Roadhog december 2013

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H.O.G.速 Chapter 6655



December 2013 Official Newsletter of Great Western Chapter

Anniversary Edition

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Between the Covers


Hi all and welcome to the 10th Anniversary Edition of the Great Western Chapter’s RoadHOG magazine.

Features 6 - Anniversary Events Review 11 - Anniversary Dinner 12 - Ladies Only Weekend 15 - Charlie’s Rules For Sportster Maintenance 18 - Bridgwater Carnival 20 - Blasting To Big Pit

Regulars 2 - Between the Covers 3 - Director’s Cut 4 - Secretary’s Update 5 - Committee Round-up 14 - From the Front

Those of you that get your copy electronically will probably be thinking “what’s the big deal?”. Well, I’ve convinced Peter to loosen the Chapter’s purse strings, so that I can have an all-colour printed issue this month. For those of you that like the tactile pleasure of paper between your fingers, this is what the electronic copy of RoadHOG looks like. As I was putting together this last edition of 2013, I was reflecting on how quickly the time has flown during my first year as RoadHOG Editor. I hope you’ve enjoyed this year’s editions.

17 - Cockers Bits

On this note, I’d like to take the opportunity to extend a very big thank you to all of you that have provided me with articles throughout the year and I hope you’ll consider providing me with more in 2014.

19 - Ladies of Harley

So what’s between the covers this month?

21 - Historian’s Report

As the title suggests, this edition looks back over the Great Western Chapter’s 10th Anniversary with a review of the events organised to celebrate this special year. If you were lucky enough to attend some of these events then you know what crackers they were and, if you didn’t - well there’s always 2023!

15 - Cangen Cymraeg 16 - Charity Update

23 - Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop 25 - Orchard Trust 27 - At a Glance

News 22 - Martin Rich Retirement 24 - Charlie Gray Obituary

If you’re concerned that nothing will ever be as good as 2013, I happen to know the Activity Officer pretty well and I can assure you that 2014 looks to be a corker. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all. Mark Editor Email: Mobile: 07900 496711 (Note: Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily the views of the Editor)

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Director’s Cut

By Barry “Bazzzzer” Aggett so once again a huge thank you. Hi All,

Unfortunately, it’s time to move on from our sponsored charity, The Orchard Trust, which I must say has been I must start with the sad a tremendous relationship, arguably the best we’ve loss of Charlie Gray and had over our 10 years. However, all good things must our thoughts are with come to an end and, after a thorough selection proBrenda at this time leadcess, we’ve opted for local Mencap branches in ing up to Christmas. It Keynsham and Chepstow for our next fund-raising was great to see so many partnership. Well done Stephanie, I’ll leave you to GWC members at Charprovide all the details. lie’s funeral and I’m sure Charlie would have been pleased that we joined him Things are now moving fast in the newly formed on his last rideout. A special thank you goes to Greg Welsh Chapter with a name change to “Black MounPayne for co-ordinating with Brenda, and the road tains Chapter, Wales” and I understand membership is crew who kept the funeral cortege together on its way currently around 100. Big Al and Graham Roach have to the crematorium. been discussing the sharing of rideouts in Wales, so I’ll leave Big Al to inform you of the outcome. At time of writing, it’s only the LOH trip to London to th conclude our 10 Anniversary celebrations and what a As you know, our 2014 plans for another amazing year it has been. There are too many moments and year are underway and I encourage new members to memories to list and it would be unfair to single out a get involved. Honestly, for many owning a Harley and few. Instead we’re extremely lucky to have our very being part of GWC is a life-changing experience. The own video expert in Chris Harding who has, once next “Hogs in the Hayfields” planning meeting is at again, come up with a diamond DVD, which captures Riders on the 11th January, 1.30 pm; so, if you fancy the whole year in about 45 minutes. You’ll soon be volunteering your help, please come along. As usual able to purchase one for a small donation to charity. our rally tickets will go on sale in January and there will be the chance of a free ticket in the monthly draw. Events since the last RoadHOG mag include, “Hoggin’ the Bridge”, which was once again a super curry Well, it’s the end of my first year as Director, which I according to the 50 plus who attended. Apparently the have to say has flown by, and nobody has completely Race Course was OK, but the talk was of “something chewed my ear off yet so I’ll put it down as a success!! missing”, which I translate into lacking the ambience of Of course it takes many people to make it a success Chepstow Town Centre. Then the Bridgwater Carniand GWC is privileged to have a great team of people val, parade of bikes, illuminated floats and squibbing; working behind the scenes, so to all of those people see my later article for the full story. (too many to list), a VERY BIG THANK YOU and I look forward to your continued support for 2014. Also at time of printing, the Xmas party, our last get together of the year, is behind us. I hope historical Finally, I hope you took heed of my Christmas shopfigures was a good choice and the Christmas pudding ping list advice or it’s socks and pants again, instead was edible this year! of shiny bits, either for bike or finger! Whatever you get or don’t get, I wish you all a Very Happy Christmas Martin Rich has decided to move on after 12 years in and a super New Year on the road again. The name of retail. Martin has always supported GWC over our 10 a song springs to mind! years, so we wish him every success for the future and hope he likes our little farewell gift, see pictures For full details of all our events please visit the website later in this mag. as this is being frequently updated as events firm up and, if you find anything missing, please remind us, One of our GWC members deserves a special menwe’re only human! tion, following his being presented with a policing award for “recognition for unsung neighbourhood heBarry “Bazzzzer” Aggett roes”. The nominees for this award save thousands of police hours every year and they give up their time for Director free without fuss or fanfare, so take a bow Dave Allen, Email: the winner for Bristol. Home: 01291 620371 Again Sonja was very busy sewing on patches for Mobile: 07907 351650 charity at the November Cross Hands Hotel meeting,

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Secretary’s Update

By Yvonne Roberts

Merry Christmas to one and all! Thank you to everyone who has already sent or given me your signed membership renewal forms for 2014. December 20th is the deadline, if you want to receive your copy of the January edition of RoadHOG. This applies to both the hard copy and the electronic copy and also to MailChimp. If you haven’t already done this, please complete the 2014 Baz with Dave Allen and his Community Policing Membership Renewal Form, which was sent out in Award, plus some new members who were at ClubOctober, or is available on our website. (Click on the night. membership logo on the home page and download a renewal form). Remember to sign the release part of the form at the bottom, even if you pay by Bankers Standing Order. It is a requirement of H.O.G.® that all Chapter members sign this form annually, so I cannot process your membership until I have received your signed form. Therefore, if your spouse or partner is re-joining the Chapter as a Full or an Associate member of H.O.G.®, he/she must also sign the release form. If you decide to change your method of payment for 2014 to a Bankers Standing Order, you need to take the Standing Order Form to your bank, or set up a Standing Order online, if you use electronic banking. Please do not send it to me! If you already pay by Bankers Standing Order, you do not need to do anything, as the payment will continue unless you instruct your bank otherwise.

Alex Hucker

What a memorable year it has been for our 10th Anniversary! Those of you who renewed early were rewarded with a free T-shirt and pin. Our Dinner/ Dance was a very special occasion, with everyone turning up in their finery! I was awarded the title of “Trip Advisor” with a patch to prove it! With the Ladies London Trip, the only event left to go to round things up, I’d like to thank all the members of our Planning Group – Baz, Chris, Dave, Martin, Nige, Anita and Peter for their time and effort in making it such a success, plus Jane for the LOH trip. Janette and Richard Jones Our November Club nights were well-attended as always. The £180 we collected from the raffles and the £50 from Sonja’s patch sewing, has been donated to the Velindre Cancer Centre, Cardiff in memory of Charlie Gray.

(Continued on page 5)

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Committee Meeting Round-up For November’s Meeting Baz welcomed Duncan White, our Dealer Principal, to the meeting.

Peter Reeves

Baz reported that Charlie Gray had had a great send-off which had included 36 bikes from GWC in attendance at his funeral. As this was our last Committee meeting of the year, Baz thanked the Committee Members for their work, and the Committee Members in turn, thanked Baz for his leadership as our Director. Duncan gave us an update on the developments at Riders, including the plans to invest in the site and undertake improvements to the building.

Lewis Salvidge

We agreed that our 10th Anniversary Dinner/Dance had been yet another successful event. Looking ahead to GWC events planned for next year, Baz summarised what had been arranged so far. We agreed that Stephanie had done a good job in finding our new charity, Mencap. Al confirmed that we would be working with the Welsh Chapter in sharing the Welsh rideouts for 2014. The date of our next GWC Committee meeting was set for January 11th 2014 at 10.30am at Riders.

Dave Stockford

A full copy of the Minutes is available on request to me, Yvonne Roberts. Yvonne Secretary

John Vickerstaff Have a great Christmas, Yvonne Secretary Email: Home: 01225 751017

Our 10th Anniversary Year is now drawing to a close and the last of our special events has now been and gone. To keep the memory alive for those that attended and to inspire envy in those that didn’t…..

Riders Event

The 10th Anniversary Evening at Riders - well what an event ….shiny bikes and smiling faces… the ladies drank all the wine, whilst the men ate all the food ….. if all the events turn out to be as good as this one we have nothing to worry about.


Night Ride

Chapter History - Our First Night Ride!! 19th – 20th June. Covered 300 miles and rode through 10 counties. A great send off from McDonalds. Sixteen bikes and seventeen hardy boys and girls disappeared into the night with the London Eye as our target. Weather was perfect and everybody well insulated for the night temperature. Plenty of stops along the way for petrol, refreshments, (coffee and Red Bull) and the loo! 12 hours later, a brilliant reception from members on our return to Riders the next morning. Shall we do another one next year?? You bet!!!

Boys Only Weekend

Men behaving badly - well at least the ones who couldn’t keep their kit on, especially in front of the female singer! Nothing to pack for the trip apart from a spare pair of underpants and only themselves to please, apart from the occasional call home! Plenty of male bonding at the bar, great humour (probably more outside of Jonglers than inside!), and great team work to get the “Wideboy” running one morning. And, who could ever forget the emotion of being reunited with your Chapter waistcoat!


Benelux Rally

Benelux H.O.G® Rally – here’s a few key phrases which should bring back memories for most if not some… Leigh Delamere – Channel Tunnel – Calais overnight – posh French cuisine – Philo snoring – broken chair – flat roads – Antwerp ring road – Gent dealership – Silverlake Beach – Sunparks – chalet accommodation – shuttlebus (nick that flag) – pirates (again) – 8% alcohol – marquees – conga – rideouts – BBQ – journey home – emergency petrol stop – Folkestone services – safe home.

Hogs In The Hayfields

Fantastic variety, superb, our best rally ever, were just a few of the adjectives used to describe our 2013 “Hogs in the Hayfields” rally by those who attended. There was certainly something for everyone this year. Who can forget the 4 Bridges rideout. Remember Maxwell Hammer & Smith rocking it out on Friday. The unforgettable cider-themed Skimmity Hitchers and the fullon, in your face Devious. Add to that the stupendous talent that was “Stars in your Eyes”, our very own heavenly habit-wearing “Gurzels” and the memory-scarring balloon dance, we had it all.


Rhayader Weekend

The Rhayader Riding Weekend was blessed with stupendously warm weather, matched only by the welcome of the local people. From the word go, the event got off to a great start with al fresco eating and drinking, the “Rhayader Jammers�, the International Rock-Paper-Scissors championship (victory to England!). Two mega rideouts up into Snowdonia (numb bums), fabulous views in the Elan Valley, culminating in the totally surreal, fancy-dress pub-crawl contest and the spectacle of everyone in the streets, late into the evening. Wow!

Treasure Hunt

Our first Treasure Hunt and HUNT being the operative word. This was made harder by certain locals being ordered by ex local constabulary to hide clues. Nevertheless it really was a fun day riding through picturesque villages and scenic locations. And who can forget the agonising wait for the completed hunt forms being scrutinised by Jeff and Julie and the humble way the victors accepted their winners prizes. This is my penance for coming last hey ho there will be another one. A memorable day in great company, diolch yn fawr (thank you).


Canoe Glide & BBQ

Ahoy there Pirates! What a fantastic time we all had! A trio of delights to suit everyone - canoes and only a few got wet! – the Black Pearl Mystery Bike Ride and then BBQ and dancing to live music until the wee small hours. Long John Silver (BAZ) announced the official opening of the Great Western Walk and some more items were presented, purchased with the funds we have raised. All rounded off with a great breakfast the next morning. A fitting last event with our charity.

Go East

“Go East Tour” – What a spectacle it was; 33 bikes blasting along little country roads and through tiny picturesque villages in the wilds of Lincolnshire. With Pork Pies, a Cathedral, WWII fighters and bombers, the “oh so bracing” seaside, windmills, curries, hills and fens, and the nightly knees-up, there was something for everyone. And the weather was good too – at least most of the time. We counted everyone out and counted everyone back and hey, we lost nobody.


What a gorgeous looking lot we were! Everyone looked resplendent in their finery. Photos were taken, pleasant pre-dinner chat and drinks then, at the allotted time, we entered our dining room where the tables had been decorated, courtesy of Mike and Caroline Filder. Not to forget Caroline’s celebratory cake on display! Dinner finished and plates away we then held our own 10th Anniversary Award Ceremony with ‘fun’ awards for each of the ten events. Riders Event – ‘Drinking Riders Dry’ presented to Jane Scott on behalf of the GWC ladies as we drank Riders dry at their party. Night Ride – ‘Do As I Say, Not Do As I Do’ award presented to Tony Yendle, for not taking his own directions, getting lost and his group getting there before him. Boys Only Weekend – ‘Naked Ambition’ award with joint winners Philo Beddow and Bryn Wiltshire for getting their kit off in front of a lady singer in a hotel whilst she was trying to sing. Benelux – ‘Best Sand Dance’ award went to Ian Mead, showing us all how not to try walking on sand after several 8% cans of beer. “Hogs in the Hayfields” – ‘Slip Sliding Away’ award presented to Big Al. Even our Head RC can come a cropper on wet grass.

Anniversary Dinner

Rhayader – ‘Taken For A Ride’ award presented to Martin James and Bryn Wiltshire for risking life and limb by being taken for a spin on a motability scooter outside the Cornhill Inn.


Treasure Hunt – ‘It’s The Taking Part’ award presented to the team that came in last (Keith Swarbrick, Mark Chinnick and Neil Prescott) despite all attempts at bribing the judges. Canoe Glide – ‘Wye Not’ award presented to Jane Johnson and Sue Stokes as this intrepid double act stepped in on the day to arrive back late, with us all wondering if they’d gone upstream instead. Go East – ‘It Doesn’t Do What It Says On The Tin’ award presented to Clive Kearley for not trusting what it said on the puncture repair can, offered by the Breakdown man after getting a flat tyre, until he’d first read all of the small print on the can. 10th Anniversary Dinner – lifetime achievement award presented to Yvonne Roberts for her impeccable provision of notes on routes and trips. Ladies Only Weekend – see the following article for the winner of this award.

Dressing Gowns, Slippers & Chocolates

ping and others to another watering hole.

A very early start on Saturday morning for all thirty ladies. Coach started at Cardiff then picked up at Newport, Magor Services and Bristol. Then a tour to Bath which none of us knew about!!! We eventually turned up at Leigh Delamere Services to pick up the final few.

Eventually, we were all reunited together again and off we went to watch the show. I personally loved it and the upgraded seat was fabulous (thanks again Caroline).

In between pick up points, Jo Kromrei received a call from Bryn Wiltshire asking how to work the dishwasher, Jo took about five minutes to explain how this appliance worked and what knobs did what. Ahhhh, bless Bryn not knowing his knob from his elbow! A couple of ladies also improvised luggage tags, by using plasters to stick on their cases, I’m proud of you ladies for thinking outside the box. All now on board we’re heading for London, yipeeee! Jane kindly provided all ladies with a bottle of water and a party bag, which contained, a map, a bag of cheddar snacks, a Christmas decoration and some chocolates. A great start to the weekend. Thanks Jane, the goodies certainly came in handy.

Ladies Only Weekend

Six theatre seats had been upgraded and Jane had arranged for us to randomly pick out a seat number. Six lucky people selected an upgraded ticket, they were: Sarah, Jenny, Julie, Shirley, Jo. Caroline picked out the last remaining ticket but very kindly gave it to me, The show wasn’t to everyone’s taste. I guess it’s a thanks Caroline very much appreciated. personal thing and we all like different types of shows.


During the journey, the driver asked a few of us where all our alcohol was. We replied that we were told we were not allowed alcohol on the coach. The driver then replied ‘oh don’t worry about that’; in the words of Pretty Woman ‘Big Mistake, huge mistake!’. When we reached Reading services, most of the ladies headed to M&S to purchase alcohol - we soon made up for it. We arrived in London and were dropped off outside of

The show was over too quickly, in my view, and it was time to leave the theatre. We gathered outside for a photo-shoot and then had just under an hour to kill before we were being picked up at 6.30pm to go to the hotel. As it was cold, we went back to the pub for a drink, just to kill time of course!. The coach was late picking us up as it was stuck in traffic. So, to keep us warm, we decided to sing Christmas songs, how harmonious we sounded out Britain’s Got Talent. GWC LOH Choir next year! The coach then took us to the hotel, where it was time for the ladies to put on the party outfits and a quick, and I mean a very quick freshen up. We all meet at (yes you’ve guessed it) the bar, where else!

the theatre. A little later on we were all going in to see the show ‘Wicked’ (more on that subject later). We had almost two hours to kill before the show, so in good LOH style we had spotted a Weatherspoon pub near to the theatre. Most of us headed to the pub and managed to find a big table and ordered food and drink (of course). Caroline ordered a hot dog and what a whopper it was! A few other ladies had decided to go shop-

A three course, help-yourself meal followed, then it was down to the serious stuff of dancing; well for some it was, unfortunately, I had to watch for most of the time, but I did manage a couple of steps. At 1am the disco finished and those of us that were still awake finally had to go to bed. We had discovered that the bar had also closed ,so there was no chance of a night cap, probably just as well with the events that followed. Prior to the meal we discovered that some lucky ladies had been allocated upgraded rooms. They had been provided with dressing gowns, complimentary slippers and chocolates on the pillows. Of course there was no bragging by some, you know who you are (Doreen (Continued on page 13)

It was then off to Harrods for some retail therapy. The twelve of us decided to split up, as it was impossible to stay together. We deAt 5.20am the hotel fire alarm sounded and we all had cided to regroup outto evacuate our rooms and go out into the cold at the side Harrods at front of the hotel. Who came down in their dressing 1.30pm. The time gowns and complimentary slippers? You’ve guessed it, went far too quickly all of those ladies who had been upgraded. At least and everyone arrived they got to use their dressing gowns and complimentary at the rendezvous area eventually. slippers, but there was no sign of the chocolates. Obviously not sharing the chocolates ladies! A few of us had Then it was off to lunch. We managed to find a beautiful grabbed our coats, but forgot to put shoes on in the Italian Restaurant just off Hyde Park and five of us had rush, Anita, Jackie and myself to name a few. Oh bug- delicious pasta dishes and of course accompanied by a ger, our poor cold feet. very cheeky and fruity white wine. By the time We all finally got to go back to bed and, within no time, we had finished the it was breakfast and time to leave the hotel to go back meal, it was then time to into London for shopping and sight-seeing. The coach head back to Park Lane. dropped a few of our ladies off to visit the Victoria & The coach was waiting Albert Museum. The remainder were dropped off at to depart at 3.30pm. Park Lane to do their own thing. Once on the coach, Jane presented Doreen Sheppard with one of the Chapters 10th Anniversary awards called “How to win Friends and Influence People”. This was awarded for an allround smug attitude about being dressed in her hotelsupplied dressing gown and slippers, whilst munching chocolates from her pillow.

Ladies Only Weekend

Sheppard). The rest of us just had ordinary rooms. Little did we know that the dressing gowns and complimentary slippers would prove useful later in the evening and how smug those people were when they had to use them!

The events of the weekend must have caught up with a few of the ladies, as some had a little power snooze on the way home. We still manThe ladies that went to the museum had an interesting aged to practise experience on chairs, particularly Stephanie Evans; the our choir sesphotograph says it all should it ever surface. sions on the Twelve of us decided to go to the Winter Wonderland in coach home, Hyde Park, on our way to Harrods. It was brilliant, it conducted by really felt like Christmas. We had Mulled Wine at the our very own German market. This was for the purposes of keeping Queenie us warm of course. We (Jackie Aggett). also took the opporKeep practising tunity to purchase a ladies. few items from the The weekend was all too soon at an end. A great weekstalls. We even had end was had by all, a “Big Thank You” to Jane for orrides on reindeers, not ganising it all and I’m looking forward to next year’s real ones unfortunateLOH event. ly. I’m not sure the children were imCheers for now. Have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year. pressed about the adults riding on ReinSue Stokes deers but we enjoyed ourselves.


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From The Front

By Alan “Big Al” Stokes

the Black Mountains Chapter has been formed and, although in its infancy, it is up and running. As a Hi All result, a number of our Wales- based members Well here we are, Christ- have decided to enjoy the benefits of dual membermas just around the cor- ship. This is totally understandable, as it’s exciting ner and another year times if you live in Wales. Naturally you would want rapidly drawing to a to be part of something new, the first chapter. Still, it close. May I take this has had an impact on the Wales-based ride team opportunity to wish and the individuals involved. everyone a Merry ChristWith this in mind, 2014 is going to be even more of mas and a prosperous a challenge than this year. Both chapters would New Year in 2014. Let’s hope Santa brings you have a finite number of Road Captains and Road guys all those shiny chrome bits that you so much Marshals to go around. In terms of putting on Wales desire. I guess the ladies will settle for a selection -based rides every month, it was always going to be from the clothing department. Something for all you a tall order for both chapters to accomplish individuguys to think about. ally. Something needed to be done to alleviate the Next, I would like to personally thank all of the problem. Consequently, I have been working with Chapter’s Road Captains and Road Marshals for my opposite number, who is Graham Roach. For their dedication and support throughout the year. those that do not know, he has taken on the role of These guys work very hard, and often at great per- Head Road Captain for the Black Mountains Chapsonal expense, to ensure that you, the members, ter. Luckily, both Graham and I are on the same are treated to some fantastic rides. Without their page and so, between us and with the blessing of commitment I really would not be able to operate as both committees, we have put a joint calendar toHead Road Captain. A special mention must go to gether for the Wales-based rides. The plan is for Greg Payne, Ian Mead and Si Griffiths who have Graham’s team to organise 7 rides and the GWC worked extremely hard to ensure there has been a team to organise 5 rides. A number of our Road Welsh ride available for each of the allotted months Captains and Road Marshals will be part of both in 2013. Cheers guys, a fantastic effort. chapters and they will work in the organisation of rides with both. 2013 has seen the GWC put on 2 rides a month to a variety of destinations which have pretty much cov- The GWC England-based teams will continue as ered most of the South West and Wales. We have normal and will organise rides, generally for the 4 th been lucky to have had one of the better summers, Sunday of the month. To be honest, you the weather-wise, in many years. We only lost a couple members, should see no change. of rides during the cold snap earlier in the season. All of the English and Welsh rides will be open to all In addition to the monthly rides, the stand out event members of the GWC and Black Mountains Chapter for me was the riding weekend at Rhayader. Fanmembers. There is a great opportunity to ensure we tastic scenery, great riding, good company and, to foster close relationships with the Black Mountains top it all off, we were blessed with glorious sunChapter, as we already have many friends amongst shine. Truly a spectacular few days away! their ranks. Once again, in 2014, we will be endeavouring to put on rides each month. These rides will be advertised as normal on the website and in the monthly edition of RoadHOG. Currently the teams are in the planning stages looking at routes, etc. As a result the information available is a little scant but please keep looking at the website. When information becomes available then it will be posted. Now, as many of you are aware, there is a new dealership in Swansea, South Wales. Subsequently,

If you have any questions on the topics covered then I will be more than happy to listen and will answer them honestly. …… and so until the next time, ride hard, and ride safe. Alan “Big Al” Stokes Assistant Director & Head Road Captain

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Cangen Cymraeg Wow, just realised this is my last article for 2013. Doesn’t time fly when you take part in activities you enjoy sic. However, having obtained your attention I will try to enlighten your good selves with all things connected to Cangen Cymraeg. I have to start off on a sad item that is the untimely death of Charlie Gray, who had been a GWC member since 2007. Charlie died in hospital of a cancerous tumour, having only been diagnosed some weeks prior. When I joined GWC, he was a Road Captain and his wife Brenda the photographer. I will never forget their welcome when I attended my first meeting in Porthcawl. Also during the Scottish Tour, in 2009, it was Charlie who came to my assistance when I had a puncture. It was on that tour, when we were all royally entertained by Charlie reminiscing about his past adventures and his beloved pigeons. Who could forget his second man drops with his combination parked half on a steep verge and pavement. I know I am not alone in saying Rest in Peace Charlie; you were one of the good guys. Charlie’s funeral took place on Thursday 14th November 2013, with over 40 GWC members and 36 motorcycles in attendance- a fitting tribute to a life-long motorcyclist.

By Greg Payne can’t wait for their football team to have Great Western Chapter as a sponsors name on their kit. When you read this article, all our 10th Anniversary events will have been completed and I for one applaud all those who gave their time and effort to make every event a success. Our committee has already started organising our “Hogs in the Hayfields” Rally for 2014, riding tours and other Chapter rallies. I would ask that, where possible, Chapter members support these events because a lot of time and effort goes into making them a success. So there we have it - my last 2013 Cangen Cymraeg article but never fear I have sharpened my quill for my 2014 articles. NADOLIG LLAWEN (Merry Xmas) and a HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my readers. Greg Cangen Cymraeg Rep.

Charlie’s Rules for Sportster Maintenance

 Oil checks – when the light comes on take it to My rideout to Big Pit was in glorious sunshine, with Riders – they know best. 27 motorcycles in attendance. A report is included in this issue of the RoadHOG magazine.  Any other lights come on – take it to Riders – they know best. On our Club night, Bazzer mentioned past events and forthcoming rallies and riding tours in 2014. My  Bike chains are a specialist and dirty jobs – take advice to anyone, who intends to go on a riding tour, it to Riders – they know best and have overalls. is make your mind up and get in quick. Also men Tyre pressures are ideal for boyfriends/friends/ tioned was the restructuring at Riders with Martin husbands to tinker with on a Saturday afternoon. Rich leaving.  Fuel is to be added every 100 miles (or ideally It was decided that our raffle collection from both when your boyfriend/friend/husband is paying). meetings would be donated to Velindre Hospital and over £200 was raised in memory of Charlie.  Clean your bike when it is sunny, you can wear shorts and get brown legs. Our new designated charity MENCAP, with centres in Chepstow and Keynsham, was mentioned and,  Aim to avoid riding in the rain or winter as it mitihaving spoken to Steph, our Charity Organiser, it is gates Rule 6 – only go out on sunny days. apparent that this charity is set up very much like the Orchard Trust in supporting young people. I

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Charity Update

By Stephanie Evans

I can’t believe it’s already December – where has the year gone?

Chepstow and Keynsham for the next 2 years, so here is a little information about each branch: Chepstow

Chepstow and District Mencap Society was established about 40 years ago by a group of committed parents who wanted to ensure that their children, With the closing of the accounts, at the end of who experienced various levels of Learning DifficulNovember, The Orchard ties, were provided with adequate support as they Trust had their final do- progressed from childhood to adulthood. nation. We have raised £20,000 over the 3 years we The Berkeley is a base from which individuals with have supported them so a GIANT THANK YOU to learning disability can access various activities and you all for your support and generosity. clubs with support in a safe, friendly environment. The final donation was for a 4m x 12m polytunnel, with 2 doors, 2 potting tables (one standard height and one to suit wheelchair users) and 7 trellis tables. These will be fantastic, as they've wanted a new polytunnel on the smallholding for some time. The plan is to put paving slabs down the centre, providing good wheelchair access and then link it to the Great Western Walk as well. Students of all abilities will be able to access it and enjoy the opportunity that it will provide for growing produce that they will then sell to raise further funds.

The activities are designed to develop social and educational skills, promote independence and, at the same time, provide fun and enjoyment.

Anyway, I am now pleased to say we have decided on our new charity and it is two branches of Mencap – the Chepstow branch based at the Berkeley in Chepstow and the Keynsham branch which operates a number of social activity groups from a number of community locations. So we will be supporting a very worthwhile cause on both sides of the bridge.


The Society has now developed to such an extent that, in addition to the Community Hub provided by the Berkeley, the Holiday Chalet and the Saturday Club, ‘Family Aid’ is also provided to assist persons with learning difficulties who live independently and parents, guardians and carers of persons with such disabilities. Also a Charity Shop is operated in Bulwark, offering a wide range of goods. This provides I’ve been busy researching and meeting new chari- the opportunity for individuals, with the support of experienced retail staff, to spend half a day a week ties that meet the requirements you all highlighted working in the shop in order to gain skills in a comvia our charity survey earlier this year. This has proved to be a tougher job than I initially anticipated, mercial environment. as several of the preferred categories did not turn This will give us another way to help them by bringout to be suitable due to restrictions on access to ing in our unwanted clothes, gifts and other items – their service-users and our requirements for the sort watch this space for further info on how to donate of relationship we want to have with our next charity. this way!

The plan is to share the funds raised equally between the two branches. Although they can use the Mencap logo they do not receive any funding direct from Mencap. Instead they raise funds either locally, through fundraising activities, or by applying for locally/national grants. As voted by you, we intend to support Mencap

The Keynsham branch provides activities and support to children and adults with moderate/severe learning disabilities some of whom also have physical disabilities. They welcome over 160 members from a wide area covering Bristol and South Gloucestershire. Members are aged 5-70 and have a wide range of severe learning disabilities including Downs Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Aspergers Syndrome, Rubenstein Taybi Syndrome, Dyspraxia, Autism and Deletion 4Q Syndrome. Many of their members also have physical disabilities and some are wheelchair users. (Continued on page 17)

Page 17 They run 4 children’s clubs: Super Saturday Club in Bath for 5-18 year olds, Keynsham Juniors one evening a week each for 5-11 and 11-18 year olds; Radstock Juniors for 11-18 year olds. The clubs are run by trained and experienced play workers and supported by dedicated teams of volunteers. In addition to these children’s clubs, they also operate an 18+ club for over 70 adults. This, in many cases, is their only opportunity to socialise with their peers and to take part in community activities.


These children’s and adult’s activities are facilitated by the groups specially adapted minibus and team of volunteer drivers. Half of all families with a member with severe learning disabilities live in poverty and it is therefore essential that the activities we provide are affordable to members. The cost per head of activities for members is unavoidably higher than for their peers because the extent of their disabilities necessitates higher levels of support and specialised equipment and transport. The mini bus is a lifeline to the clubs enabling the teams to travel to games against other teams in the same way as any other sports club.

In closing I’d like to thank Sonja for her sterling work sewing on patches at the club nights – this adds an incredible amount to our fundraising every time she attends with her trusty sewing machine. So don’t spend more than you have to getting your patches sewn on – bring them to Sonja and support our charity at the same time – no brainer!

So, I hope this brief overview has given you a flavour of who we are supporting over the coming 24

Email: Mobile: 07983 259752

In terms of activities, as I said when I took on the charity role, I intend to try out some new ideas so watch this space as I will be asking for volunteers. If any of you have any suggestions for fundraising or would like to help me with any activities do get in touch – you know how to find me (and if you don’t my email is or call/text me on 07983 259752.

Have a fabulous Christmas and New Year everyone – be safe – have fun and see you in 2014. Stephanie Charity Coordinator

Cockers Bits

By Anita Cockwell Hi Everyone,

and I wouldn’t want you to miss out on anything! You’ll need to act on some of these events quickly. Well, here we are in DeFor example, if you are joining us on the official cember which means group ride to Thunder in the Glens in August, then I I’ve been in post as your strongly suggest that you pre-register on their rally Activities Officer for a website on the 3rd Jan 2014 when tickets go on whole year and I couldn’t sale. You’ll need your rally ticket if you want to book be more proud to have on-site accommodation and this goes very, very been associated with the fast, so don’t leave it any later. Chapter, than in its 10th Anniversary year. I’m not going to write any more this year as I suspect my column is towards the back of the magaMy first job, last December, was to join the 10th Anzine and it’s a packed edition, so just let me finish niversary Planning Group made up of Pete and the year by wishing you and your family a very MerYvonne , Christof, Tony Yendle, Nige Garnett, Dave ry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope Santa Norton, Bazz and Martin Rich. I’d like to thank them brings you lots of H-D goodies. all personally for the time and effort they have spent in the organisation and arranging of these events. I Catch up with you all soon! hope that you managed to take part in at least one “Cockers” of these special events. We are now well into arranging the events and activities for 2014, so keep an eye on the RoadHOG At a Glance page, Chapter website and your Mail Chimps as more detail is being constantly added

Activities Officer Email: Mobile: 07702 073361

Page 18

Bridgwater Carnival Believe it or not, as West Country bumpkins, we have never attended any of the West Country Carnivals, shameful or what? So, when we received the invite from Bridgwater Chapter, to help them lead the Bridgwater Carnival we jumped at the opportunity. As the day approached we did curse our luck as the weather forecast the day before was looking rather wet for that evening, but what the heck, when you’ve offered to lead the ride down to Bridgwater there’s no turning back. After hearing about the exploits of the Iron Hog ride we thought we would try a bit of this ourselves but break into it gently by going over to Riders of Bristol first before setting off to Riders of Bridgwater! Yes, extracting the urine! Most of the usual suspects were there and taking great delight in pointing out the big black clouds, visible from the comfort of PJ’s café and making whimsical comments of how comfy they’ll be later slouched in a cosy armchair watching tele. Anyway, we did pick up one willing companion in Dave Allen, and set off to meet up with the masses at Easton-in-Gordano services. I have to admit we were wearing our wets, mainly because it was raining when we left Chepstow, but our ride to the services was dry, albeit looking a bit threatening. Anyway, when we arrived at the services we were greeted by Martin and Eileen James. Yep, they were the only two there, and that’s the way it stayed. Strangely enough, whilst waiting at the services I received a text from Greg Payne, who had travelled down to Bridgwater earlier in the day, saying “it’s sunny in Bridgwater”. At the time I thought he was also “extracting the urine” and replied so, but as we travelled down the M5 there were large patches of blue sky, so sorry Greg. The bigger weather problem was battling with the strong wind, I had to wrestle the bike all the way down to Bridgwater. We were relieved when we arrived at Riders and said our hellos to Moggy and the others, and topped up on a bacon baguette and a coffee. Shortly, it was time to set off for the carnival and it turned out we were more of a warm up act rather than slipping our clutches directly in front of the carnival. We rode slowly around the route, stopping every so often to collectively rev the engines and the occasional backfire! The whole route was lined with people, more than “Hoggin’ the Bridge”, and they appeared to enjoy our style of entertainment. But, if we did it again, I think more fancy dress and flashing lights are called for! After completing the carnival route it was back to Riders to park up and walk back into town to witness the carnival proper. Needless to say the floats were amazing with their

By Bazzzer & Jacs bright lights and articulating parts and platforms. The teams that put them together deserve huge praise for the time they put aside each year to make it happen. Eventually the carnival procession was over and all that remained was the “Squibbing”. Now I have to confess I didn’t have a clue what this was, apart from knowing it involved fireworks and was potentially dangerous according to the warning signs on the lamp post. Anyway, loads of people were still hanging around so we thought it must be worth waiting for. After a while, a fire engine came down the road followed by close to a hundred people wearing hard hats and goggles and carrying what looked like a broom handle with a firework strapped perpendicular to the end. All these people then lined up either side of the road about a meter apart facing across the road. A few others then placed a small rag in the middle of the road, in front of each group of four, and proceeded to light it. On the call, the Squibbers lit their fireworks from the burning rag and held the broom sticks up in the air, in the same way as a weight-lifter and created an avenue of sparks. It was brilliant, the street lit up and the sparks were falling

around us so much , that Mrs Two Talls was worried about her H-D wet suit looking like a colander! Thankfully they must have an apprentice doing the risk assessment! So, after 50 plus years, we finally attended our first carnival and we have to say it was a great experience. Another valuable lesson learned was about weather forecasts; the clue is in the title it’s a “forecast” and it’s not always right! The Two Talls

Page 19

Ladies of Harley

By Jane Scott

Hi Ladies, Well, at the time of writing this article we are patiently awaiting for our last event of the year to come together; yes, the Theatre/Dinner/Dance weekend for us Ladies. All I can say is I hope you all enjoyed this event and yes, Big Al, we looked after Sue. It sure has been a busy year and of course we now have time to sit and relax and reflect on the 10 events. I hope you all enjoyed the Dinner and Dance. Well done Cockers, the venue and food were excellent. I think the bike is now tucked up for a while. It would have been good to have done the Christmas run but sadly a weekend in Exeter seems a bit more invit-

ing. Time to get the last minute bits and bobs for Christmas. Not much more to report on this year. I’ve spoken with Steph and we intend to do another LOH ride in the New Year, so date and details will be in the January issue, maybe we can beat the “famous 5” Well Ladies, it’s time to sign off but I would just like to take the opportunity to thank you all for supporting me over the past year. Merry Christmas. Jane x Ladies of Harley Email: Mobile: 07894 086626

Page 20

‘Blasting to Big Pit’ Rideout Report Sunday 10th November 2013. I remember it well, with its being the first dry and sunny day in November and, as luck would have it, the occasion of my rideout to Big Pit, Blaenavon. The lucky part being I swapped dates with Ian Mead, whose ride in October was a bit damp to say the least. Ah well, the sun shines on the righteous. I arrive at Cardiff West at 9.30am to find Flamesy already there on his new Road King, then Mark (Non smoker) Chinnick and Alan (mate of TV star Dominic Littlewood) Evans arrive, the latter proudly riding his new Rushmore Ultra Limited which he’d had imported. Alan said, “Greg have a go”, I declined through obvious jealous gritted teeth. Then more stalwarts arrived, having seen the weather forecast. With some newish members, all in all 27 bikes and attendant passengers. After the briefing and 2 minutes silence, because of Remembrance Sunday, off we rode in brilliant sunshine on the A4119 and A473 towards Pontypridd. At Rhydyfelin the rideout god tried to catch me out with a road diversion but, being an old Pontypridd boy, I knew the detour. Then it was on to the Merthyr Road through the mining village of Cilfynnydd and on to the A473 passed Ystrad Mynach and up to Crumlin and Abertillery on the A467 and eventually on the B4248 to Blaenavon and Big Pit. At the Pit, 22 hardy souls ventured into the bowels of the earth and had an informative and amusing narrative from their guide. I stayed above ground with other persons sampling the delights of the Pit Head cafeteria and chewing the fat. In the same building was the museum, which gave a fascinating insight into colliery life, and also a photographic exhibition. All too soon it was time to leave and good oh, earlier than planned. However the Rideout God had one more trick to

By Greg Payne

play. Julie Quick’s bike wouldn’t start, due to a faulty battery (you owe me Jules). It was déjà vu all over again (Scotland Tour - Mucca’s bike, Isle of Wight tour - Wideboy’s bike). No shortage of volunteers to push-start the bike but it wasn’t having it. So, leaving Jeff and Julie, to await for that very nice man from the AA, off we set on the return leg via Crickhowell, Brecon Beacons, Rhigos mountain and Pontypridd. At a planned petrol stop in Brecon, I had a plaintive request from a lady passenger (no names Stef) “How far is the finish, I am freezing”. Seeing we had another 1½ hours riding left, I made the executive decision to delete the planned Rhigos Mountain ride and to wang it down the A470 to our farewell stop at Tescos, Upper Boat, Pontypridd. I can add that Stef’s request was much appreciated by all the girls, and some of the male riders, as the temperature had fallen dramatically. Note to Barney - buy your wife a heated liner for Xmas. At Tescos, our farewells were said and, at 4.15pm, we separated and went our own ways home. Thanks to all who participated from Cangen, those from across the water and especially to Simon and Ian who assisted as Sweeper and Breakdown. Well that’s it folks for Cangen Rideouts in 2013 and looking forward to 2014, where the Cangen Cymraeg Road Captains will have more amazing rideouts for you to enjoy. Greg

Page 21

2013 - A Landmark Year for the GWC

By Tony Yendle

This year we have ended with a very healthy membership and, with all the events that have been going on, there has been plenty for everyone. As well as all the “usual” stuff, rideouts etc, we have had a fantastic year with our 10 special events to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Great Western Chapter. If you were one of the many who have joined in, you On a lighter subject – a Christmas wish to all the know you had a great time; if you didn’t join in, then membership from all the Road Captains and Maryou have missed out! shals at last week’s annual RC’s & M’s team meetThe 10 events are mentioned in a little more detail ing, ably led by our Head RC – Big Al Stokes. I am elsewhere in the mag, so I won’t duplicate things going to assume (yeah I know!) that all the hard here, suffice to say a great riding year with some work in planning 2 rideouts a month for the Chapter really good weather. is appreciated by all the membership and a warm thank you to all concerned. As the year now draws to a close, with Christmas around the corner, your Committee has already I mentioned earlier, the membership: we have finbeen planning in earnest for next year, again more ished the year with 325 members. It seems that detail elsewhere in the mag and on the website. every year lately we end up around the same numNeedless to say, it’s up to you to join in if you want ber, quite surreal really when you think of the memto make the most of all the background planning bers that leave and as seen at Club nights we aland get out on the road with a fun group of people ways have new faces to welcome to the Club. all sharing our common interest, alcohol (sorry! That’s enough from me for now on the “historical” scrub that) and Harleys! front. Quickly changing hats and throwing on the A couple of lows this year, we have had to say our “photographers” lid, it still would be nice for more of farewells to Dave Ashbolt in February, only in the you to get the photo’s you take on the rideouts, etc Chapter since 2010 before passing away after a to me? Please! long illness, and also to Charlie Gray who sucWe now have a very easy option for you all to get cumbed to Cancer in November. Charlie had been a your photos across to me via the internet. In a matmember since 2007 and most will remember him ter of a few minutes you can pass over 20-30 phoand Brenda on his blue Sporty with Sidecar – God tos. Dropbox is the programme and you will need to bless to both and I hope they are both in a better be invited to join our “photo folder”. Just let me know place. and it will be done!

Dave Ashbolt

Finally, it only leaves me to say Merry Christmas to you all and, collectively, let’s all pray for similar weather to this year – have a great season and I look forward to seeing you out on the road next year. Have fun, ride safe and take photos! Tony

Charlie Gray


Page 22 Dear all After nearly 12 years of working for Riders I’ve decided it’s time to have a change and have resigned my position within the Company. Since the early days of “life in the shed” to this year's 10 th anniversary Chapter celebrations, it’s been a full on range of experiences, some definitely testing and challenging, but in the whole I’ve had mostly good, very good or very, very good experiences ! I’m really proud of what has been achieved in the last decade or more and there have been lots of highlights – the success of the Great Western Chapter is definitely a major one for me. Since 2003 I’ve watched it grow and evolve and, as with any family, along the way there has been laughter, tears, squabbles, people breaking up then making up, confrontation and compassion but I reckon I’ve mostly seen people having fun and enjoying friendship – and as long as that bit of the equation doesn’t change the Great Western Chapter will always be a strong family. I’d like to thank everyone involved with the Chapter in the last 10 years individually, but unfortunately that isn’t really possible – So simply a big thank you to everyone, especially the Directors and Committees of the last 10 years, who have been so fundamental to the success of the Chapter. Have fun, stay safe. Martin

Page 23

Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop

Firstly, as it will be a mere 14 days to go, when you receive this issue of RoadHOG, a very Happy Christmas to you all.

2013, our tenth anniversary year, has been pretty amazing with every one of our 10 special events being just stupendous. The gods were also pretty kind, blessing us with summer weather that we always hope for, and yet rarely seem to get. Yvonne and I loved taking 49 of you along highways-new, on our “Go East Tour”. Hopefully, we’ll be able to replicate the fun we all had, on the “Peaks, Lakes & Dales” tour next June.

Next year also promises to be pretty exciting. For a start we, specifically the “Boys” (GWC Gentlemen), will be up to something, for a long weekend in April. Yvonne and I are really looking forward to “Thunder in the Glens”. This will be a first for us and, I guess, for many other Chapter members. If the weather is kind and the midges aren’t too fierce, it will be fantastic. If, like us, you went on the August 2009 Scotland tour you will remember the wonderful scenery, on a truly grand scale – much of which required good imaginative skills, as it rained a fair bit of the time! If you are hoping to go, don’t forget that you can register and book your accommodation from January 3rd - it always sells out very fast, so don’t miss out.

Loch Lomond – one of our few clear views in 2009! On a rather more mundane note:

As Treasurer, many of the financial transactions that I carry out, are now done electronically. We are very happy to accept payments from you, the members, by BACS. However, if you forget to reference what the payment is for, or do so incorrectly (e.g. by leavFor me, the pinnacle of the year was, without doubt, ing in a previous payment reference), or don’t e-mail our two week, unofficial ”Go Your Own Way” trip, to let me know that you’ve made a payment, it is a when 15 of us rode through six USA states, starting real pain! with a visit to our Western Slope Chapter friends, So, all the very best from Yvonne and myself for and ending up at the bikers holy grail – Sturgis. If 2014. We’ll see you at the January Club Nights imyou’ve not been, put it on your bucket list. It’s an mediately before taking off for the sunshine and amazing experience, in fabulous countryside and warm-weather riding in California – Bliss! I expect memories of it will stay with you forever. Need advice/info? We’re very happy to help.

(Continued on page 24)

Page 24 we’ll be blogging again with pics and commentary on San Diego life That’s it from me for 2013 and so to a special message from Duncan:

out his support and input into the Great Western Chapter over the last 10 years, I am not sure it would be where it is today which is, in my opinion, one of the best in the country. So, on behalf of the Rider's team thanks boss.

Moving into 2014 the Rider's team is now back to Well what a year. I think we can say that the weath- full strength with new members such as Mike and er has been kind this year and the riding season has Nick on service and Steve and Mike in parts. They been much dryer and brighter than the previous are all ready to help in any way they can. year's. Supporting the Chapter will be myself and Jerry, 2013 has seen a lot of changes for us all, some both keen to carry on the legacy of Mr Rich and let from Harley, with the Rushmore Project giving us the Committee carry on doing a fantastic job. probably the best range of motorcycles since the Lastly I would like to thank you all for your support 100th anniversary, ten years ago. through this year and look forward to 2014. We have also seen some long standing members of From all at Riders, we wish you a very Merry Christthe Rider's team move on to new challenges, and mas and a Happy New Year. I'm sure you will join me in wishing them the best for the future. Safe Riding One of those key members is Martin Rich and with-

Peter and Duncan@Riders

1981. It was then he met Brenda, they married and settled down at 1 Rhys Street, Edmundstown. In Charles Ernest Gray 2000 Charlie returned to carpentry and was one of a team that redesigned Lord Linley’s flat in London. He 1946 - 2013 was also employed by Cadw to renovate the bridges at Caerphilly Castle and Castell Coch. Charlie was also the co-founder of the South Wales Classic Car Charles Ernest GRAY (Charlie) was born on the 17th Club and, in the 1980s, he constructed, from a kit, an January 1946, in Penge, SE London and was an only Austin 7 car. Charlie owned several motorcycles - a child, with his father serving in the Royal Artillery. He Honda 750, Honda Blackbird and eventually his bewas privately educated for a while but, because of loved Harley-Davidson combination, which he bought bullying, he transferred to a state school. It was while because Brenda couldn’t get her leg over. Charlie he was playing on the various bombsites, on an old had a great interest in Military History, Genealogy moped, that Charlie developed his passion for motor- and Astronomy. He was well respected and wouldn’t cycling. He trained as an indentured carpenter and, turn down anybody who asked for his assistance. because of that, missed his National Service, which Charlie died on the 6th November 2013 and will be annoyed Charlie. He became a member of the Terrilong remembered. torial Army and obtained numerous badges for his marksmanship. He owned several racing motorcyRIP cles, was a regular at the Ace Café and raced around Brands Hatch. Indeed, Charlie came off on one corner and several pieces of gravel lodged in his leg, remaining there for the rest of his life. He became disillusioned with carpentry and, for some years, was employed as a park and recreational warden at Crystal Palace, where he also tended to sports equipment. He then became employed as a weld-checker at Dungeness Power Station; a fact which meant that Charlie could not wear a wristwatch. Charlie’s parents moved back to Tonyrefail, where his father had grown up, so Charlie moved to Goole, where he was employed in frozen foods distribution, from 1978 to

Page 25

Orchard Trust

By Kathryn

The kiln has now had its test firing! This week, students had a wonderful time rolling out clay and stamping out shapes ready for another firing. Once fired, these shapes will be painted and used to decorate a tree in our local church’s annual Christmas Tree Festival. This group of students, some with Hello everyone, profound and multiple learning disabilities, really enjoyed the By the time you read this, Christmas will be fast apsession. A proaching! We’ll certainly have had our Carol Sercouple of stuvice, no doubt with several renditions of Jingle Bells, dents who do each one livelier than the last, accompanied by not always many tambourines and shakers! We’ll also either be find it easy to on the verge of Santa arriving for his day in our join in and Grotto, or he will have just left! Gareth and I will also engage in have joined you at your December Club night and activities had a chance to talk about all of the items you’ve touched the funded for us. clay – a big Well, it has been really exciting recently – ordering step for them. more items that you’ve so kindly provided the funds The whole for. Hilltop are waiting for the arrival of two outdoor session was a garden chairs and a bench, which are coming from real success! a local sawmills. They are a very sturdy design, Offa’s Dyke were thrilled with their new CD player providing stable seating for everyone who uses and computer tablet that you funded and are in the them. process of setting them up. They celebrated HallowOne of the final purchases we’re making with your een in style this year, with a really enjoyable fancy donations, that we’re really looking forward to, is a dress party organised by their new Activity Champi4m x 12m poly tunnel for the Smallholding. It will ons and Keira, a social work student. They had lots have lots of useful features, including two hinged of frightening food, with eyeball cakes, slime jelly potting tables that can be folded up out of the way and spooky soups to eat, and lots of traditional Haland also set to a height suitable for wheelchair usloween games were played. The Service Users parers. We’ll have a paving slab path through the tunnel providing good wheelchair access and link this to the Great Western Walk. The benefits of having the poly tunnel for students will be tremendous. They’ll be able to grow a wide variety of produce, gain from the sensory experience of planting seeds, have a sense of achievement as plants grow and then harvest them too. The plan is to sell the produce to raise funds and this will also provide an opportunity for developing further skills – including communicating with customers and handling money. The students will now also be able to work outdoors, but under shelter during bad weather. Kimberley Drive and Morelands tenants enjoyed Bonfire night – from the warmth of Morelands, as this looks out on to Lydney Park, where they had a splendid firework display. During the evening, many of the tenants then went outside to enjoy sparklers. Service users from Offa’s Dyke also visited Morelands to enjoy bonfire evening with them.

ticularly enjoyed the apple bobbing game, modified so that everyone could join in. The home was deco(Continued on page 26)

Page 26 clusion project, of which The Trust are one of ten providers chosen to be involved. Hilltop have been busy with preparations for their Christmas party, being held at the beginning of December in the local rugby club.

rated with cobwebs, witches and bats, and the Service Users made some fantastically frightening spiders. When I called in at Offa’s Dyke the day before the party, it was to be met by a witch on her broomstick hanging from the balcony as I entered the building!

Finally, students from the Smallholding have prepared a buffet for a couple of events recently. One was for our own AGM and the other was for the local Voluntary Action Forum AGM. They put on a wonderful spread each time, including tasty sandwiches, Chinese and Indian snacks, quiche, sausage rolls and chocolate rice crispy cake (white, milk and plain chocolate varieties). There was a real sense of achievement, with many people complementing them on the lovely spread.

As this will be my last article for RoadHOG, I wanted to thank you so much on behalf of everyone here for the tremendous support that you’ve given us over the past three years. Every single service user within The Trust will have used, or benStill on the theme of efitted from at least one, probably Halloween, our Activmore, of the items that you’ve fundity Champions Proed for us – quite a thought!. Howevject is progressing er, it’s not only the financial support well and the group of that you’ve given that we appreci28 Activity Champiate, we are so grateful for the opons we were training st portunities that you have provided on 31 October had for service users (and staff) to sodecided that the day cialise at events such as Hogs in should be in Hallowthe Hayfields, our Summer Fayre een themed fancy and the Canoe Paddle weekend. dress. It’s the first Seeing some of our service users time that Bev and I sat on a Harley, or enjoying the enhave ever delivered tertainment at Hogs in the Haya training session fields, camping overnight at the wearing witches hats Rally, or playing with the band and dancing at the (and Bev with a bat on her shoulder too!). Canoe Paddle evening – these are the things that Admin Office had a ‘birthday week’ recently, with have ‘made a difference’ and meant something to three members of staff having birthdays within a few people. Particular thanks from me too, to the individdays and two of those on the same day (so lots of uals that I’ve had most contact with during the three cake that week)! We have a volunteer, Jamie, who years, including Bill, Andy B, Peter, Anita, Baz and is helping out in the office, particularly with fundraisof course Stephanie, with all the work that she’s ing – he’s getting our collection pots into lots of done - it has been a pleasure working with you all. shops, pubs, etc locally, which not only brings in Everyone in GWC has extended such a warm and welcome funds, but helps to raise our profile too. inclusive welcome to The Orchard Trust – a very He’s also looking at setting up an eBay account for heartfelt thank you on behalf of our service users, us to sell items to raise funds. The third parent/carer staff and trustees. support meeting was held and they’ve named the group “Carers and Sharers”. Tony, who manages Kathryn Offa’s Dyke home, gave a presentation about the role of CQC and how they inspect each home based The Orchard Trust on set essential standards. He also told the group about Gloucestershire County Council’s Social In-

At a Glance - 2013 GWC Activities Calendar Contact Anita Cockwell if you have any other events you would like to see listed. Tel: 01761 471385 or mobile: 07702 073361 or e-mail: For further details on any event listed visit “What’s On” on the GWC website. Date



Committee Contacts Sponsoring Dealer Duncan White 0117 9588777 Director Barry Aggett 07907 351650


Asst Director/Treasurer Peter Roberts 07540 164157 Asst Director/ Head Road Captain Alan Stokes 07766 237242

January 8th

Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley

February 11th

Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley



Secretary Yvonne Roberts 01225 751017 Webmaster Chris Harding 07801 562011 Activities Officer Anita Cockwell 01761 471385 Safety Officer Andy Kendall 07905 397474 Editor Mark Cockwell 07900 496711 Photographer/Historian Tony Yendle 07787 551612 Ladies of Harley Jane Scott 07894 086626

4th – 6th


Pete and Baz

Boys Only Weekend


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

Charity Co-ordinator Stephanie Evans 07983 259752


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley

Cangen Cymraeg Rep Greg Payne 07976 913004

May 4th – 15th


Greg Payne

St Tropez Rally


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley

29th – 1st


Andy Kendall

Somme Tour


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

20th – 22nd


Tony James

GWC ‘Hogs in the Hayfields’ Rally


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley

3rd – 6th


Pete & Yvonne

Peaks, Dales and Lakes Tour


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley

24th – 27th



Fenlanders Rally (East of England)




Rally Co-ordinator Tony James 07940 895921

Road Captains Barry Aggett, Mike Brake, Paul Bromhead, Nigel Garnett, Simon Griffiths, Paul Groom, Chris Harding, Martin James, Ian Johnson, Andy Kendall, Andy Kendall, (RKK), Ian Mead, Greg Payne, Dave Pocock, Stephanie Pocock, Dave Roberts, Mike Sage, Darren Sharp, Jane & Stuart Scott, Alan Stokes, Tony Yendle.

Road Marshals Tony Cole, Steve Crook, Neil Lewis, Steve Link, Neil Prescott, Bryn Wiltshire.

All details on GWC web site


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

?? - ??


Christof and Baz

Thunder in the Glens Rally


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley

RoadHOG is printed by the Woodside Press

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