Roadhog may 2015

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H.O.G. 速 Chapter 6655

Official Newsletter of the Great Western Chapter

May 2015

Between the Covers

CONTENTS Features 11 - Hogs to Apache Country

Regulars 2 - Between the Covers 3 - Director’s Cut 5 - Secretary’s Update 7 - From the Front 9 - Cocker’s Bits 10 - Ladies of Harley 13 - Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop 15 - At a Glance

Hi All and welcome to the May edition of RoadHOG. We’ve had some excellent weather over the last few weeks and I think that explains why this edition is so light, article-wise. Everyone is out on their Harleys. April’s club night was a case in point as I arrived in good time but could only just find a seat and that was down in the section where the naughty members get put. Hopefully, as the riding season kicks off, I’ll start to see more articles appearing in my inbox ….. hint, hint. When you receive this issue me n Neats will be back in the USA with some friends from the Chapter riding a selection of eastern states. Hopefully we’d have just completed a visit of the Pentagon that Neats has arranged. However, at the time of writing we’re still on the pending list. Fingers crossed. On this trip I’ve finally got my act together and have used Harley’s Ride Planner to pop our routes on to a memory stick ready to load into the BoomBox of the bike I’ve hired. I’ll let you know how this works out in a future edition.

Well I think that’s about all I have to say for this month. Keep the rubber side down and the shiny side up. Mark Cockwell Editor Email: Mobile: 07900 496711 (Note: Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily the views of the Editor)


Director’s Cut Hi All,

will be a first for me at the Hayfields!

I must start by saying get well soon to Andrea Payne, who has been very seriously ill. It’s great to hear Andrea is now making steady progress on the road to recovery. I’m sure the many good wishes from GWC members and a Biker Bear have helped lift Andrea’s spirits.

There will also be a short charity football match between GWC members and Keynsham Mencap on the Saturday afternoon. It’s only for fun, yeah right, so we’ll need plenty of support around the pitch with some liquid refreshment and stretchers.

I’m writing this at the end of a great week of bright sunshine, albeit with a cold breeze, and have enjoyed the opportunity of riding to work, along the Chepstow to Usk road, onto Pontypool. One of those mornings, as I climbed the hill out of Chepstow, the valley below to the right was a sea of fog. There is something special about the dawn of a new day, on a bright and fresh morning. Hopefully, this will not be our only week of good weather for the year and it’s just a start of better things to come; we live in hope. Anyway, it convinced me to eventually wash off the ACF50 on the FatBoy and wow, I had forgotten how shiny the chrome wheels looked, and was so relieved to see the winter salt had not got under the chrome. Trouble is that this had a knock-on effect, as I thought I should clean the paint work with S100, and then give it a coat of lacquer. And it didn’t stop there: I have finally got around to fitting a single seat and a little chrome rack, sitting proudly on top of the rear fender (or mudguard whichever you prefer), so she is now ready for the Boys Only Weekend with the rack being just about big enough for a spare pair of pants and a toothbrush! Queenie took one look and said “I’m not sitting on that rack”, so the think-

ing cap is now on for how to fit an ‘occasional’ seat. I’ve now got to do the same with the RoadGlide; wash it I mean, not another single seat, as I value my life! Paul ‘Barney’ Evans and Neil Prescott have now completed their Road Captain’s training, so thanks guys for putting yourselves forward and giving up your time to keep your fellow members happy on rideouts.

Of course we still invite you, old and new members, to play a part in your rally. No matter how big or small, so if you can spare a bit of time please speak with Cockers for activities, or Jane Scott for the hospitality tent rota, or Andy Kendall Sr for the tagging tent rota. Not forgetting Tony James our very own rally co-ordinator. Lastly, did I forget to mention our rally!? It’s only a month to go, so book your tickets now, either by downloading a form from our website or speaking with Cockers or myself. It would be a shame to miss it. For full details of all our events please visit the website as this is being frequently updated as events firm up and if you find anything missing please remind us, we’re only human!

Hayfields 8 is now just over a month away, by the time you read this mag. I hope you are coming and not wast- Barry “Bazzzzer” Aggett ing your time travelling to the south Director of Spain where it’s going to rain, or is Email: that on the plains! Home: 01291 620371 We will have a great line up of enter- Mobile: 07907 351650 tainment, assuming you’ll want to come inside to get away from the blazing sun. ‘GWC Entertains’ is sure to be a laugh and, as always, the acts are top secret, but I will say I’m one of them. No surprise really, but if I follow through with my act it


Secretary’s Update Hi Everyone!

It was good to welcome Mark Catley, who joined Great Western Chapter in 2014 but, due to work commitments, had been unable to attend Club nights up until April. He took the opportunity of discussing group riding with Bazzer.

We had a good attendance at our April Club night at the Cross Hands, with the warm weather encouraging many of our members to turn up on their Harleys. I was kept busy welcoming new members and selling patches! Here are four of our new members:

Welcome too, to Nathan Fry from Pontypool, who was the lucky winner of the draw for a Sportster Iron organised at the Harley stand at Motorcycle Live at the NEC in Birmingham in November 2014! He told me that he was extremely shocked to receive the phone call telling him that he was the lucky winner! After much consideration he has decided to keep his existing Harley, a SuperLow, and sell his prize. Peter and I, along with a coach-load of others from Riders, attended this event last year and Duncan is planning on organising a repeat trip to Motorcycle Live this year.

Clockwise, from the top we have: Dave Fellows currently from Melksham, but previously from Plymouth; Linda Reeve, partner to Graham Strange; Peter Walker from Bristol, and Katarzyna Sas and Agnieszka Wyka from Bristol, but previously from Poland.

Bazzer explained that Andrea Payne had been very poorly in The Heath Hospital in Cardiff, for over 2 weeks. We (Continued on page 6)


were all delighted and relieved to hear from Greg of Andrea’s steady progress to recovery. Greg thanked everyone from GWC for their good wishes and thoughts. Bazzer presented Greg with a cuddly biker bear to give to Andrea when she’s well enough, which we hope will be very soon.

After a busy evening, I looked round the room at just after 9pm to see that the only ones left were Bazzer, Queeny, Peter and me. I suppose that everyone was keen to get on their bikes and ride home! Your Committee met on 25th April. I’m pleased to report that the GWC finances are good and we have a total membership of 251. Anita confirmed that there are only 9 places left for our GWC Christmas Party and gave us a brief overview of the other activities planned for 2015. Stephanie has now put all the activities for our Charity for 2015 on our website, and will add information about the items we have donated to both branches of Mencap so far. We agreed that we will continue to support Mencap in 2016 and look for opportunities of interacting with both the Chepstow and Keynsham branches. Andy gave details of First on Scene Courses which he proposes to arrange for our Road Captain teams later this year. Ride safe

Andy Kendall decided that the best way of celebrating his birthday was to spend it with his mates in the Chapter at Club night. So Bazzer gave him a card signed by everyone and we embarrassed him by singing “Happy Birthday”.


Yvonne Secretary Email: Home: 01225 751017

From the Front nic ‘B’ road out of Chepstow, which leads nicely to Usk. Unfortunately our lead rider, a seasoned Road Captain who will remain nameless, was away with the fairies and sailed on past the M48 turn oblivious to the 6 riders behind him, all gesticulating in the direction of the M48. So it was the new Severn Bridge and off at Magor. After a quick chat we decided to head back to Chepstow via the “Hoggin the Bridge” route. We thought about calling in on Barney and Steph for tea and biscuits but we weren’t sure they would appreciate it. Anyway I digress. I personally had not done that route for a while, and so with the reccy Hi All, completed (he laughs) we end back To you the members, and avid readwhere we wanted to be in the first ers of all things riding, welcome to place. To be honest the weather was this months instalment. So, what’s in great so the extra miles were a bostore I hear you cry! To be honest, it’s nus. been a bit quiet really. I’m not sure whether it’s the fact that everybody is Arriving at the cafe it turned out to be a good old fashioned get together. getting into the riding season but all There were many GWC and BMC seems to be going along just about faces in attendance, so it was great to as smooth as a smooth thing could catch up over a breakfast and a mug be, if it were wrapped in velvet and called Mr Smooth. Long may it contin- of tea. The Steel Horse is well worth a visit. ue? No hassle, happy days!!!! On leaving, we decided to head for Monmouth and take the scenic route to the M48 via the Wye Valley and Tintern. Before we left however we were entertained. There we were all Well, the Easter Break saw us lined up ready to pull out, whilst waitblessed with very sunny, warm ing for Gerry to finish getting dressed, weather on the Monday. That being when this sports bike pulls up. He the case, the consensus of the Riders stops to let his passenger off who Saturday crew seemed to be that all promptly decides to fall off the bike in roads were going to lead to the Steel front of a packed car park. Well it Horse cafe for breakfast. No one made my day. All in all a good ride of seemed to need a second shout, and 120 miles on the day with great comwhat started out as a small group pany. gradually got larger as the word got out. Anyway, a number of us decided On into mid April, and again the sunshine was still upon us. So taking full to meet at my place as it was enroute. So having endeared myself to advantage, the Saturday crew, plus a my neighbours with the early morning couple of invited GWC reprobates low thud of 7 Harley engines on their headed over the Bridge on the Saturday to Swansea H-D. It was their day off, we made our way towards birthday weekend, so it seemed like a Usk. good place to head to for. Yet another The plan was to take the old Severn slim-line breakfast was consumed Bridge and then pick up the very sceand it was once again a chance to Still enough of that diatribe and so, in the absence of anything Chapter related going on, what have I been up to?


catch up friends, old and new. Plenty to see but a good day out. Nothing too scenic on this ride unfortunately. In the interest of time, it was just a blast along the M4 corridor to Swansea. Still, it was sunny, warm, and it gave us the chance to get another 180 miles on the clock. A very pleasant way to spend the day and obviously a chance to take full advantage of the weather whilst it was here. Well, I think that’s enough of my ramblings this month, Why not send an article about one of your rides. I guess that it just leaves the forthcoming rides to advertise. Sunday 31st May 2015 – Andy “RKK” Kendall & Team “Castles of Comfort”

This month’s ride will be a joint effort and will be led by Stu and Jane Scott. This should be a good change of riding, as the route will traverse through the countryside of Monmouth, Herefordshire and Shropshire. Along the way there should be an opportunity to note the various castles which were erected in a by-gone era. See how many you can spot as you ride through cider apple country. The plan is to meet at Severn View (Aust) Services M48/J1 at 09.00 a.m. Please be fuelled up and ready to leave at 09.30 a.m. The ride will leave taking the old Severn Bridge and head through Chepstow. From here the ride will take a left onto the B4293 to Monmouth. We will then pass through Monmouth, going left onto (Continued on page 8)

A466 to the A49 and left to Hereford. The ride will circumnavigate Hereford to A49 and on towards Leominster (pronounced Lemster). From here, its left to B4361 and right onto the A44, continuing left onto the B4361 towards Ludford. Lunch will be taken in the market town of Ludlow (planned 1.5 hours).

10.00 a.m. Please be fuelled up and ready to depart at 10.30 a.m. There is a Sainsbury’s local, just a mile or so away from the site. Ask if you need directions.

On leaving Cleve RFC we will head through the villages of Pucklechurch and Wick via the countryside’s back roads. We will then make our way Following the break, the ride will past Bath and onto the historic town leave Ludlow heading north B4361 of Bradford on Avon which was esand then left onto the A49. We will tablished in the Roman Times. From then go left at Bromfield onto the here we move on and eventually we A4113 to Leintwardine. From here it’s will pass the White Horse at Warminleft onto the A4110, take the offset ster. At this point a short 10 minute crossroads to the A4110 on towards break is planned in the services. On Hereford. From here there is a choice leaving, the ride will make its way to go left onto the A4103 or maybe go over Salisbury Plain, which has been, down to the A480 and left then right and still is the training ground of the onto the A49. Its then right onto the British Army since Napoleonic times. A4137 to cross over the A40 and join It has been in use since 1898 for onto Monmouth and left onto the those who can remember that far A466 to finish at Chepstow service back ..... he sniggers! station. Onwards to West Lavington and then This is classed as a Level B ride of we will take an approximate 45 miapproximately 150 miles.

nute break at Caen Locks. There are 29 locks in total designed by John Rennie. At the site is a small cafe where you can obtain light refreshments. It is a busy place, so there should be a few sights to see. Following our stop, the ride will make its way back past Lacock, which is known as the birthplace of photography by Fox Talbot. We will then pick up the A420, by passing Chippenham, and making our way back across country to the rally site. This is classed as a Level A ride of approximately 80/90 miles. For last minute updates, please keep a check on the website for changes. Alan “Big Al” Stokes Assistant Director & Head Road Captain

Ride Guide

HITH 8 Rally Ride Out

Please see below some guidance details of the rides:

Saturday 20th June 2015 – Big Al & Team

Level A - Short and easy below 100 miles round trip.

“Wandering Wiltshire”

Level B - Fine for average riders but may be a bit longer. Level C - Can include some complex sections but mainly a longer duration.

Open only to rally ticket holders This year Dave “LBD” Roberts has planned a fantastic ride that will take in the sights and sounds of wonderful historic Wiltshire. So why not make the effort to get up out of bed and join us for a scenic ride that will blow out the previous night exertions. Guaranteed to set you up for a few ciders on your return to the rally site. The plan is to meet up in the main car park at the front of the rugby club for


Cocker’s Bits Hi Everyone, I was glad to hear that April’s Club night, at The Cross Hands, was very well attended with many arriving on their bikes. Was it that you all knew I wasn’t going to be there and therefore the meeting would be shorter than usual or was it just the good weather?? I won’t take it to heart! I will give you fair warning now though that I won’t be at May’s club night either as Mr C and I will be on holiday with Peter and Yvonne, et al in America. HOWEVER, I will make up for it in June so you have been warned. Thanks to Baz for presenting my slot and following is a reminder of the up and coming activities.

ing. I’m sure you know by now what I mean so you’ll know it’s not serious! If you want to have a go (single artists or in a group) please contact me NOW (but keep it secret from everyone else as we want to maintain the element of surprise!).

Bristol Bike Show (15th August) I know it doesn’t look like it but there Come along and join us at this local are things we need to arrange and in sort in advance of the night so please (but world renowned) annual event th the centre of Bristol on Saturday 15 . don’t leave to the last minute. Show/park your bike in front of the Calne Bike Weekend (Sat 25th July) GWC marquee but, if you have time constraints, just come along and join A local event but one that I see many have still yet to attend, so why not give us. There are numerous biking related stalls and stands and plenty of pubs it a try this year? No firm decision made yet, but would you be interested and restaurants, so lots to do and plenty to cater for everyone. in a short group ride from Riders to

Calne on the Saturday? [And yes I know all about the references to my ‘rugby positions’ and I will If there was enough interest from be speaking to those who were vocal. I members the ride would finish at the outskirts of Calne where you’d need to know who you are……] sort your own parking as there won’t I had a great time on Sat 18th spendbe space for us to park as a group. ing a Saturday morning with a group of GWC LOH at Chepstow Garden Cen- Once there you can do your own thing, stay for as long or as short as you like. tre. Nice to see you all ladies. Camp/stay overnight or just soak up HITH Rally (19th - 21st June) the atmosphere and take a leisurely ride home at your own pace. Our very own rally. I’ve heard lots of members saying “they must get round Contact me if you want to be included to purchasing their tickets”….so come and I’ll keep you posted. on guys get to it or you get a nagging from me. So take the easy option and Official GWC going to SOFER buy your tickets now. (14th - 16th August) Arrangements are well in hand with the Friday night entertainment coming along nicely, bands arranged, Gurzels rehearsals (yes we do actually rehearse!) and we now have details of the rally ride out on the Saturday which takes in the beautiful and historic Wiltshire countryside. Remember you need to have purchased a rally ticket to come on this ride out. HITH Friday night entertainment (19th June) Its not too late to volunteer to join our merry band of world famous ‘GWC Entertainers’ (‘famous’ is just one way to describe us). It’s an hour of GWC madness to kick start the Friday even-

GWC Christmas Party (5th December) Only 9 tickets left at time of writing so get yours now! £10 deposit per person secures a place. Bank Acct Name: Great Western Chapter Bank Account No: 41343203 Sort Code: 40-14-06 Reference: Xmas Party The invite is currently open to GWC members only, until the end of September, after which any remaining spaces will be made available to members’ guests.

This has now been adopted as an official GWC activity. An organised ride will be arranged for the Friday to arrive en masse at the Hickstead venue, where the official activity will finish (i.e. you make your own arrangements for the homeward journey).

Welsh Castle Poker Run (13th September)

your own SOFER rally tickets and accommodation (camping included) as tickets will not be sold on the gate.

Activities Officer

Put this date in your diary now and we’ll be giving you more details soon.

It’s a joint Charity and Activity event to raise money for our adopted charity Mencap. It will include various things I’m now collecting names of those you love so there will be riding, taking GWC members who want to ride over in a number of stops at Welsh castles, together as a group so I can advise the a poker run and food. We’ll all eventuRoad Captains how many will be in the ally meet up at the same watering group. So please contact me please hole for food and drink. ASAP. A fun day for a very worthy cause. Meeting time/place still to be advised. Anita “Cockers” Cockwell Also, please do not wait to purchase


Email: Mobile: 07841 617477

Ladies of Harley Hi Ladies, Well here we are again as it only seems like 5 mins ago I was sitting down composing April’s article; must be the age, lol. So today is the cut off day for all articles and there was I thinking I must be the only Cinderella each month, but no it’s not true is it Ladies, I say no more. Well, what’s been occurring? I can say that, as we held our coffee morning in Wales, it was the perfect dozen, once we had rearranged the tables, put one of the staff clear that we were not just any bikers, we are Harley Davidson bikers!

way. Of course, if you are not able to help, we will need some cakes or biscuits, for the weekend, to enjoy with a cuppa. Gurzels Update Looking good, we seem more relaxed about it this year; fingers crossed it will be alright on the night. So Ladies, Hope To See You At Our Rally. I do hope you have noticed the LOHsponsored walk. All details can be found on Stephanie’s Charity page. I’ve been told there are about 12 ladies interested, so looking good. If

23rd-25th May. One problem is that the programme is all in French, as it’s Lille Chapter, and the word is that there are mixed feelings about this. I’m so pleased to say that my bike is finally on the road. I rode it to our Coffee Morning. Iy was so good to be out again. I’ve been told to take it easy on the brakes and discs so easy it is. Me and Stu’s ride is this month and we’re off to Ludlow. The ride will take us to Monmouth, then up through Hereford and on to Ludlow, a nice ride, plus there should be a craft market that day, so something to have a wander around.

you are still interested, then please As you can see the naughty ones are contact Stephanie for more details. at the front, say no more. I have received April’s update from I had a list in my bag to sort Elaine Shepherd (National Chapter Hospitality Tent, Gurzels, Chester. LOH Officer) and she had the results Needless to say we talked about evefrom the chapter mileage challenge rything else but not those, so I’d bet(ladies) which came out as follows:ter mention them here.  Aire Valley 11,512 Hospitality Tent  Thames Valley 11,351 There will be a rota and yes, your  Hatter 10,347 help is much appreciated. If you don’t see me at the club night then please send a txt and I will put your details on the rota. We normally put our names down for an hour and end up staying 2 or more, it’s always the

So well done to those Ladies. **Breaking News**

Chester Update I had to send an email out regarding the rearrangement of our visit to Chatsworth so, just as a reminder we are leaving Magor/ Bristol on Friday 13th November heading to Chatsworth. It’s then on to Chester for 2 nights and returning home on Sunday 15th. Well Ladies last, but no means least, I would like to send Best Wishes and a Speedy Recovery to Andrea and of course to Andrea’s family too xx. I think that’s about it for now Ladies. Take Care Jane xx Ladies of Harley If you need any info or have any ideas feel free to contact me

Email: The 1st Ladies of Harley European Mobile: 07894 086626 Days (Rally) is taking place in Lille on


Hogs to Apache Country

by Gareth Jones

Hi All As a newly appointed Road Marshall I was asked by our team if I had any ideas for rideouts for 2015. I mentioned to Ian Johnson that I had a route in mind and was informed by Road Captain Steph Pocock to put the ride together and take the lead. In at the deep end, working well to get all bikes safely maps were dug out and locations through. checked for a suitable visit. On over Salisbury Plain to Tidworth After several team recce’s all was in with the sun now warming the mornorder. The Army Air museum in Mid- ing chill. Through back roads to Middle Wallop was the chosen venue. dle Wallop and arriving at the Army Arrangements were made with the Air museum around midday. Thanks museum staff with regards to parking. to the staff for allocating our bikes to The start was the Little Chef in Chip- the parking areas. A bargain entry penham and, on the day, the weather price of £7 for our group with the looked promising. As our ride team charity donation and an excellent disarrived Steph informed me of a play of various flying machinery, well change of route through Chippenham worth a look. I paid my £1 for a go on due to roadworks. No problem as a machine gun arcade game where Steph would lead until we rejoined German world war two aircraft came the original route. A fantastic turn-out at you out of the sun. (Cunning Fockof 36 bikes, with a total of 50 memers) . After one of the lowest score bers. As the sun made an appearrecorded I was just in time to see Mrs ance we were off. Onto the A350 to Cockers crash and burn in the airpick up the A4 heading to Calne. craft flight simulator. Onto the cafe Past Silbury Hill to Marlborough and just in time to find they had run out of then on to Upavon. The Marshalls pasties and sausage rolls. Never


mind it was soon time to head back so photos were in order. The favourite location for the Chapter photo seemed to be next to a World War Two plane. Maybe because it was called a Beaver had something to do with this! With the sun shining we headed to Salisbury and were neatly marshalled through to head on up past the Old Sarum Hill fort heading to Amesbury. A quick regroup at a petrol filling station where the only mishap of the day happened when one of the bikes broke down and the rider lost control. I am happy to say no serious damage. Then on across the A303 up to Larkhill, home of the Royal Artillery. Keep an eye open for the huge self propelled howitzer in the middle of the village. On through Shrewton and Chitterne, on some great straight roads, to pick up the A36 to finish at Warminster Services. My thanks to the ride team and the GWC members for such an enjoyable day. Gareth [More photos on following page]

Hogs to Apache Countryoto Page


Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop

Today was MAG’s 14th Spring Surprise Bike Show, held in the Market Square in Salisbury, so Neil Prescott, Andy “RKK” Kendall, Steve Walsh, Dave and Sandra Silsbury and myself, headed off for the fun. After several days of summer-like weather, today the wind shifted to the East, chilling down everything in its path – especially us! Arriving just before noon, we were able to park up on the pavement right outside Debenhams, in the square, before investigating all the other bikes. First things first though, and we needed a quick group photo to record the day.

exhausted all the possibilities, so it was time to start thinking about the ride back. This was pretty nice, giving me an opportunity to introduce the others to the unspoiled, scenic Wyle Valley, which parallels the busy A36, hidden in the distance. Then, it was back to have a Loves Lane cream tea (courtesy of Yvonne’s baking!). While we may have been a bit chilled today, there is abSoon after we discovered other GWC members, who had solutely no comparison with the location of my next Great also had the idea of riding to the show – Mike and Jo Att- USA Bike Route – “The Bear Tooth Highway” from Wyowood, Derek and Clare, Les and Bev Horsman (Les ming into Montana. showing off his Metisse), Allen McIlvar on duty with the Just last week (April 16th), Royal British Legion and Graham Price, on his own as they were finally able to Jan is unable to ride after recent surgery on her arm. I cut a route through the guess that if members were more switched on to the snow drifts on the higher Members Section Forum, on the website, we might have parts of the Pass (26 feet ridden up to Salisbury together and not then have been deep in places) to reopen surprised to meet up! the Highway! Some years, How was the show? Rather like the Bristol Bike show, but it doesn’t fully open until maybe a bit smaller in scale. It was compact – being clusJune, because of late tered around the square keeps everything nicely togethsnow falls. er, particularly the people attending. (Continued on page 14)

After a couple of hours though, you have pretty much


A small group of GWC friends travelled over the Beartooth Pass, in August 2013, en route from Yellowstone to Sturgis. Even then, you could still see patches of snow here and there on the peaks.

Are you planning on going to Sturgis one year soon? If so, then this is definitely the road you mustn’t miss riding. It would be hard to design anything more spectacular than The Beartooth Highway. So, onwards once again, to Duncan’s Tip of the Month: Now that the sun is out, and warmer weather is here, it’s time to think about keeping those air-cooled motors cool. One useful accessory is an oil cooler, which, is standard on some of the bigger bikes. The Harley-Davidson oil cooler is designed specifically for the big twin, to help cool the engine oil by distributing it evenly across the cooling chambers. It works on the same principle as a car radiator, sitting at the front catching the air flow, and cooling the oil while it’s outside the engine. Not only do they look cool but they stay cool as well .

You could also try a cooling fan which mounts on the left side of the engine beAs a motorcycling route, it is ranked number 1 in the USA tween the V. Tests have shown that it reduces the engine oil temp by as much as 20 degrees. If these two options for its scenery, which you get in shovels-full, as it cuts through over a million acres of pristine wilderness, with magnificent views of the Beartooth and Absaroka Mountains. The Highway is around 70 miles long with switchbacks, endless hairpin bends, with few guard rails, coupled with very steep gradients rising up to almost 11,000 feet. So, a bad ride to attempt, if you’ve not had a chance to get acclimatised to the high elevations. Finally the road descends, even more steeply than the ascent, to the quaint town of Red Lodge, where we stayed at the equally quaint, Yodeler Motel and, of course, paid a visit to the local Harley-Davidson shop on Main Street. One of us (Ian Johnson) found the road so exciting that he rode all the way back up to the top of the pass, and down again, the following morning before breakfast – but this time minus his passenger!

don’t take your fancy, a simple oil change to syn 3 will not only add superior wear protection at high engine temps, it will also help high temperature stability and reduce oil consumption on long hot trips. It can easily be swapped at your next service with only a small cost difference in the price of the oil. Talk with Mike on your next visit. Any of the above will help engine cooling and allow that summer trip to not only be cooler for the bike but cooler for you as well. Safe Riding

Peter and Duncan@riders


At a Glance - GWC Activities Calendar Contact Anita Cockwell if you have any other events you would like to see listed. Tel: 01761 471385 or mobile: 07841 617477 or e-mail: For further details on any event listed visit “What’s On” on the GWC website. Date





Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Andy RKK & team

“Castles of Comfort”


Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Tony James

GWC ‘Hogs in the Hayfields 8’ Rally


Rally Rideout

Big Al & team

“Wandering Wiltshire”

27th-11th July


Christof and Greg

GWC European ‘Bucket List’ Tour




Committee Contacts Sponsoring Dealer Duncan White 0117 9588777 Director Barry Aggett 07907 351650 Asst Director / Treasurer Peter Roberts 07540 164157 Asst Director / Head Road Captain Alan Stokes 07766 237242 Secretary Yvonne Roberts 01225 751017 Webmaster Chris Harding 07801 562011 Activities Officer Anita Cockwell 01761 471385 Safety Officer Andy Kendall 07905 397474 Editor Mark Cockwell 07900 496711


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Greg Payne & team



Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury



Steph Pocock & team





Calne Bike Weekend (Sat only)

Charity Coordinator Stephanie Evans 07983 259752




LOH Walk Up a Big Mountain in Wales

Cangen Cymraeg Rep. Greg Payne 07976 913004


Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

14th -16th




Road Captains




Bristol Bike Show



Nige Garnett & team




Peter & Yvonne

‘Go East Re-mastered’ Tour


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed




Charity Poker Run


Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury



Andy RKK & team

“Another Dam Good Ride Around The Elan Valley”




Ride to the Wall



Greg Payne &team



Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury

Barry Aggett Phil Blake Mike Brake Nigel Garnett Paul Groom Chris Harding Ian Johnson Andy Kendall Andy (RKK) Kendall Greg Payne Dave Pocock Steph Pocock Dave Roberts Mike Sage Jane Scott Stu Scott Alan Stokes Tony Yendle


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Baz and Peter

Boys Only Weekend



Steph Pocock & team



Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Jane Scott

LOH Chester Weekend



Big Al & team





GWC Xmas Party



Nige Garnett




Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed






Photographer / Historian Tony Yendle 07787 551612 Ladies of Harley Jane Scott 07894 086626

Rally Co-ordinator Tony James 07940 895921

Road Marshals Steve Crook Darlow Lloyd Paul Evans Gareth Jones Neil Prescott Dave Stockford Keith Swarbrick

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