Pine Street Life - May 2010

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May 1, 2010


Vacation Bible School


MAPS: Evensong


Session Notes


May scripture


Pine Street Youth Groups




May calendar


PSL deadline • Articles for the June issue of Pine Street Life are due by May 15. They can be emailed to: Looking ahead to June • MAPS: Closing concert (works of Bob Chilcotte), June 4 • Men’s breakfast, Kitchen Maintenance cleaning, Shawl Ministry, June 12 • Trustees meeting, Deacons meeting, June 15 • Presbytery meeting (Great Conewago Church), June 22 • Youth leave on mission trip to Chicago, June 27 • New members picnic, June 27 • Central Pa. Forum for Religion and Science, June 28

A D U LT F O RU M S P RO M I S E INSIGHT ON DIVERSE SUBJECTS By Russell Sullivan Summer adult forums always promise growth and insight for those who attend. An interesting line-up of teachers and diverse subjects awaits us this summer. All classes are in the Fellowship Hall at 9:40 a.m. on Sunday mornings. Make note of these offerings: On June 6 and 13 Dr. David True, the Associate Professor of Religion at Wilson College, will be our teacher. Dr. True hails from Kentucky and holds a Ph.D. in theology and ethics from Union-PSCE in Richmond, Va. His subject will be “Faith and Politics.” On June 6 he will focus on “The Problem with Politics” and will use the life and work of theologian Reinhold Niebuhr to explore the limits and possibilities of politics for the Christian. He continues on June 13 by examining Niebuhr and will look at ways people of faith can appropriate his legacy to address the challenges our politics faces.

On June 20 and 27 we are joined by our missionaries to Lithuania, Eric and Becky Hinderliter. They will explore how the church can be both faithful and effective in its practices. The way we engage in mission in the 21st century is very different from the past. Mission today is decentralized and emphasizes partnerships and the idea of “global discipleship.”

“Christianity and the Religions” and raise some important topics we face daily: How do we affirm the uniqueness of Christ within a religiously diverse world? Is there only one way to God? How will God deal with followers of other faiths? And why is interfaith dialogue so important? On July 18 our youth will tell us

On July 4 and 11, I will teach on

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F A I T H J O U R N E Y TA K E S U - T U R N AT OX F O R D On March 21, I debuted my cassock for the first time in worship. During that service I gave an explanation as to why I was wearing the cassock and its significance to my walk as a Christian. I wore the cassock again when I preached on Good Friday where I found myself having to explain to many people who were absent March 21 why I was wearing the cassock. A parishioner then suggested I take some time to explain the meaning and

significance of the cassock in a PSL article and, upon reflection, I decided to follow her advice. When I was growing up, I attended a Presbyterian church in my hometown of Fredericksburg, Va. I was extremely involved in the life of the church until I was confirmed as a member in seventh grade. I knew almost nothing about Christianity at the time, but what (Continued on page 2)

Rev. Alex Lang

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