Roadhog november 2014

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H.O.G.® Chapter 6655

CONTENTS Features 10 - Jersey Rally 14 - Brightona 16 - RTTW 18 - Cruising the Lakes

Regulars 2 - Director’s Cut 3 - From the Front 4 - Between the Covers 5 - Secretary’s Update 8 - Cangen Cymraeg 9 - Ladies of Harley 11 - Charity Update 13 - Cockers Bits 20 - Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop 23 - At a Glance

November 2014

Official Newsletter of the Great Western Chapter

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Director’s Cut

By Barry “Bazzzzer” Aggett

Hi All,


The nights are now drawing in and the clocks have changed, so it’s time to hunker down for the winter. I know for some, it’s time for the bike to have a good clean and a well earned rest, stored away in the garage, but for others, it’s spray on the ACF50 and keep those wheels turning, whatever the elements.

Parachute jump money is still coming in, so we wait with baited breath to hear the final figure from Stephanie.

Talking about the elements, reminds me of RTTW this year. The weather forecast wasn’t good, so we started with the wets on knowing it was a straight run up the motorway, with no option to stop. We met up with our gang at Michaelwood services, still not raining at this point, onwards to Strensham services, it’s starting to rain, onwards to the NMA (National Memorial Arboretum), rains getting heavy, eventually turning into stair rods. I must say the ride was horrible. Too many bikes staying in the middle lane, blindly following the bikes in front, trapping cars & lorries in the inside lane, often going faster than the bikes. That combined with the rain and spray, made it an uncomfortable ride, not to mention the water seeping in! Thankfully the weather cleared up in time for the NMA service where Dave Stockford joined me in laying the GWC wreath. Always a tearful moment. Hoggin’ the Curry was again attended by 60 plus members, time to put the diet on hold for a day! Sonja Beddow has been at it again, raising another £64 sewing on patches at the October Cross Hands Hotel meeting, well done Sonja.

For the few that thought it was worth joining the Chapter Mileage challenge, could you please get your final mileage signed forms to me by the 30th November. There were even fewer takers for 2015 Secondary Officers positions, like none, so I take that as a big vote of confidence for the current committee. I know a number of you took the opportunity to try out the latest H-D models at the Riders launch weekend, and I must say a big thank you to Big Al, Dave Allen, Dave & Steph Pocock and Paul Broom for giving up their time to assist the demo rides. Some of us will now be counting down the days to Christmas, unless you’re a typical bloke and the clock starts on Christmas Eve! If you need any help getting into the Christmas spirit (assuming you want to, bah humbugs!), please come and join us for the Santa Ride on the 7th December. It will be a short ride, the elves are working on it now. The ride will end at Chepstow Rugby Club, where we will join up with Chepstow Mencap for their annual Christmas party. There will be a prize for the best dressed Santa and bike, so dust off your flashing lights and tinsel!

For full details of all our events please visit the website as this is being frequently updated as events firm up and if you find anything missing please reAt the same meeting Gerry Holmes kindly donated a mind us, we’re only human! Route 66 wall clock for our raffle and now holds the world record for how many clock jokes you can Barry “Bazzzzer” Aggett squeeze into five minutes! Director Over 100 GWC members are now registered for the Email: “Members Area” of the GWC website, so please Home: 01291 620371 take a look at what’s coming up in 2015 and let us Mobile: 07907 351650 know your thoughts by voting or joining the chat

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From The Front

By Alan “Big Al” Stokes

Hi All, Welcome to another month of my somewhat wild and wondrous ramblings. By the time this article is in circulation my forthcoming vacation to Jamaica will be looming very quickly. The thought of chilling out to the sound of reggae music whilst supping cocktails under the palm trees is just so inviting. Anyway, a much deserved and needed holiday is on the horizon. Bring it on! As always when I travel, thoughts of riding a Harley come to the fore and this year is no exception. So with that in mind, some months ago, I enquired with my good friend “Google” about the possibility of finding any Harley dealers in Jamaica. I also thought I would ask “Google” about the opportunity of hiring a Harley Motorcycle. This is often the case when looking to explore these exotic locations whilst I’m island hopping. Well, much to my surprise, I find out that there are actually 6 Harley Davidson Shops on the island. Now that’s a result is the first thought to enter my head. A really positive start to my quest. Unfortunately, on closer investigation, I find they are all of a boutique style, and only sell the usual iconic Harley fashions. Still, not to perturbed by my findings, I think, that’s just fine as I will need to stock up on some t-shirts, etc. I mean a man can never have enough.

crimes committed. So as we all know Harley Davidson does not produce a motorcycle with an engine capacity that fulfils this current regulation. Consequently no Harley’s for hire, he says wiping a tear from his eye. Still, on the positive side, the Jamaican government is at last having a re-think. I guess they are realising at last the amount of US Dollars that are being lost by one of the island’s biggest earners ................ Tourism. So in 2006, Harley Davidson started a quest to get a change in this archaic law. Many years on and Harley Davidson have succeeded in getting a waiver to that law to allow rentals over 600cc. Too late for this vacation of mine but watch out for Harley introducing a rental programme in the near future. …… and so, enough of this diatribe from me and on to the forthcoming rides. Sunday 23rd November 2014 – Ian Johnson & Team 'Bon Voyage to Burford' This month's ride will take a trip through the countryside of Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire. Enroute you will be treated to some of England's finest scenery and picture postcard towns and villages. So why not join us on what should be a great day’s riding. The plan is to meet at the "Cross Hands" pub, Old Sodbury for 10.00 a.m. Please be fuelled up and ready to depart for 10.30 a.m. All the normal comfort / fuel stops will be included in the route.

On leaving, the ride will take a scenic route So why no Harleys for hire I ask myself, and so I through Malmesbury, Cricklade and Lechlade-ondecide to investigate further. Back to my old mate Thames. During the morning we will be making “Google” and I discover the cause of my conster- our way to the planned lunch stop at Burford. This nation. The reasons for which I will share with you is a very picturesque small town which affords a all. Now this is just in case any of you get an ink- number of different dining options. Following lunch, the ride will head out of town and return on ling for azure blue seas, powder white sand, one of the Bikers favourite routes through Bibury. cloudless sunny skies and all things containing Make sure the Harley is gleaming as there are Appleton’s rum. bound to be many foreign tourists snapping away Evidently, 25 years ago the Jamaican governwith their cameras. From here the ride will take ment imposed import restrictions on motorcycles a route towards Cirencester and then make its exceeding 600cc. The reasoning at the time was way back down towards the A46, finishing at the that the larger, more powerful motorcycles were Cross Hands. being used as getaway vehicles in many of the (Continued on page 4)

Page 4 This is classed as a Level B ride on A and good B roads. The total distance is circa 100/110 miles.

Between the Covers Hi All and welcome to the November edition of RoadHOG.

Sunday 14th December 2014 – Lawrence Scourfield Team (Black Mountain Chapter) This ride is T.B.A. at the time of writing, due to a re-shuffle at BMC. So no information is available. Please view the website for the latest information when available. Sunday 7th December 2014 – Bazzer & his Little Helpers 'Bazzer's Christmas Bazaar' It's that festive time of year again when all thoughts turn to Wise Men and Kings bearing all manner of "Chrome Gifts" for the Harley. Before that of course, there is the annual Christmas rideout. Normally the last chance to get together as a group before it all kicks off. This year the ride will be led by none other than the GWC's own merry Santa in the form of our Director, Bazzer. Normally accompanied by his little helpers. Be warned - there’s nothing little or normal about his helpers. Full details of the ride are to be formalised and will be posted closer to the date. However, I have been asked to let you know that unlike my teams "Bah Humbug" ride in 2013, this promises to be a spectacle of Red Velvet suits and all manner of glittery bike decorations. Full of Christmas Spirit, so RKK informs me ....... mines a JD... As normal dressing up is purely optional. Make sure you keep that date free.

It’s been over a month now since me n Neats returned from a fantastic tour of Arizona, Nevada and Utah with Peter & Yvonne and I’m still pining for the hot dry weather and long empty roads. Me thinks a return visit will need to be arranged especially given that a thunder storm at the Grand Canyon had us evacuated from the rim and meant the flight we’d booked to fly over the canyon was cancelled. Sounds like unfinished business to me. Well that’s enough of my woes , what’s in this month’s issue? Normally this time of year I’m scrabbling around for articles as the riding and rally season has now come to an end and most Harleys have retreated to their garages to hibernate for the winter. But not so... In addition to the usual masterpieces from your committee we have articles from Sandra, Steve and Phil (he of many words) giving their perspective of the Brightona Weekend, the Jersey Chapter’s ’Rock Around the Rock’ rally and our very own ‘Cruising the Lakes’ rideout. Thanks guys and gal.

Your committee has also gone the extra mile with Tony’s coverage of ‘Ride to the Wall’ and my very The ride will be a short one suitable for December own Neats (Cockers to you) article on ‘Hoggin the and classed as Level A. Curry’.

Alan “Big Al” Stokes Assistant Director & Head Road Captain

Ride Guide Please see below some guidance details of the rides: Level A - Short and easy below 100 miles round trip. Level B - Fine for average riders but may be a bit longer. Level C - Can include some complex sections but mainly a longer duration.

Finally, I’ve left the best to last with Steph’s introduction of our very own charity parachute jump. Keep an eye open in next month’s issue where Paul, one of the brave few, gives his reasons for jumping from a perfectly good aircraft. Mark Cockwell (aka “Mr C”) Editor Email: Mobile: 07900 496711 (Note: Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily the views of the Editor)

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Secretary’s Update

By Yvonne Roberts

Hi Everyone, It’s the middle of October already and our holiday in the USA is now just a fond memory. All that sunshine and stunning scenery, as well as a very warm welcome we received when we met up with our friends in Western Slope Chapter. At the September Club night at the Cross Hands Terry Martin won 1st prize of £60 in the “100” Club and Dave Williams won 2nd prize of £30. It was fabulous to see several of our members from Wales at the Club night in October at the Cross Hands. It emphasises that we are all one Chapter. Thank you to Sonja for making over £64 for Mencap that evening by sewing on patches. Ann Egan,

Welcome to new members: Mick Grant,

Mike Brooks, who is the proud owner of his first Harley, (Continued on page 6)

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Mike’s wife Sally,

Fiona, Nigel Cobham’s wife,

Mark Saunders,

Ric Hampton from Bristol,

Mike Dickens, who works for Harley-Davidson, based in Japan and covering the Far East. Gary Lightwood, who has recently returned to live in Bristol,

(Continued on page 7)

Page 7 had arranged for a coach trip to the NEC for ‘Motorbike Live’, to leave Riders in Bristol at 9.00am on Thursday November 27th, with the same trip arranged to go from Bridgwater on November 26th and Cardiff on November 28th. We agreed that this would prove to be very popular. Peter had sent out his financial report for September in advance of our meeting. There were no questions. Big Al has removed the details of the GWC rideout hotline from our website, as it no longer works. He is looking into whether or not we need a hotline. Tony held up an example of the new football strip which GWC has given to the Keynsham branch of Mencap.

Stephanie thinks we’ll raise around an amazing £2K from the parachute jump, which was bravely undertaken by Barney and Allison from GWC, as well as others from Mencap! GWC has also raised over £800 by donating items to the Mencap shop in Chepstow. Chris continues to work hard at improving our website and establishing our Members Area. He reported that well over 100 Members had now registered on the Members Area, where most of the detailed information about GWC will be located in future. So expect to see some changes over the next few weeks!

GWC have been invited along to the official presentation of the strip on November 4th.

Jane plans to include dates on our 2015 calendar of events for regular LOH coffee mornings and gettogethers.

Finally, we were sad to hear that Holly is leaving As I had not received any nominations for the posi- Riders after 4 years, to pursue a new career. We tion of Secondary Officers by the deadline of Octo- wish her all the best from GWC. ber 14th, you are stuck with the same lovely, friendly The date of our next Committee meeting is Novemand hard-working people on our Committee! ber 15th and a full copy of the minutes is available You will have received your GWC 2015 Membership on request. Renewal form by MailChimp earlier in October. I have the usual selection of merchandise available: Thank you to all of you who have already completed large and small rockers and patches, including the and signed your forms. I have received over 50 so new logo, pin grips and fleeces. Look at the Merfar. Remember that everyone who is renewing their chandise page on our website for full details and membership for 2015 needs to complete and sign a how to order, or see me at Club nights. renewal form, whether they pay by cash, cheque or Ride safe, Standing Order. Please check the new, reduced membership fees on the form, and if you pay by Yvonne Standing Order, instruct your bank to alter the amount. If you haven’t yet completed your renewal Secretary form, you can download a copy from our website. Email: Your GWC Committee met on October 18th. Home: 01225 751017 Duncan thanked Big Al and his team, who helped out with the demo rides at the open weekend at Riders, earlier in October. Duncan told us that Riders

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Cangen Cymraeg

By Greg Payne dinner/show with cabaret by Esteban a classically trained guitarist and his accompanying musicians. We were blown away with the musicality of the night and to think we only went there for ‘Happy Hour”, genius or what. All too soon we said goodbye to Route 66 et al and were back to reality and jet lag. Still I had a few bits of shiny things i.e. Vance and Hines fishtail exhausts, etc. to fit.

Howdy folks and welcome to my dribblings of what occurred or may have occurred from the last time I put pen to paper. September saw myself and AP touring Arizona with the mighty GWC on a tour organised by Pete and Yvonne Roberts. As per previous tours it was exceptionally well organised and as such contributes greatly to the safety and well being of all the GWC participants. Arizona in September is a perfect time to ride as the climate is a hot 85 – 90 ⁰F and if you were lucky, as we were, no riding in the wet.

I would like to say that the H-D motorcycle on hire was a 2015 Ultra Limited and I couldn’t believe how better it handled than my 2013 Ultra Limited. The integrated sat nav took some getting used to but after 2 weeks managed to get the hang of it (also thanks to Mike Pearce). I couldn’t make the Cangen meeting on the 8th October due to a long standing engagement to go to Ludlow Races however I did attend the “Cross Hands” meeting the following Tuesday.

Bazzer mentioned “Ride To The Wall” which he attended and laid a wreath with Dave Stockford. Also thanked Al Stokes, Steph and Dave Pocock for their assistance at Riders Open Day and what a great opportunity for members to try out various 2015 models. He also mentioned the GWC trip to Brightona and the overnight stop at Eastbourne which was enjoyed by Standout memories for me besides the camaraderie and good humour (which I take for granted on a GWC everyone. tour) were visiting Las Vegas (2 nights enough), the Al Stokes mentioned the forthcoming rideouts details Grand Canyon and Winslow. Las Vegas was all I exof which are in this RoadHOG magazine. pected it to be brash, vulgar, exciting, hot, jaw dropCockers mentioned the HTB Curry which had 58 peoping and I am glad I experienced it but I don’t think I ple attending. will return (apart from Hooters bar). The Grand Canyon visit (2 nights) was awesome. To photograph its majesty does not come close to feeling how spectacular the views are. You have to see it for yourself to comprehend what it’s about. The downside was in the afternoon I had booked a flight over the canyon but sods law dictated that there would be rain of monsoon proportions that afternoon and my flight was cancelled and my chance to use a camcorder, specially bought for that occasion, was lost, oh well.

Yvonne mentioned the membership criteria and the need to sign the HOG paragraph at the bottom of the membership form. Bazzer mentioned that he will lead the Xmas rideout and that Santa Claus outfits will be worn and that it will finish at Chepstow RFC for refreshments.

He also mentioned that the Keynsham Branch of Mencap have received their football strip which was displayed by Tony Yendle and announced that they Another good memory was riding to Winslow - being will be playing in their new strip on November 9th and big Eagle fans - we couldn’t miss this chance even if it all are welcome. meant a 140 mile detour. So, with Ian and Kay Mead That’s it for me folks sorry if I have missed anything we “Stood on the corner of Winslow, Arizona” and but that’s life nobody is perfect. had our pics taken. A cherished moment which any Eagles fan would understand. Regards Another standout moment was when AP and myself, Greggo while in Sedona, went to “Happy Hour” at the SoundCangen Cymraeg Rep. Bites Grill and on the spur of the moment went to a

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Ladies of Harley

By Jane Scott Hello Ladies,

Well, normally at this time of the year I’ve already searched through my drawers for my thermals but the weather has been so warm. It’s hard to believe that it’s October (at the time of writing this article) and I’ve just returned from “Hoggin’ the Curry”.

day/Sunday and a dress for Saturday evening, if I can fit into it. It may also be best to bring a jacket along for the evening. We have a free day Sunday so if you have any preference as to what you’d like to do or have any suggestions then feel free to share your thoughts. Next month I will be updating you all on the LOH meeting I am attending at the end of October, it will be good to see what other chapters are doing. Sad news from Riders to hear that Holly has left for pastures new. I did wish her all the best and I’m sure she will succeed in her new job.

Thanks Anita for a lovely day, your culinary skills are top notch and what a great place to have a natTalking of Riders I’ve just noticed that they have a ter, and look I even have a photo of our director and lovely range of “bling” in their cabinets. I wasn't goassistant director snuggled up to one another. ing to mention Christmas BUT it’s always good to The conversation I overheard from the back was “it drop a few hints!! was good to be able to take a look around and enjoy Well Ladies that’s all for this month, take care. the sights”. Watch out Ladies for these two! The conversation from the Ladies that attended the curry was of course “what is everyone wearing to London?”. Hopefully, for those that are joining the group you will have been able to have a natter on our Great Western chat page, registration is easy. For me it will be casual jeans and a top for Satur-

Jane xx Ladies of Harley Any question, queries ….. Email: Mobile: 07894 086626

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Rock Around The Rock - Jersey Rally

By Steve Walsh We were split in two groups with one going east the other going west around the island. After an hours riding taking in some stunning coastal roads we met up with the other half at the German command bunker that was opened just for us. After that it was back to the digs to park the bikes and then head off to the Town House pub for a get together, free buffet and a band.

I set sail from Weymouth on Wednesday 10th September and was happy to see two familiar faces on board, that of Bob and Diana [Bob the Trike] from South Wales. As somebody that feels sea sick in a rowing boat on the pond in Eastville Park I am glad to report the sea crossing was very smooth. On docking, 4 hours later, in St Helier it was a nice surprise to see the Jersey chapter waiting to escort us to our various B&Bs and hotels. Nice touch that. Thursday was spent on the esplanade watching the free air display and I had a grand view of the only two flying Lancaster bombers. That night all the chapters met outside the steam clock for a ride to St Queens bay for a fish super and watch the sun go down. Unfortunately I had to wave them goodbye as my bike was locked in the B&B owners garage as he had gone to Guernsey for the day with the key.

About a hundred turned up to the do. There was a lot of food and the bands first two songs were ‘Smoke on the Water’ and ‘White Room’. This was going to be a great evening. I left about midnight just as the some of the Jersey boys were disrobing to the enjoyment of the Ladies of Harley. Sunday we all meet in Liberation Square for the police escorted ride around the coast. A good 160 bikes took part and the sun was belting down. Dinner time saw Bob and Diana and myself pull in to a nice pub recommended, by Jersey Jim, for our Sunday lunch. After our goodbyes I sat outside the Half Penny pub to while away the two hour wait for the ferry when a lady of about my Age, who had obviously been on the lash come over and said do I know a guy called Gary with big hands from the GWC. She then went on to say he used to visit the island regularly but stopped a couple of years age. Ring any bells Gary who ever you are.

Friday was a day to do your own thing so I decided to walk to a few of the landmarks like the War Tunnels, Elisabeth Fort and Fort regent and did 12 miles that day. Bloody knackered but boy did those lagers go down well that night.

A great rally, great weather and very friendly islanders. Thank you Jersey chapter.

Saturday was the rally start proper with us all meeting in Liberation Square for a welcome from their director John Eddy.

Steve Walsh

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Charity Update

By Stephanie Evans Parachute Jump Sat 14th September

This was a roaring success with a current estimate of funds raised at around £2500 based on the figures I have had back so far! A big thank you to Barney and Ali from the Chapter, Sharon and Emma from Chepstow Mencap and Mikey and Vicki. See below and on the following page for photos I will be submitting an article on this to HOG magazine so watch out for it in coming editions. Chepstow Charity Shop September saw funds raised of £80 from our donations. This brings the total raised from our shop donation so far to £814.75. We should get to a round £1000 by the end of the year. Another big thank you and keep bringing me your black bags! Keynsham Mencap Football team The football strip has arrived and I have been told it is looking good! We will be making an official

presentation of the strip to the teams on 4th November and we have been invited to go along to their match on the 9th November to support. I hope many of you will be able to come along and support. Details will follow by MailCHimp. Things to look forward to and join in with… Keynsham Mencap on Friday 21st November have “Slapface and the Hoagies” band playing a gig for them, again at Saltford Hall. Tickets are £5. Bar and food available on the night. They then have their Christmas Party on Thursday 18th 7.30 – 10.30pm. Venue tbc and further details will be provided nearer the time. Chepstow have their Christmas Party on the 7th December – the day of our Christmas Ride out so we are planning to join them for Hog Roast – more info nearer the time!! Get those Santa costumes out of mothballs!!! Ride safe! Many thanks

Stephanie Charity Coordinator Email: Mobile: 07983 259752


Charity Parachute Jump

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Cockers Bits

By Anita Cockwell Hi All,

I can’t believe that so much has ‘been and gone’ over the past month. I’ve been to the USA for 17 days with Peter, Yvonne, Mr Cockers (of course) and some of our GWC family. RTTW where Baz and Dave Stockford laid a wreath on behalf of the GWC Chapter. Maybe you don’t know what RTTW is? Ride To The Wall is a unique motorcycling fundraising ride with a dedicated service of remembrance that provides an opportunity for all motorcyclists to ride as an organised group to the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire to pay their respects and recognise the sacrifice made by the 16,000+ Service Men and women whose names are engraved on The Wall of the Armed Forces Memorial. So maybe something you’d like to participate in next year, it’s planned for the 3rd October 2015.

For those that didn’t attend we ate in a lovely restaurant and we were all very well behaved. We assume this photo shows Jane indicating how many poppadum’s she would like.

Next is Bazz’s impersonation of Oliver Twist.

…….and Jac’s trying to prove that the second plate was for someone else…… Sorry Jacs!).

On a lighter note the famous ‘Hoggin the Mughal Curry’…ahhhh the curry… This year Baz got us a great deal as the cost was lower than last year, so well done to Baz and thank you once again from all of us. It seems that many of us decided not to do the actual Hoggin the Bridge ride this year, having done this for quite a few years, but there were still some old and new members who did and joined us later for the curry (some much later!). Good job they didn’t leave it too late as there were many paying multiple visits to the buffet, but who can blame them. Our table even hijacked the poor waiter relieving him of his load as he passed on the way to replenish the poppadum’s on the buffet table, well who can resist a fresh crunchy poppadum!

Anita “Cockers” Cockwell Activities Officer Email: Mobile: 07841 617477

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Brightona Weekend

By Sandra Silsbury

Sixteen or so bikes met up at Riders on Saturday morning, fuelled up and ready for our ride to Eastbourne. We left in fine weather and headed out towards Salisbury Plain taking the scenic route, including a great ride around Stonehenge. We’d stopped approximately half way, for a fuel and a comfort break, when the rain decided to come down. So it was on with the wet weather gear and off we went where we encountered heavy rain which, by no means, dampened our spirits....(if you'll excuse the pun). As the weather started to improve we arrived at the Queens Hotel situated right on the Promenade and offering some members a stunning After a good nights sleep and an enjoyable breaksea view from our clean, comfortable and well fast we packed up our gear and set off for Brighton equipped rooms. for the Brightona Bike Show. We took the coast road which offered us stunning scenery and great riding.

After settling in, some of us enjoyed a nice meal followed by a get together and relaxing Saturday evening drink together. Some even played Bingo, but the more mature visitors to the hotel were obviously secret Bingo professionals who didn't give us a chance.......!

We arrived at Brighton mid-morning to be faced with nothing but bikes of all kinds. Harley's, mopeds, scooters, trikes and bikes that looked like they'd (Continued on page 15)

Page 15 There was also a display of classic cars. The wall of death looked quite a challenge but I managed to refrain from taking my Deluxe in...! It was surprising who you could bump into...... After a great few hours, we gathered our goodies, packed up our things and set off for home. It just started to rain on our departure catching us out during our journey, where we stopped for a quick 'on with the wet weather gear'. We arrived at our end stage after a good ride back, where we had a coffee and a reflection on the weekend. Tired but satisfied we headed off home. come straight from the underworld......

A huge thank you to Peter and Christof for a fantastic weekend.

Looking forward to Brightona 2015 The bikes and visitors just took over the seafront taking in the atmosphere, admiring, photographing, filming the displays and the bands that were playing Sandra on the 3 stages...1 of which was so loud earplugs wouldn't have gone amiss....! There were plenty of Trade stands and sellers with many a bargain. The visitors consisted of veterans to children, men and women, mods to rockers and speedsters to cruisers. It didn't matter who you were or what you rode, we were all there for the same admire with awe the amazing selection of bikes on show.

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An Uncomfortable Ride to the Wall ... but worth it! 6.30am Saturday 4th October 2014, a quick look out of the window before I dive in the shower – Hmm, not looking very good! A quick cup of tea, make a flask of coffee to take with me, get my gear on – fully waterproofed up in readiness for the day, and here we go! Obviously had a load of rain over night, the roads are still extremely wet but as I set off only a light drizzle falling, not too bad, a thirty minute drive up to Michaelwood Services to meet up with the guys and an 8.30 off to ride to Strensham where the main ride is setting off from, again most of the way only light drizzle.

By Tony Yendle

decending into anarchy, as we are currently seeing on our televisions every night in Iraq and Syria. No one can accuse me of being religious, and I think quite rightly so, throughout the centuries, religion has been at the root of most of the worlds conflicts. We are supposed to be an intelligent race – Human Beings – do we learn? Apparently not! Moving on . . . As usual, the GWC laid a wreath to mark our respect for the fallen, in all wars. This year Bazzer was accompanied by Dave Stockford, an ex Navy man.

The rain made itself known in force as we left Strensham for the hour or so ride up to Lichfield and specifically the village of Alrewas, the home of the National Memorial Arboritum aka RTTW! Now, I’ve ridden in some pretty crap weather before, on this occasion I put my “wets” on at home, in comfort, no rush, made sure they were as zipped up and weather secure as they could be, so explain to me how my t-shirt front was so cold and wet all down the front?? And how were my feet wet inside my “water proof” Harley boots?? A very uncomfortable ride to the Wall indeed! The rain did ease up around 1.00pm and by the time the service started around 2.00pm the sun was trying to poke its head out.

As you can see in the top picture, despite the weather, the biking community yet again stood proud and all paid their respects. A fantastic and very humbling occasion!

No matter how many times you have been to this event before, the service is always an emotional time, it truly makes you stop and think about the hardship’s of War and the heroic guys and girls that go to war on our behalf to try to keep the world from

October every year, if you’ve not done it before, put it in your planner for next year on the 3rd, you may shed a tear but you won’t be disappointed.

(Continued on page 17)

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5000+ Bikers on the day!

The lone Piper

All too much for some!!

Part, of the queue to get out and go home!! Tony Yendle Historian/Photographer Sadly, a new name on the wall – Fusilier Drummer Lee Rigby, killed in London May 2013

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Cruising the Lakes

By Phil Blake

Lucky me, I'm in the enviable position where I have it in writing from a Welshman that I'm owed a beer. Greg, you owe me 2 pints and counting now! During the past few months I have been resting as a writer, the sun has been out and many miles have been ridden on my Wide Glide. I've sat in on several GWC meetings, having the piss taken out of me because of the length of my write ups by many of our illustrious committee (not the editor). So as any good writer should do I will respond by putting pen to several sheets of paper... Anyway, where does our story begins? This excellent ride out organised by Greg and his team has it's roots buried deep in the past and I think it's important that we look at some of the events that led fairly new as it was built to commemorate the 100 up to me taking part in this ride. year anniversary in 2013. I was born in 1967 in Yeovil, Somerset and after 16 very uneventful years I reached that age where independence was within my grasp. It was at the age of 16 that I caught a whiff of that glorious smell of burning two stroke oil... Nah only joking, on with the ride! An early start was required for this journey and as we are on holiday we tend to be "first thing in the afternoon" people. With a 57 mile trip to get to J33 on the M4, we should have left a lot earlier as I didn't get my first coffee till lunchtime and that is a frigging catastrophe.

Parking 60 bikes was entertaining but we all got in. We were very lucky to find the Chairman of the Trust, set up to fund the memorial, tending to the garden and he offered to give an impromptu talk. Very interesting and rather poignant but a 5 minute visit to pay our respects was turning into a guided visit - still no sign of coffee! Greg's timetable was in the toilet and we'd only ridden 12 miles. The names, ages and addresses of all the victims are on tiles

Once we arrived at the services, we fuelled up and pulled into the car park to see Harleys spread all over the car park, there must have been 60+. It was the Brecons ride all over again! After a quick chat and Greg's "to-the-point" explanation and warning about what we had let ourselves in for, we are off. Our first stop is the memorial at Senghenydd to commemorate 439 miners killed in one explosion and a further 81 killed in a previous accident. It is a well tended place and

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built into the walls around the monument and as I wandered round I found the oldest victim was 71 and the youngest was just 14. Finally we leave the memorial and head up some fairly exciting roads. "Roads" is probably being a bit generous - judging by the ruts, I guess it was last resurfaced just before the last ice age. Then we tackle Beni Bennin oh bollocks Benny Hill... it was hilarious, I had my eyes closed most of time - very twisty and steep and thankfully the traffic lights were green on probably one of the more steeper parts. We slowly mooched through some excellent scenery through places I'm not even going to try and spell, eventually stopping for a quick stretch and comfort break at Asda at Merthyr - what, no time for coffee? This needs to be mentioned Greg - I NEED elevenses!! Anyway onto the Red Lion pub in Llangorse where we were expected and the owner was notified of the numbers and claimed to be able to cope lol. All I can say is if you ever go again order the beef. That came first, then a couple days later the lamb

arrived and a week on we got the pork. The poor bloke who ordered scampi and chips is still there. The food I thought was excellent it was just the sheer weight of numbers and the fact we were upstairs, downstairs out the front and out the back. There was a slight panic as Greg started pulling on his jacket as I was helping myself to my second lot of veg and I wasn't leaving till I had my 3rd coffee. As we had arrived at the Red Lion the sun was breaking through, the temperature went up and this made for a very pleasant afternoons ride to Hay-onWye, Pontrilas, Abergavenny and ending up in Caerphilly garden centre. It had just closed and so had the cafe. It was a great ride, definitely some testing roads and beautiful scenery. Big thanks to Greg, Laurence and the road crew for getting us all round. Cheers Phil Blake

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Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop One nameless (male) member of our group made the mistake of bending down and then being mounted by a young burra!

Well, ‘What’s been occurring’, according to that wellknown Welsh phrase? I finished off writing the September Pump Stop article as we excitedly looked forward to our (unofficial) GWC friends’ tour of south-western USA. Yvonne and I attended Club night at the Cross Hands and then rushed off to finish our packing for the next morning departure to LHR Terminal 5. There, 22 of us met up (4 had gone ahead a day earlier), got through passport control and security and reassembled in various bars before the flight to Phoenix. In contrast to the “six go on an adventure” tour in June, led by Christof, thankfully, all of our luggage arrived on the same plane as ourselves!

We met up with Neil, Jo and Jesus (Western Slope Chapter) at Zion National Park. Jesus unfortunately had shifter problems on his bike and had to ride back to Grand Junction.

Picking up the bikes, from Chesters H-D, the next day was a breeze and we also benefited from an early preview of the 2015 bikes as we were riding them (their 2014 Rushmore rental bikes were all off the road for recall repairs!). So, just to give you some of the highlights: After stopping at the famous Hackberry Stores

we headed on to the most westerly end of the Arizona section of Route 66, arriving in the historic, untransformed gold mining town of Oatman. Here, the burras, who were originally used in the mines, now roam the town and are fed by visitors.

Neil and Jo continued with us to Bryce Canyon and Moab, where we were joined by a larger contingent from Western Slope, complete with a horse box full of tables, chairs, hot food and loads of booze … Party Time!

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Page 21 They seemed to think nothing of hopping on their bikes and then riding 100 miles or so for an evening get-together with us! They are quite some people and fantastically friendly and generous. Neil and Jo joined us this summer (Thunder in the Glens) – we need to get more of them coming over for OUR rally!

nately, the previous day, when the sun was still shining, we had stopped at Navajo Point to take in the overwhelmingly grand vista.

Overall, the riding was just amazing, the scenery of the Colorado Plateau something to die for, and the company of friends, fabulous. Thank you all for coming along! If you want to see more photos of us Monument Valley was, as ever, truly iconic with its all and find out more about our tour, you can read a amazing bluffs and mesas. We all did a tour with the day-by-day account on our blog: http:// Navajo Indians and Bryan, our John Wayne nado, looked the real deal, posed on a horse at Sadly, all things come to an end and, much too John Ford point. soon, it was back to good old UK rainy weather, though it is still remarkably warm for riding, in between the showers. Now, Tip of the Month - The nights have closed in, so many of you will have tucked away your pride and joy for the winter. One area of the bike that needs to be looked after, even though you are not using it, is the battery. If it’s left for a long period of time it will eventually go flat. Keeping it topped up is the key as even disconnected from the bike, it will still slowly discharge itself. Leaving it to stand and boost-charging it in the spring will only shorten the battery’s life or, in some cases, completely destroy it.

Of course, how could we resist another group photograph with such scenery … come on!

One useful piece of equipment you can use to help is an Optimate battery conditioner. Once a small fly lead is fitted to the battery the unit can be plugged into the bike in seconds. If you bought your bike from a Riders store, the fly lead will already be there and new 2015 touring Harleys come with them fitted as standard. The Optimate can be left connected to the bike and it tops the battery up when needed. The fly leads are available separately so, if you have more than one bike, you can swap the charger around to keep both batteries topped up. For those all year round riders, think about a corrosion protectant which can be applied to the bike like a wax, stopping any road dirt getting to all those shiny bits. Not the cleaning type, then speak to Mike on Service and Darren will spend a day lovingly polishing and applying it for you at a cost of £69. What a bargain. Any questions on storage or winter riding tips, please feel free to speak to any of the team. We can even store your bike for you. Once again, Ride Safe

The weather was fabulous – sunshine nearly every day. Annoyingly, by sods law, the day that it rained continuously with a vengeance, was when we were at the Grand Canyon. All flights over the Canyon were grounded, so quite a disappointment. Fortu-

Peter & Duncan@riders

At a Glance - GWC Activities Calendar Contact Anita Cockwell if you have any other events you would like to see listed. Tel: 01761 471385 or mobile: 07841 617477 or e-mail: For further details on any event listed visit “What’s On” on the GWC website.

Committee Contacts Sponsoring Dealer Duncan White 0117 9588777 Director Barry Aggett 07907 351650 Asst Director/Treasurer Peter Roberts 07540 164157

November 11th

Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed



Jane Scott

LOH Weekend Break


Ride Out

Ian Johnson & Team

‘Bon Voyage to Burford’

Asst Director/ Head Road Captain Alan Stokes 07766 237242 Secretary Yvonne Roberts 01225 751017 Webmaster Chris Harding 07801 562011


Activities Officer Anita Cockwell 01761 471385


Ride Out

Bazz Aggett

'Bazzer's Christmas Bazaar'



Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

Safety Officer Andy Kendall 07905 397474




Xmas Party


Ride Out



Editor Mark Cockwell 07900 496711 Photographer/Historian Tony Yendle 07787 551612 Ladies of Harley Jane Scott 07894 086626 Charity Co-ordinator Stephanie Evans 07983 259752 Cangen Cymraeg Rep Greg Payne 07976 913004 Rally Co-ordinator Tony James 07940 895921

Road Captains Barry Aggett, Phil Blake, Mike Brake, Nigel Garnett, Simon Griffiths, Paul Groom, Chris Harding, Ian Johnson, Andy Kendall, Andy Kendall (RKK), Ian Mead, Greg Payne, Dave Pocock, Stephanie Pocock, Dave Roberts, Mike Sage, Jane & Stuart Scott, Alan Stokes, Tony Yendle.

Road Marshals Steve Crook, Paul Evans, Neil Lewis, Neil Prescott, Bryn Wiltshire.

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