Pine Street Life - October 2009

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Eaken Trio Opens MAPS Season

Volume 29, Issue 10 October1, 2009

By Thomas Clark-Jones

PSL Deadline Articles for the next issue of Pine Street Life are due by Oct. 15 for the November issue. They can be e-mailed to or

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nother season of Music at Pine Street begins in October! At this time you should have in your hands the brochure prepared by the Music at Pine Street Committee outlining the musical offerings of the season ahead. It’s always a joy to present this series ... and this season is no exception. We have the opportunity to hear, right here in our own church, some of the greatest music of all time, performed by superb musicians who take time to prepare it in a way that reflects their own personal artistry

and brings out the beauty of each composer’s creation. And thanks to generous patrons of the series, the cost of each of the concerts is always most reasonable! So we invite you to sit back and enjoy this new season with us. Bring your friends who enjoy great music, and they will come back again and again. The performers for the opening concert of Music at Pine Street are the Eaken Trio. Once again this season, they begin their repertoire season here at Pine Street (Continued on page 2)

PSL Going High-Tech Everyone is trying to find ways to save money. Pine Street is no different. Thanks to the hard work of office manager Michelle Kennedy, Pine Street Life will be available through e-mail to those who wish to receive it this way. By send PSL through cyberspace, Pine Street will be able to save on printing costs and postage. Plus, readers will be able to see many of the graphics and photos in color. We will start this endeavor with the January issue. If you would like to receive PSL through e-mail instead of snail mail, please send your name and preferred e-mail address to by Dec. 1.

I had the most relaxing vacation ever. It was a refreshing month of reading, traveling, and trying some new recipes. But in between this good stuff I was intrigued about the national conversation — or should I say the national shout fest?! — around the subject of health care reform. I think there is no doubt the nation needs to address how we deliver affordable quality health care to our people. We’re failing on that score. But there’s something else at which we’re failing: civility and respect for difference. Here are some principles I think should guide the restoration of manners and civility. First, it’s great to have an opinion about an issue. The practice of tolerance does not mean we should suppress our opinions. Political debate about issues is, in fact, required for the functioning of democracy, but no ideology can claim to have a hold on ultimate truth. (Continued on page 2)

Inside this issue: Renovation Projects Near Completion


Consecration Sunday


Remembering the Jazz Picnic


Downtown Daily Bites


Session Notes


October Scripture


October Calendar


This month’s Points of Financial Interest can be found on the back page of Pine Street Life.

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