Kent-Meridian Key Club | April 2015 Newsletter

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Volume 1 - Issue 1 April 2015


Of Contents


Letter from the President


2014-2015 Board




March // April Events


Upcoming Events


Mental Note


Contact Info

Member of the Month Graduating Year: 2017 Favorite food: Lasagna Favorite color: Black Favorite quote: "If you're not making mistakes, then you're not doing anything. I'm positive that a doer makes mistakes." John Wooden Favorite KC event: Historical Auction Why do you love Key Club? “I love Key Club because of all the opportunities we're able to face. We gain a lot of experiences from the events we attend while not only helping, but enjoying ourselves at the same time. New friends are made, young and old. And I honestly just simply enjoy all the relationships I make with all the people I meet, as well as the events I'm able to go to because they're something you can experience every so often. It's great to take time out of your day, early in the morning or late at night, for something that truly makes you happy, and Key Club makes me happy.�


If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? If I could have one superpower, I would want to be able to fly because then I wouldn't have to spend money on an airline ticket or waste gas to go to a certain place or to visit a person I've been wanting to see.�

Letter From the PRESIDENT Hey KM Key Clubbers, how do you feel?! I feel, properly quoting Bryan Raganot, "fantabulous". First and foremost, let me introduce myself. Salutations, my name is Kimberly Ly, your newly-elected club President for the 2015-2016 term. You may all know me and seen me around meetings because I'm the immediate-past Treasurer for the 2014-2015 year. Continuing the legacy of the Ly Family, I'm extremely excited to "fly" through the rest of this school year and not let it "dragon" because I'm sure everyone's ready for summer. Now, I have to say that it's quite surreal to see me run for Sophomore Class representative or club Treasurer, let alone President. I could never imagine myself being where I am today, seeing how I am awkward (still am), if it weren't for Key Club. The same would probably go to the attendees of the 66th Annual Key Club District Convention taking place just a little over 3 weeks ago. A weekend full of laughter, fun, innovative speakers and inspiring workshops *wink wink*, taking their service and love to infinity and beyond, KM Key Clubbers (and others) displayed the core values of this fine organization of inclusiveness, character building, caring, and leadership. I'm truly proud of all of you, along with those that weren't able to attend. As a club, we can make a difference in our community by simply helping one another whenever possible. This month, our club has successfully survived PDS (Post-DCON Syndrome), volunteering at the Track Invite and Senior Breakfast. On April 10th, Key Club will be helping the Chambers of Commerce with their gala event. There will be more service opportunities after this, so keep an eye out for any new announcements! I'm beyond ecstatic to be working with the new officer board, along with getting to know more of you personally, and simply making more memories. Also, please, if you have any comments, suggestions, concerns, compliments, feel free to talk or message me or any of the other officers! In Love and Service, Kimberly Ly




Graduating Year: Class of 2016 Favorite Food: Mommy's Banh Canh Favorite Color: Pink Favorite Quote: "If you can dream it, you can do it.” - Walt Disney Favorite KC Event: SKCAC dance What's there not to love about key club? All the wonderful and accepting people, interesting stories, fun service events and whatnot...I can literally write an essay about this, but I won't. *wink* Anyways, Key Club has given me so much and contributed to who I am today, a leader who strives to do her best in everything she does. The countless hours I put in lead to acquiring many skills from responsibility to organization to talking to random strangers at DCON without feeling awkward. I've met and bonded with many individuals through this lovely organization. So many memories were made, that if I look back at my high school life, Key Club would be the first thing that comes to mind. It's been a long journey since my very first Key Club meeting as a freshman and now, soon, I'll be ending my Junior year and entering my final year of high school and Key Club. I'm truly thankful for this club, Kiwanians, past officers, current officers, advisors, and simply everyone in this club. Therefore, let me ask you this, why not love Key Club? Graduating Year: 2017 Favorite Food: Chipotle Favorite Color: Red Favorite Quote: "Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." - Henry Ford Favorite KC Event: Concessions Why do you love Key Club? Why I love Key Club because it made me the person that I am today, not only is it a club that helps its community, but it is also my family! I feel so welcomed every time I go to a meeting and I know most of my members well. Since I first became a member, I've made a lot of friends, built leadership, and broke out of my shell! Now that I'm an officer, my passion only grew stronger. I have no regrets being in this club. I'm thankful for this club, the Kiwanians, my advisors, the members, and my fellow officers KEY CLUB IS LIFE!! Graduating Year: 2017

Favorite Food: Phõ

Favorite Color: Blue (Any Shade)

Favorite Quote: "Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still." Chinese Proverb

Favorite KC Event: Working the Football Concession Stands

Why do you love Key Club? I love key club because it gives me opportunities to gain community service to graduate and see the impact I make on the community. I love key club because I have gained many trustworthy friends and a group of people I would gladly call my second family. Finally, I love key club because it helped me grow as a leader and is continuing to grow me up as a character.


Graduating Year: 2017 Favorite Food: Rice, spam, and eggs Favorite Color: Blue or Orange Favorite Quote: I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. -Jimmy Dean Favorite KC Event: Senior Breakfast Why do you love Key Club? I love Key Club because of all the wonderful people I get to meet. They are all so dedicated and focused on service, and it inspires me to do the same. Graduating Year: 2018 (WOO IM LEGAL) Favorite Food: Ramen (LOVE MY MAMA) Favorite Color: White (AS A BUNNY) Favorite Quote: "Its a catastrophic success." Stephen Bishop (OH THE IRONY) Favorite KC Event: Concessions (Cup of Noodle consultant at your service) Why do you love Key Club? Key Club is magical. I know because I've seen what it can do. It can turn a totally awkward person into the swaggiest person alive. Not by the way they look, but by their character, leadership, personality, and selflessness. But even as a freshman I've seen a bunch of positive change in myself because of Key Club. Although I have a long way to go with this club, I find that loving Key Club is an unconditional feeling. It has served me with new friendships, loads of service hours, and an irreplaceable family that I wouldn't trade for the world. The gear and catchy chants are a bonus! Graduating Year: 2017 Favorite Food: Yellow Thai Curry Favorite Color: Blue Favorite Quote: "Every flower must grow through dirt" - Laurie Jean Sennott Favorite KC event: YouMeWe Why do you love Key Club? I love Key Club because of being able to meet new people, build leadership skills, give back to the community, have new experiences, and being able to look back and what I've accomplished with others and smile


đ&#x;š€66th Annual District Conventionđ&#x;š€



EVENTS REVIEW Hello there fellow Key Clubbers!đ&#x;‘‹ We started March o with a bang at the Seattle Hot Chocolate Run! At this event our Key Clubbers rose up early in the morning and headed down to downtown to fill up cups with warm hot chocolate for the runners who were in need of hydration and warmth AND CHOCOLATE! The following weeks consisted of DCON preparation including PRECON, where we made “HUG MEâ€? signs and learned our spirit battle chants. That same day of PRECON the DCON Attendees and a little extra members got together for the very first KentMeridian Key Club LOCK IN! Which included pizza, skits, Big Hero 6, and a Smash Tourney. The week after PRECON and the LOCK IN is when 2000 Key Clubbers from the PNW came together to Seattle and celebrated the 66th Annual District Convention! That weekend we celebrated “TO INFINITY AND BEYONDâ€? celebrating our year of service but also learning how to be a better leader. Although we all had PDS, Madam President Kimberly still attend Adopt-A-Street to clean up the sidewalks along with our advisor John. Interact Club reached out to Key Club for some extra help on their Jazz festival and what our Treasurer Simon had to say was their service went towards plating plates of spaghetti. Finally, our most recent event completed was the Senior Breakfast worked by the “Fantastic Fourâ€? (Dylan, Nathan, Sebastianne, and Nathan). At this event they set the tables, served the elderly breakfast, and cleaned up afterwards!





APRIL Installation Banquet: This will be a dinner to recognize the new club oďŹƒcers!

When: Friday, April 17 at 6:30PM-9:00PM Where: The Golden Steer

April DCM: D32’s first DCM of the year. We will celebrate Arbor and Earth day to promote the planting and care of trees. This service project will give us the chance to unite and protect the environment. Join many volunteers in planting trees and flowers, spread landscaping chips, and clean areas in the park to promote a healthier environment. Lunch will be provided and with all your hard work, you also get a tshirt!

When: Saturday, April 25 at 9AM-3PM Where: Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park 9

Mental Note KMKC T-Shit: $15 for one shirt We only have mediums and larges left See Kimberly or Simon for a shit We need a new t-shirt design, submit one if you have ideas of what it should look like!

Meetings: Every Wednesday In the East Wing Auditorium After school





Seeya next time! đ&#x;‘‹ Much love and toasty, Kim Ha (:

That’s all folks!

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