CLUB MISSION To provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop Communication and Leadership Skills, resulting in greater Self Confidence and Personal Growth. CLUB VISION To empower individuals to become more effective communicators and leaders.
THE GIST Bi-Annual Newsletter Of PTMC Jul - Dec 2017 Edition 2 pimpritoastmastersclub@gmail.com
President Speaks
To a bright day and shining tomorrow
Power packed PTMC – A throwback
Ek number Indore – Challenge accepted
Two simple words
Champion Speaks
The signature move
From The Desk of Chief Editor Hello Readers, T h is newsletter is like a unique coffee made of d ifferent f lavors of creative and innovative a rticles. Interviews of d istrict 98 leaders will be as milk in the cof fee which will provide nutrition along with taste. Enormous response f rom PT M Cians by providing toastmaster s ignatures ad ded sugar in the coffee. Your love of reading will ad d chocolate topping to this unique coffee. Vid ya Joshi Chief Ed itor | T h e G ist
I s uggest you to make nice hot cof fee with your f a vorite taste. T ake that coffee mug in one hand and take this newsletter in other hand; s ta rt f lipping through the pages of this newsletter while taking sip f rom coffee mug. I a m sure you will f orget to d rink your f avorite coffee as this newsletter beholds your a ttention. Once you f inish read ing this newsletter; just go to kitchen and make a nother coffee as your earlier coffee is cold now! I h ave experienced this everyday while working with my beloved team; each time my hot cof fee turned into cold coffee. M y team has put enormous ef fort to make this d ream come true. Here I present the spirit of PT M C, 2 n d ed ition of our newsletter ‘T he G ist ’. - Vid ya Joshi
1 | The Gist, Dec 2017
President Speaks Yusuf Hotelwala President, Pimpri T M Club
Hello Fellow and F uture PT M Cians, Hope this article f inds you a ll in good health. PT MC has come a long way, soon to be conducting its 50th congregation in its absolute Pachaas T ola signature. As the President of PT M C, I a m bles sed with some amazing bunch of toastmasters. I had a wonderful a nd crea tive ex-com team who were always on their toes and their aim was only one, to ma ke PT M C a better place as a club. T rue to its mission, we tried providing th e members a supportive and positive environment to lea rn a nd grow. In my short tenure , bef ore I had to relocate d ue to of ficial commitments, we improvised and introduced quite a f ew f resh id eas which aimed a t improving th e overall quality of the meetings and mad e our meetups very exciting. Some of th e noteworthy initiatives were - the Critics Award, M embers’ Progress Report, As sociate VPs, Ed ucational Sessions, T oastmasters’ Oa th T a king Ceremony, the T oastmaster B adge D istribution and icebreaker spea kathon . I have thoroughly enjoyed my tenure which was f illed with a lot of learning and it has helped me immensely in s h a rpening my leadership skills. I miss PT M C and all I could s a y is th ere is only one PT M C and can never be another. I wish our f abulous club a ll th e very bes t. Lots of Love Yusuf
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Vijay B hanusha li Area D irector, Area C4
Dreams are just ideas, until you take the first step to make them happen … Some 60 weeks ago, there was a dream seen. T h e d rea m was to spread wings for Toastmasters by opening up a community club . Objective was very simple, to be aligned to the Toastmaster ’s mission and help a community to be better speakers and Leaders . T he f irst step was taken thus giving rise to a club that is so lovingly known as the Pimpri T oastmasters Club! As they say, ST ART from where you are, USE what you have, and, D O what you can … We followed the same philosophy while raising this club. Road ahead to have the club created had some tough challenges to handle, including a proper venue, enough funds, getting members and many more. But the leaders embraced those challenges and preferred to still ST ART from where they were, preferred to U SE all their efforts, abilities to charter the club and further preferred to D O what they could to make this CLUB one of the most known clubs in Toastmasters.
3 | The Gist, Dec 2017
PTMC, as we all lovingly and proudly call our club, today stands as a Proud Club, all adorned with achievements and fame due to the efforts put in by the leaders, its charter excom and members. It is so pleasing to see a club just 50 weeks old but performing like a club in existence since years!! The club has come out with some amazing initiatives and practices which have been adopted by other clubs in Toastmasters, right from its innovative PR activities, Monthly Newsletters, Gem of the Month, Outbound and Joint meetings, engaging members from within and outside club, participating in events and the list is endless. The club does not only contribute to great meetings but today has also carved excellent club leaders and speakers who have represented all the way till D ivision Level! 50 weeks is just a first milestone and there are many more to come. Today, post 60 weeks, am glad that a dream was seen, and the first step to make this dream a reality was taken. As an Area Director, I feel the pride to be associated with PTMC, and am confident that PT MC in f uture would shine across the globe!! I also hope that each of the club members would get the most f rom the T oastmasters program and become better speakers and leaders .
First of all, I congratulate Pimpri Toastmasters Club for their milestone meeting. I am impressed the way they are planning for this meeting. When we say milestone meeting, very few people remember how we reached to that milestone meeting. Every milestone meeting includes participation and support from the club members.
“Be strong, positive and energetic- these are the best possible ways for the success of the club and your life .”
I still remember when we were planning to charter PTMC, we needed young and dynamic President to lead the club. I appreciate that TM Pramod Kiwande himself came forward and led this club from the front. He laid a very strong foundation for this club. About the club, yes club is doing very well. As I said, TM Pramod and his team has laid very strong foundation. Initially, he invited many energetic, enthusiastic members from other clubs to support this club. Their participation helped the club to stand strong.
Vinod Sharma D ivision D irector, D iv - C
When we were struggling for the venue, TM Vijay Bhanushali supported to get one of the best venue. I am excited that Incoming President TM Vijendra Jain has already taken reins of the club. I am confident that Vijendra and his EXCOM team are going to do wonders for this club. As a Division Director I am so happy and excited for PTMC’s success. My message to all the members is be strong, positive and energetic- “these are the best possible ways for the success of the club and your life”. All the best Pimpri Toastmasters Club.
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THE WIND Pimpri Toastmasters Club always comes with revolutionary themes. To discover the glory of golden India, to celebrate the cultural diversity and spirituality, TM Vidya Joshi thought of a unique theme - Ancient India. A beautiful flower Rangoli decorated by TM Vidya and team welcomed everyone. Meeting was started with lightening a lamp and prayer to Bharat Mata. TM Vidya explained the glory of quintessential India existed in every field: Culture, Arts, Politics, Economics, Astrology, Science, Medicine and Mathematics .
Discovering the Glory of Classic India She explained th e Katapayadi S utram to remember va lue of π till 31 d ecimal.
We as well got to know about definition of eclipse in Sanskrit as below which means when moon comes in between sun and earth, it ’s shadow falls on earth and we call it as Eclipse.
छादयति शशी सु यं शशीनं महिि च भु च्छाया || She had thrown light on ancient way of medical treatment-Ayurveda. Plastic surgery of nose, Kidney stone removal, test tube baby may seem modern medical treatment but they were discovered by Vaidya Charak and Vaidya Shushrut. She further explained the importance of Tulsi on Cough and cold by her own example. Speakers also soaked themselves in the spiritual vibes when they spread the messages –
एिि ् समय: अपि गच्छाम: (This time will pass away) and वसु धै व कु टु म्बकम .् (This whole world is family) Sweets were distributed to all the members and guests present in the meeting as Prasad. PTMC enjoyed photo session in traditional attire at the end of meeting .
5 | The Gist, Dec 2017
Power Packed PTMC – A Throw Back “T he past beats inside me like a second heart.” ― John B aville We are still in the hangover of the power packed 25 t h meeting of PTMC, and why not!! Every corner of the hall was radiating the spirit of PTMC as we witnessed legendary roles and speeches, Splendid Dance, Nautanki and singing, captivating newsletter. They say, time flies in a blink of an eye, and here we are with our yet another power-packed meeting (# 50_Tola_Meeting) with multi-fold energy and enthusiasm!
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Leo Pa ulose Club G rowth D irector, D is trict - 98
“The fact that I keep reinventing myself in each meeting has kept me going .” Here we present Walk the Talk with the leadership legend, our own Club Growth Director - Leo Paulose, DTM, who has been giving the new definition to “Growth” for District 98. How has T oastma sters benefited in your prof essional ca reer? In a very very big way! A lot of what I have achieved in my professional career today is attributed to my learnings here. Today I am responsible for driving innovation across employees in Amdocs India, driving partnerships with start ups and academia for the company in India and multiple other responsibilities. I also Head the Western Region of India for NITRAA (my alma mater).
7 | The Gist, Dec 2017
T ell us more about your experience as CG D. It has been one that is personally rewarding and has helped me grow as a leader. I have been given a rare opportunity by the membership of Toastmasters to help improve "club growth and retention" in our District. It is an honour that District 98 was featured as the "fastest growing District in the world" a few months back. We have grown by more than 25+ clubs in the last 5 months. How long have you been in toastmasters? What is the reason to continue? 5 years. The fact that I keep reinventing myself in each meeting has kept me going .
PUSHING BOUNDARIES “The sheer energy that this club radiates in all its meetings is highly contagious. ”
You are one of those rare T oastmasters, who achieved D T M title in just around 2 years. How d id you d o that?
B eing CG D is lot of work. Wh a t motivates you to go th a t extra mile?
For me, more than the title, it was about the learning. I invested more than 100% towards learning and the DTM was a fine surprise that came my way! (Rigorous planning went hand in hand!)
I do not look at this as work but rather as an honour and privilege! Many of us look for avenues to help improve the society; for me this is my way of doing it. I am excited knowing that what I do today towards "club growth and retention" will impact 1000s (if not 100,000s) of people improve their life. This keeps me kicking ! How has been your experience while visiting Pimpri T oa stma sters Club? It has been an amazing experience! The sheer energy that this club radiates in all its meetings is highly contagious. The Gen Y (and Z) members (especially) have helped lift this club and take it to new heights .
You are one of the blessed speakers who can speak impromptu on stage f or any length of time. Any ad vice to tackle T able T opics? My mantra is very simple; spend the first 30 seconds that you get effectively. Spend 15 seconds to recollect all the info that you know about the topic and spend the other 15 to organise them in the fashion that you want todeliver it in. Mastery of language is key for this to work.
“Leadership is of ten the most underplayed element in Toastmasters. ” Usually people th ink T oa s tmasters is about communications but leadership is also importa nt tra ck. What say? Very true! Leadership is often the most underplayed element in Toastmasters. The journey begins with "effectively" completing your CL manual (stress on the word "effectively"). It helps one improve the most basic hygiene elements of leadership...which if done well, will help set the foundation for one's leadership journey.
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डाली-डाली पात-पात पे हर सवाल रुक जाता है, जवाब न मिले इस सवाल पे िन ये मवचार बताता है, कहतें हैं ये जब इंसान पे िमु ककल वक्त हो आता है, कौन है दोस्त कौन नहीं है बलवान सिय बताता है, कर मवश्वास ठान ले ये न िांग मकसी से तू अब कुछ, दमु नया है ये उस मिट्टी की मजसने लेना सीखा है सब कुछ, तेर-े िेरे के जंजाल िें कहााँ तूने फसाया है, खदु को बड़ा बनाना था िाया को बनाया है ll ll - सौरभ अरोरा
9 | The Gist, Dec 2017
िेरे चेहरे की हसी बनकर, िेरे आंसू मछपा लेते थे तिु । पलकों मक मकनोरों से यादें बनकर, अब हर पल िेरी आाँखें मभगा देते हो तिु || जो देख लेते थे िस ु कुरा कर, िझ ु े खशु ी से नहला देते थे तिु । अब ना तिु हो न तम्ु हारी बातें हैं कहीं, आइनें िें ढूंढते हैं, हि से जदु ा नजर आते हो तिु || क्यों आया वो लम्हा तूफान बनकर, जब िैं तिु िें, िझ ु िें न रहे तिु । मदल िें उठता है रह रह कर िोहब्बत का सैलाब, अहि की बात से, इस पार हि और उस पार नजर आते हो तिु || अब मबखरे पन्ने संवारने, मफर से ना आओगे तिु । हिारी मबखरी सी दमु नया सवांरने, अब कभी ना आओगे तिु , िगर ये याद रखना, ना तिु हो, न हि हैं बेवफा, हर सांस का महसाब है, क्योंमक उसिें तेरी याद है, गज ु रे हर पल की कहानी बनकर, बहुत याद आते हो तिु , बहुत याद आते हो तिु || - आमशवाा द गप्तु ा
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11 | The Gist, Dec 2017
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In January 2017, I opened my eyes in Pimpri Toastmasters Club. Since then, the club has been very kind to offer me opportunities every time. I believe that there is always a new challenge with every opportunity. With each new challenge, comes new learning. I know that, the President ’s role is dipped in the hues of challenges and surprises but that’s what makes it more enjoyable and fruitful.
• Plan educational sessions based on the requirement of the members. • Implement sustainable and innovative ideas which will open doors for new opportunities for every member.
“What lies ahead is an ocean of challenges and surprises and I am ready to dive in it !!”
• Maximize the benefits of Toastmastering by increasing the productivity, disciplines and sincerity of the meetings.
I am very thankful to TM Pramod and TM Yusuf who along with their excoms, have worked excellently to take PTMC to new heights. Special mention to TM Arya, who despite of her busy schedule of college exams and classes, didn ’t let a single meeting unplanned.
• Work towards DCP goals.
I am very proud to say that with the help of current excom, the new excom has already started with their roles. And that is the reason I have tremdous confidence in the excom team that with the help of club members, we will create a valuable impact for the club . Some of the major value areas are as listed below • Strengthen the Mentor Mentee Program.
I am grateful to the club sponsors and club mentors for always being there to help and support. I am privileged to have encouraging and motivating Area Director and Division Director who are always ready with their guiding rays. What lies ahead are new sparks, new vibes, new energies!! What lies ahead is the zeal, the zest and the zing!! What lies ahead is an ocean of challenges and surprises and I am ready to dive in it!! - Vijendra Jain President Elect
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आसिान से मगरी पानी की एक बून्द कभी जाती सागर िें कभी जाती नदीयों िें कुछ तलाश रही वो पर ढूंढ़ नही पायी वो शायद अपनी एक पहचान थकी हारी वो मगर पडी जिीन पर आाँख खल ु ी तो देखा खदु को उसने चांद की रोशनी िें पहली बार बहुत खशु थी वो आज ये जानके भी उड़ जायेगी वो सबु ह की पहली मकरण के साथ क्योंकी आज हो गयी थी खत्ि उसकी तलाश - िक ु े श जेसवानी
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Manish Dwiwedi 8 t h Jul 2017
Amol Mali 27 th May 2017
Hemant Arora 19 th Aug 2017
Amol Mali Sep 2017
15 | The Gist, Dec 2017
Emotional Ad ulthood The author of best-selling book "Are You Willing To Succeed - Yes or Yes", TM Manish explained audience that when you realize that no one can influence the way you think and the way you react to different situations, that is when you have achieved Emotional Adulthood. To achieve emotional adulthood one needs to tame negative emotions like self doubt, approval seeking, guilt, anxiety, fear and anger.
A Journey to Competent Leadership In this special session, Ex -Army Officer, TM Amol gave insight about competent leadership. "There was a time when records were broken alone. But today's era is team -work era" - this was the central idea of TM Amol's session.
Cons ider Humorously D one It was indeed humorously done!! When everybody was ready to soak in the waves of Humorous Speech Contest, past Division Champion of Humorous Speech Contest, TM Hemant Arora delivered a wonderful session about Humorous speeches. Through his own journey from club level to district level, he explained about selecting a topic, writing, practicing and delivering punches.
Eva luate Like a B oss It was the season of contest, and our champion and evaluation guru, TM Amol gave some tips and techniques about effective evaluation. He also explained how to distribute timings in various sections of CRC approach.
Anup B arot I am TM Anup Barot, working in Volkswagen India Pvt. Ltd. as a Senior Manager. Currently, I am undergoing a leadership training in my company, where I got feedback from my trainer to join Toastmasters to harness my communication skills. I have joined Pimpri Toastmasters Club 15 days back considering the framework below,
• Time management – the planned agenda and actual activities runs in absolute sync. • Communication skill of fellow toastmasters. • Opportunity to challenge my limits where I can get constructive feedback to improve. • Opportunity of networking with different people in addition to learning. • Effective usage of weekends. • Table Topics Session challenges my ability to think and speak impromptu.
• Unanimous cooperativeness and enthusiasm from fellow toastmasters. It has been one month in PTMC, where I have attended two meetings as a guest and one as a member and I hope, my journey in PTMC will take me to new heights on the ladder of Communication and Leadership.
Jitendra B alani Joining Pimpri toastmasters did not come by chance but a thoughtful decision given the young and energetic feeling I experienced during my first attendance as a guest. It reflects the conducive environment for an individual to nurture under the guidance of experienced DTMs / Area heads and through respectable benchmark each member sets for others to be a leader and a great communicator.. Pimpri toastmasters has given me a hope, a direction, a mentor and a path to identify myself as a confident and worthy individual.
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Ek Number Indore – Challenge Accepted !! When district 98 asked us to have a themed meeting to promote confluence 2017. Our VP Education TM Arya and VP PR TM Nujahad came together to make this happen in style. TMOD Suraj introduced the meeting with enthusiasm laying out the base for a wonderful meeting to follow. He gave the information about the history of Indore city, described famous locations and dishes of Indore city.
When everybody was soaked in the waves of Indore, visit by Club Growth Director Leo Paulose, Division Director Vinod Sharma surprised us. Then came the real striking moment of the meeting “Indori Pani -Puri Contest”. The contestants were to eat maximum pani-puris within a minute ’s time. 10-12 members participated in the contest, including the CGD and Division Director . The winner of the contest was Vinod Sharma by eating 6 pani-puris. This meeting re-energised and re-vitalized the club.
17 | The Gist, Dec 2017
The Story of Brave Warriors Many professionals joined Pimpri toastmasters club to improve their communication and leadership skills. It was high time for the new toasties to embark on their communication journey . VP – Education T M Arya along with TMOD Neha Dixit ca me up with a n eccentric thought to conduct an Icebreake r Speakathon. This historical event was witnessed on 2 nd September 2017 . The six soldiers drilled for over a week. Hea rts filled with brightness of hope, ambitions aimed a t creating a difference; a bit nervous but nothing could now stop them from fighting their first battle of words. The brave soldiers were: 1) TM Rupesh Vaidya 2) TM Mathan Prabhu 3) TM Nitin Ghatage 4) TM Nitin Kshirsagar 5) TM Suraj Wate 6)TM Vidya Joshi A major outcome of the meeting was th at it created an opportunity for six other soldiers to participate in an evaluation marathon. As the speakers marched on th e communication journey, this meeting increased their confidence to fight the fear of public speaking.
Reverse Meeting: “sddO ehT gnitaeB" Pimpri Toastmasters Club rais ed the bar with a phenomenal theme tha t beat the odds in the history of Pune Toastmasters - gniteeM esreveR (Reverse Meeting.) hosted by TMOD Arya. Meeting had agenda in reverse order. T his meeting started with closing address by the Pres iding Officer TM Nujahad Kulkarni . General evaluator TM Pramod Kiwande published meeting report before the start of meeting. His report along with other evalua tor ’s report increased curiosity among the audience ; audience responded to all th e eva lua tor with giggles. Announcement of report before the act helped role pla yer to alter their performance beforehand . Speakers were amazed to know good words from the grammarian TM Vidya Joshi before listening to the actual speeches. Evaluators evalua ted speech es before listening to them. Speakers were amazed to know how the evaluations matched with their speech content. Throughout the meeting everyone was inquisitive to know what was in store. Every role pla yer made up s omething to make their role realistic. The room was filled with chuckles. “ydobyrevE deyojne eht gniteem.” (Everybody enjoyed the meeting)
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I proudly took up my pen and started writing this article that how good I am doing as a mother of an one and a half year old even after getting exhausted, feeling stressed at the end of the day. But after doing all this what recognition do I get? Kajal B h a nushali
“Thank You MAA for nur turing me for what I am today and Sorr y MAA that sometimes I forget that you made me what I am .” When this question arouses, the only person I could think of is my mother who would also have done the same things what I am doing for my daughter. She never complained, but at some point she would also have asked the same question to herself what comes to my mind everyday. As her kids, we do tell her how much we love her, we wish her on special days, die to spend quality time with her but do we ever tell her those two simple words which we even say to the people who are unknown to us ? Do we ever say Thank You MAA for nurturing me for what I am today and Sorry MAA that sometimes I forget that you made me what I am? Today I just want to pick up the pen and write these two simple but precious words for all the mothers “THANK YOU and SORRY”
19 | The Gist, Dec 2017
You tend to feel all is not right in your country when the people of the right winged groups enter the newsrooms with swords in the name of nationalism and honour.
Randh ir M ish ra What disturbs me is people’s criticism state of affairs as anti -national. When on the situation, an eminent politician passport! To which I would like to say, hence I’m concerned.”
I console myself saying it ’s just for the sake of TRPs; yelling and shouting is now considered as debating but what is more troubling is that such fringe groups are being entertained by the very party who asked for your votes for the sake of development a couple of years ago .
for the government, PM or terming current Deepika Padukone came out with her view questioned her for holding an Indian “Dear sir, I do hold the same with pride,
When the Karni Sena shouts slogans in the name of nationalism outside her residence; are they forgetting that in the same house, resides a man who has won many International laurels for India. “Dear Sena, What have you earned for this country? Is criticism and right to expression the very essence of democracy? Take that away and what are we left with - anarchy, monarchy and dictatorship! However you cannot chop off a person ’s head just because he doesn ’t agree with your point of view.” Few days back CM of the most populous state in India talked about punishing certain personalities for hurting the religious sentiments of people. How can you get hurt without even watching the movie? What about the sentiments of non religious Indians who are not politically inclined and just want to watch the movie. Shouldn’t they get to choose what they want to watch, isn ’t that what democracy is all about? Talking about punishment for dishonouring a valiant queen from the past; have you finished punishing those culpable for hideous crimes like female infanticide, domestic violence, dowry and unspeakable violence? Or you consider it as a part of glorious past as well? There wouldn ’t be a need of a Sena or a king to safeguard a woman ’s honour if we start working on improvement of current situation & status of women in India.
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Here we present one on one with the sweetheart of D istrict 98, Area D irector C 5, Pramod Kiwande , CL, who has been a passionate T oastmaster, and M r. Perf ectionist when it comes to PR.
When d id you join T oa s tmasters , what was your purpose? How much has it succeeded in f ulfilling your purpose? I joined toastmasters in Oct 2015 at HARMAN TMC, Pune. My sole purpose was to improve my communication skills and to be an extrovert. I feel I have achieved half of my goals within 2 years. I can now communicate; but to be effective communicator I need to improve a lot.
“Ser ving as Area Director is a wonder ful learning experience where I am guiding and mentoring clubs, helping them overcome dif ferent challenges ..�
21 | The Gist, Dec 2017
T ell us about your experience as Area D irector? Serving as Area Director is a wonderful learning experience where I am guiding and mentoring clubs, helping them to overcome different challenges . In the beginning, I started with 3 clubs in my kitty (all corporate clubs) but later I added 2 new clubs in 5 months (Persistent Hinjewadi and SCIT Hinjewadi ). You red efined the PR in Expressions 2017. Share your experience as PR chair. I was just the mediator between my PR team and the Toastmasters fraternity. I actually love to publicize events and that was what brought success to Expressions 2017 with a whopping 363 registrations from a single division. I also got immense help from the registration chair TM Vijay Bhanushali.
HIT REFRESH You ha ve played va rious lea dersh ip roles in T oastmasters. Wh a t is your leadership mantra? My Mantra is very simple. Just understand what members need and help them achieve it. I follow service leadership with a personal bonding .
“Punctuality is one of the best qualities which helps me balancing my life. I follow the Nike tagline – Just Do It !”
President at Harma n vs Pres ident a t Pimpri. How d ifferent wa s it?
What is the one thing that you love about PT M C?
Both had different challenges and I enjoyed being the President for both the clubs. What differentiates the two is the amount of efforts and the connect with members, Sometimes during my President ’s tenure I felt like I was working full time for Pimpri TMC.
Pimpri Toastmasters is my second home because members of PTMC have a great bonding with everyone and they always strive towards positive direction to achieve excellence.
“My Mantra is ver y simple. Just understand what members need and help them achieve it.”
How d o you balance Corporate Lif e, T oastmasters Lif e and Personal Lif e?
I believe in one thing that if you want to improve yourself then you have to find a balance in your life. Punctuality is one of the best qualities which helps me balance my life. I follow the Nike tagline – Just D o It! What is the one ad vice you would like to give to the new members on "how one can maximize the benefits of T oastmastering "? Explore the whole program –meeting roles, speeches, ExCom role, event chairs, district roles and then you will realise what you have gained. Then compare yourself from the time when you were not a part of toastmasters. You will see the difference in yourself. I urge all the new members to follow IRSE values (Integrity, Respect, Service, and Excellence) and be an active participant . You have been a T oastmaster f or 2 years. When are you going to complete your CC Completing CC for the award is not my goal. I want to do it in such a way that I should be competent enough to communicate using the skills I have learnt from all the 10 speeches.
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Stage, Timing and Punch!! 23 rd Sept 2017, the meeting hall of PTMC was filled with giggles and laughter!! The occasion was- Humorous Speech Contest and Evaluation Contest which Pimpri TM Club conducted jointly with Syntel Pune TM Club. Contest season always brings out the best. Vision- to make people laugh, Preparation - to polish and sharpen the speeches and Practice- to achieve the best timing of the punches, were few weapons our contestants were loaded with . Gladiators of Humourous Speech Contest who were ready with their funny anecdotes, punches and melodrama to tickle the funny bones of the audience -TM Vidya, TM Rupesh, TM Rohtash, TM Nujahad , TM Vijendra Warriors of Evaluation Contest, who didn ’t let a single moment of the test speaker unobserved and unanalysed -TM Palak, TM Nujahad and TM Vijendra.
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Not at all. But I had one thing in my mind that, I will give my best. Wh a t was your f eeling af ter you won runner up in d ivision level contest? It was a mixture of two feelings. Partly, I was glad that I could make my presence at division level, Partly I was thinking that I could have done better. B rief a bout the points which you considered while d ra fting your humorous speech. Vijendra Jain D ivision C, First Runner up Humorous Speech contes t
Topic selection was one important parameter on which I spent maximum time. After deciding the topic, in 4-5 hrs, first draft of my speech was ready. TM Hemant Arora’s educational session on Humorous Speech Contest and videos of past contests on youtube helped me a lot in aligning the speech for the contest.
“Winning or losing are par t of life. Par ticipation is impor tant, It brings out the best in you. ” T h row light on your planning f or d elivery. What was th e ma in point which mad e impact? I believe, practice is the key for a good delivery. I wanted to keep it natural so I did not include any “acting” in my speech. For me, I think being natural did the trick! Explain about the stage and aud ience d ifference at club, a rea and d ivision level contest. Yes, it was different at different levels. Huge response to a joke at club level does not mean that it will get the same response at area level also. After every level, I modified my speech by 20-30%. Ha ve you f elt any nervousness bef ore your speech at a ny contest and if yes, how d id you overcome with tha t? Yes. Before every speech I become very nervous. Then I accept it, take a deep breath and say to myself – “will see whatever happens ahead ”. Wh a t message you would like to convey to your f ellow toa s tmaster f or your journey till d ivision level contest? Participating in the contest was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Winning or losing are part of life. Participation is important, It brings out the best in you.
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Fun Night, Friends and Food Madness these three things come in our mind when we think about Confluence 2017. This time the PTMCians along with Pune Toastmasters marked their presence at the Semi Annual conference of PTMC. The biggest euphoria was the brilliant feeling of togetherness - Travelling together, staying together, eating together, and dancing together!! The cleanest city of India, eknumber Indore welcomed us with its culturally rich environs. Sarafa Market, 56 Dukaan and Rajavada Fort stole the hearts and bellies of every Toastmaster. And the learning extravaganza having •
Leadership Workshop by International Director Region 13 Derek Wong,
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• Communication Workshop by the star of world championship of public speaking Josephine Lee. Overall, Confluence 2017 at Indore was a great event loaded with learning, fun, achievements and moments bonded with many as friends.
“We didn’t realize that we were making memories. We knew that we were just having fun.”
They say, some things just happen unannounced. I may be called as an absolute example for this. When I joined Toastmasters a year ago, I never knew what was in store except for delivering certain speeches based on required objectives. It was later that I came to know that various other roles also have an important part to play in a club. When Pimpri Toastmasters Club was formed, I was fortunate enough to be the chartered member of the club. Having served as the Secretary in the previous tenure and the VP Education in the current, I have learnt a lot of important lessons in and out. Pimpri Toastmasters Club has always been an arresting blend for learning and motivating everyone. Within no time the club blazed its path in being a striking example of a perfect club; by innovating various new activities. The journey of serving the club as the VP Education was no less than a roller -coaster ride. However I had an experience of lifetime. I met many new people on my journey. Now it’s time for the new leaders to step in and act as a team and take PTMC to new heights. I wish the new excom all the very best; and with capable electedleaders , I believe that PTMC would turn as a whole new brand in the near future.
Arya Prasannan VP – Ed ucation Pimpri T oastmasters Club
“The journey of ser ving the club as the VP Education was no less than a rollercoaster ride. However I had an experience of lifetime. I met many new people on my journey.”
Create the right kind of willingness and receptivity. There is no question of incapability; it is just a question of compliance. MY HEARTY WISHES TO PIMPRI TOASTMASTERS CLUB
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T M T ejas hri Chaudhari
T M Saujanya Sunkarwar
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T M Vidya Joshi
T M Aashirwaad
T M Srikaa nth
T M Jitendra
T M Kajal
T M D hruv
T M Pramod
T M Vinod
T M M ukesh
T M Saujanya
T M Nujahad
T M M athan
T M Yus uf
T M Saurabh
T M Vijay
T M Vidya
T M Joyce
T M Anup
T M Rupesh
T M Suraj
T M Vjendra
T M Arya
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Vinod Sharma Triple Crown Award
TM Vinod completed CL, ACB and HPL in one year and won a triple crown award
Saujanya Sunkar war Triple Crown Award
TM Saujanya completed CC, CL, ACB and ALB in one year and won a triple crown award
Joyce Alexander CGD’s Membership Award For renewal of 15+ members in September renewal cycle, VP Membership received the award
Saujanya Sunkar war Toastmaster of The Year Award For extraordinary participation, service and leadership roles in toastmasters, Saujanya received toastmaster of the year award from Division C
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Suraj Wate Editor
Vijendra Jain Editor
Vidya Joshi Chief Editor
Ar ya Prasannan Editor
Nujahad Kulkarni Designer
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Powerful speech that wins the crowd, Talents, which makes us proud Moments when we feel on 9th cloud, Come on Saturdays, we shout loud We meet every Saturday from 05:00 pm to 07:00 pm at Pratibha Group of Institutes Near Little Italy, Pimpri Chinchwad E-mail pimpritoastmastersclub@gmail.com
https://www.facebook.com/PimpriTMC/ https://www.instagram.com/pimpritoastmasters/ https://twitter.com/PimpriTMC http://pimpri.easy-speak.org ​https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi_EbSu02Dj5MW4mDj6Ni-Q