worship 11/19

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Pine Street Presbyterian Church in the City of Harrisburg Pine Street is a Welcoming Church, Glorifying God through Worship, Fellowship and Service in the World. November 19, 2023

25th Sunday after Pentecost

GATHERING IN THE PRESENCE OF THE RISEN CHRIST PRAYER OF PREPARATION Lord God, throughout our history you have raised up faithful leaders to deliver us from oppression. Heed the cries of those who are suffering in the world today and deliver them by your mighty hand, that they may know and trust the promise of your steadfast love. Amen.


Michael Higgins

(Please use the opening voluntary as a time of meditation and preparation for worship.)

Introit The Lord is in His Holy Temple

Eric Thiman

The Lord is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.


Michael Buffington

One: This is the day the Lord has made. Many: Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

† HYMN 612 We Praise You, O God



† Those able are invited to stand

Bold text is read or sung by all

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