Worship 10-29

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Pine Street Presbyterian Church in the City of Harrisburg Pine Street is a Welcoming Church, Glorifying God through Worship, Fellowship and Service in the World. October 29, 2023

22nd Sunday after Pentecost

GATHERING IN THE PRESENCE OF THE RISEN CHRIST PRAYER OF PREPARATION Lord, you are our dwelling place. In you, we find our rest. Gather us in under the shelter of your wing. Settle our souls and calm our minds, that we may worship you this day in joy and peace. Amen.


Louis Vierne

(Please use the opening voluntary as a time of meditation and preparation for worship.)

Introit The Call

Ralph Vaughan Williams Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life: such a way as gives us breath; such a truth as ends all strife; such a life as killeth death. Come, my Light, my Feast, my Strength: such a light as shows a feast; such a feast as mends in length; such a strength as makes the guest. Come, my Joy, my Love, my Heart: such a joy as none can move; such a love as none can part; such a heart as joys in love.


John Luciew

One: Grace and peace in the name of the Lord. Many: Thanks and praise be to God.

† HYMN 35 Praise Ye the Lord, the Almighty



† Those able are invited to stand Bold text is read or sung by all

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