Selected Works Daria Pilipak

Architectural Bureau «Druzhba»
Part-time: Graphic Designer INTERNSHIP Architectural Bureau «Nowadays»
Feb 2019 Apr 2020
Sep 2020 Sep 2021 School «Soft Culture»
Higher School of Economics (National Research University)
Politecnico di Milano
Master’s degree / AUIV Arch «Architecture and Urban Design»
SOFTWARE Autodesk AutoCAD Autodesk QGISAdobeAdobeAdobeSketchUpRevitProPhotoshopIllustratorInDesign
Jun 2018 Bachelor’s degree in Architecture
Part-time: Tutor of and
Architectural «A4»
Archi Graphics
PilipakCV +39
Feb 2019
Graduation Grade: 109/110
Founder / Creative Director / Producer / Tutor

Bachelor Thesis: «Rethinking the Arctic: Dikson Harbor»
Nov 2021
Qualification upgrading certificate
Thesis: «Transformation of coastal areas along the Yauza river in Moscow»
May currently2022
Interior design / Graphic design / llustrations
Architectural Bureau «Sretenka»
Daria 351
Nov 2018
Jul 2017 - Aug 2017 Nov currently2021
Sep 2013
Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy)
Programm: «Geoinformation methods of urban data analysis»
Apr currently2020 Sep currently2021
International Competition «Kant Museum of Philosophy» in Kaliningrad Moscow Institute of Architecture / VKHUTEMAS Foundation
Competition «Analysis of the quality of natural light in a project of a private residential building» VELUX company
2017 I Finalist
The development concept of the Ryazan Exhibition Center The 2nd International Forum of Ancient Cities / UNESCO
Jul 2018 - Dec 2018 Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design Online «QGIS:coursepre-design analysis» School «Soft Culture» Feb 2021 - May 2021 COURSES
Competition «Recreation Zone at the University / Place for Study, Rest, Communication»
2019 I Top Shortlisted
2015 I 2nd place
2019 Harbin Institute of Technology / Politecnico di Milano Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU) Workshop «Aesthetics of the inappropriate»2019
MINI Living Future Urban Home Competition
Workshop «Digital production: basics»2017 Shukhov Lab / Graduate School of Urbanism HSE University Moscow Workshop «Speculative Architecture» Conference «Architect of the Future» Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design
MINI Living Initiative / Dezeen magazine / MINI Group work
COMPETITIONS LANGUAGES AdvancedEnglishNativeRussianspeaker/IELTS C1 Pre-AdvancedFrench
Competition «A Modern residential district» / Proposal for the Former Industrial Zone «52-I Kaloshito» in Moscow
PodcastArchicodeabout architecture Co-creator / co-host Jul currently2020
2019 I Participant
Environmental Student Forum 2019 / Department of Nature Management and Environment Protection of Moscow / DELF B1
Urban GraphicStrategicUrbanAnalysisMasterplanplanningdesignofgeo-dataresearchesdevelopmentillustrationdesign
2019 I Finalist
Educational online programm «Architects.rf»
2017 I 3rd place
Schusev State Museum of VolunteerArchitecture Feb 2015 Apr 2015
BeginnerItalian EXPERTISE
HIT – POLIMI Architectural Design Workshop
Renewal of Former CIBA Industrial Site in Milan
UniATA ‘19 International Architecture Thesis Award – UniATA ‘19 Unfuse
Architectural design

MaciachiniLambrateDocumentationCONTENTCenterDistrict 16 - 25 Master Thesis 6 - 15 34 - 43 26 - 33 Work Projects 44 - 51
The project aims to develop an interconnected public area across the Yauza river which will have the potential to become a natural green corridor connecting the city center of Moscow with the natural reserve areas located in the northeast and east side of the suburban perimeter. It attempts to create a green chain of recreational zones by including existing parks and squares into a greater combined system. Within the ongoing urban policy, industrial zones at the outskirt of Moscow are going to be transformed primarily into residential or office functions, which makes the project of redevelopment of these near-river territories potentially highly demanded. Meanwhile, new green units would also contribute to improving the quality of the existing urban tissue, enhancing the accessibility to natural resources of Yauza and the environmental sustainability of the localABSTRACTneighborhood.
link for informationmore
Transformation of coastal areas along Yauza river
Professor Supervisor: Prof. Laura Pogliani
Year: 2020 / 2021
Master degree in Architecture and Urban Design
Politecnico di Milano School of Architecture, Urban Planning, Construction Engineering
Individual work
Final Thesis
Location: Moscow, Russia
Area of PopulationProjectPopulationMoscow:ofMoscow:Area:onProjectArea: 107.000 ha 12.6 mil. people 140(2020)ha Project area / District scale Master Thesis 7

Analysis of walking distance and quality of green areas in Moscow

3 min
Size L / 1km -
Areas with lack of green spaces

The balanced combination of office and residential functions with commerce activities on the ground floor and extended soft mobility systems could reduce transport load, increase the quality of ecology and improve the economic situation. This organization would set the vector of development in the direction of the «Zero Kilometer Theory» - «live where you work, work where you live».
12 min
Size S / m -
The identified points of interest would serve as a catalyst for further district development and a reference point for creating new connections in the coastal areas of the Yauza River.
Size M / 500m - 6 min
Demolition of abandoned buildings / create new project
Transformation of existing buildings for new function
Renovation and improvement of urban spaces
Renovation of urban spaces with new buildings construction
Historical tissue to restore
Master Thesis 9
Historical tissue to maintain
13 5 2 4 6 7 3 4 7 5 2 6 1 Development strategy

Existing urban block to confirm

Landuse / After

Legend: 10
Landuse / Before
The identified points of interest would serve as a catalyst for further district development and a reference point for creating new connections in the coastal areas of the Yauza River.
The balanced combination of office and residential functions with commerce activities on the ground floor and extended soft mobility systems could reduce transport load, increase the quality of ecology and improve the economic situation. This organization would set the vector of development in the direction of the «Zero Kilometer Theory» - «live where you work, work where you live».
The organization of a continuous green corridor along the river was an essential agenda for Yauza’s developmentstrategy. The intention was to connect existing public green areas in one eco-system by establishing new links, improving the quality of current green zones, and providing an extensive soft mobility system.

Soft mobility system / After
Master Thesis 11

Urban units division / Before




Master Thesis 13
Demolish abandoned builings Propose new project
The priority was given to the restoration and maintenance of existing urban fabric with delicate implementation in the form of transformation and modification of blocks that have lost their relevance.
Restorate historical buildings
Propose new project
ACTIONS: Change the function Transform urban space Restorate historical buildings

ACTIONS: Change the function Transform urban space Repair and modify building according new use
ACTIONS: Change the function
ACTIONS: with space with building
Transform urban space
ACTIONS: Keep the ProposeRepairDemolishRenovatefunctionurbanspaceabandonedbuilingsbuildingnewproject
ACTIONS: Keep the RepairRenovatefunctionurbanspacebuildings

Demolish industrial builings
ACTIONS: Keep the RepairRestorateRestoratefunctionurbanspacehistoricalbuildingsbuilding
ACTIONS: Change the function
Development strategy
Transform urban space
Dismissed historical and industrial buildings received a new purpose in order to be preserved and to participate in the life of the city.

ACTIONS: Keep the DemolishRenovatefunctionurbanspacepetrolstation

Existing situation
Approaches and principles were identified after an in-depth analysis of the main problems, challenges, and opportunities of the considered area. Within the conceptual design project two sections characterized by high hills were chosen to demonstrate the step of further development.

Conceptual design proposal
Both areas have abundant greenery which, was previously not involved in a soft mobility system. The project is intended to change this state: existing natural characteristics could fully reveal their potential with a new transit function or calm recreation.

Priority was given to safeguard historical buildings, giving them a new function. The transformation of surrounding industrial sites was made in accordance with the urban context and city needs.

Existing situation
Soft mobility links contribute to the permeability of coastal areas with new pedestrian connections and facilitate access to the river.

Master Thesis 15
Further out, a conceptual project provided a straight path from the hills by creating a new panoramic deck and, thereby, opening new visual perspectives on the surrounding historical architecture.
Pier Paolo Tamburelli, Fabrizia AlessandroBerlingieri,Carrera
link for informationmore
Location: Milan, Italy
The project area is located close to the central area of Milan. Existing urban plot with the size 26 per 16 meters was having only 2 open sides: on the North and the East. Urban tissue in this part of the town is characterized by a highly organized grid of residential blocks and streets. That is why it was important to emphasize the existing facade line and rhythm of the historic road.
Team: Daria ViviTatianaPilipak,Levitskaya,Hörkkö
The mass volume of the new documentation center is clear and laconic. It consists of a block with the last two floors lowered in a diagonal direction. This approach not only allowed to have a wide-open terrace hidden from the noisy street, but also to have different facade performances while moving along the street.
Architectural Design Studio | Politecnico di Milano
Year: 2018 / 2019
The building has vertical gradation from open public exhibitions space to intimate area of archive zone on the upper floors. Project construction systems and materials were dedicated to highlighting the complicated topic of an archive documenting the history of fascism.
Masterplan Documentation Center 17

Ground floor First floor

Second floor Third floor

Fourth floor Fifth floor
Sixth floor
Documentation Center 19

Section / Perspective view
Connection of primary secondary beam Facade system / Vertical view Facade system / Horisontal view

Section detail / Axonometric view

Details / Axonometric view
Documentation Center 21

Street view

Facade detail

Model / M 1:50 Cardboard, paper Documentation Center 25

Team: Daria FabioEdoardoPilipak,Fiorica,Lutti
Location: Milan, Italy Year: 2019 / 2020
Integration of a slow mobility system and new green recreation public zones allowed to connect the whole area not only inside neighborhoods but also created links between district and city. Project infrastructure facilities lead to the improvement of life quality in Lambrate.
Urban planning propose was based on the extensive study of the area. The strategy of further development went through strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis.
Professors: Marika Fior, Laura Pogliani
Nowadays the Lambrate district is going through changes: old industrial manufacturers are closing and moving outside the city while new public areas are taking their places. In the new masterplan, it was a crucial issue to include Lambrate to an active life of Milan and solve the problem of the cut by exiting railway on the West side of territory and by the highway on the East.
Urban Design Studio | Politecnico di Milano
1932-19651972-2006 2012 18841910 1930 1946 1956 1965 1972 1990 2006 2012 18841910 1930 1946 1956 1965 1972 1990 2006 2012 0,10km2 0,46km2 1,71km2 0,27km2 0,60km2 0,06km2 0,01km2 0,14km2 0,30km2 Historic slices cropped to site 27 Lambrate District

Analysis of green spaces

History of urban development Landuse and built up spaces
Urban altitude
Urban analysis of the territory
Existing infrastructure of public transport

Most accessible areas by public transport and opportunities
Selected infrastructural network
Urban analysis of the territory
29 Lambrate District
31 2 Legend30
this on a LOCAL layer:
is to stitch these two polarizing morphologies together and requalify the space in-between. The thread: slow mobility. In the space or periphery between CITY and COUNTRY, we will define several pockets. They will be characterized by function and activity. Between these pockets, we will establish; improve, or confirm connections between them. We will use two green shoulders which will run along the two main boundaries, the railway overpass, and the highway, as structuring devices.
Surrounding activities and functions will give definition to the pockets, and nodal points. These different functions and activities will be connected to nodal points along with our slow mobility network. Please note, these functions and activities are located in CITY, periphery and COUNTRY. This local layer of connection will also help us with our aim of stitching these two morphologies together.

block transformation block restoration new improvebuildingsandchange function change function existing demolishhistoricalbuildingsbuildingsbuildings
improve road new improveroadbus line new bus bike improveway pedestrian path new pedestrian path close road
Masterplan / General

31 Lambrate District
Masterplan / Detailed 32

33 Lambrate District
Street section 2-2
point of interest primary pedestrian path new public open spaces new bus way

primary traffic way secondary traffic way thirty traffic way ZTL roads
Pedestrian and Vehicle Flow Public Moveability Network

catching areas of existing public transportation existing bus lines new bus lines metro line tram lines catching areas of new bus lines
Street section 1-1
Thematic Studio | Politecnico di Milano
Location: Milan, Italy Year: 2020 link for informationmore
The project respects the compact density of the surrounding and links two open areas organizing and improving the connection between existing public Thespaces.concept is based on the idea to find continuity with the historic block adjacent to the project area by planning an extension, and at the same time, the delimitation of it.
Professors: Magni JakicaBartoliniCamillo,EmanuelaNebojsa
This is found with a single element, a massive and continuous wall, which connects east and west elevation characterized by curved corner emphasized with the rhythm of windows and loggias.
Team: Daria Pilipak, Fabio Lutti
Respect the historical axes of Imbonati and Valassina roads and reduce the traffic precence.
1 2 3 4 5 6 Maciachini 35
Adapt with the existing block following its alignements leaving the buffer zone of pedestrian axe.
Improve the quality of the public space with Hills and trees to build a green barrier against the traffic ring.
Develop of a permeable and united public space to joint the existing infrustructure.

Link two main open areas, Maciachini Square and Villani Murat Park.
Organized the new urban elements to enphasized the orizzontal pedestrian axe.
Masterplan / Schemes

Winter scenario 36

Maciachini 37

Main transit passage near the piazza

Maciachini 39

Ground floorStreet section 1-1 Street section 2-2 40

Apartment A - 87 m2
Apartment B - 115 m2
Maciachini 41
Constructive scheme
Apartment C - 51 m2
Typical floor
Apartment D - 53 m2
Apartment E - 108 m2

West elevation A-A

North elevation

Maciachini 43
Structural detail

co-creator and co-host with Polina Novikova 44
PodcastArchicodeabout architecture

Graphic design for a website AAA engineering + technical drawings / maps axonometries / infographics / icons Production of digital materials for architectural and urban drawings plants / furniture / patterns Online courses «Archi launchingGraphics»coursesand tutoring architectural representation in Photoshop, Illustrator, and QGIS + 300 students

Freelance Projects

Master class for Chelyabinsk House of Architects tutoring how to conduct an urban analysis using QGIS and Illustrator + 75 students

design for a private house in Yusupovo Village area: 150m2 Architectural illustrations Illustrator / Photoshop Work Projects 45
School «Soft Culture» Teaching on courses:
project NEXT of exhibition ArchMoscow 22’ collaboration
architectural bureau A4

bureau A4 adaptation of projects for web format, layout design using platform «Vigbo»
Illustrator. Graphics for competitions - Urban design in SketchUp and Illustrator - QGIS in landscaping projects

Booklet for with

Website design for architectural

DesignRealizationfor courtyard Norilskaya

3 46
In collaboration with Bureau Druzhba Location: Moscow, Russia Year: Axonometry2021

2 1 3 4 5 6 1. house territory 2. playground for older children 3. playground for younger children 4. sport area 5. swing 6. quiet rest Masterplan Norilskaya 3Work Projects 47

with Bureau Druzhba Landscaping concept: Gillespies
for older children 2. playground for younger children 3. sandbox 4. sport InAxonometryareacollaboration
Playgrounds and sport for the residential complex

Location: Moscow, Russia Year: 2021 2 1 3 4
WorkSimonovskayaProjects 49

Location: Ekaterinburg, Russia Year: 2020
Design project for the kindergarten DOO #4 RC Solar

with Bureau Druzhba
Pavilion 50

WorkPavilionProjects 51

Daria Pilipak daria.pilipak0810@gmail.com2022