sherwood scene
June-August 2023
June-August 2023
Tom McBride: President 6724 SW Aylesbury Rd. Topeka, KS 66610
785.231.7469 /
Kurt Bossert: Vice President
7544 SW Blue Inn Pl. Topeka, KS 66610
785.224.9999 /
Aline Barrett: Secretary 7601 SW Robin Hood Ct. Topeka, KS 66614
785.273.7889 /
Jo Hunt: Treasurer 7031 SW Fountaindale Rd. Topeka, KS 66614 785.640.4490
Kerry O’Neal
7138 SW Robins Dr. Topeka, KS 66610 785.478.9559 /
Kevin Beck
6971 SW Fountaindale Rd. Topeka, KS 66614
785.224.0489 /
Megan Clay 3735 SW Herefordshire Topeka, KS 66610 785.608.5315 /
Mike Morse 3941 SW Chelmsford Topeka, KS 66610 785.554.0929 /
Rob Seitz 7061 SW Fountaindale Rd. Topeka, KS 66614
785.478.1745 /
Clubhouse Rentals
July 15 – Hunsicker Rental
July 16 – Betsworth Rental
July 29 – Gwaltney Rental
August 9 – Peterson Judging Event
August 19 – Calderwood Rental
Board of Director Meetings
July 24 – Regular Monthly Board Meeting
August 28 – Regular Monthly Board Meeting
Other Events
July 20 – Lake Quality Environment Committee Meeting
July 22 – SLC Sailing Club Commodores Cup
August 8 – Sherwood Improvement District Monthly Meeting
Food Trucks at SLC Beach
Aug 9th (Wed)-Bobby’s Food Co
Brian & Alicia Thurlow
Vince & Leanne Finney
Kyle & Julie Stevens
Chase & Carlene Walker Michele Banks
Travis Hirt
Lana Kennedy John Ireland
Paul Burroughs
Luke Foster
Vincent & Leanne Finney – 7245 SW Lancelot Ct. Chase & Carlene Walker – 7225 SW Palace Dr. Scott & Anna Williams – 6860 SW Aylesbury Rd.
Cover: Photo courtesy of Laura Waterson
Now with the 4th of July over---thank you Megan Clay, Jeff Handley and all the volunteers--normal summer water activities resume.
Please become familiar with the Lake Sherwood Restrictions and Water Sports Safety Rules. These are for everyone to follow and abide by. Your Summer Fun will be safer and more friendly.
The main part is Respect. Please have respect for your fellow members, their lake front properties and watercraft.
The Lake Sherwood Community is so unique, and we all should endeavor to keep the area unique.
Have a wonderful Summer. School will be starting in August, then we are facing Fall and Winter.
Enjoy while you are able.
Tom McBride, SLC President“THANK YOU” to all the volunteers that help with the July 4th Festivities. It would not be possible to hold all the events we do without the volunteers so generously donating their time and efforts. There is a tremendous amount of planning and work that goes into the July 4th events each year and simply is not possible without the volunteers. A special thanks to the cooks and servers for the Beach Hot Dog Luncheon. Many couples & families stepped up and pitched in to help make the luncheon a success. SLC served 1,500 hot dogs, hundreds of cans of soft drinks & bottled water, over 1000 bags of chips and over 1400 pounds of ice was consumed.
Moreover, the weekends activities were an enormous hit. Thousands of people enjoyed time with family and friends on the lake and the fireworks on the dam were spectacular. Thank you to Mr. Matalone and his crew for a wonderful show. Also, a big thanks to Mrs. Bobo and family for organizing and managing the beach games. From judging the balloon-toss to lifeguarding the children during the SLC age group swim competition, it was great fun. Anyone wishing to participate/volunteer to help with the July 4th events next 2024, can email the SLC manager at
The clubhouse has been given a full facelift. Most of the work on it was completed in June. The clubhouse has a new roof, windows, and a fresh coat of paint. Thank you to Gardner roofing and J & G Windows for their work at a reasonable rate. A special thank you to Taylor and Tracy Lynch for painting the clubhouse. Most of the painting was done for a little over cost and it looks great. New carpet is ordered and should be installed in early August. Furthermore, the Beach now has state of the art security cameras which were installed by Allteck. These cameras were especially needed in order to keep the area safe and the boat ramp secured during off hours.
Once again, the Goose Round up this season was cancelled due to bird flu issues. This is by order of the Federal & Kansas Wildlife offices. We have an estimated #40 geese that have made Sherwood their home. In 2024 government permitting, efforts to round them up and relocate them will be organized.
Additionally, the BOD last year initiated new quarantine regulations. These quarantine regulations are to protect our lake from the zebra mussel threat. If you have not noted the quarantine rules in the past they are listed below:
#21 Days Quarantine: On all used dock or boat lifts.
#14 Days Quarantine: In-board or in & out boat motors. This includes wake board, wake surf, ski comp boats.
#7 Days Quarantine: Fishing Boats with out-board motors.
Keep in mind, the greatest Zebra Mussel threat to our lake is personal watercrafts such as: kayaks, canoes sail boats, paddle boats, floatation devices/ toys, etc. These crafts are typically launched from a member’s property and are not inspected by SLC staff. Please, continue to clean, drain, and dry these vessels before they enter the lake.
Remember that the Yellow Flags on the lake mean caution heavy boat traffic. When the lake is yellow flagged (as it was on July 4th) The rules are as follows:
1. No zigzagging while pulling tuber, etc.
2. Every boat pulling a skier, tuber, etc. must have an observer on board. We had an incident where one boat driver on July 4th was asked repeatedly
to obey the No Zigzagging rule. FYI: This rule is in place to protect our children who are riding on the tubes. The lake is seldom yellow flagged. Most of the time the yellow flag alert occurs on holidays, because of very high boater traffic. Our lake is small and high boat traffic situations can be dangerous. So please obey the yellow flag alerts.
However though, I would like to extend my appreciation to most boat operators on the lake this season. The lake has been peaceful with few boating incidents. Please remember that the entire lake is a “NO Wake Zone” after dark. Management truly appreciates this. By day, please remember to observe the “No Wake Zones” designated by the white and orange/green buoys on the lake.
Reminder Patrol hours are as follows: During the weekdays Monday through Friday {7am to 2:30pm} we are “On Call” only at the boat ramp. Please phone (785) 221-2628 and make an appointment to launch your boat. Weeknights 2:30pm to 10pm the Courtesy Patrol will be on duty
at the beach. Saturdays & Sundays the Patrol will be on duty from 7am to 10pm. We are anticipating shutting down the Patrol in early October, the exact date has not been finalized, but the hours will be modified as the summer ends and we enter the fall months. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. I wish you and your families a wonderful fall season. Also, good luck to our students as they return to school this August.
Respectfully, Jeff HandleyWe learned from the Kansas Water Office that there was a delay in the FEMA phase 2 program funding so application for the construction funds has not been made to date. The KWO is requesting a 1 year extension from the Kansas Division of Water Resources to allow the application to be submitted once it is available this fall. Therefore, the likelihood of construction occurring this winter is very slim to
none. We are now likely looking at the middle of next year (possibly July, 2024) to complete the work. With the selected options, there should not be any impact on the summer recreational activities on the lake but would impact Nottingham Road again. It would be great to time the work to start after the 4th of July and end before school starts in August. We will know more in the coming months.
No updates provided.
Another year and another Thank You goes out to Theresa Oyler for again bringing color through flowers to our beach and clubhouse. Kaw Valley Greenhouses run a spring seasonal garden center each year from April to the end of June. Theresa manages the Kaw Valley Greenhouse in the parking lot on the North side of Westridge Mall. She has been volunteering her time to Sherwood Lake Club
We received the second water test results. Here is the summary:
“The second water sampling for the current season occurred on June 15, 2023. The samples indicate that the lake is overall healthy. The elevated microcystins remain a concern but have remained stable despite drought conditions and hot, stagnant conditions. Microcystins are produced by blue-green algae and associated with harmful algal blooms. Harmful
by selecting a variety of flowering plants of various colors and then plants them for our membership’s enjoyment.
If you happen to see Theresa, please thank her for her time and sharing her passion for the business with Sherwood Lake Club.
algal blooms can cause death in dogs coming in contact with the toxins produced and trigger human illness as well. It is hoped that the lake will receive precipitation throughout the remainder of the summer and that wave action will mix stratified layers to reduce the risk of harmful algal blooms. Providing aeration to the stagnant layers can reduce the potential for harmful algal blooms and may require consideration at some point in the future.
The Sherwood Sailing Club is off to a great start this year, having completed their 7th race of the season, which occur on Sundays at 1:30 PM.
We will have our 49th Annual Commodores Cup Sailing Regatta on Saturday, July 22nd, with the Awards Banquet at the Clubhouse that evening.
The Cup Regatta started in 1975, and each year we have several races to see who will hold the coveted cup for a year.
Due to the extra efforts of Chuck Towle, Al Hunt, and others, we were able to provide free sailing lessons to lake members during June.
I’m happy to report that three new sailors have joined the racing fleet from training.
You know I’m always here with Good Neighbor service. But I’m also here with surprisingly great rates for everyone. Call me for a quote to see how much you can save. You might be surprised.
Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.®
5. Dimensions & Access – Each “A” Member is permitted One (1) Contiguous Dock System with up to three boat slips. Such Dock System shall be accessible from the member’s property with no more than two Gangways and the System shall not exceed 40’ in Width and 30’ in Length Depth (The length does not include the length of the Gangway, see Rule J-7 regarding lake penetration).
Once you receive the link to view the publication, you should see four commands right below the magazine: share, save, like and download. Click on download, and the file should begin downloading immediately – either to your computer’s desktop or downloads folder, or wherever you have your computer set up to handle downloads.
Lakes age naturally by becoming more fertile with increasing levels of phosphorus and nitrogen. Lakes also fill in with sediment as they age. These natural processes create marshes and then meadows. Lake aging can be accelerated by human actions. The LQEC has been studying the factors that affect the health of the lake and one of these is nutrient loading. Our initial research indicated that the primary cause of excess nutrients was likely to be lawn fertilization practices. This was a prominent theme in our literature review. As a result of our research we tested our hypothesis through a soil testing project that was done in the fall of 2022. Fifty lawns, mostly lakefront, were sampled. The lawns were reasonably distributed around the lake. The LQEC performed the sampling for standardization purposes. Samples were analyzed by the K-State Soil Testing Laboratory.
One of the principles that guide the LQEC is adaptive management. Specifically this means that we test our hypotheses and adapt our thinking and approaches to identified problems based on the results. Links are attached to this article for the members to review. These include the entire Soil Testing Project report with graphs and analysis as well as a summary document that highlights the findings. Frankly, we did not find the levels of excess nutrients in the lawns that we expected. Even with very little soil testing on the part of DIY homeowners and commercial vendors, the results indicate that we are doing a pretty good job with current practices. However, in balancing the nutrient needs for healthy lawns with the protection of the lake from nutrient overloading, we can and should do better. The best practice is what we should strive for as owners of the lake. The lake provides not only excellent recreation but materially adds significantly to our property values. It is the single most important asset owned by the Sherwood Lake Club.
Our literature review leading up to the project – after distillation – is summarized as follows:
1. EVERY study we reviewed begins a fertilization program with periodic soil testing. This is particularly true for lakefront or lake basin lawns. It is impossible to determine
what nutrients are needed to meet both goals without baseline testing and periodic followup testing.
2. Nitrogen needs to be supplied at the proper times to promote healthy turf development. Due to its rapid movement through the soil care must be taken to provide the right amount at the right time to both stimulate turf grass growth AND prevent adjacent waterway nutrient pollution.
3. Phosphorus is rarely needed in Kansas. When deficient, the fall is the best time to supply it. This nutrient moves slowly down into the soil and is prone to run off into the waterway where it stimulates plant growth – especially algae. It is best applied AFTER core aeration as this puts it nearer to the roots where it is taken up.
4. Potassium is also rarely needed in Kansas. When deficient, it too should be applied in the fall AFTER core aeration.
5. Most of the sample sites have excess Soil Organic Matter. As explained in the referenced documents, excess SOM can be problematic. Core aeration twice a year can reduce the SOM to healthy levels.
The second goal of the Soil Testing Project was to use what we learned to develop fertilization guidelines for the membership (and hopefully for all basin dwellers). Despite better than expected performance in lawn fertilization practices, it is still critically important that we all do what we can to balance the goals of a healthy lawn with a healthy lake. Excess phosphorus and nitrogen stimulate undesirable algal blooms that will affect lake usage due to health concerns.
After review of the 50 reports, the LQEC developed fertilization recommendations based on those recommended by the K-State Soil Testing Laboratory. These were then reviewed by the K-State Extension Office. The link to these recommendations is also attached to this article.
As mentioned, the LQEC utilizes adaptive management. So, if lawn fertilization is not the primary contributor (yet still an important one) to nutrient loading and excess algal growth, then
what is? Further research has identified two other contributors to the nutrient loading. The first is the abundant amount of leaves that fall in the autumn. The LQEC has prepared a white paper about this issue which will be forthcoming. A tremendous amount of phosphorus is leached out of downed, wet leaves in the fall. All of this phosphorus tea runs into the lake. One pound of phosphorus produces 500 pounds of algae! The second contributor is waterfowl feces. Another white paper outlining the effects of waterfowl feces on nutrient loading as well as the introduction of human disease-causing microorganisms into the lake by waterfowl feces is forthcoming also. One goose on a one acre pond will overload that pond with phosphorus! Again, this leads to algal overgrowth.
Intervening to stop the nutrient overloading that occurs from these three sources requires that each member accept personal responsibility for limiting his/her contribution to the problem. It is our lake,
our recreational resource, and our property values that we should all want to protect. It is possible to have a healthy lawn and a healthy lake. Once educated as to the problems and possible solutions, we can do it.
Click to read the related documents:
Soil Testing Project – Executive Summary.pdf
Soil Testing Project Analysis.pdf
Fertilization Recommendations.pdf
Lawn Fertilizer 101 Executive Summary.pdf
Lawn Fertilizer 101.pdf
5 yrs. and under:
1st Place – Dax Bobo
2nd Place - Dayton
3rd Place – Walker
6-7 yrs.:
1st Place – Ryker Bobo
2nd Place (Tie) – Shayla Broxterman
2nd Place (Tie) – Jack Mulligan
8-9 yrs.:
1st Place – Caden Gill
2nd Place – Brooklyn Harrison
3rd Place – Madi (Hunt) Wester
10-12 yrs.:
1st Place – Esli Eilert
1st Place: Alec VanNort and Austin Elliott
2nd Place: Carson Gill and Bud Gill
3rd Place (Tie): Nick Wendling and Caroline Wolverton
3rd Place (Tie): Brody Bromich and Karter Bromich
2nd Place – Mara (Hunt) Lutgen
3rd Place – Hudson Dohrman
13-14 yrs.:
1st Place (Tie) – Caroline Wolverton
1st Place (Tie) – Brody Bromich
2nd Place – Harper Nikkel
15-16 yrs.:
1st Place – Andrew Wolverton
2nd Place – Kieran Dillon
3rd Place – Lauren Cox
Men’s 17 yrs. and older:
1st Place – Brett Meggison
2nd Place – Mitch Bromich
3rd Place – Braden Bromich
Women’s 17 yrs. and older:
1st Place – Halsey Handley Elliott
2nd Place – Kristi Robertson
3rd Place – Hannah Handley VanNort
Kids (12 and under): North side
Adults: North side
1st Place (tie) – Carmella Siegel - Red Golf Cart
1st Place (tie) – DEVLIN’S - large group photo float
2nd Place – Annette Beck/ Elpers -Golf cart & ATV
3rd Place – Mullers - Army Jeep
1st Place – Olympia Sokoloff
2nd Place – JP Smith & Wyatt Sanders
3rd Place – Dec & Cruise Pruente
Ladies winners:
Most fish: Cheryl Bromwich 21
Largest game fish: Quinn Trobough 1 lb. 8oz bass
Largest fish: Karter Thorpe 6 lbs. 4oz catfish
Men’s winners:
Most fish: BJ Bromwich 21
Largest game fish: Branden Bromwich
2 lbs. 12oz. Bass
Largest fish: Eric Wendling 11 lbs 4oz.
Under 15 Girls winners:
Most fish: Jenna Wendling 20
Largest game fish: Savannah Stevenson
6 oz. bass
Largest fish: Tenley Voelcker 14 carp
Under 15 boys
Most fish: Miles Burgess 41
Largest game fish: Mason Likos 1 lb 5 oz bass
Largest fish: 11 lbs flathead catfish
1st Place – Main Street USA by Cox, Dylan, Jellison, Taryn and Lauren Leighton, Tucker Sigle.
2nd Place – Revolutionary War by Grace, Reece and Harper Nikkel
3rd Place – Unnamed Castle by Hudson, Dylan and Reese Meggison
1st Place – Alligator by Bromtich Family
2nd Place – American Turtle by Lane Ray and Miles Burgess
3rd Place – Catfish by Christian and Reuben Robertson
1st Place – Long Tail by Xavier and Ezra
Marajlutgen, Hydee and Sydney Moore
2nd Place – Crawdad Fort Sherwood by Reese and Jack Mulligan
3rd Place – Barbie by Ruth and Christian Robertson
There were 12 teams in volleyball tournament, the most ever!
1st - Spiked Punch: Front Row - Tyler Feist, Ashley Habiger, Paul Feist, Abby Habiger.
2nd Row: Ike Hedquist, Brad Hopper, Jerrett Romine.
2nd - The Jabronis: Jarod Tetuan, Tucker Stone, Mac Stone, Megan Tetuan, Julia Walker, Bailey Burghart, Craig Burghart.
John Wendling and Dave Ast chaired the horseshoe competition.There were 17 teams that participated. The competition was very stiff which made for good entertainment for the crowd of onlookers. The winners were from L to R 1st place Kris Burkardt and Phil Tuckwilerd, guest of Dick and Marty Dixon and runners up Chris Hearichs and Parker Ast, guests of Dave and Debby Ast. A good time was had by all.
Sorry we don’t have the winner's names for the Run. Please email if you have the results and we’ll feature them in the next Scene. Thanks!
April 24, 2023
The regular meeting of the Sherwood Lake Club, Inc. Board of Directors was held Monday, April 24, 2023 at the Sherwood Lake Clubhouse. President Tom McBride called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom McBride, Kerry O’Neal, Kurt Bossert, Mike Morse, Rob Seitz, Aline Barrett, Megan Clay, and Jo Hunt. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jeff Handley, Joe Anderson
1. MEMBERS/PUBLIC COMMENT: Members present: Chuck Towle, Chris Barnette, Joy Dodd, Randy McAllister
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Board approved the minutes as presented of the March 27, 2023 Regular Board Meeting. Motion made by Jo Hunt, seconded by Kerry O’Neal. Motion carried.
(a) PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Tom McBride didn’t have anything to report on at this time as the topics he will need to discuss will come up throughout the remainder of the meeting.
(b) MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Joe Anderson gave the report. He indicated that there were the following changes to the membership roster for Sherwood Lake Club over the last month:
• Todd Hansen Trust “A” Membership Approval – 3611 SW Nottingham Rd
• Kelly Schadegg “B” Membership Approval – 3920 SW Worwick Town Rd
• Justin Johnson “B” Membership Approval – 3324 SW Abbey Dr
• Warren Schmidgall “A” Membership retirement – 3630 SW Canterbury Town Rd
• Class B to Class A Membership Transfer – Scott Cummings – 3630 SW Canterbury Town Rd
• Robert Abbott “B” Membership retirement – 3945 SW Canterbury Town Rd
It was also noted that there are currently 14 people on the waiting list for a Class B membership. Kurt Bossert made a motion to approve the changes in membership as presented above. Jo Hunt seconded. Motion carried.
• See attached calendar for events scheduled for clubhouse and shelter.
(d) SHERWOOD SCENE: Annette will continue to do the preparation of the scene. She will lean on Joe Anderson to act as a liaison with the Board for items that she needs to obtain from the various board members for the upcoming Scene. Tom reiterated that we need to make sure that we are using this platform to communicate upcoming matters of importance with our membership and to highlight the various ways that members can get involved with the club.
(e) TREASURER’S REPORT: Jo Hunt made the presentation SLC currently has a cash balance of $490,983 with $200,005 of that being in a CD account at Envista Credit Union. After researching Money Market and CD rates at local financial institutions, $200,005 was moved to Envista. $5 in a checking account to establish membership in the Credit Union and $200,000 in a six-month CD earning 3.21%. The CD matures October 7, 2023 which is when we may need the money for the dam/spillway project. The move helps us stay closer to FDIC insured limits at Kaw Valley Bank and the CD will earn approximately $3,000 more than if it is kept in the current Money Market account at Kaw Valley Bank The amount of outstanding A/R is $6,854, mostly made up of marina slip revenue and some payment plans for new members joined over the last 12 months. Income is currently at 86% of budget and expenses are at 15%. Both are on track for the year.
CHECKS FOR APPROVAL: There is a check for $8,000 for the first half of the fireworks that is being requested to be paid to Matalone Fireworks. Also a payment in the amount of $1,550 for ground work around the lake club property due to Tracy Lynch. Insurance checks are being issued to the carriers’, as well as payment to Gardner Roofing for the roof replacement they did at the clubhouse earlier this month.
It was brought up about how much we pay Tracy Lynch for the work that he is doing for the club. Jeff indicated that he is paid at an hourly rate for landscaping work and also for the mowing work. It was also noted that Tracy does more than just mow the lawn throughout the community that is owned by the lake club. His predec essor didn’t get off the mower to pick up branches, fix broken posts, etc. and that is part of what Tracy is doing when he is out mowing. There was discussion about whether or not to mow the spillway. After much discussion, it was decided that
we would wait a little longer between mowing the next couple of months to see how the taller grass looked. One item that was brought up was the collection of trash that will most likely happen with taller grass. This may lead to a longer time to mow the area in the future as well as pick up the trash, so that will also be included in the evaluation of how often it should be mowed. We will discuss this again next month to determine what, if any, long term changes will be made to this component of our landscaping work that is done
Jo Hunt made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report Rob Seitz seconded. Motion carried. The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.
(f) MANAGER’S REPORT: Jeff Handley presented the report. New part time Lake Courtesy-Patrol Kyler Grownwaller: Interviewed and hired 3/29/23. FYI: He lives 2 doors east of the beach. A resume was sent out by Jeff to accompany his report to the Board for the April board meeting. Lake Patrol Boat launched onto the lake 4/6/23. Ready for the 2023 season after purchasing a new battery for the patrol boat. Lake Patrol returned to duty full time 4/16/23. Their hours are on call only during AM shift Monday to Friday. The PM shift Mon-Fri will be physically covered. Sat & Sun both the AM and PM shifts will be physically covered. Joe Anderson created an excel spread sheet with all members’ names, addresses, phone numbers and a check list of who has turned in a signed pledge form. THANK YOU, Joe! Copies have been distributed to the Lake-Courtesy Patrol. I have been contacting members who said that the club does not have mobile telephone numbers. Should have that complied by the beginning of summer. Those that have not turned in a signed pledge forms are being asked to do so at the beach when launching their boats. Those signed forms are collected by the Lake Patrol and turned in to Joe. New mobile boat stickers/numbers arrived 3/29/23. Lake Patrol will distribute at the boat ramp as needed. Any member refusing to display SLC 2023 stickers will be reported to the BOD. The board then can determine the action to be taken. I have had multiple conversations with Lake Patrol concerning this issue. We should have this issue covered and solved this season. April 17th and 18th: Gardner Roofing replaced roof at Clubhouse. Jeff on April 18th met with Kurt Bossert and Tracy Lynch about agenda for SLC Spring Cleaning Day 4/22/23. Agenda was written. They had Twenty-three volunteers come out for the annual clean-up day. He had some work done on the Laptop he uses; had a new battery purchased, and Wi-Fi repaired. 3/30/23: Met Brian Hall at the beach to calculate a bid for new cameras. Sent bid by email to BOD on 4/14/23. Approval pending. I believe the club only needs cameras at the beach. Clubhouse cameras can wait. The bid that was obtained was attached to the email sent prior to the Board Meeting. In discussion about what will be best for the lake club community, the lake patrol staff, and all other involved parties, it was decided that we needed a more intuitive camera system than what has been discussed in previous board meetings. The security of the lake patrol and our members are the most important factors to consider with this system. After much discussion, Rob made the motion to approve the camera system that was quoted for the beach (roughly $3k) from Alltech. Aline seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Jeff burned the brush pile on spillway with the help of Larre Betsworth. Thanks Larre, for your advice with safely burning. On 4/11/23 he got an emergency phone call, Mark DeGroff’s boat was sinking. We managed to retrieve it from the lake before it went down. On 4/12/23 the irrigation system water was turned back on at the beach. We will be watching water bills for the next couple of months from July and August to make sure any leaks are noticed in a timely manner. He has ordered new T-Shirts ordered for Lake Patrol. Finally, on April 4th there was 31 bumpers repaired at the marina and repaired wood flooring around Slip 25.
Kevin: Excerpts from Kevin’s email on 4/24/23 are shown below as he was not able to be in attendance at the meeting.
Dam Rehabilitation Project: The plans remain in review with the multiple state agencies through DWR oversight. We did receive some minor comments from DWR that the engineers are currently reviewing and addressing. He will be submitting the CORPS 404 permit application this week for their review and approval of permit During the meeting, Kevin sent to all board members a preliminary cost estimate based on the current plans. The estimate (attached to the minutes) came in with a price estimate of $1,261,420. He has heard from BG that they are working to set up a meeting with the KS Water Office to get our questions answered about construction contracting, etc. More to come on that next month. Finally, he indicated that SLC will submit the Erosion Control permit to KDHE in the July/August timeframe, closer to construction.
Sewer and Pump Station Project (SNCO): No update on schedule for the pump stations. Still working through materials lead time issues, etc. The Sanitary sewer rehab is still on hold pending legal resolution with the contractor that closed shop after being awarded the job.
LQEC: Warren Schmidgall has been an active lake member for over 30 years and will be moving away in the near future. He is a founding member of the LQEC committee and has been very active in all facets of the committee. Please make sure to overly thank him (and wife Mary) for his numerous contributions to the Lake over the years. He will be missed and will leave a hole in the committee that will be hard to fully fill.
The LQEC (Dr. Randy McAllister) has developed a Summary of Activity for the LQEC activities and will be providing to the Board once it is in its final version.
Sediment Basin #3 (Indian Hills) remains on hold as there are a few more details being developed for the project. He and a few others will meet with the adjacent land owner this Friday, April 28th and engineer (CFS Engineers) to discuss next steps
Sediment Basin #6 is mostly complete but still needs some additional rock placed. Will inquire with CFS engineer this week to try to nail down a completion date/timeframe. There are two remaining sediment basins identified and the budget currently includes $25k for one new basin this year. The committee is discussing which one of the two to complete this year.
The wattles have been picked up and sediment removed around them. 177 wattles were deployed. Committee members went through them this week to organize and weed out those that are beyond their useful life. Will help determine need/anticipated cost for next year. Cost was shared 3 ways with SID, Mission Township and SLC sharing the costs. Thank you to SID and Mission Township for their contributions to assist with minimizing sediment out of the lake.
Thank you to Steve Dodd, Nelson Dean, Tracy Lynch and Randy McAllister for being the wattle oversight/managers while they were deployed.
Fishery: We will be stocking walleye this year and it will occur in November. Will stock as many 6-8” size walleye as can be obtained for the $6000 budgeted amount. Randy McAllister will stay in touch with Charlie (same provider as the last several years) to nail down the date as November gets closer.
LQEC: Update provided by Randy McAllister – A soil sampling report was provided to the Committee by Randy McAllister. The Executive Summary will be provided to the Board by the committee as well as to the participating members first. To summarize this document, Randy indicated that it is recommended that we do not do anything in the future without first obtaining a soil sample from the areas that are needing to be evaluated prior to any work/plans made. See the document that Randy handed out attached to the minutes of this meeting.
Kurt: Insurance: Kurt mentioned that he has had some difficulty in getting timely information and premiums from our current insurance carriers and/or brokers. He would like to entertain getting quotes from other carriers/brokers for the renewal next year. Mike made a motion to approve this venture to allow Kurt to begin vetting other options for our coverage. Rob seconded. Motion carried.
Property: Annual clean up day went off without a hitch. There was over 20 members who came to help with the clean-up activities. Thank you to all that were able to come help. It was also mentioned that we need to try and ask someone (maybe a couple) in attendance to take pictures of the activities at future events of this kind to publicize in the Sherwood Scene.
Aline: By-laws: Nothing to report at this time
Kerry: Security: Nothing to report at this time
Jo: Website: She had a meeting w/ Sara McBride regarding options for the current website. Upon some research, it was discovered that if we do an update on the current platform, hosted by MemberLeap, there will be much more reporting and capabilities available to us once this is done. She will coordinate this with Sara and the vendor we use to get the update done and see what can be done to enhance the experience that our members will be able to have on the website.
Mike: Club Liaison: Nothing to report at this time
Megan: 4th of July: She indicated that she has just about all of the events covered by volunteers that have signed up. Unfortunately, we still do have any volunteers for the beach games and the fishing contest. She asked that we sent out an all-member email indicating no volunteers for the beach games and fishing contest –mention if you want to judge one or two games specifically, you can sign up for just those games. Information from this email will be shared with Megan and Tom.
She also mentioned that in an effort to cut some costs, there will not be a tent at the volleyball tournament
email to members asking to bring a pop-up tent if they come to the volleyball tournament This will be sent out as the weekend nears and also as the schedule is finalized.
Rob: Dock Improvements/Construction: Rob provided handouts for the 4 dock plans that had been submitted for approval.
Todd Hansen new dock system – Todd provided drawings of the new dock system. It is not increasing the current footprint of the existing dock; it is just replacing the dock and the lift that is in their now. Due to it being in line with our dock and lift modifications, Mike made a motion to approve the dock design. Kerry seconded. Motion carried.
Tim Allen new dock – he has purchased Clayton Devlin’s old dock system that was on the lake previously. Due to being in line with the dock modifications that are allowed, Mike made a motion, Megan seconded. Motion carried.
Bradley Hopper new dock – he is purchasing a dock from the Lake of the Ozarks. The unit is in line with dock parameters previously approved by the Board. Jeff made a comment that he will make sure that the quarantine guidelines are followed for this dock prior to it going into the lake. Mike made a motion, Kerry seconded. Motion carried.
Cory Swain new dock system – This is replica of the dock that is at the property of George Hooper. After much discussion, since the dock is a replica of a dock already on the lake, Mike made a motion to approve the new structure at Swain’s new property where construction is still on-going Jo seconded. Motion carried.
(a) Grant Award Status – See update above from Kevin Beck
(b) Pump Station Project – See update above from Kevin Beck
(c) Construction Project Committee – No new information available
(d) One Can One Kid – No new information available
(e) 2023 Strategic Plan Discussion – Tom will be updating that and sending it out to Board members shortly. Please let him know if you have any suggestions on items that need to be included in the plan for this calendar year.
(f) Membership Directory – Prior to the meeting, Aline sent out the options that she found for printing the directory from different companies here in town. It was decided to use QuikPrint to print this directory. In an attempt to get as much updated/correct data in this version, we will get the data that is on the current database for all of our members and validate and see what information (phone, email, etc.) is missing. Joe will send a comprehensive report to Jo and Aline for them to get the updated data from the necessary members. Once we get the updated data into the database on the website, we can do an export to format the information suitable for the new directory. Aline will get a timeline of what to expect so we know how soon we should have the new directories once the information is provided to the printing company. We will then discuss distribution efforts to make sure all members have a chance to get a copy of the directory.
(a) 6400 SW Suffolk – Membership is currently Class A membership. After discussing this amongst board members prior to this meeting, Tom has reached out and is waiting to hear from State of KS if the property has the space and ability to have a dock/lift and/or any combination of these items on the property. It is anticipated that the seller of the property will pay the amount that is due to SLC to get it paid up prior to the sell of the property so they can advertise the property to be available for Class A membership. Tom and Kevin Beck met with the realtor (Dee Anderson) for 6400 SW Suffolk earlier in the month to discuss the auxiliary spillway widening affecting that property, Class A membership needs and about obtaining additional spillway easement/temp easement for construction. We are having BG provide a fee proposal to us to develop both easement documents. Kevin is assuming that it would be less than $2000 and something that is needed to maintain the spillway in the future. The temp easement would disappear once the construction is complete (grass established). Dee seemed to think the easement(s) would be easy to complete and just needs the docs to have signed Tom is working with Joe to figure the final cost to bring the property back into Class A membership as it has not been kept up since the UM conference purchased the property. Additional discovery and discussion will continue with the easements and other matters over the next couple of weeks and will be shared with the board either prior to the next meeting or at the next board meeting in May.
6. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the regular meeting was adjourned. The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be Monday, May 22, 2023
Aline Barrett, Corporate SecretaryMay 22, 2023
The regular meeting of the Sherwood Lake Club, Inc. Board of Directors was held Monday, May 22, 2023 at the Sherwood Lake Clubhouse. President Tom McBride called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom McBride, Kerry O’Neal, Kurt Bossert, Kevin Beck, Rob Seitz, Aline Barrett, Megan Clay, and Jo Hunt. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jeff Handley, Joe Anderson
1. MEMBERS/PUBLIC COMMENT: Members present: Chuck Towle, Joy Dodd, Randy McAllister
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Board approved the minutes as presented of the April 24, 2023 Regular Board Meeting. Motion made by Kurt Bossert, seconded by Kevin Beck. Motion carried.
(a) PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Tom McBride didn’t have anything to report on at this time as the topics he will need to discuss will come up throughout the remainder of the meeting.
(b) MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Joe Anderson gave the report. He indicated that there were the following changes to the membership roster for Sherwood Lake Club over the last month:
• Charles Robertson “B” Membership Approval – 3934 SW Friar Rd
It was also noted that there are currently 13 people on the waiting list for a Class B membership. Aline Barrett made a motion to approve the changes in membership as presented above. Kevin Beck seconded. Motion carried.
• See attached calendar for events scheduled for clubhouse and shelter.
(d) SHERWOOD SCENE: Annette has gathered the necessary items for the Sherwood Scene. It is sitting with Peterson Publications for compiling all of the items and then it will be sent out to membership in the next week or so. We will plan to have another Scene right before the 4th of July holiday weekend, so be ready to provide information to Annette when she reaches out to you by early June.
(e) TREASURER’S REPORT: Jo Hunt made the presentation SLC currently has a cash balance of $428,777 with $200,005 of that being in a CD account at Envista Credit Union. The amount of outstanding A/R is $14,253, mostly made up of new members who are using the payment plans to pay their joining fee Income is currently at 88% of budget and expenses are at 32%. Both are on track for the year.
The first Finance Committee meeting of the year was held on May 9th. Members on the committee are Jerry Desch, Joy Dodd, Linda Gwaltney, Pam Leinwetter, Jeff Lolley and Jo Hunt. The committee will focus on five areas: financial policies and procedures, investment policies for reserve cash, annual budget preparation, compliance with Sherwood Lake Club Bylaws, and long-term financial planning. Each member will work with the Treasurer on at least one area of focus. Our next meeting is July 11, at 6:00 PM
CHECKS FOR APPROVAL: There is a payment in the amount of $1,805 for groundwork around the lake club property due to Tracy Lynch.
Kurt Bossert made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Rob Seitz seconded. Motion carried. The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.
(f) MANAGER’S REPORT: Jeff Handley presented the report. He and Tracy Lynch and Nelson Dean treated the Sumac (invasive weed) that is located in the center of the north side of dam. This took about 16-man hours to cut. Thank you to Tracy Lynch and Nelson Dean for their help. This was sprayed on the 17th and 18th of May and will be burned off after Memorial Day Weekend. He is having Fox Tile and Flooring in St Mary’s come out and bid new carpeting for Clubhouse most likely next week, but maybe later depending on their availability to get out to the clubhouse and meet with him. Beach gate system was repaired by Alltech on 4/25/23. Battery on system was replaced. Also, the internet is down at the beach. Alltech will be fixing this issue in the next week or so Goose eggs oiled at Marina. 5 eggs never hatched. There is one goose family on the lake with 5 babies from a nest we did not locate. Windows on
west side of the clubhouse were repaired on 5/2/23. Windows on either side of the front door will be repaired later this month. He believes the clubhouse windows have not been replaced since the late 1970’s or early 1980’s. Boater Safety Class taught Wednesday 5/3/23 with about 20 people in attendance on Zoom for the meeting. The next class will be Wednesday 5/24/23. Class will be recorded to be used in the future. Clock in the Shed at the beach that is used by the Lake Patrol may need repaired or replacing. Has not been keeping correct time consistently. Time clock is over 10 years old. He will determine what other options we have and present them to the board at the next meeting. There were some repairs done to the beach dock. Thanks to Chris Barnette and Travis Hirt for their help in doing that. They will collecting water samples later on this month to send in for sampling. There was some discussion about adding rock to end of boat ramp to alleviate the issues that are currently present with the low water conditions. The issue would go away if we get a lot of rain, but we can’t expect that, so Jeff is going to do some looking and when the temperature of the water gets higher, he will get down and look to see how much gravel would be needed. He can then get with the contractor that installed the boat ramp and have them come out to drop some gravel where it is needed to fix this issue.
Kevin: Dam Rehabilitation Project: He and Jason are working on finding a new contact at the KWO as the current person has not responded. They have not heard anything for several months after sending emails and making several phone calls. He did mention that the easements that will be needed have not been done yet, but things are in progress to get these done in a timely manner.
Sewer and Pump Station Project (SNCO): The county is still waiting for pumps to arrive. 1-2 months out still most likely. Once the pumps arrive, the county will provide him with a schedule, which he will forward out to the board, and we can distribute to the membership once the project timeline nears so all are aware of what is going on throughout the lake club community. He mentioned that bidding will go out to contractors this week, work will probably start in 2-3 months, so long as the pumps are in, and the contractors are able to get started.
Sediment Basin #3 – project is still on hold as they try and navigate the construction around the member property that the basin is located nearby. Additional conversations are happening so all involved parties are on the same page. More to come on this in the next couple of months.
Sediment Basin #6 – This basin is still in a holding pattern as the work has not been completed yet, we still owe 20% of the invoice for this basin once the work is completed and verified by SLC that is complete.
Basin #5 & Basin #7 - #5 should be done by SID; #7 will be done by us. He is anticipating that the work will not be completed this calendar year. Due to that, he made a motion to carry-forward the budgeted funds that were included in the 2023 budget so the accrued dollars can be expended in a future period even though they were budgeted for in this calendar year. Aline seconded. Motion carried
He gave an update on the Nottingham Rd construction that the county is doing during the summer months. The construction will be starting 5/30/23. He was able to get an update into the Scene prior to it going out. We will also be sending an email blast out to membership later on this week to advise them of this project. The construction will impact some of the events around the 4th of July as work is not expected to be completed until early August. The Fire Department is aware of this and is working on a plan of how they will be involved in the parade since Nottingham Rd will be able to be accessed through Sherwood Ct and/or Fountaindale Rd. Megan will also be discussing with Talisa Stringer about the run around the lake as the stretch of road on Nottingham will not be able to be run on for the run around the lake held over 4th of July weekend. We will communicate this information once a new route is determined to membership, so they are aware of what is going on.
LQEC: Update provided by Randy McAllister – Randy mentioned that the Executive Summary and full pdf report that was provided by the County from the soil sampling tests that were done will be distributed to all members who participated in the testing. This information will be useful to determine what members use a lawn company for their property vs. who does it themselves. This will help the LQEC determine what options will be best for the lake club to recommend to members to use based on the soil samples that were obtained and what treatments have historically been applied to each yard.
Kurt: Insurance: Nothing to report at this time
Property: Theresa Oyler did the flowers at the beach; they look fantastic, so thank you for that work that you did. He mentioned that she always does an amazing job and very rarely asks for help in doing this
Aline: By-laws: Nothing to report at this time SLC Membership Directory: She reported that she was able to contact all members who we didn’t have an email address for earlier in the month and asked them to get an email address, if they had one, to either her or Joe Anderson so the information could be included in the directory. An email blast will be sent out to all members asking them to go online and make sure all information on their profile is up to date. We will ask members to get all information up to date in less than 72 hours from when the email goes out to make it clear that this is an urgent request from the lake club. Once this is completed, we will compile the information as previously mentioned last month and get the information over to the printer by the 10th of June. This should give them enough time to get the directories printed. The plan is to communicate to membership that we will distribute them during the events throughout the 4th of July holiday weekend. This will allow us to reach the most members all at once to get as many handed out as possible. We will then have a plan to distribute a directory to members who are not reached throughout the holiday once it passes.
Kerry: Security: AllTech has ordered the cameras, will be installed when they are in and AllTech can get out to have them installed.
Jo: Website: She has continued to meet w/ Sara McBride about options that they have in the design of the website. Tom mentioned that Sara should be able to do some mock-ups of options for Jo to share with other members of the board. She is also holding on paying anything to Vieth Consulting for the upgrades we will need to make sure that we understand all other pricing components that we will have once we move to this upgraded platform. She also wants to be sure she understands how information will flow with our accounting platform and what procedural changes will need to be made for invoicing our members so the website and the accounting platform can work together to make sure financials are accurate, as well as members have the information they need on their dashboard to view past invoices, current unpaid invoices, and other pertinent information. She finished by stating that she thought this would be a quick process, but it is important to make sure the setup is right and how we want it, so we don’t have to go back and change anything once the new site goes live.
Mike: Club Liaison: Nothing to report due to him being absent from the meeting
Megan: 4th of July: She reported that all the beach games have been picked up by various members to run so all activities for the 4th of July weekend will go on as in years past. She also mentioned that Kerry O’Neal will be coordinating the fishing contest. He will work with her and Brian Madel to get the trophies ordered. Jeff commented that if we need ribbons, like we have used in the past, to let him know, but that he would like some advanced notice, so he has time to get them prior to the holiday weekend. Information pertaining to the road closure on Nottingham will be sent out to members prior to the holiday weekend, as well as other scheduled events like boat ramp closure and other annual announcements that are sent out prior to the holiday to all members. She asked that all look at the fireworks donation sheet she has sent out to all board members and indicate what parties each will be contacting so a member is not contacted by more than one board member to donate to the fireworks. If a member wants to be invoiced to pay electronically, please let Joe Anderson know and he will send them the applicable invoice to pay for the fireworks donation.
Rob: Dock Improvements/Construction: After discussion among those that drafted the current dock/lift rules, he is recommending a change to dock rule #5. The change would have Rule J-5 read “…no more than two Gangways and the System shall not exceed 40’ in Width and 30’ in Length (The length does not include the length of the Gangway, see Rule J-7 regarding lake penetration.) Rob made the motion to approve the change. Jo seconded. Motion carried. This change will be included in the next Sherwood Scene edition and also incorporated into the directory that is sent out to membership later on this summer.
(a) Grant Award Status – See update above from Kevin Beck
(b) Pump Station Project – See update above from Kevin Beck
(c) Construction Project Committee – No new information available
(d) 6400 SW Suffolk – Tom gave an update on the size of the land that is adjacent to the lake that is assigned to this property It is not big enough to have a dock on it, as we have seen before with previous owners of this property. He is expecting the current owners to pay all back dues for the membership prior to listing it for sale. The main issue is what do we do about the current status of the Class A membership that is assigned to this property. All agree that it is not fair to charge them an A membership if they can’t have a dock/lift/etc. to use. We also must be cognizant of the spillway as we don’t want to allow them to do anything that will get us in trouble with the DWR regarding flow of
water through the spillway if/when we experience high waters like we did in 2007. Kurt mentioned that we technically don’t have to decide anything on this until the new property owners come to the Board and ask for a membership and/or bring dock plans in to put something on their property. Technically this is true, but it would be nice to have a good game plan of what we are going to do before we HAVE to deal with a new property owner who is expecting to get lake rights with the purchase of the residence. Tom will continue to see what options are available and have continued discussion w/ the current property owner, as well as the real estate agent working for them. The house is expected to be listed around the 1st of July, so more discussion will have to be had at the next board meeting in June.
(e) One Can One Kid – No new information available
(f) 2023 Strategic Plan Discussion – No new information available
5. NEW BUSINESS: Lon Lewis Property will be sold in the near future. They have reached out to Aline asking about renting the property and whether or not the renters will have lake rights during this period. It was discussed with them and indicated that the renters do not have lake club rights while renting the property. Aline then mentioned that it would be nice to provide information to real estate agents so they know more about the membership application process, where to direct their clients to get more information from the website, etc. Tom then indicated that Mike is supposed to be contacting Sunflower Board of Realtors to get a resource to send information to that he will pass along to the Club Staff and fellow Board of Directors.
6. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the regular meeting was adjourned. The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be Monday, June 26, 2023
Aline Barrett, Corporate SecretaryJune 26, 2023
The regular meeting of the Sherwood Lake Club, Inc. Board of Directors was held Monday, June 26, 2023 at the Sherwood Lake Clubhouse. President Tom McBride called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom McBride, Kerry O’Neal, Kevin Beck, Rob Seitz, Mike Morse, Megan Clay, and Jo Hunt. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jeff Handley, Joe Anderson
1. MEMBERS/PUBLIC COMMENT: Members present: Joy Dodd, Chuck Towle
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Board approved the minutes as presented of the May 22, 2023 Regular Board Meeting. Motion made by Rob Seitz, seconded by Kevin Beck Motion carried.
(a) PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Tom McBride made the presentation Stan Oyler update on Basin Construction around his property There is a silt basin on the property of Round Up Club that may be a better option for us to consider. There was also discussion about trying to contact the property owner of the tract of land that is due west from Oyler property. In discussing this property, Mike Morse knows the property owner and will be reaching out to them to see what options they would be okay with in constructing a basin if the opportunity does not pane out with the Round Up Club. Mike will reach out to this individual and engage Tom in whatever he learns and they will have discussions with both parties over the next month or so to see what option is best for all parties involved, including the Oyler family.
(b) MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Joe Anderson gave the report. He indicated that there were the following changes to the membership roster for Sherwood Lake Club over the last month:
• Vincent Finney “B” Membership Approval – 7245 SW Lancelot Ct
• Chase Walker “B” Membership Approval – 7225 SW Palace Dr
• Keith Olson “A” Membership Retirement – 6860 SW Aylesbury
• Scott Williams “A” Membership Approval – 6860 SW Aylesbury
It was also noted that there are currently 10 people on the waiting list for a Class B membership. Mike Morse made a motion to approve the changes in membership as presented above. Rob Seitz seconded. Motion carried.
• See attached calendar for events scheduled for clubhouse and beach shelter Also included are other events for the next month held within our community.
(d) SHERWOOD SCENE: Next edition will be a post 4th of July. Annette and Joe will be reaching out to board members who need to submit anything for this edition. It was also noted that board members should take as many photos of the festivities around the 4th of July as possible and submit them to Joe Anderson and/or Annette Beck for inclusion in the next edition.
(e) TREASURER’S REPORT: Jo Hunt made the presentation SLC currently has a cash balance of $394,677 with $200,005 of that being in a CD account at Envista Credit Union. The amount of outstanding A/R is $10,816, mostly made up of new members who are using the payment plans to pay their joining fee. Income is currently at 89% of budget and expenses are at 42%. Both are on track for the year.
CHECKS FOR APPROVAL: There is a payment in the amount of $2,215 for 4th of July tables/chairs/etc. due to Kansas Rental
Kevin Beck made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report Megan Clay seconded. Motion carried. The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.
(f) MANAGER’S REPORT: Jeff Handley presented the report. Sumac update on dam: Cut the Sumac down in May as reported in last month’s meeting. Keaton Younger (individual who cuts & bales the hay on the lower dam area) sprayed lower area & dam slope on 5/2723 However, by mid-June the area of Sumac was still beginning to green up & grow again. Rick Winger (Tarwater’s) sprayed again on 6/21/23 with an ingredient called Crossbow. The Crossbow works into the green leaf part of the weed and is absorbed into the roots. This should effectively kill it. He also
advised postponing burning. As advised, we will watch it and determine a future burn date in the fall 2023 or March 2024. Security Cameras at Beach were installed by Alltech on June 8th & 12th. Alltech also fixed internet at beach. He is going to be ordering Four-to-six-inch rock will be used to fill in the drop off at the end of the ramp. Clubhouse Painting Update: Began 6-13-23. Tracy Lynch and daughter Taylor have been periodically working on it over the last two weeks. Still needs one more coat. Will be finished this week. Clubhouse carpet bids: All companies are very behind. Still waiting on Fox Tile & Flooring in St. Mary’s and Sterns Flooring on Ks. Ave. Murray Carpet bid was $5300 for carpet tiles. Carpet Plus $4500 for rolled & $5500 for carpet tiles. SLC budgeted $3500 so we will have to use excess accrued funds from the roofing project to absorb this additional money for the flooring over what we budgeted for. Twelve tons of sand delivered to Volleyball Courts by Kansas Sand on 6/15/23. Thank you to Brad Hermann and other volunteers who unfurled it last week. Stauffer Landscape turned the sprinkler system back on 6/15/23. Shawn Stauffer and I had to dig up lines on beach wall to locate a leak and repair. Geese update: About 30 or 40 are currently on the lake. The Federal government is not allowing removal again this year due to the bird flu. We will have to deal with them this year. Geese defecating on beach dock. We check that each morning and cleaning the docks. Boater Safety Class taught Wednesday 5/24/23. Thank you, Joe Anderson for your assistance with the class. Allen Helmbold and Travis Hirt marked an underwater stump and a landscaping wall in the SW cove early in June. Wall was discovered due to the low water. Marina Slip issues: Some boats are too large for the slip assigned. Does SLC reserve the right to ask renters to relocate? FYI: the Marina was not designed to house 25-foot boats. Boat ramp also?? Lake Patrol Boat rental for dock & lift repair work. If allowed, how much per day, etc.?
There was discussion regarding what options we have regarding certain boats being too big for slips that they are assigned in. It was discussed that Megan would reach out to a few members to see if they would be willing to do a swap of the slip to benefit all involved parties. Megan will keep the board up to speed on any developments regarding her situation.
There was additional discussion about what options we have in possibly renting out a boat for use to SLC members, businesses, etc. After much discussion, it was decided that with only one boat available for the SLC Lake Patrol, we are not in a position to be without a boat for the LP to use. This discussion continued to decide on the possibility of buying a member boat that comes up for sale to have a replacement to the current LP boat and convert the current pontoon into a work barge to use and to allow members to use, should our insurance carriers be okay with that. Joe will keep the board informed of any boats that become available for purchase until we find a 2nd boat to use for the SLC Lake Patrol duties. Guidelines for the boat we will be looking to buy are something under $20,000 and also with a 60HP engine.
Kevin: Dam Rehabilitation Project: Jason at BG talked to TJ at KWO; FEMA grant will be published sometime in the future; TJ will go to DWR to get year extension on completing the project; have to wait for the grant to be published before KWO can apply for funding and then get us the amount that will be covered for this project. If construction on SW Nottingham Rd does happen during the months that school is in session, it will only affect the routes of 4 buses. Tom and Kevin talked to the school district and they will be able to adapt, just like they are doing this summer, regardless of when the construction is and make sure all necessary bus routes are not affected.
Sewer and Pump Station Project (SNCO): Supplies are still not received for pump stations; Sewer rehab will be released for bidding later on this month or early next month
Water Quality: Overall healthy at this time, nothing too extravagant from the recent sampling that we sent in
Sediment Basin #3 – See update given by President McBride on page 1
Sediment Basin #6 – Work is still not completed at this time; should hopefully be finished up in the next few months
Basin #5 & Basin #7 – No update at this time
LQEC: Update provided by Randy McAllister – nothing additional other than what was reported above
Kurt: Insurance: Nothing to report as he was absent from the meeting
Property: Nothing to report as he was absent from the meeting
Aline: By-laws: Nothing to report as she was absent from the meeting SLC Membership Directory: Joe gave the update for Aline in her absence. Directories will be available by Wednesday for pickup at Quik Print. There was discussion on how to advertise to membership that they are available for pickup this weekend as this will be the best opportunity to get as many handed out as possible to those that want them. It was decided that we would hand out directories on the upcoming Thursday when members could pick up their 4th of July T-shirt orders at the clubhouse. Jo will assist in this endeavor. Additionally, we will hand out directories at the ice cream social over the 4th of July holiday. Jo will either assist with this and/or find someone who is able to fill in for her.
Kerry: Security: Per Jeff’s report, the cameras at the beach were installed and working great.
Jo: Website: Nothing new to report at this time
Mike: Club Liaison: Learn to Ski Day coming up; trying to get the schematics worked out to have multiple boats with multiple sets of gear to have more than one boat running; will do a different day for wake boarding and surfing as well in the coming weeks/months
Megan: 4th of July: At the present time, the Parade Route is still undetermined. There was discussion about whether or not to start the parade farther west to encompass a longer route as we will have to prohibit any vehicles pulling trailers from turning onto Sherwood Ct due to congestion issues that will arise as an exit onto SW Nottingham Rd will not be possible for any vehicles outside of the Fire Truck that will be at the start of the parade. It was decided that we will have the same parade route as in years past with a Road Closed sign at the intersection of Fountaindale and Sherwood Ct to prohibit trucks from entering that street to continue down to the beach. Emails will be sent out to membership later on that week/weekend to alert everyone of these changes for this year due to the construction on SW Nottingham Rd.
Rob: Dock Improvements/Construction: One more assessment will be done by Jeff, Rob, and Kurt before letters will be sent out to members who need to do dock improvement.
(a) Grant Award Status – See update above from Kevin Beck
(b) Pump Station Project – See update above from Kevin Beck
(c) Construction Project Committee – No new information available
(d) 6400 SW Suffolk – Legal descriptions for the easements are received; Kevin and Tom to continue discussion on this as the house should be listed for sale in the next couple of months based on information that we have obtained up to this point.
(e) One Can One Kid – Can is installed at the beach. Megan will coordinate for pickup after the 4th of July holiday
(f) 2023 Strategic Plan Discussion – No new information available
5. NEW BUSINESS: Tennis Court discussion: There was some discussion among the board members about what options we have with the tennis courts and the current state of their existence. Kevin provided some input on what they found out from the few contractors that looked at the project in 2022. It was mentioned that we didn’t pursue anything at that time due to not having a good idea of what the DAM assessment project will cost the club and also how much we would have to assess the membership for those costs.
6. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the regular meeting was adjourned. The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be Monday, July 24, 2023
Aline Barrett, Corporate Secretary