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Convention News
Registrations are now open!

Registrations for the 2021annual PSNZ National Convention are now open. Don’t miss out on your chance to experience Otautahi from behind the lens. Be inspired and discover what truly drives you to capture the world with exciting workshops, field trips, and guest speakers..
Vision-21will be an exciting event for photographers of all levels. Whether you are a seasoned professional photographer or you just picked up your first DSLR camera this year. For more information and to register visit www.vision21.org.nz
Can’t come for the whole Convention?
Consider day ticket or individual speaker only options to experience Vision-21.
Pricing has been held at the same price that was planned for the 2020 Convention and are as follows:
PSNZ Member Full registration including Banquet: PSNZ Member Full registration without Banquet: Banquet Only: Partner Ticket: Day Tickets: Individual Speaker Tickets: $405
$110 $225 $120 $20
Field Trip Pricing Akaroa and Banks Peninsula: Castle Hill and Arthurs Pass: $150 $100