Roadhog february 2015

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H.O.G. 速 Chapter 6655

Official Newsletter of the Great Western Chapter

February 2015

Between the Covers

CONTENTS Features 6 - Upgrading your Boom!™ Box 12 - 'Weston's Winter Wonderland'

Regulars 2 - Between the Covers 3 - Director’s Cut 5 - Secretary’s Update 7 - From the Front 8 - Cockers Bits 9 - Charity Update 10 - Cangen Cymraeg 11 - Ladies of Harley 14 - Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop

Hi All and welcome to the February edition of RoadHOG.

16 - At a Glance

Last Sunday Me n Neats attended our first rideout of 2015 and I must say it was good to get back into the saddle. Thanks Big Al and Team for putting on such a great ride and ensuring the weather was so agreeable, especially considering what it’s been like over the last couple of months. Given the time of year, the turnout was excellent, as you can read in Tony Yendle’s piece later on, and it was great to catch up with everyone again. So, one down and many more, hopefully, to go. The GWC always put on some great rideouts and events and as a consequence we’ve already selected and signed up for those we want to attend during 2015. One thing I’ve learnt over my years as a member is that if you snooze you lose. My advice, don’t delay book today ….

Where is he going with this I hear you say. Well, with the riding season starting to kick into gear and the GWC activities for 2015 now firming up, how about considering submitting an article for a future edition of RoadHOG? It’s easier than you might think and becomes a hell of a lot simpler if you’re prepared, knowing beforehand that you’re going to write an article. Go on, live dangerously, you never know, you might enjoy it  Mark Cockwell (aka “Mr C”) Editor Email: Mobile: 07900 496711 (Note: Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily the views of the Editor)


ration is all in hand by the usual crew, so no help is needed. Wrong, we want your help with new ideas to keep the rally fresh, to assist with the rally planning and to help out over the rally weekend. If you’re keen to muck in, can you please contact Tony James, and I encourage you to attend the first rally planning meeting on the 21st February, 1.30 pm, at Riders of Bristol. As they say “many hands make light work”.

Director’s Cut

Whilst on the subject of 2015 events, I must say the voting on events in the “Members Area” has been disappointing. We thought it would be a simple yes/no to gauge your opinions but, to be honest, the number of votes isn’t giving us anything to go on, so perhaps that idea doesn’t work? Hi All,

By now you will have noticed the BOW tour is fixed in the calendar for I decided to keep with the same pholater in the year. Originally, we hoped to for a while, so just need to think of for the warmth of September, but another reason to be raising our th there was no hope of trying to find glasses. I know, Philo’s “surprise” 50 rooms for 50 blokes, so glorious Birthday party - was he surprised? I’m October on the south coast at Eastnot so sure but then again, when bourne it is. you’re as cool as Philo, you take everything in your stride! Anyway, the At time of writing, Jackie “Queenie”, is party was a huge success and it was fresh back from the LOH meeting at great to see so many attending from Almondsbury, which I must say was Great Western and Black Mountains. very well attended, so well done laWell done Sonja for all the hard work. dies and well done Jane for setting it I was a bit disappointed that I took my up. Anyway, rumour has it the ladies, waistcoat and you didn’t have your not wishing to be out-done by us sewing machine, hummmmm. blokes, are planning a LOH trip to stay away for two nights. Now I can Mike Ludwell has now been in for his see that causing some logistical proboperation and was back at home the lems, like a coach for the ladies and a same week. He is in good spirits and coach for the shoes, and how will us now undergoing radiotherapy/ chemblokes survive for a whole weekend otherapy. Mike is very thankful for the on our own!! support given to him by all his friends in Great Western and he sent us a Other dates not to miss will be the letter of appreciation, which Pete Birthday Party at Riders on the 6th Roberts read out at the January March. I believe there will be someCross Hands hotel meeting night. thing special following the LOH meeting at Almondsbury? And, the ChristI hope you now have a rough idea of mas Party on the 5th December at the which rallies and tours you would like Alveston House Hotel. Yep! already to do this year, or perhaps you prefer booked in January, how about that! the freedom of doing something on the spur of the moment. In any case, Not forgetting the most important if you are a new member, I hope event of the year, our very own “Hogs you’re not thinking ‘no one has invited in the Hayfields 8”, on the 19th to 21st us!’ Just get your name down and June. Now I’m sure many of you will you’ll never look back. just sit back and think the rally prepa-


I must say a big thank you to Duncan and the crew at Riders for putting on the bike maintenance courses. Feedback has been excellent, and there is always that little snippet you pick up, even when you think you know it all, so I suggest you put your name down at the next opportunity. Riders are also taking part in the H-D dealership “Custom 48” challenge, where they have £3,000 to spend on customising a Sportster 48 (photo on page 15). At least £1,500 of this must be genuine H-D parts, the rest could be a paint job. Steve and Paul are leading this in Riders, so if you ask nicely you maybe able to take a look and be inspired into building your own creation? Well that’s it for this month. The days are getting longer, so all we need now is a bit of warmth! For full details of all our events please visit the website as this is being frequently updated as events firm up and if you find anything missing please remind us, we’re only human! Barry “Bazzzzer” Aggett Director Email: Home: 01291 620371 Mobile: 07907 351650

Secretary’s Update welcomed the Committee Members and expressed his thanks that we had all decided to serve for another fun year!

Hi Everyone! This photo was taken just before the January Committee meeting in 2014. The reason for the reprint is that the membership of the Committee for 2015 is exactly the same:-

After a short discussion about the success of our 2014 Christmas Party, we agreed that Anita should book the Alverston House Hotel for our 2015 Christmas Party. Anita gave feedback After some consideration, Big Al recfrom the Members Section on our ommended that the GWC hotline, for website, on the disappointing regiving information about whether or sponse from GWC members on their not rideouts have been cancelled, preferences for events in 2015. We should not be reinstated. The reason agreed that members had been given for this is that it had rarely been used the opportunity and that we should in the past and it had been supersednow firm up our events for 2015. ed by MailChimp messages. We all agreed. Stephanie gave us an update on our Charity, Mencap, including a wish-list Duncan was pleased to report that all of items which both branches would the maintenance sessions hosted by like the Chapter to fund. Riders had been fully booked and Tony James joined us for a discussion on our 2015 Rally to be held on June 19th to 21st. He confirmed our booking at the Hayfields Rugby Club and recommended that the format of the rally should remain the same as last year. We agreed on some immediate actions, including advertising on our website and announcements at our Club nights. The first Rally meeting will be held on February 21st at Riders at 1.30pm for any of our members who would like to help out at our rally. Our next GWC Committee meeting will also be held on the 21st at 10.30am. A full copy of the minutes is available on request.

Bazzer Aggett - Director, Al Stokes Assistant Director and Head Road Captain, Peter Roberts - Assistant Director and Treasurer, Yvonne Roberts - Secretary, Anita Cockwell - Activities Officer, Mark Cockwell - Editor, Stephanie Evans - Charity Coordinator, Chris Harding - Webmaster, Andy Kendall - Safety Officer, Greg Payne - Cangen Cymraeg Rep, Jane Scott - LOH Officer, Tony Yendle Historian and Photographer, and Duncan White, our Dealer Principal. We held our first Committee meeting of this year on January 10th. Bazzer

that an extra session was being provided for those on the waiting list. He also told us that Riders were taking part in the Harley “Custom King Challenge” which involves customising a standard motorbike for a maximum of £3,000, £1,500 of which has to be spent on Harley parts. Due to the other commitments of Riders, the date of our GWC 12th Birthday Party was changed to Friday March 6th to be hosted by Duncan. Peter gave his treasurer’s report for December and an outline budget for 2015.


I am pleased to announce that our Chapter membership for 2015 is looking very good, with several more members receiving their 5 and 10 Year Patches. In addition to the 11 members previously awarded their 10 Year Patches, the following members have also achieved this status: Derek Blundell, Mike Filder, Paul Groom, Sean Gully, Karen Muir, Ken Parfitt, and Derek Williams. Three more members have been awarded their 5 Year Patches: Liam Collier, Doug Dalwood and Allan Richardson. Our first new member for 2015 is Gordon Williams from Whitchurch. (Continued on page 6)

On Sunday January 18th Peter and I visited Mike Ludwell. Mike had undergone major brain surgery at Southmead Hospital, on the previous Mon-

Upgrading your Boom!™ Box By Mark Cockwell

With the introduction of the Harley Davidson Rushmore motorcycles we see a new dimension added to maintaining your bike - upgrading the software on your Boom!™ Box infotainment system. Why upgrade? To correct bugs and add new features. Upgrading the software on your Boom!™ Box is very straightforward but before you start you’ll need an empty 8 GB USB stick.

day, for the removal of a tumour, and amazingly was able to return home on the Friday, just 4 days later. He has remained incredibly positive since first being diagnosed with terminal cancer, just a month ago. We found him very chirpy and feeling good, buoyed up by the overwhelming number of messages he has received from everyone throughout this time. He had been delighted to receive 30 visitors that day. He is taking things a day at a time, setting himself small goals, such as a hospital visit, or a meal out with friends. He has an intensive programme of both radiotherapy and chemotherapy ahead of him every day for the next few weeks, and will welcome your continuing good wishes. As you can see, from the photo I took, we presented him with a biker bear on behalf of the Chapter, which Mike was delighted to receive.

1. Via a web browser access the H-D software updates website 2. Select the model of radio you want to upgrade. I have an Ultra Limited so I select ‘Premium Radio’. 3. Next identify the region for your Harley. For those sold in the UK this will be ‘Europe Region’. 4. Double click the PDF icon next to your region to display the ‘Software Update Instructions’. 5. Follow these instructions. I noted that the steps to download the software to the USB stick vary for Mac. Just remember to select the download software button next to your region and copy the downloaded .ISO file to your USB stick.

Ride Safe, Yvonne Secretary Congratulations go to Dave Stockford on receiving his ‘Road Marshal’ patch

Email: Home: 01225 751017


From the Front Hi Everyone,

me when I say there are enough variables for our ride teams to contend By the time you read this, January will with on a ride day without this addibe well behind us, and we can start tional issue. looking forward to the nights starting to open out. Hopefully, that will be Obviously I cannot be prescriptive accompanied by some mild sunny and ask you not to buy these Hi-Viz weather. waterproofs but I would request that you consider your options when you Well, on to all things riding. To be next make a purchase. Harley does honest there is not much going on have an extensive range of Watercurrently. Not really surprising for the proofs. All of which have reflective time of year, as it always seems to be strips, logos and writing in some quiet after the festive period. shape or form, so being visible is not across country through Bruton and However, there are a couple of topics an issue in my opinion. Just somethen on to Sparkford. that have been under discussion. thing to ponder over and it will defiOne of which I would like to discuss nitely help us, the Ride Teams. We will have 2 hours at the newly briefly. It is the wearing of Hi-Viz waWell, that’s about it for me this month refurbished museum with a chance to terproofs on rideouts. For those of visit the famous red room. Individual …… and so on to the forthcoming you that don’t know, Harley Davidson entry costs £13.50, if you gift aid then rides. have in their range, “Wets” that are you can obtain unlimited admission predominantly bright yellow and Sunday 22nd February 2015 – Andy for a year or Group (15 or more) entry bright orange. Well the wearing of ‘RKK’ Kendall & Team costs £9.95. There is no unlimited these is great when riding with HOGs Go To Haynes admission with this option. friends, or on your own but do pose a There is a cafe that serves a good problem for us Road Captains on range of hot and cold food including rideouts. Why, I hear you ask? Quite cream teas, and can be used without simply, they are the identical colour to having to enter the museum. the Hi-Viz Harley vests our Road Captains and Road Marshals wear After we have reminisced over the whilst performing their duties for you cars we used to own or should have on rides. The vests are issued to our owned, we will be taking a direct RC’s on successful completion of the route back up the A37 to Bristol. A visit to Haynes motor museum. H.O.G® Road Captains course. The ride will end at Tesco’s BrislingThe plan is to meet at McDonald’s, It is an unfortunate clash of colours ton around 15:30 p.m. The store and Brislington (BS4 5PF) at 10:00 a.m. and can often cause confusion relatcafe are open until 16:00 so you can and be ready to leave at 10:30 a.m. ing to second man drops. In the past, fill up all your tanks before heading Please ensure that you have a full we have had individuals pulling out in tank, as today’s fuel stop will be at 80 home. front of one of the group riders, and miles at the end of the outbound This is classed as a level A ride. not the Sweeper as should happen. route. For last minute updates, please As a chapter, we do not have any We will leave Bristol and head east keep a check on the website for hard and fast rules on the subject but on the A4 towards Bath. At the New- changes. normally we would ask individuals to ton St Loe we turn right towards remove them. I personally bought a Alan “Big Al” Stokes Combe Down and then onto the Old set of the orange ones when I reFrome Road to Beckington. We will Assistant Director & Head Road Capplaced mine 18 months ago. In hindskirt around Frome before heading tain sight I wish I had not. At the time, it seemed a good idea: be seen in bad Ride Guide weather was my thought process. However, if I now attend a ride wearPlease see below some guidance details of the rides: ing my waterproofs, I either automatically slot in between the Sweeper and Level A - Short and easy below 100 miles round trip. Level B - Fine for average riders but may be a bit longer. Breakdown Man or ride behind the group to avoid any confusion. Believe Level C - Can include some complex sections but mainly a longer duration.


Cocker’s Bits Hello Peeps! Well I’ve not been slacking since last I updated you. I have a lot to tell you about the events we have in store for you for this year. Not everything is finalised so some things may be still be a little ‘fluid’ but let me tell you what I can………….In chronological order (or date order if you prefer!)

pick you up and return you to the hotel at pre-determined times. Please let me know if you are interested. The birthday party invite is only to current GWC members and guests of Riders. Steph Pocock and Teams rideout – 22nd March, incorporating a visit to The Museum of Army Flying, Middle Wallop, Hampshire For those not aware of this place, it’s home to a unique collection of military aviation history, one of both international and national importance. View the amazing selection of historic fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft, detailed dioramas, artefacts, trophies and models which serve as a profound and inspiring tribute to the Army and their machines.

Andy RKK and Team rideout – 22nd February, incorporating a visit to Haynes Museum, Sparkford, Nr Yeovil More detail in Big Al’s article but I’ll briefly mention the entry charges again here for you. The normal fee is £13.50 per person but for a group of 15 or more it will reduce to £9.95 so quite a reduction. You’ll have a good 2 hours to look around the newly refurbished museum and have a bite to Situated right alongside the Army Air eat before the return ride home. So Corps’ busy working airfield at Middle bring some cash with you!! Wallop, visitors can often enjoy Party, Party, Party!! GWC Birthday watching the Army Air Corps training Party at Riders in Brislington – 6th in their impressive Apache and Lynx March helicopters. I can’t think of a better You may have seen a few dates for way to spend the day, riding/pillion on this as events have taken over, but a Harley and then being up and close just to clarify it’s now definitely Friday with Apache helicopters. 6th March. Duncan and his team will For groups of ten or more entrance once again be our hosts at the Brisfee to the museum is £9 (less than 10 lington showroom, so put this in your its £10). If you just want to sit and use diaries and make sure you come and the café then entry is free. But again celebrate your Chapter’s birthday. bring some cash with you. We are looking at some different Christof’s Bucket List Tour – 27th ways to entertain you this year (which June to 11th July may mean a wider membership parPlease contact Christof direct if you ticipation than in previous years!) so wish to join this tour. You will need to as soon as Jane and I have more pay a non-refundable deposit of £25 information we’ll update you via the (this will be put to other travel costs if magazine and at Club nights! Come you attend) and book your own acalong and enjoy a great evening, encommodation at one of the suggested joy the food, the cake (there has to be hotels or a choice of your own. Full cake!), the music, all in familiar surdetails can be found on the Activities roundings with a chance of a bit of page of the GWC website. late night shopping too! Doors open 7.00pm and party ends at 11.00pm. Pete and Yvonne’s ‘Go East Rerd th Riders have no licence to sell alcohol mastered’ Tour – 3 to 6 September but you can bring your own. This is now fully subscribed. Fancy a drink with no driving, then At time of writing I can’t find the exact book in at The Premier Inn, South Bristol. Transport can be arranged to date for this year’s Hoggin’ the


Bridge/Curry, but if it’s the weekend I think it is in October then I doubt if many or any GWC members will be attending, as it’s the ….. Boys Only Weekend – 16th to 18th October!!! Yes the boys are off on their annual jaunt having moved it from the damp days of April to no doubt the damp days of October, but that won’t dampen their enthusiasm! If you haven’t enlisted already then you are probably too late as deposits needed to be paid by the 31st January. Contact Baz, Peter or Christof if you need more information. So what about our annual curry fest at the Mughal Spice? Don’t fret, we will look to arrange a curry for another time as this seems to be a very popular event. GWC Christmas Party Yes you read correctly! This year’s Christmas party will be on the 5th December and we will be returning to The Alveston House Hotel. As I’m sure those who went to last years will agree the food was excellent, so we are returning for a repeat performance. I’m also pleased to advise that the cost of the meal has been kept at the same price of £35.00 per person. The one drawback was that some thought we could do with more elbow room to enjoy dinner, so with that in mind we are now reducing the attendance number to a maximum of 70. (Continued on page 9)

So if you want to put your name down for this year’s party it is vital that you contact me first with members names, then transfer a deposit of £10 per person to the GWC bank account (details below) and finally and most importantly advise me when this has been done. Bank Acct Name: Great Western Chapter Bank Account No: 41343203 Sort Code: 40-14-06 Reference: Xmas Party Cash/cheques are acceptable (you will be given a receipt, please keep it!). Please, please, please don’t assume that by transferring a deposit to the bank accounts that it means you are on the list. I need to keep track of the numbers as there are limited places, so please contact me in the first instance.

es later on in the year then it will be opened up to one non-member guest per attendee. So what of other activities for 2015. Well the voting on the members web area wasn’t the most successful of exercises. So I’m not sure if it was that you didn’t fancy the options put forward or you didn’t get round to voting, so I’m going to list the activities once more here for you. If you want to do any of these then can you let me know asap and we will see how many there are of you and if this can be adopted as an official GWC activity. If there are not enough positive votes then you can always do this as a Go Your Own Way. Euro festival St Tropez, 5th-12th May Ireland Bike Fest, 28th May-2nd June

Non-riding weekend. Calne Bike Weekend, 25th July Ride over for the Saturday only. European Bike Week, Faaker See, September. We will look to advertise other activities throughout the year, but don’t forget if you want to put something forward to be considered as an official GWC activity then let me know. All the activities listed in this article are open to GWC members only unless specifically advertised. Well, that’s it for this month, I think I’ve written enough and hopefully you didn’t fall asleep part way through?? There will be questions! Anita “Cockers” Cockwell

rd- th

Magic Bike, Rudesheim, 3 8 June Activities Officer Benelux,11th-15th June

The invite is currently only open to Barcelona Harley Days, 3rd-5th July GWC members. If we still have spac-

Email: Mobile: 07841 617477

Charity Update instead!

over the next couple of months. Items requested include iPad’s, baking In 1537, England's King Henry VII equipment, mini-bus hire for their holiofficially declared February 14th the days, board games, TV, etc. holiday of St. Valentine's Day. Chepstow also want to refurbish one So what’s going on in terms of our of their rooms, so look out all you fundraising? painters and decorators, electricians Well Christmas and the New Year are This is our second year with MENand general handy men as I’ll be aska distant memory as we roar into the CAP and we are continuing our sup- ing for volunteers to help make this dismal and depressing month that is port in a very similar ways. We are happen! February. continuing to collect your used printer I am currently thinking about activities cartridges, used postage stamps and Did you know that until 713BC, the to rival the Skydive of last year and any unwanted clothing, books, CD’s, Romans had no names for January will let you know my ideas as soon as and February, on the grounds that the DVD’s and bric-a-brac for Chepstow I have some! winter months did not deserve them! MENCAP to sell in their shop in Bulwark, Chepstow. Your suggestions would be very welFebruary was known in Welsh as ‘y come, so please don’t be shy in comWe have invited representatives from mis bach’ meaning ‘the little month’. ing forward and sharing them. both branches to join us at the BirthSnowdrops appear in February and day Party at Riders on the 6th March are the symbol of hope that winter Stephanie and I hope by then to have a good eventually becomes spring! idea of activities they have planned Charity Coordinator The Friday after Ash Wednesday for the year that we can get involved Email: (that’s the 20th this year) is known as with. the ‘kissing day’ when a man can deWe have their wish lists and will be Mobile: 07983 259752 mand a kiss from any woman and if arranging to buy the items wanted she refuses he can pinch her bottom


Cangen Cymraeg Is it me or are the days whizzing past, because this month’s gone and quite honestly on a biking theme I have done sweet F A. I had an email from Ed requesting my article and, after much head scratching, the below tome is the best I could come up with. My Ultra had some warranty work done in the second week of January and Riders, nice people that they are, picked up the bike and returned it with everything done, cheers Mike Wood and his team.

There is no getting away from it but some of our regular assistants are getting on a bit and any help is to be encouraged. There, you have had the hard sell.

Forthcoming rideouts were also mentioned as was forthcoming activities such as the Chapter’s Birthday Party at Riders on th On the 10 January myself and AP the 6th March. attended Philo’s surprise 50th birthday Bazzer mentioned he’ll be looking at party at a social club in Gloucester. organising taxis from the Premier Inn We stayed at the Hotel just around Hotel as before. the corner for £37 which was a bloody good deal. There was a great Andy Kendall’s (senior) Benelux Rally turnout from GWC members, some of ride on the 12th June was mentioned whom I hadn’t seen for ages, thus as was the GWC ‘Bucket List’ Euromaking it a special night. Well done to pean Tour which so far has 11 bikes Sonja for keeping it a surprise and and 17 persons attending. Also menholding the party where refreshments tioned was the Calne Bike Show, were sold at a reasonable price. Peter and Yvonnes’ ‘Go East ReMastered’ tour and the ‘Boys Only The Cangen meeting on the 14th JanWeekend’ on the 16th October around uary attracted 32 members which on the Eastbourne area. such a dreadfully wet night was a really good turnout. Membership was discussed as it appears several members have not alOur Director Bazzer, on a serious tered their standing orders for the note, informed the meeting of Mike lesser amount, causing overpayLudwell’s illness and everyone prements, and/or not submitting a memsent wished Mike well for the future. bership form. Some members have He also mentioned the maintenance generously asked for their overpaycourses being held at Riders for ment to be given to our charity. male, and female members in FebruAndrea, Sian, Jan and Lynne from ary. Our Hogs in the Hayfield Rally, starting on Friday 19th June 2015, was mentioned and Bazzer encouraged members to attend as the rally is FOR YOU. It would be really helpful to have volunteers attend the Organising Rally meetings and also to assist in putting up the gazebos and to help out over the weekend. We have our regulars, but any new impetus is more than welcome. I know Cangen members probably feel a little divorced from an event 50 miles away but “put something in and you will get something out” is a great adage.

Cangen attended Scottie’s LOH coffee morning at Almondsbury. Apparently lots of ideas were discussed (makeup, fashion, wine, new perfumes, etc.) oh and also the LOH weekend away. I am sure Scottie will inform LOH members what’s occurring in the near future. I have made no progress in finding another venue for Cangen should anybody be wondering and as nobody asked me at the last Cangen meeting I am wondering should I still be wasting my petrol (answers on a postcard please). Well that’s all from me folks and see you on the road (rubber side down). Greg “Greggo” Payne Cangen Cymraeg Rep.

Business Cards In previous issues you’ll have noticed the inclusion of member’s business cards. This is a facility made available to current members only. If you’d like your business card displayed in future issues then could you provide me with either your business card or preferably a jpeg of your business card. If you’ve already provided me with your business card and still want it to be displayed in future issues then let me know, otherwise it will be dropped.

Mark Cockwell


Ladies of Harley

Hi Ladies, Well, I couldn’t believe it when Mr Cockers sent the reminder out for our articles to be in for this month’s edition, where does the time go? Firstly I would like to say “Thank You” to Cheryl (Dando) for writing a great article on the LOH weekend, hopefully it will inspire more Ladies to come along and join in the fun this year. The LOH membership is looking good at 65. All good news for us ladies. Our first of the year coffee/cake and natter morning at Almondsbury Garden Centre had a total of 18 ladies in attendance (sorry Jenny the photo was taken before you arrived).

along to the meeting and see what it’s ence of taking her CBT and is now all about. one step closer to getting her own Harley. Great Western Birthday Party – 6th March at Riders Laura (Jones) mentioned her 50th The LOH will be putting on a fashion Birthday which is in November and show, so if you want to ‘walk that that she was having a bit of a do to walk’ then please let me know. celebrate in Royal Wootton Bassett. By Sunday morning most of us ladies Coffee/Natter – 14th March 11:30am had booked our hotels already! So On the Welsh side this time at Chepthat was crazy and I can’t believe we stow Garden Centre, Pwllmeyric, are thinking of November already. I’ll NP16 6LF. Several Ladies will be say no more but contact Laura on traveling across the bridge and will be for more car sharing so if you want a lift txt or info. ring me. Well Ladies, I think that’s about if for Cream Tea – TBA this month. Our team has a rideout at Watch this space. the end of the month to Haynes Motor LOH Weekend – 13th to 15th Novem- Museum (I hear the cafe is good) so ber hopefully I’ll see you there. Two nights in Chester with its ChristTake Care. mas Market, plus a visit to Chatsworth House. There are no prices at Jane xx present but I’ll update you as soon as I have more information. However, a Ladies of Harley date to put on the calendar. If you need any details or have any As you can see there was a good bit questions or queries my contact deof nattering and a really good time to tails are:share thoughts on various subjects. Email: Mandy (Crook) shared her experi-

It was quite chilly in the coffee shop so plenty of warm food and drinks were needed to keep us going; of course, all sin free! Below is a summary of what was discussed…. Gurzels Meeting – 21st February 2:30pm This will be held at Riders after the rally meeting. There is a general interest to go ahead with a performance from the Gurzels (old and new) this year. If you are interested then come


Mobile: 07894 086626

'Weston's Winter Wonderland' JANUARY RIDEOUT !! Naaahhh! Who in their great wisdom said we have to put on a rideout twice every month, especially in January? “You are kidding - yes?”

It’s off to Weston-on-Mud today, a short winter ride of around 80 miles in total. The journey to WSM is cutting back along the A369 towards Bristol and then swinging a right at Beggar Bush Lane and eventually getting on the A370 and driving straight into Weston.

Nope – here we go again, a week totally obsessed with watching the weather reports and praying for a good day. Hmm, the weather men say YES!! Hmmm, do I believe them? (notice the bigger Hmmm!!)

The first thing for me and LBD (Dave Roberts to the uninitiated) to do is hop on the M5, for a junction, to get to our marshalling points ahead of the main ride. Now well ahead, the ride mass comes through the lights at Yep, OK they did get it right this time, Congresbury on the A370. With the last man through I give a quick blast after days of sub-zero the weather down to one of the roundabouts on was particularly kind to us. the road into WSM, that I know is a Today at 9.30am the temperature, difficult one to drop at, so camera out according to my garden thermometer, while I’m waiting and here they come: is 4°C. In my book, that’s enough “Big Al at the front” above freezing to not worry about. With dry roads (albeit plastered with road salt) and little prospect of rain it could be a good day!

by Tony Yendle We arrive at the bike park, on the Front, to find the weather has put off the normal Sunday riders to WSM. Normally this bike park is crowded but we are the only ones in it! All the guys and gals disperse to various eating and drinking holes, a Sunday Roast for some in Weatherspoons or Fish and Chips for others in Winstons. The riding team had already decided to visit Scally’s for a quick shandy and some free nibbles from the bar! Funny how it always tastes better when its free, don’t you think? Getting ready for a 1.30pm trek back to Brissle we all headed back to the park to pick up our scoot’s. The weather is still holding remarkably well, it’s running at about 7°C now

So, all booted and suited, in my warmest biking apparel, it’s off to the start point at Gordano Services for 10.30am and an 11.00am start. Loads of bikes are already there, when I arrived, with more people arriving all the time. All is looking good and we start the day with 29 bikes, not bad for January, eh? “New bike Jos?”

– blimey, nearly a summer’s day! Wall-to-wall Harleys! Bring it on! The return journey is out of Weston thro’ Uphill, out onto the Lympsham road and picking up the A38 for the run down to Churchill, cutting a right to follow the A368 thro the villages of Rickford, Blagdon, Compton Martin, West Harptree and Bishop Suitton to name a few. A very familiar route to most of us and a regular run for the GWC. Again, from a marshalling standpoint, a few overtakes to get ahead of the (Continued on page 13)


'Weston's Winter Wonderland' group and I cut through to Keynsham from the Two Headed Man junction to take my place at the Hicks Gate roundabout, my last mashalling point. Its then a run up to McDonalds near Riders for a welcome cup of warming coffee at the rides end. Lots of Cheerios and thanks from the group for another perfectly executed rideout, (is that what you told me to say Al?). Seriously, the thanks go to all the participants for coming and enjoying the ride. We’re obliged to do the ride and the planning. You choose to come and join us, and for that, we are the ones who are grateful! Thank you all. Tony Historian/Photographer


of surf breaking on the shore as you ride Palm-fringed roads alongside the Pacific Ocean. But then, you wouldn’t swap this for little old Britain, would you! At the start of this article, I began with BOW15. Of course, one of our major events is always “Hogs in the Hayfields” in June. It’s hard to believe that this will be the 8th rally at Cleve. We are expecting to see loads of you there for the fun weekend, when the rugby fields get transformed into tentland.

Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop In last month’s RoadHOG, I mentioned that, for me, one of the Highlights for 2015 would be “BOW15” and definitely not in April. Well, we now have it all sorted and, as you will know, it’s going to be a two-nighter, in October, based at the Queens Hotel, Eastbourne, which is where we stayed last October for “Brightona”. If you are reading this and thinking that you’d like to go, but didn’t sign up and pay your deposit by January 31st, then your only option is to find your own accommodation. It’s going to be a blast and Phil Blake has already been going ‘Pick Me, Pick Me’ to secure the rights to do a write-up for RoadHOG, in his inimitable style.

ers, fleece, leathers, buff wound around the face, thermal gloves and heated grips will still result in being frozen within half an hour  So, for the time being, the bikes are confined to the garage: Come March/April (not long), it will be farewell to the Street Glide (but not the cool Akropovic pipes) and welcome to a new Rushmore CVO Street Glide. Unlike the situation in the States, you are unlikely to see many CVOs sitting around in UK dealerships. Anyhow, this is what my chosen model will look like in the flesh!

Thank you Phil  After several days of grey, wet and cold mid-January days, I’m writing this with a view outside of clear blue skies and bright sunshine. Yes, it’s still Wiltshire and the illusion is shattered when you step outside into the icy cold. While getting onto one of the bikes is mentally alluring, the reality is somewhat different. I know that getting out there in multiple thermal lay-

Or, maybe, “campervan-land” has become more appropriate! Anyhow, thinking about tents and our rally, here is a little puzzle to test whether your neurones are firing up, even if your Harley, like mine, isn’t at the moment! The Scenario 1. At our Hogs in the Hayfields rally, there are five tents, of different colours, set up in a row. 2. In every tent is a Great Western Chapter member. Each member has come from a different city or town.

The colour, in true Harley inventiveness, is called Hard Candy Mercury/ Smoky Quartz Flames. I hear that Ian Mead has also ordered one, but in Star Fire Black/ Gold Dust Flames: Chapter Double Bling! Actually, I shouldn’t go on about our winter weather as, in a couple of days, Yvonne and I are escaping to Arizona/California, where the sun shines nearly all the time and you can ride every day of the year and cruise the long desert highways with their iconic scenery or, listen to the sound


3. Each member smokes and drinks and has a favourite drink and brand of cigarette. 4. None of the five members smoke the same cigarettes, or like the same drink. 5. Each member rides a different model Harley. Clues 1. The member from Bridgend is in the red tent. 2. The member from Cardiff rides an Ultra Limited. (Continued on page 15)

3. The member from Bath drinks tea.

to the blue one.

4. The green tent is just to the left of the white one.

15. The Camel smoker is next to the member who drinks Cider.

5. The occupant of the green tent drinks JD.

The question is:

6. The Silk Cut smoker rides a Softail Deluxe. 7. The occupant of the yellow tent smokes B&H Silver. 8. The occupant of the centre tent drinks red wine. 9. The member from Frome is in the first tent.

Who owns the Sportster? No prize, but the answer will be in next month’s RoadHog! And now, Tip of the Month: Hopefully, I'm not tempting fate by saying this but I'm sat here looking at a lovely blue sky and thinking that the riding season will be on us very soon.

your bike doesn't start and you have a headache from the sound of the alarm siren echoing round the garage. If this happens, when the bike is still at home, it's not the end of the world but, what if you are at the sea side enjoying your ice cream after a long summers day and find you’re suddenly stuck with a non-starting bike which is screaming at you? The best way to avoid this happening is to change the battery once a year. The batteries are not expensive and nothing needs to be reprogrammed when you change it. If you pop in, with both your alarm fobs, any of the parts team could change both fob batteries for less than a fiver - it's as easy as that. It's not so easy, or as cheap however, if it's by the sea side. Don't put it off, do it today.

The time has come to uncover your pride and joy, start her up and go for a ride but, before you do it, ask yourself - when did you last change your alarm fob battery? Yes, the little 11. The member who smokes Marlwatch battery that lives in the round boros, drinks Stella. fob thingy, the one that most people Safe Riding 12. The owner of the Street Glide, is didn't realise is there or have ever in a tent next to the B&H Silver smok- changed! Peter and Duncan@riders er. There is no specific replacement time 13. The Bristolian smokes L&B. for this battery or any real way of checking it until the day comes when 14. The Frome member’s tent is next 10. In a tent next to one occupied by the Camel smoker, is the owner of a Road King.

Riders of Bristol’s - Custom 48 15

At a Glance - GWC Activities Calendar Contact Anita Cockwell if you have any other events you would like to see listed. Tel: 01761 471385 or mobile: 07841 617477 or e-mail: For further details on any event listed visit “What’s On” on the GWC website. Date

Committee Contacts Sponsoring Dealer Duncan White 0117 9588777 Director Barry Aggett 07907 351650





Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Rally/Gurzels Meeting

Tony James / Jane Scott

Rally 1.30pm / Gurzels 2.30pm - Riders Brislington



Andy RKK & team

‘HOGs Go to Haynes’

Secretary Yvonne Roberts 01225 751017




GWC Birthday Party, Riders Brislington

Webmaster Chris Harding 07801 562011



Greg Payne & team

‘Only Fools and Horses’


Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Jane Scott

Coffee, Cake and Natter, Chepstow



Steph Pocock & team

‘HOGs to Apache Country’

Editor Mark Cockwell 07900 496711


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

Photographer / Historian Tony Yendle 07787 551612


Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury



Nige Garnett & team





May 12th

Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Andy RKK & team



Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Tony James

GWC ‘Hogs in the Hayfields 8’ Rally


Rally Rideout

Big Al & team


27th-11th July


Christof and Greg

GWC European ‘Bucket List’ Tour


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Greg Payne & team



Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury



Steph Pocock & team





LOH Walk Up A Big Mountain in Wales


Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed




Bristol Bike Show – date to be confirmed



Nige Garnett & team




Pete & Yvonne

‘Go East Re-mastered’ Tour


Club Night


St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury



Andy RKK & team





Ride to the Wall



Greg Payne & team



Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Baz, Pete & Christof

Boys Only Weekend



Steph Pocock & team







Asst Director / Treasurer Peter Roberts 07540 164157 Asst Director / Head Road Captain Alan Stokes 07766 237242

Activities Officer Anita Cockwell 01761 471385 Safety Officer Andy Kendall 07905 397474

Ladies of Harley Jane Scott 07894 086626 Charity Coordinator Stephanie Evans 07983 259752 Cangen Cymraeg Rep. Greg Payne 07976 913004 Rally Co-ordinator Tony James 07940 895921

Road Captains Barry Aggett Phil Blake Mike Brake Nigel Garnett Paul Groom Chris Harding Ian Johnson Andy Kendall Andy (RKK) Kendall Greg Payne Dave Pocock Steph Pocock Dave Roberts Mike Sage Jane Scott Stu Scott Alan Stokes Tony Yendle

Road Marshals Steve Crook Paul Evans Gareth Jones Neil Prescott Dave Stockford Keith Swarbrick

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