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Canon Online Results (round 6
PSNZ Canon Online Results from Round 6, 2020
THE WINNER OF the sixth and final round for 2020 is Val Burns LPSNZ. The judge was Ann Bastion FPSNZ EFIAP MFIAP.
Val is originally from Masterton, but after living in a number of places in the North Island has settled into Kinloch on the shores of Lake Taupo where she has lived for 13 years. Val writes:
“I am a photographer specialising in property and real estate after finally giving up my day job six years ago. I love my job as I get to see some amazing homes and properties, and every day is different and surprising. I also like to experiment with creative photography when time and mood allows. My camera is always within reach.
“I visited Mum in Masterton for her (rather senior) birthday in early December 2020. She told me about St Cuthbert’s Church in Eketahuna, and she was curious about it. She wanted to see the coloured windows from the interior as well as the timber, so we arranged a private viewing. The windows were certainly beautiful but we just enjoyed being there together. It was so peaceful and quiet in the darkness, with soft light falling through the windows. This visit to the church will be remembered by us both as a special time together. Credit must go to Mum, Mavis Newland (previously a well known painter in Masterton).”
Paul Willyams APSNZ AFIAP MNZIPP Canon Online Coordinator
Thank you for the opportunity to judge this competition. It was not easy to select just ten images from the 105 submitted. There was a wide variety of subject matter and presentation, all of excellent standard. The selections were chosen purely because of the impact they had on me personally as the selector.
When I view an image, I am looking for an emotional connection/reaction, some sort of communication between me and the image. It may be in the story I perceive or the feel I get from the arrangement of an abstract image. This must also be backed up with good composition and technique.
Comments from the Judge
Entries for Round 1 close on 25 February

1st Reflecting and Thanking by Val Burns LPSNZ
This is a very compelling image, taken from a well-considered position. It has simplicity, with strong bones of compositional technique such as the leading line of the pew posts leading directly to the solitary figure, accented by the line formed between the blue window panes, the blue cardigan and the blue walking frame. The lady is placed on an intersection of the thirds and is perfectly exposed and well lit. Excellent composition, well-fitting its title.
2nd Baby Alone by Lindsay Murray
I have chosen this image, not for the warm fuzzies, but rather the opposite. It has drawn my attention because of the disquiet it set up in me. The black and white treatment, along with the moody vignetting around the image, has added a heavy emotional weight to the scene. Words like vulnerability, anxiety, spring to mind when viewing this scene. It begs an answer to so many questions as to what might have happened here.

PSNZ Canon Online
3rd Mrs Mopp by Elenor Gill
As soon as I saw this image, I knew that it would be one of my selections. Everything about it works for me: the lighting, the colours and the look on the lady’s face, showing she is engaged and interested in what’s going on. This image brought a smile to my face and a lifting of the spirits.

4th Hongi by Lynn Fothergill LPSNZ

I found this a very moving image of a young boy being recognised by an elder in front of his team or classmates. Perhaps he has gained an achievement of some kind. The depth of field has been just right to show the boy and elder in sharp focus, isolated from the boys in the background.
5th Kingfisher with Crab by Marie Bilodeau LPSNZ
A strong crop with complementary background sets the scene to display this colourful bird. It has been well exposed and it’s good to be able to see the prey and tongue detail. Position within the frame and good feather detail complete the image.

6th The Villain by Derek Teague
What a great name for this image. I love the way the wing comes across like a cape, coupled with an arrogant look which has a message of “don’t mess with me”. The lower angle it has been taken from also helps to accentuate the story. I just had to smile when I saw this.

7th Abandoned by Val Pohio APSNZ

Softness, peaceful, are words that come to mind when viewing this pastel-coloured image. There is enough of the image to discern it is a yacht, but still present us with a beautiful smudgy look that reminds me of a cuddly mohair blanket. The quiet pastel colours aid in that soft soothing feel.
8th Wild Rose by Malcolm Martin
There are lovely complementary colours in this image, with just enough texture to give it a bit of interest. The sharpness and depth of colour on the petal edges are contrasted nicely by the petal’s curves and paler inner hues. The little drops give another dimension of freshness to the whole rose.

PSNZ Canon Online
9th Painted Pass by Jo Curtis LPSNZ
This is another image that that I ‘feel’. This feeling is of velvet movement, just like the colour changes of draped velvet with a plush pile. The colours almost seamlessly bleed into each other. The added texture emphasises the nuances of velvet, giving depth to the plush impression emanating from it.

10th Glorious Magic by Isaac Khasawneh
This is a lovely sunset, offering some good strong colours. Saturation is good, with the bulk of the image sitting on the lower third, giving more emphasis to the vastness of the sky. I like the amount of saturation this image has. It has been nicely exposed, with the brighter water reflection colours coupled with the softer more muted colours in the sky.