Peninsula Kids Autumn 2016

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MARCH 25th-27th




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Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

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Cover Photo Tyler at Doppiozero Photography: Melissa McCullough Editor and Publisher Melissa McCullough Creative Director Maria Mirabella


Melissa McCullough

Advertising Miriam Doe 0421 085 974

“The one red leaf, the last of its clan,

That dances as often as dance it can, Hanging so light, and hanging so high,

Distribution Marilyn Saville

On the topmost twig that looks up at the sky.” ― Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Christabel Welcome to this edition of Peninsula Kids magazine! March to Creative Director May shows us the wonders of the autumn. Fiery foliage changes Maria Mirabella the scenery from hazy yellow to warm oranges, reds and browns. Feisty footy kicks off and gets us out there cheering on brisk mornings and evenings with coffee in hand. Family roasts make a come-back warming the house with the promise of perfect crackling.

General Enquiries All material is copyright, and may not be reproduced without the express permission of Mornington Peninsula News Group, or the original copyright holder in the case of contributions. Copyright of contributed material rests with the contributor.

Although summer and I have a special bond, I do love what autumn has to offer. The summer has been a bit scattered…and autumn allows me to get back some consistency. There’s something to be said for that. Monday is basketball…Tuesday is swimming… Saturday ballet. Through school and extra-curricular activities I know where I have to be and what time to be there. Remember what life was like before our children’s schedules became our own? I don’t!

Disclaimer: The authors and publisher do not assume any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. This publication is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.

And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Peninsula Kids is produced quarterly. 15,000 copies distributed between Mordialloc and Portsea. Registered address: 2/1 Tyabb Road, Mornington 3931

ed’s letter...


Marilyn Saville

I hope you enjoy this edition of Peninsula Kids as much as I enjoyed putting it together with our wonderful team. We always strive to fill the pages with well-rounded thoughts and ideas. Let me know if there’s anything you would like covered in the future. Our aim is to please! ;) P.S. Don’t forget - the end of daylight savings is on 3 Apr 2016 at 3:00am. Turn those clocks back before you head to bed on the evening of the 2nd.

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Miriam Doe PEFC Certified

This product is from sustainably managed forests and controlled sources.



Special thanks go to the gorgeous and talented group of contributors who breathe life into every issue by sharing their best with us.



YVETTE O’DOWD author/yvette-odowd


Chief family photographer





Family-friendly adventurer


Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

If You Would Like To Advertise In Our Next Edition Please Contact Miriam on 0421 085 974 Email u





97 78



Spotlight 10

Giaan Rooney


Life, love and motherhood. 16

The Language Of Resilient Families

Peninsula Kids fashion photo shoot. 42

Techniques from Parenting Ideas Club founder Michael Grose 18

Grandparents Oh, What A Feeling!


Time Poor Mums


Parenting For A Happier Home

Stuart Passmore provides parents with the tools they need to keep kids on track.

When The Family Pet Dies

Suggestions for helping the family through a difďŹ cult time. 94

Mums on the go can still live healthy. 30

Preventing Confusion About Concussion

Six myths unmasked.

Exploring emotions through children’s books. 26

Putting Kids Parties Into Perspective

Do they really need all the bells and whistles?

Rule breakers or memory makers? 24

Once Upon An Autumn Day

Toddler Habits

Why do they ask the same question over and over? 98

1.2.3 Read 2 Me

A wonderful initiative to help families read more books.


Contents Local Cruden Farm Dads on the Loose at the Big Goose McClelland Sculpture Park and Gallery

50 70 76

Celebrate Easter Afternoon Tea Party Ideas for your own Easter party Picture Crossword

56 60 65

Recipes 99

Pregnancy & Baby The Sportsman’s Guide to Fatherhood Surrender is Not a Dirty Word Congenital Cytomegalovirus Granny’s 6 Steps to Breastfeeding

64 67 68 72

Education It Takes a Village to Raise a Child Meet the Principal Get Hooked on Books

82 92 96

Recipes with Jodie Blight

Health 107 108 110

Biala is Here to Help Immunisation times for autumn Motherhood and Mental Illness

114 115 116 118

Butterfly Punch Canvas Stained Glass Pasta Tie Dye Fun Car Painting for Babies




100 8

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

In E

very I 63 ssue Party P lannin 80 g Things We Lo 112 v e Ask Th e Expe


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Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

Returning to work so early was a blessing and a curse at the same time. I was so sleep deprived that I actually enjoyed being away from Zander. nder. BY: MELISSA WALSH

With a list of incredible accomplishments under your belt, as a world champion swimmer, Olympic gold medallist, media personality, and now with your beautiful son, Zander, in your life, how has the experience of motherhood been for you? Motherhood has been a roller-coaster of emotions! Whilst I have been so incredibly grateful to have a happy, healthy child, I certainly have had moments of wondering how there are so many babies born every day! Zander was an absolute live-wire even in the womb, and that transitioned into a non-sleeping baby who flat out refused to shut his eyes.... so after much prodding, and some pride swallowing we went to sleep school when Zander was five and a half months old. Not only did it change our lives as he started to sleep, it gave me the best gift of all, and that was the ability to actually enjoy him. After a tough start, I can honestly say that motherhood for me now gets better every day.

When did you decide it was time for you both to have a baby? Was it a difficult choice to make as you are such a busy woman? My husband, Sam, has always been great with kids and has wanted to be a father for as long as he can remember, but it was a bit more of a process for me. I always knew I wanted to be a mum, but I often looked at working mothers and wondered if I could keep all those balls in the air like they did. When did they find time to sleep? Eventually I couldn’t ignore the cluckiness any longer, so we decided the time was right to start trying for a bub.

How was your pregnancy/birth? I had a fantastic pregnancy; I actually loved being pregnant! I was fascinated with the changes my body went through and couldn’t wipe the smile off my face every time my little tadpole moved, and move he did! I have so many videos of my belly moving as though I was housing a nightclub within, Zander was certainly having a blast in there! Labour and birth was a different story. I was very lucky, it was only six hours after my waters broke that Zander was born but it was

also quite intense from the start. I was agitated beyond belief in the car, and by the time we arrived at the hospital I was feeling the need to push, so no examination, no drugs and an hour or so later we were parents! Sam was incredible, he knew exactly what I needed, when I needed it, we didn’t need words. Sadly, I didn’t feel the initial rush of love that so many experience, I just felt exhausted, overwhelmed and broken. I could barely hold Zander as I was shaking so much, I think my body had gone into shock with it all! It certainly took me a few days to wrap my head around it all, especially as my milk didn’t come in until day four and as a big bub, he was starving. Welcome to parenthood!

Did you have many people offering you advice about pregnancy/birth/ and now raising a toddler? Yes, but we also knew who we were going to listen to and who we were going to politely ignore. The only advice I would ever offer now is that everyone has a different experience and that no two babies are the same!

As a very busy and active working mum, how do you juggle day to day life? Sometimes I don’t know! I am very lucky that my husband is my rock and a brilliant, capable father who doesn’t blink an eye at being the sole parent for sometimes weeks at a time. But both of us travel for work so moving back to Queensland to be close to my parents last year has been the best thing we did. Mum and dad are retired, completely besotted with their only grandchild and desperate to help out, so life has been a lot smoother since we made the move. I have learnt to keep a detailed diary, discuss upcoming trips early and embrace the guilt I feel when leaving...

What is it like travelling with Zander, or alternatively being away from him when you have to travel? Travel used to be one of my greatest joys, but now I find it quite difficult.



I craved toasted sandwiches and salt and vinegar chips Most of the time I travel alone, and I miss my little family like crazy. Thank goodness for FaceTime! I really hope we can travel a lot with Zander as he gets older; the ‘not sleeping thing’ when he was little was tough as he wouldn’t sleep in a car, on a plane, in the pram... It was easier to just stay at home!

What difference has it made having him in your life? I think the more accurate question is what has stayed the same, and the answer is nothing! I had no idea how hard raising a child is, but I have also never felt such joy, or pride in watching him learn and grow. One of the greatest gifts he has given me is perspective, and the ability to say ‘no’ to people/work situations that don’t impact my life in a positive way.

Do you still manage to have time for yourself when you are not working or being a mum? Very rarely! I think that is why I do enjoy being on a plane... I can read a book or a magazine, watch a movie uninterrupted and feel no guilt about being uncontactable for a period of time!

Do you have any advice for other working mums out there? Eg: any tips on how to juggle work and motherhood, how to not feel guilty when we leave them, how to make time for yourself etc. I just think it is always good to remember that we are not alone in our struggles, so open up to your friends and talk it through with someone who understands what you are going through. Find sanity wherever you can!

Returning to work when Zander was three months, was that a difficult thing to do? Do you have any advice or tips for other mums who are going through the same challenges? Returning to work so early was a blessing and a curse at the same time. I was so sleep-deprived that I actually enjoyed being away from Zander for five hours a day, two days a week and using my brain made me feel a little more like my old self. On the other hand, sleep deprivation and live TV is an incredibly stressful combination and I found myself begging my brain and my mouth to connect so I didn’t say anything stupid! I was lucky that I was working with the divine Jennifer Keyte at the time, who was not only a mentor but an incredibly kind and understanding friend when I needed it. So my only tip is to not be afraid to be honest with how you are feeling at worK. We as women seem to feel we will be judged as weak if we are missing our babies or not keeping all the balls in the air, but sometimes just being able to acknowledge those feelings with a trusted confidante can give you the self-belief to trust it will all work out.

Getting babies to sleep is one of the hardest things. How did you find the sleep clinic for you and Zander? Would you recommend the service to other mums and dads? Sleep school saved our lives and gave us so many gifts. The gift of sleep (which has helped me so much in my life), the gift of rationality, the gift of enjoying the small milestones with your child and, just as importantly, the ability to change my initial thoughts that I was failing as a parent. I would, and have recommended sleep school to many people, and my only advice is to go as soon as you feel there is a problem!

How do you find the experience of being a mum compared to being an Olympic athlete? Are there any similarities? eg: any state of mind skills you applied from your swimming days to getting through challenging days/nights with a new baby. I don’t think there are many similarities between being a parent and being an athlete. Being an athlete is quite selfish; being a good parent is selfless. You have a certain level of control over your own destiny as an athlete, you mostly feel like you have very little control as a parent! The only connection I can relate to is trusting your instinct, I knew what my next move as an athlete was, and I ultimately know what is in Zander’s best interests, even if others would like to tell you otherwise!

How is your Target/Spalding active wear line going? Was that something you had wanted to do for some time? How did it come about? Creating activewear with Spalding for Target is one of my most enjoyable and satisfying work elements. I have always had designs 12

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

in my brain, and think I am quite a creative person, so having the platform to design fashionable, comfortable and affordable activewear for every age, size, and shape gives me such a buzz! I have to stop myself from going up to women and giving them a hug when I see them in our gear!

Do you feel it is important for mums to take time out and enjoy some exercise or activity? Absolutely. I think I would have lost my marbles if I didn’t get out of the house every day, even if it was just for a quick walk around the block with the pram and my dog, Lester. Fresh air and exercise release those endorphins that are so necessary for parents. I feel like I am so much more capable of keeping my life on track after exercising!

How soon after Zander’s birth did you get yourself into exercise again? I was just going for short walks as soon as possible but didn’t do anything other than walk for the first six months. Only then did I feel ready to get back into Pilates, which I love.

Did you find it hard to lose the baby weight afterwards or did you not put on too much weight? I didn’t put on too much weight during pregnancy; I think around 12 kg, and considering Zander was over four kilos at birth I was mostly baby! I wanted to try and stay active for as long as possible in the lead up to giving birth, and as much as I craved toasted sandwiches and salt and vinegar chips in the first trimester, I couldn’t get enough fruit and vegetables into me for my second and third trimester. I really put no pressure on myself, nor felt pressure from anyone else to lose my baby weight quickly, I was more concerned with giving Zander the best possible start to life.

What is the best and most challenging part of being a mum? The best part is easy; it is a love you never knew you were capable of. The most challenging part? All of it!

What traits and qualities would you like to pass on to your little boy? Do you have any aspirations for him in the future? A lot of people ask me if Zander is going to be a swimmer, and in some ways I hope he isn’t as I think you put enough pressure on yourself as an athlete without the expectation that you need to be as good or better than your parents were. I definitely want him to enjoy and be involved with as much sport as possible, and if he wants to make a career out of being an athlete then I will support him 100%. My dreams for him are to be kind, respectful, curious, determined and above all, happy... and to stop terrorising the dog!!!!

Do you think you might have another baby sometime in the future? We would love to be lucky enough to have another child, but being an Olympic year it is all about work for me at the moment. Hopefully next year will be a very different story!



Resilient Families BY: MICHAEL GROSE


amilies develop their own language that has meaning for them. “This is non-negotiable” has significant meaning in my tribe, going way beyond displaying an unwillingness to argue or negotiate. It was a term that found its way into the family lexicon when I was parenting adolescents. It usually accompanied a parent request or expectation.

“You need to come to your grandma’s place this Sunday. It’s her birthday so it’s non-negotiable.” End of story! No arguments entered into! This is such a strong part of our family’s proprietary language that my adult daughter’s partner now uses it when establishing the limits of his familial obligations. When testing the waters to see if he’s expected at a family function he’ll invariably ask, “Is next Friday night’s dinner a non-negotiable?” The term has withstood the test of time. Families develop their own language around what’s important to them and around how they function. Similarly, families develop their own words and phrases to help each other get through the inevitable tough times that each person experiences. The language of resilience generally refers to coping strategies such as empathy, humour and acceptance. As a rule of thumb, in resilient families children and adults tune into the needs of each other, choosing situation-specific language, rather than simply regurgitating generalised ‘feel-good’ or ‘get-on-with-it’ platitudes.

14 Peninsula Kids K – Autumnn 2 2016 016

HERE ARE 8 EXAMPLES OF THE LANGUAGE OF RESILIENCE, THE COPING SKILLS EACH REFLECTS AND THE TYPES OF SITUATIONS WHERE THEY ARE APPLICABLE. 1. “Come on, laugh it off.” Strategy: humour Good for: kids who experience disappointment, failure and even loss. Humour is a great coping strategy and a powerful tool for resilience as it heightens feelings of control. Some children and young people will naturally crack jokes or make fun of seemingly serious situations. This is a fantastic way to release stress and handle feelings of helplessness. As a parent you may need to lighten up tense situations by introducing humour of your own, which is something that many dads do really well.

2. “Don’t let this spoil everything.” Strategy: containing thinking Good for: kids who feel overwhelmed; kids who experience rejection; perfectionists The ability to compartmentalise bad events and keep them from affecting all areas of life is a powerful coping skill. Sports people, politicians and others who work in the public arena need to be adept at it. When something unpleasant happens during recess, for example, kids need to park their thinking about that event so they can get on with the rest of the day. The ability to compartmentalise thinking is a fantastic life skill kids can learn within their family.

3. “Let’s take a break.” Strategy: distraction Good for: kids experiencing stressful situations; kids who think too much; kids with busy lives. When kids are troubled by events or spend too much time brooding it helps to do something to get their minds off things for a time. Playing games, spending time together, watching some TV, going out – are all good distracters for worried, anxious or stressed kids. Self-distraction is healthy, providing some welcome perspective. It also prevents kids from replaying awful experiences in their heads, blowing them out of proportion.

4. “Who have you spoken to about this?” Strategy: seeking help Good for: kids who experience bullying and social problems; handling all types of personal worries. Resilient people seek solace in the company of others when they experience difficulty. That’s why social connection is such a strong preventative strategy for young people. The promotion of helpseeking behaviours is one of the best coping strategies of all. Even if kids don’t overtly talk about what’s bothering them, it can be immensely reassuring to spend time around others who are empathetic, understanding and willing to listen and help.

5. “Everyone feels bad sometimes.” Strategy: normalising events Good for: kids who lose perspective; kids who take things too personally; persistent worriers. It’s human nature to think that we are the only people who have experienced certain situations. However the human condition suggests that this is rarely the case. Let kids know that they are not alone in their experiences and, just as others have discovered, “this difficult situation too will pass”. They need to hang in there (another piece of resilience language)!

situations. Parents can help kids reframe events to help them see things differently. For instance, rather than regarding a public speaking opportunity as problematic and a chance to look foolish it’s better to reframe it as a challenge and a chance to shine. It also helps when parents model reframing so kids see you changing how you view seemingly negative or worrying situations.

8. “What can we do about this?” Strategy: taking action Good for: kids who mope; who experience disappointment; who feel inadequate. Kids can sometimes feel overwhelmed by events such as constant failure, constant rejection or always narrowly missing being picked for a team. They can be overwhelmed by feelings of inadequacy and helplessness. Action is often the best remedy. Help them take the first step forward. Set some goals. Make some plans. Identify the first step and hold their hand while they take it. Taking action is a quality shared by resilient communities, organisations and individuals. The key to promoting resilience lies in the language that parents use. My challenge for parents is to make resilience an integral part of your family’s proprietary language. You’ll know you have succeeded if your children as adults remind you, when they hear any complaints or whinges from you in your dotage to ‘hang in there’, ‘this too will pass’ and ‘find the funny side’. Granted they may be phrases you don’t want to hear, but at least you know that you’ve drummed into your kids some important core messages that have stayed for life.

Want more ideas to help you raise confident kids and resilient young people? Subscribe to Happy Kids newsletter, my FREE weekly email parenting guide at You’ll be so glad you did!

6. “I know it looks bad now but you will get through this.” Strategy: offering hope Good for: kids experiencing loss, bullying, change or extreme disappointment. There are times when parents can do nothing else but keep their children’s chins up and encourage them when life doesn’t go their way. Being the ‘hope’ person can be hard work, that’s why parents need to be supported by resilient people and workplaces too. It helps to be mindful that a child or young person’s resilience is nurtured by the presence of at least one supportive adult. You may have to be that person!

7. “What can you learn from this so it doesn’t happen next time?” Strategy: positive reframing Good for: kids who make mistakes, let others down or experience personal disappointment. One of the common attributes of optimistic people is their ability to find a lesson, or look for a message, in difficult or negative


memes’ shows that I am not alone in this complaint. Can you ever imagine having ice cream for lunch as a child? No, me either. When I was little ice cream was a treat, not a main meal. And when I was under the control of my parents I had to eat everything on my plate whether I liked it or not. However, now when one of my daughters takes a dislike to something I am deemed ‘mean’ and ‘cruel’ by my parents for making them eat it. I’m 32-years-old and still expected to eat brussel sprouts every Christmas but does that make them cruel or mean? No, they are just being my parents - but the same rules don’t apply to grandchildren apparently. And it’s not just my parents who have forgotten how to parent; my in-laws have too. My mother-in-law (a usually very sensible and smart primary school teacher) came to visit us from New Zealand last summer. And to my husband’s surprise, she took our half-Irishjust-have-to-think-about-the-sun-to-get-burnt children outside to play with no hats or sunscreen on at midday on one of the hottest days of the year! Yet before she became a grandparent my husband and his brothers were only permitted to go outside once they were soaked in so much suncream that they looked liked three little Olafs’. I did a quick survey of my friends, just to be sure I wasn’t overacting, and they confirmed that parents who become grandparents and forget how to parent is a real thing. Here are some more examples courtesy of my friends:


•My mum likes to put my daughter in nappies even though she has been fully toilet trained for ages.


•I told my son off for hitting me and my mother-in-law told him that she’d smack me for upsetting him.



•Mum insists on carrying my daughter even though she’s almost 18kgs and not actually tired.

•I’ve been trying to teach my children to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ and when I tell them off for being rude my mother-in-law tells me off for telling them off. •My dad is always slipping my kids biscuits and then when they won’t eat their dinner he acts all innocent. I never got biscuits before dinner as a kid.

hen I was a little girl I thought my grandparents were the bees knees. In fact I still do. However, now that I am a parent I am starting to think that most (if not all) grandparents •I once caught my mother-in-law feeding my daughter bird seed and telling her it was healthy. are ridiculous child-ruining monsters. Since becoming a parent •I was always a bed-at-8pm-on-the-dot kid but when it comes to three and a half years ago, I’ve noticed a strange affliction my kids my parents don’t see the point in them going to bed at a set that seems to strike grandparents of all ages, shapes, sizes and time. They’d let them stay up all night if they wanted. postcodes: they forget how to parent.

My parents are a classic example of parents who have forgotten how to parent once they’ve become grandparents. Don’t get me wrong, I am very lucky to have them in my life and my girls’ lives, but they baffle me. When describing my parents parenting style I would have always said very strict, but describing their grand-parenting style is the complete opposite. In fact, if they didn’t look and sound like my parents I’d be convinced they belonged to someone else. Take for example the time my then-18 month-old went all crayon-crazy on their newly painted walls. Instead of telling her off, banning her from crayons for life and grounding her until she turned 45 (which they would have done with me) they stood back and admired her artwork like they were at the Louvre checking out the Mona Lisa. My dad even suggested they put a frame around it. A FRAME AROUND IT. It was at this point that I realised that there was something severely wrong with them. I mean, who are they? Another issue is the constant feeding. A quick google of ‘grandparent 16

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

•Any time my son goes to his grandparents he comes back with a new wardrobe and toys. Now he thinks every time I take him out he’s going to get something, •I once caught my grandmother giving my 18-month a sip of an energy drink. She didn’t see the problem. So the question is, what do we do about this epidemic? Grandparent jail? Some sort of grandparent rehabilitation centre? Or do we just take a deep breath, count to ten and let them continue to spoil our children rotten - because we know that when it’s our time to be grandparents we will probably be just as skewed.

Michelle McCullough is a journalist, mum of two, amateur photographer and when she has time, a meerkat enthusiast. She lives in the eastern suburbs and spends her days trying to find new and fun ways to keep her two little monkeys entertained.

PERFORMERS WANTED Winter Holiday Theatre Program


JUNE 27TH- JULY 1ST 2016

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*Child Health and Nutrition Graduate diploma in Child and Family Health Nursing (1 year) – to ensure parental experts are at least as qualified as the local maternal and child health nurse. Of course, the pre-requisites need to be completed first: Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Midwifery (4 years) and one year of practical experience in each of general nursing and midwifery (2 years).

*Child Care and Development Bachelor of early childhood education (4 years) Specialised child psychology studies, eg. graduate diploma in psychology (1 year) Art and craft short courses (total of 20 hours minimum)



THE LACK OF REGULATION IN THE INDUSTRY OF PARENTING EXPERTS HAS, FOR SOME TIME, GREATLY CONCERNED ME. FOR THIS REASON, I PROPOSE CREATING THE AUSTRALIAN ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL PARENTING EXPERTS (AAPPE). PROFESSIONAL ACCREDITATION TO THE AAPPE WOULD REQUIRE PASSING THE PARENTING EXPERT STANDARD TEST (THE “P.E.S.T.” FOR SHORT). BY: REBECCA BOWYER Implementation of this framework would mean that next time a perfect stranger (or, for that matter, a close friend or family member) provides an unsolicited critique of your life as a parent, simply ask to see evidence of their P.E.S.T. accreditation before taking any advice. Rogue Parenting Experts can cause great harm and should be completely ignored. So that we can ensure that these P.E.S.T.s are qualified to advise on absolutely every minor aspect of daily life as a parent (pregnancy, breastfeeding, sleep, teething, illness, nutrition, weight loss, hair, make up, clothing, child care, child development, well being and mental health, your personal relationships, your house, driving skills, child safety etc…) I propose that we require, at minimum, a total of sixteen years training and experience, consisting of the following*: 18

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

Graduate certificate in event management (for the all-important birthday parties) (6 months)

*Household Maintenance Certificate IV in small business management (8 weeks) Certificate III in commercial arts (Interior decoration) (6 months)

Defensive driving course (8 hours)

Marriage and Other Relationship Maintenance Postgraduate diploma in counselling (2 years)

*Personal Maintenance Certificate IV in fitness (14 weeks) Diploma of specialist make-up services (6 months) Certified weightloss consultant course (4 weeks) Certificate IV in hairdressing (21 weeks)

*Practical Experience Normally at least 4 years of experience, but we will accept the 12-month intensive option as follows: 8,760 hours of consecutive care (that’s one year, 24/7 care) of four children: a newborn, a 1-year-old, a 2-year-old and a 3-year old. Because all children are more or less the same (aren’t they?), this will provide adequate practical experience in all stages of child development from birth – 4 years. * (Please note this is the P.E.S.T. (preschool) only, the P.E.S.T (primary school) and P.E.S.T. (teenagers) are currently under development).

Rebecca Bowyer lives in the outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne with her long-suffering husband and two young sons, who are both quite delightful, especially when they are smiling or sleeping. For more funny little stories about raising the little people in your life, visit: F: Seeing the Lighter Side

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ENTERTAINMENT There will be plenty to do and see while at the show. Take a peak at the Wood Carving Demonstrations, create a masterpiece, learn some tricks , watch a show and interact with our roving entertainers. Don’t Forget to bring your Light Saber to the Twilight Cinemas on Sunday 27th March. Star Wars will be showing to finish off our fantastic Show. Tickets from $5.00.

ANIMAL FARM Come and cuddle a rabbit, pat a sheep, feed a cow and play with chickens all whilst Supporting the Very Special Kids foundation.

EASTER EGG HUNT Join us over the Easter Weekend and collect some goodies left behind by the Easter Bunny. We have put in a special request for Mr Easter Bunny himself to visit! So grab your bag and come do some easter egg hunting. Tickets are $5.00 per Child. Purchase tickets via Trybooking:

FOOD TRUCK PARK Feeling Hungry? Grab a bite to eat and something sweet from one of our food trucks located throughout the Show. From Mexican to Burgers and everything in between there will be something yummy for everyone.

PAVILLIONS Enjoy the amazing wares and fine foods from local exhibitors , showcasing their amazing products and services.

NOVA PROUDLY PA PARTNERING WITH: W Great Southern Entertainment 20

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

Come down and check out the Nova Casanova’s at the Show. Say hi, play some games and win some prizes.

FREE ENTRY Bring the whole family down for a fun filled day for free. That’s right, entry into the 2016 Melbourne Easter Show is free, so you won’t need to pay a penny!

AMUSEMENT RIDES Melbourne Easter Show will have all the amusement rides that you know and love from a giant Ferris Wheel to Dodgem cars, there will be something for everyone. While you’re there, try your skills at some of the classic carnival games. Tickets start at $4.00

SHOW BAGS Don’t forget to visit our Showbag Pavilion where we will be exhibiting the most astounding showbags from sweets to toys that every child will love. Grab your favourite from $2.00.

FIREWORKS Be dazzled by the fantastic fireworks displays to be held on the Friday & Saturday Night. This is a spectacular not to be missed!

Lawson Poole Reserve , Cranbourne (03) 8743 2186





uby left home last week. At twenty-one she’s done it before; shared a house with friends in the city, lived the peripatetic life of a struggling student, then returned, trailing baskets of dirty washing, half-empty boxes of quinoa and a dislike for financial hardship.

This time I know she’s gone for good. Her bedroom is still half-full, she’s picked the eyes out of her possessions; stuffed clothes and candles, cushions and books into the back of her old car and driven into a new life. I sit among the discarded objects and try hard not to feel like one of them – still loved, but for now just a bit irrelevant. As a mum of four older children I know that sending capable, independent young people out into the world is something of which I should be proud, but then I see a little girl sharing a milkshake with her mum at my local café and I want to go back in time. Back to the day when Ruby and I made cupcakes for her fairy party while she debated which of her many flouncy, sequined fairy dresses to wear, and in the end wore each of them in turn.



Or maybe I’d go back to the weekend when we claimed the couch as our own personal island and snuggled up to watch the Anne of Green Gable series blanketed in love.

Perhaps I’d go back to one of those nights when we slurped steamy bowls of Chinese noodle soup after the tension of her annual ballet concert dress rehearsal. Year-after-year we went to the same restaurant on those November evenings when an unfamiliar twilight hovered about us in the first tentative nights of daylight savings, when summer felt so close and the first hint of Christmas was in the air. Ruby would be tired but determined to enjoy the treat, her hair pulled back in the regulation bun, her lashes impossibly long and a blush of make up on her cheeks. Even then, when the years stretched before us, I remember aching to freeze her in the moment, trying to take her in and hold her and keep her inside me, knowing change was a constant.

In my mind she’s still that feisty little fairy pirouetting down the supermarket aisle. Maybe I’d go back to the times I sat alone in her bedroom just soaking



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Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

ing up all the precious little pieces of girl life, the trinkets and treasures strewn around the room. Her drawings vibrant and bold, photos of friends, the ribbons and trophies, books and toys, and it would assure me that her life was full and rich and content. It was a touchstone for a harried mum.

I miss the fairy who lived in the bottom of her cupboard, the one who sent her glittery letters in looped handwriting, the intense discussions about friendship cliques, the school camps when she came home exhausted and I’d prop her under the shower then warm her with toast and Milo.

She is my only daughter. One girl among three brothers. One girl to rule them all. But I can’t go back, so I stand in the doorway of her emptied room and spy Banjo, the bear who never wavered from her side throughout all the nights of childhood when his presence was essential. We sit there together: he with his flattened fur from the intensity of her hugs, me with two decades of love and worry and pride.

Michelle Hamer is a Mornington Peninsula author. She runs writing classes for children through her company, Wordsmiths.

She will come back. Not to live, but back to us. I will keep Banjo for her, much as I will keep the memory of her childhood for when she is far enough away from it to want to explore it again.


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KIDS ARE PHENOMENAL CREATURES. THEY LIVE LIFE IN FULL EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION, WITHOUT THE INTERNAL BOUNDARIES THAT COME TUMBLING IN THE MOMENT THEY BECOME SOCIALLY AWARE AND ‘RESPONSIBLE’. CHILDREN INHERENTLY KNOW OF THE DEPTH AND BOUNDLESSNESS OF THEIR BEINGAND HOW LIFE IS NEVER BLACK AND WHITE. BY: TANIA MCCARTNEY The other wonderful thing about children, even very young children and babies, is their ability to absorb subtlety and nuance. I think we truly underestimate this ability, and as an author and illustrator of children’s titles, I see books time and time again, whacking kids over the head with the ‘obvious’ stick, hammering them with morals and dumbing things down to a perceived ‘lower’ level that simply doesn’t exist.

Pink elephants knitted merino baby blanket $138 little frock of sheep


Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

Hootkid Tutu $49.95 Enchanted Child

I frequently speak to and read books with early childhood poppets and primary school students, and the most enlightening thing I’ve learned after all these years, is how clever they are. How centred young children are in their Being. How inherent understanding plumbs depths that we quickly lose connection with as we age. This is especially so when it comes to emotional depth and expression, and it’s only as kids grow older that we begin to see a penchant for separating and labelling emotional responses, and even succumbing to those labels. ‘Oh, he’s just shy.’ ‘She’s so outgoing.’ ‘She’s really quiet.’ Be wary of the label—for it really does set children in stone. For all their inherent ability for emotional expression, children don’t yet have the mental skills and life experience to delineate and control rampant emotion. All children, especially those who find it hard to express or harness their emotions, can certainly benefit from books that focus on identifying their feelings, though many of these books still do it in a really definitive way. Most concept books feature happy, sad, angry, excited, surprised. But there are so very many ways to feel sad. Countless ways to feel happy. And both happy and sad emotional responses can also be combined with other emotions and spatial concepts until there really are no labels available to describe them. Sadness

Sudo It’s My Party Dress from $79.95 treehouse republic

unster Mikey Jae Top $44.95 Enchanted Child

could be tinged with a sliver of regret and a pinch of loss. Happiness could be touched with a sprinkling of anticipation and a smattering of purple. Books have always been a powerful way to reach the hearts and minds of children. I simply adore books that bypass ‘obviousness’—and this is the type I strive to write. Very young children have an innate sense of subtlety and an understanding of nuance that cannot be underestimated. Even if they can’t consciously express that understanding … it’s there. And the use of nuance in picture books hits kids a lot deeper than more flagrant narratives. In our picture book ‘Smile Cry’, illustrator Jess Racklyeft and I explored the subtle nuance in emotion that comes with both smiling and crying. A balloon-pop cry, for example, is much different to a goodbye-cry. An ate-all-the-pies smile is much different to a what-to-do-now smile (when we accidentally break something). While it’s important for little ones to understand the base concepts of feeling either happy or sad, exploring the innumerable ways one singular emotion—say, happiness—can be felt, makes for a more cohesive, self-aware and centred child. Just as each and every child is unique in their emotional and mental construct, each child is then subject to environmental and familial influences that can seriously affect the way they process and deal with their emotions. And alas, many children suffer conditions that are directly related to blocked emotional response. The fear response, for example, has its roots firmly entangled in anxiety and depression, sleep and learning issues, and countless physical ailments. I relish writing stories for kids because I believe a love of story not only opens children to full literacy, entertains, educates and enchants—it also sets them free. Books that focus on emotions are a priceless way to explore feelings in both a home and school setting, and for kids to learn how to express and understand the way they feel. And most importantly, that these feelings are never black and white. As we well know, life is never black and white. The shades of grey are innumerable. And if addressing life’s subtleties can help very young children become more open, compassionate and aware human beings—if we can help them stay in touch with their childlike Being well into adulthood, then I’m all for grey. And silver, smoke, slate, stone, ash, dove and flannel …

Tania McCartney is an award-winning author, illustrator, editor, the founder of Kids’ Book Review and a long-time champion of juvenile literacy. She has been an ambassador for the National Year of Reading and is a current ambassador of the Chief Minister’s Reading Challenge. Her latest children’s picture book, Smile Cry (EK Books $19.99), illustrated by Jess Racklyeft, will be available April at all good book stores.

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can still live healthy

as a result of making small changes. The benefits begin with us but flow right through to our children. When it comes to eating healthier, I always refer to the theory of, “ we wouldn’t put oil and crap fuel in our car and expect it to run smoothly, so why do we put crap food in our bodies?”. We output what we input, so if we are filling up on oils, fats etc, then our systems won’t run effectively enough to get through our busy day to day lives. If we fuel our system right, we will have more fresh energy to want to be able to exercise. If you feel sluggish or wake up tired, this IS because of your diet and lack of exercising. Diet makes up 70% of your results and 90% of how we feel. In saying this, the key is to have balance and moderation, a good easy rule is to stick to the 80/20 rule- we don’t need or want our diets to take over our lives, so keep your diet 80% healthier with lots of regular vegetables, proteins, healthy carbs at the right times and still enjoy the little things in life that as mums can keep us ‘sane’ with the remaining 20%.

THE BIGGEST THING WE ALL HEAR WHEN IT COMES TO MUMS CREATING HEALTHIER MEALS OR KEEPING ACTIVE THEMSELVES, IS THAT THEY HAVE NO TIME. BY: JULIE COX No one is asking mums to start working out every day for hours on end or to carry their meals around in freezer bags all day to ensure they are having their six small meals at certain times.

I am dead against ever counting calories in your household in front of your kids. We tell our kids to eat breakfast and lunch etc so they have energy and don’t crash and burn. Sometimes we honestly need to practice what we preach and take a leaf out of our own book. We need more energy than our kids do, so we need to recognise this and eat accordingly. I think counting calories in front of our children gives emphasis and focus on ‘dieting/weightloss/fat’ and other nasty words that can cause some serious issues amongst our growing children.

HERE IS WHAT I SUGGEST TIME POOR MUMS DO EACH WEEK: Weekly: Aim to do 1-2 walks every week for at least 20 mins each time.

I think keeping things realistic is the main thing and working in and around your day to day busy life.

If you can’t get out of the house to do this as you have kids hanging from your legs most the day, then I recommend buying a skipping rope and setting the alarm 20 mins earlier to do the following;

Lets face it, we are all mums so we really are no busier then any other mum - whether we have one child or four, whether we work part time or full time - we are ALL busy!

30 second skipping, 10 second break - Repeat this for 10 mins on and off. Pelvic floor issues? Swap the skipping for a mountain climbers.

Some important things to remember is yes, yes, of course exercising will help you shed some weight, tighten and tone your body and all of the obvious, but it also does wonders for the mind. The endorphins that are released into our body as a result of going for a walk or doing a quick home work out sometimes outweighs the common weight loss benefits we always hear about. When you are feeling good on the inside, this shines through to your every day life. We become happier within ourselves, happier at work and ultimately happier towards our children. In turn, we are less snappy at them because we have more fresh energy

Remember that as a mum, you are ALWAYS going to be tired but some days we can feel better then others and you’ll feel and look your best by introducing some exercises. Take note that while you may be tired when the alarm goes off but once you get moving the endorphins will be released into your system. It wont be long into your program when you are feeling great! You’ll have extra hours worth of energy to tackle your day ahead.


Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

SOME TIPS ON HEALTHY EATING: I always say that we prepare our kids meals every day so take an extra 10 mins a day and prepare your own! Use this phrase, even stick it on your fridge- “fail to prepare, prepare to fail”. If something isn’t quick and easy and ready to go, you’ll fail and reach for something you shouldn’t.

Hate Housework? We Love it!

Have a big green salad with beans or fruit in the fridge ready to eat cut up. Something you can just grab and fill up on instead of reaching for the biscuits in the pantry. Aim to have your water intake at approximately two litres plus every day - water is an amazing source for weight loss and flushing those nasty toxins out of your body allowing it to work at its maximum. Plus it’s a natural appetite suppressant!. The most important thing is to remember is that we have children now and that we often don’t come first but in order to be a healthier role model and get more out of our day and be a happier mum we must take a little time to ourselves and make those changes. It will take some dedication, but remind yourself of the benefits and that your kids will see you being healthier and want to do the same. We have these little monkeys that copy us, even when we don’t think they are. They’re absorbing everything we do, so make the right choices for yourself and for them.

Julie is mum to a sassy 2 and a half-year-old girl who keeps her moving. Her passion for mums/women’s fitness has catapulted a career in a range of fields from exercise to eating healthy, supplements, and serving up great lunchbox treats. You can find more about Julie at

Easy Julie’s

Lunch Box Snack

Weet-Bix Slice Serving Size: 10+ Prep Time: 15 mins Ingredients: 4 Weet-Bix, crushed 1 cup coconut flour 1/2 cup coconut 1/2 cup stevia 1 tablespoon cocoa 70g butter/margarine 1/4 cup of water Icing: Icing sugar and Milk

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Method: Melt margarine/butter and mix into crushed Weet-Bix. Add remaining ingredients and press into a greased/lined tin. Bake 15 minutes at 180ºC (160ºC fan-forced). Combine stevia icing with milk, adding just enough milk to create a thick paste. The slice may be iced while warm.

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The Edible Garden BY: MELISSA WALSH


learn, the more empowered they are.” ictoria Breheny grew up surrounded by gardening. With a Victoria wrote the book as a whimsical and magical kind of story mother who was a landscape gardener, the naturopath and herbal medicine practitioner is now a mum of her own and recently because of the feeling that nature creates. released a book to bring home the message that gardens are more “Kids can have amazing experiences in gardens just being surrounded than just trees and flowers. by nature and using their imagination. It’s a far cry from being glued

“Mum was a big influence and we always had some sort of vegetables on the go, habitually going out to get things from the garden,” says Victoria, author of The Incredible Edible Garden. “The premise of the book is to grow your own garden and I always wanted to write a book, so decided last year to start with the younger generation. I had seen my children do some gardening and watched the joy they got from picking their own vegetables and herbs. To see them out there playing and go and pick a snow pea, I thought, was awesome,” says the mother of a seven and nine year old. “One of my family members is a teacher and heard a child say eggs came from the supermarket. So I decided this would be a great tool to show children where and how things grow and how it affects the body. The more they 28

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

to the iPad or phone. I wanted to make the book more alluring so they can see how they can have wonderful times in a garden.” Victoria says it’s not essential to have a huge garden to grow vegetables and herbs and a great way to get your kids involved is to include them from the start. “The best way to start is to head to a garden shop and get the kids to choose fun colourful pots and then what they like to eat to grow first. It might just be herbs initially or tomatoes but something they get enjoyment from. Then you can elaborate and expand later on. Get them to help plant them in the pots and label them with handmade signs. Then make sure they are in their view so that when they get home from school they remember to go and check on them. This is a great

KIDS CAN HAVE AMAZING EXPERIENCES IN GARDENS, JUST BEING SURROUNDED BY NATURE AND USING THEIR IMAGINATION. IT’S A FAR CRY FROM BEING GLUED TO THE IPAD OR PHONE. ONE. way to keep the kids interested,” says Victoria, explaining that vegetables need about six hours of sunshine a day. “I give my children a basket and get them to go and pick basil and chives and that way they are taking ownership and responsibility, being part of the process.” Victoria says you can even put herbs on window sills with plants like basil and coriander actually thriving better inside. “These herbs need sunlight but are very susceptible to bugs and things so siting them on a well-lit window sill getting lots of regular watering is helpful. Alternatively, you can plant in pots on patios and decks. I even saw someone planting strawberries on a pallet they had stood up against a wall. That kind of thing is perfect for climbing plants,” says Victoria. Coming into autumn, Victoria recommends it is a great time to prepare for winter. “The soil is still warm from summer and so it is perfect for planting lettuce, herbs, broccoli, beetroot, even kale, and all the leafy greens, as well as snow peas, spinach, cabbage and cauliflower. It is all about eating naturally and eating seasonally is a big part of that,” she says. Copies of The Incredible Edible Garden are available at




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trying to tell you something. In such instances it can be very helpful to PARENTING IS PERHAPS ONE OF THE GREATEST remember two things. 1) ALWAYS ask yourself ‘What is my child trying REWARDS OF HUMAN EXPERIENCE  BUT IT CAN to tell me?’ and 2) Without being an interrogator, take on the investigator ALSO BE ONE OF THE TOUGHEST. THERE ARE role with your child, seeking confirmation of what you think your child is TIMES WHERE YOU’LL LIKELY HAVE TO DEAL WITH trying to tell you. Active and reflective listening is concerned with ensuring CONFLICT, BEHAVIOURAL ISSUES, DISCIPLINE THAT the listener really understands the message the speaker in conveying. SEEMS TO GO NOWHERE, AND HEIGHTENED STRESS. •Ask clarifying questions. At this point you will need to understand how SO, HOW DO YOU KEEP YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH to ask your child appropriate questions. To begin with, ‘why’ questions YOUR KIDS ON TRACK? are something to be avoided if at all possible. ‘Why’ questions are very BY: STUART PASSMORE Renowned Australian psychologist Stuart Passmore has written a researchdriven parenting guide to ensure your family unit stays harmonious. Filled with evidence-based, practical advice and chapter exercises, Parenting for a Happier Home provides parents with the tools they need to keep kids on track.

From Chapter 3 – Active and Reflective Listening A FEW COMMUNICATION RULES: •Get down on the child’s level. The very size difference between adult and child carries an undertone of power imbalance in favour of the parent. The issue is about meeting the child of any age at their level, sending a message of validation and equality to the child. •Make eye contact. It tells your child you are in what they have to say. It is not uncommon for parents to continue a task or read the daily newspaper, or continue watching the television while their child is attempting to talk to them. What message does this send? •Take turns. Taking turns in communication is vital if your child is to comfortably express their thoughts and feelings. Some of the most common complaints I hear from children about communicating with their parents have been ‘They don’t listen to me’ and ‘When I try to say something, they just cut me off or talk over me.’

difficult to answer, even for adults. Why questions have the connotation of demanding justification for one’s actions, attitudes or behaviour, rather than making a genuine inquiry. For instance, when a parent asks a child, ‘Why did you do that?’ it sounds as though the parent is demanding the child justify their behaviour. This unfortunately can result in the child becoming defensive, or overly concerned they might be in trouble with the parent, and can quickly shut down communication. Furthermore, the listener can react defensively when presented with why questions. Here’s an example of how the principle works. Imagine you were 15 minutes late meeting a friend at a café. As you arrived your friend demanded of you ‘Why are you late?’ How might you react? How might you respond to this questioning? Feeling a little defensive, most people typically begin justifying their behaviour by trying to provide an explanation. As you can see with such a simple example, why questions tend to encourage a defensive response rather than promote open and honest communication. •‘How come’, ‘who’, ‘what, ‘when’, and ‘where’ are more appropriate questions to ask when gaining information from your child. This approach further permits open communication and understanding, as your child may not feel as though they have to justify their actions or defend themself. Parenting for a happier home: the step by step guide to keeping your kids on track is available from and wherever good books are sold. RRP $29.99 To get in the running to win a copy of Stuart’s book from Peninsula Kids magazine go to

•Listen to what is being said rather than thinking about what you are going to say once your child has finished. •It’s unfortunate, but it seems parnets rarely discuss their own emotions with their children. It is important to discuss your own feelings and thoughts with your children at an age-appropriate level. However, you must be careful not to be judgemental or blame your child for your negative feeling states. Finally, you must never use your child as a counsellor or use them as a dumping ground for your emotions. •Use ‘I’ statements. Generally ‘you’ statements tend to be delivered as an accusation (for example, ‘You never…’) or an attack on the listener’s personality (for example, ‘You’re so lazy’). This can cause the listener to become defensive. The defensive listener, feeling blamed, ‘fires’ back at the speaker and conflict is almost inevitable. By using ‘I’ statements parents can inform their children how their behaviour impacts them without accusing or blaming the child. ‘I’ statements also put you in a better position to avoid typically escalating the situation to conflict, and avoid the hurtful exchanges that all too often accompany arguments (for example, ‘I am feeling quite angry at you because we agreed you would do the dishes tonight and they have not been done’). •If children act out what they are feeling, then negative emotional and behavioural expressions could be treated as a cue that your child is 30

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

Melbourne-based Stuart Passmore more is a psychologist in private practice, actice, with extensive experience in working with individuals, couples les and families. Stuart specialises in parenting children with behavioural disorders and noncompliant behaviour. He is the author of the very successful ADHD Handbook

BOOK GIVEAWAY *pg 119 to find out how to win

Every day is Mother’s Day at The Bays Our new private maternity rooms will be open from August 2016 Luxuriously private, with full ensuite bathrooms, these modern facilities and beautiful family-centric environment will complement our award winning service. Call us to book your tour and view the plans on 03 5975 2009.

The Bays Healthcare Group Caring for the Peninsula VALE STREET, MORNINGTON VIC 3931


New Special Care Nursery For Unwell Babies At The Bays Hospital EACH YEAR THE BAYS HOSPITAL SPECIAL CARE NURSERY (SCN) PROVIDES THE UTMOST SPECIALIST CARE FOR MORE THAN140 UNWELL, PREMATURE OR BABIES NEEDING ADDITIONAL MONITORING. BY: THE BAYS HEATHCARE GROUP Due for completion in August, the new purpose-built, state-of-the-art Level II Special Care Nursery will feature five special care cots for sick, premature and low birth weight babies with clinical conditions requiring specialist monitoring and care. The nursery will have a dedicated resuscitation room, allowing for greater privacy for families.

These enhanced capabilities and state-of-the-art equipment will minimise the need to transfer critically ill babies to a tertiary hospital, ensuring that the majority of premature and low birth weight babies born at The Bays are able to receive the care they need without delay. Each individual purpose-built maternity room, will feature an ensuite, baby bath, more family-friendly areas and greater privacy and soundproofing. Parents of special needs babies will be able to stay close to their newborns, protecting the natural bonding experience between mother and child during what can potentially be a very stressful time. The Bays maternity team are extremely excited about the new Special Care Nursery and believe it will set a new standard of care for babies and families on the Mornington Peninsula.

The Special Care Nursery is part of a $6 million maternity redevelopment project that will feature ten purposebuilt maternity rooms and three birthing suites.

The Bays Hospital has provided a reputable maternity service for almost 80 years, with experienced teams of midwives and mothercraft nurses providing support during the birth of nearly 500 babies delivered each year.

Parents who spent time in our Special Care Nursery will recall that it was, at times, a tight squeeze without dedicated space for families. Space for staff was also limited and while nurses do a great job providing a high level of care, the new nursery with extra cots and the latest advanced medical emergency equipment is required to service the fast-growing regional population.

The Bays Hospital is the only private hospital in Victoria that holds an accredited Baby-Friendly Health Accreditation. The Baby-Friendly Health Initiative is a global effort launched by the World Health Organization and UNICEF to implement practices that protect, promote and support breastfeeding.

The new Special Care Nursery will have a greatly expanded floorspace, with individual pods where parents can feed and spend time with their baby in privacy. The Special Care Nursery is also a place where parents can receive incredible support, warmth and care from experienced SCN nurses, midwives and medical staff who can assist them through what can be an extremely stressful and emotional time. 32

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

The Bays is a community-owned, not for profit organisation and receives no direct funding assistance from the Government. Community support allows us to keep up with the latest medical developments, purchase equipment, and maintain a comfortable, supportive environment for patients and visitors. For more information on The Bays Hospital Special Care Nursery and maternity services visit or call 5975 2009.

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Autumn Day

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Model Ava

Model Kennedy

Eeni Meeni Miini Moh Peplum Dress From $79.95 Walnut Bella Boots $99.95

A Little Pocket Blossom Dress $59.95 Walnut Lily Boots $139.95

Model Kennedy Eve’s Sister Sparkle Owl L/S Tee $34.95

Model Ava

Eve’s Sister Frankie Ponti Legging $44.95

Peggy Kitty Dress $79.95 Walnut Bella Boots $99.95


Model Tyler

Model Ava A Little Pocket Blossom Dress $59.95 Walnut Bella Boots $99.95

Sudo Kirk L/S Shirt from $64.95 Sudo Outer Limit Pants From $64.95 Walnut Ben Classic Velcro $29.95

Model Grace A Little Pocket Rockpool Dress $59.95 Walnut Stella Crackle Boots $69.95


Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

Model Sienna

Model Sienna

A Little Pocket Fran Dress $59.95 Walnut Patent Ballet Flats $69.95

Eve’s Sister Free Spirit Dress $69.95 Walnut Stella Crackle Boots $69.95

Model Tyler Alex & Ant Leopard L/S Tee $44.95 Sudo Outer Limit Pants From $64.95 Dr. Marten Boots $119.00


Model Grace (Black) Camisole Leotard $35.95 Mackenzie Shrug $29.95 Kyla Pull-On Skirt $37.95 Full Sole Ballet from $24.95 Model Kennedy Juliet Jacket $73.95 Camisole Top $29.95 Shoshanna Legging $41.95 Full Sole Ballet from $24.95 Model Sienna (Lavender) Camisole Leotard $35.95 Mackenzie Shrug $29.95 Kyla Pull-On Skirt $37.95 Full Sole Ballet from $24.95 38

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

Model Ava Pleated Tank Dress $36.95

Model Sienna Camisole Leotard $35.95 Mackenzie Shrug $29.95 Kyla Pull-On Skirt $37.95 Schoolbag $54.95


Credits Capezio Dancewear 12-14 Milgate Drive, Mornington Ph: 5975 0266

Treehouse Republic Bentons Square Shopping Centre 21/210 Dunns Rd, Mornington Ph: 5975 4350

Location Doppiozero Pizzeria and wine bar 475 Moorooduc Highway THE COOLSTORES ph: 5978 8970

Photography Cameron McCullough Model Grace (Black)

Model Sienna (Lavender)

Camisole Leotard $35.95 Mackenzie Shrug $29.95 Kyla Pull-On Skirt $37.95 Full Sole Ballet from $24.95

Camisole Leotard $35.95 Mackenzie Shrug $29.95 Kyla Pull-On Skirt $37.95 Full Sole Ballet from $24.95


Styling Melissa McCullough



Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

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Into Perspective BY: REBECCA BOWYER


t was supposed to be a low-key “easy” four-year-old birthday party. The concept was brilliant: guests would come to the local miniature railway, BYO picnic, pitch a rug, tote a present and in return they would get a couple of tickets to ride the rails and some birthday cake. With a newborn baby to care for, my friend didn’t have the time or energy to arrange anything too extravagant.

Showers were forecast for the morning, clearing by the afternoon. Perfect. Party is planned for 1.00pm. Mum sent out a group-SMS redirecting party-goers to their nearby house. A few minutes in, the kids didn’t seem to care about the change of location or the absence of miniature steam engines. The birthday boy spent most of the afternoon whooping about the house with his friends, dressed in his brand new Woody cowboy outfit (which he also slept in that night and wore the next day with a fresh pair of underwear, of course). This near-catastrophe-turned-great-success got me thinking: why do we worry so much about planning for kids birthday parties these days? What is the purpose of a birthday party, really, and who is it for? British researchers recently found that parents are now spending an

average of 213 pounds (around AU$360) on their kids’ birthday parties, with 11 percent spending at least 800 pounds (over AU$1300) in an attempt to outdo their child’s peers. Party bags which used to contain a freddo frog, a few smarties and a jelly snake now boast gift vouchers, make-up and even iPods. Australians are jumping on the party extravaganza bandwagon too, with event management businesses popping up dedicated to planning childrens’ parties. Parents have been known to spend up to $4000 on a five-year-old’s birthday bash. Children’s birthday parties were first celebrated by the Germans in the late 1700s. There were candles and cake, just like today. The birthday boy or girl blew out a candle for each year they had been alive, just like today. However, they also lit and blew out one extra candle to make a wish that they would live to see another birthday. And therein lies the true meaning of a birthday. Celebrating your child’s birthday is an indication that they have made it through another year. Alive and (hopefully) well. As the kids played happily around me, the image that played itself over and over in my mind was of a mother, desperately trying to rouse

her 15-month-old from sleep. The 000 phone call. The ambulance sirens. The paramedics unable to resuscitate him. The child was the nephew of a friend of a friend. One night last week he went to sleep and never woke up. There was no warning, no illness. There will be no second birthday party. I never knew him. I don’t know his family. But as I watched my own 15-month-old son pluck out and wander off with the kitchen ducted heating vent (for the fourth time that hour) I had to resist the strong urge to hold his cheek to mine and carry him around in my arms all day. Because I knew that there, but for the fickle hand of fate, go I. If you have the funds and the desire, by all means, please spend as much as you like on your child’s birthday celebrations. Hire an animal farm, a jumping castle, a party planner and entertainer. Invite the whole class and send them home with PlayStations. But take a moment and remember why you’re doing it. Light that extra candle, be thankful and look forward to another year of warm snuggles in the early morning; laughter, tears, tantrums and mess during the day, and softly snoring heads on pillows, tucked up safely in bed at night.

minti | munster kids | paper wings | sudo rock your baby | saltwater sandals | plus loads more bentons square shopping centre, shop 21/210 dunns road, mornington 3931, vic PH:(03) 5975 4350





oday I walked up to a stranger and gave away my baby son. I just handed him over and turned my back so that I couldn’t see the accusing look in his baby eyes. Today was his first day at childcare.

And it broke my man-heart. As summer wanes and autumn begins to grip the trees, it is an Aussie tradition to pack up the kids and send them off to some form of schooling so that they can become sociable, well-rounded, educated adults. Well, maybe I want my sons to be anti-social, very-angular and illiterate just so that I can prolong the years of cuddle time I’m allowed. It’d be worth it right? I’m not ready for my little man to grow up and begin the horrible journey to I-Don’t-Hug-My-Dad-Because-I’m-Too-Grown-Up Land. That is a sucky destination! Before I know it his old man will be uncool and extremely embarrassing (granted, I have plans to ensure this) and the last person he wants to hang out with. And all of this horror begins with a simple day at childcare. Sure the educators are insanely lovely and they have taught his big brother lots of things that he probably wouldn’t have learnt as quickly at home. Sure he’ll make lots of friends and begin a lifetime of social butterfly-cation (new word!). Sure it will prepare him for the freakshow that is primary school and limit the screaming tantrums at the school gate. But it is the beginning of the end. When he saw me turn and walk away, somewhere in his infant-mind, he realised that there can be a life without his parents.

Minti Bronx Trackies Peace Monster $59.95 tree house republic 44

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

Munster Eat My Dust Hoodie $79.97 enchanted child

I know that fathers are supposed to be tough and emotionless role models but I must be broken because there is nothing that makes my heart skip and my eyes fill more than a super-dooper-mega-cuddle from my boys. I could hug them all day long and, in the case of my baby, I actually do. But how much longer do I have? Already Little E, my preschooler, is pushing my open arms away and trying to see around me to the cartoons on TV. I blame you childcare! Too soon Little L, the bub, will be following in his footsteps and saying horrific things like, “I can do it on my own”. Agh! I blame you childcare. And suddenly he’ll be counting numbers, writing his own name and moving to New York with some girl named Edith who is now “The One”and forgetting to call and not coming home for Christmas and joining some strange cult and not wanting to give me cuddles anymore. I blame you childcare! Having said that, it is nice to get a few hours to myself...

David Hawkins is a Mornington Peninsula based stay-at-home dad who realised that he needed to improve his Dadding. So he set himself the simple task of being an Awesome Dad. He now challenges all dads to be Awesome Dads by doing something out of the ordinary with their kids every month, via his blog at

Australian-made knitted merino baby blankets $138 each little frock of sheep

Love Mae Bamboo Set Dinosaur $39.95 enchanted child

ge S a l l h i o p V p i g n n g i r C r a entr n l a e B Balnarring Ba aln narring g Village Vil illa lage is the ultimate community village style shopping shoppin ing g centre. cen ce ntre re e. design community The de esign of the centre allows for many open sp spaces in which the commun nity can beautiful Balnarring. ca an socialise soci so cial alise and take in the be bea auti utifu tifful ti full se serenity ere reni nity ty o off Ba Balnarring aln l arring. Ou Our ur friendly friend n ly UHWDLOHU UH UVV DUH UH HDG G\ WR KHO HOS S \RX ZK KHWWK KHU \RX QHHG D QHZ RXWČ´ WČ´W QHZ KRP RPHZ HZDU DUHV HV UHWDLOHUV DUH UHDG\ WR KHOS \RX ZKHWKHU \RX QHHG D QHZ RXWČ´W QHZ KRPHZDUHV RU JLIWV D KDLUFXW RU VLPSO\ MXVW D FXS RI FRÎ?HH 2XU FHQWUH LV DOO DERXW VHUYLQJ \RX the customer and the community.

Balnarring Village is very community focussed, ensuring that we include community groups, schools and charities in our future planning, casual leasing and events. Most retailers and shop owners are locals, growing up and living on the Mornington Peninsula and we believe that this gives Balnarring a sense of unique authenticity, knowing that the feel of the centre won’t change. Our philosophy is ‘Live Local, Shop Local’. We trust in local produce, local designers and local suppliers, this is what makes Balnarring Village such a wonderful, local shopping centre.

Ritchies Supa IGA & Liquor • Hoolies Inn • Peninsula Mapping • Australia Post • Balnarring Travel & Cruise Wise & Co. Dispensary • Global Hair Design • Balnarring Bakehouse • Marmadukes Delicatessen • Ruby Finch Fashion Balnarring Fish & Chips • Jacobs & Lowe Real Estate • The Village People • Balnarring Village Meats Orita’s 2 Japanese Restaurant • The Enchanted Child • That Little Shop • Nourish Balnarring • Macleod Woottons Rod Hannah & Associates • Parenting Ideas • Chiropractic Universe • Brainwaves Education • Balnarring Vet Clinic Balnarring Laundrette • Ting Tong Kanteen • The Coast Real Estate • Balnarring & District Community Bank

Easter Bunny will be handing out Easter eggs to all children on Saturday 26th March - 9am – 11am.





MYTHS Unmasked 46

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

When my teenage daughter came off the soccer field at the end of a game complaining of a headache I brushed it off. Even when she mentioned another player had hit her in the head during a scuffle for the ball. The blow had been mild enough not to disrupt play, so I gave her Nurofen and encouraged her to rest. When the headache persisted, I chalked it up to migraine tendencies. Imagine my grief and guilt when four days later the school athletic trainer diagnosed her with a concussion. I couldn’t understand how I missed the signs. I’m not the first mum to be blindsided by a child’s concussion. Due to the myriad of myths surrounding this condition, it often takes parents by surprise. In fact, earlier this year the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) revealed that concussion remains the most underreported, under-diagnosed head injury. To help you avoid mistaking or mistreating your child’s condition, should he or she suffer a bump to the head, I’ve unmasked six common concussion myths:

MYTH: You can tell right away when someone has a concussion. They’ll vomit and have a bad headache. FACT: Symptoms can take hours or even days to appear. And because each brain is different, reactions to the injury vary from child to child. (see sidebar for common symptoms) Symptoms also differ between boys and girls. A 2011 study in the Journal of Athletic Training found that both boys and girls report headaches after a concussion. But boys more often experience amnesia and confusion or disorientation, while girls may describe themselves as being drowsy or sensitive to noise.

MYTH: You have to be knocked unconscious for it to be a concussion. FACT: According to the CNS, only about 10% of concussioninducing blows cause the person to black out. And a concussion can occur even without a direct blow to the head. An impact to another part of the body, such as a hard fall, can sometimes jar the head enough to cause the brain to come in contact with the skull’s interior. It is this internal collision that causes the injury.

MYTH: Don’t let a concussed person fall asleep. FACT: We’ve long heard that you should rouse a person every few hours after they’ve experienced a hit to the head to prevent a coma. In reality, after suffering a concussion your child can (and should) be allowed to sleep. His brain requires rest to begin healing. However, it is a good idea to keep an eye on your child for the first day or two to watch for the appearance of new behaviors and symptoms, or a decrease in functioning that could require an emergency room visit.

MYTH: A concussion is “no big deal.” Kids should just shake it off. FACT: A concussion is also known as a mild traumatic brain injury. Not only is it unwise for your child to continue in sports-related activities while recovering from a concussion, she may also need to cut back on mental stimulation. Among the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) recommendations for concussion patients are that they: •Get plenty of sleep at night, and rest during the day. •Avoid physically demanding activities (e.g., sports or working out) or those requiring much concentration (e.g., sustained computer use, reading). The CDC suggests kids not return to activities until they can engage in them without symptoms returning and to slowly increase the level of activity. For some kids it may mean a reduction in school hours, homework amounts, or both.

MYTH: Only football and hockey players sustain concussions. FACT: According to the American Academy of Neurology (AAN), football and rugby top the list of sports where boys are most susceptible to concussion, followed by hockey and soccer. Girls face the greatest risk of concussion while playing soccer and basketball. For younger children (birth to 9 years), bicycling and playground activities account for the greatest number of head injuries, including concussions.

MYTH: As long as my child wears a helmet, he won’t get a concussion.

FACT: Helmets prevent skull fractures, not concussions. While a padded helmet or other protective device may lessen the impact to your child’s cranium, none of them can stop the forces of motion that cause internal brain impact. The AAN encourages parents to make sure their child’s helmet fits well and is kept in good condition to reduce the risk of concussion. With a better understanding of concussions, you can be more aware of what you’re seeing (and what to do) if one happens to your child or another child in your care. Because concussion is more than just a headache - for you and your child.

SYMPTOMS OF CONCUSSION: •Dazed look •Disorientation or confusion •Decreased balance, coordination or reaction time •Memory loss •Nausea and or/ vomiting •Slurred speech •Dizziness •Blurry or double vision •Headache •Sleep problems (too much or too little sleep) •Sensitivity to light or sound This list is not exhaustive. Check out the CDC’s Heads Up to Parents site for more information at Lara Krupicka is a parenting journalist and mother of three girls. Her family rallied through a 6-month recovery when her eldest suffered a concussion during a high school soccer match.








s a poet and grandma I find much to wonder about. But what about our children and grandchildren? Small children often encourage us to wonder – What are stars made of? Where does sand come from? We probably all have many examples of such questions from the children in our lives. But at what age might children start to lose their sense of wonder? How can we help children to hold onto their curiosity about the world? And why is this important?

We need books, plays, stories, movies, games, teachers, parents, uncles and aunts that encourage children to continue to wonder about the natural and made world. As kids’ lives get busier, more sociable and noisier they may rarely experience silence (fertile ground for wonder) or ‘down’ time by themselves or with others. What are the questions we can ask to further kids’ amazement and surprise about the world? More importantly, do we hear and respond to the questions that children ask us about how something works or why something happened. Or in our busyness and distraction do we reply vaguely or dismiss the question as another annoying “Why?” question. When Joy Noble asked me to help produce the children’s book ‘WOW! The wonders of our world’ I began to notice all the wonders in an average day. This computer I am writing on, the fan cooling my legs, my brain doing the creative and thinking work of writing, my tummy rumbling letting me know it is nearly lunch-time. It’s easy as adults to lose the capacity to be amazed by all that makes up our lives or, as Richard Dawkins says, to look at the world in unfamiliar ways. Often it is children who remind us of this, who ask a left field question and ‘wake us up’ out of our habitual way of being and seeing. And if children see and hear us wondering about the world with other adults, they will be more likely to continue to do this. Parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles need to be confident in telling children stories about how the world was when they were kids. We often think that they won’t be interested, they are so caught up in the everyday technology, speediness and complexity of their lives. But it is not only an opportunity for intimacy, but also for children to develop a historical perspective which may spark curiosity about other earlier ways of doing things or events that happened a long time ago. History teaches us about not only the achievements of world leaders but also 48

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

the dreadful mistakes humans can make; learning about inventions and scientific discoveries can keep the door open to curiosity, creativity and invention – especially if kids are hearing about it from somebody they know and love. Wondering opens up kids’ horizons and loosens up their minds. Yet children can easily fall into the expectation that everything can be controlled, found out about and explained through their smartphone. It’s important that they are reminded that there are still many aspects of life that are mysteries, that are impossible to explain, that we don’t understand or even have words for. Do computer games encourage wonder? Kids’ television programs? The books that your child reads? I don’t know, but one way we can encourage wonder is to ask the children in our lives, “What is your WOW! for today?” Fiona Johnston is the co-author of the new children’s book, WOW! The Wonders of our World, now available at all good book stores.

Until her recent retirement Fiona was a freelance editor and writer. Her poetry has appeared in many journals and she has had two books of poetry published. Lucy Buxton is a children’s book illustrator based in Melbourne. She has studied Visual Arts, where she majored in Printmaking, and post graduate studies in Arts and Community Engagement. “Wow!The Wonders of our World” is her first book.

A day out with the he kids and fresh fish for dinner? Check out these great local saltwater ltwater spots! p *Western Port, shallow waterr Species: King George Whiting Fish in three to five metres of water among ngg seagrass beds and sand patches through autumn. Best baits are pipis, sandworms, mussels, fresh squid and bass yabbies.


No Probl t child ‘s nex e Mak your Wildcats a y rt Pa Birthday Party. Gymnastics


*Port Phillip/Patterson River: Chelsea, Melway Ref: 97 G5 - Species: Snapper The action continues until late autumn. Best baits are freshly caught squid or fish fillets with just enough weight to keep the bait on the bottom. *Source -

Gymnastics provides a fun and safe activity that gets kids physically active. Not only does the sport provide good solid fitness foundation, gymnastics also provides many other benefits, from skills to life skills to basics that can enhance performance in other ssports. WILDCATS offer competitive llevels 1-5 and educational gymnastics, f children as young as 2 years of age for to 14 years of age.


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We want to give you

worth of

We invite you to join us at Kingswim Mornington on Wednesday from 12:00 midday - 12:30pm and Saturday from 11:45am - 12:15pm for Baby Play (experienced infant aquatic instructor available both days). These water play session times are set aside speciďŹ cally for mums, dads and babies aged from 3-6 months old. You might even like to bring grandma, or meet up with your mothers group! Use this special time to connect with other parents and babies in your local community who also share your passion for water play. Please feel free to use our kitchen facilities and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee on us after your session!

$50 extras


Book a party for 12 kids or more on a weekend and you will receive $50 worth of extras absolutely FREE!

Choose from:

Lollipops Cats visit: $25.00 Party Platters: up to the value of $50 Extra food up to the value of $50 *Not to be used with any other offer. Must be returned at time of booking. No cash back.

Kingswim Mornington 2 St Catherines Court Mornington 3931



5 Gateway Drive Carrum Downs Ph: 8738 5242


Cruden Farm




ruden Farm, home to the late Dame Elisabeth Murdoch, holds a special place in many people’s hearts. It’s a place of tranquillity, inspiration, beauty, friendship, generosity, loyalty and above all else is the vision of one extraordinary woman that always put others before herself.

Everything at Cruden farm has an understated elegance just like the dame.

Back in 2009 I had the privilege of meeting Dame Elisabeth and her gardener Michael Morrison by chance at a community event held at Cruden Farm. Michael was driving the buggy around the along the sweeping drive to the house. grounds with Dame Elisabeth by his side when she spotted my then In 1952 Sir Keith passed away in his sleep at Cruden Farm leaving newborn son and stopped to give him a cuddle. I remember that Dame Elisabeth a widow at the age of 43 and left to raise 4 moment well; she gazed at him with such warmth and loving eyes, children. Not long after Sir Keith’s passing she moved permanently as if she was momentarily transported back in time to holding her to Cruden Farm where she could indulge in her two biggest passions: own son. It was a special moment captured in a photograph that gardening and helping those in need. Whilst Dame Elisabeth did I later sent to her with a note. Despite her many commitments and much of the gardening herself she employed Michael Morrison in being 100 years young at the time she replied within a week with a 1971 to help out on Sunday mornings, Michael was gardener no. 2, lovely letter thanking me for the photograph and hoping we had an Dame Elizabeth was gardener no.1 and over the years they made enjoyable day at the farm. I mention this because I feel it represents a formidable team that lasted generations. In fact after 45 years the type of person she was better than any words I can put on a you will still fi nd Michael tending to the garden and ensuring Dame page. A genuinely warm person that willingly gave her time to Elisabeth’s garden is just how she liked it. Not fussy, not showy and anyone she met. forever evolving with the times to be enjoyed today, tomorrow and Something she was truly passionate about was Cruden farm, a well into the future. wedding gift from the love of her life Sir Keith Murdoch, a journalist I recently took a tour of the gardens with Cruden Farms managing and newspaper executive. At the time she was only 19 years director John Christie and although I’ve visited many times in the old but had visions beyond her years for the 133 acre farm with past with my children for family fun days, open gardens and car barely a tree on it. Keith decided the best way he could support shows I had never really stopped to take it all in. One of the things Elisabeth with her vision was to enlist the services of Edna Walling that always stood out to me however, for no particular reason other (an acclaimed gardener of the time) to contribute to the design of than its beauty was the old water tank. A small wooden platform the garden, however the garden was almost entirely destroyed by holds the tank high off the ground under a canopy of old trees with bushfire in 1944 although some elements remained and can still be vines entangling themselves on the steel frame supporting it. This seen today such as the stone walls, circular lawn and the worldsmall tank as it turns out was the only water supply for both the renowned lemon–scented gums that stretch from the front entrance


Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

home and garden until the mains water was connected in the 70’s. I was told Dame Elizabeth would rise early to hand pump the water for the garden, a chore I certainly imagine her doing with a smile.

• Open to public dates are released on a month to month basis and can be found at • Admission is $20 for adults but for an extra $15 I recommend taking a tour of the garden. • Tours last between 1.5-2 hours and covers much of the farms history and insight into the lay out and thoughts behind the garden. • Children are welcome and encouraged on the tours.

Nearby to the water tank are the magnificent stables and outbuildings which were built during the Depression after the Murdochs employed men that were desperate for work. Percy Meldrum designed the stables and sourced the stone from the old Moorooduc Quarry for the construction. If you look at the stone on the stable walls you can actually see the chisel marks left in the stone. In the near future, horses may once again return to Cruden Farm, which would be lovely to see. As for the gardens they were in full bloom with roses, sunflowers, and perennials bordered mostly by blue stone and lush green grass areas perfect for a picnic. In the stone-walled garden there is a lovely simple sculpture of Dame Elisabeth that is slightly obscured by plantings. When I asked why it was tucked away and the answer was “it’s how she would have wanted it”. She would find pleasure in having people find it. Everything at Cruden farm has an understated elegance just like Dame Elisabeth. A visit to Cruden Farm is a must and you will find it open to the public twice a month. Dates are released on a month to month basis and can be found at Admission is $20 for adults but for an extra $15 I recommend taking a tour of the garden. Tours last between 1.5-2 hours and covers much of the farms history and insight into the lay out and thoughts behind the garden. Children are welcome and encouraged on the tours. As well as the tours Cruden Farm remains largely devoted to community and charity functions and as a part of the general public I can say that we are very fortunate to be able to stroll through this marvellous garden and admire the 80 years of hard work and dedication that Dame Elisabeth created for future generations to enjoy and at the same time continue to support charities that were close to her heart.



The photographic talents of young Giulio Catena



verr since he borrowed his dad’s point and shoot camera, ve G u Catena has liked taking photos. Five years later, Gi Giulio the 1717-year-old Frankston student has found himself with an onslaug onslaught of photography requests from sporting clubs and community organisations alike.

“I started taking photos at friend’s football games and then other clubs caught on and asked me to photograph their matches,” says Giulio, whose love of photography ranges from sporting events and aviation to nature and landscapes. “At the end of 2014, I had a lot of friends in local sporting teams and they suggested I do their photos. So I went along with my Nikon DSLR and got some shots for them,” says Giulio, who has now photographed football, soccer and basketball games. “I work earning a part-time living doing it now which is great, and last year went to many different team sports as their photographer, including state basketball games for my school.” Giulio’s passion for photography is not surprising with his late father, Nino, loving the camera and sharing his passion with his boy. And creativity runs in the family with his mum, Sara, a well-known peninsula artist. “Dad and I would go out to Tullamarine Airport around the outskirts and photograph the planes. I would use his camera which was a fixed lens 52

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

Tell him what you really want this Mother’s Day!

Charms * Pendants Key Rings * Cufflinks

Army style birth tags


Love Keyring

Barrel Beads

(Pop this ad somewhere he will see it)

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Find me at Red Hill Market - 2nd Saturday of month Mornington Racecourse Market - 2nd Sunday of month Boneo Community Market - 3rd Saturday of month or by appointment at my Carrum Downs studio

camera and, starting off capturing images of aircraft taking off and landing, I learnt the basic functions of the camera at the same time. In 2011 we went to Italy together and shared the camera on that trip,” says Giulio, explaining his parents have always encouraged him and his sister to follow their dreams. “I also like taking nature shots and playing with the textures, colours, shapes and editing techniques. When I look through the lens I am always thinking of how I can make the scene look different, what different effects I can achieve,” says Giulio, who enjoys the best of both photography worlds. “With sport you don’t Photoshop much but with nature and landscape you can be as creative as you want. I prefer to find images with more contrasting subjects, or bright colours, or take a photo from an unusual perspective, so that I am not just capturing what everyone can see, but creating an art piece that people love to look at.” Giulio thoroughly enjoys working with the black and white medium, particularly the shapes and texture of black and white photography. With a penchant for technology and a keen photographic eye, the quiet and humble high school student has the world at his feet. Whether he continues a photographic career or puts his talents towards another pursuit, Giulio is another reminder that our kids are capable of amazing things, and I cannot wait to see what this young man does next. Check out Giulio’s images on

The MOrnington Peninsulas Freshest Market An independent market showcasing Melbourne and the Peninsula’s very best makers, creators, growers and collectors. Over 200 stalls, amazing kids entertainment, live music, craft workshops, gourmet food & local fresh produce!

2016: February 20, March 19 & April 16 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Emu Plains Reser ve Balnar r ing Racecourse, Coolar t Rd

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Sorry, no dogs or ATM’s on site. $4 parking to help support Westernport Rotary and Emu Plains Reserve


When OUR DOG HAS HAD A NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE. BUT NOW HE’S BACK. BY: MELISSA KERSHES A couple of months ago we woke to fine our beloved Pomeranian, Frankie collapsed and immobile. After 24 hours at the vet hospital there was no concrete diagnosis, he was not getting better, and the prognosis was grim. I took my kids in to visit him thinking that would lift his spirits. However, I was not thinking about how the kids would handle seeing him hooked up to tubes full of medicine and quivering in a kennel. I also was not prepared for the onslaught of questions that would come after leaving the vet hospital with my weeping six-year-old. I dealt with the situation as best I could. “He’s just not feeling well and they’re trying to fix him up”, worked fairly well for the threeyear-old. But when Miss six looked into my eyes, also welled with pools of tears, that answer was just not enough. When we got home I sat her down and we talked through it. Most of our pets don’t live as long as we do. They’re born and need loving families to take care of them while they’re on the earth and that is our job. After one is gone another will be born in its place, and he will need a family, too. I’m really not sure if I did that right. The truth is, when we choose a pet for our kids, they will outlive it.


Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

HERE ARE SOME LIFE EXPECTANCIES FOR OUR MORE COMMON FAMILY PETS: Dogs – 14 years | Cats – 12-18 years | Goldfish – 5-10 years | Hamster – 2 years | Guinea Pig – 3 years | Rabbit – 6-8 years | Hermit Crab – 10 years | Parakeet – 8 years | Horse – 20-25 years

So let’s be a little prepared, shall we? Moira Anderson Allen, M.Ed. answers the question: What should I tell my children? You are the best judge of how much information your children can handle about death and the loss of their pet. Don’t underestimate them, however. You may find that, by being honest with them about your pet’s loss, you may be able to address some fears and misperceptions they have about death. Honesty is important. If you say the pet was “put to sleep,” make sure your children understand the difference between death and ordinary sleep. Never say the pet “went away,” or your child may wonder what he or she did to make it leave, and wait in anguish for its return. That also makes it harder for a child to accept a new pet. Make it clear that the pet will not come back, but that it is happy and free of pain. Never assume a child is too young or too old to grieve. Never criticize a child for tears, or tell them to “be strong” or not to feel sad. Be honest about your own sorrow; don’t try to hide it, or children may feel required to hide their grief as well. Discuss the issue with the entire family, and give everyone a chance to work through their grief at their own pace.

As for Frankie, I believe we’ve experienced a miracle. One day, he was in liver failure and given no more than five months to live. He wouldn’t eat, wouldn’t wag his tail and he wasn’t barking, (that’s how we knew something was REALLY wrong!). During his four days in hospital the vets tried EVERYTHING, and could not figure out exactly what was causing his liver to fail thus, no idea how to fix him. We brought him home with a bag full of medicine and very little hope. With all of my options exhausted I decided to ask for the prayers of our friends. And our friends asked for prayers from their friends. From Facebook, Ray Charles the Golden Retriever shouted out for prayers from his page followers and it received over 3,000 likes and 210 comments laden with well wishes. Frankie started feeling better the next day.

Copyright © 2002 by Moira Allen Reprinted from The Pet Loss Support Page — If you’re grieving the loss of a pet, you’ll find more helpful tips in Moira Allen’s book, Coping with Sorrow on the Loss of Your Pet, available from at



Easter Afternoon Tea Party


Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016




Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

CREDITS Styling, Concept & Setup Sara Jade Weddings & Events Easter Printables Amy Paper Blossom Creations Cookies The Cookie Fairy Wooden Tree Disc available to hire from Soda Lime


may your easter be egg-cellent!


Ideas for A EASTER Party * Use lots of colour - pastel coloured streamers, baskets of coloured eggs or flowers . * Craft up some fancy napkin rings using portions of the cardboard toilet paper or kitchen paper roll. Paint and add some glitter, stickers or colourful gems. * Make fruit bouquets by skewering assorted fruit. Strawberries for tulip heads, pineapple rings for daisies, green grapes or honeydew for leaves.... * Tell guests to arrive wearing their finest hat. Or provide them with a set of bunny ears! * Make an egg wreath for your front door using a plastic plate, plastic eggs and a hot glue gun. * Arrange herbal teas in assorted teapots found at your local op-shop. * Keep a pile of dress-ups handy .- pearl necklaces, boas and fancy gloves are perfect for drinking tea and being a lady. * Use cookie cutters for Easter themed sandwiches, veggies, fruit and cheese.


Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

*Solution pg 119


Baby U Cushie Step Up $36.95 Baby Goods Warehouse 127 Mornington-Tyabb Rd Mornington 62

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

Milo’s Birthday Surprise Placemat $12.95 Petersen’s Book Store

Ruby - Heart Image Pendant Love Heart on Snake Chain $150 Smallprint Mornington Peninsula

Joie Aire Lightweight Twin Stroller $349.00 Baby Goods Warehouse 127 Mornington-Tyabb Rd Mornington



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Pregnancy & Baby




Veteran players don’t have to go to video match replays. They are expected on the paddock at any time in cover defence. Last game’s trophy baby is bound to have morphed into a marauding sibling.


On match day the bloke cannot rely on other match precedents. Standing on the sideline and cheering is not sufficient. Yelling, “Come on, have a go ya mug,” is right out.

The mother says, “I’m pregnant.” The game begins. The bloke says, “That’s fantastic. I am the luckiest bloke in the world,” or words to that effect. There is no script. Enthusiasm is mandatory. The bloke goes to the sideline. He is not the coach. He does not sit on the bench because he has run-on roles. The bloke devises a game plan incorporating new moves to be added to the old plays like always leaving the toilet seat down. New moves include making the bed and bending down to pick up anything she drops whether in or out of the field of play. Turning up to training is compulsory. Training is in different skills and conducted at different venues- ultrasound, gynaecologist and antenatal classes are the usual.

The bloke comes off the sideline and goes to fetch or stay mode depending on the play. Again, previous match precedents are out. If the team captain is in serious distress do not give a quick splash from the bucket filled with pond water using a mouldy sponge coupled with the magic, “You’re right mate.” This will not get her upright and running. Indeed, if tried it might lead to the bloke being injured and/or killed. Best thing to do on the big day is hold her hand and pay attention. You will learn that she was listening and can put together better swearing and cursing than you ever demonstrated. Don’t take it personally. It’s meant to be personal of course but man up and ignore her, as in all other off field discussion. A siren will go. This is not full time. The siren will go for years yet.

In between training, workouts are vital for match fitness. These are varied and can occur on demand. They are called foot rubs, back rubs, washing, ironing and vacuuming.

The siren means, “I’m hungry,” “I’m tired”, “I need changing” or “I need to be picked up and held.”

Performance enhancing substances are out. The morning coffee is likely to make her puke. She can’t take alcohol. Neither can the bloke if he is seriously on the team. He should have given up fried food and the after dinner cigar years ago anyway.

Gentlemen, are - we - clear?

Antenatal classes can be pretty rugged especially the video replays of past matches. Best to stop eating at lunch time that day. Even the team captain might get a bit wobbly after these.

Gerard Thistleton loves his wife, sons and daughter, a lunatic dog and five horses variously lame. No cats own him. He also likes good wine of any colour and loafing in his slippers. A mortgagee bank and a posse of creditors spoil the peace and quiet of an otherwise benign existence.

Every contest has a blood bin. The bloke only ever goes there if he faints onto a hard surface. 64

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

Just do it.


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RESEARCH SAYS... Approximately 20 per cent of couples experience fertility difficulties. In most cases, the couple can be helped with assisted reproductive technologies. No cause is found in around one in 10 couples investigated for infertility. This is called ‘unexplained’ or ‘idiopathic’ infertility. Want More Mummy Milk?

*Source -

I woke up in the middle of the night to ďŹ nd my boobs were trying to take over the world! I actually had to wake little Max to relieve me of some milk... Meryl, Sydney

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In my own time, I will blossom. Trust me. Just as you trusted me to grow into the beautiful newborn you gave birth to. { BY: PINKY MCKAY }

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Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016


I BELIEVE OUR CHILDREN ARE OUR GREATEST TEACHERS. WITH EACH CHILD I HAVE LEARNT VALUABLE LESSONS  PATIENCE, WONDER, HUMILITY AND TRUST. TRUST CAN BE THE MOST CHALLENGING. BY: PINKY MCKAY As I speak to mothers every day, I see first-hand the struggles that are often around issues of trust: trust that babies really aren’t manipulating (that the needs they express are legitimate); trust that the tiny baby who needs to feed every hour or two right now will eventually space out his feeds; trust that one night your wakeful baby will eventually sleep all night; and trust that your toddler will develop impulse control (that his ‘disruptive’ behaviour and meltdowns aren’t because he’s truly ‘out to get you’!). Although there is overwhelming pressure to intervene and ‘train’ babies, they will naturally have the capacity to fall asleep with less help as their immature nervous systems develop. And when their tiny tummies stretch and they can coordinate sucking, swallowing and breathing, they become more efficient at feeding and will naturally space out feeds. When they’re ready, they will eat family foods too, without any forcing or fuss.

Even toddlers are still learning, and although we do need to keep teaching calmly and with respect, it isn’t a punishable offence for a small person to have a meltdown when he just can’t manage his big feelings. Your toddler’s brain is still developing the connections that can help him make sense of these feelings, and with gentle guidance and trust he will learn to handle his emotions appropriately. Just as we learn to trust in our child’s innate needs and his goodness, we can learn to surrender early. We can follow our tiny infant’s rhythms, or we can struggle to impose our own ways. The more we struggle, the more our connection with our child is at risk, and the more difficult we can make our own journey, long beyond infancy – especially if we have a naturally spirited child. This surrender is not weak or submissive. It is not ‘giving in’. Surrender, in this context, is really about acceptance of where our child is at right now, as well as where we are as parents, and about ‘letting go’. Surrender means living in the present, not missing precious moments through resentment or blame – especially blaming ourselves – for things being different from what we expected or hoped for. Surrender is also about being kind to ourselves, for the times we didn’t live up

to our own expectations of what a perfect mummy looks like in our own unforgiving eyes. Surrender means forgiving ourselves for our own ‘meltdowns’ and ‘screw-ups’. We all make mistakes, because whatever our ideals, we can only do our best with what we know and the resources we have right now – time, energy, sleep and support. Surrender is also based on trust: trusting our child and trusting our own innate wisdom as we hang in there and work through challenges in the way that’s best for each precious, unique little being. Stop for a moment, right now. Snuggle into that soft downy head, breathe in that sweet baby perfume then gaze into those deep eyes. If you have a toddler, slow down and watch him – how his hair falls, how soft his skin is, how cheeky his grin is, and how he makes you want to tickle him, just to hear him giggle. Enjoy this moment before it passes. This is surrender.

Pinky McKay is an Internationally Certified Lactation Consultant and best-selling baby-care author of Sleeping Like a Baby, Parenting by Heart and Toddler Tactics. information See Pinky’ s books, blogs and baby massage DVD at her website –


CMV The Silent Virus That All Pregnant Women Should Know About

THE MAJORITY OF PREGNANT WOMEN HAVE NOT HEARD OF A VIRUS THAT IS NOW THE LEADING NONGENETIC CAUSE OF DISABILITY IN NEWBORNS, ACCORDING TO A NUMBER OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES. BY: JO FORD Kate Daly, a mother of four children including a set of twins born with congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) in 2010, wants to help educate pregnant women and physicians about the dangers of CMV and how they can minimize their exposure to it during pregnancy to keep both mother and baby healthy. “My son William was diagnosed at 3 weeks of age with permanent hearing loss caused by CMV. I was shocked to find out that there was something I could have done to try and prevent it and I hadn’t been told,” says Daly. “I would like to see pregnant women be informed of CMV and advised to practise basic hygiene if it can help keep babies alive and healthy.” William’s twin Emmaline has been extremely fortunate, with the virus only seeming to cause her a mild developmental delay. Kate started the CMV Association of Australia when she realised there was little support for families in the same position. “I felt incredibly alone at the beginning, it was very scary and I wished at that time I had someone to talk to, someone that knew what I was going through.”

What is it? Cytomegalovirus (CMV) in healthy people causes a mild, flu-like illness that can last for a few days or weeks. Some people might not even know that they have it. In susceptible people, such as those with suppressed immunity or for unborn babies or pregnant mothers, CMV can be more dangerous, even life-threatening. Many adults have already been exposed to it in their childhood but a few percent of women will have their first infection in their pregnancy.

How can it be spread? Through coughing, contact with blood, urine or faeces or via the mucous membranes such as the mouth and genitals. Because the first infection often happens during early childhood, childcare workers are at greater risk. Like HSV (Herpes Simplex Virus) which causes cold sores, once a person has contracted CMV they will carry it for life. The infection lies dormant inside the body and can erupt without warning although, again, this does not usually cause symptoms and it rarely causes problems in pregnancies. 68

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

How can CMV affect an unborn baby? Around 1 in 3 women who catch CMV for the first time in pregnancy will pass it on to their baby. When this happens, the condition is known as congenital CMV. About 1 in 5 of these babies have lasting problems such as deafness, poor eyesight, intellectual difficulties, an enlarged liver or spleen and a small head.

Can CMV be prevented? To reduce transmission, pregnant women should regularly wash or disinfect their hands, particularly after direct or indirect contact with any child’s bodily fluids. This includes after changing nappies, meal times, wiping noses and handling toys that have been in mouths. Also avoid sharing food, drinks or utensils with young children whilst pregnant (


There is currently no cure for CMV, although some centres are looking at treatments that may reduce the risk if pregnant women are infected. There is ongoing work trying to develop a vaccine.

Do the blood screening tests check for CMV? CMV serology (immunity) tests can be performed but as there is no widely accepted treatment that alters outcomes it is not considered a routine pregnancy test and is therefore not recommended by the Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Obstetricians or Gynaecologists. All pregnant women should be advised about the prevention strategies listed above. CMV testing may be performed under certain circumstances in pregnancy, however. These include women at higher risk, those with symptoms of a viral infection, concerns about the growth or fluid volumes around the baby, or certain features seen on ultrasound.

Jo Ford divides her time between running Bodybump (pregnancy and post-natal aqua and fitness classes), teaching at Toorak College and bringing up two gorgeous girls, Lily and Rose. In her (limited) spare time, you’ll find her at the gym, practising what she preaches.

Bonds Zip Wondersuits $18.95 Baby Goods Warehouse 127 Mornington-Tyabb Rd Mornington

World Map With Flags $9.95 Petersen’s Book Store

Love Heart 3 Image Descending Hearts - $80 sml, $120 med, $145 lge Smallprint Mornington Peninsula

Milo’s Birthday Surprise Storybook $24.95 Petersen’s Book Store






have one major fear: geese. Those beady black eyes, Quasimodo-style hobble and crotch high beaks are a recipe of pure terror for me. So, naturally, Peninsula Kids Magazine asked me to check out a kids adventure farm named after THE BIG GOOSE! I called on fellow dad and tops mate, Jorge, to bring along his family so that I had enough decoys should we be attacked by a honking horde!

DAD + A range of different activities that will keep the kiddies entertained and allow you time to relax outdoors. There’s even a cafe for a kick-back-cuppa.

DAD There are some very cool activities in the works but you’ll have to wait for them to be created. If you forget your picnic lunch there is a very limited range of food available. Jorge is the father of my son Little E’s best friend. We’ll call her Chica S! We were ready to unleash our three year-olds on an unsuspecting kids’ adventure park. The Big Goose is literally brand new, having only opened in October last year (2015), and I sniffed deeply to breathe in that new attraction smell. Colours are vibrant, the animals perky and the staff as friendly as you can get. The wonderful service started at the ticket booth as we were greeted with a bright smile and a warm welcome. It almost felt like we were visiting family (except for the smiling and warm welcome). Barely five steps from the entrance the kids began pointing at some cute goats who were poking their heads through a fence in expectation of being fed, so I bought some animal feed and handed it around. The kids screeched like they were auditioning for the newest Scream movie and backed away. Typical. Moments later the adults were having their hands tickled by the tongues of the goats and sheep as we attempted to show the munchkins that it was safe. Camels, ostriches, pigs, donkeys, chickens, peacocks & hens. We found lots of animals that the preschoolers were too terrified to feed (feeding the ostriches, in particular, is an experience best left to the Big Kids... though I was having nightmares for a week!). Jorge’s favourite find was a Highland Coo (that’s ‘cow’ for those who don’t speak Scottish) with its woolly red locks and soon-to-be-impressive horns. The showpiece of the farm is a huge, red barn that houses the petting zone where kids can cuddle lambs and kids (goats, not other children. Although that probably happens too) and pat guinea pigs & baby chicks. Each stall contains a different animal and there are keepers around to help you or save the creatures from overly affectionate children. While that’s great for the kids, Jorge and I found those cutesy animals a bit boring. Luckily though, we happened to be visiting on a weekend when the reptile show takes place (also during school holidays). Outside of show times you just might be as lucky as we were to

catch Lachlan, the reptile expert, who is willing to drape you with a python or pile lizards onto your goggle-eyed preschooler! The Big Goose is a kids fun park, not just a petting zoo. The range of animals is definitely a main focus but how long can you really get your kids to look at them for? If your lot are like Chica S and Little E then you’re lucky to make it an hour before the whingeing kicks in. And that’s when the par park’s secret weapons need to be unleashed - the Adventur Adventure Playground and the toddler-magnet also know known as the Jumping Pillow. I LO LOVE the playground! It’s not one of those p pre-fab plastic concoctions found in public parks across the city. It is a custom-built, two-level, net-crawling, sand-surrounded land of awesome! It is so cool that I even found excuses to ‘help’ Little E just so I could go further in and check it all out. There are ladders, slides, mini flying-foxes, nets galore to clamber across and even a huge van that acts as the access way between levels. Although it is recommended for ages 5 & up, three yearolds have just as much fun, as long as they don’t mind th the bigger kids racing around. You will even find a separate sandy spot for the littl’uns to crawl about in. But nothing, and I do mean nothing, can match a child’s addiction to the Jumping Pillow. That is literally what it is; a giant inflated pillow that you can jump on. And they do. Up and down. Back and forth. Hour after hour. Us old folk grabbed coffees from the Cafe (which just happens to be a shining silver Airstream trailer straight out of a Hollywood backlot. Awesome!) and sat down at the surrounding tables to see just how long the mini-peeps could jump for. It was a long time. Kids need more entertainment? How about pony rides or mini-golf ?(these are an additional cost). Or they could take a tractor ride around the farm and then navigate the Tyre Maze. It’s actually pretty crazy how much is on offer to keep the munchkins busy. The reason the park is so different to others you may find around is Justin, the owner and dreamer. He is beyond passionate about creating the best kids fun park in the country (not kidding!) and has so many more ideas that he has dreamt up, ready to bring to life. In fact, this year Justin is going to add an extension to the Adventure Playground (you know, just a threelevel slide inside a silo. I wanna go!) and an Australiana wildlife reserve with kangaroos, koalas and reptiles. Little E and Chica S had to be dragged out of The Big Goose. Actually dragged. It turns out that preschoolers love everything inside! The official review from Jorge, “It’s very cool!” And here’s an inside-tip for you: consider purchasing an annual pass so that you can pop in whenever the kids are breaking your soul. Instant parent-saver. If you live on the Mornington Peninsula it’s extreme value as you can swing by for 30 mins on the Jumping Pillow, to wear your minions out, and then head off for an afternoon of tiny snores. The Big Goose is located at 233 Mornington-Tyabb Road Moorooduc





Here are my tips for getting breastfeeding off to the right start.

STEP ONE Don’t wait for the baby – learn as much as you can about breastfeeding when you are pregnant. The first thing your baby will be looking for after the birth is the nearest place to eat and he or she won’t wait for you to read the manual! •Go to an Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) Breastfeeding Education Class as early as you can – second trimester is ideal. You will learn how breastfeeding works and how to make it work for you. Classes are available to ABA members and your membership comes with Australia’s most popular breastfeeding book, Breastfeeding … naturally.


Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

•Talk about your breastfeeding plan and make sure you pack it in your hospital bag. Just like labour and birth, it helps the midwives caring for you to know how you would like to manage breastfeeding. •Get to know your support network – once you start maternity leave, link up with your local ABA breastfeeding support group and introduce yourself to the breastfeeding counsellors in your community. Go along to some group meetings before the birth, where you will meet breastfeeding mothers and see them feeding their babies.

STEP TWO Take the first feeds slowly – there is no need to rush baby into his first feed. If everything is okay with the birth, ask to have your baby laid skin to skin against you and request hands-off help from your midwives. •Your baby knows how to find the breast and attach all by himself, but he needs to take his own time to get there. Ideally you will stay skin to skin for at least the first hour or more. •Routine can wait. Ask to have weighing, nappies and other non-urgent stuff to be delayed until after the baby takes that important first feed.

•Don’t worry if skin to skin can’t happen for you straight away – if •Watch the baby, not the clock. How long between feeds, how long you have a caesarean or you or baby need some special care after on each side, how long is a feed … your baby doesn’t care, he only the birth, you can look forward to being skin to skin as soon as it is knows full and empty! Let him feed as often as he needs and right for you. as long as he needs, he knows what to do. •Enjoy the rest – your baby might spend a lot of time asleep in the first day or so, but will quickly change, so take the chance to sleep, because things will soon change!

STEP THREE Be ready for the marathon! Around the second half of the first week, your baby and your breasts are all about the same thing – MILK

•Mini marathons can be expected when your baby is busy growing – you can expect 24 hours or so of more frequent feeds and a grumpy baby. •If your baby is feeding well, you are less likely to have engorgement or mastitis. Learn the early signs and what to do if you experience them.

STEP FIVE Get help if you need it. Most common breastfeeding problems can be solved.

•Just when you start getting used to it, everything changes! After a few days of colostrum alone, you both need to transition to the next stage. You can call the Breastfeeding helpline whenever you need to – it If you are lucky, your milk supply and your baby’s demand will be is normal to have questions and concerns. Trained Breastfeeding in sync straight away, but for most mums this takes a few days. In the Counsellors are there to help. 1800 68 62 68 meantime, you might have over-full breasts, a grumpy baby and •Breastfeeding shouldn’t continue to be painful – pain is a sign your need extra help to get the two together. This is usually around the baby is not attaching well. Seek help from ABA, your child health time you are going home from hospital, so this is when you need your nurse or IBCLC lactation consultant. support system most. •Feeding your baby as often as he needs is the best way to avoid low •Your baby still knows how to get on the breast by himself, so if you milk supply. Most babies continue to need 8 or more feeds in 24 are having trouble with the techniques you learned from the hours beyond the early weeks. This includes night feeds. midwives, try holding him skin to skin again and follow his instincts. •It is normal for babies to fall asleep at the breast – and normal for Those newborn reflexes will help him take the lead and you can follow. them to wake up again as soon as you try to put them down! Your •If your breasts are too full for your baby to get a good attachment, baby will soon be able to feed without a nap in the middle. help him out by expressing some milk before he goes on. You can do this by hand or use a manual or electric breast pump if you have one •When your breasts start to feel softer and less firm around 4-6 weeks – don’t panic! You haven’t lost your milk your breasts just work more handy. Once he gets on, he will be able to feed better. efficiently now. •A newborn baby is growing around the clock, so you can expect to feed him 8 - 12 times a day! And in the early days, feeds may take When breastfeeding gets off to the right start, you can be confident it up to an hour, so you can expect to spend most of your time can continue for as long as you and your baby want. Being prepared feeding. The marathon won’t last forever, but it sure feels like it! As he and knowing when and where to get help can make all the difference. gets bigger and more efficient, he may be able to finish a feed in as little as 5-10 minutes – something to look forward to!

STEP FOUR Getting to know each other as you continue to learn your baby’s needs, there will naturally be times when you feel confused and unsure. •You can easily check that your baby is getting enough milk – every nappy will give you feedback! Look out for at least 5 wet disposable nappies each day and plenty of poo! •Don’t delay feeds – a calm baby will attach easier and feed better. Keep you newborn close to you and watch out for early feeding cues. Wait to change his nappy until after the first breast and don’t wait for him to cry before offering the breast.

This purple-haired mother of three and granny of one has been a breastfeeding counsellor for more than 20 years, runs breastfeeding education classes for parents expecting twins and more, facilitates local babywearing and natural parenting groups and writes for a popular parenting website. Yvette lives in her Frankston home with her husband, son, daughter, son-in-law and two year old granddaughter, plus a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel and a senile cat! In her spare time, Yvette is a keen photographer and scrap-booker and is keeper of a fairy garden. You can follow Yvette at


To my darling daughter, Ten years ago we welcomed you into the world, and our world became a better place for it. As my first born, I stumbled along not really knowing if I was doing this parenting thing quite right, but you were loved and thriving so I knew I must be doing something right. As cliché as it sounds, the past 10 years have gone by amazingly quickly. I’m feeling it even more this year as you enter double digits and realise how much you have grown and the beautiful young lady you have become.

A letter to my 10-year-old daughter BY: ERIKA ATWILL

You have your whole life ahead of you. The world is yours for the taking and I want you to grab hold and never let go. I want you to live your life, follow your dreams and never give up. But more importantly, I want you to be true to yourself. Live the life you want to lead, love the things you want to love and do the things you want to do. You only get this one life and if it’s what you truly want to do, know that I will always be there supporting you all the way. I encourage you to ‘do your best’, but please don’t confuse that with having to ‘be the best’ because although the words are very similar there lies a great divide between them. Just keep believing in yourself and you’ll always head in the right direction. The journey isn’t always going to be easy. Life can be rough and the world can be a cruel place at times but it’s the way we bounce back that makes all the difference. The power of positivity is so important. You need to learn to rise above the bad times, the nasty words and the vicious ways of others. Yes, awful things can happen in life but it’s important not to catastrophise them. The world needs happy, powerful, positive thinkers like you so we can all move onwards and upwards. Always remember to treat others the way you want to be treated and don’t be ashamed to ask for help. It takes a bigger person to reach out to someone when you need their love and support. And there will be times when you need to swallow your pride and not be afraid to say you’re sorry. It’s important to know who your true friends are. Some friends will be there for life, but others are only meant to stay for a short while and support us through a particular period of time. It’s OK to let go sometimes in order to move on. It’s quality, not quantity that counts. I hope along the way you gather some great memories. It’s not the material things in life that matter, but the people and the time you spend with them that count the most. You won’t look back and care what kind of car I drove, but you will remember the songs we sang and stories we told along the trip. You won’t remember the clothes I bought for you, but you will smile as you recall the private conversations we shared while shopping for them. So my gorgeous girl, I wish you the happiest 10th birthday. Remember, you have my love and support forever. I will always be there on the sidelines, cheering your successes, hugging away any tears, guiding you along the way and watching you shine, like I know you will. With all my love, Mummy xx

Erika is a Melbourne-based freelance writer, editor, blogger and communications specialist. She is a mum to three beautiful children and recently made a major decision to leave full time work to spend more time with her family. She shares this personal and parenting journey through her blog Ever-changing Life of a Mum at

Five terrific shows for kids:

FAC & Sean Murphy present

Kids Party Confidential Monday 4 April, 11am | Cube 37 Fresh from the Edinburgh Fringe, Kids Party Confidential challenges children to switch off the box and power up their imaginations. Tickets: All tickets $15; includes 1 hour kids workshop post show CDP Theatre Producers

The 52-Storey Treehouse Tuesday 19 April, 5pm; Wednesday 20 April, 11am & 6pm | Theatre They’re back! Andy and Terry’s Treehouse is now 52 storeys high! Tickets: Member $20, All tickets $25, Family (4) $80 Spare Parts Puppet Theatre

The Little Prince Tuesday 21 June, 11am

& 5pm | Theatre

Take flight with your imagination with this beautiful production adapted from the book by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Tickets: Member $20, All tickets $25, Family (4) $80, Schools $15

The Fairies Wednesday 29 June, 11am | Theatre A brand new adventure with your favourite fairies, Rhapsody and Harmony. Tickets: Premium $50, front 2 rows and preshow Meet & Greet, General tickets $27.50, Under 18mths free on knee Duration: 55 minutes, no interval

A Garry Ginivan Attraction produced in association with Shows for Schools

HIPPO! HIPPO! A BIG New Musical Adventure! Friday 8 July, 2.30pm Saturday 9 July, 10am & 2pm | Theatre Tickets: Member $20, All tickets $25, Family (4) $80

Box Office:

03 9784 1060 or

Scan 4 Family Frankston Arts Centre is a Business Unit of Frankston City Council







MCCLELLAND SCULPTURE PARK AND GALLERY IS A WONDERFUL PLACE TO TAKE CHILDREN WITH INQUISITIVE IMAGINATIONS TO INSPIRE, ENJOY AND CREATE. HERE THEY CAN EXPLORE THE NATURAL BUSHLAND, LOOK FOR NATIVE WILDLIFE, WATCH THE DUCKS ON THE ORNAMENTAL LAKE, TAKE PART IN ART PROGRAMS AND BE AMAZED BY SOME OF THE GIANT SCULPTURES WITHIN THIS 16 HECTARE PARK. BY: LORRAINE AITKEN The gallery first opened in 1971 as the result of a bequest from Nan McClelland in honour of her brother, Harry McClelland, an artist and philanthropist. The sites potential for a sculpture park was envisioned by then secretary Dame Elisabeth Murdoch, a passionate gardener, local resident (Cruden Farm) and philanthropist. As a trustee, board member and major benefactor, Dame Elisabeth played a major role in making the McClelland Gallery and sculpture park what it is today. In honour of the Dame’s tireless contribution over her lifetime the Elisabeth Murdoch Walk was opened in June 2011 to coincide with the gallery’s 40th anniversary. The pathway links the 100 permanent sculptures through the native bushland and landscaped gardens around the McClelland Park. One of the most prominent of the 100 plus permanent sculptures as well as being one of the most popular is “The Tree of Life”, A 10 metre high wind-activated kinetic sculpture which has reference to the eucalypt tree. Most locals will recall seeing the tree located at Cranbourne Frankston Rd as a part of the Peninsula Link sculpture collection before it was relocated in mid-2015 to make way for the ‘Chrome Gnome’. At the time there was an outpouring from the community about losing the tree from the site but I think the sculpture park is the perfect place for the 130,000+ annual visitors to get up close and watch the tree as it moves in the wind. Some of the other amazing sculptures include my favourite Ken Unsworth’s ‘Annulus’ (Latin for little ring). I can best describe it as a 76

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large circle of gravity defying river stones that looks particularly stunning when the sun is shining at the right angle to catch the wires holding the sculpture in place. Others include Geoffrey Ricardo’s life size copper rhinoceros entitled Anno Domino and John Kelly’s Alien. A walk around the entire park is a must to see all of the sculptures big and small. What I really enjoy about taking the children to the sculpture park, besides it being a great place to burn off some energy, is listening to the park’s interpretations of the sculptures as they generally seem to have a much better imagination than I do, and more often than not are closer to the mark when it comes to the artists interpretation. My kid’s favourite’s sculptures by far are the ‘Tarax play sculpture’, an abstract sculpture of white circular forms which reference the bubbles of Tarax soft drink. They love climbing over the ‘bubbles’ and hiding within the cut out ones. Another favourite is racing each other through the large stone Labyrinth to the middle and working their way back to the start. When we last visited there were some temporary sculptures that were created by local McClelland high school students which included the very bright and cheery Weavy Wood project, an area that had been decorated with pieces of sticks covered in wool and hung in trees. There was also a tent made out of branches and a camp kitchen using recycled materials. As well as the temporary sculptures there are also permanent ones that the students have been involved in creating. TThe school holiday programs are always of interest and over the summer school holidays my kids participated in the free N.G.V Kids o on Tour workshop and had a fantastic time drawing vases based on ancient landscapes of the Hermannsburg Potters, creating purple propylene bottle brush and possum sculptures as well as turning sticks into brightly woven creations to add to the Weavy Wood project. The w workshops for the upcoming school holidays are sure to be just as good, so why not take the children along to find their inner artist. If you want to visit the McClelland Sculpture Park and Gallery you will find it located at 390 McClelland Drive, Langwarrin. It’s open from TTues to Sun 10am -5pm. FREE parking is available on-site and entry is by donation. Also on site is the McClelland Gallery Café which o overlooks the lake and has a children’s menu, but I think a picnic within the grounds is always fun with young children. S Some upcoming events at McClelland include World Labyrinth Day, free school holiday activities and reasonably priced kids studio w workshops. For more information on these please visit w and click on the programs and events tab.

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things we











1. Rummikub RRP$34.95 2. Googly Eyes RRP$30.00 3. Smile Cry RRP $19.99 and wherever good books are sold 4. Clarks Elsa RRP $119.95, Cross Hype Infant RRP $89.95 5. Parent Support Cards RRP $15.00 6. Creative Story Stones RRP $25.00 7. Square Animal Puzzles RRP from $30.00 8. Hylamide’s Booster C25 $49.95 Available at Priceline and at 9. Gobbledygook bibs $10.00 each If you would like your products reviewed for the next edition please email 80

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016


McClelland Sculpture Park + Gallery

Cruden Farm

Mulberry Hill McClelland Sculpture Park + Gallery Explore over 100 outdoor sculptures set within 16 hectares of serene bushland, lakes and landscaped gardens.

EVENTS Nature Play Week Friday 8 April 2016 International Sculpture Day Sunday 24 April 2016 390 McClelland Drive, Langwarrin 03 9789 1671

Ballam Park Homestead Cruden Farm

Mulberry Hill

The home of the late Dame Elisabeth Murdoch, Cruden Farm changes with the seasons.

Explore this American Colonial style-home, built in 1926 and the home of Sir Daryl (artist) and Lady Joan (author) Lindsay.



Twilight Jazz Saturday 19 March 2016 4pm – 8pm

Return to Hanging Rock Wednesday to Sunday 11am – 3.30pm until 27 March 2016

Party in the Park Tuesday 5 April 2016 10am – 2pm

385 Golf Links Road, Langwarrin South 03 5971 4138

60 Cranbourne Road, Langwarrin 03 9789 1676

Ballam Park Homestead Explore the collection of farm machinery, Blacksmiths shop and museum, then enjoy afternoon tea in the Tea Rooms.

EVENTS Guided tours through the house and museum available Sundays from 1pm – 4pm 260R Cranbourne Road, Frankston 03 9789 5529 Frankston Visitor Information Centre 7N Pier Promenade, Frankston Open 9am-5pm (7days a week) closed Christmas Day and Good Friday 1300 322 842 Please go to for more information and individual opening days and times.





A Child

or children with additional needs and the ONE WOMAN’S PERSONAL ACCOUNT OF RAISING “It is a fair question for specialist educational facilities provide much needed schools for the A CHILD WITH DOWN SYNDROME. BY: MELISSA WALSH Have you thought about special school?’ is not the question you are expecting when you first visit a local mainstream primary school for your child to attend. However, as Sarah Munn discovered, if you have a child with Trisomy 21, also known as down syndrome, it is a question that you get used to. Sarah, who is an Occupational Therapist and the mother of two beautiful boys, runs Barefoot OT, an occupational therapy service for children based in Rosebud, offering OT across the peninsula. “I have 2 children, Ike who is 6 and started grade one this year - he has down syndrome, and Gus who is 5 and started prep. He is gifted with autism spectrum disorder and ADHD,” says Sarah, who started her OT practice over two years ago when she discovered there were insufficient services available for her children. “At that time all the OT’s had waiting lists. I now employ two other local OTs and we have recently opened a clinic in Rosebud. We are a bit different from other OT practices as we offer a community based service in homes, kinders and schools,” says Sarah. Sarah says it is important to understand that it is your choice as parents if you want your child to attend mainstream schools. 82

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

community. However, it is the choice of the parents if they want to attend mainstream schools and these schools should accept any child in their local area without the family feeling like they aren’t really wanted, so the question ‘have you thought of special school?’ is not really helpful when a family is looking around a local primary school,” she says. “There are usually a team of people who have been asking that question for years already. These children have been involved in services all their life. Of course families have thought about it. T21 is diagnosed in utero or in our case not long after birth –so it would not be possible to get to 5 and not have thought about if a special school might be needed.” For Sarah and many other families, visiting special developmental schools and mainstream schools are part of the course when making the difficult decision.

“Words like inclusion and supportive are used freely, and yet not many educators know how to offer informed choice to families about what we are choosing and why, or how to establish inclusive environments which need to be both experiential and backed up by therapy,” says Sarah. “Many schools will tell us they have therapists at school, they will rarely confirm that your child will receive a significant amount of therapy while at school. Most families still source it privately.” Sarah says that last year Ike started prep at Boneo Primary School which does understand inclusion, therapy and community.

Many schools will tell us they have therapists at school, they will rarely confirm that your child will receive a significant amount of therapy while at school. Most families still source it privately.

“We have felt welcomed, supported and valued. Day one was a very big deal for us, one of the proudest feelings I will have was watching Ike line up in his uniform and glasses, with his heavy bag nearly toppling him backwards – it felt like the end point of years of occupational therapy, speech therapy and physio. Ike had done a school readiness group in preparation for the start of term and had spent his pre-school years in preparation for school. From birth we hoped he would learn to walk, talk and play. And he sure did. We read his social story book about his school every night of the holidays leading up to the start of prep. It was his favourite book. He couldn’t say his teacher’s name very well but would shout it happily around the house,” she says. Funding for children with disabilities can be applied for through the education department, but it is a major issue for mainstream schools, so Sarah suggests, as a parent it is best to go in with your eyes open. “There won’t be enough for what you think you need. However schools can be very creative in making sure the basics are covered (safety and involvement) and some schools also provide individual teaching time and therapy/learning time from an Aide too. Assessments and reports are needed from a psychologist and all your therapists in order for the application to be worthwhile. After you have sweated over your story with all your team and often a new psychologist, you get all the reports to read – it is heartbreaking to hear all the things your child cannot do. They need help with the toilet, the playground, the learning, the communication, the play, the snack – the list is endless. You cry once again for the difficult journey you have to complete. It is not a sad journey, but it is like taking a beautiful walk up a mountain, the experience and scenery and all the people you meet along the way are fantastic. The challenges, steep rocky areas and bad weather are all unimportant when you rest to watch a bird feeding on a flower or see the sun rise on the horizon like a smile on your child’s face. All I can say is, however beautiful, it is uphill, and you often feel like you are dragging a team behind you. Since the start of school I have felt like a team is pulling me up the hill for a change. Ike has new advocates and I can take a rest for a while. Parents should always feel most view ahead is bright.”














WOODLEIGH’S YEAR 7 MATHS AND ENGLISH CLASSROOMS ARE SEEING DOUBLE. Beginning this year, every Year 7 Maths and English classroom at Woodleigh School will be taught by two specialist teachers. That’s double the support, double the extension, double the one-on-one learning time. 4O lND OUT MORE ABOUT THIS and other ways Woodleigh are easing the transition from Primary to Secondary learning, visit our website.

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EXPERIENCE IS A POWERFUL TEACHER. Hands-on, experience-driven learning is central to education at Woodleigh. It begins with play and enquirybased learning programs at Early Childhood level and continues through to VCE. Woodleigh’s renowned Camps, Activities and Co-curricular Programs offer a wealth of learning opportunities and experiences. It is here that passions are ignited and vocations are found. WE’RE SOCIAL!









Round Square is a global association of over seventy SCHOOLS FROM lVE CONTINENTS THAT share a commitment to personal development and responsibility, service, challenge, adventure and international understanding. Woodleigh’s Broadening Horizons Programs offer a wide variety of other service-learning and study tour programs, both international and local, each year.



“WE SPEAK ON BEHALF OF ALL 2015 YEAR 12 STUDENTS WHEN WE THANK OUR WONDERFUL TEACHERS. We teenagers can be an interesting bunch, but you have stuck with us... for more than just this year. Year in and year out you continually show us the importance of education and personal achievement, whether it be large or small. We will never forget our vibrant teachers, their witty banter and enthusiasm for what they teach. So, thank you.” REBECCA SHERRINGTON & RHIANNON VAN VLIET – WOODLEIGH PRIZE WINNERS 2015



transports students to all Woodleigh School Campuses from the Mornington Peninsula, Western Port and Frankston areas.



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MINIMBAH CAMPUS 3YO ECC– Y6 3 Minimbah Court, Frankston South t 03 9788 6488 PENBANK CAMPUS 3YO ECC–Y6 460 Mornington-Tyabb Road, Moorooduc t 03 5978 8425 WOODLEIGH CAMPUS

YEAR 7–12 485 Golf Links Road, Langwarrin South t 03 5971 6100





PRIMARY Your child will usually go to the primary school closest to where your family lives, if they are attending a government school. You can choose to send your child to a different government primary school if they have places available, or to a Catholic or independent school. To make your child’s transition from kindergarten to primary school a happy and positive experience, it is important to consider which school will best benefit your child’s learning and development. Keep in mind that some primary schools need to restrict their enrolments – and the number of students they can take – to a particular area or zone around the school. THINGS TO CONSIDER: •When choosing a primary school for your child, you will need to think about your family circumstances and needs. For example: •How far do you want to travel and is the school reasonably close to home and/or work? •What facilities do they offer and are you comfortable with the ‘feel’ of the school? •Will the teachers and the school curriculum support all aspects of your child’s development, including social, emotional, physical and cognitive needs? •Does the school’s policy on homework and discipline reflect your own values and expectations? •Does the school work in partnership with families? For more information about a particular school, the Victorian Government School Performance Summary gives a clear overview of how Victorian government schools are performing. The Performance Summary is now included in every schools’ annual report, which are available on the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) website. Search for an education provider on the State Register at StateRegister

SECONDARY THINGS TO CONSIDER: •Your child’s interests and needs •Will the school cater for your child’s interests and all aspects of their development, including social, emotional, physical and cognitive needs? •How does the school support children with additional needs? •How important is it to you that your child knows other children at the school? YOUR FAMILY CIRCUMSTANCES: •Does your family have a connection to a particular school? •Do you have older children already attending a secondary school? If so, will your child benefit from going to the same school as their brother or sister? •How far do you want your child to travel each day? •Are any schools that are close to home and/or your work suitable for your child? 90

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

•What extra-curricular activities does the school offer? •Does the school offer scholarships? •School philosophy and organisation •Does the school have both primary and secondary students (is it a P-12 school)? •How many campuses does the school have? Do students move between campuses? •Do you agree with, or at least like, the way the school approaches teaching? •Does the school’s policy on homework and discipline reflect your own values and expectations? •How does the school deal with bullying? Finding out about a school will give you a better understanding of how comfortable your child might be there. You can start by visiting a school’s website or attending a parent information session or open day. Principals or other school staff can also provide tours, classroom visits and information about their school. Most schools welcome enquiries and will organise a time for you and your child to visit. CONSIDER ASKING THESE QUESTIONS: •What are the fees? Are there any other costs I’ll be asked to pay over and above the fees? •What educational programs are offered? •What are the teacher’s/school’s values and philosophies around educating students? •How does the school support children with special needs? TO FIND SCHOOLS WITHIN YOUR AREA: – lists all the schools in your area and their contact details, including the school’s website address.– provides searchable profiles of almost 10,000 Australian schools. You can quickly locate statistical and contextual information about schools. OTHER RESOURCES YOU COULD TRY INCLUDE:– allows you to access a school’s annual report, which includes a performance summary that gives a clear overview of how the school is performing. – provides achievement data for all Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) providers, including schools. – includes details of around 3000 private schools and independent schools throughout Australia. For more information on schooling in Victoria go to au/school/parents

The world renowned teaching methods of Maria Montessori – Montessori Cycle 1 Fostering creative play and gross motor skills

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ornish College is located on 100 acres of natural parkland in Bangholme, Melbourne. The College has 615 ELC to Year 12 students, with over half of all students travelling to school by bus to the College from many Bayside and Mornington Peninsula regions.

New Principal Ms Vicki Steer joined the Cornish College community at the start of 2016 and it is the third Uniting Church School in which Ms Steer has worked in a senior role. For the past 11 years Ms Steer was Principal of the Ravenswood School for Girls, on the North Shore of Sydney, New South Wales. “I am delighted to be joining the Cornish College community. The College’s commitment to education for a sustainable future, its holistic and innovative approach to student development is strongly aligned with my educational philosophy. Our students are learning about how they can make a difference today and as adults. Our vision of sustainable living is all encompassing and includes the personal, socio-cultural, urban/ technological and environmental dimensions.


oorak College has a long and proud history; and is the top school on the Mornington Peninsula with leading NAPLAN and VCE results. For the fourth consecutive year we celebrate the strongest results on the Peninsula, with 40% of students achieving ATAR’s of 90 or above, placing them in the top 10% of Australia.

Toorak College does not just measure itself through academic success, we pride ourselves on the emphasis we place on developing the whole person.

KRISTY KENDALL PRINCIPAL Toorak College Old Mornington Rd, Mount Eliza VIC 3930 Phone: 03 9788 7200 Web: 92

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

“This is a vibrant school community, with a commitment to excellence in teaching and learning. We recognise the importance of academic rigour, creativity and developing strong foundation skills for learning”, said Ms Steer. The Early Learning Centre (ELC) is internationally recognised as a centre of excellence for children from 3 to 5 years of age. Cornish College’s ELC was assessed in October 2014 and received a top rating of Exceeding in all seven Quality Areas of the National Quality Standard and the National Regulations. The ELC fosters a learning environment that provides a foundation for young children to become responsible citizens of the world. A range of learning experiences are offered that foster self-esteem, resilience, reflection, imagination, curiosity and the motivation to become a lifelong learner. The Cornish College Prep to Year 6 program provides an excellent educational program for students in a friendly, caring environment. The College is an International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) school. The PYP has a focus on international mindedness and the development of the child as a global learner.

Cornish College also offers a wide range of VCE subjects according to individual pathways. In 2015, 12.5% of Cornish College’s VCE students were in the top 5% of the state with an ATAR of 95 or above.

We instill in our students a sense of confidence, we give them the belief that they can try anything and that making mistakes is how they grow and improve. We also make sure they are at the centre of their own learning so they know what they are good at and what they need to improve. In the early years we value exploration, inquiry, curiosity and social development. Our Early Learning Centre exceeds the national standard with a rich play-based learning framework governed by Reggio Emilia philosophies and principles. Acclaimed for its International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (PYP) our Junior School,

Wardle House develops creative, competent and independent thinkers. Small class sizes, personalised learning programs and extensive co-curricular offerings allow our students to find their own pathway to be brilliant. We inspire all of our students to dream big and aim high; we have quality teachers and programs, and resources to support our students’ passions wherever they may lie.

For more information, please visit

VICKI STEER PRINCIPAL Cornish College 65 Riverend Road, Bangholme, VIC 3194 Phone: 03 9781 9000 Fax: 03 9773 1726 Web: Email:

For more details call enrolments on 9788 7234 or visit:



t John Paul College our mission statement is: With Him is the fullness of life. This statement is lived out in our College. Life at John Paul College is challenging and full of opportunity. Students can be involved in a whole array of sports as well as taking part in debating, public speaking, community service, social justice, theatre sports, chess club and performing arts activities. We encourage students to take advantage of youth ministry and leadership opportunities. Our diverse curriculum is personalised to suit individual needs

and ensures that students are challenged to meet their full potential. For senior students we offer programs in Victorian Certificate of Education, Vocational Education and Training and Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning. The College grounds are large and beautifully landscaped, providing plenty of space for students to relax, learn and play. We have state of the art facilities; the college boasting beautifully appointed science laboratories, an exceptionally well resourced library and a newly built centre for visual and performing

arts. The school provides every chance for students to excel; VCE students received the coveted perfect 50 in three different subjects in recent years. Tours of the college are held at are at 9.15am on the last Monday of each month.

For more information please contact our Registrar, Lisa Meddings on 9784 0200.

JANE TIBB PRINCIPAL John Paul College 161 McMahons Rd, Frankston VIC 3199 Phone: 03 9784 0200 Fax: 03 9781 5810 Web: Email:


adua College is delighted to welcome academic, spiritual, physical, emotional and social talents of students. Mr Anthony Banks, who brings a “We aim to develop individuals who love wealth of teaching experience to the learning for learning’s sake, with a sense of college in his role as Principal.

Anthony joins Padua College at an exciting time as it undertakes a Facilities Masterplan to allow for the growth in student numbers that are expected. As part of this process, the College is preparing the best educational model to ensure the academic success of its students over the coming years. In addition to ensuring that academic rigor is at the forefront of learning and teaching, Mr Banks values the Catholic ethos of developing the ‘whole person’, nurturing the

social justice, who are resilient and positive, and have a sense of faith, hope and love for their future,” he explains. Mr Banks will build upon the strategies that have been put in place at Padua College over the past few years. “I feel incredibly privileged to be at Padua College at this exciting time in our development and welcome families to come along on a guided school tour to one of our three wonderful campuses in Mornington,

Rosebud and Tyabb.” School tour bookings can be made online via the Enrolments section of the College website: Visit Limited places for Year 7 2017 have become available at the Rosebud Campus. Enrolments for Year 7 2018 at Padua College open 15 March 2016 and close Friday 13 May 2016.

For all enrolment enquiries, please contact the Registrar Tel: 5976 0100 or email:

ANTHONY BANKS PRINCIPAL Padua College Mornington | Rosebud | Tyabb Phone: 5976 0100 Email: Web:



habit ‘MUM, WHATCHA DOIN?’ ‘MUM, WHATCHA DOIN?’ ‘MUM, WHATCHA DOIN?’ BY: LIA SPENCER If you have children, look after children, or have ever been around a child, then you are probably familiar with this situation. While you may feel like pulling your hair out in frustration at having to answer the same question over and over again, there are ways to deal with this and other potentially annoying habits most children go through at some point in their young lives. Lia Spencer asked Cathie Arndt, a co-ordinator of Maternal and Child Health to discuss why some children do the things they do, and how parents can cope.

Toddler habit #1: THUMBSUCKING Ms Arndt said that thumbsucking was very common and can stem from behaviour within the womb. “It is often used by the child when they are tired or upset as it makes them feel comfortable and helps them to self soothe,” Ms Arndt said.

comfortable in their skin and don’t have any preconceived ideas of what they should or shouldn’t be wearing, they run around generating so much heat that they don’t feel cold (which can be dangerous if they are outside in a cold environment for a long time), they want to make their own choices, and because they can get themselves naked, so why not!? Ms Arndt said this behaviour could be curbed by allowing your child to pick out their clothes or dress themselves - however odd they may end up looking. She also said to let them get naked at times, but make sure they know when and where it is acceptable and when and where it is not.

Toddler habit #3: REPETITION “I think this is one of the most difficult areas for all parents and adults involved with children,” Ms Arndt said. “When they watch the same video over and over and over and over again, or they ask the same question 79 times a day, they are not doing this to bug you, they are doing it as repetition is the mother of learning. By doing things over and over again, a child is embedding this information and each time they do a task it becomes easier.”

“Generally as children become more comfortable and confident with the world around them, they will stop experiencing the need to thumb sucking and unless they are doing it constantly then the best thing to do is let them outgrow the habit,” Ms Arndt said.

To make sure you don’t go a bit nutty, Ms Arndt suggests alternating between several activities or books that they enjoy that have repetitive theme to assist in the embedding process.

“Encourage them to only do it at home or in certain situations or try putting a glove on their hand to stop them from doing it.”

Ms Arndt said that any parents concerned about your child’s repetition with regard to speech or behaviour should discuss their concerns with a Maternal and Child Health Nurse.

“Also try asking them questions in regards the repetitive nature of the activity or the book as this will give you a bit of a breather from the Ms Arndt said that sometimes children were not even aware when they were sucking their thumb, so it was up to the parent to notify them of their repetition and might get them onto another activity,” she said. “A good thing to remember is that when children repeat they are also behaviour and remind them to stop. embedding all the good and positive behaviours and values that you “As they get older you can reason with them, explain to them why they are teaching them.” might be doing it and see if they can do something else,” she said.

Toddler habit #2: GETTING NAKED “I often used to say to my clients if I looked that cute naked, I would be naked a lot more often than I dare to be nowdays!” Ms Arndt joked. Some of the reasons children get naked is because they are 94 Peninsula Kids K – Autumn 2016

Toddler habit #4: YELLING MINE OR NO! “Children are very egocentric up until they are about four or five. They find it difficult to see something from another’s point of view, they see something they want it,” Ms Arndt said.

“I remember when I first started studying in MCH, one of my teachers described this beautifully to me. Imagine you have just arrived home after a hard day at work having picked up your brand new BMW from the car dealer. Your next door neighbour arrives on your doorstep and says ‘give me the keys I want to take your car for a drive’, I know my reaction would be ‘no, mine’, or something similar. “Don’t expect too much from a child. Demonstrate how you share, when you are giving them something from your plate, from your drink bottle, something they want, and say ‘now we are sharing, isn’t it good to share, you can have some too’.” “Don’t make a fuss, suggest other activities, offer a different toy, or give a time limit. Example: ‘You push the car around the couch two more times, then it is Joshies turn.’ You can also use confirming language. If they say MINE, you can reinforce that ‘yes it is yours, we won’t give it to someone else to have, we are sharing for a little while’.”

Toddler habit #5: PICKING THEIR NOSE This, arguably, is the grossest common habit of them all. “My two-year-old nephew delights in doing this as unfortunately his Aunty went eeewwwweee yuck when he first did it and now he thinks it is fun - we all make mistakes,” Ms Arndt said. “As well as identifying the attention they get, they also have discovered a hole and that their finger fits in it, they love putting things in and out of containers/holes etc.” So what can be done to stop it? Not much, apparently ... it can be rather difficult to deter a treasure-hunting toddler searching for nosegold. But Ms Arndt said that paying little attention to the behaviour or the use of distraction works well. Also, make sure your child is not unwell or has an itch. “Sometimes it is the sensory nature of the picking that gets them in - so try something else like putting a square of material in their pocket that they can touch or give them a fluffy toy. Generally it is a behaviour that stops once they are focused on other things, however there is not a lot that can be done with this one.”

Toddler habit #5: DRIBBLING Excessive drooling can be normal in the first six to 18 months of a child’s life, but other reasons could be excessive production of saliva, inefficient swallowing, teething, cold and allergies or putting their fingers or toys in their mouth. “If it is intermittent and seems to occur in association with either teething or a cold then lots of bibs are a great idea,” Ms Arndt said. “If your child is constantly putting his fingers in his mouth then distraction works well. If you are concerned about any of the other causes, then I would suggest a review with either you GP or a Speech Therapist to assess the causes and provide treatment.”

Toddler habit #6: STANDING ON PARENTS FEET/ PULLING CLOTHES/HAND DOWN MOTHER’S SHIRT “I noticed this one a while ago with my nephew and it wasn’t just his mother’s shirt either - it was mine too! Some of this activity is related to the child feeling uncomfortable or insecure and they are seeking some comfort - something familiar that will support them,” she said. “Children have no idea what personal space is and see no reason why you need any. At times it can be because they are seeking your attention and they have worked out the best method to get your attention - it is usually something that you respond to quickly.” Ms Arndt suggested to encourage the child to get your attention another way. “If they pull your clothes - remove them from their hands and say ‘did you want my attention, how about next time you say mummy or excuse me?’ If they are standing on your feet let them know that this is dangerous because you might trip over them and suggest another way of going about it. In regards to the hand down the top, unfortunately winter is the best way to stop this as you can wear neck high tops that are not possible to invade and children need to find another way of getting attention.” *Ms Arndt stressed that it was important for parents and care-givers to remember that all children are different and their behaviour will often depend upon what they have seen or are seeing and the responses that they have had to their behaviours up until now.







oday we know more about the brain and how it works, with OTHER HELPFUL TIPS TO ENCOURAGE YOUR recent brain research revealing that the early years of life CHILD’S LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT: are critical to a child’s development. Research conducted by Dr Casasola from Cornell University provides a window into how •Use words to describe your actions: “Mummy is putting the milk in the refrigerator.” babies learn and develop language skills during the first 2 years of life; her findings demonstrate that infants are learning about •Use words to describe your child’s actions: “You are putting their language well before they speak their first words. the blue car next to the red car.”

Reading is an activity that parents should encourage before their •Talk to your baby often. Frequent communication with baby’s first birthday. When you read to children, they’re getting your infants and toddlers is directly related to the full attention, and that’s what they love. Reading to babies is also amount of words babies learn. a great way to immerse them in the sounds and rhythms of speech, •Act out songs (e.g., “If you’re happy and you know it clap which is crucial for language development. In a recent report, 18 to your hands”). Babies will learn to share in the songs’ 25 month olds whose parents said they had been reading to them regularly for a year, could say and understand more words than those movements with you (and may help them learn new words). whose parents hadn’t. Studies show that early exposure to books makes a long term difference. It gives your child a great start, boosting their language skills, developing a love of books and making them Mandy has been the Head of Wardle House, the Junior School at Toorak College, more eager to learn how to read. since 2013. Prior to that she was the Deputy and Curriculum leader. Mandy has over 30 years’ experience in various Primary schools, with particular expertise in the early years of schooling.

Between us we have 23 years of teaching experience, 53 years experience in the book trade, 13 children and 3 grandchildren - that’s a lot of wisdom and knowledge!

• Early Years • Home Schooling • Teachers Resources • Booklists (Primary & Secondary) • VCE Resources • Educational Games • Gift Ideas • 103 HIGH ST, HASTINGS | | Phone: 5979 8233 96

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016



other of two, Ashley McLean, knows firsthand about the emotional roller coaster ride of learning that your child has Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Almost overnight, the Frankston mum’s world was turned upside down as she was faced with a huge lifestyle change of hopping from one therapist appointment to the next and ultimately trying to understand what this diagnosis meant for her and her family. Ashley’s little boy, Caleb, was a happy baby although he was in and out of hospital in his first few months with UTIs due to kidney problems. This slow start did not hold Caleb back and by the time he was 11-months-old he had begun walking and talking (albeit baby first words). “Caleb was kicking goals. Not that you want to compare milestones with other children but he seemed to be progressing so much faster than my daughter did at this age. However, when Caleb was about 18-months-old, I noticed that he started doing some odd things,” shared Ashley. “All of a sudden Caleb’s eye contact became non-existent, personal space became a big thing for him, he would crawl under his bed to eat his cardboard books, he refused food he was only eating a week prior, he began to pace (walk up and down the hallway or in the lounge) and began to flap and make noises,” Ashley adds. After a year of appointments with his paediatrician and child psychiatrist, Caleb, then aged three-years-old, was officially diagnosed with ASD and another form of a learning delay. Ashley admits: “Caleb’s diagnosis has taken its toll on me mentally and physically but I push that aside. I am currently unable to work as Caleb needs all my focus. I have come to the realisation that he will be living with me for a long time as I’m unsure if he would be able to live an independent life so


I determined to do what I can for him.” Caleb attended three and four-year old kinder programs at an establishment that was affiliated with Caleb’s current school, Frankston Special Developmental School. Here, Caleb began to progress to where his communication improved and interactions with others improved as well. “I wanted more for Caleb, more social interaction, someone to be with him when he was at home and when he went to his dad’s. This is when we got Memphis, Memphis is a Great Dane X Mastiff and is Caleb’s BFF. This as the best thing we have ever done,” smiles Ashley.

Minti Pocket Hood Panda Face $64.95 treehouse republic

Love Luck & Wonder Reading Eggs-Starting Out-Pack 1 Readers $19.95 petersen’s book store

Caleb is a now six-years-old (nearly seven!) and has completed his first year at Prep. “While I wouldn’t change anything, namely Caleb, for the world, I hope that more can be done about educating the wider community about ASD. It’s hard enough to leave the house and do daily things but to then be judged but some ignorant stranger, to be called a bad or useless parent. At the end of the day some choose to be ignorant and some just simply don’t know,” says Ashley. Ashley is one of thousands of Melbourne parents who will be attending the inaugural Melbourne Autism Expo 2016 (MAE 2016). This is a unique event for anyone who is touched by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and aims to celebrate difference. The Melbourne Autism Expo provides an opportunity for children, families and adults to access useful, practical information, products and services related to ASD. Proceeds from the MAE are being donated to community organisations supporting ADD including Irabina Autism Services and Yellow Lady Bugs. Saturday 30th April 2016 10am-5pm Karralyka Centre, Ringwood (VIC)

Sudo Purrfect L/S Tee from $44.95 treehouse republic

Jellycat Bunny Starting from 24.95 Enchanted Child

Minti Lion Heart L/S Tee $44.95 treehouse republic


1.2.3. 1.2. 3.

r ea d 2 me! ENDLESS HOURS OF MY LIFE HAVE BEEN SPENT READING  AND REREADING  PICTURE BOOKS TO MY CHILDREN. ESPECIALLY WHEN I SAT BREASTFEEDING, THE OLDER ONES WOULD HAUL A PILE FROM THE SHELF OVER BESIDE ME AND DEMAND STORIES. BY: YVETTE O’DOWD But children grow up and shelf space becomes tight. A few years back, I consigned what remained of our picture book collection into storage. When my granddaughter was on the way, I looked forward to a new generation of story-telling, so I got all the books out again and gathered my adult children to go through them. I thought they might like to take out their favourites and keep them in their own homes, with the remainder returning to the family shelves to share with the new generation. And maybe we could cull it down to just the most important? Well, it turns out, while each had a couple of personal favourites they wanted to keep, they agreed that most were shared favourites that could go back home with me!! So I guess I am not the only one with those fond memories and we have proven that shared stories are one of life’s treasures. Now my granddaughter is turning three and our collection has grown and grown. She loves to snuggle up with a pile of picture books and hear the stories over and over. The library and book shops are regular places to visit and books are gifted throughout the year, not just at Christmas and birthdays. She, like her mother, aunt and uncle, is growing up immersed in books. Renowned Australian children’s author Mem Fox tells us to read aloud at least three stories a day. Children need to hear a thousand stories before they can begin to learn to read. Or the same story a thousand times! Just ten minutes a day, from birth, of being read to will build a foundation for literacy. 98

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

Sadly, this is not the case for many children. Alarmingly, some children live in homes without books and this deficit shows when they start school. 123Read2Me is an initiative started by Melinda Shelley 4 years ago when she realised that there are too many children coming to school who have never opened a book. “For families who are struggling to put food on the table books are a luxury.” These children are starting schools so far behind that most never catch up. There is evidence that clearly shows for children to succeed in school they need at least 1000 words unfortunately children who are not read to only start school with about 500 words. Years ago Melinda read a book, ‘Babies Need Books: Sharing the Joy of Books with Children from Birth to Six ‘ by Dorothy Butler, which advocated that parents pick up a picture book and read to their child every day to stimulate the development of all the child’s brain connections. When Melinda had her own son, she remembered that book and decided to expose him to a “wonderful” range of children’s books mostly sourced from a variety of Opportunity Shops. It wasn’t long before Melinda had way more books than she needed – it was then she decided to established ‘123Read2Me’ – a free children’s book program. So far she has distributed over 10,000 free children’s books to kids who don’t have any, placing boxes of free books in a number of maternal and child centres, Koorie playgroups, takeaway shops, the Hippy Program in Frankston, homeless shelters, as well as Frankston Hospital. “It is now an official Lions Club Project and we are about to do a research project with Monash University. They want to get their students reading aloud to children starting in Frankston North.” According to the Dropping Off The Edge Report, Frankston North is the 4th most disadvantaged community in Victoria. There are now picture book collection points around Frankston, the Mornington Peninsula and Melbourne’s south-eastern suburbs. To find the one near you, contact Melinda Shelley 0431 608 144 or contact her via Facebook


Jodie BLIGHT We’re all busy and want quick, healthy and delicious meals but some mes just don’t have the me. Summer TABLE will inspire you to put variety and zest back into your meal mes and with a free APP to create a shopping list on your phone, dinner will be ready in no me! And – you learn how to use le overs in innova ve new ways. A er years working as a company director in the finance industry, star ng a family and moving half way around the world, Jodie Blight discovered her passion – crea ng healthy, easy and delicious family meals. “A fist pump from the kids is as good as a Michelin star in my books.” To find out more about this revolutionary cookbook, please visit or find us on Facebook at

Everyone loves a lemon tart, and this one is easy and so very yummy!

Lemon Tart Prep time 15 minutes Cook time 30 minutes Total time 45 minutes Serves 10 Ingredients

250 g sweet biscuits, e.g. Marie 125 g bu er, melted 1 cup caster sugar 4 eggs 他 cup lemon juice 1 cup cream icing sugar strawberries Preheat oven to 150C.


1 To make the base, place biscuits in the food processor and blend un l very fine crumbs form. With the motor s ll running, pour in melted bu er and mix to combine. Line the base of a 22 cm spring form cake n (with a removable base) with greaseproof paper, then press biscuits into base and 3 cm up the side of the n. Use a straight-sided glass or back of a spoon to help press biscuit crumbs into the pan, keeping thickness consistent. Place in fridge while you prepare the filling. 2 Place sugar and eggs in a bowl and beat un l light lemon colour (2 minutes), then add lemon juice and beat again. Finally add cream and s r through lemon mix to combine. Remove any bubbles that have formed on the top with a dessert spoon. 3 Take crust from fridge and carefully pour filling into the base. Bake in the oven on the bo om shelf for 30-35 minutes or un l firm on the edges and wobbly in the middle. Allow to cool and then refrigerate for at least 6 hours. Dust the top with icing sugar and serve with strawberries.

Kids and adults alike love these tender steak sandwiches. They are so quick to make. And it wouldn’t be a steak sandwich without caramelised onions and beetroot!

Steak Sandwich with Caramelised Onion Prep time 5 minutes Cook time 8 minutes Total time 15 minutes Serves 4 Ingredients

4 beef minute steaks 4 tablespoons oyster sauce 4 Turkish bread rolls 1 tablespoon mustard (op onal) 225 g sliced beetroot, drained 2 tomatoes, sliced 4 handfuls le uce or rocket leaves Caramelised Onions 2 tablespoons olive oil 3 red onions, sliced 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar salt and pepper 2–3 thyme sprigs


1 To make caramelised onions, heat oil in a saucepan over medium heat then add onions. 2 Cook for 8 minutes s rring occasionally. They should not brown but just so en. Then add vinegar, salt and pepper. 3 Remove from heat and s r in thyme leaves. If the steaks are too thick, put them between two sheets of plas c wrap and pound with the flat side of a meat mallet un l they are about 5 mm thick. Marinate steaks in a bowl with oyster sauce while the barbecue heats. 4 When hotplate is very hot, cook the steaks for 1 minute each side. 5 Remove, cover and allow to rest while you cut the bread rolls in half and toast on the hotplate un l golden. 6 Spread inside of each roll with mustard and add steak, caramelised onions, beetroot, tomatoes and le uce or rocket.




Light and easy autumn fare - the subtle Greek flavours of the chicken blend perfectly with the striking colour and flavour of the fresh Mediterranean summer vegetables. You can choose to use a frying pan or cook it in the oven, but you can’t beat the s cky charred crust you get from the barbecue.

Greek Chicken Prep time 10 minutes Cook time 10 minutes Total time 15 minutes Serves 4 Ingredients

800 g boneless chicken thighs Marinade ½ tablespoon smoked paprika 8 tablespoons Greek yoghurt 4 garlic cloves, crushed, 1 lemon, zested and juiced 3 tablespoons mint sauce 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons honey salt and pepper Salad 1 red capsicum, chopped into 2 cm pieces ½ red onion, finely sliced 1 Lebanese cucumber, cut into 1 cm pieces 100 g Kalamata olives, halved 250 g cherry tomatoes, halved 100 g feta, crumbled Dressing 2 tablespoons red wine Vinegar 6 tablespoons olive oil 1 tablespoon honey


1 Combine all marinade ingredients in a bowl or plas c ziplock bag. Retain 4 tablespoons for serving. Add the chicken, tossing to coat thoroughly. If you have me, allow chicken to marinate for 2 hours or more. 2 Remove chicken from bag and discard marinade. On a hot barbecue or frying pan, cook 102

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

chicken for 5 minutes each side, or un l cooked through. 3 Allow to rest for 5 minutes. 4 Toss all salad ingredients in a bowl. To make dressing shake ingredients in a jar, pour over salad and toss together. 5 Serve salad with chicken and retained yoghurt sauce.


Moist and full of flavour, this roast prac cally cooks itself. It’s so easy you will feel guilty accep ng the compliments. But take them anyway! Don’t be put off by the me it takes to cook. Your part is a measly 10 minutes, then let the oven do the rest. I have suggested you cook two shoulders so you will have enough le over for at least one more meal during the week. Feel free to make it three if you like. There is no need to change any of the other ingredient quan es.

Slow Roast Lamb Prep time 10 minutes Cook time 5 hours Total time 5½ hours Serves 8 (4 + more) Ingredients

2 tablespoons olive oil 2 lamb shoulders on the bone or 1 leg of lamb 8 garlic cloves, chopped roughly 4 rosemary sprigs 8 thyme sprigs 1 cup red wine 2 cups beef stock salt and pepper 2 tablespoons cornflour (op onal)



1 Preheat oven to 125C. Heat heavy based pot (e.g. Le Creuset) on high heat, add oil and sear lamb for 2 minutes on each side. 2 Add garlic, rosemary, and thyme, and cook for a further 30 seconds, then add red wine and allow to bubble for 2 minutes. Finally add stock and once it comes to the boil, place lid on pot and put in oven for 5 hours. 3 When cooked, remove lamb from pot, cover and rest while you make the sauce. Strain juices into a jug and then return juices to the pot. Discard garlic, rosemary and thyme. Remove fat and bring juices to the boil, cooking rapidly un l reduced by about a quarter or half. If sauce needs more thickening, take 2–3 tablespoons of the sauce liquid and mix with cornflour in a separate jug. Return to pot and s r con nuously over medium heat un l it thickens slightly. 4 Pull apart the lamb with a fork and serve with sauce and roast cherry tomatoes, roast pumpkin and steamed green beans.


Warm Beef and Plum SALAD Prep time 10 minutes Cook time 0 minutes Total time 10 minutes Serves 4 Ingredients

4 handfuls rocket leaves 3 blood plums, thinly sliced ½ red onion, finely sliced 400 g roast beef, thinly sliced 50 g goat’s or blue cheese, crumbled Dressing 100 g plum paste 2 tablespoons water 1 tablespoon white condiment white balsamic vinegar) 8 tablespoons olive oil salt and pepper


1 In a salad bowl or on individual plates, arrange rocket leaves, blood plums and red onion. Sca er beef across the salad. 2 To make dressing, put the plum paste in a heatproof jug or mug with water and microwave for 50 seconds or un l melted. Then add vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper. S r to combine. Taste and adjust to your liking. Pour over salad and toss together. 3 Sprinkle with cheese.

The warm dressing is the star of this show, and you will love the combina on of robust flavours. As blood plums are s ll available through un l May, this is the perfect salad for when the weather is turning slightly cooler. If you don’t have le over roast beef, you can s ll enjoy this salad with a steak cooked to perfec on on the barbecue or using rare roast beef from the deli.



Salmon is a great fish to barbecue, as it stays together when you flip it, and is so quick and easy to prepare because its tasty richness doesn’t need to be complicated by too many addi onal flavours. The crispy skin is a favourite with everyone in our house.

Barbecue Salmon with Orange &Fennel SALAD Prep time 10 minutes Cook time 4–6 minutes Total time 15 minutes Serves 4 Ingredients

4 salmon fillets, skin on zest 1 lemon 1 tablespoon baby capers, chopped (op onal) 1 fennel bulb, finely sliced (keep the leafy fronds) 2 tablespoons olive oil salt and pepper 4 handfuls mixed le uce leaves 2 oranges, peeled and sliced ½ red onion, finely sliced 1 handful coriander, chopped Dressing 3 tablespoons orange juice 6 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons white condiment (white balsamic vinegar) 1 tablespoon wholegrain mustard


1 On a chopping board, combine lemon zest, capers and leafy fennel fronds and chop together. 2 Rinse and pat the salmon dry. On the top side of each salmon fillet, cut three or four shallow slits in the flesh. Place fillets on a plate, oil and generously cover with lemon zest mixture, trying to get it into the slits so as to keep the flavour from falling off during cooking. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. 3 On a medium–high barbecue, cook for 2–3 minutes each side. Start with the skin side down and when you turn it over remove the skin and place skin on the hotplate to con nue cooking un l crisp. If the fillets have a thick and a thin end, you may want to cut them in half, as the thin piece will need much less me to cook. 4 Remove from barbecue and arrange on a plate. Combine le uce, orange, sliced fennel and onion in a large salad bowl. 5 To make dressing, shake ingredients in a jar un l combined. Taste and adjust to your liking. Pour over salad and toss together. 6 Sprinkle with coriander leaves and serve with salmon.



occupational therapy mobile service We are a dedicated team of experienced Occupational Therapists delivering mobile therapy to your home and schools. We achieve great results as we work in familiar surroundings for the child and families are engaged in the journey. We are committed to providing ongoing support to families so your child can reach their maximum potential. That’s the Inspiring Possibilities way.

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Call us for an informal chat and free information package.

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Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016


STAYING MOTIVATED FOR A HEALTHY YOU! *Be Grateful. Each morning wake up and

before you put your feet on the ground, be grateful for the day ahead, be grateful for your life, be grateful for your family. *Go to bed 20 mins earlier and wake up 20 mins earlier. When you wake up, set yourself some exercise tasks for the day ahead. It could be 100 star jumps, or 100 squats or 100 mountain climbers.

*Prepare your meals. “Fail to prepare,

prepare to fail.” If you fail to prepare your meals, be prepared to fail your diet for the next day. *Don’t emphasise on food too much. Embrace clean eating.. practice what you

preach to your kids. *Cut back your daily treats. If you usually have four square of chocolate after dinner each night, cut it back to 2… *Drink plenty of water. At least two to three litres every day. Water is an amazing thing. It’s a natural appetite suppressant and flushes bad toxins away.

*Your mind controls your body. Whatever

goes in your mouth, is controlled by your mind.. have a strong clear mind and stay focused at the goal ahead.

BIALA IS HERE TO HELP IT’S HARD ENOUGH RAISING CHILDREN AND WE ALL WANT TO DO THE BEST POSSIBLE JOB FOR OUR KIDS BUT WHEN YOU ADD SPECIAL NEEDS INTO THE MIX, THE JOB BECOMES MORE CHALLENGING. BY: MELISSA WALSH That’s where places like Biala Peninsula can help. Biala is an early intervention centre for children from birth to school entry with additional needs, delays and disabilities and their families. Biala Peninsula CEO Marlene Fox explains that the service aims to give these children and their families the opportunity and support to join in a range of family and community activities. “Family involvement is an essential part of the service for support, information, education and training, and families are encouraged to become a part of the community,” says Marlene. Biala Peninsula provides early childhood intervention services, helping children with autism services, better start for children services, professional development and training, an inclusive three year old kinder program, and MyTime for parents of children up to 16 years with a disability or medical need. “We also have Premmies on the Peninsula (POP) for parents and premmies, a Holiday Stay and Play Program, Holiday Music Session, and Sibsclub - for siblings 5-12years of Biala children,” says Marlene. “As a not for profit organisation we strive to offer high quality timely and responsive services, and make it easier for families to access the services they need.

Biala Peninsula is at Elizabeth Street, Mornington. Phone 5975 1820.



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Peninsula Orthodontics



20 16 IMMUNISATION PROGRAM MAR 1st APR 5th MAY 3rd *NEW TIME SEAFORD MCH CENTRE 41 Railway Pde, Seaford Tuesday 9.30 – 11.30am *NEW TIME MAHOGANY RISE EARLY LEARNING CENTRE 2/25 Jenkens St, Frankston Nth Tuesday 1pm – 2pm MAR 2nd APR 6th MAY 4th HASTINGS COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRE 185 High St, Hastings Wednesday 9.30am to 11.15am LYREBIRD COMMUNITY CENTRE 203-205 Lyrebird Dr, Carrum Downs Wednesday 9.30 –11.30am JOY ST MCH CENTRE 1 5 Joy St, Frankston Wednesday 1–2pm MAR 4th MAY 6th BENTONS SQUARE COMMUNITY CENTRE 145 Bentons Rd Mornington Friday 9.30am to 11.15am LANGWARRIN COUNCIL SHOP Southgateway, Langwarrin (Shop 6 Gateway) Monday 9.30–10.30am

LAKEWOOD CHILD & FAMILY CENTRE 107-109 Raphael Cres, Frankston Monday 12–1pm MAR 8th APR 12th MAY 10th KARINGAL PLACE NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE Ashleigh Av, Frankston Tuesady 9.30–11.30am MAR 9th APR 13th MAY 11th RYE SENIOR CITIZENS HALL 12 Napier St, Rye Wednesday 9.30am to 11.15am

HEALTH CENTRE 185 High St, Hastings Friday 9.30am to 11.15am MAR 16th APR 20th MAY 18th MORNINGTON SHIRE OFFICE 2 Queen St, Mornington Wednesday 9.30am to 11.15am LYREBIRD COMMUNITY CENTRE 203-205 Lyrebird Dr, Carrum Downs, Wednesday 9.30–11.30am

MAR 10th APR 14th MAY 12th BANYAN FIELDS CHILD & FAMILY CENTRE 90A Cadles Rd, Carrum Downs Thursday 9.30–11.30am FRANKSTON NORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE 26 Mahogany Ave, Frankston Nth Thursday 1–2pm MAR 11th MAY 13th

MAR 18th APR 15th MAY 20th BENTONS SQUARE COMMUNITY CENTRE 145 Bentons Rd Mornington Friday 9.30am to 11.15am MAR 21st APR 18th MAY 16th FRANKSTON MECHANICS INSTITUTE HALL 1N Plowman Pl, Frankston Monday 5.30–6.30pm MAY 22nd APR 26th MAY 24th *NEW VENUE MONTAGUE PARK MCH Bentley Place, Frankston Tuesday 9.30–11.30am


Source - Mornington Peninsula Shire 108

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

DROMANA COMMUNITY HALL 359 Pt Nepean Rd, Dromana Wednesday 9.30am to 11.15am MAR 24th APR 28th MAY 26th KARINGAL PLACE NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE Ashleigh Av, Frankston Thursday 9.30–11.30am EVENING SESSIONS *NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY

APR 4th BELVEDERE MCH CENTRE 1 Moomba Av, Seaford Wednesday 1–2pm

LANGWARRIN COMMUNITY CENTRE Corner Warrandyte & Lang Roads, Langwarrin Wednesday 10.30am–12pm

MAR 23rd APR 27th MAY 25th

HASTINGS COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTRE 185 High St, Hastings Monday 5pm-5.45pm MAR 16th MAY 18th SEAWINDS COMMUNITY HUB 11A Allambi Avenue, Rosebud West Wednesday 5pm to 5.45pm MAR 23th APR 27th MAY 27th MORNINGTON SHIRE OFFICE 2 Queen St, Mornington Wednesday 5pm to 5.45pm

Leanne Poulton 0437 441 127 Don’t know where to start whether buying or selling a home? If you would rather be spending time with your kids than feeling lost in the world of real estate and please do not hesitate to call Leanne on 0437 441 127

Looking forward to a friendly chat.


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was diagnosed with clinical depression over ten years ago, and have been medicated ever since. Most of the time, the medication works, and the Black Dog remains dormant. Every so often, out of the blue, he will come sniffing around again, and once more I fall in a hole, and have to fight my way back out again. Prior to meeting my now husband, and having our daughter, the low periods were not as noticeable. Not because I didn’t have them, but because my life was in such chaos, and emotional turmoil, that every day was a roller coaster. It has only been since settling down, and having stability in my life that the difference in my moods has been more pronounced. I actually feel it now, as opposed to before, when I was just in constant pain, and used alcohol and self harm to numb myself from everything. Now I am aware. Not only aware of how I am feeling, but aware of how it affects the people I love.

is not even two. She is behaving exactly as she should, and I am her mother. I am her world, it’s not her fault I can’t cope. What about when she is older, and is more aware? When she notices the change in my mood, when I become flat, so tired and teary? Daddy will explain that Mummy is a bit sick at the moment, and needs to rest. She will learn the signs, and learn when to stay away. I don’t want to be that person. I want to be her mother, always, who is strong and dependable, who is her rock. I don’t want mental illness in our home. I don’t want to be weak and fragile, with people tip-toeing around me, waiting for it to ‘pass’. I don’t want it at all. I have come such a long way from the person I used to be. From all the dysfunction and drama. I was saved by my husband and my daughter, and am a better person, because of them. That Black Dog has no place in my life anymore, and I must outrun him. For them.

My husband, who can’t understand what I’m feeling, but supports me through it anyway, doing everything he can to help. My daughter, though too young to be aware of what’s happening, must sense the distance. I find her hardest to deal with. When all I want to do is curl up in bed, and hide from the world until it passes, she is always there. Demanding, so needy, suffocating me. I just want her to go away. And I hate myself even more for having these thoughts, because she

Jane Flynn - I’m Jane, and I’m finding my way from dysfunction, to becoming a domestic goddess . . . or at least a wife, mother and woman I can be proud of. I am a stay at home mum to an adorable and high spirited little lady living on the Spectrum. You can read more of my stories at or follow my daily journey at


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Purchase your tickets online or stop in at the Frankston Visitor Information Centre.

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Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

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Did you know that Bicarb Soda (aka Sodium Bicarbonate) can clear blackheads?

Early Assessment Of Dental Development And Facial Growth

To use, slowly add water to Bicarb Soda until it forms a paste. Apply Bicarb Soda paste to your nose and leave for 30 minutes until blackheads have been dissolved.

Ideal Age Of Initial Assessment 7-9 Years

Bicarb Soda is nourishing, protecting and healing for your skin. You can also use the Bicarb Soda paste to exfoliate your skin to kill a wide variety of potentially destructive pathogens and this will make your skin look and feel better.

No Referral Necessary

*Source – Lumps and Bumps Skin Clinic

Early Intervention Where Appropriate For Best Outcome

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Ph: 9783 4511


Ask the Experts! My child doesn’t have any adult teeth yet. Is it even worth going to the dentist? The teeth will fall out anyway. An excellent question, and unfortunately for many children a commonly held belief. Although the primary (baby) teeth will start to be replaced by the adult teeth around the age of 6 the last primary tooth doesn’t fall out until 12 years of age. So some of the primary teeth have a substantial lifespan.

My daughter has a referral to see an orthodontist, and they want to take x-rays. She already had x-rays at her dentist recently. Why does the orthodontist need to take another one?

Radiographs are also taken during and after orthodontic treatment to monitor how treatment is progressing, checking the root position and length, as well as the development of the wisdom teeth.

X-rays (also called radiographs and CBCT scans) are essential in orthodontic treatment. They are important in assessing an orthodontic condition and determining an orthodontic plan.

Therefore radiographs are a very important part of initial orthodontic diagnosis and are essential during and following orthodontic treatment.

Unfortunately primary teeth can be prone to problems. The enamel (hard outer layer) of primary teeth is much thinner than the enamel of adult teeth and the pulp (nerve tissue) of primary teeth is proportionately much larger meaning it doesn’t take long for decay to progress through the enamel and deep into the tooth, potentially causing an infection and abscess. This is a situation no parents or child wants to find themselves in and best avoided.

The most common radiographs that are taken by general dentists are called bitewings or periapical radiographs. These are small and detailed pictures of three to four teeth showing the health of the tooth structure or showing pathology or decay.

Primary teeth have many functions and the premature loss of primary teeth can have unintentional consequences. The teeth are important to chew food, for the development of speech, for that wonderful smile but also to guide the adult teeth into the correct position.

1. Presence and position of unerupted teeth

Dr Daniel Cocker Specialist Paediatric Dentist Lucas Dental Care Paediatric Dental Specialists 134 Tanti Ave Mornington

Orthodontists, however, require radiographs that show panoramic, cephalometric (profile) and frontal views of the mouth. These 3-D views provide information on the following:

2. Missing, extra, impacted or misplaced teeth that could effect the eruption of the other permanent teeth 3. Health of supporting structures like bone, jaw joints, sinuses and jaw bones 4. Position of the jaw in relation to the teeth and in relationship to the soft tissue 5. Size and shape of the jaw; presence of asymmetry of the jaw 6. Presence of pathology The above information is essential so that the orthodontist can determine where the problems exist and the best way to manage them with orthodontic treatment.


Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

Although a number of radiographs are associated with orthodontic treatment, they account for a very small percentage of radiation that you would normally come across on a daily basis.

DR Andrea Phatouros BDSc (WA) FRACDS, MDSc 134 Tanti Ave Mornington

What is the role of an Occupational Therapist (OT) and how can they help my child? Occupational Therapists (OTs) help children to acquire the skills they need to build their independence in all their day to day activities such as playing, writing, socializing, kicking a ball, sitting at circle time, using a fork and tying their shoelaces (to name just a few!). The goal of a paediatric OT is to make treatment fun, meaningful, purposeful and `just the right challenge’ for the child. This increases the child’s confidence, self-esteem and belief in their own abilities, which in turn increases their independence and abilities. An OT will see, assess and then treat a child in their own environment (home, school or in the community) and devise a treatment plan based on parents’ goals and the family’s schedule. All significant people involved in the child’s life (such as


the classroom teacher) are also consulted, ensuring everybody involved with the child can work on the same goals and use the same strategies, ultimately leading to a more cohesive and streamlined therapy program An OT can help in the following areas;


• Your child has difficulty with learning gross motor tasks such as riding a bike, skipping, or hopping. • Your child has trouble with handwriting including issues with pencil grip, pushing too hard or not hard enough when writing and/or trouble with formation, size and spacing of their letters and numbers.


• Your child has difficulty sitting upright at their desk and appears to tire easily while doing fine motor tasks.


• Your child has trouble independently completing self-care task including toileting, showering, dressing, brushing hair, cleaning teeth, eating and tying shoelaces. • Your child has issues with coordinating the muscles that control the eyes for good vision and often misses information or copies things down incorrectly (even though no problems were detected when vision was tested). • Your child has difficulties playing with other children and making friends. • Your child has been reported to have behavioural issues at school such as problems with attention and impulsivity, difficulty following instructions and sometimes has difficulty regulating their emotions (overly sensitive, easily frustrated). Charlie Vella Inspiring Possibilities Mobile OT services


597 5 9334 Dr James Lucas Dr Caroline Howarth Dr Narisha Chawla Dr Daniel Cocker

lucas dental care proudly sponsors polyglot theatre






You’ll need: •A canvas •Craft punch •PVA Glue •Paper or card in various colours

What to do: 1. Get started punching out those butterflies! We punched brown for our tree trunk and branches and used green for the leaves. 2. Gather the butterflies in small stacks and bend the wings up by folding the stack just slightly in the middle. 3. Pour some PVA glue onto a plastic plate and dip just the middle section of the paper butterflies into the glue. 4. Arrange your butterflies on the canvas in the shape of a tree. Be sure to leave a few stragglers here and there that appear to be just joining or leaving the configuration. *Use your imagination! Paint the canvas before starting the artwork. Try different punches and shapes…maybe hearts in the shape of a heart or stars to spell out a name! 114

Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

Glass Pasta You’ll need: •Dry lasagne sheets •Liquid watercolours or food colouring •Rubbing alcohol or white vinegar •Ziploc Bags •Clear contact paper OR packing tape •Painter’s tape or another tape to secure your “window” to your work surface •Black sharpies •Baking paper or aluminium foil

What to do: 1. Break your lasagne noodles into pieces. There should be a variety of sizes. 2. Colour your pasta. This will take about 15 minutes to colour and a few hours to dry. 2a. Divide pasta into freezer bags using one bag for each colour. 2b. Working with one bag at a time, add 1 teaspoon of rubbing alcohol/vinegar to the bag. Close the top and scrunch it around in your hands to distribute the alcohol.

2c. Now add your food colouring to the bag. Again close the top and scrunch it around in your hands to distribute the colour. 2d. Spread the dyed pasta out on a cookie sheet lined with baking paper or aluminium foil and let dry. 3. Cut out two matching sizes of clear contact paper. (We used overlapped packing tape.) 4. Remove the backing from one piece of contact paper and tape it your work surface using painter’s tape. The sticky side should be facing UP. 5. Place pieces of the coloured lasagne on the contact paper. They can custom break pieces as necessary. Leave at least 60mm gaps between the pieces. 6. Remove the backing from the second piece of contact paper and gently place it on top of the finished layout. Gently press down on the gaps with your fingertips to seal. 7. Using a wide tip sharpie, fill in the gap between the coloured pieces with black for a stained glass effect.


HEART TIE DYE You’ll need •White shirt•Assorted colours of tie dye•Rubber bands •Rubber gloves•Buckets or bowls for dye bath •Paper to create heart template•Washable marker

What to do: 1. Wash shirts and let them dry to the point of just damp. 2. Create a heart template. (We googled a picture of a heart and printed it onto a horizontal A4.) 3. Fold the t-shirt in half. Place the folded heart along the fold of the t-shirt and use a washable marker to trace the heart on the shirt. 4. Start at the bottom of the heart outline and gather the fabric accordion style along the line Place 3 rubber bands on top of each other around the outline of the heart 5. Prepare the tie dye by following the directions on the box. 6. Place entire shirt into tie dye bath and let it soak until desired hue is reached. (Ours stayed in for 5-10 minutes...but to help the shirts retain vibrant colours you can keep them soaking for up to an hour.) 7. Rinse shirt until water runs clear. 8. Hang to dry then wash in warm water and dry. 9. Pat yourself on the back for having mad tie dying skills! *We also had a great time placing rubber bands wherever we wanted and admiring our cool abstract designs!


Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016






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For Babies

If you’ve visited Big Kid Little Kid before then you probably stumbled onto some of my nerdtacular dad-craft which gave Little E, my pre-schooler, hours of fun and, hopefully, a smidge of learning. But in the past months, since the birth of my rockin’ baby son Little L, the dad-craft has been on hiatus. So autumn is the perfect season to get the little fella outside, avoiding the summer scorchers, and give him his first taste of some dad-tastic crafty fun. Little L’s lack of motor skills had me stumped whilst trying to work out what craftiness to get him to do and then I googled onto a cool idea - painting with balls in a box. But this concept needed to be Dadded-Up!

You’ll need: • paper • scissors • sticky tape • preferably non-toxic paint in a few colours • container with a lockable lid • toy cars


What to do: 1. Ensure that the container you choose has a lockable lid, otherwise this activity will get out of hand and very messy! 2. Cut a piece of paper to the size of your container and sticky tape it to the inside bottom. 3. Squeeze some dollops of paint onto the paper. Choose some bright colours that will make interesting blends. I’m using water-based acrylic paints, as I already plan to hang the resulting masterpiece, but

it may be safer to use non-toxic paints if you have chosen a food container for this craft. 4. Add the toy cars to the container and lock the lid in place. 5. Hand the box over to your baby and watch them knock, kick, wobble, wave and bam-bam the art into it! 6. Take out the paper and BOOM! Instant artwork.

GOOGLY EYES HAS THE PERFECT FORMULA FOR FAMILY FUN! A twist on the classic game where a team member draws an object and the others guess what it is – this time the person drawing has to wear the vision-altering ‘Googly Eyes’ glasses!Get your teammates to guess the right answer by drawing clues before time runs out. The first team through to the finish wins! Price: $30.00

NEW PICTURE BOOK ‘SMILE CRY’ IS A BEGINNER’S BOOK OF FEELINGS FOR YOUNGSTERS Happy or sad, wailing or glad — how do you feel today? Smile Cry is a fun, flip-over picture book that showcases h w th the range of emotions that a young child might feel in their formative years. Price: $19.99 Available at and wherever good books are sold.

C CREATIVE STORY S STONES S Creative Story C Stones are S an excellent a ccreative learning ttool for young children aged 3 years and over. As a sensory play activity they: Provide playful learning | Foster creativity and imagination | Increase vocabulary | Great for developing oral and listening skills | Assist in language and thinking skill development | Excellent for preliteracy skills Price: $25.00

PARENTING FOR A HAPPIER HOME: THE STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO KEEPING YOUR KIDS ON TRACK Renowned Australian psychologist Stuart Passmore has written a research-driven parenting guide to ensure your family unit stays harmonious. The strategies are designed to work with behavioural disorders such as ADHD, Oppositional Defiance Disorder as well as explosive and noncompliant behaviour and work in each of the child’s different environments. Price: $29.99 Available from and wherever good books are sold.

H HYLAMIDE’S BOOSTER C25 FFIGHTS free-radicals from damaging d your skin, working hard h against the winter chill. The T best part? The formula is i completely stable, so it won’t w lose impact after a few months m on your bathroom shelf! s The booster serum combats:•Dullness•Uneven c skintone•Fine ki lines•Textural irregularities. Recommended to be applied twice daily and used in conjunction with any skincare regime, the Vitamin C25 Booster is winter’s essential beauty item! Price: $49.95 Available at Priceline or at www.

G GOBBLEDYGOOK B BIBS are hand ccrafted in Australia ffrom beautifully soft organic cotton jersey o and bamboo double a tterry backing. Bamboo is 60% B more absorbent b b than h cotton, breathable, sustainable, low allergy and incredibly soft. The draped comfort fit design and soft handle allows for more folds to catch all the extra little bits of food, drink or dribble. Price: $10.00 Insta: @gobbledygookstudio

PARENT P SUPPORT S CARDS C A Little bag of support through t the tough t times of o parenting. Containing C 12 cards with supportive sayings such as “It’s OK to cry” and “You are doing an awesome job” to give new mothers the knowledge that even in the difficult moments there is someone who believes in their abilities. Price: $15.00 - including Australia shipping

RUMMIKUB R -B -BRINGS PEOPLE P TOGETHER! T W With brilliant simplicity, s the Rummikub R O Original i i l provides id hhours off amusement and every game is different. Players try to place runs or groups of their tiles down in the play area. The first player to use all their tiles accumulating the highest score is the winner. Price: $34.95

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Reviews I NEED A HUG



BY AARON BLABEY, 4+yrs, Scholastic, h/b, $16.99

BY MEM FOX, 0+yrs, Scholastic, h/b, $19.99

BY ROSIE SMITH, 3+yrs, Scholastic, h/b, $16.99

‘I need a hug. Will you cuddle me, Lou?’ ‘What? With those spikes? Get away from me! Shoo!’ All the little porcupine wants is a hug. But with such prickly spikes, will she ever get the cuddle she craves?

Meet Nellie Bell, a dog who has fun…everywhere! Well mostly.

On my first day, I will meet new friends and learn new things… What about you? Whether big or small, feathered or furry, the first day of school can be a lot of fun!

by P. Crumble, 4+yrs, Scholastic, p/b, $14.99





BY KATE WELSHMAN, 6+yrs, Scholastic, p/b, $9.99

BY KATE WELSHMAN, 6+yrs, Scholastic, h/b $9.99

BY MEREDITH COSTAIN, 7+yrs, Scholastic, p/b, $12.99

by Tim Cahill, 7+yrs, Scholastic, p/b, $12.99

Maddy and her pony, Snowy, are both excited about starting riding lessons at Pine Valley Ranch. But riding is hard work! Maddy has a lot to learn and a lot of questions. Like, why is the old riding trail to the ranch forbidden?

It’s winter at Pine Valley Ranch and Maddy and Snowy are both wearing warm woolly coats! Winter also means that it’s time for the new foals at the ranch to move to a new paddock, away from their mums. But little foal Sunny isn’t ready to leave her mum just yet! Can Maddy, Iris and Snowy catch the runaway foal in time?

Ella decides to join Zoe at Pony School for the holidays and when meanie Peach Parker turns up, they fear it will be the WORST idea EVER! But the tables turn when Peach is knocked off her perch by posh girls Letitia and Lavinia. Will Ella’s love of horses be ruined by the new SNOBS in town? And most confusing of all…is Ella starting to feel sorry for Peach?

Tiny Timmy Cahill really wants to make the school soccer team. There’s just one problem – he keeps getting tackled, tripped and bumped off the ball. Maybe he’s just not big enough to cut it with the other kids…


Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016


The mozzie is back! He’s bigger. He’s badder. And he wants revenge! It’s not only the old lady in his sights-this insect is out to get anything that has ever taken a swipe at him! Just how much can one mozzie swallow?

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JUNE 2016


Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016


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Peninsula Kids – Autumn 2016

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