Patio & Hearth Product Reports July /August 2022

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From the Looms

Retail, Perfected

Serving Up BBQ to Those in Need




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CONTENTS July/August 2022

92 52 Corporate Profile – BBQ Heals By Maura Keller Operation BBQ Relief’s volunteer pitmasters are a welcome sight for displaced individuals and families.



54 Insight – Product Scouts By Cherise Forno The Vulcan Group excels by bringing innovative hearth and outdoor living companies under its umbrella. 58 Insight – Pillow Power By Larry Thomas Elaine Smith’s eclectic array of fun and fashionable pillows freshen up patios and porches.

8 Guest Editorial – Winds of Change By Tim Rethlake Veteran hearth expert explores how to address change when market forces are volatile. 20 Spotlight – Winning Weaves By Greg Thompson Whether bold, muted, cozy, or calming, these new fav fabrics embellish outdoor living spaces. 30 Hearth Retailer – Hearth Central By Maura Keller In business for five decades, this California retailer is a successful one-stop shop for everything hearth.

42 As I See It – Fab Fibers By Sharon Sanders Bella-Dura Home’s haute and highperforming outdoor fabrics are fast becoming a customer favorite.

34 Outdoor Grilling – Giving Back By Kimberly Rodgers A four-store family retail business supports local nonprofits and law enforcement organizations.

46 My Turn – No Muss, No Fuss By Larry Thomas Modern Flames’ user-friendly electric fireplaces, grills, and gas logs are perfect for busy households.

38 Showroom Showcase – Revved-Up Retail By Sharon Sanders An award-winning store with strong visual appeal attracts “oohs” and “aahs” from shoppers.

50 Product Innovation – Thoroughly Modern By Kimberly Rodgers Chic contemporary fireplaces, manufactured in Europe and the U.S., are the mainstay of European Home.

60 Last Word – Enduring Shade By Laurie Rudd Treasure Garden and its Shademaker and Jardinico brands target a variety of consumer preferences and price points.

DEPARTMENTS 6 Chicago Publisher’s Viewpoint 10 Industry News 64 Chicago Market Roundup 68 What’s New: 6 Hot Products to Sell Now

ON THE COVER | Gensun (866) 964-4468 or 4


76 70 Product Profiles 98 Product Profiles Directory 98 Ad Index

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CHICAGO As they say in Hollywood, “That’s a wrap.” After more than 40 years, Casual Market and the ICFA Preview show are saying goodbye to Chicago, with the shows moving to Atlanta in 2023. At the close of Casual Market on Friday, July 22, it felt like Sam Malone (Ted Danson) in the 80s and 90s TV sitcom “Cheers” turning the lights off and walking out of the bar and up the stairs one last time. When a trade show has taken place in a city (Chicago) and a specific location (The Merchandise Mart) for as long as Casual Market and the ICFA Preview show have, the show and the event take on a particular personality. For anyone who has been in the outdoor furniture industry even for just a short period of time, all you had to say was, “See Rory you in Chicago,” and you Rehmert immediately knew what they were referring to. For industry veterans, something as simple as walking down W Kinzie Street to the Merchandise Mart felt familiar and comfortable. Everyone had their favorite restaurant or pizza joint (Lou Malnati’s Pizza). Most industry veterans made it to Harry Caray’s Italian Steakhouse on W Kinzie Street or Kinzie Chophouse on N Wells Street on more than one occasion. Strolling along Michigan Avenue or Lake Shore Drive with the city landscape in the background became as familiar as a walk around the block at home. With the outdoor furniture industry saying goodbye one last time to the “Windy City,” “ChiTown,” “Second City,” “City of Big Shoulders,” and “City by the Lake,” Atlanta will be welcoming the outdoor furniture industry with open arms and that old Southern hospitality.

RORY At this year’s Apollo Awards that took place during Casual Market, the 2022 ICFA Lifetime Achievement Award was given to Rory Rehmert with Castelle by Tropitone. Like many previous ICFA Lifetime Achievement Award recipients, Rory’s expertise, knowledge, experience, commitment, loyalty, dedication, and representation in the industry makes him well deserving of this illustrious honor. If I had to use one word to describe Rory, the

Tony Ramos

word would be humble. At first glance, the word humble doesn’t appear to be all that striking or powerful in terms of describing someone. At second glance, it’s one of the best attributes you can have as a person and as a business leader. Indeed, the job search company, recently posted an online article titled, “How Humility Can Improve Your Business.” Here are some takeaways from the article: Good managers and leaders demonstrate humility in the workplace through their ability to recognize their equality with peers and colleagues, and remain open to employees’ and team members’ feedback. Leaders who demonstrate humility can admit when they make mistakes and hold themselves accountable. Demonstrate humility in the workplace by seeking feedback from your colleagues and applying that feedback to make improvements, develop plans, and implement strategies that help the business meet its objective. Humble leaders show respect to all of their team members, no matter the employee’s role in the organization. Humble leaders recognize when they need extra assistance and should delegate tasks to their teams. When you demonstrate humility as a leader, your employees are likely to follow your lead, which can help boost their morale. Employees who feel valued are more likely to want to help your business achieve its goals. When employees have trust in you and your managers, they’re more likely to engage in open communication, offer input and ideas, and raise questions and concerns when they feel they need to. Humility in the workplace can help influence your employees to be more helpful in the dayto-day processes of the business. Humility can also improve the way staff members build relationships with each other. Hats off, Rory, for receiving this year’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Your humility came shining through! 6



A Northern California hearth store experienced its best year in 46 years as hearth products became a hot-ticket consumer item. Hearth Central, p. 30

∑ A full-time social media specialist has helped drive younger customers to this popular patio store and nursery in Rockford, Illinois. Revved-up Retail, p. 38

∏ A waiting list of over 100 customers put money down for European Home’s new Gryrofocus pivoting suspended gas fireplace. Thoroughly Modern, p. 50

π Since its founding in 2011, Operation BBQ Relief has served more than 9 million meals to victims of natural and man-made disasters. BBQ Heals, p. 52

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WINDSOFCHANGE My fellow Minnesotan, Robert Zimmerman, is a prolific writer. For over 50 years, people have memorized his words. Here are a few timely words for us in the hearth industry: The line it is drawn, the curse it is cast, The slow one now will later be fast, As the present now will later be past, The order is rapidly fadin’. And the first one now will later be last, For the times they are a-changin’ You’ve guessed by now that I’m talking about Bob Dylan, and some of his most iconic lyrics. It’s been on my mind lately because of what’s been on the lips of several hearth veterans I’ve been talking to. They are feeling the winds of change and believe that 2023 will be a challenging economic year for our industry. Here’s three of the biggest concerns: INFLATION – Contrary to what Fed Chair Jerome Powell would like us to believe, inflation is not transitory. The supply-demand equation is not yet balancing. The war in Ukraine has redrawn the geopolitical landscape, keeping energy costs high and U.S. trade relations with China on edge. Inflation will not likely go much below 5% within the next year. LABOR – You don’t need me to tell you that hiring and retaining staff is the single largest challenge you face. There are simply way more job openings than bodies to fill them. The U.S. birth rate has dropped 20% between 2007 and 2020, and the birth rate in 2020 of 56 births per 1,000 women of child-bearing years is the lowest on record. It takes about 20 years to raise a child to a point where they can contribute to our economy as a working adult, so this problem isn’t going away anytime soon. FIREPLACE INCIDENCE RATE – Rising mortgage rates are pricing first-time buyers out of the new home market and turning them into single family home renters as commercial investors gobble up new home inventory. Supply chain issues continue to extend build cycles for homebuilders and drive-up construction costs across all housing types, further pressuring affordability. All of this points to tremendous downward pressure in 2023 on fireplace incidence rate (% of new homes with a fireplace).

Now, before you start Googling “business brokers near me,” let me say that I believe there is a pony in this pile of you-know-what, if you are willing to change with the times. Here’s some changes to consider. You have two levers in your business to reduce the impact of inflation: Raise your prices and lower your costs. High-end specialty retail purchases like hearth, patio, and BBQ, have more price elasticity in the minds of consumers than purchases they have to make daily. For example, once they have decided to do a hearth renovation, they are not going to change their minds if your quote is $6,300 instead of $6,000 because you bumped your prices 5% to cover rising expenses. The old excuse of “everybody else is doing it” really does apply to raising your prices during inflationary periods. On the cost side, there was a popular business book titled “Sacred Cows Make the Best Burgers.” Now is the time to challenge all your legacy expenditures that you do simply because you always have. This is especially true for your marketing expense. COVID caused the cancellation of home shows as well as state and county fairs the last couple of years, yet dealers reported record sales during that same period. So maybe it’s time to invest your money instead on a consistent and comprehensive digital marketing plan that has higher ROI and way better trackability than local home shows. On the labor front, business owners know the basics: Offer competitive wages and benefits, train early and often, praise your team publicly when they do great work, and course correct privately when they don’t. But the biggest hurdle today to hiring and retaining good retail sales talent is that line in the job description that says, “must be available to work some weekends.” The WFH (Work From Home) phenomenon is here to stay as workers embrace the life flexibility it offers. To compete for talent, consider if now is the time to reduce the hours your showroom is open. What if your showroom was closed on Saturday afternoon, Sunday and Monday? How much revenue would you really lose? Would reduced hours let you lower your sales staffing? Could you attract better talent by offer8


ing more scheduling flexibility? I know what you’re thinking, “That’s easy for you to say. You don’t have to pay the bills around here.” Fair enough. But I have friends who own restaurants and they have reduced their hours due to staffing shortages. Every one of them says they are doing the same or more volume while only being open Tuesday through Saturday. One of them told me, “Customers aren’t dumb, they know there’s staffing issues everywhere. My customers always check our website for today’s hours or make a reservation before heading over.” Hmmm…a website that shows today’s hours and lets me make a reservation. Sounds like a concept that could work beyond restaurants. Could it work in your business? Addressing the last challenge of new construction fireplace incidence rate will also require a shift in thinking. There are builder sales reps who have been in our industry for 2+ years and haven’t spent one minute prospecting for new business. They haven’t had to. Distributors and dealers have stayed busy just trying to keep up with demand. But as the market cools, you will need to shift from reactive firefighting to proactive selling. Do you have a focused list of target builders to approach? Can your builder sales reps tell a compelling story of “Why Change, Why Us and Why Now”? And most importantly, who in your business is responsible to see that this shift happens? The one thing you simply cannot do is believe that tomorrow is going to look just like yesterday. Change remains the only constant. If the last two years have taught us anything, it’s that if you embrace change, you will not just survive, but thrive. I will end the way I began, with help from Bob Dylan. My wish for all of us in the industry in the coming year is from his song, “Forever Young:” May your hands always be busy, May your feet always be swift. May you have a strong foundation When the winds of change shift.

Tim Rethlake, director of sales effectiveness at Minnesota-based Hearth & Home Technologies, is a lifelong learner with an avid interest in brain science, specifically how people make decisions in a purchasing situation. He is also the author of the “Good To Grate” sales blog.

Tony Ramos


ART DIRECTOR Cassandra Estes


CONTRIBUTORS Cherise Forno Maura Keller Kimberly Rodgers Laurie Rudd Sharon Sanders Larry Thomas Greg Thompson CIRCULATION DIRECTOR Whitney Carrier BUSINESS MANAGER Susan Razetto CEO & PRESIDENT Tony Ramos

CORPORATE OFFICE Peninsula Media 21250 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 500 Torrance, CA 90503 (310) 792-7448 (310) 792-7449/Fax Tony Ramos Peninsula Media 21250 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 500 Torrance, CA 90503 (310) 792-7448 (310) 792-7449/Fax (310) 968-3962/Cell Subscription Inquiries: Patio & Hearth Products Report PO Box 2190 Skokie, IL 60076-7890 Subscribe online: Email: Phone: (847) 763-9261

Circle Reader Service No. 9

INDUSTRY NEWS Frankford Umbrellas Doubles Manufacturing Operations Frankford Umbrellas (Mount Laurel, New Jersey), a leading provider of superior-quality shade solutions for the contract and retail industries since 1898, has recently doubled its production, warehouse space, and shipping capability. At the same time, the company continues to focus its efforts on reducing its carbon footprint. Frankford’s need for expansion is the direct result of a remarkable growth in sales and volume. While the company previously was solely a supplier to commercial properties including hotels, resorts, and restaurant chains in the U.S., Mexico, and the Caribbean, it is now also supplying over 400 outdoor specialty retailers and design showrooms. In January, Frankford will celebrate its 125th anniversary, which is a testament to its growth and success in the shade business. Marc Kaufer, president, attributes this skyrocketing growth to a number of factors, including the company’s ability to serve a niche market that previously was left underserved. “We continue to fill the gap between low-end bigbox-quality umbrellas and high-end designer choices that are price prohibitive,” Kaufer says. “We’ve found that the majority of customers fall somewhere in between the low end and the high end. Above all, they want quality and value—they want to get what they pay for. More and more customers are discovering us, and in order to meet the demand, we needed to invest in expanding our production and shipping capabilities, our inventory, and our warehouse space.” Kaufer notes that his company’s ability to pivot during the supply chain issues and labor shortages brought on by the pandemic are another reason for his company’s success. “We made adjustments to accommodate supply chain shortages and were able to continue to keep stock levels up,” he says. “As a result, many customers of our competitors who under normal circumstances

ICFA Recognizes Top Retailers With Apollo Awards American Casual Living (Buford, GA) received the 2022 Apollo Award in the single-store category at the International Casual Furnishings Association Awards Gala on July 20 at the Casual Market Chicago. Elegant Outdoor Living (Sarasota, FL) received the award in the multi-store category. Founded in 1959, the program recognizes retail excellence in the sales and marketing of outdoor furnishings. In 2021, ICFA modified the selection process to prioritize five regional finalists in the single-store and multi-store categories. Each

Frankford Umbrellas’ expanded warehouse space

wouldn’t have thought about changing suppliers did so as a result of the need for product when it was unavailable during the height of the pandemic. They discovered that Frankford could supply them with what they needed, and then were pleasantly surprised at the high level of customer service and the superior quality of our umbrellas.” The expansion in warehouse space has also benefited the company’s employees. Says Shawn MacDonald, vice president, “Our expanded warehouse and production space has further improved the work environment of our employees and has allowed them to work more efficiently. Our goal is for them to be comfortable and to take pride in their workspace. Employees are considered family here.” Frankford also continues to maintain its commitment to sustainability. The company has installed motion-sensor lighting, which has resulted in a 30% reduction in energy use. In addition, in 2021, Frankford recycled over 42,000 pounds of material. But the company’s efforts to be green can be displayed in one of its primary missions: To eliminate built-in obsolescence from its products. “In a world where most products are intentionally designed to break so that they will need to be

region was defined by state lines, with the exception of California which was divided horizontally at Santa Maria. Finalists in the 2022 competition include:

Aurora Cantilever

replaced in a year or two, our strategy is to make products that will stand the test of time,” Kaufer says. “That’s why we use a 10-year fabric that won’t fade and a frame that is built to withstand the wind. It’s really pretty simple: When you make a product that doesn’t break, you prevent it from going into a landfill, you prevent the pollution that results from manufacturing replacement products and ultimately, you protect the environment.” Kaufer adds that Frankford has been using social media to educate customers, particularly in its “Did You Know?—Frankford Facts” and “Frankford Fit” campaigns (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest: @FrankfordShade; Instagram: frankfordshade). “Yes, we sell umbrellas, but even more than that, we sell connection,” Kaufer says. “We build a connection with our customers by committing to grow along with them, so that when they have an opportunity to expand, they can count on us to be ready with inventory to support that growth. We are so grateful for each and every one of our customers and are continually determined to earn and retain their trust.”

Multi-Store Category Midwest Region – Watson’s, Cincinnati, Ohio Northeast Region – Patio Place at Ski Haus, Salem, N.H. Northwest Region – Rich’s for the Home, Lynnwood, Wash. Southeast Region – Elegant Outdoor Living, Bonita Springs, Fla. Southwest Region – Sunnyland Outdoor Living, Dallas, Texas Finalists must demonstrate outstanding accomplishments plus active partnership and excellent credit rating with manufacturers and industry suppliers. The finalist is recognized as an exceptional dealer of a wide variety of quality products in their trad-

Single-Store Category Midwest Region – Village Green Home and Garden, Rockford, Ill. Northeast Region – Gasper Home & Garden Showplace, Richboro, Pa. Northwest Region – Daylight Home, Lighting & Patio, Paso Robles, Calif. Southeast Region – American Casual Living, Buford, Ga. Southwest Region – Patio Productions, San Diego, Calif. 10


ing area and a role model for others within the industry, as well as characterized by superior customer service plus innovative marketing and merchandising strategies.

Casual Industry Names Manufacturer of the Year Telescope Casual (Granville, NY) received the 2022 Manufacturer of the Year Award the International Casual Furnishings Association at the ICFA Awards Gala on July 20. Five manufacturers of outdoor furnishings were named finalists for this year’s award: Castelle by Tropitone, Hanamint, Summer Classics, Telescope Casual

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O UT D O O R F URNIT URE A ND K ITC HE NS + ( $ ' 48$ 5 7 ( 5 6 Υ 9 4 4 9 8 t h S t re e t | R a n c h o Cu camonga, CA 91730 | 866.964.4468 $7 / $ 1 7$ 6 + 2 : 5 2 2 0 Υ A me r ic a s M a r t B ldg 1 S uite 4B 9 | Atlant a, GA 30303 GEN SU N CA SUA L .CO M

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INDUSTRY NEWS Furniture, and Treasure Garden. These companies were selected for the award from online nominations among ICFA’s membership. The finalists were selected based on the overall design and quality of their products, along with their merchandising, customer service, ethics, communications, and trade relations.

Rehmert Receives 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award Rory S. Rehmert, senior vice president of sales at Castelle Roy S. Rehmert Furniture Co., is this year’s recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award presented by the International Casual Furnishings Association (ICFA). He was hon-

ored during the 2022 ICFA Awards Gala on July 20 in Chicago. Founded in 2002, the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes outstanding accomplishments and achievements over many years in the outdoor furniture industry. Honorees are identified by their innovative leadership and ideas that advance the growth of the category. A casual furnishings veteran with more than 40 years of sales and marketing management experience, Rehmert started his casual furniture career at Flower City in Overland Park, Kan., when he was in high school. After graduating from Kansas State University in 1981 with a degree in marketing, he joined Seasonal Concepts (successor to Flower City) and advanced through the store management ranks, culminating at their highest volume store in Atlanta. In 1987, Winston Furniture recruited him to be the national sales manager for Lyon-Shaw, and he later added

Winston Furniture to his responsibilities. A few years later, Meadowcraft Furniture recruited him to be the vice president of sales and marketing, and he led the company on a 17-year journey of growth. In 2008, Rehmert was recruited by Pride Family Brands to be the vice president of sales and marketing. In spring 2016, he was named president of the Summer Winds division. Following the acquisition of Pride Family Brands by Brown Jordan, Rehmert was named senior vice president of sales of the newly renamed Castelle Furniture. Throughout his career, Rehmert has been a dedicated supporter and advocate of the ICFA and its predecessor, the Summer and Casual Furniture Manufacturers Association (SCFMA). He has held many board positions, including chairman, president, and first and second vice president. He was serving as president in 2007 when the SCFMA board voted to create the ICFA as a more inclusive and unifying organization for the casual industry. In announcing the new organization at the 2007 Apollo Awards, Rehmert said: “Our industry is at a crossroads, and it is imperative that we ask ourselves, ‘What makes specialty casual furniture retail special?’ We have to ask ourselves this question so we can better prepare our businesses for the future.” Rehmert also served as a director of the American Home Furnishings Alliance in 2016-2018 as one of two representatives from the outdoor furnishings division. As a leader, mentor, and role model, Rehmert is known as a great friend to the casual furniture industry. In addition to offering his own support to the ICFA, Rehmert has encouraged his fellow manufacturers to do the same. He has always recognized the value and importance that the ICFA and SCFMA have brought to the industry with their educational, networking, and mentoring opportunities. “He has truly set the bar for what others should strive to achieve in their careers,” says David Schweig, president of Sunnyland Outdoor Living in Dallas, who submitted a nomination for Rehmert. “He is a man of integrity and honor … a very talented and knowledgeable individual who graciously has shared his insight for the betterment of those in our industry.”

Zachary Hertlein Joins Elaine Smith With more than 10 years of sales management experience, Zachary Hertlein joins luxury lifestyle brand Elaine Smith as vice president of sales, with a plan to Zachary Hertlein drive immediate growth for the brand by developing sales teams, implementing strategy, and cultivating new and existing partnerships. “Zachary brings expertise far greater than only developing sales teams,” says Elaine Smith, founder and CEO. “He has a thorough understanding of luxury brands in the outdoor and residential design seg-

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INDUSTRY NEWS ments of the industry and works closely with management, customers, and sales representatives to collectively reach sales goals and key performance indicators in a way that matches the quality and best-in-class, professional standards of our brand.” Hertlein has the spent last six years managing sales teams for two luxury outdoor furniture manufacturers, TUUCI and Brown Jordan Company. At TUUCI, Hertlein assumed the role of regional sales manager, overseeing a robust network of sales representatives and dealers across the southern United States as well as select national accounts. Most recently at Brown Jordan, Hertlein served as national sales manager, overseeing the retail and residential design channels of the business. “It’s wonderful to join Elaine Smith at this moment of great growth opportunity,” Hertlein says. “I pride myself on developing new and existing business, growing sales teams, and I look forward to building enduring partnerships now to generate tremendous success in the future.” Based on the premise that living beautifully should be effortless, Elaine Smith develops curated collections in the worlds of indoor and outdoor home décor. Elaine’s lifestyle and her a passion for art, travel, fashion, and design serve as inspiration for the brand. Classic, but always with a modern point of view, every piece is created to make life more beautiful, with a sense of ease and style. The luxury lifestyle brand’s plan for long-term growth will continue into 2023 with exciting new collections, one of which was unveiled at the Chicago Casual Market.

Rainbow Outdoor Launches First Collections in North America Rainbow Outdoor Furniture North America, a commercial-grade Turkish outdoor furniture Rainbow products are designed to survive harsh weather conditions and are 100% recyclable. brand with operations in Europe and Asia, has products will survive the harshest all-weather launched for the first time in the United States. conditions, are safe for the environment, and Rainbow Outdoor is considered one of the can be 100% recyclable. world’s highest quality manufacturers of polyRainbow Outdoor recently exhibited at the resin commercial-grade outdoor furniture and HD Expo and the final Casual Market in has received worldwide accolades in revitalizChicago. A variety of colors, styles, and unique ing the outdoor furniture market by incorporatpatio chair designs were shown, many inspired ing innovative design, lasting quality, and value. for residential and commercial use outside and The resin and aluminum products have inside, and perfect for everyday life. been designed and inspired by modern and Rainbow Outdoor has inventory for quick lineal elements, applying only the finest gas shipment in its Florida distribution center, and injection machinery with 100% polypropylene has a strong special-order program with delivmaterials to produce lightweight, resistant, ery in 45-60 days from time of order placement. and contract functional styles. All items are For further information and appointments, conCATAS-tested and TSE-tested with detailed tact reports and product spec sheets. The Rainbow

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WinningWeaves From bright poolside colors to soothing textured neutrals, the latest fabric designs add pizzazz to patios and porches. BY GREG THOMPSON

NEW FABRIC DESIGN TRENDS can emerge quickly, making

TOP LEFT: Solarium’s Twilight Color Group from Richloom TOP RIGHT: Batyline Elios Shooting Cassis from Serge Ferrari BOTTOM LEFT: The Design Oasis Collection from Revolution Performance Fabrics BOTTOM RIGHT: Phifertex Cushion Collection from Phifer

it difficult to keep up. For designers at Sunbrella, the key is to offer a comprehensive portfolio that has something for every individual style. Finding the source of trends is another matter. “We’re seeing wide-ranging inspiration, from high-end designers to TikTok trends guiding consumers,” says Sarah Dooley, director of upholstery. “It’s not one trend inspiring design but dozens of micro-trends. 20


Recent micro-trends include curved sofas, fresh ways to incorporate yellow, and a restricted take on maximalism. All have different design looks.” Other trends have been around so long that they are almost set in stone. “The demand for bright poolside colors and contemporary textured neutrals will never go away,” says Nancy Egge, head of design at Twitchell Technical Products. “Neutrals are transitioning from grays back to beiges, creating a need for beige-ish or pastel-ish colors.”

TOP LEFT: Blanket Seabreeze, Free Fall Mimosa, and more from Sunbelievable TOP RIGHT: Virage Tranquil Heroes from Sattler Outdura MIDDLE LEFT: The Perspectives Collection from Sunbrella MIDDLE RIGHT: Textilene line from Twitchell Technical Products BOTTOM LEFT: Familglia by Tempotest

Monica Thornton, director of design at Phifer, predicts that neutrals will have the most impact this season and for the next few years as people seek color choices associated with comfort. “Warm beiges, browns, and grays are really gaining momentum,” she says. “They will work beautifully with deep brown and weathered gray frame finishes.” Style and performance are usually the most important selling points for any fabric, but consumers increasingly appreciate eco-friendly products. Companies such as Sunbelievable are respond21



ing by eliminating PFAS chemicals in performance finishes. “We’re incorporating an environmentally friendly PFAS-free durable water repellent to protect against water-based stains,” says Chip Finneran, vice president of sales & marketing. Sustainability, style, and functionality are on full display in the companies represented in this issue’s spotlight. Peruse these pages for profitable ideas. TWITCHELL TECHNICAL PRODUCTS Fifteen new stock patterns have been added to the Textilene line from Twitchell Technical Products (Dothan, Alabama). The additions feature bright poolside colors, including a vintage candy stripe and the color of the year, Periwinkle. Deep textured jacquards are also available in contemporary neutrals, a new addition this season to the Textilene line, which is known for its all-weather fabric that is UV-stable, flame-resistant, easy-toclean, and extruded with antimicrobial agents. “We keep over 360 stocked fabrics available on-demand with quick turnarounds,” says Nancy Egge, head of design at Twitchell for almost three decades. “Given today’s trends, the new collection packs a punch of color and functionality.” Textilene remains Twitchell’s featured product, with customers appreciating the 15-year limited warranty for fixed and operable vertical shading applications and the three-year limited warranty for all other uses. Textilene contains a non-phthalate TOP LEFT: SEAQUAL INITIATIVE Collection from Valdese Weavers TOP RIGHT: Coast by Ultrafabrics MIDDLE: The Coastal Collection from Revolution Performance Fabrics

plasticizer and is composed of REACH-compliant materials and meets NFPA and CSFM standards. Twitchell’s environmentally conscious philosophy started in 2006 with its first PVC-free commercial product line of Earthtex. According to Gena Webb, vice president of research and development, being “green” has many shades. “Earthtex’s composition is a thermoplastic elastomer—a polymer/ filler blend known as TPE,” she says. “Earthtex product manufacturing, trimmings, and waste can be recycled into new products since there is no crosscontamination.” Increasingly common supply chain issues have not affected Twitchell due to its locally sourced raw materials. “Color compound mixing, yarn extrusion, and weaving is all done in-house,” Egge says. “We maintain long-term and successful partnerships with our vendors to ensure a constant supply. Twitchell stays fully stocked and ready to ship.” PARÀ S.P.A Parà S.p.a (Sovico, Italy) remains committed to sustainability through its Tempotest brand, even collecting a Sustainability Award at R+T 2021 for a sun protection collection. “By recycling 328 plastic bottles, we realized 21 m2 of fabric,” says Marco Parravicini, CEO. “From a recycled and GRS-certified PET yarn, we created a fabric characterized by exceptional elastic recovery and better resistance to strong forces and strains that make it particularly suitable for large structures.” With outdoor jacquard fabrics, Parravicini sees a trend toward bouclé structures with “very thick weaves, thick chenille, false plain fabrics, satins, and 22


micro designs.” Concerning indoor and outdoor prints, large designs with floral motifs, classic designs with life scenes such as frescoes, pictorial abstracts, jungles, and watercolors all remain relevant. “The most popular colors are pastel tones, especially pink and sage.” Parà has always treated Tempotest fabrics with Teflon Fabric Protector to provide great performance with minimum impact on the environment. “Inspired by more than 200 years of Chemours, Teflon treatment can count on 70 years of reliability and performance and on millions of satisfied consumers,” Parravicini says. “The production process has low environmental impact because it does not contain perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and its derivatives (PFOS).” Parravicini reports that products treated with “Teflon EXTREME for Parà” Fabric Protector have been shown to “reduce the necessity to clean or remove stains, because much of the dirt forms drops that slip away. Treated fabrics also allow easier removal of the stains compared with untreated fabrics, and dry more quickly.” Crafting these products requires total control of the production cycle, which Parravicini describes as entirely vertical—from spinning to weaving, printing to dyeing, and coating to finishing. “This has allowed us to manage the fluctuating availability of raw materials and the growth of demand,” he says. “The total control of the production cycle couldn’t be enough to manage the exponential increase in demand, so we expanded our plant in Pontirolo Nuovo by increasing production capacity and hiring new staff.” SATTLER OUTDURA The latest offering from Sattler Outdura (Hudson, North Carolina) is called VIRAGE, which features four distinct collections of 176 solution-dyed woven acrylic jacquards, textured dobbies,

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SPOTLIGHT efficient operations in place, designers also keep tabs on trends. “Capri blue, lagoon, and ocean will dominate the print side while dune and graphite and indigo will have an impact within our wovens.”

and stripes. According to Teresa Buelin, business development and marketing manager, the four collections are: BE BOLD with calm colors and clay shades of earth and fire, DIGITAL with bright colors and modern patterns, TRANQUIL with modern and minimalistic colors and textures inspired by the movement of water, and ESCAPE for neutrals and subtle colors found in nature. Outdura is known for its assortment of 63 fabrics in seven patterns, which continue to rank as best sellers. “We do an incredible job with bouclés with special weaves that really define each pattern and color with depth, while keeping the softness and breathability needed for outdoor use,” Buelin says. “We keep the line fresh with new introductions like Virage that also work well with our best sellers like Modern Textures.” Subtle patterns seen in Sattler Outdura’s new Surface fabric (part of the ESCAPE collection), have garnered positive initial reactions from key customers. “Strong images including animal prints, but in a softer, calmer design, are popular,” Buelin says. “Colors are leaning to more organic and muted tones with shades TOP LEFT: Batyline ISO from Serge Ferrari TOP RIGHT: Phifertex Wicker Weave from Phifer MIDDLE LEFT: SEAQUAL INITIATIVE Collection from Valdese Weavers MIDDLE RIGHT: Virage Digital Heroes from Sattler Outdura

the-counter retail, casual outdoor furniture, cruise, and RV industries. For 65 years, the company has continued to manufacture textiles, from prints and wovens to intricate designs. Twice a year, the company introduces new coordinating groups of prints, piece dyes, and solution-dyed wovens. “Within our coordinate groups, it is inevitable that a dramatic tropical becomes the focal point,” says Chuck Zaberto, divisional senior vice president. “We utilize high UV pigments and dyes in our prints and solids, plus durable finishes and backings to withstand the elements.” As a mid-price supplier, Richloom balances price and performance, while also focusing on sustainability. “Richloom continues to expand on existing practices and implement new initiatives, such as increased use of digital presentations and a new initiative facilitating the return of fabric memos to our distribution center for repurposing,” Zaberto says. “Over the past five years, we have reduced our facilities energy consumption by 30% and increased our packaging to over 75% recycled materials.” With ongoing supply chain challenges industry-wide, Richloom has managed to maintain strong relationships with supply partners, thanks to “constant and proactive communication” with customers’ needs. With

ranging from light to dark within the same color family. Neutral body cloths are made more interesting with added texture. And everyone wants endurance fabrics that can withstand the elements, which is what Outdura is all about.” All Sattler Outdura fabrics are 100% solution-dyed acrylic, which means that the color pigments penetrate through the fabric and do not just sit on the surface. “Think of it as a carrot verses a cucumber,” Buelin explains. “Our solution-dyed acrylic fabrics are not only UV-fade resistant after 1,500 hours of testing but also stain, water, mold, and mildew resistant. Cleaning is a breeze with soap and water or a bleach solution for stubborn stains.” RICHLOOM Headquartered in New York City with major operations in North Carolina and South Carolina, Richloom supplies the upholstery, decorative jobber, hospitality, over24


SERGE FERRARI The Batyline Elios and Batyline Elios Sling remain best sellers at Serge Ferrari North America (Deerfield Beach, Florida). According to Laurent Pellequer, development market manager, furniture and marine, the Batyline Elios upholstery blend meets 600,000 double rub cycles for abrasion and is extremely cleanable. The Batyline Elios Sling features high performance and eye-catching design patterns. “Batyline ISO is our best-selling material due to its durability, openness, and cleanability,” Pellequer says. “What makes the Batyline Sling collections so unique is that the product does not sag and maintains perfect tension and comfort over the years.” Serge Ferrari remains strong in the cruise line and hospitality markets, but the company is gaining momentum in the residential segment as end users look for performance materials that are easier to maintain. “We are the leader in the cruise line industry as our product is proven to withstand the harsh environment,” Pellequer says. “This is due to our proprietary SmartYarn technology as well as the quality of our raw material and polymers.” All Serge Ferrari products are manufactured in Europe where sustainability is top of mind. Furniture products are REACH-compliant, GreenGuard-certified, phthalates-free, and recyclable. Pellequer confirms that all products are designed with an environmentally conscious mindset, and new collections next year will be made of 100% recycled content. The trend toward earth tones remains, and Serge Ferrari revealed some new colors at the Salone Del Mobile in Milan in June. All of the new products coincide with what Pellequer describes as “insane” demand, made all the more challenging by recent events. “All manufacturers are dealing

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SPOTLIGHT with global supply chain issues,” he says. “The backlog and cost of transport make the daily business a challenge, resulting in long delivery delays. We are still impacted and have delays for some products. We expect this to ease in the coming months. We have also increased our local stock of Batyline Elios, so this fabric can be shipped quickly to meet immediate needs.” SUNBELIEVABLE For Sunbelievable (High Point, North Carolina), this season features the company’s first collection using 100% solution-dyed acrylic. “Our goal was to create fabrics that visually showcase the ultimate in texture layering, and that provide an incredibly soft hand, taking full advantage of our uniquely beautiful chenilles and bouclés,” says Bea Spires, vice president, design & marketing. “I felt strongly that the aesthetic for this new collection should be simple and organic. Colors range from earthy browns to rustic reds, with intriguing combinations of yellower greens blended with seagrass, jungle, and olive accents.” While everyone has been affected by the pandemic, Chip Finneran, vice president, sales & marketing, reveals that Sunbelievable has managed to keep its order fulfillment “reasonably” short. As a result, they’ve experienced high demand. “While we can’t always promise an immediate response on all orders, a select group of fabrics is currently available through our Quick-Ship and Cut Yardage Programs,” he says. “Quick-Ship typically delivers within 0-6 weeks, while our Cut Yardage Program delivers orders of 1-35 yards within 48 hours.” Sunbelievable’s mill is located in Hangzhou, China, and continues to operate with a standard four- to five-week lead time. As special situations occur, such as market orders or special requests, lead times can be improved to two to three weeks. “We maintain a fair amount of yarn inventory to minimize disruptions from yarn suppliers, plus we have positioned ourselves to receive priority status from them,” Finneran says. “Our company has also built a new facility that will increase weaving capacity by 75%, including new finishing capability. The mill is expected to be in operation in the second half of 2022. That increased capacity will also support reduced lead times.” SUNBRELLA The latest upholstery release from Sunbrella (Burlington, North Carolina) is called Perspectives, a collection that pairs nostalgia with modern sensibilities. Sarah Dooley, director of upholstery, describes Perspectives as an escape through bold patterns, nuanced colors, and dynamic textures that

TOP RIGHT: Solarium’s Capri Color Group from Richloom CENTER: The ReCycle Collection from Sunbrella BOTTOM: Bauble Parakeet, Ezili Blueberry, and more from Sunbelievable

evoke memories of treasured experiences and places. “Each motif in the collection is thoughtfully designed with dimensional texture and woven effects in mind that create deep visual interest,” she says. “All fabrics in Perspectives are designed to harmoniously coexist with one another and integrate seamlessly into the rest of Sunbrella’s collections.” According to Dooley, Sunbrella fabrics are woven from yarns saturated with exclusive UV-stable pigments. The pigment saturates every fiber, offering fade-resistance from sun, rain, snow, or even bleach. “This process creates rich, enduring colors that do not compromise on comfort, yet will still stand the test of time. This sets us apart as other performance fabrics are only saturated at the surface level and protected with an external coating that can wear off over time.” Sustainability has long joined functionality as a priority at Sunbrella. Dooley points out that the company’s actions mirror the words with specific steps, such as: running eco-friendly operations, reducing energy and water usage, and leveraging solar energy. “Landfill-bound plastic bottles get a new life as part of Sunbrella ReCycle fabrics, which deliver on both form and function,” she says. “They are created with a minimum of 50% recycled polyester and feature Assure non-PFAS technology.” PHIFER Phifer (Tuscaloosa, Alabama) has introduced two new products for the outdoor market and fully 26


revamped some of its existing collections. Phifertex Cushion Weave is one of the intros, and it’s making a splash as a 100% woven vinyl-coated product that Monica Thornton, director of design, says is “finer and more pliable, making it perfect for cushion upholstery.” She also reports that eight new colors were added to the 2022-23 stock line and many custom colorways will be available in the fall of 2022. “Phifer’s new matte yarn technology has been well received, and we have added four new patterns to the 2022-2023 stock line,” Thornton says. “These chic, low-sheen wicker weaves feature contemporary and natural textures that will pair with most furniture styles. Lastly, due to customer demand for more blended fabrics, Phifer’s Blended products have been revamped to include six new additions that feature subtle texture in inviting warm layered neutrals.” As consumers continue to seek fabric styles that complement their lifestyles, Phifertex has responded with new stock additions such as Madras Tweed Moss, Madras Tweed Clay, Napa Fern, Napa Tawny, and Blazer Pecan, all of which feature organic texture in botanical green, earthen terracotta, and warm layered browns. “These cozy and calming fabrics complement our exterior home while evoking the spirit of the great outdoors,” Thornton says. “Additionally, colorful and uplifting colors are continuing to be the industry buzz as consumers gravitate toward more expressive color. Phifertex’s new introductions Dakota stripe Blueprint, Blazer Mojito and Blazer Confetti offer loads of pattern and color with a joyous attitude.”



The “leading group of fabrics” at Phifer remain the Phifertex Plus and Resort Collection weaves. Andy Meggs, market manager, designed fabrics, attributes the continued success to “a variety of solid colors and textured fabrics,” as well as the “amount of color and bi-color yarns that we provide to our various industries. We also have a very good collection of unique patterns that can be very difficult to weave, but it sets us apart from our competition.” ULTRAFABRICS In late 2021, Ultrafabrics (Tarrytown, New York) launched Coast, a new outdoor fabric engineered to deflect mildew, bacteria, and other surface pathogens. Jeff Smith, director of sales, residential, explains that Coast resists water and features enhanced UV resistance while remaining cool to the touch and comfortable. Ultrafabrics’ flagship collection, Brisa, continues to do well due to its breathable construction, extensive color offerings, and what Smith calls the product’s “unbeatable performance, UV protection, and a unique look not available from the competition.” A new partnership with Lenzing AG, a producer of sustainable wood-based fibers and creator of TENCEL Modal fibers, has expanded possibilities at Ultrafabrics. “As a rapidly-renewable resource, these fibers contribute to our goal of including 50% renewable and/or recycled resources in 100% of our offering by 2030,” Smith says. “However, beyond its botanic origins, the TENCEL Modal backcloth allows our products to maintain their soft and natural drape, support body temperature regulation, and contribute to our industry-leading, long-lasting softness.” Smith believes people are still searching for classic leather looks but moving from smaller to larger scale grains. He also sees a growing demand for whites and light neutrals for indoor and outdoor applications. “We are here to help our partners understand and be able to explain to their sales team and customers how well our product performs indoors as well as out,” Smith says. “We can demonstrate the easy cleanability, the durability, and the sustainability aspects of each product. We have industry-leading educational and marketing materials, and our team

TOP LEFT: Gamma Tessuti by Tempotest TOP RIGHT: Coast by Ultrafabrics CENTER: Textilene line from Twitchell Technical Products

thing that our company is really excited about because of the incredible opportunity it provides our customers,” says Patrick Shelton, vice president of sales. “They will be able to offer a performance fabric that is beautiful and reliable, but also has an incredible sustainability story that is making a legitimate difference to our environment.”

appreciates the opportunities to meet with customers to learn about their business and how we can be a better partner so that we are all successful.” VALDESE WEAVERS Sustainability is a major priority at Valdese Weavers (Valdese, North Carolina), representing a commitment to employees, customers, community, and the environment. The company’s InsideOut Performance Fabrics are now even more sustainable, thanks to a 2021 partnership with SEAQUAL INITIATIVE, which company officials hope will help to solve the issue of marine plastic pollution. SEAQUAL INITIATIVE is a collaborative global community with a mission to raise awareness about marine litter and work with ocean cleanups around the world to bring value to the waste they recover. To date, the group has transformed more than 200 tons of marine litter into plastic and cleaned more than 600 tons of waste from oceans. Valdese Weavers’ OEKO-TEX-certified yarns are made from cleaned and processed marine plastic woven into fabrics at the Valdese Weavers facility in Burke County, North Carolina. Valdese Weavers debuted its first SEAQUAL INITIATIVE collection during the ITA Showtime in June 2021, and it was well received. “The positive and passionate reaction to the first SEAQUAL INITIATIVE collection drove the Valdese Weavers team to develop and engineer fabrics made with SEAQUAL YARN that would meet the high performance criteria for InsideOut Performance Fabrics,” says Jill Harrill, engagement manager. “The result is a GreenGuard Gold Certified, PFAS free, all-in-one performance fabric that has the core performance qualities of being cleanable and durable enough for the outdoors, but is also bleach cleanable, fade resistant, and made with yarns that are a part of a huge initiative to help solve a major global issue.” “Merging these two brands together is some28


REVOLUTION FABRICS Revolution Fabrics (Kings Mountain, North Carolina) is a family-owned textile mill that started in 1954. Today, the company’s American-made ethos remains, and the textiles are made without polyfluorinated chemicals. “We were sustainable before sustainability was cool,” quips Anderson Gibbons, chief marketing officer. “We solution dye all of our fabrics so there’s no water in that process. We’re 98% landfill-free…and now California wants after-market stain treatments off rugs and textiles. In the furniture and casual industry, what happens in California tends to become the golden standard. We’ve kind of been the hippies for the last 10 years talking about these chemicals, but it’s become a huge factor going forward.” With global supply chain problems affecting the industry, Revolution has had success with its warehouse quick-ship program out of Mississippi. This program currently stocks more than 250 outdoor textures, stripes, and jacquards. “These fabrics are priced to the manufacturer at between $7 and $15 per yard,” Gibbons says. “These are tested to 3,000 hours and are stain resistant and bleach cleanable. “We’re delivering these goods in under 24 hours,” he continues. “In a specialty outdoor retail segment, I have had certain partners say, ‘You saved our business.’ Where they might have to wait 30 or 40 weeks for some fabrics, we’re getting fabrics to customers at a better price, better performance, and better sustainability—and to their manufacturing plant in 72 hours. It’s just been huge. The reason we’re able to do this is making textiles in the United States.” Revolution recently collaborated with designer Sheryl Luckett in what Gibbons described as a celebration to highlight outdoor living. “It is our Design Oasis collection, and you’ll see where I believe outdoor fabrics are going,” Gibbons says. “Fashion-forward colors, chenilles and bouclé-type fabrics that you can’t believe are outdoor, but are 100% outdoor. It is really blending the lines between indoor and outdoor, and we’re able to do that because of our yarn technologies and the fact that we make it all here.”

Circle Reader Service No. 29


HEARTHCENTRAL A Northern California retailer has made a name for itself by offering exemplary chimney service and big-ticket fireplaces. BY MAURA KELLER PHOTOS BY PATRICK HUGHES


hh… successful hearth businesses. For some, they resemble an arrow—straight and smooth, with a few bumps along the way. For others, they are maze-like, a field of divergent avenues filled with twists and turns. Successful businesses, like people, are often an amalgamation of different elements, woven together until they unfold into one chosen direction. For more than 46 years, London Chimney Service & Fireplace Shoppe has been the “go to” hearth retailer and service provider for the San Francisco Bay area. The company, owned by Mark Rizzo, is the epitome of success, thanks in large part to knowledgeable, experienced employees, a strong customer service mentality, exceptional product offerings, and a solid customer base. As the company approaches being in business for 50 years, a couple of key questions come to mind: As competition within the hearth industry grows, how has London Chimney

TOP: Located in tony Marin County, California, London Chimney Service & Fireplace Shoppe carries high-end hearth products that appeal to affluent shoppers. BOTTOM: Brian Barth, sales manager



TOP: Customers come from all over the San Francisco Bay area to shop at this popular store. BOTTOM: Customer preferences for modern fireplaces have grown in recent years.

Service & Fireplace Shoppe continued to build its brand recognition throughout the counties of San Francisco, Marin, Sonoma, and Napa for nearly five decades? And how does this hearth company plan to continue to exemplify its reputation in years to come? According to General Manager Hugo DeLa Roca, the core of the company’s business efforts lies in implementing exemplary customer service initiatives that are embraced by all of the company’s team members. From the owner to the manager to the technicians and installers, everyone at London Chimney Service & Fireplace Shoppe embraces the mentality of providing the utmost in customer service. They recognize that no job or task is too large or too small for each team member. In fact, DeLa Roca will often be found sweeping the showroom floor because he believes that “actions speak louder than words.” “When people see the boss do these simple tasks, it motivates them to do those simple things, too. We work the

old-fashioned way where customer service is at the core of our business,” says DeLa Roca, who has been working with the company for three years but has over 35 years of experience manag31

ing distribution centers. “We realize that you need to set yourself apart by the customer service that you offer. And we really work to meet our customers’ expectations. We know we are


only as good as our staff, so we take care of people—both our employees and our customers.” This is evident in that three of the company’s staff members, Frank

HEARTH RETAILER Harwood, operations manager; Hugh Cruickshank, lead technician; and Lisa Roberts, office manager, have each been with the company for over 30 years. Founded in 1977 as a fireplace restoration company, London Chimney Service & Fireplace Shoppe was the only company at the time to offer restoration services in the region. Eventually, the company opened its fireplace showroom in 1995. Today, about 60% of the company’s business is comprised of chimney repair and restoration, with the remaining 40% being sales of fireplace products. From fireplace inserts for new construction and remodeling projects to freestanding stoves and outdoor fire pits, London Chimney Service & Fireplace Shoppe offers a wealth of fireplace brands. The fact that the company has nearly five decades of experience with the various hearth brands under its belt means that the team can help identify the brands that are ideal for each customer’s specific installation. They also have a solid pulse on the trends that continue to

evolve as the industry introduces new design innovations and technologies. “The fireplace trends we are seeing are in the area of European-style fireplaces,” DeLa Roca says. “We are located in an area of high income earners, so a lot of the fireplaces we provide to our clients may be in the $20,000 range. We often install higher-end units in Napa Valley’s wine country. Of course, we also provide the average $4,000 or $5,000 units as well. We really try to meet the style and design preferences of each client.” Although sleek, contemporary fireplace models are appealing to many of the company’s clientele, others are drawn to the more ornate traditional fireplace design that you would find in some of Europe’s grandest abodes. And while new hearth products are a key component of the company’s offering, restoration services are a huge part of the company’s backbone. “For restoration projects, many of the area’s contractors come to us because of our long-term expert-

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ise,” DeLa Roca says. “Our technicians know the ‘ins and outs’ of restoring all different types of fireplaces. They can find easy solutions that are less costly. That is how our historic knowledge is a defining factor in our company’s success. Contractors will reach out to us long before they go somewhere else.” The company’s chimney and fireplace service offerings range from chimney repair and restoration to crown repair to chimney liners and firebox brickwork. The company also performs complete chimney and fireplace rebuilds as well as masonry repair services. EMBRACING TODAY’S HEARTH PRODUCTS Being located in the heart of California, the majority of London Chimney Service & Fireplace Shoppe’s product lineup is gas in nature because of the area’s ban on wood-burning fireplaces. “I won’t be surprised if, in the near future, we will be installing more electric fireplaces as the city is already heading in that direction,” DeLa Roca says. Until then, the company continues to provide leading-edge gas fireplace inserts, as well as wood-burning options where appropriate. As with many fireplace distributors and retailers, supply chain issues are still causing significant delays and has affected London Chimney Service & Fireplace Shoppe’s ability to get product to their customers. “Because of the supply chain delays, we have to be one step ahead of our customers,” DeLa Roca says. “Our customers still demand our services and products, so we need to plan to order items from our vendors ahead of time so we have products available on our floor.” So what does DeLa Roca envision the future of the hearth industry in terms of design trends, as well as the future of the company? Quite simply, customers continue to gravitate to gas fireplaces, especially those built for both efficiency and elegance. “We had the best year ever last year in terms of total sales,” DeLa Roca says. “As people stayed home because of the pandemic and focused on improving their home environment, we saw the results of that trend. And it seems to be continuing as people are preferring to entertain people in their backyards, so we are seeing more and more outdoor fire pits being installed.” Some of the most popular outdoor fire pits the company offers include the HPC Evolution 360 Water & Fire Outdoor Fire Pit Insert, which brings water and fire together. The Astria VentFree Venetian Outdoor Fireplace boasts an elegant design option that doesn’t require a chimney system. And Regency’s HZO42 gas fireplace is another customer favorite. This contemporarydesigned product features 446 square inches of viewing space and offers a perfect backdrop to any outdoor living space. “We pay attention to what our customers are most interested in. And as customers continue to focus on home improvement, the future of fireplaces and hearth products looks very exciting,” DeLa Roca says. “People are spending money on our products, so I only see better things ahead for us.”

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Circle Reader Service No. 33



GivingBack This multi-generational family retailer serves the local community in many ways. BY KIMBERLY RODGERS


s the owner of Fireside BBQ & Appliances (Woodland Hills, California), Armen Aslanian has been serving his Southern California community for over four decades with a commitment that extends far beyond supplying the region’s homeowners with the best in hearth, barbecue, and home appliance products. Throughout his 40-plus years as a local business owner, Aslanian has been proud to give back to the community where he and his family have worked hard and prospered while continuing to live the American Dream. Of Armenian descent, Aslanian immigrated with his family from Iran to San Francisco when he was 16. The family eventually made their way to the Los Angeles area where he found an opportunity to work in a fireplace store run by another Armenian family. “He hustled and obtained knowledge about the industry very quickly,” son Josh Aslanian says. After the store closed, Armen opened his first fireplace shop in 1978 in a small space in Woodland Hills with his father, Arshag. With four locations throughout the Los Angeles area, the retailer’s flagship store in Woodland Hills recently underwent a major renovation.


Almost 45 years since it first opened, Fireside BBQ & Appliances is now a third-generation family-owned and operated business with Armen and three of his four sons working in different areas of the operation. Indeed, the reach of the company has grown to extend throughout greater Los Angeles, which today includes four locations. Woodland Hills, managed by son Armen Jr., is now 15,000 square feet and is the company’s flagship store. The second showroom, a 5,000square-foot space in the Conejo Valley (a region spanning southeastern Ventura County and northwestern Los Angeles County) is overseen by son Sean and opened in 2010. Josh manages Fireside BBQ & Appliances’ 6,000-square-foot 34


West Hollywood Design Center, which opened in 2019 and is located in the La Cienega Design Quarter—the heart of the design community in Los Angeles and a vibrant destination for art, fashion, furniture, and dining. He also handles all marketing and online operations. Youngest son Raffi is currently a law student. Armen continues to work in the business handling accounting and finance. The fourth and newest location is a showroom and warehouse space recently launched in the Los Angeles suburb of Chatsworth featuring a 19,000-squarefoot warehouse along with 3,500 square feet of showroom space. At each location, customers will find an amazing variety and depth of product across

TOP: (Left to right) Jack Kasper, Mike Sierras, Sean Aslanian, Armen Aslanian, Josh Aslanian, Jose Rodriguez, Genaro Jimenez, and Don Shannon BOTTOM: Fireside BBQ & Appliances carries a wide variety of hearth and outdoor products, adding indoor appliances about 20 years ago.

many different categories from a huge list of high-end brands. This includes fireplaces, barbecue grills, outdoor kitchens and islands, pizza ovens, fire pits, patio heating, indoor appliances, and a full range of accessories for indoor and outdoor rooms. The majority of warehouse operations, previously at the Woodland Hills location, have been relocated to

Chatsworth, allowing the flagship store to undergo a major renovation. This revitalized showroom will devote vignette space to many of the store’s high-end suppliers and cover all product categories. The Conejo Valley store focuses more on fireplaces and barbecue grills along with some appliance displays. The West Hollywood Design Center covers all segments and displays

more higher-end appliances. While hearth and outdoor products, including grills and fire pits, make up a good piece of business (about 40%), a larger portion of sales comes from the indoor appliance segment. “We began selling indoor appliances about 20 years ago and this category continues to be a growing part of our business,” Josh says. This segment now includes a variety of 35


indoor products such as refrigeration, ovens, ranges, microwaves, coffee systems, indoor ventilation systems, and washers/dryers. Sean Aslanian says it was a natural progression to move into this segment since many manufacturers of outdoor kitchen products also offer indoor lines. Today, the store features a diverse indoor appliance line from many highend manufacturers offering professional-grade products such as Blue Star, Gaggenau, JennAir, La Cornue, Miele, Perlick, Thermadore, and Viking. On the hearth/grill side, the store partners with a variety of top-end brands including Astria, Big Green Egg, DCS, DaVinci, EcoSmart Fire, Empire Comfort Systems, Enviro, Fireplace Xtrordinair, Majestic, Marquis, Montigo, Napoleon, Regency, and Traeger. Currently, DaVinci Custom Fireplaces, a brand of Travis Industries, are very popular with the store’s customers. “Since they can be customized

OUTDOOR GRILLING The business has been able to keep up with an increase in customer demand by pre-ordering and warehousing stock.

to come in very long and wide lengths, DaVinci does very well for us,” Josh says. In fact, Fireside BBQ & Appliances was named the top California Travis Industries Dealer in 2021. The business has kept up with the increase in customer demand over the past two years through pre-ordering and having a lot of product on hand. “Thanks to our new warehouse, we have the ability to store stock, giving us the capability to handle the increase in orders,” Josh says. Installations are performed by trusted contractors the store has worked with for several years. Marketing includes a high Google search ranking along with directed online ad placements. In addition, the business uses direct mailers and occasional magazine advertising. Both Sean and Josh attribute their family’s business success to a number of factors. Number one is the presence of family members working in all aspects of Fireside BBQ & Appliances. “Despite our size, we are still a mom-and-pop store and care very much about our customers,” Josh says. In fact, when customers come into any showroom, they often deal directly with a family member. “If a problem should come up, we take care of it right away.” This focus on customer service coupled with a large variety of product and competitive pricing truly sets the retailer apart—especially from a big box store, he says. Another important factor to the Aslanian’s family success is their dedication to hard work. “Our dad always says to just keep working and do whatever it takes to keep the wheels turning,” Sean says. This dedication proved even more important when Fireside BBQ & Appliances opened its second store in 2010, when the economy was still in the throes of the Great Recession. Then, the West Hollywood Design Center opened in December 2019—just before the start of the pandemic. “Both stores were opened during a difficult time. We kept moving ahead and made whatever margins we could,” Sean adds. Throughout their time in business, the family has given back to their community and beyond in many ways by providing support to Armenian causes as well as various law enforcement organizations, including the California Highway Patrol (CHP) 1199 Foundation established to provide emergency benefits and assistance to CHP employees, their families, and to provide scholarships to their children. Such was the case in 2018 when Fireside BBQ & Appliances hosted a fundraiser selling raffle tickets for a grill from DCS by Fisher & Paykal with 100% of the proceeds benefiting the family of Ventura County Sheriff’s Sgt. Ron Helus. Sgt. Helus died a hero saving lives in the Borderline Bar and Grill shooting in neighboring Thousand Oaks. Josh says, “Our dad has always helped and provided support to the local community ever since he started in business.”

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REVVED-UP RETAIL An award-winning store attracts customers from near and far with powerful product displays and first-class customer service. BY SHARON SANDERS PHOTOS BY TY ACIERTO


o say that Village Green Home and Garden (Rockford, Illinois) inspires its customers is an understatement. Making life beautiful is what it’s all about. From the moment one walks through the doors of its stunning glass showroom, the whole idea of outdoor living is elevated in new ways. This enterprising family-owned operation remains laser-focused on customers as it heads into the next generation of its business. Everything started in 1964 when the company’s founder, Larry Smith, opened a small traditional nursery with his college best friend. Smith passed away in 2020, but his legacy lives on in the form of his incredible vision that has propelled the business to unimaginable heights. Today, Village Green boasts two Rockford locations, including its flagship Riverside campus that spans 9.5 acres with the most impressive selection of plants, home décor, and outdoor furniture in the area.

TOP: Village Green’s airy atrium showroom awes shoppers. BOTTOM: Colors, textures, and shapes add personality and bring inspiration.



TOP: Dramatic displays set the stage for a one-of-a-kind shopping experience.

the first time. The way we have our displays set up encourages customers to browse for inspiration, and they are constantly pulling out their phones to snap photos. We take that as the biggest compliment we can get.” The store carries patio furniture from POLYWOOD and Hanamint to Castelle, Tropitone, and OW Lee, as well as grills, indoor décor, accessories, and even custom Village Green apparel.

MIDDLE: (Top) Jessica Salisbury, (Left) Carolyn Smith, (Right) Cynthia Smith BOTTOM: Village Green is known for its wide selection of plants that are grown on-site.

The magic of Village Green is how it creatively ties everything together. The store’s award-winning showroom is a towering glass atrium filled with natural light, alongside two converted greenhouses that all blend together architecturally. “They create an environment that showcases our furniture at its best because it feels like it’s outdoors,” says Jessica Salisbury, CEO and creative director. The store’s eye-catching visual approach to displays is its signature. “Right now, the front entrance features a full-size rowboat turned up on its side overflowing with throw pillows. In the interior of the showroom, there is a pergola with 35 glass globes hanging over a massive patio set that seats 10 people. At Christmas, we made a chandelier out of live pompous grass that was 8 foot wide by 6 foot tall,” Salisbury adds. “The idea behind all of it is to create moments that stop people in their tracks. We want everyone to tell their friends that this is a special place they have to visit.” People come to Village Green for the experience, which is unlike any other. They get personal service in all of the departments from expert staff that truly cares about customers. “We just happen to have the largest selection of plants and patio furniture in the area to boot. In the world of plants, ours are affordable because we grow the majority of the plants we sell,” Salisbury explains. While Village Green is legendary among locals for its sprawling garden center—its outdoor furniture is what draws people in from out of town as far away as Madison, Milwaukee, and Chicago. “They are floored when they see the quality and how much product we carry—I love seeing their faces when they stop in for

GETTING SOCIAL Since the pandemic, social media has become the unexpected driving force behind the store’s advertising. During that time, it didn’t make sense to send out the store’s popular eight-page direct mail pieces because there was no way to predict if the business was going to be open or shut down. The decision was made to pull the plug on mailings— and to start focusing more social media. Business skyrocketed in 2020 and, like many



SHOWROOM SHOWCASE retailers, Village Green now relies primarily on social media and its website for exposure. With the money saved on marketing costs, the store was able to create a full-time social media position that was filled by staff insider, Kiki Knudson, who knows and understands the company culture and image. “The best thing about social media is that it has reached our younger customers,” Salisbury says. “Everybody in this industry has been scratching their heads about how they are going to get the people who are 35 and under to come into their stores—well, social media brings them in.” For 2022, the store’s newest social media venture is an eye-catching step and repeat wall—like those used at movie red carpet events. It features a photo-worthy live plant wall with a trendy “Make Life Beautiful” neon sign. “Shoppers love the idea. Customers can upload photos to Facebook and Instagram, and tag Village Green.” Village Green has also stopped using stock images in its marketing. “We want people get a real glimpse of what our store is all about—a stock image doesn’t say anything. People want to see pic-

tures of who we are, what we are doing, and how we are involved in the community,” Salisbury says, adding that on Instagram the least popular Jessica Salisbury is pictured in front of a posts are those live plant photo wall, that show patio which is Village Green’s latest social furniture. “If we media venture. put something up about our dog or our staff, they gets tons of views.” categories to choose from. They all work together to create beautiful spaces with plants to furniture, pottery, fountains, statuary, and accessories—the sky is really the limit. That is what has made Village Green what it is today. People like to shop in a store that is on the edge of design, style, and trends.” The past three years have brought many challenges and successes with shipping issues and price increases at the top of the list. On the flip side, business is strong, the store has acquired talented team members, and its staff is stronger than ever. With the passing of Village Green’s

UNEXPECTED EVOLUTION While the past few years have brought unexpected obstacles, they have forced the Village Green team to stop and rethink many things. “Looking back, I can say that a reset was good. We were comfortable with how the business was running because it worked. When we couldn’t do things the same way anymore, we had to pivot and try new things.” The store’s evolution has made it more interesting and exciting for customers. “The outdoor industry has a huge advantage, because there are so many product

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founder Larry Smith, the store had to regroup. “It was difficult, but it brought our team together and turned out to be the best bonding experience I’ve ever had,” Salisbury says. She adds that Smith would be ecstatic and thrilled to know that everything is going really well. “I don’t think he would be surprised. He would love the fact that the business he grew and nurtured is now owned and run by females—his daughters Carolyn and Cynthia (owners) and myself.” Carrying on the legacy that Smith started is something that is incredibly important to the Village Green team and his daughters. “This business is a part of our community, and it’s an honor to make sure that it continues on. We look forward to continue investing in our staff who wholeheartedly invests in us,” Salisbury says. “Our future includes some expansion possibilities with our garden center and to keep inspiring people with our love of beautiful outdoor living spaces.”

The KORDA COLLECTION Indulge in the decadent luxury of the handcrafted Castelle Korda Collection. With an ode to the freedom and relaxation of sailing, the Chippendale-inspired design features a decorative cast aluminum back insert that simulates authentic nautical rope. CASTELLEFURNITURE.COM Circle Reader Service No. 41




A focus on panache and performance make Bella-Dura Home’s fabrics the perfect choice for outdoor living. BY SHARON SANDERS

Who is Bella-Dura Home? Thomases: Our name in itself is who we are—Bella Dura literally translates as beautiful and durable. Our fabrics are made in the United States in our Garfield, New Jersey mill. Bella-Dura Home is the residential performance fabric of the Swavelle Group, an influential 50-year-old family-owned textile company that also has commercial outdoor and residential indoor fabric brands. It is a designdriven brand that offers luxurious, stylish fabrics with a soft hand that makes it a favorite for use both outdoors and indoors.


between beauty and performance. In just a short time, the 3-year-old residential performance fabric brand has made a connection with its customers. The last time Patio & Hearth Products Report sat down Bella-Dura Home in 2019, the brand had just stepped into the marketplace—a lot has changed since then. Its fabrics have taken off and are fast becoming a customer staple. We recently sat down with Executive Vice President David Thomases and newly named Director of Marketing Barbara Rogers to see how Bella-Dura Home is grabbing the hearts and minds of its customers.

What’s changed in the performance fabrics space since the brand launched? Thomases: In general, interest in outdoor living has exploded positively because of the pandemic. People were forced to live/relax/entertain at home outside for almost two years, and they continue to do so more than ever before. While sales were unpredictable at the beginning of the pandemic,

TOP: Beachcroft Dune body cloth. Birk Driftwood and Royal Palm Umber pillows. MIDDLE LEFT: Lapis collection (Left to right) Aziza Lapis, Harborview Lapis, Tropique Lapis, Folksy Deep Sea MIDDLE RIGHT: MaiTai collection (Left to right) Millington Hibiscus, Moody Blush, Millington Blush, Hot Tropic Mai Tai BOTTOM: Folksy Lemon body cloth. Fair and Square Lemon pillow.



Bella-Dura Home ended up gaining a lot of market share with new and existing customers. The fact that we make our fabrics domestically opened up a lot of opportunities because we were able to meet customer needs and deliver in normal lead times. What niche does the brand fill? Rogers: Bella-Dura Home brings a boutique look to the performance fabrics space. Our fabrics have a stylized aesthetic that integrates colors, textures and patterns with a sophisticated feel. As a brand, we work with our customers to help them realize their vision for fabrics that will elevate the look of their furniture. Another thing we are known for is that we are design driven, not commodity driven. Our pricing hits a sweet spot that makes us accessible to almost anyone. What is the brand’s philosophy when it comes to fabrics? Thomases: Big picture, we are committed to exceptional quality, design, a soft hand (very important) and per-

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formance. For us, performance means two things. First is the actual attributes of our fabric: superior durability, stain and fade resistance, bleach cleanability, and a fiveyear warranty. The second is performing for our customers so they get what they need, including exceptional service, short lead times, communication, and a flexible business partner. What is Bella-Dura doing to raise brand awareness? Thomases: One of our most exciting developments is that we’ve hired a new director of marketing, Barbara Rogers, who comes from the furniture world. Our brand is growing and catching the attention of the industry, so we knew the time was right to focus on our marketing presence. Rogers: Customers are evolving and so is the way people do business, which means a company needs to communicate clearly. My first priority is to create a digital footprint for the brand, which is vitally important.

There are many potential customers out there and we are missing out. I’m here to change that. We are also going to be creating educational tools and resources so our customers can educate their customers about the attributes of our performance fabrics. Bella-Dura Home exhibited at the Casual Market Show in Chicago this year, so we were able to see our customers and meet new ones. There is much to do, and we’re ready to move forward with our plans. What do you see as the current trends in fabrics? Thomases: Neutrals continue to be king both indoors and outdoors. One trend we are seeing, specifically in the outdoor arena, is that neutrals are going warmer with colors like camel, straw, or brown. While blues are still extremely popular, they are getting lighter, as people are gravitating to denim and sky blues versus dark navy. In general, color is also being embraced more now than in the past—we are even seeing more yellows and greens. Organic weaves are on

the rise and even plains are becoming more textured. What are some of the hottest Bella-Dura fabrics this season? Thomases: There is one pattern that is a standout (indoor and outdoor) called Harborview. It’s a smallscale stripe with a menswear vibe. It has a herringbone ground to it and a delicate pinstripe that’s created by the slub yarn. I’m also excited to announce that we just launched our new Bella-Dura Cut program. It’s a collection of our best selling and new fabrics that are available by the yard. We developed the program to meet the needs of our customers based on our industry knowledge and experience. It’s a good time to offer customers immediate options because in-stock is a much more powerful phrase than it was three years ago. What do you see as the next evolution of performance fabrics? Rogers: Performance fabric has become beautiful and stylized, and I see it continuing to evolve as people invest more in their homes. The whole housing landscape is shifting, as people are buying larger homes because they are working in hybrid situations. People want to have home offices, home gyms, and bigger entertaining areas and outdoor rooms for relaxing and entertaining. Thomases: We certainly think there will be a continued emphasis on sustainability, environmentally friendly materials, production processes, waste reduction and overall productivity improvement. We are also expecting to see more recycled yarn and environmentally friendly finishes. I think the pandemic has forever changed the way people will entertain in their homes. What positives have come out of the pandemic for Bella-Dura Home? Thomases: I can’t believe I’m saying this, but we couldn’t have chosen a better time to launch a new brand. Swavelle has been in business for over 50 years, so we are comfortable and confident in what we do— but these last two years have changed everybody and everything. Business is in fast motion, but we have taken time to make sure we grow the right way. We’ve learned to be more efficient, focused, customer centric, and flexible. It has served us well. What does the future hold for Bella-Dura Home? Rogers: So much of who we are today (and who we are becoming) is because of our employees. They are a great bunch that is creative, nimble, and able to react quickly. They are focused on keeping customers happy and are a joy to deal with every day. Their positive attitudes and excitement are what makes our future bright. Thomases: We will always have our eyes open looking to get better. We want to have a thorough understanding of the vision of our customers so we can meet them. At the same time, we will continue to define trends and inspire ideas. Bottom line, we want to be the residential performance fabrics supplier of choice for customers who value beautiful design, quality, and performance. We are a company that cares about making their experience extraordinary.

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NoMuss, NoFuss

Ease of setup and use of Modern Flames’ stylish electric fireplaces are major selling points. BY LARRY THOMAS

and accomplished engineering team,” he says. “Electric fireplaces are becoming more and more important to our industry every year.” READY TO SHINE The latest Modern Flames innovations were unveiled early this year in the company’s new Orion Series, which features its proprietary Heliovision flame technology. Richardson says the product delivers the company’s most realistic-looking multi-dimensional flames to date and features three flame patterns and six flame colors. Plus, the new models have a multicolored ember bed, and it even produces an ambient crackling sound.


electric fireplaces were regarded as outliers in a fireplace market dominated by gas and wood models, and few hearth specialty stores were interested in selling them. Those stores wanted only “real” fireplaces that had an actual flame that burned something. But Kris Richardson was convinced the specialty store market needed electric fireplaces that weren’t simply clones of the low-end models found in big-box stores and on e-commerce sites. The result of that conviction was Modern Flames, an electric fireplace manufacturer founded in 2009 specifically for specialty stores. The ride hasn’t always been a smooth one, but Richardson says electric fireplaces now account for 10% to 15% of sales in the specialty store market, and he believes its market share is growing rapidly. “The challenge for electric fireplaces is that they don’t always look like real fireplaces,” he says. “I’ve always been working to create electric fireplaces that were good enough for the specialty hearth shops, and the technology we’ve developed has enabled us to do that.”

Initially, he had to convince retailers that Modern Flames fireplaces would generate incremental sales increases and not merely replace the sale of, say, an $8,000 gas fireplace with a $2,000 electric model. “The people who embraced our line early on did well with it right away,” Richardson says. “And now, just about everybody has embraced it … and our business has been very strong.” Not only did the ease of installation and use attract new consumers, but the realistic flames and 5,000-BTU heaters delivered benefits very similar to gas and wood-burning fireplaces. “We’ve always focused on innovation, and a big key to our success is our talented

TOP: Orion electric fireplace MIDDLE: Wildfire grill BOTTOM: Wildfire grill



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Orion models will be priced in the $5,000 range when they hit retail floors this fall, but he says the high-end price tag didn’t scare off specialty store buyers who viewed the line earlier this year at the International Builders’ Show and the HPBExpo. “Our new products were very well received, and we think they will do well at retail.” He acknowledges that consumer demand hasn’t been quite as strong this year compared to 2021, when business doubled over the previous year. However, he says business remains strong and is still well ahead of 2019, the last pre-pandemic year. “For the most part, our entire industry has been a huge beneficiary of the pandemic,” Richardson says. “People were staying home and spending money on their homes instead of going out to eat or going on vacation. We definitely had a big surge in demand.” But he adds that he would be remiss if he didn’t give at least some of the credit to the new products developed by his Arizona-based engineering and design teams the past couple of years. “I would like to think that part of this growth was from some of the new products we brought out,” he says. “We were kind of in that perfect storm where electric fireplaces were becoming a more important part of the industry.” And even though the company’s fireplaces are built in China, Richardson said Modern Flames has experienced few out-of-stock issues—despite supply chain woes and dramatically higher container shipping rates. “We got

lucky because we had a lot of inventory before the pandemic,” he says. “We got ahead early, so it was easier for us to stay ahead. I don’t think there’s anything that has been out of stock for more than a week or two.” It also helps that electric fireplaces are not as seasonal as its gas and wood-burning counterparts. He notes that summer is clearly the busy season—due largely to increased homebuilding and remodeling—but in recent years, sales have remained “pretty stable” year-round. “We’re in Phoenix, and people are still coming into fireplace stores when it’s 120 degrees, so we’re doing something right.” MEET THE BRANDS Modern Flames is one of three brands under the RPG Brands umbrella. The others are Grand Canyon, a producer of gas fireplace logs, and Wildfire, a gas grill producer. Wildfire launched its initial product line earlier this year, and the first grills recently began showing up in retail stores. The middle to upper-end models have features such as a laser-cut cooking grate, a black stainlesssteel body and cast stainless steel burners. They’re being sold through the same distribution channel as Modern Flames fireplaces, as many hearth specialists also sell grills and related accessories. “The barbecue stores need to have something different that will catch the consumer’s eye, and we think this

Orion electric fireplace

lineup will do it,” Richardson says. “The response has been very positive so far.” While demand for grills also exploded during the pandemic as consumers cooked more meals at home, he believes there’s still plenty of room for growth because many consumers discovered the joy of grilling and aren’t ready to give it up, even though most pandemic restrictions have been lifted. “There’s a lot of pent-up demand out there (because many barbecue retailers ran low on inventory) during the pandemic, so we’re optimistic about the growth potential for this new brand,” Richardson says. The Grand Canyon lineup includes vented and vent-free gas logs, as well as a wide range of fire tables and firepits. Firepits, in particular, have grown in popularity in the past decade and are now staples in casual furniture and hearth specialty stores. Richardson notes that another popular Grand Canyon product isn’t a log at all, but a lineup of round fireballs called Cannonball. These hand-molded ceramic fiber-dyed pieces come in three sizes and are available in dark gray, silver, and black.

KEEPING YOU SAFE AND WARM Circle Reader Service No. 48



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No longer a fad, contemporary design is here to stay. BY KIMBERLY RODGERS


shipped any of its new Gyrofocus Gas fireplaces to North America early this year, Holly Markham, owner of European Home (Middletown, Massachusetts) already had a waiting list of over 100 names for the modern pivoting suspended gas fireplace. Once she was able to make a formal announcement, with a price in place, she was happy to see that people were still very interested and ready to order. Focus introduced the world’s first suspended, 360° rotating wood version of the innovative fireplace in 1968. The company has been working on the gas model for more than three years. Markham says, “It was challenging to find a way to hide the gas line that would still allow the fireplace to pivot.” Already approved and shipped in Europe in 2021, Gyrofocus Gas recently became available earlier this year in North America. “The reaction to the new model has been great and nobody complained about the wait.” Founded in 1999, European Home offers a complete line of contemporary wood and gas fireplaces manufactured in Europe as well as the U.S. In addition to Focus, the company is a distributor for Element4 (direct vent gas fireplaces manufactured in the Netherlands); electric fireplaces from Evonicfires, part of CK Fires Ltd. (United Kingdom); and the company’s own brand, European Home Fireplaces, with products manufactured in New England. Under the European Home brand, the company will be introducing a ventfree firebox using radiant heat. The new fireboxes are unique because they have very clean, simple lines. The finishing comes right to the edge of the box with a large opening replicating a masonry-sized unit. Originally custom-made for an

architect’s project, the new radiant firebox will be rolled out later this year to the marketplace, Markham says. Like other hearth retailers and manufacturers, European Home has experienced an increase in sales over the last couple of years. Yet, there have been challenges in shipping since it takes longer to get product from suppliers. European Home has managed their customers’ expectations by being as transparent as possible. “Unfortunately, it is the customer whose timeline is most impacted by supply chain issues,” Markham says. A normal delivery time from Europe has gone from four weeks to about eight to

TOP: Gyrofocus Gas in black BOTTOM: Ergofocus Wood in white



10. Some domestic vendors have doubled or tripled their lead times for items such as screens, logs, and controls. Consumers have now had over a year of experiencing supply chain issues across different retail markets and have become more accepting of waiting. “While they don’t like the long lead times, people are at least familiar with the problems and calling us sooner to place orders.” Besides Gyrofocus, the Ergofocus and Paxfocus are currently European Home’s biggest sellers. All are suspended fireplaces sharing similar lines. A combination of factors have contributed to the continued on page 96

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BBQ HEALS Operation BBQ Relief is a welcome sight for victims of natural disasters and other tragedies. BY MAURA KELLER


Fires. The power of Mother Nature is most evident in the disasters that can destroy homes and businesses, and take lives. While some emergencies such as power outages can be frustrating, other disasters—both natural and manmade—can be devastating. After any disaster, many people are left wondering how to even start picking up the pieces, both literally and figuratively. One key area of concern for many suffering from a tragic event is often where to get nourishing meals for families. Thanks to ongoing efforts from Operation BBQ Relief, millions of meals have been prepared by BBQ pitmasters and volunteers alike to help displaced individuals and families. According to Stan Hays, competitive pitmaster, as well as co-founder and CEO of Operation BBQ Relief, the nonprofit organization was founded in May 2011 in response to a need for relief efforts to a tornado that hit Joplin, Missouri. “I remember watching the tornado destruction on television with my wife and feeling helpless in what I could do to assist,” Hays says. The next day, Hays’ wife approached him and suggested he get the BBQ community together and go to Joplin to cook and help the community. After connecting with fellow BBQ aficionado, Jeff Stith, the two men hatched a plan to get down to Joplin as soon as possible. Stith immediately established a Facebook page and started pushing the need for pitmasters to help via social media. “We needed pit masters. We needed equipment. We needed people with big hearts that just wanted to give,” Hays said. They also needed supplies. Thanks to many companies that donated food and barbecue sauce, the first barbecue “rescue” event was a huge success.

A dedicated group of volunteers and pitmasters deliver meals to those who are victims of disasters.

“Sam’s Club provided enough meat for 1,000 servings, and we thought we’d be there for about four or five days,” Hays says. “But we went through all the meat in that first day. The response just kept getting bigger and bigger, and we ended up cooking for 11 days in a parking lot and serving approximately 120,000 meals.” It was about the third day that Hays sat down with others and began talking about developing a model that would be repeatable for other catastrophic events. “There was a gap that existed out there with big disasters. The gap is in the time that it takes for the bigger organizations, churches, and nonprofits to get their feet underneath them and start serving the community,” Hays says. “And really, it seems to take about 10 days before the churches, civic groups and other organizations are able to get back on track, to start the healing. But the people need help far sooner than 10 days. That’s where we come in.” Fast forward 11 years and today, Operation BBQ Relief is a full-time 52


nonprofit organization that deploys volunteers to serve people from five to 10 disasters each year. To date, Operation BBQ Relief has served more than 9 million meals. “We’ve been there for as little as a day to up to 30 days for large disasters,” Hays says. “We now have all the smokers we need—14 high-capacity commercial smokers—so we don’t ask people to bring smokers anymore unless it’s something that is similar to what we already have.” Operation BBQ Relief also handles its own freezer storage via rented storage space where fresh and frozen meat is stored, particularly in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. And now with 22 fulltime employees, seven part-time employees and a database of 10,000 volunteers—from church groups to stay-at-home moms to business owners—Operation BBQ Relief is well prepared for any disasters that impact communities of all sizes. Of course, while handling logistics can be daunting, certain elements of continued on page 97

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PRODUCTSCOUTS Finding the most innovative hearth and outdoor living products throughout the world is the mission of this savvy company. BY CHERISE FORNO

we need to go to try and find what they need and what’s going to work best for the dealer network.” In 2018, the Vulcan Group ventured into importing and distributing but continued to build on the company’s roots under the leadership of Dean Michanczyk, the company’s president, who built the business by prioritizing


(Plantsville, Connecticut) believe that dealers are at the center of their success as the company upholds its motto, “Forged by fire and honed over time,” and delivers high-quality products, competitive price points, and practical hands-on training. Sean Michanczyk, lead designer/business development, is a second-generation professional who has grown up in the industry. He notes that the Vulcan Group is willing to travel overseas to find manufacturers and solve any problems that may arise. “If our dealers say they need something, we take it to heart,” he says. “We’re the type of people crazy enough to hop on a plane and go wherever

TOP: Clementi Pulcinella line MIDDLE: The Vulcan Group management team: (from left) Sean Michanczyk, Dean Michanczyk, Bruno Ferreira BOTTOM: Hoxter HAKA 150/51: a single-sided Guillotine wood-fired fireplace in the lobby of the Hoxter headquarters



quality products, customer service, and retail sales. As the Vulcan Group expands and selects new brands to represent, it is committed to always testing products on the retail end of its business first. Bruno Ferreira, director of operations, sales & marketing, says, “It’s still very much that same type of environment we’re in where we are always pushing ourselves to focus on really high-quality products and getting the best product to market at the best price for the customer. If we can be successful with it on the retail side, then we know it’s a great product and customers love it. If it doesn’t pass that test, we won’t bring it to the distribution side.” Several years ago, the Vulcan Group visited the Progetto Fuoco trade show in Verona, Italy, and found a new partner with similar company values and commitment to producing quality products that are unique. While the Vulcan Group sells many Americanmade products, the performance and European design of hearth products is very popular with North American customers as well.

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“Our goal is if we see a missing piece in the market that we can fill with a high-quality product, we will test it out in one of our retail stores and do whatever we can to bring it into the market,” Sean says. The wood-burning ovens, barbecues, and outdoor pellet heaters crafted by Rossofuoco fit the bill and became popular additions to the Vulcan Group line. Rossofuoco’s ovens are versatile and easy to use. The design allows for people to bake more than one type of food at a time, and gourmet pizzas can be cooked in just two minutes. Soon after traveling to Italy, the Vulcan Group also began importing Clementi pizza ovens. Clementi’s direct pizza oven, fueled by wood, features the company’s patented Air Plus System, which keeps the entire cooking chamber warm, so both sides of a pizza can be cooked to perfection. The superior insulation of the oven helps users achieve excellent results whether they cook fish, steak, bread, or even dessert. The Clementi Clementino is a lightweight, portable oven with the cooking power of a traditional oven. Both the Clementi and Rossofuoco manufacturers have models large enough to cook five pizzas at a time. “We made two great partners with Clementi and Rossofuoco that share the same passion we have,” Ferreira says. “Clementi is a family-owned and operated business. We’ve created great synergy with our partners.” Ferreira notes that the standard, dome-style, direct wood cooking oven has increased in popularity, but other products are also in demand. “Pizza ovens are just exploding,” he says. “We sold more pizza ovens last year during COVID than we ever have. But now that new customers are coming in and we’re expanding our portfolio with different products from Clementi and Rossofuoco, they are starting to see other things such as indirect style ovens and asking what they can do.” Ferreira explains that with an indirect oven, the wood is separate from the cooking chamber, enabling customers to cook practically anything. “It’s a Swiss army knife,” he says. “It can do anything. It can bake; it can smoke; in many cases you’re able to add an attachment to make it a barbecue so it’s a freestanding, self-sufficient outdoor cooking appliance that can do just about anything you throw at it. Customers are really enjoying that.” Hoxter, based in the Czech Republic, is another brand sold by the Vulcan Group. Sean notes that Hoxter is known for its unique serviceability and eye-catching designs. “Everyone wants big, clean glass in a wood burner,” he says. “There’s nothing like the size glass that comes in Hoxter units. Dealers and consumers really see the difference in what they are buying compared to competition.” Ravelli, Vulcan Group’s first manufacturing partner, took original pellet stove designs and elevated them to new heights, making it a titan in the industry. “They were able to create something that was

TOP: Hoxter UKA 86/50/86/52H: Guillotine wood-fired pier fireplace, featuring double ceramic glass BOTTOM: Rossofuoco Garden 80: an indirect wood-fired outdoor oven in action

really special, and from day one Dean was able to recognize it,” Ferreira says. “It needs to be fine-tuned to the customer’s home, so that’s something that we teach all of the dealers in our network how to do. I would say Ravelli’s technology is still far above the competition in our opinion. It’s just unheard of.” The RV100 Classic is a flagship product, and Ravelli’s Roma pellet insert utilizes cutting-edge technology for the utmost efficiency, while also delivering an appealing design. “You get a lot of bang for your buck with these types of products,” Ferreira says. “They’re absolutely amazing when it comes to their efficiency and style. People really love the look of them.” Ravelli is releasing the RV120 Touch this fall, which is poised to be popular with customers with increased efficiency, ease of use, and convenient maintenance. “It bumps up the efficiency that much more,” Ferreira says. “It’s very easy to use, and it’s a super-high-efficiency heater. It has a selfcleaning burn pot that turns and dumps out all the ash every six hours.” When the Vulcan Group started bringing Ravelli products to the market, it made education about the products a priority. “Dean really put a lot of focus and effort on our retail and service side before we took on the distribution to really understand the product inside and out, and that’s part of the reason 56


we went to Italy to get that face-to-face interaction with the engineers at the manufacturing side,” Ferreira says. “Now we’re able to get that education out to the masses; we have dealers who have doubled or tripled their business in the last couple years just from the education they have received from us.” The Vulcan Group draws on its retail experience to guide its decisions. “We’ve been to all of our manufacturing sites,” Ferreira says. “It’s really helped through our retail side to know what customers are looking for, so that gives us a huge competitive edge to travel the world and see these products, touch them, and operate them.” To bring a manufacturer into the Vulcan Group, Sean notes that they must be doing something that others are not. “We’re not going to bring just any manufacturer in. We’re looking for something that’s high quality that fits a niche,” he says. Staying on the forefront of innovation is part of the company’s legacy. Dean, who founded the company in 1979, has more than four decades of experience in the industry. “He would go out and he would sell two stoves, install them himself, and go back to the distributor to buy two more stoves,” Ferreira says. “That’s how he built this business from the ground up.” Now, the Vulcan Group has two retail locations in Connecticut, and a 75,000-square-foot warehouse and 20,000-square-foot showroom at its main facility where it hosts industry events, road shows, and training programs for its vast dealer network and sales staff. The Vulcan Group also has a diverse, experienced employee base from a lot of different backgrounds. “Everyone wears multiple hats,” Ferreira says. “It allows us to keep our costs down and pass that on to the dealers.” Many of the Vulcan Group’s employees were customers first that already had enthusiasm about the products. “We believe in these products,” Ferreira says. “We have success because we eat, sleep, and drink this stuff 365 days a year.”

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PILLOWPOWER Elaine Smith’s vibrant accessories are must-haves for outdoor living retailers and their customers. BY LARRY THOMAS


was a successful designer of accessories for the home when she began to notice an influx of new textiles constructed with fibers that were resistant to fading, repelled water, and were easy to clean. The term “performance fabric” wasn’t part of the furniture industry’s nomenclature in those days, but she recognized these fabrics could be suitable for an accessory that she believed was badly needed but didn’t exist— pillows for outdoor furniture. Talk about a niche product. But it’s a product that has propelled Elaine Smith Inc. to heights she never imagined as those first shipments of pillows headed to outdoor furniture stores. “I feel truly blessed that I stumbled into this niche area of outdoor pillows,” Smith says. “I’m really grateful that the industry welcomed us and has been such a great fan of our collections.” Today, her company’s colorful, stylish pillows dominate the outdoor Top: Elaine Smith in front of a pillow wall, an effective display tool for retailers Bottom: Uplifted collection

specialty store market, and they’re also making waves with indoor furniture as the lines between indoor and outdoor furniture continue to blur. “I like to tell our dealers that pillows are a mighty decorating tool,” she says. “They can make a huge difference in terms of how a piece of furniture looks. And they are proven to help sell more furniture.” During the pandemic, when supply chain woes made it difficult for outdoor furniture retailers to obtain new inven-



tory, Smith says her company’s pillows played a key role in allowing dealers to freshen up their sales floors even if they couldn’t get new floor samples. continued on page 97

Circle Reader Service No. 59




Treasure Garden’s outlook for 2023 focuses on exceeding expectations and revamping designer shade experiences. BY LAURIE RUDD


for the final Casual Market Chicago, the excitement of consumer interest as much as impending change was felt throughout the halls. For awardwinning manufacturer Treasure Garden and its Shademaker and Jardinico brands of designer and contract shade products, there has been plenty of excitement planned for the market as well as the coming season. Now, the company’s primary focus will be on displaying its ongoing efforts to meet and exceed customer expectations and a relaunch to heighten designer experiences. “Treasure Garden has been impacted by all the challenges the industry has faced over the past few years,” says Benjamin Ma, executive vice president. “For the 2023 season, in addition to augmenting our product offering, especially in the relaunch of the Shademaker brand, we will continue working to fine tune our production capabilities by reallocating warehouse space and work processes. We see that demand will still be there and the manufacturers that have the goods will prosper even more so.”

Top: Shademaker Orion Bottom: Shademaker Atlas

CHALLENGES AND DEMAND Since 1984, Treasure Garden (Baldwin Park, California) has built a reputation for quality in custom-made umbrellas as well as innovation in structural and fashionable design. With its finger on the pulse of the outdoor living category, this industry-leading manufacturer has been a part of the record-breaking casual sales that has occurred over recent years. Ma accepts that the increased demand was met with a litany of challenges precipitated by the pandemic shutdowns. This 60


common experience across the category caused supply chain backlogs, long lead times, higher raw material costs, labor and equipment shortages, and freight charges never before seen in the outdoor industry. The combined challenges have necessitated price increases by many manufacturers that, in turn, have been passed on to retailers and subsequently, consumers. “Despite these challenges, demand remained strong until recently when inflation grew to its highest level in almost 40 years, causing even the more affluent

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customers to curtail their spending,” Ma says. “Hence, we are seeing a leveling off of demand.” TREASURE GARDEN BRANDS What sets Treasure Garden apart in meeting challenges is its ability to deliver a trio of shade product brands, including Treasure Garden, Shademaker, and Jardinico, that address the residential and contract markets. Treasure Garden is proud of its ability to offer the broadest assortment of complementary products in each market niche, creating a one-stopshop for outdoor accessories covering midto-high-end price points. “We deliver a complete assortment of good, better, best products to target a variety of consumer preferences, creating enormous volume opportunities at multiple price levels,” Ma says. “Shademaker features the design aspect that caters to high-end consumers and design professionals alike. This line is crafted with the form and functionality that also is desired in the contract and hospitality market. Jardinico, with its Europeaninfluenced styling and unique looks, has

appeal for the high-end clientele as well. All three brands have their individual identities with wide assortments, desired functionality, and design sensibilities. Our customer base has access to all three to increase their market share in the residential and contract markets.” MEETING EXPECTATIONS With the diversity of products, Treasure Garden has always placed considerable focus on working to efficiently meet the varied needs of its customers. In today’s market, there also is a major push industry-wide to manage customer expectations. For Treasure Garden, designated initiatives have been instituted to accomplish this with success. “As the pandemic winds down, we began the process of returning our personnel to the corporate office where the sheer synergy and workplace efficiencies excel,” Ma says. “We are also working on improving our operating and informational systems to streamline the ordering, reporting, and production processes. In addition, we are reorganizing our customer service department to place more

Luna Pro Umbrella Light

emphasis on the before and after sale functions, assigning key personnel to focus on areas of concern and opportunities for improvement.” In 2021 and 2022, the shade designer and manufacturer adjusted its order acknowledgement date ranges to incorporate shipping ranges, compared to specific shipment dates. With a goal to continue to shorten lead times, Treasure Garden also worked to maximize buys with industry partners and allow goods to flow in and out of the factory with greater efficiencies. “The ever-changing supply challenges, primarily when it came to fabric availability, made it extremely difficult to accurately pinpoint a specific date of shipment,” Ma says. “Adjusting to ship date ranges, while initially unfamiliar to our dealers, helped manage their expectations, as well as their customers’ expectations, on when they could expect to receive delivery. We aimed to ship on the early side of those ranges and for the most part, exceed their expectations.” DESIGNER EXPERIENCES EXPAND For the upcoming season, the relaunch of the Shademaker brand is another priority for Treasure Garden as it highlights upgrades and redesigned functionality. “We took the current Shademaker styles and implemented more modern design elements, while upholding needed commercial quality and strength,” Ma says. “When customers visited our showroom in July, they were the first to see the updated styles, accessories, and finishes and also picked up their copy of the newly designed 2023 catalog. The expansion of the Shademaker brands signals our commitment to the growing hospitality market.” Treasure Garden also is introducing for 2023 a brand-new umbrella light, Luna Pro, to add fun ambiance and




entertainment to outdoor spaces. The Luna Pro will feature high-quality sound, as well as multicolored light options, which can be controlled through the Luna Pro APP from any Bluetooth device. Within the shade line, the ultra-popular AG19A cantilever umbrella will see improvements to the ease of use for the end consumer, and an updating of silhouettes and parts, along with an overall expansion of the line, are occurring as well. ATLANTA, HERE WE COME As with many in the casual category, 2023 will bring for Treasure Garden a new home at the AmericasMart Atlanta for subsequent Casual shows. While looking back fondly on the Chicago experience, the Treasure Garden team is excited about the change of venue and the opportunities it will provide. “Whereas it was bittersweet to leave Chicago, we are very excited about a new environment and opportunity to increase our exposure to both giftware buyers and the extensive design trade that heavily works that market,” Ma says. “The cost savings cannot be ignored, however, and we are thrilled to introduce a whole new showroom to our existing dealer base who can now combine their buying trips to the gift market with the Casual Pre-Market show every July.” With the revitalized emphasis on the designer experience and the hospitality market, Treasure Garden is planning marketing and advertising efforts directed at this segment. A larger presence at the HD Expo in Las Vegas and regional trade shows including the CMAA in San Diego and BDNY in New York are planned, too. Working to exceed expectations and designer experiences, Treasure Garden is set to deliver another exceptional season and proudly throw designer shade on vacation spots and backyards everywhere.

Circle Reader Service No. 63


Bittersweet BY CAROL DAUS



so it only makes sense that Casual Market Chicago was my kind of trade show. For more than four decades, the show was held in the historic art deco landmark, The Merchandise Mart, which was the perfect setting for attendees who enjoyed extending their business trips with visits to the world-famous Art Institute of Chicago, Wrigley Field, Marshall Fields (back in the old days), Oak Street Beach, Second City, and countless other sights. Each year, industry folks looked forward to appointments scheduled at Chicago’s famous steakhouses and pizza parlors, and fun show themes were incorporated using Chicago’s blues/jazz and culinary treasures as backdrops. As a Chicago native, I will sorely miss this venue. But despite my nostalgic feelings for the Windy City, I believe that AmericasMart Atlanta will over time become the beloved home of the Casual Market. After all, it’s the people—the exhibitors and attendees—who define a trade show, not the venue’s location. Many new opportunities exist in Atlanta, such as decreased showroom costs, as well as increased exposure to giftware buyers and the Atlanta-area design trade. Plus, the Atlanta metro area and other sights in the Peach State make it a great place for add-on vacations. The company reps pictured here from this year’s last Casual Market Chicago look forward to displaying products in their new digs in Atlanta. Change brings a degree of trepidation, but it also brings a heightened level of excitement. Farewell, Chicago…hello Atlanta!

C.R. Plastic Products From left: Eddie Delaney, Judy Siegel, Loryn Lougheed, Meaghan Robinson, Bill Gilbert, Andy Wilczynski, and Christina Delaney

Castelle by Tropitone Rory Rehmert

Sunbrella From left: Sabrina Hass, Minal Mehta, Franck Seguin, Katie Graves, Joanie Schlunt, and Rita Mitchell

Brown Jordan Stephen Elton

Jensen Outdoor From left: Eric Parsons, Schon Duke, and Phillip Crowe

Elaine Smith Elaine Smith and Zachary Hertlein

EMU From left: Sara Beets, Dan Cordova, and Maddalena Ragusin

OW Lee Paul Rogers, Leisa McCollister, Brenda Pereyda, and Terri Lee Rogers



Summer Classics Jackie Paulsen and Bew White

Telescope Casual From left: Henry Vanderminden IV, Bill Vanderminden, Kait Warren, Greta Pisani, Matt Pisani, and Kathy Juckett

Patio & Hearth Products Report and ICFA Tony Ramos and Jackie Hirschhaut

Lovinflame Allen Phan

Berlin Gardens From left: Kyle Miller, Johnny Mullet, Mark Cliffe, Steve Miller, Molly Lotut, and Jerry Grabenstein

AGIO Jim Kemp and Todd Wingrove

Bella-Dura Home Sarah Keelen and Bruce Nettleship

Tangent From left: Mark Bettenhausen, Stephen Anderson, Anthony De Feo, Elmer Miller, Brian Duffy, Tim Pletcher, Todd Braun, and Ervin Miller

Frankford Umbrellas Mark Kaufer and Laura Dudley

Patio Renaissance Mark Gorr

Gensun From left: Laurie Liu, Lisa Zhou, Gray Dobbins, and Sherry Cai

POLYWOOD From left: Lisa Dominy, Megan Pierson, and Anji Metzler

Lloyd Flanders From left: Warren Juliano, Jess Flanders, and Bryan Echols

Outdura From left: David Heiman, Victoria K. Echols, Mariia Elizarova, Lisa White, and Chris Caldwell




Treasure Garden From left: Benjamin Ma, Margaret Chang, and Candy Chase

Ratana From left: Godfrey Leung, Lawrence Wong, David Leung, Winnie Ng, and Steven Ngai

Seaside Casual From left: Carlos Ibanez , Lance Luetge, Barrett Stowell, Kate Carret, Chris Capone, Paul Evans, Brett Hellman, and Ben Raseman

Tempotest Tim Nichaus and Marco Parravicini

NorthCape Bill Wenzel and Tom Murray

Danver Shaun Loewen and Duff Zayonce

Plank & Hide From left: Chris Probst, Jen Ashby, Ken Salm, John Hoffman, and Gary Zuckerman

Windward Design Group From left: Chad Desmett, Rachel Peace, and Charles Emmons

Woodline Shade Solutions From left: Fritz Walter, Anita Ueckermann, and Duwayne Jonker

Woodard From left: Belinda Lavander, Bill Herren, James Goff, and Perry Solomon



The Outdoor GreatRoom Company From left: Ross Johnson, Joey Shimek, and David Shimek

Circle Reader Service No. 67

WHAT’S NEW Lucaya Umbrella

The commercial-grade Lucaya umbrella from FiberBuilt Umbrellas has a 1 1/2” diameter pole for in-table and freestanding use in hospitality and residential environments. As part of the Prestige Collection, this model features a one-piece pole with a contract caliber .125 wall thickness and seven powder-coat finish colors to coordinate with a variety of furniture styles. Sizes range from 8’ octagon to 10’ square to accommodate poolside, dining, and lounge areas. Over 450 marine and furniture-grade fabrics are offered, and canopies can be customized with double vents, banding, valances, logos, and fringes. Contact: (866) 667-8668 or

6 Hot Products To Sell Now

Circle Reader Service No. 101

E72 Electric Fireplace

VIRAGE Collection

The E72 Three-Sided is an electric fireplace with a modern look and trimless finish that differs from any electric fireplace on the market today. Electric fireplaces provide flexibility of installation and energy-saving benefits. At a stunning 6 feet long, this fireplace commands attention. Evoflame technology gives the look of a robust flame without the need for venting. Plug-and-play capabilities provide endless possibilities for installation. This gorgeous centerpiece can become a part of your modern (and eco-friendly) living space. Contact: (781) 324-8383 or

The new VIRAGE collection from Outdura communicates creativity, courage, success, individuality, and the positive changes that we have all gone through. Easy-care 100% solution-dyed acrylic fabrics in jacquards, textured dobbies, and stripes are punctuated by four distinct fabric statements: Be Bold (shown here) plays with the contrasts of confident, daring patterns and textures; Escape celebrates the neutrals and subtler shades and surfaces found in nature; Digital features vibrant and optimistic shapes and colors; and Tranquil offers refreshing hues inspired by global waters. Contact: (866) 688-3872 or

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Circle Reader Service No. 105

Amalfi Collection The Amalfi collection by Patio Renaissance combines clean contemporary lines with the functionality of worry-free materials. Amalfi features aluminum frames and aluminum arms with a scuff-resistant wood grain finish to help maintain that new look through everyday wear and tear. With a seat and back woven with high-density polyethylene around reticulated foam, Amalfi pairs clean modern lines with fashion-forward comfort, making it an ideal choice for creating your personal resort in your own backyard. Contact: (866) 690-5673 or Circle Reader Service No. 103

Wilderness Front Facing 44HH

Padded Sling OW Lee’s new padded sling offers the durability of its sling fabric with the added comfort of Dacron fiber padding, and the customization of the company’s extensive fabric library. Available in Avana, Marin, Pacifica, and Studio collections. Contact: (800) 776-9533 or

The Wilderness Front Facing 44HH from Ortal features an all-new 30” tall viewing area. This enhanced glass height, paired with patent-pending Wilderness technology, showcases the industry’s most realistic gas log technology in a taller firebox, creating an ambiance like no other. HH sizes are also available in other styles, including Three Sided, Corner, and more. Contact: (844) ORTAL-FIRE or

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Featuring: Welles Cushion Featuring: Propane Patio Heater paired with

64” Round Rustic Top Dining Table

Rect. MGP Top Fire Table & Belle Isle Featuring: Sling Balcony Height Swivel Arm Chair

ICFA SHOW July 19-22, 2022 Merchandise Mart, Chicago Showoom 1568


LAS VEGAS MARKET July 24-28, 2022 World Market Ctr, Las Vegas Building A- Showroom A120

Circle Reader Service No. 69

PRODUCTS Carmel Chair

All-weather wicker is twisted and bent to create an interesting open weave on the Carmel Arm Chair. The wave-and-diamond pattern is light and breezy, but the material is supportive enough to be comfortable with or without a seat cushion. Thin tubular metal legs continue the effortless design that’s perfect for outdoor settings. Contact: (828) 758-9811 or Circle Reader Service No. 107

Introducing the Korda Collection

New Forest Electric 63” The New Forest’s rear glass perfectly mimics every detail of the fire bed to create a stunning visual appearance. Choose between three log and glass effects to match your style. The Air Curtain Technology heater system is thermostatically controlled using the remote handset and displays the setting on the LCD screen. Choose a temperature between 63° and 81°F and the fire will do the work to heat the room up effectively. Contact: (800) 468-2567 or Circle Reader Service No. 110

An ode to the freedom and relaxation of sailing, the Castelle Korda Collection combines a breezy silhouette with traditional styling. The collection’s visual centerpiece is an eyecatching handpainted topper that simulates authentic nautical rope worthy of the high seas. Made of 100% extruded aluminum, Korda is constructed to outshine and outlast any storm— for a lifetime of enjoyment. Every detail of the Korda Collection exudes carefree sophistication for a comfortable, livable outdoor space. Contact: (855) 612-9800 or

2023 Stock Additions The 2023 stock additions are available soon! Add a punch of color and functionality with 15 new bright poolside solids, deep textured jacquards, and contemporary neutrals. Textilene is the original all-weather fabric engineered to remain vibrant, resist mildew, and withstand wear and tear. Contact: (800) 633-7550 or Circle Reader Service No. 111

Circle Reader Service No. 108

Market Umbrella – The Comfort of Shade PGS A-Series Timer Grills

FiberBuilt’s budget-friendly Market Umbrellas offer the design flexibility needed by a wide variety of locations—both residential and commercial. With three lift options, a 1 ½” diameter pole and a push button tilt option, this collection was designed for in-table and free-standing use. Available in three finish colors, sizes from 7 ½’ to 11’ diameter, and hundreds of marine and furniture grade solution-dyed acrylic fabrics. In addition to durable and flexible fiberglass ribs, these umbrella canopies can be customized with alternating fabrics, valances, and double vents. Contact: (866) 667-8668 or

PGS has used over 40 years of experience to produce an easy to operate, safe, functionally elegant, and unparalleled line of grills that provide the outdoor chef with the ultimate performance and durability. The A-Series has aluminum castings, a stainless steel “H” burner, and stainless steel folding side shelves. It provides a FuelStop One Hour Gas Flow Timer, adding safety with a sense of security not to waste natural gas or propane, keeping performance-focused grilling in mind. Contact: (949) 474-3070 or Circle Reader Service No. 109

Circle Reader Service No. 112



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Rio R50 Collection by Gargano/Cristell A n e m u i c o n i s b a c k t o c e l e b r a t e i t s 5 0 t h a n n i v e r s a r y. T h e r e i n v e n t e d R i o R 5 0 e s s e n t i a l s t y l e i s t i m e l e s s . The ergonomic mesh creates the perfect balance between comfort and aesthetics. Suitable for indoor and o u t d o o r s p a c e s , t h i s c o l l e c t i o n i n c l u d e s d i n i n g c h a i r s , l o u n g e r, s t o o l , r o c k i n g c h a i r a n d c o f f e e t a b l e .



70 years of manufacturing experience in outdoor furniture. “Made in Italy” at its best.

Circle Reader Service No. 71

PRODUCTS Le Griddle – Tasty Cooking

Luxe With a subtle hint of stripe, Luxe is classic and crisp, and pairs nicely with prints or solids. The geometric pattern is scaled small but delivers big with style and durability. Textilene is the original allweather fabric engineered to remain vibrant, resist mildew, and withstand wear and tear. Contact: (800) 633-7550 or

The greatest innovation in outdoor grilling since the invention of the BBQ—your customers will love to complete their outdoor kitchen with the most versatile griddle ever made and share exciting new cooking experiences with family and friends. Perfect for any meal, cook mouth-watering dinners, lunches and even breakfast. Le Griddle is currently adding more dealers across the U.S. Contact: (800) 833-5998 or

Circle Reader Service No. 113

Circle Reader Service No. 116


EGG Genius Interactive Temperature Controller

Mom is a bright seating collection made of e-coated steel and comprising a side chair, armchair, and barstool. The design considers every detail such as the smooth and curved shape of the back which is designed for lightness and gentle comfort. The assorted color palette gives this collection a young, fresh, and iconic look. Designer: Florent Coirier. Contact: (303) 733-3385 or

The Wi-Fi-enabled EGG Genius effortlessly controls the temperature of your EGG through your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Remotely manage and monitor cooking temperatures for worry-free cooking, monitor the temperature of up to three meats at a time, view graphs of your cooks… and even receive alerts when your cook is finished or when the EGG temperature is too high or low. Contact: (770) 938-9394 or Circle Reader Service No. 117

Circle Reader Service No. 114

Berkeley Sling Collection

Appealing to the creative eye, Couristan’s Cedar Island Carpet (CBCI/0004 Aqua) adds the perfect finishing touch for outdoor and indoor spaces. UV stabilized, this design is built to last. Featuring HandLoomed Flatweave, this rug is made of 100% Courtron Polypropylene. Available in seven colors, each can be fabricated in a custom-size area rug. 16’4” width. Contact: (800) 223-6186 or

The Castelle Berkeley Sling Collection artfully blends the relaxed comfort of sling fabric with luxury mid-century modern design. It features a carved wood-look frame that is handcrafted of durable cast and extruded aluminum. A simple silhouette is highlighted by flared arms and open side panels. The ergonomic seat and back add support, while its allweather mesh sling is designed to retain its shape for years to come. All pieces can be customized with a multistage powder-coat finish and optional artisan applied antiquing. Contact: (855) 612-9800 or

Circle Reader Service No. 115

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Cedar Island Carpet



Circle Reader Service No. 73

PRODUCTS Hot Box 6” Kiln-Dried Oak Pizza Oven Wood

Infrared Dynamics Sunpak and Sunglo Patio Heaters

Hot Box Oak Pizza Oven Wood is cut into 6-inch pieces to fit easily into the most popular portable pizza ovens. This mini-cut wood is perfectly sized to slide right in, and each box is enough for over 20 pizzas. This restaurant-quality premium oak wood produces a long, scorching burn and subtle smoky flavor perfect for wood-fired pizzas. Also available in Cherry and Sugar Maple. Contact: (630) 241-0506 or

Sunpak and Sunglo outdoor infrared patio heaters are produced by Infrared Dynamics, the recognized leader in the outdoor comfort heating industry. Produced with pride in the USA since 1966. With a great lineup of options, you can comfortably and efficiently warm your outdoor areas and extend your outdoor entertainment season for several months. Contact: (888) 317-5255 or Circle Reader Service No. 119

Circle Reader Service No. 122

Bella-Dura Home Cut Program

Modern Farmhousestyle Table

Madras About You in the color Lemon was inspired by patchwork madras plaids—this bold pattern is woven with 100% solutiondyed yarns, features chunky basketweaves and offers a natural feel. It is shown with coordinating patterns Folksy Lemon bouclé texture, Kepler Canary stripe and Festoon Lemon herringbone, which are part of the Bella-Dura Home Cut program and are available by the yard. Contact: (973) 836-5622 or

Designed and custom-built for the Big Green Egg, the NEW modern farmhouse-style tables incorporate design elements that are contemporary, yet comfortable—and look at home in any outdoor space. Made to fit the XLarge and Large EGGs, the tables are constructed with high-quality aluminum and steel construction with a durable, weather-resistant powder-coated finish, watertight storage compartments, a heavy-duty shelf … and include a free lifetime warranty. Contact: (770) 938-9394 or

Circle Reader Service No. 120

Circle Reader Service No. 123

Pit Boss Sportsman Series 820 Stainless Steel Roof Brace Poles

The Pit Boss Sportsman Series 820SP puts the power of wood pellet grilling in the customer’s hands with the Bigger, Hotter, Heavier features Pit Boss is known for. The innovative Flame Broiler Lever allows for direct or indirect heat to cook low and slow or sear to perfection. The dial-in digital control board works hand-in-hand with Pit Boss meat probes to monitor meat doneness, adjust cooking temperatures, and track fuel levels without having to open the lid. The PB820SP boasts 849 square inches of cooking surface to accommodate cooking for a crowd, with a 21-pound hopper capacity. Contact: (877) 303-3134 or

Made entirely of 304 stainless steel, ICC Stainless Steel Roof Brace Poles are robust and corrosion resistant. They are designed to be fastened solidly into a structural member, which provides a lateral support for a chimney extending 5’ above the roof. View a XM-ESRB demo video: Contact: (450) 565-6336 or Circle Reader Service No. 124

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PRODUCTS Ingenuity Harvest Setting a higher standard for decorative pillows, Ingenuity Harvest features a handcrafted macramé embellishment of dimensional chestnut leaves for dynamic contrast. The lovely hand of the multicolored jacquard fabric is created with textured yarns intertwined with pops of color. Along with every Elaine Smith pillow, it has been handcrafted by a team of dedicated artisans using woven performance fabrics that redefine durability, standing up to any setting with the luxurious softness and style of indoor pillows. Contact: (561) 863-3333 or

Linnea Electric Fireplace The Linnea Single-Sided has a long and stunning viewable opening of 59 1/4” wide by 13” tall, making it an impressive feature in any home, condo, or business. Linnea models come with six unique & vibrant flame displays, allowing users to select their desired flame effect to suit the mood or occasion. The Linnea range also incorporates a clear fuel bed design, allowing underbed illumination to complement the log set and stunning glass chipping decoration. Contact: (781) 3248383 or

Circle Reader Service No. 125

Circle Reader Service No. 128

Pit Boss Sportsman Series 5-Series Bella-Dura Home Cut Program

The Pit Boss Sportsman Series 5-Series Wood Pellet Vertical Smoker delivers a powerful outdoor cooking experience. The Sportsman Series is fueled by 100% all-natural hardwood pellets to masterfully smoke each dish to perfection. Outfitted with a 55-pound hopper, this vertical smoker can handle any low and slow project without the need to refuel. The dial-in digital control board works with Pit Boss meat probes to keep track of fuel levels and meat doneness without having to open the smoker door. It’s complete with 1,513 square inches of cooking surface. Contact: (877) 303-3134 or

Moody in color, Iceberg is a versatile small-scale geometric pattern that is woven with soft chenille on a slub ground. It is shown with bouclé texture Folksy Mist, slub texture Firth Wheat, and another new solid this season—Millington Henna woven with a soft chenille yarn on a slub warp. Folksy Mist and Firth Wheat are available by the yard as part of the Bella-Dura Home Cut Program. Contact: (973) 836-5622 or Circle Reader Service No. 129

Circle Reader Service No. 126

New Ventura Collection By Gensun Ventura is a streamlined transitional design with a unique use of materials. The collection features a natural look synthetic wicker handwoven onto an extruded aluminum frame and teakfinished aluminum arms that give the warm look of wood without the maintenance. Contact: (866) 964-4468 or

Handcrafted from recycled cast iron, the Gifford wood-burning fireplace insert for smaller rooms and fireplace openings supplies both the rustic appeal of a wood fire and added convenience. With a boost of air at startup, it transforms your drafty fireplace into an efficient heat source as you cut the draftiness and constant tending. Relax in front of a beautiful furniture-quality design forged in a earth-friendly, hydroelectric-supplied foundry. Contact: (877) 863-4350 or

Circle Reader Service No. 127

Circle Reader Service No. 130

Vermont Castings Gifford Wood-Burning Fireplace Insert



Circle Reader Service No. 77


New Echelon Woven Collection By Gensun

Born in Texas, Made in America

Lightweight and durable, Echelon is great for balconies, terraces or around the pool. When extra seating is needed for large gatherings or more space to play, the dining chair, lounge chair and chaise are stackable. In addition to Echelon’s sling and padded sling options is a new Ivory woven option. Contact: (866) 964-4468 or

Renaissance Cooking Systems’ newest line of made-in-America products is just what your customers want in their backyard. This lineup, along with RCS doors/drawers, sinks and refrigeration options, offer your customers high-quality products they can enjoy for a lifetime. Contact: (800) 833-5998 or

Circle Reader Service No. 134

Circle Reader Service No. 131

Dolce Adding flair to any space, Couristan’s Dolce collection (4038/1222 Aralia/Naturals-Cool Onyx) is the perfect choice for outdoor and indoor settings. UV stabilized, this all-weather collection is built to last, and is mold, mildew, and water-resistant. Featuring structured tapestry construction, these beautiful and durable rugs are made of 100% FiberEnhanced Courtron Polypropylene with Durable Polyester. Sizes: 2’3” x 3’11”, 4’x 5’10”, 5’3” x 7’6”, 8’1” x 11’2”, 8’6” x 13’ and a 2’3” x 7’10” Runner. Contact: (800) 223-6186 or

Quadra-Fire Expedition I Wood-Burning Fireplace Insert Fitting most fireplace openings, the Expedition I lets you load your wood, light the fire, and enjoy the warmth. Even with its more compact size, you can enjoy up to six hours of heating on a load of wood. No need to stick around and tend the fire. It features two Quadra-Fire advantages: Automatic Combustion Control (ACC) for an extra boost of air at startup and more heat, and a Four-Point Burn for max efficiency. Contact: (800) 926-4356 or

Circle Reader Service No. 132

Circle Reader Service No. 135

HPC Sport Pit The HPC Sport Pit is what dreams are made of for on-the-go campers, tailgaters, and backyard enthusiasts—a lightweight, highly transportable fire pit that’s ready to admire instantly. Featuring a quick LP tank hookup, black fire-glass media, and a twist to lock the lid to keep glass secured during travel, along with a heavy-duty handle. It’s the perfect fire pit for simple setup and transport, allowing you to never miss a moment to create memories. Contact: (877) 585-9800 or

Lovinflame tabletop Firepits are free-standing and portable, allowing you to enjoy clean-burning, wind-resistant, and odorless flames indoors or outdoors. They are the perfect companion for household gatherings and events. The technology is powered by Lovinflame’s proprietary stainless steel wick and ethanol-free fuel, which minimizes emissions, flare-ups, and risks associated with fuel spills. Contact: (909) 781-8462,, or

Circle Reader Service No. 133

Circle Reader Service No. 136

Lovinflame Tabletop Firepit



Summerset Grills-2 Circle Reader Service No. 135

Circle Reader Service No. 79

Circle Reader Service No. 81

PRODUCTS Elevation Full View Glass Fireplaces

St. Croix Padded-Sling Teak Dining Chair (White)

The new Elevation Series from Napoleon fulfills homeowners’ desires for the full view fireplace aesthetic. Available in 36-inch and 42-inch widths, these new additions come with an enhanced deep depth firebox, a Split Oak log set, tempered glass, a full-view safety barrier, and a wide selection of design options and accessories. The blend of flair and function make this fireplace series a stylish enhancement to any home. Contact: (866) 820-8686 or

Alfresco Home introduces the St. Croix padded-sling Teak Dining Arm Chair. Designed in Europe and manufactured from the finest Indonesian Teak, this unique dining collection brings together elegance and comfort like no other. Manufactured in a pre-aged “Coastal” finish, this premium teak dining collection will provide years of elegance and beauty. There is a slight slope in the seat and pitch to the back, which provides the perfect balance of comfort. The chairs are made with three different color slings, and there are two sizes of dining tables to accommodate six to eight people. Contact: (610) 705-8808 or Circle Reader Service No. 140

Circle Reader Service No. 137

Southport Modular Seating Kinney

The Southport outdoor furniture collection by Lloyd Flanders includes modular cushion seating pieces that are comfortable, configurable, and colorful. With over a dozen Lloyd Loom wicker finish options to choose from, the Southport collection’s modular seating pieces are sure to coordinate with any outdoor lounge space. This premium outdoor furniture collection is made in America, using quality Lloyd Loom wicker. Contact: (800) 526-9894 or

The Kinney Fire Pit Table features an ultra-modern design that is perfect for entertaining. The low-profile base meets a contemporary top to ensure your focal point is the main attraction on your patio. Extra tabletop space makes it convenient for entertaining guests. Gather everyone around the 12” x 24” Crystal Fire Plus burner for a cozy, relaxing time. Contact: (866) 303-4028 or

Circle Reader Service No. 138

Circle Reader Service No. 141

All-New Phifer Cushion Collection Phifertex Cushion Collection is the perfect compromise between durability and comfort. While still providing the benefits of PVC, these fabrics are woven with small denier polyester-coated yarns to provide a soft and pliable hand in cushion upholstery applications. Infused with Microban antimicrobial protection, the fabrics are easy to maintain and clean. Look out for the release of Phifertex Cushion Collection in eight new colors, coming July 1, 2022! Contact: (800) 221-5497 or

The high-tech Duraboard tabletop is an environmentally friendly innovative material that is durable, highly UV-resistant and has a unique surface finish. The chairs are comfortable and stackable for easy storage. Aluminum-framed table and chairs. “Sweet spot” price point. Available domestically and import. Contact: (708) 563-2890 or

Circle Reader Service No. 139

Circle Reader Service No. 142


Mixed Media – NorthCape’s Universal Dining Collection


Circle Reader Service No. 83

PRODUCTS Revolution Fabrics Can you say modern coastal… This collection from Revolution Fabrics blends stripes, textures, and jacquards in a way that gives coastal designs and new fresh look. Contact: (704) 739-4503 or Circle Reader Service No. 146

Vieques Patio Renaissance’s Vieques collection features classic old-world European styling or, if you prefer, European modern. The collection uses a variety of all-weather material such as aluminum frames, scratch-resistant wood-grain finish, and all-weather wicker captured within the frame design for a luxurious design feature. The collection is available in sofa, loveseat, lounge chair, deep seat swivel rocker, ottoman, as well as matching dining pieces. Contact: (866) 690-5673 or Circle Reader Service No. 143

POLYWOOD Vineyard Daybed Swing A beautiful design that beckons for afternoon naps and quality time together, the Vineyard Daybed Swing is something of a dream. This twin-sized daybed gets suspended by two durable ropes, creating a gentle gliding motion that’s like floating on cloud nine. Built with genuine POLYWOOD lumber, the slat-rail frame makes a picture-perfect statement on a porch or gazebo. Plush, sink-in cushions round out this undeniably cozy perch. Contact: (877) 935-5550 or

Orion Multi: Multi-Sided Virtual Electric Fireplace Modern Flames becomes first to market with the Future of Flame Technology with the Orion Multi Virtual Electric Fireplace! The Orion Multi features groundbreaking HELIOVISION Flame Technology—developed by Modern Flames’ inhouse engineers— which offers the most realistic 3D flame display in the industry to date. With both built-in clean face and wall-mounted (front view, left corner, right corner, bay) installation options, the Orion Multi can be enjoyed from almost any angle! The Orion Multi will be available in four sizes: 52 , 60 , 76 , & 100 . Contact: (877) 246-9353 or

Circle Reader Service No. 147

Spartherm Multi-Face WoodBurning Fireplaces

Circle Reader Service No. 144

New-Ratana Genval Swivel Gliding Club The Genval collection brings to mind the romantic lakeside with a picturesque natural Belgium smalltown feel that makes you want to sit and indulge in every breathtaking moment. Featured with a gray Durarope woven intertwined pattern design and accented with black powder-coated aluminum frames, this lake-inspired set is the perfect unit to create your own custom configuration. Made with durable Durarope material that is weather-resistant, and durable faux concrete pattern aluminum tops for both coffee and end tables. Contact: (866) 919-1881 or

From the Spartherm Collection, the Varia 2L80h-4S is the solution for customers looking for a wood-burning corner unit. As with all fireplaces from the Spartherm Collection, this fireplace has a clever German-engineered guillotine style door. It slides up and down for wood loading and unclips sideways for glass cleaning. Become a dealer. Contact Powrmatic – Canada: (514) 493-6400 or – USA: (802) 296-2814 or Visit for more detail.

Circle Reader Service No. 145

Circle Reader Service No. 148




School’s In At HPC University

Patio and hearth dealers are well aware of the iconic products that have long been part of the portfolio at HPC Fire Inspired (Hearth Products Controls - Miamisburg, Ohio). Over the past year, HPC has made active strides to improve on its already strong customer service by bolstering training and education. According to Sean Steimle, CEO of HPC, the initiative is a serious commitment that includes a newly created training and education manager position. Steimle appointed 13-year HPC veteran Chuck Parsons to the post. “I truly love what I do,” Parsons says. “HPC is a wonderful place to work. I enjoy problem solving mechanical issues and providing solutions to dealers and customers. I’m excited for this next phase with HPC. This opportunity will allow me to share my knowledge and expertise in a new way.” Parsons will lead internal office trainings as well as seminars with dealers to increase education around HPC’s numerous product offerings. Company officials desired to create easy access to the educational materials and have created a set portfolio referred to as HPC University. HPC University is set to launch in August 2022. Steimle describes HPC University as an educational tool packed with information around all of HPC’s offerings. HPC initially rolled out the program internally to educate employees and now it is being made available to dealers. “HPC University will further enhance dealers’ knowledge, increasing their ability to serve HPC customers,” Steimle explains. Register through our website at Dealers, customers, employees, architects, and specifiers will be able to participate in the HPC University. HPC University will include several trainings focused around fire pit basics, outdoor market, sales and mar-

keting, as well as technical support. In addition, HPC is willing to cater trainings around specific needs.” HPC prides itself on remaining accessible to their consumers. As always, HPC’s certified NFI tech team will continue to provide guidance to customers ensuring safe and functional solutions. HPC’s Tech team has curated digital tools made accessible to customers, providing training webinars as well as offering on-site programs. HPC’s NFI team plays a crucial role aiding consumers in creating custom designs ensuring beautiful unique creations that are both safe and reliable.

hPC Fire one aPP and More The HPC Fire One App allows customers access to the latest and greatest that HPC has to offer—from presale to the point of installation—to operation of the fire pit. “The app allows customers to seamlessly transition from each facet with a tap of their fingertips,” Steimle says. “Customers who already have HPC Apps will only need to complete a simple update to unlock all of the latest features from AR-Augmented Reality, to HITS, and Home Automation control.”

additional teChnoloGies inClUde: The HPC AR, which offers customers the ability to select their desired design and see it in their space in real time. The HITS, HPC Installation and Trouble Shooting technology, which identifies safety clearances and tools needed throughout the process while giving clear step-by-step instructions for installation, as well as offering solutions to any potential issues. The HPC Home Automation/H Connect technology allows clients to control Electronic Ignition HI/Lo models from flame ignition, to adjusting flame height, as well as setting timed shutoffs. This 85


technological advance enables consumers to control their appliance with a smart device, while also offering the ability to sync the fire pit to home automation technology.

More edUCational ProGraMs Another educational feature is the Weekly Tech Talk, which offers education on the HPC Fire Pit and other products. It is meant to address frequently asked questions and give customers a deeper insight into HPC’s industry leading technologies. “We distribute weekly on Tuesday (Tech Talk Tuesday) to our dealers, customers, specifiers, architects, and other industry partners,” Steimle says. “Previous tech talks are all located on our website at ( and can be found under the learning center tab. A recent Tech Talk topic focused on the ‘Importance of proper media application’—this topic outlined how proper placement of media can enhance flame pattern as well as functionality.” While much is new, updated, and refined, the mobile training and education van/trailer is another element that is familiar to customers and remains in operation. The vehicle is driven to customer events all over the nation. “Most recently, we have tracked over 10,000 miles from Massachusetts to Florida,” Steimle says. “The trailer is outfitted with our copper series, aluminum bowls, tikis, new sport fire pit, and our latest addition to HPC’s outdoor dining, the Forno de pizza oven. The trailer is pushing out more than 650,000 BTUs of HPC flame. The towing van is outfitted with a large stereo system and four large TVs to display finished HPC installations. HPC's training vehicle gives the public the opportunity to see our features in action. HPC provides for all your outdoor living needs.”

PRODUCTS Provance Bench

NorthCape Replacement Cushions

The styling of the Provance Bench evokes the relaxed elegance of the South of France. The bench features a double latticework design, scooped high back and cast aluminum construction—finished in an architectural-grade powder coating—that is exceptionally weather resistant. Contact: (888) 868-4267 or

NorthCape’s replacement cushion program has hundreds of styles and sizes of replacement cushions and accessory pillows for NorthCape furniture and other furniture manufacturers. Full custom cushion capabilities. A variety of premium Sunbrella and Belenos fabrics are available with short lead times. Well-priced and made in the USA. Contact: (708) 563-2890 or

Circle Reader Service No. 149

Circle Reader Service No. 152

Hot Box 8” Kiln-Dried Oak Cooking Wood

Amplify Clay Raising the bar on the standard stripe pillow, Amplify Clay innovates with a centerpiece of cascading fringe detailing. This handcrafted embellishment offers an uplifting contrast to the horizontal bands of color. The pillow is wrapped in a single piece of beautifully soft woven performance fabric tailored to perfectly align at the seams. As with every Elaine Smith pillow, it features a concealed zipper to remove the insert, and the ultra-soft fabric is machine washable and bleach safe for worry-free livability, indoors and out. Contact: (561) 863-3333 or

Hot Box Oak Cooking Wood is cut into 8-inch pieces to easily fit in large pizza ovens and smokers. This cooking wood is kiln-dried, which produces an incredibly low moisture content for a scorching and clean burn every time. All Hot Box Wood is sustainably sourced in a 100% recyclable and resealable box that contains 1,300 cubic inches of wood. Also available in Cherry and Sugar Maple. Contact: (630) 241-0506 or Circle Reader Service No. 153

Circle Reader Service No. 150

Orion Slim: Single-Sided Virtual Electric Fireplace PW Designer Series Latitude Chaise Lounge

Modern Flames has entered a new frontier to further ignite innovation with the Orion Slim Virtual Electric Fireplace! With simple, slide-in clean face installation into 6” wall or wall mounted, the Orion Slim can easily elevate any room in the house, and features: 18 flame options, 3D Flame Screen with Ultra-Realistic Spark + Smoke Effects, Multi-Color Ember Bed + Downlighting, Adjustable Flame Speed, WiFi App Controls, Modern Flames’ NEW HELIOVISION Flame Technology, and more! The Orion Slim will be available in four sizes: 52 , 60 , 76 , & 100 . Contact: (877) 246-9353 or

The Latitude Collection is an expression of clean, horizontal lines and bold shapes, intersecting form and function in every carefully crafted detail. The new Chaise Lounge’s adjustable design shines in its subtle features, like soft-close hinges and hidden hardware throughout. Pair it with matching sectionals and dining furniture to complete your coordinated look. Latitude is crafted of genuine POLYWOOD lumber for quality that’s meant to be loved for life. Contact: (866) 442-5455 or

Circle Reader Service No. 151

Circle Reader Service No. 154




“Market is important for me as a designer because it gives me the opportunity to get out and be around my colleagues. There’s so much design energy and there’s so much inspiration that comes from that because we’re all in this together.” — Rhonda Peterson, Designer, Atlanta, GA Furniture, Décor, Gift, Housewares, and Rugs Buyer

Business-to-business is still person-to-person, and Las Vegas Market is where partnerships between buyers and sellers are formed and nurtured, all against the backdrop of a world-class West Coast destination. Join us and see why thousands of furniture, gift, and home décor products are only part of the story at Las Vegas Market!

Register Now: July 24 –28, 2022 Save the Date: Jan. 29 – Feb. 2, 2023 | @lasvegasmarket

©2022 International Market Centers, LLC

Circle Reader Service No. 87


JC Bordelet Zelia 908

Round Round is a collection defined by its search for structural balance and soft lines, an interpretation of outdoor space that conveys stylistic but essential refinement. Clean and basic shapes mark the range elements that make up this collection. Designer: Christophe Pillet. Contact: (303) 733-3385 or

From the artisans of JC Bordelet in Southern France, this work of art will enhance any interior. All JC Bordelet wood-burning suspended fireplaces are surprisingly easy to install using any Class A chimney. The Zelia 908 fireplace is offered in 180 colors and can be installed inside or outside. Become a dealer. Contact Powrmatic – Canada: (514) 493-6400 or – USA: (802) 296-2814 or Visit for more details.

Circle Reader Service No. 155

Circle Reader Service No. 158

A Distinctive New Vertical Ortal Fireplace

Introducing Phifer Matte

The new Wilderness Collection 31H Front Facing Fireplace, with its 31” x 65” configuration, offers a dramatic enhancement to a room design. As part of the Wilderness Collection, this model features an ultra-realistic gas flame that provides the ambiance of a wood fire, but with all the innovations of other Ortal luxury fireplaces. It’s also available as a Tunnel model with through-the-glass visibility. Contact: (844) ORTAL-FIRE or

Phifer is excited to introduce matte finish to its popular line of Phifertex Wicker Weaves outdoor furniture fabrics! The matte look is not only new to Phifer, but is unique and exclusive to the industry as well. Woven with yarns coated in a low sheen matte vinyl, this collection adds a completely new design option in a chic finish. This collection will be introduced in four colors on July 1, 2022. Contact: (800) 221-5497 or Circle Reader Service No. 159

Circle Reader Service No. 156

Sunbelievable Patterns and Textures

Key Largo A showcase of fire, the Grey Key Largo Gas Fire Pit Table features a beautiful, glowing fire that dances atop a bed of fire glass. The focal point of the design is a striking 12” x 42” stainless steel Crystal Fire burner. This simple, modern design will look great in any outdoor living space. Contact: (866) 303-4028 or

Enjoy Summer with fabulous patterns and textures. Pictured here are Bauble, Ezili, and Badminton. Plains shown include Beachbag, Lifeguard, and Bon Voyage. All fabrics shown in Blueberry and Parakeet. Sunbelievable fabrics let you enjoy being outside all season long with the same practical comfort and beauty you’d expect from your most elegant rooms indoors. Contact: (336) 210-2630 or

Circle Reader Service No. 160

Circle Reader Service No. 157

Fire Magic Pizza Oven The handsome, new Fire Magic Pizza Oven isn’t just for artisan-style pizza. You can bake, broil, and more with thermostatic control up to 750°F. Truly a complete outdoor oven, the built-in Pizza Oven boasts a ceramic glass viewing window in an easy access door to the pizza stone or baking rack. Designed to complement the Fire Magic suite of outdoor kitchen products, the new Pizza Oven will be available this summer. Contact: (800) 332-3973 or Circle Reader Service No. 161



Circle Reader Service No. 89

PRODUCTS Sunbrella Perspectives Collection Perspectives is a bold and bright new collection from Sunbrella that merges real nostalgia with modern sensibilities. Motifs come to life through dimensional texture, carefully considered color arrangements and woven effects with fabrics that tell a story through new constructions, novelty yarns and nuanced patterns inspired by memorable experiences. All fabrics within the Perspectives collection are designed to coexist in harmony with each other and Sunbrella’s existing portfolio. Contact: (336) 221-2211 or

Spartherm Spartherm-America has a new CD. Please check out the new brochures for the “Spartherm Collection” and “Gemuetlichkeit” on the new homepage,, or order some for your company. Contact: Spartherm-America / MarkusAumann / / 0049-15222644162.

Circle Reader Service No. 165

Circle Reader Service No. 162

Lovinflame Amber Ceramic Candle The Amber Ceramic Candles bring a modern twist to a classic look, and paired with the larger fuel holder, they will burn for seven uninterrupted hours so you can focus on what’s most important to you…you. Using a specially formulated non-flammable fuel, Lovinflame candles are safe to use both indoors and outdoors, and are sure to set the mood in any room. Contact: (909) 781-8462,, or

Solaris For 2023, Treasure Garden is introducing the new Solaris under the Shademaker collection. The Solaris side post umbrella redefines modern elegance with its curved lines and soft edges. Inspired by the larger size Polaris, the Solaris impresses in function with an effortless crank to open and infinite tilt function to provide shade coverage at any time of the day. Contact: (626) 338-8810 or visit

Circle Reader Service No. 166

Circle Reader Service No. 163

Solstice with Metallic Finish The Solstice outdoor furniture collection by Lloyd Flanders has been updated to include two new frame finishes, Metallic Gold and Metallic Silver. The collection features clean lines, a high back, and a sleek frame that enhances the European-inspired design. The fully upholstered look and contemporary comfort make for an outdoor collection that will be enjoyed for generations. This premium outdoor furniture collection is made in America, using quality Lloyd Loom wicker. Contact: (800) 526-9894 or

ICC Chimney – UltraBlack Oval to Round Adapter This adapter is designed to connect a stove with an 8” oval flue collar and reduce to 6” ULTRABlack chimney. View the UM-86UBORF demo video: Contact: (450) 565-6336 or Circle Reader Service No. 164

Circle Reader Service No. 167



Aspen Aluminum Slat Table Windward’s newest table, Aspen, is exceptionally handcrafted from durable powder-coated, machined aluminum table top, and stainless steel fasteners. Aspen tables are the perfect solution to add stylish simplicity and rustic elegance to any outdoor space. Contact: (941) 2135869 or

Provance Lounge Chair This chair speaks to the relaxed deep seating trend of Summer 2022. With a distinctive style inspired by the South of France, the Provance Lounge Chair features a gracefully curved silhouette crafted from cast aluminum and finished in an architectural-grade powder coating that is exceptionally weather resistant. Contact: (888) 868-4267 or

Circle Reader Service No. 171

Circle Reader Service No. 168

Valor H5 Gas Fireplace

Aluminum Fire Pit Bowls

The Valor H5 is a diverse fireplace that blends distinct, high-quality materials with the latest in radiant and convective heat technology. The H5 caters to those seeking a modern flame appeal and is equipped with three fuel bed options including birch, traditional, and driftwood logs. The built-in secondary heat exchanger naturally improves convective heat—removing the need for a fan. The H5’s compact design offers a generous viewing area, highlighting the ambient flames and glowing embers within. Contact: (800) 468-2567 or

A clear choice in the ready-to-burn fire pits, these spun aluminum bowls come in a stone and walnut finish through a process of being Hydro Dipped. This process allows these bowls to take on the appearance of concrete and wood at a fraction of the weight! Hand-inspected to ensure the highest of quality, and coupled with the biggest flame on the market—HPC’s Torpedo Burner. No need to forgo your wants and needs with HPC. Contact: (877) 585-9800 or Circle Reader Service No. 172

Circle Reader Service No. 169

Monterey Fiberglass Market Umbrella The Monterey fiberglass market umbrella from Frankford Umbrellas is manufactured using the best and most resilient materials available. The half-inchthick fiberglass ribs allow the frame to bend and flex easily in windy conditions. The durable aluminum center pole, maintenance-free resin and stainless steel parts ensure the Monterey will provide years of worry-free shade! Available in three opening styles, six sizes, and seven beautiful frame finishes, with 10-year 9 oz. marine grade acrylic fabric. Contact: (856) 222-4134 or

Available in 36-inch and 42-inch widths, the new Ascent BX Series from Napoleon will be the heart of any home. For those with the Ascent B series, the BX has the same framing width and depth for an easy upgrade. Premium options include ceramic glass, a remote, blower and lights, plus heat management for reduced clearance to combustibles. That means homeowners can mount a television, wall art, and other decorations closer to the fireplace. Contact: (866) 820-8686 or

Circle Reader Service No. 170

Circle Reader Service No. 173

Ascent BX Traditional Gas Fireplaces



PRODUCTS Spartherm Spartherm-America has a new CD. Please check out the new homepage at and enjoy the new experience. Contact: Spartherm-America / Markus Aumann / m.aumann@ / 0049-15222644162. Circle Reader Service No. 174

Atlas New-Ratana Biltmore Swivel Gliding Club A collection of outdoor dining and living pieces, the Biltmore will bring you closer to nature while allowing you to kick back in total elegance. This set is upholstered in a Wild Truffle resin woven finish on an aluminum frame and wood grain finish legs. No cushion required! Available in living and dining. Contact: (866) 919-1881 or

For 2023, Treasure Garden is introducing the new Atlas under the Shademaker collection. The Atlas center post umbrella embodies true beauty and elegance in any outdoor setting. This telescoping umbrella allows for unobstructed closure over tables and chairs with a few effortless rotations of the removable crank handle. Captured in a timeless design, the Atlas is an ideal solution for most shade applications. Contact: (626) 338-8810 or visit

Circle Reader Service No. 175

Circle Reader Service No. 177

St. Catherine Sling Teak Valor H3 Gas Fireplace

New for 2023: The tried and true St. Catherine Cushion and Sling Collections are now available with Rustic Polymer Arm accents. The upgraded arm allows for a contrasting look as well as the popular tone-on-tone style. The new Teak Rustic Polymer further enhances the impressive lines of this collection! Contact: (518) 642-1100 or

The Valor H3 offers a slim engine design that is engineered for new construction installs or the growing trend to remove and replace outdated and inefficient wood and gas fireplaces. The relaxing, radiant firebox flames create a beautiful ambiance in any living space. With three unique fuel beds, seven liners, and four fronts, the H3 can accommodate any design style while providing efficient, radiant warmth. Contact: (800) 468-2567 or

Circle Reader Service No. 176

Circle Reader Service No. 178

Revolution Fabrics Revolution Fabrics is seeing softer greens and mint colors that draw inspiration from nature and botanicals. These fabrics will look beautiful and will perform in and outside the home. Contact: (704) 739-4503 or Circle Reader Service No. 179



Tempotest USA In addition to one of the most extensive and stylish collections of woven solution-dyed fabrics in the world, Para Tempotest also offers digitally printed outdoor PET fabrics. These bright and vibrant prints are offered in four base cloths: canvas, shantung slub, basketweave, and a base that passes FR standards including NFPA 701 and IMO standards. These are printed to order and can be colored to suit your customers’ needs for a modest 40-yard minimum! Contact: (972) 512-3534 or Circle Reader Service No. 180

Hoxter – ALL NEW HAKA 78/57 Swing Door models Hoxter is known for its incredible woodburning technology along with large, double pane glass that keeps the viewing area crystal clear and efficiency levels up. These new swing door models have aggressive retail MAP pricing starting at $4,499.99. Hoxter’s quality of construction, heat output, and serviceability are leaps ahead of the competition. The best technology starts with the details. Contact: (860) 639-8284 or

Water’s Edge Pool Chaise Lounge The newest chaise addition from Windward. Modern, stylish, elegantly curved, Water’s Edge Pool Chaise makes the perfect addition for pools and beaches with perfect angles for relaxing in the water and under the sun. Handcrafted from solid marine grade polymer, and utilizing all stainless-steel fasteners, this chaise is designed for long-lasting comfort in any outdoor space. Contact: (941) 213-5869 or Circle Reader Service No. 183

New Forest Electric 48” The New Forest Electric 48” takes flame technology to the next level. The LED flame visuals offer deep, realistic fires and spread throughout the reflective liner, utilizing every angle. The signature logs are crafted from high-quality materials that perfectly fit together to capture every detail you would expect to see when walking in the New Forest, England. Distributed across North America by Miles Industries Ltd. To experience the New Forest’s next-level electric flame technology, visit a local authorized dealer to learn more. Contact: (800) 468-2567 or

Circle Reader Service No. 181

Circle Reader Service No. 184

Regency City Series Santa Monica Pier 60


Enjoy unmatched City views from multiple rooms with the three-sided pier City Series designer gas fireplace. Featuring all the exceptional features of the City Series lineup, you can now enjoy a frameless view of the fire in a stunning three-sided pier orientation! Finish directly to the edge of the fireplace with any material and hang TVs or artwork without worry with Regency’s patented Cool Wall System. Contact: (800) 442-7432 or Circle Reader Service No. 182

A craftsman’s delight, Savannah features FSC-certified teak frames with multilayered performance cushions wrapped in the color-fast Sunbrella fabric of your choice. Offering both deep seating and dining frames, the Savannah collection from Jensen Outdoor offers a modern take on the classic architectural stylings of the Americana movement. Contact: (800) 403-0403 or Circle Reader Service No. 185

Sunbelievable Fabrics Sunbelievable designs from the fiber up, blending those fibers to create proprietary colors. Ultimately, these collections are finished—ready for market, when each distinctive fabric easily correlates with the entire collection, but can also brilliantly stand on its own. Pictured here are Hawaii, Seven Seas, Oahu, Seastar, Getaway, Beachbag, Slalom, Mazu, Water Slide, Tennis, and Venus. Contact: (336) 210-2630 or Circle Reader Service No. 186



PRODUCTS Eclipse Cantilever Umbrella

Ibiza Chair with Coquille Accent Table

The Eclipse cantilever umbrella from Frankford Umbrellas combines beautiful style with strength and durability to provide a lasting solution to your shade needs. Its 360° rotation and Infinity Tilt allow for easy opening and closing, while providing complete shade flexibility. Extruded aluminum and stainless steel parts on a marine grade corrosion resistant aluminum frame ensures the Eclipse is ideal for all environments. Available in three sizes and six beautiful frame finishes, with 10-year 9 oz. marine grade acrylic fabric. Contact: (856) 222-4134 or

Sumptuous in the front and stunning in the back, the Ibiza chair flaunts a striking, tightly braided weave in all-weather wicker on a teak frame. The plush cushions ensure the Ibiza is as comfortable as it is gorgeous. Pairing it with the Coquille accent table and its scalloped waves in natural stonecast delivers an unexpected elegance to outdoor living. Contact: (828) 758-9811 or Circle Reader Service No. 189

Circle Reader Service No. 187

Regency City Series Seattle SeeThrough 60 The Seattle SeeThrough 60” model is a stunning addition to the extremely popular City Series Lineup. Enjoy unmatched City views from two rooms with the see-through City Series designer gas fireplace. With Regency’s patented Cool Wall System and optional power venting, enjoy total design freedom and endless installation options, including half-walls or pony wall installations. Contact: (800) 442-7432 or

Welles Cushion New for 2023: The Welles Cushion collection was inspired by Telescope’s “Vinyl Floral Cushion Group,” which was originally launched in 1966. Welles is a fresh take on a Telescope classic using modern materials to ensure durability and comfort. Available with Standard MGP or Rustic Polymer Accents. Contact: (518) 642-1100 or Circle Reader Service No. 190

Circle Reader Service No. 188

Tempotest StarScreen Tempotest USA has introduced a new screen fabric, StarScreen, that provides shade and privacy—and absorbs up to 97% of the heat caused by solar radiation—while allowing for the passage of light. The 11 designer colors add to the beauty of any structure and can be used indoors or outdoors. Made from recyclable PET solution-dyed yarns, the fabric is PVC free and fire retardant. It is fade resistant and is treated with Teflon for easy cleaning. Contact: (972) 512-3534 or Circle Reader Service No. 191

Fire Magic Contemporary Island Highlighting sleek styling and featuring a power burner cut-out, the new Fire Magic ID790 Contemporary Island is designed to complement Echelon, Aurora and Black Diamond 790 grills and power burners. The easy-to-assemble island is constructed from glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC) and comes in a smoke gray finish with distinctive black accent stripes and a polished black top. Also included is a double timer-box cut out to accommodate the grill and power burner. Contact: (800) 332-3973 or Circle Reader Service No. 192



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Deck Expo is your industry show – the ultimate decking and outdoor living event. The event co-locates with the International Pool | Spa | Patio Expo™ Together, PSP/Deck Expo is lining up an exciting experience for the industry.

This November in Las Vegas, there is a lot for decking professionals to take advantage of. You will discover new education formats and programming, revamped show features, and more ways to help you move your business forward. Expect these highlights: • Networking • NADRA education • 40+ manufacturers with decking and railing products • Free hands-on clinics on the show floor • More than 15 sessions for deck professionals throughout the week

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P D ictu av r e ed Fr d as ec er k of by Fr NA as D er R D Am ec ks em an be d r, Pa tio

C ov er s

Special pricing available for decking pros

Circle Reader Service No. 95

PRODUCTS Clementi Since 1975, family pride is built into every Clementi product. Only the highest quality materials like foodgrade stainless steel are combined with Italian craftsmanship and painstaking quality control to build every Clementi pizza oven outdoor product. Weighing in at up to 50% more than the competition, The Vulcan Group gives you margins up to 25% higher. Clementi—The King of Fire! Contact: (860) 639-8284 or Circle Reader Service No. 193


Sunbrella ReCycle Fabrics

Modern all-weather Ipe deep seating, the Tempo collection flows with a rhythm unique to Jensen Outdoor. Durable FSC-certified Ipe frames are elegantly paired to performance vinyl, engineered to resist water with an enhanced UV resistance to sunlight that remains cool to the touch while providing unparalleled comfort and lasting protection for all settings—indoors and out. Contact: (800) 403-0403 or

Landfill-bound plastic bottles receive a new life as part of Sunbrella ReCycle fabrics, which are created with a minimum of 50% recycled polyester and feature Sunbrella Assure non-PFAS technology. With greens, corals, deep blues, and soft neutrals, these fabrics incorporate a range of colors, textures and patterns that can be layered together to elevate any space. As with all Sunbrella fabrics, these textiles are designed to perform and made with the environment in mind. Contact: (336) 221-2211 or

Circle Reader Service No. 194

Circle Reader Service No. 195

PRODUCT INNOVATION success of these products, Markham says. “In terms of design, Focus fireplaces have always been a source of inspiration. As angular, modern homes continue to have their place, these models fit in seamlessly.” Everyone loves an original and Focus introduced the first suspended fireplace created by French designer Dominique Imbert over 50 years ago. A former humanities professor, chef, and student of ethnology, Imbert was restoring a farmhouse in a village located in the south of France. To provide heat, he turned to skills he learned as a teenager in a blacksmith’s shop and used salvaged scraps of metal to forge his first fireplace, the Antefocus, in 1967. This led to the creation of the groundbreaking Gyrofocus in 1968. Today, Focus offers over 60 fireplace models and a global distribution network across 55 countries. The Gyrofocus has been displayed in the Guggenheim Museum in New York as well as museums in France. “The look is iconic and people appreciate the staying power that it has had over the decades,” Markham says. She notes the Gyrofocus serves as a solution to a home with glass walls because you can add a fireplace and not cover the glass, providing a unique way to add a statement piece without obstruct-


continued from page 50

ing the view. “It seems there is a confluence of happenings which have made Focus very popular these days.”

growing trend toward revamping shopping malls into condominiums. “This would be a good use of mall space— they certainly have large footprints and plenty of parking,” Markham says. European Home is a big advocate in the concepts of reduce, reuse, and recycle. “It’s so beneficial to reuse what is already in place and reduce the carbon footprint when possible.” While European Home is open to more redevelopment projects, most of the company’s business comes from new construction and remodels. “We are also seeing more requests for multifamily homes and our dealers have also had multiunit sales.” Markham founded European Home based on the simple, yet stylish contemporary design elements she saw while traveling and working in Europe in the 1990s. Over two decades later, the interest and demand for contemporary design continues to grow. She was certainly on the ground floor of introducing the now popular modern fireplace design to North America. However, when she first began, there was some hesitation from dealers that contemporary fireplaces may be a passing fad. “In 2000, I saw a need in the

DESIGN RESTORATION European Home was involved in the restoration of a former Baptist church in Boston’s historic South End neighborhood, which was being redeveloped into luxury condominiums. The company was involved in the design, delivery, and installation of fireplaces for each unit, providing 5 H Series vent-free fireplaces from the European Home brand and two Element4 direct vent fireplaces, which were installed in the luxury penthouse. Co-owner John Markham worked with R+B Design Architecture and the builder, Wadleigh and Associates, from the beginning of the project. Since the project was located in an area designated as the largest Victorian neighborhood in the U.S. by the National Register of Historic Places, the developers and contractors faced challenges such as preserving certain aspects of a historic building, navigating construction in narrow streets, and providing parking for homeowners. It has been reported as more people move toward online shopping, there is a 96


market, and I am not surprised that modern now makes up over half of the showroom floor space for hearth retailers. It is amazing to see how the fireplace market has changed.” Markham believes TV channels such as HGTV have had a big influence in design. Consumers have become comfortable mixing styles and incorporating modern design elements with traditional ones. She points out TV, as well as the internet, have made modern styles a part of everyday life and our eyes have become comfortable with clean lines and sleek shapes (like the mid-century modern Egg Chair). “We see funky elements mixed in with traditional pieces. Modern fireplaces and design elements have now become part of our vernacular.” “Modern has been around for ages when you think of famous contemporary architects and note when they were born.” She points to numerous influential figures of modern architectural design who were born decades ago, including: Mies van der Rohe (1886), Frank Lloyd Wright (1867), Frank Gehry (1929), and Zaha Hadid (1950). “The list goes on and on. When you consider these dates, you realize modern is not new. It’s a stable and fully embraced design.”

CORPORATE PROFILE each grilling operation have a wealth of challenges. For example, when you have hundreds of empty cans of barbecue sauce after feeding 25,000 people in one day, how do you effectively handle the cans? Although a generous volunteer developed a can-crushing device using a log splitter, Operation BBQ Relief connected with Restaurant Supply Company for a tool that punches out both ends of a can and then flattens the cans for easy handling and disposal. “We are always looking for ways to go a little greener and make our processes as efficient and as smooth as possible,” Hays says. EXPANDED OUTREACH Since its inception, Operation BBQ Relief has focused on natural disaster, but now the organization is hoping to help with other global tragedies. “If we could have logistically figured out how we could have helped in Ukraine without putting our staff or volunteers in harm’s way, we would have,” Hays says. “We send a scout out to an area before hurricane hits land, for example. We always evaluate the safety




of any situation before we head in.” While Operation BBQ Relief’s mission is fairly straightforward—namely to provide nourishing meals to those facing a disaster—the experience can have farreaching implications for communities at large. “We call it the ‘healing power of BBQ’ because it brings people together in new ways,” Hays says. And because the organization’s team of employees and volunteers don’t really know when the next disaster will strike, they have turned their attention to assisting first responders, as well as veterans. In fact, in 2019, they launched The Always Serving Project, where they provide meals to first responders, veterans, frontline health workers, the military community, and essential employees. They also recently purchased a 100acre property on the Lake of the Ozarks to create a camp for first responders, veterans, and military members and their families. “We are going to continue to focus on this area in order to provide a place for these groups to heal. Physical and emotional injuries can really fragment

continued from page 52

the family unit, and so we’re going to use grilling and BBQ and nature to bring them together in a place that they’re not going to have to be streaming. The kids aren’t going to be on their phones all day long. We are going to bring people around the dining room table again, eating together to get them to start communicating and to get them to start having fun together as a family,” Hays says. “By doing that, hopefully we can help start opening up those lines of communication.” On the property sits an old tack barn that will be retrofitted and turned into a culinary training center, where camp visitors can learn various culinary skills as it relates to barbecuing. In addition, the organization is building 10 small cabins, as well as transforming a 6,000-square-foot log home into a lodge where groups can congregate. “We are looking for companies that want to get behind our vision for this camp,” Hays says. “This could include sponsoring our organization. It might be using their employees and giving them an opportunity to volunteer during a disaster. It could also be by donat-

ing money or it could be a combination of the two. We are looking for companies that want to align themselves with an organization that is doing good, and that is offering an opportunity where their employees can get involved.” LOOKING AHEAD The vision for Operation BBQ Relief is to continue to use technology to be smarter about where and how the organization deploys to locations. This includes having its own app that tracks everything from the number of volunteer hours to the meals that go out. “Now that I have the statistical data, I want start using mapping systems to see where the damaged areas are. And I want to use the same technology that Facebook uses to indicate if a person is safe during a disaster and where people are congregating after a tragic event,” Hays says. “You can look at what the needs are based upon the geographic area plus where those hotspots are of people gathering. So we want to be smarter about it. We want to be able to come in and do what we need to do, in an effective and sustainable way.”

continued from page 58

TOP: Tranquility collection BOTTOM: Ingenuity Harvest Square

A shipment of the company’s U.S.-made pillows “made it feel like they had a new store” and gave consumers an instant-gratification purchase while they endured the long lead times for custom-ordered furniture. “It’s a very small investment to make your store look new, fresh and vibrant,” Smith says. “The salespeople get excited about it. It makes them energized.” She said many of her most successful dealers invest

in a so-called pillow wall, which is actually a display unit that can hold several dozen pillows. This allows pillows to be moved between the display unit and floor samples, which keeps the sales floor looking fresh and provides ample opportunity for impulse purchases— even from consumers who don’t buy furniture. “Our pillows are a combination of beautiful design and great performance,” she says. “When the consumer does buy new furniture, it just increases the average ticket. Consumers love to put their own personal touch on their furniture, and this is a great way to accomplish that.” Despite these factors, Smith and her sales team still occasionally encounter the retailer who doesn’t see the value of selling or displaying pillows or other accessories. For those holdouts, she has a simple message. “They’re missing out on 10% of their business,” she says. “Retailers who successfully use our pillows know that, not only is it going to help them sell more furniture, it serves as an impulse buy. Not everybody is ready to make that big furniture purchase (when they’re in the store), but while they’re shopping, they can buy a pillow and return to the store later when they’re ready to buy furniture.” During the pandemic, Smith believes the company’s domestic production (all pillows are made in its 97


West Palm Beach, Fla., factory) was a distinct advantage, but she acknowledged that long lead times on some fabrics gave her more than her share of headaches. However, the company had stocked up on fabrics before the pandemic, and the sheer number of fabrics used in its pillow lineup made it relatively easy to change fabrics if necessary. “Our fabrics have complex patterns and colors … and that has added to the complexity of producing our products,” she explains. “But that’s also what makes them so beautiful and luxurious.” Nearly every pillow includes some handcrafted features and three-dimensional elements, and each one typically has eight to 10 colors. “I like to elevate our designs, whether it’s color, texture or design,” Smith says. “We’re continuing to push the envelope and elevate.” For the current season, she predicts that colors from nature will continue to be strong, but she doesn’t see a major shift away from blue anytime soon, despite its long, popular history in the outdoor furniture realm. “Different shades of blue are emerging, especially the softer and lighter hues, but the popular deeper and darker hues continue to sell strongly, even though we (as designers) may be tired of it.” According to Smith, the next trendy color could be green, but she admits there’s not quite as much traction there. “In the outdoor world, it’s still the tried-and-true colors that appeal to consumers.”

AD INDEX Advertiser






AEI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(949) 474-3070 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14


Bernhardt Exteriors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(828) 758-9811 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

Alfresco Home ....................................................................................82

Big Green Egg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(770) 938-9394 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36

Bernhardt Exteriors ........................................................................70, 94

British Fires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 468-2567 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Brown Jordan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 743-4252 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 CG Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 833-5998 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32, 44

Big Green Egg ..............................................................................72, 74 British Fires ....................................................................................70, 93 Castelle ........................................................................................70, 72 Couristan ......................................................................................72, 78

Castelle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(855) 612-9800 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41 Elaine Smith ..................................................................................76, 86 Couristan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 223-6186 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63 Dansons, USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(877) 303-3134 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99 DuraVent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 835-4429 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 Elaine Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(561) 863-3333 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59

EMU Americas ................................................................................72, 88 European Home..............................................................................68, 76 F&C Distributors..............................................................................74, 86 FiberBuilt Umbrellas ......................................................................68, 70

EMU Americas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(303) 733-3385 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71

Fire Magic (RH Peterson) ..................................................................88, 94

European Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(781) 324-8383 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51

Frankford Umbrellas ........................................................................91, 94

F&C Distributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(630) 241-0506 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73

Gensun ........................................................................................76, 78

FiberBuilt Umbrellas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(866) 667-8668 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62

HPC Fire ........................................................................................78, 91

Frankford Umbrellas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(856) 222-4134 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79

ICC-RSF ........................................................................................74, 90

Gensun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(866) 964-4468 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12, 13

Infrared Dynamics (AEI)..........................................................................74

Hearth & Home Technologies . . . . . . . . . .(888) 427-3973 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100

JC Bordelet (Powrmatic) ........................................................................88

Hearth Products Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(877) 585-9800 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85

Jensen Outdoor ..............................................................................93, 96

ICC-RSF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(450) 565-6336 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18, 19

Le Griddle (CG Products) ......................................................................72

IMC/Las Vegas Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 748-5065 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 Informa Exhibitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(212) 951-6640 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 Jensen Outdoor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 403-0403 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89

Lloyd Flanders ................................................................................82, 90 Lovinflame ....................................................................................78, 90 Modern Flames ..............................................................................84, 86 Napoleon Products..........................................................................82, 91

Lloyd Flanders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 526-9894 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 NorthCape ....................................................................................82, 86 Lovinflame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(909) 781-8462 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 Napoleon Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(866) 820-8686 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 NorthCape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(708) 563-2890 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 Ortal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(844) ORTAL-FIRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37

Ortal ............................................................................................68, 88 The Outdoor GreatRoom Company ..................................................82, 88 Outdura-Sattler ....................................................................................68 OW Lee ..............................................................................................68

The Outdoor GreatRoom Company . . . . .(866) 303-4028 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40

Patio Renaissance............................................................................68, 84

Outdura . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(866) 688-3872 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25

Phifer ............................................................................................82, 88

OW Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 776-9533 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77

Pit Boss Grills (Dansons) ..................................................................74, 76

Patio Renaissance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(866) 690-5673 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75

POLYWOOD ..................................................................................84, 86

Phifer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 221-5497 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

Powrmatic ..........................................................................................84

POLYWOOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(877) 457-3284 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Quadra-Fire (Heart & Home Technologies) ..............................................78

Powrmatic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(514) 493-6400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67

Ratana ..........................................................................................84, 92

Ratana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(866) 919-1881 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49

RCS Gas Grills (CG Products) ..................................................................78

Regency Fireplace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(604) 946-5155 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80, 81

Regency Fireplace ..........................................................................93, 94

Spartherm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+49 1522 2644162 . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Specialty Textiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(704) 739-4503 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Summer Classics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(888) 868-4267 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Revolution Fabrics (Specialty Textiles) ................................................84, 92 Spartherm......................................................................................90, 92 Summer Classics ............................................................................86, 91 Sunbelievable ................................................................................88, 93

Sunbelievable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(336) 210-2630 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Sunbrella ......................................................................................90, 96 Sunbrella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(336) 221-2211 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Swavelle/Bella-Dura Home . . . . . . . . . . . .(973) 836-5622 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Telescope Casual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(518) 642-1100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 Tempotest USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(972) 512-3534 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

Swavelle/Bella-Dura Home ..............................................................74, 76 Telescope Casual ............................................................................92, 94 Tempotest ......................................................................................93, 94 Treasure Garden ............................................................................90, 92

Treasure Garden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(626) 814-0168 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61

Twitchell ........................................................................................70, 72

Twitchell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 633-7550 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27

Valor Fireplaces ..............................................................................91, 92

Valor Fireplaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(800) 468-2567 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33

Vermont Castings (Heart & Home Technologies) ......................................76

The Vulcan Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(860) 639-8284 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55

The Vulcan Group ..........................................................................93, 96

Windward Design Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(941) 213-5869 . . . . . . . . . . . . .45

Windward Design Group..................................................................91, 93




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