Roadhog january 2014

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H.O.G.® Chapter 6655

CONTENTS Features 10 - Cape Town 12 - 2013 Xmas Party 15 - The Black Forest 18 - Tinsel in Tetbury 22 - Refresher Ride

Regulars 2 - Director’s Cut 3 - Secretary’s Update 6 - Cangen Cymraeg 6 - Between the Covers 7 - From the Front 8 - Cockers Bits 9 - Ladies of Harley 14 - Charity Update 20 - Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop 21 - HITH 7 23 - At a Glance

January 2014

Official Newsletter of the Great Western Chapter

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Director’s Cut

By Barry “Bazzzzer” Aggett

tailed presentation showing all of the great things we have achieved together over the past three Hi All, years and highlighted how every single service-user Happy New Year to all. I has benefitted from our generosity. A great relationhope you had a smashship and one we hope to carry over to Mencap in ing Christmas, and your 2014. stockings were full of all Congratulations to Andy RKK Kendall for picking up the things you put on the rideout challenge award. For some reason he your wish list. took great delight in knocking Mark Chinnick off his Unfortunately, it’s now perch; just friendly competition I’m sure! time to start your new fitness regime to lose the And it’s business as usual for the Committee as extra pounds (or kilograms for our younger readers) we’re all back at the helm to steer us through anoththat you have put on by stuffing your face to excess! er year. Well done guys and gals. I know we have a few “Bah Humbug” members that The evening concluded with the GWC ladies. in fine don’t believe in Father Christmas and I can only voice, singing “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”. hope, for their sake, that their Christmas spirit (not Well done ladies. in a bottle) has been rekindled after watching all of the festive films like “Elf”, “White Christmas” and Our 2014 activity planning is well under way, as “What a Wonderful Life”, etc. again, we try to strike a balance of UK, European, short and long excursions. Hopefully you’ll find The more observant members have probably nosomething to suit your pocket and work committiced my new picture and are saying “I didn’t realise ments. I’ll leave Cockers to go into all of the detail. Baz had a sister” ha, ha. Well actually that’s not true, it’s a little trick I learned from Dr Who, and For new members I hope your New Year’s resoluwhat better time to regenerate than after the AGM. tion was to get more involved in the Chapter as I’m Just imagine a second time around with the experi- sure the more you get involved the more rewarding ence of life! you’ll find it. Also, new members bring new ideas and we’re always on a mission to keep things fresh Perhaps some of the other Committee members and exciting. could include a “regenerated” photo in RoadHOG sometime during the year or maybe any member If anyone can spare a bit of time, please get inwith an interesting article? volved in our very own “Hogs In the Hayfields” rally preparation. Just contact Tony James for details, I know it’s the New Year and we need to be looking which reminds me, don’t forget to book your rally forward, but I must say it was great to hear the LOH tickets early and be in the free ticket monthly draw! trip to London was a huge success and we topped off the year with another fabulous Christmas Party Well, that’s about it for now. I look forward to anothat St Mary’s. er great year riding together, chewing the cud over a few beers sometime, somewhere and collecting th Our 10 Anniversary Year is now behind us and I more fantastic memories. hope you enjoyed the all-colour December edition of RoadHOG to keep as a memento. Even better, is For full details of all our events please visit the webChristof’s DVD which brings it all to life. So, if you site, which is being frequently updated as events fancy a copy to fully reflect on a memorable year, firm up and if you find anything missing please replease make your payment by the 15th January with mind us; we’re only human! profits going to Mencap. It’s a one-off order, not to be found in the January sales! Barry “Bazzzzer” Aggett At the business end, the AGM was held on the 10th December and we gave Martin Rich a good send off Director with a few embarrassing anecdotes from his Riders Email: career; thanks Duncan, that’s what friends are for! Home: 01291 620371 Also, Kathryn from the Orchard Trust, gave a deMobile: 07907 351650

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Secretary’s Update

A very Happy New Year for 2014 to you all! Looking back on December 2013, our ladies-only trip to London, the last of our 10th Anniversary events, proved to be every bit as great as we anticipated. Thank you to Jane for all the organising. I’m sure the ladies-only trip in 2014 will be even better! Our GWC Christmas party saw most people attempting to disguise who they were! The costumes were lovely and the company was also very good! No Turkey Baster Award this year, as it seems to have disappeared. Come on, someone own up to hanging onto it!

By Yvonne Roberts the Chapter. Bazzer responded by saying that it had been a brilliant experience for our Chapter and that it had set the benchmark for working with future charities.

Bazzer then began the A.G.M. by reviewing our 10th Anniversary Year, which had turned out to be fantastic. He attributed some of the success to the good weather, which had been a significant factor in making the Rhayader weekend so successful and memorable. A great number of our Chapter members had shown their support by turning up for each of our 10 events. Bazzer hoped that members would enjoy reading the full-colour edition of RoadHOG to commemorate our 10th Anniversary. He thanked the 10th Anniversary Planning Group, the Rally Planning Group, the Road Captains and Marshals for planning and leading the rideouts, Julie and Jeff for the Our 2013 AGM was held on December 10th at the Treasure Hunt, Sonja for sewing on patches to raise “Cross Hands”. We had an excellent attendance, money for charity, Riders for their support behind including some members from across the Bridge. the scenes and the Committee for steering GWC in We were treated to a preview of the DVD of our 10th the right direction. The new Committee Members for Anniversary Year, which Chris Harding has created. 2013, Greg Payne, Anita and Mark Cockwell, and Members can order copies of this memento from Stephanie Evans, had all done well in their first either Chris or Peter at a cost of £10, with all the year. Sadly, two of our Chapter members, Dave profits going to Mencap, our new charity. Ashbolt and Charlie Gray, passed away earlier in the year. Bazzer Aggett, our Director, started off the evening by making a presentation to Martin Rich, the Direc- Bazzer invited the Primary Officers to give their retor of Operations at Riders, who has left for pastures ports for 2013. new. Bazzer thanked Martin for all the support he Peter Roberts, one of our Assistant Directors and had given to our Chapter over the past 10 years, Treasurer, presented the audited Chapter finances including the parties, our rallies, donations for raffles for 2013. Copies of the balance sheet were provided and his regular attendance at our Committee meetfor members at the meeting. Expenditure was ings. Check out page 22 in the December edition of somewhat higher than normal because of our AnniRoadHOG for a piece written by Martin with an acversary Year activities. Despite this, the Chapter’s companying photo of the Bristol Blue Glass ship’s financial position remains robust and will enable us decanter, with which he was presented from the to carry out all our planned activities during 2014. Chapter. He was extremely pleased to accept it, but not before Bazzer had embarrassed him with some Al Stokes, our other Assistant Director and Head true/false questions, most of which he got right! Road Captain, presented his report on riding in 2013. Al commented that we had been very fortuKathryn and Gareth from the Orchard Trust gave a nate with the weather, which had enabled 22 short presentation of all the many ways in which the rideouts to be completed, with the loss of only 2 due Chapter had supported them over the last three to adverse weather conditions. The rideouts had years. In particular, Kathryn emphasised the differbeen well-supported, ranging between 10 - 50+ ence it had made to the lives of their service-users members attending. He thanked all of the 22 Road by having the opportunity of being included in our Captains and 6 Marshals for their time and commitevents, which they would not otherwise have experiment in planning and leading the rideouts at their enced. Kathryn listed our donations, which had touched the lives of all of the service-users and said (Continued on page 4) that it had been a privilege to work with everyone in

Page 4 own expense. He also thought that the Rhayader with 1,100. Of the people who visit our website, 30% weekend was fantastic and the company was great. are first timers. A total of 73,000 pages were viewed, with the most popular pages being Home, Looking ahead to 2014, he had already arranged to What’s On and the Gallery. link up with the Black Mountains Chapter for sharing the Welsh rideouts. He urged members to join in our Mark Cockwell, Editor, hoped that members had Chapter events in 2014. enjoyed the editions of RoadHOG in 2013. He was pleased to have received very positive feedback. He I presented the Secretary’s Report for 2013. The thanked those members who had sent him articles total membership for the year was 325. Although, for RoadHOG in 2013 and reminded people to keep for various reasons, 52 of our members from 2012 on sending them through 2014. He remarked that by did not re-join for 2013, we were pleased to welsleeping with the Activities Officer, he knew that come 76 enthusiastic new members. Our member2014 was going to be a good year! ship continues to be widespread, as far west as Boston MA, and east to Essex! Ironically, one of our Anita Cockwell, Activities Officer, thought that 2013 new members comes from Boston MA and now had been a fantastic year and she went through all th lives in the Bristol area. To commemorate our 10 the events that had taken place. She said that she Anniversary Year, those people who renewed their was proud to be associated with GWC and that it membership by February 1st were given a free Anni- was the members who had made 2013 such a sucversary pin and a t-shirt which was designed by two cessful year. Looking ahead to 2014, Anita remindof our members. This was just one of the proposals ed members who intend going to “Thunder in the put forward by the 10th Anniversary Planning Group Glens” rally, that bookings opened in January. when we first met in October 2011. During the many Stephanie Evans, Charity Co-ordinator, thanked meetings which followed, we came up with our 10 members for their generosity throughout 2013. She events. It is one thing to have the ideas, however, had been especially impressed with the amount the hardest part is putting them into practice! I which had been raised in the raffle at our rally. She thanked everyone who had been involved in taking thanked Sonja Beddow for the money she had dothe lead in planning our 10 events and for helping to nated from sewing on patches. She highlighted the make 2013 such a memorable year for our Chapter. difference all our donations had made to the lives of Bazzer invited the Secondary Officers to give a brief the service-users at the Orchard Trust, as well as review of 2013. the experiences we had given to them by involving them in our activities. She looked forward to 2014 Jane Scott, LOH Rep thanked everyone for their and supporting Mencap, our new charity. support. The highlights of the year for her had been the best ever performance by the Gurzels, the Rha- Bazzer announced that Andy Kendall, Safety Ofyader weekend, the Famous Five rideout, and the ficer, had given his apologies for not attending, due ladies-only weekend in London.. to work commitments. Bazzer reported that Andy wanted to thank members for their good riding skills Tony Yendle, our Historian and Photographer, drew they had demonstrated in 2013 and that he was members’ attention to the 2013 Year Book which thankful there had been no serious injuries this year. was being circulated at the meeting. He too thought that it had been a fantastic year for the Chapter. He Bazzer handed the Chapter over to Duncan White, thanked everyone for the planning and for coming our Dealer Principal. Duncan introduced himself, along to the events. saying that he had worked at Riders for 12 years, starting off as a technician. He thanked the CommitGreg Payne, Cangen Cymraeg Rep, thanked everytee who had put a lot of time and effort into steering one in Cangen Cymraeg for their support. He too the Chapter in 2013. He knew that he was taking thought that the Rhayader Riding weekend had over at a strong time for the Chapter and thanked been great, with good company and fabulous everyone for their support, before handing the weather. He also thanked everyone for supporting Chapter back to Bazzer. the rideouts. Bazzer accepted the Chapter, with great pleasure Chris Harding, Web Master, shared with us some as Director and announced that there were no statistics about our website for 2013. Our website changes in the current Committee Membership for gets on average1,400 visits per month with the high(Continued on page 5) est in June with 1,700 and the lowest in November

Page 5 2014. Bazzer also emphasised that the Chapter would not be affected by Martin leaving and handing over to Duncan. He looked forward to supporting Mencap, our new charity and sharing rideouts with the Black Mountains Chapter. His message to new members was “Please get involved”. That concluded the AGM. We continued with the usual Club night notices:

The next evening, Bazzer, Peter and I attended the Cangen Cymraeg Club night at St Mary’s as usual, where we gave a summary of the AGM. We also drew the “100 Club”. The lucky winners were: Neil Prescott who won first prize of £60 and Andy Kendall Snr who won second prize of £30. Andy exclaimed “Finally”! on hearing he had won! You have to be in it to win it, as they say! Al announced that the winner of the 2013 GWC Rideout Challenge was Andy Kendall, (RKK). Al presented Andy with an engraved tankard for himself and the Rideout Challenge Shield, which will be returned to the display cabinet in Riders.

Both meetings ended with members wishing one another a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Welcome to two new members: Juan Torralbo from Abergavenny and Carol Rosati from Somerset. I am available at Club nights and you can also contact me by phone on: 01225 751017 or by e-mail: P.S. For the latest information on our GWC Merchandise, please look at the Merchandise page on our Chapter website, where you will find the details of prices and how to order our range of t-shirts, sweatshirts, and fleeces, which all have our GWC logo embroidered on the front, as well as all of our patches and pins.

Yvonne I reminded members to renew their membership for 2014 by December 29th if they wanted to receive their January magazine and GWC emails. As a result of the raffles at our Christmas party, the Club nights and sales of items, we have raised a total of £381 for Mencap, our new charity. Members who attended our AGM at the Cross Hands were treated to a special rendition of “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” by the GWC ladies to end the evening!

Secretary Email: Home: 01225 751017

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Cangen Cymraeg

As you read this article, the excesses of Xmas and the New Year celebrations are a distant memory until you receive your credit card bill---oh well its only money— boo hoo.

By Greg Payne changes of the Committee so more preposterous epistles will be seen in 2014 from yours truly. The day after the AGM was the CG meeting at St Marys. Bazzer went through the AGM agenda and also mentioned forthcoming rallies and rideouts. As for myself, my Glide has been on the optimate for weeks. Myself and Andrea had a week’s holiday in Sharm el Sheikh where we purchased our fancy dress costumes. I hope to make the January rideout with the Black Mountains Chapter to West Wales.

Having started this article and having not the foggiest idea what to write about I became all reflective. I Well that’s about it folks see you soon on the road. am also listening to the latest Black Sabbath CD Greg and Ozzy is on top form, so I’m hoping for some inspiration. I digress because 2013 brings back Cangen Cymraeg Rep. memories that will stay with myself and Andrea for a long time. I will mention 3 because they were my highlights for different reasons. The first being the “Night Ride”, organised by Kendall and Yendle (those well known masochistic Road Captains). It may have been an age thing, but I found it pretty tough. I was cold and for the last 2 hours my eyes were closing pretty dangerously. I couldn’t wait for the end at Riders. Can’t see me doing that again. My next favourite recollection, and probably everyone else’s who attended, was the Rhayader Riding Weekend. Of course the weather made it, but we all had a laugh all through the weekend. The riding was also spectacular, showing off Gods Country in all its majestic glory to a bunch of leather-clad riders from across the water.

Between the Covers Hi all and welcome to the first RoadHOG of 2014. Firstly, I couldn't leave Bazzzer out on a limb; so, I’ve also included a photo of me from yester year. As you can see the years, beers and two marriages have taken their toll.

My last memory was of our holiday to the USA organised by Peter and Yvonne. What a trip, so many Well it was a fantastic 2013 and I suspect 2014 is varied sights culminating in the famous Sturgis Ralgoing to be a corker as well. ly. A truly remarkable holiday in fantastic company. So, what’s in this month’s edition? Given that I’ve Of course there are other great memories of 2013 not been left much space, delivery will be in the style but these are the stand out ones for me. of Christof Hard-Ass… Finishing the year’s events was our Xmas Party at AGM, awards, LOH choir, rideouts, activities, Xmas St Marys Golf Club, which I felt was a resounding party, charity, Cape Town Chapter, The Black Forsuccess as no person has given me any negative comments. I personally thought the food served was est, Pete & Duncan, refresher ride and Hogs in the Hayfields 7. far better than at any previous Xmas parties. Nearly all who attended were in fancy dress, following an historical theme. All-in-all an excellent night and thanks for all who attended.

Mark Editor

Email: Our AGM was held at the Cross Hands and was Mobile: 07900 496711 well attended (thanks to the 4 CG members who (Note: Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily attended). Loads of items discussed which can be the views of the Editor) read about in Yvonne’s AGM report. There being no

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From The Front

By Alan “Big Al” Stokes both sides of the River Severn. Hi All

Welcome to 2014 and here’s wishing you all a happy and prosperous New Year. Hopefully, Santa delivered all your goodies, and they are now fitted to the Harley. Personally, my trusty steed is just how I want it, so no new additions. With luck, you have been able to get out and about over the festive period. I am one of those who do ride all year round but, I have to say it is costing me a lot of man hours in cleaning as a result. Still, it’s a small price to pay for getting out in the fresh air. So what can we look forward to this year? As usual, the ride teams will be planning and putting on the monthly rides. I know the teams are currently pulling together the rides for their respective teams. Where possible, we will also look to incorporate an activity or event at some of the destinations. This is not always possible though. I have had a heads-up to some of the places and visits being considered and these will be good if it all comes together. More on that topic when things are firmed up.

This ride will be the first opportunity to join the Black Mountains Chapter on a scenic ride taking in countryside and coastline. So why not blow out those post festive cobwebs and get out on the Harley. Graham Roach will be leading this ride. The plan is to meet at the Swansea Dealership (front car park) for 10.00 a.m. Please ensure you have a full tank of fuel and be ready to depart at 10.30 a.m. On leaving, the ride will head westwards down the M4, exiting at St Clears. It’s then on, through Laugharne, and on to Saundersfoot harbour for lunch. Following lunch, the return trip will be heading back towards Swansea via Narberth, Carmarthen. There is a planned fuel stop at Kilgetty, on the return trip. The ride will finish with our goodbyes at the M4 Pont Abraham services. This is classed as a Level A ride of circa 94 miles. Sharp, Hard, Smurf & Barney “Hoggin Out at the Detroit Diner”

January 26th

This will be a winter ride led by Darren Sharp with a planned route suitable for the weather conditions on the day.

The plan is to meet for 10.30 a.m. at Michael Wood Services, M5 Northbound. Please be fuelled up and As previously mentioned, the Welsh rides will be run ready to depart at 11.00 a.m. in conjunction with the Black Mountains Chapter. The first of those rides is advertised below. More to The ride will head north in the direction of Worcester follow, as they are firmed up, so please keep an eye where there will be a lunch stop at the Americanstyle Detroit Diner. The return trip will head south, on the “What’s On” page on our website. finishing at Michael Wood Services, M5 SouthThe RC’s and RM’s will also be supporting the varibound. ous trips that are planned this year; all of which should help you, the member, have a positive expe- This ride is classed as Level A and is approximately 100 miles. rience whist away with us. Ride Hard, Ride Safe. For those of you who are new, or inexperienced, then come along and see what group riding is all Alan “Big Al” Stokes about. There is plenty of support and advice from my team, so do not be put off just because you have Assistant Director & Head Road Captain not done it before. That’s all for now. So on to the forthcoming rides.

For those last minute updates please call the “Hotline” on 08444 994508 and please keep a check on the website for changes.

Graham Roach & Team “Welcome to West Wales”

Please see below some guidance details of the rides:

January 12th

Level A - Short and easy below 100 miles round trip.

As discussed at the back-end of last year, we will be Level B - Fine for average riders but may be a bit longer. working together with the Black Mountains Chapter Level C - Can include some complex sections but mainly to maximise the riding opportunities available on a longer duration.

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Cockers Bits

Hi All. I hope that you all enjoyed a very Merry Christmas and had a rip roaring New Year! So, with celebrations over, let’s get cracking with 2014, as plans are already in place for group activities for this year. Arrangements on some are well under way with a few still needing the ‘details’ to come together but, hopefully, there will be something for everyone in this year’s calendar. So here’s just a brief overview of what you can expect this year, but watch out for subsequent MailChimps, keep an eye on the website and read your mag for more information.

By Anita Cockwell Chapter’s rally, so do show support by buying a ticket. If you can also help with other jobs, like setting up/ dismantling, then please let Tony James know. June 26th-29th – Peaks, Lakes and Dales As you have come to expect from Pete and Yvonne, their route will guide you through the most spectacular and beautiful scenery to be found in England. There has been a great response, with 45 members signing up for the trip by the end of November deadline. Registration for the tour has now closed. July 24th-27th – Fenlanders (East of England) Rally Tickets are £30, with booking forms available on the Fenlanders Chapter website If you intend joining the main group ride down, can you let me know once you have purchased your tickets.

August 21st-26th – Thunder in the Glens Rally Again, if you are interested in joining the official Chapter ride to the rally, which will necessitate an overnight April 4th-6th – Boys’ Only Weekend to Devon and stop (there and on the return journey), we need to Cornwall know numbers. However, what is more important is Following on from last year’s very successful weekend, that rally tickets went on sale on the 3rd January 2014, and therefore by popular demand, another Boys’ Only which means that on site accommodation may not now weekend has been arranged for this year. Peter has be available. However, there are plenty of other hotels the hotel arrangements for this weekend sown up but, and B&B’s in the surrounding area but don’t leave it if you missed the deadline for signing up, then don’t too late before you book if you want to avoid disapdismay; get in touch with him as soon as possible. You pointment. Please advise if you will be joining the offiwould be responsible for booking your own accommo- cial group ride to the rally, we then have an idea of the dation but, even if the hotels booked for the group are group size. Further details of route and overnight stays unable to fit you in, there will be plenty of others in etc. to follow. close proximity. We have other events and activities that are still in the May 14th-15th – St Tropez Rally planning stages. Below are a couple of these:Led by Greg Payne and Ian Johnson, a fantastic sceNight Ride – Tony Yendle taking the lead. Dates to nic ride down to take in the St Tropez Rally in Gribe confirmed. maud. Details of the route and suggested hotels to stay in can be found on the GWC website. If you have- LOH Weekend – We are looking for suggestions from n’t done so already, but want to ride down with the the LOH as to what events /activities ladies want to do, main group, can you please contact Greg or myself as following on from last year’s theatre/shopping trip in soon as you can? Please note that all on-site London. Any suggestions, please let Jane Scott know, Eurocamp accommodation has been allocated. bearing in mind it needs to be something that can accommodate a large number of ladies at a reasonath st th May 30 -1 June – Somme (100 Anniversary) ble cost. Led by Andy Kendall Snr. Places on this tour are limited, so will be allocated to those that have not done it before. 2014 is the 100th anniversary of the start of Cheers WWI, so a very poignant time to do this tour. The timing of the tour has been arranged to ensure that it “Cockers” doesn’t coincide with the main remembrance activities and therefore costs have not been inflated. Please Activities Officer contact Andy or myself to book a slot. Further details to Email: follow. Mobile: 07702 073361 June 20th -22nd – Hogs in the Hayfields 7 (GWC rally) How do we follow on from last years?? It will be a challenge, but one we are all up for! This is your

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Ladies of Harley

Hi Ladies A Happy New Year to you all. It’s a bit premature as I’m writing this article prior to any festive celebrations yet being held. I have yet to pack a weekend bag for yet another weekend away. This weekend, we’re going to Essex for a pre-Christmas meal with the Essex bunch. I can already feel a visit to Lakeside Harley on the cards (just to check what stock they have), it would be rude not to. Its then back to celebrate Christmas in the good old Forest of Dean. I hope you all enjoyed the December magazine? Thanks Sue for writing the LOH London article, it was great to read and the colour photos to back it up were brilliant. Of course, from the weekend away came our Christmas spirit for singing at the AGM. Thanks to all for going along with my mad idea. As you can see, we even had our photo taken.

By Jane Scott Ladies, 2014 is here and it’s a bit quiet at the moment. You know what it’s like after Christmas, not a lot to report on but we will have had our 1st Gurzels meeting and hopefully plans will be in motion for our rally. It’s not too late to express an interest for this event; its all good fun. So, if you have some dancing shoes and fancy a laugh come along. I did say I would advertise a date for a LOH ride. That still has to be confirmed, due to work commitments, but as soon as I have a date these details will be sent out - so Ladies watch this space. Well Ladies, last but not least, we need to be thinking about our 2014 Ladies only weekend. If you have any workable ideas then please let me know. That’s all for now. Take Care All. Jane x Ladies of Harley Email: Mobile: 07894 086626

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A Very Warm Welcome ...

By Duncan Fisken

by the Cape Town HOG Chapter Once again, circumstances found me overseas for the weekend and somewhere promising for a few miles on a rented Harley; this time in the beautiful surroundings of Cape Town. Before leaving the UK for Johannesburg, and full of anticipation, I booked a Road King for the Saturday and Sunday layover in Cape Town (it's so much cheaper to fly home on a Sunday than a Friday and Cape Town is a great place to spend the weekend). Following a week of work in Johannesburg, I headed for Cape Town on Friday evening, landing in strong winds and driving rain, with reports of snow on Table Mountain and other high lying areas. The outlook was not at all promising for any riding!

With Chapter Director Ian

phone and Joerg (who currently has 13, yes 13, BMW GS1200 bikes on rental to Charlie Boorman Saturday dawned reasonably clear but the clouds and his latest expedition in Southern Africa) assured soon gathered and it started to rain; hard! Not much me that there was no problem. He lived just around for it then but to take a rain check on the rental (pun the corner from his rental depot and was happy to intended!). With Table Mountain closed, thanks to come by and open the place up so I could collect rain and low cloud, I decided to find the local Harley the Road King. He also promised me that he would dealer in search of some souvenirs and the compamake arrangements for me to hand back the bike on ny of like-minded folks. Sporting my leather vest and Sunday, when they are also closed! GWC patch I was barely in the dealers for a few minutes when Louise approached me and wanted to I collected the bike later that afternoon and took it know where in the UK the Chapter was located. for a tour around Cape Town and up nearby Signal Hill with spectacular views over Table Bay toward Before long we were swapping stories and I exRobben Island, where Nelson Mandela was imprisplained my plans for the weekend. Louise assured oned for many years. The bike was a 2012 model, me the weather forecast for Sunday was sunny and with fairly low mileage and in very good condition. dry and invited me to join the weekly Cape Town Chapter ride out, with a planned route over the mountains to Simonstown and brunch. Louise introduced me to her husband, Hermien, and I learned they had a Fatboy but that it was currently off the road, due to a slight fender-bender with another bike; nothing serious, but it was taking longer to fix than planned, so they would be meeting the ride out at the destination, travelling by 'cage' i.e. four wheels. I met several other Chapter members during the course of the morning and they presented me with a Cape Town Chapter patch. Chris, the dealership's sales manager, told me to be there at 08:30 Sunday for a 09:00 start and he Parked Up On Signal Hill would introduce me to Ian, the Chapter Director. Sunday morning dawned grey and wet but I had Full of hope for Sunday I called Cape Bike Travel been assured that (a) the rain would pass and Diagain only to discover they close on Saturday after- rector Ian would lead the ride out in all but the very noon and all day Sunday.... hope dashed, or were (Continued on page 11) they? The shop phone diverted to the owner's cell

Page 11 worst weather. The owner of the dealership arrived to open up so we could all enjoy hot coffee and, following a briefing by Ian, we headed off shortly after 09:00.

L to R: David, Grant, Bernard, Hermien, Sheryl (kneeling), Louise, Chris (seated) & Ian We parked up at Dixie's and were soon enjoying mugs of tea and coffee before tucking into a full English......, or would that be a South African? 08:30 On A Wet Sunday The route took us out of Cape Town on the highway toward Cape Town Airport, round the notorious accident black spot of Hospital Bend (right by Groot Schuur Hospital of Christian Barnard and heart transplant fame) before diving off into the back roads. We wound our way steadily upward, round some tight hairpins and alongside steep drops before cresting the pass, dropping down to Fishhoek and Simonstown. The rain had long since cleared up and given way to clear skies and bright sunshine, with spectacular views of mountains and the ocean.

Sales Manager Chris offered to act as my guide back to Cape Town, riding an identical Road King. I was none too familiar with anything, other than the direct highway route back, and he promised an equally spectacular and circuitous scenic ride. I was not disappointed, with more hairpins, steep drops and impressive coast roads. I arrived back in Cape Town mid-afternoon having covered about 75 miles and enjoyed the company of a truly friendly bunch of folks; full marks to Cape Town H.O.G速 Chapter for making me feel so very welcome. I'll be back again soon folks!

GWC Chapter Xmas Party 2013 at St Marys, Pencoed

2013 Xmas Party

It was like a dream, glass in hand I was merrily chatting to Einstein, I drooled over the bejewelled dress and head-dress of Cleopatra, Nefertiti and Anne Boleyn. I was however a little in awe of Moses and Henry VIII but they were all in good spirits. Literally!! However this wasn’t a dream, it was the GWC Xmas party at St Marys! Our optional fancy dress theme this year was ‘historical figures’ and didn’t this get you guys thinking. Well done to everyone who went in fancy dress, but regardless, thanks go to all of you who joined us at St Marys for another great party.


I must mention the food which, although much better than last year’s offering, still didn’t quite hit the mark and was obviously pared down (no coffee for example!) to keep profits up. I was however pleased that the Xmas pudding actually contained some fruit and was edible, as Al Tinsley (Roadrunner) had already mentioned there would be repercussions had it not been. I’m

What wasn’t peaceful was the disco, which we had to share with another party. However, they hadn’t reckoned on us GWC ladies and I was very pleased to see quite a few men this year strutting their stuff on the dance floor. And what a biblical sight to see the dancers on the dance floor part as Moses walked on!

2013 Xmas Party

not sure if this was directed at the chef or the Xmas pudding?

We didn’t do a Secret Santa this year, but instead Steph (Anne Boleyn) Evans put on a great raffle with profits going to our new charity MENCAP. Well done on the selection of prizes Steph. These ranged from a ladies jacket from Riders, a large bottle of champagne, a gorgeous handmade wooden bowl (turned by our very own Bryan ‘Rattler’ Sheppard) and many other prizes. Here are a just a few of the photos to give you a flavour/reminder of the evening! Cheers Cockers


Page 14

Charity Update

By Stephanie Evans

I met with both branches we are supporting during December - Alison and Angie in Chepstow and Well I hope you all had a Helen, Lisa and Laura in Keynsham. lovely Christmas and a very Happy New Year to We had a good discussion about how we can work you all. together and the activities we can join in on such as a football and ‘botcha’ challenge; bowling; a sumWe said a fond farewell mer picnic; making donations to the charity shop in to Kathryn and Gareth Bulwark, Chepstow and of course their coming and the Orchard Trust at along in June, to join us at Hogs in the Hayfields. our AGM last month and the lovely Christmas card they presented to us from So look out for me issuing you with black bags and all their service users is on display in Riders – tags to make donations of all your unwanted stuff thanks Darren for accommodating it, as it was rather and asking you to join in on sponsored walks, paralarge! chute jumps and fun quizzes. If any of you have any suggestions for fundraising or would like to help me with any activities, do get in touch – you know how to find me, but if you don’t, my email is or call/text me on 07983 259752. Stephanie Charity Coordinator

Bazzer and I also received a very nice presentation of some wine and a thank you booklet, created by the service users – a lovely memento of our time together.

It’s just a short update this month as we are settling in with our new charity MENCAP, who will have joined us at our January club nights to tell us all a bit more about what they do and how we can help them going forward.

Page 15

European Tour Part 2: The Black Forest

By Neil Lewis

Continuing on from ‘Morzine Harley Days’ (November 2013 issue) ...

trying to keep up. Mind you, he had the advantage of local knowledge ........

Having reluctantly taken my leave of Samoëns, I took a different route back to the autoroute, following the D907 through Taninges and skirting the foot of the various mountain ranges to join the A40 west of Bonneville. It was a fantastically sunny day, cloudless blue skies and temperatures well into the 30⁰Cs, even early in the morning. Sadly, and all too soon, it was back on the motorway and some hard miles through Switzerland to pick up Deb at Basel (crossing the Rhine for the first time just before reaching the airport).

It’s difficult to describe the Black Forest to anyone who hasn’t been there. It’s pointless trying to refer to any woodlands in the UK – we just haven’t got anything similar over here. The nearest I can think of is to imagine covering the whole of the Welsh coalfields north of the M4, between Newport and Port Talbot and as far up as the Heads of the Valleys Road, or maybe the whole of the Brecon Beacons (but four times bigger) with a few hundred years’ worth of closely packed trees.

From there, it was a relatively easy hour, or so, into Germany and up the border to Ettenheim, one of the ‘gateways’ to the Black Forest. We were actually staying a few miles further on, in the village of Munchweier, with a friend of Deb’s whose family own a hotel specialising in motor-bike tours of the Black Forest. There are classic bikes in prominent places throughout the hotel, such as a 1952 BMW The forest itself covers just over 6000 km 2 and 1938 Miele, plus there is plenty of covered (compared to the 500-odd km2 of the Forest of Dean parking in a private yard behind the hotel . or New Forest) and is a mixture of open farmland and lots of very dense woodland, mainly spruce and fir but with beech and other older hardwoods still surviving in some parts.

Having parked up the Fat Bob in Mischa and Helmut’s own garage, we rounded off the day with a superb garlic steak and a couple of (very) large German beers sitting in the evening sun on the hotel terrace, watching the world go by. Next morning, we were treated to a personal guided tour, courtesy of our hosts. Helmut rides a 1200GS, but to be fair, throughout the day I was impressed by its handling. Some of the roads we went on would have embarrassed a Welsh farm track, but the Beemer sailed round every bend leaving me using parts of my tyres that had never touched tarmac before, just

There are plenty of hills, some high enough to support thriving ski resorts during the winter and, as you can imagine, the roads connecting all this can be steep, very twisty and occasionally lacking in ‘full surface texture’. As a result, riding in the Black Forest can be very demanding and is not for the fainthearted. There were very few times when I could (Continued on page 16)

Page 16 get away with anything less than 100% full-on concentration, and on more than one occasion I found myself offering a heartfelt ‘thank you’ to the biking gods for getting me out of another potentially tricky situation. Not the most relaxing of biking holidays then, but certainly exciting, immensely satisfying and well worth it for the views and the sense of achievement – I certainly felt I’d earned my beer at the end of each day!

Some of the views were pretty spectacular, not in the same breathtaking way as, say, the Canadian Rockies, but nonetheless hugely impressive for their sense of scale and natural beauty. Long vistas of rolling hills covered in dark green trees, or views down between gaps in the woodland to valley floors several hundred feet below you. There are several serious waterfalls, including Germany’s highest at Triberg, boasting a 163m vertical drop over seven distinct cascades – about a 1km walk from top to bottom.

Triberg also boasts a shop called the Haus der 1000 Uhren or House of 1000 Clocks – the name says it all.

There are fortified towers, several luxury hotels which would put the Celtic Manor to shame (I can personally recommend the kirschkuchen at the Hotel Die Halde at Schauinsland – it might look like Black Forest Gateau, but is a world of difference in taste and texture, all accompanied by superb views), and the crystal clear 1.3 km 2 Titisee (stop sniggering at the back – see means lake in German, and this one is supposed to have got its name from the Roman emperor Titus) fed by the nearby Feldberg glacier (1500m – highest mountain in the Black Forest) and absolutely freezing to swim in, even at the height of a summer like we just had. In between, lots of trees (obviously), roadside shrines to various saints, and a succession of tiny villages full of wooden ‘cuckoo-clock’ chalets and stunning (usually very large!) churches in a variety of bright colours completely alien to a lad brought up on the dour Methodist and Presbyterian chapels of the Welsh valleys. For those that need their shopping fix, the local capital is Freiburg, a city with roughly the same population as Swansea but a city centre on a par with (Continued on page 17)

Page 17 Cardiff, boasting a mixture of mediaeval Germanic architecture and chic, modern shops in that classy style they do so well on the continent and which we never seem to manage here. Freiburg boasts a hugely impressive cathedral, built from red sandstone, with numerous cobbled squares nearby, lined with restaurants and bars (and full of bicycles – Freiburg is a university town). There is even a square with two town halls (they built a new one then decided they liked the old one better, so decided to keep both). Many of the streets have an open paved water channel down the middle, called bächle – easy for the unwary to trip over or step into, even when sober! There is a coffee-house created in part of a centuries-old monastery, and a stream flowing through the old town with a stone crocodile rearing its head in the middle.

Freiburg is also the home of the newest United World College, sister to Atlantic College situated on the Welsh coast at St. Donat’s, between Barry and Porthcawl.

area – we barely scratched the surface and we were only touring the south-western quadrant (apart for the last day, when we headed diagonally NE from Munchweier to Freudenstadt, then on to Stuttgart). The Gasthof Rebstock is well worth staying at if you’re thinking of touring the area – a great welcome, extremely bike friendly and with fabulous food. There is a butcher’s shop built into the hotel, where they smoke their own Black Forest hams and make a wide variety of wurst sausages. Helmut and his brother, who run the hotel, are both bike fanatics; when they’re not able to accompany guests on the road, they have a selection of sat-nav routes which they will share with you and happily make recommendations as to places to visit or sights to see. I’ve suggested they might like to think about putting a piece together for HOG Magazine, especially if they’re prepared to negotiate a discount for Harley owners – possible option for a Chapter trip next summer?

Next stop – the Rhine and Mosel rivers. Neil Lewis

… look out for the final chapter in next month’s edition of RoadHOG.

Four days is nowhere near enough to explore this

Page 18

‘Tinsel in Tetbury’ Rideout Report Or the ‘Bah Humbug’ (The Alternative Christmas) Rideout

By Andy Kendall Snr.

Travelling to the meeting point at the ‘Compass’ PH at Tormarton the roads were dry, but the sky went from a light grey to a very menacing dark colour. Heading from Bristol along the A420, on reaching Tog Hill the clue was the dry roads turned wet and the light mizzle would soon change for the worse. The Compass was reached and surprise, surprise, a throng of hearty boys and girls were there waiting in the car park. 22 bikes and 26 members came out to brave the elements. Looking at Terry Rees’s bike one would have thought he had ridden across ploughed fields from his home in Wiltshire and the ride had not even started!! Many ignored the Bah Humbug theme and turned out in festive costumes and with their bikes decorated in tinsel and glittery ornaments. Santa hats were numerous as well as reindeer antlers. Steve Link

A week prior to the ride, the road team travelled out in the Andy Kendall crew bus to run the route for the Bah Humbug event. We toured through picturesque Cotswold villages to our final chosen destination at Tetbury. After miles of wet muddy roads, liberally coated in cow shit and road salt residue, for that added ‘skid pan’ effect, we arrived at the ‘Snooty Fox’ PH at Tetbury. I know that our winter rides are kept short due to weather conditions and lack of daylight but we completed the route in 30 minutes!!! A look at the crew bus, covered in a film of khaki sludge, also gave us the heads-up that we would have to change the route. I knew that many riders would receive bike cleaning items for Christmas but, with 10 days to go, the bikes would have probably sunk in a sea of corrosion if left. (Talking of Christmas presents, I took a peek in the attic a few days ago and I have got one of those Air Force Blower things for drying the bike. Downside to this is this model does not seem to have a suction option. Never mind the thought was there. Don’t tell Santa!!!). Getting back to the story…….

even sported a full Santa suit. Special mention to Mike Ludwell for airing his last year’s unwanted Christmas present a rather loud festive penguin jumper and topped off with a red tartan cap and ginger wig.

Also, a prankster got some members to form a queue beside Christof’s Road Glide, On the days preceding the ride the weather forecast and when asked why, was studied and, with the modern technology of the said prankster, checking the strip of seaweed hanging in the garden stated he was queuing and studying Bertie the Beetle in his matchbox, for an ice cream, hintSunday looked as though there would be a window ing at the colour of opportunity for a dry ride. scheme of the bike. Let’s go to Plan B. Keep to the main roads and let’s make the ride longer in duration. Well, not too long as the Snooty Fox opens for ale at midday.


(Continued on page 19)

Page 19 Well Christof, I would rise above it, and just ignore Mike Sage.

was consumed. One disappointment of the day was the advertised ‘door step’ bacon sandwich that Baz ordered. His face said it all. It reminded me of when After the ride briefing Barry Millet informed us of I was five and instead of having an Action Man for strong cross winds on the A420 which was to add to Christmas I got a jigsaw puzzle, admittedly though the ambiance of the ride. of Action Man. I felt for you Baz. The positive side, if Engines started and my road crew were sent out in you look at it this way, that sandwich was the size of front to cover the first few junctions. a doorstep,………… if you lived in Ethiopia!! But wait, what was that. A rogue rider or perhaps a budding road marshal sped off behind them. I rechecked that I still was wearing my orange tabard and checked the rest of the riders were lined up behind me with Tony, also still wearing his orange vest as my sweeper. Decisions, decisions, should I invoke the rule that if a rider passes the lead road captain they are deemed not to be on the ride??? Well I couldn’t do that to our Assistant Director, sorry Pete!

Another positive note, the rain had stopped so Mike Ludwell was able to walk around the town proudly displaying his jumper, cap and wig to the locals. The look on the faces of some of the residents alerted us to the fact that they do not get many ‘care in the community characters’ visiting the town. After an hour of convivial conversation and merriment we climbed onto the bikes again.

Lots of noise and head-turning from the locals, as we left the town, so it could return to its normal We set off on our very simple route (with light rain peaceful state. We headed south along the A433, a falling) down the A46, left onto the A420 and then quick wave to Charlie and Camilla, onto the A46 along the ‘wind tunnel’, through Marshfield and onto and onwards to a layby prior to the M4. Chippenham. Left turn and on the A350 to the Little Chef, one of our well known starting points, where As we looked at our bikes and the thought of the riders topped up with fuel and had time for a smoke. hours to be spent restoring them to their original finish we said our goodbyes. The bonus was the Big Al had obviously lashed out using his Christmas ride concluded at a reasonable time so I still had bonus and handed out the mince pies and chocoenough daylight left to wash the bike down. lates. Thanks Al. I would like to thank you all for turning up and makIt was then the heavy rain promised at 4pm hit us, ing a very wet dreary day a pleasant one with good probably brought forward by the vortex we went friends and good company. through on the A420. Before the mince pie became a mush in my hand, we then ventured off to Tetbury In concluding the Bah Humbug ride, in the immortal along the A429 through some nice little villages that words of Scrooge, (that I would like to say were editwere just visible, until we reached the A433 and ed from the original Christmas Carol), “What the f**k turned left to Tetbury. We arrived at Tetbury at was that all about!”. 12.30 and used a closed off road, (alright then a Andy Kendall Snr. pedestrian designated area), in the market square to park the bikes. Into the Snooty Fox for refreshLead Road Captain ments. Hot food, coffee and in some cases local ale

Page 20

Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop Happy New Year to all of you who have renewed your Chapter membership for 2014. I hope you had a great Christmas and New Year celebration and are now ready for all the exciting events lined up for the year. After our stupendous 10th Anniversary programme, which is quite a hard act to follow, we haven’t been sitting on our laurels. As you read this, is someone looking longingly at your copy of RoadHOG this Club Night, or saying that they haven’t received their electronic copy? If so, then most likely they have not got around to renewing their GWC membership and have failed to give or send their signed membership form to Yvonne. It’s funny how things repeat themselves, with the usual suspects every single year This month, I’m writing “Pump Stop” 5 days before Christmas and I’ve just glanced back at my efforts for the Jan 2012 issue of RoadHOG (looking for inspiration!). Talk about déjà vu - this very same day I was also outside covering the (clean) bikes in ACF50. This time, the Super Low sure needed some deep cleaning after the “Tinsel to Tetbury” ride at the weekend. The rideout was great fun, despite the miserable weather and the filthy roads, thanks most likely to farmers’ tractors dumping field mud and slurry onto the highway. In my January 2012 article, I also remarked that the weather had been unseasonally mild, which is pretty much the same this year. Let’s hope we just don’t get a big freeze like we had early 2013. Western Slope, our twin Chapter out in Colorado, has certainly experienced some dire weather for their 35th annual Christmas Toy Run. Yes, you can expect snow up in the Rockies in December, but not usually accompanied by ice all over the roads and the temperature dipping down to nearly -10ºC. Rather than the usual hundreds of riders from all around, they had somewhere around 50 hardy souls on bikes (plus 115 cars!). Anyway, very good on them for getting out there for the Salvation Army toy collection. That’s about it from me, this month, so over to my coconspirator, Duncan:

Happy New Year to everyone. I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas and New Year celebrations. For those of us that are still riding at this time of year, Mother Nature can present all sorts of challenges, ranging from strong winds and colder temperatures, to darker days and heavy rain. So, ‘how do we make the riding we are doing a bit warmer, dryer and safer?’, I hear you say. BEAT THE WIND There are a few items that will protect you from the wind. The Harley-Davidson bat wing wind- splitter windshields, in large or medium, are designed to deflect not only wind but also the rain away from the rider and pillion. Full coverage soft lowers, which attach to your engine guards, are designed to protect your legs and boots, as well as minimizing cold updrafts. They also have reflective piping for added visibility and are easily removed according to weather conditions. Fork mount wind deflectors are also available to extend windshield coverage, giving you superior protection in any weather. FIGHT THE CHILL Harley-Davidson heated grips are available to keep hands warm. They are thermostatically controlled, to allow you to regulate the heat according to the weather. There are Sun Ray heated seats and back rest pads with separate high low switching for extra rider pillion comfort. MAINTAIN VISIBILTY There are a variety of LED lamps available from back tail lights to Daymaker reflector headlamps. They are all designed to run brighter and to outshine traditional incandescent lamps. Harley-Davidson clothing uses 3M Scotchlite reflective material, providing you with enhanced rider visibility, thus making you more visible in low light or under night-time conditions, when illuminated by a light source, such as headlights. These are just a few things that will help to make winter riding safer and warmer for us all. Safe riding

Peter and Duncan@riders

Page 21

Hogs in the Hayfields 7 20th to 22nd June 2014 Tickets on sale now

All enquiries and for ticket sales to:-

Here we go again – after 6 fantastic previous rallies, Tony James (Rally Co-ordinator) it`s back to the great location of Cleve RFC ("The 51 Siston Common, Warmley, Bristol. BS15 4PA Hayfields") for "Hogs in the Hayfields 7”. Email: Over the weekend you can expect some great Tel: 07940 895921 entertainment. Facilities at the rally include a spacious camping area, the ability to park your bike securely right next to your tent. Car parking is also available, if you do need to bring an accompanying vehicle. As usual, all bikes/registrants will be tagged on arrival and checked when leaving/reentering The Hayfields. If camping really is not your scene, there is a selection of Hotels and B&Bs in close proximity to the rally site, with a shuttle bus running return trips to the Premier Inn. As in previous years, you can expect a very warm welcome from members of the Great Western Chapter, who will be serving free tea/coffee and homemade cakes in the hospitality tent. Here you will also be able to pick up your Rally Packs. We are also running the ticket draw again where, each month, one lucky member will get the price of their ticket refunded. The first draw will be in February, drawing one ticket from the previous month sales, and so on until May. Once again, we have pegged the price for a full rally ticket at £25.00 and £18.00 for Saturday only. Both ticket prices include rally patch, pin and goodie bag. More information and rally registration forms will be available to download from our website in due course.

P.S. We are looking to set up a rally committee to help and plan the rally. There will be meeting at Riders (Bristol) on 11th January 2014 at around 1:30pm. Please feel free to join us.

Page 22

Refresher Ride 12th October 2013 Having just recently joined the Chapter, David (hubby) and I thought it a good idea to go along to the Refresher Ride being offered by some of the more experienced riders. We duly turned up on Saturday afternoon and met with Nige “The Wideboy”, Chris, Barney and Andy. Nige and Chris went through the general safety of riding in groups and that, as a rider, it is your responsibility to look after yourself as a priority and then ride in the group as a secondary. OK got that. We then got onto second man drop. I have to admit I was a little apprehensive. Having ridden with a load of Harley riders, about 20 years ago, all I remember is just trying to keep up with a whole load of young, fit, mental 20 year old boys (men?) blatting it out to the nearest party or Bull Dog Bash!

By Charlie Stockford kept us all safe and sound. As there were so few of us the Second Man drop came around quite often for each of us and, after about 10 of them, I think I got it! We had a lovely ride down the motorway to Pill and then through the lanes up and around Brockley Combe and finally around back to Riders. I have to say as a first rideout it was a great experience. I think it’s probably something every Chapter member should do, even just once, so that everybody understands how it should work and what the etiquette is. A huge thanks to Chris, Nige, Barney and Andy for giving up their Saturday afternoon – we both thoroughly enjoyed it and are looking forward to many more rideouts with the Chapter.

Chris and Nige were great at explaining the principle and how, once you get the hang of it and the etiquette involved, it runs very smoothly. My apprehension about having to stop on dodgy corners and cambered roads were all allayed and Chris explained that really it was very simple! Yeah, really thought I. Then to the practical part! Chris as Road Captain gave us a brief of where the rideout would go and we duly set off. Andy did a fab job as Marshall and

For Sale - Brand New Unopened Harley Parts  Chrome Bar & Shield gear shifter bar (p/n: 33762-09) Fits ‘96-later Softail and Touring models. £90  Fairing Lower Magnetic Doors (p/n: 57100198) Fits ‘83-13 Electra Glide models. £35  Fairing Lower Box Liners (p/n: 58714-06) Fits vented fairing lowers prior to ‘14. £20  Chrome Indicator Bezel (p/n: 74562-98) Fits ‘96-13 Electra and Street Glides. £10  Chrome Speaker Trim, Front (p/n: 74604-99) Fits ‘96-13 Electra and Street Glides. £20  Chrome Speaker Trim, Rear (p/n: 74584-99) Fits ‘98-13 Electra Glides. £20  Headlight Extension Ring (p/n: 69627-99) Fits most ‘83-13 Touring models. £25  Bar & Shield Windshield Trim (p/n: 59133-99) Fits ‘96-13 Electra and Street Glides. £55  Chrome Saddlebag Mounting Brackets (p/n: 90200666) Fits ‘09-13 Touring models except FLHX, FLHXSE. £45 Contact Mark on tel: 07900 496711 or email:

At a Glance - GWC Activities Calendar Contact Anita Cockwell if you have any other events you would like to see listed. Tel: 01761 471385 or mobile: 07702 073361 or e-mail: For further details on any event listed visit “What’s On” on the GWC website. Date



Sponsoring Dealer Duncan White 0117 9588777 Director Barry Aggett 07907 351650


Asst Director/Treasurer Peter Roberts 07540 164157 Asst Director/ Head Road Captain Alan Stokes 07766 237242

January 8th

Committee Contacts

Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Ride Out

Graham Roach & BM Team

“Welcome to West Wales”


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley


Ride Out

Sharp, Hard, Smurf & Barney

"Hoggin Out at the Detroit Diner"


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley

Editor Mark Cockwell 07900 496711


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

Photographer/Historian Tony Yendle 07787 551612


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley



April 4th – 6th


Pete and Baz

Boys Only Weekend, Devon/ Cornwall


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley

4th – 15th


Greg Payne

St Tropez Rally


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley

30th – 1st


Andy Kendall

Somme Tour


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

20th – 22nd


Tony James

GWC ‘Hogs in the Hayfields’ Rally


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley

26th – 29th


Pete & Yvonne

Peaks, Lakes and DalesTour


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley

24th – 27th



Fenlanders Rally (East of England)




Secretary Yvonne Roberts 01225 751017 Webmaster Chris Harding 07801 562011 Activities Officer Anita Cockwell 01761 471385 Safety Officer Andy Kendall 07905 397474

Ladies of Harley Jane Scott 07894 086626 Charity Co-ordinator Stephanie Evans 07983 259752 Cangen Cymraeg Rep Greg Payne 07976 913004 Rally Co-ordinator Tony James 07940 895921

Road Captains Barry Aggett, Mike Brake, Nigel Garnett, Simon Griffiths, Paul Groom, Chris Harding, Martin James, Ian Johnson, Andy Kendall, Andy Kendall, (RKK), Ian Mead, Greg Payne, Dave Pocock, Stephanie Pocock, Dave Roberts, Mike Sage, Darren Sharp, Jane & Stuart Scott, Alan Stokes, Tony Yendle.

Road Marshals Tony Cole, Steve Crook, Neil Lewis, Steve Link, Neil Prescott, Bryn Wiltshire.

All details on GWC web site

August 12th

Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

21st – 26th


Christof and Baz

Thunder in the Glens Rally


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley

RoadHOG is printed by the Woodside Press

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