Roadhog march 2014

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H.O.G.® Chapter 6655

CONTENTS Features 13 - Hoggin the Floods

Regulars 2 - Director’s Cut 3 - Secretary’s Update 5 - Between the Covers 5 - Committee Round-up 6 - From the Front 7 - Cangen Cymraeg 8 - Ladies of Harley 10 - Cockers Bits 11 - Photos, Photos, ... 15 - Safety Officer 17 - Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop 19 - Making Payments 20 - Charity Update 21 - Mencap 23 - At a Glance

March 2014

Official Newsletter of the Great Western Chapter

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Director’s Cut

By Barry “Bazzzzer” Aggett Hi All, I hope by the time you read this the sun is shining, the moss in your lawn has turned brown and your garden is in full bloom, or is it just me trying to be optimistic?

I took a look in my garage the other day and I have to say the Fatboy is looking rather sad and lonely with it’s coating of ACF 50 making it look drab, made worse by a layer of grime making it look unwanted. Not to mention the umbilical cord (Optimate lead) keeping it in a state of hibernation. With the weather we’ve been having I was thinking of trading it in for a speedboat or perhaps a canal barge at my age! Obviously, the above is said with tongue in cheek because I’m aware the rain has been a very serious business for many people, not forgetting at least one of our members who has had to move out of his house, which makes it feel a lot closer to home than just seeing it on the news. Whilst on this subject, I have been contacted by Moggy, the Director of Bridgwater Chapter, who herself has been approached about taking part in a Somerset Levels support day on Easter Saturday. At the moment we are waiting for the details to firm up, so watch this space.

laugh at? Let’s just say I was forced into it at Rhayader last year for the wheel barrow race around the pubs. Our February meeting nights gave you a chance to listen to some new voices to those of your Committee. At the Cross Hands Hotel we had Paul Lusty from WMB (We Move Bikes) who explained the tours they operate and their service to transport bikes to or from designated H-D rallies. If you have any questions on this please ring Paul on 0845 8944 222 or email At St Mary’s, Sue, Angie and Alison from the Chepstow Branch of Mencap gave a detailed presentation to explain the history of Mencap in the Chepstow area and the current activities they put on for the service users. I’m sure Stephanie will be going into a lot more detail on how we can lend our support in the coming months. The end of March sees the start of the 2014 Chapter Mileage challenge, so if you want to put a bit of pressure on RKK and Chinney, you need to get yourself along to our dealership, get your bike registered and give me your form. Note, you can download a form from the H.O.G.® Gallery website “chapter challenge” page, for UK and Ireland. Why not boost your miles by attending one of the following Parade of Flag events and pick up a ribbon to hang in Riders. If you’re interested please let me know.

 Eurofestival, St Tropez 8/11th May  Ireland Bikefest, 30th May / 2nd June The first quarter of this year has been rather quiet ® apart from the monthly rideouts, so I’m eager for the  European H.O.G. Rally Croatia, 12/15th June ® first trip which just so happens to be the Boys Only  Benelux H.O.G. Rally, 6/9th June  European Bike Week, Faaker See 2/7th September to Devon. Just to be clear, before I dig a hole for myself, I’m eager to get back on the bike and enjoy  Thunder in the Glens, 22/25th August doing childish things that only blokes laugh at, so it’s For full details of all our events please visit the webgot nothing to do with me escaping for a weekend; site, as this is being frequently updated as events well that’s my story! firm up and if you find anything missing please reSoon after that it will be the blazing hot sun of St mind us, we’re only human! Tropez. Oh for the feeling of sun on my back and an P.S. The winner of the draw for the January free ice cold beverage down the hatch. I’m a man of simraffle ticket was Andy Jeary. ple pleasures. Then it’s the home rally season, taking us to some of the usual destinations, but also Barry “Bazzzzer” Aggett new for this year, there are GWC-organised trips to Director Fenlanders and TITG, so feel free to join us on any Email: of these and get into the party spirit. Home: 01291 620371 I thought it was time to change the photo again, and Mobile: 07907 351650 if you can’t laugh at yourself then who can you

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Secretary’s Update What a shock to arrive at Paddington Station, after flying 6,000 miles, to find the information boards displaying ‘cancelled’, when referring to the number of First Great Western trains not running! We did manage to squeeze on one of the few trains which were heading west! Since our return from sunny California, we too have been able to experience the severe weather, but we are extremely thankful that we live on high ground!

By Yvonne Roberts card! We introduced Dale to Dave “Big Boy” Rogers, whose home town is Boston, MA. Dale was next spotted in Riders on Saturday morning, having the British biker breakfast, which he had been looking forward to! A warm welcome to two new members: Paul Withenshaw from Thornbury and Andrew Wilkie from Llantwit Major.

Although our holiday in California is now sadly a fond memory, in my role as ‘Trip Advisor’, I want to share with you the highlights of our great 4 day riding trip from San Diego to Monterey. It is very diffiIt was straight back into GWC-related business: colcult to avoid the freeways near the Californian lecting the magazines on Monday, Club night at the coast, especially around LA, but we set out with the Cross Hands on Tuesday, braving the strong gustintention of avoiding them wherever possible. The ing wind and rain to get to the Cangen meeting on quickest way of heading north out of San Diego is Wednesday, posting the remaining magazines on on I-5, which superseded Hwy 101, but we left it to Friday and attending a GWC Committee meeting on join the original Hwy 101, (now S21), at Torrey Saturday. It was good meeting up with so many of Pines, just north of San Diego. US-101 is the longyou as a result! est highway in California, running 1,550 miles from the Mexican border, through Oregon and Washington State, and was constructed in 1926. It is possible to keep close to the coast all the way to Monterey, although there are sections when it is easier to join I-5. The road goes through many small coastal towns: Carlsbad, Oceanside, Cardiff-by-the-Sea, and San Clemente before reaching Dana Point. It is well-worth stopping here as the harbour and marina are spectacular. It is named after Richard Henry Dana Jr, who came from a well-to-do family back east and opted to enlist as a merchant seaman aboard the “Pilgrim”, instead of going on the Grand Everyone was especially pleased to welcome Dale Tour of Europe. His experiences led him to write Jenkins back to our Club night at the Cross Hands, “Two Years before the Mast” in 1840. Pacific Hwy 1 starts properly here, and can be followed north as who had flown in from Boston Massachussetts. Bazzer commented that it was a long way to come, far as Leggett, 207 miles north of San Francisco, where it joins Hwy 101. PCH 1 has been designated as he presented Dale with his 2014 membership an ‘All American Road’. After Newport Beach, Huntington Beach and Long Beach, the road goes through LA. It is possible to follow it through to Santa Monica with its famous pier and certainly easier when there is just the one bike, with the numerous traffic lights to get through! North of LA the road hugs the coast through Malibu, with millionaire homes on one side and high cliffs on the other. As it was already 4pm as we reached Ventura, with 70 miles still to ride to our bed for the night, we headed for I-101 and blasted up to Santa Barbara, where (Continued on page 4)

Page 4 we turned onto CA-154 which twists its way up into the mountains. Peter got us safely to our destination, the Danish township of Solvang in the dark, a distance of 272 miles! After a nice meal and a drink or two in the local brew pub, we looked forward to the next day’s ride. We headed across country on the deserted CA-135, through fields of vegetables, passing Morro Bay with its prominent landmark of El Morro, a 576 foot high rock out in the bay. After stopping for both food and fuel, we looked forward to our ride on Big Sur. It didn’t disappoint! The sun shone and the sky was clear blue as we took photos of the views from Ragged Point.

More spectacular views opened up at every bend and we stopped at the vista points for yet more great views, including Bixby Bridge. This 90 mile section of PCH 1 was built by prisoners from San Quentin and opened in 1937. It is prone to landslides and erosion, and can be closed for lengthy periods. It has been designated a ‘National Scenic Byway’ for obvious reasons. Before we knew it, we had reached Point Lobos and were riding into Monterey and our hotel. It was already dark by the time we were heading out to find somewhere to eat, so we were more than happy to settle for a brew pub for a long drink and fish and chips! We have visited Monterey several times and it is a spectacular location with sea otters in the bay.

1823, to replace the original bells from the early 1900s. Their purpose is to mark this historic route. El Camino Real started as a mule track back in the 18th century, to link the 21 missions, the presidios, (forts) and pueblos, (civilian towns) and was revived in the 20th century when the roads were paved for the first cars which then brought the tourists.

We returned over the mountains on CA-154 to see the drop-offs in daylight and spent that night in Santa Barbara, watching the sunset and the dolphins from the end of Sterns Wharf, before heading back to San Diego the next day on I-101 and I-5, (970 miles in total). If anyone would like more information on riding tours of the USA, for all points west of Denver, just contact me. All you need to do is choose a route, buy a plane ticket, hire a Harley and GO! I am available at Club nights and you can also contact me by phone on: 01225 751017 or by e-mail:

P.S. For the latest information on our GWC MerThe next day we paid a visit to the Salina H-D Deal- chandise, please look at the Merchandise page on ership and opted to travel back through the Salinas our Chapter website, where you will find the details of prices and how to order. Valley, along I-101, which was surprisingly quiet. Travellers along this route will notice metal bells P.P.S. Best wishes to Bob Smith after his very hanging from the end of curved posts, at regular recent hip replacement operation. intervals along the roadside, with a sign “El Camino Real”. In 2005 some 555 of these bells were placed Ride safe and enjoy, along the 600 mile route from the first mission of Yvonne San Diego de Alcala established in 1769, to the 21st mission of San Francisco Solano, established in Secretary

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Between the Covers Hi All and welcome to the March edition of the RoadHOG magazine.

article so that you’ll know it has been received.  I’ll contact you should there be any issues, such as length of article, suggestion to include photos, or if publishing restrictions mean your article can’t be fitted it to the next issue.  Only GWC members and Riders of Bristol can submit contributions.

Another month of winter is behind us and, hopefully, better weather is on the horizon. Before you know it we’ll be into the rally season and the opportunity for you budding journalists amongst us to start knocking out articles for your very own RoadHOG magazine.

A full description of these guidelines, an article templates plus information on ideas for articles can be found on my webpage RoadHOG Mag on the GWC website.

If you are considering putting pen to paper, or more accurately finger to keyboard, and have not submitted anything before then here are some guidelines:

Oh, and don’t forget the photos.

 Articles must reach me on, or before, the 20th of the month for inclusion in the next edition.

On a personal note I find its easier to produce an article if you’ve decided to write one for an event beforehand.

Mark Editor

 Articles should be submitted as 2-column, Word documents in 10 point Arial font. I can provide a blank document conforming to this format or a copy can be downloaded from the GWC website.

Email: Mobile: 07900 496711

 Photos can be submitted either embedded in your article or as separate JPG/JPEG/PNG files.

(Note: Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily the views of the Editor)

 I’ll send an acknowledgement of receipt of your

Secretary’s Round-up of February’s Committee Meeting Duncan outlined his plans for an open evening at Riders on March 20th and an open weekend on March 22nd and 23rd to launch the new 2014 models. Big Al offered the help of GWC to assist in the demo rides. We also agreed to hold a ‘Welcome to New and Prospective Members’ event that weekend. Bazzer gave us feedback from his Directors’ meeting in January. We confirmed the arrangements for our 11th Birthday Party which is being held at Riders on March 7th. We agreed with Peter’s proposal for a new procedure for collecting payments from members. These are published in this month’s edition of RoadHOG. Anita gave an update on the events for 2014. We agreed with the proposal for an LOH weekend

in November, which was put forward by Jane and asked her to start planning. Stephanie gave us an update on her proposals for working with Mencap in 2014, which will be discussed further at our next Committee meeting. We also agreed to Chris’s proposal for organising a refresher course on group riding skills on April 12th. The date of our next GWC Committee meeting was set for March 15th at 10.30am at Riders. There will also be a Rally meeting on that date. A full copy of the Minutes is available on request to me, Yvonne Roberts. Yvonne Secretary

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From The Front

By Alan “Big Al” Stokes Hi All,

The return trip is planned to be via the Weston-SuperMare area and on into the South side of Bristol via the Welcome to my monthly harbour side. The ride will finish back at McDonalds. ramblings. As is normal for Here you can sit and have a cuppa coffee whilst saying this time of year it’s pretty your goodbyes. damn quiet on the riding front. This ride is classed as a Level A ride of approximately 80/90 miles. That said, there is one change to inform you of, Sunday 14th April – Graham Roach & BMC Team although this will not diAt the time of going to press, the detail of this rideout rectly affect any of you as route is still being finalised by the Black Mountains members. Andy “RKK” Chapter. Please review the website as details will be Kendall has taken over as Team Leader for his Ride posted as soon as they become available. Team. I would like to thank Stu Scott, the previous incumbent, for the time and work he has put in. Stu will Sunday 27th April 2014 – Andy “RKK” Kendall & still be part of the team, so no change there. Team The only other thing of any real note that happened last “Pressing on to Cider Country” month was the Classic Bike Show held at Shepton Mallet or, as the locals call it, “Shit and Smell it”. Anyway I never went personally but I am reliably informed by Mike and Caroline Filder it had the usual collection of goodies, including a picture print of yours truly. Now there is a story. Some years ago when I was a mere lad of 50 (no laughing) my better half commissioned a local Bristol artist to paint a picture of me and my Harley. The hand painted results hang very proudly in our lounge and what a superb job it is. Craig Warwick is his name and his website is well worth a browse if you fancy seeing your pride and joy captured for posterity. He has done many pieces of work for the Formula 1 teams over the years, so I guess that says something about the standard of his work. Anyway it appears Craig was advertising his work and my mug shot was duly spotted. I wonder if there are royalties on offer? Well, that’s my lot, so that just leaves me to cover what forthcoming rides we have to look forward to. Sunday 23rd March 2014 – Big Al & Team “Bikefest to Burnham”

The plan is to meet at Severn View (Aust) Services M48/J1 for 10.00 a.m. Please be fuelled up and ready to leave at 10.30 a.m. Please join us for what promises to be a great opportunity to combine a fantastic ride with a visit to the Weston’s Cider Press for lunch. The plan is for a 2 hour stop to allow those that wish to take the Cider Press tour, time to do so. If this is not for you, then you can kick back, have lunch and relax. The choice is yours. The outbound route will head over the Old Severn Bridge and head for the A48 St Briavels, Coleford, Mitchell Dean and then onto the A40 to Ross on Wye, picking up the A449 to Much Marcle and stopping at Weston’s Cider. Following lunch the return trip will head for Ledbury and the A438 towards Hereford. We will then take some scenic back roads and pick up the A40 through Monmouth. From here the ride will run parallel with the Wye Valley to Chepstow. The ride will finish back at Severn View Services. This ride is classed as a Level A ride of approximately 80 miles.

The plan is to meet at McDonalds, Brislington for 10.00 a.m. Please be fuelled up and ready to leave at 10.30 a.m.

Until the next time, have fun and ride hard.

The ride to Burnham will be led by Tony Yendle, so why not get the Harley out and come and join us. Our planned ride will leave Bristol taking a cross country route heading out towards Chew Valley and on into the hills of Somerset. Weather permitting, the ride will take in some lesser known roads and we will eventually end up on the sea front at Burnham. Lunch will be taken here and there are a number of options available. It will also be a chance to take in some fresh air and blow out those cobwebs. The view from the seafront is often confused with looking across the French Rivera, one not to be missed.

Assistant Director & Head Road Captain

Alan “Big Al” Stokes

For those last minute updates please call the “Hotline” on 08444 994508 and please keep a check on the website for changes. Please see below some guidance details of the rides: Level A - Short and easy below 100 miles round trip. Level B - Fine for average riders but may be a bit longer. Level C - Can include some complex sections but mainly a longer duration.

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Cangen Cymraeg

Bonjour Mes Amis, comment allez vous, ca va? Sorry, trying out my schoolboy French in preparation for St Tropez in May. I can’t wait for frogs legs and chicken gizzards (yum yum). I digress and, keeping to the Cangen Cymraeg line, for which it is my profoundest pleasure to be informative to my discerning readers. Kicking off with our meeting at St Marys, not a bad attendance but with a few notable absentees (I know who you are). I noticed an old chum of mine from way way back (the 60’s) in attendance, Andrew Wilkey from Llantwit Major, at his first meeting. Andrew saw the light a couple of weeks ago and bought himself a Fatboy, took a course and passed his test a day before our meeting in extremely wet conditions in Newport. Well done Andrew, I refuse to call him Andy as there is a plethora of Andys in the GWC. Back in the 60’s Andrew had a bubble car and our other mate had a Messerschmitt (not the plane), great fun. He passed his test in the bubble car and some years later, when he decided to have a photo ID driving licence, he did not notice that his entitlement to ride motorcycles over 250cc was not included on his new driving licence. Therefore, he had to pass his test all over again, a salutary lesson to all of us to keep a photocopy of our original driving licence as the DVLA can make mistakes. Anyhow, Andrew joined GWC at our club night and is looking forward to our adventures. Bazzer also covered his Directors meeting mentioning the new H.O.G.® logo. We then had an excellent presentation from the ladies of Mencap, Chepstow, our newly adopted charity. A slide show more than adequately detailed what Mencap is all about and I know our Charity Coordinater Steph has several schemes to relieve us of our hard-earned money (pensions). As you read this we will have celebrated our birthday party at Riders which is a distant memory but I am sure your credit card statement will remind you

By Greg Payne what a great night it was. Bazzer also stated that tickets for our rally were selling well so BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW. Steph Evans C.C. also mentioned the black bag collection of clothes for Mencap which should be lucrative as her indoors has cleared out 2 wardrobes. To get back to St Tropez, I decided to look at various routes I had on my Zumo 660. Shock, horror, bugger device states ‘Cannot calculate route no roads at starting point or destination’. I use TYRE for routes and there was no problem 2 weeks ago. I rang Garmin and was held for 30 mins before I very calmly put the phone down. I sent an email on the 14/2/2014 no reply after 6 days, sent another one today 20/2/2014, no reply. Thought I would use Garmin Basecamp which I thought was similar to TYRE, Ahhhhhhh! after 2 days and no need to go to a barbers for the next 6 months I gave up. Hope it works by May, if not back to my TomTom. I would like to mention if any member would like to assist myself and Ian Mead as a Road Marshal, please let me know as there is no exam just a pleasant chat to Al Stokes for suitability. Also there is an opening for a Cangen photographer as I am rubbish at it and there is a nice patch to be had. So, by the time you have read this, my Glide would have transported myself and Andrea to Gloucester Docks and to Ludlow. GWC horizons have no bounds, therefore for me the riding season has begun and about bloody time too.

Greg Cangen Cymraeg Rep.

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Ladies of Harley

By Jane Scott hope that you will support this event. Hi Ladies

Well I thought I’d better follow suit and get the photo album out and search for a suitable pic for the mag. It’s quite amazing when you look back and think god I can remember wearing that and is it that long ago? Well, what’s happened since last month? Of course I’m anticipating that our first coffee morning went well at Almondsbury. Hopefully one of you ladies will do a little write up for the mag just to say what they thought of the event! Then, of course, there has been our very own 11th Great Western Birthday Party. If you didn’t see me there then it’s because I’m sunning myself in Rhodes. Yes, Greece. My brother lives there so we’ve taken the opportunity to have a month out from work and do a little sightseeing, and of course get away from the rain. Gurzels update Our second meeting got us putting some dance steps together. I think we were all impressed on how well it went … Well Done Ladies … our next meeting is on 15th March at Riders… after the rally meeting approx. 2pm.

Ladies of Harley Weekend - November 22nd 2014 “Thames Private Dining River Cruise Evening plus a Shopping or Sightseeing Day” Itinerary Saturday Depart from our pick-up points (all to be arranged) and a coach will take us to London where we will book into the 4* Tower Hotel which overlooks the river Thames. There will be free time in the afternoon to have a browse around the sights or just relax and have a coffee. Our evening starts at 7:30pm when we board the Symphony (London Private Dining) Glass River Cruise Boat for a Dining and Live Entertainment Experience. This all comes with a glass of sparkling kiri and a 4 course evening meal, followed by coffee and chocolates. We will then have live entertainment whilst we cruise up the Thames. Duration approx. 3- 3½ hours Check it out on the following web page for details. Once we are back on “land” we’ll have time for a “nightcap”.

Sunday We’ll have a lazy breakfast and then have the option to either take in the sights of London, Christmas Ladies That Ride Shopping or let the coach take us to Westfield Stratth Yes Ladies we have a ride on April 5 at 10am for a ford City for a ‘shop til you drop’ experience!! Plenty 10:30am departure (all fuelled up) from Riders and of choices for the Sunday which can be decided on yes it’s a Saturday, plus the weekend that the boys a little nearer to the date. are away, so time to get out on your bike and come Cost and join us for a scenic route to Marlborough for lunch and a natter. Steph Pocock will be Road Cap- Total cost for the Weekend is £190 which includes: tain for the day and myself being Last Man/Lady, it’s a great opportunity to get used to group riding and,  Coach Travel ( we will need 30 to keep prices at a min) of course, get to know fellow lady riders. Yes there are only a few of us but numbers are growing! Of  4* Tower Hotel with Sunday breakfast course, if there are any Ladies that don’t ride and  Thames Cruise - glass of Kiri, 4 course Dinner, want to join us for lunch in Marlborough then you Coffee & Chocs are quite welcome. I’ll send a MailChimp out a little nearer to the date as to what time we will be arriving Single Supplement (sorry Ladies) £35 in Marlborough. A deposit of £45, payable by 19th April, is See You In Riders! required. Last Month I mentioned that the Ladies Of Harley Weekend was still in the planning stage. I can now say that all has been finalised and I would like to thank everyone that came forward with ideas and

Payments are now being taken by Anita. Ladies, all payments made by BACS must be (Continued on page 9)

Page 9 sent with a ‘LOH WEEKEND’ reference. If this is not put on the payment, Peter is not able to keep track. You’ll also need to email Anita stating that you have made a payment along with your details which will then be entered onto a spreadsheet as a record of payment. Payments made by cheque can be done in the usual way but please put your name and a reference on the back as to what you are making a payment for. Again email Anita to indicate that you have made a payment which, again, will be put into the spreadsheet as a reference of payment. Anita’s email address:

I’m sure it will be a great weekend so please come and join us. It’s also a great opportunity to get to know other Ladies within the Chapter Well Ladies, I think that’s about it for now; all we can hope for is the rain to stop so we can enjoy the ever -approaching riding season (can’t wait). Take Care All. Jane x Ladies of Harley Any questions or queries please contact me by Email: Mobile: 07894 086626

Of course if you want to make monthly payments that’s fine just let Anita know.

Ladies Crash Helmet for Sale H-D ¾ ‘Junction’ black sparkly P/N: 97388-13E/002S Size: Xtra small Price new: £130.00 Bought new and worn once. Will consider any sensible offer. Contact Anita on mobile: 07841617477 or email:

Bike Trailer for Sale £700 Phoenix Single Big Bike Motorcycle Trailer, the best big bike trailer on the market; very high quality, as new, used once to South of France, tows very well and stable, easy to load and unload bike. See details on: Cost New: £955 (Trailer £795, Aluminium chequer plate floor £120 and Wheel Locking mechanism £40.00). Constructed from 70mm x 50mm box steel, hot dipped galvanised; proper suspension, wheels and hubs (155x12 6 ply tyres, rated at almost 1000kgs); Payload of 534 Kgs; fold up jockey wheel, full width ramp, easy to ride bike up on; spare wheel included. Contact: Mike Filder on mobile: 07788 298623 (Image shows trailer with my Road King)

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Cockers Bits

By Anita Cockwell

Hogs in the Hayfields (our very own rally), 20th – 22nd June Hi All. Tickets are on sale now from Tony James. Please I thought that my article read the application form fully as you’ll see that was going to be short along with your payment you must provide a selflast month but I ran out addressed and stamped envelope so that tickets of space and this month can be posted back to you when they are issued, is no different! around May time. If you don’t provide this then you will need to collect your tickets from the tagging tent on arrival. Pressing on to Cider Country, 27th April Don’t forget the raffle draw too. Buy your tickets now RKK and team’s ride out on the 27th April, is to Wesbefore the rush and have a better chance of winning tons Cider Press based in Much Marcle (between the monthly draw prize (the cost of one rally ticket Ross-On-Wye and Ledbury ) where they brew their refunded). Only names of members purchasing tickflagship ‘Old Rosie’ scrumpy cider (suitable for vegets in the preceding month are entered into the etarians, vegans and coeliacs) so what better to draw, so with a smaller number of members buying wash down your traditional Ploughman’s lunch with. tickets in the first few months get yours now to lower Once you get to Westons you’ll have a choice as to the odds! how to spend your two hour lunch break. Tony and the rally team are also looking for volun You can take the 1 hour guided tour with tasters teers to help with duties such as setting up the maralong the way of their various ciders and Perry’s quee the night before and to take the marquees down on the Sunday morning, along with a number for £7.50 or of other vital activities which make the rally so or Take in the tour and enjoy a ploughman’s lunch ganised. So please put your name forward to help in for £14.95 or whatever way you can and remember “many hands make like work”!  Bring your own food and relax in the lovely surroundings or

Please contact Tony on email address:

 Visit the local pub down the road and have your lunch there, joining back up with the group for the I’m waiting to hear from the Rugby Club about the ride home. Friday evening entertainment, so watch this space! What you do during the two hour lunch break is up (East of England) Rally, 24th July – to you but, if there are 20 or more taking the guided Fenlanders th 27 July tour/ploughman’s, then there will be a small group Rally tickets are £30.00 with booking forms availadiscount. Although money will be taken on the day ble from the Fenlanders Chapter website we need to provide Westons with numbers two weeks before. So, if you are interested then please ( If you intend joining the let me know asap. Even if you don’t fancy taking the main group ride down can you let me know please. bike, why not take the car and join up with us for the Cheers All. tour and lunch? Anita ‘Cockers’ Cockwell Also on that day a Classic Car Club will be visiting so will give you something to look at whilst eating your ice cream or sipping your cold cider. (Writing this whilst looking out at the tedious torrential rain). Full details of the ride start time, meeting place can be found in Big Al’s section and on the website. The approx. 40 mile homeward route will take in (hopefully) picturesque views of bluebell-clad forests (if the weather hasn’t rotted them before they can flower) so a great Spring ride/day out.

Activities Officer Email: Mobile: 07841 617477 (Please note my new mobile number)

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Photos, Photos, Photos As the Historian for the Chapter, it is a constant headache getting good quality photos for inclusion on the Website and the Yearbook, for the delight and delectation of all you discerning Harley riders!

By Tony Yendle Allen Mcilvar – known to his British Legion mates as “Big Al”, as we have one already maybe time to adopt a “Little Big Al”? And the third, to receive his patch: Dave Allen – no joke, it is!

I am far from being a great photographer, and a way short of being a good photographer! I do the best I can and you only see the results after much editing and binning of all the “rubbish” shots – thank goodness for Digital Cameras! As more and more events are happening all the time – last year, our 10th, was exceptionally busy one man can’t be everywhere. Therefore, the pictures of any one event may be in short supply!

Let’s have lots of great photos this coming Biking Season.

Any volunteers on the Welsh side?? To that end, in discussion with the Committee, it has For those of you that regularly read your RoadHOG, been decided to ask a few of you to be Assistant you will have noticed the current trend to feature Photographers! “before” pictures of some of the contributors so, to The only criteria is that you take absolutely brilliant that end, I feel I need to issue the following HEALTH photographs all the time – no pressure there then WARNING: LOL! Anyway, the first three to be press ganged as volunteers and receiving their patches are: Before Harley

After Harley

Andy Kendall aka “RKK” Look out – this could happen to you!! Have fun, ride safe and take those photos! Tony Photographer/Historian

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By Paul Evans now! I headed along the M4, trying to avoid the spray from the wagons and cars and battled my way through the rain over the Severn Bridge, as the gusts from the sidewinds tried to sweep the bike from under me. When I finally reached Michael Wood Services, terrible thoughts went through my mind. Was I going to be the only one there? Had it all been a wind-up? Surely no-one, in their right mind would venture out in this, just for pleasure! But no, I was met by the smiling faces of Darren, Hardarse, Smurf, Darlow, Pedro, Little Mark, Alan, Keith, Ian and Jane (the only Lady of Harley to brave the elements).

From Michael Wood, we headed north to the next junction then onto the A38 towards Gloucester. The warm sun shimmered in the early morning light. I was riding Breakdown which meant I was right at A soft breeze caressed my face almost in time with the back. Not so bad except Keith had turned up on his trike and was riding between the Sweeper and the playful lapping of gentle waves on the shore. A me. The spray, thrown off the trike’s two wide rear beautiful woman lay next to me, still asleep and I watched her for a few moments as the covers rose wheels, was like two catherine wheels on Bonfire night, which meant the visor stayed down even and fell with her soft breathing......... when the rain finally stopped. Oh well, I couldn’t get ........ and then I woke up. The rain drummed on the any wetter. window pushed viciously by the gusts of the gale outside. Grey sodden clouds rushed headlong over- We took the A417 towards Ledbury then headed head, as if late for an unknown rendezvous. “Are we towards Malvern, stopping for a welcome coffee at the Malvern Springs Cafe. Well most of us had cofreally going out in this?” I moaned as I realised the fee, except Keith who had an ice cream. His inner dream was turning into a nightmare. A glimmer of thermostat was obviously faulty! hope...maybe the rideout had been cancelled. But, Sunday morning

there was no last minute reprieve on the Hotline and Onwards to Worcester, where we stopped for lunch a quick text to Darren confirmed the ride was on, at the American Diner opposite the race course. The with the hopeful message that the rain may stop around lunchtime. Oh well, as Billy Connolly said, ‘There’s no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes!’ I wrapped up, donned my wets and rolled my recently acquired winter bike out of the garage. That brought a smile to my face. I’d had the bike about a month. It’s a 1999 FXSTB Night Train, festooned with loads of extras. However, the most remarkable thing was that it only had 1141 miles on the clock when I picked it up! The bike rumbled into life and the smile got bigger. “Maybe it wasn’t going to be such a bad day after all” I thought as I set off, secure in the knowledge that, if my neighbours weren’t awake before, they were

(Continued on page 14)

Page 14 food was good, being a pleasing selection of pizzas, pastas and burgers but, I’m sure the main reason that Darren chose it was the fact that the waitresses were all lovely young ladies! We tucked into our grub. Alan and Mark took on the challenge of the Elvis Burger (which was bigger than Mark) and Darlow’s milk shake was a meal in itself!

life. After skirting around the west side of Gloucester, past the Docks (isn’t that where the next rideout was going?), our final destination was the McDonalds at the M5, Junction 12 where we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. Darren had originally recce’d that ride over two years ago but, for various reasons, had never managed to get it done. It was worth waiting for. Although it was a bit damp to start with, it dried up and we all had a great time. And anyway, what do you expect in January?

By this time, the rain had stopped and the sun even came out. Mark had been defeated by the Elvis burger and so we mounted up and headed towards Tewkesbury, passing through Norton village and past the picturesque Tewkesbury Abbey before Barny heading on to Gloucester. I couldn’t believe the lakes around Tewksbury and Gloucester. I know the flooding is a daily topic on the news, at the moment, but it really brings it home when you see it in real

Page 15

Safety Officer Report

Bike Tests and Courses I was asked by Jane Scott (LOH) to put something in the mag regarding how to obtain a full driving licence with the ultimate aim to get riding Harleys.

By Andy Kendall 9668566. However, there are others, like Kickstart Motorcycle Training, who have two centres, one in Keynsham and the other at Clevedon. Tel 0117 9866200. Go online and look for a Centre in your area, contact them and they will explain the facilities they can offer you.

Bike Courses

Now that the riding season lies before us, it’s time Well, what a minefield that is today! In my day, near- again to tell you about the various Rider Training ly 40 years ago, it was just a case of getting a provi- courses that are available to members who wish to sional licence and then putting in for your test. Most enhance their riding skills and for those members who have recently bought bikes and took their bike of the test was riding around the block, threequarters of the time out of the sight of the examiner, tests back in the dark ages and need further training. slow riding next to the examiner who walked along the pavement, an emergency stop, turning left and BIKESAFE right and answering a few Highway Code questions. “Simples, eek eek”. Now it’s completely different and there is a whole raft of legislation, CBT (Compulsory Bike Training) and tests depending on age of the applicant, what bike they wish to ride, and size, power of the machine. If we take the scenario that our ladies will be over 24 years of age and have a full car licence, then one This course is run nationally by the police. Avon and can apply for a Direct Access Scheme (DAS) and Somerset Constabulary run two types of course. take the CBT, theory and riding tests to be able to ride a Harley in as little as four days. BikeSafe is a one day course that contains a two and a half hour theory session on advanced motorA typical four day course would be: cycling techniques, and then a discussion, refresh Day One CBT ment break, followed by a three and a half hour ride  Day Two Training Day with an Advanced Police Rider, where you can put  Day Three Training day including Module one test into practice the theory, and then be assessed. Cost  Day Four Training Day including Module two test £25. Add a day if you do not have a full car licence and another day if you feel you are not physically confident. Rather than try to explain it all in detail and fill half this publication with the various rules and regulations, I would suggest members to go online and look at the Government legislation. Probably the best advice is to contact the various CBT Centres in your area and they will be able to inform you what is required and the cost of the courses. Around Bristol there are a number of CBT Centres; the one that Riders advertise is Ace Motorcycle Training, at the City Ground, Winterstoke Road, Bristol. Tel 0117

Bridging the Gap Weekend is a two day course. Day one, Saturday, as per the BikeSafe Course and then day two, Sunday a longer session of practical riding in company with trainers from IAM/ROSPA/ Enhanced Rider Scheme. Cost £45 Go online to BikeSafe and choose the Police Force area you wish to participate in and book a course. They are about the same price however some forces (Wales) do offers at reduced rates if you live or work in the area you wish to attend. Gwent, South Wales and Dyfed Powys Police can also be found on this website. (Continued on page 16)

Page 16 For Avon and Somerset the coordinator is PC Ian Llandrindod Wells. Marriott from the North Somerset Road Policing DeRiders Edge offer a number of different courses that partment are mostly residential from 2 days to 6 days deForce Telephone: 0845 456 7000 pending on what course you attend. The Academy will supply Harley Davidson riding gear, and supply Email: the complete range of Harley Davidson bikes BRISTOL ADVANCED MOTORCYCLISTS The range of courses cover something for everySuper Sundays body such as: A Day With Harley-Davidson Ride a range of Harleys during the day, initially on private roads to get the feel of the bike. Then onto beautiful roads surrounding the centre. Learn to Ride CBT Direct Access Scheme As per your local CBT Centres, but Harley specific. 6 Day course. This one day, free course, is held on the first Sunday of each month at the Kings Oak Academy, formerly the Kingsfield School, at Tenniscourt Road, Kingswood, Bristol.

Skilled Riders Course

Bikers who ride all types of bikes, cruisers, Sports, even vintage and classic, are all welcome to attend the day where instructors and observers will talk to you about riding skills and what their organisation can do for you. They will talk about recent legislation and even what new safety equipment is currently available for bikers. You are taken out on the road with trainer for a number of hours and after the ride the trainer/observer will give you an assessment of how you ride. If you wish, after the assessment, you can sign up for the Institute of Advanced Motorcyclist (IAM) Skills for Life course. This course is not free.

Advanced Riders Course

Enhanced Rider Scheme. Course to raise your riding skills with assessment from qualified instructors, 2 Day Course

This is a course that takes you to a new level of riding skills and techniques beyond the Skilled Riders Course. 2 Day Course Back to Biking Course for the rider who passed their test years ago or who has recently come back to biking. The course will bring you up to the current riding skills given with the latest tests or has recently started to ride a bike again. 3 Day Course Bespoke training

The choice to sign up for this course is entirely up to As it says on the tin, a tailored course to fulfil your you. No pressure. needs on a one to one basis with a qualified instructor. RIDERS EDGE Ride the Range A fun day where one gets to ride all or any of the 30 bikes in the Harley Davidson range. To find out more on how to book and the price of these courses phone 0871 641 2207 or go to the website Andy Safety Officer This is the Official Harley Davidson Riding Academy, located at the Royal Welsh Showground at Email: Builth Wells, Powys. Accommodation, (included in Mobile: 07905 397474 the course fee) is at the Metropole Hotel and Spa at

Page 17

Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop definitely the nicer way to do it. Anyhow, I guess a good number of you followed us on our blog, as it was getting 60-70 hits every day. So, I’ll not bore you by repeating plagiarised material from there!

Back from our 3 weeks in Golden Hill, San Diego and into the depressing gloom and wet. Mind you, yesterday (Sunday), the sun shone brightly all day and it really did feel like Spring weather – until today! There were even butterflies in the garden. I should have got out on the bike.

Did you ever see the 2005 film “The World’s Fastest Indian”? Anthony Hopkins played the New Zealander, Burt Monro, who set a world land speed record of 201 mph, on a 1920 Indian Scout at Utah’s Bonneville Salt Flats, in 1967. Well, on one of the several times we stopped by the massive San Diego Harley-Davidson dealership, we spotted this large truck, emblazoned with ‘Jay Allen Racing’.

We had 9 days of fantastic riding out in California, on our Street Glide Special with its in-built SatNav/ “Infotainment” system.

So, in we go and there indeed is Jay Allen – a legend in motorcycle racing and also the founder of the Broken Spoke Saloon in Sturgis. If you haven’t been to Sturgis yet (and you absolutely must, at least once in your lifetime), Jay created the Broken Spoke Saloon there, over 20 years ago and it is now renowned as the biggest biker bar (part bar, part museum) on the planet! Jay had brought along several historic, but very much operational, racing bikes –

Will the “Special” be one of the new models to be released in Europe later this year? If not, HarleyDavidson will be missing the opportunity to provide what Harley owners undoubtedly want. The Street Glide is consistently the overall best-selling bike and, at San Diego Harley-Davidson, most buyers are going for the “Special” rather than the standard (UK-style model) model. Our riding (1,500 miles) took us over mountains, through desert terrain and all the way up PCH1, via Big Sur, to Monterey and back. So that’s about 6 times we’ve travelled that spectacular coastline, either south to north or vice versa, as we did with the Chapter in 2012. South to north, in our opinion, is

(Continued on page 18)

Page 18 This little beauty is a 500 cc, 1942 Indian Scout, built by Mike and Jill Iversen and raced by Jill. She holds the current Vintage Class record of 106 mph, achieved at El Mirage in the Mojave Desert, California.


As well as the Indian Scout, also on display was Dave’s 1944, 1000 cc Knucklehead.

Air Force:

This bike holds the current record in its class of 145 mph, at both El Mirage and the Bonneville Salt flats. Pretty speedy for an old bike, and I can’t see either my Street Glide or Sporty getting anywhere near that speed! In addition to the racing bikes, as it was “Military Tribute Weekend” in San Diego, we also got to see 5 special builds representing the several arms of the US military. Army:

(Continued on page 19)

Page 19 Marines:

Coastguards: Each of these 5 bikes was just gorgeous! Well, that’s about it and, at this point, I would normally be handing over to Duncan for his Tip of the Month. However, after speaking with him on the phone, a few minutes ago, I’ve discovered that he and his family are sunning themselves in Tunisia!

So here’s a Winter Tip! If you can, think about escaping the U.K. cold, rain, floods, hurricanes, plagues of locusts etc and take a break, somewhere warm like Tunisia or, if you have more time, head off for California, rent a condo and a bike and enjoy blissfully warm riding weather. You can do it for less than the cost of a lot of package holidays! Safe riding

Peter and Duncan@riders

Making Payments to the Chapter GWC is a large Chapter and we receive many payments, in various forms (cash, cheques, bank transfers) for all our activities. In order to assist us with handling your payments efficiently, it would be much appreciated if you could follow our simple guidelines:  Payments at Club Nights should be given to either Anita or myself.  Payment by cheque (with the name of the event written on the reverse) is preferable to cash. But, if paying by cash, please have the exact sum, as we do not carry floats of cash and end up raiding our own wallets to provide change.  If posting your cheque payments for activities, please send them to either Anita or myself (again, with the names of the event written on the reverse).  Bank Transfers (BACS) into the Chapter account ("Great Western Chapter", Account number:41343203 Sort code:40-14-06 ) are welcome, but ONLY if you correctly reference the payment, as stated by us (e.g. "Xmas Party").  All other payments to the Chapter should be directed to the person responsible, i.e. Membership fees and Merchandise to Yvonne; our rally to Tony James. Many thanks for your help in making easier our processing of payments. Peter GWC Treasurer

Page 20

Charity Update

By Stephanie Evans Used printer cartridges Just a short bit from me this month.

February saw Chepstow Mencap join us to give an overview of the work they do at The Berkeley and the plans for their new premises, The Old Board School, near the castle.

I have arranged with a recycling company a scheme to collect used printer cartridges for which we will receive funds for Mencap.

A big thank you to everyone who donated unwanted items for the Charity Shop in Chepstow – they were warmly received when I dropped them off along with the gift aid forms. Don’t forget the forms are available on the website, should you need one, but I always have a supply with me as well, at Club Nights. In addition to donating to the Chepstow Shop I have set up two cashless donation schemes:

Used Postage stamps These stamps are purchased by certain stamp deal- Making Donations: ers which would raise additional funds for Mencap. There will be 4 collection boxes, one each with myself, Riders in Bristol, and both Mencap offices. 

We can accept laser toner, inkjet and laser printer fuser cores (images are examples only).

Place the used cartridge in the wrapper from the replacement or a plastic bag.

Bring to Club Nights in the allocated month, or

Drop off at Riders, Bristol, Chepstow Mencap or Keynsham Mencap.

If you have not checked out the new webpages for charity do have a look – and of course if you have any suggestions do get in touch Making donations:

Many thanks

Undamaged UK and Foreign stamps can be accepted.


Please remove from the envelope, leaving a small border around the stamp.

Separate UK and foreign stamps.

Bring them along to me at a Club Nights.

Charity Coordinator Email: Mobile: 07983 259752

Page 21

Chepstow & District Mencap A very big hello from all of us in Chepstow! We are excited to have been chosen as joint charity of the year and look forward to getting to know you in the coming months!

Here at Chepstow & District Mencap we provide a variety of day services, family aid and social opportunities to 60 adults. In addition to the services we provide, we have a holiday Chalet which provides opportunities for an affordable family holiday, and a Charity shop which enables our service users to gain vocational experience, whilst helping to raise funds.

The Berkeley is not a day centre, it’s a hub; a place where activities, education and training for adults with learning disabilities are co-ordinated from. It’s a meeting place, where adults of all ages are encouraged to learn new skills, be independent and to do the things they want to do, as well as the things they thought they never could. We have a varied timetable of activities, from cooking, arts, drama and sports to Zumba, gardening, golf and photography. Week day evenings you might catch us playing darts, skittles, football or just having a social drink with friends. Saturdays see us taking a swim before spending an hour or 2 with friends at the leisure centre.

As a charity ourselves, we always like to do ‘our bit’ and enjoy fundraising for other charities. For children in need we had a pyjama day and raised £76 by saving small change. We support a local school in providing transportation to enable the children to go swimming, and our Light Lunch Bunch provide a weekly cooked meal for members of the community, any moneys that are raised go to the community centre.

(Continued on page 22)

Page 22 For Operation Christmas Child we filled and delivered 27 boxes.

We have a community gardening group, which works all year round, providing a gardening service for members of the community and have secured a few contracts. They are then able to self-fund their own minibus, equipment and running costs In the following months we will focus on different groups so that you get an insight in to all that we do here.

At a Glance - GWC Activities Calendar Contact Anita Cockwell if you have any other events you would like to see listed. Tel: 01761 471385 or mobile: 07841 617477 or e-mail: For further details on any event listed visit “What’s On” on the GWC website Date





Committee Contacts Sponsoring Dealer Duncan White 0117 9588777 Director Barry Aggett 07907 351650 Asst Director/Treasurer Peter Roberts 07540 164157 Asst Director/ Head Road Captain Alan Stokes 07766 237242


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Ride Out

Big Al

“Bikefest to Burnham”


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley

4th – 6th


Pete and Bazz

Boys Only Weekend, Devon/ Cornwall


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley


Ride Out/Activity

RKK & Team

“Pressing on to Cider Country”

Editor Mark Cockwell 07900 496711

4th – 15th


Greg Payne

St Tropez Rally

Photographer/Historian Tony Yendle 07787 551612


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley

29th – 1st


Andy Kendall

Somme Tour



Secretary Yvonne Roberts 01225 751017 Webmaster Chris Harding 07801 562011 Activities Officer Anita Cockwell 01761 471385 Safety Officer Andy Kendall 07905 397474

Ladies of Harley Jane Scott 07894 086626 Charity Co-ordinator Stephanie Evans 07983 259752 Cangen Cymraeg Rep Greg Payne 07976 913004

June 10th

Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

20th – 22nd


Tony James

GWC ‘Hogs in the Hayfields’ Rally

Road Captains


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley

26th – 29th


Pete & Yvonne

Peaks, Dales and Lakes Tour


Ride Out

Andy RKK Kendall

“Weston Bike Night – American Power”


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley

24th – 27th



Fenlanders Rally (East of England)

Barry Aggett, Mike Brake, Nigel Garnett, Simon Griffiths, Paul Groom, Chris Harding, Martin James, Ian Johnson, Andy Kendall, Andy Kendall, (RKK), Ian Mead, Greg Payne, Dave Pocock, Stephanie Pocock, Dave Roberts, Mike Sage, Darren Sharp, Jane & Stuart Scott, Alan Stokes, Tony Yendle.


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed




Bristol Bike Show

21st – 26th


Christof and Baz

Thunder in the Glens Rally


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Natter Night

Bazz Aggett

Ferry Inn, Beachley


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury



Rally Co-ordinator Tony James 07940 895921

Road Marshals Steve Crook, Neil Lewis, Steve Link, Neil Prescott, Bryn Wiltshire.

September All details on GWC web site

October RoadHOG is printed by the Woodside Press

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