hours on a single load of wood). Wittus customers simply fall in lo ve with a Wittus stove for the way it looks: Efficiency and adv anced technology are bonuses. The company’s owners, Niels and A lyce Wittus, have been importing and producing award-winning, E uropean-style contemporary stoves since 1978. They have partnered with some of the world’ s most talented


tion for its ability to build any kind of hearth or fire feature that an architect can envision. Pladson partners with fabricator Nick Barber, owner of Off the Wall Fireplaces (Maple Ridge, British Columbia), on many of his custom jobs. “Nick will fabricate anything we need—even custom burners. If there is a special job that needs custom design work, Nick and I can do it,” Pladson says. He also works with Hearth Products Controls™ (Dayton, Ohio) to configure gas lines for his custom outdoor work. Some of Pladson’s recent projects include a 10–foot-long fireplace with a waterfall that sits above a swimming pool and a dramatic fire feature with flames that shoot up through water. “Architects can dream up a lot of crazy stuff, and we specialize in making it happen for them by partnering with the right people,” he says. Pladson has also worked closely with James Blount of Golden Blount (Addison, Texas) to create custom gas logs for his customers, including a beautiful log set (named after Alpine Stove & Fireplace) called the Alpine Linear, that is now available commercially in lengths of up to 6 feet. “Partnerships have helped my business immensely. If you talk to people at trade shows and reach out to businesses in your community, you will develop valuable alliances. I have developed relationships with people who come to me for ideas and advice, and I know I can count on them for the same,” Pladson adds. In October 2008, Pladson looked to a longtime friend and mentor, Ralph Rossi, to help him launch the distribution arm of his business: R&R Distribution, L.L.C. While retail sales were going fairly well, Pladson designers (including renowned Danish industrial designer Bent F alk) to cr eate sto ves that architects, designers, and customers ask for by name. “We basically sell warm furnitur e. Our customers want something with a cozy flame that can be the focal point of a r oom,” Niels Wittus says. After mor e than 30

Twinfire Pur

years in business, Wittus has a br ought its own flair to the contempor ary-stove market with a whole span of inter esting products, including wood-burning, gas, pellet, classic, and Shaker sto ves, in addition to biofuel products. The company takes car e to work individ-

Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

felt that he needed another source of income to supplement his business during slow times. Becoming a distributor was the perfect fit for his operation. Pladson explains that he buys hearth products in large quantities, at a volume discount; stores them in several local warehouses; and then sells them to his customers and other dealers in the area (and as far away as Utah and Wyoming). “It has helped bring up my margins significantly. When you buy ones and twos from other distributors, your price will be 55% of what the list price is. When you buy in volume, your price is only 29% of the list price. That’s a huge difference,” he says. “I’m able to help local businesses get the products they need to stay profitable, and it keeps us going strong.” Pladson is excited to see what will be next for Alpine Stove & Fireplace because he believes that he’s making the moves that he needs to make to ensure a prosperous future; making those moves is something that he has done from the start. Pladson says, “When I started the business in 1995, there were no computers. I got in my van and drove to every county seat and every city hall. I went through the past month’s building records and wrote down every name and address. At the end of the day, I had leads on 203 remodeling projects and new homes. I created a form letter for every lead, put it in an envelope, put postage on it, and dropped it in the mail. In a week, I had three new jobs.” He continues, “I don’t put in less effort today than I did 15 years ago; the tasks are just a little bit different. I enjoy what I do, and I enjoy working hard. I know it will all pay off in the end.”

ually with all of its dealers to outfit them with the right sto ves for their customers. “W e have built up our pr oduct inventory to meet the demands of what w e see as the coming trends of this market,” Wittus says. “Some of our dealers will only sell pellet sto ves, while others will offer almost ev erything in our line.” For 2010, Wittus has added sev eral new stoves to its offerings, and they ar e quickly becoming customer fav orites. One addition is the Twinfire® series, which boasts a totally new burn system. These visually dramatic stoves actually have two large, open fireboxes that use a unique double-chamber combustion system to pr oduce and disperse heat. The burn system makes the Twinfire not only the most unique-looking woodburning stove on the market, but the most efficient as well, with a 93% efficiency rate. Another new stove is the Klassic, which is a new take on the old classic-style sto ve. “We were getting many requests from architects who w ere wondering what happened to the old-school industrial-style stoves with steel hinges. We decided it would be a great idea to bring them back,” Wittus says. Designed by Bent F alk, the Klassic perfectly marries the best of old design and the excitement of new design, including a lar ge firebox; specially made star cutouts in the doors; and inner back door panels that can be painted black, red, orange, yellow, green, or blue to match any decor . Of course, the Klassic is EPA certified. Wittus is also ex cited to be intr oducing its wood-burning Cosmo series, a beautiful new line of state-of-the-art pellet stoves, and several contempor ary biofuel pr oducts for indoor and outdoor use.

Wittus explains that contempor ary designs (such as those offer ed by Wittus–Fire by Design) ar e steadily gr owing in appeal, and he believes that the potential is huge. “I pr edict that in 10 to 15 y ears, the market will flip to be 75% contempor ary designs and 25% tr aditional designs—not because tr aditional pr oducts ar e going away, but because the demand for contemporary products will grow,” Wittus says. He encourages retailers who have shied away from contemporary styles in the past to giv e the categor y a tr y. “W ittus is v ery committed to its dealers. We don’t just set up displays and then wish the dealers luck. We suppor t them in their sales effor ts by advertising heavily in ar chitectural and home-design magazines that ar e r ead by our target customers. L eads generated by our advertising efforts have proven to be a very effectiv e way to r aise our pr ofile,” Wittus says. He explains that dealers are also doing a number of things to pr omote products on a local lev el. “Many of them will invite local architects to their shops for an evening event to see new contempor ary products. Others will send a salesperson to an ar chitect’s office to bring lunch and some pr oduct brochures,” Wittus says. He adds that contemporary products (like any pr oducts) are not going to be a gold mine fr om day one, but they will pay off with work. “I think ther e is a huge gr oup of people out ther e who only kno w fir eplaces. They don’t realize a well-designed stove could be the perfect fit for their homes and lifestyles,” Wittus explains. “I kno w if w e can just get one of our sto ves in fr ont of them, they will fall in love, as everyone else has.”



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At right: Christy and Scott Grigsby, owners of Everything Barbeque in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, are pleased with how much their store has grown since it opened in 2006. Below: Since opening the business, the Grigsbys have added a 1,200–square-foot display area that provides visual inspiration for customers who want to build outdoor kitchens.

growing stronger


hile many small retail businesses, during the past three years, have struggled to stay alive in the grip of a recession, Everything Barbeque in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, has not only survived; it has thrived. This outdoorcooking store has prospered while many specialty retailers have closed their doors (or posted anemic sales) because its owners love what they do. Patio & Hearth Products Report first showcased this store in 2007, when it was not even a year old. This was before the financial fallout of 2008, and retail sales in the United States were still reasonably strong. Although the retail picture has changed dramatically since that time, Everything Barbeque has grown substantially. Despite a weak retail sector, Scott Grigsby and his wife, Christy, were able to turn their entrepreneurial dream into a reality through hard work and a love of sharing their passion with customers. Scott traded his career in health-care clinical operations for a job that would incorporate his zeal for outdoor entertaining. “This is what I thought about and looked forward to, each and every weekend,” Scott explains. “When you know you love something and have a deep desire to share that passion with others, you can succeed.” An unexpected opportunity that surfaced a year after the Grigsbys launched Everything Barbeque also helped them grow the business much sooner than they had anticipated. At that time, a business in the 26

An outdoor-cooking guru turns passion into profit. by CAROL DAUS

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photography by JEFF BEHYMER



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strip mall next door to them vacated its space unexpectedly, freeing up additional showroom space for their store. Expansion was an important goal in their 5-year business plan, but they hadn’t expected to accomplish this after just one year of doing business. “We seized this opportunity and retooled our plan because we knew this was something we couldn’t turn down,” Christy explains. The end result was the incorporation of a 1,200–square-foot display area that has transformed the business into a full-service retail operation for customers seeking to create stylish and functional outdoor kitchens. To demonstrate different options, the outdoorkitchen gallery features several outdoor-kitchen styles in stacked stone, brick, and stucco. The expanded showroom also contains a pergola and an outdoor fireplace. “These displays have taken the outdoor-kitchen part of our business to a whole new level because customers have an easier time visualizing what they can accomplish in their own backyards,” Christy says.

THE RIGHT PRODUCT MIX One of the keys to Everything Barbeque’s success is its diverse product mix, which Scott has broadened since he started the business four years ago. Some of his

Is the Fuego Apple of the



Grills fr om F uego Nor th America look unlike any others. These grills ar e ultr amodern, and they ar e a depar ture from virtually any other grills on the market today, in terms of their design and featur es. In fact, if you r eferred to the grills as coming from the Apple ® of the barbecue industr y, y ou wouldn’t be far off the mark. The common link is R obert Brunner, F uego’s cofounder and chief designer . Brunner headed the design team at Apple in the 1990s, wher e he developed the original Macintosh P owerBook. Today, he not only heads design for Fuego (as a par tner in the company), but also is the CEO of Ammunition Gr oup (San Francisco, California), the famed design company. Alex Siow, CEO of F uego North America, San Francisco, says, “ The intention behind creating our products is beyond just designing another pretty object. The thinking is to create a unique experience for users, applying both design and functional solutions. Since most outdoor enter tainment and


big-selling brands include Weber, Big Green Egg, Lynx, Alfresco, Twin Eagles, Luxor, Hasty-Bake, Cookshack, and Horizon Smokers. “We like to offer a variety of price points, without sacrificing quality on the low end or creating too small a niche on the high end,” he explains. “We look for manufacturers and distributors that really work with us and like to have a relationship beyond just taking an order and shipping the product.” To ensure that these relationships succeed, Scott and his employees maintain strong communication with manufacturers. “These relationships can really make a significant difference in keeping our costs down and keeping product coming in when it is needed most,” he says. According to Scott, today’s outdoor-kitchen customers pay a lot of attention to the fit and finish of products, opting for those that exude a high sense of quality and craftsmanship. “Features as simple as lighted control knobs and spring-assist lids will sway certain clients to a specific brand, even if a lower-cost product has more basic qualities that are similar,” he says. The availability of outdoor-kitchen equipment can also influence a customer’s decision to make a purchase. In today’s world, many customers are impatient if they have to wait for products to be delivered. They want their outdoor kitchens up and run-

social events involve grilling, people natur ally gather ar ound the chef when the grill has an open island design configuration.” With that in mind, the F uego 01 and 02 grills w ere designed with telescoping hoods that tuck away when not in use, cr eating a social hub that people can gather around at par ties. In addition, the grills have a patented dr awer system that lets users inter change gas, infrared, and char coal cooking methods by simply swapping drawer and fuel options. The compact version of the grill,

Alex Siow, CEO, Fuego North America, with Element grills

ning as soon as possible. Although contemporary-styled grills are growing in popularity in many regions of the United States, in Oklahoma City, customers are still attracted to more traditional designs. “We have learned how to create a wow factor in the store without using something that looks flashy—but ultimately, won’t sell,” Scott says. To stay abreast of new products, Scott constantly communicates with distributors and manufacturers, as

today,” Siow says. He also r eports that the 01 and 02 grills have won eight industr y awar ds. They include the International F orum Design Award, the Gold International Design Excellence A ward (I DEA), and the 2008 Vesta A wards for Best G as Barbecue and Best in Show for Outdoor Room Products. The F uego Modular is pr omoted as the ultimate outdoor kitchen—designed for hosting the ultimate outdoor par ty—and it received the International Design Competition Spark A ward and the Chicago Athenaeum Good Design A ward in 2010. “Once deliv ered, the simple modular -andframe system can be fully installed and ready to enter tain guests within an afternoon,” Siow notes. The kitchen comes complete with customizable modular options that include grill modules (with a patented inter changeabledrawer system), a cooking module with dual burners, a food-warming module, and a storage module, as w ell as a complete washing unit with a refrigeration option. To complete the kitchen, F uego offers a 9-foot slate bar countertop and a 4-foot food-pr eparation counter with a sink. “Customers also have the option of picking and choosing individual modules, integrating these highly functional cooking systems into their outdoor designs and ar chitecture,” Siow says.

THE ELEMENT the Fuego 02, is also available as an electric grill—an option that is perfect for people who want to grill in places wher e the use of gas/propane is prohibited. Powered by standard 120-volt current, the grill puts a highquality electric heating element in dir ect contact with cast-iron grill grates to transfer continuous searing temper atures. “Due to the high heat r etention and conductivity of cast iron, our electric grills outperform most electric grills you usually find on the market

Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

This y ear, the company launched the Element by F uego line, which has r eceived favorable r esponses fr om the industr y and consumers alike. “We have already received four industr y awar ds, including the Good Design A ward, the Spark A ward, and the Vesta Award for Best Gas Barbecue of 2010, as w ell as the soon-to-be-announced I DEA Gold A ward fr om the Industrial Designers Society of America,” Siow says. “Fuego started with a family of v ery high-

end and exclusive products, built with design, innovation, and unmatched quality in mind. In the past four years of designing and building these v ery high-end grills and kitchens, w e wanted to spin off a new segment of products offering inno vation, quality , and the F uego experience at a price range more affordable to the public,” Siow explains. Making news is the F uego Element grill, which is advertised as the hottest thing to hit barbecuing since the bur ger. The Element grill is F uego’s mass-market br and; it offers cooking featur es, po wer, and a compact design in one unique and modern grill. The Element grill is engineer ed with a powerful and efficient dual-ring burner system combined with a 21-inch cast-ir on surface; the r ound grill is nothing like its mor e bulky counterpar ts on the market. “ The grill’s compact footprint, with discr eet gascompartment stor age and locking wheels, makes it the ideal grill for ultr amobility and the ultimate party performer,” Siow says.

MAINTAINING ITS EDGE Who is buying F uego? It’ s the same upscale, forwar d-thinking consumer who buys Apple products. “Fuego grills are targeted to ward consumers who appr eciate gr eat design, technology, architecture, and innovation,” Sio w explains. “ They also enjo y outdoor entertaining and socializing with friends. They look for products that complement (and can enhance) their landscape designs, r ather than filling up their pr ecious outdoor space with awkward-looking appliances.” Fuego isn’t resting on its laur els and its recent awards. Look for more to come. Siow says, “We have big ideas, and we love to create and innovate. Design is in our DN A, and creating unique and inno vative pr oducts feeds our passion. Curr ently, w e ar e v ery focused on bringing new and inno vative products to the outdoor -entertaining category; y ou will see many mor e new and unique products from us in 2011.”



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well as with organizations such as the Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association. He and his staff also listen closely to customers, research websites, and watch cooking channels to see which products outdoor-cooking chefs are promoting. Scott advises retailers to keep an open mind when evaluating products. “If we carry an industry-leader product, yet our local competition carries a knockoff, we make sure our sales staff is made aware of this and is educated on why what we offer is the better choice,” Scott says. “Knowing features doesn’t necessarily make sales happen, but being over-the-top knowledgeable about the similarities and differences of product options builds confidence, in our customers’ minds, that our product was selected for specific reasons of its superior quality.”

A BUSINESS WITHIN A BUSINESS Despite the weak economy, in the Oklahoma City area, the number of businesses opening that claim to be specialists in outdoor-kitchen construction has been increasing. These new ventures have not had an impact on Everything Barbeque because local consumers view the Grigsbys’ business as a turnkey operation that provides a full range of products and services for outdoor cooking. “Many companies that say they build outdoor kitchens end up handing over these jobs to construction companies,” Christy notes. “There are a lot of landscapers, pool companies, and builders who advertise that they do outdoor kitchens, but you have to obtain the equipment elsewhere. We have a brick-and-mortar business that people can walk into to take a look at the total package.” It’s easy to understand why customer satisfaction runs high at Everything Barbeque. Customers browse in the store, receive information from knowledgeable

salespeople, select equipment from a wide array of products, and work closely with experienced outdoorkitchen designers. When construction begins, the same faces that the customer has been working with since day one show up in the backyard for the groundbreaking, and a construction team that specializes in outdoor structures makes the plan a reality. Since the project is based on a cohesive plan, there’s complete accountability and strong communication. This one-stop approach to outdoor-kitchen design and construction is one of the major strengths of this family-run business. Christy stresses that the most effective tool in helping to grow the business has been treating each customer the way that she and Scott would like to be treated. “When we offer a great experience for our clients, they become our best promoters. A happy customer is the best marketing avenue out there,” she says. Recognizing that superior customer service alone won’t sustain a business, the Grigsbys have used advertising and public relations to get the word out about their expanded showroom. Everything Barbeque has advertised in Oklahoma City’s major newspaper, as well as in several slick, high-end magazines that target specific, affluent local markets. Christy (who has an advertising background) has also supplied articles on topics such as safety tips for grilling and outdoor-kitchen–construction considerations to a publisher who produces magazines for country clubs. “The great thing about these public-relations vehicles is that they don’t cost us anything,” she says. Everything Barbeque also coordinates special events and cooking demonstrations with its vendors. In April 2010, the store hosted its fourth annual Big Green Egg® Oklahoma EGGfest, which was held behind the store; it

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Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

featured 90 volunteer EGGhead chefs, from across the country, who came to share their passion for the Big Green Egg. Over 1,000 customers showed up for classes and tastings, as well as the fun and fellowship that surround this unique product. In May 2010, the Grigsbys hosted their fourth annual Fired-up Vendor Cook-off, where representatives of Weber, Lynx, Big Green Egg, Hasty-Bake, Lynx, Alfresco, and Twin Eagles demonstrated grilling techniques on their equipment.

MANAGING GROWTH When Everything Barbeque was launched, Scott, Christy, and one other individual were the only three employees. Now, in addition to Scott and Christy, there’s a full-time manager, two full-time employees, and one part-time employee. Finding the right employees for the business has not been easy, since they have to be more than just salespeople. In other words, they need to be jacks-of-alltrades. “They have to be willing to remove products from a truck, unbox them, and build them—and then be savvy enough to understand their features, so they can sell them on the floor,” Christy says. Everything Barbeque has attracted considerable attention in the industry and has even been approached about franchising opportunities. Although the Grigsbys have included expansion in their strategic plan, they still want to perfect their current store before adding new locations. Looking ahead, Scott and Christy are excited about the possibilities for their family-run business. “I believe our industry is only in its infancy because there are so many homeowners who desire outdoor kitchens, but haven’t followed through on their plans yet,” Christy says. “The future looks very bright for us.”



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showroom S H O W C A S E


family affair For three generations, family-owned Victory Furniture has prospered through a mixture of enterprise and serendipity. by SHARON SANDERS photography by SHARON SANDERS


alifornia has rightfully earned its nickname as the land of sunshine and opportunity. The state’s hot summers and mild winters—as well as its picturesque coastal, mountain, and desert terrain—truly make it a mecca for outdoor living. In 1945, Herman and Annie Safran opened Victory Furniture in West Los Angeles with the dream of capitalizing on the California lifestyle. Today, the business is going strong, with three high-profile locations and a loyal customer base. Through the years, the three generations of Safrans have made Victory Furniture an inseparable part of their lives, seizing every opportunity to reinvent the business and reach out to their customers. When Herman and Annie opened Victory Furniture, it was located in a modest storefront on historic Pico Boulevard, a few miles outside downtown Los Angeles. They named the store Victory as a tribute to the troops’ efforts during World War II (which ended shortly before the store opened). Every morning, the dedicated husband–wife team would move furniture out of the store and into the parking lot, in the hope of attracting customers. After several years, sales were going so well that the business moved across the street, into a larger building that it is still in today. Herman and Annie’s son, Martin, joined the family business in the 1960s; eventually, he and his wife, Julie, took over the company. Martin and Julie’s only child, Ron, grew up helping in the store, and he took over from his parents in 1997, a few years after graduating from college. “Our family was born to run a business together. We are all very passionate and pur-


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Opposite page, from left: Julie, Ron, and Martin Safran run Southern California-based Victory Furniture, a family-owned business since 1945. Top: Custom orders are a central part of Victory Furniture’s business. Its newest store, in Irvine, California, has an impressive custom-fabric wall that allows customers to design furniture to suit their outdoor lifestyles perfectly. Bottom left: Each of Victory Furniture's three showrooms—in West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and Irvine, California—has a distinct look and feel; the Irvine store is shown here. Bottom right: The Safran family is keenly in touch with the colors and styles—from contemporary to traditional and transitional—that appeal to customers.

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showroom S H O W C A S E poseful about what we do, and each generation has reinvented the business to make its own mark,” Ron Safran explains. “My generation and my career have been the bridge from patio furniture to outdoor living. We are now decorating rooms and creating a lifestyle, not just selling products. This shift has caused a great explosion in our company.”

don’t lie in double-digit sales growth, but in repositioning his business for the future. “That is where I am putting my focus. If a retailer is in it for the long term, he or she has to be able to look at where the next reinvention or opportunity is emerging, as my family has always been able to do,” he says.

NEW THINKING SEIZING OPPORTUNITIES In 2002, Safran decided that the time was right to expand the business, so he opened a second location in the Santa Monica area; three years later, he added a third location (about 30 miles away) in Irvine. Earlier this year, he relocated the Irvine store to a 12,500–square-foot space that he describes as unbelievable. “We were able to grab this amazing location at a reasonable price because of the state of the real-estate market,” he explains. The location was a newly remodeled leather-furniture showroom that had closed. Before the retailer went out of business, he had poured a tremendous amount of money into the space—putting in polished concrete floors, adding vignette-style rooms, and making sure that the showroom had lots of windows to let in sunlight. Each of Victory Furniture’s three showrooms has its own unique personality, reflecting each location’s history and architecture, as well as the tastes of its clientele. “The world has changed so much in the past few years, and it’s been very challenging for everyone, but I’m a real believer that with chaos and challenge come the best opportunities,” Safran says. He realizes that the opportunities presenting themselves right now

Safran explains that his customers have changed more in the past 18 months than in the past 30 years. There has been a total shift in their buying habits. The brick-and-mortar stores’ shoppers, who were once such a captive market for specialty patio stores, are now buying in different ways. They are doing research before they buy, and they have access to products, via Internet, from many businesses that have just begun to sell outdoor products. “It really comes down to pinpointing and understanding who our customers are and how they want to purchase products,” Safran says. Safran has never shied away from adjusting his business to stay in touch with shifting market needs, and this adjustment has meant everything from revamping his showrooms to rethinking his advertising strategies. For example, he says that marketing is a serious challenge for him right now because the strategies that worked in the past are not bringing the return that they once did. “There has been a huge shift to electronic and online media that we need to start tapping into,” Safran explains. Among its other responses, the company has launched a new Facebook page. “Making changes to any aspect of one’s business is really more about creout his par tner; and br ought his br other, Hans Ilse, on boar d to run the South African plant (which ser ves the markets of South Africa, E urope, Austr alia, and the Middle East). The company opened its first U.S. factory (in leased space) in 1998. After it outgrew that facility, it pur chased a 70,000–squar efoot manufacturing plant in 2002 to meet the demands of its gr owing U.S. and Canadian business more effectively. Outdoor Lifestyle is able to keep costs down through its highly efficient production process. “Our entir e inv entory is kept in components,” Fred Ilse, president, explains. “We then use a just-in-time manufacturing system whereby we pull the components as orders come into our computer system. A ll the welding, polishing, and po wder coating are then done only to order.” Ilse reports that this process streamlines operations, enables timely shipment to dealers, and reduces overall manufacturing costs. “We don’t tie up a lot of capital in finished furniture, and we don’t need as big a facility for war ehousing,” he says. To ensur e pr emium quality and dur ability, Outdoor Lifestyle uses only cer tified A356 high-gr ade aluminum— the U.S. standar d for aluminum allo y. “ The reason we use this is that we have a 15-year warranty on our frames (as well as a fiv e-year warr anty on all paint finishes), so w e don ’t compromise on our quality at all,” Ilse says. Cast-aluminum furniture should last at least 20 y ears, so it’s a testament to Outdoor Lifestyle ’s lasting quality that many customers still enjo y furnitur e today that they purchased more than 30 years ago. Ilse does not sell to mass mer chants, choosing instead to focus his effor ts on the specialty r etail market. A priority, for him, is sending his dealers their orders as quickly as possible, typically within two to four weeks of receiving the orders. Ilse is also v ery proud of the fact that his company has a

A Focus on

Quality and Affordability by KIMBERLY RODGERS Santorini


n today’s economy, specialty retailers are keenly aware that customers are searching for products from valuedriven companies. Consumer expectation is at an alltime high; shoppers ar e seeking brands that provide premium quality and r epresent a good v alue. Outdoor Lifestyle (Stanley, North Carolina) meets this ever-increasing consumer tr end by offering high-quality cast-aluminum outdoor casual furnitur e in a div erse r ange of styles and finishes at attractive prices. Outdoor Lifestyle was founded over 30 years ago in Cape Town, South Africa, by a geologist who started the business through his hobby of casting aluminum in permanent molds. In 1984, Fred Ilse became a par tner in the company, managing operations in South Africa and further developing the business while a par tner expanded distribution in the United States. In the mid-1990s, Ilse moved to the United States; bought


Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

ativity and brainpower, and less about dollars,” he says. Since he took over the business, Safran says, he finds himself constantly looking for new ideas to run his stores better. “I consider myself to be a student of businesses other than my own because I know there is so much to be learned from other retailers,” he explains, adding that he spends as much time as possible thinking outside the day-to-day operations— whether that means putting himself in situations where he can talk to people outside the industry or reading about other people’s businesses. “As retailers, we are all guilty of getting caught up in our daily activities, and we forget to look beyond our front doors. I admit that I often have to force myself to look outside, but I always try to remember that it is an investment in the future,” Safran says. “Right now, not looking outside is death.” There is no question that Safran is very optimistic about the future of Victory Furniture. “Californians enjoy spending time with their families and entertaining outdoors, which is why they live here and why they pay the prices they do for their homes,” Safran says. He believes that there is a lot of pent-up demand, and he is encouraged that the economy is starting to rebound. “I can tell you that the Safran family is positioning itself for the next great commercial run, the next great growth, or the next great sales explosion. It is my job, as the owner of the company, to look forward and try to read the tea leaves,” he says. “Victory Furniture has been a great part of my family’s life. Every generation has taken care of the business—and it, in turn, has always taken care of us.” return rate of less than 0.05%. “Any warranty claim adds a lot of overhead to a r etailer. These days, dealers don ’t need that additional expense; they are trying to cut back wherever possible,” Ilse says. In addition to offering superior quality and ser vice, Outdoor Lifestyle also gives dealers a broad selection of traditional and modern collections in dining, bar , sling, and lounge seating (in a v ariety of stock and two-tone finishes). Ilse works with external designers, who cr eate furnitur e designs that specifically cater to a par ticular geogr aphic market that Outdoor Lifestyle serves. Deep seating gr oups featur e gener ously pr oportioned and plush upholstered cushions, and most are also available as dining gr oups, allowing homeowners to coor dinate their outdoor-living and dining ar eas. Travertine stone tops in a variety of designs, sizes, and color choices are also available, along with a large assortment of cushion and sling fabrics. For the large contract market that it also ser ves, Outdoor Lifestyle is able to produce the custom designs and finishes often requested in this channel. In terms of new pr oducts, the company is expanding its deep seating offerings to include sectionals and is incr easing its selection of v alue chair collections—an ar ea in which it is seeing incr eased demand this year. As a founding member of the Sustainable F urnishings Council, Outdoor Lifestyle is a gr een company . “ This has become a v ery impor tant issue. P eople want to kno w the products they are purchasing are green. This is one area that we have always concentrated on,” Ilse says. Environmentally r esponsible pr actices ar e in place throughout the company; they include the use of high-efficiency lighting in its warehouses; recycling excess aluminum, water, and po wder throughout the pr oduction process; and shipping the final pr oduct in r ecyclable plastic and in bo xes made from 100% postconsumer recyclable cardboard. Ilse is happy to r eport that all of his company’ s collections are selling very well. “Right now, we are selling across the board. The market definitely has picked up ,” he says. “People are price sensitiv e, but they ar e looking for v alue, and this is where we have positioned ourselves in the market. We offer a top-quality product at a reasonable price.”



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superior shade

TUUCI is known for making shade products fun and functional. by SHARON SANDERS

A parasol that resembles a manta ray, a shade structure that sprays mist when temperatures rise, and a pagoda-topped cabana that can double as a shower: There is no denying that TUUCI has artfully set itself apart as a freethinker in the shadeproduct category. Founded over 12 years ago by entrepreneur Dougan Clarke, this company (based in Miami, Florida) sells its products to the world’s most exotic resorts, high-end restaurants, and hotels, as well as to specialty outdoor retailers who want to offer their customers something unique and functional. Patio & Hearth Products Report sat down with Clarke to talk about TUUCI and to get his take on what’s hot in shade products—and where he sees the category heading.

What puts TUUCI on the map in the shade-product category? Clarke: Without a doubt, it is our constant product development. We are always finding ways to push the limits with our designs and looking to create products that break the conventional mold—not merely for the sake of being different, but for the sake of more useful form and function. I think people have come to know us as a cutting-edge company that brings cool things to the marketplace. We have a talented research-and-development team called Shadow Works that is made up of our company’s top design, marketing, and engineering talent. This elite team’s sole purpose is to create shade innovations that exemplify the outdoor lifestyle that is the DNA of TUUCI’s products.

Top: The Plantation MAX Classic is one of TUCCI’s grandest and most beautiful parasols. Its Aluma-TEAK finish looks like real wood, but does not rot or fade. Bottom: TUUCI’s Plantation MAX Cantilever, shown with the AlumaTEAK finish, is a side-mast par asol that’s perfect for creating shade over dining tables, in seating ar eas, or anywhere that a middle mast would be cumbersome.


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intricately designed, simply beautiful to behold

Our shade engineers go to great lengths to dream up the most alluring parasols around. And even the smallest details aren’t an exception, like our independent bracket system, V-MAX™ strut and our beautifully crafted Ocean Sail Finial. Creating innovatively engineered marine grade components, each performing its own unique and critical function, is the genius behind the durability of TUUCI. And with the freedom to create any shade system, in any color to fit any space you desire, you’ll soon agree that the beauty truly is in the details.

tuuci : parasols . lounges . pavilions

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as i S E E I T What is the biggest misconception How can people get the most out of about shade products? their shade products? Clarke: It’s that shade products are relegated to being an add-on sale or an afterthought. It’s a fact that the comfort and ambience of a space are dependent on how it feels. If it’s too hot, too cold, too windy, or too wet, you are not going to be able to enjoy it to its fullest. When retailers are helping a consumer create an outdoor space, they should help the buyer select the shade elements first, which will then define the lounging environment. Choosing shade products first also forces people to think about how they are going to use their I UC spaces: Is there going TU O, CE founder and Dougan Clarke, to be intense sun? Is wind a factor? Will the space be cold in the evenings? All those questions should be standard. It’s actually simpler to choose the furniture after the environmental issues are addressed. The last piece should be coordinating the furniture fabrics, trims, rugs, and lighting with the shade elements.

Clarke: People have the mindset that an umbrella is to be used to cover a dining table or lounge chairs—that’s the old way of thinking. Today’s selection of shade products makes it possible to create any type of environment in any type of outdoor space. For example, in my own home, one of my parasol settings doesn’t have any seating under it at all. I have a double cantilevered parasol (on a single mast); one of its shade parasols resides over the shallow end of the pool, and the other parasol covers my daughter’s play equipment. For 2011,TUUCI is introducing products that make the outdoors more accessible, even if the weather is not perfect outside. Our Ocean Master MAX and Plantation MAX collections feature giant parasols with self-contained heaters, misters, lighting, and sound systems that make it easy to create the ideal outdoor space. We are excited about the response we are getting so far.

What trends are you seeing on the design front? Clarke: I recognize that many of our organic (yet contemporary) collections are being married with classic teak, wrought-iron, and cast-aluminum furniture collections. TUUCI has

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Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

had great success blending some of our contemporary collections with old-world furniture and architecture. We’ve outfitted chateaux in France with our contemporary-styled Manta and Zero Horizon parasols. It creates a beautiful and complementary mixed world. In many cases, the industry today is selling a 2,000–year-old umbrella design next to the most contemporary furniture designs in the marketplace. Why not place a new-millennium parasol over a 2,000–year-old chair design? What’s the difference? It’s just a matter of understanding what specific ambience and experience you want to achieve, breaking away from existing design molds, and going for it.

What does the future hold for the shade category? Clarke: There is a lot of room for product development in the shade category. I think climate-controlled shade devices, for both heating and cooling, are going to be the next big advancement. Shade products are also getting larger in scale, with more free-flowing design. Companies (including TUUCI) are trying to put some fuel on their development processes so people don’t continue to treat shade as an afterthought, but as a central focal point in their outdoor environments.



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A Good Egg Boasting a huge contingent of devoted fans, Big Green Egg continues to be a leader among kamado manufacturers. by KIMBERLY RODGERS


amado cookers are gaining in popularity across the United States and Canada (and beyond) as more people discover the incredible versatility of this unique product—a grill, smoker, and oven, all rolled into one easy-to-use unit. The origins of the modern ceramic cooker can be traced back to the cooking methods of ancient cultures that used round clay vessels to prepare food. Kamado is the Japanese word for stove, and in Japan, the mushikamado has been used for generations, both ceremonially and to steam rice. Today, the kamado has an unmatched cooking-temperature range, with the ability to sear a steak in minutes at 750 degrees; to smoke meat for hours at 200 degrees; or to grill, roast, and even bake items like pizza, muffins, or bread at temperatures between those extremes. The grill’s internal heat is adjusted by changing the airflow through its vents, while an exterior gauge allows the user to monitor the temperature inside the cooker. The heavy, insulated ceramics of a fine kamado help food retain its moisture and absorb more flavors, giving any menu item a delicious, mouthwatering taste. The natural hardwood lump charcoal used as fuel burns cleanly, giving food that tasty charcoal flavor without any of the additives or fillers found in briquettes. In

Above: As a grill, smoker, and oven, the Big Green Egg offers amazing versatility in cooking a variety of foods. At left: The “Big Green Egg Cookbook,” the first cookbook devoted exclusively to kamado-style cooking, offers more than 170 recipes.

addition, any unburned charcoal can be reused, making cooking on a kamado more energy/cost efficient than using a traditional charcoal grill. Jim Nufer is vice president and general manager of Big Green Egg®, Tucker, Georgia. He says, “Kamado cooking is the fastest-growing segment of the grill market. We have found that new EGG® owners usually spread their enthusiasm and end up converting several more cooks to this style of outdoor cooking.” Nufer attributes the success of Big Green Egg to the legions of devoted EGG owners who travel the country to attend EGGfests, cook-offs, and conventions, sharing and promoting the benefits of the EGG with fellow devotees. “Without the passionate support of EGG owners and retailers, it would have been very hard to achieve the success that we have experienced,” he says. “From the very beginning, we realized that Big Green Egg enthusiasts were the best sales force that we could possibly ask for, and we do everything we can to let them know how much they are appreciated.” Originating in 1998, the annual EGGtoberfest, held the third weekend in October at the company’s Big Green Egg World Headquarters in Tucker, is an opportunity for the company to thank its loyal customers and welcome potential new owners. The company rolls out 200 40

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EGGs and cooks a range of dishes, from moose kebabs and fresh Alaskan salmon to pulled pork, pizza, and peach cobbler. About 100 people attended the first event, 12 years ago; now, the family-oriented celebration draws a crowd of about 1,400. This year, in addition to the EGGtoberfest, there will be 30 other EGGfests held in the United States and Europe. The EGG comes in five different models; the large grill (with a cooking-grid diameter of 18 inches) is the company’s most popular size. Enhancing the EGG’s versatility are the many EGGcessories™ that the company offers. Among the arsenal of innovative add-ons are the ceramic plate setter, for indirect cooking; the Half Moon raised grid, which allows one to cook using direct and indirect heat at the same time; baking stones for pizzas, breads, and cookies; temperature gauges and thermometers; and a variety of seasonings and sauces. Recently added to the accessory lineup is the “Big Green Egg Cookbook.” Nufer says, “This is the first cookbook on the market that exclusively focuses on kamado-style cooking.” The 320-page hardcover book includes more than 170 recipes— The Big Green Egg is available in five sizes, from the mini to the XL EGG. many inspired by EGGheads™ and EGGfests. Many customers own more than one EGG to meet all their needs. “One of the main features of the EGG is the versatility of cooking styles. This book gives backyard chefs new and interesting recipes that they can cook on their own EGGs,” Nufer says. The cookbook has been very popular, and sales have been tremendous so far. This $400 display is FREE… “In addition, this fall, we will be when ordering the 303 Products to fill it. adding approximately 30 new accessories, which will bring the cusNo shelving needed, this two-sided walk around hard wood display with tomers back, time and time again, to 1" locking casters moves when and where needed. their local retailers—to see what is new to add to their cooking experience,” Nufer adds. Nufer encourages EGG retailers and dealers to demonstrate the EGG for potential buyers. “When a customer can see, smell, and touch the product in action, it leads to sales. A little time invested in cooking will not only sell more EGGs, but most dealers also notice an increase in sales of the accessories and seasonings that they use during the demos,” he says. According to a March 2010 press release issued by the Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association, shipments of grills and smokers reached 15 million in 2009, with 82% of North American households owning an outdoor-cooking product. This is good news for grill manufacturers and dealers, as customers search for innovative products and accessories (such as the kamado) to enhance their grilling experience. “Families are not going to restaurants quite as often and are entertaining more at home with friends. They are willing to invest in high-quality products to make that experience more enjoyable,” Nufer says. “We have also found that many of our customers own more than one EGG now, so we are very excited to see the EGG family expanding even further.” Gas grills still remain the most popular outdoor-cooking appliance for consumers. Nufer believes, however, that kamado sales will increase as more people discover the cooker’s amazing versatility. Side One - Fabric Care Side Two - Patio Furniture Care “A lot of people use a gas grill because they like simply everything needed to clean and everything needed to clean and protect patio to flip a switch—so they may use the gas grill during the protect indoor/outdoor fabrics. furniture even stainless steel and spa covers. week and use the EGG on the weekends,” he says. Since a kamado can be fired up in about 10 minutes, though, “A Call 800-223-4303 for full information on how to get a permanent Display Profit Center and free shipping. Free shipping available on smaller orders. kamado can be the main grill, as more and more people become aware that starting it is almost as easy as flipping a Circle Reader Service No. 41 switch,” Nufer says.


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50 and Counting

The BIS Tradition™ CE from Security Chimneys International is a compact, efficient fireplace that is ideal for smaller spaces.

The rich history of Security Chimneys deserves special attention. by CHERYL DANGEL CULLEN


little company got into the chimney business—and started shaking things up—50 years ago. In its history, the company has enjoyed accolades for introducing numerous industry firsts; it also has undergone the ups and downs that come with having a succession of different owners and surviving long enough to weather various economic downturns. Now, as a part of Lennox Hearth Products (LHP), Security Chimneys International™ Ltd. (Laval, Quebec) is continuing to deliver highly acclaimed products to both Canadian and U.S. hearth markets. Security Chimneys made its mark in history when it became one of the first companies to manufacture a prefabricated chimney. A decade later, in the midst of the energy crisis of the 1970s, the company racked up new sales as more people turned to wood stoves (and needed the type of chimney that only Security Chimneys could make). Eric Dufour, director of research/development and marketing for the company, recalls, “Then, we started to diversify and began by manufacturing fireplaces.” In the early 1980s, facing inflation and more stringent industry standards, Security Chimneys became one of the first manufacturers in Canada to make a chimney that was able to meet the more rigorous standards, and the S2100 chimney was introduced. In 1985, the company launched the industry’s first zero-clearance woodstove, the BIS™. The acronym stands for built-in stove, a revolutionary concept that combined the efficiency of a stove with the aesthetic of a fireplace. It later became EPA certified, and it was the start of an entirely new category of products. “This is basically a stove that is disguised as a fireplace, but it is really a highefficiency wood fireplace,” Dufour explains. Security Chimneys International’s BIS™ Nova is a compact, open fir eplace with a modern design and an extensive viewing area.


Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

In 1989, the company was sold, and it was purchased by its employees. It expanded to Europe; within the United States, it built up its line of wood fireplaces and started creating a line of gas chimneys for both commercial and residential use. In 1996, despite bankruptcy, the company never stopped producing. It was purchased (once again, by an insider), and within a few years, it grew back to its previous level of sales. In 1999, LHP acquired the company. Dufour says, “At that time, Lennox was creating the LHP division, and we were part of that. At that point, we stopped making gas fireplaces, since Lennox had its own line. From then on, we have maintained our focus on high-efficiency wood-burning fireplaces and everything related to residential and industrial chimneys.” Today, although Security Chimneys continues to be rooted in Quebec, the Security Chimneys brand is marketed throughout Canada and the United States. For 50 years now, it has been the supplier of products made by one of the most trusted names in the industry.

THE BIS MOVEMENT Richard Ayoup, director of operations for Security Chimneys, says, “As the global climate has changed, Security Chimneys has also evolved. The current product lineup demonstrates the company’s relentless focus on the environment and ability to maintain the company’s leadership position in the industry. With a complete line of wood-burning fireplaces, including our BIS family of EPA-certified fireplaces, we have set the standard that other manufacturers often imitate, but never equal.” Tom Krebs, vice president of sales, adds, “The BIS product has a commanding share of the market in Canada and has experienced significant share growth in the United States, as the product offering has been made available to more customers (as a result of the acquisition by LHP). It is the most complete offering of EPA fireplaces in the industry today.” Even though Security Chimneys has a leadership position in the EPA fireplace category, it hasn’t stopped developing innovative new products. The recently introduced BIS Nova™ highlights modern, clean-faced looks and demonstrates just how far the BIS line has come. In its history, the



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BIS line has grown from one to six models; it is offered in a broad range of sizes and looks, ranging from traditional to modern. The robust construction hasn’t been compromised on any model, as the entire unit is solidly designed and constructed of tightly sealed and welded heavy-gauge steel. Also new to the company’s product lineup is the newly upgraded HE43 wood-burning fireplace, which meets the EPA’s voluntary guidelines for wood-burning fireplaces. The HE43 has patent-pending Fresh Fire™ combustion technology; this makes the unit burn more cleanly, creating 70% lower smoke emissions than a regular wood-burning fireplace does. In fact, with an emissions level of 3.87 grams per kilogram, the unit already exceeds the EPA’s voluntary phase 2 program requirements.

A VENTING LEADER The tradition of innovation has continued with a complete family of venting products for wood-, oil-, and gas-fired appliances. The Secure Vent™ directvent chimney, which uses laser-welded seams and a cam-lock joining system to seal tightly without the use of sealant; sturdy ASHT high-temperature stainless steel for solid-fuel appliances; and the recently introduced CIX™ commercial chimneys are just three examples of how products from Security Chimneys have become industry benchmarks. The CIX is a new commercial venting product that has a patent pending on its uniquely designed connector. Introduced in late 2009, this robust and original commercial venting system ranges in diameter from 5 to 36 inches. “The key advantage is that the pipe installs in 30% less time than any competitive product on the market,” Ayoup explains.

Market reception of the CIX has been good. “Our customers see this as an innovative product that performs exceptionally, while enhancing profitability (due to the significant labor savings at installation). Commercial venting is typically an area where there is not a lot of innovation. Other players have had the same design for 30 years, and we came along with a product that is a high-quality solution to many applications and cuts installation time,” Dufour says. He adds that the venting system can be used in a variety of installations, with applications ranging from boilers to diesel exhaust to grease ducts that need the proper type of venting. “With this one product, we have a solution that can be applied in a wide variety of situations, and you’ll have a faster installation across each and every one of them,” he says. Security Chimneys offers products to fit virtually any venting need. “Our venting line covers all applications, including wood, gas, and pellet appliances. We have a complete line of components to meet those needs,” Dufour says.

MOVING TO NASHVILLE As the only manufacturer to offer a full line of hearth appliances with a complete branded chimney-products line, LHP is essentially a one-stop shop; now, that shop has new digs. In September 2007, LHP decided to consolidate its fireplace-manufacturing operations in Union City, Tennessee, which left only its West Coast headquarters and its research/development operations in California. “From a synergistic point of view, there was no longer a compelling reason to remain in California,” Krebs says. With a plan in place, in October 2009, LHP announced that it would relocate its headquarters and its research/development department to Nashville. Just

six months later, the move had been completed. “The single biggest achievement is that we did not disrupt the flow of products and services to our customers throughout our transition. By moving to Nashville, we were able to reduce cost while getting closer to our Union City facility, to optimize our product-development efforts,” Krebs says. The relocation has given LHP three manufacturing operations: fireplace production is done in Union City; stove and insert manufacturing are conducted in Auburn,Washington; and the Security Chimneys facility in Laval is dedicated to chimney/venting products and EPA fireplaces.

THE FORECAST The move was made, in part, for economic reasons. LHP has taken steps, at all facilities, to control costs, but more important, it has positioned itself to build upon the excellence for which it is recognized in its main product categories. The economic outlook at the retail level isn’t easy to predict. Krebs says, “After coming off a historically high 2008, 2010 is still an unknown. There are still caution signs in the economy, making the near-term demand for products uncertain.” He continues, “In May 2008, sales were driven by the fact that the price of oil hit historic highs, and credit policies were still more generous. Since oil has come back down to the $60–$70 range per barrel, there is no pressing impetus to look for biomass alternative stoves. Because these products do provide environmentally friendly and cost-effective heating solutions to our consumers, however, we have little doubt that this will be a strong market for many years to come, as energy prices will once again increase as demand normalizes.”


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WORD Glen Raven’s Sunbrella is



known throughout the world as a high-performance, high-fashion fabric.


Left: From outdoor rugs to furniture and umbrella fabric, Sunbrella has something to offer fr om top to bottom in any outdoor room. Above: Glen Raven perfectly blends fashion and function with its Sunbrella brand fabrics.

Performance fabrics have helped launch the revolution that inspired people to think differently about their patios. It is hard to resist the draw of luxurious outdoor fabrics that not only are beautiful, but are easy to clean and durable enough to withstand anything that a New England winter or Arizona summer can throw their way. Every year, performance-fabric manufacturers are spending countless dollars and hours developing fabrics that will continue to impress consumers and enrich the outdoor-living industry. Hal Hunnicutt, vice president of marketing for Glen Raven Custom Fabrics (Glen Raven, North Carolina), has seen the company’s iconic Sunbrella® fabric brand mature on every front—performance, styling, and market positioning—since the company began as an awning/shade-fabric company in the 1900s. It introduced Sunbrella as a high-performance awning fabric in 1961, branched out into the marine industry, and then began creating furniture fabrics. “Twenty years ago, people didn’t believe furniture would last outdoors, so they didn’t invest money in their patios,” Hunnicutt says. “Sunbrella didn’t offer much more than simple solids and stripes. We believed Sunbrella’s benefits were useful inside the home, so we began developing colors, textures, and constructions that were beautiful, as well as durable. Outdoor-furniture manufacturers saw these fabrics and began upgrading their furniture materials for equal durability and beauty.” Hunnicutt adds, “It’s taken about a decade, but people now finally trust these fabrics and are willing to invest in outdoor rooms that look stunning.” Glen Raven is unique in that it is vertically integrated (from fiber to finished fabric), it has an in-house design staff, and it has the most extensive product-testing capabilities of any performance-fabric manufacturer, according to Hunnicutt.

FASHION AND FUNCTION Hunnicutt believes that fabric is the biggest visual cue on a piece of furniture, comparing it to the tie worn with a suit. “One buys a simple charcoal suit and spruces it up with a necktie. It’s the same rela46

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tionship between furniture and its upholstered cushions and pillows. Fabrics make it easy to create a look that expresses personal style,” he explains. There are hundreds of colors, styles, and textures of fabric available today, and they can be used to create almost any look. Glen Raven’s research/development and design teams are always working on new constructions and coming up with ideas for different fabric applications that raise the bar for performance fabrics. In recent years, Glen Raven has introduced 19 colors of Sunbrella velvet, which have been a big hit in the design community (as well as with consumers). “One can enjoy a velvet sofa on the patio or inside the home and not have to worry about the kids eating ice cream on it or the family pet curling up on it during an afternoon nap,” Hunnicutt says. He emphasizes that Glen Raven is always coming up with interesting yarn constructions and colors that mirror what’s going on in the fashion industry. This year, he says, marks the return of more color—not bright, primary colors as in years past, but muted hues, such as watery blues and pale yellows. “It’s sophisticated and soft, somewhere between pastel and pure color,” he explains, adding that Sunbrella has many new fabric introductions that will be



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The advancements in outdoor-fabric design and technology have had a lot to do with the fact that people are now willing to spend thousands of dollars to outf it their backyard retreats.

of time before performance fabrics undergo their next evolution, as they continue to show up in more elements in outdoor and indoor spaces. “We have something to offer, from top to bottom, in the outdoor room. From a complete-package perspective, we now have not only Sunbrella fabrics for furniture, but shade fabrics for umbrellas and awnings. We’ve got window treatments for indoors and outdoors, and we also have Sunbrella rugs,” he says. “I can confidently say that consumers haven’t seen the end of advancements in design or technology for performance fabrics.”

Hal Hunnicutt, vice president of marketing, Glen Raven Custom Fabrics

hitting retail floors in 2011. Next year, Sunbrella will celebrate its 50th anniversary, and it is running a branding campaign (featuring animated furniture) that emphasizes cleanability and durability, as well as presenting messages on color, fashion, and style.

GAINING CONSUMER TRUST There is no doubt that retailers can use fabrics to get customers to fall in love with a piece of furniture, but it is not as simple as offering hundreds of style and color choices. More isn’t always better. “One has to anticipate the trends, particularly in the furniture industry,” Hunnicutt says. “Consumers look to the retailer, the furniture manufacturer, and even the fabric manufacturer for some type of authority on what it is they offer. If they like your style, they will accept your colors.” For example,Williams–Sonoma Home ranks very high with consumers in terms of selection, but in reality, the company has a particular style that its target consumers like; it might actually offer its furniture in only one or two different colors. Retailers have to go into a season offering what they think are going to be the most popular colors, and the right fit for their target customers. “It’s the old adage: What you have on your floor is what sells—and that’s because people have faith in the retailer. In a lot of cases, consumers don’t want to have to work too hard to figure out what they want. They want the retailer to help them. Interior designers want more selection because they know the look they are after, so one has to offer them more selection,” Hunnicutt explains. Glen Raven/Sunbrella will have a booth at the Chicago International Casual Furniture & Accessories Market™ (for the first time) this September for the purposes of educating retailers about fabrics and giving them ideas on how to use fabric to increase sales. Glen Raven currently has a few initiatives in the works that Hunnicutt is confident will be of interest to retailers. One of them is a kiosk program that gives retailers the ability to offer Sunbrella fabrics by the yard as an addon sale, as well as a way to display fabrics tastefully on the retail floor for applications using the customer’s own material. Hunnicutt predicts that it’s only a matter

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Rimini Dining Group

The Rimini dining group by Alfresco Home includes a generous 120-inch rectangular weave dining table, eight dining armchairs, and two dining swiv el rockers. Featuring the extremely popular antique fern finish, the entir e Rimini collection is at once unique, fr esh, and classic. All Rimini pieces have die-cast, fully welded, cast-aluminum frames with stainless-steel hardware, resulting in exemplary

13-foot Bungalow Preferred Luxe Pavilion

The upscale Bungalow® pavilion is the perfect solution for attr acting customer interest to your specialty store’s showroom displays. Its patented, por table folding frame allows the pavilion to be moved easily to refresh displays throughout the store—or even outside, for special events. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 101

Sausalito Peak Season has found that as the outdoor-living space has further evolved and become a true extension of the average U.S. home, the customer’s expectations of style, quality, and functional furniture have reached new levels. The new Sausalito five-piece Gathering collection from Peak Season meets the consumer’s new standards with exceptional attention to detail. The additional accents of true outdoor placemats complete the transitional look, yet tie the overall look back to its mor e traditional beginnings. Contact: (866) 563-1732 or Circle Reader Service No. 102

7.5-foot Pole Umbrella Galtech International’s popular line of commercial umbrellas has been expanded with the addition of a 7.5-foot single–aluminum-pole umbrella. The new 722SR model is patterned after the popular 9-foot 732SR and features double-wall aluminum ribs; oversized, heavy-duty hubs; and quick-release ribs for easy replacement in the field. Contact: (805) 376-1060 or Circle Reader Service No. 103


Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

durability and permanence standards. As with all of A lfresco Home’s cast-aluminum collections, Rimini may be paired with any Sunbrella® outdoor-furniture fabric through the company’s custom-cushion program. Contact: (610) 731-0440 or Circle Reader Service No. 104

Infrared Outdoor Patio Heater The Vintage series by Patio Comfort combines the classic and elegant design elements of old-world, handcr afted aluminum components integrated beautifully into the latest in safety-oriented, functional, high-performance, long-lasting comfort heating products. The Vintage heater is protected with an antique bronze polyurethane powder coating that is electrostatically applied. The textured finish and color are designed to complement and enhance y our outdoor entertaining and dining areas. Contact: (949) 474-3070 or Circle Reader Service No. 105

Lucerne Daybed

The new Lucerne daybed by Protégé Casual is a grand new approach to a great category. The piece starts off as a love seat and has multiple functions from there. One legrest extended or two, back adjustment, pneumatic side tables: it has just about anything that y ou could want from a high-quality resin-weave piece. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 106



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Telescope Casual F






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11-foot Easy-tilt Umbrella

Garuda This Garuda six-piece deep seating set ships as a complete set, with cushions, a sofa, a love seat, a club chair, an ottoman, a 21-inch square end table, and a 21x42-inch coffee table. Contact: (951) 684-5090 or Circle Reader Service No. 107

Galtech International has introduced the new 887 11-foot easy-tilt cantilev ered umbrella. The innovative easy-tilt wheel enables the user to tilt the umbr ella to both left and right (to tr ack the afternoon shade) simply by rotating the wheel in either direction for the desired shade. The sleek profile of the 175-pound

Cirque With Cirque’s sleek new styling and a cushion that envelops the frame, Homecrest has totally modernized comfort. Cirque offers flexibility of function through accessories, such as a personalized umbrella and an end table, that allow for personalization to meet y our outside needs. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 108

Your Official Summer Stimulus Package. This one is Guaranteed to Work. Kamado Joe grills and accessories offer true charcoal taste and the cooking flexibility that gas and briquette grills can’t match. Join our team and stimulate your profits this summer and all year long with our Natural Lump Charcoal and a full line of accessories.

The Kamado Joe Advantage t Unmatched Margins for Higher Profits t A Full Line of Accessories t Dependable Dealer/Distributor Support t Fast Consistent Delivery

Apply online to become a dealer at: KAMADOJOE.COM Circle Reader Service No. 50


Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

polyresin-composite base allows more use of the shaded area while providing a stable platform for operating the umbrella. Contact: (805) 376-1060 or Circle Reader Service No. 109


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303 Products Offers Free-sample Program 303 Products, Inc., Palo Cedro, California, will be launching a free-sample program for retailers in the United States and Canada this summer. Retailers participating in the program will receive a display containing free consumer samples of 303 P atio Furniture Protectant™. An informational color pamphlet will be attached to each sample, and each display will contain 50 samples. A toll-fr ee number on the back of the display will pr ompt the retailer to call when sample supplies are getting low. 303 Products will then ship a r eplacement display to the retailer. 303 Products will pay for all the costs of the pr ogram. Contact: (800) 223-4303 or Circle Reader Service No. 110


Bungalow by Summerset Outdoor Living is a contempor ary, modular woven set that can be customiz ed to fit any space. The wicker is constructed of durable polyresin that holds up well when exposed to the elements. The Bungalow’s aluminum subframe comes with a 10-year warranty. The tables offer similar construction, but hav e additional weight to support an umbrella. Firepit/ice-bucket centerpiece tables are also available. Retailers can order single items or order by the container. Contact: (951) 684-5090 or Circle Reader Service No. 111

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Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

Monterey California Outdoor Concepts premiers its new firepit table, the Monterey. Capturing that iconic California experience, the Monterey is a dashing addition to your backyard landscape. Your first impression is of dark mahogany footings, but run your hand along the realistic basketweave of its unique design, feel the warmth of fir e, and you will instantly be transported to the winding, rugged coastline of the Monterey Peninsula. In the same way that the city of Monter ey has always highlighted what is best about California, the Monterey has combined aesthetic beauty with practical function. You can easily put your feet up or set your glass down while your friends admire your style around a lively fire. Contact: (877) 274-6773 or Circle Reader Service No. 112



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Agio adds new flair in 2011 with its flagship collection, Meridian, which combines the best Agio craftsmanship with bold new function and design. The five-piece, L-shaped deep seating sectional features a multifunction ottoman that converts traditional seating to a chaise. With the addition of a removable sleeve, the ottoman also conveniently converts into a functional coffee table for ser ving and entertaining guests. A unique pairing of aluminum fr ames with a natural wood look and beautiful all-w eather wicker creates a modern, clean line that is sur e to be in demand for y ears to come. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 113

EZ-Dri Cushions EZ-Dri polyether–polyurethane foam outdoor cushions dry almost immediately after exposure to rain, salt spray, melting snow, morning dew, washing, or other forms of moisture and humidity. Large, open pores allow maximum water drainage and air circulation, permitting use quickly after cushions have been wet or even saturated. With EZ-Dri outdoor cushioning materials, you achieve the best of both worlds: long-lasting wear and comfort combined with extremely fast drying. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 114

303 Patio Furniture Cleaner and Protectant 303 Products, Inc., announces two additions to its line of products for patio-furniture care. According to the company, these products are the best way for the consumer to keep patio furnitur e and fabrics clean and looking like new. The new products are for teak, plastics, polyethylene, vinyl, fiberglass, epoxy, other composite resins, powder-coated metal, and stainless steel. 303 P atio Furniture Cleaner™ safely removes leaf stains, bird droppings, tree sap, berry juice, wine, barbecue smoke, oil, and grease, and it rinses residue free. 303 Patio Furniture Protectant™ leaves a like-new finish that repels soiling, body oils, and suntan lotions. It contains powerful UV screening to protect against fading. Both products are nontoxic and biodegradable. Contact: (800) 223-4303 or Circle Reader Service No. 115

Moistly Grilled Moistly Grilled® by The Companion Group is a two-piece, cast-iron vessel with a vented lid that goes into the grill and holds water—or any other flavored liquid—to add humidity to the grilling environment while food cooks. The result is the juiciest, most flav orful meat you’ve ever experienced. Contact: (800) 521-0505 or Circle Reader Service No. 116

Jane Seymour Collection

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Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

With its luxurious fabric and comfor table deep seating design, the new Jane Seymour Garden Gate collection by Acacia Home and G arden clearly blurs the line betw een what is indoors and what is outside. This beautiful collection is made of Dur apex™ synthetic woven material and also features faux-stone tables. The dining collection is available in 16 finishes, including the new vintage gold. Contact: (828) 465-1700 or Circle Reader Service No. 117



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Caluco Simple Leisure. Explore Our Outdoors.

We craft outdoor furniture and accessories that are aordable, beautiful and well-made. We understand that focusing on our customer is the key to our success.

We believe in the value

of simple leisure in an

overly complicated

world. We are Caluco. C ALUCO Simple Leisure. 702 Jessie Street San Fernando, CA 91340 866.535.6558 Circle Reader Service No. 55




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Del Mar “Belly up to the bar, boys,” will be your new catchphrase, once you’ve seen the Del Mar bar-height firepit table made by California Outdoor Concepts. The newest table in the Del Mar series, this bar-height firepit table truly rises to the occasion. A sleek, str eamlined base of cast resin is complemented by curvy wrought aluminum that reaches to meet polished granite. Choices abound, with four granite types and four base colors av ailable, plus accessories to grill or chill away the day . Put one in your backyard, pull up a chair, and hear yourself saying, “I’m buying.” Contact: (877) 274-6773 or Circle Reader Service No. 118

Somerby Chair Covers Covering up your outdoor furniture never looked so good. Peak Season has found that as the outdoor -living space has further evolved, the customer’s expectation of style is no longer held by tr aditional boundaries. The new Somerby chair covers from Peak Season are aimed at the consumer’s new standards, creating limitless options. Contact: (866) 563-1732 or Circle Reader Service No. 119

Grace Go back to basics with the deceptiv ely simple design of the Grace collection, a versatile suite of outdoor options for seating and dining. Gr ace exudes cool confidence by uniting the warm hues of gr ade A teak with the contemporary finish of durable stainless steel, creating a collection worthy of its name. Contact: (866) 535-6558 or Circle Reader Service No. 120

Rose Lattice Reflecting an organic motif perfect for complementing any outdoor oasis, Couristan’s new Rose Lattice design brings a fresh aesthetic to the award-winning Recife collection. Power loomed entirely of 100% fiber-enhanced Courtron™ polypropylene, this weather-resistant performance rug features a durable flat-woven construction suitable for indoor and outdoor use. UV stabilized for premium color retention, it is mold and mildew r esistant, easy to clean, and 100% recyclable. Contact: (201) 585-8500 or Circle Reader Service No. 121

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Kokomo Sectional OUTDOOR COLLECTION The noticeable difference of a sensually stylish, curvaceous back sets the “NEW” Kokomo modular sectional apart from its conventional competition. The scale is precise, the variegated weave flawless, and the cushion comfort is unrivaled. The Kokomo Collection continues expanding to include seating, motion, occasional, and two dining chairs with an assortment of tables. The fully welded all aluminum frame construction and polyethylene wicker weave make it perfect for any exposed setting. Many fabrics to choose from at the same price – put your favorite pieces together to make a unique configuration…. t SEATING t (2) STYLES OF DINING t t MULTIPLE TABLE CHOICES t t 5"#-& 5014 t .05*0/ t t OCCASIONAL PIECES t

OUR PROMISE TO YOU Palm Springs Rattan® & Garden Classics’® mission is to supply Top Quality, Trouble-Free, Fast-Selling Products at Extremely Aggressive Prices while maintaining the BEST Customer Support in the Business! Paying attention to every detail, each collection is loaded with features & benefits while being priced for retailer profits. We promise to ship quickly with our huge in-stock inventory and answer your calls when you need it most!



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Manhattan Caluco channels the timeless appeal of Manhattan with a warm, inviting take on high design that emphasizes comfort and ease over modernist rigor. Contemporary forms and lines crafted from solid, grade A teak are relaxed, offering a refreshing approach to minimalist design aesthetics. Contact: (866) 535-6558 or Circle Reader Service No. 122

Sawgrass Mills Garnet Bella Outdoor Rug Pairing bold lines with a cur vaceous floral motif creates a classic, almost stately feel, putting a penthouse face on virtually any outdoor space. This stylish rug’s deep-ruby background bursts with the ripe-fruit richness of summer, while the double oatmeal border partners well with natural outside colors. Garnet Bella comes in 5x8-foot or 8x10-foot siz es and is also available in black. All Sawgrass MillsŽ outdoor rugs are crafted from Ž handhooked, cottony-soft DuraCord , resistant to rot, mold, mildew, fading, and staining. Contact: (800) 334-1078 or Circle Reader Service No. 123

Manchester ProtÊgÊ Casual is proud to announce the new Manchester collection. Manchester is a full collection that includes comfor t seating pieces, as well as a firepit. Beautiful and traditional features give this cast-aluminum design an elegant flair at a gr eat price point. You can see this—plus many other new additions to P rotÊgÊ Casual’s 2011 lineup in cast aluminum, wicker, and sling categories—at booths 8-7120 and 8-7130 at the Casual Market in September. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 124


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Čˆ Goodbye, rust stains. Corrosion-free, non-marring Â?ƒ–‡”‹ƒŽ Â?‡‡’• ’ƒ–‹‘• ƒÂ?† †‡…Â?• …Ž‡ƒÂ?Ǥ

Čˆ 5HÂż OOV DUH D EUHH]H Design is 50% lighter than steel, with

It’s now possible to heat adjoining rooms effectively from a central location with the Cumberland Stove Works (CSW) MF3810 multifuel pellet stove. The MF3810 has all of the same benefits of the MF3800 plus double the fuel capacity, thanks to the addition of the CSW Heat Link. Its unattended electric ignition and smart controller make it easy to use. Because it has more heat-exchange tubes and multiple fuel options available, you’ll have no problem getting the right amount of heat. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 125

Skytop Collection Alfresco Home has introduced the handsome Skytop collection, one of the company’ s delightful new Everwoven™ all-weather wicker collections. The Skytop collection includes deep seating rockers, lounge chairs, love-seat gliders, and sofas offering gener ous sizing,

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Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

exceptional comfort, and engaging movement. The Skytop collection’s coordinating side tables and accents also feature that distinctive open-weave, round-wicker extrusion in a birch finish. Easily create your exclusive look by combining Alfresco Home’s Everwoven pieces with any SunbrellaŽ outdoor-furniture fabric choices through the company’s custom-cushion program. Contact: (610) 731-0440 or Circle Reader Service No. 126



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Hatteras Hammocks Spring Bay Stripe Large Quilted Hammock Serenity now: What the sedate, striped pattern suggests, this ex ceptional quilted hammock more than delivers. Expertly sewn from the surprisingly soft outdoor fabric Dur aCord®, the Spring Bay Stripe large quilted hammock resists staining, fading, rotting, mold, and mildew. Its spreader bars are richly grained South American cumaru, among the har dest, most durable woods on earth. The hammock’s body measures 55x82 inches; its total length is 13 feet. The Hatteras Hammocks® bolster pillow and the all-weather–wicker Roman Arc® cypress hammock stand are sold separately. Contact: (800) 334-1078 or Circle Reader Service No. 129

Regatta by Casual Creations Regatta features classic styling created for sunning, dining, or just to look at; artisan handfinished in Casual Creations’ new faux painted Shadowood, Regatta offers plush comfort and unique styling. Regatta is available in sling, cushion dining, and full deep seating collections—all accompanied by handmade coordinated occasional tables. Contact: (866) 355-8523 or Circle Reader Service No. 127

FMI Products FMI Products, L.L.C., takes its patented technology to a new level: the true masonry look without the mason or the labor costs. Seeing is believing. A prefabricated firebox ensures the exact alignment of firebricks, and high-temperature grout is used to provide a clean finish. The entire process is completed in the company’s factory, for all of the benefits, but none of the hassles. Contact: or Circle Reader Service No. 128




Casual Furniture & Accessories Showroom: #17-107 7200 Gateway Court, Manassas, Virginia 20109 USA t 703.361.7000 f 703.361.7001


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Decorative Safety Screens Diamond W Products, a leader in the design and manufactur e of fireplace accessories, has introduced a new line of decor ative safety screens to fit any manufacturer’s direct-vent gas fireplace. Diamond W’s decorative safety screens are available in four unique designs and 25 powder-coat finishes, and they can be installed in minutes—no tools required. The suggested retail price is $900. To become a dealer, contact the company. Contact: (800) 243-6773 or Circle Reader Service No. 130

Hemispheres by Casual Creations Expertly handcrafted and elegant, Hemispheres depicts contemporary architectural lines and a unique East-meets-West flavor. This beautiful collection will gracefully adorn any outdoor/indoor setting with stately charm. Hemispher es is available in sling, cushion dining, and luxurious deep seating collections. This exquisite modular collection is accompanied by handmade coordinated tables. Contact: (866) 355-8523 or Circle Reader Service No. 132

Solaris by Heat & Glo Inspired by the setting sun, the Solaris ™ by Heat & Glo® is the world’s only see-through, circular direct-vent gas fireplace. This award-winning fireplace features artistic performance never seen before in fireplaces. Available in two models, it is also the world’s thinnest see-through circular fireplace, and it can be installed on a wall with 2x6-inch framing. The Solaris 36-ST has a patent-pending, transparent Razor™ burner positioned at the center of the fireplace, producing flames that appear to be suspended in midair. The Solaris 36-MR has the same advanced burner technology and is outfitted with L ED lighting and mirrored glass, creating a dramatic illusion of continuous, levitating flames, dancing into infinity. For the surround, 36 color combinations of powder coat or gloss paint ar e available for both models. Unmatched in the industr y, the Solaris is ideal for both residential and commercial applications. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 133

Rain or Shine

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Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

Exciting and bold, Orange Sherbert is now part of AMS Imports’ Rain or Shine collection of outdoor ar ea rugs, featuring 100% polypropylene yarns and acrylic fabrics. Rugs in fabric and yarn designs, a sisal look, and chenille yarns are available, too, in 18 stock or custom sizes. These rugs are easy to clean; just hose them down and let them air dr y. They are UV, mold, and mildew resistant, and they stand up to the elements, season after season. The rugs are made in the United States, and deliveries can be made within 10 days. Contact: (413) 253-2644,, or Circle Reader Service No. 134



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Kamado Joe Stainless-steel Grill Table Kamado Joe stainless-steel grill tables ar e the ultimate in beauty and weather resistance. They are constructed of brushed 304 stainless steel with convenient fold-down side shelves and a spacious storage area underneath for grill accessories. The locking casters keep the grill table in place and add stability. Each table comes fully assembled. Contact: (678) 866-0642 or Circle Reader Service No. 135

Fusion At the cutting edge of design, monochr omatic stainless-steel frames and single-piece swooping slings ensure that Fusion dining and lounging collections by Gloster stand out fr om the crowd. Designed by Danish designer Povl Eskildsen, sleek solid-steel frames with integral peened armrests combine with mercury-colored slings to offer the maximum in comfor t and practicality. Contact: Circle Reader Service No.138

Grill Daddy Platinum

The Grill Daddy, the effortless grill cleaner with the po wer of steam, is now available for food-service–industry professionals with the introduction of the rugged metal-alloy Grill Daddy Platinum. A typical grill-cleaning brush barely scrapes the surface of grill gr ates and requires a herculean effort to use. The Grill Daddy Platinum cleans professional grills effortlessly in minutes. By simply preheating the grill and filling the industrial-model Grill Daddy Platinum with water, chefs and cooks can easily brush away caked-on food residue and grease. The released water hits the grill, turns to steam, and rinses away burnt-on food, gr ease, and dirt. Grill Daddy Platinum gives grill users a sanitized grill that is sparkling clean and food that tastes gr eat. What’s more, because it uses steam to clean the grill, no r ancid, greasy residue builds up on the brush; residue is liquefied and melts away, leaving the cleaning head free of bacteria and grease. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 136

Riviera Collection The new Riviera collection from Gensun Casual Living combines bold scrolls and curves in the back design, an ornamental arm, and attractive legs for an overall design of simple elegance. Rivier a is shown in the new black for est frame finish, one of 11 fr ame finishes available from Gensun. The collection features dining, bar, and balcony seating, along with many deep seating options. Ov er 300 fabrics are available for customization. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 137

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Mantis High-efficiency Fireplace Certified for Canadian Market Unique Mantis fireplaces from Empire Comfort Systems have been certified for sale in Canada. Canadian Mantis models include the original bay-windo w systems—which mount on a pedestal, in a mantel, or in a wall—and the new fireplace models. The Mantis fireplace makes the perfect choice for z ero-clearance, in-wall installations anywhere in the home. Rated at more than 90% efficient, the Mantis outperforms ev ery vented gas fireplace on the market. Because it uses r eadily available 1.5-inch PVC pipe for venting, installation is fast, at a total investment that rivals that for a conventional direct-vent fireplace. The small-diameter venting can be routed up a wall and out the r oof, down through the floor and out a crawlspace or basement wall, or str aight out the back, making Mantis especially suited for sunr ooms, cabins, basements, or any installation where a conventional vent pipe is impractical. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 139

Bel Air Collection The Bel Air collection from Gensun Casual Living is new for 2010. This collection presents a very sophisticated and virtually timeless design. Bel Air arms bring gentle cur ves and fine detailing together for striking beauty. The back of the chair flows with graceful and stunning detail, and the spindle legs feature elaborate design distinction. The new mocha frame finish, shown on the collection, star ts with a rich brown basecoat and is then accented with taupe antiquing. This collection is available in a wide variety of seating options, 10 fr ame finishes, and over 300 fabrics; the Bel Air collection—gr and style and alluring comfort. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 140

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Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

Shoreline From the Five Seasons® collection, Couristan’s new Shoreline design is the perfect way to bring a fresh, beachlike theme to outdoor-entertaining spaces, indoor sunrooms, porches, and patios. Power loomed of 100% heat-set Cour tron™ polypropylene, this 100% recyclable, weather-resistant area rug offers a highly dur able flat-woven surface that is mold and mildew resistant, as well as UV stabilized to ensure color retention. Contact: (201) 585-8500 or Circle Reader Service No. 141



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The Riva

FiberBuilt Umbrellas introduces the Riva, its newest heavy-duty umbrella. Like the company’s Lucaya style, the Riva umbrella features a one-piece pole and can be finished in seven powder-coated colors. The new model, however, sports an aluminum pole that is 2 inches in diameter and 0.75-inch– diameter flexible fiberglass ribs, for added structural support of these large-scale products. This model is available in 9- and 11-foot diameters and in 6-, 7.5-, and 10-foot square sizes. The vented canopy can be specified in any of Sunbrella’s marine or furniture-grade fabrics or in the customer’s own material. Contact: (866) 667-8668 or Circle Reader Service No. 142

Piano by Harbour Outdoor

PureFire FMI Products, L.L.C., announces the introduction of its green technology platform, PureFire, to the Georgian 50-inch unit. This product meets EPA phase 2 standards and is one of the more affordable technologies available. The unit burns 75% more cleanly than standard wood-burning units, requires no special burning techniques, is not visible, and is maintenance free. Contact: (866) 328-4537 or Circle Reader Service No. 143

Piano is a fun and playful collection to suit the lifestyle that y ou live. Designed for the young at heart, aluminum powder-coated frames and light-diffusing Batyline ® mesh chairs and stools—combined with UV-resistant, high-pressure compact laminate slats for tabletops and bench seats—transform any outdoor space into an enticing, vibr ant entertaining area. Contact: (877) 242-7268 or Circle Reader Service No. 145

Horizon Club Horizon Club by Gloster borrows styling from its smaller cousin, Horizon, while taking on more generous proportions. Up in scale and up in comfort—as impressive as it is luxurious, Horiz on Club offers a new way to enjo y outdoor living. From an intimate pod to dramatic modular social settings, deep, soft cushions, securely fastened to all-weather–wicker frames, offer the very latest in outdoor living and style. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 144

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IP System Adds Remote Ignition and Variable Flame Height Empire Comfort Systems has expanded its popular Slope Glaz e burner line with new variable flame height intermittent pilot (IP) models. The IP system includes a batter y-operated thermostat remote control that allows the consumer to light the fireplace, adjust the flame height, and set the thermostat—all fr om the comfort of the couch. Available in LP and natural-gas models, Slope Glaze burners are available as manual, millivolt, variable-flame, and the new IP systems. The IP systems are available in 18-, 24-, and 30-inch siz es, and they will accept any of the eight log sets designed for Slope Glaz e burners. Logs and burners are sold separately. These burners are certified for installation as vent-free heating systems in existing fir eplaces or in any cer tified vent-free fireboxes. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 146


Airo2 by Homecrest is a sophisticated transitional collection of modular pieces without inner cushion materials (air). It is designed to create the comfort of a cushion with the care of a sling. The Airo2 collection is covered in an exclusive Homecrest fabric with characteristics allowing you to experience the ultimate in comfor t and fast drying properties. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 147

HHT’s Carolina Outdoor Gas Fireplace Whether a homeowner is remodeling a patio or building a new home, the Carolina outdoor gas fireplace will transform the outdoor space into a comfortable and warm living area. The Carolina features a beautiful fire, with Hearth & Home Technologies’ exclusive FireBrick™ technology offering a seamless, real-masonry brick pattern and providing 25% more heat than metal fireplaces can. Standard features on the Carolina include a stainless-steel screen and grate, the IntelliFire Plus™ ignition system for maximum fuel conservation, and stylish controls with an ergonomic design. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 148

Memphis 3-in-1 Outdoor-cooking Center The Memphis 3-in-1 outdoor-cooking center by Hearthland Products lets you enjoy year-round grilling, whether you’re searing a steak at 650 degrees, slow cooking smoked ribs, or even baking a pie. The Memphis 3-in-1 consists of a high-temperature grill, a Low ‘n’ Slow smoker, and a convection oven. A digital intelligent temperature control automatically sets and maintains pr ecise temperature, just as your indoor oven does. Manufactured in the United States, the Memphis 3-in-1 is 100% fueled by hardwood pellets and is also a pizza o ven. Contact: (888) 883-2260 or Circle Reader Service No. 149

Sunpak Patio Heaters

Sunpak® models S25 and S34 are outdoor-rated heaters available for use with natural or propane gas. These state-of-the art heaters offer a slim pr ofile that works well in a wide variety of patio settings. These heaters can be either wall mounted or ceiling mounted. The optional mounting kit allows the heater to be mounted fr om above, keeping the patio deck free and clear. Sunpak comes with a 24-v olt AC spark-ignition system that includes flame monitoring thr ough flame rectification. All Sunpak heaters require an external 24-volt AC source. Sunpak heaters are available in a black powder coat or a 304 stainless-steel finish. Contact: (888) 317-5255 or Circle Reader Service No. 150

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Handcrafted Ironhaus Doors Handcrafted fireplace doors from Ironhaus for masonry and zero-clearance fireplaces are available in many design/style options, fr om classic to contemporary. Don’t miss out on the upcoming fireplace-door season. With the company’s new Face It program, face your favorite or bestselling gas or wood fir eplace. Contact Ironhaus today for your display-buyback guarantee. Ironhaus is confident that you will make a sale within six months or the company will buy back its display doors fr om you. Contact: (866) 880-0900 Ext. 103 or Circle Reader Service No. 151

Kamado Joe Teak Grill Table Enjoy the beauty and weather resistance of a Kamado Joe solid-wood teak grill table. Showcase your Kamado Joe grill with plenty of working area on the large tabletop; the table has locking casters for stability. Assembly is quick and easy, taking as few as 15 minutes. Contact: (678) 866-0642 or Circle Reader Service No. 152

Artisan Fire Pizza Oven by Kalamazoo Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet has introduced the Artisan Fire pizza oven, the first countertop outdoor pizza oven with two independently controlled burners, offering unparalleled cooking power and control. Kalamazoo has taken all of the best featur es and cooking characteristics found in traditional brick-lined, large, wood-fired pizza ovens and wrapped them in an elegant, gas-fired, stainless-steel package. With a top temperature in excess of 800 degrees, its two custom-made and independently controlled burners give outdoor cooks the ability to customiz e the oven’s heat and bake pizzas, calz ones, and artisanal breads of any style. The oven comes up to baking temper ature in as few as 20 minutes, making pizza night a mor e spontaneous occasion. The Artisan Fire pizza oven’s compact size leaves a small footprint on a countertop, making it an ideal element for a new outdoor kitchen or any existing backyard patio. Contact: (800) 868-1699 or Circle Reader Service No. 153

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Lite-Touch Q Outdoors Oneburner Ceramic Cooktop Bring the cooking outside: Lite-Touch Q Outdoors blends design and function into a style that enhances your outdoor kitchen. Its waterproof design allows use in any weather conditions. It has intuitive touch control with auto shutoff, and its subtly textured black glass has a bev eled edge for a seamless counter top installation. Equipped with a GFCI power cord and a three-prong, 120-volt plug for user safety, the cooktop has a three-year product-replacement warranty and is made in the United S tates. It is UL/cUL approved for outdoor use. Contact: (860) 664-4906 or www Circle Reader Service No. 155

K900 Hybrid Grill Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet has introduced the newest generation of its benchmark K900 Hybrid Fire grill. The only grill capable of cooking with wood, charcoal, and gas—all at the same time—featur es a new hybrid grilling drawer system and a redesigned, spring-assisted hood that makes the 60-pound top easy to open with one hand. The hybrid grilling drawer system has always been at the hear t of the K900. The new system, the result of significant research and development, features a single drawer style, engineered for use in every cooking session, making switching cooking fuels easier than ever. The new spring-assisted hood features two 50-pound springs and a cable system clev erly built to run along the back and interior of the grill hood and cabinet, keeping it clean and fr ee of grease and ash. Contact: (800) 868-1699 or Circle Reader Service No. 154

Trinidad Spring Club Chair Trinidad masters the art of graceful living with double-faced cane sides, arms, and backs, which add an unmistakable sense of style and casual elegance. The deep, rich Kona-colored all-weather woven resin is full of character and warmth. A wide range of fabrics, available on plush cushions with custom braiding, will allow clients to personalize their selections. Dining pieces, a sofa, a love seat, and an adjustable chaise, as well as a luxurious oversized chaise, complete this collection of distinctiv e style. View the Trinidad collection and experience that special casual elegance that says w elcome Home at the company’s Chicago, Illinois, Merchandise Mart showroom, suite 1766. Contact: (800) 251-6537 or Circle Reader Service No. 156

Culebra Collection

Made in the USA

ICFA Market, Showroom 1744, Chicago September 21-24, 2010 Circle Reader Service No. 66


Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

Kingsley-Bate’s Culebra collection is a stylish mixed-material ensemble that combines all-weather wicker with premium teak accents. Each piece is handwoven around a powder-coated aluminum frame for strength and resistance to corrosion. The slightly distressed texture of the wicker is specially designed to complement the weathering of the teak by simulating natur al wicker that has aged. All items pair beautifully with Kingsley-Bate’s assortment of teak tables. The group includes a dining armchair, a side chair, a club chair, an ottoman, a rocker, a sofa bench, and occasional tables. Contact: (703) 361-7000 or www Circle Reader Service No. 157



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SEPTEMBER 21–24, 2010 THE MERCHANDISE MART IN CHICAGO Register at | 800.677.6278

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Solana: Dave Lennox Signature Collection Wood-burning Fireplace



The Solana™, from the Dave Lennox Signature™ collection, takes a giant leap forwar d in clean wood-burning technology, significantly exceeding the voluntary EPA phase 2 standard of particulate emissions (at just 3.87 grams emitted per kilogram burned). Innovative Fresh Fire™ technology lowers smoke emissions by 70%, compar ed with standard open-hearth, wood-burning fireplaces. A powerful heat-circulating design delivers warm air into the living space, while cer amic glass and doors provide additional heat radiation. An outside-air kit uses combustion to incr ease burning efficiency while preserving warm air inside. An efficient air-wash system keeps the glass fr ee from soot, while ash removal is simplified by a tilt-up gr ate. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 158

Kenyon Custom Revolution All Seasons Grill The joy of healthy grilling comes in the r eward of eating the finest grilled food ev er. Flameless, smokeless grilling lets you cook indoors or out—and pr ovides ease of cleanup and the safety of electric grilling for r esidents of apartments and condominiums where open-flame grilling is restricted. Coupled with superior performance, these featur es are all part of the Revolution. Built-in and portable models are available; they have 120-volt, three prong plugs with GFCI and are UL/cUL approved for outdoor use. The grills have a three-year product-replacement warranty and are made in the United S tates. Contact: (860) 664-4906 or Circle Reader Service No. 159

Tivoli Collection Kingsley-Bate’s new Tivoli collection, designed by John Caldwell, is a modern composition of stainless steel, Batyline®, and teak. Available in cream or black, the dining armchair and side chair are comfortable and generously scaled, making them also suitable as lounge chairs. Both chairs stack for easy storage. Displayed here is the Tivoli 84-inch rectangular dining table. A 42-inch square dining table is also offered. Other pieces in the collection include a stacking chaise and a side table. Contact: (703) 361-7000 or Circle Reader Service No. 160

New Fiberglass BaseWith Wheels

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Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

In response to dealer inquiries and customer demand, FiberBuilt Umbrellas has introduced its new collection of fiber glass bases with wheels. The heavy-duty, polyurethane, nonmarking Stoltz wheels make moving your umbrellas from place to place much easier. These attractive bases come in 90-, 125-, and 175-pound w eights and in six finish colors. The 90- and 125-pound bases ship filled. All bases come with a matching, powder-coated, heavy-gauge aluminum sleeve that is 18 inches tall. Contact: (866) 667-8668 or Circle Reader Service No. 161



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Ellington Circular Made of all aluminum and sho wn in the antique copper finish, the Ellington Cir cular by Mallin Casual features armless club chairs that can be added or subtr acted to create larger or smaller circular arrangements. Club chairs and club ottomans are also available to create the full deep seating experience. Experience Ellington at the company’s showroom in Chicago, Illinois, at 1766 Merchandise Mart. Contact: (800) 251-6537 or Circle Reader Service No. 162

Monessen Covington 600 Direct-vent Fireplace System Introducing the Covington 600 direct-vent fireplace system from Monessen: This extra-large addition to the Covington series offers more than 1,500 square inches of ceramic-glass viewing area in a clean-face, modern design. Cr eated with both beauty and functionality in mind, the Covington 600 offers up to 60,000 Btu of comforting warmth and big, bold, beautiful, dancing yellow flames. The standard Total Signature Command™ control puts the fire at your fingertips with easy-to-use, feature-rich controls that make getting the most fr om this fireplace convenient and simple. With accent lighting that offers three-step dimming; a large, realistic, stacked log set; and optional andirons, the Covington 600 isn’t short on features and is definitely big on style. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 163

Wall-mounted Morsø Stove A wall-mounted Morsø wood stove makes it possible to hang fire’s blazing beauty in a prime location for warmly accentuating any r oom. Constructed of high-quality, 98% recycled cast iron, the Morsø 7670 and 6170 wall-mounted sto ves burn with incredible cleanness and efficiency. With low emissions that meet even the strict Washington State requirements, these tax-credit–qualified beauties are valuable home-enhancing assets. Contact: (866) 883-9619 or Circle Reader Service No. 164

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MLW Stone, L.L.C., Introduces


Natural Stacked-stone Fireplace Kits This new product has the look and workmanship of authentic, natural stacked stone. Integrated with today’s innovative technology, it reduces significantly the cost of installation. Most natural stacked-stone fireplaces are cut and installed in individual pieces—but StacKIT surrounds are prefabricated into panels that are cut to standard fireplace-kit sizes and can be installed in minutes, just as y ou would install a marble or gr anite surround. These kits are stocked in MLW’s three standard sizes and include a header, two legs, a riser, and a three-piece hearth; 6x24-inch interlocking panels, complete with corner pieces, are also available to accommodate raised hearths and wall applications. The product is available in two colors: Carden gold and multicolor. Contact: (800) 477-7665 Ext. 127. Circle Reader Service No. 165

Morsø 5660 Zero-clearance Enclosure Fireside devotees in homes without chimneys or fireplaces can now more easily pursue renewable, locally grown wood energy, thanks to Danish wood-stove manufacturer Morsø. With the introduction of two new zero-clearance enclosures, almost any home can now enjoy dancing flames with high performance and wood fuel independence. Made in the United S tates and approved for the United States and Canada, the Morsø 5660 z ero-clearance enclosure is designed to be fr amed into the home, and when finished pr operly, it leaves a clean, flat-wall appearance. This is excellent option for homeowners planning to update their homes with the adv anced technology of a Morsø 5660 fireplace insert and class A chimney. The Morsø zero-clearance enclosure, sold separately from the 5660 fireplace insert, is available in two versions and is designed, tested, and approved for use solely with the Morsø 5660 S tandard and 5660 NA fireplace-insert models. Contact: (866) 883-9619 or Circle Reader Service No. 166


Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

Elite Series Outdoor Gas Fireplace The pleasure of an outdoor fireplace, the contemporary look of stainless steel (on all surfaces exposed to w eather), and the ease of ventless use come together in the elegant Elite ™ series EODG gas fireplaces. A vertical-aspect glass enclosure panel, an up-to-the-glass finish, and a louverless design provide an exceptional view in 36- and 42-inch screened openings. Maximum outputs of 50,000 Btu (natur al gas) and 46,000 Btu (propane) are controlled through a turndown valve for precise flame height and heat, and intermittent ignition with batter y backup ensures reliable operation—even during power failures. Design challenges are a thing of the past with a v entless configuration that works in outdoor patios, screened porches, and lanais—with no chimney required—and with a remotely locatable, weather-resistant control panel with a junction box that can be installed in any convenient location. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 167

Terrazzo FireLites Terrazzo FireLites™ are Napa Home & Garden’s newest addition to its most popular collection, with seven contemporary designs in smooth terrazzo stone. Each is ideal for use with Napafire gel fuel, the industry’s only truly green product of its kind; this smoke-free, odor-free pourable gel is made from recycled consumer waste and provides hours of burn time, inside or outdoors. Contact: (888) 893-2323 or Circle Reader Service No. 168

Beware: Prices and Value Will Attract New Customers

Timberwolf EPA wood and pellet stoves and inserts provide an economical solution to the rising costs of home heating. These clean-burning, cost-effective stoves and inserts deliver the reliable heat that your customers need. Outstanding efficiencies, a solid cast-ir on arched door, and an impressive viewing area make Timberwolf the perfect choice for any home or cottage. Timberwolf is a new division by Napoleon®. Contact: (800) 461-5581 or Circle Reader Service No. 169



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A great value, NorthCape’s Cabo collection offers a luxurious resort feel and comfort for your backyard at an affordable price. This modular collection is versatile enough to fit anyone’s living space and budget. Cabo features an elegant, curved arm; a lightweight aluminum frame; durable, UV-protected polyethylene woven resin; and plush deep seating for added comfort. Contact the company for more information on Cabo or its selection of outdoor lamps, rugs, and accessories. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 170

QuickDryFoam Hampton Tables The versatility of the Hampton dining tables makes them suitable for any outdoor-dining setting. Each table comes with the option of a pedestal or four corner legs. Av ailable in four lengths, these functional tables can be used standing alone or in adjoining positions to create more dining space. Handcrafted of shorea hardwood using mortise-and-tenon joinery, this collection will prove to last for years. Contact: (877) 866-3331 or Circle Reader Service No. 171

QuickDryFoam® is exceptionally porous and permeable, which allows maximum water drainage and air circulation so that cushions can be used quickly after being w et or even saturated. They have built-in antimicrobial protection, so you can always leave your cushions outdoors without worries. Because of its unrivaled durability, QuickDryFoam is the most popular choice for outdoor cushions in exclusive European brands. Contact: (877) 733-2589 or Circle Reader Service No. 172

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Clear View LP Gas Tanks Offer your customers a clear advantage over outdated metal propane tanks with the Clear View composite LP gas cylinder. Clear View’s translucent design provides a visible fuel level and is 50% lighter than steel. Consumers love the ergonomic handle and tip-proof flat base, and its corrosion-free, nonmarring material keeps patios clean. Contact: (800) 823-6677 or Circle Reader Service No. 173


Ultra Chef Accessories Today’s discriminating consumer is interested in outdoor entertaining more than ever before. With a full line of accessories to choose fr om, Ultra Chef® is capturing the consumer’s attention with its distinctive lineup of barbecue accessories. From tool sets to chicken r oasters, charcoal starters, shish-kebab sets, pizza stones, and more, consumers will have everything that they need to enhance their grills. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 176

Vermont Castings 2N1 Def iant and 2N1 Encore Wood Stoves

NorthCape’s Berkshire adds a timeless look to any backyar d with its handwoven, thick, rich Cappuccino weave and elegant, detailed cur ves. The sophisticated open-weave sides and back create style and comfort for lasting enjoyment throughout the summer. For more information on Berkshire or NorthCape’s selection of outdoor lamps, rugs, and accessories, contact the company. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 174

Introducing the Vermont Castings 2N1 Defiant and 2N1 Encore freestanding wood stoves: The 2010 Defiant and Encore wood stoves from Vermont Castings offer not only the traditional beauty of handcrafted, forged cast iron, but also industry-leading wood-burning technology. These new 2N1 wood stoves offer your customers a way to hav e the best of both worlds: an incredibly efficient wood stove and an excellent source of heat. Unlike any other wood stoves available on the market today, the 2N1 Defiant and Encor e are both catalytic and noncatalytic wood stoves in one—easily switched between catalytic and noncatalytic operation without tools. This industry-exclusive convertible catalytic/noncatalytic mechanism addresses many of the usability, durability, and efficiency concerns associated with tr aditional wood stoves. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 177

Double-wall Stovepipe

Monterra by OW Lee The Monterra collection by OW Lee, known and revered for its classic design and comfort, introduces a club swivel rocker and a cuddle chair for the 2011 season. These new pieces bring indoor comfor t outdoors as never before. Bigger than a club chair, but smaller than a two-seat sofa, the cuddle chair featur es a unique crescent shape that allows two people to sit close to each other in comfor t. The swivel rocker combines Monterra’s signature side-arm pillows and plush, pillow-stuffed back cushioning with the soothing sway of a swiv el rocker base. Contact: (800) 77-OWLEE or Circle Reader Service No. 175


Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

Selkirk announces a double-wall stovepipe with professional features, offered exclusively to the hearth market. Model DCC double-wall stovepipe is UL/cUL listed as a connector pipe betw een a wood stove and chimney. The smooth lines of the black outer wall allo w for slip connectors and easy installation. Selkirk received favorable feedback on this product line at HPBExpo in Reno, Nevada. Since that time, Selkirk has gone back and listed DC C for 6-inch clearance on all diameters and in all installation configur ations—giving DCC the closest clearance of all stovepipes on the market. Selkirk has also gained the cU L S-641 listing for sales of DCC in Canada. DCC double-wall stovepipe is now in stock at the company’s Turners Falls, Massachusetts, and Prescott, Ontario, distribution centers, so place orders now for combined shipment with y our existing orders for chimney and venting products. Contact: (800) 443-6341 (United S tates) or (888) SELKIRK/735-5475 (Canada). Circle Reader Service No. 178



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Kokomo Spring Chair Specially designed to withstand sun and storm, season after season, Kokomo’s spring chair is a perfect and fitting addition to any outdoor r oom. Talented craftsmen handweave the highly flexible, extremely strong synthetic-wicker strands over long-lasting all-aluminum frames that will not rust, creating a timeless design with maximum dur ability and plush, luxurious comfort. Contact: (727) 524-1476 or Circle Reader Service No. 179

SunBriteTV: Model 3230HD

easyFlex Pole Umbrella

In an effort to expand its market r each, SunBriteTV recently introduced two new televisions to its all-w eather outdoor-product line. Pictured here is model 3230HD, the company’s 32-inch HD LCD television. This television is value engineered with SunBriteTV’s signature all-weather feature set and its outdoor-rated ASA plastic resin exterior. The result is a sleek, lighter-weight, lower-priced television that does not compromise the durability and quality that SunBriteTV customers have learned to trust (see page 7 4 for SunBriteTV’s other new product). Contact: (866) 357-8688 or Circle Reader Service No. 181

Stay in the shade all day long with this innovative shade solution from Shade Made Easy. The flexible arm mounts quickly and easily on the easyFlex pole. The combination of flexible arm and tilt mechanism pr ovides shade when and where you need it. Want even more shade? Add up to thr ee umbrellas on one pole. The clever zipper system allows easyFlex to fold away in seconds. Contact: (866) SME-4SALE or Circle Reader Service No. 180

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Trazo by OW Lee

OW Lee introduces the Trazo™ tabletops, made by U.S. ar tisans, for the 2011 season. This beautiful, durable concrete/stone-aggregate top offers a unique look unmatched by any other outdoor tabletop surface. Trazo is made using a 20-step process blending old-world craftsmanship, modern tooling, and cutting-edge science. The top is made of cement, sand, specialized additives, pigments, and unique aggregate materials. Using proven techniques, each piece is crafted by hand from one solid surface; nothing is mortared or glued into position. Contact: (800) 77-OWLEE or Circle Reader Service No. 182

Oxford Chaise This chaise by Oxford Garden is made for relaxing. The back is adjustable to five positions and a sliding tray allows for easy access to either side of the lounge. Made from shorea hardwood using mortise-and-tenon joinery, this lounge will last for years. Contact: (877) 866-3331 or Circle Reader Service No. 185

SMART ERV Energy-recovery Ventilator

SMART air & energy solutions™ is a collection of HVAC products designed to enhance comfort, improve indoor air quality, and save energy for homeowners. Today, everyone understands that we need to explore options for saving energy—while remaining comfortable in our homes. SMART air & energy solutions offers products designed to provide economical options while maximizing comfor t. The newest addition to the SMART product lineup is the SMART ERV energy-recovery ventilator. This unit provides a fresh-air supply and humidity-control unit for residential housing. The unique poly wheel yields up to an industry-leading 80% heat-recovery efficiency, and the twin variable-speed fans allow the installer to adjust airflow from 50 to 240 cfm—so the single unit can be adjusted for a residence of almost any size. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 183

SunBriteTV: Model 5510HD In an effort to expand its market reach, SunBriteTV recently introduced two new televisions to its all-weather outdoor-product line. SunBriteTV’s high-end introduction is model 5510HD, which sports a 55-inch, 1,080pixel full HD LCD screen with a refresh rate of 120 Hz. This television is ideal for homeowners who are looking for home-theater–quality viewing in their outdoor spaces (see page 73 for SunBriteTV’s other new product). Contact: (866) 357-8688 or Circle Reader Service No. 186

Bellagio This contemporary sling seating, known as Bellagio, incorporates a tubular extruded-aluminum frame that will not rust. Made with an exclusive Twitchell™ brand sling, the seating pieces use fiber in place of cushions. The best features of this set are that it does not require cushions and is very comfortable. The tempered glass on the coffee table and end table can actually be removed and stored, as the tables have sling and aluminum beneath the glass. Contact: (305) 820-9000 or Circle Reader Service No. 184


Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

Java South Sea Rattan’s Java collection features wide-weave synthetic wicker on powder-coated aluminum frames. The honey-colored synthetic-wicker collection will not fade, mold, or mildew in any outdoor environment. The sleek, clean lines make Java a must-have collection for every retail floor. The Java collection includes seating and dining to make an entire room for outdoor or indoor use. S ynthetic wicker is easy to clean and maintain. Contact: (336) 294-4100 or Circle Reader Service No. 187



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Automated Tiki-torch Lighting System

Enjoy the convenience of a remote-control lighting system for commercial or residential gas tiki torches. With the push of a button, this ex clusive technology ignites torches in any weather, automatically relights them if they are extinguished by wind, and can be r etrofitted to existing torches or added to any torch order. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 188

Regency Horizon Outdoor Fireplace Inspired by the success of the popular Contemporary collection, the Regency Horizon outdoor fireplace (HZO42) now allows homeowners to enjoy all the convenience and ambience of a Regency gas fireplace in an outdoor setting. The company has combined the sleek, modern style of its top-selling unit with the durability needed to withstand the elements (using weather-resistant components and high-grade stainless-steel construction). The louverless design features clean lines that frame an open front to display a panoramic view of dramatic, wide-angle flames, further enhanced by a reflective stainless-steel body. Firebed accessories include reflective copper crystals, ceramic garden stones, river pebbles, and a coastal driftwood log set. Contact: (604) 946-5155 or www Circle Reader Service No. 189

Plantation MAX Classic The Plantation MAX Classic parasol uses TUUCI’s exclusive Aluma-TEAK state-of-the-art hardwood finish combined with durable Armor-Wall aluminum construction, so the par asol is guaranteed to endure for generations. The Plantation MAX Classic parasol further features a giant canopy with classic European tailoring. Contact: (305) 634-5116 or Circle Reader Service No. 190

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Santorini Seating Collection

WeatherReady Covers

Cast in sturdy A356 aluminum, the Santorini seating collection blends strength with baroque motifs to create a comfortable combination. The Santorini seating collection includes an armchair, a swivel barstool, and a swivel rocker. All pieces come with Outdoor Lifestyle’s unique 15-year warranty on furniture frames, and a five-year warranty on paint finishes in r esidential use. Contact: Virginia Hamilton at (800) 294-4758,, or Circle Reader Service No. 191

Cay Sal Swivel Spring Barstool The Cay Sal swivel spring barstool is a unique new addition to a best-selling collection. This bar-height stool swivels and also has a spring-bounce function, with all the safety features built into it. This stool emphasizes form and function, as well as comfort. Constructed with an all-aluminum, fully-welded frame and with multiple frame/fabric colors to choose from, it is accompanied by many possibilities in matching pieces. Contact: (727) 524-1476 or Circle Reader Service No. 192


Two Dogs Designs for Outdoor Living has expanded its line of WeatherReady™ outdoor covers, sized to fit a variety of larger round and rectangular tables, bistro sets, double chaises, oversize sofas, stack and high chairs, and round grills/smokers (with covers that fit the Big Green Egg and similarly shaped grills/smokers). The covers are attractively priced and offer good quality, being made of heavy-duty poly ester with PVC linings and Velcro® tie-down straps for a perfect, secure fit. WeatherReady covers come in black or khaki. Contact: (866) 896-3644,, or Circle Reader Service No. 194

Twinfire Enhancing a room with twice the fire, the double-chambered Twinfire offers beauty and efficiency combined in one stove. Originally designed by two German engineers as a pollution-control device, the environmentally friendly wood-burning unit has great heating output and low fuel consumption, with less ash. The Twinfire’s chic elegance and worldly practicality put this award-winning stove in a category of its own. Four Twinfire style options, with different dimensions, are available. There are multiple options for each stove’s side panels, handles, and base, allo wing the designer to create a signature piece unique to each home. In addition to their visual appeal, all Twinfire models use the unmatched patented combustion system for 93% efficient wood-burning capacity and ar e EPA certified and approved to UL/cUL standards. Contact: (914) 764-5679,, or Circle Reader Service No. 195

The Collar Tilt From Treasure Garden

Clean and sophisticated styling defines the new Brio MG P cushion collection. This collection uses a frame constructed of super–high-quality, recycled, marine-grade polymer. With the corner/end pieces and armless chairs, you can create whatever sectional arrangement you desire. The collection can be used with the company’s unique back cushions or with an array of throw pillows for back support. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 193


Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

The elegant and durable Collar Tilt collection from Treasure Garden sets industry standards for fashion and design. The premier Collar Tilt style makes shade as easy as r olling your umbrella into place, twisting the collar (once the umbr ella is cranked up), and tilting the canopy to obtain infinite degrees of shade comfort. With over 25,000 choices available, Treasure Garden is, as the company says, the world’s favorite shade. Contact: or Circle Reader Service No. 196



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St. Thomas South Sea Rattan’s St. Thomas six-piece collection features synthetic wicker in a dark-umber finish. The St. Thomas set is available in direct containers or from the South Sea Rattan warehouses in North Carolina and California. The six-piece set is a remarkable value for $995. It’s constructed with powder-coated aluminum frames, outdoor cushions, and all-weather fade-resistant fabric in six colors. See South Sea R attan at the Casual Market in suite #1785 at the Merchandise Mart. Contact: (336) 294-4100 or Circle Reader Service No. 199

WoodMaster Flex Fuel Furnaces

Join us under the umbrella.

Heat with cordwood, wood chips, and/or wood pellets in the first U.S.-made Flex F uel indoor and outdoor furnaces. Engineered with proven clean technologies from SOLARFOCUS, which has built these furnaces in Europe for more than 13 years, Flex Fuel furnaces will now be produced by WoodMaster in the United States. WoodMaster Flex Fuel furnaces generate up to 200,000 Btu, with emissions that surpass applicable 2010 EPA standards. A self-cleaning, larger ash chamber and other features reduce maintenance. Batch-burn and heat-storage technology is more efficient, with fewer stops, starts, and smoke than other furnace designs. Find a dealer, calculate your savings, and learn more about Flex Fuel furnaces at the company’s Web site. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 197

AERO Market Umbrella The ZipJack AERO market umbrella changed the look of the classic market umbrella forever. Its patented canopy design gives the umbrella distinctive styling, while crosswinds and updrafts pass right through the canopy’s venting system. Easy maintenance enhances its attractiveness. The ZipJack AERO market umbrella can help every specialty patio retailer stand out above the crowd. Contact: (914) 592-2000 or Circle Reader Service No. 198

With the collective knowledge and experience of our members, the ICFA is uniquely able to offer the tools you need to succeed in today’s competitive outdoor furnishings market. To learn how ICFA membership can EHQHÀW \RX RU \RXU FRPSDQ\ FDOO RU YLVLW ,&)$QHW RUJ

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Shade, Safety, and Fun, All in One ZipJack Custom Umbrellas introduces a new line of patio umbrellas designed to provide colorful, shaded play spaces for youngsters. KidBrellas are a great way to protect kids from the sun. KidBrellas easily convert from table umbrella to play space and featur e bright, bold silkscreened animal illustrations with extended side panels that pr ovide extra coverage. Contact: (914) 592-2000,, or Circle Reader Service No. 200

The New Garden Pavilion by Treasure Garden This introduction is in perfect timing with the megatrend of outdoor rooms. Treasure Garden’s 12x12-foot square pavilion features all-aluminum construction, an awning-grade fabric top, decorative corner draperies with tiebacks, and three choices of fabric sidewalls, as well as several innovative and exclusive features: smart, solid, and sophisticated. Shown is the GP12120 bronze finish. Contact: or Circle Reader Service No. 203

Santorini Sectional Lounging Collection

Crafted in premium A356 aluminum, this collection aims to be mor e than another conventional sofa on steroids. Instead, the Santorini sectional lounging collection is a deep seated, bar oque-inspired ensemble that places a premium on comfort and eye appeal. The collection features left arm, right arm, middle armless, and cur ved corner chair pieces, and it offers consumers a richly fashioned lounge ottoman (available in square or rectangular styles) as well. Each piece comes with Outdoor Lifestyle ’s unique 15-year warranty on frames, and a five-year warranty on paint finishes in r esidential use. Contact: Virginia Hamilton at (800) 294-4758,, or Circle Reader Service No. 201

WoodMaster Pellet Grill Get authentic grilled flavor from the WoodMaster pellet grill, which offers consistent, even heat at 225–500 degrees—with no hot spots. Grill, barbecue, bake, and smoke with flavor-packed hardwood pellets that contain moisture, for juicier, tastier results. WoodMaster pellet grills cook more safely than most gas or propane grills, with indirect heat that minimizes benzopyrene, as recommended by the National Cancer Institute. Using the pellet grill costs $0.75 to $1.25 less per hour than using propane does, and the autostart feature gets you cooking in a few minutes. You can also create a custom grill exterior with color, a company logo, or your team’s logo. Visit the company’s Web site to find a dealer and learn more about pellet grills. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 202


Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

Dune The Dune sling collection combines the best of design, dur ability, and comfort. Constructed of recycled, marine-grade polymer, this collection stands out fr om the competition. Create a clean look with tone-on-tone fabric combinations or something very contrasting to make a statement. There is sure to be a suitable sling fabric in the company’s extensive fabric collection to suit any desir ed look. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 204

Ravello With the new Ravello deep seating collection from Tropitone, the indoors truly comes outside. The design of Ravello is traditional in nature, featuring cast arms with scrolled front legs, while the back height has been calculated to giv e just the right amount of sink-in support. Relaxed Plus cushions are available in more than 300 fabrics. Components found in the Ravello deep seating collection include a lounge chair, a swivel-action lounger, a love seat, a sofa, and an ottoman. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 205



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Cubic Series

Ocean Master MAX Cantilever

The Ocean Master MAX™ Cantilever™ is simply art and engineering harmonizing in a symphony of shade. Available in the classic canopy style, the Cantilever is crowned and polished with TUUCI’s new and inspiring Ocean-Sail finial design. The canopy cantilevers from a sturdy, oval-shaped mast, providing 200 square feet of uninterrupted shade and ambience. It offers gr aceful and generously proportioned shade to any sun-drenched environment and is timelessly designed for all enclav es, traditional and contemporary. Contact: (305) 634-5116 or Circle Reader Service No. 206

Six unique models of varying sizes make the Cubic collection one of the most appealing wood-burning products of our generation. The collection was designed with a dream in mind of making a stove that is much more than just a stove, and Danish architect Anders Nøgaard has achieved this goal with the Cubic series. The Cubic’s contemporary lines offer a creation that is diverse and design worthy, making it one of the most desirable stoves available. All models use a firebox that is highly efficient, EPA certified, and UL/cUL approved. The thermal air-wash system self-cleans the glass fire door, re-enforcing the Cubic’s character as a modern delight. This fire tower in a box offers storage, warmth, and great design, all in the same neat package. Contact: (914) 764-5679,, or Circle Reader Service No. 209


Umbrella Stands in High Design

Twin-Star’s ClassicFlame Harmony is a fan-forced electric heater that can be operated at two settings (1,300 watts and 650 watts). A realistic flame effect works with or without heat, and an LED backlight glows with three changeable colors: blue, yellow, and pink. Included with Harmony are translucent rocks and a slim-line, multifunction remote control. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 207

Add character to any outdoor setting with these one-of-a-kind umbrella stands in a variety of styles, colors, and siz es. The handcrafted cast-stone base has the textur e and feel of real stone, is weatherproof and insect proof, and accommodates a pole of up to 1.5 inches in diameter. The stands are lightweight for portability (weighing less than 25 pounds), and they hold 10 to 100 pounds of sand to withstand windy conditions. Shown is the Lotus model in sandstone beige. Contact: (888) 782-1760 or Circle Reader Service No. 210

WeatherReady Firepit Covers Two Dogs Designs for Outdoor Living now offers WeatherReady™ outdoor covers that fit any shape of firepit. The covers are attractively priced and offer good quality; they are made of heavy-duty polyester with PVC linings. They feature elastic bottoms with adjustable Velcro® fasteners on four sides for a perfect, secure fit. WeatherReady covers come in black or khaki. Contact: (866) 896-3644,, or Circle Reader Service No. 208

GeoBella by Phifer Phifer Inc. has introduced GeoBella, a beautiful selection of earth-friendly fabrics. GeoBella is a unique line of outdoor cushion fabrics made of 100% olefin yarns recycled from postindustrial waste (which lends itself to repeat recyclability). These PVC-free, 100% recyclable outdoor-furniture fabrics feature a soft, touchable texture that recreates the comfort of indoor furniture, yet has the stability, strength, and durability needed for outdoor-cushion applications. Contact: (800) 221-5497 or Circle Reader Service No. 211

July/August 2010 Patio & Hearth Products Report





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Del Mar “Belly up to the bar, boys,” will be your new catchphrase, once you’ve seen the Del Mar bar-height firepit table made by California Outdoor Concepts. The newest table in the Del Mar series, this bar-height firepit table truly rises to the occasion. A sleek, str eamlined base of cast resin is complemented by curvy wrought aluminum that reaches to meet polished granite. Choices abound, with four granite types and four base colors av ailable, plus accessories to grill or chill away the day . Put one in your backyard, pull up a chair, and hear yourself saying, “I’m buying.” Contact: (877) 274-6773 or Circle Reader Service No. 118

Somerby Chair Covers Covering up your outdoor furniture never looked so good. Peak Season has found that as the outdoor -living space has further evolved, the customer’s expectation of style is no longer held by tr aditional boundaries. The new Somerby chair covers from Peak Season are aimed at the consumer’s new standards, creating limitless options. Contact: (866) 563-1732 or Circle Reader Service No. 119

Grace Go back to basics with the deceptiv ely simple design of the Grace collection, a versatile suite of outdoor options for seating and dining. Gr ace exudes cool confidence by uniting the warm hues of gr ade A teak with the contemporary finish of durable stainless steel, creating a collection worthy of its name. Contact: (866) 535-6558 or Circle Reader Service No. 120

Rose Lattice Reflecting an organic motif perfect for complementing any outdoor oasis, Couristan’s new Rose Lattice design brings a fresh aesthetic to the award-winning Recife collection. Power loomed entirely of 100% fiber-enhanced Courtron™ polypropylene, this weather-resistant performance rug features a durable flat-woven construction suitable for indoor and outdoor use. UV stabilized for premium color retention, it is mold and mildew r esistant, easy to clean, and 100% recyclable. Contact: (201) 585-8500 or Circle Reader Service No. 121

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Kamado Joe Stainless-steel Grill Table Kamado Joe stainless-steel grill tables ar e the ultimate in beauty and weather resistance. They are constructed of brushed 304 stainless steel with convenient fold-down side shelves and a spacious storage area underneath for grill accessories. The locking casters keep the grill table in place and add stability. Each table comes fully assembled. Contact: (678) 866-0642 or Circle Reader Service No. 135

Fusion At the cutting edge of design, monochr omatic stainless-steel frames and single-piece swooping slings ensure that Fusion dining and lounging collections by Gloster stand out fr om the crowd. Designed by Danish designer Povl Eskildsen, sleek solid-steel frames with integral peened armrests combine with mercury-colored slings to offer the maximum in comfor t and practicality. Contact: Circle Reader Service No.138

Grill Daddy Platinum

The Grill Daddy, the effortless grill cleaner with the po wer of steam, is now available for food-service–industry professionals with the introduction of the rugged metal-alloy Grill Daddy Platinum. A typical grill-cleaning brush barely scrapes the surface of grill gr ates and requires a herculean effort to use. The Grill Daddy Platinum cleans professional grills effortlessly in minutes. By simply preheating the grill and filling the industrial-model Grill Daddy Platinum with water, chefs and cooks can easily brush away caked-on food residue and grease. The released water hits the grill, turns to steam, and rinses away burnt-on food, gr ease, and dirt. Grill Daddy Platinum gives grill users a sanitized grill that is sparkling clean and food that tastes gr eat. What’s more, because it uses steam to clean the grill, no r ancid, greasy residue builds up on the brush; residue is liquefied and melts away, leaving the cleaning head free of bacteria and grease. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 136

Riviera Collection The new Riviera collection from Gensun Casual Living combines bold scrolls and curves in the back design, an ornamental arm, and attractive legs for an overall design of simple elegance. Rivier a is shown in the new black for est frame finish, one of 11 fr ame finishes available from Gensun. The collection features dining, bar, and balcony seating, along with many deep seating options. Ov er 300 fabrics are available for customization. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 137

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July/August 2010 Patio & Hearth Products Report




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Lite-Touch Q Outdoors Oneburner Ceramic Cooktop Bring the cooking outside: Lite-Touch Q Outdoors blends design and function into a style that enhances your outdoor kitchen. Its waterproof design allows use in any weather conditions. It has intuitive touch control with auto shutoff, and its subtly textured black glass has a bev eled edge for a seamless counter top installation. Equipped with a GFCI power cord and a three-prong, 120-volt plug for user safety, the cooktop has a three-year product-replacement warranty and is made in the United S tates. It is UL/cUL approved for outdoor use. Contact: (860) 664-4906 or www Circle Reader Service No. 155

K900 Hybrid Grill Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet has introduced the newest generation of its benchmark K900 Hybrid Fire grill. The only grill capable of cooking with wood, charcoal, and gas—all at the same time—featur es a new hybrid grilling drawer system and a redesigned, spring-assisted hood that makes the 60-pound top easy to open with one hand. The hybrid grilling drawer system has always been at the hear t of the K900. The new system, the result of significant research and development, features a single drawer style, engineered for use in every cooking session, making switching cooking fuels easier than ever. The new spring-assisted hood features two 50-pound springs and a cable system clev erly built to run along the back and interior of the grill hood and cabinet, keeping it clean and fr ee of grease and ash. Contact: (800) 868-1699 or Circle Reader Service No. 154

Trinidad Spring Club Chair Trinidad masters the art of graceful living with double-faced cane sides, arms, and backs, which add an unmistakable sense of style and casual elegance. The deep, rich Kona-colored all-weather woven resin is full of character and warmth. A wide range of fabrics, available on plush cushions with custom braiding, will allow clients to personalize their selections. Dining pieces, a sofa, a love seat, and an adjustable chaise, as well as a luxurious oversized chaise, complete this collection of distinctiv e style. View the Trinidad collection and experience that special casual elegance that says w elcome Home at the company’s Chicago, Illinois, Merchandise Mart showroom, suite 1766. Contact: (800) 251-6537 or Circle Reader Service No. 156

Culebra Collection

Made in the USA

ICFA Market, Showroom 1744, Chicago September 21-24, 2010 Circle Reader Service No. 66


Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010

Kingsley-Bate’s Culebra collection is a stylish mixed-material ensemble that combines all-weather wicker with premium teak accents. Each piece is handwoven around a powder-coated aluminum frame for strength and resistance to corrosion. The slightly distressed texture of the wicker is specially designed to complement the weathering of the teak by simulating natur al wicker that has aged. All items pair beautifully with Kingsley-Bate’s assortment of teak tables. The group includes a dining armchair, a side chair, a club chair, an ottoman, a rocker, a sofa bench, and occasional tables. Contact: (703) 361-7000 or www Circle Reader Service No. 157



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Ellington Circular Made of all aluminum and sho wn in the antique copper finish, the Ellington Cir cular by Mallin Casual features armless club chairs that can be added or subtr acted to create larger or smaller circular arrangements. Club chairs and club ottomans are also available to create the full deep seating experience. Experience Ellington at the company’s showroom in Chicago, Illinois, at 1766 Merchandise Mart. Contact: (800) 251-6537 or Circle Reader Service No. 162

Monessen Covington 600 Direct-vent Fireplace System Introducing the Covington 600 direct-vent fireplace system from Monessen: This extra-large addition to the Covington series offers more than 1,500 square inches of ceramic-glass viewing area in a clean-face, modern design. Cr eated with both beauty and functionality in mind, the Covington 600 offers up to 60,000 Btu of comforting warmth and big, bold, beautiful, dancing yellow flames. The standard Total Signature Command™ control puts the fire at your fingertips with easy-to-use, feature-rich controls that make getting the most fr om this fireplace convenient and simple. With accent lighting that offers three-step dimming; a large, realistic, stacked log set; and optional andirons, the Covington 600 isn’t short on features and is definitely big on style. Contact: Circle Reader Service No. 163

Wall-mounted Morsø Stove A wall-mounted Morsø wood stove makes it possible to hang fire’s blazing beauty in a prime location for warmly accentuating any r oom. Constructed of high-quality, 98% recycled cast iron, the Morsø 7670 and 6170 wall-mounted sto ves burn with incredible cleanness and efficiency. With low emissions that meet even the strict Washington State requirements, these tax-credit–qualified beauties are valuable home-enhancing assets. Contact: (866) 883-9619 or Circle Reader Service No. 164

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July/August 2010 Patio & Hearth Products Report



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Continued from page 13

outdoor-furniture company in 1969. He met Shaw at Lee L. Woodard & Sons outdoor furniture in Owosso, Michigan, where Shaw went to work in 1956 as an industrial engineer. In 1959, Shaw and Lyon were both involved in opening Woodard’s Carolina Forge division in Salisbury, North Carolina. A decade later, they left Woodard when it was purchased by the Wickes Corp. and founded Lyon-Shaw. After Lyon-Shaw was sold in 1987, Shaw returned to Woodard as vice president for product development. Three years later, he joined Garden Source in Atlanta, Georgia, as sales manager, and he then became president of Currey Company as an outgrowth of that business. In his final professional venture, Shaw became COO of Charleston Forge in Boone, North Carolina, in 1996, and he held that post until his retirement in 2000.

Over the course of his furniture-industry career, Shaw served as a director of the National Association of Furniture Manufacturers (1976–1983), president of the Summer and Casual Furniture Manufacturers Association (1982–1983), and president of the sales and marketing division of the American Furniture Manufacturers Association (1986–1987). Ron Ball is a sales representative for OW Lee in Tennessee, Kentucky, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Georgia, and for Windham Castings in Texas and Oklahoma. His 43-year career in sales began with General Electric in 1967, when he served as a sales representative in West Tennessee for the consumer-electronics division. In the mid-1970s, he went to work for Samsonite Furniture, which was purchased by Sunbeam in 1995. Ball started as a territory salesman for

Tennessee and Kentucky, becoming a regional sales manager for the Southeast and then director of sales. His title changed several more times in the 1980s, and when he departed in the mid1990s, he was vice president of sales and marketing. From Sunbeam/Samsonite, Ball went to work as the Winston/Lyon-Shaw representative for Tennessee and Kentucky, and then quickly picked up Texas and Oklahoma. He later added the Pompeii and Brown Jordan lines, and he eventually became regional sales manager for the Southeast for Winston/Brown Jordan. In 2005, he made the shift to OW Lee and then added Windham Castings. “I love what I do, the people I work with, and the dealers I call on,” Ball says. “The rep job is the greatest job in this industry.”

Three Birds Casual’s President Is Optimistic About the Industry Three Birds Casual is very optimistic about the casualfurniture industry after attending both the ICFA Preview Show™ (formerly Casual Pre-Market) and the Summer Atlanta International Gift & Home Furnishings Market®. As Tad Varga, Three Birds Casual’s president, explains, “We have had a very successful 2010 so far, and we feel very good after the meetings and programs we have been able to put together at the summer trade shows. There has been a renewed interest in deep seating products this season, especially in our Monterey line. Traffic at both shows seemed to be solid, and the interest from buyers seemed focused and optimistic for the rest of this year and for 2011.” Three Birds Casual’s main office is located in Northern Indiana, and its manufacturing office is based in Indonesia. The company also has permanent

Great American Pellets Breaks Ground on New Alternative-energy Plant Great American Pellets (Palmerton, Pennsylvania) recently broke ground on a new alternative-energy plant that has the word green written all over it. From the construction site to the production process to the product, every aspect of the business has been designed to be environmentally sustainable and economically profitable. The stateof-the-art facility will produce premium hardwood pellets made from Pennsylvania hardwood harvested through timber-stand–improvement projects. In the improvement projects, to encourage growth and create healthier forests, loggers remove trees that have been identified by foresters as being detrimental to the health of the forest and as having no economic use. According to the U.S. Forest Service, there are enough such resources available

appliances are U.S.-made, with pride, of high-grade steel, and feature heating capacities of up to 4,000 square feet. Energy King continues to be manufactured exclusively by RJM Manufacturing, Inc., in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. For more information, call (715) 7201794 or email

Lucky Distributing and Breckwell Hearth Products Team Up

Monterey deep seating sectional

showrooms located at the Merchandise Mart in Chicago, Illinois, and at AmericasMart in Atlanta, Georgia.

nationwide to replace a billion barrels of oil annually. The solid, cylindrical pellets are a renewable biomass fuel that can replace fossil fuels. Jeff Nichols, president of Great American Pellets, says, “Every ton of pellets used replaces 115 gallons of heating oil while preventing the emission of 943 pounds of carbon dioxide. We’re pleased to provide Great American Pellets as an alternative-energy source that helps to improve the environment today and for future generations.” According to Nichols, more than 60% of the materials removed during the demolition associated with the new plant’s construction will be recycled. Austin Burke, Pennsylvania’s Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) acting secretary, says, “This is an exciting project for Carbon County. Not only will this bring the construction of a state-of-theart alternative-energy facility, it will reuse a blighted industrial property and create dozens of manufacturing jobs.” Pennsylvania provided the com-



pany with an $80,850 funding offer (coordinated by the Governor’s Action Team) that includes jobtraining assistance and job-creation tax credits. The company also received a $770,000 loan and a $220,000 grant from the Alternative and Clean Energy program, which is administered jointly by DCED and the Department of Environmental Protection under the direction of the Commonwealth Financing Authority.

Energy King Adds Sales Rep Energy King™ welcomes Darren Kidwell of Way 2 Heat (Keyser, West Virginia) as an outside sales representative in the states of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, and southern Pennsylvania. Kidwell has worked in the HVAC and hearth industries in various capacities since graduating from high school, and Energy King welcomes his experience and expertise. Energy King solid-fuel heating

Lucky Distributing and Breckwell Hearth Products are pleased to announce that Breckwell has selected Lucky as the distributor of Breckwell Hearth Products throughout the Northwest and West, including California, Nevada, Utah, Southern Wyoming, Alaska, Arizona, and the Yukon. The two companies have over a century’s worth of experience and success in the field. Breckwell has Mitch Breckwell, CEO and been deploying president state-of-the-art technology to craft innovative, reliable, and eco-friendly hearth products for over 30 years, designing and selling wood stoves since 1980, pellet stoves since 1988, and gas stoves since 1993. The company has plants in Oregon and Texas. Lucky Distributing is part of a 70–year-old family business located in Portland, Oregon. Its mission is to be a company that is efficient, customer-focused, and easy to do business with; its secret of success is simple: Provide high-quality products and excellent customer service.

July/August 2010 Patio & Hearth Products Report



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product profiles D I R E C T O RY




303 Products ..................................(800) 223-4303 ....................41 AEI ................................................(949) 474-3070 ............61 Agio ..............................................(888) 997-7623 ............................5 Alfresco Home..................................(610) 731-0440 Bungalow by E-Z UP..........................(888) 474-3583 ..............71 California Outdoor Concepts ..............(877) 274-6773 ..17 Caluco............................................(866) 535-6558 ............................55 Casual Creations ..............................(866) 355-8523 ................45 Couristan ........................................(201) 585-8500 ........................51 Crest Foam ......................................(201) 807-0809 ..............................69 Empire Comfort Systems ....................(800) 851-3153 ..................25 FiberBuilt Umbrellas ..........................(866) 667-8668 ............54 FMI Products ....................................(866) 328-4537 ......................52 Galtech International..........................(805) 376-1060 ....................31 Gensun Casual Living ........................(866) 964-4468 ....................9 Glen Raven/Sunbrella ......................(336) 221-2211 ........................47 Gloster Furniture ................................(434) 575-1003 ............................21 The HammockSource ........................(800) 334-1078 ............60 Hearth & Home Technologies ..............(800) 669-4328 ....................84 Homecrest ......................................(877) 599-4803 ........................66 International Casual Furnishings Association....................(336) 884-5400 Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet ............(800) 868-1699 Kamado Joe ....................................(678) 866-0642 ......................50 Kenyon International ..........................(860) 664-4906 ............56 Kingsley-Bate ....................................(703) 361-7000 ....................59 Lennox Hearth Products ......................(800) 9-LENNOX ..............................3 Mallin Casual Furniture ......................(800) 251-6537 ..................15 The Merchandise Mart ......................(800) 677-6278 ....................67 MLW Stone ....................................(800) 477-7665 ........................64 Monessen Hearth Systems ..................(800) 867-0454 ................23 Morsø ............................................(866) 883-9619 Napoleon Products............................(800) 461-5581 ..............7 NorthCape International ....................(708) 563-2890 Outdoor Lifestyle ..............................(800) 294-4758 ..........................2 OW Lee..........................................(800) 776-9533 ......................12–13 Oxford Garden ................................(877) 866-3331 ..................11 Palm Springs Rattan ..........................(727) 524-1476 ..............57 Peak Season ....................................(866) 563-1732 ..................83 Protégé Casual ................................(239) 849-8444 ..................53 QuickDryFoam..................................(877) 783-2589 ..................73 Ragasco USA ..................................(800) 823-6677 Security Chimneys ............................(800) 361-4909 ..............43 Selkirk Corp. ....................................(800) 992-8368 ......................39 South Sea Rattan ..............................(336) 294-4100 ..................75 Summerset Outdoor Living ..................(951) 684-5090 ......62 SunBriteTV........................................(866) 357-8688 ........................35 Telescope Casual ..............................(800) 451-0938 ................49 Treasure Garden/Shademaker ............(626) 814-0168 ................19 TUUCI ............................................(305) 634-5116 ..............................37 Two Dogs Designs for Outdoor Living ..(866) 896-3644 Wittus ............................................(914) 764-5679 ..............................63 WoodMaster....................................(800) 932-3629 ......................38 ZipJack Custom Umbrellas..................(914) 592-2000 ..............44



303 Products ......................................................................................52, 54 Acacia Home & Garden ............................................................................54 AEI..........................................................................................................48 Agio........................................................................................................54 Alfresco Home ....................................................................................48, 58 AMS Imports ............................................................................................60 Bungalow by E-Z UP ..................................................................................48 California Outdoor Concepts ................................................................52, 56 Caluco ..............................................................................................56, 58 Casual Creations ................................................................................59, 60 The Companion Group ..............................................................................54 Couristan ..........................................................................................56, 62 Crest Foam ..............................................................................................54 Cumberland Stove Works............................................................................58 Diamond W Products ................................................................................60 Empire Comfort Systems........................................................................62, 64 Eye Level ..................................................................................................79 FiberBuilt Umbrellas ..............................................................................63, 68 FMI Products ......................................................................................59, 63 Galtech International ............................................................................48, 50 Gensun Casual Living ..........................................................................61, 62 Gloster Furniture ..................................................................................61, 63 Grill Daddy ..............................................................................................61 The HammockSource............................................................................58, 59 Harbour Outdoor ......................................................................................63 Hearth & Home Technologies ................................................................60, 64 Hearthland Products ..................................................................................64 Homecrest ..........................................................................................50, 64 Infrared Dynamics ......................................................................................64 Ironhaus ..................................................................................................65 Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet ................................................................65, 66 Kamado Joe........................................................................................61, 65 Kenyon International ............................................................................66, 68 Kingsley-Bate ......................................................................................66, 68 Lennox Hearth Products ........................................................................68, 70 Mallin Casual Furniture ........................................................................66, 69 MLW Stone ..............................................................................................70 Monessen Hearth Systems ....................................................................69, 72 Morsø................................................................................................69, 70 Napa Home & Garden ..............................................................................70 Napoleon Products ..............................................................................70, 72 NorthCape International........................................................................71, 72 Outdoor Lifestyle ..................................................................................76, 78 OW Lee ............................................................................................72, 74 Oxford Garden ..................................................................................71, 74 Palm Springs Rattan..............................................................................73, 76 Peak Season ......................................................................................48, 56 Pelican Reef ..............................................................................................74 Phifer ......................................................................................................79 Protégé Casual....................................................................................48, 58 QuickDryFoam ..........................................................................................71 Ragasco USA ....................................................................................72, 75 Regency ..................................................................................................75 Selkirk Corp. ......................................................................................72, 74 Shade Made Easy ....................................................................................73 South Sea Rattan ................................................................................74, 77 Summerset Outdoor Living ....................................................................50, 52 SunBriteTV ..........................................................................................73, 74 Telescope Casual ................................................................................76, 78 Treasure Garden/Shademaker ..............................................................76, 78 Tropitone ..................................................................................................78 TUUCI ..............................................................................................75, 79 Twin-Star ..................................................................................................79 Two Dogs Designs for Outdoor Living ......................................................76, 79 Wittus................................................................................................76, 79 WoodMaster ......................................................................................77, 78 ZipJack Custom Umbrellas ....................................................................77, 78

Patio & Hearth Products Report (ISSN 1939-6929) is published bimonthly by Peninsula Media, 21250 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 700, Torrance, CA 90503. US Postage Paid at Lebanon Junction, KY 40150. July/August 2010, Vol 5, No 4 © 2010 Peninsula Media. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Peninsula Media, 21250 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 700, Torrance, CA 90503-5514,, phone: (847) 763-9261. While the publishers have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the materials presented in Patio & Hearth Products Report, they are not responsible for the correctness of the information and/or opinions expressed.


Patio & Hearth Products Report July/August 2010



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