Phuket Care
Bringing Health Close to Home In a good society, the “suffering� are never left behind
Phuket Care Bringing Health Close to Home
Of 77 Provinces Phuket Determined The Least Happy Though tourism caused Phuket’s economy to grow by leaps and bounds, it also brought a series of problems as well.
s Phuket’s economy adapted to the strength of the tourism industry, core infrastructural management has fell behind and the gap between the wealthy and poor spread far apart. Therefore locals must
compete on a higher level than ever before in order to stay ahead of the ever rising living costs. The results of a recent “Province Happiness Survey” reflect these circumstances revealing Phuket at the bottom of the 77 provinces.
Prince of Songkla University Southern Region Happiness Survey http://www.manager.co.th/South/ViewNews.aspx?NewsID=9590000072689
“Super Pole” Reveals National Happiness Score at 6.09/10 Surat Thani ranked #1 while Phuket ranked near last. http://www.thairath.co.th/content/712023
“Phuket” The Fastest Growing Tourist Province http://terrabkk.com/news/%E0%B8%A0%E0%B8%B9%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%81%E0 %B9%87%E0%B8%95-%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%A1%E0%B8%B7%E0%B8%AD%E0% B8%87%E0%B8%97%E0%B9%88%E0%B8%AD%E0%B8%87%E0%B9%80%E0%B8% 97%E0%B8%B5%E0%B9%88%E0%B8%A2%E0%B8%A7/
Phuket Care Bringing Health Close to Home
Medical Personnel and Public Health care are Insufficient Hospitals are constantly overloaded Phuket has only 3 State hospitals providing a mere 629 beds for patients.
n proportion, this measures up to only 20% of the standard 3,098 beds required on an international scale. As for medical personnel and public health, statistics show the following
personnel to population ratios; doctors at 1: 1,470, dentists at 1: 5,855, pharmacists at 1: 4,954 and registered nurses at 1: 364. These numbers are not nearly enough to meet the needs of the patients.
Phuket Provincial Public Health Office Statistics
Phuket Care Bringing Health Close to Home
2009 Data Prior Phuket Care Project By Phuket Provincial Public Health Offices
2016 Data Post Phuket Care By PPAO/Provincial Public
Data From PPAO/Provincial Public Health Offices
Patient Statistics in Phuket
Data From Phuket Provincial Administrative Organization (PPAO)
Phuket Care Bringing Health Close to Home
Re-innovating Medical Service and Health care Based on the issue of public health care, the state and private sector have together pushed forward the project “Phuket Care: Bringing H e a l t h C l o s e t o H o m e” t o a p p l y n e w innovative methods in the field of m e di c al service and public health. Provincial Authorities Visit Phuket Care Patients https://mahachon.wordpress.com/2011/09/01/อบจ-เยี่ยมผู้ป่วยโึครงก/ http://phuketprnews.com/อบจ-ภูเก็ต-ลงพื้นที่เยี่/ http://www.phuketpost.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2094:201111-22-16-30-25&catid=35:2010-01-21-08-52-03&Itemid=54 http://siangtai.com/new/index2.php?name=knowledge&file=readknowledge&id=2959 http://siangtai.com/new/index2.php?name=knowledge&file=readknowledge&id=2963 http://oknation.nationtv.tv/blog/phuketpost/2014/03/26/entry-2 https://news.phuketindex.com/government/phuket-care-3-214035.html https://youtu.be/LPlOSPqmcno http://www.phuketpost.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2368:mou-&catid=35:2010-01-21-08-52-03&Itemid=54 https://youtu.be/iDhE_qsbdQg https://news.phuketindex.com/government/phuket-care-5-224329.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A41F8BecKNc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orK5Ui7iLSg http://siangtai.com/new/index2.php?name=knowledge&file=readknowledge&id=2157
ethods include sending medical and multidisciplinary teams to the homes of underprivileged patients whom are bedridden and/or disabled. These teams are organized to take care of patients as well as fund the use of necessary prosthetic equipment at no cost. Also, the teams are designed to create a network of public health volunteers in the community to provide more efficient patient care through the latest in communication technology.
Phuket Care Bringing Health Close to Home
Project Qualification Demographics Underprivileged Sick and in Poverty Elderly Chronically Ill Disabled
Phuket Care Bringing Health Close to Home
Phuket Care Bringing Health Close to Home
Application Documents for Phuket Care Program
Phuket Care Bringing Health Close to Home
Staff Reports
Phuket Care Bringing Health Close to Home
Project’s Benefits towards the Patient and their Relatives
• Project patients will receive full healthcare
services with both medical doctor and multidisciplinary teams sent directly to the patient’s home for screening, health evaluation and diagnosis.
Bedridden patients will receive homecare from their relatives and healthcare volunteer teams whom have been properly trained and certified by the Ministry of Public Healthcare. Local Authority Organizations in order to help provide free ambulance service to project patients.
• •
Private Sector Organizations in order to help provide medical equipment such as canes, beds, custom made wheelchairs and even optimized vehicles for more independent patients.
Provincial Authorities/Health Care Offices Provide Wheelchairs to Disabled http://oknation.nationtv.tv/blog/phuketpost/2013/07/26/entry-7
Provincial Authorities Fund Ambulance for Local Organization https://news.phuketindex.com/government/ppao-66-201804.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5isclpQcH2A
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Phuket Care Bringing Health Close to Home
How are patients outside of the project benefited? Inspires a more generous and hospitable community that provides better care and treatment of the underprivileged Lowers the expense and frequency of patient hospital visits Lowers the burden on patient’s relatives allowing more time to work and provide for the family Lowers hospital congestion and long hospital treatment queue times
Phuket Care Bringing Health Close to Home
The Heart of the Project’s Success In order to make the Phuket Care project transparent and assessable, the Phuket Provincial Administrative Organization, as the project owner has used the Ministry of the Interior’s model for carrying out buying/hiring.
his allows for a value assessment of the budget spending towards receiving patients on a step by step format. The project budget will also support the local communities with their part in the patient selection process. Furthermore, this project has undergone annual third party evaluations by an “Academic Institution” with results stating “Phuket Care Project is valuable, meets the needs of the citizens and effectively helps patients that are poor, elderly, chronically ill and/or disabled receive medical service and quality public health care.” Also, the Phuket Care Project has received many honorary awards from different institutions including awards from both state and private departments that have studied the projects procedures as a model for future projects in other locations. The success of “Phuket Care” is clearly seen in the constantly rising project patient number which today is at 1,621. This growing number is the product of the projects ongoing news, rising reputation and determined efforts to find and reach those that are beyond the surveys.
Project Acheivement Awards
Phuket Care Institution Awards Received http://award.kpi.ac.th/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=322:2553&catid=88:2010-07-27-14-10-35&Itemid=62
https://m.facebook.com/media/set/?set =a.719313994830131.1073746426.251594288268773&type=3#_=_
Phuket Care Bringing Health Close to Home
The Transferability of Phuket Care The lessons learned and experience gained over nearly 10
years has allowed “Phuket Care” to create consistent quality development through an innovative network of medical service and public health. Phuket Care has created a resonating impact on Phuket’s society by modeling an effective solution of medical service and public health to underprivileged patients, because in a good society, the suffering are never left behind. Provincial Authorities Welcome Project Evaluation Team from Nakorn Sri Thammarat https://news.phuketindex.com/government/ppao-178-231433.html
Provincial Authorities Welcome Project Evaluation Team from Ratchaburi http://www.phuketandamannews.net/2015/index.php/2015-06-17-06-35-53/268-5-2
National Anti-Corruption Commission Visits to Evaluate Phuket Care http://phuketpostnews.blogspot.com/2010/09/blog-post_17.html
Phuket Care Bringing Health Close to Home
ew innovative methods in the field of medical service and public health include sending medical and multidisciplinary teams to the homes of underprivileged patients whom are bedridden and/or disabled. These teams are organized to take care of patients as well as fund the use of necessary prosthetic equipment at no cost. Also, the teams are designed to create a network of public health volunteers in the community that are able to provide more efficient patient care through the latest in communication technology.