February/ March 2013

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FOUR REASONS WHY YOU’RE NOT LOSING WEIGHT I’ve heard it from friends and clients alike… “I work out all the time and I’m not losing weight.” OK, I’m gonna get a LITTLE in your face here and have you take a long hard look at yourself. Don’t be scared, I’ll go easy on you … kinda! #1. You’re not working out hard enough. Yup, it’s true. What happens with the body is that a workout that killed you 2 months ago isn’t so hard anymore. It’s called adaptation. You got stronger, faster and in better cardiovascular condition. So now you have to step it up and kick your own butt! If you’ve been doing 15 pushups for the last few weeks, try to squeeze out 1 or 2 more on every set. If you’ve never done pushups on your toes, DO THEM! Even doing ONE more rep will help you break a plateau. #2. You’re doing ‘steady state’ exercise. For the LONGEST time, moderate exercise was touted as the best way to lose weight. Now, it’s been proven that doing intervals is best for cardiovascular health as well as fat and calorie burning. So, if you’re running, add in some intervals or sprint bursts at 75-80% of your max for 30-45 seconds every few miles or minutes. If you’re hiking, run up that hill for 30 second intervals every 2-3 minutes. Leave the moderate, steady state exercise back in the 80’s! #3. Your weights aren’t heavy enough. LADIES, I’m talkin’ to you! There are VERY few women who will GET HUGE from lifting weights. If you’re afraid that a 12-lb or 15-lb weight will get you big, IT WON’T - up your weights! As a general rule of thumb, if you can do an exercise past 20 reps and keep going without muscle failure, you’re weights for that exercise are too light. Get heavier weights! #4. You don’t have accountability worked into your program. We’ve all been there… it’s 5am and the alarm just went off. You’re supposed to get up and go to the gym. But, you’re so tired and your bed is so comfy. Get a workout buddy, hire a qualified personal trainer or enroll in a fun, women’s bootcamp program. Our bootcamp program solves ALL of these issues. Mention this article when you call and get $75 off your first month!

We help women achieve their health and fitness goals by providing interval and circuit training workouts in a friendly, encouraging environment. We help our clients with their nutritional needs as well by providing meal plans created by a Registered Dietician and a nutrition accountability program. We have several locations throughout the valley call today to find a location near you! Mention this article when you call and get $75 off your first month!

www.balancedbodybootcamp.com Kristen Poczulp Owner / Trainer


7 Spring Skin Tips

1. Seek a Specialist 2. Moisturize 3. Use Sunscreen 4. Avoid wet hands and feet 5. Use a Humidifier 6. Hydrate for your health 7. Easy on the Peels

Healthy Eating is not hard.. It takes education and a change in lifestyle. The reason most people have a hard time eating right is because, they don’t want to take the time. Also , they feel that is can be costly .

Some Truth about Chemical Peels Chemical peels are the ultimate teammate for your skin. Light, medium, and deep peels remove layers of skin, along with acne scars, wrinkles, discoloration, and sun damage. Chemical peels can improve the skin's appearance. A chemical solution is applied to the skin, which makes it "blister" and eventually peel off. The new skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin. Chemical peels can be performed on the face, neck, or hands. They can, reduce fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth, treat wrinkles caused by sun damage and aging, Improve the appearance of mild scars, treat certain types of acne, reduce age spots, freckles, and dark patches (melasma) due to pregnancy or taking birth control pills, Improve the look and feel of your skin.

Before getting a chemical peel consult a specialist.

Contents Features

From the Golf Course to the Dance Floor and a Little Bit of Cowgirl In Between"

Bring out the doll in you. With Priscilla Dawn Designs

On the Cover‌ Ms. Brittany Ann Parrish The host of The inside scoop, a new out let for business owners to create awareness in our community. A Real Ultimate woman, Mother, Student, Entrepreneur.

Are pests bugging you?

Do you plan Family time?

Consigning women

Innovation with Style: The Phoenix Fashion 411 By Eva Louis, Film & Fashion Futures Writer Phoenix Fashion Week is not resting for one second and is ready for many new ventures in 2013. For Brian Hill, Executive Director of Phoenix Fashion Week, fashion is not just about the fashion, it’s also about the business of fashion and he works hard to make that evident with any new announcements. In December 2012, the Fashion Meetup hosted at Majerle's Sports Grill in Old Town Scottsdale was the last major 2012 event for this always innovating group. A major part of the event was the statement about the launch of The Fashion Hub. The Fashion Hub is being established and is estimated to be available and functioning in February of 2013. The vision and soon to be reality is best described in their own words “a Fashion Hub (shared) co-workspace focusing on the Fashion Industry.” This is fulfilling “the necessity to foster growth and collaboration” for those in the fashion industry from many perspectives but especially the proactive fashion entrepreneur. The idea here with a hub is to provide a space that enables sharing of resources, ideas, risks and successes. Think of it like the new “Fashion Think Tank,” only good things can come from this. The shared space will offer to tenants the following: - Wi-Fi Access - Cubicles (for the brands) - Plug-in & work stations (for the brands) - Conference Room (shared for meetings & workshops) - Office Space (for the brands) - Showroom (to display & present the brands to buyers) - Photography studio (10x10 room) - (for shared use, head shots, brand look books, etc.) The following types of individuals should definitely consider checking into this forum and first of a kind Fashion Hub (coining the phrase now “Fashion Think Tank”): Apparel brands, Accessory brands, Stylists, PR firms, Marketing firms, Graphic Designers, Web Designers, Photographers, Models, Fashion Technology companies, and any other fashion related business. If you thought that was all the announcements there were, then think again. On the second day of the New Year 2013, another notification came out today about the SHOP GARMENT DISTRICT. What is a GARMENT DISTRICT? The typical definition revolves around one of the most famous based in NY; def.: an area in the borough of Manhattan, in New York City, including portions of Seventh Avenue and Broadway between 34th and 40th Streets and the streets intersecting them, that contains many factories, showrooms, etc., related to the design, manufacture, and wholesale distribution of clothing. This SHOP GARMENT DISTRICT is officially launched by Phoenix Fashion Week utilizing the power of the internet and Facebook. They are locating it on https://www.facebook.com/phxfashionweek - which offers the fans the opportunity to shop their official PHXFW LIMITED EDITION apparel and accessories. The designs will be inspired PHXFW themes and will include collaborations from their long list of designers. Since they will be LIMITED EDITIONS, fans have to be among the first to 'LIKE' the item to assure they 'win' the opportunity to purchase the PHXFW LIMITED EDITION items.

The process - HOW WILL IT WORK – is as follows: they will list the item description, along with a picture, sizes, color, quantity available, list the model, photographer, and stylist. The interested FAN must 'Like' the post and add a comment with their email address, specifying the quantity they desire, size, and color. If they 'win' the opportunity to purchase the item, one of PHXFW teammates contacts the FAN for payment details. They are promising fun and exciting offerings. With the New Year already beginning in full swing, keep a look out to find out what else is in store from Phoenix Fashion Week and Brian Hill and team!! Happy New Year!!!

Eva Louis 602-492-4843 Facebook.com/filmfashionfeatures Twitter.com/chronicbehavior

Mobile Marketing Why is mobile marketing so important? Just look around! Everybody, everywhere is looking at their smartphones. Walking, shopping, dining – it seems like everyone has their smart phone in hand and at the ready.

Tracy Middleton

602-430– 8493

Your clients are mobile are you?

So, what does mobile marketing involve? Depending on your type of business it’s usually a 4-step process. The first step is to create some type of mobile optimized webpage. This can be a full mobile website or you can set up different promotional mobile pages. This allows your users to be able to read your content, specials, videos, slideshows, etc. very easily without having to “pinch and twist” the screen on their smartphone. The mobile page is also a great way to let your users call you, email you, or even start a chat with one touch from their smartphone. The second step is to get new customers to visit your mobile site. Just like a desktop website, there are many ways to get mobile users to your site. One way is by using the traditional method of paid advertising to get new clients You would determine your most important service or product and then advertise that along with your location. There are also some really fun ways that can get new clients to your mobile site. They can also help you build up a mobile list. One of these methods is to use a “mobile keyword”. Let’s say you’re a restaurant, and your mobile keyword is “eat”. Basically, you have your mobile users text “eat” to a mobile number. You can then offer them discounts or promotions if they join your list. Another alternative is to use a Quick Response (QR) code. It’s basically the same principle as using the keyword, but it’s more visually engaging. You can also customize these QR codes with your branding to get the attention of your mobile users. Once you start building your list, then you begin the third step of keeping your customers engaged in your business. For instance, let’s take the same example of the restaurant as above. Let’s say, you are having a really slow day, you can send a text to your list and tell them you are going to have a 25% off coupon on any entrée for the next 2 hours. This can be a great way to get customers in to your restaurant, so you have a booming day rather than a slow day.

Let’s say, you are having a really slow day, you can send a text to your list and tell them you are going to have a 25% off coupon on any entrée for the next 2 hours. This can be a great way to get customers in to your restaurant, so you have a booming day rather than a slow day. Once you start building your list, then you begin the third step of keeping your customers engaged in your business. For instance, let’s take the same example of the restaurant as above. Let’s say, you are having a really slow day, you can send a text to your list and tell them you are going to have a 25% off coupon on any entrée for the next 2 hours. This can be a great way to get customers in to your restaurant, so you have a booming day rather than a slow day. Another great way to keep your clients engaged is to have contests. You can have your users visit a mobile page that lets them enter your contest for a free or highly-discounted product or service. In the same way as coupons, voting has proven to be a very effective way to keep your clients engaged in your business. The fourth and all-important step of analytics. Be sure that you are getting the most of your marketing dollars in order to get the highest return on investment. Track everyone single campaign to see how many people are taking advantage of your coupons and specials. You don't want to spend your valuable marketing dollars on promotions that aren't working for you. The mobile market is exploding. It is a very lucrative and fun way to start getting more customers for your business. Call Now to find out how we can mobilize your business.

Tracy Middleton 602-430– 8493 www.Facebook.com/GetYourMobileSiteNow http://www.linkedin.com/pub/tracy-middleton/21/34/a55 https://plus.google.com/b/114971416229214330100/114971416229214330100/

DO INSECTS LIVE THROUGH THE WINTER? The answer to this question for many insects is YES. Though life is sustained by different means, many insects do survive through the winter. This is true for all phases of growth including the adult, nymph, larva, pupa and egg forms of the insects. Insects may use one or more of the following to survive the winter: While many vertebrate animals go through a phase of hibernation, the similar phase for insects is termed DIAPAUSE. During this phase an insect’s body will slow down enough to simply maintain life. Some that use this method include lady bird beetles, monarch butterflies. Some insects replace the water in their bodies with glycerol, which is a form of antifreeze, thus allowing their bodies to withstand the lower temperatures. Many insects will attach their pupa to leaves and emerge as adults in the spring. Dragonflies in nymph form may live below ice in ponds and streams awaiting the warmth of spring to emerge. Eggs from insects may also lay dormant through the winter until the temperatures allow for full development. So, simply put, insects survive by manipulating their internal systems physically and chemically. They may also simply survive by finding a warmer place to stay by burrowing deep in the soil, under rocks, in trees and brush, and unfortunately, in the walls of many buildings. HOW DO YOU WINTERIZE YOUR HOME? Your first line of protection from insect seeking protection from the winter is to take a closer look at how they might physically enter your home. This includes checking your door sweeps and weather stripping and ensuring all openings are appropriately sealed (including pipes and wires). If you have a screen door, make sure any gaps or tears are repaired. Make sure all windows fit tightly in their frames. Your local hardware store can help you with the supplies needed to address these isAnother line of defense is to get winter service from your local pest control company. Winter service includes your basic service, plus additional methods of control. The company should be spraying the interior and exterior of your home. This includes around the base board areas of your house, under the voids of your sinks in the kitchen and bathrooms, in your garage, and the exterior perimeter of the home. This will provide a longer lasting treatment.

Why don't people make more time for family time? Perhaps it is because of our busy schedules. Four of seven families do not set aside one night for the family. Six out of ten families do not eat at the table every night. This is a perfect opportunity for families to bond. Also, it is a good time for parents to stay abreast of what is going on in their children's lives. Why is this important? A lot of families have become more broken due to lack of family time. A good suggestion would be pick a night that the whole family can spend together. It does not have to be expensive. Have a movie night at home, Game night, or even go out.

Parents have a duty to love, educate, and protect their children. Many parents do not instill family night as part of a tradition. If they do a child will grow up with this value and hopefully keep it as a family tradition. Written by Ann P.

Park Lane is a family owned and operated company, for over 57 years, dedicated to providing exquisite jewelry and incomparable programs designed to reward customers, hostesses, and representatives. What could Park Lane offer you???

A business of your own, Work hours of your choice

- Enjoy more personal and family time

Flexibility to control your schedule and income Financial independence Job security Enjoy recognition and awards

UNLIMITED INCOME! Park Lane can be a life-changing experience!

Park Lane offers the most flexible, innovative and lucrative opportunity available in the direct sales industry. Park Lane has something special to offer everyone. No experience is necessary…so what are you waiting for? I invite you to call me to explore the possibilities.

Brittany Ann Parrish “A Real Ultimate Woman� Phoenix Ultimate Woman is a lifestyle publication designed to inspire, empower, enrich, entertain and to enhance the lives of Phoenix area women while supporting our advertisers. Our concept is simple, we put women first. Each issue provides numerous articles on living a well-rounded life, practical information on healthy choices along with tips and advice for managing life’s obstacles even with a busy schedule. Brittany is the Publisher and editor of Phoenix Ultimate Woman. Working on her degree in business has afforded her the knowledge and desire to help women accomplish their goals thru resources. Originally from Portland, Oregon. Brittany is a proud mother of two with a 4 year old grandson. Upon Graduation from Business College, she realized that she wanted to be an entrepreneur. Therefore, for over 20 years, Brittany has been in the sales and marketing industry. She has owned several successful businesses. Her true passion has been to own a company that would be recognized as one of the best resources for women here in the valley. As she has built this company from the ground up, Internet Marketing, Networking, and Business Communication is some of her greatest strengths. After many years of struggling as a single mom she decided to go back to school.

Majoring in Business, has given her the tools and education to understand the fundamentals of business and marketing. Her success lies in knowing, and believing that her efforts of empowering women through valley wide resources will help women with personal development and opportunities to grow.. Brittany has always been a visionary, her experience and background enable her to grow and have a successful future with stability and happiness.

While Interviewing with Brittany we asked these key questions?


What do you want to convey to

other women?


I would like women to have the

resources that allow them to be able to self-improve through abundance, innovation, inspiration, and empowerment from other women. I want women to know that there are many opportunities for personal growth. Think about what makes you happy. Your life needs positive energy, in order to achieve that there are two important key elements, goal setting and motivation techniques. At the end of the day, ask yourself are you happy about your accomplishments?

Q. What is your distribution and how do you engage your readers?


Our distribution is Internet mar-

keting. We have a website, mobile website for smartphone users, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and a youtube channel, Issuu and online and in person networking forums. This allows us to maximize exposure and readership. Our youtube channel allows us to have direct interviews with our clients, this enables our readership to feel a better connection with us and our clients.

Q. Why are you so passionate about what you do?

A.I feel that it is important to inform women of options that they have in their many facets of life. I take the time to find these resources and bring them women. I am a firm believer of education and collaboration. You can find Phoenix Ultimate woman on.. Facebook.com/phxultwoman Twitter.com/phxultwoman Pinterest.com/phxultwoman Youtube.com/phxultwoman “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Life is all about YOUR Attitude! Remember to be thankful for who you are and what you have.

Photos Courtesy of Cedric Jones Photography.

From the Golf Course to the Dance Floor and a Little Bit of Cowgirl In Between" How to gently consign your gently used clothing and accessories.

Ladies, if you've never had the wonderful experience of browsing a consignment boutique, be prepared for a brand new adventure in shopping! And if you have some beautiful items that you no longer fit, a consignment boutique is the answer for you. Consignment owners have the same philosophy- "We will continue to convince the world to be come resale shoppers-those who "get it" will have a marvelous time, those who don't will just have to pay retail. Here's a list of what you need to know before choosing a consignment shop to sell your items: Choose a consignment shop with a great traffic flow, one that in not overcrowded with items. The shop should smell fresh and all the items should be beautifully displayed. The better, high-end consignment shops will require you to have an appointment and will give you a set of guidelines for bringing you items in. The guidelines detail a number of items you can bring in, the name brands that are accepted and your responsibility for keeping in touch with the shop. Keep in mind, too, that the better consignment shops are booked with appointments sometimes six months in advance. You may have to wait a bit for an appointment, but it will be worth it. Their sales records and inventory turns are fabulous! In addition, unlike the "drop and run" shops, your items will be on the sales floor that same day! When you arrive on time for your appointment, the shop owner devotes that time to inspect your items. She only chooses the ones that she can sell. Rest assured that the shop owner is experienced and knowledgeable of her market area and will demand the best price for your items.

There are several factors you must keep in mind when choosing your items to consign: 1. Most Important! In current style (no more than 2 years old). What you see in the retail stores, you will also see in better consignment shops. 2. All clothing MUST be in pristine condition or they will not be accepted. The shop owner WILL NOT accept items that she has to clean, steam, press. She doesn't have time! Take pride in your items- it will pay in the long run! 3. Jewelry need to be polished, watches need to be running. 4. Shoes should be in new condition- no scuffs and no sign of wear. 5. Do not be offended if the shop owner does not accept all your items. Selections are based on market demand and space availability as well. She can't afford to take in items that are in question of selling and must only accept items that she knows will sell quickly. New inventory is so important to smaller consignment shops-customers like to see new things every time they visit!

So consign your items, put cash in your pocket, or have fun with it and use it as an in-store credit at your consignment boutique!


Saturday FEBRUARY 9, 2013 Chaparral Suites Resort Scottsdale

Enjoy a powerful day of world-class insights, cutting-edge success strategies, practical tools and relevant topics.

• Two Keynote Speakers to Inspire and Inform You • 9 Business Building Sessions & Makeover Magic Finale • 50 Exhibitors with Valuable Resources • Meet and Network with Hundreds of Attendees • Speaker’s Store to Expand Your Knowledge • Continental Breakfast, Lunch and Snack Breaks • Charity Raffle Loaded with Valuable Prizes

R egis t e r Ea

r M e et fo r t h e ly the S R e ce p pea k e rs tion 4: 0 0 Spa ce 5: 30 p. m. i s li m it ed.

Register today at www.WomensBusinessBootcamp.com

No Theory, Philosophy or Fluff

Just an arsenal of ideas and practical ammunition to help you battle your most difficult business challenges. NETWORK - connect with hundreds of successful women business owners.

LEARN - practical, relevant strategies to build your business.

PROFIT - by implementing the valuable knowledge provided.

TRANSFORM - yourself by implementing proven methods of operation.

UNDERSTAND - the dynamics that support business growth.

CREATE - effective methods for leadership.

DEVELOP - friendships that transcend a business relationship.

LEAD - your organization to a position of prominence.

STRENGTHEN your people skills and build relationships.

BUILD - powerful partnerships with prominent sponsors.

FOCUS - your energy on what’s profitable for your company.

ENJOY - a day of education and motivation.

DONATE - to the Charity of Choice raffle.

Morning KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Barbara Lambesis Marketing Methods, LLC

Achieving Business Excellence: Mastering the five C’s of Success While Customers and Cash are the essential elements of a viable business, the “C” section of the dictionary offers many other concepts. Learn how to Create something of value, Cultivate the business concept, Control operations, Communicate with customers - employees and Care about what happens.

AFTERNOON KEYNOTE Speaker Debbie Allen Debbie Allen International

Discover the Secrets of Wealth Attraction Branding Redefine, Reposition & Re-energize your business and explode your results fast! Learn how a powerful, targeted brand will breathe new life, energy and income into your business. Seize more opportunities to expand your company with a solid brand foundation and Internet domination.

MAKEOVER MAGIC Ali Craig & Diane Aiello

Styling Steps to Match Your Image to Your Brand Ali Craig, celebrity hair and makeup artist and Diane Aiello, stylist to the Stars, will give quick and easy tips to elevate your public image, spruce up your professional style and ensure your personal brand matches your business personality. Two lucky attendees will receive a mini-makeover.

100% of raffle proceeds go to Girls Rule!

Girls Rule! is an organization dedicated to helping girls develop the needed skills to create extraordinary futures for themselves, one step at a time. Since 2008 they have helped girls build bright futures through empowerment, inspiration and educational programs within schools and prison systems. There’s no substitute for a young girl who acquires strong life skills and a solid self esteem - she’ll be unstoppable and will be able to achieve anything she dreams possible! To learn more about them and their leadership opportunities please visit www.GirlsRuleFoundation.org.

BLINGO – The Girls Rule! Foundation is hosting this fabulous fun-filled end-of-day activity. Blingo is like an exciting game of Bingo but with way more bling. Everyone gets a blingo card for their chance to win fabulous prizes.

Bring plenty of business cards for Networking!

Learn valuable business strategies in these informative workshops

Francine Hardaway Stealthmode Partners Why Every Business Should Blog Blogging is a way to effectively generate SEO. With the right methods, even a small business can become a “Thought Leader.” Content Marketing is the next big trend. Learn a dozen ways blogging is a convergence of earned, owned, and paid media. Every business should blog.

Katreena Hays Wood Career Services Network LLC

Susan Ratliff Susan Ratliff Presents

Vickie Mullins Mullins Creative

The Wealthy Exhibitor: How to Use Tradeshows to Market and Brand Your Business

The Keys to Crafting the Perfect Marketing Newsletter

Is exhibiting in tradeshows part of your marketing plan? If not you are missing out on a lucrative, cost-effective option for capturing leads, making sales and branding your company to thousands. Learn five key strategies on how to turn your booth into a powerful profit center.

Learn seven steps for effectively using a newsletter. Understand the importance of a drip system, develop content that gets read, discover how to use links to broaden your reach and connect your customers to their customers.

Mary Juetten

Kay Schnizlein & Cristina Whitehawk


SuccessCircles - Harnessing the Power of Collaboration

Strategies for Protecting Your Intellectual Property

This Best-selling author helps attendees learn how to build stronger teams committed to helping each other to succeed. Learn to inspire work teams toward stronger and more effective collaboration through positive, results-driven teamwork.

Every business has valuable Intellectual property and protecting it is essential. Learn what IP to protect. Hear practical advice on recognizing IP issues. Demystify common misconceptions and receive a range of resources to protect and secure your company’s valuable IP.

Learn how to rock your sales with the Brain Gym® approach to rewiring neural pathways. When old limitations evaporate, a new path toward success becomes available. Take the chill out of cold calling and communicate with ease.

Susan Mershon

Raleigh Pinsky

Mary Ann Guerra

TheTechie Mentor

The Raleigh Group PR

9 Easy Strategies for Building Your Prospect List Fast

101 Ways to Get on Radio, TV and Internet Talk Shows in the Digital Age

Value-Based Leadership: Your Path to Prosperity

Discover effective and simple ways to attract targeted leads to grow your list and expand your reach! Learn how to create a “freebie” that attracts your ideal client and capture leads in your target market both online and offline.

This PR person to the stars will teach a crash course on how to get the attention you need to succeed, promote instant name recognition, tickle the media’s fancy, market effectively on the internet, and create good will in the community.

Leadership is multifaceted and constantly evolving. Discover the qualities that exude more effective results. The Lifecycle of Value-Based Leadership will be discussed: Establishing values, defining focus, visualizing success, inspiring action, reflecting on outcomes and course correction.

Powered by Genius Boost Your Sales by Harnessing the Power of Your Mind

Bio Accel

DON’T DELAY … REGISTER TODAY! www.WomensBusinessBootcamp.com ATTEND THE CONFERENCE $99 Grab your girlfriends and sign up for this Infomationpacked day of education and motivation. Enjoy all the meals, speakers, exhibits, bookstore and networking with hundreds of women business owners. CONFERENCE & MEET $125 THE SPEAKERS RECEPTION Don’t miss the fun at this special party following the conference. Get up close and personal with the sponsors, speakers and other attendes. Enjoy appetizers and a drink on us. Space is limited.

EXHIBIT TABLE, CONFERENCE & RECEPTION Show off your products and services to hundreds of qualified buyers. Register early because these 6-foot tabletop displays sell out quickly.


BE A SPONSOR Expand your marketing reach to this qualified audience of new prospective clients and demonstrate your community citizenship. Put your company’s marketing promises into action by joining our team of distinguished conference sponsors. Visit our website for information about the various sponsorship options.



February/ March 2013

Phoenix Ultimate Woman Resources to enhance and inspire women of the greater Phoenix Area

Kayti DeLozier

Henry Mickens

Graphic Intern

IT Consultant

Deborah Petros

LaTashia Parrish



Brittany Parrish

Tessa Davis

Sales and Internet Marketing

Sales and Marketing

Contributing Writers Eva Louis, Priscilla Dawn, Kristen Poczulp, Ann P, Tracy Middleton

Contributing Photographer Cedric Jones

Corporate office Peoria, Arizona 85345 602-492-2405

Being involved in the industry for some time , I have my favorites, one being Nerium AD. This is a Exciting New development in skincare . Nerium AD had Scientific Research spanning over 14 years And was a accidental discovery while Doctors from MD Anderson Cancer Centre were working on treatment for Skin cancer. I believe this product will change our industry, the results are proven,

My name is Eulalia, owner of All Ways Beautiful, A business with focus on AntiAging, face &Body treatments, Cosmetic Peels, Eye Brow Design, Micro- Needling, Microdermabrasion & Non-surgical Face lifts! A pioneer in the field of Aesthetics with 23 years' experience, 14 years in the medical field working alongside Dermatologists, and Plastic Surgeons, remainder of my current career in Salon/Spa environment. I consider myself results driven while staying on the cutting edge of technology to offer my clients advanced skincare treatments. Exciting technology continues to present itself in the skincare arena, I am sure you’ll agree Lasers, light Therapy, Radio Waves give us a lot of choices as to how we can Rejuvenate our skin today. You must remember these modalities can improve your skin, however unless you maintain your results with regular Skincare treatments, scientifically proven skincare your Results will be limited.

Documented , third part tested and available to you with a 30 day money back guarantee! I am so Excited about this product and impressed that I wanted to distribute Nerium AD to my clients and To those who are looking for Anti-Aging, Improved Texture, reduces discoloration, reduces large pores, Improves deep lines, fine lines and emerging lines! The good news will spread fast about Nerium AD as well as the price point. I would encourage you to try it and give us your feedback. Now imagine your relaxed in my Facial chair, peaceful & serene and while I am giving you a Facial, your body is being exercised and toned, you enter that sacred place of total bliss! You exit feeling renewed, accomplished, after all your worked out, treated your skin, reduced stress , lost inches & Found yourself!

Eulalia Papineau Rayantiagingbiz.Nerium.com

602-326-8066 3225 W. Ray Rd. Ste 119, Chandler AZ, 85226

I am looking for outgoing people to join me as Brand partners with Nerium Intl. A amazing Opportunity for those seeking independence, & financial freedom. Please visit my website. antiagingbiz.nerium.com

Dr. Mark L. Moss Dr. Mark L. Moss attended the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry in San Francisco, CA. Dr. Moss is a proponent of advanced technology and is very active in advancing his knowledge through numerous continuing education programs. He has practiced cosmetic dentistry for over 20 years in his own private practice. He is a member of the American Dental Association, Arizona, Dental Association and DOCS for sedation dentistry. He is trained and experienced in LANAP(Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure) by Millennium Dental Technologies, which is the only FDA-approved, laser-based treatment for periodontal disease and offers regenerative periodontal therapy. Dr. Moss is also a graduate of the California Implant Institute, the LANAP Organization, DOCS, the Esthetic Professional Full Mouth Reconstruction Mini Residency, the Buchanan Endo Course, the Noble Biocare Implant Course, Hornbrook Aesthetic Continuum (Cosmetics Dentistry) and Occlusion Hornbrook. He has certifications in implant dentistry, Invisalign orthodontic treatment, cosmetic dentistry, full-mouth reconstruction, endodontics and occlusion.

Valentine’s Day is February 14th 2013 Gift Ideas for your loved one!

Most people have a hard time when it comes to finding that perfect gift for Valentine's Day. We have compiled a few ideas to help. First.. Gift cards, this takes the worry out of giving the right gift. Second .. Flowers , and candy, and last but not least Diamonds! We all know that this is a girl’s best friend… Who could go wrong with a nice diamond ring or necklace. So good luck and remember don’t forget the most romantic day of the year. This is just a way to say I love you!

When interviewed, Priscilla says: “My vision is to empower individuals through fashion sense. I want women around the world to feel confident. I try to contribute to this by helping them feel beautiful in Priscilla Dawn is a fashion designer dedi- what they are wearing. cated to bringing back the doll in the people who aspire to be more doll like. Her designs have been featured around the world, in magazines, boutiques, shows, TV, blogs and other highlighted features. Her company was founded in 2008 when Priscilla set out on a mission to help make dreams come true to life by creating dream dresses intended for those individuals who wanted something uniquely sweet to wear.

This is why I offer dresses custom to your individual fit and stylized to your preference. There is nothing more rewarding for me than to see a happy customer that has been delivered a product that they are excited about. Besides working one on one with my customers, I love designing for boutiques and doing collections for fashion shows to be featured at special events. Priscilla Dawn’s style includes the following, • Wedding• Cocktail• Tea Party• Gothic• Runway• Rockabilly• Prom• Lolita

Priscilladawndesign@gmail.com www.priscilladawn.etsy.com Facebook.com/priscilladawn Twitter.com/priscilladawn Pinterest.com/priscilladawns

Heather Godina: From “Bald and Boobless” to Triathlete

In mid-July of 2010, 29-year-old Heather Godina was performing a self-exam and found a lump in her armpit. By mid-August she was having a mammogram and biopsy and ten days later was at her doctor’s office to decide whether to undergo a lumpectomy, a single or a double mastectomy. It all happened in the blink of an eye. Knowing that her particular type of cancer was hormone-based and wanting children in her future - which meant a pregnancy could trigger her illness again - Heather decided to undergo a double mastectomy. A series of tests including a PET scan and an MRI determined where the cancer had spread: they revealed she was in Stage 3 and the disease had spread to 21 out of 26 lymph nodes. They also performed a bracket test to determine if Heather was a carrier, which she wasn’t. After the surgery, Heather underwent two rounds of chemotherapy and seven-and-a-half weeks of radiation. In January of 2011 Heather had completed the first round of chemo, which left her feeling devastated and, in her words, “bald, fat and boobless.” It was then that a friend told her about Tri for the Cure Arizona. “I had to make a decision: I was going through the same thing whether I was in a good mood or a bad mood, so it’s all about choice,” she says. Those who know her say she’s always positive, smiling and very encouraging of others. “I worked the whole time I trained and did chemo,” she says. “It just felt good to get back into something normal.” Heather’s last chemo treatment took place on the Friday after the Tri for the Cure. Tri for the Cure is open to all women who are looking to have a good experience. As an event, it’s big enough to be challenging but not intimidating. There’s great support for first-time triathletes, and Heather is now a part of the event committee, helping to make sure there’s special acknowledgement of survivors. “Don’t let fear of being a triathlete stop you,” she enthuses. “There is so much support. And there are so many women in your own neighborhood going through the same challenges you are. Just do it!” Today at 31, Heather has had full reconstructive surgery and has two Tri for the Cure under her belt plus a very recent Half Iron Man (which she rocked). She’s planning to do a full Iron Man next year, in addition to her work with Tri for the Cure. “Why do I Tri? Because it is both a physical activity and a mental challenge,” says Heather. “You have to be physically ready for the challenge of doing three events in one day, but it’s also mentally challenging. It is a personal sport, but you have to rely on support, encouragement, and love of family and friends to get through. It is both challenging and very rewarding.”

Tri For the Cure Arizona A women's only event benefiting the

Phoenix Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation.

Tri for the Cure Arizona is open to all women who are looking to have a good experience. As an event, it’s big enough to be challenging but not intimidating. There is great support for first-time Triathletes.

Free clinics start in January - training, nutrition, cycling, swimming and running.




Free Clinics Start in January 5 & 6 2013!

See you on March 24, 2013

Stay Connected http://www.triforthecureaz.com Chandler High School, Chandler, AZ 350 N. Arizona Ave. Chandler, AZ 7am race start 2013 we offer FOUR race options #1 Adult Women's Triathlon - 400 yrd swim, 8 mile bike, 2 mile run #2 Adult Women's Duathlon - 1 mile run, 8 mile bike, 2 mile run #3 Adult Women's Relay - either Triathlon or Duathlon #4 Women's Tri for the Cure 5K - 3.2 mile run - New this year! Whether you are Young or Young-at-Heart, Experienced or Beginner, 
 we can all UNITE for a great cause at Tri For The Cure AZ and have FUN too!

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