Eating Habits

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Eating habits

Sean | Harman | Kayla | Kim

Table of Contents

Introduction Background Information

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Human Geography Connection 3-4





Conclusion Annotated Bibliography 1

8 9-10


I n t r od u c t io n

Research Question Are the eating habits of high school parents effective when it comes to their child’s own eating habits?

Research Plan

- List possible influences - Research topics (religion, financial issues, culture, etc.) - Apply research to our own lives 2


Bac kg r o u n d i n fo r m at io n

What we thought before research

As a group we thought that our parents do have a large impact on our eating habits because we usually eat what they provide. But as we started researching more into this topic we found out that their influence doesn’t last a long time.


H u m a n G eo g r a p h y C o n n ec t io n s

Explain your topic and your research process.

Our topic is to find the relation of parent eating habits compared to their high school students eating habits. To research this topic and to fully understand it we need to see what and how things are effective towards children. We need to get some statistics to show the trend of parent’s habits and children’s habits. Somethings that will also help us understand our topic we need to know what some eating habits are. Why did you select the topic that you did?

We selected our topic when we were discuss the ideas we could possibly use. And in the conversation we brought up we discussed our different cultures and it lead into the things we eat then to why we eat what we eat. At the end of our conversation we found that our eating habits were affected by our parents. Why is your research topic important for human geographers to understand?

This is important for human geographers to understand because we are understanding the influence parents have on their kids and the cultural landscape around them plays a role that influences children as well since the food we buy is influenced by what is available we might buy stuff that’s around such as the fruits that are in season. And as geographers you might see the places that certain foods are in high contrast.



H u m a n G eo g r a p h y C o n n ec t io n s

What impact does globalization have on your topic?

As people move from their native countries to other foreign regions they take their recipes and food too. Bringing food to new countries influence the types of food their children eat because even though their parents may eat the same food as they did back in their native countries the children of those parents might eat the foods of their parents and the ones that are native to the new country/region. Â What role does place play in your research topic?

Depending on where you live the influence of food might be different. If you live in California you are more prone to getting organic food due to all the farm unlike if you lived in New York where all your food might be processed. So giving your parents different options of what they get influencing what the children will eat. How does your topic shape the cultural landscape?

The cultural landscape is influenced by the eating habits because the things we eat are shown by the environment such as restaurants if you live in an area that has more college students it will have more restaurants because they eat more quick to make food. And if you live in a more suburban area that will more likely have a balanced amount of restaurants and grocery stores that have things that you will have to prepare for a meal. Â


T r e n d s Milk Consumption per Capita in the U.S. 2000-2015

Milk Consumption per Capita in the U.S. 1960-1980

Why did we record milk as our trend?

We chose milk as the data to create a trend line because it’s something everyone consumes and if they don’t it’s either based on their dietary restrictions or food preferences. But any of those factors will reflect off of our eating habits. For example, Harman drinks 7-10 glasses a day but Kim does not drink any milk because she’s lactose intolerant.


C a l o r i e s

What’s a Calorie? 1 calorie is the amount of heat needed to raise one gram of water one degree Celsius 1 food Calorie is equal to 1 kilocalorie which is equal to 1000 calories

Why is this relevant? As a group we calculated our Calorie intake after 3 days and we

noticed that our results showed that our Calorie intake had very significant differences between each other. This relates to our research question because from these results we see that the different influences we’re exposed to concludes in different eating amounts.

Group Calorie intake

Group Kilocalorie intake 7


















As a group we conclude… We conclude that our parents’ habits affect us to a certain degree when we are younger when they have more influence. Their influence on our eating habits are reduced as we get older due to the capabilities of more freedom and independent choices.


A n n o tat e d B i b l io g r a p h y

"The Determinants Of Food Choice (EUFIC)". N. p., 2016. Web. 18 May 2016. A portion of this article offers the idea that cultural influences can lead to different habitual consumption of certain foods. Some cultures, such as the Indian culture embrace the lifestyle as vegetarians. Religion is also factors into what you eat, for example Muslims don’t consume pork because Allah forbids his followers from eating swine.

"Eating Habits". N. p., 2016. Web. 12 Apr. 2016. This article states the information about what are eating habits and why people do them. It talks about multiple topics on the specific things about eating. People eat because of eating patterns, or learned behaviors also known as etiquette. Cultural and individual also plays a large influence on a person’s food choice, also social, religious, economic, environmental, and sometimes political.

"Eatright Ontario". EatRight Ontario. N. p., 2016. Web. 20 Apr. 2016. This article states information about how to create healthy diet with children for good eating habits. It talks about multiple topics on how to change and adjust to influence your child’s eating habits and diet. Topics such as creating a positive eating environment, eating as a family, and making healthy foods at home can easily help with the child’s health. Also, it gives advice for new parents, being a good role model can really help with what a child craves for food.

Savage, Jennifer S., Jennifer Orlet Fisher, and Leann L. Birch. "Parental Influence On Eating Behavior: Conception To Adolescence". The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics 35.1 (2007): 22-34. Web. 18 May 2016. This article talks about eating behaviors that evolve during the first years of life. The article describes factors that shape the development of children’s food preferences. In order to to provide insight into how growing up in current conditions of dietary abundance can promote patterns of food intake which contribute to accelerated weight gain and overweight.


A n n o tat e d B i b l io g r a p h y

Brown, R. "Children's Eating Attitudes And Behaviour: A Study Of The Modelling And Control Theories Of Parental Influence".Health Education Research 19.3 (2004): 261-271. Web. 18 May 2016. There was a study that compared the modelling and controlling theories of parental influence on children’s eating habits. There was a survey taken about snack intake, eating motivations and body dissatisfaction. Survey results showed that

"Food and Geography | Asia for Educators | Columbia University." Food and Geography | Asia for Educators | Columbia University. Columbia University, Mar.-Apr. 2009. Web. 18 May 2016. The Physical geography plays a role in influencing the food that our parents buy. The geography of the area around you will contribute to the food you get from other regions and what can be produced in your region. This plays a role in what your parents will buy and that food they eat is also the food you'll eat.

"Adolescence and the Influence of Parents." Psychology Today. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 May 2016. The parents habits influence the habits of their children. This article talks about what habits are more influential and why. How they are influential and at what time of a child's life their are able to be influenced the most. This also shows the mindset of the child that is being influenced and why they adapt those habits.

Parent and Caregivers Influence on Children's Eating Habits. eLibrary. Web. 25 May. 2016. This article shares a lot about the major influences of how parents and caregivers mold a child’s early eating habits. The possible influences come from how the parents/caregivers are the ones who select the foods for the family diet. From birth you have limited choices on what to eat because you eat what you’re given. With that, kids tend to lean towards food they’re familiar with.

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