Roadhog december 2014

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H.O.G.® Chapter 6655

CONTENTS Features 8 - Soaring in Somerset 9 - Blasting the Bard 10 - Would you Believe it

Regulars 2 - Director’s Cut 3 - Secretary’s Report 4 - From the Front 5 - Cangen Cymraeg 6 - Ladies of Harley 6 - Between the Covers 7 - Cockers Bits 12 - Charity Update 13 - Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop 15 - At a Glance

December 2014

Official Newsletter of the Great Western Chapter

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Director’s Cut

By Barry “Bazzzzer” Aggett Grantown-on-Spey. Getting drowned on the way to RTTW, but it’s always worth it to remind ourselves of how lucky we are to be free to ride our bikes.

Hi All, You’ll notice I’ve changed my picture again, this time to something festive. This was taken at the Xmas rideout in 2011, guess which one is me, looks like I’ve been riding a horse not a bike! Hopefully the 2014 Xmas rideout and party with Chepstow Mencap at Chepstow Rugby Club was a similar success. Who won the best dressed Santa and bike prize? Another year has flown by again, so I very much hope you have all found something to excite you from our extensive list of rideouts, rallies and activities. If not please come and talk to me as our intention is to try and keep things fresh. As always there is a lot of effort that goes into putting on all the things we do and GWC is very fortunate to have a lot of dedicated members, who give up their time for the Chapter, at their own expense, to provide enjoyment for others. There are too many names to mention individually, but you know who you are and I personally want to say a BIG THANK YOU for helping to make GWC the success it is. Not forgetting the support we get from Duncan and the team at Riders.

At the start of 2014 we adopted our new sponsored charity, Keynsham & Chepstow Mencap branches, so huge credit to Stephanie Evans for getting this up and running and finding ways to boost funds through cashless donations and the parachute jump. In November we presented a new football kit to Keynsham Mencap, which was very much appreciated. It’s great for GWC to see tangible benefits from our fund raising. Thanks to Chris “Hardarse” Harding, our GWC website has recently seen a major revamp, in line with our new philosophy to ask YOU, our members, to post and vote on your suggestions for events. We have also created a “members area”, so only YOU get to share the benefits of being a GWC member. The formality of handing back the chapter to Duncan took place at the AGM, but it soon bounced back in my direction again! To be honest it’s a privilege and I look forward to working again with the same old Committee members; just got to stop the woman talking sometimes! I’ll get my ear chewed for that! Sadly this is your last paper copy of RoadHOG, because for 2015 we change to an e-mag. Sitting on the toilet will never be the same again and, as for tearing it up, leave it there!

To end my ramblings for 2014, I hope any new members who joined this year have found it a great experience and I would like to thank all members for your friendship throughout 2014. More great memoI’ll be surprised if anyone in the Chapter has attend- ries and more already in the planning for 2015. ed all of our 2014 events, so it’s a case of making I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy your selection. For me the key memories are:New Year. Following a red dot over Exmoor on the Boys Only For full details of all our events please visit the webweekend. site as this is being frequently updated as events The twists and turns of the Napoleon Route on the firm up and if you find anything missing please reway to St Tropez. mind us, we’re only human! The fear of GWC entertains at HITH and of course the Gurzels’ frilly knickers! Chilling out at Fenlanders and seeing Steve Walsh, a rally virgin, collapsed in his tent. The ride north to TITG for some stunning scenery, especially on the parade of flags rideout to

Barry “Bazzzzer” Aggett Director Email: Home: 01291 620371 Mobile: 07907 351650

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Secretary’s Report A Very Merry Christmas to One and All!

By Yvonne Roberts ings in January. One session will be for GWC ladies.

This year has flown by and it’s nearly Christmas already! I’ve made the Christmas puddings and cake and they are maturing nicely! I hope that you’ve all written your letters to Father Christmas with your wish lists!

Peter had sent out his financial report for October in advance of our meeting. There were no questions.

This year might be coming to a close, but there are still some GWC events to look forward to: our Ladies of Harley trip to London, Bazzer’s Christmas Rideout and our Christmas Party.

Jane gave us feedback from her recent LOH meeting in Oxford. She will be asking lady members what events they would like for 2015.

Anita is firming up dates for activities in 2015. We agreed that our Chapter’s 12th Birthday Party will be held at Riders on March 20th. Other activities for the calendar were also discussed.

Stephanie hopes to know the final amount of money raised by the parachute jump by December. She This will be the very last hard copy of RoadHOG. So plans to liaise with both the Keynsham and Chepit will also be the last time Peter and I collect the stow branches of Mencap to get a plan for supportmagazines from Riders, stick them in envelopes, ing them in 2015. take them to Club night, and return the copies not collected, to Riders, where we frank them and post Chris and Greg informed us of their plans for a GWC European Tour in 2015. them. What will we do with our time?

Bazzer’s birthday happened to coincide with our October Club night at the Cross Hands, so we were able to embarrass him by singing “Happy Birthday” and having a cake with candles, which was shared around afterwards.

We all agreed that we should begin planning for, and promoting our Rally, from January onwards and urge GWC members to give their support. We agreed that it was reasonable that GWC members be given until the end of January to renew their membership, before their name is removed from MailChimp and their access to the Members Section on our website is denied. The date of our next Committee meeting is January 10th 2015 and a full copy of the minutes is available on request.

Thank you to those of you who have already renewed your membership for 2015. May I remind the Mike Crocker, a new rest of you that I need to receive a signed 2015 member, was given a Membership Renewal Form from you, if you are gowarm welcome at the ing to join in the fun in 2015! Cangen Cymraeg I have the usual selection of merchandise available: meeting. large and small rockers and patches, including the new logo, pin grips and fleeces. Look at the MerI would also like to chandise page on our website for full details and welcome our latest new member, Steve how to order, or see me at Club nights. Scull from WottonRide safe, under-Edge.

Your GWC Commit- Yvonne tee met on November Secretary 15th. Email: Duncan proposed organising motorcycle mainteHome: 01225 751017 nance session on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Saturday morn-

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From The Front

By Alan “Big Al” Stokes Hi All,

dealership in Swansea, South Wales for the past year. With a number of joint members, there was Well here we are, Christalways going to be some sort of interlinking. As a mas just around the corconsequence, this year we opened our rideouts to ner and another year include the Black Mountains Chapter members and rapidly drawing to a vice versa, as they opened their rides to GWC close. May I take this members. From my records there has been quite a opportunity to wish everegular take up from both sides and this has proved ryone a Merry Christmas very successful. With this in mind, 2015 is going to and a prosperous New be operated in a similar way. All the rideouts will be Year in 2015. Let’s hope open to members from both chapters. There are Santa brings you guys all only a finite number of Road Captains and Road those shiny chrome bits that you so much desire. I Marshals available and this arrangement will cerguess the ladies will settle for a selection from the tainly help spread the workload. clothing department. Something for all you guys to think about. The Black Mountains Chapter has recently appointed a new Head Road Captain, who is Lawrence Next, I would like to personally thank all of the Scourfield. Consequently, I will be working with my Chapter’s Road Captains and Road Marshals for opposite number to ensure all runs as smoothly as their dedication and support throughout the year. possible. Lawrence, Adrian Vaughan and Steve Link These guys work very hard and often at great perattended our annual Road Captains meeting in Ocsonal expense to ensure that you, the members, are tober and I think they found it very useful. They are treated to some fantastic rides. Without their comextremely keen to work with us which is good for all mitment I really would not be able to operate as concerned. Head Road Captain. A special mention must go to Greg Payne, and all those who have helped him to The GWC English-based teams will continue as norensure there has been a Welsh ride available for mal and will organise rides, generally for the 4th each of the allotted months in 2014. Cheers guys, a Sunday of the month. To be honest, you the memfantastic effort. bers should see no change. 2014 has seen the GWC put on rides every month to a variety of destinations which have pretty much covered most of the South West and Wales. We have been lucky to have had one of the better summers, weather wise, in many years. We have only lost a couple of rides due to the weather during the year. In addition to the monthly rides, there have been other events that the Road Captains have supported. Pete and Yvonne’s, Peaks, Lakes and Dales trip for one. I could not make it but I understand it encompassed fantastic scenery, great riding and as normal, good company. Look out for next year’s offerings.

2015 will see 3 new Road Marshals coming on board in the shape of Gareth Jones, Dave Stockford and Keith Swarbrick. All are experienced riders and will add some much needed help to some of the teams. We have also booked two of our existing Marshals onto the 2015 Road Captains course in H-D Headquarters in Oxford. They are Paul “Barney” Evans and Neil Prescott. I’m sure you will join me in wishing them the best of luck, I am sure they will find it worthwhile.

As already mentioned, all of the English and Welsh ride-outs will be open to all members of the GWC and Black Mountains Chapter members. There is a Once again, in 2015, we will be endeavouring to put great opportunity to ensure we foster close relationon rides each month. These rides will be advertised ships with the Black Mountains Chapter as we alas normal on the website and in the monthly edition ready have many friends amongst their ranks. Long of RoadHOG. Currently the teams are in the planmay they these, and new bonds continue. ning stages looking at routes, etc. As a result the …… and so until the next time, ride hard, and ride information available at this time is a little scant. safe. Please keep looking at the website. When information becomes available then it will be posted. Alan “Big Al” Stokes Now as many of you will be aware, there has been a Assistant Director & Head Road Captain

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Cangen Cymraeg

By Greg Payne Road Captain of the Black Mountain Chapter, and his team. The Cangen Club night on the 12th November 2014 was attended by 25 members and I introduced and photographed a new member, Mike Crocker from Cardiff. Baz spoke about past events i.e. Hoggin’ the Curry, Alvin Stardust’s funeral and the Chapter Mileage Challenge, which could be between 1066 Chapter and Black Mountains Chapter.

Welcome to all my readers past, present and new for the same old tripe but cunningly disguised as educated prose. Blimey this year is nearly over and that dreaded time (bah humbug) will soon be on us. Well what’s been happening, I hear you cry, on the Cangen scene recently. Well, on the 2 nd November 2014, myself and AP joined other GWC and BMC riders on the Cangen rideout led by Ian Mead. We had 22 bikes and, considering the sodden start, all in all a pretty good turnout. The ride consisted of travelling up the valleys over the Rhigos and Bwlch mountains via Port Talbot and ending at a pub for a late lunch at Ogmore-by-Sea. The ride unfortunately will be remembered for the wrong reason as Bob and Diana Davies came a cropper on their trike nearing Port Talbot. Luckily there were no real injuries and superficial damage (we hope) caused to the trike but I must admit when I saw the upturned trike I feared the worst. It was beneficial to have riders from GWC and Black Mountains who had attended Biker Down and First Aid courses there as was an ambulance which was just passing. Also thanks to the retired police officers for directing traffic (took me back). On Wednesday 5th November 2014 some GWC members and BMC members attended the funeral of Alvin Stardust at the request of his family. There were a total of 62 bikes and was an impressive sight in front of the hearse as we led it to the Morriston Cemetery. I could see the family were thankful for the large turnout and his daughter sent a letter of thanks to the Black Mountain Chapter for organising the cortege. Also a big thanks goes to Lawrence Scourfield, Head

Our Webmaster Chris Harding then gave a talk, with slide show, on the members page of our website. Most informative and I believe most of us got it but it may have passed some by!!! Baz then mentioned forthcoming rideouts and mentioned Pete and Yvonnes’ Hogs Go East tour in 2015. He then asked the congregation whether a new venue for Cangen Club meetings would be appreciated as the majority of Cangen Club attendees lived to the east of Pencoed. It proved a lively topic as people from Cardiff said “move to Cardiff”. The people from Caerphilly said “move to Caerphilly”. The people in the Vale of Glamorgan said “keep it where it is” (you get the drift). My own personal observation is that it is only 10 minutes down the road from Cardiff. However in the near future I will look for a suitable venue at my expense and report back to our committee and then to yourselves. From the next Cangen meeting I will be selling GWC merchandise e.g. large and small rockers, large Eagle patches, pins, pin grips and should the need arise hoodies and sweatshirts. Right that’s it my waffle tray is empty so I bid you goodbye and see you soon. Greg Cangen Cymraeg Rep.

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Ladies of Harley

By Jane Scott Hello Ladies,

Firstly I would like to take the opportunity to thank you all for supporting LOH throughout the year, whether it’s been attending a ride, having coffee and cake, or showing our rear ends to the whole of Europe via the HOG magazine. It’s been great, but let’s not stop there, let’s make 2015 even better!

you receive your LOH pin you are a Lady Of Harley, if not then you need to ring the phone no. on your HOG membership card and explain that you want to be a Lady Of Harley. It doesn’t cost anything to become a Lady of Harley ……ok that’s sorted, hopefully. Of course before I wish you all a Merry Christmas there is the Christmas Party to attend maybe even a new dress! But a chance to dress up anyway. Well ladies that’s all for now so it’s a


Of course, I’ve written this article before our LOH trip to London so all news from that event will feature in the next edition of RoadHOG, with plenty of pics too, which you’ll be receiving electronically from January. As for me I think I will still print a copy, as I Jane xx like to read mine in bed with a cuppa. Recently I was asked a question regarding being a Lady Of Harley and just wanted to share the answer with you all, I’m hoping you realise that when you join H.O.G® there is a box to tick asking if you also want to be a Lady Of Harley. If ticked you’ll get a yearly LOH pin to put on your waistcoat/jacket, so if

Between the Covers Hi All and welcome to the December edition of RoadHOG. As you’re probably aware this is the last printed edition with next year going all electronic as an emag. I know not all members will be happy with this decision but it has many advantages and the decision was not taken lightly. In addition to removing a significant financial overhead to the Chapter it also reduces the workload on Committee members and will allow the RoadHOG magazine to develop going forward. So what’s in the month’s edition? In addition to the usual ramblings of the Committee, myself included, we have articles from our very own Paul Evans, “Barney to you mate!”, as he leads his


Ladies of Harley Email: Mobile: 07894 086626 (Any questions or queries, thoughts or ideas then please email or text me) very first rideout, plus his perspective of why anyone would want to go on a diet. Oh yes and throw themselves from a perfectly good aircraft. I’m interested to see what Stephanie has installed for our more adventurous members next year. Finally, as this is the last edition of the year, I’d like to take this opportunity to personally thank all those members who contributed articles throughout 2014 and made RoadHOG the success that it has been. All that leaves for me to do now is to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and look forward to seeing you on one of our rideouts or events in 2015. Mark Cockwell (aka “Mr C”) Editor Email: Mobile: 07900 496711 (Note: Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily the views of the Editor)

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Cockers Bits Dear Santa, I want…. ……….oh sorry wrong article! I’m writing my bit for the December magazine just days before the LOH weekend (22nd & 23rd November) and will be in deep trouble with the Editor if I leave it till I get back, there’s no favouritism shown with him!

By Anita Cockwell madness so there won’t be any “bah humbugs” on the day, will there?!!

Talking of rideouts, Mark and I managed to go on the recent one to RNAS Yeovilton Air Museum with Big Al and his team. We previously tried to do this last year in February 2013 but I personally don’t like -10⁰C temperatures and sheet black ice so thankfully the ride was abandoned, but not so this year. It was a much warmer day to ride through Chew Valley and Burrington Combe. I’m sure there was a stretch of road that we rode one way only to loop Last weekend saw the last Committee meeting of back and ride the opposite way? Then into Cheddar the year where we discussed possible dates for next where we took a short comfort break before riding year’s Xmas party and we haven’t even had this on to Wedmore, Podimore and then into Yeovilton. year’s yet! But, on that subject, I need to correct Mark and I took the chance to look around the mumyself… as anyone who bothered to listen to me at seum but although we had a good hour and a half the November Club night may remember, I stated you would need to take several to do the museum that there wasn’t another Club night before the justice. Concorde 002 is there as a permanent exXmas party….. well there is! Strictly speaking I hibit and this gave me my first opportunity of being could wriggle and say it’s the AGM so not strictly a inside one. club night but I don’t think I can get away with that. So, sorry I got it wrong. But there is a silver lining! I’m not saying anything at the AGM! For those of you attending the GWC Xmas party, on the 13th December, I hope you will enjoy yourself especially as we have moved to a new venue. I hope you will give me your feedback, both good and bad, with regards to the menu, food and venue, etc, etc. as this is very important as to where we go next year. For those that missed out this year, as spaces were limited, don’t leave it so late next year. As mentioned we held our Committee meeting on 15th November and we are already planning activities for 2015, some are old favourites but many will be new. Remember that we now need you to ‘vote’ for your chosen activities via The Members page on the GWC website. This is your opportunity to tell us what you want/don’t want to do. Don’t see anything you fancy? If you have any ideas for possible Chapter events then put them forward by starting up a conversation on the member’s page section of the website and if it gets enough votes then we’ll look to see if it’s possible to do as an official GWC Chapter event. I’m looking forward to the last ride out of the year as it sounds great fun, especially as we will meet up with Chepstow Mencap for a Hog roast. It’s also especially good as not only another opportunity to dress up, I know I’m sad, but I can wear it on the back of the bike. I’m sure everyone will join in the

More photos from the day on the following page. For others it was a chance to have lunch in the Swordfish restaurant or some took the opportunity of the fair weather to sit outside around the picnic tables. So all-in-all a perfect ride/day for the time of year and very enjoyable! So my thanks to the ride team for organising. So now it just leaves me to wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas. I hope Santa HarleyDavidson brings you what you wish for (but only if you’ve been good!). Looking forward to 2015 already. “Mrs Cockers” Activities Officer Email: Mobile: 07841 617477


Soaring in Somerset - Return of the Flying Pigs

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Blasting the Bard

By Paul ‘Barney’ Evans junctions where a marshal was required. Our team had been depleted by Martin stepping down and Nige being on holiday on the date of the recce. A call for assistance went out and Ian Johnson and Andy Kendall (Snr) kindly offered to help out. Phil Blake, who was a Road Captain for Bridgwater, also joined our team but couldn’t make the recce. We had brilliant sunshine for the recce and had a great ride, stopping on occasions to discuss drop-offs and marshalling points.

The day before the rideout I rode the route again to make sure that there were no last minute problems such as roadworks, diversions, etc. However, instead of going to Aust Services, I started at the M48 juncAt last, I am no longer a virgin!! You always remember tion. Dave Vass came along to keep me company and your first time and look forward to it with a combination it wasn't until we stopped in Stratford and I received a of excitement and trepidation. Then it happens. You call from Ian Johnson, that we realised that the M48 relax and have a fantastic time and afterwards wonder Severn Bridge was closed westbound all weekend. A what you were so worried about. Yes, I had led my rapid decision was made to change the start point to first Chapter rideout and it was great. (well, what did Magor Services. Christof put a message on the webyou think I was talking about?!!) site and managed to get a message to Peter in AmeriSeptember 28th was ‘Blasting the Bard’ and everyone ca to get a MailChimp out. Thanks Peter! seemed to enjoy it as much as I did. Everything went Sunday morning arrived. The sun was shining and the well and I received lots of thanks and nice comments. forecast was good. However, for some reason, I did One of the new members commented on how smoothnot receive the MailChimp and so thought that it had ly everything went and asked how it was that the marnot gone out. I turned up at Magor expecting to see shals were always in the right place at the right time, only Christof, Alan, Ian and Phil and couldn't believe it the second man drops seemed to be so well posiwhen a total of thirty-three bikes turned up, including tioned and there were no mishaps? Bob & Diane Davies on their trike and a new member, This made me reflect on all the preparation that had Ann Egan, with a pink knitted tank cover and pink knitgone into making the day go so well.... ted flowers on her handlebars!! Tony Yendle had kindly agreed to go to Aust Services just in case people It all started some months ago when Chris Harding had not heard about the change, but only one person had invited me to create the Chapter rideout for Septurned up there. tember. The only direction I received was the destination and the rest was up to me. The first step was to Briefing done, we set off along the M48, exiting at create a rough route on Google maps. Once happy, I Chepstow where we picked up the original route tothen did the actual route using a programme called wards Monmouth. The Wye Valley is always beautiful Tyre. Using a large scale on the map, I examined eve- at this time of year and we branched off into the Forest ry inch of the route, marking waypoints and trying to of Dean. Travelling primarily through country lanes, we avoid awkward junctions, built up areas and main bypassed Coleford and Mitcheldene, finding some roads, whilst keeping the route interesting and original. tight hairpins on the way and then on to Ledbury. Alan and Ian were doing a fantastic job marking junctions Satisfied with the result, I then arranged to drive the and then getting to the next one before the main body route in my car with Christof. This allowed us to disarrived. Christof was Sweeping and Phil was bringing cuss every road and junction to make sure we were up the rear as Breakdown. By the time we got to the happy with it. I was really pleased that we only had to British Camp cafe we had covered over sixty miles make one small change to the route. I had managed and were ready for some coffee. to select a track with grass in the middle of it which came out at a blind right hand turn onto a main road. With the change of start point, there was some conNot a good idea! cern about whether the Sportsters had enough fuel to get to the petrol station in Stratford. I intended to stop The next thing was to recce the route with the other if I saw somewhere but hadn't seen anything. Talking Road Captains and Marshals. This was to agree the (Continued on page 10) nd 2 man drop points and identify any particular difficult

Page 10 to the Sportster riders at the British Camp, I was reassured that they were happy to carry on all the way to Stratford. After about thirty minutes we set off again through lanes and country roads and then a short bit of dual carriageway, before arriving at the petrol stop in Stratford where we found that about half the pumps were empty and out of action. They had been fine when we stopped there the day before! Filling up took a bit longer than planned but it was only a couple more miles through Stratford to the bike park near the river.

having a good time. Each time we stopped people were coming up to me and saying things like, ‘Great ride Barney’ and ‘How did you find those roads?’ and I was feeling really good.

We ended the ride at the Cross Hands, where over twenty bikes pulled in to say their good-byes (always a sign of a good ride). Everyone came over to say thanks and shake my hand. A couple of people even said it was the best rideout they had ever done!! We had been fortunate with the weather and I had managed to find a route with a bit of everything in it, good roads and good scenery. When Christof came over to The hour and a half in Stratford was enough to stretch me and said, "It wasn't a test, but you passed" I felt I our legs and get a bite to eat. I had to go to the fish had earned my spurs but couldn’t have done it without restaurant on the Waterside, it was called "Barnabys" the rest of the team, Christof, Alan, Ian and Phil. and Dave Vass bought me lunch (could the day get Thanks again guys. Also a special thanks to Dave any better?!!). By this time we had done the hardest Vass for keeping me going the day before and Tony part of the ride without mishaps or losing anyone and I Yendle who kindly went to Aust on the day to re-direct was starting to relax and look forward to the return leg. people. On the return journey, we headed due south and Finally, if anyone wants the Sat-Nav route of the Stratjoined the Fosse Way at Tredington. We picked up the ford ride, just drop an e-mail to pace and passed through Moreton-in-Marsh, and I'll happily send it on. the Wold and Bourton-on-the-Water and then took a wide birth around Cirencester to meander through the Barney lanes of the Cotswold Water Park where we had found a nice cafe for our last stop. It was obvious we were

Would You Believe it.... Flying Hogs

By Paul ‘Barney’ Evans

me I have to lose over two stone in weight before I can do it, you know they are off their rocker!! Well, this was basically the conversation that I had last March, when Stephanie was looking for ideas to raise money for Chepstow and Keynsham Mencap. The idea gained momentum and was put to the Committee. This resulted in an invitation going out to the Chapter for other people to martyr themselves for a good cause. Needless to say, we were not overwhelmed by the response. The invitation was then sent out to the Mencap people and we managed to get a further five willing volunteers, Ali Ward (GWC), Mikey & Vicki (from Keynsham Mencap) and Sharon & Emma (from Chepstow Mencap). To do the skydive, we each had to raise a minimum of £300 sponsorship to cover the cost of the jump and provide money for our elected charity. In addition, the maximum weight for the jump was fifteen stone....... I was seventeen stone, two pounds. Being a person who appreciates his food and beer, I am regularly on and off diets. This one was different When someone suggests stepping out of a perfectly though because I also embarked on a stringent exgood airplane at ten thousand feet, you have to start ercise programme which required me to get up at (Continued on page 11) questioning their sanity. When the person then tells Barney’s account of the charity skydive

Page 11 five o'clock each day to do the sit-ups, stretches and time on my cross trainer before I went to work. When I got home in the evening, it was another forty -five minutes in front of the TV..... not sat with a beer and crisps but jumping around to an exercise DVD!! This was five days a week. Things went well for the first month and I shed about a stone. In spite of being good and keeping up the exercises, I hit a plateau with my weight and very little was coming off. I then managed to pick up a bad chest infection and everything stopped for four weeks. (I've no idea where that came from as I hadn't had so much as a cold for ages!!). Needless to say, the date for the jump was looming and two weeks before, I still had about half a stone to lose. It was crash diet time! Very little food passed my lips but this had the effect of my body not receiving enough energy to exercise. I wasn't enjoying myself anymore!!

lose my glasses! Before I could do anything, the instructor tapped me on the shoulder to warn me he was about to pull the ripcord. Apparently we were travelling in excess of 120mph and went to zero in about two seconds. This resulted in a five G force being applied on the two straps around my legs and that hurt. It was a good job we were told in the briefing to dress in the middle!! Ten thousand feet is about two miles up. You drop the first mile in about thirty seconds after which you float down the second mile in about five minutes. After pulling the ripcord, we could speak to each other and the instructor asked me if I was ok? I commented upon the pain of the sudden deceleration and he said, "hang on" and started to loosen my straps. We were still a mile up!! "Noooo, don't do that" I responded!

I made one big mistake on the day. I didn't eat before the jump. To most people that may sound senThe day of the jump arrived. I had reached fifteen sible. The reason I hadn't eaten was because I had stone a couple of days before but I daren't let up for been dieting and when you start eating after a strict fear of putting it back on again. The weather was diet, the food normally goes straight through. good and off we went. It was great to see about a (Possibly more detail than you wanted!!). If I had dozen people from the Chapter turn up to watch. eaten that morning and then had a bad tummy when Unfortunately, things dragged out a bit as we had I was up in the plane, or even worse, when I was expected to jump around one o'clock but didn't get coming down, no one would have believed it was going until about 3.45pm. because of the diet!! Unfortunately, what I didn't realise was that when you do something like a skydive As it was a tandem jump, we didn't need lots of your body produces loads of adrenaline. One of the training. We had a half hour briefing and then split effects of the adrenaline is nausea!! Consequently, I into two groups because the plane was not large spent the next five minutes after the ripcord was enough to take us all together. My rainbow jump suit pulled, floating down whilst retching and trying really was a snug fit and we tightened our harnesses behard to keep in place the little contents that my fore being checked by our instructors. There were stomach contained. Each turn caused another wave no seats in the plane and we sat on the floor facing of nausea. As we neared the ground, I lifted up my backwards. I was to be the first of the tandem jumps legs as we had been instructed and we sat down on so sat by the door. The only thing was, they didn't landing. I didn't want to move and I stayed sat down shut it until we reached two thousand feet and I was for a few seconds before getting to my feet. Everylooking straight down!!.(Why was I doing this one else seemed fine and I put on a brave smile for again?) the cameras. We started to get really high and I asked how we Needless to say, it wasn't the thrilling experience I were doing? 5000 feet, only half way up!!. It looked was expecting but when I got home, I totted up the a long way down. When we neared 10,000 feet I amount I had raised. I had managed to get over had to sit on the instructor while he tightened the £1,000 of actual sponsorship. When you add the straps between us. The door was opened and the Gift Aid that Mencap will be able to claim and the red light came on. We shuffled towards the door and £500 "Pound for Pound" matching that my employer then the green light came on. The instructor sat in will give me, the total I raised comes to over £1,850 the doorway. Of course, if he is sat in the doorway, which I guess makes it all worthwhile. that means I am already out of the plane, dangling at 10,000 feet!! People keep asking me whether I would do it again... I'm not sure, but if I did then I’d definitely eat Off we went but instead of dropping gracefully into first!!! the skydive position, we tumbled. I was completely disoriented but we finally steadied and then I realBarney ised I was losing my goggles. If they went, I would

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Charity Update

By Stephanie Evans

Where has the money gone? I thought this month I would give you an overview of what we have achieved over the year for our charity.

 Keynsham Mencap Football team Football Strip

So here goes!

Things to join in with…

Total Funds raised this year is …


 Mini-bus hire  Sewing machines, Gardening tools/seeds & outdoor chairs

Keynsham Christmas Cards Available to purchase as per the MailChimp sent around recently. Order by phoning/emailing the

Raffles £1287.27 Hayfields Rally Raffle & Stalls £757.50 Recycling Printer cartridges Ongoing Recycling Stamps Ongoing Chepstow Charity Shop

office, sending a message on their Facebook page or sending a message via our website. Tel: 0117 986 5659 Web: Facebook: Keynsham Mencap Chepstow Christmas Party - 7th December Get those Santa costumes out of mothballs and I will see you there!!! Keynsham Christmas Party - 18th December Christmas disco at Fry Lodge at 7.30-10.30

Raised £525.80 Hoggin the Shop £246

Ride safe!

Parachute Jump

Many thanks

£2,397 (not including Mencap jumpers sponsorship which is approximately £800)


Bristol Bike Show £255 Patch Sewing £208 Miscellaneous £157 What have we got involved in?  Fashion Show  Qualification certificate presentation  Easter coffee morning  Hoggin the Shop

Charity Coordinator Email: Mobile: 07983 259752

Page 13

Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop Here we are, into the home-run, heading towards the end of 2014 and the onset of withdrawal symptoms, as riding becomes seriously curtailed by winter weather. According to headlines in “The Sun”, that caught my eye in the supermarket about a month ago, winter 2015 will be the coldest and longest on record. But then, I rate that paper for accuracy pretty much alongside the USA publication, “The National Enquirer” which, a few years ago, reported that a Model T Ford had been photographed, resting in a crater, on the dark side of the Moon!

The toys come from many donors, including from local Grand Junction Schools. The Chapter do all the toy pick-ups and, on the day, the toys are donated to the Salvation Army who distribute the toys to needy children.

What a great year we’ve had in the Chapter, with so much going on to appeal to everyone. The programme for 2015 is already looking great with Christof’s grand European tour, our “Hogs Go East – Remastered”, and of course not forgetting HITH 8 (a pity that the H.O.G® European Rally in Jerez/Cadiz clashes with ours), our 12th Birthday and Christmas parties, plus another Boys’ Own and LOH weekend, Any time you are visiting the USA and are not too for sure. Your Committee will all be working hard to distant from Colorado, do get in touch with Western make sure that we all have another great year. Slope (I have all the details) as they would love to This year we’ve had several meet-ups with our sis- meet up with you. If you’ve never been to Grand Junction, it is surrounded by magnificent scenery ter Chapter, Western Slope. In fact, we’ve got together every year, at some stage, since we twinned and in the summer it is hot and pretty cold in the winter! in 2011. This time of year, they are always busily preparing for their annual Christmas Toy Run. This Lastly, wearing my Treasurer’s hat, a few quick will be the 35th event – amazing! words about GWC money-matters: I am pleased to say that our financial position remains very healthy and, although members depart every year for a variety of reasons, we gain new enthusiastic ones in their place. It is also great to have been receiving plenty of membership renewal forms and payments from Cangen Cymraeg. It was obviously a worry, following the first year of Black Mountains Chapter, that there might be an adverse effect on Great Western’s membership. As no doubt you have appreciated, we have actually reduced our membership fees for 2015. This has been possible following our decision that it was really time to grab the nettle and switch over exclusively (Continued on page 14)

Page 14 to the full-colour e-mag edition of RoadHOG. Not only does this remove the work/stress involved in production and distribution of the printed copy, but releases money; hence our ability to review the membership fees.

weather of Arizona and California. Not riding this time, though, but doing an RKK, with a Ford Mustang! I expect we’ll be blogging again with pics and commentary on USA life

As I’ve mentioned often (but the message is still not entirely getting assimilated) most of the financial transactions that I carry out, are now done electronically. We are very happy to accept payments from you, the members, by BACS. However, if you forget to reference what the payment is for, or do so incorrectly (e.g. by leaving in a previous payment reference), or don’t e-mail to let me know that you’ve made a payment, it is a real pain!

Now a festive message from Duncan:

Well that’s pretty much all from me for another year, so all the very best from Yvonne and myself for Christmas and 2015 and we’ll see you at the Cross Hands for the January Club Night.

This year for me has been about the people: whether it's been chatting in the dealership, meeting at a rally or just a friendly wave when passing by, the season has been full of old and new faces enjoying motorcycling. Some of those key people are our Committee members who spend many hours, through the year, supporting the Chapter and making it into what it is today and it speaks volumes when they all want to return for another year. I'm sure you will all want to join me and say thank you for all their effort and support they have given Great Western. Cheers to Bazzer and the team.

Hi All - Well what a year, each December seems to come round faster and faster which says to me it must have been fun. For those of you that went on our coach trip to the NEC bike show, I hope all went well and an enjoyable day was had by all. I look forward to all the new bike orders flooding in!

On behalf of all the staff at Riders I would like to thank you for your custom this year and wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Safe Riding Soon after that, we’ll be taking off on an air milefuelled flight to Phoenix, for the sunshine and warm-

Peter and Duncan@riders

At a Glance - GWC Activities Calendar Contact Anita Cockwell if you have any other events you would like to see listed. Tel: 01761 471385 or mobile: 07841 617477 or e-mail: For further details on any event listed visit “What’s On” on the GWC website. Date



Committee Contacts Sponsoring Dealer Duncan White 0117 9588777 Director Barry Aggett 07907 351650


Asst Director/Treasurer Peter Roberts 07540 164157 Asst Director/ Head Road Captain Alan Stokes 07766 237242

January 13th

Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Ride Out

Big Al & team


Secretary Yvonne Roberts 01225 751017


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury

Webmaster Chris Harding 07801 562011


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Ride Out

Andy RKK & team



Ride Out

Greg Payne & team



Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed




GWC Birthday Party


Ride Out

Steph Pocock & team



Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Ride Out

Nige Garnett & team



Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Ride Out

Andy RKK &team






June 9th

Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Tony James

GWC ‘Hogs in the Hayfield’s Rally


Rally Ride Out

Big Al & team


27th-11th July


Christoff and Greg

GWC European Tour


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Ride Out

Greg Payne & team



Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Ride Out

Steph Pocock & team



Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed




Bristol Bike Show – date to be confirmed


Ride Out

Nige Garnett & team




Pete & Yvonne

‘Hogs Go East Re-mastered’ Tour


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Ride Out

Andy RKK & team



Activities Officer Anita Cockwell 01761 471385 Safety Officer Andy Kendall 07905 397474 Editor Mark Cockwell 07900 496711 Photographer/Historian Tony Yendle 07787 551612 Ladies of Harley Jane Scott 07894 086626 Charity Co-ordinator Stephanie Evans 07983 259752 Cangen Cymraeg Rep Greg Payne 07976 913004 Rally Co-ordinator Tony James 07940 895921

Road Captains Barry Aggett, Phil Blake, Mike Brake, Nigel Garnett, Paul Groom, Chris Harding, Ian Johnson, Andy Kendall, Andy (RKK) Kendall, Greg Payne, Dave Pocock, Steph Pocock, Dave Roberts, Mike Sage, Jane Scott, Stu Scott, Alan Stokes, Tony Yendle.

Road Marshals Steve Crook, Paul Evans, Gareth Jones, Neil Prescott, Dave Stockford, Keith Swarbrick.



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