Roadhog september 2014

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H.O.G.® Chapter 6655

CONTENTS Features 7 - Bristol Bike Show 9 - Fenlanders Rally 11 - Thunder in the Glens 13 - Hogs to Henley 14 - USA Tour, Part 2

Regulars 2 - Director’s Cut 3 - Secretary’s Update 4 - From the Front 5 - Between the Covers 6 - Cockers Bits 8 - Ladies of Harley 12 - Cangen Cymraeg 16 - Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop 19 - At a Glance

September 2014

Official Newsletter of the Great Western Chapter

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Director’s Cut

By Barry “Bazzzzer” Aggett Hi All,

It’s been a busy weekend with the Bristol Bike Show on Saturday, which was well attended by our members, followed by RKK’s ride out to West Bay on Sunday, where the rain cleared up just in time for the fish n chips. Luckily the sun did eventually come out for the journey home. As I write this article I’m looking forward to our trip north for the Thunder in the Glens rally, a first for me and Mrs Two Talls. We did the GWC Scotland tour in 2009 and have always wanted to go back, because we missed so much of the scenery due to misty rain and this time we want to explore more of the Highlands. TITG is hot on the heels of the Fenlanders rally, which was thoroughly enjoyed by the GWC members who joined our merry band. You’ll be able to read more about this later from our rally virgin Steve Walsh. Hopefully, you are all finding something in our diverse selection of activities to suit your taste. If not, now is the chance to have your say by joining the forum in our new ‘Members Only’ area on our website. The intention here is to shift from your Committee planning all events, without your input, to posting suggestions on the website for you to vote for and allow you to suggest other ideas. We’ll then gauge the interest from voting, with the aim of adopting the most popular as a GWC-organised event. Also, within the area, you’ll notice a small ads section for buying and selling bike bits, and a Business Directory to advertise your business to other members and find out how others make all that money to pay for their bikes! So, if you haven’t registered yet, get a move on and join the debate!

ling to and from Riders for franking and posting, at their own personal expense. Combined with this the mag is our highest annual expense, not forgetting that Riders is generously paying our postage cost each month. Therefore, after weighing up the pros and cons, your Committee members were unanimous in opting for an e-mag starting in January 2015. Changing from hard copy to e-mag, also brings other benefits such as full colour and it would not be restricted to content, in page multiples of four. The e-mag will be sent out via MailChimp and will be posted on our website. Also, Riders have kindly offered to print off a copy for PJ’s café. You may not fully embrace this decision because we realise some like a hard copy for the coffee table or the small cubicle! But hopefully you will understand the reasons. In taking this decision it has allowed us to review our 2015 membership fees as follows:For full H.O.G® members who pay by cheque, BACS or cash, fees will reduce from £23 to £20, and for those who pay by Standing Order, fees will remain at £17. For Associate H.O.G® members, fees will reduce from £13 to £10. For joint membership who pay by cheque, BACS or cash, £33 to £30 and by Standing Order £30 to £27. Another year is flying by and it’s time again to start the selection process for the 2015 Secondary Officers. If you are interested in putting yourself forward, you’ll find a nomination form with this mag. Voting slips will then be issued with the November edition, if there are two or more candidates for any Secondary Officer post. Well that’s about it for this month, must dash to buy a kilt!

For full details of all our events, please visit the webWhilst on the topic of communication, I need to gensite as this is being frequently updated as events tly break the news to you on a subject, which I know firm up and if you find anything missing, please reis dear to many people’s hearts, our beloved printed mind us, we’re only human! RoadHOG. What most of you will not realise is the time and ef- Barry “Bazzzzer” Aggett fort that goes into producing our brilliant mag every month. Apart from the input of our willing writers, our Editor, Mark Cockwell, spends typically 12 to 16 hours per month pulling it all together, and then Pete and Yvonne spend 5 hours per month travel-

Director Email: Home: 01291 620371 Mobile: 07907 351650

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Secretary’s Update Nomination papers for Secondary Officers for 2015 are included with this edition of RoadHOG. The deadline for nominations to reach me is October 14th. We had a brilliant turnout at our Club nights in August with over 100 members attending. Graham, Julie, Richard and Sian, from Wales joined us at the Cross Hands, after spending a day out in Tetbury! We met four new members at the Cross Hands.

By Yvonne Roberts them feel welcome if you see them. Sonja drew a large number of members who were eager for her to sew on their patches. She made £56 for charity, Well done, yet again Sonja! We held our August Committee meeting at Riders on August 9th. Peter had sent out his financial report for July in advance of our meeting. There were no questions. Anita led a review of our GWC activities in 2014 from which the most popular events seemed to be: our GWC Birthday Party at Riders, our Rally, the St Tropez Rally, the Boys-only weekend, the Somme Tour, the Peaks, Lakes and Dales Tour, and the GWC Christmas Party. As other UK Rallies, which we promoted, were less well attended, we agreed that for 2015 we would list all of the rallies on our website so that our members could pick and choose. This review will assist in planning activities for 2015. I reminded the Committee that nomination papers for Secondary Officers will be sent out with the September edition of RoadHOG.

Jerry Best from France,

Tony gave us some dates of events being organised by the Keynsham branch of Mencap for inclusion on our website. Chris gave us an update on the Members’ Section on our website, which is replacing the blog. Chris intended to inform GWC members about this at Club nights and by MailChimp to encourage people to use it. The date of our next Committee Meeting is September 13th and a full copy of the minutes is available on request.

Trevor Gough form Swindon,

I have the usual selection of merchandise available: large and small rockers and patches, including the new logo, pin grips and fleeces. Look at the Merchandise page on our website for full details and how to order, or see me at Club nights. Unfortunately, as H.O.G® GWC rockers and eagle patches are now £14 and small GWC rockers and eagle patches are £7. Ride safe, Yvonne Secretary

Stuart and Carol Liddle from Bristol, please make

Email: Home: 01225 751017

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From The Front

By Alan “Big Al” Stokes Hi All,

Once again readers, it’s time for this month’s worldly wise ramblings from yours truly. As you can see from the night’s drawing in, Autumn has reared its head and is well and truly here. Thankfully, I still have a holiday in Jamaica to look forward to.

…… and so, enough of this diatribe from me and on to the forthcoming rides. Sunday 28th September 2014 – Barney, Hard & Wide 'Blasting the Bard' To ride or not to ride to Stratford. That is the question?

The meeting point is Severnview (Aust) Services on the M48/J1 at 9.00 a.m. to fuel-up and be ready to leave at 9.30 a.m. prompt. We start by travelling For the riders amongst us, I would suggest making over the old Severn Bridge and then head up the the most of the coming weeks and joining in as Wye Valley towards Monmouth. Branching right just many rideouts as possible. We have some crackers before Monmouth, into the Forest of Dean, we bycoming up (see below), so make sure you take ad- pass Coleford to Mitcheldene and then over the vantage, where you can, and get out. All too soon M50 to Ledbury and Upton on Severn, continuing there will be a chill in the air. over the M5 to Pershore. Turning right onto the A44 and then briefly travel along the A46 before turning News this month comes in the form of a couple of right onto the B439 to Stratford. changes to the Ride Team. Unfortunately Martin James has had to stand down as a Road Captain, We stop for petrol at the Shell garage as we go into which is a great loss. I would like to take the oppor- Stratford. By that time we will have covered eightytunity to thank him for all the hard work and commit- five miles and as this is the only petrol stop on the ment he has put in on behalf of me, his teams and ride out I suggest all bikes fill up. However, the reyou the members. Thanks mate. Also, a thank you turn leg is a further seventy miles so the tourers to Mart’s other half, Eileen. More often than not, may choose to go around on one tank. she ends up taking names or frantically waving her Parking in Stratford is down by the river and we will arm to point out which direction to take. have plenty of time for lunch and a look-around. Still, as the old saying goes ........ as one door On the return journey, we head due south and join shuts, another opens. By pure chance, a conversathe Fosse Way at Tredington. We pick up the pace tion at the August club night gave me a solution on and pass through Moreton-in-Marsh, Stow-on-thehow to find an immediate suitable replacement for Wold and Bourton-on-the-Water and then take a Martin. So, it now gives me a chance to officially wide birth around Cirencester to meander through welcome Phil Blake into the Ride Team fold. Phil the lanes of the Cotswold Water Park. Passing over has been a Road Captain with the Bridgwater the A429 we turn right onto the A433 where we go Chapter and has offered up his services. As an acthrough Tetbury and finally finish up at the familiar tive Road Captain he brings a wealth of riding expelocation of the Cross Hands Pub, where we say our rience and will slot straight into his new team of good-byes. Hard, Wide and Barney. Good luck lads. Like me, he also has other non-Harley modes of two This is classed as a Level B ride of approximately wheeled transport and so likes the odd blast of 155 miles. speed. For those who don’t know, Phil is prone to taking pen to paper and writing the odd lengthy arti- Sunday 12th October 2014 – Graham Roach & Team (Black Mountain Chapter) cle. Check back issues of RoadHOG if you doubt me. A bit of a Bard is Phil, or at least I think that’s At the time of printing this ride information is not what I heard said. Still, he assures me, the length of available. Please keep an eye on the website. All future literary masterpieces will be of a slightly information will be posted when available. shorter nature, when he does a ride out report for (Continued on page 5) the magazine. Time will tell no doubt.

Page 5 Sunday 26th October 2014 – Big Al & Team

Between the Covers

'Soaring in Somerset - Return of the Flying Pigs' The plan is to meet at McDonalds, Brislington for 09.30 a.m. Please be fuelled up ready to depart at 10.00 a.m.

Hi All and welcome to the September edition of RoadHOG.

This is a re-run of the February 2013 aborted ride At the time of writing when -10 ⁰C temperatures and sheet black ice on this editorial, me n the Mendips caused us to abandon the day out. Neats have only just Hopefully, having chosen a later time we should get arrived back from Thunthis one completed. So please make the effort and der in the Glens. This join us for what promises to be a good ride and a was our first outing to chance to visit RNAS Yeovilton Air Museum (should this rally and what a great time we had. The weather you wish). forecast beforehand had me reaching for the wets The ride will leave Bristol and head to Chew Valley but, as it turned out, the biker gods smiled on us and Burrington Combe. From here we make our and, other than a few short showers, the weekend way towards Wells and then loop back around towas pretty much dry. In fact, there were even periwards Cheddar where there will be a short comfort ods of sunshine; result! break. Leaving Cheddar we'll travel towards Wedmore, Podimore, stopping for Petrol near Yeovilton. As I mentioned, I’ve only just returned from Thunder in the Glens so I haven’t had enough time to pull a Once at the Air Museum, we will have a lunch full rally report together and, as you’ll see later, its break, suitable to allow those wishing to visit the unlikely I’ll be able to produce one for the next ediattraction, time to do so. There is also the Swordtion either. However, I’ve included a few photos to fish restaurant and picnic areas, available as an give you an idea of the great rides that Scotland can alternative, should you just want a break to chill out. offer and would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Cockers, Bazzer, Christof and Grego for organ ising everything and putting together some great The return route will be shorter, taking a more direct rides. route, via the Glastonbury area, Wells and back to Oh, and by the way my Ultra made it up and back Bristol. The ride will finish at Tesco, Brislington, to without any fault or failure so hopefully the gremlin allow those that need petrol for their onward jourbell has finally started to kick in. ney home to fill up. So, what else is in this month’s edition? Well, we This ride is classed as a Level B ride of approxihave Steve Walsh’s Fenlander rally report and also mately 110 miles. the concluding part of Ian Johnson’s ‘Who ate all the pies’ write up of their tour of an area of the USA that myself n Neats will be touring next month with Peter Alan “Big Al” Stokes and Yvonne, et al. As a consequence, the October Assistant Director & Head Road Captain edition of RoadHOG will be a newsletter as I won’t be around to put together a full issue. So, until the next time. For those last minute updates please call the “Hotline” on 08444 994508 and please keep a check on the website for changes.

Ride safe.

Please see below some guidance details of the rides:


Level A - Short and easy below 100 miles round trip.

Email: Mobile: 07900 496711

Level B - Fine for average riders but may be a bit longer. Level C - Can include some complex sections but mainly a longer duration.


(Note: Views expressed in the articles are not necessarily the views of the Editor)

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Cockers Bits

By Anita Cockwell Hi All,

open, as they do this especially for GWC.

Firstly apologies that I won’t be at the September club night as I will be away on business. But, on the positive side, I guess that means that club night will be a little shorter

Bookings are open to GWC members only until 5th October after which it’ll be opened up to nonmembers.

than normal! Next, a big, big thank you to all the GWC members who turned up to support the Bristol Bike Show. When we reached 7 bikes I was pleased, as this matched last year’s total but then another and then another arrived until we had 21 in all. I’m so proud of you guys. The bikes were at their best, polished to within an inch of bare metal and sparkling as the sun’s rays bounced off the chrome. Who cares that we didn’t win any prizes, it’s not the winning but the taking part that counts and boy did GWC take part this year! Also, it can’t go unmentioned that Bryan ‘Rattler’ Sheppard, supported by Gareth Jones and other GWC members, collected a whopping £255.00 for our charity MenCap on the day. A very apt name for you Bryan, well done! It was also great to see so many who just came by the GWC stand to show support. Thank you, its much appreciated. Finally, there are a couple of things that I need to bring to your attention, and both concern taking money off you! Hoggin’ the Mughal Spice Curry – Sun 19th October Firstly, a firm favourite with everyone whether you take part in the official ‘Hoggin the Bridge’ ride or just ride/drive across for the curry. Baz has got us a great deal in that this year’s cost of £10 per person is lower than last years (now how many times can you say that!). I’m now collecting your monies but please remember that you need to have booked BEFORE the day as we can’t take bookings on the day. We will need to have a minimum of 50 attending the curry to make it worthwhile for the restaurant to

Cash payments preferable please (Baz will relieve you of your cash if I’m not around). BACs transfers accepted provided you reference them with ‘CURRY’. The GWC bank details can be found on our website. Doors open at midday, for drinks, with the curry served at 12.30 p.m.-ish. Lastly, just to confirm that all the tickets for this year’s Christmas Party at The Alveston House Hotel, Thornbury have now been sold. However, contact me if you want to be on the reserve list in case of any cancellations. Menus will soon be circulated to all via email but, if you want to choose yours now, then you can find the menu on the GWC website. Other events……… Ride to the Wall (RTTW) – Sat 4th October The RTTW website is now open for registration and voluntary contributions, please visit http:// GWC members attending should meet at Michael Wood Services (M5 North) for a 8.00am departure when you will ride up to the main official RTTW meeting venue at Strensham Services from where the official RTTW organisers take control. You’ll leave there at circa 9.10am to get to the NMA around 10.25am. GWC, represented by Baz as Director, will lay a wreath as a mark of our collective respect to those fallen in combat. As with previous years, if there are any military/ex-military who would like to flank Baz, in this tribute, then please let us know ASAP. Catch up with you soon. Cheers Anita “Cockers” Activities Officer Email: Mobile: 07841 617477

The crowds start to swell.

21 Bikes in two neat rows? Check. Marquee up? Check. Public here to see it? Nope. It took a while before the public appeared so what else better to do to fill the time than to get the bacon butties and coffee in.

Bristol Bike Show

GWC erectile dysfunction or, how many GWC members does it take to put up a marquee? And no we didn’t have any instructions, so a bit of a challenging start to the day!! However common sense prevailed and we phoned Duncan at Riders and he brought down the missing bits. Otherwise it could have been a very wonky marquee!

Bryan (Chief Bucket Rattler) Sheppard and Gareth Jones compare notes on how to extract the most money out of the public. A fantastic total of £255 raised on the day.

By Anita Cockwell

Andy ‘RKK’ Kendall look alike? We couldn’t take our eyes off this guy, was it RKK after all???

GWC Group photo at the end of a superb day. Good weather, good company, what better way to spend a sunny Saturday?


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Ladies of Harley Hello Ladies, Here we are, another month gone again, and let’s see what’s been happening. Well, last month I mentioned that we were off to the Fenlanders Rally. My god, their half pints were massive as you may have noticed from my profile picture that Queenie took. I also mentioned that Queenie was hoping that she would meet up with her “Hobbit” chapter but alas they were not there, but the weather was brilliant and the rally was well organised.

By Jane Scott Yes Queenie, I will remember to put the travel hair straighteners in just for you! Once again I’m sure there will be plenty of Chapter pics in next month’s magazine. I’m just hoping that the weather will be kind to us.

I’ve just had an email from H.O.G® informing me they have appointed a National LOH Officer - Elaine Shepherd. She has been riding for over twenty years, part of H.O.G® for over 8 years, an officer for the Oxford Chapter and one of the ride organisers On the Saturday we went on the rideout which took on many events. All LOH officers have been invited us through little country villages and then up to meet up with her in October at the Oxford Headthrough Holkham Hall Estate. I must say if you are quarters. so it should be interesting to see what up that way then it really is a must to have a drive she has to say and of course I will report back to all through the estate (which we did on the rideout) of you. and maybe a tour around the house (which I would like to go back and do). Our destination was I’ve had a quick look at the HOG quarterly magaSheringham, where the town was shut off just for zine and noticed that us Gurzels made not page 3 the bikes. We GWC members had a Chapter drink, but page 38 with plenty of colour and of course the a look at the bikes then Les Thomas took some of best performance in town. Thanks for that one us back via Holt where Queenie and myself were Bazzer. treated to tea and cake by Les. Thanks for that, We have had several new members at Club nights. much appreciated. If we all look back and remember how we felt when At last month’s club night a few of our London trip we first joined the Chapter (yes it is daunting to say ladies had been asking what the dress code would the least, but we are a friendly bunch and easy to be for the Saturday evening. Well, all I’m going to get on with) I hope we can all make new members say is smart dress and whether you prefer troufeel welcome. sers, short dresses or long dresses it’s up to you. Well Ladies that’s all for this month, short and Some ladies have already paid their balance for sweet, so take care all. the trip, so can I just remind you that it needs to be Teresa I hope you are feeling better, Steve menpaid into the Chapter account by October 22nd. That’s all the reminders on this one. I will mail you tioned that you had not been well xx. nearer the time, regarding pick up point and times, Any queries/ suggestions - txt or mail me. as it’s too early yet. Jane xx As I am writing this article I am looking forward to perhaps the last HD event for me this year. I’ve Ladies of Harley also been waiting for perhaps about 10 years to get Email: there. Yes, it’s Thunder In The Glens. My bags still Mobile: 07894 086626 need to be packed and of course every time I’m thinking I’m going to travel light it never happens.

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Fenlanders Rally 2014

By Stephen Walsh

Hi Folks,

route on every roundabout and junction to ensure the ride went as smooth as clockwork. We ended the ride at Sheringham and parked up to thousands of locals and tourists clapping and thanking us for marking the effort in their charity weekend festival. Even the Mayor turned out to greet us. The weather was superb with more Ambre Solaire on order.

Just a few lines to describe the Fenlanders Rally that was held in Fakenham Race Course, Norfolk. As it was my first Chapter rally I was not sure what to expect, and what unfolded over the next four days I can only say was absolutely brilliant. The day started with sunshine, if a little cold. The bike was packed to the gunnels with camping gear and the start point for our trip to Norfolk was The Cross Hands Pub. Baz and Jackie, Christof, Les Thomas, Andy Kendall, Tony Yendle, Neil Prescott and myself set off at 9.30 a.m. for the 210 mile yomp in brightening sunshine.

Back at base I was surprised I couldn’t buy a dated rally patch so I purchased a Fenlander Chapter patch and will get it embroidered with the date to remind me of an excellent rally.

That night, our last, found Baz and Jackie, Jane and Stuart and Les in the Marquee listening to a punk band called ‘Mental Men’. Baz obviously an old After an uneventful journey, with the sun getting hotPunk from the day, waxed lyrical about said band ter and us stripping down to the bare essentials, we and might book them for next years Hogs in the arrived about 5.00 p.m. to set up tents and get to Hayfield Bash! The rest of us were in the clubhouse the bar for a well earned drink. That night saw us waited for the headlining band called ‘The Gypsies’, trying the on-site Thai Food and local brews. A good who turned out to be very accomplished musicians, tip here would be not to mix the local cider and lager able to play Jolene in a rock tempo. 2.00 a.m. saw as it does things to your head in the morning. just Dave and myself left to fly the Chapter flag and, On Friday morning, after a wash and brush up, we after a chat with the band, we legged it back to our set off to Cromer on our own GWC rideout to taste tents totally happy with the nights entertainment. the local delicacy of dressed crab. As I was still feelSunday started with a little rain, but soon dried out ing a little delicate after the night before I chanced a enough to pack up the tents, etc. After our goodbag of chips instead. byes, Andy, Tony, Neil and myself, with Dave leadBy this time our numbers had swelled by 3 with the ing, headed off back to Bristol taking the fast route arrival of Jane and Stuart and Dave Roberts. with a lunch break in the Cotswolds. The rest of the Chapter took the slow, but more scenic, way home. After the crab we took in the coastal roads and at the picturesque harbour of Wells-Next-the-Sea it was ice-creams all round before setting off back to camp with half of the chapter stopping to shop at Holt (I think), and the rest of us going back to the site for a kip. That night saw us in the bar watching a couple of good bands and catching up with old friends from other chapters. Thankfully that afternoon I was given a set of earplugs by Christof to help drown out the person (who shall remain nameless) snoring in the next tent. I have never heard anybody who can snore breathing in as well as breathing out.

I had a great weekend and will be back next year and urge other members to join us. Thanks to Baz for a pleasant ride there and to Dave, the Route Master, for a very fast trip home.

Saturday we all assembled for the BIG RIDEOUT, with the Fenlanders Chapter members marking the

See photos from the rally on the following page

Steve Walsh NB - Just a little riddle to get you asking the question. “What did Christof see that really surprised Samantha from Shepton Mallet (Nottingham Chapter) at a rally in Europe”.


Fenlanders Rally 2014

Thunder in the Glens 2014


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Cangen Cymraeg

A warm welcome to all my readers past, present, old, new and couldn’t care less. A big apology for missing out my article in the August edition, as I was away in Corfu and couldn’t make the Editor’s deadline. However, I’m back now with more unrestrained piffle. As I prepare this, on the old laptop, it is lashing down outside signifying our balmy weather has ended and summer could be over. In July’s RoadHOG I mentioned that I may change my Glide and indeed I did, buying from Riders a 2013 Electraglide Ultra Limited, black, low mileage, which was previously owned by our editor Mark and which is behaving extremely well. One of my first rides on it was to Weston-s-Mare with other GWC riders to attend the American Bike night which is always well attended. The start of August heralded Black Mountains Chapter Cabin Fever Event. My other half decided not to come, so a tent it would be. After a torrential Friday night waking up to a soggy sleeping bag I decided Noooo more camping and found a bunkhouse with a spare bed – bliss apart from Stewey hitting my feet shouting “stop snoring”. Well I couldn’t hear myself, bloody Antipodean. Anyway, had a great time with good company and thoroughly enjoyed the bands except the Pink Floyd tribute band (personally I never did like them or their pretentious music) but I know I was in the minority. Congrats all round to Adey Vaughan and his team.

By Greg Payne well known heckler Meady. Bazzer mentioned the Fenlanders Rally and Cabin Fever for which feedback was extremely positive. He also mentioned changes to the committee of the Black Mountains Chapter, which had previously been published. Nice to see our Webmaster Chris Harding at our meeting when he outlined a new section on the GWC website ‘Members Area’. GWC members have to register to use this facility and then can join in various discussion groups which affect the membership. There is also a section for free ads and also a section for GWC members to advertise their trade/profession. A surprise speaker (well to Barrie) was Barrie Avery who informed us of a forthcoming MAG demo in Cardiff and Bristol on August Bank Holiday. The demo is to highlight car drivers non-awareness of motorcyclists and when they are prosecuted the inadequate penalties that some receive for their careless driving. Bazzer also mentioned forthcoming rideouts and I illustrated my rideout on 14th September. He also mentioned events such as Bristol Bike Show and Thunder in the Glens, which, by the time of publication, would have both been completed. He did mention our GWC Hoggin’ the Curry, which will take place at the same time as Hoggin’ the Bridge, and that tickets can be purchased for £10 pp. All tickets for our Xmas Party have now been sold so if you have been dithering TUFF but contact Cockers should any tickets become available.

I must mention Barney Evans who stood in for Stef, our charity organiser, who was unwell. He did a sterling job on the raffle, even though a person who I attended the GWC Committee meeting and it looks shall remain nameless put her bought tickets into like 2015 could be another jam-packed year with the draw bucket. He updated us on the Parachute local weekends away, European holidays and Conti- Jump stating that Dave Vass had to drop out benental Rallies to attend. cause of the rescheduled date so there is a place available. I also caught up with Darlow Lloyd on a guys ride to Llyn Brianne, a reservoir in Central Wales which is So there we have it, see you when I see you, ride the headwaters of the River Tywi. After one or two safe Greggo. setbacks his wife Jan appears to be on the mend so it wont be long before their next ride with the mighty Greg GWC. Cangen Cymraeg Rep. The Cangen meeting at St Marys in August was attended by 25 members and, as ever, our director Bazzzzzer was on good form, ably assisted by that

“Hogs to Henley” Rideout


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‘Where there’s a Walmart there’s a way’ - Part 2

By Ian Johnson

… or ‘Who ate all the pies’ DAY 7 CANYON DE CHELLY TO GOULDINGS MONUMENT VALLEY Monument Valley today and Gouldings Lodge. We took a 3½ hour jeep tour with a Navajo guide, Eric. The first stop on the tour was to a Hogan, which is a traditional timber and mud dwelling where an elder lady, introduced as his mother, was giving brief demonstrations of some traditional crafts whilst seated on the ground next to a bowl containing a one dollar bill – the clues were there. The traditional part was somewhat blemished by a huge portable air con unit. The cynic in me wondered how many more relatives we would be visiting but this was unfounded and the tour was excellent and informative. was asked of a number of people during the rest of our trip and only found one who knew. The day ended by watching the sun setting, from the balcony of our room overlooking the valley. DAY 9 HANKSVILLE TO RUBYS INN, BRYCE CANYON Our first stop was Goblin National Park which contains thousands of mushroom shaped rocks. We spent an hour or so climbing in and around these, basically behaving like children. Our food stop was at the Burr Trail Grill 10 N Highway 12, Boulder, UT 84716 where they serve excellent fruit pies. If there was a competition they would be a good contender against the pies in Julian (California 2012). DAY 10 BRYCE A day in and around Bryce Canyon with 3 of us deciding to go quad biking and the other 3 to swap the 76 horse power of the Harley for 1 horse power, in my case a mare named Cherry. DAY 8 GOULDINGS TO HANKSVILLE From Gouldings, our route took us along US 163 to the place where Forrest Gump stopped running then onto the Moki Dugway. The approach has a sign warning of ‘narrow gravel road for the next 3 miles’ and if there isn’t quite enough gravel there was a large pile they use to top it up. There were other signs restricting certain vehicles but no mention of Harley Davidson FLHTK so up we went. It is one of those roads that has to be done ‘because it is there’. We continued to Natural Bridges monument and a comfort break at Lake Powell and onto Hanksville, which is not in the Navajo reservation. I decided to end the unscientific experiment and went on a foraging expedition returning to see the smiles on the faces of my friends as I distributed bottle of cold beer. The shops in Hanksville all sell t-shirts with the logo ‘Where the hell is Hanksville’. This question

I did a bit of horse riding years ago, which was largely irrelevant as the Western style is somewhat different to the English style. I was going to liken the organisation to a rideout with cowboys the equestrian equivalent of a Road Captain and wrangler’s equivalent to Road Marshalls but thought it inappropriate to include cowboy and road captain in the same sentence. We had some instruction in the basic controls i.e. kick start, steering, brakes and reversing and a briefing and then followed the lead wrangler. I got the steed moving ok and soon got into a rhythm but not always in time with the horse. I could still stand and walk after I got off so couldn’t have been too bad. A ride into the canyon was followed by a dinner show at Ebenezer’s with music from the Bar G Wranglers (CD’s and downloads are (Continued on page 15)

Page 15 available) and plenty of beans, beer and yeehaa ing. DAY 11 BRYCE TO SPRINGDALE Our ride today took us over Cedar Breaks which is about 3,000m above sea level. We were fortunate that the road was open, although some on the trip may not agree as the temperature plummeted to 46⁰F (8⁰C). A comfort stop was made at The Thunderbird restaurant, Mount Carmel Junction for coffee and ‘Home made’ pie. I had seen on a bill at the previous pie stop a charge for a la mode and thought it might be another tax or gratuity charge. I didn’t want to appear ignorant and ask but worked out, all on my own, that it is ice cream. A visit to the Zion dealership was next where I had to buy a replacement headset lead. On arrival at the Majestic View at Springdale we met with some sad news in that the micro brewery which had been there in 2010 had closed. DAY 12 AROUND SPRINGDALE A day of relaxation around Zion with another proper American breakfast in Springdale then exploring Zion and some hiking to work up an appetite. Wildcat Willies seemed to be the place with a huge sign in the window of the restaurant advertising famous bumbleberry (mixed fruit) pies. The only downside was they don’t sell said pies in the restaurant but in the attached shop instead. DAY 13 BRYCE TO TUSAYAN Bryce to Grand Canyon with a stop for some more famousness varying our diet this time not with pies but cookies. A ride then through Kaibab National Forest and Marble Canyon and a stop at Cameron Trading Post. From there we entered Grand Canyon park through the east gate and rode part of the south rim and onto our hotel at Tusayan. DAY 14 TUSAYAN TO SEDONA In the morning we took a flight over the South Rim from Grand Canyon airport at Tusayan. The pilot gave us a briefing then cranked up the old single prop Cessna and chocks away. This was my first time on this flight and the views you get of the canyon and Colorado and Little Colorado rivers are fantastic. After the flight a bit of Route 66 to Williams and some refreshment in the form of pie at Pine Country Restaurant, 107 N Grand Canyon Blvd, AZ 86046. Stomachs full it was onto Jerome via Cottonwood on US 89A. Some of you will know that I am sometimes (or often) navigationally challenged and I had an ‘I should have turned left there moment as I sailed by the junction to Cottonwood. We retraced our steps which turned out to be the best decision

as the road to Jerome was one of the best roads on the trip with lots of bends, tremendous views and an excellent road surface. A quick look around Jerome and onto the Skyranch Motel in Sedona which has the addition of a bar since we were there on Peter’s tour in 2010. It was happy hour and seemed rude not to have some happiness. DAY 15 AROUND SEDONA A leisurely day with a trip to the Gold King Mine Ghost Town in Jerome. I was a bit sceptical but thought it was a wonderful place if you like machinery and still worth a visit even if you don’t. The owner Don Robertson looks like a stereotypical gold prospector and is somewhat of an engineering genius who maintains all the old machinery. One of the exhibits is Big Bertha, a 10,000 cu inch engine which Don will start for $10. I would have parted with my hard earned but took advantage of someone else having just paid. It may not interest all but the flywheel weighs 6.5 tons and the size and noise the exhaust make is like a cannon being fired. A ride around Red Rock state park then back to the Skyranch for some more happiness and a meal in the garden of the motel watching the sunset over the mountains. DAY 15 SEDONA TO PHOENIX A leisurely ride to Phoenix via Payson on AZ 87 to with the, by now, customary stop for pie and return the bikes the Chester’s with an extra 2637 miles on the clock. DAY 16 AROUND PHOENIX A final day of relaxation with a trip to Sun King Mine, an old mining community and tourist trap and a trip on the Dolly Steamboat on the secluded Canyon Lake taking in the majesty of the Superstition mountains whilst sipping cold beer. Our return trip was via Tortilla Flats, population 6, and from there a drive along a few miles of Apache Trail which is 22 miles of unmade road which makes the Moki Dugway look like an Interstate. We had an excellent holiday but missed the company of Kevin and Carol Howerd who unfortunately had to cancel due to illness. We did prove that you can live without beer for 3 days whilst on holiday but there was no unscientific study done as to whether the same can be said of pies. The trip also gave rise to the slogan ‘Where there’s a Walmart there’s a way’ although I doubt this will catch on and be adopted by the company. Ian

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Pete & Duncan’s Pump Stop including a couple of early Harley Panheads, and the usual chopped specimens. The bike of the day for me, however, just had to be this Heath-Robinson contraption of bicycle plus engine! A couple of weeks previously, Yvonne and I had attended the Calne Bike Festival – the first time we have managed to get to it, despite its being almost on our doorstep. There were plenty of Harleys parked up, including a WiltWith my “Ember Red Sunglow” 2012 Street Glide shire Police bike, plus half a dozen or so from the (don’t you just love the Harley paint names?) parked Oxford H.O.G® Chapter. right next to Mike Sage’s “Amber Whisky”- coloured 2014 Rushmore Street Glide, several people were interested why his bike had a funny slit under the windscreen, while mine didn’t! The other big news was that Big Al didn’t win “Best American Bike” again. This year, several of us entered our bikes, just to provide a bit of competition. In the event, however, none of us won anything – boo! Today was the annual Bristol Bike Show and, in contrast to last year, (a) the weather was great, (b) rather than just 7 bikes, the GWC area in Small Street was packed to the gills, (c) there were loads of people meandering around the show and stopping to ask about our bikes, and dropping money into the Mencap bucket, wielded by Bryan.

I did however spot a celebrity taking some photos of the GWC line-up (hopefully for inclusion in the next issue of MAG’s publication, “The Road”. It was Lembit Öpic, previously Leader of the Welsh Lib Dems and MP for Montgomeryshire, and latterly Campaigns and Communications Director for MAG. So, after a quick introduction, I got him to come over for a photoopportunity. There were plenty of great bikes on display,

(Continued on page 17)

Page 17 The Blade Group were there and had some of their bikes on display - it’s a real pity that Calne is out-ofarea for Riders, as their presence, along with GWC, would have made quite an impact. The bike that was attracting most attention at the festival was this beast:

The BBRF was set up as a charity in 2011 with just one aim – to support bikers and their families after serious injury or fatality, by providing emergency, practical and financial assistance. Such a great initiative, and one that mirrors organisations like the “Biker Down Assistance Network” in the USA. Only £6.50 a year to give our support. By the time this issue of RoadHOG appears, we will have been up to TITG and come back again, hopefully with some great (dry!) riding. The day following Club Night, at The Cross Hands, we are Phoenix-bound and looking forward to pretty sure-fire glorious sunny weather on the desert highways. Then, sadly, it’s back to the steady decline into shortening Autumnal days and, before you know it, all the Christmas paraphernalia will be appearing in the supermarkets! On which point, here’s September’s tip of the month:

Now that the nights are starting to draw in and some of us may be riding on darker evenings, it might be time to The Flying Millyard (built by Allan Millyard) is a 5 think about upgrading your headlight to the new litre V-twin, taking two cylinders from a 9 cylinder, Daymaker. Available for most models, these new 22 litre Pratt and Whitney R1340 radial engine. lamps provide a focused beam of light down the Cranked up, it made a hell of a noise, but we didn’t road and a pool in front of the motorcycle. They are get to see it actually perform on the road. Whatever, also designed for a long life and the shock-resistant it sure is some machine! lamp assembly mounts into the existing housing for easy installation. Something else that attracted my attention at Calne was the British Biker Relief Foundation stall. Compared with the yellow light of a traditional halogen bulb, the LED lamp produces a daylight colour impression. The lamp comes in chrome or gloss black and plugs directly into the factory wiring. A standard headlamp on low beam travels about 320 feet, while a Daymaker travels to almost 500 feet and, on main beam, 650 feet. You can also get Daymaker auxiliary lamps to add to the bike’s looks and your visibility. Whether you want to grab a little more attention, or light up the darker evenings, the Daymaker will get you noticed. Pop in and ask for a demonstration from any of the team. Once again, Ride Safe

Peter and Duncan@riders

At a Glance - GWC Activities Calendar Contact Anita Cockwell if you have any other events you would like to see listed. Tel: 01761 471385 or mobile: 07841 617477 or e-mail: For further details on any event listed visit “What’s On” on the GWC website. Date



Committee Contacts Sponsoring Dealer Duncan White 0117 9588777 Director Barry Aggett 07907 351650


Asst Director/Treasurer Peter Roberts 07540 164157 Asst Director/ Head Road Captain Alan Stokes 07766 237242

September 10th

Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Ride Out

Greg Payne & Team

‘Cruising The Lakes’


Charity Event

Stephanie Evans

Parachute Jump in Aid of Mencap


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Ride Out

Barney, Hard & Wide

‘Blasting the Bard’

Activities Officer Anita Cockwell 01761 471385




Ride to the Wall

Safety Officer Andy Kendall 07905 397474


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed


Ride Out

Graham Roach & BMC Team


Editor Mark Cockwell 07900 496711


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury




Hoggin’ the Mughal Spice - Curry


Ride Out

Big Al & Team

‘Soaring in Somerset - Return of the Flying Pigs’


Secretary Yvonne Roberts 01225 751017 Webmaster Chris Harding 07801 562011

Photographer/Historian Tony Yendle 07787 551612 Ladies of Harley Jane Scott 07894 086626


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury

Charity Co-ordinator Stephanie Evans 07983 259752


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed

Cangen Cymraeg Rep Greg Payne 07976 913004



Jane Scott

LOH Weekend Break

Rally Co-ordinator Tony James 07940 895921


Ride Out

Bazz Aggett

'Bazzer's Christmas Bazaar'



Bazz Aggett

Cross Hands Hotel, Old Sodbury


Club Night

Bazz Aggett

St Mary’s Hotel, Pencoed




Xmas Party



Road Captains Barry Aggett, Phil Blake, Mike Brake, Nigel Garnett, Simon Griffiths, Paul Groom, Chris Harding, Ian Johnson, Andy Kendall, Andy Kendall (RKK), Ian Mead, Greg Payne, Dave Pocock, Stephanie Pocock, Dave Roberts, Mike Sage, Jane & Stuart Scott, Alan Stokes, Tony Yendle.

Road Marshals Steve Crook, Paul Evans, Neil Lewis, Neil Prescott, Bryn Wiltshire.

RoadHOG is printed by

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