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Whanganui Salon
The Whanganui Salon is back in 2021!
The Whanganui Salon, a pre-eminent national salon of photography from 1953 to 1992, was reestablished on the national photography calendar in 2019 after a gap of 27 years. With a thematic approach (Humanity and Earth) that distinguishes the Salon from other National Salons, and more than 400 entries in 2019, it was a great rebirth which we can now build upon.
In 2021 our overarching theme will remain:
Humanity and Earth - demonstrating the impact of human beings on, and their interaction with, our planet
In 2021 the Salon will be open for images in three categories:
1. Humanity and the Natural World (relationships between humans and all aspects of the natural world)
2. The Works of Humankind (significant structures or human activities in the context of the environment)
3. Living in a Changing World (the human experience in the 2020s)
The Salon is open to all New Zealand photographers. Our 2021 judges are:
• Simon Woolf FPSNZ M.Photog., Wellington, New Zealand
• Tony Hewitt FAIPP G.M.Photog II Hon FAIPP FNZIPP, Perth, WA, Australia
• Judy Stokes APSNZ, Auckland, New Zealand.
Indicative timing in 2021 is: • Entries open 27 July and close 24 August • Judging September Results presented at the opening event of the Whanganui Camera Club annual exhibition on 22 October. More information on the 2021 Salon can be found on the Whanganui Camera Club website http://www. whanganuicameraclub.org.nz/whanganui-salon-2021.html. Check it out – and start taking photos!