Technology Allows Pine Street to Do Amazing Things
Volume 29, Issue 11 November1, 2009
PSL Deadline Articles for the next issue of Pine Street Life are due by Nov. 15 for the December issue. They can be e-mailed to or
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By Diana Robertson
ou see it every day – technology! From the jogger who is wearing headphones to the student at the café with his laptop. We live by our cell phones, our cordless phones, our grew up without a phone in your emails and text messages. home. YES, CHILDREN IT’S How did this happen? TRUE! Televisions, too! I’m sure there are many of you Technology is everywhere today who still remember dialing and although it can be relentless “cedar” 5555 to reach your in the demands that it makes party. Speaking of party, how upon us it is also a GOD send. about those party lines? There (Continued on page 2) may be some of you who even
Surprised by Joy All of you are invited to share in the excitement and joy of the coming Advent season with a HANGING OF THE GREENS party at Pine Street. We will meet at the church on Wednesday, December, 2, at 6:30 p.m. We will enjoy refreshments and crafts and work in teams to decorate the sancturary, the Christmas tree, the balcony, the Gathering Place, Fellowship Hall, and the tree at Downtown Daily Bread. Sunday school classes may decorate their classrooms if they choose. We will close the evening with a gala worship service around the Christmas tree. You may choose the area in which you want to work when you sign up at the Welcome Center. Plan to come and share the joy of the season with your congregation at Pine Street! All ages are welcome.
Jesus was always saying, “Thank you.” Before he commanded Lazarus to rise from the dead, he thanked God for always listening to him. And in his great prayer in John 17, he thanked God for his disciples and all with whom he had worked. Jesus had a grateful heart. Gratitude is a key ingredient to an organization’s success because gratitude gives eyes to see deeply into the heart of things. People who have grateful hearts realize that life is a product not simply of their efforts alone, but that life is born by the gifts of others and the Giver of all Good Gifts, our God. An “attitude of gratitude” gives us open and listening hearts. And so as I journey toward Thanksgiving this year — by the way, my most favorite holiday because of its sheer simplicity — my eyes are open to see the things for which I am thankful. I thank God for my (Continued on page 2)
Inside this issue: This Year’s Giving Tree Options
Youth Page
Poinsettia Order Form
Downtown Daily Bites
Volunteer Coordinator Needed
November Scripture
November Calendar
Points of Financial Interest This is indeed a tough year at Pine Street Church. We have a deficit of $72,500 through the end of September with a $20,000 shortfall in member pledges. Please look at your pledge statement and see if you can’t bring your pledges up to date. Thank you.
Diana Robertson, Church Administrator