Roadhog march 2015

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H.O.G. 速 Chapter 6655

Official Newsletter of the Great Western Chapter

March 2015

Between the Covers

CONTENTS Features 10 - Service Safety Workshop 12 - Anything Bristol can do… 15 - Know your Boom!™ Box

Regulars 2 - Between the Covers 3 - Director’s Cut 4 - Secretary’s Update 7 - From the Front 8 - Cangen Cymraeg 9 - Cockers Bits 11 - Ladies of Harley 13 - Charity Update 14 - Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop

Hi All and welcome to the March edition of RoadHOG.

16 - At a Glance

At the time of writing, me and she have already been on two rideouts this year; what’s happened to my die hard ‘fair weather biker’ attitude? The last of these was the ‘HOGs Go To Haynes’ rideout to the Haynes Motor Museum at Sparkford. The ride down there wasn’t too bad, just a little chilly to start off with. However, once there the heavens opened and the salt was, very thoroughly, washed from our bikes - as the photo on the front cover attest to.

I’m hopeful that an article covering this rideout will be available in next month’s issue. No pressure Gerry. So, in addition to your Committee member’s articles, keeping you abreast of all things GWC, what’s in this month’s edition of RoadHOG? Firstly, we have Dave Stockford’s write-up of the ‘Service Safety Workshops’ that Riders has laid on. I agree with Dave’s point that you should never stop learning, especially where motorcycles are concerned. Secondly, we have Barrie Avery’s article about Cardiff opening up its Bus Lanes to motorcycles. Living around Bristol we take for granted the fact that very few cities allow this.

Mark Cockwell (aka “Mr C”) Editor Email: Mobile: 07900 496711 (Note: Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily the views of the Editor)


Director’s Cut H.O.G® Gallery, UK & Ireland website, Chapter Challenge page. Talking about the height of summer, I must bang on again about Hogs in the Hayfields 8. Tony James chaired the first meeting on the 21st February to get the ball rolling and I hope we had a good turnout of volunteers, old and new, with new ideas to keep it interesting. Don’t forget to buy your sun cream now, it should be on offer! We are now well past the one month grace we allowed for 2014 GWC members to rejoin in 2015. Those who have not rejoined, or just forgot, have now been removed from the MailChimp list and denied access to the members area of the GWC website. I’m just waiting now to see who is the first person to say, ‘what’s hapHi All, Last, but not least, for the Cross pened to my MailChimps’ or “the Hands meeting in February, we finalI still like the photo, so this month it websites not working”. If you think ly got to present Keith Swarbrick with is cheers to all our recent new memI’m joking just ask Peter Roberts how his GWC Rideout Challenge award. bers. Normally we have a few new many past members forget to cancel Unfortunately Keith didn’t make the members to introduce at the Cross their standing order, then claim GWC January meeting and Big Al had man Hands Hotel meetings so, to all newis taking their money! flu in February, so I had to step in to comers, please don’t be shy, just present it. Anyway, well done mate. Lastly, if you are planning to go on dive straight in and get involved. I any of the major H.O.G® events guess at this point I should say I must say I’m starting to get fed up where there is a parade of flags, thanks to Jerry and the other sales with the weather this time of year. could you please let me know. I will guys in Riders for providing this The bike has been out on a few octhen make sure there is a GWC flag steady stream. casions, but it’s off-putting when you made available and submit a regisknow it’s picking up the dreaded Whilst on the subject of the Cross tration for the rally banner. SALT and needs a good wash down Hands Hotel, it was great to see after each trip out. I know you can For full details of all our events Mike Ludwell at the February meetcoat it with ACF50 or the like, which I please visit the website as this is ing after his operation. Mike has redid the winter before last, but opted being frequently updated as events joined GWC this year following the this year to just coat the chrome firm up and if you find anything missgreat support shown by all his wheels, exhaust pipes and a few ing please remind us, we’re only hufriends in GWC. That’s what friends other low down chrome bits. At least man! are for. this year the bike doesn’t look like it’s Also at the February CHH meeting Barry “Bazzzzer” Aggett been off-roading! Hopefully winter was Dale Jenkins, our furthest locat- will soon be behind us and we can Director ed member, from Boston, USA. Now store away the heated gloves and Email: we know the Americans think nothget out the fingerless! Home: 01291 620371 ing of travelling long distances, so That reminds me, the Chapter Chal- Mobile: 07907 351650 Dale jumped on a plane to pick up lenge opened on the 1st March, so his 2015 membership pack in perdid you get your bike mileage recordson! Not really, he was over for a ed at Riders and passed me your couple of weeks, but we don’t see completed form to register with him very often, so it was nice to get a H.O.G® Member Services? You can photo of him for our RoadHOG, see find the registration details on the later on.


Secretary’s Update Hi Everyone!

his 2015 GWC membership card. I noticed that he was displaying the Boston Chapter rocker on his waistcoat!

Snowdrops, catkins and lambs, so spring is nearly Welcome to Gary Matthews from Bristol here, thank goodness! We have kicked off the season with our GWC 12th Birthday Party on March 6th , which was again kindly hosted by Riders. Our February Club night, at the Cross Hands, was packed out, and we were pleased to welcome some new and prospective members. We were also pleased to see several GWC Cangen members too. Bazzer presented Keith Swarbrick with his GWC 2014 Rideout Challenge tankard. The Rideout Challenge Shield, which now includes Keith’s name, can be viewed in the GWC display cabinet next to our noticeboard at Riders.

Paul Slade from Bristol

We were joined by Dale Jenkins, our GWC member who lives across the “pond” in Boston MA.

He had come home to celebrate his birthday, so we all sang “Happy Birthday” to him, and I presented him with

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Laurence Evans from Acton Turville

GWC ride to this from Riders. Stephanie reported that both branches of Mencap were purchasing items from the money donated by GWC. She also outlined plans for a Poker Run and an LOH sponsored walk up Pen-y-Fan later this year. We agreed to support the Brian Tumour Trust, in the Hospitality Tent, at our rally in June by asking for donations for the refreshments and cakes. We will also be selling a limited number of special bandanas in aid of this. We agreed to support the 2015 HOG® Mileage Challenge. Bazzer shared some feedback which he had received, from the UK Directors meeting held earlier this year. We held a separate 2015 Hogs in the Hayfields Rally meeting afterwards, which 23 GWC members attended. We discussed plans for the weekend. Tony James, our Rally Co-ordinator, is looking for volunteers for setting up on the evening of Thursday June 18th, packing away on Sunday June 21st, assisting with the Tagging and welcoming, and Hospitality Tent.

Other new members are: Graham Strange and Linda Reeves from Bristol and Dave Fellows from Melksham. I’m very pleased to report that Mike Ludwell has returned to the fold and renewed his GWC membership. It was great to see him at Club night. He remains incredibly positive and has now started phase 2 of his treatment, (as he puts it).

If you were unable to attend the meeting and would like to volunteer, please contact Tony James, ( The next Rally meeting is on March 28th at 1.30pm at Riders.

The next Committee Meeting will be held on March 28 th at Riders. A full copy of the minutes is available on reSince last October, when the Membership Renewal forms quest. were sent out, and up until the deadline at the beginning Ride safe and keep warm of February, it has been a busy time processing memberships. We do appreciate those members who send us Yvonne any changes to their contact details, such as change of Secretary address, telephone number or e-mail. Having your up-toEmail: date contact details is essential in keeping you in touch Home: 01225 751017 with the Chapter. Failing to inform us of a change of email address will mean that you will not receive MailChimps, which is our GWC group emailing system, the main method we use for sending out information, and you will not receive your monthly magazine either. Your Committee met on February 21st at Riders. Peter presented his Treasurer’s report for January. The Committee noted that a significant number of Chapter members had forgotten to revise their Standing Orders. Several of these members requested their overpayments to be donated to our Charity. Anita was pleased to announce that she had already received deposits from over 50 members for our GWC Christmas Party in December. We also firmed up plans for our GWC 12th Birthday Party, hosted by Riders on March 6th. Anita gave us feedback from the voting from members who are attending UK rallies. As SOFER had received the most votes, we agreed to arrange an official


From the Front Hi Everyone

If these lights are something you have been thinking about, then come have a look at mine. I’m usually Here we are again, around at Riders most Saturday’s. Also take time out and it’s time for and have a chat with Steve in the Parts Department. He another instalment will give you some good advice and talk you through of my monthly diawhat’s available for your Harley. The lights are very tribe. Still, spring is easy to install, so even if you are not technically minded, here, the snowyou could have a go. drops are in bloom and all is looking Well, that’s about it for me this month …… and so on to good for the year the forthcoming rides. ahead. And so, Sunday 22nd March 2015 – Steph Pocock & Team with thoughts of fluffy bunnies in “Hogs to Apache Country” mind, and the riding season just around the corner, it has been time to turn my attention to my trusty Heritage Softail Classic. Firstly on the agenda, in February, was a quick service just to ensure all is still in working order. I ride the Harley all year around so I was pretty confident things were in reasonable shape mechanically. However, I did discover my Harley’s Optimate connection cable was badly corroded in the terminals. So a replacement was purchased and subsequently replaced. In checking things out, I also discovered that my Optimate was starting to get tired and it eventually died on me. Not much you can do with them once they’re knackered, and so I have purchased the Oxford 900 Oximiser from Riders as a replacement. Normality has been resumed and all is working well. A neat little job the 900 and worth looking at if Why not come along to this one and take advantage of you’re in the market for a replacement. Personally, I an experience you may previously have never had. think its good value for money. The ride has been planned and will be led by Gareth With all that completed all that was left to do in February Jones. For your pleasure, this ride out will stop at the was to get the required M.O.T and purchase another Army Aviation Museum. For those interested in taking a years Road Tax. How else are all these pot holes going tour, there is an entrance charge which we are getting to get repaired if I don’t chip in ..... ummmmm! Anyway, confirmed. thankfully this was not too financially painful. The plan is to meet at the Little Chef, Chippenham, LED Lights “See and Be Seen” which is adjacent to the service station on the A350. Please be there for around 10.00 a.m. and be fuelled up Also during February, I have treated the Heritage to an upgrade on its front lighting system. This has resulted in ready to depart for 10.30 a.m. the fitment of a Harley Davidson “Daymaker” LED Head- The ride will head towards Calne and then move on to light and the matching LED Auxiliary Lights. Wow, what Marlborough passing Silbury Hill. It will then take a route a difference they make. I never would have believed the through the Pewsey Vale and on to Upavon. It will then impact they would have made until I rode my bike at ride over Salisbury plain to Tidworth and on to the Army night. The road ahead is so much more visible. Yes, you Aviation Museum at Middle Wallop. The museum is situdo lose some light at the side extremities but personally ated next to the Army Air Corps base which is the home I believe the gains more than outweigh that point. To of the Apache Helicopter, hence the ride title. say I am pleased with the results is an understatement. In addition, there is also the added safety benefit of be- The return trip will ride back to Salisbury and then on past Old Sarum Hill Fort and then carry on to Amesbury. ing extremely visible to other road users. Cars are certainly more aware of me now when I’m bearing down on From here it will be on to Larkhill and straight through to Shrewton where it will pick up the A36 to Warminster them that’s for sure.

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Services where the ride will end.

Cangen Cymraeg

This is classed as a Level A ride of approximately 100 miles. Sunday 26th April 2015 – Wide, Hard, Barney & Team “Stalking the Stones”

Welcome to my monthly scribblings and general pieces of information that some people might find illuminating. For those persons living in or visiting the South Wales area you might wish to know that the speed cameras on the M4 Port Talbot area are now fully functional - you have been warned. Also the bus lanes in Cardiff are now allowing the use of motorcycles. This will be comprehensively covered in the article by Barrie Avery (well known Bard of Llandough and major critic of Planning Departments in Wales). As for myself I have reconnected with my Ultra Limited and, after a winter layoff, started to enjoy the delights of H-D riding.

This ride will be a tour of the region’s most well known historic stones, so why not get out and join us on what should be a great day’s riding.

I have also decided to take AP away for a long weekend to celebrate our 43rd wedding anniversary. Not for us the delights of Paris/Rome, no it’s the Iron Horse Rally, Yorkshire for us to celebrate with like minded H-D riders. I have thrown in a day in York as a sweetener, staying at a On leaving the Services the ride will take a leisurely route through the Chew Valley passing the Stanton Drew pub that is renowned for its ales, ciders and pies!!!!! stones, parking at the Druid Arms. Access to the stones Speaking to our Secretary it seems that Cangen memberis available from the pub. It will then progress on to Ave- ship so far is down 13 members to 60. Whether that will bury (lunch stop) via the A4 through Bath and Bradford remain so who knows. upon Avon. The issue of a different venue for Cangen meetings has The return will head back via Silbury Hill and East Kenyet to be resolved. I have visited several venues in the nett, Longbarrow and Stonehenge. The ride will finish at past month and have not found one that’s suitable. McDonalds adjacent to Riders of Bristol. I may try the Newport area but I can see objections to this. This is classed as a Level B of approximately 130 miles. Any suggestions please let me know. The criteria being:

The plan is to meet at Gordano Services M5/J19 at 10.00 a.m. Please be fuelled up and ready to depart at 10.30 a.m.

For last minute updates, please keep a check on the website for changes. Alan “Big Al” Stokes

1. Easy access from the M4. 2. A flat and largish car park. 3. Good food at a reasonable price.

Assistant Director & Head Road Captain

4. Separate room to accommodate at least 30 persons. The Cangen meeting at St Marys on the 11th February only attracted 20 persons but on the plus side I sold £30 of pins, patches and pin locks.

Ride Guide Please see below some guidance details of the rides:

Bazzer informed the meeting of Dale Jenkins attendance at the Cross Hands meeting. Dale currently lives in Boston, USA and it was nice for some to catch up with him. Mike Ludwell was also at the meeting being his usual stoic/good natured self. We all wish Mike well for the future.

Level A - Short and easy below 100 miles round trip. Level B - Fine for average riders but may be a bit longer. Level C - Can include some complex sections but mainly a longer duration.

(Continued on page 9)


Bazzer also mentioned forthcoming events and rideouts which would have occurred when you read this article. The 2015 Xmas Party has been well subscribed so if you are going, reserve a ticket NOW. Our Hayfields Rally in June needs volunteers so PUT SOMETHING IN to get SOMETHING OUT.

Barrie Avery gave an impromptu presentation of what MAG had achieved in persuading Cardiff to open up bus lanes to motorcycles. Steff stated that £32 had been collected from the raffle. That’s all folks Greg “Greggo” Payne

The LOH meeting in Chepstow on 14th March, the LOH trek up PenyFan, Beacons on 8th August and the LOH trip to Chester in November were also mentioned.

Cangen Cymraeg Rep.

Congratulations to Keith Swarbrick for winning the most Chapter Rideouts.

Cocker’s Bits Hello everyone, and welcome to years so you’ll know that I’m not March!! The daffodils are out and the looking for professionals! So any lambs are frolicking in the fields so it volunteers contact me ASAP. must be spring, or at least spring like. Calne Bike Weekend, Sat 25th By the time you read this we should July th have held our 12 birthday party, Yes I know it’s a ‘weekend’ but courtesy of Riders, at which LOH will we’re thinking of doing Saturday have impressed you with their fashion only. As it’s a local event, we are show. Our thanks to Helen, Emma trying to gauge what interest there Lou and of course Duncan at Riders is in members wanting to have a for all their ideas and help in making group ride over on the Saturday. this work and not forgetting our very The group ride would end, once we own ‘models’, well done! got to Calne, and then you’d go your But as they say “that’s yesterday’s news” so what’s coming up next…….. So in date order……. Steph Pocock and teams Rideout 22nd March, incorporating a visit to The Museum of Army Flying, Middle Wallop, Hampshire Situated right alongside the Army Air Corps’ busy working airfield at Middle Wallop; you can enjoy watching the Army Air Corp’s impressive Apache and Lynx helicopters. For groups of 10 or more wishing to go into the museum itself (as opposed to just going into the café) its £9, for groups of less than 10 it will be £10. So bring some cash with you. Hogs In The Hayfields (HITH), our rally! Fri 19th-21st June You shouldn’t need reminding of this event as it’s your rally, put on for your enjoyment, so get your applications in now and show your support. I will be looking for volunteers for the Friday evening entertainment. You’ve seen what we have done in previous

bank account (details below) and advise when this has been done please. own way. So, what do you think, inPlease, please, please don’t assume terested? If you are contact me that by transferring a deposit to the please. bank account means you are on the th th list. I need to keep track of the numGoing to SOFER, 14 -16 August bers as there are limited places, so this year? please contact me in the first inAs SOFER has a new venue this year stance. it appears to have raised the interest of a number of GWC members judg- Bank Acct Name: Great Western ing by the votes cast on the GWC Chapter UK website. So, if you want to ride down Bank Account No: 41343203 as a group with other GWC members, Sort Code: 40-14-06 would you contact me please and we’ll see if there’s enough interest. Reference: Xmas Party Likely to be starting from Riders. Cash or cheques are acceptable (you Please do not wait to purchase your will be given a receipt, please keep SOFER rally tickets and accommoda- it!). The invite is currently open to tion. GWC members only until the end of September, when any remaining GWC Christmas Party spaces will be made available to I’ve already sold 50 of the 70 availa- members’ guests. ble tickets, so if you want to attend don’t wait, get in touch with me to get Anita “Cockers” Cockwell your name on the list and then pay Activities Officer your £10 per person deposit. The cost of the meal has been kept at the Email: same price, of £35.00 per person, as Mobile: 07841 617477 last year. Payments via the GWC


The Service Safety Workshop I have often wondered what I was getting for my money when I take my Pride and Joy into Rders for a service. If you, like me, have taken your bike into Riders and dropped it off, picked it up later and paid the bill. Have you asked yourself:-

by David Stockford

checking all the key safety points that we should all know about our machines. No questions were left unanswered by Mike and his team. We all learned things we did not know even though we all considered ourselves seasoned riders. (You should never stop learning).

Who has been working on my machine? What are their Skills? Can I trust that the work done has been done to the highest quality that I would expect to have lavished on my machine?

We were then split into groups and taken to different areas of the workshop to be shown about how the electronics are diagnosed, how to check all the fluid levels, how to protect the battery and how to put the bike into service mode (wish I had known this before). We all were able to Riders have recently provided a Saturday morning course pick the brains of the Riders team and barrage them with called ”The Service Safety Workshop” where they pass questions specific to our own rides. on some of their technical knowledge about how to keep During the morning Mike also introduced us to all the your bike running and looking great and to provide an products you would need to keep your ride clean and in introduction to using the “T-CLOCK” system which was good order with an array of products on display for us all developed by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation for asto see and discuss. sisting you in doing a comprehensive pre-ride check. The morning was completed with the presentation of a I booked myself on the course for 17th January. I duly certificate and being told we could have a 20% discount arrived early to take in the mandatory bacon butty and coffee. There were eight of us on the course all eager to on anything we purchased today. It was worth attending the course for the discount alone. learn what Mike Wood (Riders Service Manager) would show us.

Mike Wood, Ricky Davis, and Julian Haines were excellent hosts and provided a superb level of technical experThe first revelation of the day was being taken into the workshop (a place of mysticism and magic to most of us). tise and knowledge. My first impression was how clean and tidy it all was. What I got from the morning was a general feeling that Mike then took us to an area where there were three of the Riders team love what they do and have a high level the demonstrators on Motorcycle lifts ready for us to work of expertise and enthusiasm for the service that they prowith during the session. After handing out a piece of pavide. If you get the chance to join one of these mornings I per with a check list Mike started to talk us through the highly recommend it, even if you are an experienced Harchecks from the T-CLOCK system. We started with the ley Owner. tyres and systematically worked our way over the bikes


Ladies of Harley Hi Ladies,

mag) to put the record straight.

Wow, we now have a total of 71 Ladies of Harley members so we’re looking good so far this year. Of these 11 are riders, 4 of which you’ll see in the photo below, taken at our Maintenance Morning. From left to right, starting from the 2nd in, we have Jeanette Sealey, Anne Egan, myself, and finally Julie Quick.

Now, of course, that brings me on to let you know that bookings for this year’s LOH weekend in Chester are (at the time of writing) up to 25. This includes several ladies that have not been away with us before but have decided to come and see what it’s all about, so that’s good news; plus, it also means the weekend price will now drop down to £200 per person. Let me start by thanking the ladies Of course if you have selected single that attended the Riders Maintenance supplement the £45 extra still applies, morning and of course also Riders. A but it’s looking good girls and if you big thank you goes to Mike, for his are still thinking - shall I? can I? the ing being held on the 28th March at Riders approx. 2:30pm. Come along, even if you’re only a little bit interested, because as the saying goes “it’s always alright on the night”. Coffee Morning Just a reminder that our next coffee morning is on 14th March at Chepstow Garden Centre at 11:30am, again all details on the Great Western website. Ladies if you have anything for charity Stephanie will be at the coffee morning. WATCH THIS SPACE Steph Pocock and myself will be doing a re-run of the Marlborough Ladies Only Ride hoping that the weather will be kinder so we can take in the views along the way; details to follow. patience and understanding, especially considering that some of us ladies, dare I say it, only knew where to put the petrol in (only joking girls). In all it was very beneficial but expensive for me as, afterwards, I purchased some new shiny black wheels for my bike. It looks like I’ll have to be grease monkey for Stu. I think we must have been star pupils as they gave us a certificate! Mike did mention they are short on technicians too, so watch this space!

answer is Yes to both. All I can say is it’s a weekend where us women have a natter, a good old laugh and get to know each other. You have until 27th March to pay your deposit. All details are on the Great Western website or you’re welcome to contact me.

That’s it for this month ladies - hopefully now the days are getting warmer that means longer rideouts so we can catch up somewhere along the road. Take Care All Jane xx

Please note the small print - you have Ladies of Harley to be a member of H.O.G® and The Any question, queries, concerns ….. Great Western Chapter. Email: Gurzels Update Mobile: 07894 086626 We held our first Gurzels meeting at I do hope you have all noticed that we Riders, with a total of 9 possibly 10 made it into the HOG magazine again ladies, so looking good. As you all (2015 Issue 1). This time for last know we try to keep what we are doyear’s LOH weekend in London, how- ing for the rally to ourselves, but it’s ever I’m not sure who Debbie is? I not too late to join with our next meetmust email Gill (editor for the HOG


Anything Bristol can do… Cardiff can do too?…. Eventually! It was almost twenty years ago when Bristol became the first city in the UK to open its bus lanes to motorcycles. Since then the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) has campaigned for other towns and cities to follow suit and join the ever-increasing number that permit the shared use of bus lanes. Notably, the opening of red route bus lanes to motorcycles by Transport for London, after extensive studies, was a landmark decision.

make it a general requirement to open bus lanes to Powered Two Wheelers (PTWs) and has left it to the “discretion” (or otherwise) of individual local authorities to make a decision for their own area.

by Barrie Avery wheel vehicles (PTWs) for a trial six month period on 10th February marked the recognition that they have a place in the future transport plan for the city.

This has inevitably led to a situation where there is no consistent standard throughout the country and motorcyclists have to squint to see the tiny motorcycle emblem on the blue bus lane signs, whilst navigating in an unfamiliar location. By default, bikes are prohibited unless there is a sign to the contrary. This seems to be a strange logic. Like most other authorities, Cardiff Council sees the increased use of public transport as the long term solution to congestion in the city. It intends to extend bus lanes, to increase bus usage and encourage a modal shift away from private cars.

Cardiff MAG members take a celebratory ride in Cardiff bus lanes The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) claims that motorcycles and scooters are an environmentally friendly, alternative form of transport which contributes to reducing air pollution. Sharing bus lanes with motorcycles makes best use of the limited road space in urban areas and reduces conflict between vehicles which contributes to improved road safety.

When first approached it was already preparing to allow private hire vehicles into bus lanes, in addition to taxis, and saw PTWs in bus lanes as a natural fit with this policy.

The Cardiff branch of MAG was keen to thank Steve Carrel who represented Cardiff Council on behalf of the officers and Councillors who supported the campaign which everyone is sure will prove to be a success.

Meanwhile MAG will continue to approach other local authorities in First of all they needed to obtain Mov- Wales to encourage them follow the ing Traffic Enforcement powers from example set by Cardiff. MAG has been campaigning for more than two the Welsh Assembly Government to enable them to take action to discour- years for the Vale of Glamorgan age vehicles illegally using bus lanes. Council (with their one bus lane!) to follow suit, so far without success! Having obtained these powers they have been enforcing this with CCTV st Permitting motorcycles into bus lanes coverage since 1 December 2014. provides them with a journey time It is claimed that 3,500 offenders advantage and assists traffic flows by were caught in the first month. removing them from the non-priority (Leaving all the more room for us biklanes. (You all know that but I’m just ers). preaching to the converted again!) The opening of Cardiff bus lanes to The UK government has declined to motorcycles and other powered two


Charity Update would like to take part, or who Looking now at what our charity is up have already indicated they wish to to: take part, could please email me to Keynsham, Activities confirm so I can make sure I have a complete list of participants. Keynsham have a number of events arranged that we are welcome to join Craft for Christmas – A great idea that has been suggested to me is that in with: any knitters, sewers or crocheters who would like to join in, make toys and Christmas decorations that we can then donate to Mencap to sell to raise funds. I have a range of knitting patterns I am happy to share and I will bring a selection along to the next LOH coffee morning (14th March, Chepstow Garden Centre at 11.30am) for those who want to get started right away! Welcome to this month’s update! I have been thinking about what fundraising activities we can do this year after last year – I’m not sure I can top ‘the skydive’ so I am not going to try!

There is no need to let me know if you are crafting for us , just let me have the results but do email me or tell me when you see me as it will be useful to get an idea of take up.

Mencap Moustache Month – Borrowing heavily from Movember I am going to do an event for the guys around growing a moustache, beard, goatee, etc. which we will then photograph and I will run a competition where you will have to guess whose Charity Poker Run – This is definitefacial hair is whose! The entrant who ly going ahead and I am just sorting gets the most correct answers will win out a date in liaison with Big Al and a Riders voucher. Anita so we avoid any clashes with More details will follow once I have ride-outs and other activities. the month decided. This will be a non-led ride requiring participants to visit a number of specified location to obtain playing cards from which they make the best poker hand they can. At our final destination we will check the hands, announce the winner and have a bit of a social to round the event off. This year, in addition to our raffles and Rally activities, we have the following activities in the melting pot – some are more concrete than others, at this stage, but I wanted to let you know what my thoughts are:

LOH Sponsored Walk – This is taking place on the 8th August and so far we have around 14 ladies who will be walking up and back down Pen-yfan – the highest mountain in South Wales. Can I ask that any ladies who


6th March – Race Night 12th June – 80’s Disco 6th September – Bike Ride 16th October – Quiz Night 13th November – Slapface and the Hoagies Gig All of the above events, (with the obvious exception of the bike ride) take place at Saltford Hall at 7.30pm.

Chepstow Activities Nothing to report just yet but watch this space in future months. See you all soon. Don’t Dump – Donate! those unwanted items!! Take care

Stephanie Charity Coordinator Email: Mobile: 07983 259752

Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop Hi Everyone – this month’s Pump Stop article will be minus Duncan, so I’m sorry, but no “Tip of the Month”. It is currently the schools’ halfterm holiday and he is away with family, somewhere sunny and hot.

got the correct answer. Getting there, is a little harder than it might seem at first. After all the clues, the question was: Who owns the Sportster?

Sitting down to write this seems to have come round all too soon – principally, I guess, because we were away for two weeks enjoying the sunshine and warmth of Arizona and California. While we wouldn’t really want to go and live in the USA, it sure is fun riding on roads that might see just a smattering of other vehicles the whole day long.

Here is the answer: Home















Red wine




B&H Silver


Silk Cut




Road King

Street Glide

Softail Deluxe


Ultra Limited

After that little brain-twister, something else: A Prize Quiz How much do you know about Harley-Davidson – Loads? Prove it and win a H.O.G® Pony Express Medallion (best/correct answers emailed to me at by Sunday March 15th). No bike rental this time – that’s for our little group trip in May – instead we had a real beast: a V6 Camaro SS con1. Following the tradition of engines being named after vertible, which was fun, enormously powerful and thirsty! the shape of their rocker covers, the Evolution engine became what? 2. What was very unusual about the XA model? 3. Which model Harley became the icon of the 1960s? 4. In 1987, to encourage new customers, HarleyDavidson introduced a scheme, known as what? 5. Which model Harley-Davidson has enjoyed the longest production run? 6. What type of lighting did Harley-Davidson introduce for its bikes in 1912? 7. What was the film, and the year, in which Elvis rode a Harley Big Twin? 8.What is the VRXSE? 9. The 1971 Super Glide became known as? Last month’s article included a puzzle. I was wondering whether many of you had a go and want to find out if you


10. In 1958 Harley-Davidson caught up with the rest of (Continued on page 15)

the motorcycling world by introducing what? 11. The 1971 bikes had a famous paint colour scheme, known as? 12. In September 2007, one of Steve McQueen’s most valuable Harleys was auctioned at the Peterson Automotive Museum. What was it? 13. What was Harley-Davidson’s most disastrous production model for sales? 14. Many of the poorly selling 2-stroke Harleys, marketed during the 1960s and ‘70s, originated from which factory? 15. What particular event in 1905 enormously enhanced customer demand for Harleys? 16. What colour was Elvis Presley’s first Harley? 17. A bike with black and white paint and genuine cowhide bags, introduced in 1993 was known properly as what? It also had the nickname of? 18. What is the significance of the cry ‘The Eagle Soars alone’? 19. What were the bikes in “Easy Rider”. Where were they purchased and what models were they? 20. What model replaced the Electra Glide Sport in 1994? 21. What is the origin of the term ‘Electra-Glide’? 22. The seriously modified Harley construct, known as the “Smooftale” was made by which bike building company? What was the name of the paint job? 23. In 1988, how did Harley-Davidson attract women riders? 24. What was the tagline for the 1991 film, “HarleyDavidson and the Marlboro Man? Good Luck! Safe Riding

Peter and Duncan@riders

(in absentia)

Know your Boom!™ Box By Mark Cockwell

Continuing on from last months short article on how to upgrade your Boom!™ Box Infotainment system, this month I thought I’d introduce you to a little know facility provided by H-D. The Harley Davidson Boom!™ Box Infotainment System - Online Reference Guide. This online guide, accessible via the link above, is an excellent interactive tutorial on how to use the Boom!™ Box and is a must for all owners with such a system on their bike. Its very easy to use and allows you to select those features of interested to you.


At a Glance - GWC Activities Calendar Contact Anita Cockwell if you have any other events you would like to see listed. Tel: 01761 471385 or mobile: 07841 617477 or e-mail: For further details on any event listed visit “What’s On” on the GWC website. Date




Committee Contacts Sponsoring Dealer Duncan White 0117 9588777 Director Barry Aggett 07907 351650 Asst Director / Treasurer Peter Roberts 07540 164157

March 14th


Jane Scott

Coffee, Cake and Natter, Chepstow



Steph Pocock & team

‘HOGs to Apache Country’


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury



Wide,Hard,Barney & team

“Stalking the Stones”

Webmaster Chris Harding 07801 562011


Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

Activities Officer Anita Cockwell 01761 471385



Andy RKK & team


Safety Officer Andy Kendall 07905 397474


Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury

Editor Mark Cockwell 07900 496711


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Tony James

GWC ‘Hogs in the Hayfields 8’ Rally


Rally Rideout

Big Al & team


27th-11th July


Christof and Greg

GWC European ‘Bucket List’ Tour

Ladies of Harley Jane Scott 07894 086626 Charity Coordinator Stephanie Evans 07983 259752





Asst Director / Head Road Captain Alan Stokes 07766 237242 Secretary Yvonne Roberts 01225 751017

Photographer / Historian Tony Yendle 07787 551612


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Greg Payne & team



Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury



Steph Pocock & team





Calne Bike Weekend (Sat only)




LOH Walk Up a Big Mountain in Wales


Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

14th -16th







Bristol Bike Show – date to be confirmed



Nige Garnett & team




Pete & Yvonne

‘Go East Re-mastered’ Tour


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury



Andy RKK & team





Ride to the Wall



Greg Payne &team



Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury

Road Marshals


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Baz, Pete and Chris

Boys Only Weekend



Steph Pocock & team



Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury

Steve Crook Paul Evans Gareth Jones Neil Prescott Dave Stockford Keith Swarbrick


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Jane Scott

LOH Weekend



Big Al & team





GWC Xmas Party



Nige Garnett




Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

Cangen Cymraeg Rep. Greg Payne 07976 913004 Rally Co-ordinator Tony James 07940 895921

Road Captains






Barry Aggett Phil Blake Mike Brake Nigel Garnett Paul Groom Chris Harding Ian Johnson Andy Kendall Andy (RKK) Kendall Greg Payne Dave Pocock Steph Pocock Dave Roberts Mike Sage Jane Scott Stu Scott Alan Stokes Tony Yendle

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