May - August 2023

May - August 2023
The Peoria Main Library and Sunrise Mountain Library are Certified Autism Centers™ (CAC). The CAC program offers autism training and certification to staff and volunteers, in order to better assist autistic and sensorysensitive individuals during their visit to our libraries.
Designed to help children with sensory integration challenges join in library programs. This program utilizes music, movement, repetition, and books that increase children's engagement at a preschool level. Sensory Storytime will be held in an environment designed to decrease sensory overstimulation.
Peoria Main Library has passport application services. Passport service is for NEW applications or applicants who cannot do a Renewal. DS-11 forms are available at the Peoria Main Library. Questions or looking for an appointment, call 623-773-7555.
Both libraries offer many different story times throughout the month. Take a look at our catalog or call for times!
Take a stroll through the park and enjoy a family friendly book at our newest location: Rio Vista Community Park, 8866 W Thunderbird RD. Peoria, AZ 85381
Check out seeds at the library! We have a variety of seeds for pollinator friendly critters including seeds for flowers, herbs, and vegetables.
3 seed selections per card 7 day check out, then come back for more!
Read e-books, listen to e-audiobooks, stream movies with Libby or Cloud Library. Download them from your App Store or Google Play Store! Have your library card # and pin # handy to log in.
Peoria Main Library
Great Beginnings - Virtual meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month @ 9 a.m.
Read It & Eat It Cookbook Club - In Person 2nd Wednesday of the month @ 6 p.m.
Novels @ Night - In-Person & Virtual, 3rd Thursday of the month @ 6 p.m.
Sunrise Mountain Library
Between the Covers - In Person & Virtual on the 3rd Tuesday of the month @ 6 p.m.
The Peoria Main Library has a podcast room that can be checked out for 3 hours.
Training course must be completed before renting room.
Information & Training
https://peoria.polarislibrary.com/ polaris/custom/amplify_studio.aspx
Maricopa County Reads presents "All Together Now," a Summer Reading Program for readers of all ages within Maricopa County. The aim of the program is to reinforce literacy skills and positive reading habits of all residents during the summer months. Read 20 minutes a day, log the time to your account and win prizes. Pre-register today at maricopacountyreads.org to participate in the program during the months of June and July.
Join us at the library for fun activities and performances all summer long, including interactive music, a magic show, and even a juggler! Children ages 5-17 can also participate in our annual Library Card Contest. In addition to their design becoming the next Peoria Public Library System Cards, contest winners will receive a grand prize of a $100 Gift Card. Entries for the contest will be accepted from June 1st, 2023 to July 31st, 2023.
class information
Memorial Day May 29 - Free Open Swim at all pools (we still hold lessons/practice)
Father’s Day J une 18 - Free for all Dads!
4th of July Free Open Swim at all pools 12 - 4 p.m. ONLY (no lessons/practice)
Fee $2 Youth (Ages 2-16)
$ 4 Adults (17+)
$30 / Individual Pass (Good at all 3 pools)
$100 / Family Pass (Good at all 3 pools)
When Sunrise Pool: May 27 - Aug. 6
Peoria Pool: May 29 - Aug. 6
Centennial Pool: May 29 - Aug. 6
M on. - Fri.: 12 - 3 p.m. (all pools)
M on. - Fri.: 7:30 - 9 p.m. (Sunrise & Peoria)
S at. - Sun.: 12 - 5 p.m. (all pools)
The pools are available to be rented on Saturdays and Sundays only in the spring and summer months and can host up to 400 people for private parties. Fees are based per hour, with a minimum of 2 hours rented. Full payment must be received at time of booking To check available dates and/or to book a Private Pool Rental, please call (623) 773-8600.
There are separate registration dates each summer session. These registration dates are for all swim lessons (including adult, youth, and one-on-one classes), water aerobics and adaptive lessons.
Session 1 (May 29 - June 8)
Online Resident: Wed., May 17; 6 a.m.
Non-Res./In-Person: Thur., May 18
Session 2 (June 12 - 22)
Online Resident: Wed., June 7; 6 a.m.
Non-Res./In-Person: Thur., June 8
Session 3 (June 26 - July 6) No classes July 4
Online Resident: Wed., June 21; 6 a.m.
Non-Res./In-Person: Thur., June 22
Session 4 (July 10 - 20)
Online Resident: Wed., July 5, 6 a.m.
Non-Res./In-Person: Thur., July 6
Session 5 (July 24 - Aug. 3)
Online Resident: Wed., July 19; 6 a.m.
Non-Res./In-Person: Thur., July 20
Weekend Session B (June 3 - 25)
Online Resident: Wed., May 17; 6 a.m.
Non-Res./In-Person: Thur., May 18
Weekend Session C (July 1 - 23)
Online Resident: Wed., June 21; 6 a.m.
Non-Res./In-Person: Thur., June 22
Weekend Session D (Aug. 5 - 27)
Online Resident: Wed., July 19; 6 a.m.
Non-Res./In-Person: Thur., July 20
Rain Out Line 623-773-5080
The Party Corner reservation is good for 30 individuals and the specified time during open swim hours. The area reserved is in the grass behind the south bleachers. We will provide 2 canopies, 3 tables and 30 chairs. No access to the playground. Registration for booking the Party Corner opens on May 17 at 6 a m Additional patrons must pay entry fees to the facility . Fee $95
This course is offered for those age 18 and older who have little or no swimming experience. The instructor will work with each participant at their own skill level to develop basic swimming skills.
Fee $25 Res. / $31 Non-Res.
S ession 3: $21 Res. / $27 Non-Res. Location
Get active! This class is geared for those wanting an aerobic workout in the water. Class will be held in shallow and deep water. Participants must be comfortable in deep water as well as shallow water and water belts will be provided. The low impact environment of the water is perfect for any fitness goals. No drop-ins permitted.
Fee $30 Res. / $35 Non-Res.
S ession 3: $26 Res. / $30 Non-Res. Mon. - Thur., 7:20 p.m. - 8:20 p.m. Location Centennial Pool
Summer Session 1 May 29 - June 8 68346
Summer Session 2 June 12 - 22 68352
Summer Session 3 June 26 - July 6 68356
Summer Session 4 July 10 - 20 68362
Summer Session 5 July 24 - Aug. 3 68364
Sunrise Pool
21321 N. 86th Dr.
(W. of 83rd Ave. on Lone Cactus) (623) 773-8495*
Open swim begins May 27
Centennial Pool
8081 W. Acoma Dr.
(W. of 79th Ave., N. of Thunderbird) (623) 776-9555*
Open swim begins May 29
Peoria Pool
8501 W. Cholla St.
Adaptive Swim Lessons are designed to teach swim skills, increase swimmer knowledge of safety around the water, maintain and increase physical fitness and achieve success This program is for participants ages 5 and up with cognitive or physical disabilities. The class ratio is 1:3.
Fee $35 Res. / $45 Non-Res.
When S at. - Sun. Location
The City of Peoria offers four seasonal recreational swim teams: Sunrise Red Sharks, Sunrise Green Sharks, Centennial Stingrays, Peoria Piranhas and three seasonal recreational dive teams: Sunrise Marlins, Sunrise Gators, and Peoria Dolphins.
Practices are held Mon. - Thur. from May 29 through July, with meets approximately once a week. Registrations are first come first serve and do fill up quickly
Fees for Swim Team: $90 Resident/$150 Non-Resident
Fees for Dive Team: $60 Resident/$95 Non-Resident
Registration Information:
Tuesday, April 25, 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. : Peoria residents returning to their same team from the year before may register in-person at the Rio Vista Recreation Center (8866 W. Thunderbird Rd.). Registrations will not be taken for any new swimmers/ divers or at any other location on this day. Your spot on the team is guaranteed that day, but practice times are first come, first serve.
(W. of 83rd Ave., S. of Cactus) (623) 878-4903*
Open swim begins May 29
*Phones will only be answered during open hours.
Visit www.peoriaaz.gov/aquatics for open swim schedules or follow QR code below:
Non-Res./In-Person: Thur., May 18 July 1 - 23
Wed., April 26, 6 a.m.: Online registration for City of Peoria residents only
Thur., April 27, 6 a.m.: All remaining spots open for registration .
Please visit www.peoriaaz.gov/aquatics and click on Swim/Dive Team for practice schedule and more information (Bold classes are free to Peoria residents thanks to Peoria Fire Fighter Charities & underlined classes are discounted thanks to SRP. )
These classes are offered for those who are looking for more individualized instruction. Register the swimmer and include their age and any requests for instructor. Classes are only 2 days. Fee $ 50/Res.; $60/Non-Res.
Weekend B (June 3 - 25)
Fee $25/Res.; $31/Non-Res. When 3 0 minute classes, Sat./Sun. (4 weeks)
Weekend C (July 1 - 23)
Fee $25/Res.; $31/Non-Res. When 3 0 minute classes, Sat./Sun. (4 weeks)
Weekend D (Aug. 5 - 27)
Fee $25/Res.; $31/Non-Res. When 3 0 minute classes, Sat./Sun. (4 weeks)
Summer Session 1 (May 29 - June 8)
Fee $25/Res. & $31/Non-Res. When 3 0 minute classes, Mon. - Thur. (2 weeks)
Sunrise Pool
21321 N. 86th Dr.
(W. of 83rd Ave. on Lone Cactus) (623) 773-8495*
Open swim begins May 27
Centennial Pool
8081 W. Acoma Dr. (W. of 79th Ave., N. of Thunderbird) (623) 776-9555*
Open swim begins May 29
Peoria Pool 8501 W. Cholla St. (W. of 83rd Ave., S. of Cactus) (623) 878-4903*
Open swim begins May 29
*Phones will only be answered during open hours.
Visit www.peoriaaz.gov/aquatics for open swim schedules or follow QR code below:
(Bold classes are free to Peoria residents thanks to Peoria Fire Fighter Charities & underlined classes are discounted thanks to SRP. )
(Bold classes are free to Peoria residents thanks to Peoria Fire Fighter Charities & underlined classes are discounted thanks to SRP. )
Sunrise Pool
21321 N. 86th Dr.
(W. of 83rd Ave. on Lone Cactus) (623) 773-8495*
Open swim begins May 27
Centennial Pool
8081 W. Acoma Dr.
(W. of 79th Ave., N. of Thunderbird) (623) 776-9555*
Open swim begins May 29
Peoria Pool
8501 W. Cholla St.
(W. of 83rd Ave., S. of Cactus) (623) 878-4903*
Open swim begins May 29
*Phones will only be answered during open hours.
Visit www.peoriaaz.gov/aquatics for open swim schedules or follow QR code below:
Summer Session 3 (June 26 - July 6) No lessons on July 4
(Bold classes are free to Peoria residents thanks to Peoria Fire Fighter Charities & underlined classes are discounted thanks to SRP. )
To set up an account (623) 773-7137 Mon. - Thur.: 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
For more class information www.peoriaaz.gov/aquatics Email aquatics@peoriaaz.gov
Rain Out Line 623-773-5080
Summer Session 3 (June 26 - July 6) No lessons on July 4 continued
(Bold classes are free to Peoria residents thanks to Peoria Fire Fighter Charities & underlined classes are discounted thanks to SRP. )
Summer Session 4 (July 10 - 20) continued
Summer Session 5 (July 24 - Aug. 3)
Sunrise Pool
21321 N. 86th Dr.
(W. of 83rd Ave. on Lone Cactus) (623) 773-8495*
Open swim begins May 27
Centennial Pool
8081 W. Acoma Dr.
(W. of 79th Ave., N. of Thunderbird) (623) 776-9555*
Open swim begins May 29
Peoria Pool
8501 W. Cholla St.
(W. of 83rd Ave., S. of Cactus) (623) 878-4903*
Open swim begins May 29
*Phones will only be answered during open hours.
Visit www.peoriaaz.gov/aquatics for open swim schedules or follow QR code below:
classes are free to Peoria residents thanks to Peoria Fire Fighter Charities & underlined classes are discounted thanks to SRP. )
Please call (623) 773-7436 to register for the following activities. Location Peoria Community Center, unless otherwise listed.
Each week will be a different theme such as STEM, Culinary, Digital Media and more, sign up for a week at a time Registration opens April 17 Registration is required, space is limited
Fee $10 per week
When Mon. - Thur., May 30 - July 20
Age Grades 7-11; 12-17
Location Peoria Community Center (3 - 8 p.m.)
N orth Peoria site TBD (9 a.m. - 2 p.m.)
Grab your gun; Nerf Wars is back.
Fee $5
Course # 67898
When Sat., May 20; 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Age 7-11
Work with Chef Dennise to create yummy treats.
Fee $25 (4 classes)
Course # 68122
When Sat., June 3-24; 9 - 10:15 a.m.
Age 6 -8
Create meals/snacks/treats from scratch with Chef Dennise.
Fee $40
Registration Information (623) 773-7436
Stephanie Mellring Youth/Teen Coordinator stephanie.mellring@peoriaaz.gov (623) 773-7924
Jodi Roth-Jones Family & Youth Services Supervisor (623) 773-7719
Follow us
Instagram @peoriaazteens Twitter @peoriaazteens
Join Chef Dennise to create a special treat for Mom, Grandmother, Godmother, Aunt, sister, neighbor, etc
Fee $15
Course # 67896
When Wed., May 10; 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Age 12-17
Show off your artistic skills with Lindsey.
Fee $20
Course # 68153
When Sat., June 10 - July 15; 9:30 - 11 a.m.
Age 12-17
Create meals from scratch with Chef Dennise.
Fee $40
Course # 68146
When Sat., July 1 - Aug. 5; 10 - 11:30 a.m.
Age 12-17
Create a variety of projects using Premier Pro, Blender and Photoshop. Prior experience is helpful.
Fee $25
Course # 68155
When Sat., July 22 - Aug. 26; 9:30 - 11 a.m.
Age 12-17
Please call (623) 773-7436 to register for the following activities. Location Peoria Community Center, unless otherwise listed.
Join Chef Dennise to create a special treat for Mom, Grandmother, Godmother, Aunt, sister, neighbor, etc
Fee $15
Course # 67895
When Tues., May 9; 5:30 - 7 p.m.
Age 9-11
Join us for bingo, prizes and fun! Registration is encouraged.
Fee $5/person; $20 for a household of 4+
Course # 67897
When Sat., May 13; 6:30 p.m.
Age A ll ages
Course # 68129
When Sat., June 3-24; 10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Age 9-11
Family teams of 2-4 will put together puzzles of 300 or 500 pieces. Feel free to bring your own puzzle. Registration is required.
Course # 67975
When Sat., June 10; 4 - 8 p.m.
Age A ll ages
Location Peoria Community Center
For more information or questions, please call the Peoria Community Center at (623) 773-7436.
Location Peoria Community Center
Peoria Unified School District and the Summer Food Service Program provide an afternoon snack and hot dinner program during the summer months. Dinner is served at the Peoria Community Center from 5 - 6 p.m., Mon. - Thur., a cold meal is available on Fri. from 5 - 6 p.m. This program is free to any youth/teen 0-18, $3 75 for all others
Provides weekend non-perishable food bags for teens 13-19 that are experiencing food insecurity Teen bags are available every Thur at the Peoria Community Center 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Any teen in need is welcome to come by and pick up a bag.
St Mary’s Food Bank Alliance distributes food/produce at the Peoria Community Center every Thur. from 7 - 8 a.m. This program is FREE and open to anyone/ family in need
This internationally recognized sports program is open to cognitively disabled individuals 8 years and older. Athletes must have a current physical on file with the Adaptive Recreation staff in order to be registered for Special Olympics competition and training. Registration begins for all Special Olympics sports for the entire year on July 5.
There is a biannual $30 participation fee for Special Olympics. This fee will allow athletes to participate in any of the following sports. Call the Community Center to register
Swimming / Soccer / Softball / Golf
Course # 68177
Cheer / Flag Football / Basketball / Track and Field /Volleyball
Course # 68178
Swim Team
Athletes must attend a minimum of 65% of the practices to attend upcoming swim meets and be able to swim the length of the pool unassisted. Practice will begin late July. A practice location/schedule is provided upon registration
Fee See above under Summer/Fall Special O lympics Sports Registration
Age 8+
Course # 68179, Beginning Team
When Starts late July, practice days/times TBD
Athletes must be be able to swim 25 meters (1 length of the pool) without assistance.
Course # 68180, Advanced Team
When Starts late July, practice days/times TBD
Athletes must be able to swim 50 meters ( 2 lengths of the pool) without assistance
Softball Team
Practice will begin mid-August. A schedule of practices and tournaments will be provided upon registration
Fee S ee above under Summer/Fall Special O lympics Sports Registration
Course # 68183
Age 14+
Golf Team
Practice will begin mid-August. If interested in participating please call the Peoria Community Center (623) 773-7436.
The dances provide adults with developmental disabilities an opportunity to meet new people and socialize in a supervised setting. Visit our website to see a complete schedule of dances or call to request a schedule Walk ins are welcome, pre-registration not required.
Fee $5/week
When Fri., June 30, 7 - 9:30 p.m. (10 weeks)
Age 18+
Location Peoria Community Center
Come learn about Adaptive Program activities! And connect with other non-profits and organizations in the community to learn about available programs and resources
When T hur., May 11; 5:30 - 7 p.m.
Location Peoria Community Center
Join Team Peoria’s newest team, E Sports! If you have a passion for video games, then come compete on Xbox One and Nintendo Switch!
Fee $25
Course # 68199
When Wed., June 7; 6 - 7 p.m. (6 weeks) No class July 5
Location Peoria Community Center
Stay active during the Special Olympics offseason! Join us for a weekly fitness class during the Special Olympics offseason. Program will focus on a variety of exercise types: cardio, strength, stretching, etc.
Fee $25
Course # 68200
When Mon., June 5; 6 - 7 p.m. (6 weeks), No class June 19
Location Peoria Community Center
Beat the heat and join us for this introductory adaptive pickleball clinic!
Fee $20
Course # 68438
When M on., July 17; 6 - 7 p.m. (4 weeks
Location Community Center, Multipurpose Room
The City of Peoria Adaptive Recreation Program contracts with the Department of Economic Security, Division of Developmental Disabilities, to offer a variety of Day Treatment and Training Services.
The primary goal of all DES/DDD contracted programs is to enhance social and independent living skills through various recreational opportunities and through community outings and service projects All programs are staffed on a 1:4 staff-to-participant ratio, so a moderate-tohigh level of independence is required
After School Recreation Programs provide age appropriate activities for students 12-17 and 18-21 years of age. Program days follow the Peoria Unified School District calendar.
Adult Day Recreation Program is designed to provide unique and challenging activities in a small group setting To inquire about openings at our two sites, contact Jodi at (623) 773-7719.
Elementary Summer Recreation Program is an 8-week program for individuals 6-12 years of age. Program hours are from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. and meet at Sky View Elementary June 1-July 19. This program uses DTS hours.
High School Summer Program is an 8-week program for individuals 13-17 and 18-21 years of age. This program runs from 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. five days a week as a self-contained program and uses DTS hours. Program locations include Raymond S Kellis High School, Sunrise Mountain High School and the Peoria Community Center from June 1-July 19.
These programs are first come first serve so call (623) 773-7436 and ask for Jodi or Luke to request an application Make sure you ask your support coordinator for DTS paperwork for the summer!
General Information (623) 773-7436
Paula Considine Family & Youth Services Superintendent Paula.Considine@peoriaaz.gov (623) 773-7923
Jodi Roth-Jones
Family & Youth Services Supervisor Jodi.Roth-Jones@peoriaaz.gov (623) 773-7719
Luke Parker Family & Youth Services Coordinator Lucas.Parker@peoriaaz.gov (623) 773-7219
For information on these programs and much more, visit our website at www.peoriaaz. gov/adaptive
District A. Zuni Hills (10851 W. Williams Rd.) B. Alta Loma (9750 N. 87th Ave.) C. Apache (8633 W. John Cabot Rd.) D. Centennial High School (14388 N. 79th Ave.)
E. Cheyenne (11806 N. 87th Ave.)
F. Cotton Boll (8540 W. Butler Dr.)
G. Country Meadows (8409 N. 111th Ave.)
H. Coyote Hills (21180 N. 87th Ave.)
I. Desert Harbor (15585 N. 91st Ave.)
J. Frontier (21258 N. 81st Ave.) K. Ira Murphy (7231 W. North Ln.) L. Lake Pleasant Elementary School 31501 N. Westland Rd. M. Liberty High School (9621 W. Speckled Gecko Dr.)
Oakwood (12900 N.
Adults 50+ are encouraged to take part in activities offered at the Peoria Community Center There is no membership fee and it is open to residents and nonresidents. Visit www.peoriaaz.gov/activeadults to view our monthly newsletter, nutrition menu, and all upcoming activities To begin receiving email updates, email ryan.stevens@peoriaaz.gov.
The FSL Nutrition Program invites seniors to have lunch at the Peoria Community Center The suggested contribution for lunch for those 60 and over is $3 Contributions to our meal program help to offset costs and are encouraged but not mandatory For those guests under 60, there is a fee of $5 for the meal . To register for meals or discuss transportation, call the Nutrition Office at (623) 979-3570. Stop by for a delicious and nutritious meal!
To Register (623) 773-7436
Ryan Stevens
Family and Youth Services Coordinator
Ryan.Stevens@peoriaaz.gov (623) 773-7120
Jodi Roth-Jones
Family and Youth Services Supervisor
Jodi.Roth-Jones@peoriaaz.gov (623) 773-7719
Email us at communitycenter@peoriaaz.gov
to sign up to receive email alerts to hear about trip destinations, special events, and classes.
Bingo cards: $2 each set of sheets and $1 per cover-all. Winners split the pot (typically between $5 -$55).
When Tues. & Fri.; 12:30 p.m. (1 p.m. on special event days)
It’s FREE to play these eight Bingo games Winners receive grab bag prizes.
When T hur., 10:30 a.m.
These groups are free, meet weekly, and are open to new participants.
Volunteer counselors, specially trained by the Area Agency on Aging, Region One’s Benefits Assistance Program, provide objective, free personalized assistance to seniors and adults with disabilities. Services include information on Medicare and supplemental plans, Call (602) 241-6118 to set up an appointment.
Group members provide their own copies of books, and meet at the Peoria Community Center for monthly meetings. For an up-to-date book list, contact the Peoria Community Center, or view the At Your Leisure Newsletter at www.peoriaaz.gov/activeadults.
When 1st Mon. of the month (except on holidays), 1 p.m.
May 1 Lost Horizon by James Hilton
June 5 1984 by George Orwell
July 10 Morgan’s Run by Colleen McCullough
Aug. 7 Where the Wind Leads by Vinh Chung
Space is limited, and registration is required for these free classes
Learn tips from Master Gardener, Tony Mariano, to ensure the most successful harvests
When Fri., Aug. 4; 9:30 - 11 a.m.
In terms of gardening, Arizona is very different from other parts of the country. Whether you are new to Arizona, or have not had a successful growing season, bring your gardening questions to Master Gardener, Tony Mariano. He will use his training and experience to provide answers to your gardening woes.
When Fri., Aug. 11; 9:30 - 11 a.m.
This creative group meets weekly to share ideas and work on a variety of crafts.
When Tues.; 10 - 11:30 a.m.
This group works on any and all needle craft projects: knitting, crocheting, sewing, embroidery, beading and more. New participants are always welcome to this friendly group
When Wed.; 12:30 p.m.
Day trips have resumed. Trips depart from the Peoria Community Center. See the “At Your Leisure” Newsletter for details and trip information. The newsletter can also be emailed. Contact the Peoria Community Center to be added to the email database if you do not currently receive the programs emails Trip destinations include concerts, sporting events, museums, festivals, special events and tours
Members from the Sonoran Audubon Society will help you identify must have equipment, provide tools that can be used to help classify birds, and tips to be successful during birding trips
When Tue., May 9; 9:30 - 11 a.m.
Join members of the Sonoran Audubon Society for this birding meet-up at the Skunk Creek Trailhead (15091 N. 83rd Ave., Peoria, AZ 85381). Don’t forget your binoculars, camera, and water.
When Tue., May 16; 7:30 - 10:30 a.m.
Lake Pleasant Go Paddle AZ will provide basic kayaking and safety instruction, as well as get you out on the water. We will stop for lunch after our time on the lake. Transportation via City van, instruction, personal flotation device, and kayak are included in the fee. Lunch is to be paid on your own.
Fee $55
When Wed., May 10; 7 a.m. - I p.m. Wed., June 14, 7 a.m. - I p.m.
All Active Adult Special Events, unless otherwise noted, take place at the Peoria Community Center (8335 W. Jefferson St.).
When Fri., May 5, 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Join us for free fitness classes, health seminars, and refreshments .
When Wed., May 31, 8:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Luau Party
When Fri., June 2, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Karaoke Party
When Fri., June 23, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Salute to America
When M on., July 3, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Wild West Party
When Fri., Aug. 18, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Fitness classes, carefully selected for Active Adults, are available at the Peoria Community Center Patrons are invited to bring their own fitness mat if they prefer; but no additional equipment is needed to participate.
Fee $1 50 per class
• Registration is requested Limited space is available
• We accept SilverSneakers, Renew Active, and Silver&Fit.
• A ll fitness classes are FREE for those with eligible, participating memberships.
• Participants may register for multiple fitness classes, but may only register for one Classic/Sit&Fit class per week.
BALANCE & FLEX helps with strength and balance. Class focuses on improving strength in ankle, knee and hip joints, while improving reaction time and balance.
FUNCTIONAL FITNESS is a class that uses a variety of movements and equipment to assist you in developing better endurance, tone, and range of motion
PILATES is a core focused mat class that improves muscle tone, flexibility and muscle strength, and increases endurance in legs, abdominals, arms, hips, and back
RESTORATIVE YOGA is a gentle practice with passive seated postures, long holds and focused breathing on the deep layers of the body, connective tissue and joints. It is a blend of release and relaxation.
SILVERSNEAKERS ® CLASSIC/SIT & FIT increases muscular strength, range of motion and activities for daily living. Handheld weights, elastic tubing with handles and a SilverSneakers ball for resistance; a chair is available, if needed, for seated or standing support
SIMPLY STRETCHING is a stretching class Stretches occur seated, or standing next to and behind a chair; for support
TAI CHI is a series of gentle, flowing, standing movements Postures can promote better strength, flexibility, and create more clarity of body and mind.
ZUMBA GOLD is an energetic dance fitness class designed for active adults
FOR ASSISTANCE WITH THESE PROGRAMS, CONTACT RecConnect www.peoriaaz.gov/recreation To Register (623)
Jodi Roth-Jones
(623) 773-7719
Register for Enrichment Classes: www.peoriaaz.gov/recplace
Looking for a great workout, increased flexibility, and coordination? Bellydance! Suitable for all ages and body types. Learn basic moves, directional hip work, and shimmy techniques. Dance or yoga wear
Fee $55 Res. / $64 Non-Res.
Age 15+
Location Aerobics Room
Course # 68908
When Wed., June 14; 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. (6 classes)
Course # 68909
When Wed., Aug. 2; 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. (6 classes)
Curious about the mystery and symbolism of the Tarot? Want to know more about the history of the cards and their relation to other modalities; astrology, runes, and chakras? Or do you have a deck kicking around and want to know what the fuss is about? Learn a bit about the cards and about yourself in this class for beginning and experienced readers alike. Students are welcome to bring in their own deck.
Fee $55 Res. / $64 Non-Res.
Age 16+
Location Riverside Conference Room
Course # 68914
When Tues., June 13; 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. (5 classes)
Course # 68915
When Tues., Aug. 1; 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. (6 classes)
To set up an account: (623) 773-7137 Mon. - Thur.: 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
For more class information www.peoriaaz.gov/enrichment Sarah
(623) 773-8618
Learn Lifesaving Skills! This CPR/AED & BASIC FIRST AID training program will teach you critical skills needed to recognize and care for a variety of adult, child, and infant medical emergencies until EMS arrives
Topics include: adult hands-only CPR, adult/child/infant CPR, AED usage, choking relief & basic treatment for sudden illness or injuries Course content conforms to the American Heart Association guidelines for CPR and Emergency Cardiac Care. Upon successful completion, each participant will receive a two year certification card.
Fee $50 Res. / $57 Non-Res.
Age 16+
Location Riverside Conference Room
Course # 68864
When Sat., May 13; 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. (1 class)
Course # 68865
When Sat., June 10; 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. (1 class)
Course # 68866
When Sat., July 8; 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. (1 class)
Want a happy & healthy pet? Come learn how to provide a healthy and safe lifestyle for your pet including pet CPR and choking & basic first aid treatment This engaging class is designed to help build your knowledge and hands-on skills. Canine and feline training mannequins will be used during the session. This training program is endorsed by the ASPCA Cost includes valuable take home materials and certification.
Fee $45 Res. / $53 Non-Res.
Age 14+
Location Brook Room
Course # 68867
When Wed., June 14; 6 - 8 p.m. (1 class)
Course # 68868
When Wed., July 12; 6 - 8 p.m. (1 class)
AZ Ice and the City of Peoria have partnered to offer fun, recreational ice skating classes. AZ Ice follows the nationwide “Learn to Skate-USA” program to provide the entry level curriculum in a fun and positive atmosphere Skaters learn the proper technique to perform basic skating; forward swizzles, back wiggles, one-foot glides, scooter pushes, snowplow stop and much more. Classes include a weekly 30-minute lesson by a certified PSA instructor, skate rental, and public skating on class day
Fee $110 Res. / $119 Non-Res.
Age 13+
Location AZ Ice Peoria
Course # 70157
When Wed., May 10; 6:45 - 7:15 p.m. (8 classes)
Course # 70159
When Sat., May 13; 12:15 - 12:45 p.m. (8 classes)
Course # 70158
When Wed., July 5; 6:45 - 7:15 p.m. (8 classes)
Course # 70160
When Sat., July 8; 12:15 - 12:45 p.m. (8 classes)
Have you ever wanted to learn the guitar but simply find it difficult to find the time? In just a few hours you can learn enough about playing the guitar to give you years of musical enjoyment, and you won’t have to take private lessons to do it. This crash course will teach you some basic chords and get you playing along with your favorite songs right away. Bring your acoustic guitar. A required $29 Materials fee will be collected in class by the instructor for the book and online videos
Fee $30 Res. / $39 Non-Res.
Course # 69008
When Sat., June 3; 1 - 3:30 p.m. (1 class)
Age 14+
Location West Brook Conference Room, R io Vista Recreation Center
In just a few hours, you can learn enough secrets of the trade to give you years of musical enjoyment Learn to play piano the way professionals do-using chords. The chord method is LOTS of fun and dramatically easier to learn than reading notes. We take away most of the hurdles with learning the piano that can cause students to become discouraged and quit. You CAN learn to play the piano and you don’t have to read notes to do it! Give this a try. You’ll be glad you did! Required $29 materials fee for the book and online videos
Fee $30 Res. / $39 Non-Res.
Course # 69007
When Sat., June 3; 9:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. (1 class)
Age 14+
Location West Brook Conference Room, R io Vista Recreation Center
Become your own personal security. Learn the survival principles of Krav Maga from certified instructors in the ICCS (Israeli Contact Combat System) Krav Maga system. This is NOT a sport, it’s survival! Learn principles to give yourself the best chance of surviving an attack from strikes, chokes, grabs, and weapons both standing up and on the ground. 14 and older with guardian
participation Peoria Championship Martial Arts
Fee $96 Res. / $105 Non-Res.
Age 14+
Location Peoria Championship Martial Arts
Course # 68984
When Tues. & Thur., June 13; 8 :15 - 9 p.m. (12 classes)
Course # 68985
When Tues. & Thur., July 25; 8 :15 - 9 p.m. (12 classes)
Be a ‘lifesaver!’ Learn the new CPR technique called ‘Continuous Chest Compression’ (CCC). Unlike the ‘old’ CPR, it’s easy and requires no mouth-to-mouth contact. Learn how to respond to a cardiac emergency, perform chest compressions, and use an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator).
Fee FREE Res. / $10 Non-Res.
Age 10+
Location Riverside Conference Room, R io Vista Recreation Center
Course # 68989
When Sat., May 27; 10 - 11:30 a.m. (1 class)
Course # 68991
When Sat., June 24; 10 - 11:30 a.m. (1 class)
Course # 68992
When Sat., July 22; 10 - 11:30 a.m. (1 class)
Advanced Dog Obedience classes build off the skills learned in Fundamentals and Intermediate classes This class includes basic obedience training, leash walking, real life situations, positive reinforcement, working with multiple dogs, and socialization. Advanced Dog Obedience Group Sessions are open to dogs ages 1 year or older and have passed the AKC CGC test or equivalent with a minimum of 3 DHLPP Vaccines, Bordatella (kennel cough) and Rabies. Proof of Vaccines is Required to participate After completion of this course your dog will be qualified to take the AKC Community Canine Good Citizen (CGCA) Test.
Fee $190 Res. / $200 Non-Res.
Age 18+
Location Dog Park South Cell, Pioneer Community Park
Course # 70165
When Sat., June 3; 10 - 11 a.m. (6 classes)
Course # 71153
When Sat., July 22; 10 - 11 a.m. (6 classes)
Course # 71154
When Sat., Sept. 9; 10 - 11 a.m. (6 classes)
Fundamentals classes are designed to help you raise a well adjusted and well-behaved puppy or new to you dog into a happy health dog Fundamentals classes include basic obedience training, leash walking, housebreaking, positive reinforcement of good behaviors, trust centered training and puppy socialization. Group Classes open to puppies ages 10 weeks and up. Dog must have proof of a minimum of 2 DHLPP Vaccines and Rabies Vaccine. After completion of this course your puppy will be qualified to take the AKC STAR Puppy Test Legend Acres Instructors
Fee $190 Res. / $200 Non-Res.
Age 18+
Location Dog Park South Cell, Pioneer Community Park
Course # 70163
When Sat., June 3; 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. (6 classes)
Course # 71149
When Sat., July 22; 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. (6 classes)
Course # 71150
When Sat., Sept. 9; 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. (6 classes)
Register for Enrichment Classes: www.peoriaaz.gov/recplace
To set up an account: (623) 773-7137 Mon. - Thur.: 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
For more class information www.peoriaaz.gov/enrichment
Sarah Loerzel Recreation Coordinator
Sarah.Loerzel@peoriaaz.gov (623) 773-8618
Register for Enrichment Classes: www.peoriaaz.gov/recplace
This class builds on the basics skills learned in the fundamentals dog training class We revisit basic obedience training, leash walking, positive reinforcement, and socialization and take them to the next level with time, distance and distractions.
Intermediate Dog Obedience Group Sessions are open to dogs ages 5 month and older and have passed the AKC Star Puppy Test or equivalent with a minimum of 3 DHLPP Vaccines, Bordatella (kennel cough) and Rabies Proof of Vaccines is Required to participate After completion of this course, your dog will be qualified to take the AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Test and become AKC certified.
Fee $190 Res. / $200 Non-Res.
Age 18+
Location Dog Park South Cell, Pioneer Community Park
Course # 70164
To set up an account: (623) 773-7137 Mon. - Thur.: 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
For more class information www.peoriaaz.gov/enrichment
When Sat., June 3; 8:45 - 9:45 a.m. (6 classes)
Course # 71151
When Sat., July 22; 8:45 - 9:45 a.m. (6 classes)
Course # 71152
When Sat., Sept. 9; 8:45 - 9:45 a.m. (6 classes)
Don’t be a victim! Learn basic strikes, blocks, and techniques to defend yourself against any type of assault, with emphasis on ways of moving that will allow you to effectively overcome an attacker no matter your age, body type, or physical ability. This ladies-only workshop teaches you how to avoid and respond to a physical attack, using in-class drills and practice. Mothers and daughters (age 13) welcome!
Fee $35 Res. / $42 Non-Res.
Course # 68916
When Fri., June 9; 6 - 8 p.m. (1 class)
Age 13+
Location Brook Room,Rio Vista Recreation Center
Grab a sword for a unique, fun fitness alternative! Join us for Sword Fitness, a no contact class based on sword drills used in stage and film. Weighted “swords” are provided. Wear clothing that allows for movement and stretching
Fee $55 Res. / $64 Non-Res.
Age 14+
Location Aerobics Room
Course # 68911
When Thur., June 15; 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. (6 classes)
Course # 68913
When Thur., Aug. 3; 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. (6 classes)
Dusting off that trunk novel, or staring at a blank page? Whether you’ve never written a novel before, or are stuck in the middle of one, JJM Czep will guide you to your writing goals. Learn tips and tricks to completing a project and paths to take once it’s done! Open sharing of work is strongly encouraged. Please bring printed or digitally sharable copies of works to be shared as well as notebook or laptop for exercises.
Fee $55 Res. / $64 Non-Res.
Age 15+
Location Riverside Conference Room
Course # 68904
When Mon., June 12; 6:30 - 8 p.m. (6 classes)
Course # 68905
When Mon., July 31; 6 - 7:30 p.m. (6 classes)
This class is an exciting introduction to ballet, tap creative movement and tumbling basics The focus is on having fun and giving your child a positive introduction to dance. Steppin Out Dance Instructors
Fee $62 Res. / $71 Non-Res. Age 3 -5
AZ Ice and the City of Peoria have partnered to offer fun, recreational ice skating classes. AZ Ice follows the nationwide “Learn to Skate-USA” program to provide the entry level curriculum in a fun and positive atmosphere. Skaters learn to march, fall down and get up properly, forward swizzles, back wiggles, and snowplow stops through games, toys and laughter. Classes include a weekly 30-minute lesson by a certified PSA instructor, skate rental, and public skating on class day
Fee $110 Res. / $119 Non-Res.
Age 7-12
Location AZ Ice Peoria
Course # 69012
When Wed., May 10; 6:45 - 7:15 p.m. (8 classes)
Course # 69013
When Fri., May 12; 4:30 - 5 p.m. (8 classes)
Course # 69014
When Sat., May 13; 12:15 - 12:45 p.m. (8 classes)
Course # 69015
When Wed., July 5; 6:45 - 7:15 p.m. (8 classes)
Storybook characters, music, and props make this introduction to ballet and jazz dance magical! Pink leather ballet shoes, leotards and skirts (any color) are recommended, so little dancers can get into the spirit of our storybook dancing stars. Steppin Out Dance Instructors
Course # 69016
When Fri., July 7; 4:30 - 5 p.m. (8 classes)
Course # 69017
When Sat., July 8; 12:15 - 12:45 p.m. (8 classes)
AZ Ice and the City of Peoria have partnered to offer fun, recreational ice skating classes. AZ Ice follows the nationwide “Learn to Skate-USA” program to provide the entry level curriculum in a fun and positive atmosphere Children and parents (or another person 16+) learn the proper technique to perform basic skating. Beginning skills such as marching, fall down and get up, 2-foot hop, back wiggles, and much more are taught through fun games and songs to keep your child engaged and interested. Classes include a weekly 30 minute lesson by a certified PSA instructor, skate rental, and public skating on class day
Fee $110 Res. / $119 Non-Res.
Age 3 -6
Location AZ Ice Peoria
Course # 69018
When Wed., May 10; 6:45 - 7:15 p.m. (8 classes)
Course # 69055
When Sat., May 13; 12:15 - 12:45 p.m. (8 classes)
Course # 69057
When Wed., July 5; 6:45 - 7:15 p.m. (8 classes)
Course # 69058
When Sat., July 8; 12:15 - 12:45 p.m. (8 classes)
Register for Enrichment Classes: www.peoriaaz.gov/recplace
To set up an account: (623) 773-7137 Mon. - Thur.: 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
For more class information
Sarah Loerzel Recreation CoordinatorSarah.Loerzel@peoriaaz.gov (623) 773-8618
Register for Enrichment Classes: www.peoriaaz.gov/recplace
AZ Ice and the City of Peoria have partnered up to offer fun, recreational ice skating classes. AZ Ice follows the nationwide Learn to Skate-USA program to provide the entry level curriculum in a fun and positive atmosphere. Skaters learn how to march, fall down and get up properly, forward swizzles, back wiggles, and snowplow stops through games, toys, and laughter. Classes include a weekly 30-minute lesson by a certified PSA instructor, skate rental, and public skating on class day
Fee $110 Res. / $119 Non-Res.
Age 4 -7
Location AZ Ice Peoria
Course # 69059
When Wed., May 10; 6:45 - 7:15 p.m. (8 classes)
Course # 69060
When Fri., May 12; 4 - 4:30 p.m. (8 classes)
Course # 69061
To set up an account: (623) 773-7137 Mon. - Thur.: 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
For more class information www.peoriaaz.gov/enrichment Sarah Loerzel
Recreation Coordinator(623) 773-8618
When Sat., May 13; 12:15 - 12:45 p.m. (8 classes)
Course # 69062
When Wed., July 5; 6:45 - 7:15 p.m. (8 classes)
Course # 69063
When Fri., July 7; 4 - 4:30 p.m. (8 classes)
Course # 69064
When Sat., July 8; 12:15 - 12:45 p.m. (8 classes)
Taught by a black belt from Peoria Championship Martial Arts Studio This is an introductory class geared to acquaint young students with the Chuck Norris system of martial arts. Students will learn practical skills that also build self confidence, self-control, discipline, coordination, and respect. Students who attend all classes and perform the minimum requirements for skill development will have the opportunity to earn their first ‘belt’ and perform their skills for friends and family by the last class meeting. No uniforms required! Peoria Championship Martial Arts Instructors
Fee $55 Res. / $64 Non-Res.
Course # 68986
When Sat., July 15; 9 - 9:30 a.m. (7 classes)
Age 4 -7
Location Peoria Championship Martial Arts
Parents and children will have fun together as we get messy through textile art experiences. You make the mess and we do the rest! Wear clothes and shoes that can get messy. Please register all participants. Younger children are unable to attend. One guardian per child due to space availability
Fee $63 Res. / $72 Non-Res.
Course # 70162
When Tues., June 13; 2:30 - 3:15 p.m. (6 classes)
Age 4- 6
Location Kids Corner Room, R io Vista Recreation Center
Children learn best through play and social interactions In our classroom, we focus on strengthening children’s developmental skills while preparing them for their educational future Parent participation is required as your child learns to navigate a classroom environment Please register all participants. Younger children are unable to attend. One guardian per child due to space availability
Fee $63 Res. / $72 Non-Res.
Course # 70161
When Tues., June 13; 1:30 - 2:15 p.m. (6 classes)
Age 4- 6
Location Kids Corner Room, R io Vista Recreation Center
Children will learn soccer skills like dribbling, kicking, throw-ins, goalie skills, (age permitting: scrimmaging) and more! Our goal is to maintain an energetic & active program that will teach, encourage and advance your young players regardless of their skill level Please bring an age appropriate soccer ball with your child’s name on it and a water bottle. Parent participation required.
Beginners Edge Instructors
Fee $60 Res. / $69 Non-Res.
Location Gymnasium South, R io Vista Recreation Center Ages
Children will experience three popular sports: Week 1 & 2 Soccer; Week 3 & 4 Baseball/Softball; and Basketball; Children will learn the basics of each sport in this non-competitive class. Please bring an ageappropriate soccer ball for the first week. Parent participation required . B eginners Edge Instructors
Fee $60 Res. / $69 Non-Res.
Location Gymnasium South, R io Vista Recreation Center Ages 2-4
Child abductions and human trafficking are terrifying, and also a common occurrence in today’s world. Retired police officer and martial arts professional, Denis Wooten, will teach young children (and their parents/guardians) environmental awareness, how to spot and avoid threatening people in dangerous situations, and what to do if accosted by a stranger. Children will learn basic Kenpo techniques and how to apply them during reality-based scenarios practiced during class. Parents will also participate to learn techniques to defend and keep their child safe if an attempted abduction happens Parents can practice these techniques at home to strengthen the skills learned and further develop mental agility to be used in real-life situations.
Fee $20 Res. / $27 Non-Res.
Age 3 -6
Location Brook Room, Rio Vista Recreation Center
Course # 68876
When Sat., June 24; 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. (1 class)
Course # 68877
When Sat., July 22; 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. (1 class)
Course # 68878
When Sat., Aug. 26; 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. (1 class)
Register for Enrichment Classes: www.peoriaaz.gov/recplace
To set up an account: (623) 773-7137 Mon. - Thur.: 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Register for Enrichment Classes: www.peoriaaz.gov/recplace
Our Skills Trainer will optimize and enhance basketball performance for a competitive edge. Each week will be devoted to player development and competition For young athletes on Jr High, Freshman or JV basketball teams E voathlete Instructors
Fee $100 Res. / $110 Non-Res.
Age 12-17
Location Gymnasium North, R io Vista Recreation Center
Course # 69003
When Thur., June 1; 7 - 8 p.m. (6 classes)
Course # 69004
When Thur., July 6; 7 - 8 p.m. (6 classes)
Course # 69006
When Thur., Aug. 14; 7 - 8 p.m. (6 classes)
This is an introductory class geared to acquaint students with the Chuck Norris system of martial arts. Students will learn practical skills that also build self confidence, self-control, discipline, coordination, and respect Taught by a black belt from Peoria Championship Martial Arts Studio, students who attend all classes and perform the minimum requirements for skill development will have the opportunity to earn their first ‘belt’ by the last class meeting. No uniforms required! Peoria Championship Martial Arts Instructors
Fee $55 Res. / $64 Non-Res.
Course # 68987
When Sat., July 15; 9:40 - 10:10 a.m. (7 classes)
Age 8 -14
Location Peoria Championship Martial Arts
To set up an account: (623) 773-7137 Mon. - Thur.: 7
For more class information www.peoriaaz.gov/enrichment
Let’s Dance! Learn tap, ballet, and jazz dance basics. We focus on having fun and creating a positive introduction to dance for boys and girls. Steppin Out Dance Instructors
Fee $62 Res. / $71 Non-Res.
Age 5- 8
Location Brook Room, Rio Vista Recreation Center
Course # 69856
When Mon., June 5; 4:30 - 5:15 p.m. (6 classes)
Course # 69932
When Mon., July 24; 4:30 - 5:15 p.m. (6 classes)
LEGO’s Build the Change movement uses innovative designs to help our planet! Throughout the week, campers will complete real-life-inspired engineering challenges, from saving polar bears to allowing plant life to survive during a frost. Campers will be pushed to think innovatively and creatively, enhancing their imagination and teamwork skills. AZ Science Center Instructors
Fee $89 Res. / $98 Non-Res.
Course # 68869
When Tues.-Fri., June 6; 1 - 4 p.m. (4 classes)
Age 7-12
Location Brook Room, Rio Vista Recreation Center
Interested in babysitting? Prepare yourself for the responsibilities that go along with caring for infants and children. You’ll also learn basic CPR, how to help someone who is choking, basic first aid techniques, and child safety practices E ach student receives a workbook to keep and a Babysitting Safety
Certification card. Bring a non-perishable snack, drink, pen, and paper to class AER Instructors
Fee $53 Res. / $62 Non-Res.
Age 10-15
Location Brook Room, Riverside Conference Room
Course # 68861
When Sat., May 20; 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. (1 class)
Course # 68862
When Sat., June 17; 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. (1 class)
Course # 68863
When Sat., July 15; 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. (1 class)
Do you have an active imagination? Explore the creative world of writing and the secrets of famous authors. Learn to overcome ‘writers block,’ create memorable characters, set the mood and create an image of your story while experimenting with different writing styles. Notebook and pen, or digital writing devices recommended for class
Fee $55 Res. / $64 Non-Res.
Course # 68906
When Mon.; June 12; 5-6 p.m. (6 classes)
Age 9-15
Location Riverside Conference Room
Take a trip back in time to discover Ancient Egypt! Throughout the week, explorers will investigate the science of mummification, the secrets of the pyramids, the art of hieroglyphics and the modern-day inventions created by Egyptians long ago. Campers will take a step back in history to discover how sophisticated this ancient society was for its time! AZ Science Center Instructors
Fee $89 Res. / $98 Non-Res.
Course # 68871
When Tues.-Fri., June 13; 1 - 4 p.m. (4 classes)
Age 7-12
Location Brook Room, Rio Vista Recreation Center
Basketball training for young athletes, designed to enhance basketball-specific skills. If your son or daughter has played organized basketball then this is the class for them. Children will experience skills, drills and conditioning in dribbling, passing, shooting, and basketball dynamics. At this level, children will be challenged and learn training techniques Please bring an age-appropriate basketball and bottled water. Evoathlete Instructors
Fee $100 Res. / $110 Non-Res.
Age 9-12
Location Gymnasium North, R io Vista Recreation Center
Course # 69000
When Thur., June 1; 6 - 7 p.m. (6 classes)
Course # 69001
When Thur., July 13; 6 - 7 p.m. (6 classes)
Course # 69002
When Thur., Aug. 24; 6 - 7 p.m. (6 classes)
Basketball training designed to establish building blocks for athletes, youths will experience 4 major components of playing. Each week will focus on a specific aspect of basketball which includes dribbling, shooting, passing and basketball dynamics. Children will learn the fundamentals of basketball in a fun, interactive setting. Please bring an age-appropriate basketball and bottled water. Evoathlete Instructors
Fee $100 Res. / $110 Non-Res.
Age 7-12
Location Gymnasium North, R io Vista Recreation Center
Course # 68996
When Thur., June 1; 5 - 6 p.m. (6 classes)
Course # 68997
When Thur., July 13; 5 - 6 p.m. (6 classes)
Fee $100 Res. / $110 Non-Res.
Course # 68999
When Thur., Aug. 24; 5 - 6 p.m. (6 classes)
Do you have high energy and charisma? Boys and girls will learn cheerleading basics such as arm movements, jumps and stunts. You’ll also learn the newest hip hop dance styles and tricks, putting it all together to music!
Steppin Out Dance Instructors
Fee $62 Res. / $71 Non-Res.
Age 6 -12
Brook Room, Recreation Center
Register for Enrichment Classes:
Calling all future space explorers—NASA ASTRO CAMP® is for our true astronomy lovers! Throughout the week, Jr. space explorers will discover our Solar System and beyond. AZ Science Center Instructors
Fee $89 Res. / $98 Non-Res.
Course # 68872
When Tues.-Fri., June 20; 1 - 4 p.m. (4 classes)
Age 7-12
Location Brook Room, Rio Vista Recreation Center
Wanna be a star? Combine dancing and acting skills into entertaining dance routines that are designed to express your individual personality and creativity Learn basic dance stretches, leaps, and turns, incorporated into musical theater style routines set to theme songs from popular movies and musicals. Steppin Out Dance Instructors
Fee $62 Res. / $71 Non-Res.
Age 6 -12
Location Brook Room, Rio Vista Recreation Center
Course # 69857
When Mon., June 5; 5:30 - 6:15 p.m. (6 classes)
Course # 69933
When Mon., July 24; 5:30 - 6:15 p.m. (6 classes)
To set up an account: (623) 773-7137 Mon. - Thur.: 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
For more class information
Sarah Loerzel Recreation CoordinatorSarah.Loerzel@peoriaaz.gov (623) 773-8618
Register for Enrichment Classes: www.peoriaaz.gov/recplace
This is a 5-day robotic camp where students will solidify foundational mathematics and coding principles Additionally, students will be presented with opportunities to develop soft skills, such as working on a team, critical thinking, troubleshooting, leadership skills, and creative problem solving It’s a combination of learning and fun. The Level 1 camp curriculum includes: ntroduction to the VEX IQ robot and operating it with the controller.
• I mplement block programming to control robot movements .
• Students will be developing, testing, and refining various aspects of the robot
• T he final “Space Mission” involves the robot deploying satellites and cleaning space junk using code
Neotech Robotic Instructors
Fee $300 Res. / $300 Non-Res.
Location Colonnade, Peoria Sports Complex
Child abductions and human trafficking are terrifying, and are also a common occurrence in today’s world. Retired police officer and martial arts professional, Denis Wooten, will teach young children (and their parents/guardians) environmental awareness, how to spot and avoid threatening people in dangerous situations, and what to do if accosted by a stranger. Children will learn basic Kenpo techniques and how to apply them during reality-based scenarios practiced during class. Parents will also participate to learn techniques to defend and keep their child safe if an attempted abduction happens Parents can practice these techniques at home to strengthen the skills learned and further develop mental agility to be used in real-life situations.
Fee $20 Res. / $27 Non-Res.
Age 6 -10
Location Brook Room, Rio Vista Recreation Center
To set up an account: (623) 773-7137 Mon. - Thur.: 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
For more class information www.peoriaaz.gov/enrichment
Course # 68899
When Mon.-Fri., June 5; 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. (5 classes)
Age 8 -11
Course # 68886
When Mon.-Fri., June 5; 1 - 4 p.m. (5 classes)
Age 12-14
Investigate the science in our own backyard! Sonoran Science focuses on the desert climate in Arizona. Throughout the week, explorers will discover native plants and animals, and explore what allows them to survive in one of Earth’s harshest environments
Campers will also explore the geology, landforms and water sources that allow plants, animals and humans to survive in desert environments. AZ Science Center
Fee $89 Res. / $98 Non-Res.
Course # 68873
When Tues.-Fri., July 11; 1 - 4 p.m. (4 classes)
Age 7-12
Location Brook Room, Rio Vista Recreation Center
Inspired by the designer Anouk Wipprecht, this camp is for gadget-lovers! Campers will have the opportunity to combine fashion, function and innovation in this hands-on camp. Everything from lights, prosthetics and hydraulics can be explored throughout the week, pushing imagination, innovation and design to the limit!
AZ Science Center Instructors
Fee $89 Res. / $98 Non-Res.
Course # 68874
When Tues.-Fri., July 18; 1 - 4 p.m. (4 classes)
Age 7-12
Location East Brook Conference Room, R io Vista Recreation Center
Course # 68879
When Sat., June 24; 9:15 - 10:15 a.m. (1 class)
Course # 68880
When Sat., July 22; 9:15 - 10:15 a.m. (1 class)
Course # 68881
When Sat., Aug. 26; 9:15 - 10:15 a.m. (1 class)
Young Rembrandts’ step-by-step method and experienced instructors can teach every child how to draw, regardless of artistic ability, resulting in creative expression skills that will last a lifetime! This innovative method empowers students to express their imagination while improving their motor skills and the ability to stay on task. All materials are provided and new subject matter is introduced every week, including lessons in art history, still life, drawing animals, figure drawing and more.
Fee $89 Res. / $98 Non-Res.
Age 6 -12
Location Lakeview West Room, R io Vista Recreation Center
Course # 68900
When Tues.-Fri., June 27; 1 - 2:30 p.m. (4 classes)
Course # 68901
When Tues.-Fri., June 27; 2:45 - 4:15 p.m. (4 classes)
Course # 68903
When Tues.-Fri., July 25; 2:45 - 4:15 p.m. (4 classes)
Course # 68902
When Tues.-Fri., July 25; 1 - 2:30 p.m. (4 classes)
March 8
Swaying in the Moonlight
Arabic Music & Dance
April 19
African Drumming
May 10
Phoenix Afrobeat Orchestra
Afrobeat Music
June 14
Walt Richardson & Friends
Caribbean Reggae Music
PEORIA CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTSThe Peoria Veterans Honor Wall is an important and impactful element of the City of Peoria’s Veterans Memorial, located at Rio Vista Community Park, 8866 West Thunderbird Road.
The 88-foot-long, black, granite wall pays tribute to the five branches of the United States military: Air Force, Army, Marines, Navy and Coast Guard.The Great Seal of the United States is boldly represented on the first eight-foot panel, along with the seals of all five service branches.
A special tribute states, “This memorial is dedicated by the city of Peoria to all of those who have served and are serving our country in the defense of freedom.”
An inscription spanning the length of the wall bears the quote, “Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship,support any friend,oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of freedom.” –
John F. Kennedy, 1961 Inaugural AddressFamilies and friends are encouraged to recognize an individual who has served in the U.S. Military by reserving space for their name and service details on the Peoria Veterans Honor Wall.
The Veterans Honor Wall is located at Rio Vista Community Park. Each honor space will include the veteran's name, rank, branch and service years.
To be included in Peoria's annual Veterans Day Ceremony, order forms must be received by September 30.
“We’ve been blessed with the opportunity to stand for something, for liberty and freedom and fairness.And these things are worth fighting for, worth devoting our lives to.”
President Ronald Reaganfairness. And