Sherwood Scene - September-October 2023

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September-October 2023

Board of Directors

Calendar of Events

Tom McBride: President 6724 SW Aylesbury Rd. Topeka, KS 66610 785.231.7469 /

Clubhouse Rentals October 21 – Siegel Rental October 27 – Clay Rental October 28 – LaCount Rental December 2 – Garcia Rental

Kurt Bossert: Vice President 7544 SW Blue Inn Pl. Topeka, KS 66610 785.224.9999 / Aline Barrett: Secretary 7601 SW Robin Hood Ct. Topeka, KS 66614 785.273.7889 / Jo Hunt: Treasurer 7031 SW Fountaindale Rd. Topeka, KS 66614 785.640.4490 Kerry O’Neal 7138 SW Robins Dr. Topeka, KS 66610 785.478.9559 / Kevin Beck 6971 SW Fountaindale Rd. Topeka, KS 66614 785.224.0489 / Megan Clay 3735 SW Herefordshire Topeka, KS 66610 785.608.5315 / Mike Morse 3941 SW Chelmsford Topeka, KS 66610 785.554.0929 / Rob Seitz 7061 SW Fountaindale Rd. Topeka, KS 66614 785.478.1745 /

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Board of Director Meetings October 23 – Regular Monthly Board Meeting November 27 – Regular Monthly Board Meeting Other Events October 10 – Sherwood Improvement District Monthly Meeting November 11 – Craft Show at SLC Clubhouse November 14 – Sherwood Improvement District Monthly Meeting

Member Wait List Michele Banks Casey Simpson John & Kate Bowes

Brian Panuco & Irene Tejada Andrew Hinkle

Marina Slip Wait List Travis Hirt Lana Kennedy John Ireland

Paul Burroughs Luke Foster

New Members Nicholas & Kelsey Stringer – 6466 SW Suffolk Rd James & Rhonda Hicks – 3317 SW Abbey Dr Jay & Lisa Brost – 7548 SW Blue Inn Place Aaron & Christi Classi – 6940 SW Dancaster Rd Ryan & Erin Mohwinkle – 7536 SW Blue Inn Place

Letter from the SLC Board President Challenges Ahead y the time you read this you will know about Eric Bauer, the new Sherwood Lake Club Manager. Thanks go to Rob Seitz, Karen Bettis, Megan Clay, Kevin Beck, Laura Harrison, and Noel Etzel for the hours they spent in interviews and discussions. They were quite lucky to have had five outstanding candidates and chose a fine man for the job.


Also, Joe Anderson has resigned as SLC Accountant and Secretary. The Board of Directors appreciate the work and help Joe gave the Lake Club in the past four and a half years. A committee of Jo Hunt, Board Member and Treasurer Pam Leinwetter, Financial Committee and Eric Bauer, SLC Manager will interview candidates for the open position and recommend to the SLC Board who to hire. If you or anyone you know might like to apply, please contact Jo Hunt. The process to nominate new board members will start soon. A Nominating Committee includes: Mike Morse Jo Hunt Annette Beck Lindsay Stead Chris Towle Joy Dodd Brad Hopper Bryon Schlosser Tom McBride

Board Member Board Member Past President Class B Lake Member Class A Lake Member Past Board Member Class A Lake Member Past President Current President

Smoky Lake of the Fall Courtesy of Layla Biswell

If you or anyone you know would like to serve on the SLC Board, please contact one of the Committee Members. The vote will take place at the SLC Annual Meeting. The SLC Board is still working on the nagging issues of the dam and two spillways, water quality, sewer and pump station issues, silt basins, dredging and updating the Sherwood Website. Thanks to all of you for making the 2023 Boating Season a wonderful success.

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Letter from the Lake Manager


would like to introduce myself, my name is Eric Bauer I have been hired as the new Lake Sherwood Club Manager. I spent 34 yrs at the Topeka Fire Department and live north of town. I have been married 32 yrs with three wonderful sons and daughter-in-laws, and at this time two perfect grandchildren. I have spent the last few weeks meeting with Jeff Hadley, Joe, Travis, Kyler, Bradley, and Tracy discussing the daily operations of the Lake. I appreciate all the direction and input they have given me. I look forward in continuing a safe lake environment for everyone. I want to remind everyone that it is time to winterize. Please contact the Lake Patrol at 785-2212628 to assist you with that process of tagging your boat prior to removal. We will be removing the lake markers in the next few weeks and winterizing the boat house bathrooms. The lake patrol boat will also be removed and winterized then stored. Just a friendly reminder sprinkler systems should be winterized soon and usually prior to the temperature dropping into the 30s. Attention all fisherman, as you are aware crappie will be migrating soon so anyone with an abundance call me! Lastly, I want to thank all of you for giving me the opportunity to serve your community. I am open to discussion on how I can make changes within Lake Sherwood Club. Feel free to contact me at 785-2213248. Look forward to meeting each of you, Eric Bauer Lake Sherwood Club Manager

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Dam Rehabilitation Project (SLC) The plans remain under review by the State but the final permit should be arriving in the next couple of months. The FEMA construction funding program remains on hold however there are rumblings that they will be requesting applications again soon. Right now, we are looking at a late May, early June construction start but that remains fluid until we have permit and funding completion.

Shawnee County Sewer Pump Station and Sewer Main Rehabilitation Project The County has started construction on the pump station replacements with wet and valve vault replacements currently under way. We do not have a timeline update from the County at this time. Please be watching for construction activities.

Lake Quality Environmental Committee

How to Download the Sherwood Scene

Attached are white papers on Leaf Pollution and Nutrient Loading from Waterfowl. These complete the research of the LQEC. What remains is implementing the recommendations from the various white papers. White Papers: Nutrient Loading from Waterfowl: Loading_and_Health_Issues_Related_to_Waterfowl. pdf

Once you receive the link to view the publication, you should see four commands right below the magazine: share, save, like and download. Click on download, and the file should begin downloading immediately – either to your computer’s desktop or downloads folder, or wherever you have your computer set up to handle downloads.

Leaf Pollution: Pollution.pdf

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Thank you and Farewell to 35-Year Lake Member Warren Schmidgall


arren Schmidgall and his family joined our Lake Club in 1987 when they moved into a new home on Blue Inn Place. With four children raised there and later on Canterbury Town Road, but now gone to raise families of their own, the Schmidgalls decided it was time to downsize and moved to Lenexa in May to be closer to family. The impact of Warren’s vision and commitment to our beautiful Lake Sherwood cannot be overstated. His three-plus decades of dedicated service have led to improvements of the Lake Club in countless ways, most especially in the areas of club finances, membership development and water quality. Warren served two terms on the Board of Directors from 1994-2000; as Treasurer for two years and as President for four years. During his two terms he implemented important changes that still impact the Lake Club today. As Treasurer he recommended an investment strategy, adopted by the Board, of investing cash reserves in marketable securities which generated $150K in investment income and provided much of the funding for dredging in 19992000. Warren also recommended to the Board a plan to compel anyone owning lakefront property to join SLC as an A member and he led a team to educate and promote the necessary bylaw change. Over the years, this requirement has not only contributed to revenues in a material way, but it has also stabilized membership of lakefront property owners, no doubt improving their commitment to lakeshore and home improvements. Under Warren’s leadership as President, the Board developed an Operations Manual to guide new board members in their assigned roles and to build a reservoir of institutional knowledge to guide future board members. He developed a Lake Management Plan with the assistance of Terracon Consultants. The 10-year plan outlined several approaches to improved management of the long-term health of the lake, including dredging of all lake tributaries, the west end of the lake, and the low-water areas along Fountaindale. In January 1998, a bylaws change was voted upon favorably by members to ensure that only members who voted in elections would be eligible to have their votes counted on any matter voted on by the membership. This was a major change to the Club’s governance as it took away the leverage which had previously existed with a small group of non-voters. In August 1998, Bob Atchley was hired as the

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Lake Club’s first General Manager, now known as Lake Club Manager. Also in 1998, we joined the Kansas City Metropolitan Lakes Association, an association of 13 private residential lakes. It gave us an opportunity to see how other private lakes were managed, observe their governance and dues structures, and generally share experiences and ideas. We learned a lot from this association; unfortunately, it no longer exists. In the fall of 1999, dredging started and was completed the following spring. The total cost was $405K. This project was managed by Lake Club President, Robert Hansen, who succeeded Warren as president. Warren served an additional period on the Board, from 2004-2008. During these years he served as Treasurer and Lake Patrol/Safety Director. As Lake Patrol/Safety Director he developed and implemented the first boater safety course. Flash forward to 2019. Longtime member John Green developed a committee to research our future dredging needs. The Dredging Committee morphed into the Lake Quality and Environment Committee (LQEC) with a wide mission scope. John recruited Warren to become a member of the committee. Warren developed the wattle program which has been highly effective in keeping debris and silt from entering the lake over the past three winters. He has been instrumental in developing budget plans for

the committee and worked closely with Cook, Flatt and Strobel to oversee the construction of several sediment basins. Also in 2019, the Lake Cub was facing a serious erosion of B members. Between 2014 and 2019 52 B members had been lost (29%) and the B-member waiting list was non-existent. Warren made a presentation to the Board recommending, based on data, that a two-tiered dues structure was necessary to maintain B memberships at a fullysubscribed level without a significant erosion of revenues. In early 2020, President Larre Betsworth asked Warren and Sherri Hunsicker to organize a membership committee to make recommended changes to the dues structure with the objective of restoring lost B memberships. Newly-elected Board member Annette Beck was invited to chair the committee and former Treasurer John Wendling was also added to the committee. Along with revised dues and joining fees structures, the committee recommended a promotional program to encourage B members to join at a reduced rate. The committee presented its recommendations to the Board and with minor modifications, the plan was adopted in April 2020. The membership voted

to approve the change in October. With a big assist from Larre Betsworth and numerous volunteers, a door-to-door education campaign to all B member eligible homeowners was undertaken. The result was the restoration of a full membership roster and a waiting list that continues to this day. Revenues in 2020 alone increased by approximately $84K. The financial future and stability of SLC has been greatly improved by the new dues structure. Lake Sherwood is a little piece of paradise that requires and deserves our dedication and commitment. We have what we have because of the efforts and passions of hundreds of members through our nearly 60 years of existence. Let us never lose sight of our institutional memory and the amazing people who paved the way for our community to thrive. Warren is a shining example of the dedication of one man and his abilities to visualize, educate and motivate others to become involved and act. Thank you, Warren! We wish you and Mary well as you pursue new passions and interests! Joy Dodd

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Sailing Club


he Sherwood Sailing Club has had a great season celebrating its 49th year of sailboat racing on Lake Sherwood. The club has grown this year with new members and sailors; we had 17 different sailboats racing this season. The Annual Pirate Treasure Hunt had good weather on the lake with a great party hosted at Julie Hein's lake house. We are all looking forward to the annual Christmas Party, to be at Dana & Chuck Towles lovely home. Remember, you don't have to be a sailor to join the Sherwood Sailing Club and enjoy the weekly Treats@ TheBeach following races and our Party's during the year. Of course, the sailors will try to get you sailing, with our free lessons and sailboats we provide. If interested, contact the commodores or any current members. Wishing Everyone Smooth Sailing into the Fall Season, Joy & Jim Phelps, Commodores (785) 422-2997

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Important Information from LQEC The Lake Quality & Environment Committee has provided you with several documents known as “white papers” in this issue of The Scene that deserve your attention. Under the direction of Dr. Randy McAllister, LQEC has done an amazing job of studying, researching and outlining very specific factors that directly impact the long-term health of our beautiful lake. Even better is that the papers provide relatively simple solutions and straightforward actions that each of us can perform. Here are two of our immediate needs: WATTLE DEPLOYMENT – Wattles are effective in significantly reducing the amount of roadway sand, leaves, and other debris that enter our lake. For the third year, we will be deploying wattles in all storm drains around the neighborhood. CAN YOU HELP on Saturday, November 4 from 8:30-10:30am? We need 20-25 volunteers and four pickup trucks with 12’ or longer trailers. There are approximately 165 wattles to place. We will meet at the clubhouse, divide into four teams, load the wattles onto the trailers, and place them on storm

drains around the lake. Each truck and driver will be accompanied by 4-5 people to place the wattles. The wattles aren’t heavy but they are bulky. In the event of heavy rain, we will postpone until Sunday, November 12, same time. Please contact Steve Dodd if you can help. or 913-481-0911. LEAF REMOVAL – Leaves enter our lake largely via storm drains and wind. When leaves break down they release phosphorous which is detrimental to the overall health of our lake. The white papers explain this decomposition process. We should make every effort to remove fallen leaves from our yards and streets before they make their way into the lake. The simplest solution is the use of a mulcher mower which pulverizes downed leaves and creates tiny pieces that return nutrients to the soil. Another simple but more labor intensive management method is raking and either composting or bagging leaves for removal. THANK YOU FROM LQEC!

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September-October 2023 • 9

Board of Directors


long with the beautiful fall weather and falling leaves comes the annual election of three new members to the Lake Sherwood Board of Directors. Out of a total count of nine, three members retire, and three new members are elected each year. Both A and B members are encouraged to run for the board. Our community is robust and serving on the board is a busy and rewarding experience. We are in the midst of a dam renewal project, we have a very active Lake Quality Committee, and improvements and upkeep for lake properties are ongoing. We need you to help us continue to make Lake Sherwood the best place to live in in the state. If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors, contact President Tom McBride, and he will put you in contact with the Board Nominating Committee.

Full moon photo courtesy of Annette Beck

Bradly and Telisa Hopper Wedding on Sherwood

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July 2023 Meeting Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SHERWOOD LAKE CLUB, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS July 24, 2023 The regular meeting of the Sherwood Lake Club, Inc. Board of Directors was held Monday, July 24, 2023 at the Sherwood Lake Clubhouse. President Tom McBride called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom McBride, Kerry O’Neal, Kevin Beck, Rob Seitz, Aline Barrett, Mike Morse, Kurt Bossert, and Jo Hunt. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jeff Handley, Joe Anderson 1.

MEMBERS/PUBLIC COMMENT: Members present: None present


APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Board approved the minutes as presented of the June 26, 2023 Regular Board Meeting. Motion made by Jo Hunt, seconded by Rob Seitz. Motion carried.

3. REPORTS: (a) PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Tom McBride made the presentation. Round Up Club will allow us to put a silt basin on their property in lieu of doing any further work on the property of Mr. Oyler. Fellow SLC Member, Grant Wilkerson will be their liaison between Round Up Club, the contractor that is performing the work, and SLC. More work still needs to be done regarding the silt basin to the west of the lake farther up towards Auburn Road, but conversations are still happening and any further progress/issues on this matter will be provided at future board meetings. Regarding the property at 6400 SW Suffolk, Tom is waiting to hear back from the real estate company and the parties representing the current owners of the property to find out who will sign the documents for the sale of the house prior to it going on the market. He will keep the fellow board members informed as discussions continue this matter. Tom had a fellow SLC member bring up the idea of having an Activities committee formed earlier in the month. Tom is going to be sending out information to the Board to determine if such a committee should exist and if so, who would be good members to be on this committee. He asked that each board member give some thought into anyone that would be a good member of the lake club to sit on this committee to look at any possible rules changes that may need to be adopted and/or any additional rules that may need to be considered that this committee can bring to the board. We want to have a good variety of both A and B members on this committee so that all the needs of the members are addressed in these discussions. There will be a Board member that will serve as a liaison on this committee to share all updates with the board as meetings of the committee will be held in the future. (b) MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Joe Anderson gave the report. He indicated that there were no changes to the membership roster for Sherwood Lake Club over the last month. It was also noted that there are currently 10 people on the waiting list for Class B membership. (c) OFFICE MANAGER’S REPORT: • See attached calendar for events scheduled for clubhouse and beach shelter. Also included are other events for the next month held within our community. (d) SHERWOOD SCENE: Next edition will be coming out in the next week or two. If you have any information that you need in the edition, please get it to Annette by the end of this work week. (e) TREASURER’S REPORT: Jo Hunt made the presentation. SLC currently has a cash balance of $353,811 with $200,005 of that being in a CD account at Envista Credit Union. The amount of outstanding A/R is $19,509, mostly made up of new members who are using the payment plans to pay their joining fee. Income is currently 92% of the budget and expenses are at 52%. Both are on track for the year. Insurance assessments are scheduled to go out to membership on 8/1/23. There was some discussion about whether to apply the payroll tax credits we received last year towards the insurance assessment and not issue an assessment to membership given that we will be issuing another one for the dam maintenance costs later on this year. If we did apply this credit, we would only bill each member for $5.14 for this years’ insurance assessment. After discussion, it was decided to not apply these credits to this assessment, but to apply them to the assessment sent out for the dam maintenance. That being resolved, our total expense to divide equally amongst membership for the insurance

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July 2023 Meeting Minutes continued assessment is $21,659. That comes out to $70.32 for each member. Invoices will be sent out to membership electronically on 8/1/23. They will have 30 days to pay the invoice. CHECKS FOR APPROVAL: No checks for approval at this time. Kurt Bossert made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Kevin Beck seconded. Motion carried. The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented. (f) MANAGER’S REPORT: Jeff Handley presented the report. Collected water samples and sent to Midwest Laboratories, thanks to Nelson Dean for his assistance. 8-10 tons of rock was spread out to level the south end of the ramp on 7/13/23. This should solve any future issues. Will reassess it in the spring. Clubhouse Update: Painting is finished. Please note the new sign and flower box that is east of the front door. Window project completed on 7/10/23. New windows on each side of the front door. New carpet is to be installed next week. Stauffer Landscape indicated that our sprinkler heads went out of production over 15 years ago, the system is old. This is why we have had so many repairs this season. May need to be addressed in the next couple of years from a budget standpoint. New no wake buoy placed at the mouth of the Blue Inn and King Forest cove. This will help to slow traffic due to the underwater obstacles located there. Based on discussion at last month’s meeting, the Lake Patrol Boat will not be rented for use on dock repair. Interested parties were informed of the BOD decision. Sumac update on dam: Rick Winger (Tarwater’s) sprayed again on 7/6/23 with Crossbow. The Crossbow works into the green leaf part of the weed and is absorbed into the roots. As advised, we will watch it and determine a future burn date in the fall 2023 or March 2024. Jeff has purchased a new time clock for the LP to use. He will get it installed once it is delivered later this month. He has been asked by a fellow member if pontoons with upper decks and slides are allowed on Lake Sherwood. It was discussed and given that our rules and by-laws do not currently discuss this idea, we should make some changes to these documents to reflect the prohibiting of this. After much discussion, Aline made a motion to devise a regulation that prohibits anything other than a single-story watercraft. Rob seconded. It was decided that this will append to Rule 3 in the current set of SLC Rules. Motion carried. Aline will work on the verbiage and send it out to the board for review and then it will be incorporated into the Rules document and the applicable change will be sent out to membership in the next edition of the Sherwood Scene. (g) DIRECTORS’ REPORT: Kevin: Dam Rehabilitation Project: Nothing new to report on this matter except for that the grant period is expected to open back up in September, 2023. KWO has submitted for a 1-year extension for construction to begin work on the dam. Kevin will keep in contact with them to make sure this is done so we are not hit with any non-compliance fees associated with this extension. Sewer and Pump Station Project (SNCO): No update at this time Water Quality: In the most recent report, all information is good and consistent with prior samples that have been sent in for testing. Sediment Basin #3 – No update at this time Sediment Basin #6 – No update at this time Basin #5 & Basin #7 – No update at this time LQEC:

Update provided by Randy McAllister – nothing to update at this time as they didn’t meet this month


Insurance: Nothing to report at this time Property: Nothing to report at this time


By-laws: Nothing to report at this time


Security: Nothing to report at this time


Website: Had a meeting w/ Member Leap earlier this month. There is also some training that will be happening later on this week with Tom, Joe, and Sara McBride. She is excited to get the relationship w/ QB Online setup with the website in the coming months so we can invoice from the website but information

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will be transferred to QB for accounting and tracking purposes so we can have reporting on what members still have outstanding invoices, but members will be able to utilize more functions of the website than we have been able to do in the past. Mike:

Club Liaison: He is working on getting some ski days set up with enough boats, drivers, etc. to have more than one boat that can pull/train skiers. Should have something setup in the next couple of weeks and then will be getting with Joe to push some information out to membership.


4th of July: Nothing to report as she was absent from the meeting


Dock Improvements/Construction: Jay Brost dock system approval. The dock structure and footprint are in accordance with the rules that are in place for all SLC members. Mike made the motion to approve the presented dock structure. Kevin seconded. Motion approved pending approval of them joining the lake club upon closing of the residence they are buying later on next month.

4. OLD BUSINESS: (a) Grant Award Status – See update above from Kevin Beck (b) Pump Station Project – See update above from Kevin Beck (c) Construction Project Committee – No new information available (d) 6400 SW Suffolk – See update above from Tom McBride (e) 2023 Strategic Plan Discussion – No new information available 5. NEW BUSINESS: Article III of SLC By-Laws: Membership – Lon Lewis sale could result in having to amend the by-laws that indicate membership counts and the limits that pertain to both of classes of stock, both individually and in the aggregate. Aline will work on some verbiage changes and share them with the board. Once Board approval is granted, these changes will be sent out to membership for vote. Consistency throughout our by-laws is also something that needs to be addressed as several different membership count numbers are mentioned throughout the document. Aline will work on this and send out the necessary revisions for discussion prior to the August meeting. 6. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the regular meeting was adjourned. The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be Monday, August 28, 2023.

________________________________ Aline Barrett, Corporate Secretary

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August 2023 Meeting Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SHERWOOD LAKE CLUB, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS August 28, 2023 The regular meeting of the Sherwood Lake Club, Inc. Board of Directors was held Monday, August 28, 2023 at the Sherwood Lake Clubhouse. President Tom McBride called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom McBride, Kevin Beck, Aline Barrett, Mike Morse, Kurt Bossert, Megan Clay, and Jo Hunt. STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Jeff Handley 1.

MEMBERS/PUBLIC COMMENT: Members present: Chuck Towle, Joy Dodd (took minutes due to Joe Anderson’s absence


APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Board approved the minutes as presented of the July 24, 2023 Regular Board Meeting. Motion made by Kurt Bossert, seconded by Aline Barrett. Motion carried.

3. REPORTS: (a) PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Tom McBride made the presentation. He is working on a contract to convert the property from an “A” membership to a “B” membership. He is also looking into whether or not we can move the new owners to the top of the waiting list due to the change in status. The current owners are asking for an immediate Class B membership to offer to their buyers without the waiting list being an issue. He is looking into all of this and should have some more information at the meeting next month. Additionally, he is still waiting on a contract from the realtor of the Suffolk home to obtain signatures on it. Mike Morse will follow up with her on this and get back with Tom. (b) MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Tom McBride gave the report. He indicated that there were the following changes to the membership roster for Sherwood Lake Club over the last month: • Cory Swain “A” Membership Retirement – 6466 SW Suffolk • Nicholas Stringer “A” Membership Approval – 6466 SW Suffolk • Mark Gomez “B” Membership Retirement – 3317 SW Abbey Dr • James Hicks “B” Membership Approval – 3317 SW Abbey Dr • Jim Weyrens “A” Membership Retirement – 7548 SW Blue Inn Place • Jay Brost “A” Membership Approval – 7548 SW Blue Inn Place It was also noted that there are currently 9 people on the waiting list for Class B membership. Megan made a comment indicating that Paul Wagner no longer lives on Herefordshire near her. He can be removed from the waiting list. (c) OFFICE MANAGER’S REPORT: • See attached calendar for events scheduled for clubhouse and beach shelter. Also included are other events for the next month held within our community. (d) SHERWOOD SCENE: Next edition will be coming out in October. There will be a deadline to get information submitted to Joe Anderson and/or Annette Beck of the last week of September. (e) TREASURER’S REPORT: Jo Hunt made the presentation. SLC currently has a cash balance of $348,297 with $200,005 of that being in a CD account at Envista Credit Union. The amount of outstanding A/R is $27,323, mostly due to the insurance assessment that was sent out to members at the beginning of the month. There is one member who stills owe for new boat registration. A reminder was sent to him on August 16. Jo will follow up with Joe Anderson and make additional contact if necessary. Income is currently 104% of the budget. Higher turnover of homes has resulted in $11,500 more in membership fees than budgeted for this year. Total expenses are at 60%. Both are on track for the year. Line of Credit at Kaw Valley Bank is expiring in September. It is currently for $150K at a 4.25% rate. Jo made a motion to renew the line of credit at an interest rate of approximately 9%. This is for a 3-year term at the $150K value. Mike Morse seconded. Motion carried. The Finance Committee is scheduled to meet on Wednesday, Sept 6. CHECKS FOR APPROVAL: No checks for approval at this time.

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Kurt Bossert made the motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Kevin Beck seconded. Motion carried. The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented. (f) MANAGER’S REPORT: Jeff Handley presented the report. He mentioned that new carpet had been installed at the clubhouse. Three new 100-foot marker orange replacement buoys arrived 8/23/23. New green five foot tall “No Wake Surfing Beyond This Point” buoy on order from Roylan. Will be used south of the Marina to alert wake surfers to turn around. Stauffer Landscape repaired underground sprinkler line at SE side of Clubhouse Aug 7 & 21, 2023. Cameras at beach application was installed on to Lake Patrol and Managers phones with the help of Brian Hall from Alltech on 8/17/23. Sumac on dam update: Thus far it has not begun to grow again. It will be watched closely and burn again in March 2024. Severe storms 7/30/23 damaged trees at Clubhouse. Heartland Tree finished the trimming of all these trees on 8/23/23. Last week Tracy Lynch repainted yellow poles at clubhouse and beach. Jeff purchased a new vacuum cleaner for the clubhouse due to having new carpet and needing to make sure the vacuum cleaner was adequate to keep it clean going forward. Lakeside came out last week and repaired the lights on the Lake Patrol boat. On Aug 8th and 10th, he repositioned “No Wake Buoys” that had been moved by wave action. The three on the west end and the three on south end of the lake on the Aylesbury coves. Thanks to Tracy Lynch for his help. Nelson Dean and I collected water samples. I iced them down, packaged and sent them to Midwest Labs the same day. Results are sent to Dr. McAllister. The “Sherwood Lake Depth” picture frame had been accidentally broken. I had it professionally reframed and is hanging again on the east wall of the clubhouse. Webco Storage Unit: CJ Jones of Topeka Dredge Works brought a crew to clean out equipment left in the SLC storage unit 8/23/23. I will finish cleaning the unit this week. On 8/1/23, Dirk Moss (lake patrol) gave his 30-day notice. His last day is this Wednesday August 30th. Dirk has been with us since the summer of 2020. Dirk has been a mature asset to the lake patrol unit and will be missed greatly. He plans to spend more time with his wife and fishing in Canada. With the summer ending soon and less traffic on the lake, Travis and Kyler felt that they could cover Dirks shifts until the season ends. He was asked a question earlier in the month about whether or not wake surfing is allowed outside of the posted and approved time limits if the lake is not busy. He told the member no because it is not just about the lake being busy. There are time limits due to the stress on shorelines and other structures that need a break from the high waves, which was part of the reasoning to have a 7pm ending for this activity when the rule was implemented. Mike mentioned that he is a surfer and he and his friends are good with the rules that have been adopted. Jo asked if August will be our last month of storage costs associated with Webco Storage. Jeff indicated that we store a lot of parts and equipment in there. Wattles could be stored there if the board desires. He recommends that it be a space that the club continue to use in the future. (g) DIRECTORS’ REPORT: Kevin: Dam Rehabilitation Project: The KS Water Office has submitted a request for a $64k extension through FEMA that would go through August, 2024. Granted funds have not been made available yet for Phase 2. This is being closely monitored. He reported that they are still looking at Spring/Summer of 2024 for construction to start, although this has not been finalized as of yet. Sewer and Pump Station Project (SNCO): No update at this time Sediment Basin #3 – No update at this time Sediment Basin #6 – No update at this time Basin #5 & Basin #7 – No update at this time LQEC:

Update provided by Randy McAllister – nothing to update at this time


Insurance: Nothing to report at this time Property: Kurt just reported that the clubhouse looks great with the new carpet and paint on the outside complete. He appreciates all the work Jeff has put into these projects this year.


By-laws: She is recommending some changes to a couple of changes to our rules and by-laws. The first is an addition to Rule I.3 with a subset of (d). In addition to general height and width limitations, pontoon boats cannot have any decks, platforms or raised areas above the primary floor and are further restricted from adding any structures, either temporary or permanent that extend above the primary floor level of the boat and create a second level. Aline made a motion to make this additional rule in effect immediately. Mike Morse seconded. Motion carried.

September-October 2023 • 15

August 2023 Meeting Minutes continued Aline also drafted a change to Article III, Section 3, Number 3 of the SLC By-Laws. Due to restrictions put in place on this by-law with a previous amendment, it cannot be altered, amended or repealed unless at least 10 days written notice is given to the Board of Directors prior to it being discussed at an regular meeting or any special meeting of the Board of Directors that quorum is present. This notice shall be given prior to the next meeting in September so that the change can be discussed and voted upon at the next meeting. Kerry:

Security: Nothing to report at this time Tom mentioned that he has received several calls w/ questions on our rules. He believes that they need to be more easily understandable and accessible to all members. He asked if the board believes that a committee should be formed to review rules, update, and consolidate and make sure they are easy to understand. A lot of the calls have been around the topic of safety during high traffic times on the water. Aline proposed that the people who are complaining about safety should get together with a few board members for a discussion. They can then come to the Board as a whole to discuss any changes they recommend.


Website: Jo indicated that she, along with Tom and Joe attended some training on the website. More changes will be coming soon to the platform.


Club Liaison: Nothing to report at this time

Megan: 4th of July: Nothing to report at this time Rob:

Dock Improvements/Construction: Nothing to report at this time

4. OLD BUSINESS: (a) Grant Award Status – See update above from Kevin Beck (b) Pump Station Project – No new information available (c) Construction Project Committee – No new information available (d) 6400 SW Suffolk – See update above from Tom McBride (e) 2023 Strategic Plan Discussion – No new information available 5. NEW BUSINESS: SLC Manager Position Job Opening – Rob has developed a job description and is working on solidifying it. Once that is done, he will send it out to the committee and then to the 4 applicants they have heard from that have an interest in filling the position. Interviews will begin shortly after the end of the month, and he will provide an update at the next board meeting on where the filling of the position stands at that time. 6. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the regular meeting was adjourned. The next regular meeting of the Board of Directors will be Monday, September 25, 2023.

________________________________ Aline Barrett, Corporate Secretary

16 Sherwood Scene • September-October 2023

Mid-Year Financials Sherwood Lake Club, Inc. Balance Sheet As of August 31, 2023


ASSETS Current Assets Bank Accounts 1001 Petty Cash


1002 Checking Account - **4904


1003 Money Market Acct **6773


1004 Envista Checking Acct


1005 Envista CD Account


Total Bank Accounts


Accounts Receivable


Other Current Assets 12000 Undeposited Funds


Total Other Current Assets


Total Current Assets


Fixed Assets 1200 Undeveloped Property


1210 Clubhouse


1220 Beach


1230 Furniture & Equipment


1240 Marina


1250 Lake


1260 Tennis Courts


1275 Volleyball Court


1290 Accumulated Depreciation


Total Fixed Assets




LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Liabilities Current Liabilities Other Current Liabilities 2092 Unearned Income


2096 Accrued Expenses


24000 Payroll Liabilities Federal Taxes (941/944)

0.00 2,459.39

Federal Unemployment (940)


KS Income Tax


KS Unemployment Tax


Total 24000 Payroll Liabilities


Kansas Department of Revenue Payable


Total Other Current Liabilities


Total Current Liabilities


September-October 2023 • 17 

Mid-Year Financials continued TOTAL

Total Liabilities


Equity 3000 Capital Stock $200


3200 Membership


3450 Operating Surplus -OP Fund


3480 Operating Surplus -Lake Mgmt Fd


3495 Current Profit/Loss


3500 Operating Surplus -PE&M Fund


Net Income


Total Equity




18 Sherwood Scene • September-October 2023

Sherwood Lake Club, Inc. Budget vs. Actuals: 2023 Budget - FY23 P&L January - August, 2023





Income 4000 Dues, Net of Refunds




150.28 %

4020 Penalty




367.50 %

4040 Clubhouse Rentals




146.88 %

4050 Marina Lease




149.54 %

4060 Extra Boat Size




210.00 %

4070 Insurance Assessment




131.22 %

4080 Newsletter Advertising




157.51 %

4090 Miscellaneous Income




117.74 %

4100 Beach Shelter Rental Income




149.99 %

4110 Boater Registration Income




165.88 %

7001 Membership Fees




181.94 %

7002 Investment Income




63.04 %

Total Income




155.64 %





155.64 %

5000 Beach Expense




65.06 %

5010 Clubhouse Expense




44.92 %

5010.1 Electric



5010.2 Trash



5010.4 Cleaning



5010.5 Pest Control



Expenses 50 Facilities-Maintenance

5010.6 Internet


Total 5010 Clubhouse Expense




5020 Marina Expense



5030 Decal Expense


5035 Tag Expense


91.42 %


65.79 %





8.20 %

5060 Grounds




164.90 %

5062 Mowing, Seeding & Spraying




196.34 %

5065 Tree Maintenance



5066 Snow removal



5070 Property Taxes



5080 Tennis & Volleyball Courts



6515.15 Construction



Total 6515.1 Sedimentation





6515 Lake & Dam Maintenance 6515.1 Sedimentation

6515.2 Engineering Services 6515.3 Maintenance




77.74 %

Total 6515 Lake & Dam Maintenance




7.07 %

6525 Fish Maintenance



6530 Sediment Control Cleanout



September-October 2023 • sherwoodlakeclub.org1/219 Accrual Basis Friday, October 6, 2023 12:58 PM GMT-05:00

Mid-Year Financials continued TOTAL ACTUAL

6535 Weed Control







75.00 %

6540 Water Quality Management




63.02 %

7025 Capital Expenses




93.38 %

7027 Repairs & Maintenance PEM




81.70 %

Total 50 Facilities-Maintenance




65.97 %

5200 Accounting




80.22 %

5220 Insurance Expense




138.95 %





38.99 %

52 Administrative & General

5230 Legal/Other Professional Fees 5250 Miscellaneous Expense


5260 Newsletter/Directory




149.99 %

5265 Website




34.46 %

5270 Office




127.07 %

5280 Postage




28.80 %

5300 Salaries




125.89 %

5305 Payroll Taxes




145.15 %




120.18 %

5100 Patrol -Personnel




114.75 %

5110 Patrol-Other Expenses


5120 Patrol-Payroll Taxes




120.16 %

Total 53 Security




122.58 %

5410 July 4th Expense




113.04 %

5415 July 4 Receipts




173.70 %

5420 Fireworks




150.00 %







Total 52 Administrative & General 53 Security


54 Social

5425 Special Events 5430 New Member Reception Total 54 Social


77.01 %

7527 PEM-Repairs & Maintenance 7526 STORAGE



Total 7527 PEM-Repairs & Maintenance






197.67 %

Total Expenses

QuickBooks Payments Fees



$ -8,620.32

96.41 %





6,719.60 %

Other Expenses 7600 Dam Improvement Project


Total Other Expenses






$ -1,250.00


$ -1,250.00






6,661.91 %

20 Sherwood Scene • September-October 2023


SLC Bylaw Revision ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP SECTION 3. The Board of Directors shall make available classes of memberships, as follows: 1. Class A membership, which shall be issued only to persons who own lots conterminous to Lake Sherwood. There shall not be more than 185 Class A memberships. 2. Class B membership, which shall be issued only to persons who own property in Sherwood Estates as defined in Article V, which does not lie conterminous to Lake Sherwood. There shall not be more than 160 Class B memberships. 3. There shall be a maximum of 345 total memberships available, including the possible addition of 134, 135, and 136, should Lot 133 be subdivided by future owners. This maximum number may be reduced administratively by action of the Board of Directors when necessary for the continued health and safety of the lake. 4. No other or additional classes of membership shall be established, nor shall the number of memberships be increased, without amending these By-laws pursuant to the provision of Article V, Section 9.

Prairie Boat – RV – Auto View Storage Indoor & Outdoor Storage Phone 785-478-9293

Fifth Wheel and Motor Coach Storage Indoor & Outdoor – Easy Access

Summer Special - Indoor Trailer Storage Reasonable Rates

9738 SW 45th Street, Topeka, KS 66610 Minutes from Lake Sherwood September-October 2023 • 21

SLC Rule Revision I. BOATING 3. BOAT WEIGHT, LENGTH AND DESIGN RESTRICTIONS – For purposes of measuring and applying boat weight and length limitations; there are two broad categories of boats on Lake Sherwood: (a) Sport Boats – These vessels do not have any Wake Enhancing features. Wake Enhancing features include, but are not limited to ballast tanks, wake plates, wedges, surf gates, and hulls designed to increase the size of wake created by a vessel. All Sport boats on Sherwood Lake must weigh less than 4,800 lbs. This weight shall be calculated by using the manufacturer’s dry weight. Such weight shall be determined by the manufacturer’s specifications. No boat shall have an enclosed cabin on or above deck. (b) Wake Enhancing Boats – These vessels are equipped with Wake Enhancing features that may include the following items – ballast tanks, wake plates, wedges, surf gates, and hulls designed to enhance the wake created by the vessel. This class of boat shall not exceed a total weight of 6,000 pounds which shall be calculated by adding the boat’s dry weight and weight of the ballast tanks when full. The dry weight and maximum ballast weight of the vessel will be determined using that vessel’s specifications from the manufacturer. In addition to the above restrictions regarding boats allowed on Lake Sherwood, motorized skis, motorized boards and motorized cycles of any type are prohibited. This includes, without limitation, jet skis, wave-runners, motorized boards, etc., whether powered by jet propulsion, propeller or other form of motorized propulsion. (c) Jet Propelled water craft must meet the following criteria: (a) The boat must be Coast Guard rated for five or more adults (b) Not including the swim deck, the boat must have a length of 14 feet or greater. (c) All other water craft rules apply. (d) In addition to general height and width limitations, pontoon boats cannot have any decks, platforms or raised areas above the primary floor and are further restricted from adding any structures, either temporary or permanent that extend above the primary floor level of the boat and create a second level.

22 Sherwood Scene • September-October 2023

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