Roadhog april 2015

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H.O.G. 速 Chapter 6655

Official Newsletter of the Great Western Chapter

April 2015

Between the Covers

CONTENTS Features 7 - Only Fools and Horses 9 - GWC Birthday Party 12 - Harleys Do Bandanas 15 - GWC Merchandise 17 - HOGs Go To Haynes

Regulars 2 - Between the Covers 3 - Director’s Cut 4 - Secretary’s Update 6 - From the Front 8 - Cocker’s Bits 11 - Cangen Cymraeg 13 - Ladies of Harley

Hi All and welcome to the April edition of RoadHOG.

14 - Charity Update

It’s a packed and varied issue this month with rideout reports, our very own Chapter Birthday Party (who was Stigg’s Dark Custom brother?) and the “Harleys Do Bandanas” ride.

19 - Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop 21 - At a Glance

Considering it’s still early in the riding season there’s plenty going on. Hopefully, this will be the trend for the rest of the year. I know I’ve a lot to look forward to. For starters, me n Mrs Cockers are joining a group of friends from the Chapter for a tour of the south-eastern states of the USA, taking in the legendary ‘Tail of the Dragon’. Hopefully we’ll get through without incident and leave nothing on the infamous “Tree of Shame”.

As an aside me n she are currently watching the series “Justified” on the TV. Its based in Kentucky and, checking on the map, we’ll be skirting this state. Hopefully we won’t accidentally enter it as, from this series, it seems that all that do get shot . On a more serious note you’ll find this edition covers Mike Ludwell’s situation and I wish him well in his fight against cancer. I’ve ridden with Mike and I’m sure he’ll agree with me when I say “get out on your Harley as you never know when life will throw you a curve ball”. Mark Cockwell Editor Email: Mobile: 07900 496711 (Note: Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily the views of the Editor)


Director’s Cut Hi All,

“Gurzels” (GWC’s very own Legs & Co) on the Saturday. So come on, get involved, it’s not deadly serious, it’s just a laugh. If you don’t enjoy the limelight, there will be a few rotas circulating for tagging tent, hospitality tent, etc. so please help if you can.

Time for a change of photo, so I thought a selfie sporting my Brain Tumour Support bandana would be very appropriate, given Mike Ludwell’s recent operation. The group ride to The Mall, Cribbs Causeway, in support of Mike on Saturday 7th March was a great success, so well done RKK for taking the lead and great to see the photo in the Bristol Post. More about that later in the mag. To be honest I did think twice about the selfie, because I’m not a fan and, as to selfie sticks, the world’s gone mad. What’s wrong with asking the person next to you to take a photo? I’m glad to see they’re being banned in some places. Bring back the art of conversation and throw away the earphones that cocoon you in your own little world.

More hands make light work. A quick update on the Parade of Flags events. The UK and Ireland events will be Ireland BikeFest, South of England Rally and Thunder in the Glens, I know we have attendance at the latter two, but is anyone going to the Ireland BikeFest? European events are TBC at time of writing. al and it was fantastic to be able to keep the costumes at the end of the night (well April the 1st has only just gone!).

Thankfully, the long winter months are now behind us, so time to get out and join our monthly rideouts, without the frustration of putting on multiThere are lots of people who contrib- ple layers of clothing and plugging in People out running with earphones, uted to making it a great evening; far heated gloves. Not forgetting the in colour co-ordinated clothes and too many to list so, to each and eve- longer daylight hours, so hopefully trainers, carrying a water bottle, also ryone of you at Riders and the GWC, we’ll see a few more bikes at our annoys me. End of rant! meeting nights! I say a VERY BIG THANK YOU on Congratulations to Neil Prescott and behalf of GWC. For full details of all our activities Keith Swarbrick for the rideout to the HOGs in the Hayfields 8 is creeping please visit the website as this is Haynes Motor Museum. It was the ever closer, so I hope you’ve got it in being frequently updated as events first time for Neil leading a ride and firm up and if you find anything missyour diary and are planning your the first time as sweeper for Keith overnight accommodation, if getting ing please remind us, we’re only huand they both passed with flying col- down with nature in a tent is not your man! ours. However, I did get a bit worried scene. Barry “Bazzzzer” Aggett at one point when Neil led us antiThe first rally preparation meeting clockwise around a roundabout Director heading towards Norton St Phillip! It was very well attended, but there is still plenty of time for you to play your Email: brought back memories of holidays Home: 01291 620371 abroad, but I must add it was a traffic part. Mobile: 07907 351650 diversion. For the extroverts among you, we are looking for volunteers to take The 12th Birthday Party at Riders was a huge success with the fashion part in another exciting performance of “GWC Entertains” on the Friday show topping the bill. The raised centre stage made it very profession- night and the dazzling


Secretary’s Update Hi Everyone! I trust that you were all lucky enough for the Easter Bunny to give you your Easter eggs! Or maybe you preferred to indulge with hot cross buns! Mike Ludwell and I were photographed wearing our bandanas in aid of the Brain Tumour Local Support Group, at the GWC 12th Birthday Party! I was handing out the free booze and Mike was selling bandanas! Mike was overwhelmed by your generous donations, thank you. We held the first quarterly draw of the “100 Club” at our March Club night at the Cross Hands. The lucky winners were – David Jarvis, who won the 1st prize of £60 and Bob Smith, who won the 2nd prize of £30. Each year we raise several hundred pounds for our Charity, through the generosity of our members who support this, so a big thank you. We welcomed new member, Howard Cryer

es, and raising money for our Charity. side football match between the Keynsham Mencap team and some We held our March Committee MeetGWC likely lads, to take place at our ing at Riders on March 28th. SusRally. tained by Simnel cake, which was passed round, Peter gave us his At a Rally meeting, which was held Treasurer’s report for February. We afterwards, we heard that Anita is on agreed to present both branches of the prowl for more brave GWC memMencap with a cheque for £1,000 bers to step forward to entertain with each at our Rally. In return, we will karaoke at our Rally! Most things are ask for a list of the items they wish to now sorted, but doubtless there will purchase with this money. be requests for people to volunteer to help set up and clear away and sign Anita reported that ticket sales for our up for the gate and Hospitality Tent Christmas Party had already reached rotas. 58 to date, so there were only 12 tickets left! She also firmed up on several Ride safe and keep warm. other activities in the pipeline for Yvonne 2015. We all agreed with Tony’s proposal that he would arrange for a five-a-

And Graham Strange member (opposite). We also welcomed Dave and Sandra Watchman from Hilperton, Wiltshire. Jeff Gleed’s daughter, Maddy has also joined our Chapter. Thank you to Sonja Beddow, who was kept very busy sewing on patch-


Secretary Email: Home: 01225 751017

From the Front Hi Everyone,

Sunday 26th April 2015 – Wide, Hard, Barney & Team

I hope you are all sat comfortably as I take you through this month’s merry ramblings on all things riding.

“Stalking the Stones”

There is really only one subject I wish to inform you about. That is the riding of trikes within the group on rideouts. This ride will be a tour of the region’s most well known historic stones, so why not get out and join us on what should be a great day’s riding.

Now, firstly I will apologise to those that are already aware through club nights, but I’m guessing there will be a large proportion of our membership that this will be news to. I will endeavour to give you the entire abridged version. Back last year one of the GWC members challenged why trikes could not operate within the group on rideouts. He felt there were a number of reasons that were making him and his wife feel like they were not included. For those not aware, the GWC always places trikes between the Sweeper and the Breakdown, in the interest of performing an efficient method and safe riding operation.

The plan is to meet at Gordano Services M5/J19 at 10.00 a.m. Please be fuelled up and ready to depart at 10.30 a.m. On leaving the Services the ride will take a leisurely route through the Chew Valley passing the Stanton Drew stones, parking at the Druid Arms. Access to the stones is available from the pub. It will then progress on to Avebury (lunch stop) via the A4 through Bath and Bradfordupon-Avon.

The return will head back via Silbury Hill and East KenStill, in the interest of fairness the Committee felt it was only right, fair and proper to explore the concerns of one nett, Longbarrow and Stonehenge. The ride will finish at of our members. We set up a small working group to take McDonalds adjacent to Riders of Bristol. this on. This is classed as a Level B of approximately 130 miles. There subsequently followed a thorough investigation which explored many avenues and lasted over 4 months. Sunday 31st May 2015 – Andy “RKK” Kendall & Team The net result is we could not find a compelling reason to change what we already had in place and had been operating well in a safe manner. In short, the negatives for changing far outweighed the positives. So the bottom line is, the GWC will continue to place trikes between the Sweeper and the Breakdown on our rideouts. Our riding guidelines have been amended to reflect this and they can be found on the members section of the website. Unfortunately, the members concerned were not pleased with our findings and have decided to enjoy their riding elsewhere. Well, that’s about it from me this month ...... and so on to the forthcoming rides. (Continued on page 7)


This month’s ride will be a joint effort and will be led by Stu and Jane Scott.

“Only Fools and Horses”

This should be a good change of riding, as the route will traverse through the countryside of Monmouth, Herefordshire and Shropshire.

by Greg Payne Cangen Rideout Sunday 8th March 2015

Along the way there should be an opportunity to note the various castles which were erected in a by-gone era.

On a grey and wet Sunday morning the loved/ unloved/unwashed members of the mighty GWC The plan is to meet at Severn View (Aust) Services M48/ gathered at McDonalds J1 at 09.00 a.m. Please be fuelled up and ready to leave J35 M4. To my astonishat 09.30 a.m. ment, because of the The ride will leave taking the old Severn Bridge and head inclement conditions, 14 through Chepstow. From here the ride will take a left onto bikes and passengers the B4293 to Monmouth. We will then pass through Mon- assembled for the ride to mouth, going left onto A466 to the A49 and left to HereUsk for lunch. ford. My Road Crew being The ride will circumnavigate Hereford to A49 and on toPaul ‘Barney’ Evans wards Leominster (pronounced Lemster). From here, its (Sweeper), Barrie Avery left to B4361 and right onto the A44, continuing left onto (Breakdown) and, for the the B4361 towards Ludford. Lunch will be taken in the first time, Darlow Lloyd market town of Ludlow (planned 1.5 hours). as Road Marshal. See how many you can spot as you ride through cider apple country.

Following the break, the ride will leave Ludlow heading north B4361 and then left onto the A49. We will then go left at Bromfield onto the A4113 to Leintwardine. From here it’s left onto the A4110, take the offset crossroads to the A4110 on towards Hereford. From here there is a choice to go left onto the A4103 or maybe go down to the A480 and left then right onto the A49.

The route took in the delights of Heol Cyw Common, Blackmill, Porth, Ferndale and then on to Maerdy Mountain to tame the twisties on the far side. The vistas were quite incredible i.e. the verges, sheep and Learner Drivers - because of the mist shrouding the area there was not a lot to see. Then it was down the twisties to Aberdare Asda for a T & P.

Its then right onto the A4137 to cross over the A40 and join onto Monmouth and left onto the A466 to finish at Chepstow service station.

It was then onwards east via Crumlin and Pontypool and then on to Usk. I had reserved several places at the Nags Head Inn, Twyn Square, Usk and we were warmly welcomed by the licensee, Mr Key, whose family have kept the inn for 47 years and which is highly rated for good food. Having explained the menu, at least ¾ of our group opted for the award winning stoppers and goers (faggots and peas) made by N.S. James Butchers of Raglan. I can also recommend the home-made pies rabbit/steak and the fresh fish (I should be alright for a free meal next time).

This is classed as a Level B ride of approximately 150 miles. For last minute updates, please keep a check on the website for changes.

Alan “Big Al” Stokes Assistant Director & Head Road Captain

Leaving Usk at 2pm we rode west to Caerleon through Newport centre, Basseleg, Caerphilly, Taffs Well, Pentyrch, Groesfaen and finally ending around 3.20pm at Cardiff West Services M4. No incidents to report for a nice gentle ride with excellent company.

Ride Guide Please see below some guidance details of the rides:

Thanks as ever to the road crew and having no volunteers for this write up its down to me (where is Blakey when you need him).

Level A - Short and easy below 100 miles round trip. Level B - Fine for average riders but may be a bit longer. Level C - Can include some complex sections but mainly a longer duration.



Cocker’s Bits Hi Everyone, Not really a lot to write about this month, so I won’t waffle on, as you should be aware of most things but just a few reminders for you. HITH Friday Night Entertainment – 19th June I’m looking for some volunteers to join our merry band of what I laughingly call the ‘GWC Entertainers’. It’s an hour of GWC madness to kick start the Friday evening. I’m sure you know by now what I mean so you’ll know it’s a) not serious and b) not difficult! But what it is, is a laugh! If you want to have a go (single artists or in a group) and have an idea of what you want to do, get in touch asap.

I’m now collecting names of those GWC members who want to ride over together, so I can advise the Road Captains how many will be in the group. So please contact me ASAP. Meeting time/place still to be advised. Do not wait to purchase your own SOFER rally tickets and accommodation (camping included). Bristol Bike Show – 15th August If the SOFER rally isn’t your thing, or you can’t take the time off, then come along and join us at this local (but world renowned!) annual event in the centre of Bristol on Saturday 15th August.

We had a fantastic line up (in fact Calne Bike Weekend – 25 July several line ups) of GWC bikes last A local event but one that I see many year so let’s try and beat that number have still yet to attend, so why not this year! It would be great if you can give it a try this year? No firm deci‘”show” your bike but, if you have time sion made yet, but would you be inconstraints, just come along and join terested in a short group ride from us in the GWC marquee as and when Riders to the outskirts of Calne on the you can. Saturday, if there was enough interest from members? The ride would GWC Christmas Party – 5th December take you to the outskirts of Calne, where you would find a place to park and the official ride ends. Once there you can do your own thing, stay for as long or as short as you like. Camp/ stay overnight or just soak up the atmosphere and take a leisurely ride home at your own pace. Contact me if you want to be included and I’ll keep you posted. th

Only 12 tickets left at time of writing so get yours now! £10 deposit per person secures a place. Bank Acct Name: Great Western Chapter Bank Account No: 41343203 Sort Code: 40-14-06 Reference: Xmas Party The invite is currently open to GWC members only until the end of September, after which any remaining spaces will be made available to members’ guests. Anita “Cockers” Cockwell Activities Officer Email: Mobile: 07841 617477

Official GWC going to SOFER – 14th to 16th August SOFER has a new venue this year, Hickstead International Show Jumping Ground (RH17 5NU). This has now been adopted as an official GWC activity. An organised ride will be arranged for the Friday to arrive en masse at the Hickstead venue, where the official activity will finish (i.e. you make your own arrangements for the homeward journey).

Congratulations to Darlow Lloyd on receiving his Road Marshal patch


95 and counting! Thank you to all who attended and made what I have heard referred to many times as “one of the best” GWC birthday parties yet!! A lot of effort, from a lot of people, went into making this year’s event different and hopefully you’ll agree that it was worth it.

GWC Birthday Party

So firstly, our thanks go to Duncan and his team for hosting, setting up the stage, supplying and sorting the clothes collection, the food and DJ Rob Paston and not forgetting the showroom staff for staying all night and going in early the following day.


Next, thanks go to our very own LOH for the fashion show, Cheryl (Dando) for hair and makeup, Julie (Quick) for being our ‘runner’ and all the other ladies who volunteered (we had so many we couldn’t use them all); thank you ladies! A special thanks too to our honorary ‘LOH men’ who also modelled - you owned the catwalk, guys! And finally Caro-

We were also lucky to be able to introduce and welcome two staff from Mencap Chepstow. Baz accepted a birthday card on behalf of GWC from Alison Narduzzo, Trustee and Bethan Williams, newly appointed Deputy Manager of Mencap, Chepstow. It was great to be able to have them attend.

GWC Birthday Party

line Filder came up trumps again with a fantastic original GWC decorated birthday cake, yummy!

As part of our fashion show, we modelled the latest H.O.G® t-shirts and set this off with this year’s Brain Tumour Support charity bandanas (our local version was in burgundy and the national version in red). Our main model of the bandanas, Mike Ludwell, sold all of the stock of bandanas he had brought with him, as well as Stephanie’s 30 odd, within minutes, as GWC members wanted to show their support for him personally and the ‘Bandanas for Brain Tumours’ day, which was also on the Friday. Cockers


Cangen Cymraeg I’ve just had the call from our Editor, “your magazine needs you”, so time to dust off my quills and try to remember what’s been occurring since the last time I dribbled.

was no point in entering under the current rules, as 1066 Chapter would always win it. In fact I was astonished at the fact that Black MounI know this will be covered in depth by tains, who came second, that literary duo Yvonne and Peter were 40,000 miles bebut I have to mention the Chapter hind, especially knowing Birthday Party held at Riders on Frihow much Adey th day 8 March. At least 80 GWC Vaughan and the BM members, including Cangen memmembers had put into bers, attended and I thought it was a the competition. bloody good night. Lots of Totty strutting their stuff on the catwalk model- This has caused the apathy for this ling new H-D clothes and accessoevent which was proved by only 6 ries. A great night to chew the fat with entrants from GWC who bothered to old friends about future rides and ral- enter. Anyhow, Baz will collect any lies. forms for this competition and forward the same to H.O.G® . A big thanks to Duncan and his staff for organising the event and also the The planning committee for the ‘Hogs 20% discount which quite a few of us In The Hayfields’ Rally 8 had a good took advantage of. Another big turnout but again I say to you “YOUR thanks also goes to Gerry for chaufRALLY NEEDS YOU”. feuring GWC members back to the Also asked was if anybody was atPremier Inn in his Rolls Royce - a tending a H.O.G® Flag Event Rally. If nice touch. Ian and Kay were suitably so then to let Baz know and he will impressed (well they do live in Cowregister your name for an entitlement bridge). of a Rally Banner. The Sunday, following the party, it Forthcoming rideouts were mentioned was my turn to lead a rideout to Usk and then we had a lively discussion which, although wet, was enjoyable. on the positioning of Trikes in a You can read an account of this elserideout. The official GWC policy is where in the mag. that on grounds of SAFETY trikes will The Cangen meeting at St Marys on be positioned behind the Sweeper Wednesday 11th March was attended and in front of the Breakdown. This by 22 members and included Eileen policy was the fruition of a complaint and Martin James – tideee. received from a trike rider. Baz explained that himself, Big Al (HRC) Bazzer mentioned the success of the and Andy Kendall (Safety Officer) had birthday party and that Duncan was spent hours debating this point and pleased with the evening’s purchashad also consulted H.O.G® Safety es. Officer Mike Dall. I felt that the reply Mike Ludwell’s ride from Riders to from H.O.G® sat on the fence and did Cribbs Causeway, organised by RKK, not address the situation. This matter was attended by over 40 bikes and it was discussed at committee and it is believed around £1000 was raised was democratically decided that on for Mike’s charity. the grounds of SAFETY the current GWC position be maintained. ® The H.O.G mileage Challenge was discussed and the apathy of GWC The complainant has been made members entering the competition. I aware of this decision and as a confelt that most members thought there sequence has decided to leave the


GWC and ride with Black Mountains, who allow trikes anywhere in the rideout. Other forthcoming events i.e. Calne Weekend, SOFER, LOH Pen y Fan trek up heart attack hill and the LOH trip to Chester were also mentioned. Baz then asked the floor for a vote on whether we should stay at St Marys or try to find another venue. The vote went narrowly to St Marys (phew! that cost me a few pints). Steph Evans, our Charity Officer, mentioned a Mencap Coffee morning on 2nd April, a charity Poker Run in September which still has to be formalised and also that she is still the collection ink cartridges, stamps (you name it she wants it) and unwanted H-D apparel. That’s all folks Greg “Greggo” Payne Cangen Cymraeg Rep.

Harleys Do Bandanas

By Mike Ludwell

It was December 15th 2014 when I was given the news that was life-changing. A medical team at Gloucester Oncology Centre told me I had a pair of terminal Glioblastoma Brain Tumours. From this point I needed to know and understand more about my condition, which led me through McMillian to the Brain Tumour Support charity who were able to help. Thinking of how I might return something back I chatted with RKK to see if he would lead a special event ride, from Riders Bristol to Asda Cribbs Causeway, to help raise awareness. Permissions were obtained from the GWC Committee, as it was a not an official ride, and we didn’t want to clash with any other events. Peter Roberts kindly put out a MailChimp which, followed by Facebook Posts, resulted in Mike’s “Harleys Do Bandanas” ride on 7th March. We had no idea how many would show up but, on the day, the weather was kind to us and it was clear from the time I arrived at Riders that it was going to be a big ride. There was a huge buzz about the place with loads of people trying to purchase the last few Bandanas and, even better, the sun had blessed us with its company. This was to be the first time for me back on a motorcycle since my diagnosis. I sat pillion to RKK on the lead bike and it was such a good feeling. Speeds were low so I felt really safe but morally it was an important step for me personally. The ride left Riders at eleven and followed the ring road with over 50 bikes and trikes of all makes but predominantly Harleys. There were lots of faces, old and new, and every one of them had a grin. As we wound our way to the top of Filton Hill we had to reassemble a couple of times due to traffic. However, one last assembly before Asda allowed us to ride in en masse. In addition to the Brain Tumour Support charity, The Evening Post and Bristol Gazette had also sent photographers, which resulted in articles during the following week raising awareness of the charity. The previous day the ITV film crew were out and I had the very exciting experience of being interviewed as part of the whole event of Brain Tumour Awareness Day. The reception at Asda was exhilarating, with loads of people watching us arrive (we all love that don’t we). We all parked up on the paved area around Asda’s front doors. I personally felt so proud that this event was supported far beyond what I could have ever hoped for but, by the comments from the riders and those taking part, a good time was had by everyone. Some slipped away for drinks and lunch whilst pictures were taken and, eventually, everything settled to normality as the last bikes headed off at the end of a truly great day. A huge thank you to everyone who gave up their time and donated so generously, helping us to raise a total of £958 for the Brain Tumour Support Charity and the Brain Tumour Charity. Mike


Ladies of Harley Hello Ladies, Let’s start by saying what a great evening and a big “thank you” to all who took part in the fashion show for our 12th Birthday Party. This includes, not just the ladies and gents that modelled the clothes, but Cheryl for making us look amazing, Julie who did the running and last, but not least, Jenny for the finishing touches and topping up our wine glasses; thanks all. I’m not going to say any more as there is a centre page spread.

Chester Weekend All deposits have been paid with a total of 25, so a good number. There may still be a chance of adding to this, if you are still thinking of joining us.

Avery just reminding me how well they had done. As you may have guessed, I am not a Rugby fan. At the last club night I spoke to Anne Egan who told me she’d got her bike out of storage to ride to the coffee morning. Sorry Anne that it didn’t go ahead, but I’m sure you have made the most of the lovely weather. I only wish I could say the same as, at the time of writing, I am still waiting for my “front fork sliders” to come back from the metal finishers, and of course for Stu to put my bike back together for the MOT. Only then will it be ready for the riding season. I almost forgot to mention my new wheels. Oh I can’t wait, although I have been told I have to be cautious with my braking because I could ruin my new shiny discs!

Also at club night Mandy Crook mentioned that she was taking her theory test and was hoping to bring good news to the coffee morning. Well it was good news so a Big Well Done Mandy. That’s one step closer to ridGurzels Update We will have had our second meeting ing your own Harley and then your so all I can say at this moment is that journey begins! it’s looking good. Of course don’t for- Anyway Ladies, here we have a new get to fill out and submit your forms date for our coffee and cake morning. for your rally tickets.

18TH APRIL CHEPSTOW GARDEN CENTRE 11:00 AM PWLLMEYRIC CHEPSTOW NP16 6LP I hope you are able to make this morning and, as usual, we can have a natter over a coffee. I’ll be great to see you all. We have our team rideout next month. I think Stu will lead out and hopefully I will lead back. This time we are off to Ludlow, a lovely medieval market town and, as we’ll be taking the scenic route, it should be a good one. I think that’s all for this month Ladies. Hopefully we will catch up along the line somewhere. I finished writing this article whilst watching the partial eclipse of the sun. Take Care.

Hospitality Tent Jane xx

I will be taking names to help run the hospitality tent. The rota will be in 1 hour slots and, as normal, if you can make or bring cakes/biscuits to go with the cuppa that would be great.

Ladies of Harley Any question, queries ….. Email: Mobile: 07894 086626

Well Ladies, I’m sorry the coffee morning was cancelled. Dare I say it was due to a Rugby match that was on that day. I think Wales won as I did receive a quirky email from Lynne


Charity Update Where has the last month gone! I can’t believe it’s time to tap away at the keyboard and tell you what’s happening on the charity front once again. The Bandanas for Brain Tumours ride was a roaring success and I was very pleased to be a part of it. All the bandanas I had bought ready for the Hospitality tent at our rally sold at the Birthday party, along with all the ones that Mike Ludwell had brought with him as well!

     

Walking boots or trainers only Rucksack Plenty of Water A snack or light lunch A fleece Waterproof jacket/trousers

Also, if you have a walking pole bring it with you as it will help with the ascent and descent.

This is a very popular walk and the route will be busy, especially if the weather is good. Car parking is limited so we will be trying to arrange car I will be restocking ready for HITH8. sharing for those taking part – anothSian Fisher has kindly been working er reason we need to know who is out the walk details for our LOH spon- going to be doing this activity. We’ll sored walk up Pen-y-Fan in the beau- meet at the Pont ar Daf car park tiful Brecon Beacons. (A470 – LD38NL) at 9.30am for a 9.45am departure.

13th September so please pop this date in your diary and await further details nearer the time.

Printer Cartridge Recycling - As those of you who were at the club nights last month will have heard the recycling of printer cartridges is proving to be a troublesome activity. In short, very few cartridges are worth any money and we have yet to raise anything of any significance. I have ‘Walk Captain’ will be Sian Fisher and obtained a new list of accepted car‘Sweeper/Breakdown’ (aka first aid tridges which you can find on our support) will be Stephanie Evans. website and I have copies that I will bring to Club nights. Please can you For those ladies (and gents) who check that the cartridges you are would like to come and support us, thinking of donating are on the list when we arrive back at the National before letting me have them as if the Park Visitor Centre (LD3 8ER) 6 collection has too many non-accepted miles north of our start point, there is It will be a strenuous circular mounones in it they charge us a fine! a lovely tea room and stunning views tain walk of approximately 5 miles. of Pen-y-Fan. You can wait for us We will be climbing gradually to the I am going to give this a few more summit at 2906 feet (886m) where we there and we will join you, when we months and then decide if it’s worth finish, to enjoy a well-earned cuppa will stop to enjoy the breath-taking the effort. and cake! views and a bite of lunch. Postage stamps however, I am still This will be a great day out but the collecting please. mountain has to be treated with respect and, in the event of bad weath- For those of you that were on Facebook on Friday 13th March you will er on the day, we will postpone at have seen I got caught up in the 8 short notice and rearrange for a difmiles of standing traffic on the M4 ferent date. when it was closed due to a nasty We would love you to join us so do let accident. And I thought 13 was my us know. lucky number!! Sponsorship – This will be as a To pass some time I was chatting group and forms will be available for If you are planning to take part please away on Facebook and started a bit you to take home and get your family, ensure you let me or Sian know in of a fun game for charity of guess the friends and work colleagues to sponadvance – or time I will get home. Thanks to the sor us. We will also have a form few who joined in and guessed and ing around the club nights. donated. It helped pass the time and Also, if you are taking part you will raised £16! The Charity Poker Run mentioned need to bring the following with you last month will take place on Sunday for the walk: (Continued on page 15)


GWC Merchandise

Hoggin the Shop – Last year this was very successful raising a couple of hundred pounds. So we are going to do it again this year! On Saturday 25th July Barney and I will be taking the bike and parking up outside the Chepstow Mencap shop in Bulwark, Men’s and ladies ¼ zip Microfleeces Chepstow and entertaining the public with loud rock music, encouraging them to buy Harley branded items from the shop and having a general chat. It would be great if we could get around 5 or 6 bikes this year – we can’t really fit any more, in the space available, without creating a problem. So again if you are not going to Calne Bike Show for the day with Anita and have no other plans please let me know if you can join us.

Men’s polo shirts 100% cotton

Also I will need your Harley branded (H-D only – no GWC branded items) items again please, so we can fill the shop and have another great day of sales – t-shirts, tops, jackets, teddies, Men’s and ladies full-zip microfleeces belts, pants, socks you name it we’ll take it. Unfortunately I cannot take anything electrical or helmets unless they are brand new and have their tags (H&S). Do bring your donation along to me in the usual way. Thanks everyone – see you soon! Don’t Dump – Donate! … those unwanted items!! Take care, Ride Safe.

Stephanie Charity Coordinator Email: Mobile: 07983 259752

Ladies polo shirts 100% cotton

Fruit of the Loom men’s and ladies Sweatshirt Hoodies, 80% cotton, 20% polyester, either with a full-zip or nozip (Continued on page 16)


Polo shirts, men’s sizes (XS - 4XL), ladies sizes (8 – 22), all priced at £15 Full-zip and no-zip sweatshirt hoodies, men’s sizes (S – 2XL), ladies sizes (8 – 18), all priced at £23 Round neck sweatshirts, men’s sizes (S – 2XL), ladies sizes (8 – 20), all priced at £23 Men’s ¼ zip sweatshirts sizes (S – 2XL), priced at £23 To place an order, click here to download a 2 page order form, which has my address on page 1, and all the details of available colours and sizes on page 2. All orders must be accomFruit of the Loom men’s and ladies round neck sweatshirts, and men’s ¼ panied by a cheque, (or cash at Club nights). zip sweatshirts, both styles in 80% cotton and 20% polyester I also have a selection of GWC patchAll of these items are available in a range of colours and sizes and usually take just 3 or 4 weeks to arrive, from placing the order. The embroidered GWC logo is located on the left side of the garment and comes in a choice of the New or Heritage design. Sizes and prices:

es, pins and pin grips: H.O.G® Eagle patch in both the New and Heritage design – large £14, small £7, GWC Rocker – large £14, small £7, GWC Wings and Bridges patch - £2.50, pin - £4, H.O.G®GWC pin - £5.50, (4 or more £5 each) pin grips - £3.70 for a packet of 10. (Greg also has these available at the Cangen Club nights.

¼ zip microfleeces, men’s sizes (S – For more details, please contact me, 2XL), ladies sizes (10 – 20,) all priced Yvonne Roberts, or look on the memat £15 bers section on our website. Full-zip microfleeces, men’s sizes (S or 01225 751017 – 4XL) ladies sizes (10 – 20), all priced at £25


“HOGS Go To Haynes”

by Neil Prescott

Having agreed and speedway but there were a couple of Harleys includon the destina- ing a fat boy owned by the owner’s son. tion and done the recce ride the big day had arrived. We had planned the marshal points and second man drops so all that we needed was the bikes for this my first rideout as leader. The weather wasn’t the best, so I was very relieved to For me the spray booth experience was the highlight of see at least couple of bikes at McDonald’s when I arrived. the museum, shame they didn’t have any orange and However, by the time we were ready to leave we had 12 black paint. bikes and would be picking up Pedro along the way making, a “lucky for some”, 13 bikes and 14 people. The pre-ride briefing went very well; in fact, it was so good that the ride set off without me! After a quick catch up I found myself at the front of the ride and settled down to lead the ride out along the Keynsham bypass. We made our way up Pennyquick Hill and across Combe Down before heading out of Bath on the Old Frome Road. As we arrived at Rode we picked Pedro up and rode on around Frome. The weather forecast had suggested that we ought to get to the Museum before the afternoon rains arrived. Our buddies at the BBC let us down with their forecasting skills as the rain set in before we got to Nunney, just as we started the country roads section. The reason for As we gathered to leave, we had quite an audience to those odd “Mud on Road” signs became apparent. watch our departure from the inside, none were prepared We arrived at the to brave the wind and rain. museum to our The journey home saw Pedro have a few problems getprime parking spot ting his bike going, keeping it going and then, sadly, havand were greeted by ing to wait for the breakdown services. a member of staff. The majority of us The ride home was a straight blast back up the A37, endentered the museum ing up at Tesco’s in Brislington. and got to see the Despite the slightly damp conditions, everyone had a cars of our youth great rideout, good food and great company and really and our dreams; looking forward to the next rideout. some very fine modThanks to all that joined the ride for the day. els and there was even one car in the Neil museum that I had owned in my young(More photos from the day on the following page) er days. There was a motorcycle section which was mainly British


“HOGs Go To Haynes”


lines of north Cornwall, or Pembrokeshire seem like mere blips on the landscape. But, that aside, what other iconic routes would I recommend, that will definitely make your spirits soar, and occasionally give you a touch of the sweaty palms? Over the next few issues of RoadHOG, I’m going to give you a flavour of the very best American roads that I have ridden, starting with maybe my favourite: “The Million Dollar Highway” (US Route 550) in Colorado and considered to be both one of the most scenic and most dangerous roads in the world. How it got its name is a source of debate: it could be the actual cost of creating Well I guess last month’s quiz was USA this year – Dave and Sandra the highway, in the 1930s, from what either much too difficult, or you guys Silsbury, along with Pedro Thornton, was an unpaved toll road linking the just couldn’t be bothered. The result are heading off to Chicago to ride historic silver-mining town of Silverton was that I didn’t get even one entry - fabulous Route 66 (except for the with Ouray, the “Switzerland of the Shame on you all! So, there’s no gaps, where the old road has disapUSA”. An alternative version is that prize winner to announce, and no peared beneath the Interstates), right the base layer for the highway used quiz this month. Anyway, just in case from its start to its end at Santa Monspoilage from the ore-rich silver you might have fancied the nice prize ica Pier in California. It should be a mines, maybe worth a million dollars! of the silver H.O.G® Pony Express blast. Charlie and Dave Stockford are On the other hand, upon seeing the medallion, or are just curious, the an- riding out of San Diego, maybe folroute, early travellers often declined swers are at the end of our article. lowing some of our routes that we the journey, refusing to go up “even have carved out on our various riding April is upon us and hopefully we for a million dollars”. We have indeed tours of California. Other conversawon’t get too many heavy showers. experienced a fellow rider refusing tions with members, like Gerry At least we don’t have to worry that, point blank to get on his bike! Holmes, whom we were able yet again, we are in for another cold/ to assist with route planning wet/foggy Boys Own Weekend, this last year, and the oft-asked month. question of ‘where would we Next month, 12 of us, GWC friends, recommend if they wanted to will be flying out to Charlotte in North ride in the States’ got me Carolina, to embark on an exhilaratthinking. ing ride along the Appalachian MounI’ve mentioned “Tail of the tains. After travelling to Washington Dragon” – considered by DC, for a bit of sight-seeing, our ride many as the best/most chaljoins the Skyline Drive in Virginia, a lenging ride in the USA, but 105-mile run along the ridge of the what of other great routes? The one Shenandoah National Park. This then – If you have any tendency towards that most people will have heard of, connects with the Blue Ridge Parkvertigo, it is best avoided. and put on their hit list, is Pacific way for 469 miles to Cherokee, from Coastal Highway 1 that starts in San From Silverton, the narrow two-lane where we head to Deal’s Gap motorDiego and follows the coastline all the road meanders through Mineral cycle resort, and then take on the way to San Francisco. If you are able Creek Valley and winds crazily internationally-famous 11 mile Tail of through the mountains over three to expunge the ugly LA sprawl, with the Dragon, whipping through those passes, with no guardrail to protect its appalling air pollution, from your 318 curves, followed by the Cherohayou. If you attempt the hairpin turns memory, it’s a journey that you will la Skyway. Watch out for the June too fast, there is absolutely nothing to never tire of. You will always want issue, when I’ll no doubt have a few prevent you from hurtling into the jagmore of riding where the highway stories and photos to share with you. ged ravines that lie, stunning and omruns for miles alongside the ocean I’ve chatted with several of you that and then climbs the massive cliffs of (Continued on page 20) are planning riding holidays in the Big Sur that make the rugged coast-

Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop


inous, many hundreds of feet below.

er's needs. There are reduced reach seats tailored to shorter riders, tallboy Why are there no guard rails? Simply seats made specifically to allow taller because, in order to keep the highriders some room to stretch out, and way open through the winter, the touring seats designed for rider and snow ploughs need to be able to passenger comfort. The Road Zeppeshove the snow down the mountainlin seat is the ultimate for long rides; it side! After reaching the heady summit utilizes an air bag bladder system that of Red Mountain Pass (11,018 feet) allows the rider and passenger to adyou twist your way down to Lookout just pressure points on the seat. Point, which overlooks the beautiful There is also the hammock, which town of Ouray, far below. incorporates a revolutionary suspension system for rider and passenger, providing additional isolation from road shock to improve long haul comfort and endurance. It's also available with or without heat. If you are unsure which seat to purchase, why not try one of the demo seats available in the shop? They are easy All in all, the “Million Dollar Highway” to swap and, within minutes, you is a fabulous and challenging road to could be testing out the perfect seat ride. You get a great sense of elation for you. With the seat fitting being just a simple screw, you could even have being so high up in the world. The one seat for looks and in seconds fit only disappointment, is that this stretch of route 550, which begins in another for comfort. Come on in and the scenic historical town of Durango, try before you buy. is only 25 miles long. After 40 Safe Riding minutes of glorious twisty riding, it is all over – unless, of course you want Peter and Duncan@riders to turn round and ride the 70 miles back to Durango – not a bad idea. So, onwards to Duncan’s Tip of the Month: How tender is your bum? Finally, better weather and brighter days are upon us and the thought of doing that long trip to the coast is here. Making sure you are comfortable all the way there and back is a must and, with over 107 year’s experience, and millions of riding miles, Harley-Davidson knows a thing or two about seats. The right seat is very important to the position of both rider and pillion which, in turn, determines the reach to the ground and to the controls. Whether you're looking for comfort and/or style in a solo or two-up seat, Harley-Davidson has a wide range of seat types to accommodate any rid-

Answers to the March Quiz 1 Following the tradition of engines being named after the shape of their rocker covers, the Evolution engine became what? The Blockhead 2. What was very unusual about the XA model? Horizontally-opposed flat-twin engine with shaft drive (designed for military use in the deserts of N. Africa in WW2) 3. Which model Harley became the icon of the 1960s? FLH Electraglide

7. What was the film, and the year, in which Elvis rode a Harley Big Twin? “Clambake” in 1967 8.What is the VRXSE? “The Destroyer” – Screamin Eagle V Rod 165+ hp drag racing bike 9. The 1971 Super Glide became known as? Night Train 10. In 1958 Harley-Davidson caught up with the rest of the motorcycling world by introducing what? Hydraulic rear suspension (on the Duo Glide) 11. The 1971 FX bikes had a famous paint colour scheme, known as? “Sparkling America” 12. In September 2007, one of Steve McQueen’s most valuable Harleys was auctioned at the Peterson Automotive Museum. What was it? 1929 Model B 13. What was Harley-Davidson’s most disastrous production model for sales? The Topper Scooter 14. Many of the poorly selling 2-stroke Harleys, marketed during the 1960s and ‘70s, originated from which factory? Aeromacchi in Italy 15. What particular event in 1905 enormously enhanced customer demand for Harleys? H-D won the Chicago 15 mile race 16. What colour was Elvis Presley’s first Harley? Black 17. A bike with black and white paint and genuine cowhide bags, introduced in 1993 was known properly as what? It also had the nickname of? Heritage Softail Nostalgia, or “MooGlide” 18. What is the significance of the cry ‘The Eagle Soars alone’? The buyback of the H-D company from American Machine & Foundry Corporation 19. What were the bikes in “Easy Rider”. Where were they purchased and what models were they? Panheads, all bought at an LAPD auction (all modified for the film by Peter Fonda) 20. What model replaced the Electra Glide Sport in 1994? The FLHR Road King 21. What is the origin of the term ‘ElectraGlide’? It succeeded the Duo Glide, with an electric starter

4. In 1987, to encourage new customers, Harley-Davidson introduced a scheme, known as what? “Buy Back Program” at full purchase value trade-in within 2 years

22. The seriously modified Harley construct, known as the “Smooftale” was made by which bike building company? What was the name of the paint job? Made by Battistinis in “Cadillac Candy Red”

5. Which model Harley-Davidson has enjoyed the longest production run? The Servi-Car

23. In 1988, how did Harley-Davidson attract women riders? With the Hugger and its 26 inch seat height

6. What type of lighting did HarleyDavidson introduce for its bikes in 1912? Acetylene lamps (acetylene produced from calcium carbide/water)

24. What was the tagline for the 1991 film, “Harley-Davidson and the Marlboro Man? ‘When the going gets tough, the tough take the law into their own hands’


At a Glance - GWC Activities Calendar Contact Anita Cockwell if you have any other events you would like to see listed. Tel: 01761 471385 or mobile: 07841 617477 or e-mail: For further details on any event listed visit “What’s On” on the GWC website. Date




Committee Contacts Sponsoring Dealer Duncan White 0117 9588777 Director Barry Aggett 07907 351650 Asst Director / Treasurer Peter Roberts 07540 164157

April 8th

Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury



Jane Scott

“Coffee, cake and chat”, Chepstow Garden Centre



Wide, Hard, Barney & team

“Stalking the Stones”


Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Andy RKK & team

“Castles of Comfort”

Activities Officer Anita Cockwell 01761 471385 Safety Officer Andy Kendall 07905 397474



Asst Director / Head Road Captain Alan Stokes 07766 237242 Secretary Yvonne Roberts 01225 751017 Webmaster Chris Harding 07801 562011


Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Tony James

GWC ‘Hogs in the Hayfields 8’ Rally


Rally Rideout

Big Al & team


27th-11th July


Christof and Greg

GWC European ‘Bucket List’ Tour


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Greg Payne & team



Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury



Steph Pocock & team





Calne Bike Weekend (Sat only)




LOH Walk Up a Big Mountain in Wales


Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

14th -16th







Bristol Bike Show



Nige Garnett & team




Peter & Yvonne

“Go East Re-mastered” Tour


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed




Charity Poker Run


Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury



Andy RKK & team

“Another Dam Good Ride Around The Elan Valley”




Ride to the Wall



Greg Payne &team



Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury

Road Marshals


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Baz and Peter

Boys Only Weekend



Steph Pocock & team



Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury

Steve Crook Darlow Lloyd Paul Evans Gareth Jones Neil Prescott Dave Stockford Keith Swarbrick


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Jane Scott

LOH Weekend



Big Al & team





GWC Xmas Party



Nige Garnett




Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed







Editor Mark Cockwell 07900 496711 Photographer / Historian Tony Yendle 07787 551612 Ladies of Harley Jane Scott 07894 086626 Charity Coordinator Stephanie Evans 07983 259752 Cangen Cymraeg Rep. Greg Payne 07976 913004 Rally Co-ordinator Tony James 07940 895921

Road Captains Barry Aggett Phil Blake Mike Brake Nigel Garnett Paul Groom Chris Harding Ian Johnson Andy Kendall Andy (RKK) Kendall Greg Payne Dave Pocock Steph Pocock Dave Roberts Mike Sage Jane Scott Stu Scott Alan Stokes Tony Yendle

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