Perfect Diver Magazine 13 issue

Page 52

k n ow l e dg e

Full awareness diving Text and photos Krzysztof Dziech

In 1979, Jon Kabat-Zinn, a MIT graduate holding a PhD in molecular biology, came upon the idea to introduce his private meditation practices based on the Buddhist “full consciousness” method into the hospital environment, both among patients and personnel.


enerally, his purpose was to reduce stress levels. This is how Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction came to life –

a protocol grounded in classical Buddhist psychology (however, in-depth research shows that its roots may be traced back to each philosophical and religious system, to a large extent also in the Judeo-Christian tradition) and at the same time based on classical medicine, psychology and knowledge of the western world. I encourage those of you who would like to extend their knowledge on that topic to read specialized compilations and spend some time to think about it and research the matter.


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