1 minute read
Important FIAP News
At the September 2020 Council meeting there was a serious discussion about the future of the organisation, as Moira had already served a year longer than previous Presidents. While a candidate has come forward to be nominated as President, the Council is still likely to be understaffed, and that is not a sustainable position. So, if you like what PSNZ has to offer, and feel you have the skills and time to contribute, please consider standing for Council. Any of the current Councillors will be happy to talk with you about what is needed and what is involved in a Council role.
Important FIAP Distinction News
DUE TO THE many problems with postal services around the world, caused by COVID-19, FIAP has made the following decisions that ONLY apply to distinctions applications lodged in 2021:
For AFIAP and EFIAP Distinctions, there will be no requirement for acceptances in “print” salons. This temporary measure relates to rules 2.2.d and 3.2.d of the FIAP Distinctions Document 011/2016.
So, if you are hanging out for that elusive last print, or need more prints, this would be the year to apply for your distinctions.
Sometime in July 2021, I will be calling for anyone considering applying for FIAP distinctions to register their intent with me. I can then give you the correct forms and information.
If you wish to know how the FIAP distinctions system works, go to the PSNZ website and under the ‘Honours’ tab scroll down to the ‘FIAP Distinctions’ tab and all the information you need is there.
If you have any questions contact me: ajbastion@gmail.com