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PSNZ Workshops 2021

2021 - PSNZ WORKSHOP SERIES PSNZ 2021 Workshop Series
THIS YEAR’S WORKSHOP series is close to opening for registrations. As mentioned in the THE HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL previous issue of CameraTalk, registrations were due to open in late January. To avoid overlapping PSNZ WORKSHOP SERIES IS BACK! with the National Convention registrations and to help iron out a few last-minute details, we have had to delay the registration date for just a few days. The new date for registrations is …
Exclusive to PSNZ members, our specialized and topic-based Friday 12 February workshops are held in various locations throughout the country. This is a hands-on, fun and inspirational opportunity to hone your skills with a leading expert to direct you. You will be able to sign up for one of the first four workshops, and also add your name to waiting lists for the other three. To give the maximum number of people an opportunity to attend at least one, these waiting lists will be held until a month from the workshop, when any available spaces will be opened up to those on the list. The workshop details can be found here; log in to the member’s area for the registration form.
MACRO PHOTOGRAPHY - Whakatane (March) As mentioned before, you will have to use PayPal to sign up for the workshops – you don’t need AUTUMN LANDSCAPES - Alexandra (April) an account, you just need a credit or debit card. If you need to cancel, you will receive a full refund for cancellations more than one month from the workshop start date. After this point CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY - Hokitika (May) your refund will be subject to us filling your place from the waiting list. Please note that should ASTROPHOTOGRAPHY - Horopito (June) the country regress back through COVID lockdown levels, we may need to amend or cancel workshops at short notice. In this case you would receive a full refund of your registration PORTRAITURE / DANCE / STROBES costs, regardless of how close to the workshop date. - Invercargill (July) LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHY - Coromandel (August) If you have enjoyed the Workshop Series events and are keen to see them continue, or you have BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY - Cape Kidnappers (October) ideas for other activities PSNZ could provide to help photographers grow, we need your help! Please consider standing for Council at the convention in April! Use the contact form on the BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY - Kaikoura (October) PSNZ website if this sounds like something you would like to be involved with.
FOR MORE INFORMATION: photography.org.nz/events-and-publications/psnz-workshop-series/ TO JOIN PSNZ: photography.org.nz