UWI July/ August 2014

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to tend to your plants in the hot summer.

Sometimes, particularly when your area experiences an uncharacteristically hot summer, extreme weather events can become more common than we'd like. In more temperate climates, such a change may not last long and many plants recover quickly or suffer minimal heat shock loss. In hotter climates however, an extremely dry summer can last many months. Evaluate your water use scenario. If there is, or is going to be minimal water restrictions, then the job is much easier, but if you have severe water restrictions then protecting your garden may need additional work.

Water saving methods include using mulch - at least a 10cm or 4 inch thick layer, using drip system reticulation (which is best hidden under the mulch), using water retention products such as water retaining crystals, bentonite or attapulgite clays - the cheapest source of these is often clay based granulated kitty litter (if it dissolves in water, it will offer even better water retention capabilities), and as much organic materials such as compost and other soil improvers that you can budget for. Water in the evening or early morning to best avoid evaporation and the water getting hot in the sun's rays. It is recommended to water deeply and often but when the water supply is low, it is better to water deeply and occasionally, as that encourages deeper root growth into cooler (and hopefully more moist) layers of soil. Frequent light watering encourages lush growth but also promotes shallower roots so that the plant is less prepared to cope when there is a reduction or no water coming on a hot day. Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

In times of heat shock, a seaweed extract based liquid fertilizer treatment often reduces heat stress and it may help protect the plant in future. Work to increase shade. This maybe using shade sails, tree cover (selecting more drought hardy trees or palms) or a short term solution using an old sheet or dust cloth during extreme weather.

The catch is these will make the plants less sun hardened, so a short term solution should only be a short term solution or a more permanent fixture. Short term protection should be removed as soon as possible because if the plant gets accustomed to the shade it will experience more stress when the shade is removed.

If the future for your area looks to have increased heat and less rainfall, start replacing many of your plants that just will not survive no matter what protection you can offer them. This can be done by donating the plants that won't thrive to nurseries, friends in cooler areas, or to botanical gardens and zoos if they have the environment and facilities for them. Lawn can be replaced slowly by gradually increasing the area of garden beds, or by replacing them with artificial grass. The quality of artificial grasses has improved greatly over recent years, so is a worthwhile substitute if properly installed. Recent edits by: Jacqueline K, BR, Sophia C. http://www.wikihow.com/Protect-Your-Garden-During-a-Harsh-Summer www.google.com/houseroomdesign.com

Helpful Gardening Tips, and more!

Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

! w Ne

Featured on Channel 3’s “Your Life A to Z”

Instantly removes the weed and protects the lawn.

No backaches or blisters, and fun to use.

No hazardous chemicals and environmentally safe.

No noise pollution, wires, full or moving parts.

Durable & built to last. For tips, Tricks $ More Visit


“10 Weeds in 10 Seconds!” youtube.com/sticknkick

UWI: Tell me Mr. Centrella what is a Stick n Kick? Mr. Centrella: The Stick n Kick is an amazing weeding tool that I invented that not only works, but also is fun to use, environmentally friendly, and effective at ridding your lawn or garden of unwanted weeds. Simply as that.

UWI: Well, that is great; can it be used on all weeds? Mr. Centrella: YES! There is no weed that can stand up to the mighty Stick n Kick, in fact , we even kicked out some big old desert weeds in Arizona. It has been tested in all climates from New York to California. If it has a roots it is doomed. This amazing tool works on crab grass too, in addition to your regular lawn weeds. In fact, it will work just as well in your garden. UWI: How does it work? Mr. Centrella: Simple as this, you stick the base of the tool in the ground just before the root and give it a gentle kick. Bam, the weed, roots and all, flies out. It is as simple as that.

UWI: How is your tool different from other weeding tools? Mr. Centrella: That is a good question. First, these are no moving parts to jam or break. No fuel, electric cord of any re-occurring parts needed, and no added hidden expenses. No noise, pollution and, it is environmentally green and safe.

UWI: Does the Stick n Kick come with a satisfaction guarantee? Mr. Centrella: Absolutely, we stand behind our product, literally! 100%, we have yet to have any complaints.

UWI: Do you have any testimonials? Mr. Centrella: Yes, we do, just go to our web site, www.sticknkick.com to see what others think, you will be amazed at how happy our customers are.

UWI: I want to buy one, What do I do to get my hands on one? Mr. Centrella: Honestly for the lowest price and quickest delivery just go to our easy to use web site, www.sticknkick.com and click on order. We ship in 24 hours guaranteed.

UWI: Well, thanks Mr. Centrella for sharing with us your amazing weeding tool. It pays us all to follow through with our inspirations, dreams and inventions. Mr. Centrella: Thank you for allowing me to invite your readers to buy such a remarkable easy weeding tool. There is no reason to have dandelions or any weeds anymore with the Stick n Kick tool. I am proud to say we are sending them all over the world as fast as we can make them.

Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

Stick n Kick

Interview with the Inventor!

Publisher’s Letter

Ultimate Woman International

Hot in the Summertime!

Editor Deborah Petros ………………………………... IT Support Henry Mickens ………………………………...

How hot

is it in your neck of the woods?

What fun are you planning? How about business events? However you plan your summer make sure to stay safe. Here in Arizona we have monsoon season. Stay out of the way of the hobos! In this issue we are featuring garden tips, summer recipes, business tips, summer fashion and more. We are happy to feature some of the best people in their industries . All women feel that they are an Ultimate Woman and therefore expect the best. We offer voices from all over. I hope that you will find all of the articles and information valuable. This is for all Ultimate Woman.

Brittany Ann Parrish

Publisher / Marketing Brittany Parrish ………………………………….. Contributing Writers: Isadora Dahlen, Wayne Fullmer, Dianna Whitley, Sandy Rogers, De Anna Marie, Ann P Photography: Florine Duffield ………………………………… Located in Peoria, Arizona All Rights Reserved ultimatewomaninternational@gmail.com

brittanyparrish913@gmail.com Publisher



Insanely Healthy Energy



7 19 Women In Business

31 Stylish Summer Fashion Entertain with Summer Martinis!



Women in Business

RSVP… WHAT EXACTLY DOES THAT MEAN IN TODAY’S WORLD? The term RSVP comes from the French expression "répondez s'il vous plaît", meaning; "please respond". f RSVP is written on an invitation it means the invited guest is welcomed and should tell the host YES or NO they plan to attend the party or event. It means the host needs a definite head count for the planned event, which we will address later in this article.

ON-line events or in-person events include a tremendous amount of decision making and planning so YOU can have a great experience and this includes all the business events we are now invited to via a variety of social media sites.

With all that being said, I was inspired to become part of a solution and motivated to write this article. I realized just because I have planned events for a living does not mean others have or do, therefore perhaps they just don’t know what it takes. The biggest challenge to providing a fabulous event of any kind is to be prepared and that’s where YOU the invitee can help by providing an RSVP to the invitation received. Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

One of the challenges that everyone who has ever managed events have, is how to motivate people to RSVP in a timely manner or to even RSVP at all. In a recent conversation, I realized the person I was conversing with received an invitation for a Grand Opening that was happening in just a few days. I asked them if they were coming, since I had not received their RSVP. They said "oh yeah, I'll be there." When I asked why they had not RSVP'd they said, "I just assumed you knew that I would be there." In that instant I had an ‘Aha!’ moment. What struck me is that we have become a culture that no longer remembers or perhaps values what it means to RSVP.

When you receive an invitation to a party, a wedding, an event, a workshop, a networking social or any other offering either through Facebook, Meetup.com, LinkedIn, email, verbally or even through the old fashioned US Postal service mail, and the host has asked for an RSVP do you know the true and appropriate way to respond?

How Should I respond to this RSVP? First of all, the short answer is you should always respond. Extending respect, kindness and courtesy for the host/planner who is working hard to create a wonderful experience for all involved is simply called for in this instance. (You will truly know the importance of this when you are on the checkwriting end of an event and that’s another subject.)

Back to responding: Respond YES (as soon as you receive the invitation) IF the event speaks to you and you wish to attend. Then immediately, notate your calendar including contact details/location etc. IF life changes, you can readily connect with the host and change your response or make other arrangements. And, you will score some way cool relationship building points in the process.

Respond NO if it’s just not for you or you’re NOT quite sure. If you’re not sure, note your calendar with all the details so as life changes you can connect with the host/planner and become a part of the event, changing your No to a Yes. More cool relationship points.

Respond Maybe has become popular on some of the social media sites, so let’s address it now. My opinion is responding MAYBE is really a gentle NO, and only confuses the issue. Please remember the host/planner would like to see you there as they invited you.

If you simply are not sure, do them a favor and say NO until you can decide otherwise. Their feelings will not be hurt, and they will be glad you did not hint around and cause them to use the budget in a non-productive manner. Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014


Here’s a guide to answer that question:

IF you’re not sure you wish to attend or not sure if you are available, and just can’t do the NO stuff, here’s another way to make sure you maintain good communications. Perhaps you need more information, or you have another event/meeting that day that could interfere with on time arrival. NOTE your calendar of the event information AND make another note a couple days from the day you’re looking at -- to REMIND yourself to decide. Once you know for sure, reconnect with the host and confirm a YES OR NO RSVP. (You may also want to make a pencil note on your calendar on the day of the event with all the details so you’ll have a ready reference.)

WHY such a hoopla about RSVP?


It is the right thing to do when invited to

anything! Even those events that are not your cup of tea, someone thought of you. Yes it may be true you’re just on a list; however, you decided somewhere along the way to be involved with this person and their events otherwise you wouldn’t be on their list. (respect/good etiquette)


It helps the host/planner to make some very

big decisions on how to ‘budget’ the event. (courtesy)


It helps the host/planner have a better pic-

ture of how many handouts, refreshments, even chairs and room size to negotiate. Not your problem you might be asking, well that’s true. However, would you like to be the one investing all the time, money, and effort and not provide an excellent time? I’m betting not. (courtesy)


4. It helps to insure a proper space for the number of attendees. Not crowded and worse yet a big room echoing as only a few showed up. (kindness)

5. The host has planned their event based on the RSVP’s. They have most likely signed a contract to guarantee the space or even food and beverage and whether or not you show up the host is still obligated to pay for that guaranteed space and number of meals. The host guarantees the number based on the number of YES RSVP's. And, if it is for a workshop or seminar, the host may have the expense of printing more handouts than will be used. This is not only a waste of paper, but also a waste of money and time. (respect/kindness/courtesy) In the end, all the hoopla is in the interest of bringing back old fashioned, good etiquette, respect, kindness and courtesy, when you receive an invitation to attend something, please give the person who sent you the invitation the courtesy of responding. And, that includes responding NO if you are unable to attend. AND, if you have responded


you will attend and something changes in

your plans, give the courtesy of contacting the host directly to change your RSVP as soon as you know. Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

This brings me to the last point. Please be aware of this when you are considering attending. If you know you want to attend but your budget won’t let you pay the whole fee, contact the host and see if you can make arrangements for a payment plan. Sometimes an event gets cancelled due to lack of early RSVP’s and advance payments. Your interest is what drives the invites, and most people are willing to work with you on this as the event is also near and dear to them. And, just as important, even if it is a free event to attend, the host still has to plan for seating, materials, etc. and may be paying a fee to use a facility or conference line(s). Please don’t think it doesn’t matter if you don’t RSVP since it is free. It is always professional, kind, and courteous to RSVP.

A Special Note to Hosts. So that your guests can RSVP in a professional, responsible, kind and courteous manner, be sure to include your contact information in the invitation along with the location. A habit that some hosts have begun doing in their social media and email invitations is to say that once someone has registered they will receive the location of the event. By not providing at least the city where the event will take place you have made it difficult for your invited guest to respond responsibly.

COURTESY IS CONTAGIOUS! Please share this with your colleagues and friends. I hope this helps everyone to understand the value and importance of responding to an RSVP request with either a YES or NO.

NOW is the perfect time to review any events you may have received an invitation to attend and give the courtesy of a response with a RSVP…YES or NO. And, if you have to change your RSVP please contact the host as soon as possible. They rely on YOU to help everyone have a successful and positive event. Merci / thank you! See you at the next event!

Many thanks to Sandy…

An outstanding…….. Ultimate Woman **** Brittany Ann Parrish

Sandy Rogers, CNP Certified Networker® Professional

‘The Referral Queen’ www.AskSandyRogers.com Sandy@AskSandyrogers.com

(480) 946-6002 Connections Ambassador Marketing 101 Mentor Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

On the Cover

Meet Dr. Nicole DiNezza More than just a chiropractor

A Higher Level of Nutritional Therapy Personal Interview‌.

What makes you different from other chiropractors? For the last five years, I have spent most of my time learning about nutrition and functional medicine. This means that I not only have a much deeper understanding of nutrition than the majority of chiropractors and doctors, but I am able to do

special tests to make sure that the program I prescribe is what your body needs as well as monitor its effectiveness . Most chiropractors see nutrition as an add-on to their adjusting practice. I see chiropractic adjustments as a compliment to my functional medicine practice.

How does your nutritional counseling differ from that of a nutritionist or a dietitian? Great question! Unfortunately, the USDA and the American Dietetic Association (ADA) control the education for both of these more common degrees. in order to keep their licenses active, dietitians often have to go to events that are heavily sponsored and influenced by corporations such as Pepsi, McDonalds, Mars and General Mills. I believe that all nutritionists and dietitians are well intentioned, but much like medical doctors and “big pharma�, they often operate within a broken system. For this reason, rather than pursuing one of these degrees I have recently decided to continue to broaden my knowledge of nutrition elsewhere. Starting this fall I will be working on my certification to become a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, which I believe will compliment my practice style beautifully. Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

How does this differ from the nutritional recommendations that other chiropractors make? Chiropractors, generally speaking, have a much better understanding of nutrition than other doctors. However, most chiropractors don’t have the breadth of

knowledge needed to tailor a nutrition and supplement plan to you as an individual- especially if you suffer from a chronic condition .

About Dr. DiNezza Dr. DiNezza practices in Tempe, AZ as well as consults with patients around the country via skype, helping those with hormonal imbalances, chronic

digestive problems, and autoimmune diseases holistically and naturally. For more information visit her website at www.drnicoledinezza.com

Nicole DiNezza Chiropractor, Blogger, Health nut


480-280-3943 Call now! For my blog, speaking schedule, and more visit my website"

I work with people all over the country- not just here in Phoenix! Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

Photography provided by Florine Duffield. www.florineduffield.com florineduffield@hotmail.com

Some Answers to the Dramatic Increase in Cardiovascular Disease in Women In the US,

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is the #1 killer, and strokes affect more than a million Ameri-

cans every year. These statistics were mainly for men until recently, but now CVD is the cause of over half the deaths in women. One of the reasons is that women are now more high profile in business, and that can come with a high price tag: Stress. Another is the deterioration of our diets.


is particularly dangerous for women, as it has different symptoms than it has for men and is often

overlooked, even by cardiologists. My best friend called her doctor and told him that she thought she had a heart attack, but it went undiagnosed for days, and she died, leaving her husband with 2 young children to raise. While it is too late for her, there is growing research and evidence of the effectiveness of natural ways to combat this epidemic.

DIET The Standard American Diet (aptly, SAD) is high in saturated fats from animal meats, eggs, butter, and fried foods. Studies show that omega-3 fatty acids strengthen artery walls, lower cholesterol. Virgin olive oil, seeds, green leafy vegetables, spirulina, borage and primrose oils are also powerful allies, as well as blueberries oats, seeds, legumes onions, peppers, and green foods. Studies have also linked increased fiber to cholesterol reduction and vascular health.

Botanicals and Supplements Cayenne, Cilantro, Ginger, Grapeseed Extract, Hawthorn, and Reishi Mushrooms have been used for their therapeutic effects on cardiovascular health since ancient times. CoQ10, magnesium, B6, and L- Carnitine have been tied to decreases in angina, hypertension, and coronary events, because they increase oxygen levels and dilate arteries. Calcium, potassium, boron and zinc are also important.

Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

Note: Supplements and botanicals should be from a

Dianna Whitley

reputable manufacturer, preferably one with an inhouse lab that can identify heavy metals or microorganisms.

Health Coach and Hypnotherapist for 17 years. She has written 3 books, with major publishers, and from 1997 to 2008 she had centers in CA, where she and her staff and helped over 7000 people. She has returned to private practice, and works with people on the phone, making it possible to help people all over the world. For a free 30 minute consultation, call

EXERCISE Most people know that aerobic exercise is crucially paramount for CV health, but many don’t know why. It can lower blood pressure, triglycerides, LDL, heart rate, and the risk of blood clots. CVD has to do with the lack of elasticity and strength in the all blood vessels, not just the heart, and exercise is a big part of preventing that.

STRESS The world has never been more stressful, especially for women, and stress has been incontrovertibly linked with CVD, as it increases hypertension and stress related habits such as smoking or drinking.

Deep breathing, massage, yoga, hypnosis, and guided imagery promote relaxation and increase the “feel good” chemicals like endorphins, decreasing many of the damaging effects of stress.

Pharmaceuticals may or may not be part of the solution, but a nutritious diet, exercise, botanicals, key supplements, and stress reduction are solutions to this epidemic that are often not given enough attention.

Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

has been a Certified

(480) 389-1019.Her blog is at www.best2014ever.com,her Facebook business pages are “Your Customized

Coaching” and “Mind and Body Mastery, and her website is presently being redesigned.

Goal setting

is a powerful tool for moti-

vating yourself to turn your vision of the future into reality.

The process

of setting goals helps you

choose where you want to go in life. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, When you concentrate your efforts. You'll also quickly recognize the distractions that can, so easily, lead you astray. Time management is everything!

Why Set Goals? According to mindset, goal setting is used by toplevel athletes, successful business-people and achievers in all fields. Setting goals gives you longterm vision and short-term motivation .

It focuses

your acquisition of knowledge, and helps you to organize your time

and your resources so that you can make the very most of your life. After all,, Success is the Real Goal. By setting defined goals, you will be able to measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals, and you'll see forward progress in what might previously have seemed a long pointless grind. Your self-confidence will increase as you recognize your own ability and competence in achieving the goals that you've set.

Let’s get started First you create your "big picture" of what you want to do in the next 10 years and identify the large and smaller goals. Once you have your plan, you start working on it to achieve these goals. Keep yourself accountable. Follow through , and keep moving forward. We start the process of goal setting by looking at your lifetime goals. Then, we work down to the things that you can do in, say, the next five years, then next year, next month, next week, and today, to start moving towards them.

Cover all

important areas in your life, try to set goals in some of the following

categories (or in other categories of your own, where these are important to you): Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

– What makes you happy? How far do you want to reach?

Financial Family

– What is you financial threshold? Financial security level?

– Kids? Are you able to plan and provide. Time, trips? If so, how are

you going to be a good parent? How do you want to be seen by a partner or by members of your family.


– Is any part of your mindset holding you back? Is there any part of

the way that you behave that upsets you? Find a solution, and stay professional.


– Is your health Important? Take time to exercise your body and

mind. Make time for personal development.

Pleasure – How do you want to enjoy life? Remember to take time for you! Brainstorm, and then select one or more goals in each category that best reflect what you want to do. Then consider trimming again so that you have a small number of really significant goals that you can focus on.

When you create

a personal mission statement, you make one of your

personal goals supremely important. This gives you the best possible chance of achieving it, which is essential for certain types of goal. However, if you focus exclusively on one goal, you'll inevitably have to de-emphasize others., that’s ok accomplished as many as your can. Make sure that you're happy to do this, and make sure that people who are important to you don't suffer as a consequence.

Mission Versus Vision Mission statement – This defines your purpose. It's what you ultimately want to achieve in your life or career, expressed in a specific, measurable way. Vision statement – This is a bit more emotional. Here, you define your core values, and how you'll apply those values to your mission.www.mindset.com Check it our a must have for all business owners.

Ann P. Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

Keeping your goals a priority!


Ultimate Woman International Featuring .. Brittany Ann Parrish

Share the Spotlight! With a Video blog Brittany interviews women business owners and people who want to share their experiences and provide services or resources with you. We have a dedicated Youtube channel, where Brittany Ann gets valuable information that helps women with their daily lives. So look for Brittany out in the community, and be sure to check out our website and Youtube channel for the latest business videos. Follow Brittany at.. www.ultimatewomaninternational.com and youtube.com/phxultwoman

Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

Natural Aromatherapy Cleaning Best cleaners in town for the lowest price!!! 2-hours $85.00 3-hours $120.00 4-hours $155.00 *** You get 2 great cleaners for the price of one*** *** We use our own products and supplies*** We use green products (safe for your family & pets)

Divine Domestic Cleaning Service 1-602-790-4899 (t) 1-623-536-5437 (f) www.divinedomesticcleaning.com Book Now

10% off for military veterans, teachers, and all public service employees with proper ID Please visit our website for more information about regular routine cleaning (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly) These prices are not for move-out cleanings, wet wash base boards, or wet wash blinds (please visit our website for pricing) Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014


Summer Fashion Lace, florals, and stripes‌oh my! By DeAnna Marie

The fashion trends are hot this summer. From the streets to the runways, these trends are everywhere. We‘ve put together the top three summer must-haves for 2014.

laurenconrad.com Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

Accessorize Every

great diva knows

the importance of accessorizing It can enhance your outfit and create a conversation at any event. This collection by misspool.com is a great collection of fun color and style.

Orange is a vibrant color that gets noticed. Especially, with this collection from 9999lolo.blogspot.com Can’t you just see yourself at a BBQ looking , oh so Hot! It’s not hard to be the life of the party with these top designs.

Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

Stripes aren’t out! They are in, so stripe up your outfit with these fashion ideas. These hot striped outfits are great for any occasion. Dress .. marie fricchione on Pinterest

Be the talk

of town with

these two free spirited dresses. Out on the town or just relaxing you’ll be sure to be in style. Look for striped patterns that are flattering to your figure. Not everyone can look great in the same striped design. Check out more designs that are sure to fit your style.

- chicos.com Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

Fancy Florals -


prints are definitely one of the hottest trends of the summer, the brighter the better. Check out these floral prints hitting fashion magazines all over.

mimi Ikonn on Pinterest

Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

Non Profit

We Inspire and Motivate Women to Thrive! Our audience

is the empowered women who has lost her sense of empower-

ment. We are a positive and compassionate community where peer based positive influences are shared. Founded in 2011. We all know someone going through a challenge or we have been there ourselves. ReAwaken is a peer based community where women can share their past experiences, hope and struggles in an environment that is positive and reassuring. We help women find their balance.

How We Are Different We serve the women on their personal journeys who are looking for ways to better herself. We have been referred to as the “adult version of the Girl Scouts,” because we provide continued leadership and confidence building programs that help women achieve their greatest heights.

Upcoming Events: Soaring & Succeeding A women’s empowerment retreat that will help take your life and career to a new level!

September 26 – 28, 2014 / Prescott, AZ Personal Investment starting at $225 includes presentation, room and up to 5 meals

ReAwaken is proud to announce our 3rd Annual Women’s Empowerment Retreat Join us for this two-and-a-half day in-depth retreat where we will lead, inspire and empower the new you!

Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

As a result

of this interactive experience,

you will be able to put some new tips, tools and techniques into practice. You may walk in a little unsure about what to expect but we have designed this event for you to walk away feeling new, refreshed, empowered and on top of the world! We will combine your passion and enthusiasm to improve your confidence and self-esteem that will help you achieve better results in your professional and personal life. Gain clarity and focus on your personal journey to success. Gain Resources to help you Thrive personally and professionally! Self Awareness and Self Confidence Dressing for Success and Stepping Into Your Purpose Overcoming Obstacles and Staying Positive Gain Career Clarity and Take Action Healthy Decisions for your Mind and Body Embracing fitness for life Release emotions that keep you stuck in selfsabotage


What the women say: “I want to thank you for an amazing retreat. I’m amazed at how powerful it was. I’m still feeling the effects. It was hard work taking a look inside and being honest with myself at my patterns and where I’m at today in my life and what I want to change.” ~ 2013 Festival of the Spirit Retreat Attendee ”I wanted to let you know how grateful I am that I went [to Prescott Retreat] and also to thank you for providing the opportunity to connect with other women and with myself. Your work is so important because as women, we need to come together and have a safe place where there’s unconditional love so that we can look closer inside. Thank you again. Hope to have to do it again next year!” ~ 2013 Festival of the Spirit Retreat Attendee 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ReAwakenForWomen - Twitter: https://twitter.com/ReAwaken4Women - Connect with the Founder, http://www.linkedin.com/in/jrransom/ Visit us at www.reawakenforwomen.org

Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

Non– Profits Welcome to the Future of Arts and Culture in Arizona Arizona Consortium for the Arts, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, all volunteer, community organization. The consortium's vision is to establish a multicultural, multidisciplinary arts space/center with an open door policy. The center will provide a home for all activities and foster artistic growth for people of all ages through the participation in the arts. It will be a home for many wonderful community organizations and groups, creative and innovative activities and projects representing and celebrating our diverse community. We are dedicated to creating a connection with our community and provide a platform for social bridging through artistic, cultural and educational events. We inspire, engage, involve, give voices and visibility, celebrate, and connect our communities by providing innovative programs, activities and publications. Our programs help nurture and support underserved and economically challenged populations through the transforming power of the arts. We are reflecting and representing the distinctive character of our region and explore, share and provide opportunities for the compelling expressions of arts and culture. The consortium provides support for emerging and established Arizona artists spanning all disciplines and offers free Elena (ACA) and Brittany Parrish access to the arts for the general public by hosting cultural, arts and performance arts events. We aim to advance, unite, collaborate, partner, connect, and engage individuals and community organizations in all aspects of arts, performing arts, literary arts and cultures in Arizona. Thank you for visiting, now please take some time to explore what the Arizona Consortium for the Arts can do for you and your community! For more information or to donate visit www.artizona.org Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

The summer

months can be

hot in many areas of the U.S some places like Arizona are dangerous temperatures Here are some safety tips to keep you pets cool and healthy. Never leave your pets alone in the car. This can be dangerous and if hot can cause a heat stroke or even death.

"It's important to remember that it's not just the ambient temperature but also the humidity that can affect your pet," says Dr. Barry Kellogg, VMD, of the Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association. "Animals pant to evaporate moisture from their lungs, which takes heat away from their body. If the humidity is too high, they are unable to cool themselves, and their temperature will skyrocket to dangerous levels— very quickly."

Get some dog shoes this can not only protect your dogs feet but they have some cute fashion as well. Don’t Leave Your Pet in a Parked Car Never leave your pet unattended in a parked car for any period of time.

On a warm day, the temperature in a car can exceed 120° in a matter of minutes—even with the windows partially open. Your pet can quickly suffer brain damage or die from heatstroke or suffocation.

If your

pet Is exposed to high temperatures:

Look for signs of heat stress—heavy panting, glazed eyes, a rapid pulse, unsteadiness, a staggering gait, vomiting, or a deep red or purple tongue. If your pet is overheated, move him to a cooler area and take these emergency steps:

Gradually lower his body temperature by applying cool (not cold) water all over his body or soaking him in a cool bath. Place cool, wet towels over the back of the neck, in the armpits, and in the groin area. You may also wet the ear flaps and paws with cool water. Direct a fan on the wet areas to speed evaporative cooling. You may offer fresh, cool water if your dog is alert and wants to drink. Do not force your pet to drink. Take your pet immediately to a veterinarian—it could save his life. Call ahead, if possible, to be sure your veterinarian is available For more information about responsible pet care, contact The HSUS at 202.452.1100 www.humanesociety.org/pets

Pet Safety Tips for Summer Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

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Hypnotherapy, Will It Make You Squawk like A Chicken? Many people tell me they would never consider doing hypnosis because they don’t want someone controlling their mind or making them do something embarrassing - like parading around, squawking like a chicken. I chuckle when I hear that, because I know they’ve probably watched a stage hypnotist in action, whose primary objective is to provide fun, laughs and entertainment.

Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool to address issues that may be difficult to change for many people, on a conscious level. Challenges such as insomnia, pain, anxiety, stress, fear, guilt, depression or anger can manifest in numerous unwanted negative behaviors. Many people feel stuck and out of control in their lives, thinking there’s nothing they do about it. But hypnosis is a way for you to take back control and feel more relaxed.

Hypnotherapy can be helpful to positively re-program your conscious mind in a positive way, breaking negative, limiting patterns of thinking and behaving. You may consciously want to change or break a habit, but your unconscious mind can and will resist. It doesn’t want to change because its job is to protect you, keep you safe and keep your life the same. The unconscious (or subconscious) mind is the real brains behind your thoughts. It automatically remembers and processes every bit of information you’ve ever learned, seen, heard or felt. All of our habitual and controlling behaviors live within our unconscious minds,

Most people go into a hypnotic state easily. Think of a time when you drove down a highway and you don’t remember driving or seeing any landmarks. You were under highway hypnosis. What about when you can become so engrossed in watching a TV show or reading a book that when someone speaks to you - you don’t see or hear them? You slipped into a natural hypnotic trance. During the hypnotic process, no one can make you do anything against your own moral code. The key for hypnosis to be successful, is for you to be motivated to change from within. If you want to please someone else, it won’t work. Making any kind of change has to be your decision. But once made, hypnosis is an easy, safe tool that has helped millions of people like you, create positive, lifeaffirming changes in your thinking, feelings and habits. If you have an issue that has been troubling you and would like to address it in a hypnotherapy session, email Isadora Dahlen: Isadora@BuildingStrongWomen.com Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014


Summer Fun Foods The Summer

is heating up! Alt-

hough there are no signs of the temperatures dropping, we have a recipe that will help bring some chill to your life. We introduce you to the mango salsa. Yup, that’s right. It is the perfect combination of sweet and spicy. Not only is summer the best season for deliciously, sweet mangos, the health benefits are endless. Mangos are high in necessary vitamins and antioxidants. Bring this simple, yet tasty, salsa to your next summer cookout. Serve it with chips as an appetizer or pair it with some tacos for your main dish. Either way, we promise your guests will be asking you for the recipe. Enjoy.

Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

Ingredients 1/3 cup of diced red onion 1 cucumber, peeled and diced 1 finely chopped jalapeno

A Taste of Summer

1/3 cup of lemon juice 1/4 cup of cilantro Salt, to taste


all the produce before dicing and chopping.

MIX the mangos, onion, cucumber, jalapeno, and cilantro in a serving bowl. ADD in the lemon juice. SPRINKLE salt into the salsa, to taste. Note: For freshness, keep the salsa chilled Recipe provided by DeAnna Marie

Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

Mango Salsa

2 mangos, peeled and diced

Shaken not stirred, drinks that should not be missed this summer Everybody knows the basics of a good martini is either you take gin or vodka and vermouth. Then mix them up together. The classic recipe is to stir gin and dry vermouth together. Most everybody has heard the famous James Bond in one of his many spy missions order the martini "Shaken not stirred". But how many of us have been scared to try a martini, just because we think we would not like it. Well here is a couple of martini recipes that you can try this summer that you don't have to be scared of tasting.

Earl Grey Martini 1 tsp Earl Grey tea 1.5 fl oz. Gin White sugar (for around the glass) 1 Lemon wedge 1.5 fl oz. Lemon juice 2 fl oz. Simple syrup

Chai Martini 2 fl oz. Vodka

Espresso Martini

2 fl oz. Cold chai tea

1 fl oz. Espresso 1.5 fl oz. Vodka 1.5 fl oz Kahlua 1 fl oz. White crème de cacao 1 cup of Ice

Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

Tangerine Martini 3 fl oz. Tangerine juice (fresh) 1.5 fl oz. Vodka

Martini’s for Summer!

Pineapple upside down cake Martini 2/3 cup Pineapple juice 1/3 cup Vanilla flavored vodka 1 tsp. Grenadine

Watermelon Martini

2 Pineapple wedges

1 cup Watermelon juice

2 Maraschino cherries

1/4 cup Vodka 1/4 cup Watermelon schnapps 2 tablespoons Simple syrup 1 Lime juiced as needed salt as needed sugar

There are a number of martinis that are out there to enjoy, try the ones above both shaken and stirred to find out, which ones you like. Don't let anybody tell you that one way or the other is correct. Just find the way that you like it and go with that way. Enjoy and drink safe.

Wayne Fullmer holds a B.S. in Culinary Management and a A.S. in the Culinary Arts. He works as a private chef and food journalist in San Diego, California. He has traveled around the world, learning about the culinary arts and has Statements of Accomplishment in Nordic Gastronomy from the University of Copenhagen and in the Science of Gastronomy from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He holds over 40 certifications in alcohol including being a Certified Mixologist. Ultimate Woman International July/ August 2014

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