Roadhog january 2015

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H.O.G. 速 Chapter 6655

Official Newsletter of the Great Western Chapter

January 2015

Between the Covers

CONTENTS Features 9 - Xmas Party 11 - “Bon Voyage to Burford” 13 - Ladies of Harley London Weekend 15 - “Bazzer’s Christmas Bazaar”

Regulars 2 - Between the Covers 3 - Director’s Cut 4 - Secretary’s Update 7 - From the Front 8 - Cockers Bits 10 - Cangen Cymraeg 12 - Ladies of Harley 17 - Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop

Hi All and welcome to the new and improved all electronic January edition of RoadHOG. I hope you enjoy the new cleaner format and links to relevant pages on the Great Western Chapter website.

18 - At a Glance

At the time or writing, me n Neats are suffering the mother of all colds which has made for a disappointing Christmas, especially given that I can’t taste the crate of Tribute I bought myself. So what’s in this month’s edition? Well, given that it’s January you’d have thought that there wouldn’t be that much, but no way. In addition to the usual housekeeping from your Committee, including last year’s AGM, we have rideout reports from Ian Johnson and Keith Swarbrick and event articles from Mrs Cockers and Cheryl Dando.

Thanks guys and gals, especially Cheryl, who is fairly new to the Chapter, yet has stepped forward to produce an excellent article on the LOH London Weekend and earn her RoadHOG roving reporter’s badge. So roll on the warmer weather and salt-free roads…. “Don’t you just hate it when you’ve said all you want to say and yet you still have enough space left for an additional paragraph?” Mark Cockwell (aka “Mr C”) Editor Email: Mobile: 07900 496711


Director’s Cut Happy New Year to all our members and I do hope you have renewed your membership for 2015 or this is the last great read you’ll see this year! Surely you don’t want to miss out on another fantastic year of rideouts, activities, adventures and memories to cherish? As per the photo below, me and Mrs Too Talls raise our glasses to you and wish you and your families a prosperous new year. I hope you all had a great Christmas and your stockings (can you still get them!) were full of shiny bits, either chrome or diamonds, ladies! I know it was last year now, but I must say what a fantastic turn out we had for the Xmas ride in December. At least half must have been dressed up in festive costumes and Dave Vass picked up the accolade for best dressed Santa and bike. Well done mate. Also, well done to Queenie and Mrs 6-speed for the mince pies and mincemeat shortbreads, en-route. It was also great to eventually meet up as a group with Chepstow Mencap, I’m sure we helped to make their party a special day. Lastly for 2014, I must add the Xmas Party was a huge success, so well done Cockers and the AGM was well attended. The same old Committee are back in business, and the night ended in fine voice by our GWC ladies singing “We wish you a Merry Christmas”.

adventures or, even better, a week or more. You’ll soon realise how friendly everyone is. Listen up for more details of activities from Cockers or visit the “Member’s Area” of our website. Not registered yet? Come on it’s not rocket science! Another way to get involved is joining our very own Hogs in the Hayfields rally preparation crew. We’re always looking for new blood with fresh ideas, so don’t think the same old faces are doing it again and you’re not wanted, you are! Our rally this year is on the same weekend as the European H.O.G® rally, but no contest really. It’s far cheaper to travel to ours and last year we did our rideout in t-shirts! If you want to get involved please contact Tony James.

you will need to book in advance with Helen or Mike in Riders. Regrettably the year will not start so well for one of our ex-members Mike Ludwell, because Mike has been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, so our thoughts are with Mike at this difficult time. If you see Mike at Riders please take time out to have a chat because he doesn’t want people to shy away from him. Yvonne has sent Mike a card on behalf of all his friends in GWC. Well that’s about it for now, I look forward to another great year riding together, chewing the cud over a few beers sometime, somewhere, and collecting more fantastic memories. For full details of all our events please visit the website as this is being frequently updated as events firm up and if you find anything missing please remind us, we’re only human!

I guess you’re reading this edition of RoadHOG on your PC, smart phone or tablet, which will be a new experience for some but, after a while, you’ll get used to it. Just don’t knock your Barry “Bazzzzer” Aggett smart phone into the toilet! Director Hopefully you will have seen the MailEmail: Chimp about Riders holding mainteth nance workshops on the 14 January Home: 01291 620371 for blokes and the 24th January for the Mobile: 07907 351650 ladies, I’m sure it will be informative and it’s free with limited spaces, so

Just one last thing! Congratulations to Keith Swarbrick for picking up the 2014 Rideout Challenge Award. It’s nice to see it changing hands again, and who will be in the frame for this year? OK, that’s it; we can shut the book on 2014 and look forward to this year. Many things are already underway and others in the planning, so this is a great time for any newish members to get more involved. Rideouts are great but, if you really want to get to know your fellow members, there is no substitute to joining one of the overnight


Secretary’s Update A very Happy New Year for 2015 to you all!

involved in the production and the cost of printing. Bazzer thanked everyone who has contributed to the Looking back on December 2014, our magazine this year and encouraged GWC Christmas party was a great members to continue to send in artisuccess and it was good to see evecles. He thought that seeing the magryone dressed in their finery! azines of other Chapters, RoadHOG Our 2014 AGM was held on Decem- was a benchmark in excellence and ber 9th at the “Cross Hands”. It was was a credit to Mark, our Editor, and well-attended. Tony and Chris had all involved. prepared a review of 2014, in photos, Bazzer thanked Chris for the major which were projected onto a screen, improvement to our GWC website, for members to see the highlights of with the creation of a Members Area our Chapter events. and a new gallery. Members now Bazzer Aggett, our Director, started have the opportunity to vote, which off the A.G.M. by welcoming Duncan informs the Committee on what memand Jerry from Riders. He said that bers want. 2014 had been another great year for Bazzer thanked Jane and L.O.H. for our Chapter and that he was proud to their support at our Rally, by organizhave been the Director. He reviewed ing the Hospitality Tent and the Gurthe main GWC events of the year: our zels. He understood that more L.O.H. th 11 Birthday Party in March, which activities were being planned for had been generously hosted by Rid2015. ers; the Boys-Only Weekend in April, along with the challenging weather; Bazzer thanked Stephanie for her St Tropez in May, which was support- efforts in finding the Mencap branched by around 50 GWC members, es at Keynsham and Chepstow as thanks to Anita, Greg and Ian; the our charity. We have raised around Somme Tour, expertly lead by Andy £6,500 in 2014 through such activities Kendall; our successful Hogs in the as the raffles at Club nights and at Hayfields Rally in June, with “Stars in our Rally, the Bristol Bike Show, our Their Eyes” and the Gurzels; the donations to the Mencap shop in Peaks, Lakes and Dales Tour led by Chepstow, Sonja’s patch sewing and Peter and Yvonne and supported by the parachute jump by Paul and Alli44 GWC members; the Fenlanders son. Some of this money has been Rally in July; the Bristol Bike Show in used to purchase a football strip and August, with “Rattler” leading the col- mini bus hire, sewing machines and lection for charity as usual; the Ride gardening equipment. GWC memto the Wall in October, when everybers who joined Bazzer for the Christone got soaked and Dave Stockford mas rideout were entertained to a assisted in laying the wreath; Peter Christmas lunch party put on by the and Chris’s well-attended “Brightona” Chepstow branch of Mencap. weekend, Hoggin’ the Curry, which Bazzer thanked Tony, our Photograwas supported by over 50 GWC pher and Historian for continuing to members, the L.O.H. Weekend in keep a comprehensive record of our London in November, which was enChapter’s activities. The message joyed by all; and lastly, our GWC from Tony was “Keep smiling, keep Christmas Party. taking photos and sending them in!” The December edition of RoadHOG Bazzer thanked Greg for promoting was our last hardcopy as, from Januand representing Cangen Cymraeg. ary, it will be electronic only. The reaBazzer ended by inviting everyone son for this decision was that it will who had been involved in the GWC reduce both the time of the people Committee, the Rally Committee and


Road Captains and Marshals to stand up whilst he thanked them for all their efforts behind the scenes. Peter, Assistant Director and Treasurer, had distributed copies of his financial report, to which he referred throughout his presentation. He reported that Chapter finances were robust and we had made a small surplus during the year. The decision to cease publishing a printed magazine has enabled us to decide to reduce the membership fees for 2015. They will now be amongst the lowest of UK Chapters. As always, the only financial uncertainty is the number of GWC members who will renew their membership for 2015. Big Al, Assistant Director and Head Road Captain, reported that it had been a good year for riding. We had been lucky with the weather, with September and October being better than May and June. The ride teams had provided a variety of routes and lengths of rides. The Road Captains and Road Marshals had covered 17 destinations in 16 counties, often linking them with activities such as a visit to the Fleet Air Arm Museum. His team consisted of 26 Road Captains and 6 Marshals, who are divided into 5 teams. Each team carries out recces for the rides they organise, at their own expense. Big Al thanked the teams. He also reported on safety issues from our Safety Officer, Andy Kendall. Riding standards were generally good, but there is still a need for riders to keep up when riding in a group. Thankfully, there had been no (Continued on page 5)

accidents this year, but Big Al warned of the danger of being complacent. I, as GWC Secretary, reported that the total membership for 2014 was 268, which was 57 fewer than in 2013. Though maybe the offer of a free T shirt last year was an incentive to join the Chapter! This year we were pleased to welcome 40 new or returning members. This was the first year we have been fully compliant with H.O.G速 and have 204 Full members of H.O.G速 and 64 Associate members of H.O.G速. Our members have been very supportive of the 2014 events such as: our 11th Birthday Party, the Boys-Only weekend, St Tropez, our Rally, the Peaks, Lakes and Dales Tour etc. I thanked members for their support and reported that 139 members had already renewed their membership of the Chapter for 2015. Bazzer thanked Duncan and Riders for all of the support that they have given to our Chapter in 2014. He was grateful that the Dealership shows so much interest in our Chapter. Duncan attends all our monthly Committee Meetings; Riders hosted our 11th Birthday Party, which involved staff staying on late; Duncan takes and

collects the gazebo to the Bristol Bike Show; Riders attended our Rally; they have given generous donations for our raffles and paid for the postage on our monthly magazine over the years, which must amount to a considerable sum. Recently, Duncan organised a coach trip to the NEC for Motorcycle Live, which several GWC members joined. Bazzer handed over the Chapter to Duncan. Duncan praised the GWC Committee, who had put in a great deal of time and effort behind the scenes. He knew first-hand, from sitting in on the meetings what a great job they do. Looking ahead to next year, he also gave details of the

maintenance courses he proposes to run on Saturday mornings in January. He said that Riders were anticipating expanding their business in 2015 and the knock-on effect could be an increase in Chapter membership. He thanked everyone for their support, before handing the Chapter back to Bazzer. Bazzer accepted the Chapter, with great pleasure as Director, and announced that there were no changes in the current Committee Membership for 2015. He was looking forward to yet another good year for Great Western Chapter. Big Al presented Keith Swarbrick and Gareth Jones with their Road Marshals patches. I reminded members to renew their membership for 2015. I explained that the Committee has agreed to give everyone until the end of January to renew their membership, after which, the names of anyone who has not renewed, will be removed from the MailChimp mailing list. Chris will also remove their access to the Members Section on our website. Jane announced that she is arranging for a coffee morning for L.O.H. on January 17th at a garden centre in Almondsbury, and she hoped that it would be well attended. Up for discussion will (Continued on page 6)


be planning L.O.H. events for 2015.

 Andrea Payne

Greg Parsons won first prize of £60 in the quarterly 100 Club draw, and Nige Cobham won second prize of £30, which he has kindly donated to Mencap.

 Mike Sage

I’m pleased to announce that so far, out of those GWC members who have renewed their membership for 2015, 12 have received their 10 Year Patch:  Bazzer and Jackie Aggett  Mike and Jo Attwood  Mark Chivers  Gordon Frape  Jackie Hayes

 Doreen Sheppard  Keith Swarbrick  Richard Van Gemeren Members who attended our AGM at the Cross Hands were treated to the now traditional extra special rendition of “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” by our lovely GWC Ladies of Harley to end the evening! We welcomed a new member, Steve Scull from Wotton-Under-Edge. At our Christmas Party, Bazzer presented Sonja Beddow with a wellearned “Singer” patch in recognition

 Greg Parsons  Graham Price  Yvonne Roberts  Richard Starnell  Derek Williams 14 have received their 5 Year Patch:  Philo and Sonja Beddow  Jeff Gleed and Julie Quick  Darrell and Lisa Hall  Neil Lewis,  Will McCloy  Kay Mead


for all the money she has raised for charity through sewing on patches at Club nights. For the latest information on our GWC Merchandise, please look at the Merchandise page on our Chapter website, where you will find the details of prices and how to order our range of t-shirts, sweatshirts, fleeces, GWC patches and pins. I am available at Club nights and you can also contact me by phone on: 01225 751017 or by e-mail: Ride safe in 2015, Yvonne Secretary

From the Front Hi All, Firstly, may I take the opportunity to wish all the avid readers of this monthly verbiage, a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2015. May the year ahead be good to you all. Taking a quick look back, Christmas saw the Big Al’s house well stocked with the necessary essentials. My mate Jack Daniels made numerous appearances and was joined by copious bottles of Appleton’s Rum, Coconut Rum and Rum Cream from Jamaica. Add to that a mix of some very good wines, and all was good. The period was busy, what with staying at friends for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We then spent some time at home to relax and chill out. This was then followed with a stint of missionary work up Liverpool-way visiting Sue’s extended tribe for the New Year. As you can imagine, a few drinkies was the order of the day. Phew, I need a break!

announced at the December AGM but, due to my vacation, I was not able to confirm the winner. This bit of fun will continue in 2015, so come along and ensure your name is on the list of ride attendees. Who knows, this year it could be you. Well, that’s about it for me this month …… and so on to the forthcoming rides. Sunday 25th January 2015 – Big Al & Team

the ride will head along Broadway enroute to Hutton. We will then eventuThe plan is to meet at Gordano Serally turn right and join the A371, passvices M5/J19 (North & South bound) ing through Banwell. Here the ride will for 10.30 a.m. Please be fuelled up take a left turn onto the A368 and and ready to leave at 11.00 a.m. head to Churchill. At the traffic lights the ride will head straight on through The rideout will be short, in keeping Blagdon, Compton Martin and West with a January ride. We will leave Harptree. Here we will pass Chew Easton- in-Gordano and head along the A369 towards Failand. At the traf- Valley Lake which is a haven for bird watchers. Continuing on the A368 fic lights, the ride will turn right onto through Bishop Sutton, we will eventhe B3129 Beggar Bush Lane. Here the ride continues until it reaches and tually join the A39 near Marksbury. With the Christmas festivities now just joins the A370 at Flax Bourton. From Passing through Corston the ride will bear left at the roundabout to join the a faded memory, it’s time to look here the ride will then stay on the A4 towards Bristol. We will pass ahead to hopefully another good year A370 passing through Backwell, through Saltford and head along the of riding. As usual, through Brockley Coombe and Cleeve. Keynsham Bypass. The ride will finish RoadHOG and the website, I will en- Reaching Congresbury we will take at McDonalds, Brislington for a warmdeavour to keep you up to date with the right hand lane and continue ing cup of coffee for those that need all GWC things associated with riding. along the A370. Eventually passing one. over the M5 Motorway, the ride will Currently, all the various ride teams This is classed as a Level A ride of are preparing routes for their allocat- continue on the A370 dual carriage way into Weston Super Mare, and on circa 60 to 70 miles on mainly ‘A’ ed monthly slots throughout the year. roads but there is the occasional ‘B’ As a consequence you will notice the to the sea front where we will park. road. Please note there will be no information available is a little scant. Lunch will be an individual choice, This will hopefully be remedied over with a selection of cafes, fish and chip planned fuel stop during the ride due to the distance. Remember to fill up the coming weeks as more details bars, or maybe “Scally’s” a wellbecome available for posting. In the known biker friendly pub. Alternative- at Gordano Services if you have travelled any distance to join the ride. meantime, my team has the pleasure ly, you may fancy a brisk walk along of hosting the first England-based the sea front to blow away those cobAlan “Big Al” Stokes ride of the year. All the details are webs. The choice is yours. stated later in this article. So now it’s Assistant Director & On leaving Weston, the ride will take just a case of hoping the weather Head Road Captain us towards Uphill. At the roundabout gods are kind and we have a mild sunny day when we venture out. FinRide Guide gers crossed. The 2014 winner of the most attended rideouts, as was announced at Club night, was Keith Swarbrick. Normally this would have been

'Weston’s Winter Wonderland'

Please see below some guidance details of the rides: Level A - Short and easy below 100 miles round trip. Level B - Fine for average riders but may be a bit longer. Level C - Can include some complex sections but mainly a longer duration.


Cocker’s Bits Happy New Year to you all!

I have to say that it is nerve racking when you arrange a ‘do’ in a new I hope you and yours enjoyed the venue, but I don’t think The Alveston festive period and are now taking up Hotel let us down or maybe you do? If the suggestion of many health groups so let me know why please? I did that we all have a ‘DRY JANAUARY’ take some photos in the early stages and this is not a reference to the of the evening but don’t worry I don’t weather. Like all New Year resoluhave anything incriminating of anyone tions I will have probably failed on but someone else might! After a glass that score but I am hoping that 2015 of wine or two or maybe three I put will be my ‘Will Do…’ year. What the camera down and then didn’t pick about you? it up again the whole evening but that I hope that we continue to provide was probably for the best. However, I and, if possible, improve on the varhave included a few snaps, on the ied choice of activities and events we following page, to remind you of the are planning for 2015. You’ll notice evening and, for those that didn’t atthis year that we have made changtend, this is what you missed. es, in that you, the GWC members, I must mention the ‘SINGER’ patch have a stake in what is planned and that Bazzer presented to Sonia organised, by putting forward your Beddow in appreciation of her continsuggestions and voting on others via uous hard work in sewing on patches the Members Area of our website. at Club nights and the HITH rally. As usual the magazine will contain Sonia has single-handedly amassed the “At A Glance” listing activities and an amazing amount of money for our events throughout the year as they Charity. If anyone is still wondering are confirmed. why we gave her a patch with SINGER on it then think of the sewing maBefore I go forward let me drag you chine company!!?? Other sewing maback to December 2014 ……. Bazz chine manufacturers are available but has already mentioned the Xmas BROTHER didn’t quite look right! rideout in his Director’s Cut which finished at the Mencap party in Chepstow and neither the rideout or party disappointed. What a fabulous turnout of Santas, Snowmen, Elves, Reindeer and me, as a fairy. Yes, that was me in the blonde wig much to some members confusion - had I bleached my hair or had Mark picked up some blonde bit for the day? I have to say that, when GWC do something, they really go for it. Congratulations to Dave Vass for the best dressed outfit/bike! A great day encompassing riding, silliness, food and charity work! Looking back on 2014 we should be Then there was our Christmas party. proud of our Chapter and everyone’s For those of you who attended, a per- involvement and commitment to maksonal thank you from me as you all ing the long and varied list of activientered into the spirit of things. I hope ties and events so very memorable. I speak for all of you, based on a So a personal thank you from me. small opinion poll, that you enjoyed the evening and especially the food! I Now then, let’s welcome in 2015 and, although January is still a quiet month didn’t even have any room left for a on the activities side, it gives you a mince pie.


chance to recharge your batteries before revving up for the rest of the year to come. We held our last Committee meeting on 15th November and finalising of activities for 2015 will be one of the points at our January meeting; so these will be published as soon as they are confirmed. Please make sure that you read and understand the joining instructions, as some require you to confirm your attendance by a certain date and have paid a deposit. This is necessary to restrict numbers on some of our activities due to venue/accommodation restriction or for safety reasons. So, if you see something you fancy doing, don’t dilly dally or you’ll miss out. Jane will be gathering LOH members for a get-together/coffee morning on the 17th January so more from her on that. Our first group event of the year will be our very own GWC 12th Birthday Party. Put Friday 6th March 2015 in your diary now. Thanks to the continuing support shown by Duncan and his team at Riders, the party will be held at Riders showroom in Brislington. We will be looking to do some different things this year for your entertainment, so make sure you come along and join in the celebration of your Chapter! Look out for more details. Anita “Cockers” Cockwell Activities Officer Email: Mobile: 07841 617477

GWC Xmas Party 2014


Cangen Cymraeg Well this is the first epistle of 2015 but first I hope all my readers had an enjoyable Xmas and that all the chrome goodies you wished for materialised.

members showing an interest; so looks like a good crew going to tour in the summer.

Well what’s been occurring this side of the bridge I hear you ask. Well, I am still looking for a suitable new venue for Cangen meetings but this has proved more difficult than I realised and this task is still ongoing, just don’t let Tony (Manager at St Marys) know.

Myself and several other Cangen members joined Bazzer on his Xmas ride with 30 bikes and nearly all in Santa suits. It made an impressive and colourful sight.

For myself and Chris Harding we have been putting the final touches to the GWC European Tour in the summer of 2015. Our first draft incorporated a car train from Dusseldorf to Villach, Austria. However, after contacting the German train company they informed me that this train was no longer in service, so it was back to Google and TYRE and another route through France, Switzerland and Italy was formulated. Right, route sorted or so I thought but, after a conversation with an Italian hotelier at the Motorcycle Show, another route through the Dolomites was suggested so that looks favourite. The tour has already attracted 9 bikes with more GWC

Then it was on to our Xmas dinner and dance which Cockers organised very successfully. I thought the standard of food was excellent, only marred by people using me as a target. How could they miss with paper aeroplanes. How childish people can

be with the demon drink in them. The AGM at the Cross Hands was, as Thanks also to Steph for organising usual, well attended and various rethe raffle and Riders for donating ports from the Committee were well some excellent prizes. received. Well that’s about it for now and hope Our Cangen meeting the following to see and ride with you all in 2015. day only attracted 20 members with Bazzer going through the AGM agenGreg “Greggo” Payne da. I had a display of GWC rockers, patches, pins and pin locks for sale at Cangen Cymraeg Rep. the meeting which will continue.


“Bon Voyage to Burford”

by Ian Johnson age and recycling of retired airliners. I mention these facts as I was asked about them. I never gave it a thought that I would be required to answer questions when I had only taken the ride there for coffee, cake and a comfort break.

On the days leading up to the ride the forecast seemed to vary from light rain to heavy showers all day with a weather warning for Oxfordshire. There were thoughts of cancelling but I was reminded that the weather can easily change and fortunately it did. It will be interesting to see whether the weather forecast improves when the Met Office’s £97million super computer comes on line next year.

From there it was back through Kemble towards South Cerney and around part of Cotswold Water Park and on towards Wootton Bassett to join the B4040 to Cricklade. The original plan was to bypass Cricklade and take a circuitous route towards Purton, to avoid the A419, but the recce highlighted a flaw in this plan which was that part of the route was closed for major repair, so the A419 it was If there is a rideout equivalent of pla- but only for about 5 miles when we giarism, then I am probably a bit turned off to Highworth, Lechlade on guilty although I did try to disguise the Thames and onto Burford for the act a bit. Nige Garnett took us there lunch stop. in May 2010 and I thought no one A theme was developing in the form would notice, when who should ride of a question about the river flowing into the car park but the man himself. through Burford. You know who you A further 14 bikes, including repreare and I hope you have taken the sentation from South Wales, also ar- trouble to read this after the extensive rived which certainly made me glad couple of minutes it took me to find we didn’t cancel. There was a distinct the answer. The river is the Windrush lack of pillions, and secretarial supwhich starts in the Cotswold Hills and port, with many of the usual suspects eventually flows into the Thames at away on the Ladies of Harley weekNewbridge. end. I had to take the names and Eateries are in abundance in Burford everything! and some are better than others. DurThe ride started at the Cross Hands ing the recce we happened to go into and took a route through Acton one which fell into the latter category. Turville, Sherton, Malmesbury and Extensive research, or a quick through Kemble to the Cotswold Google, identified the Royal Oak as Airport. being the number one restaurant in Burford according to ‘trusted’ Trip Cotswold Airport was formerly RAF Advisor, and it didn’t disappoint. The Kemble and was the home to the red Sunday lunch was excellent. One of arrows until 1983. It is currently a priour numbers is a bit, well quite a lot vate general aviation airport and, of, a foodie and he was very imamongst other things, is used for storpressed.


All this brings us nicely onto pies, a subject I have covered in a previous article. The Royal Oak advertise a House Specialty pie which is traditional pie encased in rich short crust pastry. There was a 20 minute wait for the pie, which cynics might think could have been the time it took to get to Tesco or to cook from frozen but I don’t think so. It was served with 12 chips, which had been cooked at least twice if not thrice stacked in the’ jenga’ style. The whole thing was delicious. After lunch we left Burford and turned onto the B4425 through Bibury to Cirencester. This is a favourite road for bikers which many will know, and we were fortunate that the road surface was a lot drier than we had experienced in the morning and with minimal traffic we were able to make a bit of progress. After a fuel stop in Cirencester it was through the centre, which is a lot easier than the ring road, out onto the A419 in the direction of Stroud then towards Minchinhampton. As a change from the ladder down into Nailsworth we took an earlier turn taking us down through Avening, passing the Weighbridge Public House, and into Nailsworth. I am not obsessed with pies but am an occasional patron of the Weighbridge and their speciality is a two in one pie. The original has beef in one half and cauliflower cheese in the other topped with shortcrust pastry but there are also other variations. I find that the locally brewed Uley Old Spot to be a good accompaniment to this dish. The final part of the ride was along the A46 back to the Cross Hands where we arrived at a very respectable 3.30pm enabling most, if not all, to get home before dark. Thanks to all those that braved the elements. Ian

Ladies of Harley Hi Ladies,

I mentioned the quarterly HOG magazine, you know, the one we had our Let me first wish you all a Happy New Gurzels pic in last year, and new for Year and hope you are all keeping to 2015 will be 2 pages dedicated to all those New Year’s resolutions which things LOH. So, if we hold any we all make and break within the first events, or have something to sing month, lol. and dance about, then that’s the I do hope you are enjoying reading place we will be sharing the spark! the RoadHOG electronically. Also new for 2015 is the LOH patch. The December issue had already My waistcoat has been having a regone to print before an article could vamp but hopefully the new patch be submitted regarding our LOH should be sewn on soon. I think the weekend in London, so Cheryl has new patch stands out and looks bold. been busy and re-captured our week- What are your thoughts? end for you to read in this month’s 17th January 11:30am - Coffee and edition. I do hope it’s all good. I know Natter morning at Almondsbury Garthere were plenty of pics on Faceden Centre, in the coffee shop area, book and good comments too. I have details of which are on the web. I do submitted a short article and pic hope you can attend as we’ve lots of (taken at the Hotel with our Great things to discuss, with one being the Western flag) to Gill James, her being next location for our LOH weekend. I Editor for the quarterly HOG UK maghave a few ideas myself but please azine, so fingers crossed we will have feel free to bring along any thoughts a claim to fame again, this time with a you may have and of course we need different posse! to put some LOH activities on the calWell Ladies what is 2015 going to endar for 2015. hold for us? 24th January 9:30am – Riders will be I’d been talking to Mandy Crook at putting on a workshop for Ladies the Christmas Party and learnt that (approx. 2 hrs). Their aim is to pass she’d booked her CBT, so hopefully on some technical knowledge on how all went well and she is now one step to keep our bikes running and looking nearer to the Harley that Steve prom- good. ised to buy her, once she’d passed I did organise one a few years ago her test.


and it was very interesting. You don’t have to be a rider to attend and spaces are limited. However, if they oversubscribe they will run another session at a later date, so give Riders a ring on 0117 9588777 and speak to Helen or Mike to book you space. Well Ladies that’s all for this month. It would be great to see you at any of OR, even better, all of the above events! Take Care Jane xx Ladies of Harley If you need any details or have any questions or queries contact details are….. Email: Mobile: 07894 086626

Ladies Of Harley London Weekend

by Cheryl Dando and the Millennium Eye to name but a few. However the best view was of Tower Bridge as the boat was put into a spin whilst we were underneath! The food served from the galley on board was very nouveau cuisine. After many courses and several more glasses of wine we were stuffed! Entertainment was provided by a live band – Overall we had a fantastic time that, if you get a chance to experience, is definitely well worth trying.

As one of the newer members of the Great Western Chapter, I thought I’d go along on the London weekend to get more acquainted with the Ladies of Harley – Well what a great bunch!

After a great evening we returned to the hotel, some off to bed after a long day whilst others continued the evening with more wine whilst watching a chocolate birthday cake from Hillary old Top of The Pops episodes! – it was Heaven!

After stopping in the services we made our way to London singing some Christmas carols before arrivThe fun started after the final pick up ing at our hotel – ‘The Towers’. This at Leigh Delamere Services. It was was in a great location and, after Laura’s birthday, a rousing chorus of dropping off our bags, we wasted no ‘Happy Birthday To You’ was followed time in getting out to see the sights. by the popping of champagne corks – Our first stop was a traditional red bottles and bottles of the stuff were phone box where we tried to get as plonked next to me! We had a full many of us as possible inside – unforseat each so plenty of room to sprawl tunately this wasn’t very many! out. Heading towards the Tower of London, we were greeted by the sight of the 888,246 handmade ceramic poppies, each one representing a military death during the First World War. We were all pleased that we were able to visit this stunning tribute.

These ladies were so well organised; everyone had plastic glasses, serviettes, copious amounts of alcohol, plenty of homemade goodies from Yvonne, Jackie and others and even

Returning to the hotel we then got ourselves glammed up for our evening out. We caught the coach to take us to the river Thames, where we boarded ‘The Symphony’ our floating venue for the night. This was a fabulous boat that took us up and down the river giving great views of many famous landmarks which looked beautiful lit up. We passed by Big Ben, The Globe Theatre, The O2, St Pauls Cathedral


Following a hearty breakfast on Sunday morning, we agreed to visit the Imperial War Museum; as the weather was atrocious, we needed to be indoors. We had a couple of hours there, most of us decided to go to the Extraordinary Heroes area dedicated to stories of extreme bravery, including exhibits of medals and other

(Continued on page 14)

memorabilia. We then moved onto the Holocaust exhibition, although harrowing and sometimes difficult to view, this is another must place to visit when in London. The final exhibit in this area is a very poignant quote from Edmund Burke – “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”. Our last stop of the weekend was Windsor, another phone box photo opportunity, a bit of shopping and a bite to eat, all within view of the castle. Then it was back on the coach, homeward bound, exhausted from all we had fitted in over the weekend. We all had a fabulous time, getting to make new friends – Thanks to all involved in organising the trip, especially Jane Scott. Cheryl xx


“Bazzer's Christmas Bazaar” familiar territory we continued along the A38 to a well-earned break at McDonalds near Hardwick. Not only a chance for a coffee and comfort This was to be my first ride as sweepbreak, we also to er, so no fancy dress for me, just a partake of some festive orange High-Viz borrowed mince pies and from RKK. After the routine riders snacks; very nice, briefing and ensuring everyone had and a big thank sufficient fuel, (I won't name and you to those that shame), we headed off towards provided these Gloucester on the English side of the festive treats. river via Alveston and Thornbury. By this time the road had began to dry Before setting off again, Uncle Baout, which gave a little more confizaar called us together to award the dence on some of Bazaar's more nar- prize for the best turned out rider/ row “goat tracks”. bike. A difficult choice with so many to choose from, however Judge BaFirst town of note was the rather piczaar's decision was made, with the turesque Berkeley, an historic town prize going to Dave Vass. A short with its own castle, apparently one of time later we were back on the road. the March Castles, built to keep out the Welsh. We seemed to be attract- We all survived getting through ing a lot of attention with many of the Gloucester despite the difficulties of locals stopping to wave. Onto more trying to do 2nd man drop at some of the more awkward junctions. Now we were on some quieter roads heading through the Forest of Dean. The weather held up for the rest of the run; though cold, we at least had some spells of sunshine.

by Keith Swarbrick

We met at Aust services on a cold but thankfully dry Sunday morning. It was a very good turnout, with many in seasonal dress - elves, fairies, reindeers and more Santas than you could shake a stick at. We also had a lot of bikes adorned with tinsel, lights and a variety of soft toys.

Our final destination was Chepstow Rugby Club where we were welcomed by Chepstow Mencap. A short time later we were inside and joining in with their Christmas Party. We got to sit, and chat with, some of the Mencap members who made us feel very welcome.


Lunch was provided and very nice it was too, particularly for those with a sweet tooth as the desert was huge. I won’t mention any names, maybe you’ll recognise this chap. We had a raffle with lots of great prizes, though sadly none for me. Stephanie passed a glass around for donations and managed to raise £108 which was duly presented to Mencap.

After a few more drinks and a chat it was time to say our goodbyes and head for home. A big thanks to all involved in organising this event and a special thanks to Chepstow Mencap for inviting us and making us feel so welcome. Keith

(More photos on the following page)

“Bazzer's Christmas Bazaar”


Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop A very happy 2015 to everyone in the Great Western Chapter and also to members of our sister chapter, Western Slope, CO.

Firstly I would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year

While most of you have tucked your pride and joy up for the winter, there are still a few of us Sticking with 2014, for the mothat ride all year round and ment, we greatly enjoyed our brave all sorts of weather doing splendid Riders day out to it. Being seen is ever more im“Motorcycle Live” at the NEC portant and, with a wide variety (to be repeated in 2015). There of safety gear available, it while I got to sit on a few bikes includwere several others from GWC on the makes it easier to stay safe. ing the New Road Glide Special. new luxury Mercedes coach (£450K) The most common thing we see is They also had one of the Project and settling back in comfort and while using corrosion protectant, Livewire electric bikes on display, warmth certainly took the strain. I’d with a rope all around it …. No touch- which is great for looking after that even taken along a few Chapter chrome; however, headlights and tail ing allowed! DVDs for entertainment. Sadly, our lights become dimmer and dimmer driver couldn’t figure out the sophisti- Time will tell whether this ever gets to due to road dirt sticking to the lenses. cated technology, so the screens the market place. stayed blank! As always, the NEC For the first time, there was an Indian was heaving so, apart from seeing stand. This attracted much interest, Christof and Duncan transiently at the not only because of the new line-up, H-D stand that was it, until we got but because there were a number of back to the coach at the end of the vintage machines on display. day. The H-D display was much largIt was nice to sit on the new Indian er this year, with a good selection of Chief Vintage, which did look and feel bikes. Yvonne did a bit of posing, like the real deal (like the Indian Scout). However, the Roadmaster, which is the touring bike in the lineThis happens over a period of time up, looked just a bit too much like one reducing visibility without noticing. of the Victory bikes, on the adjacent Make sure, when applying the prostand. Not too surprising, I guess, as tectant, that the lenses are clear and both marques are now made by Polawiped regularly. You could go one ris Industries. step further and fit LED lighting which All credit to them, though, for bringing is designed to run brighter and outIndian back from the dead to a bright shine traditional incandescent lamps. future. High-Viz jackets, although frowned So, on to the new year; What a great upon by some, are still a very safe range of events the Chapter has to and cheap way of being seen. A lot of look forward to in 2015. One of the our clothing can be of a dark colour high points for me will be a “Boys and some of the Harley-Davidson Own Weekend” that will definitely not jackets come with 3M Scotchlite™ be in April! I think we’ve earned ourreflective material, providing you with selves a warm sunny weekend, after enhanced rider visibility, when being the last two years of dire weather. illuminated by a light source such as Yvonne and I are also looking forward car headlights. Do a simple test - put to taking 49 of us (30 bikes) on our 3rd your riding gear on and see how easy UK tour: “Hogs Go East – Remasyou are to see in the dark, it might tered”. If you signed up in time, we surprise you. promise you it will be full of fun with Safe Riding lots of interest. Now onwards to our regular tip of the month from Duncan:


Peter and Duncan@riders

At a Glance - GWC Activities Calendar Contact Anita Cockwell if you have any other events you would like to see listed. Tel: 01761 471385 or mobile: 07841 617477 or e-mail: For further details on any event listed visit “What’s On” on the GWC website. Date

Committee Contacts Sponsoring Dealer Duncan White 0117 9588777 Director Barry Aggett 07907 351650





Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Jane Scott

LOH Coffee Morning


Ride Out

Big Al & team


Secretary Yvonne Roberts 01225 751017


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

Webmaster Chris Harding 07801 562011


Ride Out

Andy RKK & team


Activities Officer Anita Cockwell 01761 471385




GWC Birthday Party

Safety Officer Andy Kendall 07905 397474


Ride Out

Greg Payne & team



Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Ride Out

Steph Pocock & team






Asst Director / Treasurer Peter Roberts 07540 164157 Asst Director / Head Road Captain Alan Stokes 07766 237242

Editor Mark Cockwell 07900 496711 Photographer / Historian Tony Yendle 07787 551612 Ladies of Harley Jane Scott 07894 086626


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Ride Out

Nige Garnett & team



Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Ride Out

Andy RKK &team



Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Tony James

GWC ‘Hogs in the Hayfield’s Rally


Rally Ride Out

Big Al & team


27th-11th July


Christoff and Greg

GWC European Tour


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Ride Out

Greg Payne & team



Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Ride Out

Steph Pocock & team



Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed




Bristol Bike Show – date to be confirmed

Road Marshals


Ride Out

Nige Garnett & team




Pete & Yvonne

‘Hogs Go East Re-mastered’ Tour


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury

Steve Crook Paul Evans Gareth Jones Neil Prescott Dave Stockford Keith Swarbrick


Ride Out

Andy RKK & team





Ride to the Wall


Ride Out

Greg Payne &team



Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed




Hoggin’ the Bridge & Curry – date to be confirmed


Ride Out

Steph Pocock & team








Charity Coordinator Stephanie Evans 07983 259752 Cangen Cymraeg Rep. Greg Payne 07976 913004 Rally Co-ordinator Tony James 07940 895921

Road Captains Barry Aggett Phil Blake Mike Brake Nigel Garnett Paul Groom Chris Harding Ian Johnson Andy Kendall Andy (RKK) Kendall Greg Payne Dave Pocock Steph Pocock Dave Roberts Mike Sage Jane Scott Stu Scott Alan Stokes Tony Yendle

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