Roadhog july 2015

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H.O.G. 速 Chapter 6655

Official Newsletter of the Great Western Chapter

July 2015

Between the Covers

CONTENTS Features 7 - Wandering Wiltshire 10 - Hogs in the Hayfields 8 14 - Castles of Comfort 15 - Eurocamp France

Regulars 2 - Between the Covers 3 - Director’s Cut 4 - Secretary’s Update 5 - From the Front 8 - Cangen Cymraeg 9 - Cocker’s Bits 12 - Ladies of Harley 13 - Charity Update

Hi All and welcome to the July edition of RoadHOG.

17 - Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop

This month, in addition to your Committee keeping you appraised of all things GWC, we have an excellent report covering the “Castles of Comport” rideout; thanks Linda and welcome aboard, plus Sian’s article covering her and Richards’ holiday in France using Eurocamp.

20 - At a Glance

At this point I hesitate to mention our very successful 8th Hogs in the Hayfields Rally which I believe was one of our best yet. The entertainment was great, the company excellent, throw in a cracking rideout, all smiled on by the weather gods. What more can you ask for?

Now you’ll probably have noticed that I used the word ‘hesitate’ above, as to recall HITH8 also brings to mind an image of Bazzer as Cher (you’ll need to see the photos to believe this; however viewer discretion is advised). Let me just say that this was never something I was prepared to see and afterwards felt the need to consume copious amounts of Thatcher’s cider in the hope that the alcohol would hunt down and destroy those violated brain cells. So read on, enjoy and hopefully be inspired to put fingers to keyboard for an article in a future edition. Mark Cockwell Editor Email: Mobile: 07900 496711 (Note: Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily the views of the Editor)


Director’s Cut list of names who gave their support but, in fear of missing someone off that list, and that it would fill up the page, I will just say a MEGA THANK YOU to Tony James our rally co-ordinator and everyone else who contributed; without you there is no rally. I’m sure you’ll read a bit more about the rally later in this issue, so I’ll leave something for the others to say. At time of writing it’s the day before we set off on Christof’s ‘Bucket List’ Tour, which Queenie and I are really looking forward to. Normally we just sit in the group and Hi All, snake along the route, but this year I’ve finally given into technology and It gives me great pleasure to anbought myself a satnav. As many will nounce, what I think, is a first for know there are a lot to choose from GWC members: a baby! Congratuwith both Garmin and TomTom havlations to Melissa and Stewart Waling their pros and cons. But, after a lace on the birth of their baby girl bit of research and tossing a coin, I Clara. Stewart, just remember opted for the new TomTom Rider “breast is best” if you want to 400. To try it out me and Queenie avoid the midnight feeds! decided on a trip to the Mega Bike HITH8 was another resounding suc- Accessories Store in Swindon. Unforcess with good weather boosting tunately my Satnav level zero training numbers to circa 200. Maybe HITH is only allowed me to set the fastest a little rally in terms of numbers, but route along the motorway, but we big on entertainment and friendliness. wanted to take a countryside route. I’m sure most will remember “GWC So, for most of the journey, it kept Entertains” for many years to come telling me to turn around! Anyway we and maybe a few are scarred for life! Two great bands, egg roulette, a scenic rideout, the Gurzels (final performance?) and our resident DJ / entertainer Dave Curtis kept the show going. As always a lot of effort goes into putting on a rally, both in terms of preparation and during the weekend. I could fill this page with a


got there without problem and had a mooch around. Whilst there Chris Harding called me and I explained the new toy. He asked did I go around the Magic Roundabout in Swindon, I thought he was joking, but it turns out it’s true. They have actually called it the Magic Roundabout and I can see why. It consists of five miniroundabouts arranged around a sixth central, anti-clockwise roundabout. Apparently voted the fourth scariest junction in Britain, in a poll by Britannia Rescue, it would be an interesting exercise in dropping a trike as a 2nd man and a nightmare for foreign travellers! Anyway back to the Satnav, it’s not a plug and play. 116 pages of instruction and free Tyre Professional to download, only to find, after a few hours of frustration trying to get it to work and a call to Christof, Tyre is not currently compatible with Rider 400. Plan B was to transfer the routes using the memory card slot, but that was problematic until Christof jumped on his bike and came to Chepstow to fix it, thanks mate. How was I to know that following the satnav prompt to format the disc was incorrect and it had to be done on the PC! So off tomorrow and I’m sure it will be fine with a trained operator! With our rally behind us I now look forward to attending other events where I can take a back seat, like Black Mountains Chapter Dragon Fever Rally and Go East, before helping out with the BOW with my satnav wings, I hope! For full details of all our events please visit the website as this is being frequently updated as events firm up and if you find anything missing please remind us, we’re only human! Barry “Bazzzzer” Aggett Director Email: Home: 01291 620371 Mobile: 07907 351650

Secretary’s Update Hi Everyone!

We have since learnt that recently Jerry suffered several broken ribs when he came off a motorbike he was riding. We wish him a speedy recovery.

It was great to see so many familiar faces In our quarterly “100 Club” draw, Barrie Avery won 1st at our HITH8 prize of £60, a very nice birthday present for him! Mary Rally last week- Thornton won 2nd prize of £30. end! We also had a good turn-out for our Club night at the Cross Hands in June. Jerry from Riders brought two new members with him, Chris Durbin

Big Al presented Barney with his Road Captain certificate. It’s great news that Stewart and Mel Wallace are now the proud parents of a baby girl, Clara. Best wishes to all three! The GWC Committee met on May 30th at Riders. Duncan informed us that Riders are now promoting HarleyDavidson motorcycles on Sam FM radio and that he is planning to repeat the Ladies Event next year as it was such a success. Peter gave his monthly Treasurers Report. The rest of our meeting was taken up with running through the details of the planning for our rally to check that everything was in place and that there were no last minute hitches! We also confirmed arrangements for other activities which are taking place this year. Our next Committee meeting is on July 18th.

and Daryl Field, both from Bristol.

Please look at the Members Section on our website if you want to check out our GWC merchandise. I have both large and small eagle patches and GWC rockers, Wings and Bridges patches and pins, H.O.G.® pins and pin grips, as well as a selection of micro fleeces. GWC sweatshirt hoodies and polo shirts are also available to order. Ride Safe Yvonne Secretary Email: Home: 01225 751017


From the Front Hi All

Brake. Not forgetting Gareth Jones who did a great job on sorting out the parking at Caen Locks. Last but not least, a little mention for yours truly (he sniggers) who was Sweeper on the day.

Here we are again, July, and another month has flown by. What a busy one it has been. All focus seems to have been on HITH8. So, with an article to write, once again I find myself sat here, looking out of the window for some divine inspiration! No, that didn’t work. Lots of school kids piling out on their way home but no eureka moment. Still taking in all that has gone on, I have decided that a selection of rally related verbal ramblings is what I am going to expose you all to. I guess first and foremost, I cannot ignore our very own rally. I won’t go into much detail here as I ‘m sure this edition of RoadHOG will see it covered in greater detail.

I have also included a rally ride out report in this edition which goes into more detail. Should anyone wish to have more detail, because they would like to ride it again, then I’m sure that can be arranged. Well then, I think that’s enough of my ramblings for this month. I guess that it just leaves the forthcoming rides to promote. Sunday 19th July 2015 - Steph Pocock and Team

However, briefly looking back now the dust has settled, it’s fair to say, in my opinion, that the rally was a resounding success once again. Overall everything went pretty much to plan. There were a few minor points that didn’t go so well but nothing that cannot be addressed for the future. Every year is different and it will always throw up something. The secret is to learn from the experience and get it right next time. Anyway, enough of all that philosophical nonsense, as I’m sure you will all be nodding off if I continue. I will say though, the one area near and dear to my heart is obviously the “Rally Rideout”. As Head Road Captain, I feel it is my responsibility to organise the ride and it is the one key area that I am accountable for. Consequently, I always like to ensure it goes off well with no problems. This year was no exception and the ride team performed a cracking job in helping with the planning and execution on the day. I know we received numerous positive comments from within and external to the Chapter. That really is what you want to hear, and it makes all the hours of planning worthwhile. That leads me nicely into thanking all those individuals who were in a fit enough state to attend the ride after Friday night. In total we had 46 bikes on the day with a good number carrying pillion passengers.

“Heritage to Heritage”

Dave Pocock will lead us on a ride to The Heritage Motor Museum at Gaydon, Warwickshire. Facilities there include a cafe, the museum and a Land Rover experience ride. Details are on the website The plan is to meet at The Cross Hands, Old Sodbury at 09.00 a.m. with full tanks and empty bladders. Please be ready to depart at 09.30 a.m.

The ride will take us on the A46 through Stroud and skirtLastly, on this subject, I would like to take the opportunity ing around Cheltenham to join the B4362 in the direction of Sudeley Castle, a haunt of the rich beautiful and fato personally thank the ride team. Without them it just mous. Some, or possibly all, of the ride team do not fit would not all come together. Once again Dave Roberts those criteria, so we will be taking a comfort break at the came up with a cracking route with plenty of variety in it. “Flag and Whistle Cafe” at Toddington. The ride will conSo in no particular order, take a bow:tinue along the A4362 towards Stratford on Avon and turn Dave “LBD” Roberts, Barry “Bazzer” Aggett, Chris off for Gaydon. “Hardarse” Harding, Andy “Senior” Kendall, Tony “Blip, (Continued on page 6) Blip” Yendle, Mike “Sagey” Sage and Mike “Badger”


The return journey will be via a bikers favourite, the Fosseway, through Cirencester and Tetbury to finish at The Cross Hands, Old Sodbury.

fee. There is the opportunity for fuel for any that need it in South Molton. Once we get to Great Torrington we pick up the A386 to Bideford and then follow the A39 to the “West Country Inn”, there will be the option to have a Sunday lunch carvery.

The ride is classed as Level B of approximately 150 miles. Sunday 23rd August 2015 – Blakey, Barney, Wide, Hard & Stocky

Our return journey is down the A39. with a stop for fuel near Barnstaple. and then onto the A361. We turn off at North Molton and follow the road to Withypool. Then we are onto the B3224 to Exford, Wheddon Cross for fuel and a stop for coffee at the “Rest and Be Thankful Inn”. We continue on the B3224 till we get to the A358 and into Taunton. We go round the back of Taunton and pick up the A38 and ride to the Services at North Petherton at J24 of the M5 where the ride will finish.

“Bideford or Bust”

For those with small fuel tanks there are 3 possible fill up stops at South Molton, A39 near Barnstaple and Wheddon Cross. Any queries give me a call (Phil Blake) or text me on 07909846095. The ride will be classed as Level C of approximately 210 miles. Hello the mighty GWC, I'm Phil “Blakey” Blake and I’m leading my first ride for the Great Western on Sunday 23rd August. We are actually not going to Bideford but through it to The West Country Inn near Clovelly. My cunning plan is to meet at Gordano services at 09.00 a.m. Please be fuelled up ready for a 09.30 a.m. departure. Starting off we get straight on the M5 and go down to J23 Bridgwater and go through Bridgwater. We then head towards Enmore to Bishops Lydeard, we then pick up the B3227 at Norton Fitzwarren and follow it all the way to Great Torrington. Here we will stop on the way at a cafe called the “Northgate Inn” near South Molton for cof-

For last minute updates, please keep a check on the website for changes. Alan “Big Al” Stokes Assistant Director & Head Road Captain

Ride Guide Please see below some guidance details of the rides: Level A - Short and easy below 100 miles round trip. Level B - Fine for average riders but may be a bit longer. Level C - Can include some complex sections but mainly a longer duration.


“Wandering Wiltshire”

by Big Al Stokes

way, recovering from the shock, I quickly regain my composure. By the time I have completed the briefing, there are 46 Harleys purring away ready to depart.

brings us to the Cold Ashton roundabout. Turning right the ride picks up the A46 and we head down into Bath. At this point the skies look as if the heavens are going to open but so far so good. Not deterred, it’s onward ever onward, and we by pass Bath picking up the A363 to the historic, Today’s ride will be around and somewhat picture postcard town 90 miles in distance and will of Bradford upon Avon. This is a take in South Gloucesterplace that is well worth a visit but not shire, Somerset and Wiltfor us today. shire. Dave “LBD” Roberts has Hi Guys & Gals planned a fantastic ride that will take With the town fading into the distance Saturday 21st June 2015, it’s the in the sights and sounds of a British we now head for our first stop at “Summer Solstice”. It’s the longest summer. This route really does have Warminster Services. A quick stretch day and more importantly, it’s our something for everyone. of the legs and other such comfort HITH8 Rally Rideout called needs, and it’s back on the road. Our “Wandering Wiltshire”. lunch time stop will be at Caen Locks. Up with the lark (literally), bright and early, full of anticipation of what the morning ahead will bring. The many months of planning the Rally Ride is now behind us and the moment of truth is finally here. The morning greets me with weather that is somewhat overcast. There is the threat of rain showers forecast. Still, we will see. Just another normal summer’s day I guess. However undeterred, and with a hot mug of tea consumed, all seems much better. Making my way to the front car park, there is already a steady gathering of Harley’s building up. Even Jeff Gleed and Julie Quick are there early. This is unheard of if you know them. Any-

On leaving, the ride makes its way past Knock Army Camp en-route to Chitterne. From here we bear left and cut across country over the wide open expanses of Salisbury Plain. This has been, and still is, the training ground of the British Army since Napoleonic times. It has been in use since 1898 for those who can remember that far back ..... he sniggers! The ride takes in some fantastic scenery with tree lined roads which close in around the rider and act as tunnels. There are the open expanses of Salisbury Plain, quaint towns and villages nestled into the hills. There is the multitude of locks at Caen Hill to be seen. Outstanding stone work and thatched roofs everywhere, not to forget the fantastic panoramic views across Wiltshire as we descend down into Lacock. The countryside is in full bloom at this time of year. You have to enjoy what this part of the country has to offer. On leaving Cleve RFC we head through the villages of Pucklechurch, Abson and Wick via the countryside’s back roads. Traversing the A420 up Tog Hill


Moving on, the weather is still being kind to us and we reach West Lavington, cut on through the village of Poulshott to eventually meet the main road. From here it is a short distance to Caen Hill Locks. There are 29

(Continued on page 8)

also allows for us to pose for the odd photo. With an hour’s break behind us, we all mount up ready to depart on the final legs of the ride. The route back is only 35 miles but it certainly takes in some worthwhile sights. locks in total designed by John Rennie. At the site is a small cafe where those who fancied it, obtained light refreshments and assorted beverages. It was a busy place as you might expect and so we were thankful that Gareth Jones had pre-arranged our

parking slot. As normal the bikes attracted almost as much attention as the locks themselves. A great opportunity to show off the chrome and

Reaching the bottom of the driveway, we have a quick regroup having all successfully negotiated the 16 very steep speed bumps that are in situ. At this point Bazzer and Christof have provided us with a rolling road block. Ultimately this allows us all to get underway as a group. Following the main road, we make our way through a village that displays some fine examples of thatched cottages. We then turn left and head down the hill to Lacock. Carefully we traverse the two narrow bridges that lead into the village. This is another place that is well worth a visit on a day out. Allegedly, it’s known as the birthplace of photography by Fox Talbot. Still, it is one place to remember. Anyway, leaving the town behind, we turn onto the A350, and head north for home. This part of the route is not the most scenic but its serves as an artery to get us onto the A420. Here the road and the countryside open up again. This stretch of road actually provides some very pleasant riding. Unfortunately at this point the weather finally drops a few showers but nothing to serious. On reaching the A46 again, the ride back-tracks the outbound route and we make our way back to the rally site at Cleve RFC. Everyone arrived back safe and sound which is always good. The ride


team received loads of very complimentary comments, again much appreciated. A great ride that went like clockwork. All the timings worked out and it flowed faultlessly. It just proves that planning is the key. Anyway, I was one very happy Head Road Captain. All that was left to do was to park up the Harley and get a cold pint of Thatcher’s cider down my neck. Many thanks to the ride team for the hard work, time and personal expense. Dave Roberts, Bazzer Aggett, Andy Kendall, Tony Yendle, Mike Brake, Mike Sage, Chris Harding and Gareth Jones. Until next time ride hard, ride safe. Alan “Big Al” Stokes Assistant Director & Head Road Captain

Cocker’s Bits Hello GWC! Well June is coming to an end as I write this article so that means HITH8 must have been and gone and all the scary stuff that goes with it e.g. GWC Entertains and the Gurzels! Lots of positive comments about this year’s rally from inside and outside of the Chapter. However, I must personally thank those that put so much effort into the Friday night entertainment, from the acts themselves, Gerry (Holmes) for comparing and DJ Dave Curtis who helped with the music. Unfortunately, some of us will never be the same again after the trauma of being in the makeshift changing room with Baz. If you weren’t there on Friday night then words cannot do it justice! Again, thank you to all who participated. I must mention The Gurzels who performed their last ever show (but maybe we are like The Stones and keep having a ‘last’ one each year??). It was so much fun this year especially as we had Lucy (Julie Quick’s daughter) to organise our dance as well as singing and Cheryl (Dando) standing for hours doing our hair; thank you ladies. The Gurzels are dead! Long live the Gurzels!! The photo spread on the following pages will bring back good and lasting memoirs of our 8th rally. Calne Bike Weekend - Sat 25th July I’m pleased to report that RKK will lead this Saturday morning ride. There will be two pick-up points; the first being at Riders, leaving promptly at 9.45 a.m., and arriving at the second meet at Chippenham Services at approx. 10.45 a.m. (please be ready to leave when the main group arrives). Its then on to the centre of Calne where the group ride ends. You can then park up if you can find a suitable place and enjoy the rally at your own pace or just slowly ride on

through. Full details are on the GWC all eventually meet up at the same members’ area but I’ll send a watering hole for food and drink. A MailChimp closer to the day to remind fun day for a very worthy cause. you. GWC Christmas Party - 5th Decemth th GWC going to SOFER - 14 to 16 ber August Only 7 tickets left at time of writing so Meeting point for the ride, over to the rally on the Friday, will be the layby off Jct 18 of the M4 northbound on the A46. Hopefully the layby will have the burger van in it so you can have brekkie. Exact route to Brighton TBC as is start time, but a MailChimp will be sent and watch out for updates on the website. If you are camping - I have secured a GWC camping area that will accommodate up to 10 tents so, on arrival, please ask the Marshalls for directions. The camping area is available from 10.00am. Bristol Bike Show - 15th August Not going to SOFER? then come along and join us at this local (but world-renowned!) annual event in the centre of Bristol on Saturday 15th.

get yours now! A £10 deposit per person secures a place. Bank Acct Name: Great Western Chapter Bank Account No: 41343203 Sort Code: 40-14-06 Please advise me if you transfer money via the GWC bank account so I can add you to the list. I have just received the Xmas menu which looks scrumptious so will circulate to party goers shortly. Alveston House are also offering 10% off their wines but more on that later. The invite is currently open to GWC members only until the end of September, after which any remaining spaces will be made available to members’ guests.

Bye for now Welsh Castle Poker Run - 13th SepAnita “Cockers” Cockwell tember Activities Officer This is a joint Charity and Activity event to raise money for our adopted Email: charity Mencap. It will include various Mobile: 07841 617477 things you love, so there will be a ride taking in a number of stops at Welsh castles, a poker run and food. We will


Hogs in The Hayfields 8


Hogs in The Hayfields 8


Ladies of Harley Wow Ladies,

Cheryl on board this year behind the scenes doing our hair. The hours she How proud should we be in our spent was very much appreciated, contribution to helping out at our and the comments we had were Hogs in the Hayfields Rally. That’s amazing too. from filling rally bags with goodies, tagging bikes, baking all those Cheryl I’ll not be at the next Club lovely cakes (which raised over night but I hope you enjoy the little £100), helping with the rota, right tipple. Also I’d like to say thank you through to performing on stage. to Hilary for putting up with us taking It’s just fabulous how we can all over your awning, hair dryers and pull together. straighteners everywhere. It’s a wonder you didn’t evict us, lol. As you can see there are plenty of photos in this month’s magazine ded- Then, of course, we had Lucy, our can do it. icated to our rally, so sit and enjoy choreographer / makeup artist / singOn returning home I spoke with Anwith a nice cuppa. er. Your talent is amazing so a big drea who had seen the photos on Facebook. She remarked that everyone seemed to have had a good time. Andrea is positive about joining us Ladies in Chester and I have said if needs be we will push her around in a wheelchair and the same with Janice, then at least we can have a race. So Ladies make sure you are eating plenty of spinach as there are lots of steps in Chester. Well Ladies, whilst you are reading this I am lazing around in Rhodes, but I will be thinking of all the LOH that are going on the sponsored mountain trek so, GOOD LUCK xx Next month of course will hopefully come from Rhodes. I couldn’t resist this Gurzels picture for the LOH page. I think this year was the best ever for us Gurzels, maybe because it was the last, who knows. I went on the rideout previous to our Gurzels performance. It worked out well as I practiced on the back of the bike. I think Fiona thought I was mad with arms going everywhere, but it worked. By the way LBD, the ride was very scenic and very enjoyable. Thank you. We were also very lucky to have

If you need to contact me please use warm thank you to you (via Geoff and my email address below. Julie). Take Care All Of course, last but not least, to all you Gurzels, whom I know are probably still singing and dancing to Bonnie. Over the years we really have entertained and it takes a lot of guts to get up in front of an audience but we survived. The end of an era xx It was also good to have a natter especially with the Welsh Ladies as we don’t meet very often. With Candace sharing her love of riding giving Sian the ambition to ride, go on girl you


Jane xx Ladies of Harley Any question, queries ….. Email: Mobile: 07894 086626

Charity Update Well! What a fantastic month! HITH 2015 has been and gone and a massive thank you to all the organisers and entertainers and those in charge of the weather - exceeded expectations across the board once again. Fundraising was my focus most of the weekend and another MASSIVE THANK YOU to everyone who eagerly put their hands in their pockets and gave generously once more. Of course this would not be what it is without our generous dealership, so thanks once more to Riders of Bristol for donating prizes and allowing me to buy extras prizes at much reduced prices for this year. This year the raffle was accompanied by a silly game of “Find the Key” and the sale of donated H-D t-shirts that failed quality control (if you could spot why then you are a better man than me!). Along with the Ride in Bike show we raised £520 after expenses.

I will also be requesting your sponsorship for the 15 LOH walking up Pen-Y -Fan mountain on the 8th August. I know you will be generous to a fault as always and thank you once more.

don’t have your names) who tore up and folded the raffle tickets ready for the draw.

Anita and I will be putting the plans in place for the next charity event - the Poker Run, so plenty to look forward to! Well, that looks like that’s about it from me as I am about to reach Pad-

We also presented cheques to both Mencap branches of £1500 each which were gratefully received by representatives who joined us for a few hours in the evening on the Saturday. I think the loud music after the Gurzels routine was their cue to head home!

Talking of the Gurzels, I was privileged to be one for this year’s final performance and had an amazing time and loved working with you all - fantastic, fantastic, fantastic! I can’t forget our honoury Gurzel, Lucy, The hospitality tent raised a superb who inspired and helped us all and £139.60 for Brain Tumour Support Cheryl who made us all feel glamourfrom the sales of merchandise for the ous with her fab hair creations and charity and the lovely tea and cake false eyelashes! donations. So what’s next? Well, we have the Additionally ‘Singer’ Sonia raised Hoggin the Shop on the 25th July at £130 from her diligent stitching of the Mencap shop in Bulwark Cheppatches in the sunshine. Another big stow, so any H-D branded stuff you thank you to Sonia for giving up her have that you are willing to donate time to do this. please let me have - I am at Riders More thanks goes to Barney, Christof, on the 18th July if you are there and Dave Vass and all the others (sorry I want to drop stuff off.


dington station and need to get off the train and find my way to my bed for the night! Be safe - cwtches all round (That’s cuddles for those of you without the medium of Welsh!)

Stephanie Charity Coordinator Email: Mobile: 07983 259752

“Castles of Comfort”

by Linda Reeve sweeping country roads, into busy Hereford and a fuel stop for the Sportsters. The weather had much improved from the dodgy morning start, so the rest of our ride out was very pleasant through Symonds Yat and the Forest of Dean.

Jane did really well to remember the complicated route and navigate us at this point. I was beginning to get a bit fidgety as a pillion, Hello I'm Linda, partner to Graham Back on the road there were sign towards the end, so I was pleased to who's recently become the proud posts for Castles, The Castle pub, finally catch a glimpse of our second owner of a Softail Deluxe. I was Castle garage but then, when we hoping my new pillion seat would rumbled into Ludlow through the town Castle, a nice big one, on the apgive me plenty of comfort on which gates, there at last, was a real Castle! proach to Chepstow, which would wound up our ride. to tour and spot some Castles. It At this stage lunch was in our did! thoughts so we started to disperse for As we all pulled into the services, afAt 9.15 a.m. we made a grand enmarket stall pies and pasties, and pub ter 148 miles, it was good to relax and talk through our ride, thank Jane trance at Aust Services with our haz- Sunday roasts. Meanwhile Bazzer ard lights flashing. Graham had some and Jackie thought they'd crack open and the team, then make our on way home in the best weather of the day. how switched them on, but didn't their new flask for a nice hot cuppa, know how to turn them off. Was it and literally did! going to be “one of those days”? Yes, Opening up their panniers Bazzer it did have a few entertaining events. found his waterproofs floating in tea, Led by our excellent Road Captain and even their trusty tupperware milk Jane and assisted by Andy “RKK”, container had popped open and douKeith, Bazzer and Jackie, all 17 bikes bled their troubles in the top box. set off and spread our Western Chap- Smiling through it, they realised they ter wings riding over the wind-swept had some serious cleaning up to do Severn Bridge, up through the pictur- when they got home before things got esque Wye Valley, past Tintern Abtoo smelly. bey, into Monmouth and then on to Whilst Gerry cracked a few jokes, Hereford. Jane was ready to roll and rounded Heading towards Leominster we us up to head off back. Oh dear, now pulled in at Queenswood Arboretum she'd mislaid her bike keys. After for coffee and Kit-Kats. searching herself, her jacket came off and everyone else took a turn in working their way through her pockets. Lo and behold the keys were hanging safely round her neck from a lanyard, much I really enjoyed everything about my to all our amusement first H.O.G® experience, especialand Jane's relief. ly getting to know the members of a We headed off very friendly Chapter. Thanks to evethrough the back ryone for welcoming Graham and I. streets of Ludlow onLinda to some lovely


Eurocamp France

by Sian Fisher

We first thought of the idea back in May 2014. We'd spent a great week with GWC at Port Grimaud for the Eurofestival and Cockers had successfully managed to secure several mobile homes with Eurocamp.

We'd opted for the shorter ride and longer crossing so that we could chill out on the ferry and feel refreshed for our ride through France. But then, disaster! I suffered an injury to my knee making it almost impossible for me to keep it bent for several hours at We've been to France many times a time! We thought long and hard over the years but we've always rentover what to do next. There was only ed gites. The problem that we usually one thing we could do, we had no find with a gite, particularly if it's choice. Just a few days before our French owned, is that the lighting is departure we had to change our often very poor making the rooms plans and take - wait for it, deep very dark. The Eurocamp mobile breath - the car! We were gutted, but homes are entirely different, light and friends from our 2014 USA trip will bright with an airy feel. know how I suffered with my backside So, after some thought and planning, on that trip, so I didn't want to suffer we decided that we would take adwith my knee on this one as well! But vantage of our H.O.G速 membership don't worry ladies, my knee is getting and return to France for this years better, so it'll be fine for our LOH holiday. After all, being members of Sponsored Walk on 8th August. 速 H.O.G automatically qualifies us for Now don't be put off reading my artia 40 per cent discount outside the cle just because we didn't take the main holiday season so why not bike. Please read on and "pretend" make the most of it? that we rode as opposed to drove. I made the booking back in NovemHaving said that, there are a lot of ber 2014 and, since there were only advantages with taking the car. I the two of us, I tried to book the could take all the practical things from smaller mobile homes. But most of the kitchen and of course, more these were already booked for June shoes, and Richard, being an angler, 2015 so we had to take what was could take his fishing rods, and also available, which meant that at 2 parks being a wine lover, he could bring we had to accept larger mobile back at least 10 gallons of wine. Now homes which were slightly more exyou couldn't do that on a motorbike! pensive. The disadvantage of taking the car is Now please bare in mind that this trip that we had to wait ages to board the was not meant to be a biking tour but ferry and it was painful to watch the a holiday with the mode of transport bikes, including several Harleys, go being the bike. This meant that we on first. would be on the bike for most of one After a smooth crossing, we arrived in day to get from one park to another St Malo at 8.30 the next morning. Pribut then off it for a day or two in beor to leaving home, Richard had protween, to find time to chill and relax grammed, using Tire to Travel, the 5 and to explore the local area. legs of our journey, totaling 1,000 So, after several emails and a few miles in France. So the button was phone calls with a very helpful lady pressed, the "voice" spoke and off we from Eurocamp, our plans were went. But it soon became obvious made. Me and my beloved, his bethat something was wrong. Within a loved Street Glide and his recently short time the "voice" spoke again invested Garmin Zumo 660 were all "recalculating ......". It appeared from booked on to the Bretagne, Brittany the screen display that we were travferry from Portsmouth to St Malo. elling on a route which was parallel to


the route which had been planned. Having had previous experience in mapping systems, Richard surmised that he must have updated the European maps after the first route had been downloaded to the satnav, which meant that the planned route was not synchronized with the updated map. Either that or we were travelling in a parallel universe! Thankfully, for the remaining legs of our journey the satnav worked and proved to be a useful tool, although there were minor problems resulting from apparent omissions in the mapping database which lacked information in some rural areas and attempted to send us along one-way streets the wrong way and down roads that did not and had never existed. Also the "voice" gave incorrect information on some roundabouts as to which exit to take although the map display was correct. The lessons that we learned from satnav are: 1)

always update the map database prior to downloading a planned route to the satnav


never rely totally on voice command but read road signs


look at the screen when possible on the approach to roundabouts and junctions and of course


invest in a good Michelin map!

Despite the failings of satnav on our first leg through Brittany, we knew the way from previous trips so we headed for our first stop at the lovely old town of Malestroit. From there we continued our journey through the pretty town of Rochforte-en-Terre and through southern Brittany avoiding Rennes and Nantes. This was a fabulous route with some nice riding roads. Crossing over the bridge at La Roche Bernard, we carried on to cross the magnificent bridge over the Loire near Saint Nazaire and to our 1st Eurocamp Park for two nights, (Continued on page 16)

Camping Le Pin Parasol, Le Chappelle Hermier in the Vendee.

Just like the first, this park was also excellent, although it was set on a road, so no sounds of owls or cuckThis was a great park with ample oos, just Harleys roaring past from space between each mobile home. time to time which really rubbed salt The park is very well maintained and in the wound! We had 2 nights here full of trees and shrubs making it very so we didn't use the car much but attractive. It's set on the beautiful Lac walked to the small resort of La PalDu Jaunay where Richard caught a myre to visit the market although it bream. It's not far from the beautiful was a bit of a hike on foot. This park is great for beach lovers and the evening spent watching the sun go down on the Côte Sauvage was not to be missed.

coast of the Vendee where we visited the port of St Gilles Croix-de-Vie. At night the only sound we could hear were the owls and in the morning, the cuckoo. After 2 great nights here we moved on to our 2nd park, Atlantique Parc, La Palmyre near Royan. We decided to take a diversion and visit Le Flotte on the Isle de Rez. It was a bit of a posers paradise so would have been great if we'd been on the Harley! Driving down to La Palmyre, the road was relatively quiet and another great one for riding. It goes without saying that we passed loads of Harleys or should I say that they passed us? It didn't help that, on the final few miles through the forest of Domaine de la Coubre la Tremblade, we were the only vehicle on the road, being followed by a Harley which upset Richard considerably when watching the rider from his rear mirror taking the twisties with comfortable ease.

Our 3rd destination was the beautiful Dordogne Valley. With the bike in mind, when I had planned the journey, I had decided on taking a very scenic route. Big mistake! Although the first 80 miles or so were superb (picture yourself on a Harley riding through miles of vineyards with views that stretched to the horizon), the remaining part of the journey took us on smaller minor roads with far too many twisties for a car and which made me feel quite sick by the end.

Harley rider which is why Richard and I kept saying "wish we were on the bike!" We had 3 great nights in the Dordogne before making an early departure for our 4th Eurocamp park, Domaine de la Breche near Saumur in the Loire valley and a short stroll away from the Loire river. The scenery from the Dordogne up to Saumur was stunning as we had chosen the scenic route having had the bike in mind.

This was another great park with another lake where Richard was successful in catching 2 carp and a total of 26 catfish! If you're into wildlife, there's loads of different varieties of birds at this park (the feathery kind!) Our Eurocamp park was La Palalong with the numerous ducks and ombiere, Ste Nathalene near the red squirrels. The downside to this beautiful medieval town of Sarlat. An- park is that we were aware of the other excellent park and mobile home sound of a passing train in the disset in woodlands surrounded by oak tance from time to time although this trees. It's not far from the stunning wasn't a huge problem. Dordogne river. Our visit here took us We were very pleased with all of the to the old town of Domme and we Eurocamp parks we had chosen. took the road alongside the Dordogne They were all very well located for us to the pretty ports of La Roque and all had great facilities. The moGageac and Beynac and to Limeuil bile homes themselves are very well where the equipped. And even better still, bebeautiful river cause of our H.O.G® discount, we Dordogne had a great cheap holiday! meets the VeWe will definitely take advantage of zere. Just like our H.O.G® membership again and the previous are already considering a visit to Britfew days, the tany next year but without any doubt, weather was we'll be back on the bike. superb and another posers Sian paradise for a


Here we are in July, and coming to the height of Summer. Our May USA tour is now a spectacular memory and a collection of a thousand plus photos! Anyhow, it’s mentally onwards to begin planning our 2016 trip and our second visit to Sturgis. You probably know that this August 3rd – 9th, sees its 75th anniversary and that they are expecting between 1.2 and 1.5 million bikers to descend on the Black Hills of South Dakota! When you think that the resident population of Sturgis itself is around 8,000, you can appreciate the impact that the rally has. Of course, supply and demand dictates the prices and, for this year’s rally, accommodation prices are totally through the roof – a room that would cost you $40 a night in July may be around 10 times that during this August! You certainly need deep pockets to be going to Sturgis this year.

Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop

In contrast, our own rally was undoubtedly a mega bargain and extremely cheap for what was on offer, even if you decided to factor in a couple of nights at the Premier Inn. Not only that but, for the second year in a row, the weather was pretty well perfect. One of the high-points has to be “GWC Entertains” which was, shall we say, interesting! It was definitely fun for those of us that were foolish/brave enough to have a go.

Ian Mead and I decided to reprise our Mick and Keith impression from 2011 in a bar in Montrose, CO. I think we were both rather less sober in Montrose, so which Jumping Jack Flash performance was better (less bad?) is not for us to say. If we ever do it again, I think it’s time for a new Rolling Stones song – maybe “Get Your Kicks on Route 66”.

What’s that picture about, I hear you say. Read on and all will be revealed! At least for this issue of RoadHOG, I’m continuing in pursuit of the great USA bike rides, though it’s pretty hard to top last month’s suggestions of the Tail of the Dragon, Diamond Back, Cherohala Skyway and Moonshiner 28. Bikers everywhere are imbued with the romance of Route 66: a 2000+ mile diagonal trip taking in some of the country’s most archetypal roadside scenes. Before it was called Route 66, the road was an unpaved National Old Trails Highway, one of the country’s first transcontinental highways. During the Great Depression and the mid-west drought, hundreds of thousands of farm families, escaped the “Dust Bowl” by heading west along Route 66, named “The Mother Road” by John Steinbeck, to find the supposed land of milk and honey – California! (Continued on page 18)


Although the iconic nature of Route 66 draws riders like a magnet, a much more challenging journey is Highway 50. You’ve never heard of it? Well, it is certainly much less well known but this coast-to-coast highway begins in San Francisco and travels 3,200 miles right across the middle of the USA, all the way to Chesapeake Bay in the East. Time Magazine once referred to it as “The Backbone of America”. Of course, if you want to be historically correct, then you should start at the Atlantic Ocean when you will be following a time-line of the original pioneers as they traversed the continent. I won’t pretend that we have travelled this route in its entirety – we have, however, gone through California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado, so about half-way there!

The Great Basin desert continues across half of Utah before climbing onto the Colorado Plateau. Before you know it, you are in Grand Junction, Colorado – home to our twin Chapter, Western Slope. South-East of Grand Junction, US-50 passes through Montrose and skirts the amazing Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park. The extreme steepness and depth of the Canyon means that parts of it receive only half an hour of sunlight each day. Yes, you can ride to the bottom of the Gorge, via the 5th steepest road in North America.

After leaving fabulous San Francisco via the Oakland Bay Bridge, US-50 (masquerading for a while as I-80) takes you to the state capitol, Sacramento and follows the old Pony Express route high up into the Sierra Nevada eventually reaching the shores of Lake Tahoe.

Tahoe marks the California/Nevada border and, after passing the Casinos reminiscent of Las Vegas, then begins the most isolated segment of US-50. After Gunnison, it is another climb to the top of the Rockies, which are crossed via Monarch Pass.

It is not known as “The Loneliest Road” for nothing. The experience is one of almost unending blue skies, flat desert valleys and mountain ranges that have to be crossed!


(Continued on page 19)

This marks the Continental divide and, from here, it’s down a long way to the town of Salida.

south coast. As I walked towards the bike my eagle eyes could clearly see the cord showing through the centre

are doing a longer ride, check them before you leave. You may have picked up a nail and the tyre could still be inflated. Check that the tread is good and at least 2mm deep; if not, think about changing them because, by the time you get them done, they will be illegal. If you make sure you keep tyre pressures correct it will help handling and give even tyre wear. Harley-Davidson run two types of tyre - Dunlop and Michelin. Dunlop have been supplying tyres for Harley since 1984 and Michelin make the Scorcher tyre designed exclusively for HarleyDavidson.

That’s almost the extent of our own travels on US-50. If, however, you had the time and inclination to continue East, the route follows the Arkansas River along the historic Santa Fe Trail, across the Great Plains, with its vast repetitive landscape of water and grain storage towers, windmills, railway lines and small untransformed towns, one after another.

Both are designed to work with your Harley to give it the best grip and tyre strength to get the most miles out of each set.

of the rear tyre. After reporting the tyre wear to the rider his response If you are not sure, pop in and let us was: ‘it was OK the last time I looked’. take a look. Speak to Mike and he will I'm not sure how long ago that was, tell you the quick simple checks to but I guess it wasn't last week. keep you safe and on the road. Your tyres should be checked reguSafe Riding larly for any signs of damage or wear, along with the tyre pressure. If you Peter and Duncan@riders

Many miles later, after passing through parts of Missouri, Indiana, Illinois and Ohio, and the Appalachian forests of West Virginia, you are suddenly back to civilisation and into downtown Washington DC, almost touching The White House. Finally, US-50 escapes the hubbub of DC, and ends on the quiet and unspoiled Eastern Chesapeake shore to overlook the Atlantic Ocean, at Ocean City. A journey along the whole length of US-50 is definitely one for the unhurried rider and one that provides a complete cross-section of American history and culture. Maybe a plan for the future! Before hurrying off on that trip - now that the season is well under way and you have done many miles already this year, are you still regularly checking your tyres? While out in the car park the other day, I passed a bike which had just returned from a lovely trip to the


At a Glance - GWC Activities Calendar Contact Anita Cockwell if you have any other events you would like to see listed. Tel: 01761 471385 or mobile: 07841 617477 or e-mail: For further details on any event listed visit “What’s On” on the GWC website. Date

Committee Contacts Sponsoring Dealer Duncan White 0117 9588777 Director Barry Aggett 07907 351650





Christof and Greg

GWC European ‘Bucket List’ Tour

Asst Director / Head Road Captain Alan Stokes 07766 237242


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

Secretary Yvonne Roberts 01225 751017


Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury

Webmaster Chris Harding 07801 562011



Steph Pocock & team

“Heritage to Heritage”




Calne Bike Weekend (Sat only)

Activities Officer Anita Cockwell 01761 471385




BMC Dragon Fever Rally

Safety Officer Andy Kendall 07905 397474

June 27th-11th July July

August 8th



LOH Walk Up a Big Mountain in Wales


Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

14th -16th







Bristol Bike Show



Blakey, Barney, Wide, Hard and Stocky

“Bideford or Bust”

Asst Director / Treasurer Peter Roberts 07540 164157

Editor Mark Cockwell 07900 496711 Photographer / Historian Tony Yendle 07787 551612 Ladies of Harley Jane Scott 07894 086626 Charity Coordinator Stephanie Evans 07983 259752 Cangen Cymraeg Rep. Greg Payne 07976 913004 Rally Co-ordinator Tony James 07940 895921

September 3rd-6th


Peter & Yvonne

“Go East Re-mastered” Tour


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed




Charity Poker Run


Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury



Andy RKK & team

“Another Dam Good Ride Around The Elan Valley”




Ride to the Wall



Greg Payne &team



Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Baz and Peter

Boys Only Weekend



Steph Pocock & team



Club Night

Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Jane Scott

LOH Chester Weekend



Big Al & team





GWC Xmas Party



Nige Garnett




Baz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Baz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Road Captains Barry Aggett Phil Blake Mike Brake Paul Evans Nigel Garnett Paul Groom Chris Harding Ian Johnson Andy Kendall Andy (RKK) Kendall Greg Payne Dave Pocock Steph Pocock Neil Prescott Dave Roberts Mike Sage Jane Scott Stu Scott Alan Stokes Tony Yendle



Road Marshals Steve Crook Darlow Lloyd Gareth Jones Dave Stockford Keith Swarbrick

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