Downtown group to celebrate Christian unity
Volume 30, Issue 1 January 1, 2010
PSL Deadline Articles for the next issue of Pine Street Life are due by Jan. 15 for the February issue. They can be e-mailed to or
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By The Rev. Russell Sullivan
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, will take place at Market Square Presbyterian he downtown con- Church at 20 Second Street gregations, representing in Harrisburg. Catholics, Lutherans, PresBegun in 1908, the Week of byterians, Methodists, EpisPrayer for Christian Unity is copalians, United Church of celebrated each year in citChrist, and Unitarians will ies and towns across the come together for an Ecucountry and around the menical Celebration of our world. Unity in Christ at 4 p.m. on The theme for the 2010 obJan. 24. servance is "You Are WitThe service, which will be nesses of These held as part of the area's Things." (Luke 24:48) The observance of the annual
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Don’t forget Initial Offering By Diana Robertson An Initial Offering envelope can be found in your box of 2010 Offering envelopes, which can be picked up in the Gathering Place. The initial offering helps to pay for the giving envelopes to be bought and the per capita expense we pay to the denomination for each member. Together this cost runs around $25 per member. Please contribute as soon as possible to help defray this early expense. Use the Initial Offering envelope and place it in the offering plate or note “initial offering” on the check and mail it to the Church Office.
As we journey through the season of Epiphany in January, we are going to be focusing on mission and our outreach to the world. Here are our mission highlights for our Sundays in January:
On Jan. 10, Chantal Atnip, one of our trustees and the Treasurer of the Synod of the Trinity will deliver a focus on presbytery and synod mission giving. Hear about the great things God is doing through our governing bodies.
On Jan, 17, the Mission Committee is hosting a Mission Fair following the second service in the Fellowship Hall. Coffee and Fellowship will also take place there after the 11 a.m. Service, instead of in the Gathering Place. (Refreshments will follow, however, the 8:30 a.m. service in the Gathering Place.) Plan to check out (Continued on page 2)
Inside this issue: Meet Jon Chapman
Lent right around the corner
New season brings new events
Tapping into culture helps church grow
DDB Bites
January Scripture
January Calendar
Points of Financial Interest This can be found above in this issue.