June 16, 2024
June 16, 2024
the City of Harrisbur g
Pine Street is a Welcoming Church, Glorifying God through Worship, Fellowship and Service in the World.
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Lord of new life, inspire us anew that as we worship this day we may be remade in your image. Let us serve others in the power of your Spirit and help meet human need. Amen.
One: Grace and peace in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Many: Praise be to God.
INTROIT Song of the Mustard Seed
Robert Jones
Michael Buffington
Hal Hopson
The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed, for when it is sown in the spring, it is least of all seeds in the earth. But when it is watered it grows, it grows, and is the greatest herb of all. The kingdom of God is like a seed: a little seed, a little mustard seed. Wherever you go, sow a seed along the way. A seed of love however small it be may one day grow into a tree. The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed, for when it is sown in the spring, it is least of all seeds in the earth. But when it is watered it grows, it grows, and is the greatest herb of all. The kingdom of God is like a seed: a little seed, a little mustard seed. Wherever you go, sow a seed along the way. A seed of faith, however small it be, may one day grow into a tree. The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed, for when it is sown in the spring, it is least of all seeds in the earth. But when it is watered it grows, it grows, and is the greatest herb of all. The kingdom of God is like a seed: a little seed, a little mustard seed.
† Those able are invited to stand Bold text is read or sung by all
One: The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of seeds on earth.
Many: It grows up and becomes the greatest of shrubs, and the birds of the air make nests in its shade.
One: Give thanks to God, whose promised reign is coming.
Many: Thanks be to God!
Holy God, the parable of the mustard seed teaches us that a little faith can produce great work in your kingdom. Yet we are too timid to bear the fruit of your righteousness, for we walk by sight and not by faith. Forgive us, Lord; we do not reach out to the poor or the oppressed. We do not advocate for the powerless or the voiceless. We do not sacrifice ourselves for the needs of our neighbors. Renew us with the love of Christ so that we live no longer for ourselves, but for Christ who became the seed of your righteousness in us. Hear our personal confession of sin.
One: Those who turn to God in sincere faith and trust and admit their wrongdoing shall never be turned away.
Many: God's promise is sure and steadfast. In Jesus Christ we are forgiven and called to a new way of life. All praise be to God. Amen.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen, Amen.
FIRST LESSON Ezekiel 17:22-24
One: The Word of the Lord.
Many: Thanks be to God.
Greg Lane
Old Testament Page 784
† HYMN 682 It Is Good to Sing Your Praises (Psalm 92) ELLESDIE
SECOND LESSON 2 Corinthians 5:6-10, 14-17
THIRD LESSON Mark 4:26-34
New Testament Page 181
New Testament Page 38
I believe in God the Father almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.
One: The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Many: And also with you.
WELCOME (Please sign the Friendship Register. To sign online, scan the code on the back of the bulletin)
(Scan the code on the back of the bulletin to give online via PayPal)
ANTHEM O Love of God, How Strong and True Ralph Vaughan Williams, arr. by Howard Helvey
O love of God, how strong and true, eternal and yet ever new, uncomprehended and un-bought, beyond all knowledge and all thought! O wide-embracing, wondrous love! We read you in the sky above; we read you in the earth below, in seas that swell and streams that flow. We read your power to bless and save, e’en in the darkness of the grave; still more in resurrection light, we read the fulness of your might. O love of God, our shield, and stay through all the perils of our way! Eternal love in you, we rest, forever safe, forever blest. Eternal love, in you we rest, forever blest, forever blest.
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise Christ, all people here below; Praise Holy Spirit evermore; praise triune God, whom we adore. Amen.
One: The Lord be with you.
Many: And also with you.
One: Lift up your hearts.
Many: We lift them to the Lord.
One: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
Many: It is right to give God thanks and praise.
… with all creation, we sing your praise:
The prayer continues.
… Great is the mystery of Faith:
One: In your mercy, Many: Lord, hear our prayer.
… now and forever.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
One: The gifts of God for the people of God.
Many: Let us keep the feast.
† HYMN 36 For the Fruit of All Creation AR HYD Y NOS
Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim till all the world adore his sacred name. Come, Christians, follow where our Savior trod, the Lamb victorious, Christ, the Son of God. Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim till all the world adore His sacred name.
VOLUNTARY Allegro Maestoso in G Major
Rev. Don Potter, Guest Preacher
Joseph Garrison, Minister of Music and Worship
Michael Buffington, Liturgist
Greg Lane, Lector
Callie Garman, Acolyte
Timothy Lupia, tenor
The flowers in the sanctuary are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Sondra by Wayne and the Fertig family.
Today, we gather to celebrate and honor the fathers and father figures in our lives. We give thanks to God for the love, strength, and guidance they provide. Their dedication and commitment reflect God's love for us.
To all the fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers, and mentors among us, we appreciate your unwavering support, your wisdom, and your sacrifices. You play a vital role in our families and our community, nurturing and leading with grace and faith.
May God bless you abundantly, give you strength in your journey, and fill your hearts with joy and peace. Let us also remember and pray for those who may find this day difficult, that they may find comfort in God's eternal love.
Wishing you all a blessed and joyous Father’s Day!
Sunday, June 16 – Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
9:00 am- Café Conversations- Room 103
10:00 am- Worship Rev. Don Potter
11:00 am- Annual Congregational meeting- Sanctuary
Friday, June 21 – 3rd in the Burg
Sunday, June 23 – Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
9:00 am- Café Conversations- Room 103
10:00 am- Worship Rev. Heather Sigler Preaching 1:00 pm- Senators baseball game (lunch starts at 12:00 pm)
June 9 through June 15
Audrey and David
June 16 through June 22 Elyse and Becky
You can also call Krystle in the church office at 717-238-9304 or email kwhitley@pinestreet.org, who will refer you to either the Elders on Call or to one of the Deacons, depending on your needs.
New website page for members!
You will see there is a new place for members on our website http://www.pinestreet.org. At the top of the page on the right hand side you will now see a members link (see picture).
You will now click on that and be prompted to enter the password (remains the same). Currently the member directory and the Presbytery Book of Order can be found there.
Please reach out to the office at 717-238-9304 if you have any questions.
Great news!
We are thrilled to share some wonderful news with you! PayPal, our trusted platform for online donations, has recently reduced its transaction fees. This means that more of your generous contributions will go directly to support the mission and ministries of our church. We have lowered our fees for online giving with PayPal. The new fee will be 1.99% plus the 0.49 per transaction.
Absolutely nothing! You don't need to take any action. Your giving experience will remain the same. You'll continue to enjoy the convenience and security of online donations through PayPal just as you always have.
This change allows us to stretch each dollar further. With lower fees, a larger portion of your donations will be available for:
• Supporting our community outreach programs
• Enhancing our worship services
• Funding youth and adult ministries
• Maintaining and improving our facilities
We are deeply grateful for your continued generosity and support. Your contributions make a significant impact in our community and beyond.
Thank you for being a vital part of our church family. Together, we are making a difference.
Music in the bulletin is used with permission under OneLicense.net #A-71074. All rights reserved.
Liturgy reprinted and adapted by permission of Westminster John Knox Press from Feasting on the Word® Worship Companion copyright 2013.
Liturgy reprinted and adapted by permission from the Book of Common Worship, © 2018 Westminster John Knox Press. All rights reserved.
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To donate to Pine Street Presbyterian online through PayPal, you can scan the provided code to the right. 310 N.